#herbal baby care products
sscplherbals-blog · 5 months
SSCPL Herbals - Transform Your Beauty Naturally | Buy Herbal Skincare & Hair Care Products
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Discover the power of nature with SSCPL Herbals. Explore our range of herbal skincare, hair care, and baby care products. Order online now for a natural beauty experience. www.sscplherbals.com
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pankajakasthuri · 1 month
Baby Skin Care Addressing Common Issues with Effective Solutions
Navigate the realm of baby skin care with our guide to addressing common issues and finding practical solutions for maintaining your baby's delicate skin.
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soumyapillai · 3 months
Unveiling the Magic: How Hyaluronic Acid Can Transform Your Face
Do you dream of achieving flawless, youthful skin? Look no further than the magic of hyaluronic acid. This powerful ingredient has taken the beauty world by storm, revolutionizing the way we combat the signs of aging. With its incredible ability to retain moisture, hyaluronic acid can transform your face, leaving it plump, radiant, and smooth.
But what exactly is hyaluronic acid? It's a sugar molecule that naturally occurs in our skin, helping it maintain its moisture and elasticity. However, as we age, the production of hyaluronic acid decreases, leading to fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness. That's where skincare products containing hyaluronic acid come in.
Thanks to its unique ability to hold up to 1000 times its weight in water, hyaluronic acid can hydrate and plump the skin, filling in those pesky lines and wrinkles. It also promotes collagen production, improving your skin's elasticity and firmness. The result? A youthful, dewy complexion.
In this article, we'll delve into the magical properties of hyaluronic acid and its transformative benefits for your face. Get ready to say goodbye to dry, aging skin and hello to a fresh, rejuvenated glow.
What is hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring sugar molecule found in our skin. It is a key component of the extracellular matrix, which is responsible for keeping our skin hydrated and maintaining its structure. The unique properties of hyaluronic acid make it a popular ingredient in skincare products.
One of the remarkable characteristics of hyaluronic acid is its ability to hold onto water. In fact, it can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water, making it an excellent moisturizer. When applied to the skin, hyaluronic acid forms a thin, invisible barrier that locks in moisture, keeping the skin hydrated and plump.
Another important function of hyaluronic acid is its role in collagen production. Collagen is a protein that provides structure and support to the skin. As we age, collagen production decreases, leading to sagging and wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid stimulates collagen synthesis, helping to improve the skin's elasticity and firmness.
Hyaluronic acid is also known for its antioxidant properties, which help protect the skin from free radicals and environmental damage. It can help reduce inflammation and soothe irritated skin, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
In summary, hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and appearance of our skin. Its ability to retain moisture, promote collagen production, and protect against environmental damage makes it a powerful ingredient in skincare products.
The benefits of hyaluronic acid for the skin
Hyaluronic acid offers a wide range of benefits for the skin. Here are some of the key advantages of incorporating hyaluronic acid into your skincare routine:
1. Intense Hydration
As mentioned earlier, hyaluronic acid has the incredible ability to hold onto water, making it an excellent moisturizer. When applied topically, it forms a film on the skin's surface, preventing moisture loss and keeping the skin hydrated throughout the day. This intense hydration helps to plump up the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
2. Improved Skin Elasticity
Collagen is responsible for maintaining the skin's elasticity and firmness. As we age, collagen production decreases, leading to sagging and wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of collagen, helping to improve the skin's elasticity and restore its youthful appearance.
3. Smoother, More Radiant Skin
By retaining moisture and promoting collagen synthesis, hyaluronic acid can help improve the texture and tone of the skin. Regular use of hyaluronic acid can result in smoother, more radiant skin, with a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.
4. Reduces Dryness and Irritation
Dry, irritated skin can be uncomfortable and make you look older than you actually are. Hyaluronic acid's moisturizing properties help to alleviate dryness and soothe irritated skin. It also forms a protective barrier on the skin's surface, shielding it from environmental aggressors and reducing the risk of further irritation.
5. Suitable for All Skin Types
Whether you have dry, oily, or sensitive skin, hyaluronic acid is suitable for all skin types. Its lightweight, non-greasy texture makes it easy to incorporate into your skincare routine without weighing down your skin. Plus, its gentle nature makes it less likely to cause irritation or allergic reactions.
Incorporating hyaluronic acid into your skincare routine can lead to significant improvements in the health and appearance of your skin. Its hydrating, collagen-boosting, and protective properties make it an essential ingredient in any anti-aging skincare regimen.
How hyaluronic acid works
Now that we understand the benefits of hyaluronic acid, let's take a closer look at how it actually works on the skin.
When hyaluronic acid is applied topically, it forms a thin, invisible film on the skin's surface. This film acts as a barrier, preventing moisture loss and keeping the skin hydrated. The hyaluronic acid molecules also penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, where they bind to water molecules, creating a reservoir of moisture.
This reservoir of moisture helps to plump up the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It also improves the skin's elasticity and firmness by stimulating collagen synthesis. With regular use, hyaluronic acid can help restore a youthful, dewy complexion.
Hyaluronic acid also has a unique ability to regulate the skin's oil production. It can hydrate dry skin, balancing its moisture levels and preventing excess oiliness. At the same time, it can also help to reduce oil production in oily skin, preventing clogged pores and breakouts.
In addition to its moisturizing and collagen-boosting properties, hyaluronic acid also acts as an antioxidant, protecting the skin from free radicals and environmental damage. This helps to reduce inflammation and soothe irritated skin, making it an excellent ingredient for those with sensitive skin or conditions such as rosacea or eczema.
Overall, hyaluronic acid works by providing intense hydration, promoting collagen synthesis, regulating oil production, and protecting the skin from environmental damage. Its multi-faceted approach makes it a highly effective ingredient in anti-aging and skincare products.
Different types of hyaluronic acid products
Now that we know how hyaluronic acid works, let's explore the different types of hyaluronic acid products available on the market. From serums to creams, there are various formulations to suit different preferences and skincare needs.
1. Hyaluronic Acid Serums
Hyaluronic acid serums are lightweight, fast-absorbing liquids that deliver a high concentration of hyaluronic acid to the skin. They are typically applied after cleansing and toning, before moisturizer. Serums are a popular choice for those who want a potent, targeted treatment for specific skin concerns.
2. Hyaluronic Acid Creams
Hyaluronic acid creams are thicker, more emollient formulations that provide intense hydration and moisture to the skin. They are suitable for all skin types, especially those with dry or mature skin. Creams are typically applied after serums or as the final step in your skincare routine.
3. Hyaluronic Acid Sheet Masks
Sheet masks are soaked in a serum containing hyaluronic acid and other beneficial ingredients. They are designed to adhere to the contours of the face, allowing the skin to absorb the serum more effectively. Sheet masks are a convenient and refreshing way to give your skin an extra boost of hydration and radiance.
4. Hyaluronic Acid Eye Creams
The delicate skin around the eyes is prone to dryness and fine lines. Hyaluronic acid eye creams are specifically formulated to hydrate and plump this area, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles. They are applied gently around the eye area, using your ring finger.
5. Hyaluronic Acid Lip Balms
Don't forget about your lips! Hyaluronic acid lip balms provide hydration and nourishment to dry, chapped lips. They can help plump and smooth the lips, making them look fuller and more youthful. Lip balms can be used throughout the day as needed.
These are just a few examples of the different types of hyaluronic acid products available. The key is to choose a formulation that suits your skin type, preferences, and specific skincare goals. Experimenting with different products can help you find the perfect hyaluronic acid product for your needs.
Incorporating hyaluronic acid into your skincare routine
Now that you know about the different types of hyaluronic acid products, let's talk about how to incorporate them into your skincare routine. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
1. Cleanse
Start by cleansing your face with a gentle, hydrating cleanser to remove any dirt, oil, and impurities. Choose a cleanser that suits your skin type and preferences.
2. Tone
After cleansing, apply a hydrating toner to prepare your skin for the next steps of your skincare routine. Toners help to balance the skin's pH levels and enhance the absorption of subsequent products.
3. Apply Hyaluronic Acid
Next, apply your chosen hyaluronic acid product. Whether it's a serum, cream, or sheet mask, follow the instructions provided to ensure proper application. Gently massage the product into your skin, focusing on areas of concern.
4. Moisturize
After applying hyaluronic acid, follow up with a moisturizer to seal in the hydration and provide additional nourishment to your skin. Choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type and preferences, whether it's a lightweight gel or a rich cream.
5. Protect
Finish off your skincare routine with a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Sunscreen is essential, even on cloudy days, to prevent premature aging and reduce the risk of skin cancer.
Remember, consistency is key when it comes to skincare. Incorporate hyaluronic acid into your daily routine, both in the morning and evening, to maximize its benefits. Over time, you'll start to see and feel the transformative effects of this magical ingredient.
Common misconceptions about hyaluronic acid
With its rising popularity, there are bound to be some misconceptions and myths surrounding hyaluronic acid. Let's debunk some of the common misconceptions and set the record straight:
Myth 1: Hyaluronic Acid is Only for Mature Skin
While hyaluronic acid is indeed beneficial for mature skin, it can benefit all skin types and ages. It provides hydration, improves elasticity, and protects against environmental damage, making it a versatile ingredient suitable for everyone.
Myth 2: Hyaluronic Acid is Only for Dry Skin
Hyaluronic acid is often associated with dry skin, but it can benefit oily and combination skin types as well. Its lightweight texture and oil-regulating properties make it suitable for those with excess oiliness or acne-prone skin.
Myth 3: Hyaluronic Acid Can Replace Moisturizer
While hyaluronic acid provides intense hydration, it is not a substitute for moisturizer. It works best when paired with a moisturizer to lock in the moisture and provide additional nourishment to the skin.
Myth 4: Hyaluronic Acid is a Synthetic Ingredient
Contrary to popular belief, hyaluronic acid is a natural substance that occurs in our skin. However, the hyaluronic acid used in skincare products is often derived from non-animal sources, such as fermentation or bio-fermentation.
Myth 5: Hyaluronic Acid is Only Effective in High Concentrations
While high concentrations of hyaluronic acid can be beneficial, low concentrations can still provide significant benefits to the skin. The key is to choose a product that contains a sufficient amount of hyaluronic acid and is formulated to penetrate the skin effectively.
Remember, it's important to do your research and consult with a skincare professional to understand how hyaluronic acid can best benefit your skin. Don't let misconceptions prevent you from experiencing the magic of this incredible ingredient.
Hyaluronic acid is truly a magical ingredient when it comes to transforming your face. Whether you opt for professional treatments or incorporate hyaluronic acid-based skincare products into your daily routine, the benefits are undeniable.
By replenishing moisture, boosting collagen production, and filling in fine lines and wrinkles, hyaluronic acid can help you achieve a youthful, radiant complexion. Say goodbye to dry, aging skin and hello to a fresh, rejuvenated glow!
Investing in hyaluronic acid-based treatments and products is a worthwhile endeavor for anyone looking to improve the overall appearance and health of their skin. So, embrace the magic of hyaluronic acid and unlock the secret to beautiful, youthful skin.
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skincareblogs · 7 months
Is Salicylic Acid Face Wash Good To Your Skin!?
In today's world of skincare, finding the perfect face wash can be a daunting task. With so many options available, how do you choose the one that suits your skin best? One ingredient that has been making waves in the skincare industry is salicylic acid. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of salicylic acid face washes, exploring their benefits, usage, and much more. So, let's get started!
Salicylic acid is a skincare superstar known for its acne-fighting properties and exfoliating abilities. It's a beta hydroxy acid (BHA) that can penetrate oil-filled pores, making it an effective solution for those dealing with acne-prone or oily skin. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of salicylic acid face wash and why it has become a staple in many skincare routines.
Benefits of Salicylic Acid Face Wash
Clears Acne
Exfoliates Dead Skin Cells
Reduces Inflammation
How to Choose the Right Salicylic Acid Face Wash
Salicylic acid face washes vary in quality. When selecting the ideal one for your needs, take into account factors such as your skin type, the salicylic acid concentration, and any added ingredients that could be advantageous for your skin.
Potential Side Effects
While salicylic acid is typically well-tolerated by many individuals, it may lead to side effects like dryness, peeling, or mild irritation. In case of severe reactions, it is advisable to discontinue use and seek guidance from a dermatologist.
Face wash containing Salicylic acid is an important skincare product that can help you achieve clear, radiant skin. Its capability to combat acne, exfoliate dead skin cells, and reduce inflammation makes it a precious addition to any skincare routine. Remember to choose the right product for your skin type and follow the recommended usage guidelines for good results.
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pharmazon · 9 months
Best Health and wellness products in UK - Pharmazon Direct
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining good health is a priority. Whether it's addressing male health concerns, ensuring oral hygiene, or boosting overall vitality with herbal tonics and vitamins, having a reliable source for your wellness products is crucial. This is where the best UK pharmacy comes into play, offering a diverse range of products to cater to your unique needs.
Male Health Products:
A pharmacy that prioritizes well-being understands the significance of catering to men's health requirements. From supplements that support prostate health to performance-enhancing solutions, the best UK pharmacy provides a discreet and comprehensive male health products selection, helping men take charge of their vitality.
Mouth Care Products in the UK:
Your smile is your signature, and maintaining optimal oral hygiene is vital. The top UK pharmacy offers an array of mouth care products in the Uk, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, and mouthwashes, sourced from trusted brands. This ensures that your dental health regimen is both effective and enjoyable.
Buy Sleeping Pills Online in the UK:
Quality sleep is the foundation of a healthy life. With the convenience of modern technology, the best UK pharmacy allows you to buy sleeping pills online in the Uk, safely and securely. These products are designed to promote restful sleep without compromising your well-being.
Herbal Tonics:
For those who seek holistic wellness, herbal tonics offer a natural way to support your body's functions. The best UK pharmacy curates a selection of herbal tonics that are backed by tradition and science, enabling you to embrace the benefits of nature's remedies.
Vitamins and Minerals Nutrition:
Adequate nutrition is essential for a vibrant life. However, busy schedules can sometimes hinder balanced eating. The top UK pharmacy bridges this gap by providing a wide spectrum of vitamins and minerals nutrition, helping you fortify your body with the nutrients it deserves.
Weight Management Medications: A Path to Wellness
Striving for a healthier weight is a common aspiration, and the best UK pharmacy recognizes this. Offering a range of weight management medications, they provide tailored solutions that work in harmony with your lifestyle. With the guidance of healthcare experts, you can embark on a journey towards better health, making your goals achievable.
Smoking Quit Kit: Embracing a Smoke-Free Life
Kicking the smoking habit is a significant triumph, and the best UK pharmacy stands by your side. Their smoking quit kit is more than just a collection of products; it's a support system designed to help you overcome this challenging journey. From nicotine replacement therapies to expert advice, the pharmacy ensures you're equipped with the tools to embrace a smoke-free life.
Nurturing Care: Organic Infant Products for Babies
Welcoming a baby into the world is a joyous occasion, accompanied by a responsibility to provide the best. The best UK pharmacy extends this commitment with their range of organic infant products for babies. Carefully curated to prioritize your baby's health, these products reflect a dedication to purity and safety. From gentle skincare to nourishing nutrition, you can embark on parenthood with confidence.
In conclusion, when it comes to your health and well-being, compromising is not an option. The best UK pharmacy stands as your steadfast partner on your journey to a healthier life. From male health products to mouth care, sleeping aids to herbal tonics, and an extensive array of vitamins and minerals, it's a one-stop destination for your wellness needs. Embrace a life of vitality and take the first step by exploring the diverse range of products offered by the finest UK pharmacy. Your well-being deserves nothing but the best.
Disclaimer: Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new health regimen or purchasing medication online. Your health and safety are of paramount importance.
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growpuffery · 1 year
Manufacturer of Ayurvedic Health and Beauty products|Pineherbals
Our team of ayurvedic experts, who have years of experience in the field of Ayurveda, ensures that all our medicines are scientifically formulated with the help of modern technologies and methods. We understand your needs, so we provide you with a wide range of products that are reasonably priced, which helps us to meet your requirements efficiently and within your budget. We ensure that all our products have been tested for quality before they reach you and that they are safe to use. 
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Today Pine Herbal is one of India’s most trusted names in the Ayurvedic and Natural Health Care Industry with a portfolio of over 50 Herbal/Ayurvedic products. To ensure this, we have a stringent quality control process and follow strict guidelines set by the government.
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pokonut123 · 2 years
Benefits of Using Natural Ayurvedic Skin Care Products for Your Baby
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Allow nature to provide your child with the best protection and care possible via ayurvedic products for skin like ayurvedic cream, baby wash, etc. Some insider advice for radiant new born skin.
The status of the world when children are grown and starting families of their own is one of a mother's biggest worries. Using natural, biodegradable, and recyclable items is a more ecologically responsible choice since we can all do our part to protect the world for future generations. Online Ayurvedic items are the greatest option for your children and are not bad for the environment.
If parents are not vigilant, babies are extremely readily exposed to allergies and illnesses. Mineral oil, alcohol, formaldehyde, phthalates, and parabens are among the toxic chemicals included in many over-the-counter infant products. Skincare is a very significant aspect of your baby's first few months of life and should not be neglected. The skin of a new born absorbs and loses moisture quickly. Additionally, because his skin is five times thinner than an adult's, dirt, pollutants, and allergies can readily penetrate it. We suggest avoiding such goods and just purchasing Ayurvedic infant care skin and hair care items.
What are the advantages?
Here are a few of the numerous advantages of using ayurvedic skin care products on your baby (and maybe this encourages you to use natural skin care products on yourself as well).
Due to the fact that it is basically "fresh," babies' skin is more porous than that of adults. It has a long way to go before it is fully grown, and this makes it considerably more vulnerable to bacterial and viral infections as well as responses to harsh chemicals.
Because a new born baby's skin is so delicate, many medical experts advise using simply water for cleansing at shower time within the first few weeks following birth before switching to mild products that reduce the chance of irritating your baby's skin. If the list of ingredients is short and straightforward, you may use a process of exclusion to determine which substances can irritate your baby's skin in the case of a response, which makes it simpler to keep an eye out for reactions. Your infant is less likely to respond to substances if they are simpler. 
You've heard the adage "you are what you eat" right? The greatest organ in your body, which covers you from head to toe, is your skin. It makes sense to nourish it with natural, straightforward items that your skin will easily absorb into your entire system.
The earth is better off with natural goods! One of the biggest worries of a mother is wondering what condition the earth will be in when her kids are adults and starting families of their own. Using natural/organic, biodegradable, and recyclable items is more ecologically beneficial since we can all do our part to protect the world for future generations.
Skin care products contain a lot of artificial substances that "alter the endocrine system." The normal processes of your body can be severely disrupted by endocrine disrupting chemicals, which are industrial compounds manufactured by humans that imitate or interact with hormones in the human body. Many disorders, including problems with fertility, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and learning/memory challenges, to mention a few, can arise when these healthy hormonal processes are disturbed. Endocrine disruptors are especially dangerous for children.
Here are Pokonut’s products for your baby:
1. Herbal Baby Face Cream
Baby's new, soft, and delicate skin deserves special care, which is why Pokonut's Ayurvedic Baby Face Cream was created. It is infused with beneficial ingredients such as aloe vera, olive oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, Shea butter, and turmeric. Your tiny munchkin's skin will stay at the ideal amount of hydration thanks to the strength of all-natural herbal substances. It also long-term maintains the skin's health and hydration.
2. Herbal Baby Bath
Pokonut's Baby Bath is a pH-neutral, tear-free baby shampoo and wash that is as mild as water. The baby wash, which was created specifically for the delicate skin of a new born, thoroughly cleans the skin while removing all dirt particles that may otherwise result in skin illnesses. Aloe vera, neem, and papaya are rich natural nutrients that provide a remarkable calming impact on your baby's skin. Neem's antibacterial qualities shield babies from skin allergies.
3. Herbal Baby Lotion
Your baby's sensitive skin is kept smooth and supple with Pokonut's Herbal Baby Lotion. Baby skin is far more sensitive and dries up more rapidly since it is 30% thinner than adult skin. To replenish moisture and maintain smooth skin, you must use the cleanest organic substances from nature. It may keep skin velvety soft, nourished, and moisturised for hours thanks to a special blend of turmeric, coconut oil, jojoba oil, honey, shea butter, and cocoa butter.
4. Herbal Baby Massage Oil
With frequent massage, Pokonut's Herbal Baby Massage Oil helps nourish, calm, and strengthen your baby's bones and muscles while also making your little one feel content and at ease. Pokonut's 9 in 1 Herbal Baby Massage Oil is a combination of potent oils such as coconut, jojoba, castor, lavender, almond, olive, and sesame, as well as herbs such as Brahmi and Aswagandha. Your baby's skin and bones will be healthy thanks to the properties of this oil. It is completely safe to use because it is manufactured with only natural, organic components and is devoid of silicones, parabens, mineral oil, and dyes.
In addition to caring for your baby's skin, there are numerous additional pokonut items that will nourish your child from the inside out.
It's past time for parents to understand how crucial it is to utilize chemical-free infant supplies. By doing this, you'll not only keep your child safe but also contribute to the preservation of the environment's cleanliness. It's not always about flashing wealth; sometimes it's about how carefully you treat your baby's body.
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wonfilms · 21 days
looking after enhypen [౨ৎ] when they’re sick
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( rbs are very appreciated !! ) | pairing. ot7! x fem reader wc. 0.9k cw. sick ppl (jst fevers and colds!) genre. fluff a/n- i loved writing niki's sm idk why, i hope u guys enjoy this, this is mostly bc i'm sick rn and i'm projecting
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lee heeseung:
heeseung’s so pouty when you try to look after him, trying to insist that he’s completely okay despite his flushed cheeks and very evident fever
mumbling under his breath about something along the lines of, "don’t worry about me baby" when all you can do is worry when he’s been tucked in bed all day, napping
begging you for another blanket to stay cosy, even though it's gonna make him feel warmer and worse, till you cave and swaddle him up
lets you feed him soup and press kisses to his forehead even though he’s complaining about how you’re gonna catch his cold too, (he’d be lying if it didn’t make him feel so loved and cared for, he’s already plotting how he’ll make it up to you when he's feeling better)
park jongseong
jay’s already trying his best to take care of himself , sleepily attempting to make some soup when you arrive back home in a rush, arms decked with supplies to help him feel better.
hates to complain, he's practically insisting he's absolutely fine even though he's so tired
giving him the princess treatment, even though he insists that’s usually his job. 
letting him lean on your shoulder, combing his soft hair as you feed him the little warm dumplings you bought for him as a treat :(
kissing his forehead telling him about your day while he dozes off slightly on your chest just because he likes to hear your soft voice lulling him to sleep
keeps saying thank you over and over even though you told him to rest his voice, because he appreciates you looking after him so so much sim jaeyun
so cute n whiny about it actually lets you tuck him in bed and put on a movie while he's plowing his way through a box of tissues..
swears that he's going to pass away from his little cold, and it's cute even though he's been a little drama queen just for your attention
says he can't move just so you can feed him, another man who deserves princess treatment
won't let you kiss him though, doesn't want you to get sick!! but he knows he'll fold if you keep asking,
whenever you say he's getting hot, his go to response is "aren't i always baby?"
keeps up the flirting even though he swears he's on his 'deathbed'
park sunghoon
he never gets sick, he’s always somehow at the peak of health, usually it’s his job to look after you when you catch colds but this time it’s his turn to be coddled, quite unlike his usual taste
cheeks and nose all red and he’s clinging to you, even though he swears he’ll be okay in a day (he was not)
hugs you from behind as you make him something warm to drink because he just wants to be close
even tries to insist he’ll sleep on the sofa because he doesn’t wanna get you sick, pouts when you shut that idea down before he can even finish explaining himself
gets really irritable and groans about how much he could be doing right now if he wasn’t all ill and if it wasn’t for the fact you’ve put him to bedrest for a while
kim sunoo
very much a little drama queen like jake but sunoo’s sweet about it. insists on trying to take care of himself, failing miserably when he almost falls asleep trying to make toast and having to call you to help him
sunoo very much enjoys the coddling and princess treatment you’re giving him, but does promise he’ll make it up to you even though you’re only doing it because you love him
running him a warm steamy bath to clear up his sniffly nose and making warm herbal tea to share~
he loves you so much, constantly mumbling about how much he does in his delirious state
yang jungwon
tries to be productive even when he’s coughing his lungs out and half lucid, that’s always been his issue
complies when you drag him to bed because he loves you too much to go against your words
does complain about it though, saying he’ll be okay and it’s just a cold.
almost falls asleep as soon as you start brushing his hair gently 
even though you’re scolding him for not taking care of himself, he can’t help but smile at how much you care for him
cuddles you tight, even after saying he doesn’t want you ill too, because he doesn’t wanna be apart right now
“you look adorable all bundled up like this” “hehe yeah <3”, 
nishimura niki
is an absolute brat, in all honesty
complains the medicine tastes bad, and you have to plead and beg for him to take it.
“just take it niki” ”what will i get if i do?” “you’ll get better, that’s what you’ll get”
whines complaining how he can’t kiss you now, tries to sneak in a couple cheek kisses though
bundling him up in 3 blankets because he’s shivering.
won’t give up the drip even though he’s sick.. he’s gotta keep up hot boy appearances and let everyone know that his hot girlfriend has a hot boyfriend too
 taking him on a walk and hes trying to leave his coat at home because it ruins his outfit.
moans about the fact he looks like a kid, when you pull a coat, scarf and a hat around him before you take him out, making him look so so cuddly
takes a nap on your chest after you get home, when he finally shuts up and calms down <33
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urvipateel · 2 years
In order to maintain youthful and healthy-looking skin, people often use herbal products. These products are generally made of natural ingredients that are safe for the skin. These natural & organic herbal products are free from any side effects and chemicals. Farmherbs uses natural ingredients and Ayurvedic formulations to make beauty products for their customers.
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black-lake · 1 year
self care based on your chart
I talked about the signs and houses connection to body parts and many of you requested this post. These are ways to do your self-care using your chart, the signs, and planetary placements and aspects. The same concept can be applied using simple self-love practices in other areas of life too.
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I recommend you look at your transits chart or solar return as well to better know the best self-care practices at the time. You can base your general self-care on your natal chart but the transits can tell you the best times to take action or avoid taking action on something significant. 
Look for the planets placements and their aspects, mainly if in the angular houses or make many significant aspects. Like I mentioned before I got so much dental work done when saturn was in the 10th, conjunct my mc and opposite north node, it was expensive but I was able to afford it.
You can also consider the degrees if you're feeling extra, in your natal chart and your solar return. Degrees can be associated with signs, so they can be simply linked to the areas they rule.
Planets rule things related to body parts like diseases or accidents and influence certain parts of the body depending on the aspects they make. Also two planets can influence the same body parts.
Aries/1st house - head, face, brain, eyes 
— Prone to headaches so get quality sleep, wash your hair often, and do wash your makeup, nothing heavy on the head. Exercise and workout in general helps release any pent-up energy or stress. Take good care of your eyes, sunglasses, eye drops, natural eye products/makeup. Keep your brain healthy. Foods and supplements that regulate your energy levels. Head massages, soft pillows, facemasks, frequent haircuts, breathing exercises, get enough brain oxygen. Fast thinkers and can have racing thoughts, so journaling, running, meditating can help. Release anger in healthy ways.
Taurus/2nd house - neck, ears, throat, thyroid 
— The senses can be heightened so make sure your environment is comfortable, the temperature, the sounds, scents, fabrics, the food, arrange it like it's a visions board. Coffee, tea, warm soups, breads and oats, and warm herbal drinks that work for you. Can cling to that one thing they like, so do change your diet from time to time to get different nutrient. Renew your clothes, make your space cozy. Neck massages, aromatherapy, and body relaxation methods. Singing or writing, chill playlists, comfy places and peaceful walks. Cooking your own food can be therapeutic and healing for you. 
Gemini/3rd house - arms, hands, lungs, shoulders 
— Tend to be anxious and restless, since it also rules the nervous system and is ruled by mercury, so the mind is central. Can't stress it enough, but writing,  journaling, speaking just getting your thoughts out. Since the mind is always active, look for ways to release that mental energy. Cardio, pilates, fast sports, board games, socialising. Can have fast metabolism and lean long body parts so accustom your diet and exercise based on that. Massage your shoulders, read a book, and do stretch regularly. Honestly..  joke around, taking all those thoughts seriously is no good. DO YO NAILLS 💅
Cancer/4th house - chest, breast, stomach, womb 
— Ruled by the moon, get a healthy outlet for your emotions, accept your emotions, write, speak up, cry when you need, watch something funny, your comfort show, make yourself laugh. Check your hormones regularly, find a good diet for stomach health, whole grains and high-fiber foods, take your digestive supplements. Do yoga, stomach exercises, breathing exercises. Drink lots of water. Choose your friends wisely, find people you trust. Make your bedroom comfy, invest in a quality bed, get yourself comfy clothes. Cooking your own food is again a self love thing to do, baking, homey places, nature and quiet places. Get you a furr baby.  
Leo/5th house - heart, spine, spinal column, upper back 
— Ruled by the sun, go out more and get your vitamin d. Choose heart-healthy foods, leafy greens and soluble fiber foods and supplements. Check your heart health and blood pressure. Do exercises that work for both your heart, your upper back and shoulders, aerobic exercises, fun sports and activities. You can be generous to everyone but be generous to yourself too, buy yourself gifts, spoil yourself. Do a full hair and skin routine, find a hobby, watch shows that inspire you, make your inner child happy. Embrace you emotions, your skills, pursue your passions, be expressive and go out for adventures.
Virgo/6th house - abdomen, digestive system, intestines, spleen
— Listen to your body and keep adjusting your diet and routine to fit your needs. Your body can be just as picky, so be mindful of the food you consume, of any allergies or foods that are hard to digest. Get your digestive supplements and enzymes, do your research. Choose gut-healthy foods and the best times to eat for you. Go for a nature walk, exercise to release any pent-up stress, cardio or pilates. Get indoors plants or plant them yourself. Spend time with pets. Make your own natural medicine that works for you, even if as simple as tea. Read a book, journal to organize your thoughts, keep your space clean. Reward yourself and acknowledge your efforts and progress. 
Libra/7th house - kidneys, lower back, bladder, buttocks
— Find a way to maintain a balanced lifestyle that works for you. Add a variety of nutrients to your diet, foods for healthy kidneys to make that skin glow, antioxidant foods and supplements. Keep your kidneys and bladder healthy. Lower body and buttocks exercises, strength training, dancing, going out for walks. Decorate and beautify your own place, try new recipes, go for a picnic. How you feel is more important than how you look, make yourself feel pretty, do a skincare routine, create a vision board, romanticize your life. Be the person you want to love and identify your own opinions from those of others, yours matter. 
Scorpio/8th house - genitals, colon, urethra, reproductive system
— With all those transformative energies, change what you consume to fulfill your changed needs, feeding your body and mind the proper nutrients. Maintain healthy reproductive organs and balanced hormones, do your check ups. Maintain healthy guts, fiber and antioxidant rich foods, high vitamin drinks, herbal medicine can be beneficial too. Lower body and muscle exercises, stretch regularly, breath and meditate to calm your mind. Invest in quality skincare and unscented hygiene products. Journal, write your reflections, your progress and goals, positive affirmations, light your great scented candles and watch a funny show. 
Sagittarius/9th house - thighs, hips, liver, legs
— Go out and wander around, exploring new places, foods, and random things will light you up, you know it. Find a diet that works for your energy levels, protein rich foods and shakes, citrus and greens, simple nutritious meals. Watch out for any leg injuries. Go out for running, do leg exercises, muscle building, any outdoors sports. Write a bucket list, update your wishes list, go for mini solo adventures, speak to the locals when you travel, learn new words, find authentic travel souvenirs. Listen to a podcast or watch a documentary, keep a positive outlook on your future, positive environment and self-talk.
Capricorn/10th house - bones, joints, knees, skin, hair
— Can get caught up in doing or not doing things, so allow yourself to both be active and rest when you need. Find foods and supplements that are good for bone strength and joint health, calcium and magnesium rich foods, going out and getting your vitamin d is good for both your skin and bones. Going for morning runs, muscle building workouts, chiropractic-approved exercises and stretches, any leg sports. Invest in skincare and dental care. Write down things like goals, tasks list, and self development notes. Watch things that motivate you and light you up, acknowledge how far you’ve come.
Aquarius/11th house - ankles, calfs, achilles, circulatory system 
— Can be very future focused, so do protect your hopes and find an outlet to express them but enjoy the present as it is. Add water-rich foods to your diet, foods that help the blood flow like fatty fish, avocados and other circulation boosters or supplements. Exercises that improve circulation like jogging, cycling, cardio, dancing, swimming. Find ways to express your ideas of the world and fantasies, music can put you in that creative energy, meditation, talking to a friend. Take a long bath, light some candles, write down your ideas, your hopes and dreams, your thoughts and what you're grateful for. 
Pisces/12th house - feet, toes, pineal gland, lymphatic system 
— Can also be spacey and future focused so any self expression activities can help that energy flow. Choose foods that help maintain your body fluid balance, water-rich foods, leafy veggies, omega 3 rich foods, and supplements that boost lymphatic drainage. Avoid foods that drain your lymphatic system. Find hobbies that light you up, listen to music, paint, be creative. Nature walks, swimming, cardio, cycling, dancing. Taking frequent baths and soaking your feet in soap and epsom salt water can release stress from the feet area, grounding activities, reflecting, journaling and writing down your hopes and thoughts.
Sun - heart, head, spine, spinal cord, eyes — can influence vitality, heart function, headaches, fever, eyesight.. etc
Moon - stomach, breast, lungs, blood circulation, body fluids — can influence colds, blood flow, dehydration, stomach issues.
Mercury - nervous system, ears, mouth, skin — can influence ear problems, mental illness, restlessness, breathing issues.
Venus - face, cheeks, throat, bladder, skin —  can influence skin issues, bladder infections, throat issues, carbs and sugar balance. 
Mars - chest, muscles, blood, genitals — can influence accidents, wounds, muscles weakness, energy levels, genital diseases.
Jupiter - liver, kidneys, pancreas, thighs — can influence cholesterol issues, fatty liver, toxins overload, diabetes, kidneys issues.
Saturn - bones, teeth, hair, legs, joints, knees — can influence knee or joint problems, dental problems, wisdom teeth, bone diseases, hair loss.
Note that these are just suggestions that I hope remind you and inspire you to listen to your body and take good care of it, discern, do your research and take only what works for you. much love 🫶
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khaire-traveler · 19 days
☀️ Subtle Medea Worship 🐍
Be kind to children; play with them if offered
Show appreciation to your loved ones; cook them a meal, bake them something, spend time with them, etc.
Play with your pets; spend time with them
Get a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Stand up for yourself
Assert your boundaries; learn what your boundaries are; not all boundaries need to be spoken
Have a stuffed animal snake or sheep
Have imagery of dragons, snakes, the golden fleece, magic, or the sun around
Think of outside the box solutions to problems
Try to plan ahead; plan important things out; be prepared for mishaps; have a solid exit strategy
Take a walk/hike on a sunny day; bask in the sunlight
Ground yourself regularly; do so in nature in the sunlight if able
Prioritize your well-being; do not sacrifice yourself for others; take care of yourself first
Practice self-forgiveness; don't hold your past mistakes against yourself
Read the Greek Magical Papyri; research the history of witchcraft, especially in ancient Greece
Practice discreet witchcraft; maybe focus more on kitchen witchcraft to be subtle
Grow your own herbs; start a garden
Make a list of your personal strengths and points of pride; celebrate these things about yourself
Practice having a more nuanced view of both yourself and others; the world is morally grey; this is not a suggestion to keep or forgive shitty people for shitty things
Dance to music that makes you feel empowered, badass, or magical
If you have a partner, do something nice for them; take them on a date, spend time with them, engage with their interests, etc.
Drink herbal tea; engage with something relaxing as you do so
Keep a charm on your person; good luck, protection, positive attraction, etc.
Keep an evil eye charm for protection; place it in your space, wear a bracelet, hang one in your car, etc.
Support organizations that help single mothers, children, or domestic abuse survivors
Help out any new mothers in your life if you can
Donate children and baby supplies to homeless shelters; donate kids' toys and clothes
Feed neighborhood birds (with seed only please)
Do something you're passionate about
Engage in relaxing activities, especially after a long day
Take a warm bath or shower, especially with herbs; doing this as a cleansing activity after a long/bad day is also great
Keep your space clean; take care of your immediate environment
Make your space your own; maybe decorate with sun-shaped fairy lights or fake vines
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally
Lave a glass of water mixed with some sugar and honey on your windowsill during the day; you can also leave a water mixed with salt/ocean water instead
Try to practice meditation if you can; practice mindfulness
Practice non-obvious divination methods; cartomancy, bibliomancy, shufflomancy, carromancy, aeromancy, etc.
Go cloud-watching or star-gazing
Learn what your limits are; remind yourself that rest is productive
Say no to helping someone if you're not feeling well enough to do so; you're not a bad person for looking out for yourself
Wear clothes that make you feel confident; try giving yourself compliments
This is my list of discreet ways to worship Medea! I'll likely add more later. For now, I hope you find what I have helpful. Take care, y'all! 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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soumyapillai · 6 months
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sixam-skies · 6 months
Playin' ALL The Packs
So, I typed this up the other day for myself and a friend who gets bored once her sims have offsprings. It's basically a lepacy, which has of course been done before, but this is the version I'm using. I thought I'd share it here in case it's handy for someone else, you can play it legacy style like I am, play it in order or at random, or if you're like my friend Jess you can start over with a new sim for every pack. Skip the ones you don't have, add the ones I don't have. Do whatever you want. Live your best life. This is a damn long post, so it's under the cut to save time for those scrolling past.
BASE GAME & Get To Work Aspiration: Nerd Brain, Renaissance Sim Active Careers: Detective, Doctor, or Scientist (STRONGLY RECOMMEND) Career: Astronaut, Athlete - Bodybuilder, Business, Criminal – Chief of Mischief/Public Enemy, Culinary – Master Chef, Entertainer – Musical Genius, Painter, Secret Agent, Skills: Baking, Gourmet Cooking, Rocket Science Collections: Aliens, Experimental Food Photos (Dine Out), Geodes
Live in Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, or Newcrest
Explore Sylvan Glade in Willow Creek and/or Forgotten Grotto in Oasis Springs
Host a Dinner Party and/or Incognito Costume Party
Get abducted by Aliens
Have an Alien baby AND/OR Marry an Alien
Travel to Sixam
Woohoo in a Rocket
Do not marry or have children with a townie from any Game or Expansion pack
Get Together Traits: Dance Machine, Insider Aspiration: Friend of the World, Leader of the Pack, Party Animal Career: Style Influencer Skills: Dancing, DJ Mixing
Live in Windenburg
Form or join a club and max it out
Throw at least one House Party and one Dance Party
Throw or attend a party at the special lots – Ancient Ruins, The Bluffs, Von Haunt Estate
Marry/have children with someone you meet at a nightclub or café
Woohoo in a Closet
City Living & Spa day Traits: High Maintenance, Unflirty Aspiration: City Native, Inner Peace, Self-Care Specialist, Zen Guru Careers: Politician, Social Media, or Critic Skills: Singing, Wellness Collections: City Posters, Snow Globes
Live in San Myshuno
Attend every festival
Go to the spa once a week
Woohoo in a sauna
Leave a Sim at the altar
Vampires Aspiration: Good Vampire, Master Vampire, OR Vampire Family, AND Bestselling Author Career: Writer Skills: Mixology, Pipe Organ, Vampire Lore, Writing
Live in Forgotten Hollow
Become a Vampire
Befriend Caleb & Lilith Vatore (Good Vampire, Vampire Family) OR Vlad (Master Vampire)
Woohoo in a coffin
Make and drink the cure for Vampirism
Cats and Dogs Traits: Cat Lover, Dog Lover Aspiration: Friend of the Animals. Skills: Pet Training, Veterinarian Collections: Feathers
Live in Brindleton Bay
Run a successful Vet Clinic
Always have at least one dog and one cat in the household
Have a cat or dog that has a litter before you have children
Woohoo in the Brindleton Bay lighthouse
Jungle Adventure Aspiration: Archaeology Scholar, Jungle Explorer, Computer Whiz Career: Tech Guru Skills: Archaeology, Selvadorian Culture Collections: Ancient Omiscan Artefacts, Omiscan Treasures
Explore the temple
Spend all your time off in Selvadorada
Marry/have children with a Selvadorada native
Woohoo in a bush
Seasons & Outdoor Retreat Aspiration: Angling Ace, The Curator, Freelance Botanist, Outdoor Enthusiast Career: Gardener Skills: Flower Arranging, Herbalism Collections: Insect, Fish, Frogs, Gardening
Become a Scout as a child/teen.
Celebrate every holiday
Host a Weenie Roast and Spooky Party (Spooky Stuff)
Woohoo in a tent and/or a pile of leaves
Buy and max upgrade the weather machine
Get Famous Traits: Self-Absorbed Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy, Mansion Baron, Master Actor/Actress, World-Famous Celebrity Career: Actor/Actress Skills: Acting, Media Production
Live in Del Sol Valley
Join Drama Club as a child/teen
Hire a personal butler (Vintage Fashion)
Host a Black & White Bash, Meet & Greet, and Charity Benefit OR Lampoon Party
Have either a Pristine or Atrocious reputation
Become a 5-Star Celebrity
Have children with/marry another celebrity
Woohoo in a money vault
StrangerVille Traits: Paranoid Aspirations: Serial Romantic, StrangerVille Mystery Career: Military
Live in StrangerVille
Solve the StrangerVille Mystery
Never marry
Island Living Traits: Child of the Islands and/or Child of the Ocean Aspirations:  Beach Life Career: Conservationist, Diver, Lifeguard Collection: Buried Treasure, Seashells
Live in Sulani
Become a Mermaid
Host a Kava Party
Marry/have children with Sulani native
Clean up Mua Pel’am
Woohoo in Mua Pel’am’s waterfall
Realm of Magic Aspirations: Spellcraft & Sorcery, Purveyor of Potions
Live in Glimmerbrook
Become a Spellcaster
Reach level 5 Spellcaster
Visit the Magic Realm
Learn all spells and/or all potions
High School Years & Discover University Traits: Overachiever and Party Animal OR Overachiever and Socially Awkward Skills: Entrepreneur, Research & Debate, Robotics ~ Teen Years ~ Aspiration: Admired Icon, Drama Llama, Goal Oriented, Live Fast Activity/Part Time Job: Cheer, Chess, Computer, Football, Simfluencer, Video Game Streamer
Grow up in Copperdale
Attend a prom
Celebrate graduation
Sneak out after dark
Have a High School sweetheart
~ Adulthood ~ Aspiration: Academic Career: E-Sports, Secret Society, or Soccer in University, Education, Engineer or Law after graduation.
Enrol in university – Distinguished Degree
Live in university housing for at least one semester
Host a Keg Party
Get a job with your degree
Move back to Copperdale
Marry/have children with High School OR University sweetheart
Woohoo in the shower
Eco Lifestyle Traits: Freegan, Green Fiend, Maker, Recycle Disciple (Pick 3) Aspiration: Eco Innovator, Master Maker Career: Civil Designer Skills: Fabrication, Juice Fizzing
Live in Evergreen Harbour
Vote every time you can for Neighbourhood Action Plans
Have your neighbourhood reach Green OR Industrial Eco Status
Woohoo in a Dumpster
Snowy Escape Traits: Adventurous, Proper Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast, Mt. Komoreb Sightseer Career: Salaryperson Skills: Rock Climbing, Skiing, Snowboarding
Reach the top of Mt Komorebi
Host a Mountain Climb Excursion
Living in Mt Komorebi is optinal due to the addition of rental properties.
Go to each Mt Komorebi festival at least once
Woohoo in a Hot Spring OR Ice Cave
Visit an Onsen Bathhouse
Paranormal & My Wedding Stories Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Paranormal Investigator Skill: Medium Collections: Messages in a Bottle
Live in a Haunted House
Host a Bach Party and Engagement Dinner
Have the perfect Wedding
Host a Reception
Host a Vow Renewal as Elders
Dream Home Decorator, Tiny Living, Nifty Knitting Aspirations: Lord/Lady of the Knits Career: Interior Decorator Skills: Knitting
Live in a Tiny Home
Own a Murphy bed and a rocking chair
Knit at least one item per day
Sell knitted items on Plopsy (or keep them for latter generations)
Romance a client
Cottage Living Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Lactose Intolerant Aspirations: Country Caretaker Skills: Cross Stitch
Move to Henford-on-Bagley
Have at least 1 cow, 1 llama, and 4 chickens
Participate in all Finchwick Fairs
Befriend at least 1 rabbit and 1 flock of birds
Play Simple Living lot challenge OR Wild Foxes lot challenge
Woohoo in an Animal Shed
Werewolves Aspirations: Werewolf Initiate followed by Cure Seeker, Emissary of the Collective, Lone Wolf, or Wildfang Renegade Collection: Moonwood Collectibles
Lose any previous occult status and become a werewolf
Move to Moonwood Mill
Romance another werewolf
Take the cure
Growing Together & Parenthood Childhood: Creative Genius, Mind and Body, Playtime Captain, OR Slumber Party Animal Aspiration: Big Happy Family, Successful Lineage, Super Parent Skills: Parenting
Move to San Sequoia
Have at least 4 kids (at least one adopted and at least one through having a science baby)
Host a Slumber Party, Baby Shower, Toddler Play Date, and Family Reunion
Woohoo in a treehouse
Horse Ranch Traits: Rancher, Horse Lover Aspiration: Champion Horse Rider or Expert Nectar Maker. Skills: Horse Riding, Nectar Making Horse Skills: Agility, Endurance, Jumping, Temperament
Move to Chestnut Ridge
Compete with your horse(s)
Always have at least one horse, one mini goat, and one mini sheep.
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reynita9 · 1 year
AI Says I love: Chicano Art, Romantic Moods, Pretty Cakes, Tarot Art, Pretty Words, Home Decor, Typography, Mother Care, Chocolate, vintage, gastronomy, Home Interior, Mexican Cuisine, Juice, Astrology, Montessori, Homeschooling, Sustainable Clothing, Animal Textiles, pedicure, farm, cottage, high anxiety, hardcore punk, self knowledge (psychology), floral design, pets at home, wool, black cat, witchcraft, herbalism, baby food, healthy food, stress free living, street food, nostalgia, early childhood education, Chinese cuisine, natural beauty, self-awareness, soft drinks, storytelling, luck, plants, hair follicle, adventure, natural hair products, meditation, soap, sustainable agriculture, sweat pants, folk art, vinyl records, virgin hair obsession, long hair, flowering plant, indoor house plants, Mexico, Kanye West, ecology, Thai cuisine, tea (meal), swimming, Italian cuisine, amateur gastronomy, Scandinavian design, reggaeton, gratitude, animal rescue, emotion, baby wearing, bread, handmade, underground hip hop, adore me,
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childhood90snostalgia · 6 months
90s/00s Makeup
Art Stuff Roll on Glitter Berry Lips Blue/Purple Eyeshadow Body Glitter Bonne Bell Gear Bonne Bell Gear Flip Shades Brown/Burgundy/Wine Lipstick Chanel “Vamp” Nail Polish Clinique’s Almost Lipstick in Black Honey Dark Lips Dark Lip Liner Eyebrows (Thin) Frosted Lip Gloss Frosty Eyeshadow Glitter/Metallic Eyeshadow Grunge Hard Candy Hard Candy Nail Polish “Sky” J.A.N.E Cosmetics Lip Glow Kissing Fruit Gloss Lip Smackers L’Oreal Toasted Almond Lipstick Matte Foundation 2 Shades lighter than skin tone Maybelline Great Lash Mascara Midnight Blue Nails Revlon Colorstay Lipstick Revlon’s Toast of New York lipstick Rimmel Lipstick in Heather Shimmer Stila Lip Glaze Sugar flavored Lip Gloss Urban Decay Urban Decay Heavy Metal Glitter Eyeliner Wet ‘n’ Wild Nail Polish Wet n Wild Lip Liner in Brandywine 666
Skin Care
Bath & Body Works Bath & Body Works Country Apple Bath & Body Works Cucumber Melon Lotion Biore Pore Strips Herbal Essences Shampoo and Conditioner Johnson's Baby Oil Neutrogena Fresh Foaming Cleanser Neutrogena Facial Cleansing Bar Noxzema Olay All Day Moisturizer Oxy Pads St Ives Apricot Scrub Teen Spirit Deodorant
Perfume/Body Spray Adidas Eau de Toilette Body Shop White Musk Calvin Klein Obsession & Eternity Candie's for Her CK One Clinque's Happy Coty Perfume Exclamation Davidoff Cool Water Debbie Gibson Electric Youth Drakkar Noir Elizabeth Arden's Sunflowers Estee Lauder's Pleasures Gap Dream & Heaven Perfume Giorgio Armani Acqua di Gio Gucci's Rush & Envy Jean Paul Gaultier's Classique Juice Bar Spray Liz Claiborne Curve Love's Baby Soft Ralph Lauren Ralph Revlon's Charlie Red Spice Girls Impulse Body Spray The Body Shop's Vanilla Perfume Oil Thierry Mugler's Angel Tommy Hilfiger Freedom Tommy Hilfiger Tommy Girl Vanilla Fields Versace Red Jeans Victoria's Secret Pear Glace & Love Spell Body Spray Hair Styles
Accent Braids “Bed Head” (Messy, wavy hair) Chunky Highlights Corn rows Crimped Hair Flat Twists Fountain flipped Hair Mini Buns Mushroom Cuts “Porcupine” Updos Tendril Bangs Unnatural Colors Hair Products
Beach Blonde Sea Waves Sea Salt Spray (John Freida) Butterfly Clips Conair Hot Sticks Flexible Hair Rollers Infusium 23 Manic Panic Hair Dye Rave Hairspray Scrunchies Spider Comb (Accordion) Headbands Sun in Hair Lightener
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greatseedling · 2 years
✿ permanent plotting
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woah, i’ve been here on and off for four years with martel and i’ve apparently never made one of these?? better late than never, i suppose!! as much as i love all the spontaneous dynamics that have emerged over the years, i’d like to consider some longer-lasting and current relationship dynamics for martel. 
as per usual, by liking this post you are expressing permission for me to...
hit you up ooc to talk plotting and things regarding our muses
reach out to you during events and other group activities for plotting
send you a butt-ton of memes on fridays
engage with your minis and opens
slap you starters (with permission ofc ofc)
for transparency, i prefer to interact ooc with other 18+ muns only. thank you!
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below is a non-all-encompassing list of vibes to start. feel free to like this post or comment on it and i’ll reach out to you, or beep me if you want to reach me ooc and talk more about any or all possibilities:
✿ ACQUAINTANCES/FRIENDS this is a pretty easy place to land yourself, martel is a very loving and gentle person who can easily find the good in just about everyone. if your muse breaths... they could probably land themselves in here. while she’s friendly with most, it actually takes quite a bit of trust building for her to open up to the more sensitive bits of her life. her friendships are something she takes very seriously-- she’d bend over backwards for them. catch her stopping by to see your muse often, bringing them food and giving them tons of physical proximity. generally, if u just need a friend, she’s a wonderful one to end up with, and she particularly is good with those lacking self esteem especially.
✿ FOUND FAMILY did u want a mom?? a big sister?? just a mom friend?? she’s got you covered. martel is very maternal, especially with children and teens. she’ll fuss over you, set your bed time, and occasionally baby you. oops. she’s got a softeness for children, having raised her baby bro. if ur a child, you’ve probably already been adopted in her mind. she’s got a very fussy bit to her, she means well, but she might step into well-intentioned patronizing territory.
✿ ENEMIES you have to be a really unredeemable person who is hellbent and back to being terrible to land here firmly, but even if that was the case you’d likely be picking a fight with the other kharlan heros before she’d ever have a chance to response. if you want to be mean to her or have your muse hate her, you’re 100% welcome, but she doesn’t do conflict so... good luck. she’ll still try to win your favor.
✿ ROMANCE oh boy, good luck. while certainly possible, martel has a lot of complicated feelings here. she’s demisexual, and requires a close bond with someone before romance can truly be on the table, but its totally possible. sometimes she can come across as flirtatious, but most the time is unintentional. but if down the road something connects between our muses, let me know! martel has a partner, so i’m no longer open to romantic dynamics 👍
✿ HEALERS although she’s perhaps not in the best shape right this minute, martel’s a very seasoned magical healer and is studying human forms of herbal healing. she makes aromatherapy products and is great at bandaging up your scrapes and cuts. let her nurse your sicknesses. and injuries, she’ll take good care of you. conversely, if your muse knows healing, especially medicine/non-magical methods... teach her!! she’s super interested in learning more.
✿ GARDENERS/ARTISTS martel has been volunteering for years in community gardening and landscaping around spirale. she’s always found planting, moving, and tending to the flowers and bushes around the different sectors. maybe your muse has a green thumb! or maybe your muse is just looking for some fresh air! she’ll teach you about plants n nature...or even help you with your plant babies! or maybe your muse loves music? martel plays the panpipe as a little hobby and loves music and dance... she would love to listen to your muse play music or learn a new instrument. she also is secretly a fabulous still life sketcher. she does really impressive charcoal sketches, and she’d love to do a portrait of your muse!! arts n crafts are always welcome.
✿ WAR SURVIVORS / HALF-ELVES / FELLOW DEAD PEOPLE  hello, let’s bond. there’s a lot of shared experience here with people intimately involved in wars, discrimination, and death. she was born into a longstanding war, and comes from a world that was hostile and cruel to her. she died once, woot woot!!  i think there’s a lot of possibility to find companionship in shared experiences and this might be a good compliment for forging a friendship. lets get deep into it.
✿ TEACHERS so martel has zero education. she can’t read or write much beyond a kindergarden level. i think it’d be really sweet if someone with patience would like to try and teach her!! she’s a bit anxious, but she’d make a good student. ooooor, if you’d like to teach her how to cook or do something else... power to you! she’s curious, so she’ll totally
✿ ETC literally slap me with whatever vibe you’ve got. let create something spicy.
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