#henry black crow lopez x you
mochminnie · 6 months
Distraction | Echo MCU | Henry ‘Black Crow’ Lopez
Chapter : Avenging
Pairing: Henry ‘Black Crow’ Lopez x Erika ‘Vixen’ Montes
Infinity War - Thanos: Snap  Year 2018
After Thor killing Thanos with Nat, Bruce, Steve, Carol, Rhodey, Steve, Nebula and Rocket. How much she couldn't handle it all. Steve check up on her. "We did everything we could Erika." Knowing that Thanos Destroyed the Stones.
Tears running down her face. "We lost people in our lives. It was such a big lost. Steve, I don't even know how I can move past this. You know after Killing Thanos, will we ever get them back? " Even the most powerful came together couldn't stop Thanos. It didn't made her feel better at all.Erika was in Battle along with other heroes, Her mother died in battle. Her Sister Stacey, Cousin Ned Leeds even his best friend Peter Parker in space, Kuya Denny were snapped. Her Father left the montes sisters at a young age. She stayed at her Lola's house during the five years at New York. Ned's Lola is her mother's aunt. She felt so alone. Lola knew her granddaughters were gifted and heroes. "Na miss na kita. Neng you can stay here as long as you want." (I miss you so much, Baby or young girl.)  She couldn't have been more proud of her. Welcoming Erika into her home . Lola was confused and couldn't believe it that Ned and Stacey were snapped and Erika had to remind her Lola and answer her questions. "Lola they are all gone, we did everything we could to stop yung malaking purple na lalaki." As Erika tears going down her face. Lola comforts her. "Alam kung babalik sila sa atin." (I just know that they will come back to us.) As Lola caress her face and gently wipes her face. Within those five years the two have grown closer than ever.
"Thanks Lola. But I have to go back to San Francisco soon."
Avengers: Endgame
During the five years there was many emotions Erika felt. Grieve, Anger, Depression, Sadness, Regret. That was the first time she felt she couldn't handle everyones emotions. She usually can block them. But she got to move forward and live her life. She have met many heroes in her life.
Tears running down her face. "We lost people in our lives. It was such a big lost. Steve, I don't even know how I can move past this. Killing Thanos wasn't the solution now is it, will we ever get them back? " Even the most powerful came together couldn't stop Thanos. It didn't made her feel better.
Over the years Nat have checked on everybody.
Erika was originally from San Francisco, California. She went back to her hometown. That's when she came across Scott. "You're that superhero kid that can stop bullets with her eyes! Wow! How long has it been? How long I was gone?" He recognized her.
Squinting her eyes from a far. "Oh... My... God... Scott? I thought you were snapped away." She smiled.  Recognizing him. Then Scott wanted her to meet his daughter Cassie.
Erika Immediately taking him to Avengers head quarters. "Steve! Nat! Look who I brought. " Erika smiling and  yelling she now patting Scotts back seeing the camera is now on. Motioning that the camera is on... "Oh, Hi, Hi! Uh is anyone home?"
"Yes, someones there I know Natasha and Steve should be in the headquarters. I just told you the camera is on." Erika says sassily.
Scott continues to talk to the camera. "This is, uh Scott Lang. We met at the Airport... In Germany. I was the guy who got really big. I had a mask on. You wouldn't recognize me. Ant-Man. I know you know that."  Then Scott, points at her, still not knowing that Nat and Steve can see him. "She knows! She's Vixen! Who woulda known she was also from San Francisco. I really need to talk to you guys."  Steve thinking it was an old message. Then Scott explains to  Nat, Steve and Erika Quantum Physics.
With Time Travel we finally got Tony he made up with Steve, Bruce and Rocket got Thor back and Natasha and Erika got Clint together.
Everyones taking notes on the stones.
It was hard to watch Thor explain the Aether Stone/ The Reality Stone. Erika was going to explain the Stone through his Memories. "I'm awake. No I got it. I'll do the story telling. No need to look into my Memories."
Erika couldn't help but love animals and Rocket even though he got a mouth. Tony did call him a Build a Bear. Her Lola use to send her Build a Bears when she was little. Rocket said that  while talking about The Power Stone. Peter Quill stole The Power Stone from Morag the planet. Scott ask, "Like a planet, in outer space."
Rocket patting his head. "Oh, It's like a little puppy. Do you wanna go to space. Do you wanna go to space puppy? I take ya to space." Teasing him. While everyone having Chinese take out. Then Rocket looks over to Erika. "Can't believe this little girl is strong and full of happiness."
Nebula explaining the Soul Stone. "Vormir is Domination of Death at the very center of celestial existence. It's where Thanos murdered my sister." Then, Scott awkwardly says, "Not it."
Bruce and Erika explain the Time Stone. She has encountered Dr. Strange through her Mother, was an Ally of Strange and Wong. Thanos thought the Time stone was with Diane as she was one of the Time Stone protectors. While everyone’s tired and lying down.
Nat,  "That Time Stone guy."
Bruce, "Doctor Strange."
Nat, "Yeah, what kind of Doctor was he?"
Erika, "A Neurosurgeon."
Tony, " Ear Nose Throat meets Rabbit from hat."
Nat, "Wait, He lives in New York."
Erika, Just releasing along with Natasha she quickly sat up facing Nat. "Yeah, he does. We have some stones here in New York." Gasps out of excitement.
Bruce and Tony talks over Nat and Erika, "Blecker and Sullivan Street."
Tony, "Have you been listening to anything."
Nat adds "Guys, If you pick the right year. there are three stones in New York."  That causes Hulk to get  up saying, "Shut the front door."
There are Six Stones, Three Teams and One shot. Space, Mind, Reality, Power, Time, and Soul.
Steve, Bruce, Tony, and Scott got the Space, Time, Power Stone
Thor and Rocket got the Reality Stone.
Nebula, Rhodey, Nat, Clint, and Erika got the Soul Stone and Power Stone. While they Spilt into two Rhodey and Nebula team up together while Nat, Clint, and Erika team up together at Vormir.
2014 Thanos knows about the future. Nebula tried to warn Nat, Clint, and Erika.
Nat, "Bet the Raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain. It's so easy for her she could levitate and fly." Motions at Erika.
Clint, "Technically he's not a Raccoon you know."
Erika, "He actually is, he was experimented on though. That's how he can talk." Nat gave both Clint and Erika a look.
Nat, "Oh, whatever. He eats garbage." Erika rolls her eyes playfully and giggles.
The Red Skull welcomes the three. "Welcome." The three goes on their fighting stances. Nat points her gun, Clint got his Ronin Sword and Erika got her magic and her bladed red fans ready in a fighting stance.
"Natasha daughter of Ivan, Erika Daughter of Diane, Clint of Edith."
Nat still pointing a Gun to the gun, "Who are you?"
2014 Red Skull, "Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone."
Nat, "Oh, good. You tell us where it is. Then we'll be on our way.
"Ah, liebchen– If only it were that easy." Red Skull leads the three to the cliff. "-What you seek lies in front of you... as does what you fear."
Nat, "The stone is down there."
Red Skull, "For one of you. For the other... In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul." Natasha sitting on a log while Clint watches the Stonekeeper. As Erika saw a vision of Gamora being pushed by Thanos to get the Soul Stone five years ago also a vision of Natasha taking the fall off the cliff.
Natasha and Erika talk to each other telepathically.
Nat, 'Let him figure it out on his own. I know you can communicate with me and hear my thoughts.'
Erika, 'Nat, please don't do this. You have Yelena.'
Nat,'You have Stacey, a big family who's looking forward to see you. When they get back. You don't want to let your  grandma down do you?'
Clint checks on Erika, She spaced out a bit while Nat sits this one for a bit..., "How's it going? Erika, You saw something didn't you." He chuckles a bit. "-Jesus...Maybe he's making this shit up... Erika please tell me he is lying." As Clint walking around back and forth a bit.
Erika calmly says, "Someone have to make a sacrifice. I saw that Thanos pushed Gamora off the cliff to get that stone."
Nat adds, "No. I don't think so."
Clint "Why, cause he knows your Daddy's name?"
Nat, "Erika's right... I didn't... Thanos left here with the stone without his daughter. It's not a coincidence."
Clint, "Yeah."
Nat, "Whatever it takes."
Clint, "Whatever it takes." Natasha stands up.
Nat, "If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead."
Clint,  "Then I guess we both know who it's gotta be."
Nat, "I guess we do." Erika knew it would be Nat going to make the Sacrifice. It wasn't her part to tell Clint. Nat hugs Erika then after. Clint holds Natasha's hand and she reciprocates and they look at each other.
Clint, "I'm starting to think– we mean different people here, Natasha."
Nat, "For the last five years I've been trying to do one thing, Get to right here. That's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back."
Clint, "Oh, don't you get all decent on me now."
Nat, "What, you think I wanna do it? I'm trying to save your life, you idiot." Erika staying out the two conversation.
Clint,  "Erika's got a sister and once her sister is back she's have nothing. Yeah, well, I don't want you to, because I– Natasha, you know what I've done. You know what I've become. Erika also deserves to live as much as you do."
Erika just have to ask, "What about Yelena?" Nat, Looking down not facing her.
Nat, "I don't judge people on their worst mistakes. Neither does Erika. She's got so much life ahead of hers. She's got a family. "
Clint,  "Maybe you should."
Nat, "You didn't."
Clint, "You're a pain in my ass, you know that?"
Both Clint and Natasha lean their heads against each other. Then Nat places a hand on Erika. and they both smile at each other. Nat communicates Erika, "Tell Yelena, I love her."
Clint, "Okay. You win." Clint smiles and knocks Natasha to the ground.
Clint, "Tell my family I love them." Natasha returns the favor by tackling Clint to the ground.
Nat, "You tell them yourself." Natasha electrocutes Clint and she runs towards the cliff. Clint gets up and shoots an explosive arrow knocking her down. Clint then runs towards the cliff and jumps. Erika catches up to Clint, Natasha jumps after him and hooks him up to a grappling hook. Erika Levitating into the air.
Clint, "Damn you!"
Nat, "Let me go."
Erika, "Nat. " Whispers sadly as Erika and Clint.
Clint, "No. Please, no."
Nat, "It's okay." then she faces Erika, "Tell Yelena I love her."
Clint, "Please-" Natasha kicks the wall, falls off the rope, and plummets to the ground. "NO!!!" Erika tries to lift her up. with her powers. But it was rare that it wasn't working. and on time. Natasha's body on the ground, dead. A boom in the sky sends Clint and Erika in a pool of water. Then the Soul Stone in Clint's hand. He hits the ground out of sadness. Erika crying. Erika don't know whether to hug Clint or not. But he really needed that hug. He wanted to be angry at Erika. Clint let her hug him. That Erika knew Nat would sacrifice herself to save billions of people. Erika's and Clint's Quantum Suits activates and they both shrink back to the present day, soon joined by the others returning from their journeys. At the Avengers Head Quarters and the Quantum platform everyone looks around to see all the recovered stones.
Bruce asking, Erika and Clint, "Where's Nat?" The silence from Clint and Erika tells them all they need to know. The mission was completed but at a dire cost. Sadness overtakes everyone. Bruce falls to his knees and pounds the floor in grief.
Outside the Head Quarters at the Lakeside Erika, Tony, Steve, Thor, Clint, and Bruce are mourning their fallen teammate and friend.
Tony, "Do we know if she had family?"
Steve, "Yeah. Us."
Thor, Confused, "What?"
Tony, "Huh? I just asked him a question–"
Erika, tries to calm Thor down, before this gets heated. "I know, we're processing all of this."
Thor, "Yeah, you're acting like she's dead. Why are we acting like she's dead? We have the stones, right? As long as we have the stones, Cap, we can bring her back, isn't that right?" He growls angrily at Tony. "-So stop this shit. We're the Avengers, get it together."
Erika, "Thor, my powers wouldn't work to prevent what happened at Vormir. Even if I use my magic to heal her and bring her back. We couldn't. It's a true sacrifice." Thor couldn't yell at Erika.
Clint adds "We can't get her back."
Thor, " Wha– what?" Looking at Clint and Erika at disbelief.
Clint, "It can't be undone. It can't." Thor dryly laughs.
Thor, "I'm sorry. No offense, but you're a very earthly being. Okay? We're talking about space magic. And "can't" seems very definitive don't you think?"
Erika, "Any magic we can't use. She can't come back."
Clint, to Thor "Yeah, look, I know that I'm way outside my pay grade here. But she still isn't here, is she?"
Thor, "No, that's my point–"
Clint, "It can't– be undone. Erika did everything she could! Or that's at least what the red floating guy had to say. Maybe you wanna go talk to him, okay? GO GRAB YOUR HAMMER, AND YOU GO FLY AND TALK TO HIM!" Clint's anger is quickly replaced with grief.
Erika having tears falling down due to guilt. Didn't want to go into this conversation. Because, she can sense that Clint blames her. Clint, "It was supposed to be me. She sacrificed her life for that goddamn stone. She bet her life on it. Erika had a vision and she knew this whole time." In a burst of anger, Bruce grabs a bench and hurls it clear across the lake. His anger spent, he turns to the others with a resigned look on his face.
Bruce, she's not coming back. We have to make it worth it. We have to.
Steve, "We will."
Bruce used the Infinity Stones to bring everyone back.
Clint got a call from his wife Laura. Then Erika got a phone call from Stacey.
"Ate! Kuya Denny! (Older Sister, Erika calls Denny older brother this for respect and that he's older) You're back." Erika Smiling hugged Stacey and Denny when they came back. During another Battle with Thanos. Wong, and Doctor Strange created many portals to bring more heroes that have fallen to fight Thanos for the second time.
Peter Parker was so glad to see Erika. "Peter, that means Neds back. I am so glad you're back." They hugged. Peter was shocked though she aged a bit within the five years knowing that they're both around the same age.
Clint gives the Gauntlet to T'Challa, and he runs towards the van while fighting Thanos' army. Eventually he is stopped by the double edged sword, boomeranged by Thanos. When it gets back to him, he charges T'Challa, but is stopped by Wanda, who is filled with anger for the loss of Vision.
Wanda, "You took everything from me."
Erika joins Wanda and the two teams up, Erika yells. "You took my Mother away from me!!!" This was the time she expresses her anger. Then Stacey Joins.
Thanos says he doesn't know the three telekinesis women.
Wanda, "You will." With her powers, Wanda picks up some debris on the ground and tries to crush Thanos with it. then Stacey Blasting her fire powers all over him.
Peter Parker grabs the Gauntlet with his webshooters and is surrounded by Chitauri.
The spaceship cannons appear and start to fire at the heroes. It flings the three telekinetic women away. Wong makes a shield and holds it up. The others do the same. Suddenly one of the cannons hit a dam. Water starts to flood into the battlefield. Pepper is the first to notice.
Peter is still battling the Chitauri. Peter Parker, "I got this. I got this! Okay, I don't got this. Help! Somebody, help!" Still have the gauntlet.
Steve, "Hey, Queens, heads up."
Steve throws Mjolnir, and Peter shoots a web and glides along, then Pepper Potts catches him. Pepper Potts "Hang on. I got you, kid." She drops him on Valkyrie's Pegasus
Peter Parker, "Hey! Nice to meet you– OH, MY GOD!"
The cannons knock Peter Parker off the Pegasus, then they turn to face something in the sky as all the cannons start shooting at something.
Carol Danvers landing near Peter, who is on the ground, weirdly hugging the gauntlet with his body.
Peter, "Hi. I'm– Peter Parker."
Carol "Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?"
Erika helps Peter up, Peter Parker gets up and passes Carol the gauntlet, "I don't know how you're gonna get it through all that."
Wanda arrives, Valkyrie flying on her Pegasus as she arrives. Wanda says, "Don't worry."
Okoye, "She's got help." Erika, Stacey, then Pepper lands next to Okoye, followed by Mantis, Shuri, the Wasp, 2014 Gamora and Nebula.
After The Second Thanos Battle
At the cottage. Pepper carries a wreath out of the house to an audience waiting outside for the intimate funeral. She lays the wreath on the lake. On top of the wreath is Tony's first arc reactor which Pepper had framed with the words "Proof That Tony Stark Has a Heart" back in 2008. Pepper, Morgan, Happy Hogan, & Rhodey, all being joined by Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, May Parker, Erika Montes, Stacey Montes, Denny, Thor, Bruce Banner, Doctor Strange, Wong, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Peter Quill, Nebula, Rocket, Teenage Groot, Drax, Mantis, T'Challa, Okoye, Shuri, Clint Barton & his family, Wanda Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Harley Keener, Secretary Ross, Maria Hill, Carol Danvers, and Nick Fury, silently watching the wreath float away.
Erika, Clint and Wanda, standing by the riverside shortly afterwards. Clint, Looking over to Erika and Wanda. "You know, I wish there was a way– that I could let her know. That we won... We did it."
Wanda, "She knows– They all do." Talking about Vision, Nat, and Diane Erika's mother.
Clint in the middle of Erika and gives the two a side hug, Wanda and Erika. reciprocates.
Denny had to say good bye to Steve. It's the best time he lost a close friend, He's glad he got Sam and Bucky along his side.
We have lost some and brought back some. From Tony and Bruce using the Stones. It was the hard for both to transition for those who have gotten resurrected back from the snap. The last thing that Stacey saw was her Mother dying and her sister almost dying during the Thanos battle.
Erika and Stacey got reunited with Ned and their Lola.
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Author’s Note: The first few chapters will be about Erika as a Hero, Friend, Family. We’re getting to know her during the time of Infinity War and Endgame. But these events would process and talked about more in future chapters.
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thebiggerbear · 3 months
MCU Fics
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✸ Natasha Romanoff (multi) ✸ Maya Lopez (Echo) ✸ Henry Black Crow Lopez (Echo) ✸ Elektra Natchios (Daredevil 2003/Elektra 2005) ✸ Matt Murdock (Netflixverse) ✸ Yelena Belova (Black Widow) ✸ Eddie Brock (Venom) ✸
✸ Clintasha (multi) ✸ Mattlektra (Daredevil 2003/Elektra 2005) ✸ Jessluke (Jessica Jones) ✸ Dane x Sersei (Eternals) ✸ Wanda x Pietro/Maxicest (multi) ✸
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