adamkoso · 7 months
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Actors: Zuzana Porubjaková, Bronislava Kováčiková Performance: Pozsony Dance Club Photo: Adam Koso (Polaroid) Theater: Divadlo P. O. Hviezdoslava
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tunimfoto · 9 months
Gambon, Michael
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perceptual-prompts · 11 months
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Get ready for August 1st!
Perceptual Prompts is back for the summer, with the challenge running from August 1 - 31, 2023 this year (a little over 1 week from now!). As a refresher, this challenge is themed around perception and the 5 senses (ie. touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste) and encourages creators to use various prompts to make fic, art and more. A few updates have been made to the Guidelines and FAQ pages, so please take a look for 2023 general challenge info, as well as details for the timeline, creating/submitting works, and more. Some minor changes for this year are as follows:
>> Creators can combine 2023 prompts with any 2022 prompts. >> Accepted creation types have been expanded to include microfics, poetry, origami and bookbindings for the challenge!
Prompt cards will be officially released on July 23rd (just hours from now)! If you have a question that isn’t covered by this post or either of the above pages, feel free to send an ask!
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percabeth4life · 1 year
So, this is basically just the remix of the chat conversation had. Basically, it was asking if you could possibly do a Percy/Hermes thing, with Percy an older teenager or young adult. Again, I really appreciate you doing this!
So this is from forever ago buuuuut I'm writing a snippet now:
Percy was out of breath from the run he'd just finished. He'd been running a lot more since going to college. Or rather, he'd been running for recreation a lot more. Less death runs.
It was nice, relaxing, helped clear his head. He'd go to the beach but fish loved to visit him there so he never got much alone time.
It also didn't hurt that he had a good running partner.
"I think we beat that annoying guy that was trying to race us," Hermes chirped, not out of breath in the slightest.
Percy decided he actually had a horrible running partner and he let Hermes know that with a glare.
"Awwww, don't be like that," he cooed, slipping an arm around Percy. "And you know you shouldn't bend over like that, walk around, arms up."
"Ugh," Percy grumbled as he did what Hermes said. "What was his problem?"
"He runs track and field here," Hermes said, as informed as ever. "Mad that you were beating him."
Percy rolled his eyes, leaning on Hermes. His jerk of a boyfriend wasn't even sweaty! The nerve!
"Can I have my water?" Percy asked, having asked Hermes to hold onto it.
"Why? You're all wet already."
Percy turned a glare to his boyfriend who was grinning at him.
"I will drown you."
"So mean," Hermes whined, even as he held out Percy's water.
Water helped everything.
"So, you have plans for dinner?"
Percy raised an eyebrow.
"I made plans," Hermes elaborated, "for us. So you now have plans if you didn't."
"i didn't," Percy confirmed, smile curling his lips.
He liked it when Hermes made plans for them, stuff that Percy didn't have to plan ahead for but always arranged to fit Percy's schedule. Hermes was scary good at that.
"Great! It's gonna be fun, wear one of your cute shirts."
"I think I'm cute in everything," Percy sniffed.
Hermes' gaze raked down Percy then flicked up to meet his eyes, "oh, you are. But i wanna show off how extra cute you can be."
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elisedonut · 10 months
i know that realistically if Harry and Percy were soulmates and like found out really early that Ron would probably not become good friends with him like if it was for example one where you know at first sight and they find out before Harry even gets on the train for the first time or first touch where Percy is welcoming him to Gryffindor table.
because like we all know how Ron and the twins view Percy so I could easily see them thinking his soulmate would be just like him and judging accordingly before getting to know him you know?
now if it's a kind that can be held off like a year or so for some arbitrary reason and it happens in like second year or even third then i think they would be fine though because by that point Ron would know Harry pretty well and because boom Harry is now immediately family not even like practically family but like family family you know? And i do think Ron would be excited about that even if he would have preferred it to be with literally any other sibling.
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freshthoughts2020 · 4 months
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teplejtrouba · 1 year
koukal jste se taky někdo díky tomu tumblr poustu na 'až přijde kocour' a jestli ano, bylo naznačeno, že se kouzelník jan werich zamiloval (zčervenal pod pohledem magického kocoura, znacíč zamilovanost) do svého dvojníka a kamaráda vandráckého kastelána jana wericha? nebo jsem jen teplej trouba
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alexvacice · 5 months
Jsem si po pár letech pustila videoklip k Nafrněná, protože jsem si vzpomněla, že právě v něm jsem si zamilovala Marthu Issovou. Nakonec jsem zjistila že mám extrémní crush na Lenku Krobotovou
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I was hoping to get this out a couple of weeks ago, but life presented a series of unexpected events and things, so here we are. Better late than never, so happy belated birthday, @vdoshu! Gosh, where do I even start when it comes to all the rare pairs doshu delves into? I’m so happy I got to know them through the Rare Pairs server, because it has been a delight to read about so many different ships I normally don’t seek out. I absolutely loved what doshu did with their fics for HP February Frankenfest 2022, where they wrote 18 works for 9 different challenges! Wowww! That had to be insane and tricky to take on and manage, but number of stories about different ships that came out of that? Amazing. Doshu certainly owned it. I love how they’re also willing to take a prompt and turn into something more, whether it be something soft and pure, fun and playful, or deliciously dark or sexy. Being able to read more about rare pairs we don’t see has certainly warmed my rare pair heart and helped me appreciate characters who don’t get the spotlight shined on them enough. Thanks for broadening my horizons, friend! And while we’re at it, here are some of my fav doshu fics: 👓 >>> They (Percy and Oliver, G, 1.2k)
Summary: In a moment of courage, Percy writes new pronouns on the paperwork for that upcoming job at the Ministry. Oliver notices.
The second person PoV is so powerful here. It really puts an emphasis on how important details and the use of words are within a given environment. As a person who accepts “they/their” as pronouns, I think we all want to make sure we have a support system of folks who can embrace us for who we are. People as a whole want to feel seen, and yes, that’s exactly this story is about. I love that Percy has that from Oliver, without even asking for it. 💖 🌹 >>> Fifty Fake Dates (Ginsy, M, 200)
Summary: She couldn't remember who had asked first, but she knew that tonight would mark fifty dates.At some point along the way, they'd stopped feeling fake.
I have no idea how doshu did it, but this is legit what Ginsy is right here! This little snippet of what they are and what they want from each other is perfect. It’s just so them. There’s desperation, sexual tension and want, but underneath all of that, there’s so much more. Love, love, love! 🥒 >>> Zabini’s Zucchini (Blaise/Ron, E, 7.2k)
Summary: There have been rumours about Zabini's massive zucchini. Ron Weasley needs to investigate.
OMG. So, I know this was based off a prompt that was kicking around from the last Rare Pairs fest, and when doshu decided to write this afterwards because it wasn’t claimed (yet), it was everything we could ask for. Like the tags say, this is crack treated seriously. Yes, it’s crack but it’s sexy, hot crack? I don’t really know. I mean, I’ve always liked Blairon, but like damn! Ron’s PoV here is well written, especially with him spying on Blaise to see what he’s up to, and lol, I’m sure you’ll have different thoughts about what one can do with courgettes after reading this. Heh. 🕰️ >>> Thursday Night, 8-10 p.m. (Hermione/Percy, M, 1.3k)
Summary: Hermione is much too busy with her career to honestly put the effort into a relationship, and while it took her some time to wrestle between her desires and her society-imposed expectations, she finds that she prefers things this way. She can seek out companionship in her friends when she needs it. She can seek out social interactions with coworkers at the Leaky after work, or at the SPEW admin offices at the weekend. And if she needs sex, she can pencil it into her planner like any other appointment, thank you very much.
I love how this is so on point from Hermione’s perspective, and how there is absolutely no sex on-screen. It’s honestly not needed. The fact that consent and negotiation is handled so well between Hermione and Percy by the way they communicate with each other...it just works. I’d love to see more of these two, since they are truly people who don’t beat around the bush and they know how to state exactly what they want. These lions do not mess around. Rawr. 🩲 >>> Leathers and Lace (Flintwood, E, 7.7k)
Summary: Things were much less complicated when Wood played for a different team.
HELLO. Okay, so this is def one of my favourite Flintwood fics because the way things are slowly revealed over time is refreshing and clever. We usually see the boys going full force when they get injured, but there’s a lot of exploration about the aftermath, especially for Marcus. And boy, does he discover a lot about himself and Oliver. Marcus’ thoughts and narrative is 10000% him, lol. Grumpy, doubtful, and he really doesn’t give himself enough credit. Also, knickers, and more than one pair! Yayy, my fav! The UST between Marcus and Oliver though is chef’s kiss, as teammates and competitors. It really crackles through this whole fic. Such a spicy read that’s so worth it! You can find more of doshu’s work on AO3. Make sure to leave kudos and comments to show appreciation for their fandom contributions. doshu, please keep blessing us with all your rare pair goodness. I hope the week is treating you well so far! :)
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izraelinfo · 6 months
Netanjahu: Izrael folytatja igazságos háborúját a Gázai övezetben
Izrael folytatja „a Hamasz megsemmisítése érdekében indított igazságos háborúját” a Gázai övezetben – jelentette be Benjamin Netanjahu izraeli miniszterelnök szombaton, üdvözölve egyúttal az Egyesült Államoknak az ENSZ Biztonsági Tanácsában (BT) képviselt előző napi „megfelelő állásfoglalását”. A többi országnak is meg kell értenie, hogy nem lehet egyszerre támogatni a Hamasz felszámolását,…
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 10 months
Family RoR x child reader who is learning some words like airplane but the reader says air pain. From the tik tok. Like it’s funny and this idea came to my head. How would the rest of the family react to child reader mispronouncing the names ? I think is very funny to think about it. Thanks
-It was a joyful day in your family, when you said your first word, ‘Fluff’ as that’s what you called anything that was soft and fluffy, like stuffed animals, blankets, those with luscious hair like Buddha, and anything cute.
-However, that led to rules that certain words were not to be said around you, as you were learning by repeating things, and Adam and Odin both threatened everyone if they taught you a bad word, whoever taught it to you was going to be buried in the backyard.
-You had been gifted picture books with all sorts of things from animals to places to inanimate objects that had a picture of the item then the word and everyone’s been taking turns reading to you, saying the word so you could repeat it and learn.
-Some words you had no issues with, thanks to Buddha and Loki who taught you ‘snacks’ and Jack taught you how to say ‘tea’ and ‘book’ properly, running up to him as he’s drinking tea, holding a book, “Papa- book!” which would always make him smile and he would read to you.
-You were sitting in Ares’ lap with Hermes sitting beside him, a look of concentration but also mild frustration on your face as Hermes was trying not to laugh, “Air plane.” You tried to mimic him, “Air pain!” he chuckled softly as Ares ruffled your hair gently, “You got one word- good job, but ‘plane’.”
-He sounded it out so you could hear the word and you repeated it a few times, getting mad that it didn’t sound the same before you finally got it.
-The two beamed at you and praised you, making you giggle as Ares cuddled you close before Ares grabbed a book about animals so you could practice.
-You pointed out the different animals, “Ef-efa- efalant! Tiger! Horsy! Ducky! Papa Hercy!” you were adorable, still having trouble pronouncing elephant, but what amused them was when you pointed at the lion, calling it ‘Papa Hercules’.
-A little while later you were going to spend time with Loki and Odin, you were standing by Loki in the kitchen as he got you a bowl of Cheerios to munch on.
-He handed it to you, and you beamed, “Fank you!” he grinned and the two of you headed to Odin who smiled, seeing you approach as they were going to read to you.
-You tripped and fell, spilling your cereal everywhere, but you weren’t hurt, popping back up, “Fuck!” the two men turned white, looking horrified as many who were also nearby looked at you in horror.
-Odin kneeled next to you while Loki was picking up your cereal, “Y/N who taught you that?”
-You beamed, not realizing that it was a ‘no-no word’ as you spoke, “Papa Polo! He drop his fancy juice and said it. We say when we drop stuff, right?”
-Loki was doing his best not to laugh, his hands over his mouth, trying to stifle his anger before Odin ruffled your hair gently, “Y/N- that is a no-no word, but you’re not going to get in trouble because you didn’t know.” You looked a bit worried about saying a no-no word but you calmed when he told you that you’re weren’t going to get into trouble.
-Loki could sense the impending storm and he wanted to be witness to the ass beating that was soon to commence.
-Nikola came over and smiled, “Want to come and get ice cream with me?” your excited, sparkling eyes were the only answer he needed as he picked you up as Loki grinned, “Odin and I will read to you when you get back! Bye-bye!” you waved at him and your other family members, not realizing that they were about to hunt down and bury Apollo in the backyard, since you were going for ice cream!
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tunimfoto · 10 months
Monroe, Marylin
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perceptual-prompts · 11 months
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Let's get things rolling!
Week 1  (August 1 - 7)
Happy August 1st! That means Perceptual Prompts officially starts today! We’re digging into Prompt Card #1 this week, which has 6 prompts to choose from. You’ll notice prompt cards are themed this year, with this first card being inspired by words! A reminder that creators have the option to choose: 1 prompt, a few prompts, all of the prompts, or none of them from this prompt card. You can also use prompts from any of last year's prompt cards. Without further ado, here are this week’s word prompts:
1. Speed Dating
2. Believe
3. Unconventional
4. Enough
5. Number
6. Melt
All works can be posted to Perceptual Prompts’ open AO3 collection. If you would like your work to be shared or reblogged, don’t forget to tag @perceptual-prompts​ and #perceptualprompts2023. Looking forward to seeing what everyone makes. Good luck!
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ještě když jsem v čumblr módu, myslím si že by bylo ikonické vidět Cimrmany, ale všichni herci jsoi drag queens a repliky čtou v stereotypním přitepleným hlase.
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zamppera · 2 months
Comic Con Prague
(the post might get updated or part 2 sooner or later)
More vids and pics with Craig and Chris we haven't shared (from external, unofficial, and official sources)
Interview (for media)
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7 minutes from the interview (EN)
1. A part from the interview (video in EN + CZ subtitles):
2. Photo gallery:
3. Something more from the interview (Dubbed CZ)
Opening ceremony
(The boys arrived late. Just before the end :<)
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Talk show with Craig and Chris
(waiting for the official full-length record)
The first 20 minutes from my friend's record (including that Rimmster part 🤭)
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Talk Show with Chris
(waiting for the official full-length record)
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+ Craig at the Comic Con party
Some more pics:
The boys meeting their Czech voices
Official Comic Con Instagram stories including the ceremony and the party
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elisedonut · 11 months
Harry/Percy Soulmate au concept
where you can call your soulmate to you a number of times but only when in a large amount of distress, with each time you do the number on your skin ticks down
everyone has a different amount a large number is seen as a sign you will have a hard life while a low number is seen as a sign you will have it easier.
The soulmate will be transported back once the threat or cause of the distress goes away if they were transported a large distance but if it's within walking distance they won't be.
Harry has a high number from a young age but uses a lot of them young without thinking or well realizing really because his childhood is horrible
Percy has less but all the Weasleys still have a fairly high number
First few times Harry uses it he’s outside and very young so doesn't really question an older child helping him even if it’s night time and freezing. Percy tries to get his parents to understand something's wrong with Harry's living situation but he’s young and they trust Dumbledore not to put him somewhere dangerous so they don’t listen to him.
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