#hes already started to humanize hajime in a way that no one else but amane and haruka have
doomednarrative · 1 year
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^^ me when Kamen Rider Blade Episode 14
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buffintruder · 1 year
from the WIP list: like cards fluttering in the wind
Having posted this ask game, I am realizing that I already talk so nonstop about my wips to everyone around me that idk how much new information is here? I don't think you were around for me talking about this particular one, and either way, I do very much appreciate you giving me the chance to ramble about this fic
This is a fic of Kamen Rider Blade where (long story short) the two most main characters spend 49 episodes building up a very intense friendship, ending in them both becoming immortal but also unable to ever see each other again or else they will be forced to fight each other to the death, which would also cause the end of the world.
Anyway, my fic is a soul nemesis au, basically a world where every once in awhile, two people will meet and there is something about their personality/ideals/goals/etc that is so fundamentally incompatible with each other that fate marks them out.
I played around with a few 'reverse soulmate' tropes, and I ended up going with the moment you first make eye contact with your soul nemesis, you both get matching marks on your chest, and also you both lose the ability to see all but one color until your soul nemesis dies.
Here's an excerpt:
“Why are you even hanging out with us humans then?" Kenzaki asked. "I mean, you constantly talk about how little you care about us.” Hajime looked away, and for a moment, Kenzaki was certain he wouldn’t answer, that he would run off like he always did. Kenzaki wouldn’t even try to grab hold of him this time. It had been a pretty personal question, after all. “I met a man once,” Hajime said suddenly, and Kenzaki blinked. “He was dying, but even as his life was fading, his one concern was for his family. I didn’t understand how he could think of anything else then. But I wanted to.” There were a million questions Kenzaki could ask. Had Hajime been the one to kill that man? Who had that man been? Why was Hajime opening up to him about this? Kenzaki opened his mouth, and what came out was, “Have you figured it out yet?” “No,” Hajime said with a scoff. The corners of his eyes softened slightly, and Kenzaki’s heart lifted. “You are all still as strange as ever.” “You’ll figure it out someday. I’m sure of it,” Kenzaki said, grinning at him. He had seen Hajime do anything to keep Amane safe and happy and go out of his way to protect whatever random person got caught up in one of the Undead fights. Even if Hajime didn’t understand it, he had already started doing the same thing. As much as he might insist otherwise, the two of them were not all that different. “Perhaps,” Hajime said, a little bit skeptically. “You will,” Kenzaki said confidently. “Anyway, I just came to apologize for Kotaro being so rude to you. He’s just protective.” “I know,” Hajime said. “He knows we’re soul nemeses,” Kenzaki said. “And he trusts me, so he thinks that means he has to distrust you.” “I believe that is common for the friends of people like us,” Hajime said a little dryly. “Do the Undead normally have soul nemeses?” Kenzaki asked eagerly. Even if Karasuma hadn’t known the answer, maybe Hajime would. “I mean you all are pretty much fated to fight each other.” “No,” Hajime said, and there was something strange in the way that he was looking at Kenzaki, like he was just as bewildered about it as Kenzaki. “As you said, we were all meant to fight each other. There’s nothing personal about it. I didn’t even know about soul nemeses until I started living among humans.” Kenzaki found himself taking a step closer without really knowing why. “Before you met me?” Hajime gave him a small nod. “I knew only the very basics, that they existed. I asked Haruka more about it, after.” "Well, then." Kenzaki took another step, putting his hand on Hajime’s arm. “If you know so little about soul nemeses, then don’t go telling me we can’t get around this.” Hajime scoffed. “I’ll fight fate a thousand times before I fight you once,” Kenzaki said, and Hajime’s expression turned funny. “You’ll see.” He released Hajime and grinned at him, turning away before he could say anything in protest.
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