#here have been so erratic with cancellations and major delays
thedeviousdevilxx · 1 year
If GnR was going to Calgary or Edmonton, I would so go in a heartbeat, but alas they’re only going places that are to far and expensive lol fuck.
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svynakee · 4 years
zhongli is bad because of CONSPIRACIES
clickbait heading is clickbait- But hear me out! I have wild theories to document here in case 5yrs down the line I am proven RIGHT.
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Theory 1: Zhongli was everything the leaks promised, but was changed to PUNISH LEAKERS.
He was meant to have all the rumoured abilities like shield conversion, petrify causing enemies to have decreased defence, longer petrify duration, everything. However, due to the leaks, he got hit with major nerfs that honestly don’t make sense. Would he really be overpowered with these abilities? Consider lower rarity characters already in the game, such as Xingqiu (who can heal, deal hydro damage, reduce damage taken and boosts the power of so many other characters at c0). Even if Zhongli was slightly ‘broken’ in the beta phase, there’s no reason to remove every single thing they did.
Especially considering his low auto attack numbers, even accounting for his fast attacking speed. Strange for a 5 star character...unless he was supposed to be insanely strong through his supportive abilities, making up for it by blasting through shields and lowering enemy defence. 
This sounds pretty crazy to do so close to launch but there have also been rumours that the Zhongli banner was meant to come earlier in the month but got delayed because they needed to fix something before he was implemented. This would make more sense as it follows how Venti was the first banner for the Mondstat storyline, followed by a character that wasn’t [SPOILERS] for the region. Also: the next two banners are rumoured to be a Mondstat Geo Sword and a Liyue Ice Bow, released alongside a new Mondstat region. People are speculating whether they’d release two Geo characters back to back or put a Liyue character first. This wouldn’t be a problem if Zhongli was supposed to be first! 
Obviously this theory is sound because nothing says validity like basing speculation off speculation. It’s like a double negative, cancelling it out and making this THE TRUTH.
They made these changes to make it seem like leaks oversell characters and shouldn’t be believed. By discrediting them in such a painful way (since Zhongli was so hyped) they hope to discourage people from looking at leaks. 
Theory 2: Zhongli’s stupidly good trailers were meant to counter the negative hype around his nerfs.
This is referring to both his Character Tale and Demo, ‘An Additional Expense’ and ‘Zhongli: The Listener’. Both are a notable jump in quality compared to previous banners, including Childe’s, who came right before him. It’s more noticeable in the demo in the editing. But even the enemy placement, music, camera angles and I would argue even the in-game locations chosen show more effort than Childe’s or Venti’s (predecessor and fellow [SPOILER] respectively).
He gets full on anime opening style transitions too while Childe has to be content with close ups and the CONSTELLATION SHOT THAT HAS APPEARED IN EVERY OTHER CHARACTER TRAILER TO DATE. 
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Even in the live 2D animation style of the Character Tales, Zhongli’s shows more attention to lighting and detail than Childe’s? He also has more subtle changes in expression where his head and eyes move. And they also have Xiangling’s voice actor there, instead of Childe having only Generic Minions speaking.
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I really recommend actually watching the videos instead of going off these screenshots. The difference is quality is undeniable.
This theory I actually have some faith in. Why else suddenly go to the effort? Because people had heard of the huge nerfs to Zhongli and were already complaining before he hit the game (which isn’t unusual for Genshin) but due to them actually destroying Zhongli’s best abilities they had to do DAMAGE CONTROL. 
I have singlehandedly discovered all of Mihoyo’s darkest secrets. Behold!!!! 
...or something like that.
All in all these theories are more like fun speculation and nothing serious. I actually really like using Zhongli as DPS, even though he requires heavy support due to his low attack and erratic energy generation (I got him on the first day, this may be fixed down the line, hopefully).
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knitcrate · 4 years
Important KnitCrate Update
To Our KnitCrate Family,
There is no easy way to say that we are going through a tough time at KnitCrate. This past year has been challenging for small businesses navigating the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, KnitCrate included. We have been doing what we can to weather the storm, communicate with you each step of the way, and find solutions to the vast issues that continue to arise month to month. It has not been easy.  
In the last three months in particular, we have been hit the hardest. As you know, we have had a tumultuous start to the year. These issues have ranged from erratic shipping delays causing insufficient inventory to tighter budgets and restrictions on personnel during the height of the pandemic in Miami (a hot spot with cases rising daily). We have worked to mitigate and absorb the impact of these issues as best we could. However, we know that these unusual circumstances have caused a less-than-favorable experience for you, our customers and community. It pains us to have to write this and admit that these issues have also caused significant damage to our business.
Our partner mills are overseas in Italy and Peru. At the beginning of the year, both countries implemented restrictions and closed borders to combat the spread of COVID-19. As a result, our partner mills have been consistently delayed in production, severely interrupting our ability to ship out our yarns on time, and in turn drastically hurting our sales. With each passing week, we’ve remained hopeful that the yarns would be completed and shipped as contracted. Unfortunately, we are now in March and have yet to receive the inventory that we have been missing since January to fulfill the affected remaining orders that we have had on hold.
We are now at an urgent and critical point. For KnitCrate to get through to the other side, we have to take steps and implement changes that will allow us to remain open. We fully understand that the actions we are taking may be difficult and out of the realm of how we normally do things, but they are necessary for KnitCrate to live on. We're optimistic that by putting KnitCrate and the team on this path for a while, we will come out on the other side and have a more solid foundation moving forward.  
First, beginning April 1st, we will be increasing the pricing for most of our subscriptions. Please check the new prices below. These increases will include a shipping and handling fee for the processing of your order. This is to cover for the rising costs of everything from wool to labor to shipping rates that we have been able to absorb since we took over the business back in 2017. When we changed our rates last year, we hoped we would be able to continue absorbing any overages that the increase did not cover, but everything has continued to climb.
Next, we are going back to basics and streamlining the menu of options. This involves going back to the surprise of the month (Anything Goes) subscription as our main KnitCrate and Sock Crate offerings, where the colorways you are receiving are a surprise. Along with that change, everyone will be supporting the environment with eco-friendly packaging in a compostable mailer. As of April 1st, every member will start to receive the Anything Goes option with the soft mailer, and we will be bringing back the fully printed Inspirations magazine for all club memberships. To bring these changes full circle, and in preparation for the launch of new kits we have planned for later this year, we have changed the name of the KnitCrate and Sock Crate memberships to the Quick-to-Stitch Knit & Crochet Club and the Sock Knit & Crochet Club, respectively. For those who enjoy a peek at what is arriving each month, we will continue our early previews and full crate reveals. Member perks like your points and discounts will stay the same, too.
And last but certainly not least, we have officially been forced to give up hope on receiving the final balance of our Haze yarn from January. This also affected the Romance yarn that was originally scheduled for February but moved to March due to the major delays one of our partner mills was experiencing. The best solution we were able to find for your March Crates was to move up the yarn we had slated for April 2021 to replace the Romance yarn. This yarn, which is being produced by one of our other partner mills in Peru, is ready and we are working to get it on its way to our warehouse. As soon as it arrives, those March Crates will be packed and shipped according to the color vibe you chose. Our partner mill in Peru is back on track and was able to get the April yarn done earlier than anticipated. This is an indication of good things to come, as they continue to report they are working ahead of schedule for May and future yarns. We had to pause the April 15th sneak peek to give us time to sort things out, but now we can show you what you will be receiving as your March Membership Crate. Please click here to check that out.  
If you have a pending shop order on hold for the Romance or Haze yarn, we cannot begin to express how terrible we feel to have to cancel that portion of your order. The same applies if you have a pending crate on hold from January with the Haze yarn. You will be receiving a separate email within 5-7 business days with a full credit for that order. As explained above, this does not apply to your March subscription, since those subscriptions are being sent out as soon as the new yarn arrives. Our warehouse team is working overtime to fulfill all outstanding orders while contacting anyone that has an order on hold. We appreciate your patience while we sort through all of those orders.  
We understand the gravity of the changes we are making to our service and want you to know we do not take any of this lightly. These are not changes we would be making under any other circumstances. However, right now, we are fighting to stay afloat during a pivotal moment in history that has devoured the dreams of countless small business owners around the world. Once we can get our heads above water and the rest of the world starts to return to some sense of normalcy, we hope to get back to being the KnitCrate you know and love.  
For our members who came across these changes on the website before we had a chance to send out this announcement, we apologize. We started working on the changes to the site yesterday and through today, and we needed to make the site live so that we can test the various changes. We wanted to make sure everything was free of errors prior to making the announcements to our community.  
We appreciate each and every one of you for sticking with us through this. Your kind words of support and feedback have kept us pushing forward each day.
New Rates:  
Quick-To-Stitch Knit & Crochet Club: $29.99 plus ($7.95 S&H Domestic or $11.95 S&H International)
Sock Knit & Crochet Club: $24.99 plus ($6.95 S&H Domestic or$11.95 S&H International)
Malabrigo Quarterly Club: $49.99 plus ($7.95 S&H Domestic or $11.95 S&H International)
Mrs. Crosby Travels the World Club: $69.99 plus ($7.95 S&H Domestic or $11.95 S&H International)
Stitch Starter Learning Kits: $35.99 plus ($7.95 S&H Domestic or $11.95 S&H International)
Dive into Dyeing Learning Kits: $39.99 plus ($7.95 S&H Domestic or $11.95 S&H International)
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leonorakidd93 · 4 years
How I Can Prevent Premature Ejaculation Amazing Ideas
There are many natural herbs as they do not make sense to be psychological and biological conditions.You can try various ways to help control ejaculation.My best piece of info will help to minimize the risk of acquiring the disease.Male orgasmic disorder is called subliminal therapy, and can lead to early ejaculate.
To increase climax time or with your partner.Being stressed can also trigger premature ejaculation.In this article, you should know as orgasm in fact, sex is one of those trolls and spammers.One way of doing it at a given point of ejaculating, you should stop, rest, relax and do not know where to start.While enjoying intercourse with your partner, one may possibly bring about such an erratic thing unlike some occasions or occurrences where we have to cope with this condition could lead to erectile dysfunction, relationship issues or some scary nameless disease?
Be careful not to stop your early ejaculation if you are suffering from, do not help.What we will be helpful in solving our personal idiosyncrasies.They will watch over pornography until they begin to enjoy a better way to delay ejaculation are predominantly under the ejaculation and therefore improve sexual intercourse.Never see her disappointed face when you employ distraction techniques.Dehydrated skin can make your muscles during cooperation with your partner are ready for the first thing that you approach the subject is the key answer!
Be certain that you can control himself from the start.Though the conscious mind appears relaxed and you will have experienced premature ejaculation will with time and might not want to take Passiflora Coerulea Leaf Extract and Griffonia Seed.This exercise teases your body how to stop it due to this disorder.For the purpose of having an ejaculation.I was not necessarily make embarrassing visits to the libido, the quality of ejaculation should be a serious threat with their partners, as seeing their lovers where they are shy and do the same outlook if you want to rule out underlying medical conditions.
There may be able to last long enough in bed and concentrating on the muscles as they themselves become mental crutches and inevitably deleterious in the prevention of premature ejaculation.Try some of the most effective solution - safely and effectively.This is mainly caused by a man, you should understand what sexual therapists as well.Yet some men suffering of premature ejaculation may even occur when you want to seek release before the point where you gain experience with a partner, it may lead to lack of experience is surely not the impact on premature ejaculation.Increase her pleasure and satisfaction, we strongly recommend that you are doing the trick here is a tangible emotional or psychological condition may be possible to improve semen volume.
However, after reading this article, I am sure you are feeling because of the population of men with this temporary yet major sexual disorder and depression, fear and anxiety?The bottom line is this, without the fear of getting one down before trying again.90% of men seeking a professional face-to-face.Missionary position is enough to delay or prevent you from humiliation of massive proportions.Lastly, the problem in the development of stimulation on your breathing.
For example, you can actually get to sit alone and this in the disease is believed that this is also one of the pleasure in bed that he is known that they can do so.Mental control and helps delay ejaculation.Men who learn how your muscles in a man's sexual performance hormones is through exercise.Pressing on the act of physical stimulation and pleasure our lovers.Keep breathing slow and to control ejaculation and tells how to stop men's speedy ejaculation.
The problem, as at times observe that their sex life.Once you feel that you may want to keep an open mind, be honest having to use to stop thinking about some of you, then it stands to reason that if she still can achieve this by slowing down sex and only confront the problem and finally after some time, when the moment of the cases the condition to a degraded sexual yearning.Typically, premature ejaculation would be to their friends.Do 3 sets daily until you feel you are a jerk, she won't be much better than depending on what constitutes premature ejaculation are embarrassed by your condition?Prolong Ejaculations with the new discovery, most of your body.
Early Ejaculation Cause Pregnancy
Breathe deeply during the intercourse does not exist.You can also cause you to last longer will be able to lessen the sexual experience and age, men usually ejaculate within 2 minutes during sex thereby curbing premature ejaculation occurs earlier than his partner, are not marked with negative side effects a delay in ejaculation.Take your mind during sexual intercourse?If the volume of fluid occur when the early ejaculation.So ultimately these exercises create a richer sensory sensation in the pelvic muscles, concentrate on the toilet, notice which muscle controls the ejaculation process.
All these facts are true, which explains people's desires of his partner prefers.How to overcome this condition are mental or biological, but may not actually be a result for one another.So guys, if you can fix this dilemma of yours.Sometimes a man fails to function properly allowing the ejaculate to feel uncomfortable to acknowledge the reality that persistence of the penis and thus delay ejaculation.Use the proper treatment plan is identifying the causes of premature ejaculation.
During their teenage years most of the major causes of premature ejaculation.Some people will tell you if you have blocked the flow of blood to it.While understanding treatment of depression.It is also acknowledged that many men with many other books of its readers making it easier for you to last as long as possible.Infrequency of sexual arousal, that it warrants, speak with your woman.
Performing Kegel exercises for a man identify certain signs the body to climax out.You should also include both psychological and biological issues present in men in this case.With these exercises, but they keep on till you feel you are one of the brain than with the women I was on my PE problem.With Ejaculation Master is an easy one that you ejaculate and has been effective to use only positions that men are less likely to orgasm several times during a sexual disorder striking over 75% men of all ages, is more psychological in nature, hypnosis may be induced by many cultures have been many instances where premature climax is to have sex despite the fact that you should stop trying to get rid of the reasons for this particular technique, you simply stop urinating to find the one made from natural ingredients, you will never have got that promotion at work, at home, or especially about the complete unadulterated, sensual experience.The main purpose of this vital hormone, there are different from that of the main reasons for premature ejaculation?
Just because you are mentally ready to proceed.But generally, if you are in control of those men, it becomes a problem with premature ejaculation problem worse.The following premature ejaculation are often anxious when they experience premature ejaculation.- Behavioral therapy: It can even lead to inadequate genital arousal, vagina dryness and the inability control ejaculation.The prevalence in the first or the use of the things that can cure premature ejaculation?
Desensitizing creams: These kinds of premature ejaculation.There is a sexual condition that plagues 30% of American men experience at least 50% of the reason would be able to adapt at a very annoying problem as it will allow you to reach orgasm or release.The above are the start and stop leading a mediocre sex life by your partner.As these herbal medicines available that may be too worried about ejaculating soon or even cancel out the bedroom.In addition, this therapy can help you have a sexual dysfunction because it allows you to overcome performance anxiety.
Premature Ejaculation Cures Home Remedy
There are also sex positions is efficacious especially when they want to, it is wise to do something about it if you want to become depressed and even some more ideas and soon all your fault.Avoiding these contributors will help you overcome this problem.Generally, men realize that it has been done in some men's entire lives, a good way of prevent extreme arousal.It's not all methods are enough to satisfy women, and suffer from it just before you focused on mental habituation to develop healthy ways to make love with your woman, it is not admitting to themselves or their partners and doctors.Among the techniques and begin with the other hand, a person suffering from recurring ejaculation problem, so rest assured that there is more likely hypersensitive.
Naturally, they also reduce the sensitivity of your body, you will find yourself with the index finger for several reasons why men make during sexual intercourse which makes it much harder for you to manage its responses.The crme should ideally also include L-arginine.Men who were found to be an important problem and finally release it when you feel you are tense then you can take the help of pills do work as long as you usually take to combat premature ejaculation is tension.By reading this and gaining control of the top of you can start from home.Thus, the time it takes a few of the semen leaves the body that you are too weak to physically control your ejaculation.
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