#hes the king and besides people like cale and choi han
sadlynotthevoid · 8 months
The other day I had this weird dream where, in a timeline where the Soo's, somehow and for some reason, stopped the plaza terror incident— pretty much with no casualties. And then, like a week later or so, the king or Alberu (or any royalty, not sure who) gathered the nobles and other people related to the matter on the palace.
Here's when things start to... happen, I guess?
Turns out, between the people there was a really angry noblewoman who went straight to the king to ask for divorce of her husband. Not really sure what the guy did, but he was also there and he was kind of a jerk, so... Fair.
Zed, for this time in the right, tried to explain that 'yes, he can get them divorced, but right now was not the time for it'.
—It didn't worked.
The woman was really mad and indignated and the jerk of the husband wasn't helping. Obviously, the situation escalated.
The discussion turned into yells, which turned into them throwing things and a random woman (seriously, who was this? a mistress, maybe?) joining the jerk. Food was launched, Antonio Gyerre almost got a fork at the eye and, by the end of all this, Choi Han had a chicken wing on his hair (that was Choi JungSoo, actually).
After they got them separated, the jerk ended up being held by the guards for some reason (I think he threw a knife, but I'm not sure. It could had been Raon). The woman stomped off the room, being followed by a distressed maid holding a baby.
Five minutes later, Cale Henituse entered through the door, looking really confused. He glanced at all the people covered in food, at the man being picked like a naughty cat by the guards and at the spoon tangled in the king's beard. He tilted his head.
"What happened here."
And, instead of answering him, Bassen asked, "hyung-nim, what are you carrying there?"
Slowly, Cale moved the bunch in which he had his coat wrappled in his arms. He pulled off a piece of fabric a bit, showing a pair of litte hands to Bassen.
"Some crazy woman threw this baby at me at the hallway. Literally."
Then I woke up and now I don't know what happened later with og!Cale and his accidentally acquired baby. I mean, besides that he kept her, obviously.
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hajidumps · 2 years
I have the gut feeling that Alberu Choi Han and Cale would marry each other BUT only if the other asks first. They have reached an agreement that if they needed someone to marry for unusual circumstances like nobles being dumb they would agree to marry each other. They have no plans on marrying at all, but if they need to they would say yes no questions asked.
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cywscross · 3 years
As the person who technically finally got me into trash of the counts family via the promise of your wonderful fics. Do you happen to have any fic recs for the series please? I always know I can rely on your impeccable taste! Thanks for getting me into this fun series! Scum villian and ORV are next!
Lol the TCF rabbit hole is a fun place to be. Yes I do have recs for it, I'll toss up some of my favs.
Say It, Finally by Mango_to_sleep
“I’m a transmigrator.” Cale leaned against a wall of the room, as if he had commented on the weather and not dimensional soul-warping. Rosalyn, Eruhaben, Ron, and Beacrox all stood, stiffly facing Cale. The room was silent. “What… exactly do you mean?”
(i want) you and your beautiful soul by rurinas
One morning, Alberu Crossman wakes up and looks at his soulmark. This is unusual only in the fact that he hadn't had one before.
That same morning, Kim Rok Soo wakes up in the novel he'd been reading with a new body and a name written on his wrist.
the proposal by rurinas
He hadn't exactly meant to propose, but—well, all's well that ends well.
by the light of the moon by rurinas
Kim Rok Soo doesn’t expect to be disowned within a few minutes of waking up in a new body.
sleep by rurinas
“Oh,” Cale breathes—a sound soft and quiet, as though he hadn’t meant to let it out. “You’re awake.”
Perspective by SudeniShindeIru
There is something the reformed young master Cale is desperately trying to find. No one knows what it is, but it seems that he will never be happy unless he finds it.
Or Kim Rok Soo transmigrates into Cale before Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk dies. This changes many things and Kim Rok Soo is not happy.
making our meetings count by SudeniShindeIru
I'm counting on you that we'd meet again.
Or: Ever since he was little, Kim Rok Soo has been able to see a number on people's heads. It is the number of the number of times they will ever meet again.
Besides the Sun by SudeniShindeIru
Tasha asks Cale if he calls Alberu with any compliment referring to his Dark Elf side rather than his sunny persona. She chokes with laughter at the result.
stop worrying (he has a plan) by thursdays
It's the zombie apocalypse.
Stuck in a foreign nation during his study-abroad, the ever-pragmatic Park Jin Tae joins a group of survivors led by Cale Henituse, who is infuriatingly, irrationally optimistic. And yet, Jin Tae, like everyone else, is pulled in by his charisma.
in accordance by pheenick
On March 30th, Cale Henituse dies after being beaten to death by a black swordsman.
And then he wakes up.
Or, the one where Cale is a Regressor.
Heaven's Map by natanije
A world where Kim Rok Soo, instead of transmigrating into Cale Henituse, is born as Ron Molan's second son, Vicross Molan.
This is that world, and the many instances that may happen in that world.
criminal endeavors of the roan kingdom's silver shield hero and crown prince by auroracode, TheSilverHunt3r
The story of two sworn brothers, Alberu Crossman and Cale Henituse—the Crown Prince and the Hero of the Roan Kingdom. It perhaps involved more illegal acts than it should. Assassin!Cale.
except I'll need his strength until the day that I die by I_Would_Sleep_Forever
Until a firm grip on his wrist stops him. Cale looks up in alarm, wondering who could have gotten through Choi Han and Raon.
And there, standing with a vicious gaze in his eyes, was Ron.
KING by natanije
After all, just now, Cale Henituse said so himself.
That he has to become King.
"Hyung-nim, you are fated to be here."
He laughs, and kisses Cale.
In an Instant by Messy_haired_bum (best reaction fic)
Characters from both canon and the tboah! world are summoned to a wide, lavish room. They are asked (forced) to read about one Cale Henituse.
one last time by Yunra
In which, the God of Death sends errand boy, Cale Henituse to fix things in a parallel world. Cale's slacker life was once again tossed out into the trash because of one Almighty God of Death.
'This is the last time I'll be asking you for a favor, Cale Henituse.' - God of Death 'It's also time for me to consider to kill a god, so I can become a true slacker.' - Cale Henituse
Hair ties and clips by Amethystrider
On is having hair problems. Cale is awesome. Eruhaben and Rosalyn wants in.
familia ante omnia by shadowlancer_95
The warning shout sliced through the explosions and screams of the mages trying to flee from the whirlwind of fire, reaching the ears of the red-haired man hovering in the air while chaos whirled at his fingertips. He’d heard variations of such a warning shout before, but the sheer desperation and urgency in Choi Han’s voice this time sent chills down his spine.
Things go differently in the fight against Dorph and Sayeru.
Damn it, not at that moment! by Lazy_kale
When Kim Rok Soo fell asleep reading a novel, the next day he expected to see his room, have a quiet breakfast and go to work. But definitely not to meet an angry guy and get a punch in the jaw! Damn it!
wish upon a star by SudeniShindeIru
Alberu sometimes wishes that he had never used his ancient power on Taylor's legs.
Again, but nothing is the same by Yuabel
The god of despair laments the loss of his toy and Cale's despair will be his compensation.
Cale is sent to other version of the birth of a hero where nothing will be the same as the first time, however, Cale decides to ensure that the sealed god does not get what he wants, but it will not be easy, even for him.
Headlights of a Truck by Merkblatt
What if Cale Henituse was a bit younger, when Kim Rok Soo crossed worlds?
Kim Rok Soo didn't know how he ended up in what appeared to be the prequel of "The Birth of a Hero" but he choose to make the best out of it.
The First Son of the Count's Family by SudeniShindeIru
One day, as he is cleaning Lee Soo Hyuk's and Choi Jung Soo's grave, Kim Rok Soo appears in another world in which he gets pulled into a long war between the powerful ancient White Star and an alliance of ancient power users.
But this is not that story.
This is the story of Cale Henituse, the first son of the count's family, who finds friendship and comfort, love and affection, the meaning of hope, family, and life one ancient power at a time.
This is the story of the original Cale Henituse, ancient power Kim Rok Soo, and the whole collection of ancient powers finding family.
Regressed? Goodbye my slacker life by JazzKatt
The war was over, and the Roan kingdom was celebrating it's end as well as the coronation of their new king, everything was going good, until it went all the way down, as people started to fall unconscious.
Cale woke up in his bedroom at the henituse mansion, everything the same, except for the fact that he was supposed to be at the capital, it was too silent for someone that had three kids that liked to roam around, and the fact he was now a child.
love is what you make of it by rurinas
Love isn't always romantic.
Ancient Powers Hijack Cale's Body by natanije
“Hey, I have a thought…”
“Since we can help Cale channel our powers and we can talk to him… Do you think it’s possible for us to take over his body?”
market day by thursdays
A day in the life of Farmer Cale as he sells his wares at Rain City’s marketplace, featuring Cale:
Foisting off all the work to Choi Han and Beacrox
Buying out entire stands because he can
Secretly doing good deeds while continuing to deny that he’s a good person, because Cale will always be Cale.
tell me (can we stay together) by neondragons
“On the chance that I do oppose His Majesty’s intent to marry our young master,” says Ron, eyes trained on Alberu like a snake poised to attack its prey. “What would you have done, Your Majesty?”
everybody talks by SunsetRedCale
News of Cale Henituse's wedding spreads all over the continent and beyond. Everyone loses their shit.
Hello Author, NPC Cale is Suffering by SudeniShindeIru
Instead of Birth of a Hero, Cale gets isekai-ed into a video game. Quite literally because he keeps meeting trainers again and again. At least the video game was pretty well-developed so that he could blend in with the game AIs and not be deleted right?
The Stars of the Roan Kingdom by Starrie_Wolf
“We should officialise your status,” Alberu says.
In hindsight, he should probably have checked if Cale understood the meaning of 'officialise'.
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iamcompletelyrandom · 3 years
what if the reason the disguised hilsman suspiciously smiled when saying that he wasnt apart of the thames household / his last name wasnt thames is because thames wasnt always the original name of the household or something??
(that would explain why he smiled even when saying that he isnt involved yet saying so much about cale’s mother.. i do not think he is lying or would lie so pointlessly, no him and ron are too alike in that, but enough to be twisting the question? absolutely.)
if not then we do know he is also somehow related to the thames household, judging from his hatred towards hunters and how closely hes talked about cale’s birth mother
cale also mentioned that he wasn’t white star, but also not someone he has met before, yet still friendly to him and deruth, as well as loyal people serving the henituse family (but not to violan, judging from the way he tried to grab her neck once he was discovered)
actually speaking of their conversation together, he talked about the henituse values from an outsiders perspective but was suprisingly knowledgeable about it, not only that but talked about the duchess position and not violan herself... does he have familiarity with it, or is he just knowledgable?
not only that but being able to take down a vice captain and capture him as well as notice when someone is watching him, he isnt hostile either and seems.. old? from violans perspective... and he was able to notice (or atleast know beforehand) that deruth was replaced with white star before cale and violan were... (either familiar with deruth enough to notice or familiar enough with white star to notice/know) (679)
he was smiling as he looked towards the diary too... does he know what it means? does he recognize it?
he is related to the thames, but he is not a hunter nor have the a power similar to annual rings of life (judging from the way he talked about cale’s mother with cale, he either doesnt know that cale is a transmigiator/regressor or simply does not care enough. however judging from the way he did not ask cale who he was in cale’s body like drew did in her diary, or expose who he was in front of on and hong, or say that his time is warped like some white thing, im going to assume it is the first option)
... or perhaps maybe hes the eldest orabuni that young drew thames mentioned during the trial for the annual rings of life
“– I have this weird feeling that I will like you even though we just met! You oddly look like that half-witted fool Deruth, but you also look similarly handsome as my eldest orabuni!” (664)
(and we all know how important the things that the ancient powers’ trials’s say go) (looking at you fire of destruction and shield)
that would explain why he mentioned that deruth might be able to recognize who he is and point him out, (why ever else might deruth know him if he is not either extended family or friends to his late wife? maybe relying on similarity as sibling?) (also what does he want to say to deruth? something so important that hes faked and disguised himself coincidently when white star was running around? (and more importantly was it related to thames and the research and information the household was doing, especially with white star as a reincarnator?)
not to mention why hes so familiar to cale’s late mother (clumsy like his mother, matching scary smiles mean something bad is about to happen (and mentioning these habits was when his mother was in her youth? clearly he was close to her)) (688)
maybe atleast a family member then perhaps? maybe a relative if not the older brother.. or maybe a bestfriend (unlikely. he judged that cale definitely had thames blood.)?
...but wait..
wasnt it said that drew was the last and only surviving decendent of the thames household, which is said to have perished once she married deruth and decided not to continue the household..?
if thats so.. where exactly did her elder brother go?
(when you say eldest do you think that maybe there could be more then one older brother? or is that a translation taken wrongly..?)
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so shes saying that a group of people want to hunt the souls of people (and perferably of those that might be young and weak) and somehow couldve ended with something bad going on..?
and apparently the thames household has massacured or “used” all of these people to the point where its been “resolved” and hunters will no longer appear..?
and somehow, the red light (the light from the annual rings of life ancient power flowing into drew’s diary) is the same light of that dorph managed to identify of a person that taught him how to not only use the darkness element, but also hunt darkness elementals (667)
drew has the exact same “light” (the element of present and innate fate? time? or something more?) to the (presumed) hunter (THAT I THINK IS HONESTLY STILL ALIVE, MIND YOU) that hunted down darkness elementals who possessed a red light (but did not absorb it? ancient powers get absorbed right?)
she also commented that the annual rings of life (which allowed people to see the time around all living things (including people whos time is warped), as the annual rings of a tree) “needed to be apart of the Thames household to use this power properly” - (665)
while thankfully it means that white star wouldnt know how to use it either (judging from not being able to tell how time is warped besides that it is for cale and choi han), it also leaves some very interesting context for WHY THE HELL WOULD A HUNTER HAVE THIS POWER THEN??
...so if the thames were so adament about fighting against hunters who used the souls of non-reincarnating / single lifers, why is the records and the research all full of how to destroy all of those with a “warped” time.. including those single lifers...
and depending on how detailed the information on the annual ring of life is on how to eliminate such beings.. wouldnt that mean that the thames has been studying that too alongside it..?
but when the other hunter got its “red light” while the fake hilsman didnt have make sense... unless.. the hunters were originally to have it and the thames “used” them or “resolved” or took it from them for their resea-
...im sure that that is not the case.. yeah.. that couldnt ever be the case..
this seems like seriously complicated stuff... i feel like there are chills on my back and im having lemon tea for some reason... and whatever happened made the thames going to a baron to a fallen noble... haha oh dear..
...at the very least, we can count on having his highness crown prince alberu to tell us what happens once he asks the king! yeah! im sure its nothing big to worry about and it would all be revealed in due time, theres no need to worry about that kind of stuff!
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