#herc mulligan tag pending
voidselfshipp · 3 years
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Lafayette and herc are the best representation of my Braincells these past few days
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Party Shenanigans
Cw: food, alcohol, intoxication.
Polyship ( hamil//ton f/os x me)
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Jerico laughed her cheeks baby Pink as she saw Hercules dance ontop of the kitchen counter with his shirt riling up a little bit, showing his belly.
Burr was slowly passing out on the couch, Hamilton was with his forehead on the table mumbling nonsense with laurens.
Lafayette and Jefferson were flirting with her, she chuckles and giggles kissing them every once in a while, Thomas gets a bit frisky as he depens the kiss,as a result him and lafayette get into an argument, their french visibly worsen as the alcohol finally takes a toll on them both.
Jerico, who was the only one sober, walks to her room leaving the rest of them to figure it out on their own.
As shes about to fall asleep she feels the matress dip as lafayette rolls in with her, then Thomas and eventually all of the guys are crammed in the queen sized bed.
She sighs, with a small smile on her face knowing she was cuddling with each of her boyfriends who didnt know any better and wanted to be with her.
Jer feels lafayette Grab her hand and whisper cute nothings in french, snuggling closer, she didnt understand what he was saying, but she tried to remember them so tomorrow she could embarass him.
There was something oddly comforting about the whole ordeal, everyone left aside past arguments and rivalries, all tha mattered were them and their partner.
Jerico quietly laughed to herself putting a strand of hair behind Thomas' ear and kissing his lips, to then relax and slowly fall asleep.
The Next day, everyone found an aspirin and water waiting for them on the nightstands that were on each of the sides of the bed.
Running down like starving dogs they found freshly made breakfast, and a very tired jerico passed out on the couch with a blanket.
They all sat in silence eating their food.
-- lafayette pass me the syrup-- Thomas said.
-- arent you forgetting something?-- the frenchman added grabbing said syrup.
--Can you pass me the syrup,
s'il vous plaît? (Please) -- he asked again a bit annoyed.
Lafayette smiles widely-- oh sure here you go
Jefferson rolls his eyes pouring syrup on his pancakes.
-- does anybody remember what happened last night?-- Hamilton asked.
--all I remember was herc dancing ontop of the kitchen counter-- laurens Added taking a bite out of his breakfast.
-- that explains why my boots were full of food at the sole-- hercules added drinking from his coffee
Burr shrugged-- I passes out on the couch with a beer in hand
--Man-- laurens said-- we were completly wasted last night
-- and there you have jerico taking care of us-- herc added-- lets take her upstairs shes done enough
The men nodd and burr picks her up walking up to her room leaving her in bed,Hamilton made sure she was properly covered and they all went to clean up the mess they did last night.
Its the least they could do after jericos tender care.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Red velvet for whoever you want! Maybe herc? (@selfshipping-baby )
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red velvet: what is your favorite food to bake with your F/O?
Stuff that is cooked in the oven,specially meat with potatoes or onion, we have a Blast cooking everything besides we have more time to kiss while everything Cooks.
Tysm for the ask!
Ok to rb
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Cw:food, swearing, fights, conflict
Ok to rb
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Jerico laughed as burr once again was the poor soul being teased while they were all togheter.
She sat on hercs lap, sprawled leaning on his chest can of coke in her hand.
Laurens was dancing with lafayette, both men were awkward since they didnt know how to dance.
Thomas was minding his bussiness fixing his hair and Alexander teased burr for the fifth time already.
Jer stretched letting out a yelp-- im getting myself some snacks
At that phrase Thomas and lafayette turn to her,saying the EXACT same thing at the same time--look no further, im that snack youre looking for
She sats there looking at both men, to then hold the bridge of her nose-- ay la puta que me parió --She stood up kissing herc quickly walking up to the kitchen.
-- have I told you how hot it is when you speak spanish?-- Thomas shouted from the livingroom.
Jerico chuckled hearing Hamilton go -- yeah dumbass as if thats gonna make the situation any better
--Hey Man fuck you, at least I know how to flirt
Then followed by a "OOOH" from the other men.
Jer sighed grabbing some chips walking to the livingroom-- okay okay you two, Im not in the mood
She sits on the sofa, being accompanied by burr who hugs her tightly and presses his head on her hair-- let those two kill eachother, so I can have you all for myself
And so the beef started with burr, Hamilton and Jefferson.
While the other three were fighting, lafayette and laurens sat with her sharing the cuddles with hercules.
The frenchman ate some chips -- yep-- he said-- this is quality entretainment
Jer snorted drinking from her coke--as long as they dont hurt eachother
-- you have to admit is very fun to watch-- mulligan added.
--How long can they Keep this up?--jerico asked Yawning.
-- oh a long time trust me-- laurens answered with an amused look on his face.
The four of them went to sleep, leaving the fighting bunch in the livingroom who got tired after a good hour or so.
Next morning jerico woke up with all of her boyfriends besides her, enjoying he calm of it, knowing that after Alexanders third Cup of coffee things could get rowdy.
But even then,she still loved them all.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
The Forgotten Revolutionary
Cw: food, alcohol, dysphoria.
Ok to rb
Part 1 here
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The week passed, jerico sighed looking at herself in the mirror, the beautiful yellow dress with the tight fitted jacket made her look absolutely beautiful, the Neighing of horses meant that the carriage sent by Alexander had arrived.
During the ride there she stares at the passing buildings, she wondered how Many of her there were out there.
Attracted to both (or more) genders,feeling different every day, what was the chance that there were other people like her?.
The stable boy pulled the horses in the stable and jerico Walked to the entrance of the Hamilton residence.
The music played softly, jer made her way across the crowd Spotting Hamilton in the distance.
She quickens her pace-- jerico! Glad you could come!--Hamilton hugged her tightly, a little more tighter than a normal guest-- was the ride here smooth?
She nodded-- yes it was, thank you for inviting me
Before he could say anything, laurens,lafayette and hercules walk in bolting to their friend.
-- bonjour madame-- lafayette said kissing jeris knuckles-- nice to see you here
She nodded --Its nice to see you all here too
Alexander scowled-- im sure you must be hungry, the buffet is over there in the diningroom,if you dont know the way ill go with you
--Look at Alex wanting jerico for himself-- laurens teased.
Jer rolled her eyes with baby Pink cheeks-- if youll excuse me gentlemen
She bowed and Walked over to the dining room, she spun around admiring all of the little details in the building.
She could spend hours admiring the place, If only she brought her art supplies.
Jerico grabs something to eat sitting on one of the Chairs.
The people around her mind their bussines, her leg bounces drinking from her wine.
As she finished her food the familiar yet unpleasant feeling in her stomach,she stands up running outside with her breath quickening.
SHe hides behind some bushes and holds his head.
Jer tries to take deep breaths wanting to rip this dress appart.
No, this wasnt his clothes, his body.
-- jerico...are you okay? -- hercules sat with him.
--Y yeah im fine
Her raised a brow-- uh-huh...whats up-- he takes his hand.
-- Its nothing!-- he tells him, he couldnt know!, no what would he think.
The tailor grabs him by the arms, he stands up and runs away jerico quickens his pace trying to get home before the sun fully sets.
-- wheres jerico?--Hamilton asked.
--She went running away, she seemed upset...
Alexander sighed-- ill write her in the morning, I hope shes okay...
Jer crashed his bed with tears running down his bed, he took off the dress hiding it between his other clothes.
-- this body doesnt feel right
clutching my bones tight
smash the mirror into pieces
this is not me either
i cant scape it
This feeling in my belly
this is not what my bones tell me-- jer peeked his head from his window-- i left her there just as I arrived to that ball
and left him with uncertainty
and confusion Among them Will spread
tomorrow Will tell me how bad I set the stage last night
i dont want to be awake right now
the covers call my name
tomorrow Will be another day... -- jer blows out the candle and curls up in bed, the only thing visible was his head.
The Next day they drag themself out of bed, making breakfast feeling miserable.
After eating they Open up their closet, looking away from the yellow dress.
He grabs his shirt and pants, pulling his hair up hiding it in a beanie.
On his way to work he munches on a toast, feet dragging on the stone-y roads.
For most of the day he does nothing, he didnt feel like painting today.
The bell rings as none other than hercules walks over to jerico.
He panics, thanking god he didnt recognize him like this.
--Good afternoon gentleman-- herc said-- im looking for this New set of paints, they are for fabric, im working on a dress for a friend
"Lucky gal"he thought-- I think we have some paints like that, let me check the storage
He walks towards said storage rumminshing through the boxes.
Hercules freezes, his eyes had wandered down to jericos butt, for a Man he had a very big one, his cheeks turn Darker for a moment.
What...what was this New feeling he had? He couldnt be...
--There we go!, okay this arrived yesterday-- jer said plscing the box infront of him-- twenty dollars
Herc almost melts when he saw him smile, he fumbled with his money handing it to him-- Will I...see you tomorrow? Because im tight on time and I need some other stuff too
He nodded-- maybe, depende really, tomorrow my twin could come, shes very nice, Whatever you need tell her tomorrow
Herc nodded and grabbed his paints walking away.
Jer giggled at his clumsiness and went into his art studio, wanting to paint something.
At night hercules went out drinking with his Friends,he downs his second glass of sam Adams-- I need to tell yall something...-- herc said gaining the attention of his Friends.
-- yeah Man what is it?-- laurens asked.
-- yknow the cute guy that works with jerico at the art shop?
-- yeah, thats her twin isnt he?-- Hamilton said-- his name was...lafayette! Yeah just like our french friend over here
-- well I...I might find him attractive!-- hercules slurred quickly-- please dont judge me!
Lafayette out of the nothing took out a flag,a magenta, purple and blue one-- we all Bisexual in this bitch-- he said.
Laurens tilted his head-- dude youll break the timeline, put that back
-- hey! Im just telling herc we all are bi -- the frenchman shoved back the flag into the nothingness.
Hercules lets out a sigh of relief-- thank god
For them the night ended happily as jerico kept on working on their painting
A Man pulling his clothes away revealing a woman who was trying to do the same with her dress while inside a box.
They closed up shop after that and went to bed.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
rock band AU: who is the lead singer? who’s the new bassist? give one headcanon about you and your f/o’s relationship in this AU!
I am the lead singer, and herc is the New bassist.
We start bonding over a bomb ass love song that its a hint for eachother
Ty for the ask
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
My friend did this in their tablet and its been making crack up.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
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The lil kiss at the air.
I love him so much so so muchhhhh
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
swap w hercules!! ^^
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Swap: Your S/I and your F/O(s) exchange roles for a day, willingly or begrudgingly, casually or through supernatural circumstances. How well (or terribly) does it go? Alternatively, how would things be different if the roles had always been swapped?
It goes semi terrible.
My s/I is sort of an artist, so first, hes just panicking,bcs he aint much of an artist.
He works as a tailor before becoming a revolitionary, so uh....I dont know how to sow.
Everythings going not so great.
But itll be fun talking abt it after the day is over.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Morning, I am thinking of herc mulligan, hes such pretty.
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Hi yes Sir.
Kiss me plz
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
The Forgotten Revolutionary
Cw: self hate
Ok to rb
Part 2
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-- good god-- jerico said opening up her so-- I shouldve left a window Open the smell of paint is unberable...-- she opens up some of the Windows and sighs waiting for costumers to come in.
--ah jerico there you are!-- hercules came in--your brother told me you might come-- he stepped into the shop leaning on the counter-- hey uh I know its none of my bussiness but, what happened last night at the party?
Jer looked away knowing she had to lie to him-- well I...wasnt feeling too good thats all, what do you need?
--Do you have embroidery thread?
She thought for a second-- yeah,wich color?
-- yellow and gold
She kneeled grabbing said threads handing them to him-- ten dollars
-- ten?
-- Its a friend discount-- she winked at him, to then grip her fists-- hey uh...wanna come over to my house for tea ? I close early today
He nodded--see you at five!
She sighed in love, and looked away.
By noon she closed up shop and went home to change.
He then went to buy some other stuff he needed and freaked out when he saw the time, he was changing on his bathroom when herc came.
There he was, wiping off his beard.
Jerico panics as herc puts the pieces of the puzzle togheter.
They ran up the stairs, no, what have they done! Now he knows! No, he wouldnt love them now.
-- jerico!-- hercules cried-- dont run from me please!
-- im not who you think!
They both ran up the stairs.
-- please explain it to me!-- he banged on their bedrooms Door, now locked.
-- You wouldnt love me anyway!
He made a pause-- who said that?-- he asked-- _im in love with you please!
-- why would you be in love with someone like me?!-- jerico put their back against the door knees to their chest-- i change everyday, theyll see you with a Man,then a woman, is that what you want?!
-- what I want is you nobody but you..
Theres silence, as herc kneeled at the verge of tears he puts his hand against the door-- please...
Theres silence for what it feels like an eternity he hears the locks unlock, and the door Open.
He stands up hugging them tightly-- I love you jer..., You left me weak at the knees when I met you last week
your smile broke me in half and your laugh built me back up
i dont care if you feel like a woman or a man
because I fell in love with the person inside-- he pressed his hand to their chest
-- I...I dont know what to say-- i thought youd ran away im so different from anyone else_
-- and thats unique to yourself
They press their foreheads togheter crying softly.
He lifts their head up by the chin and kisses them, they return the gesture.
-- what about I change and we go for that tea yeah?
He nodds-- id like that
Both smile.
Well, turns out being different is nice after all.
[The end]
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
I love this fucking clip of the story of tonight (reprise) cause
1) my f/os sharing 1 braincell, and being cute Friends
2) Laurens teasing burr
Clip here
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
The Forgotten Revolutionary
Cw: alcohol and food
Ok to rb
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"Youve heard of all the founding fathers except one.
Hid by history for their identity we present to you.
The genderfluid revolutionary"
-- Standing here looking out the Window.
To the streets of New York.
Scared because I dont fit into their box.
I see women with dresses and heels, and men with boots and coats under the trees.
Whats of me if every day the image on the mirror changes what Will they think of me.
How do I go out
Do I dress like a woman or Man.-- they turn away from the Window walking to their vanity, Tying their hair into a bun, grabbing the yellow beanie Putting it on.
After changing they go downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing the already made food in a bag and walking outside.
They pull the hems of their trenchcoats closer and walk to their art studio.
Or more likely today, his own art studio.
The little bell ontop of the door rings as he rearranges some of the canvas laying around in there, taking off his trenchcoat and hanging it on the coat hanger.
He sits there infront of a nearby Window that Provided him with natural light,hoping to finish this painting that he had been comissioned to work.
The day feels slow,even if he enjoys doing what he was doing, the business has been slow this week,and boring too.
With the final stroke of his brush,the painting was finished, jerico stretched proud of his work, when he realized it was almost closing time.
He stands up washing his hands stained with paint to then head to home for the night.
He wasnt much for drinking, but he'd been invited the week prior, looking himself in the mirror she sighed looking away, its been always hard to accept himself the way she was.
Someone knocked on the door,she heard it all the way from upstairs
--Coming!--Jerico quickly changes into her yellow dress and heads outside, breathing deeply before heading out to the pub.
The bar was quite busy that day, jerico was having a Blast, Flirting with the men around her, laughing with her Friends.
Suddenly a Man steps in, Bulky build and tall, with some other quite good looking Friends.
-- Well ill be damned!-- the bartender exclaimed-- what are the four revolutionaries doing here?
--you know what!-- lafayette exclaimed sitting on a table with hercules, Hamilton and Laurens-- catching up with some Friends the usual!
The bartender laughed,-- sure, dont get too crazy
The frenchman shrugged-- cant promise anything
Jericos heart skips a beat when she lays eyes on hercules, one of her Friends snaps him out of her trance.
Unaware of hercules himself looking at her
Herc panics when he feels his heart flutter, chuggin the beer that Hamilton hands him.
-- well who are you looking at--alexander Hamilton asked with a raised brow.
-- no-one-- he says taking another swig.
Alexander raises a brow at his Friends behaviour.
--Come on mon ami!--lafayette pushed him-- its the first time I see you panicking over a woman
-- I think herc here is intimidated by her-- Laurens said.
--haha...so funny-- hercules said-- im not intimidated by her
--oh really?--laurens leaned in-- cause shes looking right at you right now
Herc jumps on his Seat fixing his beanie, his Friends all laugh-- the great hercules mulligan, the Man who spied on the brits during the revolution scared of talking to a woman
Mulligan pushes lafayette-- we're kidding herc-- the frenchman said -- go talk to her Man, its gonna fine!
--Wait!-- Alexander said-- remember that portrait of Philip? -- his Friends nodd-- thats the artist who made it, ill go talk to her and invite her to the ball im throwing for Philips birthday!
Hercules sighed--do I have to wear a suit?
-- yes you have--the other three answer.
And so said and done Alexander approaches jerico, inviting her and her Friends to the ball, and when the night is over both hercules and her cross glances, and meekly waves their hands saying "goodbye"
When both get home, in disbelief they wait for the ball to hopefully see eachother again.
It was only a matter of time.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
God, what if herc caresses my hair, yknow...my head on his lap hes giggling bcs I look so cute, his cheeks darken.
We are in bed he covers my shoulder with the blanket, and keeps caressing my hair
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Herc calling me his little princess...
"Morning princess"
"Hows my beautiful princess doing?"
"Your knight has arrived princess!"
Just the cutest petnames ever
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
I wanna present yall my New hubby whom I love
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Im very in love with him so uh yeah
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