#heraclean task
spaceyqueer · 1 year
the thing that really grinds my goat is when people who haven't known you that long decided your gender & pronouns without asking, and then when you correct them they're like "oh it's so difficult for me :(" you haven't known me for five minutes how are you having difficulty? would you say the same thing if I said "actually everyone calls me [nickname]" I bet you wouldn't but because you assigned me a gender you are apparently incapable of erasing that from your head?
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bronzetomatoes · 8 months
You could have the nicest teacher in the world and telling them how your disability affects your learning is still a heraclean task
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evergreenalice · 9 months
I think I should be given an award for being able to survive without having my body constantly used, nobody recognizes the heraclean task that I face every day
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stygiusfic · 3 years
[fic] drunken revelry (thanzag, T)
A microfic written for this gorgeous art by MagusCulpa on twitter and originally posted as a reply here!
Read it on AO3, or below.
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"'M hot," Zagreus announced, abruptly, and clambered off the bed to peel off his leggings.
Thanatos stopped mid-swig to watch. Yes you are, he nearly said. What came out instead was so close to a giggle that he barely recognized it as his voice. Then Zagreus laughed, and stumbled, legs caught in the fabric as if it were Artemis' cleverest trap. He caught the lid of his trunk and righted himself, for some value of the word.
"You're drunk," Thanatos said. We both are, he thought, though it seemed so improbable after only half a bottle of Ambrosia shared between them. He patted the surface of the bed with his free hand, and found no evidence except that the spot where Zagreus had lain was very warm.
Thanatos slid down so he could rest his head on that warmth. He watched from that sideways angle as Zagreus continued to wrestle with his attire and in the process kicked something that rolled on the floor with a peculiar sound. Glass. An empty bottle. Several bottles? Hm.
Zagreus emerged victorious, and bowed for his audience of one. Thanatos would have clapped, but he had only one free hand, so he patted the bed again. "Come back."
"You're in my spot." Zagreus climbed up onto the mattress and sat on his haunches, grinning down at Thanatos. He looked so tall then. Flushed, gorgeous as ever. "Did you miss me, Than?"
His chiton had slid off his shoulder, a casualty of his wriggling. Thanatos reached out to pull it up, then decided it looked better that way, and pulled himself up instead. The room spun as he settled into a new, mostly upright perspective.
"Zagreus, I'm drunk too," he said, thickly, as though it weren't obvious. Blood and darkness. "You look handsome in that. That outfit." Of which very little remained intact; even Zagreus' laurels had slid off their usual perch on his head. His hair was messier than ever, and Thanatos itched to touch it. A thought occurred then, as Zagreus stared at him. "I'm not saying that because I'm drunk. Well, maybe I am. But you... you always look good."
He had never been a wordsmith, but this felt like an all-time low. Thanatos scowled at the bottle in his hand.
"So you're saying... I'm hot." Zagreus flushed deeper—pleased, at least, whether with the praise or the pun. He touched Thanatos' knee. Even through Thanatos' own leggings, his skin felt like the embers of a brazier.
"Yes." Thanatos scrambled to find better adjectives, something to encapsulate what Zagreus was. A Heraclean task, even if he'd been sober. "Yes, you're... you're so..."
He wasn't given a chance to find an adequate word, because Zagreus tackled him then and started kissing him. He moved in so quickly that Thanatos questioned if he was really as drunk as he seemed, or else if Thanatos himself was further gone than he'd thought. But, well. Zagreus was squirming in his lap, and his tongue was in Thanatos' mouth, so questions could wait.
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valathun · 3 years
“Internally, I began to grieve, over so many things. I do not know what, neither did I know why.”
I could not tell you why the choke in my chest  begot my hardening breath  My heart twisted, as if the marrow in my ribs bled and led my organs to recoil I began to grieve, I began to grieve for it all  For every tear shed, for every sob, for every cry in the dark  I grieved for the children, I grieved for the elderly  I grieved for the lonely, I grieved for the full  I held the pain of humanity in my heart for just a moment  A task, Heraclean, for I felt the the weight that Atlas knows upon my chest  and for hours after I could not breathe  I could only feel my heart scream  and lay in agony  as I began to grieve, over all things 
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starlit-pathways · 3 years
me: *feels ill, struggles to move because joints go ow*
also me: OKAY. so??? where's the work???? the produce????? the grand heraclean task??????
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