#here.....? not nearly as much bc while it can sometimes fit setting wise it's not??? as big of a thing????
illithilit · 7 months
rp tier list
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tagged by: @forgottenwyrm tagging: @airxn ; @aliarssmile ; @eldritchborn ; & anyone else who hasn't??? ( I haven't been paying attention, sorry fam orz )
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC’s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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rahleeyah · 3 years
I totally missed doula Liv! Please, tell us about her!
Thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰 lmao ok so
Doula Liv
Here we go
After the Lewis trial, Liv walks away from the NYPD. She's got her twenty, got her pension, saw Lewis put away, but she lost pieces of herself in the process, and she is struggling with guilt and the resurgence of her ptsd, and she can't keep going on like this. She needs a change.
She has always, always been a helper. She wants to help people, help women, in a way that doesn't require her to break herself in half. She starts volunteering at the rape crisis center. She meets people, ends up volunteering at the local pp. She meets more people, and her therapist encourages her, and she trains as a doula. She loves the idea of it, not just helping to bring new lives into the world but also supporting their families. It comforts her. Sometimes late at night she wonders if she made the right choice; is this the best place for her? Are these the people who need her help most? Is she just being selfish? But then she thinks about all those babies who are safe bc of her and after tells herself no. The average shelf life of a detective in svu is 3 years. She put in nearly sixteen. She did more good than most, and got out before she lost her life.
One of the nurses at the hospital tells her about the little baby the police brought in, the one no one seems to want. While they're waiting to decide what to do with him Liv sits in a rocking chair on the ward, and holds him. There's something special about him, she thinks. Maybe it's because nobody wanted him, just like nobody wanted her. She keeps an eye out for him. It's been a long time since she set foot in a courthouse but Judge Linden remembers her. And one day, exasperated by how this child has been treated, asks Liv to take him home. So she does. She still gets Noah.
But it's different. She doesn't have to work; her mother left her a sizeable inheritance (Rich Girl Liv) and she invested wisely and she's got her pension, but she needs something to do. She takes as many clients as she wants, and still volunteers at the rape crisis center. But she gets more time with Noah, and she loves it.
She's not in business alone; she has a partner. Idk let's call her Mary, just to give her a name. Babies are unpredictable and occasionally - not often, they do their best to avoid it - they have to pinch hit for each other during a labor. And one day it happens. Noah's in school and one of Mary's clients has gone into labor but she's assisting with a home birth that just won't end and please, can Liv go?
She says of course, takes down the client's name and information and rushes to the hospital. The nurses know her and Mary told them she was coming, she heads back to the delivery room. Just as she approaches the door, a woman walks out.
It's Kathy fucking Stabler.
They both rock back on their heels for a second, completely shocked. The client's name is Maureen Dawson and a half hysterical laugh bubbles up in the back of her throat; it's Maureen. Elliot's Maureen. She's been called in to deliver Elliot's grandchild. She doesn't know if she wants to scream or cry.
"Olivia?" Kathy breathes her name. "Did Elliot call you?"
And that's a shock, bc Liv hasn't spoken to the man in ten years. Why would his wife think he called her?
"no," she says. "Mary did."
And she explains, and Kathy laughs, a little wild around the eyes, and hugs her suddenly, quickly, fiercely. And then they step into the room together.
Maureen is in the bed, the man who must be her husband holding her hand tightly. He barely notices Liv's entrance, but Maureen does.
"Olivia?" She asks, confused.
"hey, Mo," Liv answers, trying not to cry. She explains again.
"I didn't know," she tells Kathy, a little desperately. "I swear I didn't-"
Kathy shakes her head. "I'm glad it's you," she says.
And they get to work. It's shaping up to be a long labor, and they settle in for the long haul. Kathy tells Maureen's husband that it's only fitting Olivia is here to deliver her first grandbaby, after what she did for Kathy and Eli. There's no one I'd trust more, Kathy says, and Liv tries not to cry. It's just so surreal; these people belong to her old life, a life she thought she'd left behind, and now she's here. There's no wedding ring on Kathy's finger but Liv won't ask, can't ask, not now.
Eventually Elliot comes barreling into the room, wild eyed. He stops short when he sees her, but they're getting down to the wire. Everyone's focus is on Maureen. Elliot goes to her, kisses her forehead, tells her how much he loves her. But then she's pushing, and he backs away, lets Kathy hold one of her hands while her husband holds the other. Liv coaches her through it, gently, and he's mesmerized by her, how her hair is longer, softer than he remembers, the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes when she smiles, the deftness of her hands. Between Liv and Maureen and the doctor they get the job done, and Liv's hands are the first to hold his grandson, cradling him gently before carrying him to Maureen, settling him on her chest. Everyone is crying, now.
Mary turns up and takes over, and the family is gathered around, staring at the baby, and Liv slips away. It's not her place to linger, she thinks. They don't need her.
Kathy notices Elliot noticing her departure, though.
"go get her," she says.
And so he does.
He catches up with her in the hallway, asks her if she wants a coffee. The sun has gone down and Noah is at home with a sitter but she can't say no. She doesn't want to.
They get coffees from the cafeteria but there are too many eyes and the walls are suffocating so they take them outside. Find a spot on the steps out of the way, and watch the city moving around then, both of them thinking about all the nights they spent sitting on a stoop somewhere, just being together.
Elliot tells her haltingly what became of him. Why he had to leave. That he and Kathy are divorced. That he's missed her, every day. And Liv hears him, and she wants to be angry, she does, but he's here beside her and she's just held his grandson in her arms, and the anger feels very far away. Sitting there on those steps with their shitty hospital coffee, both their lives start over again, moving in the same direction this time.
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Major angst and general pain warning. Rape mention. Blood mention.
I got an ask regarding Fem!Jean and I will be addressing it soon, but first, we need to talk about Riko. So... here’s that + the start of Jean’s bit.
So let’s start with her sexuality. She’s a lesbian but she doesn’t talk about it. 
Not anymore at least. 
The second Nathania Wesninski stalked into the Raven Court, Riko knew she wasn’t ‘normal’. All the girls on t.v. kissed boys. They all stayed up late talking about boys. They swooned whenever one of them smiled at them. Riko did all those things too but never about boys. Only about Nathania. Late at night, she’d lay awake gushing about how amazing Nathania was while Kevin tried to drown out the sound of her voice with his pillow. 
She was so pretty. Riko felt her heart swell when Nathania’s icy eyes thawed and her crooked smile broke out across her face. Nat’s fiery hair matched her fiery temper. All her life, Riko had lived under her uncle’s rules. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Don’t touch that. Don’t go there. Don’tDon’tDon’tDon’t
Nat didn’t care. When Tetsuji said don’t touch the racquets, Riko watched as Nat waited for him to turn his back before racing over to the stand. Clambering onto the sofa, Nat turned to look at Riko. Pressing a finger to her lips, she turned back and reached up for the racquet. She dragged her hand across the length of the stick and tugged at the netting. Rolling up to the balls of her feet, Nat pressed a kiss to the joint where the head of the racquet connected to the handle. Just before Tetsuji could turn back, she hopped down and raced back to Kevin who was staring at her, his mouth wide open. He smacked her across the back of the head and scolded for directly disobeying The Master. Nathania scowled him. Seeing Riko still watching her, she gave her a wink and a smile. Riko thought she was going to die then and there. 
In the two years Nathania spends at Evermore, Riko’s feelings only intensify. She finds herself tripping over her own feet and running into walls because she’s too busy staring at Nat to watch where she’s going. 
Riko ends up watching some rom-com with Kevin, Nat, and their newest addition to the court: Jean!!!!
She sees a lesbian couple that gets one scene in which one of them kisses the other on the cheek when she catches the bouquet at the main couple’s wedding. 
Riko is shook. 
At practice the next week, Nat stops Kevin in an impossible move and Riko is starstruck. She runs over and hugs Nat close. When Nat pulls her helmet off, she looks so pretty. Riko can’t stop herself from pressing a rough kiss to Nat’s cheek. Nat is shook for half a second, before laughing and returning Ko’s kiss with one of her own. If Ania had stayed at the Raven Court, she and Riko would have been a thing and Riko would have been incredibly soft. 
Here’s where things get bad tho. After Nat left, The Master grabbed Riko by her hair and dragged her into his office. Jean stood paralyzed while Kevin banged frantically on the door, Riko’s pleas and sobs ringing through the locker room. Riko couldn’t walk right for the next few days. Neither Kevin nor Jean could discern why. All of Riko’s bruises had been on her upper body. There had been a few running up and down her neck, scratches over her back, and bruises on her wrists and hips. None of those should have inhibited her from walking. 
Back then, none of them had understood what The Master had done to Riko. A few years later, the three of them heard the word rape for the first time. The man on the t.v. provided a fairly in-depth explanation of it.
“How could someone do something like that to another person?” Kevin asked, horror painting his face. Suddenly, he gasped. When Jean turned to see what had happened, she had to stifle one of her own. Riko had gone several shades paler than usual. Her limbs trembled as tears poured down her face. 
“That- that’s what he does to me,” she whispered, pointing at the screen. “That’s what Uncle does to me.” In between her sobs, Riko explained to them what her uncle had been doing every night once the others fell asleep. Jean and Kevin knew he called Riko from her room every night but they had never once thought this was why. The Master was trying to use ‘corrective’ rape to ‘fix’ her. All Jean and Kevin could do was sit and stare. It took everything in them to hold their own tears back. Seconds, minutes, hours, days passed once Riko finished. None of them knew what to do. They couldn’t tell anyone. Who would believe them? 
“If- if you’re fixed, will he stop?” Kevin asked finally. 
“I’m not broken!” Riko cried. 
“If you pretend to be straight, will he stop?” Kevin amended. 
“I- I don’t know. Maybe?” she replied. 
“Then maybe you should just pretend,” he said softly. “Just for now. After we leave, you can do what you want. You’ve just got to pretend for… ten years?” 
“That’s a long time,” Jean whispered. 
“It’s all we can do,” Kevin insisted. “We’ve spent our entire lives pretending to be fine. What’s one more secret?” 
“But how?” Riko asked. Silence engulfed the three of them. 
“You could try kissing a boy,” Kevin offered. “Reyes isn’t all bad.”
“No. I don’t want him getting any ideas,” Riko snapped. 
“Then it has to be one of us,” Jean said. Riko looked between the two of them, a frown furrowing her brow. 
“It’s just pretend, right?” she asked. 
“Just pretend,” Kevin replied a little too quickly. 
After a moment’s consideration, Riko agreed. She picked Kevin as her ‘boyfriend’. From that they on, she held his hand and pressed chaste kisses to his cheek when The Master was watching. Their act worked perfectly. Maybe a little too perfectly. Somewhere along the line, Jean realized that Kevin wasn’t pretending to love Riko. Whenever she walked past, Kevin couldn’t take his eyes off her. When she brushed against him, he leaned into her touch. Kevin had caught feelings and he had caught them hard.  
 From the moment she and Kevin started dating, she began to shut herself down. Feelings had been the source of all her pain. If she didn’t feel, she couldn’t get hurt, could she? Jean watched as her best friend started to cut away all the bits and pieces of herself that made her Ko. 
Jean is trans and she’s amazing and I love her. 
Riko might have cut herself off from most of her feelings and desensitized herself but she still is soft for Jean… sometimes. 
Jean comes out to her and Riko is in pain. She doesn’t understand but she supports her bc Jean supported her. 
Jean can’t change her name to fit her gender identity because then Ichirou will find out and God only knows what he’ll do to her. 
And so the nickname, Jeanie, becomes a thing. 
Jeanie is close enough to Jean that Riko can deny any wrongdoing. Jean wishes that she could just change her name and fully lean into her gender identity but Riko will just look at her and Jean will shove all her feelings down. 
They tell Kevin and he agrees to call her by the nickname too. They also privately refer to Jeanie with ‘she/her’ pronouns because they know it makes her feel better. Most of the Nest is set up so that the dorms are separated by gender. Kevin and Riko’s are an exception because Tetsuji wants Riko to keep her eye on her pet. Jeanie ends up crashing there most nights so she doesn’t have to face being in the men’s dorm. She only ever uses the bathroom in the dorms because they’re private. The changing room is just something she has to deal with and she hates it so much. 
When Kevin leaves, Riko officially breaks. He promised he’d protect her from Tetsuji. He swore he’d always be by her side. When he leaves, Riko is convinced that he’s abandoned her. Jeanie can only watch in horror as Riko’s deterioration increases exponentially. 
She’s torn. She’s glad that Kevin left because he had to. Tetsuji broke his arm for nearly showing Riko up on the court. Riko had been treating him worse and worse too. She had never raised a hand at him but Jeanie knew she was manipulating him. She deprived him of touch and cut him up and used him to get whatever she wanted. It hurt Jeanie to watch all of it. They were her best friends, her only friends, and they were tearing each other apart. 
Also, Kevin isn’t innocent. There were so many times when Riko tried to break things off with him. He’d shrug and nonchalantly suggest that maybe it was better if Tetsuji went back to treating Riko like a blow-up doll. >:00000 
Truly despicable 
Kevin’s gone, Riko is in shambles, and Jeanie has never felt more alone. 
Two months after Kev’s flight from Evermore, he showed up as Palmetto State as the new assistant coach. Tetsuji is furious. He had beaten Riko black and blue when Kevin had first run but this was something else entirely. Jeanie had walked into The Master’s office to hand over some reports and found Riko bound and gagged with her face buried in the couch cushions, her uncle above her. The Master threw Jeanie out and locked the door. Jeanie banged on the door, kicking at it but it wouldn’t budge. She collapsed outside the door sobbing. An hour later, Riko hobbled out of the office. She was covered in bruises and one of her eyes had swollen shut. Her clothes were in tatters and she was limping. She grabbed Jeanie by her hair and dragged her back to the dorms. Riko didn’t speak for the rest of the month. She wouldn’t leave her room for the next seven months. 
Jeanie didn’t leave Riko’s side in those seven months either. It wasn’t wise to leave a pregnant woman on her own. 
The birth of Cleo Moriyama was Evermore’s best-kept secret. The team assumed that she was Kevin’s. They were wrong. Cleo was an abomination. She was the daughter of Tetsuji Moriyama. Since Riko found out she was pregnant, she had lost all feelings. The birth of Cleo gave her back only one: hate. 
Jeanie was horrified. Riko had wanted an abortion but Tetsuji had refused. As a result, Riko had only hate in her heart for her daughter. Cleo is left to cry all night and starve to death for all Riko could care. Jeanie spends her third year of college juggling school, practice, and a baby that isn’t even hers. 
On top of everything, Riko has no emotions. None. She looks at everyone and everything with a dead, hollow-eyed look. A thousand-yard stare. In front of cameras, she always manages to slip her ditzy facade on but she doesn’t keep it on any longer than she has to. 
Riko is picking fights left, right, and center. She’s always brawling on the court. No one interferes because it’s Riko. 
The first flicker of emotion that Jeanie sees is at the discovery of Ania Josten’s true identity. For the first time in nearly a year, Riko looks excited. A brilliant smile splits her face and tears flow from her eyes. 
“Oh, Nattie. How I’ve missed you, my love,” Riko whispers as she drags a hand across the screen of her laptop, paused in the middle of one of Ania’s interviews. Riko turns to Jeanie. She races over and grabs Cleo out of Jeanie’s arms. “How would you like to have two mommies, Cleo? Oh, I’m sure you’ll love your new mommy. Such a pretty face. Such a dirty mouth.” There’s a crazed glint in Riko’s eyes and Jeanie feels her blood run cold. It’s the same glint she used to see whenever Riko ran her blades over Kevin’s skin. It was the same laughter that rang through the halls when Kevin sobbed beneath the sting of her blade, parting his skin, carving into his flesh. 
The banquets occur and Ania comes to Evermore. 
Jeanie wants to grab Ania by the shoulders and shake her. She wants to scream at her to get out. She wants to help her run but she’s too afraid of what will happen to her and, more importantly, Cleo if she does. Instead, she does her best to help Ania keep up. It’s hard especially when Ania is so dead set on pissing Riko off as much as possible. Ania refuses to accept Jeanie’s help either. She shoves Jeanie away and does the exact opposite of what she’s told. She hasn’t changed a bit since she was a child. 
Since the birth of Cleo, Jeanie has had her own room that she shares with the baby. It’s right beside Riko’s room. Jeanie finds herself waking in the middle of the night to the cries of the baby and the screams of Ania in the room next door. Riko is undoubtedly cutting her up just like she did Kevin. IIt’s Cleo or Ania. You can’t save them both, Jeanie thinks to herself as the tears slide down her cheek. She rocks Cleo in her arms, wishing the baby didn’t have to hear the horrors of the room next door. One night, however, the pleas she hears sound familiar. Pressing an ear up against the wall, she hears Ania begging for Riko to stop. She hears Riko demand that Ania love her. Jeanie leans back puzzled. It takes a few moments for the pieces to fall into place. She’s out of her room and kicking down Riko’s door in a matter of seconds. Ania’s handcuffed to the bed, naked. Riko is kneeling above her, her own shirt off. Blood coats everything in sight. 
This is the final straw. Jeanie grabs Riko by her hair and throws her across the room. She undoes the cuffs on Ania’s hands. She carries her to the bathroom and cleans her up. Ania doesn’t seem to be all there. Instead, she sits quietly as Jeanie does her best to clean the blood off her and dress the wounds. 
She packs Ania’s things and grabs Cleo and drives them to the airport. She calls Renee before the three of them hop onto the first available flight back to South Carolina. 
Wymack is already waiting for them at the terminal. His eyes widen at the sight of the child in Jeanie’s arms but he doesn’t question it. He drives the four of them back to the team nurse’s home. Jeanie explains what happened at Evermore and, after some prodding, reveals the truth about Cleo. Abby is trying to contain her tears. She offers to watch Cleo while Jeanie sleeps. Jeanie hesitates but her fatigue wins out. She hands Cleo over and falls asleep the second her head hits the pillow. 
Jeanie hides out with the foxes, waiting for Riko to come and take her back. Not once do they call. Instead, Renee’s adoptive mother has forced Evermore to open an investigation into the Ravens. It’s only a matter of time before the Ravens fall.
Jeanie’s story will pick up from her arrival at Palmetto. 
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espship18 · 5 years
Kpop ship for stayxdontxstray
Hello amazing people! I am back once again with a ship, and this time it is for @stayxdontxstray ! I had a lot of fun with this ship so without further a do, let’s go sailing on the boat of ships! lol 
Based off your request, I learned these things about you: 
Around 5′4 with a petite frame and toned legs 
Long brown hair and hazel eyes
You can be headstrong and a hothead 
But you’re actually a smol bean who hates confrontation omg girl same
Very loyal
Lowkey craves affection and attention but can also be shy 
A case of RBF
You have a good sense of humor 
Loves to make the most out of life 
You also tend to procrastinate and daydream 
And in your request you have asked to be shipped with Monsta X, NCT, Pentagon, and VIXX! You sound just wonderful so I’m so excited to ship you! 
Monsta X: Minhyuk 
Okay so you two are the cutest beans in all the land, so therefore I ship. I have substantial evidence to support my claim as well. When you two are together, there is sunshine all around- even when one of you is having a bad day, you two just make each other happy. You each were bitten by the lovebug when you met, and you two always continue to never have a dull moment. Evidence number one as to why I ship you two is that not only did you get yourself a lover, but you got yourself a best friend. Minhyuk always knows 1)what to do, 2)what to say, 3)how to make you laugh, and 4)how to surprise you. He would just know you like a book. If you’re ever stressed and need a pick me up, Minhyuk’s gotchu. Date night? He’s gotchu. He’ll go buy pizza ingredients and you made homemade pizza and binge watch the latest show, it’s great. Minhyuk would be able to see past the RBF by the way. Hyuk would be really good at reading your facial expressions, so he would always know what mood you would be in. Like I said, he knows you. He always 110% there for you when you need support. Whether it be for work, or for school, or simply get the courage to ask for a pizza with specific toppings, He’S gOT YoU. He is also your personal comedian. He’s got the best corny jokes you could ever imagine. The joke can be absolutely awful tbh, but if it gets you to smile, he keeps that joke in the memory book for future use. You also love to crack jokes with him. You also like to prank him every now and then bc he’s easily scared. So you’ll hide in the clothes hamper and give him a little surprise. We all know he is a huge goofball, so like, he’s always doing something weird and goofy, and the moments where you both are alone at the apartment just not giving a crap and being goofy are some of the best times. Moving along, he loVES giving you affection. You know Minhyuk with puppies, right? Girl, you are like that puppy in the Buzzfeed video. Whether it be PDA or even simply talking/touching each other, he loves to focus on you, know what’s new and fresh in your life, and he loves seeing your eyes light up when you get excited. He’s also the king at surprising you. Flowers, a road trip, your favorite take out, he will always surprise you! A lot of spontaneous trips, mostly because when he see’s a place with good restaurants, he’s like ‘LET’S GO’ so you go. Lastly, king of PDA. So many snuggles, and kisses, and hugs, and hand holding. He loves to kiss your forehead and hold your hands, the way you fit perfectly around his arms makes him so happy and calm, he never wants to let go. 
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NCT: Haechan
Okay so, there are literally so many options I could choose from, but for some reason why, Haechan is getting in my face like ‘PICK ME WOMAN’ so, here we are. You two would be a very domestic couple. Simplicity at its finest, and you’re just love sick puppies for one another. You two also joke around a lot. Right off the bat, I know Haechan would like to poke at your RBF. Similar to Minhyuk, he would know how to read your face so he would know if you were mad or not, but he does like to poke. You equally poke back at him but you’re always laughing by the end of things. You two can also be quite spontaneous. There is a good balance of wild and mild between you two, and if you’re down to go out on an adventure, you’re out in the city with no plan, some money, and hearts set for fun. And then if you’re not feeling going out, you have a karaoke party in the apartment, which can be equally as fun as to going out in the city. And then there are times when you want to be spontaneous and go to a new area. As long as you’re together, nothing else matters. Haechan would also be very affectionate towards you. This technically isn’t PDA so, I’m touching on this now. Haechan is a sweet bub by nature, so don’t be surprised if he goes on these rants about how much he adores you or how happy he is to have you in his life. Haechan would be very open about his feelings since the beginning, and you’re not against it, in fact that’s one of the reasons you fell for him anyway. You also love giving affection back to him, so you two would be very in tact with your feelings. You’re sweet and soft, but again, you can be spicy and sassy. I literally laughed out loud at the thought of this, but your hotheaded nature and his savageness results in a lot of playful bickering. The best times to bicker is when you’re with Chan’s fellow members and when you two bicker with each other, it’s always hilarious to have the members side with one of you, then you have a whole debate about the topic. Idk why I love the thought, I just do. Moving along to date night, date night is side and sweet. For you two, date night is a form of relaxing and bonding, because you both can get really busy and you never want to take your stress out on each other, so you two like to order take out, trying out new restaurants every time, and you’ll play some video games or watch a movie or two. You two also enjoy going to parks! PDA wise, I think Chan would be a little shy tbh. He’s not scared to be judged, but he just gets nervous to see other peoples reactions. He loves to hug you and give you cheek and lip kisses, he also loves to hold your hands, and rub his thumb over the top of your hand. Ugh you two are so cute. 
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Pentagon: Kino
When I think of you and Kino, I think of shy beans who love to go out and have a ball. Again, there are a lot of options to choose from when it comes to you, but the more I thought about you and Kino together, the more my heart went uwu. Starting out, you two would be very shy with each other. He wouldn’t want to be too forward and make you uncomfortable in any way, and you wouldn’t know when to hold his hand or compliment him. You two would be this cute bundle of red cheek mess, and I’m living for it. However, you both come out of your shells and you got super close when you did. I’m gonna lay this on the table right now, he is your personal snuggle bear. He loves it when you hug and snuggle on him, so like if you want hugs in the mall while you’re eating in the food court, he’ll tuck you into his side. Or if you’re at home, you will literally bend his arms and body in a position that you want to get snuggles. He doesn’t entirely mind it though. You also do not have to worry about getting motivation to get things done. Idk, I see Kino as someone who has the energy to take on big tasks at once and he easily becomes the perfect person to help you get motivation. You two can be such a proactive couple, and that is super cute to me, don't judge me. And honestly it doesn’t matter if you two are working on something together, like working on cleaning the apartment, or working on something separately, like tasks for jobs, you two work well together. You both help each other out a lot, so you would work well together, almost complimenting each other in a way. I also have this thought about you daydreaming, listen. One day Kino would catch you zoned the f out as you’re daydreaming about something. Your facial expression sort of worried him, and he would give you a light shake to wake you from your trance. When you settled down from nearly being scared to death(like I said, you were zoned out), Kino would still be worried. But as soon as you tell him that you were daydreaming, he instantly relaxes and he is very intrigued on what you were daydreaming about. You’d be a little shy to tell him but his whole face would light up when you told him what you were thinking about. He would want to know the little details, he just loves to hear what’s going on with you. He also loves to have your attention in general. Date night is always him, but what happens during date night depends on your moods- sometimes you go out, sometimes you don’t. But you’re always giggling and laughing, hands holding one another at some point. You two also slow dance to your song every time ;). PDA wise, if you’re not wanting the affection, he tends to be more reserved with PDA. He enjoys saving the sweet stuff behind closed doors. 
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VIXX: Ravi 
So when I was choosing a member, I wanted to go with Ken, but then I was like nah nah boy and I thought harder. Now, here we are. I love you and Ravi together, like I love it a lot. You would compliment each other nicely, much to people beliefs. I love comparing couples to things, so you and Ravi would be like ying and yang, you’re just too cute! And I just love the thought of this, you two would have good girl-bad boy aesthetic going on. Is my mind going back to the 50s? Yes. And am I ashamed of it? No. Ravi is also helplessly in love with you, so you will not change my mind on that. He is so whipped for you, you can crush his tough guy stature like a walnut or any other nut that is easy to crack lol. He is just so soft for you, and I am here for it. You would give him so much motivation and inspiration for things like staying happy, for motivation, or for lyrics for his songs. I can see a lot of his inspiration coming from memories that you two have made together. From your travels, to dates, to simply looking at each other, Ravi can get so much inspiration- which by the way you would have endless songs dedicated to you. Ravi would also be constantly scared to lose you. He would allow some of his anxiety to take over and he would always want to be the very best for you, so he could be a provider for you and he could take care of you. Ravi wouldn’t always admit that he is scared to lose you, but a lot of his actions speak for itself. You love to call him out on it, mostly because that’s one of the times that you can make him flustered. You love to cup his cheek, give him a kiss on the lips and tell him how much he means to you. Then he just wraps his arms around you and it’s so soFT anD I NEED A TISSUE. He’s also so quick to stand up for you on social media. He takes no bulshit from haters, and he is very quick to shut a hater down. He also highkey loves it if you ever get pissed off at one of his haters and you pop off. It’s funny for him when he see’s how your ears glow red or just simply loves to see you rant about something. Moving right along, pet names are your shit, listen up. You two have multiple nick names for each other and they get changed often. Again, I can really see Ravi being whipped for you, so he wouldn’t be afraid to call you some cute ass nickname like lovebug or baby doll, whatever he see’s that fits the most. You love to take it one step further and have joking nicknames, but those nicknames mean the world to him. I want to touch on this super quick- two words. SLOW. DANCING. I love this concept so much. He loves to have you wrapped in his arms with his cheek resting on your head, eyes closed, dancing to an old school love song. My 50s dream is living right now, but dear lord it is so sweet. PDA wise, I think Ravi would be possessive. He would always like to keep you close, and he ain’t afraid to make out with you in front of a guy who looks at you the wrong way. Don't mess with his girl. 
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Episode 6.2: Gloves
In which we have a short meeting to level up and get ourselves off of Alderaan. 
As we’re leveling our characters up, we roll to see how much hp we gain, and Grif rolls a 1. 
M: Grif is such a glass cannon. 
DM: Yeah, he’s really just glass. I’m going to go ahead and give you some points anyway so you don’t die instantly. And now... loot. 
Me: Loot? 
M: Loot? 
H: Loot? 
The Party: Loot? Loot?? 
Me: we sound the seagulls in Finding Nemo. 
We each gain 2000 credits, Grif and Taveau get grapple guns, and Grif snitches a paper with some commlink broadcast codes on it from the Blademaster’s body. Taveau gets a very nice, very stabby, +5 vibroblade from the Scout and some average combat gloves from one of the grunts. (Jang has claimed the gloves from the Scout and Blademaster). They’re not particularly flashy, but I wanted them for the aesthetic if nothing else. 
Grif also takes the armor from the Scout, who’s about his size and has good armor. He’s planning on repainting it and keeping it in his room on the ship “so he has something to aspire to.” Mij may have been a little too encouraging of Grif’s interest in Mandalorian culture, and he’s decided to... OH. I JUST HAD A HORRIFYING REALIZATION. GRIF HAS BECOME A MANDO WEEB. He’s become obsessed with learning more about the culture and absorbing it.  He’s... incredibly sincere, and he’s Grif, so it doesn’t really make Taveau uncomfortable, but he’s a little ??? ???
(More on this, later!) 
As we’re searching the bodies, one of the Wookiees rushes in and snarls that the prisoners have died--one of internal bleeding, and the Blademaster apparently popped a poison pill real quick as soon as he came to. 
Grif: Well, shoot! So much for giving them that message! 
Taveau: What? 
Grif: You know, when I told him to go back and tell the others that we fight with honor? 
Taveau (didn’t know until now actually bc he was unconscious but whatever):  Oh, you were serious about that? 
Grif: I mean, yeah... I was really in the moment, might not have been the best thing to say. I’ll do better next time! 
Mij was in deep conversation with Baron Welkonna when he hears the news. He looks up. 
Mij: Ah, shab... that figures. Well, if you’ve got everything you can from them, we’ve no use for these boys. (He looks towards Midkrarr) You can dispose of them however you like--but, hey, real quick. Can you give me the gloves from the Blademaster and Scout? My friend’s a collector. 
Grif: Hm. I have a couple questions about your friend. Were you part of the whole deal when he arrived on Hypori?
Mij: Hypori? Hypori..
Grif: Should’ve been like a week ago.
Mij: Honestly I don’t know, I don’t know what Jang gets up to in his free time. 
Grif relates a brief version of our Hypori encounter with Jang. 
Mij: Huh, sounds like him. I guess you’ll have to ask him when you meet him, if you meet him; not sure if he’s sticking around long enough to chat. 
Grif: He’s here? 
Mij: Oh yeah, he’s my pilot. 
Grif: Oh, I see! Where’s he running off to? Got republic business, or...?
Mij: *chuckles* Oh, now now. As I said, I don’t ask what Jang gets up to when I’m not around.
Medrull gives Mij the gloves. No hands inside, thankfully. Mij appraises them for a moment. 
Mij: That’ll do. *Turns to Grif* Alright, we’ve got real business to discuss. I’ve been talking to your father, and I think the only way this is going to work is if you’re dead.
Grif: Right. I’ll have to get rid of my IDs... 
Rralwarr: You might want to get out of your robes. 
Grif: Good idea. Dad, is it possible to get a change of clothes perhaps?
Medrull, who is ahead of the game, comes in from another room and hands Grif a fairly nondescript set of grey coveralls, rather loose and baggy, with lots of pockets. Grif likes pockets. 
Rralwarr: Well, you didn’t like being in noble robes anyway. 
Grif: You didn’t like me being in robes! I was fine with it! 
Welkonna: Son, it pains me to do this, but I’ll have to announce your death. We’ll have a private funeral, no viewing of the casket. We’ll get your ship to a safe location and you can sneak offworld. I have some friends in Alderaanian air control who won’t ask too many questions... This may be the last time I see you, for a while, maybe ever. 
Grif: Dad don’t say that! I’m sure I’ll come home sometimes. Although, I might be using another name. And I might have to change my appearance. And you might not be able to acknowledge that it’s me. ...I’ll at least give you a code word, if I ever need to come home, you’ll know it’s me. 
Welkonna: Alright, that’s better than nothing. What’s the word? 
(H: don’t do it 
Me: fluffy? 
Grif: Um... gonna harvest some grain! Coming home to harvest some grain, that works. 
Welkonna: Alright. I’ll remember. ...I wish I had some wise words, or a parting gift, or something to give you, son, but I’ll be honest: I’m tired, I’m old, I've seen too much now, more than I hoped to see, more than I ever wanted you to see. But the Force moves in ways we don’t understand, and perhaps eventually this will all work out. But for now... For now I need a rest. 
Grif: Well, If I don’t see you dad, may the Force be with you. 
They hug. Then, Baron Welkonna turns to Rralwarr. 
Welkonna: Whatever you owed to me through your family’s debt has been more than repaid. Nonetheless I ask that you take as good care of my son as you can. 
He shakes his hand, a little awkward about it. Rralwarr roars in approval. 
Then Baron Welkonna looks at Taveau. He just nods and says “thank you.” He’s barely keeping it together. 
Taveau returns the nod. “Thank you.” 
The other bodyguards gather around Rralwarr. One tells him to go out and find himself a nice lady Wookiee. Another one slaps Taveau on the back, nearly knocking him over. They seem to like Taveau. He’s touched. Then they move in on Grif for hugs. Grif appreciates it, though he is Very Squeezed. 
Grif: Well, better go guys! 
Mij: Alright. Let’s head out. *He glances over the assembled party* It’s good to know there are still honorable people even among the aruetiise. Stay alive. 
He salutes Baron Welkonna and heads out. We follow him. It’s nighttime, and the country sky, free of light pollution, is filled with stars. 
Mij’s freighter looks like a fairly standard Corellian YT-series ship, however Taveau just hearing the engine hum can tell it’s a bit deeper and more powerful than standard, and Rralwarr notices a couple proton torpedoes that are definitely not standard. You can see the smoke trailing up from the wreckage of the Death Watch ship in the distance about a mile away. 
As we head up into the ship, Mij goes to the cockpit and prepares to take off. Mij gets distracted by a familiar figure. He’s not wearing clone trooper armor this time, although his face, which is visible as his helmet is set beside him, is a clone’s face. He’s now wearing blue Mandalorian armor. 
Grif: Jang! 
Jang: ....? ....Aaaay! I know you. Hypori, right? Fun times, good to see you’re still alive. 
He looks a little surprised to see that someone knows his name. 
Grif: Yeah! We, uh, decided to join up!
Jang: *sighs, leans back towards the cockpit* Mij! You’re starting to act like my dad!
Mij: Shut up! Don’t forget I outrank you!
Jang: Not anymore, you’re a civilian for this mission, remember?
Mij: Osik!
Grif, concerned: So you gotta take up a new identity when you want to visit a planet, or what? 
Jang makes a dismissive gesture. 
Jang: Nah we’ll get you sorted, I’m one of the best slicers in the galaxy. Fake IDs are easy. You... Hmmm. *he gives Grif an appraising look.* You could be... a Koati accountant with a taste for Rodians.
Rralwarr: what’s that supposed to mean
Grif: I mean?? I’m?? Open to that I guess?
Jang then looks at Taveau, takes stock of the armor, and greets him in Mando’a. He comments that the armor is looking a bit beat up. Taveau just goes “yep.” 
Jang: Don’t worry, I’m sure we can fix you up. *He looks at Rralwarr* ...I don’t think we have any armor that would fit you, though. 
Grif: So Jang, what do we usually do? Like what would our first mission be like?
Jang: Mission? Believe me, mate, you’re not ready for a mission, yet. You got lucky with these guys, but you’re going to need some training before you’re ready for anything else. 
Grif: Ah, training, well I can appreciate that, I’m definitely out of my element when it comes to the blasters. 
Jang: Don’t worry, we’ll find something to do with you. You seem good at dealing with people, we could use someone like that. I’m a bit conspicuous, and some people seem to tire of Mij constantly reminding them that *yelling down the hallway into the cockpit* HE’S A DOCTOR all the time. 
Mij: AND A BATTLEFIELD SURGEON, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Hey, can you take over piloting? I need to talk to these guys. *He rejoins us* As far as your death goes, your dad’s going to take care of the administrative stuff. 
Grif: Yeah, that’s the plan. 
Mij, handing him a datacard: Meet me here at Sullust in 3 standard days. At that point we’ll work out what we’re doing.
They land the ship at a fairly unremarkable city spaceport, where your ship is now sitting, and let you off. 
Mij: Alright, Sullust, 3 days, see you then. 
They take off. 
Grif: Well, guys, for once, I feel free! I don’t have anyone telling me what to do but the people I want telling me what to do! ...Huh, that sounds like what I said when I got my first job. ...So where are we going?
Rralwarr: We need medpacs. 
Grif: Do we want to do that here, though? 
Taveau: No! Let’s get off this planet where you’re known and supposed to be dead, first. 
Rralwarr: Yeah, we’ve got three days to kill; it doesn’t take that long to get to Sullust. 
DM pulls up the map (and I play this song) so we can decide where we’re going. Mij has plotted our course for us, it’s a bit out of the way, to avoid us taking the same route as him. We realize that we’ll be taking a turn right at Naboo, and decide to stop there for groceries. And thus the fun of the next session. 
Masterpost of episodes
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noxstrix · 6 years
hello. i am coyote. my pronouns are she / her and they / them. i am over 21 years old, and a full time college student. i’m a practicing pagan in the real world. i have adhd and anxiety, so i really prefer to reply to drafts selectively and with mutuals only. my classes are mon - thurs  and i tend not to reply very much on those days. because of this i’d call this blog medium activity. as of right now nisa is my only character. i believe everyone has the freedom to say whatever they want on their blogs, within reason, please do not follow me if you are someone who is easily offended.
i know my rules are long, but they are to keep everyone on the same page and to prevent any future discourse from happening on my blog or between us as writers. thank you so much for taking the time to read everything, i sincerely appreciate it !!
please exit the page and unfollow right now, if you are under the age of eighteen.
this blog is extremely triggering. i cannot stress this enough. blasphemy is a reoccurring theme. a lot of the content i write here explores  conspiracy theories about the biblical apocalypse, the vatican and its links to illuminati, free masonry, and the ninth circle. if you have ever been curious enough to research on these cults, then you would likely know they are linked to subject matter such as human sacrifices, sex trafficking, murder, pedophilia, etc etc. while i do not promote or condone any of this, there will be frequent mentions in my writing of these topics and i won’t be tagging them. blasphemy will also never be tagged on my blog.
images posted / reposted on this blog are sometimes graphic and contain blood, gore, or melancholy. i will not be trigger tagging anything that does not make me personally uncomfortable. this blog is mine and i can do or post whatever i want on it. however, sometimes i do feel like there’s a line that might be crossed in regards to my followers.
i will be tagging any triggering imagery as  /  horror.  if you wish to add that to your blacklist. additionally if you have any really specific, and legitimate phobias you require me to tag, don’t hesitate to message me privately. all phobias brought to my attention ( ie. spiders, eye gore ) will likely wind up under the blacklist tag   /  trigger.  i will not be tagging anything such as food, or body image.
my character takes basis from biblical, luciferian, satanic, gnostic and jewish mythology. she is lilith’s reincarnation. i however, do change up some of the lore and give it my own ideas and flavors. everything about nisa and lilith, i headcanoned myself. same goes for her partner blog lucian / lucifer ( @antichrstis ). i wrote both of biographies. please do not steal any aspects of either character, or any of my lore regarding their universe, as i worked very hard on their background stories. i will post a call out, if i catch you imitating, copying, or stealing anything. this is your one and only warning.
because this blog is full of mature, adult content, please do not follow me if you are under the age of eighteen or you cannot maturely handle in character content like profanity, sex, horror, violence, torture, mental or physical abuse. if  either of the words sex or smut bothers you and makes you feel even a little queezy or you have an aversion to it, i definitely  do not suggest following. while i don’t smut often on this blog, it does happen, and when it does, it’s with characters whose writers are over the age of 20. sorry, i personally do not feel comfortable writing smut with muns younger than 20 years of age, i don’t care of 18 is the legal age, this is my personal preference.
additionally, i do not ship my oc against characters whose face claims are under the age of 25. i will not ship her with characters under the age of 23 ( divided by 2 + 7 rule )  that’s creepy to me. not only is nisa thirty one years old, but lilith is older than the earth’s creation. don’t even try to come up with excuses or convince me otherwise because it’s gonna get you hard blocked, you feel me?
nisa’s personal beliefs and actions, are not my own ! please keep ooc and ic separate in this regard. these are works of fiction and this is roleplay. the mun’s personality is not the muses. she’s a bit of a binch sometimes and narcissistic, but just because she is rude and mean to some characters, does not mean i, the mun, feel that way towards you ooc, or towards your character!
please, please, please, read nisa/lilith’s about pages in full. like every detail, okay? because i am so, so very tired of people approaching her as the stereotypical lilith. or approaching her automatically like she’s a bitch. if you’re a bitch to her first or give her an attitude, you better believe you’re going to get a reply according to that ten fold.
nisa is in essence, a fallen angel / demon, and the creator of witches and supernatural monstrosities, reincarnated. lilith is sometimes interpreted in biblical prophecy as the anti-christ’s partner in crime, which means only god can kill her. you can throw holy water at her, you can torture her, decapitate her, but your character can’t get rid of her.
she is true immortal. if you are going to pick a fight with her, pick your battle wisely, because she will not hesitate to use her magic or destroy your character to make a point. i do not hold her characterization back for any reason, so when you find yours flying across the room or pinned on a ceiling, don’t be surprised.
also bear in mind she has the ability to see people’s pasts and future, to pick up on their emotions, insecurities, and decipher personal things about them. i always read character’s backgrounds first to get an idea, and sometimes dig through headcanons pages for some juice. unless your character is a witch or supernatural being who has taken precautions spiritually or magically to block anyone from doing so at any given time,  don’t be surprised if this happens. i analyze your subtext as well, so anything your character is feeling or any vibes they’re giving off may or may not additionally not be picked up on.
if you read this and you’re thinking “lol overpowered, mary sue,” don’t follow me. it’s that simple. all of the powerful / evil characters you hate to love on television are mary sues when you strip away the lime light media.  i suggest taking a look in the mirror and getting off your high horse when it comes to your attitude towards original characters, kay? awesome.
ah yes, god modding. please don’t do it to my character unless discussed first, or unless you are sending me a starter! starters are the only situation i let people gently god mod in, because i know it can be difficult writing threads out of thin air.
do not undermine evil or magically powerful characters. i think most of us have been around the rpc long enough to have seen the psa going around on tumblr about this. it’s truly frustrating, when you have someone’s human character or any being capable of dying, repetitively poking a villain with a sharp stick, and then getting all butt-hurt when the other person replies accordingly with negative consequences for their muse.
because my character is an immortal, with nearly all magical abilities, i am going to be honest with you. if your character does anything threatening towards nisa/lilith, or anything which might provoke her to harm yours, i will god mode in my reply. again, pick your battles wisely. this only happens if your character does something to deserve it. there will be no ’ attempts made ’ because  if they are human, she can literally begin choking them from across the room, melting their brain, breaking their bones, setting them on fire, or instantly kill them with a tap on their shoulder, if she chooses.
if your character is supernaturally based and has magical powers, etc, i will message you first and give you a heads up so we can discuss how we want their fight to end and which direction to go in. every attack on your supernatural character will be attempted. in counter, if your character wants to engage in a magical battle or some sort of violent fight with mine, i hope you will respect me the same way and message me before hand.
this blog is mutuals only! if i don’t follow you please do not send me random memes, or anything unprompted. also please do not like any of my starter calls or reply to my open starters. if i don’t follow you back, please don’t feel bad! it is most likely because i don’t see her interacting with your character, you post too much ooc, or i already follow too many of a certain muse. i am ocd about what is on my dash. i have adhd so a fast and clustered or disorganized dash does give me anxiety!
with that out of the way, any mutuals, whether we have or haven’t interacted, are always welcome to send nisa/lilith random starters, dialogue one liners, crack, memes, headcanon questions, etc. there is no limit as to how you can interact with me or how you want to. if you feel like interacting with nisa, feel confident that you can just do it and don’t hesitate !!!!! none of you will or could ever annoy me tbh.
this blog practices both soft blocking and hard blocking. if i soft block you and you try re-following, i hard block. i do this to protect myself, and to protect my creative freedom on my blog. i don’t owe anyone an explanation. if i see frequent call outs, callout reblogs, vague posts, or negativity on your blog, i will not hesitate to block you as i see fit. please keep your ooc political views off my dash. i really don’t give a shit, since i’m here to roleplay.  
if you think i might have unfollowed you on accident  ( bc lets be real the mobile app is really trash and my thumbs are clumsy ) please unfollow and then refollow me to alert me of my mistake. my tumblr msgs are currently for mutuals only, so that’s the easiest way to get my attention.
as far as shipping is concerned, this blog only engages in pre-plotted ships. all  pre-plotted ships will get their own verse.
nisa is a complicated character and she is demiromantic. she isn’t really a flings kind of person and i bet you’re thinking ’ lol but it’s lilith ’ and yeah, that’s true, but just because the bible  called her a whore, doesn’t mean she is one. i’d really like to point out that they gave her that image because she disobeyed adam and god, whom are both men. did i also mention that the bible and rabbinical story of lilith, was written by men?
okay, great. now, we’re on the same page. many pagan practices and religions believe that periods of celibacy are a good thing, and actually makes witches more powerful, because sexual energy is powerful. before nisa accepts her fate of being lilith’s reincarnation, she does this frequently, as well as fasts, so that her various uses of magic, or that her visions, have an amplified effect.
in contrast, sometimes celibacy gets to be too much and she needs to actually release that tension and craves companionship, so one night stands, and flings are more likely to happen over romantic ships. she is flirty by nature and sometimes touchy-feely, this does not mean, however, that she wants to engage in sexual relations with your character.
i will only write with / ship with one lucifer, and that is @antichrstis in her main verse.
if your character is feeling nisa, or you view her character as someone yours might want to romantically ship with, and you would like it to happen, please feel free to message me andwe can discuss verse arcs and details ! don’t let what was previously mentioned above deter you.
i briefly mentioned smut earlier in my rules, but this is a reminder that i will not smut with anyone under age 20 or any muses whose fcs are under age 25.
if we’re mutuals, message me at your leisure! if you would like my discord, it is available upon request. i am open to ooc chit - chatting and plotting. i like making friends and getting to know people, so don’t be shy!
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slothcritic1 · 8 years
Moana (2016)
Amazing Hair: The Movie. Moana is a tale of Hawaiian/Polynesian folklore centering around Dwayne The Maui Johnson and brand new talent (Auli'i Cravalho) as the titular character.
As someone who grew up with Toy Story, it’s funny to think about what this movie represents from a technical standpoint. Toy Story purposefully did not have an explositions or exposed liquids due to the limitations of technology at the time. And now we have a movie that takes place 90% of the time in the middle of a huge ocean.
The movie has some genuinely good songs, thanks to the singing talents of Ms Cravalho and, surprisingly, Dwayne Johnson himself. Yes, The Rock can sing, and while it’s semi-obvious that he doesn’t have the range of some other singers, he works within his means and knocks it out of the park in the song You’re Welcome
The plot structure itself is very formulaic however, which is a shame as everything else holds up so wonderfully. The focal girl has a duty to uphold, but instead decides to “follow her destiny” and choose a life of adventure over the life she’s expected to live (you know, like Brave, Frozen, Mulan, Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Tarzan… you get the point). She then meets up with the wacky, street wise (or ocean wise), reluctant helper that she goads into helping on her journey. They become friends and bond, then theres the third act break up where the helper separates for no good reason, and the fourth act triumphant return at the ending climax for even less of a good reason.
With that out of the way, the movie rocks. Some people completely judge a movie only on plot, but I think it’s more about how it makes you feel. A movie is a vessel for emotion and intrigue.
Aside from the stunning visuals (which, lets face it, are now a standard practise for Disney Pixar films) and a catchy song (songs however are much easier to screw up, and this movie has a lot of good ones), the opening scene is bland. It sets up Moana to be the next village chief and her journey into leaving the island. The scene doesn’t really have anything for itself, but rather is used to carry the impact of when she actually disembarks. It’s necessary for backstory (no one ever leaves the island), exposition (Moana is the daughter of the village chief, etc) and the premise (find Maui and have him restore Heart of Te Fiti to stop a black virus from consuming all life), but doesnt do too much on its own.
The disembarkment scene however is wicked powerful. My friends thought I was alien for not crying or tearing up during it, but I will admit it did give me a good *pang* in the heart. Magical spirit stingray!
Two things should also be mentioned at this point. 1) A rooster named Hei Hei has snuck aboard Moana’s boat. It’s a very special rooster that my friends would not stop comparing to me. And B) The ocean is a sentient character of sorts, and provides some of the comedy for the movie.
Moana follows the constellation of the fish hook to where Maui is, since thats his dealio. At some point however, the lovable ocean gets triggered and decides to unleash its torrential stormy wrath upon Moana. I mean, it does get her to Maui’s island, but I’m sure there were less dickish ways of accomplishing that. Though I don’t think ocean cares since it killed Moana’s dad’s best friend. Oh, ocean, you little scamp.
Maui pops in and drops my favorite song of the movie, then steals the boat and leaves Moana to… I dunno, die? But she makes it back to Maui and explains that he needs to help her because, guess what, she’s the Disney Princess of this movie. And yes - She is. Her father is chief, which is like a king. She’s the chief’s daughter, which is like a king’s daughter, aka princess.
Maui responds by throwing the Heart of Te Fiti several miles away. This almost works out for Maui until p̶l̶o̶t̶ the ocean interferes by throwing it back, railroading him into a whole new world.
Maui however is at a disadvantage in his current state; He’s missing his hook. No hook, no powers. So when tribal coconuts show up on a HUGE ship, armed to the coconuts with poison blow darts, they’re kind of fucked, especially when they steal the Heart of Te Fiti, which is… currently inside Hei Hei.
Luckily, Moana does some badass shit while Maui handles the boat and the three of them get out fine. Next stop, Maui’s hook. But before that, Moana wants to drive the boat. Maui says no, and the ocean pricks him with a stray poison dart. Now he cant drive. But he can pee in the water just as he tells Moana to check for a “warm current”
I can get on board with that level of petty.
They arrive at Monster Island, which is where Maui’s hook is. Maui tells her to stay on the boat and do nothing like a good woman while macho man demi-dude saves the whole day. It has little success. I should also mention, this entire time they’ve been traveling from Casa de Maui to Mount Doom, Maui has just been roasting Moana for being a Disney princess. To summarize:
“Oh look at me. I’m the chosen one. I’m like 8 years old and never sailed a boat in my life, but here I am thinking the ocean chose ME, with my bleeding heart spiel and animal companion to try and save the world.”
To be fair, large bodies of water have never been good at chosing leaders - Ask Monty Python.
Regardless, Moana and Maui both climb what is basically a 90 degree incline to the top of the Dread Spire. It is at this point Maui informs Moana that the door to the monster realm can only be opened with a human sacrifice. Before Moana can protest, Maui ritually disembowels her with his own hands to appease the ancient blood gods.
Kidding. He chants a few words and the gateway opens. The two jump in, and Moana is almost eaten or killed numerous times with the first few moments of being in the realm of the monsters.
Maui’s hook is resting upon a mountain of gold. Seems innocent enough to Moana, but Maui insists she wears a bright and gaudy disguise to draw the attention of… something.
The mountain of gold rises up. Turns out thats just its back. Meet the British Crab. He sings a song about how he loves shiny things and then nearly eats Moana, until Maui reveals he retrieved his hook from the British Crab’s back.
But he’s a little rusty and it, uh, doesn’t work right. So Maui gets his shit stomped by BC. Moana saves the day by painting a rock with bioluminescent algae to make it look like the Heart of Te Fiti, which is shiny, and BC is all about the shiny.
They escape, and Maui learns to reuse his hook. Everythings looking swell until they try and take on the great evil of the story, Te Ka. He uses fireball and Maui presses E to deflect with his hook, only instead the hook gets mad cracked. It sparks like its somehow made of electricity, which I find weird. Maui is now done with life since his hook is nearly toast and he fucks off, leaving chosen girl all by herself, depressed as fuck in the middle of nowhere, ocean.
One drug trip and amazing song later, she regains her confidence and tried to take on Te Ka by herself. It surprisingly works, because now she knows how to drive a boat. Hei Hei comes in clutch and stops the Heart of Te Fiti from falling off the boat, and they make it through the border islands towards their main goal.
Te Ka is still rather pissed, being a giant lava demon and all, so he keeps trying to kill Moana. And for no real reason, here comes Maui to save the day - or at least to stall Te Ka until Moana can do the thing. His hook gets completely totalled but its okay, because he learned a valuable lesson off-screen that he’s still Maui, hook or no hook.
Moana realizes that the Heart actually goes into Te Ka. So she pulls a Moses, lets Te Ka come at her bro, and puts the Heart into her chest. This turns her from the red Lava Groot to the green Mother Nature Jemima, and everything is better forever. And hey, she gives Maui a brand new hook after he apologises for being the literal cause of ALL of this. Maui does his own thing and Moana becomes the leader of a brand new generation of voyagers.
I do have to applaud Disney for NOT having the two of them kiss at the end. Its always nice to see a platonic m/f duo in movies and the romance subplot sells so well to resist sometimes.
Overall, very stunning. I often cite “movie feel” as a reason why movies with plot/cliche/logistic problems can still make good movies, and this movie does a wonderful job of sweeping you off your feet. Though honestly, the writing on this movie is not bad. Rather, I would say its poorly structured. Think of it like a support beam a beanstalk might grow up. The characters were amazing; Full of life, personality and moderately complex emotions, the animation is so good the whole movie is like a humble brag about how awesome the DisneyTech is, a lot (i’d say 80%) of the script is bang on, and an astounding amount of the songs are really good - Songs are easy to screw up and I’d say that’s this movies second biggest strength (behind hair/water animation). It just struggles with the standard “winning formula” plot structure that was honestly ill-fitting in parts and did not impart a wholesome explanation or comprehensive rationale behind certain scenes.
I’m not a big Disney buff (unless you count the Star Wars acquisition), so I’m not qualified to say how this ranks compared to other movies (disregarding modern tech advancements and focusing more on storytelling) - However I will say that it’s better than Frozen.
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