#hetalia mathius kohler
i would kill for some fail bros headcanons
[Hey, Anon! I'm kind of passionate about these three, so I'm giving you a heads up that this one is kind of long. Hope you enjoy~]
From a “nation” standpoint, England is the eldest of the three. He recognized his spark of sovereignty when King Ecgberht ascended to the throne of Wessex in 802, who would later go on to claim Kent, Sussex, Surrey, and Essex as part of his kingdom; Ecgberht is often regarded as the “first king of England.”
For Denmark, his sovereignty came with the crowning of King Harald Bluetooth around 950, who completed the goal of unifying the region into a single state. Before that point, Denmark existed more or less as a smattering of small communities led predominantly by local chieftains.
Prussia didn’t fully recognize his sovereignty or nationhood until around 997, when the Aesti- Old Prussians- slayed  Adalbert of Prague, a missionary who had been sent by Polans to try to convert the “heathens” to Christianity. It was only one of many attempts to conquer the Prussians, but with Adalbert earning a martyrdom, and such a blatant show of sedulous autonomy, the first spark of nationalism truly ignited.
Not that much of this mattered in regards to their friendship though. 
Through the Saxons, Arthur and Gilbert had been friends since the 700s at least, and Arthur and Mathius had known each other for even longer, the Jutes having first made an appearance on the Isles around late 400, when Arthur was still part of Rome’s territories. Mati and Gil were practically next door neighbors; I wouldn’t be surprised if Germania had pretty much raised them together.
Despite a lot of shifting borders and conflicts of interest- like Denmark ruling England from 1013-1042, or how Denmark lost both Holstein and Scleswig to Prussia in 1864, and England and Prussia’s on-again, off-again alliance- they’ve remained fast, firm friends for centuries.
Truth be told, I think Mati was the one to get Artie so addicted to sailing, most likely dragging him on a few coastal raids back in the day.
Hamburg is one of their favorite meeting places. Initially, it was more convenient for Gil and Artie, as it was one of the central cities in the Hanseatic League, but the real draw came with the 1500s, when there were over 500 breweries for them to sample. These days, it’s more nostalgia that keeps drawing them back.
Actually, this is part of a tradition that still stands to date; with some rare exceptions (like this one tavern on Bornholm that’s been serving the same Brennivin recipe for the past 463 years), they rarely go to the same pub, distillery, or brewery twice. There are just so many of them.
These three try to meet up at least one weekend a month, if not more. Gil has it a lot easier working out his schedule these days, for obvious reasons, so normally he will crash with either Mati or Artie and the other will show up when they can.
Friday nights are usually their “drink nights,” and they’ll usually bicker for a good hour about which pub or club they want to try; all of these nerds had lists ready of venues they had looked up in advance. They also spend another hour or so bickering about which of them has the best beer.
When they’re together, they completely shrug off their more responsible images- Arthur in particular seems almost a 180 degree shift in personality. Around most nations, he tries to keep that prim and proper persona, but… Mathius and Gilbert are not most nations.
These three have crusaded to the Holy Lands together, harassed most of Northern Europe together, even spent a few precious months pretending to be humans and traveling the world together. They’ve sworn blood oaths under scarlet skies, literally sewn each other back together on occasion.
They really share most everything with one another- from matters of the heart to political problems to those dark desires they really can’t tell anyone else about- knowing that anything shared among them will never be discussed outside of their circle.
Usually, they don’t let themselves get drunk. But really- They don’t need alcohol to become total hooligans. Mathius is naturally high energy, and with Gilbert’s simmering competitiveness and Arthur’s pride keeping him from ever backing down from a challenge…
The shenanigans these three get up to can range from pranking Mati and Artie’s former colonies to strip karaoke to sometimes, quite literally, painting the town, and then some.
They have a few reprimands for breaking and entering, and perhaps there were one or two cases of arson, or a few protests that got a tad chaotic… 
Despite having more than enough beds for each of them, they usually end up falling asleep in a giant heap.
Arthur is loath to ever actually admit how safe he feels knowing the other two are there to watch his back, though Mathius is always very open about actually expressing the exact same sentiment.
Gilbert is usually the last one to drift off and always the first to wake up; he mastered some killer hangover remedies a few decades ago, and while he knows the others are perfectly capable of making breakfast without burning the house down, it’s his way of showing how much he cares.
Sometime after they’ve nursed the remnants of their hangovers, they usually go shopping for food together, all of them chipping in on a big dinner for that night.
Said shopping trips go about as well as you’d expect: Artie usually pretends he has no idea who Gil and Mati are as they piggyback through the aisles, Arthur and Mathius bicker constantly about the proper ways to eat eel (which always traumatizes Gilbert), and Prussia constantly is making bad puns with England about the different brand names, much to Denmark’s irritation because he can’t quite keep up. 
Just fucking getting to the store was a quest on its on; buying themselves actual food before getting kicked out is another challenge entirely.
They absolutely are down for cultural and music fests, theatre, boating, or even just reading together.
They totally do LARPing together, and try to attend either ConQuest or Drachenfest each summer.
There is often an attempt to play football when they have an hour or so to kill, though it typically ends up as a brawl with two of them (usually Mati and Gil) starting a giant game of keep away against the other (usually Artie). They’ve lost count of how many grass stains they gained in the process.
They’re each hella supportive of the others’ interests, and often you can find them laying on the grass or a roof somewhere having long-winded discussions about the arts, literature, science, philosophy, and on one particularly snowy night in 1989- what happens when they die. 
In fact, the only two people Gil ever really confides in about his fears are Artie and Mati. With Ludbug, he just can’t risk the thought of hurting him or burdening him, and with Fran and Toni, he’s scared they’ll- He can’t always handle how open those two are with their worry for him.
He knows that Mathius and Arthur won’t pity him, per say. Bleeding hearts the three of them, but they know when, and when not, to show it.
Arthur and Mathius made it their goal through the entirety of the 1990s to make sure Gilbert understood just how damn important he was to them, stealing him away as often as they could get away with, doing everything from a sailing trip around the Orkneys (and annoying Alisdair to no end) to camping in Scharbeutz for two weeks straight to trying (and horribly failing) to form a band around ‘94. 
The band didn’t work out mostly because they all have different music tastes- Artie fell deep into the punk scene and never climbed back out, Gil’s taste falls somewhere between heavy and folk rock, and Mati is very passionate about symphonic and alternative rock. Also, meeting up for practices as frequently as they needed was nigh on impossible. Still, sometimes they do get together just to jam for a bit.
Mati and Gil are the only two people actually allowed to call Arthur by “Iggy" and not get a black eye.
They love playing board games with each other, everything from Cards Against Humanity to Crazy Cat Lady to Risk. They tend to avoid the latter however as they all get rather… intense with their gameplay.
Really though, all they need is a deck of cards and they’ll easily get invested into a game of Slap Jack or Go Fish.
I am willing to bet they swapped parenting tips through the ages, each of them freaking out because "holy fuck I am not qualified for this!"
They have several dozen inside jokes at this point, the kind that if one says anything they all eventually will succumb to tears of laughter.
No one else really makes Arthur laugh as quickly as those two, no one else really sees Mathius as pensive and philosophical, and no one else really sees Gilbert completely letting his guard down.
With each other, they are, have been, and always will be Arthur, Mathius, and Gilbert.
They trust each other unconditionally, and know that, no matter the politics, they’ll always be there to support one another, no matter how silly the shenanigans or serious the situation may be.
[This was so long, omg. Thanks for the ask, Lovely!
If anyone is interested in any sources for further reading on their own, let me know! I got quite a lot of this from textbooks, articles, and encyclopedias ^_^; ]
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Are Prussia and England 'twin' brothers?
Honestly, Anon- I don’t think so.
In the past, I wrote a couple different posts kind of exploring the relationship between Artie and Gil, but the common thread has always come back to them being not only cousins, but also being best friends.
In the first, a series of Historical Headcanons for Prussia from way back in the day, I kind of touch on their childhood, and have callbacks to a few moments in history where the two of them had a bit more.. tension than normal.
The second post was a series of Headcanons for the Fail Brothers Trio, which features Gil, Artie, and Mathius. There I do get way more of a chance to explore the intimate intricacies of their relationship, how the three of them grew up with each other and still fully trust one another.
But getting back to your question: I don’t think Gilbert and Arthur could actually be brothers in the normal sense. Arthur, while definitely Germanic, actually has Latin in him (which I kind of touched upon here during a drunken rant) and could technically claim Romulus as one of his ancestors. And Gilbert, who is undoubtedly one of Germania’s rascals, would have met the former during their mutual Saxon rule, somewhere in the 700s. 
I think it maybe took them a couple days to actually warm up to one another; Arthur wasn’t nearly as formal as a kid, and Gilbert was ridiculously curious about the kid who lived so isolated from the mainland’s drama.
To date, they still have absolutely faith in each other, no matter the politics that may have divided them.
So while they may not be brothers by blood per say- I definitely do think that Arthur, Gil, (and Mati!) are brothers by bond.
Thanks for the ask, lovely!
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Hi, um, how would Prussia, USA, Romano, and if you can, Denmark react to their cute, pure, fragile, and innocent-looking lover sitting alone, at night, in the dark, and at their couch smiling and giggling at a bunch of super-scary horror movies? Their lover may even be critiquing the movies, saying "That's ridiculous!" At some parts!
America: Would internally debate on calling an exorcist, but also just kind of nervously laugh it off. He’d honestly be reminded of Seychelles for a bit there, and would lean himself against the wall, wondering why all of his loved ones seem to be sadistic and mildly insane.
Denmark: Epicly, he would leap over the back of the couch, settling his feet on your lap, and flop his head down on an armrest. He’s not phased in the slightest, and the most he would ask is that you pass the popcorn.
Prussia: One day he’ll stop being scared of you. Sadly, today is not that day. He, of course, is not at all scared of monsters and villains (though don’t ask him about ghosts. He is terrified of them.) He is however very creeped out by his angel laughing their arse off about how the character in that film just got themselves gutted so beautifully.
Romano: He’s pleasantly surprised. Vene likes gorey horror flicks to the ends of the earth, and because of this Romano really hasn’t found any that scary. He took you for a romcom kind of soul, so when he saw you merely scoffing at the performance before you, he was pleased and impressed. He had good taste after all.
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