withclawandvine · 7 months
no thoughts, just
“look at me.” he is about to say my name — my heart’s name — the way he did in his mind when i sang him well. and if i let him, i will be undone. “look at me. hel — ”
“blood shrike, captain harper…. i am the blood shrike. you would do well to remember it.”
for a moment, he is frozen, pain flashing nakedly across his face. then he stands and salutes, the consummate mask once more. “of course, blood shrike, sir. permission to return to duty.”
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for-evervale · 2 years
I catch my reflection. I appear as I did just a few months ago, on the eve of my graduation. Same body. Same face. Only the eyes are different. I look into the pale gaze of the woman in front of me. For a moment, I see Helene Aquilla. The girl who hoped. The girl who thought the world was fair.
But Helene Aquilla is broken. Unmade. Helene Aquilla is dead.
The woman in the mirror is not Helene Aquilla. She is the Blood Shrike. The Blood Shrike is not lonely, for the Empire is her mother and her father, her lover and her best friend. She needs nothing else. She needs no one else.
She stands apart.
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bookperusing · 1 year
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✨ Rep Post for @doodlesandchibis ✨ Use code SAM05 to save 5% on everything in the shop! I know that Helvitas is not that popular but they are one of favourite couples! I am so glad I found these cute magnetic bookmarks from @doodlesandchibis and they have quotes on the back side! Swipe to see the quotes! Link for the shop is in the bio! ✨ Q: Do you have an unpopular OTP? If not, what's an unpopular opinion you have about any popular book? ✨ [Tags: #unpopularopinions #unpopularotp #bookishmerch #magneticbookmarks #bookmarks #quotes #hope #broken #helvitas #helene #heleneaquilla #avitas #avitasharper #otp #anemberintheashes #atorchagainstthenight #areaperatthegates #askybeyondthestorm #quartet #doodlesandchibis #merch #books #paperbacks ] https://www.instagram.com/p/CmH7-JHyAui/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nicoledesign512 · 1 month
Helvetica Review
I would use Helvita in my designs as it's a simplistic type that can be applied to different design types and perform different messages as well as have different effects. It's flexible to use and gives a "modern look".
I would use Helvetica for modern brands, and a high class audience rather than for example child audience. Because like someone in the movie said, "Helvetica (depending on its use- in my opinion) can be boring" and to attract children audience, a fun typeface should be used.
It's ideal to use as it's recognisable and common, you see it everywhere but this brings out a flaw as because it's common, it's not unique, therefore whilst recognisable, not always attracting.
There were a lot of different opinions on Helvetica, I agree with all things said as Helvetica provides so much potential and room to explore because of its simplistic design but I also agree that Helvetica can be boring because it's basic and not interesting in it's plain form and used incorrectly.
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slightlysweet7 · 6 months
2023 höst-vinter fullt dopaminmode: SISJEANS x Mentos Collaboration lyser upp säsongen
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Vad är dopaminkläder?
Dopamine Dressing, som dök upp för första gången 2020, presenterad av den amerikanska modeyogin Dawnn Karen, grundaren av hjärnan när människor kommer till hjärnan kommer att frigöra det glada ämnet "dopamin", och Dawnn Karen tror att ljusa, livfulla färger eller mönster kommer att påverka stämningen, och används för att klä upp sin egen mer dystra dopamin, den första att främja Happy och känsla av välbefinnande, så det finns en dopamin bär talesättet. Idag väljer fler och fler unga människor ljusa och rika färger för att representera sin egen estetik och stämningar i sin klädsamlokalisering.
Under höst-vintersäsongen 2023 inleder modevärlden återigen en helt ny trend. Särskilt inom denimklädesdomänen har den klassiska kombinationen av jeans och t-shirts återigen intagit huvudrollen. Men den här höst-vintersäsongen har denimklädselmärket SISJEANS gått samman med godismärket "Mentos" för att introducera en rad samarbetande plagg som sömlöst blandar mode med sötma, och erbjuder en helt ny modefest för entusiaster.
Detta samarbete ger oss tre unika utseenden, som var och en visar upp en distinkt modestil samtidigt som de innehåller "Mentos" unika smaker och färgelement. Låt oss utforska dessa tre looks en efter en för att bättre förstå modetjusningen över genrer. LOOK 1: Triple Classic x Denim med Mentos Classic Flavor I den här looken kombinerar SISJEANS och 'Mentos' våra barndomsminnen med denimmode. Även om vi vet att Mentos finns i olika smaker, tar detta samarbete inspiration från den klassiska Mentos mintsmaken. Den helvita denimensemblen ger inte bara färg till outfiten utan innehåller också accenter av lila sömmar som framhäver konturerna. Den här looken är både klassisk och moderiktig och presenterar på ett smart sätt blandningen av SISJEANS-denim med den klassiska "Mentos"-smaken, verkligen en "Triple Classic"-kombination. LOOK 2: Cropped x Classic Denim Shade, Proportions on Point Mörk denim har alltid varit en garderobsklassiker och i detta samarbete ser vi hur man kan lyfta den klassiska mörka jeansjackan till en helt ny nivå. Smart patchworkdesign integrerar sömlöst "Mentos"-element i kragen, knapparna och ärmsluten samtidigt som den har en oregelbunden fåll för extra modeelement. Den nedre halvan består av rakt skurna mörka jeansbyxor, lämpliga för olika kroppstyper och ger dig omedelbart intrycket av långa ben. Denna look är inte bara lämplig för vardagsbruk utan också perfekt för lediga semesterutflykter.
LOOK 3: Lekfulla must-have jeansoveraller! Overaller har alltid varit en klassiker inom modevärlden och i den här looken ser vi hur man gör jeansoveraller ännu mer lekfulla. De blå, blommiga jeansbyxorna med raka ben använder sig av "SISJEANS" signaturen "Denim Puzzle" denim patchwork-element. Den omtolkar också "Mentos"-logotypen, med cirkulära konturer som huvudtryck, med en vit bas och blå mönster som utstrålar en vintage och trendig atmosfär. Den nedre halvan har en design med raka ben, förlänger det blommiga mönstret, ger en känsla av design till det övergripande utseendet, vilket gör det till ett perfekt val för en avslappnad, snooze-inducerad morgon.
Detta genreöverskridande samarbete mellan SISJEANS och "Mentos" har fört en rad unika modeplagg till höst-vintersäsongen. Oavsett vilken stil du föredrar kan du hitta ett modeval som passar dig i denna samarbetskollektion. Oavsett om det är en beskuren topp, byxor med raka ben, jeansjacka eller overaller är dessa modeplagg fulla av kreativitet och vitalitet, så att du kan utstråla självsäker modecharm under höst-vintersäsongen 2023.
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lyza-kernunia · 7 months
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Day 13 - Rise
Helvita: Eliot! Get down right now from this rock! You’re slowing down the dwarves work!
Aaaaah Eliot is so young and seems ready to piss off his big sister! :D
Did any little/big brother tease you?
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stolligaseptember · 2 years
jag har haft ögonen på ifs ett tag, men inte haft tid att kolla in det förrän nu, men nu när jag sett det första programmet?? varmt rekommenderat. det är högtempo, det är lagom nivå på humorn, och det är en välbehövlig knäpp på näsan för oss helvita ursvenskar. och ahmed berhan är helt underbar.
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gaycousinlarry · 2 years
this is mostly swedish but posting to save lol:
1. tjeckien- helt ok danspoplåt
2. rumänien- hjärtat ❤️❤️❤️ härlig låt
3. portugal- sjukt snygg, men hör fan inte va hon sjunger pga breathy singing. also boring.
4. finland- THE FUCKING RASMUS!!! classic gitarr solo!!!! skulle ev ej gilla annars men liksom. THE RASMUS!!!!!!!!
5. Schweiz- vilken röst! men lite. påtvingat ändå?
6. frankrike - PARTY WITCHES!!!!!!!!! YES!!!
7. norge - hrmmm. säger jag nu. look at me two weeks from now 🐺🍌 (partyhäxorna är mer pepp än detta)
8. armenien - men nej va? får spy av det där helvita och typ akustisk avicci?? nej.
9. italien- ojojoj va tjuuuus. romantiCE. så hett.
10. spanien- YUM!!! party, glitter och spanska 👌👌
11. nederländerna - HELVETE. blev lesbisk NU. så vackert och liksom jävla AURA
12. ukraina - partyfolkmusik. gillar ändå! lite gulligt med flöjt-kille som spelar tuff.
13. tyskland - men OJ VA GULLIG!!! gillar låten och HAN. very 00-talet ❤️❤️
14. litauen- nämen fy va tråkigt. nej tack. också pinsamt sådär som pretto- esteter är.
15. azerbajdzjan- filmmusik. men får panik av bandagebenen??? men ge mig ett filmcrescendo med denna tack.
16. belgien- omg pretty boy. låter som timberlake 2003??? gillar asså.
17. grekland ❤️- oj va vackert men fucking deppigt asså.
18. island - trååååååååk.
19. moldavien - hahaha fyfan älskar tyvärr skiten
21. australien - låter exakt som nån annan låt??? liksom vackert men kan inte foka pga låter som nått annat. men okej gråter när han tog av sig masken. fuck.
22. uk - james blunt jesus country guy? ändå inte jättedåligt men liksom…
23. poland- begravningskostym FRÅGETECKEN??? låter också som typ tre andra låtar. njeee.
24. serbien - så sjukt men vill fan ba ha MER. adding to playlists asap.
25. estland - en till akustisk avicci? sluta nu.
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sheikah · 3 years
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Avitas and Helene from AEITA | 🎨: Emilie Snaith
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“Harper,” I say hesitantly. “Avitas . . .”
I love you. Such simple words. But they are not enough. They don’t convey what I mean.
“Emifal Firdaant,” I say to him.
“You’ve said that before.” He runs his fingers through my hair. “What does it mean?”
I cannot quite look at him when I say it. “May death claim me first.”
“Ah, no, my love.” He gathers me close. “You cannot go first. I could not make sense of the world if you did.”
With that, he closes his eyes, but I cannot sleep. I stare up at the peak of the tent and listen to the rain drum down on the canvas. Emifal Firdaant, I beg the skies. Emifal Firdaant.
Welp. Guess we all know how that ended :)
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mynthara · 3 years
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Characters that deserved better ↣ Helene Aquilla
Emifal Firdaant. May death claim me first.
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arcanaimperii · 3 years
Can we just talk about the fact that Avitas Harper
Spoilers for all the AEITA books including the end of Sky
Helped Laia break Elias and Darin out of Kauf by giving her information.
Befriended a Scholar slave, Bee, when he was stationed at Kauf presumably as a Fiver which would have been when he was like 12-14 years old, and ten or so years later she still remembered him.
Made sure Helene would eat even when she was really stressed out and busy with work.
Kept Dex's secret about his sexuality, literally, did not say anything to anyone.
Kept Helene's secret about her ability to heal people.
Trusted Helene's judgement but also wasn't afraid to challenge her when he felt it was necessary.
Helped Laia escape by cutting the ropes binding her because he knew Elias, who was Helene's best friend, would never forgive her if she harmed Laia. Even though he was face to face with his brother in that moment he still put other people first.
Went through hell serving the Commandant even though he must have hated her because he had to know more about his brother, who he'd gone to school with but presumably didn't know was his brother at the time.
Makes sure Helene doesn't get hurt even though she's being stubborn. And when she does get hurt, he refuses to leave her, by standing up to the freaking Nightbringer.
Disobey's Helene's orders to collapse the tunnels because he could never leave her behind.
Makes sure to tell Helene she is beautiful, with or without a mask and scars. This is huge, do you know how many people would judge someone for a facial difference?
Fights beside Helene, time and time again.
Brings Helene the tea she needs because he knows she will be too embarrassed to get it, and is kind to her when she's obviously uncomfortable that he's had need to get this tea before.
Kept Mirra's secret.
Took Helene to the same room he went to when he found out how his father died, because he knew what she would need after losing her sister.
The way he handled finding out how his father died. It must have wrecked him, and yet he held himself together and even let the information be used.
Tells Helene to make the promise to her nephew and is also very sweet to the baby.
And after all of that, all of those things, he still didn't believe he was good or kind or had any of his father's better qualities.
He deserved so, so much better. Helene deserved better. Elias deserved to spend time with his brother. I will never forgive that ending because it ruined the whole freaking series for me in the end.
It's ok to let characters live. It's ok not to kill everyone. It's actually ok to let readers finish a book with tears in their eyes but also with their hearts full.
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helene-aquillla · 2 years
oh hello, i see we are both fighting for helene aquilla's love
I would say that she has two hands but unfortunately both those hands are holding onto Avitas so we're both out of the race :(
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percvbths · 3 years
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An Ember in the Ashes characters on social media
laia, elias, helene, and avitas having a sunset picnic
elaia being all cute
heleneharper being adorable
heleneharper dancing
twitter saw it first!! @percvbcth
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oh-jail-for-mother · 3 years
Sabaa really killed off Helene's entire family and it still wasn't enough for her, was it ?? Hasn't the girl suffered enough ? like i know she was a character with considerable strength in every aspect but good god, that roller coaster of pain she went through was no joke. she deserved so much more than the ending that she got.
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