#aph prussia headcanons
foolilazuli · 1 month
Do you think Germany has a lot anxiety about his brother dying one day, since the country of Prussia doesn’t exist anymore
Prussia: It might rain soon, I can feel it in my knees (or whatever other things old people say)
Germany, trying to hold back tears: Stop that, you’re not old. You still have more years in you!
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forsoobado137 · 3 months
It must be embarrassing for nations when humans find their old stuff. Imagine being a teenaged nation filled with hormones and keeping some kind of journal. After a couple of centuries being forgotten, it's suddenly in the national museum for all the world to see. I'm sure Prussia has some entries in his diaries that he would rather keep private.
I bet England loves showing off old 18th century paintings of himself with America and Canada. He thinks fondly of the memories, but they're both like "Oh my god, England! stop showing everyone our baby pictures!"
*Elegant oil painting of France* "Oh la la, that neck ruff is so tacky! What was I thinking? Why is this portrait in the Louvre?!"
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goldenstarprincesses · 11 months
Imagine nations having something really embarrassing happen to them. It could result in a death or simply be a whacky dare that they are forced to do.
They go on with their life thinking "wow, sure am glad no one saw that happen!"
Only to be flipping through the channels one night, some years or even decades later, to find out an entire Unsolved Mysteries episode about it. In horror, they quickly Google it. Only to find out an entire Reddit page dedicated to it, hundreds of YouTube videos, and TikTok's with millions of views.
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royaltea000 · 6 months
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Guy who never looks the same when I draw him
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504py · 7 months
Yandere Prussia Relationship Headcanons
Gender neutral, no use of Y/N, NSFW, murder, kidnapping mention, stalking, long post ahead!
we're SO BACK JOE. i apologize in advance if i write him strangely 😭😭🙏 but here it is! come get y'all juice!! slowly coming back to hetalia, so my inbox is once again open!!! hope y'all like it!
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How the relationship started...
Gilbert is a very competitive man, and he can't help but be attracted by challenges, even if those challenges are ones that he himself proposes and the other party is completely unaware. This is what has unfortunately happened between you two, and it all started when you rejected his advances towards you.
I apologize for saying this, but I feel that Gilbert is a bit of a "nice guy". He saw you initially as just some pretty person he could fool around and flirt with, but you, obviously, saw right through his act, and said something that stuck with him.
"Are you normally this pathetic?"
He's taken aback, and his red irises shake a little.
Of course, he's used to insults being flung his way, what with how he acts, but a shot to how cool he perceives himself to be would stick.
His white brows crease his previously smirking face, before snapping back.
"Well fuck you too!"
Gilbert wouldn't have any contact with you following this interaction for a long while, and while he tries to forget you and erase you from his memory, you and your words have been laser-burnt into the creases of his brain. You and your damned smile when you look at anyone other than him, the softer tone your voice takes when you talk to other people, versus how your voice seems to have been drained of all enthusiasm and feels like it's a knife dripping with venom when Gilbert talks to you. Why didn't he deserve that nice treatment, too? Was he not even deserving of a small smile from you? He wants you to like him, too. He wants to be the person you like the most; to be the best.
Which resulted in him showing up at your door one evening with flowers and your favorite takeout.
Why does he know your address and why does he know your favorite food and flowers, you ask? Don't worry about it (He was obsessively stalking your social media during the month he was gone).
Gilbert apologizes to you, he sounds sincere, and like the oh-so kind person you are, or maybe you just wanted the food and flowers, you let him into your home.
Gilbert is a very insecure man. His only expectation is for you to look at only him and to love him only. Perhaps he wants you to love him the same way he loves you, obsessively, but he does like the challenge.
He feels like, maybe, if he can fully prove himself to you one day and have your validation, only then can he truly see himself as worthy, as the best for you.
He would have a lot of tunnel vision when it comes to you. To Gilbert, the rest of the world doesn't matter, because you are his whole world. He does tend to look pretty stupid because of it sometimes, but he couldn't care less.
You want him to cook and clean around the house? He'll do it.
You want him to change up his style even if he doesn't really like it? Of course he will!
You want him to carry all the bags while you're out shopping? In a heartbeat. Plus, he gets to show off his strength too. He'd carry you too if you allowed it.
Even if he tries his best not to come off as cocky, he really does like showing off. Being with you has sort of domesticated him, so he'd be a lot more shy about making a show of himself.
I think he'd act like this irregardless on if you accepted him as your boyfriend or not, if anything, I think he'd be even more of a doormat if you refuse to accept him.
He'd get crazier and crazier with his attempts to prove himself to you, such as buying extravagant gifts, doing anything and everything under the sun and moon for you, hell, he'd even legally change his name if you didn't like it.
If you still don't accept him despite everything he's done, I think he'd snap and just take you. He'll keep you with him so you won't run away and he can have as many attempts as it takes to prove himself to you.
But I imagine you'd cave from the guilt and persistence, and eventually accept him. At which, he'd literally scream from relief and happiness and swing you around, before realizing how rough he's being with you and hurriedly putting you back down and apologizing.
Yet he still has that wide toothy grin the whole time, and he keeps petting your hair and holding your face in his hands adoringly. It feels that, from that moment on, there would never be a moment where he'd be unhappy ever again, and he'd never allow you to be unhappy either as long as he's around.
It is genuinely very hard to make this Gilbert upset, because there are very few things that do...
Gilbert really hates it when you express any sort of affection towards anyone or anything other than him.
Yes, anything. He gets jealous if you show too much affection over his dogs or fawn over them too much. I'm seriously saying this, I think he'd later show up with a collar around his neck, crawling on the ground and rubbing his head against your thigh like a mutt. This could either come off as comedic or attractive depending on you, but either is a win in Gilbert's book, since at least he's got your attention now.
If you have any personal toys of your own, he'd get kinda emotional and ask you to throw them away, then ask what they do that he can't. In some time (and by that I mean later that night, maybe even right away), he'd prove that he can provide you with so much more pleasure and relief than those toys ever could.
Probably even to a fault, he'd keep overstimulating you and forcing orgasms till he was satisfied, till he believed that it was drilled into your brain that only he could do these sorts of things to you. And, also, that if you make him jealous like this again, it'll be another one of these long, torturous, sweaty nights...
I guess these aren't really punishments to a lot of people, because in my book only one thing could make him so genuinely upset that he'd be anything other than doting towards you, and that would be flirting with someone else. He'd try to deny it, but then he'd be inconsolable and crying for weeks, having nights where he'd be begging you to say that it never happened, or that the other person meant nothing to you.
"They r-really mean nothing to you? You mean it, babe?"
Then an idea pops into Gilbert's head, one that makes his heart rate pick up and his pupils dilate.
He kisses you, says that he loves you, says goodnight, then he'd be eerily... calm for the next few days. Usually he'd be more skittish and closed-off following whatever you did, but now he's acting like nothing ever happened.
Until one day, he shows up with that other person, bound and gagged, and a gun.
"G-Gil, what is thi-"
"They mean nothing to you, right?"
"Y-Yes, but-"
Then the gun fires, and it happens so quickly that you can barely process it.
This is only a hypothetical scenario, if you were ever to do something like that. It'd be really easy for Gilbert to slip into a psychosis and believe he was doing the right thing by murdering someone.
If anything, he sees it as another means of proving himself.
"There's no one else who would kill for you like I could."
All in all, he isn't easy to anger, but unfortunately I can't say the same thing about him and murder...
Luckily, as long as you're fully loyal to him, all you'd have is a boyfriend who is doting to a total fault.
As long as you've got a good tolerance for cringe, being with Gilbert should be relatively stress-free.
Gilbert's love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch. You could imagine what the two combined would be... Yeah, he's got a huge praise kink.
But as for ways he shows his love towards you, it's definitely acts of service and gift giving. He lilkes gloating a lot, and that's especially true when it comes to the two of you.
He enjoys showing you off. He likes buying gaudy things for you and himself– a huge fan of matching outfits– and taking you out on flashy dates. If you're comfortable with being posted on his social media, best believe he'd be spamming his with you ALL the time. Even if you're not being physically being shown, he'd write about you in his tweets, captions, and stories constantly.
And around twenty-eight people respond like "Didn't you just get them one the other day??"
If you're one to hop between interests and hobbies a lot, or just have any hyperfixations in general, best believe Gilbert will be fueling them LOL.
Gilbert can be really overbearing with his affections, but to him it's just because you deserve it so much. Only the best for the best, right?
He can't help it either, the most rewarding thing he's ever felt is that feeling he gets after he gives you a gift or does something for you. You get this adorable look on your face, smiling at him like he was the stars in the sky and singing out the sweetest compliments and thanks. It's all so worth it.
Normally I'd delve into what Gilbert would love to receive from his partner in return, but in all seriousness, I really do think all he wants is praise and your sole affection.
Like Alfred in my last headcanon post, Gilbert is really noisy, but I think he'd willingly make an effort to change that for you. Not because you asked for it or anything, but just cause, this way, he can appreciate all the tiny little things about you even more.
He realized this, when, one day, he noticed you frown a little before you smile. He wonders why he's never noticed this, and he realizes it's because he closes his eyes right when he starts to laugh. He starts to wonder what other little details about you he's missing out on, so he watches you more carefully in that effort.
Inadvertently, this has made him more calm and quiet since he's so concentrated on you. He likes it, though.
I think, what punctuates Gilbert's character here, is his willingness to change and bend for love's sake.
He does say he loves you very often, to the point of it being annoying sometimes, but he sincerely does mean it. He doesn't say it as just fluff.
However, you'll feel it most with the way he looks at you.
"You have a mole on your back. Did you know that, babe?"
(art used is mine, so please do show it some love on my blog as well! thinking of starting a taglist?)
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merbear25 · 4 months
Hi, can you make Russia, Germany and Prussia with a reader who's also a total simp for them? (Like in previous ask✨️)
Hello, hello! So much love for the Hetalia men, I love it! Thank you for sending in your request. I hope you like what I've written for you 💜💜
pt 1, pt 2
CW: gn!reader, fluff, headcanons
Meeting a simp reader (Russia, Germany, Prussia)
At first, he was a bit shocked, then that shifted into doubt before he eventually realized you were genuinely head over heels for him.
The more time you spent around each other, the more comfortable he became, eventually looking around for you when you weren’t by his side.
He’d adore cuddling with you, especially on cold nights when the winter wind was howling loudly. Whenever you drifted off to sleep in his arms, he melted and allowed himself to fall asleep soon after. Waking up to you still wrapped up in his embrace gave him the confirmation that you were there because you wanted to be.
He’d want to strengthen your bond by exploring your common interests. I’d even go as far to say he’d get out of his comfort zone: giving things a try that he may not have prior to meeting you. A deep and meaningful connection was all that he’d really want at the end of the day and if you were willing to give that to him, he’d never complain.
He’d be fairly hesitant to accept your praise and affection. He was far from the romantic or touchy-feely type and you always wanting to be around him was making him…flustered. 
Despite that, you appeared to be hard-working, dedicated to your ambitions, and an overall respectable person, eventually earning his good graces.
With you seeming more than one dimensional to him now, someone he felt like he might enjoy having around, he’d invite you to training sessions and maybe small outings with the others if he thought you’d like it. Affection would undoubtedly start out small, mostly through acts of service and sometimes words of affirmation.
The progression in your relationship would be slow yet gradual, leaving room for you to both explore who the other truly was. Quality time would increase the more comfortable he became around you, wanting to share peaceful moments with you or enjoying a nice walk in the park. Looking at you, he’d have a subtle smile pertaining to his gratitude for you.
Everyone knew just how highly he thought of himself, so when you came into his life fawning over him, he couldn’t help but agree with you. He was the amazing Prussia afterall.
When your praise and adoration didn’t wear off the more time you spent with him and you expressed genuine interest in him, he started to wonder what your deal was—what you were all about.
You piqued his interest and now he wanted to know more about you. Inviting you out for drinks would be the easiest option for him. Getting more one-on-one time with you made everything easier for the two of you to bond properly. He came to really like you and suddenly your praise made him feel a bit differently—more affectionate.
Once you two got past the first hump with getting to know each other, he’d match your eagerness to see each other. He'd want to be around you all the time. Despite the chaotic energy he brought, he enjoyed the softer moments too. Whenever he got you smiling and laughing were times that he cherished, never wanting that feeling to fade.
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lady0ctavia · 20 days
Hetalia Headcanons - Their Favorite Spot to Kiss their S/O (Axis, Allies, and Nordics)
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Doing something real quick while my hands heal, and to give you guys a little something. You know, keeping you fed and all. <3
Includes: Axis, Allies, and Nordics (except Iceland, see pinned post as to why).
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Italy: Lips or nose
Germany: Forehead or cheek
Japan: Cheek
Prussia: Lips
Romano: Temple
America: Lips
England: Hand
France: Lips or neck
Russia: Top of your head
China: Cheek or hand
Canada: Nose or the spot between your eyes
Denmark: Lips, jawline, or shoulder
Sweden: Top of your head or forehead
Norway: Nose
Finland: Nose or cheek
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kioneira · 9 months
Learning about the Polish situation after the partitions is so funny because you learn that after one of the Uprisings when everything from language to culture got banned in the Prussian part of the Annexation, (it got banned everywhere but let's ignore that for a moment) some Germans started to get interested in that because "why is it banned"?
And I just imagine the situation where poor Gilbert is just sitting in his study or just some office space doing paperwork maybe, and teenager Ludwig just comes in and is like:
Ludwig/Germany "I wanna learn Polish"
Gilbert/Prussia "You what now?"
It's the greatest revenge of Feliks.
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unhetalia · 5 months
England headcanons (pt. 1):
Chain-smokes like a motherfucker. Alfred, who doesn't smoke and pretends very hard to think smoking is disgusting, hasn't yet realised where his secret smoking kink comes from.
Currently works for British Intelligence/has infiltrated his own government.
Carries around either a cane or umbrella that hides a sword even though he has never ONCE had to use it. He just feels more comfortable having a sword. (He does also carry around a gun, which, in contrast, has been used often.)
Also carries around his own pen, and absolutely loathes the thought of using someone else's. The pen is a first edition Michel Perchin Serpent in Champagne LE Fountain Pen given to him by Alfred - only ten were ever made and it cost a cool 8k. While Arthur has more valuable things - especially from his time as a pirate and back when he personally knew his royal family - the pen is still one of his most prized possessions.
His favourite tea is actually French Earl Grey - which is Earl Grey with rose petals. Not actually French? But Arthur's still pretty annoyed about it.
As mentioned in a few of my other posts - Arthur is incredibly physical and has kept up with sword fighting and various martial arts over the years, and regularly goes to the gym. He's very disciplined about it.
Tends to eat only for fuel as opposed to enjoyment whenever he's left to his own devices.
If pressed, Arthur will admit his best friend is Francis. Francis would say the same about Arthur.
(Despite their individual body counts, Francis and Arthur have never slept with each other.)
(Arthur doesn't have a lot of friends and has a strained relationship with his siblings, and has always felt that people don't like spending time with him. Even when he was on top of the world, working with his government to become an Empire, he still felt like an underdog.)
On that note, Arthur worked with his government longer than the other Nations, and was a huge part of establishing the British Empire. It made his already fraught relationship with his siblings even worse, and he regrets a lot of it.
Nations get scars very rarely, because very few things have the ability to give them scars - magical weapons is one of those things. Out of all the Nations, England has the most scars.
England is amazing at knitting and crochet, and he gifts Francis crocheted figurines from French cartoons for his birthday every year, which Francis adores. He also knits Canada scarves and gloves and beanies whenever he remembers him.
One of Arthur's most embarrassing memories is getting gonorrhea during his pirate days. He didn't have sex for a month after his healing kicked in - a record back then - and he became a lot more diligent in procuring and using the linen sheaths they used as condoms at the time.
Three of Arthur's back molars are implants made of real gold.
Alfred is the first (and last) person Arthur will say he's ever fallen in love with BUT the closest he's come is with another American - a nurse that took care of him during World War I. She was blonde and blue eyed and once shouted Arthur down when he insisted on continuing to fight even with a bullet lodged in his shoulder. She completely disappeared in April 1917, just before the Americans officially joined the war. He sometimes wonders what happened to her.
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francisbonnefoy-1p · 5 months
BFT response to, "Would you love me if I was a worm?"
Spain: "I would cherish you and let you live in the compost pile by my tomato garden."
France: "I would protect you from birds when you come out after a fresh rain."
Prussia: "I would slurp you off the sidewalk."
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foolilazuli · 16 days
I’ve said Germany would be scared of his brother dying, but you know what would hurt him even more?
Prussia getting dementia
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writernotyetauthor · 1 year
Tolys and Gilbert get introduced to social media for the first time and immediately start cyber bullying each other
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goldenstarprincesses · 10 months
Hear me out, all nations have beautiful and enchanting voices
But only when they are singing their own peoples folk songs
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blutpop · 5 months
gilberts a pitbull stan. thats his hype music
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millenraven · 2 years
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The more Gilbert listened, the more entranced he became, to the point where he unconsciously took a step closer to her. This fatal move ultimately sealed his fate.
Artist: Catherine Sting (twi: U4Lo6)
*Do not repost!
*Set in 1830s
*The whole story behind this picture is shamelessly copied inspired by the plots of Balzac’s Les Secrets de la princesse de Cadignan (The Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan)
Actually I tried to translate the whole passage I wrote for this picture but failed, unfortunately. I simply couldn’t do it.
*Used references when drawing
(Original illustration of the novel, see here)
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who1kio · 6 months
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