#her girlfriend is a ''dullahan'' made of smoke
kiddphel · 2 years
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It's that time of the year where I go back and redraw old ocs to see how my art has progressed and today I found art of my old "fox" demon Cerdocyon or "Cera"
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The Witch and The Beast Himself: Chapter 8
While I was very excited to finally meet Celty, the Headless Rider, I couldn’t stop thinking about what Izaya had been doing to us the past couple of days. What was the reason for this? Why did he feel the need to want to tear BOTH of us apart?
“Hey, are you okay?” Shizuo asked we reached the Shinra and Celty’s apartment building. His energy showed that he suspected that there was something genuinely wrong with me.
“Yeah, um, I’m just nervous…” I quickly made up. “...about meeting her. I don’t wanna seem like an idiot or anything.”
He laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Don’t worry about it, (your name), Celty’s a great person. If anything, she might feel more weird about meeting you than you do about her. But you’ll be fine. And,” I perceived that he still wanted to pry into what was wrong with me; my energy changing spell must’ve been fading. “If you ever need to talk about anything, just tell me.”
I took a deep breath in, breathed out, changed my energy to neutral again, and flashed him a smile. “Of course, Shizuo, I appreciate it.”
He led me into the apartment building, then we took the elevator up to the 38th floor.
“How do you know her so well?” I asked along the way. While I could answer that question myself by using a quick Past spell to see into his past, I wanted to keep our conversation fresh by letting him answer those questions for me.
“She and Shinra have been friends of mine since middle school.” he said. “Both of them are great people. Just don’t tell Shinra what you are; he’ll try to convince you to let him dissect you.”
I laughed, “That’s so weird, why?”
“He’s an underground doctor and surgeon. He usually takes home calls to patch people up when they don’t want to go to the hospital.”
“Ohhh, I see.” I said.    
When we reached the apartment door, Shizuo rang the doorbell.
“Coming!” yelled a muffled man’s voice. I felt his very energetic and curious energy as he came up to the door. The man that answered had brown downward spiky hair, glasses, wore a long white lab coat, and appeared to be around the same age as Shizuo.
“Shizuo!” he then glanced at me. “And you must be his new girlfriend! Come in, I’ll put some tea on!”
He let us past and shut the door behind us. We took our shoes off at the door and walked further into the apartment.
Oh my god, there she is.
I spot Celty, sitting up straight with her hands folded in her lap, in an armchair close to their huge window that overlooked the brightly lit city. She was extremely slender, wearing a long black bodysuit and a yellow and blue helmet with cat ears. I noticed that she had absolutely no energy coming from her body. I followed Shizuo over to the couch that sat adjacent from her. He allowed me to sit on the far left end, closest to her while he sat next to me on the right.
“Hey Celty,” Shizuo said. “How was that job?”
I watched her as a cell phone flew up from her sleeve as if she summoned it, and fell into her hand. She began typing very quickly into it then showed it to us:
[It went okay, I'm just glad to be back home. Is this your new girlfriend?]
“Yeah,” Shizuo replied. “This is (your name).”
“Um, hi,” I said rather awkwardly.
She typed quickly on the keyboard again then showed it to me:
 [I'm Celty, nice to meet you! ^_^ Good to see that Shizuo finally has a girlfriend! You're not human either, are you?]
My eyes widened, “How did you know?”
She used her left hand to flip up the black visor on her helmet, allowing me to peer inside. I looked into it in pure astonishment and wonder, seeing that she in fact had no head but instead, black smoke rising from the top of her severed neck. I never thought that I would get to see this for myself. Somehow I felt more comfortable with her after she volunteered to let me see into her helmet.
She flipped the visor down, then typed on her phone:
[I’m a dullahan, minus my head at my side. I could tell the moment you walked in the door that you weren’t human either. It's alright though, your secret is safe with me.]
I smiled, “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
[No problem, us Supernatural beings have to stick together :) ]
“So how did you get to meet an American, Shizuo?” Shinra yelled from the kitchen.
[Shinra! Be nice!] Celty typed into her phone and faced it at him.
“No it’s okay,” I said. I decided to show off my quirkier side by saying,“ I met him on the street a little while after I got here. I obviously thought he was cute so I decided to ask him out, now here we are.”
Shizuo smirked at my clearly made up story. I nudged him with my elbow playfully.
“That’s pretty ballsy of you to walk up to a guy like him and ask him out!” Shinra remarked, poking fun at Shizuo.
“You better rethink that remark,” Shizuo said in a challenging tone, crossing his arms.
“Aw come on, let me joke around with you for once!” Shinra whined. He came back into the living room with three steaming mugs of tea and set them all down on the coffee table, then picked up his mug and began blowing at the cup so he could take a sip. I bent over and grabbed my cup as well. Shizuo waited a sec for his to cool down before he bent over to grab his. Celty then turned on the TV and flipped it to the news, where a Blood Diamond attack story was being covered.
“Dammit, those bastards are starting to get a name for themselves,” Shizuo grumbled, gulping down every last drop of his tea.
[That’s their fifth attack this week.]
“Yeah, me being one of them,” Shizuo remarked. “I’m gonna find a way to put an end to their little bullshit gang. And I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that fleabag is behind it all.” I felt his angry energy rise as he unintentionally shattered the cup in one hand while he spoke. The sight shocked everyone in the room.
“Shizuoooo! I really wish you’d stop breaking our cups, we just bought these!” Shinra frantically set his cup down on the coffee table then jumped up to grab a broom and dustpan out of the kitchen.
“Huh?” he looked down and realized what he just did, his energy falling back to neutral. “Oh, sorry, I’ll buy you another one.”
“Whatever, just don’t forget to this time,” Shinra said in a huffy tone. He quickly cleaned up Shizuo’s mess with the broom and dustpan, slid the broken glass into their garbage can, put the cleaning supplies back into the kitchen closet, then came back and sat down next to Shizuo.
“I don’t think Izaya would have anything to do this gang, though,” Shinra continued the conversation about the Blood Diamonds. “Last I heard he moved to Saitama and vowed to never return here.”
“No, he’s back, I saw him before I met her,” Shizuo grumbled as he nudged me. “When I find that bastard I’m gonna make him wish he never showed his face here.”
[Izaya’s back?!] Celty responded.
“Oh jeez,” Shinra facepalmed and shook his head in shame. “Hopefully he’s not gonna be stupid enough to mess with you right now.”
I wish you were right… I thought, thinking about everything that’s happened with Izaya so far and everything he said to me on the phone earlier. As I finished my cup of tea and set it down on the coffee table, the news caught my attention:
“In other news, this morning an anonymous source sent in amazing footage of an American woman here in Tokyo turning invisible next to an alleyway, becoming visible, and running into the alleyway to a blonde haired man lying on the ground covered in blood,” the news anchor stated. Everyone in the room watched the news as my eyes widened in fear and disgust. Before me played footage of the night that I saved Shizuo, mirroring exactly everything I did from what looked to be from above.
“Wait a minute, (your name),” Shizuo said, “Is that… US?” anger rose in his voice and energy.  
The newsman continued, “She appears to be spreading a green light through her fingertips and onto a local man, which appeared to have pulled bullets out of his back and made his neck snap back into place. We haven’t gotten any details on who this woman is; officials are currently looking into finding the identity of this woman and ….” I became blinded with anger and my body shook violently to what I’d just seen; everything around me disappeared as my blood boiled. I put my head into my hands, bent down and collapsed onto my lap to keep myself from exploding with rage.
Izaya has just exposed me to all of Tokyo, possibly to the entire world. I tried so damn hard to keep what I am a secret with the exception of Shizuo and Celty, but he was one step ahead of me. He did tell me on the phone he watched me on the rooftop but he didn’t tell me he had recorded the whole thing and sent it to a fucking news station! This is what happened in my hometown all over again. People in Tokyo will fear me, I now have the officials here looking for me, trying to kick me out of Ikebukuro. I’ll lose my job, I’ll have to become confined to my house, and all of it is because of him.
Fucking… Izaya… Stop… My thoughts became jumbled. I’m…. gonna make him pay…
“(your name), (your name)!” Shizuo’s voice broke through my thoughts and brought me back down to earth. “Are you okay? What the hell is going on?!”
I lifted my head up, looked at him for a second, then broke down into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me, understanding how I felt but still not understanding why someone had recorded that very moment.
“What is going on here?” Shinra asked. “Was that actually you two on TV?”
“Yeah, to be honest, that video is how we actually met,” Shizuo explained. “I was just hit by those Blood bastards, then she came in and used healing magic on me to save my life.”
“Healing magic?! Like, dungeons and dragons, healing magic?!” Shinra adjusted his glasses, wide-eyed and fascinated by the whole story. “Are you kidding me? How is that even real?!”
I sighed miserably, Might as well spill the beans .
“I’m a witch, I have been for most of my life.” I said.
“No way, that’s… that’s phenomenal! I've met other kinds of entities before, but I never thought I'd get to meet a witch! Can I ask you something? Would you be willing to let me dissect you and…” Black smoky shadows suddenly came up from behind Shinra and covered his mouth, causing him to stop talking and to try to pull them off. “Aw Celty, come on!” his muffled voice came through the shadows.
Celty summoned her phone from her sleeve and typed into it:
[Sorry about him, you know how he is with this stuff, Shizuo.]
Shizuo sighed and nodded.
[Let’s get to the bottom of this right now.] She turned off the TV then typed into her phone:
[Do either of you know who might’ve recorded you two during that?]
“I know exactly who it was….” I said, preparing myself for what I was about to say. Everyone in the room looked at me, waiting for my answer.
I’m sorry, Shizuo… I wish I had more time before Izaya pulled this shit…
“It was… Izaya.”
“Huh?” Shizuo let go of me so that he could look me in the eyes, his fury rising again. “What makes you think it was him?”
“He told me everything on the phone before you got me at work earlier,” I said. “He has been messing with us almost the entire time we’ve been together. He also told me that he is the leader of the Blood Diamonds.”
“He... WHAT?!” Shizuo stood up, believing my story instantly. Just like Izaya had said, he stomped towards the door in anger to go after him. I jumped up to grab his arm and the back of his black vest to attempt to stop him.
“No, don’t go after him!” I cried. “You’ll make it worse! He told me he was plotting something deadly for you once you found out it was him the whole time!”
“I don’t give a damn!” he growled angrily. “He’s gonna pay for ALL of this!”
I was suddenly held back by something, causing me to lose my grip on him and watch him open the door and slam it behind him, also forgetting his shoes. I looked down to see that Celty had taken her shadows off of Shinra’s mouth and wrapped them around my waist to keep me from following Shizuo. I looked at her in confusion as she took her shadows off of me.
She typed into her phone and showed it to me:
[Let him go so he can cool off. After pulling a stunt like that, Izaya’s likely hiding somewhere that Shizuo won’t be able to find him, so he’ll be back here in about an hour or two.]
“Also, try not to worry too much about that tv footage,” Shinra said, putting a hand on my shoulder for reassurance. “I’m sure a lot of people will ask you about it but they’re also going to assume that it was heavily edited or for show.”
I sighed, “I really hope so. I… I just can’t believe he's doing this. All I did was save Shizuo and now Izaya’s attacking me for it.”
Celty typed some more into her phone:
[I have an idea why he might be attacking both of you]
[Shizuo and Izaya have been down each other’s throats like that practically since they’ve met.]  
[Every so often Izaya would show up to taunt Shizuo, causing a huge mess in town and Shizuo would chase him around until Izaya loses him or he attempts to get him killed.]
[Nothing has killed Shizuo yet, but I imagine Izaya plots to do harsher things to him every single day.]
[But now that you’re with Shizuo, and Izaya knows what you are, he sees both of you as “monsters” and will try to make both of your lives miserable.]
[I think he’s gone a bit too far this time though.]
What have I gotten myself into by coming here? This is absolutely insane, I thought.
[But don’t worry, we can get this taken care of in some way or another.]
“You should stay the night here since the cops are looking for you,” Shinra said. “It’s probably your best bet until this all blows over. We have an extra room you can stay in.”
“Okay, I’ll do that,” I said, breathing out a sigh of relief.
Shizuo was right about them, I thought. Celty and Shinra are definitely great people. And Celty’s more human than any human I know.
I walked up to Celty and hugged her like she was a long friend of mine. I felt her body tensed up to my sudden reaction. I then walked over to Shinra and hugged him too. He had the same reaction, but then hugged me back.
“Thank you so much for everything,” I said to both of them, letting go of Shinra. “For not being afraid of me, and for helping me out with all of this. I’m thankful that I don’t have to face this alone.”
“It’s fine!” Shinra smiled. “We run into this kind of thing with him a lot. He likes to stir up trouble just to observe people’s reactions but he’s really gone off the deep end this time. Usually this kind of thing resolves itself but we’ll see if we can help it before it gets any worse.”
Shinra led me into their spare bedroom so that I could find it once I was ready to go to sleep.
“Honestly, I had to work today so I’m pretty worn out,” I said. “I hope you don’t mind that I go ahead and try to get some sleep.”
“No, not at all,” he replied. “Help yourself out to whatever in the kitchen if you’re feeling hungry or thirsty. Celty and I are going to head off to bed too.”
“Okay, goodnight,” I said.
“Night!” he walked out of the room. I shut the door behind him, then took off my socks, pants, and folded them up into a neat pile beside the laid out pallet. I then crawled underneath the covers, allowing my mind to wander about everything that’s happened, about where Shizuo is and if he’s okay, before I passed out in exhaustion.  
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askmyiuseoc · 5 years
Blaire ● M / 6'0 / ancient ● tan and littered with scars. the biggest covers the right side of his face and he's blind in that eye ● wears a long red hood. has feather earrings ● highly opinionated. talks a lot ● like kids more than adults. strong maternal instincts Charlotte ● F / 4'10 / ancient ● dullahan with fair skin. wears misc. animal skulls as a head (mostly does) ● cottagecore aesthetic ● you can never tell if she's serious or not since she doesn't have facial expressions. so good at poker ● likes skipping rocks and playing with her horse, Lottie Aurélien ● M / 5'3 / 20 ● a porcelain pale vampire. covered in freckles and has soft auburn hair ● big sweaters and scarves. only wears pants if he absolutely has to ● friendly but doesn't have many friends. lives alone in a cabin in the woods with 5 cats ● likes witchy things and magic staves Esmeralda ● F / 5'7 / 23 ● prehistoric harpy with forest green plumage. dark olive skinned long brown hair. almond eyes. a few simple tattoos ● she has multiple forms, ranging from "mostly human but with wings" to "gigantic bird". ● in her human form, she wears white bando and long a white loincloth. in her bird form, she wears nothing. ● earthy. quite crude and usually covered in a layer of dirt ● likes lances and often carves her own● girlfriends with Nautica Kione ● M / 5'9 / 500 ● light toned kitsune with 5 tails. sandy blonde fur and undercut hair ● street punk fashion. wears a lot of black leather. ● the internet is for porn ● likes chain smoking. he thinks it's cool and he smells gross constantly Daeva ● trans F / 5'6 / 20 ● a science experiment chimera. human, cat, snake hybrid. mostly human, with cat hears and tail + venomous fangs. purple hair with green accents in a pixie cut ● wears long flowy dresses ● very flexible ● likes dancing and hiking. she's especially good at ballet ● created in the same lab as Samael. calls him Sam Samael ● M / 5'2 / 19 ● human, cat, snake hybrid, the product of a science experiment. black curly hair ● only wears black. tank top, baggy jeans, spiked choker, fingerless gloves, and glasses ● has a wired, aggressive personality but Daeva helps calm him down ● likes loud dubstep and rap ● created in the same lab as Daeva. calls her Dee Luka ● trans M / 5'4 / 240 ● a deer faerie with long thin flowery antlers. rich skin and dark hair ● wears a long blue coat and scarf over a vest and cargo pants ● he's an awkward but gentle person, despite the fact he has a resting bitch face ● likes poetry and reading. is usually holding a book Colt ● M / 5'0 / ancient ● demon. tan skin with light pink hair and big blue eyes. bleeds black ● fairy kei fashion. wears big bows ● he can drain someone's life force by kissing them ● has a cheerful disposition and is usually smiling● likes causing others grief for the fun of it but doesn't cause physical harm Nautica● F / 5'5 / 22 ● lionfish mermaid. fair skin covered in freckles. bright curly orange hair, usually in a messy ponytail ● naturally venomous and predatorial ● bright bohemian and hippie boho fashion. usually has a hibiscus flower tucked in her hair ● can communicate with other sea creatures and has a slight distaste for humans● likes looking at herself in the mirror● girlfriends with Esmeralda Mannequin ● M / 5'6 / 21 ● medium skin tone. has sharp canines and a large scar on his mouth. messy dyed lilac hair ● pastel goth. wears skirts and a cute medical mask to hide his mouth ● nicknamed Mannequin because he's as warm-hearted as a piece of plastic ● i'd say go to hell but I never wanna see you again. a tad bit dramatic ● lonely but he secludes himself anyways ● likes insulting strangers Bunny ● M / 4'8 / 25 ● descendant of the moon bunny. dark skin and white hair. little white freckles that look like stars ● formally wears beautiful robes and a goddess sash he got from his grandmother. casually wears skimpy, revealing clothing ● if Texts From Last Night was all from one person ● is flustered by genuine acts of affection ● likes garter belts Dalian ● F / 5'5 / 26 ● golden honey skin tone. long, wavy, dark brown hair. has a beauty mark below her mouth ● witchy dresses. wears lots of jewelry (rings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, elegant hair pins, ect) ● mature but believes every single conspiracy theory ● cynical, has a tendency to mope ● likes and practices witchcraft. collects tarot cards and magic orbs Kato ● M / 5'8 / ancient ● a man made of shadows. literal pitch black skin and hair. has green eyes ● classy suits. main one is a white tux with a baby pink undershirt ● self confident and aloof ● likes being vague and unhelpful. gotta cram in as many double meanings as possible Silas ● M / 6'1 / 30 ● werewolf. pasty skin and messy black hair. has grey wolf ears and tail. dark eye bags ● long trench coats and fur trimmed coats. pretty plain clothes underneath ● the classic werewolf berserker when the full moon comes out ● he's killed people he likes on accident because of this ● a very lonely, pessimistic person. ● likes alternative rock Quetzal ● F / 5'11 / 27 ● werewolf. dark skin with bright, pale patches (vitiligo.) has tan wolf ears and tail. blind in both eyes ● wears jeans and tank tops. not a fan of dresses ● a very perky, bubbly person. laughs a lot ● she bites. frequently ● likes jump scaring and otherwise harassing both strangers and her friends alike. Fabian ● M / 5'6 / 21 ● peacock harpy with porcelain pale skin. deep blue hair and eyes ● stylish, classy. wears a lot of makeup ● your words can't hurt me these shades are gucci ● easy going, very anti-confrontation ● likes long candle-lit bathes and compliments Jackie ● M / 5'9 / 24 ● imp. almond brown skin. unnaturally orange hair, black undercut. black, slit eyes. has a long, orange forked tail ● dresses flashily. not above wearing crop tops and capes. likes dressing in orange ● almost always holding his fox familiar, Vinx ● charming, playful, extroverted. can be a bit of a prick (sometimes accidentally) ● likes impressing strangers
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