#hes just a silly little guy (corrupt politician)
nami-lvr · 1 year
Correct OP: Part 2
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Ft: Mihawk, Doffy, Cora, Buggy, and Crocodile
A/n: Hey hey hey hey hey :3 I rlly love these silly little fellas I only added my favs bc I’m biased for now. But feel free to request! Next will be Shanks, Law, Ace, Sabo, Marco, Smoker, and Princess Vivi.
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That one dad who would for real scare everyone away from his kid
Adopted a kid
Loves his kid so much
Takes them on drives when they can’t sleep
Would not fuck
For sure
Also Aromantic
Definitely would paint his nails like
Fall colors
Like reds and golds and maybe some purples
Anything that compliments his style
Loves the fall
Hear he out
He dresses in a romantic goth style
Not joking
That’s actually so based
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He wouldn’t be up here if I didn’t like him
W villain
Walks like he has a buttplug right up his ass
Bro is a conservative for sure
But also one of those homophobic politicians that turn out to be the biggest gay bottoms to touch the earth
Homophobic homosexual type shit going on
Corrupt politician
I love him he is so babygirl
He pretends to be in edits
Says slurs
I feel like he would be a lot like Joe Exotic if he was real
Just pulling the most outlandish stunts ever
Would love the show Jackass
Would absolutely shit on neopronouns (sorry neopronoun users I support u)
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Cutie pie
Bro would go all out for valentines day
Favorite shape is a heart
Got bullied in middle school for it
Does not care
Still pulls through w that absolutely dub of a button up
Doesn’t like Doflomingo
Despises him
Seriously I’m not joking
He is a homosexual and out of the closet and Doffy doesn’t support him type shit
Like these two can’t be in the same place type shit
Its bad
Likes baking shows
Finds comfort in music with no words
Not like classic music
Like this
Just finds it so ethereal and calming
Really can fall asleep to anything
Has had the fire department called on him several times in one day
Is extremely against squares
His favorite number is 69 because its a funny number
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Really likes the color blue
Is chubby
Has a dad bod
Always smells like B.O
Not bad B.O
But like a natural smell
Also finds Cora’s music calming, but in a different way.
Like he listens to it when he goes on walks
Listens to metal or K-Pop no in-between
Like he is blaring Mortician or G-Idle thats it
Plays rhythm games
Discord mod
Pulls NO hoes and all hoes at the same time
Like can’t keep a relationship but constantly in one
Has stretch marks
It’s also fate that he’s a bisexual lmao
Anyways I stan this fuckin clown
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Male manipulator
Kins Patrick Bateman
Makes fun of Sigma, Alpha, and Beta males because he believes everyone is below him anyways
Is aroace
But fucks women anyways to show power
Definitely the type of guy to pity you so much he fucks you
Like for real
Would probably smell delicious tbh
But if we’re talking like.. frfr
Like to be honest?
Doesn’t brush his teeth
Has silver teeth
Is gay
Likes men more than women but fucking men isn’t a power move to him
Doesn’t want kids like ever
Would probably make fun of everyone who thinks he’s a sweet guy to their face if he got exposed :3
Like would bully them and go after their physical attributes yk
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booasaur · 1 year
Spoilers incoming
Spoilers for The Show:The Company You Keep ABC
Thank you for the gifs cause now I'm hooked on The Company you Keep haha!! It's funny to see the dynamic between Birdie and Daphne though like I know I read your tags but truly was not prepared for how tense their interactions are. Also getting context for that ASL line bro Daphne knows no bounds and i love it. If this show was fun we would be getting 2 types of cat and mouse type of a storyline with the main m/f couple and then these 2 women but alas but they are fun because their hatred is strong but they are also so alike with their bonds to their families. So thank you cause man this show is fun and these actressss are sooo good in their roles and very pretty!!
Ps: spoiler - There was a throwaway from Birdie where she was like she's a sucker for Irish accents even if they are a gangster and 1) no pronouns, no "I love a guy with an Irish accent" and 2) considering Daphne's potential family ties....👀👀👀 minus the accent of course but who knows lol me being silly over this never gonna happen ship the things your gifs do to me !!!
Thank you again !!
Haha, right, I was afraid people would see the gifs and be like, oh, this is a light, fun thing when actually it's quite intense and a little scary.
Even as I KNOW they won't happen, I'm also like, but what if...? Every ep, I'm like, hmm, do these interactions suggest anything? A part of me feels like if they were going to go there, they would be a bit more obvious, but I'm also looking for other potential love interests and they don't have anyone yet.
For Birdie, I guess her ex is still an option, and then Emma's brother, David, and I really hope it's not Connor, who, lol, fits the Irish accent but he seems quite threatening and brutal. I suppose it's possible Daphne might fall in David's circle at some point, especially if he becomes corrupt, and actually, it kind of feels like Emma's assistant has a huge crush on her, lol, but mostly I just hope she doesn't have a thing for Charlie, that'd be so trite and tired for a fun show like this.
In terms of what dynamics are at play, indeed, if you have Charlie and Emma as crook and cop, you would have Birdie and Daphne as crook and...crookeder, lol. Birdie and David would be crook and politician, which, perhaps some people would call that the same, but outwardly, it feels too close to Charlie and Emma, and presumably, whatever one finds out, the other sibling would too so that reduces a lot of the drama and suspense.
Birdie and Connor would be crook and crookedest because so far Daphne seems much more humanized and sympathetic than any other bad guy, so even though she's currently the antagonist, it feels like Connor's even worse, it would have to be a big pivot to make him suddenly good enough to root for him against Daphne, though of course anything's possible.
I'm just curious in general about where the show will go, even with just Emma and Charlie. It's going to become a bit ludicrous if neither finds out about the other the more time passes, especially when both are so heavily involved with Daphne. Like, she literally left the bar a minute before Emma arrived!
In ep 3, we didn't have any Daphne and Birdie moment at all, but just like you spotted that line about the Irish accents, I really zoomed in on that scene early on, when Birdie's ex calls, she changes the subject with THIS segue:
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Like okay, okay, okay.
But yeah, it's such a fun show and already, aside from these main ladies, we've had guest spots from Bridget Regan and Jes Macallan, it's been very easy on the eyes. :P
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llycaons · 11 months
ep27 (2/3): mm sweetie im so sorry you had to work with those useless fucks
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mm trying so desperately to be reasonable and explain the blindingly obvious to a room of self-important power-hungry corrupt fucks who have already decided who the villain is...rip to a real one
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like!!!! duh!!!!
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and this is SO real. she's a young woman of low ranking in a room full of powerful men. she's supposed to be there to back up their lies. but she's refusing to be a part of it!
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it's very silly when ppl make the yiling wei sect a thing. obvs all in good fun but directly contradicted by canon and pretty significant! wwx wasn't teaching anyone nefarious and heretical cultivation, they were just trying to make a living
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sooo true. love when hide fox dug into this and made it a big discourse topic on the internet. also you guys remember 'controversial demons hiei and kurama'
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another attempt
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damn I didn't catch the line. it was "Brother Fengmian favored him" and you see how devastating THAT is. bc it was true
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oh my god those poor servants have to stand there like that all day? I hope the perks of that job are good and jgs isn't gross to them 😭 also a few years? are jc and wwx 19/20 already? how the years fly by...weird that there's so little contact between wwx and lwj in that time honestly. we don't see them write to each other at all
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jgy is such a politician. what the fuck kind of nothing-statement is that? nmj can smell bs which i can appreciate abt him
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nmj noticing the parallels between jgy and maybe being the only character in the show to point them out? hm
also lwj and mm talk I guess but I don't consider that a significant event since we don't hear a single word of that conversation and it doesn't really affect anything except they're friendly with each other now
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oof, I love lqr but he's truly quite harsh on lwj for this
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this is literally 90% of lqr's conflict with lwj. his character is extremely straightforward and easy to understand. he states it explicitly. and people are still like 'he's ano-fun asshole for no reason' or 'he's a vicious homophobe and that why he's anti-wangxian' NO!!! those are the wrong flaws!!!
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ohh pretty tree. lol he's shy.
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she is so beautiful I love her
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'I DON'T MIND YOUR BROTHER IS WANTED BY ALL THE SECTS' what a darcy-esque proposal. 'your family may be in deep shit but /I/ still love you' omg
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this is kind of basic but very earnest and sweet and I can see why jyl, lonely and bereft of companionship, a caretaker for her entire life, would want to have someone like that
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jc saw this and as always he is MISERABLE. yeah dude your sister has her own life die mad about it
he's actually not a duck to her about it at all so...small victories I guess. but he's always felt more entitled to wwx than to jyl anyway
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and he was dreaming of her 😭 remember when he hallucinated her? remember when she dreamed about him and he was floating down the river and then he was gone? god. devastating
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take two. got anything on Swordmachine? if not, maybe Heaven or Holy Council specifically, whichever you prefer
not much on swordsmachine but i want to try to draw them sometime !! might make more from there because i really love the design for swordsmach :3 my silly little unidentified fucking thangs
anyways! holy council & heaven stuff since my partner & i have talked about them together in private !
sorry theres not as much as what i wrote for V1 and V2 because i still need to find the time to flesh out the council & the way they work (i dont know politics but i do have religious grandparents [i published stuff on ao3 while at their house])
to put it simply they’re fucking cunts and the highest ranking of them is some mf named jophiel (technical OC, uses the design of the guy who gabriel fuckig kills in the act 2 epilogue) who. yeah. has his issues but those aren’t an excuse for being a bigot. the council is the equivalent to overly religious people and even MORE pathetic politicians. with that out of the way
originally they were decent peacekeepers who kept order after god’s disappearance, but over the years, his (god’s) will was corrupted and twisted into something that barely resembled what it once was.
the council has control ove archangels, which are treated as a military force (see: gabriel) now that humanity is gone and they have no reason to be used as messengers anymore. things started to really go to shit after jophiel rose to power after previously being a trusted individual. he was “trusted”, yeah, but that doesn’t make him trustWORTHY. council was already pretty bad then, pulling 1984’s on anyone who even dared to question their actions, i.e some citizens who believed minos had a Point.
generally, the public in heaven is tolerant, however those governing its layers and the legal system aren’t in the slightest. i haven’t stated it outright yet but i think the council is queerphobic just because i can traumatize gabriel more if i implement that. plus there’s also minos’ thing about people being punished for loving so i’d say it’s probably implied in the first place
oh yeah also virtues purr when they’re happy :) thats technically related bc theyre angels
ANYWAYS i think the council is comprised of vastly different ‘species’ of angels (idk the exact term — but they’d all be supreme angels in the terminals’ words, just not the same kinda archangel/whatever as gabriel would be. jophiel being the exception but he’s an oc owned by me and my partner so fuck off.) but i havent exactly decidedddddd
i think the council should receive a pipe bomb from yours truly
theres likely way. way. WAY more to come once i’m able to actually write about my ultrakill headcanons instead of being a lazy cunt
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corsairesix · 3 years
How would you change Fallout 4?
Okay so this is a long one so it’s under the cut
As I’ve mentioned before, I would make the main plot focus on synths as a metaphor for McCarthyism (and to a lesser extent transness). This is assuming a magical world where I have full creative control over a main game in a major franchise. The main character would either be a wastelander (with optional traits to be an escaped synth, mind-wiped or not) OR if we’re going with the Sole Survivor then it would confirm the Sole is a synth theory; if the game’s going to make roleplay decisions for me, at least let them be thematically satisfying and cool.
The four faction companions would all be synths (Sturges, Danse, X6, and Glory) and would all represent a different take on synths in society. Danse would be basically the same, synth who doesn’t know it, self-hating, forced to change through self-acceptance or die in Blind Betrayal. The main change would be significantly changed behavior after BB and a chance to join the Minutemen or Railroad. Glory would be a synth who knows she’s a synth, and is very concerned with synth welfare and autonomy. X6 is a synth who has been mind wiped several times by the Institute due to his increased contact with the outside world. As he travels with the main character, there are decision points where X6 raises concerns about “glitches” (developing a personality as he gains experiences) and the player can decide whether to wipe his mind again or continue to travel with him. Before max affinity, he will ask for your help escaping the institute once again, you can complete his quest or you can turn him over to be mind wiped. Sturges is a synth with a Railroad identity, but who has traumatic memories resurfacing after the attack on Quincy. He is stuck between the true, harmful memories of the Institute or the false, comforting memories of his invented life.
In general the synth’s exploitation by the institute veers away from the slavery metaphor that’s in the game. Robots address labor issues very well and the slavery thing was weird and bad, so we’re moving away from that.
Mind wipes are much more controversial, much more like how they’re portrayed in Far Harbor. Characters like Glory who are mostly opposed to them see them as destruction of identity, not quite murder, but something that should only be done in dire circumstances. Those who are for it, Desdemona and Deacon, see it as a tool for helping synths hide and covering up painful memories (imperfect, as Sturges shows), and that there is an ineffable self that persists between wipes. It’s a source of tension even within the Railroad.
The Institute doesn’t have synth spies, but it does have human spies. The idea that the institute would 1) put synths in charge of major cities while still claiming they aren’t sentient and 2) put their constantly-escaping labor force on the surface with minimal supervision always bothered me. Institute agents foment anti-synth movements on the surface and sabotage synth sympathetic communities.
However, synth paranoia still totally exists. The combination of institute interference and the presence of freed synths, the public is terrified that their friends could be replaced by synths. In reality, the “confirmed” replacements were freed synths who either died (and evidence of them being a synth was found on death) or felt that it was safe to admit to others that they were a synth. No body snatching actually ever existed.
McDonough is a regular wasteland human, a corrupt Boston politician. He made his political career on anti-ghoul fearmongering, but after kicking the ghouls out of Diamond City he needed a new target. He is not associated with the institute, but since he began targeting synths he has received monthly campaign donations. He started the synth activities committee to investigate suspected synth sympathies among the citizens of Diamond City and its surrounding neighborhoods.
That’s the main plot stuff but for companions the main changes are:
Preston is a faction leader, not a companion. He’s very involved and has the same character arc, but the quests he gives are less radiant and more focused, with a plot moving forward.
Hancock is not a companion either, and is less of a good guy than in the game. Goodneighbor’s government serves as a condemnation of the founding father’s idea of freedom and that kind of American libertarianism. (Really, he’s an anarchist but also immortal mayor-for-life?)
Piper is a blacklisted journalist and the most vocal critic of McDonough’s anti-synth policies. She’s somewhere between an Edward R Murrow-esque anti-McCarthyist and an underground journalist. She’s a little more self-admittedly editorial and is openly for using journalism to change hearts and minds. She’s also a better writer than in the actual game.
Curie is a Mister Handy instead of a Miss Nanny because I find the concept of a girl Mister Handy that does the housework (especially when that’s already what Mister Handys do?) a bit silly. She voices more of a desire to be human and have control over her own body, rather than just “I want to do zee science better.” She even admires the player character if she is a woman. You can go the regular in-game route (with strong objections and disapproval from Glory, who doesn’t like to see someone she was close to inhabited by someone else) or you can use the institute to print a synth body for Curie. This route can be done under the guise of an “experiment” if you are part of the Institute (although some scientists may question the scientific value of such a plan) or you can get Liam Binet’s help if you’ve made contact with him as a spy for the Railroad. If you print Curie a body, it will be created based on her self-perception, and will look different from her body if you use the wiped synth route.
Ada and Codsworth can have a synth body printed as well, to Ada’s ambivalence and Codsworth’s objections. This can only be done if you are allied with the institute; Binet won’t help if your companion doesn’t seem to want to be a synth. There is no benefit to doing this.
Nick Valentine was a private detective pre-war, not a cop. After the Eddie Winter quest, which skips the collect-a-thon part, Nick wants to solve a case that is all his own, an unsolved wasteland murder that was the first case he had walk away from.
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harrisonstories · 3 years
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George Harrison holding a t-shirt which says, “Animals are my friends and I don’t eat my friends” with Lakshmi Shankar during the Dark Horse tour. (1974)
George Harrison + politics
“I think about [the war in Vietnam] every day, and it’s wrong. Anything to do with war is wrong. They’re all wrapped up in their Nelsons and their Churchills and their Montys -- always talking about war heroes. Look at All Our Yesterdays. How we killed a few more Huns here or there. Makes me sick. They’re the sort who are leaning on the walking sticks and telling us a few years in the Army would do us good.” (Datebook, 1966)
“He thinks that his, George’s personal taxes are going directly to pay for F111’s. He sees Mr. Wilson, the Prime Minister of England, as the Sheriff of Nottingham, ‘There he goes,’ George said bitterly,  ‘Taking all the money and then moaning about deficits here, deficits  there -- always moaning about deficits.’ In fact, he approves of nobody in authority, religious or secular. These people are called Big Cheeses or King Henrys. They should practice what they preach, and, according to George, they do not. ‘Take  teachers,’ he said. ‘In every class when I was at school there was always a little kid who was scruffy and smelly; and the punishment was always to sit next to the smelly kid. Fancy a teacher doing that.’” (Datebook, 1966)
“I think if somebody can go and buy a crate of whiskey and drink that and be perfectly within the law then I think somebody, particularly within the privacy of his own home, should be able to smoke a marijuana cigarette. You know. I think marijuana is only as bad as an ordinary cigarette, or alcohol or tea or coffee or any of those things. They’re all drugs, all stimulants you know. The thing is to define between something that is merely a stimulant and something that makes your physical body crave for it. There’s no comparison between marijuana and heroin.” (KRLA, 1967)  
“I noticed a police car. It says, written on the door, ‘To serve and to protect’, and that really sort of buzzed me. I was starting to wonder like, who are they serving, and who are they protecting? I mean that’s where it’s really at because maybe they do serve and protect, but you know...themselves or? Like, who? [...] That’s the trick you see. They say, ‘It’s not me. It’s somebody up there telling me what to do,.’ and you can never find like, who is the guy at the top? Because they shift the load, you know? Take a load off Annie.” (1968)
“It’s shocking for anyone to shoot anyone. Some shootings just get more publicity than others. There’s no interest in people who aren’t senators. It’s silly for people to have guns. If they have guns, they’re going to use them, aren’t they? If people get busted for anything today, they should get busted for guns, I think.” (Teenset, 1968)
“[The government] still choose to use the money for military and for weaponry, as opposed to building the inner cities, giving people jobs, or detoxifying the oceans or whatever. I mean it’s just -- it’s in a nutshell greed I think. It all comes down to greed. Y’know industry, commerce, and that.” (RTE, 1987)
“I voted for the Greens because I think it’s more important to um, have a bit of oxygen to breathe. I think that’s one of the most important things, to have something left of the planet.” (1987)
“I know it must sound strange from someone who’s made a lot of money out of selling records, but the present yuppie consumerism spurred on by Mrs. Thatcher and her friends is absolute anathema to me. It is, I believe, amoral and ultimately very corrupting. I despise the politicians -- and there are so many of them like this in the present Government -- who urge us on to new heights of consumerism, who elevate the yuppie to the ultimate pinnacle as the ideal to be copied by all. This idea that profit and the private sector must rule everything is just crazy to me. I don’t accept it at all.” (1987)
“You see, even in a place like Henley-on-Thames there are youngsters who are not from particularly well-off families. Some of them live on the borderline of real poverty. And there’s a limit to how much there is for people like that to do. For some time we ran a special scheme of subsidised ticket prices for such young people and it worked wonderfully well. We asked Michael Heseltine, our local MP, to ask Nicholas Ridley, the Secretary of State for the Environment, to make the cinema a listed building. It is a period piece. But Heseltine said to me, 'It is not a good enough building to save, you know, and quite honestly, George, you cannot stop it from being knocked down.' So I said, 'Well, there is too much traffic coming over Henley Bridge anyway, why don’t we knock that down and make a nice big, wide, concrete one? In principle, I don’t see that there’s any real difference.' And he said, 'George, don’t be so ridiculous! That bridge is an old structure and is so much part of Henley, it’s important to Henley!' I replied, 'But if you take the cinema away, then something else, and then something else, then you slowly change the town. The cinema is just as important as the bridge in that respect, and the cinema has a social function that no bridge can ever have.' And, you know, Heseltine looked at me as if to say, 'Shut your mouth, you ignorant Liverpool git!'” (1987)
“If you have a leader who hasn’t got himself together, then you can’t do anything. Then you see like Richard Nixons, Ronald Reagans -- all these kinds of people are empty. They’re just like a shell with darkness and emptiness inside, and they’re out there leading countries.” (1988)
“[Piggies] was social comment, and it’s still the same today. Especially now, with glasnost, and communism going away, they’ve got to have a good reason not to give that money to the poor, or redivert it into helping the planet become safe and unpolluted.” (Musician, 1990)
“The poison is everywhere, on your potatoes, tomatoes — not to mention the air we breathe. The basic problem is that the agrochem­ical industries have a stranglehold on the government. They’re all in cahoots [...] What we need is an honest army that goes around busting those guys, because they’re the ones ruining this planet. But what you find is that the people causing the most environmental damage are the industrialists. And the Dow Jones people. Buy buy buy! Sell sell sell! This madness that Reagan and Thatcher created, this idea that everyone is much better off now, everyone is more in debt, there’s more concrete, we’ve sacrificed the planet for the motor car.” (Musician, 1990)
"I earn enough money to be a conservative, but I am not willing to give up my principles.” (El Pais, 2000)
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mega-aulover · 6 years
Fire & Edge Pt. 4
For @katnissdoesnotfollowback Everlark Olympic challenge. A crossover universe between Cutting Edge 1& 2 / Hunger Games. Special thanks to @notanislander for her top notch beta skills
Rated T – warning tough themes, trigger warning, violence, attempted assault - Peeta comes to the rescue... 
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“I knew there was something off, tonight.”
Madge was her good friend; her father was a career politician who was running for the Prime Ministers position in Panem, her family had been invited to see the exhibition as a publicity stunt.  “Madge, Snow is watching us. He expects us to fail if we don’t then our parents, our career in figure skating is over.”
“I am going to tell my dad. I know how much he dislikes Snow, there are rumors about his corruption but no one has been willing to come forward.”
Katniss wondered if Finnick or Annie had gone through this.
Madge then raised an eyebrow, “As for Peeta, you need is to forget about him.” Madge went over to the bar.  “You need to hook up with some random hot guy,” she poured them both a drink. “Take the walk of shame.”
Katniss eyed the shot glass and questioned if this was a wise choice.
“Come on Everdeen, your train isn’t leaving until midnight,” Madge begged. “Besides you and I both know what you need is to have some fun.”
Madge was right she needed to forget about Peeta. “Okay.”
The alcohol burned going down her throat, but Katniss made a brave face.
Madge grinned, “Now let’s get you into a slinky number.”
An hour later she found herself at one of the hottest clubs in the Capitol. Katniss did something she never did, she let loose.
With her inhibitions down she danced, whooped it up, in vain attempt to forget Peeta.  But everywhere she turned she saw him, or rather copies of Peeta. Boys with his boyish blond good looks and sparkly blue eyes seemed to follow her everywhere. So she began to search for other guys, ones that didn’t look like him.
She ended up with a Gale, a cross-country skier who was also going to the Olympics.
“Wow you’re gorgeous,” Gale said.
“What?” Katniss leaned into him laughing.
“You’re gorgeous!”
She was as she couldn’t hear him over the music but she didn’t care she twirled around him playfully. She was having a great time.
He spun her around and pulled her to his chest. “You’re amazing,” he grinned, and she blushed. “Come with me,” he tugging her hand. She followed him outside.             
Tipsy she chuckled when she tripped and ended up against his chest.
“Hi,” he said.
“Hi,” she said back.
Her nose twitched, he smelled like oranges. It wasn’t her preferred smell of cinnamon and dill. His lips brushed hers and she allowed him to kiss her. Although she was a little drunk, she could tell it wasn’t a good kiss.  No one could compare to Peeta.
Gale pulled back, his eyes were troubled. “Where are you?” He asked.
Katniss flushed, “Here silly.”
He chuckled. “No, you’re not. You’re a million miles away. You’re thinking of him, aren’t you?
Katniss was embarrassed, he guessed she was thinking of Peeta.
“Look I saw that kiss you guys shared on the ice and you didn’t kiss me like that just now.  Maybe you should be with him now.”
“We’re not together,” she whispered brokenly.
“Maybe you aren’t now, but you should be.” He looked down. “I’m going back in you want to come?”
“No, I’m going to stay out here, before I grab a ride back to the train. I’ll see you in Korea?”
“Yeah.” He smiled sadly, “I’ll see you there.”
Gale went back inside of the club leaving her to sit on the curb, to clear her head.
“Hey, sweet thing, what are you doing out here by yourself?” A stranger sat down by her
Katniss didn’t bother looking at him but he reeked of pot and alcohol. Disgusted by the guy, she growled, “Listen I’m not interested.”
“Oh, come on, stop playing…hard to get.”
“I’m not interested,” Katniss said once more.
“That dress you’re wearing says you are,” He put his hand on her knee and slid it up.
Scared Katniss slapped his hand away, taking a good look at him. He was tall and he could easily harm her. She quickly got up but the world spun around as the alcohol rushed through her system, she tried to move but her movements were slurred. His clammy hands grabbed her elbow, she was about to scream when suddenly the man disappeared from her sight.
“She said no you bastard!” Peeta said as he threw him on the pavement.
“Okay man, sorry.” The man slunk away into the club.
“Peeta,” Katniss whispered her body trembled.
“It’s okay,” he gathered her in his arms, gently rubbing her back. He soothed, “I’m here. You’re safe.”
Katniss continued to tremble, but having him here calmed her nerves.
He picked her up bridal style and brought her to the cab he had waiting. She snuggled into him, needed to smell his familiar scent. “I’m sorry.”
“Hush, its okay,” he soothed.
When they made it back to the train, he laid her on the bed. He slipped off her shoes and slipped her under the covers. She grabbed his hand, “Stay.”
He paused, “Are you sure?”
“Please,” her voice sounded small to her ears.
Peeta nodded turning off the light. In the dark, she heard him take off his shirt and pants, before sliding in. She sighed contently when he wrapped his arms around her.
It was heavenly and she felt safe and secure in his arms. The entire night she was cradled in his arms, nestled carefully on top of his chest. She hadn’t slept well since they’d met Snow in his office. She closed her eyes soaking the moment, until it was time for her to get up.
She slunk out of bed and went into the shower. This was the first time she’d ever shared a bed with anyone and it felt good, her smile disappeared however when she discovered he was gone. The only proof was that lingering scent.
Katniss couldn’t deal with the crush of the crowd.  She quickly stole herself away from the throng of people since she was short she slipped through the crowd, and walked to the parking lot.  Her father’s vehicle was right where she’d left it before boarding the train.
Peeta could grab a ride with Haymitch.
Her parents weren’t home and that suited her just fine. Her mind was clouded by Madge’s information on Snow, whether she should call Finnick, her poor performance, the pressure of the Olympics, Snow’s threats. And Peeta. Thinking of him with Cashmere caused her to feel rage and immeasurable pain.
All other problems were insurmountable, except when it came to her heart. She was lost. Whenever she had a problem the only place she found solace was at the lake. It wasn’t cold enough to skate outside, but the rink built near it was still in use.
The private ice rink was built for her mother by her grandfather, so that her mother, could practice her ice skating as a young girl. It was where her parents had practiced their medal winning program, and where they fell in love.
This rink is where she and Peeta had shut themselves in to train. This where she worked her butt off to get back in shape.
Katniss skated to the middle of the arena. She put her blue-tooth buds in and set it to the playlist her dad made. Kelly Clarkson’s ‘Stronger’ began playing. Katniss pushed off gliding on the ice. She extended her hand and began dancing, letting the music lead her. She began doing easy jumps, a single, a double loop, a sit spin.
She extended her hands and crossing her leg she intended on doing another simple jump but as she rotated instinctively it turned into a Salchow when she used her her left inside edge and lifting herself up into the air, her right leg doing a graceful sweep before and springing into the air, easily spinning the four rotations, she flipped her head to the side to measure her backwards landing extending one leg for balance and just as easily she landed her first quad Salchow  since getting hurt.
Without thought, she made it into a quad-triple-triple combination. It hit her that she’d just made a quad Salchow combination, she didn’t fall, stuck the landing and it didn’t hurt.
Katniss then set herself up for an Axel. Facing forward she gathered the necessary momentum then swept her leg around her body and leaped gracefully into the air, and landed on backwards on her opposite leg.
Katniss began to laugh, jump and waving her arms in the air and losing balance she fell on the ice.
She whipped her head around, to see her father and mother running toward her.
“Are you okay, did you hurt your leg?” They simultaneously said.
Katniss laughed so hard, she couldn’t stop laughing.
Her parent’s confused voice caused tears to slip out of her eyes. She shook her head still laughing. “I’m fine.”
Her father questioned, “You sure?”
Her mother asked, “You took a nasty fall?”
She grinned, “Dad I just landed a quad.”
“And an Axel,” her mother squealed.
Her dad helped her up and gave her a crushing hug.
“We need to celebrate, how about a cup of your mother’s tea?”
Katniss made a face, her mother’s teas were mostly medicinal and were strong. She had enough of her mother’s teas.
Her father chuckled, “Okay maybe not one of her medicinal ones.”
They were heading off the ice when Peeta showed up. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Everdeen.”
Katniss avoided looking at him. She didn’t have the words to speak to him. She wasn’t really good with words, she hated interviews. After her injury her ability to communicate all but disappeared, she hated speaking about her fall. Peeta was one of the few people she’d opened up to but after finding him with Cashmere and the disappearing act this morning she wasn’t sure she could speak to him.
“Peeta,” her father greeted.
Katniss chanced a glance at him and found him staring at her. She quickly averted her eyes, but she could still feel them on her. “Can I talk to Katniss, in private.”
She wanted to avoid speaking to him so she did a diversionary tactic. “If you want to talk to me, you can do it in front of my parents.”
“Katniss please,” Peeta pleaded.
“Katniss,” her mother said.
“No, I want to hear what he has to say.” Katniss crossed her arms.
“What’s going on between you two?” Her father was giving them a suspicious glare.
Peeta addressed her father, “Sir, can you give us a minute?”
Katniss narrowed her eyes at him frostily. Her personal triumph jumping forgotten, she angrily pushed away from him.
“Katniss about this weekend.” He took her by the hand. But she pulled it away looking away from him.
Peeta ran his hand through his hair. He was about to open his mouth when Haymitch slammed the door to the rink.  He looked furious as he came to stand in front of them.
Haymitch started softly but then his voice grew to a shout. “Sweetheart, can you explain what happened this weekend? Because you certainly weren’t skating your best?”  
Everything bubbled up, the image of a half-naked Cashmere in Peeta’s room, him leaving her bed in the morning. He’d saved her life last night, that wasn’t something she could forget. Katniss looked away.
“I knew we should have gone,” her mother muttered.
“Honey, we agreed,” her father whispered to her mother. “Katniss can handle herself.”
Haymitch then turned on Peeta, “Why the hell was Cashmere Swan chasing you in her underwear on the train?”
Peeta glanced at Haymitch harshly before taking her hand, “This sounds corny, but nothing happened between Cashmere and me.” He looked to the side at her father and mother. He quietly said, “I’m not…I didn’t sleep with her, Katniss.”
She dug her fingernails into the palm of her freed hand, she didn’t want to lose her calm, “It sure looked like it.”
“Wait,” her father growled. “You were with Cashmere Swan?”
“She’s the competition Peeta.” Her mother went off, “When were you going to tell us? Or is this some plot you two came up with to steal Katniss’s chance at a medal?”
Peeta held his hands up, “Nothing happened, I swear.”
“Ah no, you’re only shtupping her,” Haymitch grunted.
“I’m innocent,” Peeta defended himself,“I swear, I would never do that.
Her father’s chin was set, her mother looked like she was capable of bench pressing Peeta. Katniss wondered how he’d showed up at the bar. “How’d you find me?”
“I saw you leave with Madge followed you.” He spoke in a low voice so that only she could hear.
“You followed me?”
He nodded. “You were angry,” his thumb brushed over her knuckles. “I just wanted to talk to you, make sure you’re safe.”    
“Dad, Haymitch, I’m sure Peeta didn’t give away any trade secrets while he was with Cashmere. As for me,” she looked away, it was the only way she could lie. “I guess I was letting the nerves get to me.” Peeta squeezed her hand. She glanced up at him.
“I wouldn’t betray you with Cashmere,” he said privately to her.
Katniss wanted to believe him, even though he had questionable taste in women.
Her mother interjected. “Well, I just wouldn’t put it past the Swan’s to sabotage what you two have. It’s special.”
“Haymitch,” her father said happily but he gave Peeta a dubious look.  “We have a shot, Katniss just did her first Axel since getting hurt.”
“Is this true?”
She smiled a brief smile, “It felt good.”
“This is fantastic, we can elevate our jumps. Katniss, Snow can’t stop us when we’re in Korea.”
Her mother asked, “What does he mean, Katniss?”
The time for the truth came out. “Snow threatened us, he rigged the scores at Panem Nationals. He said if the Swans don’t win, we can’t win.”  
“What?” Both of her parents shouted.
“That little slimy snake in the grass,” her mother fumed. “If I could I’d run him over with my skates.”
“Madge said she’d talk to her dad, but they’ve never been able to find anything on Snow.”
“We aren’t going to let him win, Katniss and I we’re upping our game.”
“What if she gets hurt, Peeta, this is my daughter we’re talking about. You weren’t there.” Her father had spent nearly all of his time in the hospital with her. “You didn’t see her in pain.”
“Sweetheart, you think you can do another one?”
Haymitch’s question had her wondering if she could do it.  “I think I can.”
Katniss put her earphones back in and blocked the world as she began to move on the ice warming up her muscles. The song Ed Sheeran “Make it Rain,” began playing.
Katniss let herself get carried away by the music and she began singing it out loud as she moved on the ice. In his choros she easily swept her leg over springing her into the air, she completed the rotations and landed backward on the opposite leg cleanly. She grinned and came to a dramatic stop.
She jumped and laughed so hard, she lost her balance and fell on her butt again.
Peeta looked like someone had punched him in the gut. Then he ran out to her. “I didn’t realize emulating, falling on the ice was a new skill set.”
Katniss opened her mouth but couldn’t form the words, she lightly punched him on the arm. “You ready to practice.”
Peeta pointed to his skates, “Duh.”
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validonanon · 3 years
I did it. I may be too shy and scared to tag it under what I made them for, and I know no one is going to see these under it.
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These are my 'AA Babies'
As I explained it under me being a nice Anon, I will do it again. Important to know is that I made these characters for me to feel some kind of 'perfect life', as Jenelle and Sophie are supposed to be me projecting parts of myself into a character that I can 'self ship' with existing characters. Flora and James are just the children I made for Sophie. Everlee falls out of that one.
Let's start with the oldest of all of them, Jenelle(the 2 from left)
Jenelle Fairbairn is a woman in her late 20/early 30 (thinking about 29/30). Born as the daughter and grandchild of bakers, this lady sells flowers and sometimes helps out her family.
She has an older brother named Henry and loves spending time with her cousin, a single father, helping him raise his daughter.
Jenelle is a shy and soft person who loves to help people. She hates conflict and would rather curl up in a ball and cry if someone shouts at her.
As she grew up in a bakery, Jenelle learned how to bake and makes great cakes and other Sweets... While her bread is... Edible. She loved and still loves Sweets, thus having put all her energy into making Sweets I stead of learning how to make good bread.
Jenelle would be my TGAA Oc I specifically made for my love for Herlock and thus her being his partner.
The next in line would be Sophie (middle) . I was a bit too creative with her, but feel like, since I made her for Edgy I was always questioning what I wanted to do. So this will get weird. Sorry
Sophie here is shown as her older self around 33 years old(her face is a bit too.... Young... My mistake)
Sophie was born as the youngest of three children, her oldest sister Vanessa and her older mute twin brother Emil. Her mother, Alyssa Meyer is a successful German business owner and her father, Anthony Sholmes was a British police detective.
Since her older sister denied their mothers wish to take over the company after her and became a world known scientist, Sophie was supposed to be the next in line, since only woman in the family took over the company. But from early age Sophie wanted to be just like her father, training and studying to become a great police detective.
Her mother, trying to get Sophie to change her mind by framing her father for murder and corruption got MvK to take over a 'great case that would uncover a bunch of corrupt politicians and police officers' for him to take as a 'great Victor and another streak in his win record'. Sophie did not change her mind, believing the old tales that the woman in that side of her family got rid of their husbands to secure their company under their own name and refused to become like them.
Her mother got frustrated with Sophie and exchanged her in an arranged marriage for more corrupt cases, even stating that 'if she went with it, she could be the' oh so great detective she always wanted to be''.
She only accepted this, because she couldn't stay with her mother and it gave her the opportunity to become a detective.
Sophie is a head strong(?) person, who, especially in her younger years wanted to do whatever he wanted. While seeming like a perfect young woman at family events, Sophie hated big events and loved to spend time with her friends, a group of young rebellious teens, who made music and spend the time lounging around doing nothing. While she had to learn a few instruments because of her mother, Sophie loves the Violin and loved listening to her father play it.
She was the one who wanted to keep her marriage a secret, since she was not a fan of being a big presence in the media.
Now to Sophies children and Flora being the older twin, she will be next.
Flora is the daughter I made for Sophie and Edgy. She is the first born twin and takes a bit more after their father than her younger brother James. Here she is 24 years old and takes after her father as a prosecutor.
Through out her childhood Flora spend most her time with her brother, protecting him from mean kids and watching their father in court. She walys was interested in law and decided to study it. With James choosing to be a defense attorney, she choose the side of the prosecution, not only help her brother in finding the truth, but also fulfilling her own desire and admiration for her father.
At first glance, Flora seems like her father, strict and not knowing what humor is, but this picture does not hold up for long... In some situations.
The young woman is actually a pretty calm and friendly person, who spends a lot of time around other people, just because she loves company. I court and at work she is known to be very strict, but does not mind spending her break with colleagues or even ordering weird food someone has seen online, testing it out. Her close friend is also her assistant (who I am still working on), a more silly woman, who loves dragging Flora into weird movies, theaters and even comedy shows.
She can play the piano, but does not own one, since she enjoys listening to the radio more than anything else. Flora loves modern music, a hidden favourite of her is rock and alternative rock.
And now James(like...the only guy here guys... But if it is not obvious the one on the right)
Like Flora, James is 24 years old and choose to be a defense attorney, mostly because he saw how cool Phoenix looked while in court.
James calls himself a simple man. He has his few interests - art, games and music - and spends time with his friends Hiroyasu Okumura, a spirit medium he meet while studying law and Morgan Parson(renamed him, also to be funny and on point with the pun names), a nice detective that James can always count on and a guy James calls his best friend.
James was bullied in his school time, because he is blind on his left eye and wears a patch over it(forgot it here T.T) and let's his hair cover that part of his face. But with his sister and his two high school friends Elisabeth Volt and Eckhart Wardrobe, James was able to ignore these people.
While he was still in school James was in a relationship with Elisabeth and in somewhat of a relationship with Eckhart (Elisabeth was fine with this), but kept it on the low, since neither of them thought having the whole world (besides family and friends) was needed. The three spend a lot of time on the schools stage, making music and even starting a group for after school activities, making the schools own band.
But one day, close to the end of their time in High school Eckhart was murdered and Elisabeth suddenly moving away, ending any contact to James.
James does his first case with his mentor and his next three on his own in court, with Morgan as his detective friend. But before his fifth case James wakes up to a young woman inside his bedroom, begging him to help her find her murder and solve her case. James was scared and surprised at first, being the only one who was able to see the young woman, but end up taking her case.
He and the ghost of the young woman Everlee Blue(next to James) get close and decide to take on cases that get them closer to uncovering her death, even solving the murder of Eckhart after Elisabeth, who ended up marrying James bully, needed to be defend in court, after her husband accused her of murder.
James takes a bit after his ancestors Jenelle in looks and seems to have some of Herlocks personality in him, being a silly man who seems to get things wrong at first, but being able to turn the tides in moments he needs (with help from Everlee). James tends to doubt himself and not expect much from himself. After learning the truth about Eckharts death he needs reassurance, going to his father to talk about these things. But he is also an outgoing person, who loves to spend time outside taking strolls through the park or even play his violin. He especially loves playing his violin for Everlee, Hiroyasu and Morgan.
And the last Everlee.
Everlee Blue was a young woman who died at the age of 22. She was born around in the early 2000 and has lost most of her memories. She tried to find someone to help her and solve her murder, since one of the only things she remembers are her name, in simple details who she is and that she was murdered on the 15. March 2005.
After she found out James could help her, she followed him and ask him for help.
Everlee is a care free person who loves to put her non existing weight on James, especially hands on his shoulders and look over his head. She lobes repeating things other people say and repositioning James little figures and books, helping James clean and making sure he takes care of himself.
She help him in court and tries to contact the spirits of the victims. Sometimes they learn the name and have to find evidence, sometimes the victim does not know who murdered them and sometimes the victim will lie to protect the murderer.
Everlee loves listening to James playing his violin or listening to his stories about her family and his ancestors, especially after she learned he is a descendent of the great Herlock Sholmes. She was a fan of him when she was still alive and sometimes feels his ghost watching over his descendents.
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Did you guys notice this?
Time Magazine Interview:
“It legitimises a self-selecting bunch of idiots who have the time and the inclination to sit at home and text the news how furious they are about something... It’s like the comments below articles – full of lunatic gibbering. People howling at the moon, people sitting at home, hammering their keyboards in their underpants... It’s anti-democratic; it’s everything that’s wrong! ...They’ll read out the comments of some f***wit from goodness knows where talking about how furious he is about – whatever! It doesn’t matter because what that idiot has to say has no balance or objectivity. Don’t do it! Reading a comment that covers the opposing argument does not provide balance! Stop it! Just give us the news and keep it from being diseased by this need to be interactive. There’s enough interactivity. There’s the Twitterverse, full of people screaming at each other. Everyone gets cross and loses perspective. We need places where there is calmness and coolness and bloodlessness, just to find ourselves safe. Because the world of information is just chasing itself down the plughole and it’s so important that we cherish information that we receive purely and cleanly in as uncorrupted a fashion as is humanly possible – especially as the world gets angrier and more splintered and more divided. Otherwise where do you look to really understand what’s going on? Don’t add to that the comment of some f***ing ignoramus because you need to interact up your news bulletin. Just stop it. That’s what makes me angry.”
Don Juan In Soho:
“We live in an age of apology, don’t confuse it for authenticity. At least my lies are honest - at least I know when I’m lying and why. Would you prefer me to be a hypocrite? Well, it’s easily done and terribly vogue - look around you; hypocrisy is both vice and virtue - doesn’t even shock us. The bankers rob banks, the police are criminals and politicians have no politics. Governments don’t govern, newspapers invent news, peace-preaching rulers wage war. It’s everywhere! Holy writ perverted to murder, billionaire tax dodgers, pension fund plunderers, racists posing as patriots, judges with no judgement, priests who prey (with an ‘e’). Global poverty, insane famine, a planet burning itself to hell - and the most powerful man upon it? A charlatan, a fake tan, an orang-utan! And the people? Corrupted, broken hearted, clinging to whatever floats a boat in this ocean of injustice: every second sucker with a story to sell - memoirs, confessions, a deluge of diaries for a world of professional weepers. Family histories - oh, my ancestry - ooh, here’s a gif of my first little poo. ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME. You’re a chef - cook - SHUT UP! You’re a gardener - garden - SHUT UP! You’re an actor - uh. We pimp our precious lives to this infernal gnashing babble - Follow me! Friend me! Like me! But don’t ever know me. Every tedious twat in Christendom vomiting opinion - LEAVE ME ALONE! BE QUIET! A million years ago - some hairy bastard daubed a horse on the wall of his cave, he saw it, he drew it - well done. Flash forward: 'Hello, welcome to my vlog. Today I bought a plum.’ You cunt! You silly dozy twit, you’ve forgotten HOW TO LIVE! Whatever happened to privacy?To grace and decorum? Elegance? To life as we knew it? Hmm? Oh, dear sweet Stan, Darwin got it wrong: man didn’t evolve, he just got nicer tools. From a lump of charcoal to the iPhone - whoosh - history. Where’s the poetry? Where’s the soul?”
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years
Summer in the City - Chapter 3
Fic: Summer in the City - Chapter 3 (AO3 Link) Fandom: The Flash Pairing: Mick Rory/Barry Allen
Summary: Barry Allen is a good CSI, but this whole stupid Heatwave serial killer thing is just killing him.
Or, you know, people around him.
Luckily for him, he’s always got Mick to complain to…
"I'm starting to think you're cheating on me with another pizza place, you call so late," Mick chuckles.
Barry smiles, phone tucked into the crook of his neck. "My job keeps me busy," he replies. "I wasn't sure you'd still be open."
"For you, I stay open."
Barry snickers. "Send me something I'd like, then," he says, suddenly feeling spontaneous.
"Not the usual?"
"Nah. I trust you."
"You're a trusting type of guy - and also a jerk, since you've given me no time to prep anything."
"Sorry," Barry laughs. "I promise to order the same tomorrow, how's that? Tonight just get me something fast."
"I'm holding you to that. Delivery'll be in twenty."
"You're the best. No desserts this time!"
"You're too skinny."
"You've never even met me!"
"You sound too skinny. Are you telling me you're not skinny?"
"Well, no," Barry concedes. He's not underweight, but he is, admittedly, a little skinny. "I just wouldn't say too skinny..."
"I bet," Mick says smugly. "Dessert tomorrow, then."
"Something with fruit involved, at least?"
"Can do."
"Thanks, Mick," Barry says, then hesitates. On one hand, he doesn't want to make this weird. On the other, he's been thinking it for a while. Might as well. "Is it sad that talking to you is a highlight of my day?"
"Not any sadder than the fact that talking to you's a highlight of mine," Mick replies immediately. "We're both very sad; just accept it."
Barry smiles. Mick's the best. "Good to hear. I'd better hang up - I'm going to eat then go straight to sleep, since I've got a busy day tomorrow."
"Yeah, interviews. We're following up on some things with some of the big labs in the city: Palmer Tech in the morning, then STAR Labs in the afternoon. Ramon Foundation tomorrow unless something comes up. Can't give you details, of course..."
"Of course. Have fun on your busy day, Barry."
Barry really likes hearing Mick say his name.
The food that shows up ends up not even being pizza, which Barry fully expected, but a medium-cooked ribeye with béarnaise sauce and some asparagus. One of the stalks looks like it's been nibbled on, like Mick grabbed the steak off of someone else's plate, but that's silly. Barry's sure Mick just grabbed whatever was available.
Honestly, he hadn't even remembered that this place did non-pizza stuff. They must have transitioned over to regular Italian as well.
It's delicious, as usual, which he reports to Mick with a smile (he vaguely thinks he hears someone yowling about having their plate stolen out from under them because someone can't man up about their goddamn crush, but Mick assures him it’s just the radio), and he sleeps well but still manages to wake up to his fourth alarm, so he even makes it to the front door of Palmer Tech on time.
Barry's not sure how he feels about Palmer Tech. The guy in charge of it - Raymond Palmer - was a player in Starling City politics and business for a while, which made everyone wonder why he was opening a branch in Central. The more generous said it was a natural expansion, taking advantage of the generous state interest in funding laboratories and scientific development generally; the less generous whispered about the corruption of the business class in Starling - that awful earthquake - and the slender gap left in the Families' supply of good money laundering operations after Snart had started his little meta crusade against them.
From what Barry's seen of his interviews, Ray Palmer seems like a pretty decent, upstanding guy, but Barry's more cynical side points out that the guy thinks of himself as an inventor - even humanitarian - first, businessman second, and that doesn't tally with his business' recent ruthless rise in market share, so either Ray Palmer has a hidden cold streak or he's got a second in command that's the real head of the business, someone with a real killer instinct.
"Barry, you're on time," Joe says, smile firmly affixed onto his face and on Eddie's. "Great. We're just waiting to see Mr. Palmer himself."
"What, personally?" Barry asks, frowning. "He's coming all the way from Starling?"
"Already arrived. Be nice, okay? We'll talk with him a few minutes and move on to the serious questions once he's assured us he had no idea what was going on, there'll be serious inquiries, the usual crap."
"Got it," Barry says. "Morning, Eddie."
"Good morning," Eddie says, looking tired. Then again, he recently got moved high enough up that he gave the media announcement this morning - the regular update on the Heatwave case, i.e. “Nothing yet but we’re working on it” - and he looks like he's been savaged by a bunch of media wildcats. But Iris’ boyfriend still has time to smile warmly at Barry, because he's always been incredibly sympathetic to Barry's plight (once Barry indicated he was getting over it and after one punch-in-the-face incident which Barry totally gets).
Just at that minute, Ray Palmer himself, recognizable from the fact that he's as tall as Barry and from the broad white-toothed smile you could see on all the advertisements, comes through the door, flanked by two blonde women.
"Detectives West, Thawne," he says, hand outstretched, seeming actually pleased to see them, not like he's secretly annoyed by these people trampling all over his lab at all. "I heard you'd called. And this is..?"
"CSI Barry Allen," Barry says, shaking Palmer's hand. "I'm accompanying the detectives today."
Palmer brightens like Barry said something incredibly interesting. "Wow, it's really great to meet you!"
"He watches too many police procedurals," one of the blonde women cuts in smoothly. Her smile is just a bit wicked. "Welcome, all three of you."
"This is Sara Lance," Palmer says. "She's my VP of Operations. And this is Felicity Smoak; she runs our R&D/Tech side."
"You didn't have to bring all the big brass, Mr. Palmer," Joe says. "We told you, we're just following up on the theft that you experienced a few months back."
"Naturally," Palmer says. "And please, call me Ray! I just wanted you to know how seriously we've been taking this issue. Sara and I will be taking you on the tour ourselves."
Everyone's smile gets a little more fixed onto their faces, because that's...great. If by great you mean absolutely awful. It's a careful balance in Central City between investigating with the full power of the city and state behind you, and not pissing off the politicians who count on the political donations and economic stimulus that rich people like Palmer brought with them when they expanded into Central.
Palmer was the politician's second favorite type of rich guy: spends a lot of money in Central building his business, but mostly concerned about politics in Starling and therefore no threat to their positions.
(Their first favorite type of rich guy being the kind that is willing to give them personally a lot of money.)
"We're delighted to have you as guides," Eddie says, even managing to sound partially sincere. "Thank you for taking the time. Ms. Smoak, you won't be joining us?"
"No, I just came here to see - uh, the investigation. How the investigation was. Was going! I'm R&D, you know, so I care a lot about theft. I mean, about investigations! Investigations into theft. Also in general. " She covers her flushing cheeks and closes her eyes. "Please pretend that made sense."
"Perfect sense," Barry assures her. "I do it all the time."
She opens her eyes and grins at him. "You're nice!" she exclaims, sounding a bit surprised. "I wouldn't have thought."
"The cops aren't all bad," Barry says, suppressing a smile. "Don't believe everything you see on TV."
“I’m glad we got the nice cops,” Felicity says, grinning at him.
“You have the luck of coming first in the alphabet,” Barry says, giving up and returning her smile. “So you get to go before STAR Labs this afternoon.”
This was true except for the Ramon Foundation, which started in the phone book somewhere after ZZ.
“Thank you, alphabet,” Felicity says with a laugh.
"We’re very thankful indeed," the other woman - Sara Lance, Ray had called her - cuts in smoothly. "Shall we begin our tour?"
Barry can feel the exchange of glances behind his back at the neat, careful people management, and he concurs entirely. Sara's too young to be behind Palmer Tech’s initial rise to prominence, which was mostly based on the sheer creativity of Ray Palmer’s inventions, but Barry would bet dollars to donuts that they've just met the brain behind its recent cutthroat expansionism.
Despite their initial fears, Ray actually proves to know something about the tech side of his business and is able to answer questions, rather than regurgitating a set of talking points crafted by a set of lawyers in a dark room somewhere.
"This is our Dynamite lab," he says. "That's a little joke, you see -"
"Thermodynamics," Barry says with a grin. "That's funny."
"You sure you want to keep up with this CSI stuff?" Ray asks. "We're always looking for good science people."
"And I haven't even pulled out my mad skillz yet," Barry says.
"No one says that anymore," Sara says, looking amused. "Assuming they said it, ever."
"It's definitely a first for a police investigation," Joe says pointedly.
Barry zips it.
Well, he tries. Ray's actually really nice - sure, he gets distracted sometimes and goes on tangents involving the possible uses of a dwarf star alloy, but that's super interesting to Barry's mind.
Just - maybe not that relevant to the investigation.
"So where exactly did you say the - ah - 'heat gun alloy' was?" Joe finally says.
"Over here," Ray says, gesturing at a set of shelves.
"You just let it sit out there?" Eddie says, frowning. "Isn't that dangerous?"
"It was only a model," Ray says. "We had eventually intended to make it into a gun, but we hadn't gotten anywhere near that point yet. Honestly, it was really just a lump of metal and some plans to show how it could be shaped to deal with the heat. The design of the alloy was meant to let it go up to as close as humanity has yet reached to absolute hot - which is to say, very, very hot - in a logistical manner, assuming you could fashion some source of energy that could get you the power you'd need to get there. The designs were suggestions on how to strengthen the metal so that it wouldn't melt by itself."
"That’s why the dwarf star alloys!" Barry exclaims. "If you make metal in part out of stuff that's been exposed to stars -"
"There's nothing on earth that should be able to melt it," Ray says, beaming. "Exactly! Are you sure I can't offer you a job?"
"Quite sure," Barry laughs. "But thanks for the offer. Can I examine the area?"
"You're welcome to, but it's been cleaned. And, well, a lab..."
"Industrial strength cleaner," Barry says, nodding. He's not going to find anything. But he'll look.
"While Mr. Allen does that, can you take us to your security system?" Eddie asks. "We'd like to look at the logs of who might have been able to access the alloy over the last few months."
"Sure," Ray says, though he looks longingly over to where Barry is unpacking his kit. "Follow me."
Barry's working by himself when there's a noise from outside. A crash, then barely audible cursing.
It's totally none of Barry's business.
Besides, it's a lab. If he wants to look out a window, he'd have to stand on a table, and that would be super unprofessional.
Naturally, Barry finds himself on his tip-toes on one of the sturdier-looking tables in under a minute.
He'd get down and scrub it off before anyone notices.
There's a guy in the alley outside, big guy, bald, shoulders round with muscle that's apparent under his cloth jacket even from Barry's vantage point. He looks pretty hot, though Barry can't see his face.
He's talking to Felicity Smoak, who seems to have knocked over a trash can and is waving her hands emphatically and bouncing a little on her toes in excitement.
Maybe he's an employee?
But if that's the case, why are they talking in an alleyway instead of indoors? He wouldn't have pegged Felicity as a smoker.
Huh. Weird.
There's a noise from the door and Barry has to scramble to get down from his perch in time to play it casual by the right table.
The table next to the right table. Damnit!
"Oh, good, you're done," Ray says, beaming as he sweeps into the room, luckily not noticing Barry’s unusual placement. Joe looks tired of Ray's sunny optimism already and Eddie's got his thinking face firmly fixed on. "Any chance I can take you all out to eat? I know a great Italian place..."
"Sorry," Joe says, only barely managing sincere. "We can't be seen to be influenced by someone even peripherally involved in an investigation."
"Well, maybe when your investigation is done, then," Ray says.
"We'll review department policy," Joe says, meaning hell no.
Ray and Sara then proceed to bustle them out in a haze of overwhelming good cheer that explains why Joe is looking like he's on the verge of murder. There's nothing like someone being aggressively, cheerfully unhelpful when you've running on three cups of coffee and no sleep.
Felicity's in the lobby, waving goodbye, and as Barry passes her, he notices the faintest smell of smoke lingering on her clothing.
Guess she is a smoker after all.
Though, that mention of Italian has him craving dinner...
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lovequotescom · 4 years
Slovakia’s Matovic: European countries’s Mr Ordinary makes for energy
Slovakia’s Matovic: European countries’s Mr Ordinary makes for energy
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“that are you? ” It had been a silly opening gambit for just what ended up being the initial international television meeting because of the guy that is apt to be Slovakia’s next minister that is prime.
However it is an acceptable one.
We understand little in what Igor Matovic thinks about anything beyond the corrupt methods of a number of their countrymen, so Czech Television’s rolling news system ended up being straight to ask it.
Analysts are referring to a brand new period for Slovakia after outbound Prime Minister Robert Fico’s leftist SMER ended up being defeated by this maverick anti-corruption activist and their Ordinary individuals celebration, otherwise referred to as OLaNO.
The truth is, the top associated with the Ordinary individuals party is certainly not ordinary.
“for a long period we lived a comfy life being a successful businessman. Wen reality I happened to be spending the greatest fees of every business owner in Slovakia, ” he stated, once the red, blue and white flags of Slovakia fluttered behind him up against the backdrop of Bratislava Castle.
“But in the exact same time we actually resented the fact the income had been most likely finding yourself in a banking account somewhere in Cyprus. “
Therefore in 2007 he chose to signal their local news kingdom over to their spouse and enter politics.
Exactly just exactly How Matovic produced title for himself
He founded Ordinary People as being an initiative that is civic 2010 and was sworn in being an MP – putting on white pants, sandals and a T-shirt – exactly the same 12 months, initially for the centre-right Freedom and Solidarity party.
With his rhetorical flair and newsman’s instincts, their PR stunts were quickly making headlines.
To guide a referendum on limiting MPs’ immunity he deliberately parked their vehicle on a pedestrian crossing in the center of Bratislava; the digital digital cameras filmed him showing their parliamentary pass towards the authorities have been called to tow it.
As an MP, he could never be prosecuted.
Into the 2012 elections, now sitting on their own because the mind of OLaNO, he took a lie-detector test to show he previously perhaps not accepted bribes, and demanded his other applicants do the exact same.
A few refused, saying it absolutely was insulting. He passed, in addition to celebration won 16 MPs.
But he reserved nearly all of his ire that is creative for Prime Minister Fico and SMER, the party which had dominated Slovak politics since 2006 and another he saw because the mind of the hydra of corruption which was slowly choking Slovakia.
Placing a life-sized cardboard cut-out of Mr Fico, keeping an indication saying “Donated Slovakia towards the Rich”, on the ground of parliament
Along side celebration colleagues, erecting tents in a vineyard owned by the prime minister and camping here instantly
Shooting himself from the French Riviera outs
Mr Matovic along with his peers stuck indications to your fence reading “Property associated with the Slovak Republic”. The video clip is seen 170,000 times on YouTube.
Is he a severe politician?
Stunts such as these could have acquired him labels such as “joker”, “maverick” and “populist”, but he’s got succeeded in attracting severe, reputable individuals to join him.
“It is a position that is completely different you’re in opposition with something similar to 6-8% of this vote, so when you might be the first choice of a regulating coalition, ” said Jaro Nad, previous senior official during the Slovak defence ministry and today certainly one of OLaNO’s 53 newly elected MPs.
“Even 2 or 3 weeks hence, as soon as the first polls started initially to show he may be able to win your whole basic election, you might instantly see in Igor’s face that now he seems obligation, and therefore now we will have a different sort of Igor Matovic, ” Mr Nad told the BBC by phone.
OLaNO’s complete name is people that are ordinary Independent Personalities. But Mr Matovic might not also function as the many colourful personality in their own federal federal federal government.
What kind of federal government could he lead?
One potential mate, Boris Kollar, leads a celebration called we have been Family – a declare that may hit some voters as literally real, simply because he’s thus far fathered an overall total of 10 children with eight various ladies.
Our company is Family is one of the Identity and Democracy team, the alliance of nationalist, right-wing and Eurosceptic events in the European Parliament.
France’s far-right frontrunner aquatic Le Pen ended up being fast to tweet her congratulations to Mr Kollar. If he does enter the Matovic government, it can be a fascinating several years.
Mr Matovic is 46 – the age that is same Slovakia’s President, Zuzana Caputova.
The liberal Slovakia that is progressive party once aided to guide narrowly neglected to enter parliament, and Mr Matovic’s coalition is going to be more conservative because of this.
Undoubtedly you will see concerns on the way for which he will simply take Slovakia. The united states’s lovers – both the EU and its own periodically truculent neighbors when you look at the alleged Visegrad team – are truly wondering.
“as a representative of similar trends, ” Grigorij Meseznikov, one of Slovakia’s leading political analysts, told the BBC because he will be the leader of a mostly conservative ruling coalition, Budapest and maybe Warsaw international cupid will welcome him.
“But i am perhaps maybe not Igor that is sure Matovic be happy if Slovakia is dragged into some conflicts that Slovakia did not cause. “
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callowsermons · 5 years
Palm Sunday: Hidden
What an absurd spectacle this is. Jesus is getting ready to enter Jerusalem, and decides to do it with some panache.  He sends his disciples into town to acquire a colt that has never been ridden.  Jesus has been walking all this way and now that he’s a few miles out of town he asks for a colt.  He doesn’t want the colt because he’s getting tired, he wants it because he knows it’s symbolic.  “Behold, your king is coming to you;” Zechariah prophesies, “righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” (Zech. 9:9)
Once his disciples bring the colt to him they place their cloaks on the colts back for Jesus to ride.  The crowds that have gathered around him take off their cloaks as well to make a makeshift red carpet.  As he passes by the Mount of Olives the people begin to shout Psalm 118, a psalm written for the enthronement of a King.  Again, this is highly symbolic.  Even though Jesus has not yet entered the city of Jerusalem, Zechariah also prophesies concerning the Mount of Olives, “On that day [the day of the Lord] his feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives that lies before Jerusalem on the east... Living waters shall flow out from Jerusalem, half f them to the eastern sea and half of them to the western sea.  It shall continue in summer as in winter.  And the LORD will be king of all the earth.  On that day the LORD will be one and his name one.” (Zech. 14:4, 8-9)
With all this prophetic significance going on, and all the ruckus the crowds are causing, it is no wonder the Pharisees plea, “Teacher, order your disciples to stop.” Stop, because you are causing a scene, stop because you are going to get yourself killed.  But Jesus replies, “I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out.” The stones would shout out because this is truly a monumental event.  It is an event of apocalyptic significance.  Apocalyptic in two senses, apocalyptic in the sense that something is being unveiled, something is being revealed.  That’s what the word “apocalyptic” literally means.  But also apocalyptic in that what is being revealed is the Lordship of Christ, the coming end, the victory over death, the day of the Lord.
We can look back at this from Luke’s account and from Zechariah’s prophesies, and see very clearly what’s going on.  We have the benefit of hindsight.  We know that Jesus is not out of his mind.  We know that Kings really do ride on donkeys.  But what if we were citizens of Jerusalem?  Imagine yourself as an artisan, moneylender, or day laborer.  Just last year a group of Galileans got their blood mingled with their sacrifices when things got hot.  You know that Messiahs come and go, and tend to meet the same end.  City dwellers tend to see everything.
But when you hear about this Jesus fellow things seem a little different.  Not different in the sense that he is more compelling, or that you think there’s something more about him.  But different in his absurdity.  The sheer arrogance of the man, claiming to be the messiah, and not a single militia!  The idiocy of riding in on a donkey as opposed to a stallion.  You’d probably strike a bet with your friends over how long he’d last.  A man like that, Jerusalem will eat him alive.
We have the benefit of hindsight, the benefit of the Spirit, and the benefit of Luke’s account to know that Palm Sunday is an unveiling of Jesus’ true Lordship.  But revelation does not always appear as power, or strength, or light.  Oftentimes revelation comes on a donkey, in the form of a servant, in weakness.
Paul tells us about this character of Jesus, his humility and weakness.  We are told that though Jesus was in the form of God, he did not consider equality with God as a thing to be grasped, or exploited.  Think of the advantage being equal with God would give Jesus, if he were only to use it!  But Jesus does not act on his behalf, but our own.  He emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in our likeness.  And as a slave he was obedient, even to the point of death, even death on a cross.  But his weakness, emptiness, slavery, and death was not the end of the story.  On account of his weakness, emptiness, slavery, and death that God highly exalts him, vindicates him, and blesses him.  He is given the name that is above every name, that every knee would bow and every tongue confess before our Lord Jesus.
Jesus acts in weakness, humility, obedience, emptied of his power, acting in the flesh.  He comes to Jerusalem not with the slickness of a celebrity or the charisma of a politician but instead on the back of a donkey.  And he will be enthroned not on a silver throne but on a wooden cross, his crown thorns, his herald a Roman centurion who declares “surely this man was the Son of God.”  
We are approaching the highest, most sacred time of the year.  Here we reflect on the source of our hope.  The execution of a criminal, and his reported resurrection.  In this world of sin we are led to believe that strength looks like military might, that blessing looks like great wealth.  We may be led to believe that when God acts it is always clear, and obvious, and proclaimed with trumpets.  Truth be told, God’s revelation is projected on a sinful and corrupted screen.  So that when God speaks, it can look like the mangled flesh of the messiah.  It can look like a fool riding a donkey.  God can speak in fools, God can speak in ordinary ways, and sometimes God speaks through a trumpet just to get our attention.
I’m reminded of one day when I was out seeing a parade.  And I was talking to some panhandlers on the street, and one of them told me about some man who would go around town dressed up like Jesus, wearing a rubber crown of thorns, carrying a cross with wheels on the end.  The whole thing sounded really silly, and the man told me it was very silly.  But as we were talking the Christ figure made his way down the road.  And the guys I was talking to stopped talking, they were transfixed by this man who just moments before they were mocking.  They mocked him when they didn’t see him, but now they did see him.  And I’ll tell you, it was a silly sight.  There is something particularly ridiculous about someone dressed up like Jesus who puts what looks like training wheels on the end of his cross.  My friends didn’t think it looked ridiculous though.  All they could muster was to tell me that now that they see with their own eyes, they knew it was powerful.
So often that’s how God acts, that’s how God speaks, that’s how God reveals himself to us.  In a man on a donkey, in a man on a cross, in an empty tomb, in broken bread, in a quiet night, in a mindless drive home, in a hug.  This Holy Week, as we prepare to think on the ordinary death of our extraordinary Lord, as we prepare ourselves for Easter Morning, let’s train ourselves to keep an eye to how God may speak to us.
Questions for Reflection
How do you think you’d react to Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday?
What does Palm Sunday reveal about God?
How has God spoken to you in an ordinary way?
Why does God veil himself in order to reveal himself?
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thewebofslime · 5 years
t must be great being Canadian. Instead of Greggs, they’ve got Tim Hortons. Instead of the cartoonist Matt, they’ve got Kate Beaton. Instead of an economy on the edge of a cliff edge and the prospect of mass chaos, they’ve got moose. And best of all, instead of a malfunctioning robot who veers between doing impressions of insurance-obsessed mongooses and Mussolini, they’ve got Justin Trudeau! Perfect, beautiful Justin Trudeau, the woke Ken doll of the G8 – who last week apologised for eating a chocolate bar in the Canadian parliament! What a little scamp! While we have to deal with warring MPs and a failing democracy, the worst scandal the Canadians have to deal with is over a Twix! Justin Trudeau’s disgrace is like watching a unicorn get run over Leah McLaren Read more Oh, and a huge corruption case that threatens to bring down the prime minister, the government and one of the biggest contractors in the country. If you actually look at Canadian politics, and try to ignore the UK media’s perception of Justin Trudeau – they see him as a Calvin Klein model who’s pretty good at Sporcle quizzes – a darker picture emerges. In February the Canadian attorney general, Jody Wilson-Raybould, quit her post after allegations that she was improperly pressured into dropping charges against SNC-Lavalin, a major Canadian engineering firm. A string of resignations followed – including former cabinet minister Jane Philpott, who said last Thursday that there was “much more to be told” on the scandal, with the implication that Trudeau himself had personally lobbied the attorney general to drop the case. As Canadian stories go, it’s steamier and meatier than a bucket of poutine – but at the time of writing the only reference to the scandal (or indeed any Canadian politics) on the front page of the BBC US & Canada section is a video of Trudeau apologising for the incident I will henceforth refer to as Chocogate. I understand why Chocogate was a popular story, as it combines two of Canada’s greatest loves – chocolate and apologising – but really it seems like the BBC has buried the lede. It’s like reporting the assassination of Abraham Lincoln with the headline “Mrs Lincoln’s enjoyment of Mars bar ruined by nearby gunshot”. Part of this is to do with Trudeau’s own handling of the media: he uses them in a similarly cynical way to Donald Trump or Theresa May. That’s not to say he’s as bad or as dangerous – indeed, no MP in Canada has said they’ve received death threats because of the way Trudeau ate a Caramac – but he can distract the media just as effectively. What Trump does through outrage and May does through abject fascinating incompetence, Trudeau does through charm, and it’s a charm that works best on the outside world. Sign up to the Media Briefing: news for the news-makers Read more I’m not suggesting this is some big cover-up – a global conspiracy to make sure that Justin Trudeau is remembered as the guy with silly socks rather than a corrupt politician who bullies his cabinet on behalf of big business. It’s more that, in the UK, Canada – and, indeed, most other countries – doesn’t seem to be worth talking about, unless we’re using it to compare with ourselves. Since 2016 Trudeau has been one of the go-to “good guys”, held up as the perfect political antidote to everything that is wrong with our own politicians. While Michael Gove was doing down experts, Trudeau was explaining quantum computing in a painfully staged press conference. While Donald Trump refused to visit a cemetery because of a few showers, Trudeau was giving a speech without an umbrella. While Boris Johnson was, well, being Boris Johnson, Trudeau was declaring himself a feminist and promoting women to key positions in his cabinet. Canada gets lazily portrayed as a utopia with perfect politics because flaws aren’t useful to the narrative. Canada exists in our imagination only through a series of superficial, shareable videos of Trudeau hugging pandas, just so we can look at them and complain that our prime minister never hugs a panda. The upshot of this means that when serious allegations emerge, we ignore them – because if we have to engage with them, it shatters our simplistic concepts of Good Politics (Obama! John Oliver! That Gillette Advert!) and Bad Politics (Brexit! Trump! That Pepsi Advert!). 'He's not a bad person, but …' scandal-hit Justin Trudeau turns voters off Read more It’s a trend we tend to repeat with global stories– look at the binary attitude some remainers have towards Emmanuel Macron or Angela Merkel, extolling their virtues while ignoring the former’s brutal austerity policies, or the latter’s startling political decline. New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, has been rightly praised for her response to the Christchurch terrorist attack, but the instinct of the media has still been to compare her actions to our own leaders, rather than to analyse what she did right on her own terms. There’s a danger that we don’t see other countries and other leaders as anything other than funhouse mirrors to reflect ourselves – distorting stereotypes and eradicating nuance to define our own identity, a kind of British and American exceptionalism that appears deferential to other countries but is actually oddly insulting. At times like these, it’s tempting to cherrypick the best aspects of the politicians of the rest of the world and build a Frankenstein prime minister – the cheekbones of Justin Trudeau, the tech-savviness of Emmanuel Macron, the dancing ability of anyone but Theresa May. But the real world doesn’t work like that. Life isn’t a stage-managed photoshoot. There are always bigger scandals than chocolate. • Jack Bernhardt is a comedy writer and occasional performer
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ask-the-phan-site · 6 years
Phan Cam: The Fight Before Christmas (Part 4)
NOTE: Some characters will not be shown wearing formal attire. So I must ask that you imagine how they look as they are described. Thank you.
NOTE 2: Before we begin, we would like to inform you that we know about the ban of Tumblr content and to let you know that we are in full support of lifting the ban. Don’t worry, we’re on your side.
WARNING: This post is pretty long since we tried to squeeze in a lot that’s happened.
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>Shibuya. More specifically, the Wilton Hotel. The Fight Before Christmas Opening Party was going into full swing. The Investigation Team came in first in the lobby.
>Yu was dressed in something he borrowed from his uncle, Yosuke was dressed in a regular black tuxedo, Kanji was wearing a fine black suit, and Teddie was in his standard human form clothing.
>Chie was dressed in an orientle Chinese dress that was green with golden lining and golden flowers (thanks to Kanji), and black shoes. Yukiko was dressed in something similar to her summer clothes. Rise was in her Sapphire dress. Naoto was dressed in a fancy white dress (she was a bit embarrassed about wearing a dress). And Nanako was like Yukiko and wearing something similar to her summer clothes.
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Here we are! I can’t believe I made it.
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You deserve it, Chie. You’re one of the best fighters I know. We all know that.
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(rubbing his bottom) I can believe that.
Chie: (upset) What’s that suppose to mean!?
Yosuke: (nervous) Nothing. Nothing.
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I wonder when they’ll get here. They said they were coming.
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Oh, there they are!
>Our van comes up to the entrance. We, along with Boss, came out.
Valet: Park your vehicle for you, sir?
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Really? I normally self-park, but I guess this once. How much is the tip?
Valet: ¥700.
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That much!?
>In defeat, Boss pays the man and he parks the van.
Boss: How I’d let you talk me into this, I’ll never know.
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Relax, Sojiro, at least you’ll be getting free food out of this.
>With that, we head inside where we meet the others.
Rise: Hi, guys! I like what you’re wearing.
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Thanks. They were a gift from ALTUS.
Rise: Really!? How come ALTUS never gave us anything fancy?
Yosuke: She has a point. We’ve been making money for them since 2008.
Chie: Really? I thought it was since 2011.
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That was when our story took place. The release date of Persona 4 was in 2008.
Rise: Well I still think they should give us a gift for all we’ve done.
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Maybe if they make a Persona 5 Arena... Maybe.
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Anyway, let’s head inside. If Kanamin Kitchen is in there, I’d love to meet them... Not that I unhappy you’re here, Rise chan.
Rise: (scowling) You better.
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I’m sure he will. Actually, Ryuji here has decided to become an idol himself.
Rise: Really?
Ryuji: That’s right. I want to be so great, even DearDream and KUROFUNE would be impressed.
Rise: That’s great. You know, if you ever need tips, you can ask me.
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Thanks, Rise senpai.
Rise: You hear that, Senpai? Now I’m the senpai.
Yu: Congratulations, Rise.
>With that, we head inside the Wilton Hotel. Inside, the opening party was in full swing. The place was packed with fighters, their sponsors, their supporters, and lucky fans. I’m surprised they managed to fit in the Christmas decorations and the tree. After much walking around, we managed to find Joe, Ryuichi, Setsuko, Yuta, and two old men who I can only guess are Setsuko’s father and Mr. Takizawa, Joe’s coach and Maki Takakura’s father.
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(in a tuxedo... and not happy in it) Hey, guys!
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(in a cream suit with a red tie) So these are the guys you told me about.
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Yes. It’s a pleasure to meet you George Takizawa.
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(wearing a purple frock with gold earrings and black high-heels) I just want to thank you again for deciding to do this.
Makoto: Actually, I’m earning the money for something else.
Setsuko: Yes, Yuta told me.
Mr. Takizawa: I hope your aikido instructor will be fine.
Makoto: It’s alright. He said that if there’s any money left over, he’ll give it to you for Yuta’s treatment.
Setsuko: Thank you.
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(wearing a light blue dress-shirt and a black tie under a red sweater vest, tan pants, and black shoes) Do I really have to wear this? I can’t feel pain, but I do feel silly.
Joe: You and me both.
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(also in a tux) You both will be fine. If you two can pull it off at the wedding, you can pull it off here.
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I actually know how you feel. I don’t normally wear something like this.
Ryuji: I bet you wanted to wear a kimono or something.
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I think you look good in it, Yusuke.
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Thank you, Ren.
>He really did look good in that suit.
Ryuichi: Hey, are those two...
Joe: Speaking of clothing, what’s with the mask?
Soul Taker: The identity of Soul Taker must remain secret.
Yosuke: (confused) Dude, it’s only covering half your face.
Soul Taker: Hey, that’s how ALTUS made it.
Yusuke: I brought my mask as well to show support.
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I wish we’d done the same.
Makoto: Maybe for New Years.
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Thanks, Mako chan.
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You’re welcome, Haru.
Ryuichi: Are they also...
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Is that all you’re going to ask tonight?
Chie: Yeah, you should be more careful of what you say next.
Yukiko: (intimidating) I’ll crush you in one strike.
Akechi: Anyway, there’s Sae san over there.
Yu: It looks like she’s speaking with Mitsuru san and Akihiko san. Let’s head over there.
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Kanji: You guys go on ahead. I just want to do some last minute fixes.
Rise: Again?
Naoto: I told you, that suit I had was just fine.
Kanji: No way. This is a formal event. I don’t think anyone would be happy with that.
Yosuke: And this coming from the guy who came with his bleached hear and piercings.
Kanji: (angry) What was that?
Yosuke: (scared) Nothing.
Nanako: I like it. It’s like Beauty and the Beast.
Kanji: (a little happy) Th- Thanks, Nanako.
Naoto: (blushing a little more) Yes, thank you.
Setsuko: See, Dad? It’s not so bad dressing nicely.
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... I think I’ll be fine.
Joe: You go on, too. We just want to look around for a bit.
>With that, we leave to join Sae, Mitsuru, and Akihiko.
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(wearing a tight black dress under her coat) Really, you would take the case for us?
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Yes. You have the same power Makoto has. I think it would only be fair to help you out.
Mitsuru: I see. Thank you, Niijima, for your support.
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Good. This case has been going on for a while.
Makoto: Sis!
Sae: Makoto, you’re here.
Makoto: I overheard you talking about a case. Is something wrong.
Sae: Nothing you need to worry yourself now.
Mitsuru: So you must be Niijima’s sister.
Makoto: Yes. I’m Makoto Niijima. You’re Mitsuru Kirijo, the head of the Kirijo Group and leader of the Shadow Operatives.
Mitsuru: Yes. I’ve seen you’ve done your research quite thoroughly.
Makoto: Well, Yu and his friends told us much about you last year. It also helps that Futaba contributed as well.
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You know you really need to improve your security algorithm. It only took me less than 5 minutes to hack in.
Mitsuru: I see. I’ll make sure of it. You must be Wakaba Isshiki’s daughter.
Boss: I’m also her guardian.
Mitsuru: Sojiro Sakura. You must have been a good father to Futaba.
Futaba: He’s been the best.
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Thanks for that.
Mitsuru: Good... Now tell me, you, like us, also have Personas?
Soul Taker: We have.
>We began explaining our story to Mitsuru and Akihiko. Of course, we sometimes go off topic and speak of other things... Like that silly useless ban on Tumblr content. We also explain about the cognitive psience.
Mitsuru: I see. That’s quite the story. We knew of the Persona and Shadow activity here in Tokyo for sometime, but we were preoccupied with other things at the time. Forgive us.
Soul Taker: That’s alright. You probably had your hands tied and couldn’t do anything.
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I guess it’s party my fault. I caused all of those incidents making people have psychotic breakdowns and mental shutdowns.
Haru: That’s only because Shido made you do it. You’re just as much a victim as anyone else.
Akechi: I know. And you all helped me. Thank you.
Akihiko: I’ve heard that you have some pretty strong Personas. I’d like to see that in action.
Yu: Yes. We saw just how powerful their Personas are.
Mitsuru: Yes. It sound like you would become valuable assets to the Shadow Operatives.
Makoto: That would be great, but I fear that would mean we would have to reveal our identities to the public.
Akihiko: I don’t think you would have to worry about that. When I’m not in the ring, I’m a police officer. I can just cover up for you.
Chie: So am I! Well, I’m actually training to be one. I guess we really think alike, don’t we, Master?
Akechi: I guess that would be good. But we’re not so sure... However, it might come in handy with our currant heist.
Mitsuru: You mean steal the hearts of the corrupted Tumblr admins?
Soul Taker: Another version of us is taking care of that. How much do you know about Sugimura Sekitan?
Mitsuru: He is the son of a politician. However, after Masayoshi Shido’s confession, Mr. Sekitan was discovered to be in Shido’s inner circle and he, along with others in that circle, came under fire and was forced to resign.
Haru: That’s true. Now his family is suffering some financial problems because of that resignation. In fact, the reason Sugimura is sponsoring Joe Yuuki is so that he could get the prize money to ensure their fortune long enough to restore his father’s reputation and allow him to return to politics...
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But I don’t think he’s going to play fair.
Sae: You think he might be up to something?
Haru: I know Sugimura long enough to know what he’s capable of. We checked the Metaverse Navigator. He has a Palace.
Mitsuru: So you wish to steal the distortion from his heart and make him confess the truth?
Ryuji: Pretty much. We had a meeting the other day to discuss this and we discovered where his Palace is.
Makoto: There’s another reason why all of us came here besides supporting our friends for the Fight Before Christmas...
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It’s here. The Wilton Hotel.
Mitsuru: I see. Then allow us to help you. We seek only the elimination of Shadow threats and this is no different.
Akechi: That’s probably a good idea...
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Since I will not be here when the heist takes place.
Mitsuru: You won’t be here, Akechi?
Akechi: I know I consider the Phantom Thieves my family, but it’s not exactly the same since everyone has their own holiday tradition.And since my mother is dead and my father is... indisposed, it would mostly likely I would spend the holidays alone. However, a friend of ours in New York has offered to let me spend Christmas with him and his aunt. I should be back in time for New Year.
Mitsuru: I see. I guess you’ll need someone to fill in for you.
Makoto: Normally, we would have a reserved member fill in for a main member if they are unavailable, however, they all have their own holiday plans right now and we wish not to disturber them. Even King, who lives here in Japan, has his hands tied.
Mitsuru: Yes, we heard from one of our operatives he and his little girl are busy. However, we do have people available, if that is alright with you.
Soul Taker: As long as they can use Bless skills, or Light as you call it, that would be great.
Mitsuru: Good. I’ll have him come as soon as possible.
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Thank you, Mitsuru san.
Naoto: (finally joining us with Kanji) I would be glad to help as well. If that’s alright.
Kanji: If you’re going in there, Naoto, I’m going with you.
Soul Taker: I guess you can.
Naoto: Thank you.
Ryuji: Okay, now that that’s settle, there’s still something else we gotta do. We have the who and the where, now we just need to know what Sugimura sees the hotel as.
Haru: I don’t think even I know that.
Soul Taker: True. He does seem the type who hides who he’s like on the inside...
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Which is why I brought a secret weapon.
>Everyone was a bit confused about what I said. So I reached into my shirt and pulled the “secret weapon”.
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(groans) Finally! I thought I was never getting out of there!
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What!? Mona!? What’s he doing here!?
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Ryuji, shush! Someone will hear us.
Soul Taker: I brought him here in case there was sushi here, but it looks like he has something else to do here. Morgana, Sugimura is just over there. We need you to go and listen to what he has to say so we can figure out what his distortion is.
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You can count on me, Joker.
>With that, Morgana goes off to spy on Sugimura. Luckily, no one notices him so far.
Boss: Are you sure no one will notice him?
Soul Taker: I have faith in him. We need him.
Mitsuru: (pleased) Good. I like how well a leader you are.
Sae: So, what shall we do while we wait?
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Talk more I guess. I still have a few choice words about the Tumblr staff.
>Morgana managed to get to Sugimura who was talking with Yuuki, Maki, and Yuuki’s coach, Matsuda.
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(wearing a yellow dress with red and black designs and white high heels) Really!? You’re sponsoring Joe even though you have financial problems?
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I’ll pay for the expenses after we win the tournament. Just trust me.
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(wearing a tux) My. Aren’t we the sly one.
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I really don’t care about the money. I just want to beat the crap out of that Haninozuka and become the new champion. And fighting Akamine is just a bonus.
Sugimura: It’s that determined attitude that will favor us greatly. Just think, with that kind of money and my father's reputation restored, I’ll be living this life even longer. I especially would like to move here to the Wilton. My own privet paradise. Plus, the buffet is to die for.
Matsuda: Heh! The way you talk about it, you sound like a gangster out of a movie.
Sugimura: Yes, it would seem that way. Which is why I would like to discuss something with you... Without those two. (Yuuki and Maki.)
Yuuki: What is it?
Sugimura: Oh, just some boring stuff.
Maki: Alright. We’re suppose to be meeting with the other Favorites now. Suoh will be making the announcement any minute.
Yuuki: Tech! Fine.
>With that, the couple leave.
Matsuda: What is it you want to talk to me about in private?
Sugimura: Well, just in case, to make sure we win this... I had the fights fixed.
Matsuda: (shocked) Really!? Isn’t that cheating?
Sugimura: Just looking after my assets, as well as yours and Yuuki’s. You want your gym to gain more attention and Yuuki just wants to be number one at everything. I’m just making sure we all get what we want.
Matsuda: Oh you wicked young man... But if you really think this will work, I can’t really argue.
Sugimura: Excellent. I knew you would see it my way.
>With that, they leave.
>Morgana managed to get back to us and told us everything.
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That effin son of a bitch! He’s fixin’ the fight!?
Morgana: It gets worse. The coach agree with him. As long as he and Yuuki get what they want, they can’t do anything.
Makoto: Does Yuuki know?
Morgana: I don’t think so. I guess he knows he’ll turn him in if he knew.
Soul Taker: So you said that the coach compared Sugimura to a gangster?
Morgana: That’s what I heard. It sounded important.
Makoto: A regular gangster would see a hotel as just a hotel. But he thinks of this place as a kind of paradise. Like his personal hideout.
Haru: I can only assume that might be it. Let’s try it with the Nav.
>I take out my phone and put in the keywords.
Soul Taker: Sugimura Sekitan. Wilton Hotel. Gangster’s Hideout.
Nav: Results found.
Yusuke: It’s a hit. We can get in.
Soul Taker: But it looks like we’ll have to wait. They’re about to start the ceremony.
>We head to a stage where the 10 Favorites of Japan were along with Kanami Mashita, Ms. Ochimizu, the Masters Family, and the Ouran Host Club. Tamaki Suoh comes up to the podium.
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Welcome, everyone, to the 15th Annual Fight Before Christmas Tournament! Now normally, my father, Yuzuru Suoh would do this speech, but he thought I was ready to do this.
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As goes my own father, who is tied up at work with my older brothers at the moment and couldn’t make it.
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Same here. And I really want to support Chika chan.
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Tch! As if I need support from you, Mitsukuni.
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Tamaki: We hold this tournament to remind us of all the struggle we had endured this year. And that the coming holidays makes us happy of the adventures that came with it. To celebrate who we were, who we are, and who we will be. And we wish only victory to tall of you. Good luck fighters!
>Everyone applauded.
Tamaki: Kanami sama, the floor is yours.
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Thank you, Tamaki. Hello, everyone! My meat is marbled, my movement is slow, and I sleep off every meal! I’m Kanami Mashita, your prized cow!
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And I’m Ken Masters. Me and my friend, Ryu, founded this tournament with help from the Suoh Group, the Ootori Group, and of course the Haninozuka Dojo. Also with me are my lovely wife, Eliza.
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It’s good to meet you all.
Ken: And our son, Mel.
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I just wish I was old enough to compete.
Ken: I’m sure you’ll be old enough soon, Mel. As for Ryu, well, he couldn’t make it this year. He’s still resting from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Kanami: Either way, I’m just so glad that everyone’s here.
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You rule, Kanamin!
>Everyone couldn’t help but cheer as well.
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If you are all quite done!
Kanami: Thanks, Ms. Ochimizu. Anyway, I hope you all have fun at this wonderful tournament to ring in the New Year. Good luck to you all!
>Everyone cheered.
Ms. Ochimizu: And don’t forget about Kanamin Kitchen’s New Years Eve Spectacular, featuring many other performances and Knamin Kitchen’s newest hit, Pull The Trigger.
>The crowd cheered even more.
>A little later after they announced the match up for the qualifiers, Joe, Ryuichi, Setsuko, Yuta, Mr. Koshu, Mr. Takizawa, the Investigation Team (save Naoto and Kanji), Sae, and Boss head home. The rest of us, including Mitsuru and Kanji were just outside the hotel. We were waiting for Akihiko who went inside to get something and Naoto was in our van changing our of her dress.
Ann: I feel bad making Boss take the train back. It’s really getting colder.
Futaba: He’s a tough guy, he can handle it... As long as he hasn’t forgotten to lock the door again.
Naoto: I wonder what is taking Akihiko san so long?
Mitsuru: I don’t know... But I have an idea.
>And it looked like her idea was spot on.
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Sorry for the wait. Mitsuru packed this really well.
Mitsuru: (hand to her face) In hopes you wouldn’t find it.
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I can see why. You’re practically indecent.
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(artist hands out) Then again, the scars on your body are clearly an art that displays the many battles you went through in your life.
Akihiko: (surprised) Uh, thanks?
>I don’t know whether I should be happy for Yusuke or jealous of Akhiko.
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(coming out of the van) In any case, we should head inside the Palace now.
Mitsuru: Right. We want to see what the Metaverse is like so the operative we’ll be sending will be ready.
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Okay, then. Off we go.
Nav: Beginning navigation.
>The familiar red wave passes us. When it was over, the Wilton Hotel was still the same, however, the top of the building had been replaced with a large mansion that looked like it was made of polished marble and the roofs were made of gold.
Kanji: Yikes! I thought the triplet’s Palace was gaudy.
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Same thing with Kanashiro’s Bank.
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And Madarame’s Museum.
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And Shido’s Cruise.
Mitsuru: I see your clothes have changed. Is that part of coming to this world?
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It is. Kinda put your whole “Dark Hour” to shame, doesn’t it?
Akihiko: No doubt. Koromaru never turns into something like you.
Mona: Am I worth the wait?
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So this is the distortion in Sugimura’s heart. I’ve always known he had it, but never had the courage to come here.
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Well we’re all here now. We can do this together.
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You’re right. Thanks, everyone!
>We all nod.
Akihiko: So what now?
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Normally, we just go in a ways before we make a route to the Treasure. See what we’re dealing with.
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Just be careful in there. I’m detecting Shadows up ahead.
Naoto: We will.
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Let’s go.
>We went inside the Palace. The inside of the first room looks like the lobby, but everything was different. The wallpaper were a black and gold diamond design with golden yen signs in the black diamonds. There were also large portraits of an arrogant Sugimura as well as sculptures of him. It was almost blinding. And just as Oracle predicted, there were Shadows that were dressed like gangsters with guns.
Panther: This guy must watch The Godfather a lot. I wouldn’t be surprised of the cognitive beings here woke up to find horse heads in their beds.
>One of the Shadows heard us.
Shadow 1: Hey! What yous guys doin’ here?
Skull: Nothin' much...
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Just he to make sure your boss get’s what comin’ to him.
Shadow 2: Is thatta threat!?
Shadow 3: Yous mooks betta be ready!
?????? ????????: Stand aside!
Shadow 4: Y- Yes, boss!
>With that, the Shadows part to show who I can only guess is Sugimura’s Shadow. He was dressed in a black suit with white stripes running up and down under a dark blue dress shirt with a white tie, a red rose in the jacket pocket, a white scarf, a toothpick in his mouth, and a black fedora with a white ribbon. And like all the other Shadows we’ve faced, he had golden eyes.
Shadow Sugimura: Haru, my dame, so you’ve finally come back to me.
Noir: Never! I’ll never come crawling back to you!
Shadow Sugimura: That’s shame. And here I was hopin’ you’d finally came to your senses. What with your ol’ man six feet under, it must be pretty lonely running the company all by yours self.
Noir: I don’t need you. I have my friends with me to help me when times are tough...
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Especially when you’re the reason.
Shadow Sugimura: (angry) You little bitch. I was ready to forgive you, but instead, you sealed your fate. As well as the fate of your friends. Men, show these fools what happens when you cross me.
Shadow 1: Right! You heard the boss, you bums! Let’s take care of these punks!
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Oracle: Those guys aren’t very original. Oni maybe strong, but all it takes are a few spells and that’s it.
Joker: Then it should be easy enough.
Fox: Mind if I join in?
Joker: Go right ahead. I love it when we fight together.
>We both smile.
Mitsuru: I would like to join in as well. This might be the only time I can see how powerful Shadows in the Metaverse are.
Akihiko: Same here. It’s been too long since I’ve done something like this.
Joker: I don’t know.
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Don’t worry. I just saw beauty in Akihiko’s scars. You will always be my muse... No, my god of inspiration.
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Thank you, Yusuke.
Oracle: If we’re done with the touchy feely stuff, here they come!
>One of the Oni tries to attack, but we dodged it.
Joker, Fox, Mitsuru, and Akihiko: Persona!
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>Arsene uses Maeiga, Goemon and Artemisia both use Mabufula, and Caesar uses Mazionga. The Oni were either Frozen or Shocked.
Joker: Let’s attack the ones that were Frozen. Just be careful of the ones that are Shocked.
Mitsuru: Right, everyone, charge!
>With my dagger, Fox’s katana, Mitsuru’s rapier, and Akihiko’s fists. The Oni were left completely weakned. Luckily, none of us got Shocked.
Oni 1: We ain’t done here. Ready, fire!
>The Oni all use Snap on us. Thankfully, they weren’t that effective.
Mitsuru: That attack wasn’t something I’ve seen before.
Joker: Actually... I can do better. I have Fox to thank for the the Skill Cards he gave me before tonight.
Fox: Consider them an early Christmas present.
>Arsene uses Charge. Goemon uses Masukukaja. Mitsuru and Akihiko simply waited to see what was going to happen. As did the Oni.
Oni 2: Heh! What are yous gonna do? Your attacks can’t even scratch the surface of our skin!
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Don’t underestimate what you can’t understand because of your boss... ARSENE, NOW!
>Arsene uses Riot Gun. The Oni were all gone.
Kanji: Way to go, Joker!
Joker: It may not be as powerful as Satanael’s Riot Gun, but it’s pretty useful when it needs to be.
Shadow Sugimura: (already in an elevator) Grr! Useless idiots. No matter. As soon as that dumb blonde, Joe Yuuki, wins the tournament with my ‘help’, I’ll be more powerful than any of yous can ever be.
>With that, the elevator’s doors close and went up.
Skull: Hey, wait!
Kanji: Don’t run away, dammit!
>Skull and Kanji ran to the elevator. However, there was an electronic lock on it that only responds to a password. Then, they notice something.
Skull: Hey, Joker! Come take a look at this.
>We came to look at the sign they were talking about.
Panther: It’s a map of the building.
Akihiko: What does it say?
Oracle: It looks like the Treasure is on the top floor. That mansion on the roof. But it also looks like the only way to get there with this elevator. It’s the only floor it goes to.
Queen: You mean there’s no other way to get there?
Oracle: Nope. And we can’t use this elevator without a password. Which means we have to explore this Palace for any henchmen who might know what it is. Now I’ve already got this map memorized. We can come back here another time.
Queen: I just hope we do have time. The tournament has already begun and me and Joker are competing.
Crow: And I won’t be here either. I’ve already packed my things and will be departing in the morning.
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We’ll find a way. Don’t worry, we can do this.
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Thanks, Joker.
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Yes. Thank you.
Joker: Then it’s settled. Mission start.
>With that, we leave the Palace. We’ll be back soon and we have a tournament to win. Wish us luck.
Pictures and sprites came from the following:
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itsraiden-blog · 6 years
Chapter One Lee Yang
 It's a vibrant morning in Roseport. The sun is high the birds are chirping and the sidewalks are busy. As my apartment window is open, i can smell the fresh scent of baked goods below. My ears fill with the noise of ships arriving at the port and fishermen voices at loud. Its a beautiful day as i begin to yawn out of bed. I start my day off with a fresh brew of coffee that i picked up from Marcos Coffee Company. I must say, its the best in town. With a   variety of beans to choose from you can never go wrong with the Italian roast. I recently moved to Roseport from Los Santos and i have already gotten a pretty quick start. I work as a  journalist at The Daily Globe. With rising crime rates and corrupt politicians in Roseport there will never be a day with out a story to tell.  Having lived in the city only a few weeks now. I have fallen in love with this place. The best place to visit is the Town square, with its shopping malls and busy foot traffic. Anything you'd wish to find would be right down there. As i pore my coffee i cant help but notice the obnoxious alarm going off whilst  the door bell ringing in an agitated rhythm. I swing the door open to see the fresh milk delivered at my feet as expected. If you're from anywhere else in the world such thing would be foreign, but here in Roseport its a common service. It's convenient to get milk when you don't have to leave the house. Besides, Market Goods is a busy and   often hectic grocery store. Good luck attempting to get to the refrigerated isle while soccer moms plague the store with there loud and unruly kids.  I quickly put on my business casuals as i prepare for work on a busy Monday. If you ever experience Monday traffic like ours, you too would be concerned of the rising population. In just a few weeks hundreds have moved to Roseport coming from all parts of the world. An interesting phenomena and one i am eager to discover. I mean, what happened that the population of Roseport increased tremendously? My boss, John, speculates its do to the rising cost of living in some parts of the world, along with Aldorria's immigration law. Who knew promoting foreign policy and immigration would get Aldorria on the map. Roseport the capital is over populated at the moment. So, i  choose to ride my bicycle to work. I would say i am a zero emissions guy, as i don't own a car. I must say Roseport is a city that appeals to cyclist over motor operators. With its expanding bike lanes and strict traffic laws the number of cyclist has increased. Besides, who would want to be stuck in traffic for two hours on a twenty mile commute to work? Not me, that's for damn sure.
  There it is the Daily Globe. The place where ill spend the next eight hours getting yelled at by my boss because of late published columns. I mean seriously they need to lay off me for a bit, but that's what i get looking to work at the number one news outlet in the country. We cover it all, from the corrupted elections of 2016, to the economic crisis of 2017. We are in for a record breaking year if we manage to cover these small gang groups popping up in the western part of the country. Gang wars have always been a hot topic. One, hot enough to drive me up the wall and drive others out of Ash Hill. Currently major players are embarking in major crime moves. Something the west has never seen before. We are talking about extortion, drug trafficking, prostitution, and whatever makes money illegally. Most likely you'll see it on the west side. Politicians have always said when population increase so does the crime rate. Who knows what will happen if this thing continues to Roseport.
I park my bike in front of the building as i am greeted by the security guard whose name i always forget. Bob? Bill? Who the hell knows. "Good morning Lee" he says as if he knew me more then just my name. Seriously i have never stopped to talk to that guy and yet, he always greets me. His over weight belly and messy light brown hair is off putting. Where did we find him? I should probably learn his name one day when i am not running late for work- again. Remember when i said cycling is better then driving? well, it use to, until all these new immigrants showed up in Roseport clogging up the bike lane.   As i scan my badge five minutes late at the employ portal, i notice a figure at the corner of my eye. As i turned to the figure i immediately notice one of my bosses looking at me with the sort of face your grandmother makes when you tell her the cookies weren't good. "Five minutes late? whats your explanation this time?" she utters with a death stare. I figured if you complement her she would ease off the stare. "Good morning Sandra" I pretend to sniff the perfume scent in the air. "I love your perfume today, what is it?". "Dont try to avoid my question" she quickly replies. "Yes, i was late but i need to really get going to work. You wouldn't want me to be late on getting these stories published would you? By the way your hair looks great today. You should give your salons number. Maybe i could get me a high fade... they-do fades right?" slowly avoiding eye contact as i awkwardly slide away. "Always with the compliments Lee. Very well, i hope to see your lousy story on my desk by noon" As she motions to leave she stops to finish with. "Oh, and thank you on the compliments. The salon is called NATEDOOS ask for Nate he does an amazing job." with a serious smile and a cold face she finally takes off into her office.   I quickly depart to the third floor via the stairs. Everyone knows you make sure you sweat a little; before you enter the third floor. If your coworkers see you not sweating when you're running late they tend to have this disappointing look on their faces. Oh and they look down on you as if you're a scum of the earth. I like to also complete some jumping jacks right before the third floor as it makes my sense of urgency more believable.     The Daily Globe is the heart of Roseport. You cant miss the huge spherical globe that sits on top of this massive skyscraper. Massive, but yet it doesn't compare to New York's skyscrapers. Shame, because it sure does look huge when you're on the 20th floor. The offices are clean and it resembles a call center but with out the depressing cubicles. Instead you see rows of desks and everyone just typing away at their computers while working in harmony to produce the top stories of Aldorria.   I manage to reach my desk to find some silly written notes my work friends like to make when i am late. The notes mostly read "loser, loser get to work on time" and "Did you ever find a girlfriend? i hear Betty is single" Betty isn't a real person but a mere inside joke of a very large woman whose name is Betty, yea don't ask. Josh and Merle need to lay off the notes. As i  am clearly the better journalist here. I am often tasked to write about Ash Hills declined economy? Boring! Seriously what a boring topic. I mean its the third year in a row politicians have managed to let Ash Hills economy into the dump. This impressing poor performance the city has put up each quarter makes for an interesting topic, one that i would not want to write. My luck huh.   Unfortunately, i have no say so on what stories i may be tasked to write. That's up to John. Our boss with the very creepy look. His little bald spot on top of his head doesn't help his case. He has managed to creep out every female employ and yet he still works here. What a mystery!   I gather all my reports on Ash Hills economy as i rush into the editors office while beating my friend Merle to the door. "Wow, fast to the door but slow to work? Wonder what you were doing last night" she then gestures to a derogatory remark evolving my male parts with my hand in a rhythmic disgusting but at the same time pleasurable motion. You get the picture. "Seriously, Merle not in front of John, you know he can still fire you!" "indeed i could fire you... reports please!" John shouts as he gets up from his desk with his palms and belly over the desk waiting to be handed our reports. Handing them over i sit down as Merle chooses to stand adjusting her poster as she prepares to get vocal. "John, i just wanted to let you know i think i have found out what really happened to the missing boats in Roseport..." As John looks up from my reports he starts to focus onto Merle. I sit there patiently waiting my turn noticing the awful dusty office John works in. I cant help focus more on his dusty earth globe, dusty bookshelf and as i look closer to his dusty keyboards my eyes happened to notice on the left of his computer a box of half eaten dozen of donuts. Seriously do the janitors hate him too? "Go on Merle what did you find?" Merle musters out her words "Well, you see the boats actually didn't go missing." "Is that right?" John leans forward in interest only to have been blocked by his imploded belly. Talk about glazed donuts. "Yes, reports from sources within the coast guard have noticed ships changing course before sailing to the port." "Have they tracked where they're heading to?" he replies as he slowly grabs a doughnut from the box. "Well, it appears a spokesperson for the coast guard has actually hinted that these boats are heading towards Turtle Beach." Confused John mumbles with a mouth full as he slowly begins to lick his finger with out completely munching down his doughnut. "Turtle beach?" "Yes, Turtle Beach." Merle quickly replies as she begins to get slightly agitated with John's professionalism. With a loud swallow and a blink in his eyes he responds with. "Why would fishery boats head to Turtle Beach?" She replies as if she had just uncovered a huge mystery. "Turtle Poaching! It appears some fishery boats are avoiding the coast guard by not docking in Roseport and instead they head south to Turtle Beach to participate in illegal poaching. Then, once they are done, they head back to Roseport with the turtles hidden inside larger fish.  " "Why don't they inspect the fish?" I mentally face palm my brain as i could see that illogical question coming a mile away. "You see the fish companies in Roseport have the coast guard on there payroll. Hence the coast guard turns a blind eye." she takes a deep breath and sits back awaiting Johns reaction. In a slow suspenseful demeanor John stands up as bits of crumbles fall from his tie. "This is great work Merle! I need you and Lee to work together on finding out who is behind all this poaching and how they managed to get the coast guard on their payroll" he looks at me as with the sort of face that would hint towards a favor.. "I need you to stop being late. You'll help Merle investigate this story. Have this issue published on Sundays paper. Headlined 'Poachers Strike the Turtles, Coast Guard turns Blind" In an awkward pause we stare at John to see his awkward hand gesture . Crickets playing in my mind i looked over at Merle thinking she would frown hard but instead she had a little smile on her that complicated my readings of her. Did she like the headline? or did she get astound by Johns goofy hand gesture? Who knows. "Oh, Lee I'd like for you to begin by grabbing my coffee, you'll find me at my desk. You work for me now!" playfully laughing as we exit the office .   As my deep thoughts fade on what just happened  i enter the employ break room and notice Josh throwing his flirt moves at the new girl Sara. He quickly notices me and darts me way with the kind of smirk only a rolling stone could wear. He whispers"I think Sara has the hots for me my man." he quickly looks to see if Sara exited the room as he catches a shy glimpse of her curvy bottom. "You think everyone has the hots for you Josh, you should probably not poke the new girls and actually get some work done." Josh comes back "Did someone get all hurt cause they got a new boss?" he says with a mockery mopey face. "What? How-Did you find out?" "Well you do know Merle is a loud mouth."He chuckles as if he told me something new. "Yup, we know how she gets. I just don't want to mess this up. I mean what am i saying? I..." i started to think what i was going to say but realized i should keep some things secret. One  thing  im certain about is that Josh and Merle have one thing in common, they love to gossip.  Found that out the hard way at a Christmas party when i made out with an ex-coworker as half of the office was reliving a Christmas miracle in the other room. Long story short don't slap belly's in an office full of snakes. Poor girl never showed up to work again. "Look Lee i know you don't like to work with people but Merle is a good journalist and plus she is hot so knock this out of the park or her if you know what i mean!" Josh flashes me his signature wink as he walks away like a Don in the office. I swear he thinks he is some kind of hotshot around here. He certainly looks the part with his blonde and pretty boy face. Built tall like a model with a lean body and decently muscular torso i often wondered why he even works here when he could easy get a job that fits him. One thing he has is looks with no brains. kinda like a runner with no shoes.
As i place the coffee on Merle's desk she flicks her brunette hair as  she gives me a smile and slowly undresses my soul with her light brown eyes. "Ah, thank you, please sit." She grabs the hot mug with both hands and begins to gather her lips close to the mug cooling the coffee with her soft blows which then she pauses to take a light elegant sip only but burns her tongue slightly.. "Merle, i think we should be able to knock this one out of the park ayh?" with a light pause in thought she smiles and says. "This whole story could be a huge headline Lee so we'll have to work extra after work" Not sure what she is implying i quickly get some words out. "Whatever you need boss." as my voice cracks i recover with a cheesy smile. "Stoooop it."  she drags her words then recovers her pitch from what may had seem flirty.  "I am not your boss. We are partners. We will work together on this. Oh and we will definitely have to meet at my place Friday night to go over what we have found so far. So, get your investigations in before hand" "Your place?" Not knowing how to proceed with such request. "Yes, my place or would you prefer somewhere else?" I thought of my apartment as it got "Typical Bachelor" written all over it. I quickly tried to stutter some words only to get cut off. "We could go somewhere else if you're allergic to my two cats, Whiskers and Bob. Don't worry they wont bite." Completely frozen like a deer in headlights i managed to get a word in "Uhh, yea cats are fine..." I hadn't have a girl over my place since moving here. I didnt really know what to expect. I couldn't help but think how embarrassing it would have been if she seen my apartment. It has  boy written all over it with some iconic decor that only a kid would know about. The thought echoed in my head but quickly rejected. Besides my places isn't much of an attraction. Its only a one bedroom and its by the docks often loud ship horns wake me up in the morning. As i space out in my thoughts she quickly places her mug down. "In the mean time we should probably get back to work." As i get up to walk away she adds "Lee don't forget Friday ill text you my address!" "I wont."
  I walk away as if i was a teenage boy talking to my crush. I didn't really know how to handle the situation. Ive never been invited to a girls house before. As much as i wanted to ignore the natural feeling downstairs i couldn't help but to float back to my desk on a cloud of fantasy. Imagining some things that i am not proud of at this very moment. Her house though? I mean why Her house? Why couldn't we go to a coffee shop or maybe even a park. That's normal right? Two adults getting work done at a park in the evening? All i can hope for is that i don't make this awkward. I never really been good with the ladies. Definitely not like Josh. Perhaps i could ask Josh what to do but his loud mouth would have everybody in the office laughing. I cant let anyone know. As I drift back to my desk  I took a seat allowing my mind wonder into places i don't often get to visit in real life. I don't know why i imagined her and i, but the pure fantasy begun to operate on its own as my mind drifted in pleasure land.
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