#henchman 45
omgitzlongdennis · 1 year
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78 notes · View notes
whats-9plus10 · 1 year
Jet Boy Jet Girl
17 notes · View notes
scruffyplayssonic · 2 months
Are the ArchieSonic comics actually an 80’s/90’s syndicated cartoon? Episode 66: Summary (part two)
This is part two of my summary and conclusion to my blog series investigating how the ArchieSonic comics were remarkably similar to the format of a syndicated cartoon from the 80’s and 90’s. If you haven’t already, you can read part one here.
Okay, back to it!
Episode 40: The one episode that’s unique to the show’s premise and characters
I chose four arcs for this one - Mecha Madness, Return to Angel Island, Iron Dominion, and Spark of Life.
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Episode 41: Recap origin story in yet another clip show
They didn’t do it as more clip shows, but the origins of the series were further explored in new stories multiple times in both pre-boot and post-boot. Perhaps the most memorable instance is from Sonic #43, in which King Acorn was trapped in his memories and reliving Robotnik’s coup.
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Episode 42: Haunted house
We got this in the Sonic X comics, with issues 13 and 14 bringing in King Boom Boo from Sonic Adventure 2 and that one episode of the anime. Oh, and he was possessing everyone he could get his non-corporeal mitts on.
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Episode 43: Hero suddenly becomes elderly
This one happened in Sonic Super Special #8. It wasn’t pretty.
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Episode 44: Hero suddenly becomes six-to-eleven years old
This is another one we didn’t get in the comics, unfortunately. I used that episode as a good time to talk about the Sonic Kids comics, which gave us stories from when the Freedom Fighters were younger.
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Episode 45: Boys vs. girls
I feel like this episode is supposed to be about boys and girls on the same teams turning against each other, so for this one I’m going to say no, that didn’t happen in ArchieSonic. The closest we got was that one time in Sonic #14 when Robotnik and Snively kidnapped Sally and Bunnie because they thought, “lulz girls are weaksauce.” They got more than they bargained for.
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Episode 46: Unusually serious “drugs are bad,” episode.
Sigh, yes. The Chaotix Caper in Knuckles #13 - 15 is infamous.
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Episode 47: Evil alien invasion
In pre-boot there was the Xorda in Sonic #124 - 125. In post-boot there was the return of the Black Arms in Sonic Universe #59 - 62. 
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Episode 48: Benign Alien Visitors
The most memorable example is Ceneca-9009 of the Bem, who came to Mobius to change all roboticised Mobians back to normal. After first testing champions on both sides, of course.
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Episode 49: Hero becomes blind. Magoo jokes aplenty. Ableism ages episode horribly.
Another one that didn’t happen in the comics. The closest instance was in the godawful Sonic Super Special 15, which featured ten freaking pages of Sonic wandering around in the dark or in a blizzard and unable to see crap.
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Episode 50: Major event that dramatically shakes up status quo. Turns out to be a dream. 
I’m going with Sonic #37 for this one. Some might argue that Bunnie’s nightmare wasn’t really that big an event, but I would argue that one of the main characters slowly becoming a robot and turning on her friends definitely counts.
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Episode 51: Villains team up
Oh, so many times. So many times in fact that I had to make a second post for all the examples I forgot. Let’s go with that time in Sonic #62, when a whole bunch of locked up villains thought Snively had been responsible for their jailbreak and signed up to work with him.
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Episode 52: Rashomon homage
Yes, in Sonic Super Special #5. Sonic, Sally and Antoine all argued about how they each single-handedly defeated a combot that had attacked them.
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Episode 53: Henchman joins heroes for one time only.
Snively did team up with the Freedom Fighters in a couple of issues when Robo-Robotnik invaded Mobius before agreeing to work for the new Eggman. He would later join the Freedom Fighters for awhile, starting in Sonic #152. He eventually went back to the Eggman Empire again, of course, because he’s awful. Post-reboot he had left Eggman's forces and was supposedly working for GUN, but was secretly plotting his own conquest from within their ranks.
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Episode 54: Random child rescues hero. The episode’s all about them now.
There weren’t really any good examples that fit this one. Hope Robotnik and Ken Penders’ son and niece from the Sonic Live! special certainly had prominent page time in the stories they were involved in, but they never actually rescued Sonic, despite what this cover might have you believe.
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Episode 55: Invisibility potion
Yes, but it was so effective that everyone (even Sonic himself) thought that he was dead.
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Episode 56: The Writer’s Barely Disguised Fetish
Oh god, where do you even start with this one? Let’s just say yes, it happened on multiple occasions, and leave it at that.
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Episode 57: Can’t eat favourite food
Weeeeell, I guess so. There was that one time in Sonic #11 where he ate too many chilli dogs before bed and had a trippy nightmare. When he woke up he decided to go on a diet for about thirty seconds. (cue canned laughter)
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Episode 58: We have to save the environment, and so do you!
A lot of the early issues focused on stopping Robotnik from destroying the environment, but the best example of this one is probably the nuking of Robotropolis. Sonic managed to trick Eggman into turning on his city’s forcefield after the nuclear missiles were already inside, meaning that all the destruction and radiation was safely contained in an impenetrable bubble. In later issues Eggman and other villains would try to penetrate this shield, to release the radiation out into the surrounding environment.
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Episode 59: Stranded in the ocean
I’m going with Waves of Change from Sonic #260 - #263, where Sonic, Amy and Rotor had to go to the underwater city of Meropis on their quest to restore the shattered planet.
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Episode 60: Stranded in the desert
There are two instances here that fit this one best. The first one is Sonic #62/63 again, where Sonic and Tails crash their biplane in the desert and are “rescued” by the inhabitants of Sandblast City, who worship Sonic and refuse to let him leave. The other is the Knuckles mini-series, in which Knuckles and Archimedes were yeeted into the desert by Enerjak (something that seems to happen a lot with the various Enerjaks, I noticed).
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Episode 61: Stranded in the snow
Continuing right off from Sonic #63 when Sonic and Tails escaped from the desert, they ended up trapped in the snow in the very next issue when their biplane failed them yet again.
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Episode 62: Stuck in an elevator
I wasn’t able to find any instances of specifically being trapped in an elevator, so I broadened the category to its base trope, which is two people, usually enemies or rivals, being locked in a room together. There were lots of cases of this, such as when Dr Eggman and Dr Wily were locked up together during the Worlds Unite crossover.
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Episode 63: Clip show to set up two-part finale
Well, Sonic #283 was a set-up story for the finale of the Sonic Unleashed adaptation. It had two stories - the first featured Sonic and Sally calling their allies around the world to explain their plan and ask for help, and the second featured Eggman watching the pirated footage of that video call and making a counter-plan. Is it a clip show? Not exactly, but it’s close enough.
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Episode 64 - 65: Two-part Finale
I cited various finales (or planned finales, in the case of Endgame), including the end of the Knuckles series, the end of the Super Specials, the end of the Sonic X companion series, the end of the pre-reboot era, and the end of the post-reboot era. As I said in the final post, in my mind the proper finale of ArchieSonic is Sonic #287, despite the cancellation of the series not happening until three issues later and the fact that the last ArchieSonic comic ever published was actually Sonic Universe #94.
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So out of the 65 episodes listed, we didn’t get the hiccups episode, the Wonderful Life parody episode, the hero has a cold episode, the origin recap clip show episode, the hero regressing to childhood episode, the boys vs. girls episode, or the hero blinded episode. That comes to only seven out of sixty-five episodes that we never saw happen in the ArchieSonic series. But does this mean that the comic wasn’t really a comic at all, but actually a syndicated cartoon? Well, let me just quote myself from the very first post I did regarding this topic.
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So there you have it - of course ArchieSonic is a comic book series, there was never actually any doubt. 
Before I finish up, I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who has read this series, especially those who commented with encouragement, ideas and suggestions. 
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In particular I feel that I once again owe a big thank you to former ArchieSonic contributor Aleah Baker, who not only read and commented on my pieces but also gave her precious time on more than one occasion to offer behind the scenes insight and answer my questions about certain issues or characters. She was incredibly generous with me and I’m extremely grateful for all the help. 
This has been an extremely interesting topic for me to explore, and I’m going to miss writing about it. I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do with this blog after this. A few people have suggested that I go into a full commitment to review the entire series rather than just portions of it like I’ve been doing with this blog series, and I have certainly been considering doing that. But on the other hand there are so many others who have done that so well - a few of my personal favourites are @robotnikholmescomicblog (who has branched out to video essays after finishing his initial reviews on Tumblr), the ArchieSonic Digest podcast, and of course, Bobby Shroeder’s @thankskenpenders. If I was going to do a full ArchieSonic review series, I would want to find a way to put my own spin on it rather than just rehashing what they have done. So I’m going to have to keep thinking on that. Thanks again for reading, everyone, and take care!
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letters-unsending · 9 months
Welcome to my page! I mostly do Hero and Villain prompts to practice my writing. Lmk if any of these links don’t work and hopefully this makes my page a bit easier to navigate. Links below the read more.
Some Recommendations
36: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/718243862694477824/no-36
Henchman tends to sick Supervillain.
29: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/713002738347311104/no-29
Ice pack. Hero and Villain are roommates.
29 P2: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/733182553166610432/no-29-part-2
19: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/640692345404325888/no-19
Villain rescues Superhero.
9: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/623852584519745536/no-9
Henchman helps Villain after he comes home injured.
Injury and Healing
16: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/626074871639801856/no-16
Superhero should of died. Villain with healing powers.
16 P2: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/681559895032709121/can-you-continue-the-villain-wound-healing-and
11: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/624300376083120128/no-11
Hero is undercover as a henchman for Supervillain
17: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/633630841904463872/no-17
Superhero is turning into a monster and he needs Supervillain to cure him
38: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/729459761036263424/no-38
Undercover Villain is taken by Superhero to safe house
Suggestion: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/733177016746147840/villain-falls-breaking-his-leg-and-ends-up-caught
Villain falls, hurts his leg and is caught by Superhero
47: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/737467101752819712/no-47
Hero is cursed to stay awake. Villain helps him rest.
41: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/733819122720309249/no-41
Hypothermic Hero and Supervillain
1: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/619322755065724929/no-1
Hero finds Villain in a warehouse
2: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/623304499738591232/no-3
Hero finds Villain trapped beneath Supervillain’s base
3: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/623333225579888641/no-4
Villain finds Sidekick locked up
General feelings and/or fluff
30: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/713373173660434432/no-30
Fake marriage. Hero and Villain.
20: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/669891198258987008/no-20
Villain saves Hero from falling
40: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/733544001665482752/no-40
Villain with oath powers
45: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/736373859838771200/no-45
Hero meets Villain in a dream
27: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/711709634585673728/prompt-27
Supervillain visits Superhero after Superhero loses his powers
34: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/714603491791978496/no-34
Hero’s identity is exposed. Celebrity Villain steps in.
28: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/712827726201044992/no-28
Hero is tired of Supervillain trying to use him
33: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/714165927643578368/no-33
Winged Villain saves Hero
5: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/623371094832939008/no-5
Touch starved Villain
8: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/623678924481806336/no-8
Villain gives Hero a truth drug
18: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/633650758879952896/no-18
Villain and Hero share emotions
39: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/733125586567020544/no-39
Villain is a Seer
44: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/735002891570528256/no-44
Villain finds Superhero beneath Organization
35: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/717252444336324608/prompt-35
Classic Hero x Villain wall pin
23: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/677931784525201408/no-23
Supervillain x Villain. Supervillain shows people what they want.
14: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/625093940693057536/no-14
Uncover Villain dates Hero
13: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/624645270240739328/no-13
Hero is assigned to kill Other Villain
24: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/681482260211449856/no-24-being-undercover-is-difficult-when-your
Villain is undercover and Hero’s school roommate
24 P2: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/736365398625337344/no-24-part-2
22: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/674411435730812929/no-22
Supervillain leaves Superhero behind
25: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/711360548301848576/no-25
Superhero tries to stop Supervillain from making a sacrifice
48: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/738013100589137920/no-48
Hero and Villain stuck together. They can’t hurt each other.
10: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/623868864058605568/no-10
School AU. Villain has a fan club.
Suggestion: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/626198522411319297/could-you-do-a-snippet-where-villain-turns
Villain turns himself in
6: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/623383906286288897/no-6
Villain can’t fight anymore
7: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/623414284948471808/no-7
Villain is a hero and Hero is assigned to watch over him
26: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/711465403091697664/prompt-26
Hero is undercover and helps Villain’s Trainee
31: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/713462119261208576/no-31
Hero hurts Superhero. Supervillain is not pleased.
32: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/713821835903500288/no-32
Hero and Villain discuss retirement
37: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/720693456742285312/no-37
Hero replaces Superhero
42: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/734445555376422912/no-42
Hero can sense powers. Civilian?
46: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/736632336595271680/no-46
Memory loss Hero finds notes from Villain
12: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/624325309176709120/no-12
B is part of a hero clean up unit
A: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/625094765024788480/a
Didn’t know where else to go. Cyborg. Supervillain takes away Hero’s pain.
Unfinished stuff: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/639693412102193152/unfinished-stuff
Villain heals Hero. Villain with prankster powers.
21: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/670025437866508288/no-21
Henchman and Villain power mechanics
Short Prompts
Henchman: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/626088037218172928/henchman-dialogue-prompts-but-theyre-a
I need your help: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/733626638579957760/dialogue-variation-1-i-need-your-help
43: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/734919561386803200/no-43
44: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/735241204378353664/power-prompt-memory-villain-gets-power-from
Not Hero and Villain
2: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/619511508744962048/no-2
Run in with a fae
15: https://www.tumblr.com/letters-unsending/625819466214899712/no-15
Prince and a prophecy
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raineandsky · 1 year
Requests are open!
heroes & villains series (+ a few knockoffs)
#1 - the villain is faced by the hero's young sidekick
#2 - the villain needs a place to stay out of the rain
#3 - the hero comes across the villain in an alley on their patrol
#4 - the hero has an urgent question for the villain
#5 - a vampire finds a new way to be invited in
#6 - the villain nurses their loss in a quiet diner when an equally tired person enters, and orders a coffee in a very familiar voice
#7 - the villain picks a fight for a particular reason
#9 - a detective finally in retirement receives an unexpected cold call
#10 - the hero tries to make their time in a cell less boring
#11 - the king has an undesirable reward for the knight who rescued his daughter
#12 - the villain manages to corner the hero at a bad time
#14 - the hero and villain's antics get in the way of the civilain's day
#15 - the villain comes across the hero worse for wear
#16 - the hero is a lot closer to their nemesis than they thought
#18 - the villain faces the consequences of the agency's newfound violence
#19 - the hero finds themself somewhere unexpected after a wild night
#20 - a prince finds trouble surviving the apocalypse with someone he's stuck with
#21 - the heroes take a break for Easter to do a hunt across the city
#23 - the hero and the villain argue over something unnecessary
#24 - the hero faces a deadend
#25 - the villain has to escape the hero's advances
#26 - the hero's knowledge ruins a perfectly good monologue
#27 - an evening out with the villain bears some unforeseen consequences
#28 - the villain mistakes someone else for the hero
#29 - the villain can provide some information on the hero's behalf
#30 - villainy is barely a minimum wage job
#31 - the villain isn't as all-in as the hero expected
#32 - the sidekick's identity isn't what anyone expected
#35 - the villain's confession is met with something she wasn't expecting
#36 - the villain finally catches the hero, only met with... delight?
#37 - the villain keeps the hero's partner as hostage - but is somehow the more moral of the two
#38 - a hunter finds a vampire - and his collection of humans
#39 - a court jester hears of affairs out of his jurisdiction
#40 - the hero's violence finds an end to the villain's comforts
#41 - the villain gets an unexpected visitor
#42 - the sidekick meets with someone unconventional
#43 - the hero has to track down the villain, only to find them in a rather unusual predicament
#44 - the villain finds something (someone?) in the supervillain's office
#45 - the hero finds herself in a predicament when her memory fails her
#46 - the villain kidnaps the hero, though they're not there for the reason the hero thinks they are
#47 - the villain's mugshot more flattering than they expected
#48 - the sidekick goes out on his own
#49 - the henchman goes out of their way to defend their villain
#50 - the civilian finds a hero oddly worried about him
#51 - an overly nosy reporter finds the villain in a bad spot
#52 - a knight bursts into the prince's room - only to find... not the prince
#53 - a small-town hero meets his match
#54 - a hero loses her job. a villain gains a charity case
#55 - a stakeout makes a hero and a villain a little closer than necessary
#56 - a villain reaches the end of the line
#57 - a villain's plans are put on hold for a kid that's not even his
#58 - a hero's lethal accident turns out to have consequences
#59 - the superhero meets an old friend
#60 - the villain's plan has consequences for their henchman
#61 - the villain's plan catches the hero at a bad time
#62 - the villain turns up on the hero's doorstep, and she hopes for something back for her hospitality
#63 - the villain walks straight into the heroes agency
#64 - the hero finds someone familiar lurking outside
#65 - the villain finds the hero's new sidekick to be... unconventional
#66 - recent divorcees are forced to clash
#67 - the hero's attempt to stop a robbery goes sideways when they discover that one of the criminals is... kind of beautiful
#68 - the villain confesses to a betrayal - in more ways than one
#69 - the hero and the villain need to hide their relationship - in plain sight
#70 - the heroes catch a villain - but at what cost?
#71 - a pair of supernatural creatures plan to team up
#72 - the hero's missing - and the villain finds that the reason may be contagious
#74 - a priest finds his lover is not who he thought
#75 - vampires don't hunt alone
#76 - heroes are lacking, and the agency's looking for replacements
#77 - the sidekick is ready to face the city - though which hero they'll go with is a difficult decision
request - frienemies (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)
#8 - a corrupt guardian (part 1) (part 2)
#13 - pinky promise (part 1) (part 2)
#17 - the world's most useless superpower (part 1) (part 2)
#22 - villains are nicer, anyway (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
request - love's the death of peace of mind (part 1) (part 2) (part 3)
#33 - taxi to hell (part 1) (part 2)
#34 - a date in exchange (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7)
other bits n bobs
~fancy schmancy~ (part 1) (part 2 on @heroes-villains-side-blog)
request - a human discovers his new friend is a fae
If you'd like to be on a taglist, just ask!
Still looking?
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hetalia-club · 2 months
Meet The Team- Shadow Organization
Captain: Romano Team Name: Shadow Organization Team Home Field- Sly Stadium in Naples, Italy Team Colors- Midnight Purple & Blaze Orange Mascot- Henchman the Fox Team Catch Phrase- Swift As A Fox & Unstoppable As A Shadow.
Logo, Team Merch & Uniform. Romano's team as several Logos, mainly because I made them all and couldn't decide which one I liked better so I just used all of them. You'll notice only 2 fingers on the batting gloves are colored, It makes the captains favorite hand gesture pop more. The Pattern that looks like stars is actually supposed to be glitter it's a midnight purple glitter, it sparkles in the sun but it's hard to translate that in photoshop but I did my best. I'll link the true color here.
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Romano's Team
Denmark - #69 - Shortstop
Romano - #16 – Mouth - Pitcher
Sweden - #92 - Right Field
Nyo!America -#01 - Home Run Heroine
Ireland- #22 - Center Field
Nyo!England - #19 - 3rd Base
Japan- #08 - The Tsunami - 1st Base (SUB IN PITCHER)
Germany - #85 - Left Field
Russia - #27 - Catcher
Iceland- #45- SUB IN (Not On Roster)
Norway - #40- SUB IN or Out (Not On Roster)
Turkey- #44 SUB Out (Not On Roster)
Sitting out this name: Iceland, Norway & Turkey. Here is everyone Romano determined was not too ugly for his team, granted he did not wat Germany, he was last pick and had to take him by default. No idea why Italy didn't pick him. Romano attempted to trade Germany for someone but Italy wasn't interested. (Which is cap because he does have the better team stats wise. He seemed to actually think about it while Romano was just doing a popularity contest, on brand)
He also insisted on pitching this game. I tried to tell him he's not a pitcher, he's a first baseman and I have not made pitching stats for him, he wouldn't hear it. So here is Romano's pitching profile I had to make up on the fly. But it's not bad to have more pitchers to rotate with. I selected Japan as his second for him.
Check his Pitching Profile down below >>>
Pitching Profile: Romano
Best Pitches:
Fast Ball- His primary pitch, likely sitting in the 90-94 MPH range. It would have good movement and location, setting up his other pitches effectively. (can throw faster if he's in a bad mood)
Slider- Romano's slider is his most effective pitch, characterized by sharp, late-breaking movement that confuses hitters.
Worst Pitch:
Curve Ball- While still a valuable part of his arsenal, Romano's curveball is less effective compared to his other pitches.
Personality Breakdown
Quick-Temper and Aggressiveness:
Romano’s quick temper and aggressive demeanor can influence his pitching in both positive and negative ways. It fuels his competitive spirit and determination but can also lead to occasional lapses in focus or over-aggressiveness.
Rude and Condescending:
Romano’s rudeness and condescending attitude towards opponents can create a psychological edge, intimidating hitters and disrupting their focus. However, it can also lead to conflicts and distractions if not managed properly.
Emotional Highs and Lows:
His emotional nature can lead to highs and lows during games. When things are going well, his performance can be stellar, but he needs to manage his emotions to avoid letting frustration affect his control.
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gifmourningu · 10 months
Yes! Precure 5 Gogo! Episode Guide
In case you want to watch Otona Precure but completely forgot what happened in the Yes! 5 series, here's a refresher on the eps that are actually important. Season 1's list has also been updated.
Plot is bolded. Recommended filler (character development oriented) is italicized. Skippable episodes grouped in block quote. For insight into how I decided what was what, look at the read more.
1 — Start
2 — So what even is going on, anyway?
3 — Syrup & Mailpo (+Komachi highlights, Emerald Saucer)
4 — Urara’s audition pt 1... +1 Monarch, get! (+ Syrup focus, Prism Chain)
5 — JK the Monarch’s snoozing. Here’s Karen’s student council duties (Sapphire Arrow, some Syrup focus)
6 — Donut King wakes up (Rin + Syrup focus, Fire Strike)
7 — Visit to Palmier Kingdom (Milk focus; Nozo x Coco, Koma/Nuts bait) Main thing that’s important (blue seed) is flashbacked to later. 
8 — Letter from an unlikely sender (Syrup focus) Anything important is covered again in ep 13 
9 — Detective Komachi (comedic)
10 — Milky Rose
11 — First Henchman defeated
12 — Kurumi joins school 
13 — Syrup lore
14 — Kurumi’s identity 
15 — Childhood Best Friends Refresher #1: Rin & Nozomi (+1 Monarch, get!) More of Rin protecting Nozomi (like her first Cure episode in S1) 16 — Childhood Best Friends Refresher #2: Komachi & Karen Basically S1 Ep28, which they directly reference. 
17 — IRL comedian propaganda (not really funny)
18 — Urara trying at her job pt 2 (Urara + Syrup focus)
19 — Karen writes a letter to her parents (Karen & Kurumi focus)
20 — Komachi & Madoka
21 — Group cooking (Rin & Nozomi focus)
22 — Nozomi teaches Rin’s siblings (Nozomi, Syrup, Coco focus)
23 — Midseason Crisis
24 — New Finisher
25 — New henchmen, Syrup moves in 
26 — The Precure save a city
27 — Komachi conducts exposure therapy on Rin
28 — Monarch #3...and she’s really annoying...and in love with Coco. And doesn’t say anything new lore wise.  29 — Yet another new henchman who plays tennis. (Rin & Karen focus) 30 — A wonky Kaguyahime (Nozomi & Kurumi focus)
31 — New powerup for Milky Rose (Kurumi & Nuts focus)
32 — Ant-sized Precure  33 — A friend's curry shop needs to curry favor with the public! (Urara focus)
34 — Goodbye annoying Monarch (Nozomi x Coco) Honestly, I feel like this is skippable too but if you don’t watch this you won’t have any episodes with this Monarch according to this guide.
35 — Bunbee Cringe Reel
36 — Rigged Quiz Show Part 1 (Karen & Kurumi focus)
37 — Rigged Quiz Show Part 2 (Karen & Kurumi focus)
38 — Red & Blue Rose Powerup that is never seen again (Kurumi & Nozomi focus, henchmen defeated)
39 — Last Monarch (Karen focus)
40 — Urara’s audition part 3 (Urara + Syrup focus)
41 — Tennis/Magician henchman finally reveals his identity to them (Rin focus)
42 — Goodbye Evil Granny (Komachi focus)
43 — A visit from the Director (Nozomi focus)
44 — The Precure act as Santa (Syrup focus) The fight with the henchman is basically all that’s relevant, since it alerts him to the existence of a letter
45-48 — Finale
Long explanation of methodology below:
When I make these guides, I generally aim for the least amount of required episodes to follow major developments. If an important fact is introduced in one episode and then is flashed back to in a subsequent episode, I'll just mark the second as plot instead of the first because the necessary information is repeated. As such, I may mark the introduction (and sometimes death) of a villain as non plot if they don't actually introduce any new mechanic or real threat and are just showing that they exist or don't exist anymore. This is also because most villains in Precure don't actually get a development arc.
In this season, plot refers to Syrup's storyline, the rose garden, and any new major Precure powers. I also bothered to mark villain defeats for this one since they seemed to be trying a little more than normal to show us villain relations (primarily in Anacondy's cruel desperation). And the ones that had nothing to do with anyone's character development got vaporized in new powerups which would have been marked as plot anyway.
As for the monarchs, well. They're technically plot since they need 4 of them to open the road to the rose garden, but they also don't add much to the show in terms of character development (besides the first one, Donut King). At some point when it feels like a "gotta catch 'em all" situation like in S1, I really didn't feel like people would be missing out on much by not seeing all their introduction episodes.
Recommended filler indicates one or more of the following:
There is some form of character exploration here, whether that's development, talking about their past, or showcasing a new relationship dynamic between multiple characters. Basically, if I feel like it's somewhat new to them and not just reaffirming the status quo at the end of it, I mark it as recommended.
They get some small new attack that didn't have a ton of buildup to it. (If it really feels like it's pulled out of nowhere I may just mark it as filler, though that didn't happen in this season.)
The episode is particularly comedic (these are always marked in case you still want to skip them.)
The episode is strangely well directed and yet it isn't a plot episode, or it generally stands out in setup
They had some plot information that is sort of repeated in the future but not completely flashed back to. In which case it's a gray area and I just threw it in here and probably left a note.
And filler is everything else. Maybe it's really boring or annoying to watch, maybe it's just an okay episode that would be enjoyable for someone who isn't looking for much character development. Maybe it's a character learning the same lesson over again and was marked as filler for repetition. You can always watch the previews from previous episodes to see if the content piques your interest.
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8bitsupervillain · 22 days
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 6 Tsumihoroboshi pt. 27
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This doesn’t really have anything to do with what’s going on here, but I can’t for the life of me light a lighter. At least the ones that use the little flint wheel, for some reason my hands just seem incapable of igniting it.
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*cartoon bonk sound.flac*
Given what happens in Minagoroshi at least, I do wonder if at some point Rena will have to deal with the memory of holding her class hostage? She didn’t during the entirety of Minagoroshi from what I remember, so I wonder if it’ll pop up in Matsuribayashi? The plot’ll just be trucking along then suddenly she’ll remember the hostage situation.
Rena then leaves the classroom to take a phone call from Ooishi, telling the others to stay put (which is funny since she said they’re strapped down and can’t leave anyway), and Kumagai honks the car horn to get Keiichi’s attention. Kumagai informs him that the room is basically a massive bomb, so don’t piss off Rena like you just did you dink. Also if you could disarm the bomb that’d be just the tops. Anywho, the bomb’s set to explode at seven, since it’s currently 6:45 Keiichi should probably get a move on.
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Having enlisted ace bomb-defuser Satoko, they begin to think about where the timer might be located. Unfortunately for them, this is also the time that the prefectural police from the bad ending show up to try to resolve the hostage/bomb situation their way. And they’re gonna commence the raid in five minutes.
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You know, fair. This is a lot to dump on someone who just recently lost ten minutes time to solve this problem. Satoko informs Keiichi that if she had to guess the timer would probably be in either the teachers office, or the second floor. Rena comes back into the room, and Keiichi uses her paranoia to be able to check out a mysterious sound outside of the classroom. Rena lets him go and Keiichi scampers off to the teachers office. Keiichi finds a cord running from the principal’s desk to a small storage room in the reception area.
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I recall mentioning at one point that this entire climax/ending doesn’t feel like it actually takes place. This is one of the reasons why, somehow Rena was able to accurately predict Keiichi’s actions and betrayal by setting up this decoy with the alarm clock without anyone noticing it had been set up since the previous night to now? Not even the principal or Chie happened to see the extension cord running from their office and thought “hey, that’s a bit odd. Oh well?”
Keiichi having fallen for the fake bomb is ambushed by Rena who now intends to kill her erstwhile henchman. When suddenly, as she’s gearing up to cut his life into pieces Keiichi’s last resort shows up, Rika, out of nowhere jumps onto Rena giving Keiichi the time he needs to wrestle the lighter out of Rena’s grubby mitts. How exactly Rika was able to untie herself and get free from the bike lock imprisonment is anyone’s guess. I presumed she was able to utilize knowledge of previous hostage situations to do this. It was Hanyuu I guess.
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Having successfully gotten the lighter away from Rena, she turns on Keiichi. Laughing mad she raises the hatchet to cleave his skull in twain.
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Unfortunately the bomb of plot convenience was running slightly faster than predicted, so rather than get his head split open Keiichi, and indeed everyone else got exploded for their trouble. All in all a rather sudden ending, and definitely for real the canon one.
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basils-dreamhouse · 21 hours
🌱 Welcome to the Garden 🌱
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My name is Basil!! (it/he, + any plant/flower related neos) Agender flowerboy at your service <3
I'm 19, bisexual + aroacespec!! Happily taken by the amazing @sharkytism <3
Mentally ill, but the ones I may talk about are BPD, DPD, HPD traits, and c-PTSD. I also have autism, adhd, anxiety, and MDD. I tag vent (and vent-related) posts as #🌱 vents for people who don't want to see them.
I reblog a lot of mental health stuff, particularly regarding personality disorders.
-basic dni criteria
-against oc x canon
-ai "artists"
I participate in therian and kin spaces but I like to be more vague about my theriotypes. I'll usually tag my kins and comfort characters as their name for organizational purposes! Generally speaking I relate heavily to wolves/coyotes and housecats.
I also tag fandoms and ships for the same purpose and for anybody who needs to filter them out.
I try to trigger tag anything that can be triggering, but please let me know if I miss a tag!
(Favs are in italics)
-Sonic the Hedgehog
-Warrior Cats
-Kingdom Hearts
-The Venture Bros
-DC/Marvel (mainly Batman, Spider-Man, and Deadpool)
(I am a multishipper, but mainly in fandoms not listed! Usually I just block tags of the ships I don't like. I can comfortably be mutuals with anybody who disagrees with my ships as long as they aren't rude about it.)
-Sonadow (Sonic x Shadow) (Sonic the Hedgehog)
-Sunnflower (Sunny x Basil) (Omori)
-Soriku (Sora x Riku) (Kingdom Hearts)
-Henchman 45 (21 x 24) (The Venture Bros)
-Poolverine (Deadpool x Wolverine) + Spideypool (Spider-Man x Deadpool) (Marvel)
-Batjokes (Batman x Joker) (DC/Batman)
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adultswim2021 · 7 months
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The Venture Bros. #45: "Return to Malice" | November 9, 2009 - 12:00AM | S04E04
Two back-to-back episodes that mostly take place at night at the respective homes of the main characters! Wow! Cool? I don’t know!
I like this episode fine, but it feels a little less exciting than the previous episode. The previous episodes’ main problem is the somewhat ludicrous plot about a mutant dean clone surviving into young adulthood. This one has a lot of good ingredients but it’s mostly people hanging out. The boys get kidnapped, sure, but the boys get kidnapped all the time. In fact, a lot of the stuff in this one feels like a secondary version of something we’ve already seen. 
This episode is mostly an exploration of 21 as a newly-minted tough guy. He kidnaps the Venture kids to interrogate them for being complicit in the death of 24. He eventually concludes that they had nothing to do with his death, and their Henchman lifestyle was truly to blame.
Meanwhile, The Monarch is feeling jealous and unloved while suffering from an allergic reaction to a fancy salad the night before he’s supposed to be profiled in a supervillain magazine. Doc Venture and Dr. Mrs. the Monarch deal with one another to see who’s at the bottom of the kidnapping because, you see, 21 was going rogue and not acting on behalf of the Monarch. When it’s all said and done, differences are slightly set aside, and everyone winds up back home and tucked in for bed. Goodnight! 
This is a pretty middling episode, but it’s not bad. I don’t have much to say about this one, and neither do Jackson and Doc; the audio commentary mostly focuses on them talking about various aspects of making the show, like how much of a pain it is to come up with titles. They do reveal something I forgot about: the end of the episode shows you that 21’s shack is actually a tree fort. I didn’t even realize that this was ever supposed to be a surprise! The thing always looked like a tree fort. You can practically imagine Bart and his friends reading their rare Radioactive Man comic together in there.
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The teams have been made.
So many random teams! Tomorrow, 20 pairs of teams will compete for votes. Who will make it to round two? Here's the team list:
1. Sonny Days & Emily
2. Masked Meat Marauder & Li'l' Mittens
3. Reason & Chazz
4. The Prancingtons & The Canddlestick Maker
5. Babysitter & Bob Botsford|Huggyface
6. Storyteller & Hunter Throbheart
7. Nocan the Contrarian & Phil
8. Whammer and Tim Botsford
9. Zachary Zany & El Mysterioso
10. Patrick Needlemeyer & Dupey
11. Mrs. Ripley & Big Left Hand Guy
12. Timmy Tim-Bo & Mo-bot
13. Ms. Champlain & Hal Hardbargain
14. Bank Teller & The Narrator
15. Ms. Libri & the Baker
16. Steve McClean & The Butcher
17. Mr. Birg & Edith Von Hoosinghaus
18. Rhyme & Mrs. Best
19. Oscar the parrot and Milt
20. robot-Tobey and Eileen
21. Squeaky & Johnson
22. Rose Franklin and Charlie
23. Steven Boxleitner & Wordbot
24. Tommy and Exposition Guy
25. Eugene May & Magic Pony
26. Dave & Chucks Mother.
27. Mayor's assistant & Kid Potato
28. Bampy Botsford & Count Cloudy
29. Katy & Brent
30. Dr Two Brains & Reginald
31. Chuck & Henchman (meatloaf)
32. Harry Kempel & Beau Handsome
33. Mr. Best & Violet Heaslip
34. Tiny Big & Amazo Guy
35. Grandpa Ming & Mrs. Ming
36. Raul Demiglase & Razzmatazz
37. Royal Dandy & Granny May
38. Kid Math & Bank Guard
39. Ms. Question & Theodore "Tobey" McCallister
40. Mr. Ming & Glen Furlblam
41. Colonel Gigglecheeks & Seymour Orlando Smooth
42. The Mayor & TJ Botsford
43. Ms. Davis & Maria the Energy Monster
44. Emma & Mr. Big
45. Art Teacher & Professor Tubbing
46. Todd "Scoops" Ming & Guy Rich
47. Invisi-Bill & General Smoochington
48. Claire McCallister & Bootsy
49. Amazing Rope Guy & Captain Tangent's Crew
50. Victor Best & Priscilla the cat
51. Lady Redundant Woman & the Warden
52. Blue Blazer & Sally Botsford
53. Leslie & Becky Botsford|Wordgirl
54. The Learnerer & Evil Malicious Wordgirl
55. Flash Clocktormocktor & David Driscoll
56. Victoria Best & Ed the Used Car Salesman
57. Great Granny May & Captain Tangent
58. Bill the Grocery Store Manager & Miss Power
59. Violet's mom & Chip Von Dumor
60. Pretty Princess & The Coach.
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ask-cloverfield · 2 years
Takeshi Hongo’s killcount in the first 13 episodes before the retool
Kamen Rider KC
Shocker Henchman 1: Knocked unconscious before body fell into river
Spider Man 2:Thrown off a building
Shocker Henchman 3-6: Thrown off a different building
Bat Man 7: Thrown off another building
Shocker Henchman 8-10: Spine crushed
Scorpion Man 11: Thrown headfirst into a boulder
Shocker Henchman 12: Thrown into a ravine
Shocker Henchman 13: Run over by Cyclone
Shocker Henchman 14: Lethal Injection was not something I was expecting
Shocker Henchman 15:Used as bait to lure in a plant monster and promptly devoured
Plant Monster 16: Rider Kicked
Mantis Man 17: Rider Kicked
Shocker Henchman 18-22: Collapse and die once Mantis Man is dead for no discernible reason
Shocker Henchman 23: Neck broken
Shocker Henchman 24-25: Thrown off rollercoaster
Shocker Henchman 26-31: Kamen Rider found a sword
Chameleon Monster 32:Head very literally shattered
Shocker Henchman 33-39: Stole Another sword
Bee Woman 40: Rider Kicked off Cliff
Shocker Henchman 41: He just got beaten to death it was kind of a lot for this show and his corpse is just on the stairs for the rest of the fight
Shocker Henchman 42-43: Thrown off ledge
Shocker Henchman 44-45: Thrown into landmines
Shocker Henchman 46: Thrown off a building
Cobra Man 47: Rider Kicked off a building into a landmine
Shocker Henchman 48: Cliff thrown
Shocker Henchman 49: Cliff ocean throw
Revived Cobra Man 50: uh I have no idea Hongo threw him in the ocean and he exploded
Gabracondor 51: Hit by motorcycle turned into a cutout and blew up
Scorpion Man Revive 52: Threw into hole? I don’t fully understand
Spider Man Revive 53: Stabbed in gut
Fly Man 54: Mortal Kombat Scorpion fatalitied
Cobra Man revived 55: Thrown and gutted (do not know where Hongo got a sword but k)
Chameleon Man 56: Rider Kicked in Neck
Plant Man 57: Stabbed in shin
Bee Woman 58: Off screen
Bat Man 59: Neck Broken
Tokageron 60: Bomb kicked back
4 Kaijin 64: knocked out offscreen and killed by subsequent bomb 
In 13 episodes he killed 64 Nazis
Not a bad run
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xxgothchatonxx · 2 years
I’ve been up since 3:45 to get on a plane at 7:18 & now it’s 9:31 & we still haven’t LEFT! We were meant to be home by now & surprise literally EVERYONE! But in the mean time, I edited something I wrote for DoD since I miss Sandman & realized that I never sent it to you!
Oh, & here’s the cast
Mother Nature: Gina Torrres
Destruction: Kristofer Hivju
Stone: Jessie Mei Li
Storm: Amber Midthunder
Stream: Ayo Edebiri
Spark: Charithra Chandran
Part 1:
Hell is cold and the realm of Destruction is lush. It flourishes in an eternal spring, and makes the Lord of Dreams and his raven seem terribly out of place.
“Y’know, after I heard about all of you Endless’es, I wouldn’t have guessed that the Endless of Destruction would have such a…flowery realm.” Matthew perched himself on the branch of a nearby cherry tree, waiting for his master to reach him.
“My brother does not reside here. Nor rule.”
“So, it’s lawless? Doesn’t look like it reeks of havoc or destruction!” He squalled, stabbing into the nearby fruit.
“It is not like Hell in its propensity for havoc. It is far worse, in that sense. There is an abundance of order. My sister-in-law saw to that.”
That is until you reach its kingdom. The surrounding castles of the Daughters of Destruction circulate the vibrant castle and former home of their father, the great Lord of Destruction, Olethros. It is as vibrant and blossoming as the land before it, a recent development in the blimp of space-time since the lords abdication. The castles of each daughter shows the truest form of their abilities. One is strong, a pure monolith, for the eldest daughter. The twins have opposing sides, one high in the sky with thundering clouds, and the other fathoms below in a whirlpool of pure emotions. The youngest’s castle is the closest to the center of the realm, ablaze and full of either hope or something much worse.
Morpheus steps forward towards an archway made of vines. There is no gong to alert any henchman, but roses blossom across the arch, welcoming the two.
“Come, Matthew. We’re welcome in her kingdom. Mustn’t keep her waiting.”
The raven nods before flying through, following his master close behind. He’s reminded of the mysteries of the way to Hell, so he’s cautious. But he can’t help but be enthralled by its beauty. How can this be the land of Destruction?
So, I forgot about your Gina Torres fancasting, and now I've realised I need to see her in Netflix's Sandman. Pretty please.
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[Multivoice Podfic] Mortal Enemies - Literarion as Narrator
[Multivoice Podfic] Mortal Enemies - Literarion as Narrator
by Djapchan, Literarion, SkyAsimaru
Aziraphale is a supervillain who keeps failing to destroy the world. Crowley is the hero who keeps letting him get away, inevitably ending up back in his clutches. Perhaps there's more going on here than just complete ineptitude? After all, what if your mortal enemy just happens to be the one who understands you the most?
Words: 24, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Human, Supervillain Aziraphale, Hero Crowley, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Humor, Love Confessions, Enemies to Lovers, Flustered Crowley (Good Omens), Innuendo, The inherent homoeroticism of tying up your mortal enemy and whispering your evil plans in his ear, Tfw your henchman knows what's up but you're completely oblivious, Podfic, Podfic Length: 30-45 Minutes
From https://ift.tt/AmHzLNv https://archiveofourown.org/works/44459299
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rainbowxocs · 3 months
Name: James DuPont.
Alt Names: C.A.T, Pluto, Charon, Jane Doe.
Special Titles: Dr. James DuPont, Grandmaster, God Killer, Cat Burglar, EOD, Lieutenant Colonel, Sharpshooter, False God, The Star.
Old Titles: Knight, God of Duality, God of Judgement, God of Eternity, Servant, Empiric.
Username: @kitty9lives
Nicknames: Bad Omen, Kit Cat, Cat Boy, My Rose, My Star, Stray, Blue Bird, Kitty, Chaton, Bunny, Phoenix, Holmes, My Beloathed, Final Girl, The Prophet.
Chronological Age: 4.5 Billion.
Vessel Age: 605.
Age: 45.
Pronouns: Switches between He, She, and They. Depending on what gender he is that day. (Switches between il or elle in French)
Sexuality: Gay.
Gender: Genderfluid, Catgender.
Base Species: Starling.
Current Species: Litch, Witch.
Disorders: CPTSD, Autism, Insomnia, Selective Mutism, Night Terrors, HPD, Anorexia.
Physical Disabilities: Blind, Deaf (Has a Cochlear Implant), Ambulatory Wheelchair User (Occasionally uses crutches or a cane as well), Has two arm prosthetics and two leg prosthetics, Chronic Pain.
Recovering Addictions: Alcohol, Weed, Nicotine (Cigarettes), LSD, Self Harm.
Religion: Pagan.
Job: Professional Villain, Chemist.
Degree: M.D, Chemistry, Robotics, Computer Science.
Lives in: NYC, New York, 2306.
Languages: French, English, Hindi, ASL, LSF, Spanish, Italian, German, Danish, Dutch.
Height: 5’7”.
Ethnicity: French, Portuguese.
Accent: Brooklyn Accent with a hint of French.
Other Form: Purple Goop.
Animal Form: Giant Purple Isopod.
Spirit Form: Headless, Covered in Roses.
Spirit Level: Acceptance.
Powers: Reanimating, Creation Magic, Death Magic, Prophetic Visions, Judgement, Potions, Alchemy, Shapeshifting, Strings, Pandora’s Box, Lightning Magic, Technology Manipulation, Lie Detection.
Tech: Holograms, Robotic Minions, Smoke Bombs, Paint Bombs, Teleporters, Lock Picks, Lazers.
Weapons: Sword, Pistols, Sniper Rifle, Bombs, Rocks, Various Witchcraft Supplies such as salt, wards, etc.
Also Can Use: Muskets, Rifled Muskets, Rifles,
Wand: Uses his hands.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Text Color: Purple, Sometimes Black.
Main Animal: Cat.
Main Hobbies: Reading, Video Games, Sculpting, Yugioh, Violin, Otamatone, Puzzles, Robotics, Scientific Experimentation, Coding, Chess, Letter Making, Tambourine, Photography.
Favorite Drinks: Peppermint Tea, Coffee, Classic Boba.
Favorite Snacks: Queso, Saltines, Apples.
Favorite Meals: Garlic Bread, Dino Nuggets and Fries, Mushroom and Olives Pizza, Pancakes, Veal Stew, Pigs in a Blanket, Hot Dogs, Tuna, Chicken Wings, Mac and Cheese, Ham Sandwiches, Maki Rolls, Sashimi, Bagels.
Favorite Candy: Pez, Oreos.
Favorite Dessert: Gingerbread Cookies, Frosted Sugar Cookies, Birthday Icecream.
Favorite Flower: Roses, Purple Forget Me Not.
Scent: Roses.
Handedness: Left Handed.
Blood Color: Bronze, Sometimes Red.
Awareness: Very Aware. (Effect: Negative.)
Birthday: December 1st 1701.
Fun Facts: He is always wearing cat patterns and tends to have toe beans on his shoes and gloves.
Special Interests: Technology, Robotics, Chemistry, The Sims, The Path, Sailor Moon, Disney Fairies, The Owl House, Steven Universe, FNAF, Kitty Love: Way to Look for Love.
Stims: Tangles, Cat Noises, Lazer Pointer, Yarn, Pressure Stims.
Stimboard: COMING SOON.
Moodboard: COMING SOON.
Fashion Board: COMING SOON.
Comfort Objects: Wedding Ring with Gold Band and Amethyst, Journal, Furby, Freddy Plush, Old Cat Plush, Gloomy Bear, Fuggler.
Family: Unknown Birth Parents.
Eurydice DuPont (Daughter.)
Eeshani Dupont (Daughter.)
Aurora DuPont (Step Daughter.)
Friends: Joan (Henchman.).
Romance: Jonah Francois, Aditya Ravi. (Spouses.)
Enemies: Jonah Francois (Mortal Enemy)
Patrons: Bastet, Santa Muerte, Hecate.
Pets: Eyeball (Robot), Chain Chomp (Roomba), Mr Terminator (Black and White Cat),
Reincarnations: 𒆠𒋫 (Kita), חַוָּה (Eve), Πανδώρα (Pandora), दिया (Diya), Juliet, Other Unknown Reincarnations.
Brief Personality: James is a bit of an enigma. He doesn’t get close to many people, often his ramblings about taking over the world push people away. However if you are persistent, he will warm up to you like a stray. He is incredibly intelligent, and also very very VERY stubborn. But he is incredibly loyal to the people he loves. If you are able to gain his trust he would let the world burn for you, without any hesitation.
Brief Backstory: [COMING SOON]
0 notes
onyxthemonstercan · 9 months
Quotes from Danny Phantom exe that live rent free in my head because they’re too good (part two)
Hero: “when were you going to tell me youre seeing him again?”
Villain: “seeing who?”
Hero: “you know what Im talking about. Please dont do this.”
Villain: “No, Hero, I legitimately do not know what youre talking about. Please explain- elaborate.”
Hero: “Dont play dumb, please. I really dont wanna do this.”
Villain: “Hero, I would love to talk about this, I just need to know what we’re talking about first.”
Hero: “we’re really gonna do this? Okay. Fine. When were you gonna tell me you were going to therapy again?”
Villain: “this is about my therapist.??”
Hero: “yes.. because your therapist- IS PHILIP!”
Philip (villain’s henchman): “Hi Mr. Villain slash Client!! :D Hi Mr. Hero!”
Philip: “wait.. you kidnapped me.. and youre holding me for ransom?”
Random: “Yeah! And your family’s gonna give us a lot of money to get you back!”
Philip: *laughing and smiling*
Random: “what— whats so funny?”
Philip: “do you know who my boss is?” *still laughing*
Random: “uhhhhh.. no? Should we.?”
Philip: “Oh and dont forget about uncle Hero too!” *laughs* “Oh you guys are so fucked!”
Hero: *talking about Villain not being back from getting food* “said he’d be back in 45 minutes, then he left!”
Connor (heros sidecick): “okay, and how long has he been missing ?”
Hero: “He’s been gone.. 48 minutes.!”
Connor: O-O
Hero: *being very dramatic thinking Villain died during previous quote*
Villain: “uhm is.. everything alright..Connor?”
Connor: “oh everything’s fine now, he’s just being dramatic.”
Villain: “isnt he always?”
Cop: “dont worry you’ve done nothing wrong, youre prefect.”
Hero: “.. ok thanks..” O-O
Cop: “FUCK this Villain- FUCK HIM!”
Hero: *silence*… “Is that a… Order.?”
Cop: “what?”
Hero: “nothing!” ‘O-O
*philip and villain being sick*
Hero: “hey philip buddy, you okay?”
Villain: “He’s fine, I just gave him some Melatonin.”
*Philip and Villain trying to get Connor to say where the Hero is*
Connor: “I promised the Hero I wouldnt!”
Philip: *in a more flirty/seductive/villain like voice* “oh promise? You really thought you could hide something from me, baby?”
Connor: O-O “whats happening.?”
Philip: “how ‘bout I make you a promise? I promise, that I’ll let you do whatever you want to me, if you tell me where the Hero is, okay?”
Connor: “Philip- oh my god- in front of the villain.?”
(Part of last quote)
Connor: “okay, I’ll tell you. But tell me one thing first: why do you wanna know where he is so bad?”
Philip: *in his normal voice* “oh- you didnt know? It’s their anniversary. They’re goin to dinner! They thought it would be funny, if it was like a little game and stuff so they would torture you..”
Connor: “speaking of ripping each others shirts off.. uh.. wanna head back to my place and we can ‘fight’ a little bit?”
Philip: “Oh I’d- I’d love to come back to your place, but I dont know if I really wanna do.. that..tonight…”
Connor: “oh! Yeah of course! We can just hang out, 100%!”
Philip: “.. really? Youre— youre not mad?”
Connor: “why would I be mad?”
(Again- all credits to the creator, link to vid is below)
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