#henry sutton peletier
paleshelter29 · 1 year
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enid-rhees · 1 year
Ight so you mentioned about getting high with Enid, and it got me thinking...
Imagine Sophia didn't die. Lydia and Henry are there. And ofc, Carl.
Cept' they're all the same age right. And it's just all TWD teens getting to experience (sorta) typical teenage shit, ykwim?
Just playing silly games together, getting high, getting drunk, teasing Enid and reader, telling eachother some of their secrets, telling ghost stories, etc.
I hope this makes sense lol :)
i’m so in love with this request. Sophia held such a place in my heart :’)) i hope you enjoy! i’m definitely gonna try and do this request justice bc i have a vision in my head that i really wanna adapt into this story. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
warnings: weed & alcohol. one sexual joke. (please smoke and drink responsibly !!!)
A/N: hope you all enjoy! and as always, requests are open! just read pinned to see all rules if you want to request 🫶🏻🫶🏻
“alright!” you shouted, the biggest smile on your face. you held up a case of beer, “guess who managed to sneak into Daryl’s stash?”
everyone cheered, making you laugh. Lydia ran up to you, “how did you manage to do that?!” she asked, looking at you with disbelief. “i have my ways,” you smirked.
you brought the case over to your small circle of friends. Carl, Enid, Sophia, Lydia and Henry. they were all here with you.
you sat next to Enid, pressing a kiss to her cheek as you handed her a bottle. “you practically risked your life for us,” she joked lightly. you shrugged, “i’ll find a new one for him.”
Lydia sat back down next to Henry. you watched with a soft smile as he wrapped his arms over her, kissing her head.
it was rare to have a night like this. so rare in fact that this is the first night you guys were able to finally all be together, acting like nothing bad was just right outside the gates of your home.
Enid tapped your shoulder, when you turned around she held out a handful of joints. your smile grew wider. “you’re the best girlfriend ever, do you know that?”
“i do.” she smiled cheekily. you pushed her shoulder. “guys! Enid brought some joints as well, we all get one each.” you announced. everyone gasped and reached to grab their own.
“this is seriously like, the best night ever.” Carl said, taking a sip of the beer. “i mean, we’ve never gotten to hang out like this together. if you think about it, it’s really the first time we’ve been able to act like… what we actually are. just teens.”
that’s all you guys were. teens who were forced into this broken world at such an early age. none of you got to grow up the way you were supposed to.
everyone was silent for a moment, taking in Carl’s words. “then let’s make the best of tonight.” Henry smiled, holding up his bottle of beer. you all agreed, clinking your bottles together. it felt like a cliche, but that’s what made it even better.
after everyone’s third beer, Carl sighed. “god, i remember the day this shit started.” he sighed. “my… mom rushing to pack my clothes, all of our pictures. before i really knew it, we have a camp by the quarry.”
“that’s where the three of us met.” Sophia said, pointing between you, her and Carl. “you guys met that long ago?” Lydia asked.
you all nodded, “yeah uh, Sophia was with her mom, Carl had his, i uh… lost mine already at that point, but Glenn found me in the woods. brought me back with him to their camp.”
“wow. so you guys have been through like… everything together.” Lydia said. “pretty much. yeah.” Carl chuckled.
at this point, everyone had started to feel the effects of the beer kick in. “okay, let’s play a game.” Enid said, clapping her hands. “if we want to get a true teen experience, we need to play something. like Never Have I Ever.” she said.
“that sounds fun.” you told her, “yeah! lets do it.”
“okay, rules, if you’ve done what someone asks you have to drink. for example, if i asked everyone if you ever fell into a pile of dead walkers and proceeded to stay there for five minutes because you were… comfortable… Y/N would take a drink.”
you stared at her, biting the inside of your cheek to hold back your laugh as everyone roared in laughter around you. “now why would you say that.”
“because you quite literally did that.” she responded. you pushed her shoulder again and took a sip of the beer. “okay, i have one.” you spoke up.
“uh oh.” Carl mumbled.
“never have i ever had a sex dream in front of half our group and proceeded to moan my name for three minutes straight.” Enid’s eyes widened as her face flushed red. “you did what?!” Sophia laughed.
“you are evil.” Enid told you. you smirked and shrugged, “take a sip, sweetheart.”
“okay, okay.” Carl said. you lit your joint, gesturing the lighter towards Enid to silently ask if she wanted hers lit too. she nodded and held out her joint for you to light it.
Carl’s mouth formed into a smirk, “never have i ever been late to a community meeting because i was too busy having sex with my girlfriend at eight in the morning.”
it was silent between the six of you, and then you and Enid slowly took a sip of your beers. “there’s no way.” Lydia said, staring at both of you with shock.
“i’m not appreciating the fact that we’re being targeted.” you said. “you guys started it.” Carl said. “okay, we need to think of something else before they expose everything about us.” Enid laughed, taking a hit from her joint.
“oh, i know what we could do.” Sophia said almost mischievously. “classic sleepover activity. ghost stories.” she proposed.
“oh yes. lets do it!” Lydia said. “i have one. i have literally never stopped thinking about it since it happened. you were there, Henry.” she started.
“remember the abandoned asylum we found?” she asked him. he thought for a moment before his mouth dropped open slightly. “oh yeah! that was so scary.”
everyone had started to light their joints as well, getting prepared for the stories. “it was a few months ago. me and Henry snuck out of Hilltop to just walk around. like how you and Enid do. we ended up at this really scary looking building that turned out to be an asylum.”
“where was it?” you questioned before she continued the story. “i think it was by the Target we used to go to for runs.” she answered.
“but anyways- we walked inside and this place instantly had a vibe to it that clearly was not welcoming. but we went further in anyways. there was this one room that we walked into, and Henry decided he wanted to try and summon something,”
Lydia gave Henry a look as she said that, and he put his hands up in defense, making you all laugh. “tell them what you did.” she told him.
“i uh,” he laughed. “i started to throw insults in the air. like ‘dumbass ghost’ and shit like that. and to be fair, i was pissing it off a lot. but um, after around five minutes i said something along the lines of ‘you’re too scared to face us” or some shit, and precisely two seconds after that, there was a vase that was behind us, it fell over and shattered completely.”
“famous last words.” you joked. “you forgot the other part.” Lydia told him. “the other..? OH!” Henry pulled his sleeve up, showcasing two scratch marks. “that also happened.”
all of your eyes widened, “what?!” Sophia yelled. “it scratched you?!” he nodded, laughing. “yeah, we got the hell out of there after that obviously. but yeah. do not go into that asylum. i can already see Y/N and Enid planning it.”
“oh fuck no. we are not going there.” Enid said, despite your whine. “but it sounds cool!” Enid shook her head, “you’re actually insane.”
everyone started talking amongst themselves, but you couldn’t help but take in all of your surroundings. your best friends sitting in yours and Enid’s house. the one that you owned together, which was something you never thought would ever be possible again.
you’d never thought you’d make it this far, and if you did, you figured you’d be miserable. but you’re not. everything was coming into place so perfectly. having a girlfriend you knew you couldn’t wait to marry, still having Carl and Sophia by your side throughout all of those years in the apocalypse, taking in Henry and saving Lydia. you finally had what you lost so many years ago.
there was no better feeling than the one you felt right now. maybe it was because you were drunk or high, but you wished this sense of euphoria would stay forever. you hoped you could all still be together like this years from now.
“hey,” Enid said softly, nudging your shoulder. “you’re out of it. what’s wrong?” she asked.
you smiled and shook your head. “nothings wrong. i’m just… really happy.” you admitted. “and god i love you. so fucking much.”
Enid giggled, leaning in to kiss your lips. “i love you too, pretty. so, so much.” you hummed against her lips, “wish we can stay like this with everyone forever.”
“then let’s do it.” she said. “it will always be us. forever.”
“forever.” you repeated. “yeah. that sounds good.” you smiled, leaning in to kiss her once more, ignoring everyone’s fake gags and groans.
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winnie-the-monster · 11 months
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the-delta-42 · 3 months
Firsts Part 7
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Firsts Part 7
“Nervous?” Sophie looked at Lilly, who was leaning against the doorframe.
“Kinda,” Shrugged Sophie, “I mean, Ericson’s has been…isolated for so long, I’m not sure how to get ready for it.”
“Just be glad you don’t have a permanent GPS tracking you.” Grumbled Minerva, walking past with a pair of screwdrivers.
“You and Violet got those after that truck incident.” Lilly reminded her, “Why’d you try and hotwire a truck anyway?”
Minerva didn’t give a clear answer, mumbling how movies made it look easy.
Louis scowled, listening to his father talking to that Carol woman, he refused to call her mom, he ignored his father when he said Louis was to blame for her leaving. He would put up with Sophia, but she mostly ignored him, and he refused to call Henry his brother.
“Hey, asshole,” Louis looked up at Sophia, “get up, the bus is here.”
Marlon grimaced as he saw his new school mates walking through the snow. He saw a girl wearing a disgusting hat shoving snow down the back of a tall guy’s shirt. Glancing back in the bus, he noted that most of the Ericson’s students were at the back of the bus.
“How long before we’re running the place?” Asked Mitch, looking over Marlon’s head.
“A week.”
A snort in front of them drew their attention.
“Ooh,” Winced a guy, “I can’t wait to see when you meet Clementine.”
“That blonde one looks more like a guy than you do.” Whispered Becca, leaning towards Duck.
Clementine covered her snort with a cough, she glanced at Gill, who’s mouth was screwed shut.
“Do you think Sarah and Gabe are enjoying playing tour guide?” Asked Clementine, as she saw Sarah’s face go slack, before the Latina took off her glasses, crossed her arms and pinched the bridge of her nose, “Ooh, someone’s said something stupid.”
Sarah walked over to them, her half of the new students following her, “I think there’s going to be a problem.”
“Oh?” Clementine straightened up, “Why?”
“One of them,” Sarah pointed at the group, “thinks there’s a murderer on the loose.”
“That’s stupid.” Scoffed Clementine, glancing around, “I would’ve noticed the competition.”
One of the students squeaked, before falling over in a dead faint. They kept their composure for the grand total of ten seconds, before Clementine, Becca, Duck and Gill we doubled over laughing.
“S-s-s-sor-r-ry-y-yy.” Laughed Clementine, gasping, “I couldn’t resist.”
The blonde that Becca had been talking to Duck about scowled, “You’re a bitch.”
Clementine ignored her, laughing as she walked away.
In History, Omid had them pair off with their new classmates and, just Clementine’s luck, she was stuck with the blonde that called her a bitch.
“Okay!” Omid clapped his hands together, “So, let’s start off with something easy.”
Clementine and the blonde, Violet, glared at each other.
“What ships were lost in the attack on Pearl Harbour in December 1941?”
Omid looked over the groups, Clementine and Violet were hunched over their sheet of paper, as Clementine screwed up their spare sheet into a ball, ready to throw it.
“1774 not 1747.” Whispered Clementine, pointing at an answer, “And the Civil War started in 1861.”
“Right.” Violet scribbled the information down.
Across the room, Minerva and Gill argued, “What do you mean you don’t know? What do you do in this class?”
“I sleep.” Muttered Gill, “Clem’s usually the one telling us to stay awake.”
Duck and Louis were arguing who got to write, while Sarah silently moaned as Mitch started playing with lighter fluid.
“Do you have to play with that?”
The sound of someone being slapped drew everyone’s attention. Becca suddenly standing up drew Clementine’s attention, as Marlon rubbed his face.
“Everything okay?” Asked Clementine, getting up.
“It’s nothing.” Dismissed Marlon, prompting Clementine to walk over.
“That wasn’t directed at you.”
Marlon glared at her, as Omid cleared his throat, “Everyone back to their seats.” He fixed Clementine with a look, “Now.”
Giving Marlon a piercing look, Clementine walked back to her desk, while Becca sat back down, glaring at Marlon.
“What’s rat-head’s name?” Asked Clementine, getting a snort from Violet.
“Marlon.” Violet glanced at him, “He’s got a bit of a vindictive streak.”
“Oh, really?”
“What did you do?” Asked Minerva, frowning at Marlon.
“I just touched her arm.” Shrugged Marlon, as Mitch scoffed.
“Well,” Everyone looked at Louis, “When that girl with the hat,”
“Clementine.” Violet supplied.
“Clementine, got up, Duck started to get up as well.”
“Now that you mention it, I think I saw Gill and Sarah do the same thing.” Said Sophie, “And I’m sure I heard Gabe get up as well.”
“That’s a near miss.” The group looked at a black girl with dreads, “You’re lucky Mr Saul intervened when he did.”
“What do you mean?” Asked Minerva, glaring at the girl.
“Look, I told Gabe on his first day here,” The girl dropped into a seat, “if one of them gets into a fight, they all get into a fight. Sure, some of them just tussle, but Clementine? She knows how to fight. She once broke a footballer’s jaw, and that’s not going on her dead eye.”
“Dead eye?” Minerva crossed her arms.
“She once shot a coyote from the roof of a log cabin on school grounds, with a handgun.”
Marlon scoffed, “There’s no way she has a gun, she obviously lied to you.”
“I saw her shoot the coyote.” Countered the girl, “You’d be surprised terrifying Clementine can be.”
As she finished, three staff members ran past them.
“Ooh, this’ll be good.” The girl ran after the adults, with Marlon’s group following after her.
Entering a courtyard, they saw Clementine pummelling Justin, while her friends brawled with other students. A second later, Clementine was tackled by Alex, and she rolled a couple of feet, before she brought her knee up and slammed it against their head, before she twisted their arm until it let out a sickening crack.
By that point, Duck and Gabe had dealt with their respective opponents, as the grounds keeper grabbed Clementine and hoisted her off the ground. Her legs flailed, kicking Alex in the face.
After the fight was broken up, Clementine and her friends were escorted to the principal, while Alex, Justin and their friends were taken to the nurse.
“Whoa.” Whistled Louis, “That’s so cool.”
“They’ll be in detention for the next few weeks.” Said the girl, “But, that’s why you don’t fuck with Clem’s group.”
Marlon scowled, while Louis looked a little too interested.
“So, is she single?” Louis shrugged as everyone gave him an incredulous look.
“Nope, that guy in the beanie,” the girl leaned against a wall, “he’s her boyfriend.”
Louis looked a little put out, while Sophie had a mixed look on her face.
“Okay,” Marlon paced around the front room of the residential house they’d been put in, “What are we going to do?”
“What do you mean?” Asked Aasim, looking up from his book.
“They attacked Justin.” Argued Marlon, “We can’t let this slide.”
“Oh no,” Said Violet, sarcastically, “Justin tried to grope someone, and they beat his ass.”
“Clementine did break Alex’s arm.” Said Ruby, from her place by the window, “It does seem a bit harsh.”
“But Alex did tackle her.” Said Violet, her arms crossed, “I’m more inclined to listen to Michelle.”
“So,” Marlon glared at her, “we’re just gonna let this slide?”
“Um, yeah,” Stated Violet, “look, you can do whatever bullshit you want, but I’m ‘this’ close to getting a clean enough record that I can get rid of this.” Violet gestured to the ankle bracelet on her leg.
Marlon huffed, trying to think up how he was going to even the score.
“How have we moved on from shovelling shit,” Grunted Gill, as he carried a tyre, “to this?”
“Maybe they’re training us to replace Daryl.” Quipped Duck, as he slid out from under the car.
“Guys,” Clementine looked down at them, “that’s Daryl’s car, we’re working on it, so we can clear this, like we were told to.”
“Yeah, but you’ve got the easy job.” Countered Gill, getting an eyeroll from Clemetine.
“How good’s your aim?”
“Okay, point taken.” Conceded Gill, as Clementine went back looking at the wood line.
Sarah, Gabe and Becca returned with Daryl, as Clementine looked on from her place on the cabin’s roof.
“Do you live out here?” Asked Becca, glancing at Daryl.
“As good as.” Grunted the man, as a loud pop was heard from the roof, “Coyote?”
“I think it was a Mountain Lion.” Answered Clementine, “How come you get to keep my gun, but I can’t?”
“Do I really need to answer that?” Retorted Daryl, getting a huff from Clementine, “Get down here, I don’t think we’ll have any more visitors.”
Clementine hung down from the gutter, before slowly climbing down the side of the cabin.
“So, what caused the fight this time?” Asked Daryl, as Clementine joined them.
“Some perv tried to rip Sarah’s shirt off.” Said Becca, as the Latina flushed.
“I’m surprised you left him alive.” Remarked Daryl, as Duck got out from under the car.
“We’ve already got community service shit,” Dismissed Duck, “fortunately the school’s dealt with the more serious stuff.”
“Oh,” Everyone looked at Clementine, “the school’s hosting a party in the middle of March.”
“How do you know that?” Asked Sarah, frowning.
“Why do you know that?” Pressed Duck, also frowning at her.
“It was on Crawford’s desk.” Answered Clementine, “Do none of you use your eyes?”
“I mean,” Gill laughed, “Sarah does have to pay to see.”
Sarah gave him a flat look, “I have at least a hundred years’ worth of responses to that, all of them from before the civil rights movement.”
“See,” Exclaimed Gill, dramatically, “I am blessed with perfect vision, so she stoops to racist threats!”
Daryl cleared his throat, making all of them go silent, “We’re gonna be clearing one of the fields.”
“Why?” Asked Becca, frowning.
“Because of that damn party.” Answered Daryl, “The sooner we get this fixed, the sooner we can get started.”
“Is the field on school grounds?” Asked Sarah, getting a nod from Daryl, “We were told to clear here.”
“Yeah,” Daryl looked at her, “but you’re gonna be working there anyway.”
Duck toppled over when a Knut on the wheel gave way, “Why can’t we use power tools again?”
“Because Crawford hates us?” Snarked Clementine, frowning as she saw something move.
“Clem,” Said Daryl, stiffening, “d’ya still have your gun?”
Clementine nodded, aiming at the piece of brush that was shaking. After a tense few seconds, a rabbit popped out of the foliage. Sighing, Clementine lowered the gun, carefully disengaging it.
“Am I the only one who thought that mountain lion was gonna jump out?” Asked Duck, letting out a nervous laugh.
“Stay here.” Said Daryl, walking towards the bushes.
“He does know he can shit in the cabin, right?” Asked Becca, after a moment.
Clementine frowned, before slowly following Daryl, before the man returned, scowling at something.
“What was it?” Asked Clementine, making Daryl pause.
“Footprints.” Answered Daryl, “Someone was watchin’ us.”
“Do you think it was Chuck?” Asked Gabe, sliding the jack under the car, “He’s not been in his usual places.”
“Then, why did he run?” Asked Duck, as Clementine handed her gun back to Daryl.
“Maybe the gunshot startled him.” Suggested Sarah, as Gill rolled a tyre towards Duck and Gabe.
“He barely acknowledged a car exploding a foot away from him.” Dismissed Clementine, “A gunshot wouldn’t do shit.”
“Maybe,” Duck grunted as he twisted the nuts on the wheel, “it was one of those new guys.”
“They’re cleaning the gym.” Said Daryl, “Normally, they’d be with you, but since they’re new, they didn’t want them to get lost.”
Clementine frowned, before walking over to Duck, “I thought it was righty-tightie and lefty-loosie.”
Duck paused, before twisting in the opposite direction, “I need to get more sleep.”
“That was surprisingly easy.” Said Becca, looking over the clean field, “That didn’t take long at all.”
Clementine hummed, before looking at Gabe and jerking her head, “We’ll see you guys later.”
“Where’re you guys going?” Frowned Gill, as Duck helped Daryl load the tools into the car.
Clementine and Gabe glanced at each other, before Clementine answered, “On a date.”
“It’s valentine’s day.” Said Gabe, “Didn’t you guys know?”
“Kyle and I broke up.” Shrugged Gill.
“I’m not seeing anyone.” Answered Sarah.
“Duck and I are going to see that new horror movie.” Said Becca, getting everyone’s attention, “What?”
“It’s not a date.” Called Duck, “We’re going as friends.”
“And there’s a couples discount on food.” Supplied Becca, as Clementine bit the inside of her cheek.
“Just,” Clementine started to laugh, “just remember to use protection.”
Clementine had to dodge the clump of snow Duck threw at her, before she and Gabe took off running.
Clementine and Gabe slowed to a stop, both laughing.
“Ooh,” Laughed Clementine, leaning against a fence, “That was fun.”
“Yeah.” Gabe’s chuckles slowly stopped, “Ready?”
Clementine glanced up at the skate rink where she and Gabe had their first date, “Did I every tell you about the first time I went to one of these places?”
“No, I don’t think you did.” Answered Gabe, as they went through the door.
“I was taken by my babysitter,” Started Clementine, “her name was Molly…”
The pair continued their date, going into the rink.
Meanwhile, back at the school, Marlon smirked to himself when he found the file he’d been looking for.
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eatmarcus · 2 months
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rj is getting fucking executed and it’s your fault
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erens-head · 1 year
⋆ ★
Rick Grimes
Michonne Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Grenne / Rhee
Carol Peletier
Tyreese Williams
Sasha Williams
Bob Stookey
Abraham Ford
Eugene Porter
Rosita Espinosa
Gabriel Stokes
Negan Smith
Ezekiel Sutton
Carl Grimes
Judith Grimes
Beth Greene
Tara Chambler
Paul Rovia 'Jesus'
Aaron Rovia
Henry Sutton
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careol · 3 months
Name: Carol Ann Peletier
Alias: Queen (sometimes)
Gender: Female
Age: 42-53 (verse dependent)
Species: Human
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Abilities/Talents: Incredible baking skills, deadliest woman on the planet
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Former Catholic, now nothing
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: English, ASL
Family: Sophia Peletier (daughter, deceased), Henry Sutton (son, deceased)
Friends: Daryl Dixon, Ezekiel Sutton, Maggie Rhee, Negan Smith (sometimes)
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / questioning / other
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other
Libido: sex god / very high / high  / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other (grey)
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds
Scars: Various scars on her body. Most standout is the scar of the letters ED on her hip.
Facial Features: Piercing blue eyes, slightly pointed nose, freckles
Tattoos: none
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters?
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or White?
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake?
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future?
tagged by: found it tagging: anyone wanting to do this!
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taiturner · 2 years
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The girl stays. We have friends — she doesn't.
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afaimsarrowverse · 4 years
Beziehungsaufstellung The Walking Dead Edition:
 Shane Walsh/Lori Grimes
 Philip Blake/Andrea Harrison
 Shane Walsh/Andrea Harrison (platonisch)
 Morales/Eliza Morales (Ehe)
 Abraham Ford/Sasha Williams
 Abraham Ford/Rosita Espinosa
 Spencer Monroe/Rosita Espinosa
 Ron Anderson/Enid
 Earl Sutton/Tammy Rose Sutton
 Shane Walsh/Mindy Morrow
 Shane Walsh/Rick Grimes
 Merle Dixon/Rick Grimes
 Morgan Jones/Rick Grimes
 Negan/Rick Grimes
 Joey der Eroberer/Rick Grimes (Vergewaltigung)
 Ron Anderson/Carl Grimes
 Theo/Carl Grimes
 Ed Peletier/Carol Peletier
 Tobin/Carol Peletier
 Nicholas/Glenn Rhee
 Merle Dixon/Maggie Rhee (nicht wirklich)
 Morgan Jones/Jenny Jones (Gefährten, Ehe)
 Morgan Jones/Owen
 Edwin Jenner/Candace Jenner (Gefährten, Ehe)
 Hershel Greene/Anette Greene (Ehe)
 Hershel Greene/Josephine Greene (Ehe)
 Philip Blake/Lilly Chambler
 Karen/Tyreese Williams
 Abraham Ford/Eugene Porter
 Dawn Lerner/Beth Greene
 Pete Anderson/Jessie Anderson
 Strand/Nick Clark
 Mr, und Mrs. Grimes
 Mr. und Mrs. Walsh
 Jordan Clark/Melissa Chan
 Jordan Clark/Kathy Lane
 Otis/Patricia (Ehe)
 Siddiq/Siddiqs Ehefrau
 Sasha Williams/Bob Stookey
 Sasha Williams/Rosita Espinosa
 Tara Chambler/Alisha
 Bob Miller/Natalie Miller
 Lori Grimes/Rick Grimes (Gefährten, Ehe)
 Enid/Carl Grimes
 Andrea Harrison/Rick Grimes (Platonisch)
 Connie/Daryl Dixon (Asexuelle Beziehung)
 Jimmy/Beth Greene
 Rosita Espinosa/Eugene Porter
 Tara Chambler/Denise Cloyd
 Deanna Monroe/Reg Monroe
 Rick Grimes/Carol Peletier (Hitzegefährten)
 Carol Peletier/Daryl Dixon (Asexuelle Beziehung)
 Carol Peletier/Tyreese Williams
 Daryl Dixon/Aaron (Asexuelle Nicht-Beziehung)
 Maggie Greene/Glenn Rhee (Gefährten, Ehe)
 Beth Greene/Noah
 Judith Grimes/Gracie
 Aaron/Eric Raleigh (Gefährten, Ehe)
 Aaron/Paul Rovia
 Jerry/Nabila (Gefährten, Ehe)
 Henry/Lydia (Ehe)
  AlphaBeta-Beta Beziehungen:
 Michonne/Andrea Harrison (Gefährten)
 Michonne/Rick Grimes
 Ezekiel/Carol Peletier (Ehe)
 Ezekiel/Paul Rovia
 Abraham Ford/Rosita Espinosa/Eugene Porter
  Atypische Triaden-Beziehungen:
 Rick Grimes/Maggie Rhee/Glenn Rhee (Hitzegefährten)
  Atypische teilweise platonische Triaden-Beziehungen:
 Andrea Harrison/Michonne/Rick Grimes
 Michonne/Rick Grimes/Shane Walsh
 Sasha Williams/Rosita Espinosa/Eugene Porter
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paleshelter29 · 1 year
Carl: I think I’m having a mid-life crisis
Enid: You’re like 17 years old, Carl.
Carl: I might die at 34!
Benjamin: I think I’m having a mid-life crisis
Lydia and Henry: Mood
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ao3feed-darylxcarol · 5 years
The Walking Dead Imagines (Daryl, Rick, Shane, Glenn, Carl, Negan, etc.)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2F5ciSG
by lovelyclaire45609
Reader imagines to be immersed into the world of TWD.
Pairings can be requested.
Requests are OPEN!
Words: 444, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Walking Dead (TV), The Walking Dead & Related Fandoms, The Walking Dead (Comics), The Walking Dead Series - Robert Kirkman & Jay Bonansinga, The Walking Dead (Web Series)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Merle Dixon, Dale Horvath, Andrea (Walking Dead), Amy (Walking Dead), Shane Walsh, Glenn Rhee, Maggie Greene, Beth Greene, Hershel Greene, Rosita Espinosa, Sasha Williams (Walking Dead), Tyreese Williams, Carol Peletier, Abraham Ford, Eugene Porter, Gabriel Stokes, Siddiq (Walking Dead), Deanna Monroe, Spencer Monroe, Jadis (Walking Dead), Negan (Walking Dead), Simon (Walking Dead: Saviors), Dwight (Walking Dead), Carl Grimes, Judith Grimes, Michonne (Walking Dead), Aaron (Walking Dead), Jesus (Walking Dead), Morgan Jones, Tara Chambler, Alpha (Walking Dead: Whisperers), Beta (Walking Dead), Enid (Walking Dead), Philip Blake | The Governor, Ezekiel (Walking Dead), Sophia Peletier, Denise Cloyd, Lizzie Samuels, Mika Samuels, Lydia (Walking Dead), Gregory (Walking Dead: Hilltop), Alden (Walking Dead), Theodore "T-Dog" Douglas, Morales (Walking Dead), Arat (Walking Dead), Noah (Walking Dead: Grady Memorial Hospital), Dawn Lerner, Gareth (Walking Dead), Jessie Anderson (Walking Dead), Ron Anderson, Sam Anderson (Walking Dead), Randall Culver, Bob Stookey, Aiden Monroe, Nicholas (Walking Dead: Alexandria), Yumiko (Walking Dead), Jerry (Walking Dead: Kingdom), Luke (Walking Dead: Magna's Group), Magna (Walking Dead), Kelly (Walking Dead: Magna's Group), Connie (Walking Dead), Daryl Dixon's Dog, Cyndie (Walking Dead: Oceanside), Natania (Walking Dead: Oceanside), Walkers (The Walking Dead), The Wolves (Walking Dead), Henry (Walking Dead: Kingdom), Rodney (Walking Dead: Hilltop), Gage (Walking Dead), Addy (Walking Dead: Hilltop), E. Eastman (Walking Dead), Earl Sutton, Kenneth Sutton, Patrick (Walking Dead), Patricia (Walking Dead: Greene Farm), Paula (Walking Dead: Saviors), Tammy Rose (Walking Dead), Walking Dead Characters
Relationships: Daryl Dixon/You, Rick Grimes/You, Shane Walsh/You, Aaron (Walking Dead)/You, Carl Grimes/You, Negan (Walking Dead)/You, Rosita Espinosa/Siddiq, Rosita Espinosa/Gabriel Stokes, Rosita Espinosa/Eugene Porter/Siddiq/Gabriel Stokes, Ezekiel/Carol Peletier, Daryl Dixon/Carol Peletier, Rick Grimes/Michonne, Lori Grimes/Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes/Shane Walsh, Carl Grimes/Enid, Jesus (Walking Dead)/You
Additional Tags: Inspired by The Walking Dead, Negan Being Negan (Walking Dead), Kid Judith Grimes, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Drama, Drama & Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Pain, Blood and Gore, Blood and Injury, Blood and Violence, Minor Character Death, Character Death
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2F5ciSG
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paleshelter29 · 1 year
Nobody come at me, but I’ve got a question. Okay, just going to say this because I’m curious about it, what is with people in the twd fandom and liking Bethyl and being okay with the age gap between Daryl and Beth (he’s seventeen years older than she is) while people put down the Enid/Henry thing because supposedly she’s too old for him and he’s too young for her (even though they’ve got only a four or five year difference) I’m just wondering about why people seem to dislike it so much but are okay with a seventeen year difference? Not saying it’s bad or anything, I’m actually partial to Bethyl cause of how they acted together, but I was just curious about it. Personally, I think Enid and Henry would have been kind of cool together (although we never got to see a lot of Enid/Alden, so I don’t know if that would have worked) anyways, just curious about it. Unless Henry is a minor I don’t see a problem with him being an adult like Enid is.
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paleshelter29 · 1 year
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Say it like you mean it
Bones become dust
Gold turns to rust
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Say it like you mean it
Underneath a spotlight
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And all the splintered wood
Nothing here is shining
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Shining like it should,
I'd rather watch my kingdom fall
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I want it all or not at all
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I'd rather watch my kingdom fall
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I want it all or not at all
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Tell me that you mean it
Tell me that it's true
It's the last thing you do
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Tell me that you mean it
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I can see it happening, happening
I can see it happening, happening
I'd rather watch my kingdom fall
I want it all or not at all
I’d rather watch my kingdom fall
I want it all or not at all
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paleshelter29 · 1 year
Can’t believe I even have to write this, but okay, here we go. I’ve been getting a lot of hate in dms and people being unkind about this so I’m going to try and explain why I like this character:
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So I’m just going to try to explain it...
I like Henry as a character because unlike some other characters, he feels especially human to me, because he makes mistakes and owns up to them, he knows when he fails and tries to make up for it instead of hiding his mistakes or not acknowledging them. He owns up to them even if it makes him look bad, and he earnestly wants to fix things. He has a great sense of his moral code and won’t compromise on what he thinks is right, owing to him being able to know the difference between right and wrong.
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He also shows humanity, in instances when others do not, an example being when Gage and the others are playing that sick game with the walker in the pit (also, it’s pretty reckless, but also badass how he jumped in) and he pitied the walker and ended it’s torment and the poor existence that Gage and Rodney kept him in, as well as in every interaction he has with Lydia, he truly means the best and Yes, he can be reckless, but he means the very best.
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He’s protective of his family and willingly and knowingly makes every one of his choices for himself and how it will better him and his family and friends, even knowing that he could be walking into danger, he does it anyway, because as he said ‘there’s right and there’s wrong,’ and helping Lydia escape her abusive past and present is something he feels strongly about, feeling protective over her not just because he has started developing feelings for her, but because he knows protecting and helping her is the right thing to do, even if he gets hurt or killed in trying to do so. He isn’t stupid, he knows the risks, maybe he didn’t think it all the way through to where it’s not just going to be fallout for him, but for the others too, but he means everything he does and he does it because he cares for everyone.
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He’s a child who lost everything and is trying to find his place in the world after he lost everything. He lost his mom in the first months of the outbreak, then in the span of a year he loses his dad and then his brother, a brother who in an instant had to become a father figure to his little brother, protecting him from everything that would harm him. Benjamin made it so Henry was slightly sheltered from the outside world they’d had to survive in before they’d reached the Kingdom, letting Henry have a childhood instead of having him grow up too fast with the stark realities of the world as it was.
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Then Henry loses him and that’s one of the first blows in his sheltered existence in the Kingdom. His anger and pain at the loss of Benjamin is one of the things that shapes his character as well as how in an earlier episode, he had said that he had wanted to be just like Benjamin. This is where the boy is having to grow up, getting thrown into the harsh reality of the world, but instead of giving up, he changes and fights for others and for what he lost. He’s also a frightened child, lonely, and angry and just trying to survive without everything he used to know, but he’s also very brave and tries to stand up for what he believes in. As well as all of that, He’s not a bad copy of Carl either, being his own person even though he was given part of Carl’s story, he didn’t play it out the same as Carl would have, going about it in his own unique way, which makes him so much more than just a poor carbon copy of Carl Grimes. He is all in all a completely different person and character. He goes about things in his own way, but one thing is evident throughout, he means everything for the best. He’s a genuinely good person and deserves better than he got.
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Lastly, I can relate to Henry, more so than I could ever relate to Carl, and so it makes me much more invested in loving Henry’s character . Maybe I almost lost everything too and maybe he’s a comfort character because I can relate... Is he perfect? NO, but nobody really is, and that’s what makes Henry so relatable. He’s honestly just doing his best with the cards he was suddenly dealt after going through multiple devastating losses. Even through those though, he still finds it In himself to be compassionate and brave.
All in all, I think people discount or hate on Henry too much because of their misunderstanding of his character, and that to me is pretty sad.
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Anyways, I’m not telling anyone they can’t dislike a character, just don’t hate someone who does like that character. Just be respectful. I’m seriously sick of being verbally attacked for my opinions in a fandom. That is the same reason I quit other fandoms.
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paleshelter29 · 1 year
Stood at the cold face, stood with our backs to the sun
I can remember being nothing, but fearless and young
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We've become echoes, but echoes, they fade away
We've fallen to the dark as we dive under the waves
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I heard you say
The devil's on your shoulder
The strangers in your head
As if you don't remember
As if you can forget
It's only been a moment
It's only been a lifetime
But tonight you're a stranger
Some silhouette
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Let's go out in flames so everyone knows who we are
'Cause these city walls never knew that we'd make it this far
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We've become echoes, but echoes are fading away
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So let's dance like two shadows, burning out a glory day
The devil's on your shoulder
Strangers in your head
As if you don't remember
As if you can forget
It's only been a moment
It's only been a lifetime
But tonight you're a stranger
Some silhouette
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Just hold me
Just hold me
Just hold me
Just hold me
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The devil's on your shoulder
Strangers in your head
As if you don't remember
As if you can forget
It's only been a moment
It's only been a lifetime
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But tonight you're a stranger
Some silhouette
It's only been a moment
It's only been a lifetime
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But tonight you're a stranger
Some silhouette
But tonight you're a stranger
Some silhouette
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