#her music is very lovely and etheral aaahhh
arlenianchronicles · 4 years
Hello!!💖💖💖 Can I ask if you have voices for the Silmarillion characters or for your Oc's?:D Idk if you think about it this way, but I'm trying to always find voices for them, so I can imagine it while reading XD Thanks for your answer!!!💖💖💖
Hi there! <33 Hmm voices for the characters, that’s an interesting question! Tbh I haven’t thought of it deeply enough, so I don’t have a real-life model for each and every Silm character and my OCs, but I do have a few!
For Elured and Elurin, I imagine they sound like Aurora when they’re young, and most especially when they sing. The same goes for Elrond and Elros (since their uncles disappear early on in canon, so I just reuse the model loll). They’re good at harmonizing with each other, and all in all they sound quite heavenly :D
With Aurora in mind, I imagine that Maedros sounds like Einar Selvik from Wardruna (mostly for the singing loll). This is because Wardruna and Aurora once sang Helvegen together, and I used that as a base for when Maedros would sing with Elured and Elurin in my AU (and the same would again also go for Elrond and Elros).
Something about Maglor gives me Tom Hiddleston-voice vibes -- something low and soft when he’s speaking, but also strong and clear, and elegant (and Tom did sing in the fifth Tinkerbell movie, so ... yeah XDDD)
I also just got an idea for Luthien while writing this. Maria Franz is an absolutely captivating singer in Heilung (here’s some excerpts), and I imagine her voice would be a good starting point for Luthien’s <33 OR another good one is Celtic Woman (my favourite of hers is siuil a run)!
That’s all for voices, I think! As for my OCs, I do have some models for them (if they were to be cast for a movie, for example). Noah Schnapp for Aurelydan, Rohan Chand for Meza, Sadie Sink for Rune, and (possibly) Anna Taylor-Joy for young Lullia.
The rest of the voices are usually just made up in my head ^^;; It can be quite tough to find a real-life voice that fits how you imagine it! The same goes for face models for me hahaa
I hope this helped, anon!! Thank you for this fun question! <333
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An actual thorough report on the Musical
(Spoiler warning - the ZR:TM follows the events of S1 and S2 of ZR, and so I will be talking about those here)
Disclaimer: I know nothing about music, or musicals, and am in no way qualified to have a valid opinion
(also this is going to be v long so rip)
First of all, Act One is just a whole beautiful emotional rollercoaster. Just amazingly done.
1.1 - Overture: The feels. The beginning! JUST RUN! the piece of accompanying music is absolutely beautiful, big fat stunning and I will be listening to this next time I replay the first mission. The orchestral part honestly made my heart flutter. Such a beautiful opening song. 
1.2 - Welcome to Abel: The hope. The cacophony (thx Caity for using this word yesterday I’ve now used it a dozen times and it’s your fault) of characters is just so so in character! The multiple singing really encapsulating the overwhelming time of Runner Five. 
1.3 - Run For You Life: Sara. I love this character. Yet somehow, this song makes me love her more. The lyrics really really really encapsulate her. The voice of Sara is so on point i can’t even put into words. I know this one is going to be stuck in my head and I’m living for it. I know nothing about music or musicals so i don’t know the technical word for this but the whole atmosphere(???) ambiance (???) of this song is so so Sara. 
1.4 - Raise The Gates: A Bop. This one was so upbeat i honestly forgot how the mission actually ended for a minute there, and then was surprised. The back and fourth between Sam and Janine was so funny and so perfect. DON’T SHOUT Then the twist had my heart like -OH no!!! The instruments really snapped like damn, atmosphere change. I felt that urgency.
1.5 - A Voice In The Dark: More feels. Two lines in and I’ve got tears in my eyes. SO SOFT. I cannot put into words how this one affects my heart but it’s something along the lines of mushy and pain and love and all that good stuff. Hearing the line “for just one friend, would you run?” honestly made me want to start going for a jog. Really tugging at my heart strings here. Just when you think the heartbreak is over Sam gets more and more emotional until it ends with both him (and me) being heartbroken. 10/10 would recommend.
1.6 - Cain and Abel: Villain. The vibes are so unreal. This song made me hate Van Ark more and i mean that as the most sincere compliment to the writers and singers. Top tier villain vibes. Also it’s so Van Ark to blatantly not answer Paula’s question and just end up rambling dramatically. 
1.7 - Archie To The Rescue: My Gal. The pep! MY GAL! The accent! Blue! Wait, are we a cult?! The atmosphere, ambiance, general vibe is so accurate! The voice is so so good and I really hear the spirit of Archie coming through (not a pun but also a pun)
1.8 - Morning Run: King of the Apocalypse. Oh goodness the beginning had me cackling. SIMON! How is a song about the apocalypse so cheery? The answer is beautiful craftmanship and a wonderful voice. And a ukulele. With a smidge of Abba. I’m currently looking to make this song my alarm. (also the foreshadowing had me 👀)
1.9 - Reunion: Tears. Just in case you had any liquid left in your body from the first 8 songs of laughter and crying, this song is guaranteed to make you dehydrated. These gals (the characters and the singers) are magical. The feels. The backstory. SO SO SOFT. when they both start singing at the same time I started shrieking bc it was so so emotional. And then when they get to the last bit and just ????? I just???? *combusts into tears*
1.10 - You Haven’t Met My Friends: Ouch. My GAL *crying*. Her birthday *crying*. Her gusto *crying*. I! CAN! HEAR! THE! FEELING! Evening knowing what happens to Archie, this one caught by offguard and I love it. The reverse use of the piano and the lower notes (idk if that’s the right musical term) compared to 1.7 just soo soo good. Genuinely think my heart stopped at the last bit. 
1.11 - Oh, Look At That: Ahhhhhh. One of the great things about this musical series is not knowing which plot points are going to be covered in which stage. The title of this one had me clueless, and even the art was a bit mystifying. So when the tone changed????? AHHHH. The piano had me amped up in this one. Oh, look at that - OH SNAPP!!!!!!! BETRAYAL! I wasn’t expecting it and yet I was! AHHH
1.12 - There’s Still Time: Drama. Van Ark’s theme is just so supervillainy. Big Love That. Love Sara interrupting him about to solo again. And then the twist! The Music! The Beat! The do doo doo do do! All Fast! All Drama! ITS ALL GO! Then the drama in the comms shack, the back and fourth again, Janine’s desperate denial... AAAHHH
1.13 - I’ll Be Waiting: Sobbing. The artwork for this one had me crying. The notes. The Slow pacing. Hearing the singer’s voice break made me break. The turmoil. The whole Sara attitude in trying to be strong and also... THAT. Sara and Paula being SO SOFT. I honestly had to take a pause after this one ended because THE EMOTION
1.14 - Close Your Eyes: AcTiOn. The fallen king of the apocalypse. This song really, really, really, does such a good look into Simon’s character and motivations! I don’t know what you call the bit when they all start singing and Simon sings in response but SO GOOD! SO EMOTIONALL! and then the softening and regret.... and then the return of Van Ark! THE COUNTDOWN! The music in this one was so paced and changing and atmospheric and good and just so good and so very really good. FIRE! (the S3 foreshadowing omgosh) 
1.15 - To the Fallen, And To Freedom: Grief. THE GRIEF. Janine’s solo had me crying (not that I had stopped crying throughout). AND THEN WHEN THE ENSEMBLE HIT????? ARGHHH!!! Listen that bit definitely changed my BPM and idk how. We’re Not Alone <3 AND THEN MOONY COMES IN. THE TONE SHIFT. this part was haunting and ethereal and so so so fitting. AND THEN THE PANIC. ARGGHHH
This whole act was just a wild ride of heartbreak and healing and heartbreak and action. I am literally in awe of how much talent has gone into this. The Music. The Lyrics. The Voices. I have been put into a blender, with all these songs thrown in, blitzed up and now i am just a pile of emotional crumbs. To everyone that put work in to this I cannot put into words how amazing this musical you’ve created is. tbh i can’t believe i still have words to describe it at all because i think i’ve been emotionally beaten up. 
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