#heng jiāng
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New info
Haven't changed alot of his back story but I have changed a bit.... might ramble abt it one day but I don't feel like it rn-
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moonlotuscapuchin · 2 years
Hello y'all, hope you're doing ok this lovely weekend. Me and @theitalianratmonkie did the art trade and it went so well and was fun.
Here's @theitalianratmonkie’s cute artwork of my Oc. One of the sisters.
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And here's my artwork of their Oc. Now, when giving them the art, they told me that I got a few errors wrong, cause I didn't get the full reference of them. 😅Hehe. My bad. It's not on purpose, it was a little mistake. But work it out and here it is.
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And I'm happy with the result. Also, the reference to this pose was inspired by @zarinosa when she lives streamed and see her sketch of her new monkey oc, Hugo. And wow! I was surprised that I somehow sketch that.
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Uhhhh hi AEB.. @theitalianratmonkie here over on my second account-
Just wondering how would Kito act like when they first meet Heng Jiāng for the first time???
Or well how would he pose- because I don't know what she would look like when in that type of situation-
( totally not because I'm trying to draw their first interaction- totally not )
Well I'm glad ya asked my queer fellow! (Meant as a joke pls don't hurt me)
When Kito first meets someone they usually watch from the shadows and analyze you from afar to determine if you're a friend or foe, Or if you're even worth the time interacting with
If it's in a sudden setting, They take a defensive position like this
Still analyzing you as they take priority to prepare for a potential fight
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They'll have a gi shirt on and glamour to hide their recently small or big injuries and the crown and qiankun hoop
They'll keep their arms close to them in order to access their twin tiger hook swords quickly from 2 of their ears
They will never throw the first hit, they always wait until the other person starts it first
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writinggeisha · 6 years
AH阿 m & f Chinese From the Chinese character 阿 (ā) which has no distinct meaning. It is not normally given as a name, but it can be prefixed to another name to make it a diminutive.
AI (2)爱, 蔼f Chinese From Chinese 爱 (ài) meaning "love, affection", 蔼 (ǎi) meaning "friendly, lush", or other characters which are pronounced similarly.
AN (1)安 m & f Chinese, Vietnamese From Chinese 安 (ān) meaning "peace, quiet" or other characters with a similar pronunciation. As a Vietnamese name, it is derived from Sino-Vietnamese 安 meaning "safe, secure".
BAI白, 百, 柏 m & f Chinese From Chinese 白 (bái) meaning "white, pure", 百 (bǎi) meaning "one hundred, many" or 柏 (bǎi) meaning "cypress tree, cedar" (which is usually only masculine). Other Chinese characters can form this name as well. This name was borne in the 8th century by the Tang dynasty poet Li Bai, whose given was 白.
BAO宝, 褒, 苞 f & m Chinese From Chinese 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel, precious, rare", 褒 (bāo) meaning "praise, honour" or 苞 (bāo) meaning "bud" (which is usually only feminine). Other Chinese characters are possible as well.
BO (2)波 m & f Chinese From Chinese 波 (bō) meaning "wave", as well as other characters with a similar pronunciation.
CHANG昌, 畅, 长 m & f Chinese From Chinese 昌 (chāng) meaning "flourish, prosper, good, sunlight" (which is usually only masculine), 畅 (chàng) meaning "smooth, free, unrestrained" or 长 (cháng) meaning "long". Other Chinese characters are also possible.
CHAO超, 潮 m & f Chinese From Chinese 超 (chāo) meaning "surpass, leap over" (which is usually only masculine), 潮 (cháo) meaning "tide, flow, damp", or other characters which are pronounced similarly.
CHEN (1)晨, 辰 m & f Chinese From Chinese 晨 (chén) or 辰 (chén) which both mean "morning". The character 辰 also refers to the fifth Earthly Branch (7 AM to 9 AM) which is itsel f associated with the dragon o f the Chinese zodiac. This name can be formed from other characters as well.
CHENG成, 诚 m & f Chinese From Chinese 成 (chéng) meaning "completed, finished, succeeded" or 诚 (chéng) meaning "sincere, honest, true", as well as other characters which are pronounced similarly.
CHIN金, 锦, 津 m & f Chinese
Variant o f JIN (using Wade-Giles transcription).
CHUN春 f & m Chinese From Chinese 春 (chūn) meaning "spring (the season)" or other characters with a similar pronunciation.
DA达, 大 m & f Chinese From Chinese 达 (dá) meaning "achieve, arrive at, intelligent" (which is usually only masculine), 大 (dà) meaning "big, great, vast, high", or other characters with a similar pronunciation.
DONG东, 栋m Chinese From Chinese 东 (dōng) meaning "east", 栋 (dòng) meaning "pillar, beam", or other characters which are pronounced similarly.
FANG芳, 方 f & m Chinese From Chinese 芳 (fāng) meaning "fragrant, virtuous, beautiful" or other characters with a similar pronunciation.
FEN (1)芬, 奋 f & m Chinese From Chinese 芬 (fēn) meaning "fragrance, aroma, perfume" (which is usually only feminine) or 奋 (fèn) meaning "strive, exert" (usually only masculine). Other Chinese characters are also possible.
FU富, 芙, 甫 m & f Chinese From Chinese 富 (fù) meaning "abundant, rich, wealthy", 芙 (fú) meaning "hibiscus, lotus" or 甫 (fǔ) meaning "begin, man, father", in addition to other characters with a similar pronunciation. A famous bearer was the 8th-century Tang dynasty poet Du Fu, whose given was 甫.
GANG刚, 冈m Chinese From Chinese 刚 (gāng) meaning "hard, rigid, strong", as well as other characters with a similar pronunciation.
GUANTING冠廷 m & f Chinese From Chinese 冠 (guān) meaning "cap, crown, headgear" combined with 廷 (tíng) meaning "court". This name can also be formed from other character combinations.
GUANYU冠宇 m & f Chinese From Chinese 冠 (guān) meaning "cap, crown, headgear" combined with 宇 (yǔ) meaning "house, eaves, universe". Other character combinations are possible.
GUIYING桂英 m & f Chinese From Chinese 桂 (guì) meaning "laurel, cassia, cinnamon" combined with 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero". This name can be formed from other character combinations as well.
GUO国 m & f Chinese From Chinese 国 (guó) meaning "country" or other Chinese characters pronounced in a similar way.
HAI海 m & f Chinese From Chinese 海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean" or other characters which are pronounced similarly.
HE河, 和, 荷 f & m Chinese From Chinese 河 (hé) meaning "river, stream", 和 (hé) meaning "harmony, peace", or 荷 (hé) meaning "lotus, water lily" (which is usually only feminine). Other characters can form this name as well. A famous bearer was the 15th-century explorer Zheng He.
HENG恒 m & f Chinese From Chinese 恒 (héng) meaning "constant, persistent", as well as other characters with a similar pronunciation.
HONG虹, 红, 弘, 鸿, 宏 m & f Chinese From Chinese 虹 (hóng) meaning "rainbow", 弘 (hóng) meaning "enlarge, expand, great" (which is usually only masculine) or 鸿 (hóng) meaning "wild swan, great, vast" (also usually only masculine). Other characters can also form this name.
HUA华, 花 f & m Chinese From Chinese 华 (huá) meaning "splendid, illustrious, Chinese" or 花 (huā) meaning "flower, blossom" (which is usually only feminine). Other Chinese characters can form this name as well.
HUAN欢 f & m Chinese From Chinese 欢 (huān) meaning "happy, pleased", as well as other characters pronounced in a similar way.
HUANG煌, 凰 m & f Chinese From Chinese 煌 (huáng) meaning "bright, shining, luminous" (which is usually only masculine) or 凰 (huáng) meaning "phoenix" (usually only feminine). Other Chinese characters are also possible.
HUI慧, 辉 f & m Chinese From Chinese 慧 (huì) meaning "intelligent, wise" (which is usually only feminine), 辉 (huī) meaning "brightness", besides other characters which are pronounced similarly.
JIA佳, 家 m & f Chinese From Chinese 佳 (jiā) meaning "good, auspicious, beautiful", 家 (jiā) meaning "home, family", or other characters which are pronounced similarly.
JIAHAO家豪m Chinese From Chinese 家 (jiā) meaning "home, family" combined with 豪 (háo) meaning "brave, heroic, chivalrous". This name can be formed from other character combinations as well.
JIAN建, 健 m & f Chinese From Chinese 建 (jiàn) meaning "build, establish", 健 (jiàn) meaning "strong, healthy", or other characters which are pronounced in a similar fashion.
JIANG江 m & f Chinese From Chinese 江 (jiāng) meaning "river, Yangtze", as well as other characters with a similar pronunciation.
JIANHONG健宏m Chinese From Chinese 健 (jiàn) meaning "build, establish" combined with 宏 (hóng) meaning "wide, spacious, great, vast". This name can also be formed from other character combinations.
JIE杰 m & f Chinese From Chinese 杰 (jié) meaning "heroic, outstanding" or other characters which are pronounced similarly.
JIN金, 锦, 津 m & f Chinese From Chinese 金 (jīn) meaning "gold, metal, money", 锦 (jǐn) meaning "tapestry, brocade, embroidered" or 津 (jīn) meaning "ferry". Other Chinese characters can form this name as well.
JING静, 精, 晶, 京 m & f Chinese From Chinese 静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle", 精 (jīng) meaning "essence, spirit", 晶 (jīng) meaning "clear, crystal" or 京 (jīng) meaning "capital city". Other characters can also form this name.
JINGYI静怡 m & f Chinese From Chinese 静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" combined with 怡 (yí) meaning "joy, harmony". Other character combinations are possible as well.
JU菊, 巨 f & m Chinese From Chinese 菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum" (which is usually only feminine) or 巨 (jù) meaning "big, enormous" (usually only masculine), besides other characters which are pronounced similarly.
JUAN (2)娟f Chinese From Chinese 娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" or other characters which are pronounced similarly.
JUN (1)君, 俊, 军 m & f Chinese, Korean From Chinese 君 (jūn) meaning "king, ruler", 俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, handsome" (which is usually only masculine) or 军 (jūn) meaning "army" (also usually only masculine). This is also a single-character Korean name, often from the hanja 俊 meaning "talented, handsome". This name can be formed by other characters besides those shown here.
KAI (4)凯m Chinese From Chinese 凯 (kǎi) meaning "triumph, victory, music o f triumph", as well as other characters pronounced in a similar way.
KUN坤 f & m Chinese From Chinese 坤 (kūn) meaning "earth, female", as well as other characters with a similar pronunciation.
LAN兰, 岚 f & m Chinese, Vietnamese From Chinese 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid, elegant" (which is usually only feminine) or 岚 (lán) meaning "mountain mist". Other Chinese characters can form this name as well. As a Vietnamese name, it is derived from Sino-Vietnamese 蘭 meaning "orchid".
LEI (2)磊, 蕾 m & f Chinese From Chinese 磊 (lěi) meaning "pile o f stones" (which is typically masculine) or 蕾 (lěi) meaning "bud" (typically feminine). Other characters can also form this name.
LI (1)理, 立, 黎, 力, 丽 f & m Chinese From Chinese 理 (lǐ) meaning "reason, logic", 立 (lì) meaning "stand, establish", 黎 (lí) meaning "black, dawn", 力 (lì) meaning "power, capability, influence" (which is usually only masculine) or 丽 (lì) meaning "beautiful" (usually only feminine). Other Chinese characters are also possible.
LIM林, 琳 m & f Chinese
Hokkien Chinese form o f LIN.
LIN林, 琳 m & f Chinese From Chinese 林 (lín) meaning "forest" or 琳 (lín) meaning "fine jade, gem". Other characters can also form this name.
LING灵, 铃 f & m Chinese From Chinese 灵 (líng) meaning "spirit, soul", 铃 (líng) meaning "bell, chime", or other Chinese characters which are pronounced similarly.
MEI (1)美, 梅f Chinese From Chinese 美 (měi) meaning "beautiful" or 梅 (méi) meaning "Chinese plum" (species Prunus mume), as well as other characters which are pronounced similarly.
MIN敏, 民 m & f Chinese, Korean From 敏 (mǐn) meaning "quick, clever, sharp", 民 (mín) meaning "people, citizens", or other Chinese/Sino-Korean characters which are pronounced similarly.
MING明, 铭 m & f Chinese From Chinese 明 (míng) meaning "bright, light, clear" or 铭 (míng) meaning "inscribe, engrave", as well as other characters which are pronounced similarly.
MU慕, 木 m & f Chinese From Chinese 慕 (mù) meaning "admire, desire", 木 (mù) meaning "tree, wood", or other characters with similar pronunciations.
NA娜f Chinese From Chinese 娜 (nà) meaning "elegant, graceful, delicate" or other characters pronounced similarly.
NING宁 f & m Chinese From Chinese 宁 (níng) meaning "peaceful, calm, serene", as well as other characters pronounced in a similar way.
NUAN暖f Chinese From Chinese 暖 (nuǎn) meaning "warm, genial" or other characters with a similar pronunciation.
PING平 m & f Chinese From Chinese 平 (píng) meaning "level, even, peaceful". Other characters can also form this name.
QIANG强m Chinese From Chinese 强 (qiáng) meaning "strong, powerful, energetic", as well as other characters pronounced in a similar way.
QING青, 清 f & m Chinese From Chinese 青 (qīng) meaning "blue, green, young", as well as other characters pronounced in a similar way.
QIU秋, 丘 m & f Chinese From Chinese 秋 (qiū) meaning "autumn", 丘 (qiū) meaning "hill, mound", or other characters with a similar pronunciation. The given name o f the philosopher Confucius was 丘.
RONG荣, 融, 容 f & m Chinese From Chinese 荣 (róng) meaning "glory, honour, flourish, prosper", 融 (róng) meaning "fuse, harmonize" or 容 (róng) meaning "appearance, form" (which is usually only feminine). Other Chinese characters can form this name as well.
RU儒, 如 m & f Chinese From Chinese 儒 (rú) meaning "scholar", 如 (rú) meaning "like, as, if", or other characters with similar pronunciations.
SHI时, 实, 史, 石 m & f Chinese From Chinese 时 (shí) meaning "time, era, season", 实 (shí) meaning "real, honest", 史 (shǐ) meaning "history" or 石 (shí) meaning "stone". Other characters can form this name as well.
SHU淑f Chinese From Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming", besides other characters which are pronounced similarly.
SHUFEN淑芬f Chinese From Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming" combined with 芬 (fēn) meaning "fragrance, aroma, perfume". Other character combinations are possible as well.
SHUI水 m & f Chinese From Chinese 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water", as well as other characters pronounced in a similar way.
SHUN (1)顺 f & m Chinese From Chinese 顺 (shùn) meaning "obey, submit" or other characters which are pronounced similarly.
SU (2)素, 肃 f & m Chinese From Chinese 素 (sù) meaning "plain, simple" or 肃 (sù) meaning "respectful", besides other characters pronounced in a similar way.
TAI太 m & f Chinese From Chinese 太 (tài) meaning "very, extreme" or other characters pronounced in a similar way.
TAO涛m Chinese From Chinese 涛 (tāo) meaning "large waves", as well as other characters with a similar pronunciation.
TU图 m & f Chinese From Chinese 图 (tú) meaning "chart, map" or other characters with similar pronunciations.
WEI威, 巍, 伟, 微, 薇 m & f Chinese From Chinese 威 (wēi) meaning "power, pomp", 巍 (wēi) meaning "high, lofty, towering" or 伟 (wěi) meaning "great, robust, extraordinary". As a feminine name it can come from 微 (wēi) meaning "small" or 薇 (wēi) meaning "fern". This name can be formed by other Chinese characters besides those shown here.
WEN文 m & f Chinese From Chinese 文 (wén) meaning "literature, culture, writing", as well as other characters with a similar pronunciation.
WU武, 务 m & f Chinese From Chinese 武 (wǔ) meaning "military, martial" (which is generally only masculine) or 务 (wù) meaning "affairs, business", as well as other characters which are pronounced similarly. This was the name o f several Chinese rulers, including the 2nd-century BC emperor Wu o f Han (name spelled 武) who expanded the empire and made Confucianism the state philosophy.
XIA夏, 霞 m & f Chinese From Chinese 夏 (xià) meaning "summer, great, grand", 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds", or other characters which are pronounced similarly.
XIANG翔, 祥, 湘, 香 m & f Chinese From Chinese 翔 (xiáng) meaning "soar, glide", 祥 (xiáng) meaning "good luck, good omen", 香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant" (which is usually only feminine) or 湘 (xiāng), which refers to the Xiang River in southern China. This name can also be formed from other characters.
XINYI欣怡, 心怡 m & f Chinese From Chinese 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous, delighted" or 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul" combined with 怡 (yí) meaning "joy, harmony". This name can also be formed from other character combinations.
XIU秀f Chinese From Chinese 秀 (xiù) meaning "luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding" or other characters which are pronounced similarly.
XIULAN秀兰f Chinese From Chinese 秀 (xiù) meaning "luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding" combined with 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid, elegant". This name can be formed o f other character combinations as well.
XIUYING秀英f Chinese From Chinese 秀 (xiù) meaning "luxuriant, beautiful, elegant, outstanding" combined with 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero". Other character combinations are possible.
XUE雪, 学 f & m Chinese From Chinese 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow" or 学 (xué) meaning "study, learning, school", besides other characters pronounced similarly.
XUN勋, 迅 m & f Chinese From Chinese 勋 (xūn) meaning "meritorious deed, rank" or 迅 (xùn) meaning "snow", as well as other characters with a similar pronunciation.
YA雅f Chinese From Chinese 雅 (yǎ) meaning "elegant, graceful, refined" or other characters with a similar pronunciation.
YAHUI雅惠 f & m Chinese From Chinese 雅 (yǎ) meaning "elegant, graceful, refined" combined with 惠 (huì) meaning "favour, benefit". This name can also be formed from other character combinations.
YALING雅玲f Chinese From Chinese 雅 (yǎ) meaning "elegant, graceful, refined" combined with 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling o f jade". This name can be formed o f other character combinations as well.
YAN (2)艳, 岩 f & m Chinese From Chinese 艳 (yàn) meaning "beautiful, gorgeous" (which is usually only feminine) or 岩 (yán) meaning "cliff, rocks", as well as other Chinese characters pronounced in a similar fashion.
YANG洋, 阳 m & f Chinese From Chinese 洋 (yáng) meaning "ocean" or 阳 (yáng) meaning "light, sun, male" (which is typically only masculine), as well as other Chinese characters pronounced similarly.
YATING雅婷 f & m Chinese From Chinese 雅 (yǎ) meaning "elegant, graceful, refined" combined with 婷 (tíng) meaning "pretty, graceful". Other character combinations are possible.
YAWEN雅雯f Chinese From Chinese 雅 (yǎ) meaning "elegant, graceful, refined" combined with 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns". This name can be formed o f other character combinations as well.
YAZHU雅筑 f & m Chinese From Chinese 雅 (yǎ) meaning "elegant, graceful, refined" combined with 筑 (zhù) meaning "lute, zither, build". Other character combinations are also possible.
YI宜, 毅, 义, 益, 艺, 怡, 仪 f & m Chinese From Chinese 宜 (yí) meaning "suitable, proper", 毅 (yì) meaning "resolute, decisive, firm", 义 (yì) meaning "justice, righteousness", 益 (yì) meaning "profit, benefit", 怡 (yí) meaning "joy, harmony" (which is usually only feminine) or 仪 (yí) meaning "ceremony, rites" (also usually feminine). Other characters can also form this name.
YIJUN怡君 m & f Chinese From Chinese 怡 (yí) meaning "joy, harmony" combined with 君 (jūn) meaning "king, ruler". This name can also be formed from other character combinations.
YIN银, 音, 荫 f & m Chinese From Chinese 银 (yín) meaning "silver, money", 音 (yīn) meaning "sound, tone" or 荫 (yīn) meaning "shade, shelter, protect", as well as other Chinese characters pronounced similarly.
YONG勇, 永 m & f Chinese, Korean From Chinese 勇 (yǒng) meaning "brave" or 永 (yǒng) meaning "perpetual, eternal". This can also be a single-character Korean name, for example from the hanja 勇 meaning "brave". This name can be formed by other characters besides those listed here.
YU玉, 愉, 雨, 宇, 裕 f & m Chinese From Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade, precious stone, gem", 愉 (yú) meaning "pleasant, delightful" or 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain". Other characters can form this name as well.
YUN云, 允 f & m Chinese From Chinese 云 (yún) meaning "cloud" or 允 (yǔn) meaning "allow, consent", as well as other Chinese characters which are pronounced in a similar way.
ZAN赞 f & m Chinese From Chinese 赞 (zàn) meaning "help, support", as well as other characters with a similar pronunciation.
ZEDONG泽东 m & f Chinese From Chinese 泽 (zé) meaning "moist, grace, brilliance" combined with 东 (dōng) meaning "east", as well as other character combinations. A notable bearer was the founder o f the People's Republic o f China, Mao Zedong (1893-1976).
ZHEN珍, 真, 贞, 震 f & m Chinese From Chinese 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, rare", 真 (zhēn) meaning "real, genuine", 贞 (zhēn) meaning "virtuous, chaste, loyal", or other Chinese characters which are pronounced similarly.
ZHENG正, 政 m & f Chinese From Chinese 正 (zhèng) meaning "right, proper, correct" or 政 (zhèng) meaning "government", as well as other hanja characters with a similar pronunciation.
ZHI志, 智 m & f Chinese From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" or 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect", as well as other characters which are pronounced similarly.
ZHIHAO志豪, 智豪 m & f Chinese From Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" or 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intellect" combined with 豪 (háo) meaning "brave, heroic, chivalrous". Many other character combinations are possible.
ZHONG中, 忠 m & f Chinese From Chinese 中 (zhōng) meaning "middle" or 忠 (zhōng) meaning "loyalty, devotion". Other characters can form this name as well.
ZHOU舟 m & f Chinese From Chinese 舟 (zhōu) meaning "boat, ship", in addition to other characters which are pronounced similarly.
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And the guardian rest
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Sooo, for those who have been with me for a while. You all know my lmk oc Heng Jiāng.
Welllll.... I'm redesigning him!
He's now a 4 armed ververt monkey!
For those who don't know what ververt monkeys look like here.
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Nowwww! Have a quick sketch of the new and improved Jiāng!
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theitalianratmonkie · 2 years
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theitalianratmonkie · 2 years
Have some doodles I did-
Jiāng and João ( who belongs to @callummarino ) relaxing and chattin!
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Macaroni in a turtle neck-
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theitalianratmonkie · 2 years
No scars JTTW outfit
No scars modern outfit
No scars waiter outfit
No scars no clothes
All scars no clothes
You may have known this oc as Mu Shan but now their name is: Heng Jiāng, meaning eternal river!
The reason why I chose this name in particular is because he has..........water abilities!! * jazz hands *
Also the thing on his head is an actual circlet- yes I even researched it-
Name: Heng Jiāng
Sexuality: Asexual and Gay
Gender: transmasc
Pronouns: He/they
Age: over a couple hundred thousand years old (they were born about 200 years after Wukong was born-)
And I don't know what else to add-
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theitalianratmonkie · 2 years
Kito belongs to this lovely person!: @anotherexistingbeing
Heng Jiāng belongs to yours truly!
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Both of these monkies have trust issues and I love them-
In AEBs words kito likes to stick to the shadows and see if you are trust worthy or not- and whenever Heng Jiāng meets someone new they make it veryyyyy obvious that they don't trust you-
but instead of Kito, Heng Jiāng likes to see first hand if you are trust worthy not just to him but also to their friends/family!!
Sorry if it looks weird- I didn't know what to do TT^TT
I don't know who else to tag soooo- ye!
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theitalianratmonkie · 2 years
* peeks head through door and throws this at you *
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It says: Make it stop please-
* goes back into hiding *
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theitalianratmonkie · 2 years
Seeing as I did the grandpa, the emo, and the blue monkie all shirtless I decided to do....
* drumroll *
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The he/they 4 armed monkie!!
Hope y'all like him!!
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theitalianratmonkie · 2 years
"Shhhhh... it's okay, your safe now, Mi ma amoroso..."
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Mi ma amoroso means: My loving sea, in Spanish!!
The blond monkie oc doesn't belong to me!!!
It belongs to a friend of mine who doesn't have tumbler!!
The ocs name is: Nanaimo or Nanai!!
Jiāng and Nanais shipname is Riverbamboo-
Also- Nanai isn't taller then jiāng-
Jiāng is just picking them up-
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theitalianratmonkie · 2 years
Hello guys, gal's, nonbinary pals, and beings from other realms!! The Italian rat monkie here!!
I've done a art trade with the lovely @corrinafloralineus !!
Here is what I did!!
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And here is what they did!!
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theitalianratmonkie · 2 years
Sooooooo I just did an incorrect quote prompt generator with Heng Jiāng, Kito who belongs to @anotherexistingbeing , and Mac who belongs to @zarinosa -
Please note that all these prompts are only supposed to be viewed as funny lil family prompts and or siblings being chaotic- they are not to be viewed as anything above the ship category-
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theitalianratmonkie · 2 years
🎶~For I sing songs until the break of dawn
I embrace a new man every night
My life's one never-ending carnival
A world of boozy-floozy flashing light
I want to be that fucked-up girl~🎶
For a tik tok trend-
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