#her color scheme also makes me think of white chocolate reeses lmao
okase · 6 years
Fusion of Zephrine and Therila. How would that go/work? (DB nerd huehue)
Oh dear. Well, I’m really rough on how DB fusion works but I will do my best!
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A Zephrine/Therila fusion, or a Therine, if you will, would be... interesting. She’d be a sorcerer/druid combo, so she’d be skilled in both natural and arcane magic. She’d also have like, REALLY good mental stats? Charisma and Intelligence out the butt, and a Wisdom that’s not bad either no thanks to Zeph lmao. Physical stats would be less amazing, but not abysmal. Strength is collectively their lowest stat at a mutual 10, so... no heavy lifting for them. But they would be incredibly skilled magically, and pretty good at figuring things out and talking to people.
Personality-wise, Zeph and Therila are both very alike and very different. If we emphasize the traits they share, though, and meet halfway with their differing ones... I think we’d end up with someone who was confident, but grounded in reality. Straightforward, but tactful when needed. Extremely passionate about people and about nature and doing what’s best for both. Someone who was very firm in their morals, but could be a bit self-righteousness as a result. She’d also be stubborn, and have a temper. Her heart though, I think would ultimately be in the right place, and she’d never turn her back on someone who needed her.
Also, she’d probably, most definitely laugh at dad jokes and crack terrible puns.
And yeah, hope that gives you an idea! Thank you for the ask, this was a neat lil’ thought experiment and very fun to do!
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