#hereforchifuyu writes
hereforchifuyu · 3 years
everybody likes you
tokyo revengers fic
pls like this
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chapter one
mr. worldwide
You know those days where you just know nothing is going to go the way you want it to? That's how I woke up this morning. Honestly I'm getting really tired of this whole thing. First I get 'depressed' from the whole lockdown, which made my mom get all worried and made me go to a therapist, all because I stayed inside all day on my phone. Preposterous reasoning thank you, because most people I know do the exact same thing, but I digress.
I was vibing on my bed, watching 'How to train your dragon', which is a legend of its time really, when everything started turning for the worse. There was a white noise that was usually there in the back of my head, but it started getting louder, and louder, and louder. I tried solving it by turning up the movie's volume, but it only helped for a while before the sound overpowered the movie. While that was happening I was also losing the rest of my senses, which made me freak out even more than the hearing thing did. After a few minutes--maybe five?--had passed everything came rushing back (all at the same time too) which makes for a very unpleasant experience might I add.
I screwed my eyes closed and shoved my hands over my ears to try and muffle all of the sounds that were going on around me. I layed one side of my head against my thigh while I sat criss-cross, and covered the other ear with my left hand, while the unoccupied hand felt around me for my phone. Once I located it, I cracked an eye open, only to realize that I was most definitely not in the same place that I was in not even five minutes ago, which is crazy because how does someone change locations that fast to somewhere that was nowhere near their last point of residence?
I let out a deep sigh, feeling the tears brim my eyes at the absurdity of the situation, before I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I still had my ears covered, so maybe uncovering them was a step one?
Well that's what I did, so. Suck it if you think that's a bad idea (#fourthwallbrake). I was still sitting on the ground where I appeared, and as I looked around, it turned out to be a forest. A very pretty forest for that matter. I stood up and brushed any dirt off of my ass, looked to see if there were any signs of civilization nearby, but before I could get anywhere, I tripped. On nothing. Which was super embarrassing by the way. I looked to see what tripped me just to see conveniently placed earphones (#anotherfourthwallbrake) which made me feel happy and sad at the same time. Happy, because I got to listen to my silly little tunes, and sad because I managed to somehow trip on a pair of headphones?? Humpty Dumpty better move over because the new clumsy leader is here.
I got back up from my (embarrassing) fall, plugged in my earphones, and set off on my adventure, that wasn't all that adventurous. Anyway, as I was vibing I heard really loud grunts, which concerned me for two reasons. 1) They were being really loud over my music literally blasting in my ears and 2) why were they grunting...and why so loud...sus. After the epiphany that grunts probably meant people, I went in the general direction where the noises were coming from, trying to avoid a possibly traumatizing situation for myself.
It ended up not working in my favor because I did in fact find the people who were responsible for the weird grunting, but there were far more people than I thought there would be. But instead of them having a massive orgy or something, they were fighting?? The scene was incredibly familiar to me, and once I heard a voice yell out "Die, yay! Murder, yay!" I knew exactly where I remembered it from.
Either I was having an incredibly realistic dream, or I was somehow transmigrated--is that even the right word for it??--into tokyo revengers, which was terribly good news, because I got to see Mitsuya and Chifuyu (probably) and also incredibly bad because I could die. Somehow once the thought of meeting two of the best characters I read/watched, I threw away the cons for a future me to handle, and decided to stare at all the people fighting like a #alphamale or #girlboss. Both work.
While I was watching (staring) at all the people fighting, I noticed that there weren't any women fighting, which isn't very #gaslight #gatekeep #girlboss of them. There were only four-ish girls that had traction, which isn't very....I said that already.
I was broken out of my thoughts by a very loud yell. I bet you know which one I'm talking about winks. "Draken-kun!!!" I turned my eyes to where the scream came from, to see Hanagaki on his knees next to something (I'd assume it was Draken but I can't really see due to all of the sweaty bodies in the way) gaining the attention of everyone in the parking lot. Everyone that wore a Toman uniform looked to where the shout came from, all looking at least somewhat rattled.
I knew Draken didn't stop there, and I knew the ambulance had to come soon, and since I didn't know the emergency number for Japan, I looked it up like the alpha male I am. I didn't even know if the call would connect seeing that my phone wasn't exactly...current. I just crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. After I made the call (which was surprisingly easy, not really considering I had no clue where I was) I saw Hanagaki carrying Draken out of the lot, and readied myself to be a 'concerned civilian' and ran around in order to meet them 'coincidentally' in the street.
Yes, music was still playing, but it didn't fit the vibe of what was going on (it was The Backyardigans) so there was an internal struggle of trying to focus and singing along. I compromised and did both like a #girlboss.
I rounded the corner to see Hanagaki fighting Kisomiya with the 'Mizo Middle' and Draken was there, vibing (not really he looked like he was barely hanging on laugh out loud) and got a super convenient police siren sound effect that I had saved on my phone for special circumstances, but this seemed special enough so meh. It got Kiyomasa and his groupies to back off and run away (cowards /hj) but it also freaked out Hinata, Emma (both who hadn't run away for some reason??), Hanagaki, and Draken which made me giggle a little bit at their faces.
I turned off the siren as I turned the corner before talking for the first time this whole story. "Are you guys okay? I called the ambulance because Mr. Tall over there doesn't look so good." They all stared at me, which at first made me feel really cool, but as the minutes dragged on it made me feel not good. So I just decided to keep talking, hoping that maybe someone would come to their senses and actually say words. "Ah tough crowd, I see. I don't think any of my jokes would really help in this situation but I sure can try!" Still nothing. Heart = brocken dhmu. "Jesus who hurt y'all? I think my humor is pretty good even if it's the same as a twelve-year-old named Kyle who looks like a highlighter sprinting through the school hallway. No, I don't wanna say why that was so specific. Man, you guys are boring, no laughs or nothing. Welp, the ambulance-thingy should be here in like, five minutes? But I dunno."
They were just staring at me. The whole time. It was crazy, and I felt very underappreciated. As I turned to leave and (hopefully) find a way back to where I came from, someone called out, stopping me in my tracks. "Who are you?" As I turned around I was surprised to see that it was Draken and not Hanagaki (I only read the manga, and the only form of the anime that I ever watched was in short clips on tiktok winks). I stopped for a second, debating what I should tell them, before I settled with just saying my name before I finally turned my back on them to find a place to sleep.
Fun fact: I almost said your mom. Sometimes I cry wishing I did, it was the perfect opportunity after all.
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im abt to go on a trip but i decided to post this instead 😼 #badgirltingz anyways if ur reading this i hope ir having a good time and uh. happy day of the week
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A Tale of English and Math (Masterlist)
Summary: You’re a math professor at a local university. The pay’s good, your students are great, and you’ve made friends with all the professors. Well, almost all of them. There’s just one person you can’t stand, and it’s Bucky Barnes from the English department.
Pairings: English Professor!Bucky x Math Professor!Reader
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven -> (coming soon)
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Inspired by a post involving @aescapisms, @spiderrpcrker, @deaan-main, @og-maarrvveell, @maladaptive-ninja-returns, @midnightsunfae, @propertyofpoeandbucky, @simmisblog, @marvel-ous-hobbit, and @lozzypoz321 — click here
Permanent Tag List:
@rvgrsbrns @sugarrushblondie @rororo06 @crimeshowtrash @parkers-thoughts @nerdy-thespian-10 @wastefulsushi @aworldwideapart @supernaturallover2002 @mystoragehatesme @change-the-world-someday @natasha-danvers @just-one-ordinary-fangirl @hera-the-writer @herecomesthewriterwitch @lozzypoz321 @aescapisms @unbelievablefandoms @peggycarter-steverogers @buchanansebba @utterly-in-like @sevenmorningstars @seabassstanfan @badgercerealsupremacy
Tag List:
@will-die-without-chai @an-adventureland @thisartemisnevermisses @hereforchifuyu @bythemoonlight @every-marveler-ever @numwoon44 @realpunqueen @deepmuffinspymaker @loser-alert @irepostthingsiwanttoseelater @dugan365 @magicandmoonstuff @putinovertime @imnegativetillbepositive @thosesteelblueeyesaremysafeplace @arkofblake @why-i-love-this-hellsite @more-like-reyna @babymango-writes @boom-bunny @thomasthetankson @uglipotata72829 @buckys-estrella @wintersoldierslut @ohfuckno @idk123906 @1v-kayla @its-izzys @avasjunkpile @queenredfury @moonbintang @chubbychubbs28 @pachiibatt @spencerreidisbootiful
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hereforchifuyu · 3 years
chapter two
its mr. 305
one day soon ill link all the chapters. today is not that day. anyways enjoy :)
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I'd see one of them on the street and then all of a sudden the rest show up and like??? Did you guys teleport or something?? I'd been evading them pretty well, and by that I mean I started sprinting in the opposite direction of wherever I thought they were (and nine times out of ten, it wasn't even them), but the one time i decide to try and take the short way to where i was staying I got caught. I think this is a higher being telling me to exercise but I don't know.
Like I said, I was just trying to get in time for where I was going (a potential job interview sighs) and I heard a shout from...somewhere telling me to stop, or wait up, or something like that, but I hadn't connected with anyone so I did the obvious thing and ran like my life depended on it.
I was lucky I wasn't carrying anything, but also unlucky because my phone was in my pocket and I couldn't exactly lose that, so i was running with my hand grasping my phone while it was in pocket, which makes for a very awkward-looking run.
In the end, whoever was chasing me caught up, and apparently it was more than one person?? Like a whole group somehow ended up chasing me even though I only heard one voice yell/shout at me.
"There you are! I've been looking for you everywhere!" It was a blond in front who said that. I couldn't really see anything that was going on and was about three seconds from just risking it all and taking my phone out to turn the flash on. Darkness and I had a bad history.
What. What? What??? Why would you tell someone that. While they were in an alley, where crimes infamously take place.
"Do you even realize what you just said?" I said with a deadpan. My head whipped around at the sound of scuttling, giving up on being careful and bringing my phone out to turn on the flash. Turns out it was just some trash moving from the wind or something. "Why the hell—y'know what, I'm not even gonna complain. Just gonna accept the fate that has been handed to me."
I turned around just to scream, accidentaly forgetting the group of people were there, which made (some of) them scream, which made me scream, so it was just us screaming in an alley for a bit.
It stopped when a really tall guy stepped forward which shut them, which shut me up, and made me remember that, oh yeah I have a flash I could use to actually see them. Smooth brain moment.
I turned my flash (that I forgot to turn of haha #girlboss) towards them which made them jump at the sudden exposure of light, making me giggle a little, before I actually saw who it was and immediately deadpanned, realising exactly who was chasing me.
How many times do I have to ask for forgiveness for the thing that I did when I was six for you to actually forgive me. Cries.
"Oh shit, it's mr. clean lol."
"Did you just say...lol out loud?" Said (mr. clean) Draken.
Hanagaki shook his head, before calling out my name, gaining my (and everyone elses #fanbehavior) attention. "How did you get the ambulence to come so quickly? On that night, a couple weeks ago?" Ah shit, why did he have to bring it up so fast, no introductions or anything.
Time to bullshit my way out of this. "Oh I heard sounds of fighting by the parking lot, and when I ran off to try and find where I was, I found mr. clean and company looking worse for wear, so yeah." I should for sure be nominated for an Oscar my acting is superb. Better than any actor out there. "Anyways, if you'll excuse me, I have to go back home, I have some things to take care of."
I took not even two steps before someone stopped me. It was Hanagaki, which was a little disappointing. "Actually, I do mind. Do you mind if we come with you? I swear I have good intentions." My eyes widened at his words.
"Do you know how sus you sound right now? Hmm...sus...sussy...A M O N G U S..." I tried to back away, but his grip was tight, surprising for his little twig arms.
They looked like toothpicks.
"Uh...I'll back him up. Besides Takemicchy has a girlfriend, and I don't think he's gonna be cheating on her anytime soon." I turned my head to where the voice came from just to see Mitsuya, honestly I could die happy now.
"Oh yeah for sure. If pretty man says its ok, then everything is good." I said with a smile. Simp.
"...You're just gonna agree? Just like that?" Questioned Hanagaki.
"Oh yeah. Like I said, if pretty man says its ok, I trust him with my life, so." I stared blankly at the group, waiting for them to start moving so I could go back to the place I (stole) was staying at. Also somehow they didnt notice my phone even though it was one of the main sources of light in the alley like 🤨 but okay. "So are you gonna move out of the way or no? 'Cuz I need to get back to my place, and apparently you guys wanna come with for whatever reason."
They moved out of the way (simoultaniously too, hella creepy) and let me lead the way.
I started walking off to my place, hearing the creepy sounds of people following me, but i shrugged it off and plugged in my earphones so I could listen to music, which they did not, in fact, fail to notice.
Mitsuya came up to me and asked what I was listening to. I decided 'Fuck it.' and gave him an earphone. He put it in his ear, and I might've forgotten to tell him it was super loud because as soon as I pressed play he flinched. Haha. I guess im just used to the volume (and to destroying my eardrums) that it doesn't affect me anymore.
"I apologize sincerely, I didn't know that you had inferior eardrums to me." I tried walking off after that but he grabbed my arm (made me blush a little) and looked at me weird.
"What do you mean 'inferior eardrums'? How can someone have inferior eardrums?"
"Oh heres how: you listen to really loud music your whole life, and then whenever you think its quiet, you turn the music up. And soon, you can't be in anyform of quiet without music/your brain being stimulated in general or you feel like you're gonna go deaf with how quiet it is." They all stared at me blankly, likely thinking 'what the absolute fuck' right now.
"How do—nevermind. How long is it until we reach your place?"
Aw, he's so sweet. I coughed before turning to gim and saying, "Uhm like...two minutes if we run really fast. Why?"
"How do you know the running time?"
"When you run from your problems (and people) you begin to be able to know the time of things like that."
I nodded my head before taking off. Not to get away from them, just because I wanted to. They shouted from where they were behind me before quickly catching up. Fucking long legged people.
After two minutes of running (like I predicted) we made it to where I was staying. It was just a glorified warehouse that took me almost a week to make it look presentable.
I walked in, hip-checking the door to get it open wider.
"And this, fellow comrades, is my humble abode."
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