#hetalia public AU
forsoobado137 · 22 days
🍩donutdaddy Follow
I was researching the American Revolution for my final and came across this gem.
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🦄uminamina Follow
I need to see that fucking letter or I will die unfulfilled.
🦍caraismogging Follow
Alfred when Jefferson wont let him send his illiterate letter with doodles of toy soldiers to the British head of state
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#nation people #npusa #np archives #holy shit nothing has changed
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🥬my_cabbagessss Follow
🧚🏾‍♂️mywifeleftme12235 Follow
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love how confidently wrong you are op
🥬my_cabbagessss Follow
You write Russia x Stalin fics your opinion is worthless to me
🧊ivanbragnskymybeloved Follow
🚀brainblast64 Follow
They even wrote a Russian translation. I love that they made it accessible to Russian people while still having the audacity to write a fucking Russia x Stalin fic without any irony whatsoever.
#nation people #nprussia #ivan braginsky #i need a lobotomy now
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🎨callmepicasso Follow
Okay put a finger down if you were visiting family in Rome and while at a restaurant you saw the NP of Italy walk in and then he sat down at the table behind you and your grandmother who is kind of senile whispered to you about her secret steamy affair with Veneziano and you said "okay nonna" and a few minutes later the NP of Italy turned around and shouted "ALESSIA?!" and the two spent the rest of the night catching up in front of your family.
🎭dwugdimmadome Follow
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🎹moonlightdenada Follow
What's up with nation people rizzing up all of our grandmothers?!
🍄champchampi Follow
In my country (France) almost everyone at my school have a story about the NP getting freaky with one of their relatives.
🧅beterheys Follow
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goldenstarprincesses · 6 months
Mathews response to the criticism he got for liking tweets making fun of Alfred for being a nepo baby
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netherzon · 2 years
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I had the idea for the in-universe memes/public nations memes that someone (Gilbert) would get Wikipedia editor permissions so he could write his own page, discover that the subject of an article cannot edit their own article, and then decide to use his new power for evil
It spirals from there
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bee-arts · 2 years
i am once again asking for fruk in-universe memes
Ask and you shall receive!
I drew inspiration from some memes made by @netherzon for this. The Wikipedia ones were too funny to ignore.
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arumidden · 9 months
Hi, I've been wondering about your headcanons about how the nations work. What is their role in the government, how does family work for them, do they have any powers? And stuff like that 😊
I'm guessing you're asking about my Public Nations AU and how Nations work within that universe? Get ready, this is gonna be a long post. I'll break it into parts for each section of your question :)
Note: I edited this recently so it reads more smoothly.
Role in the Government
As long as Nations have existed for, they've always been important advisers to their leaders. I think they mostly functioned as advisers, ambassadors, translators, etc. I imagine they have to remain apolitical when it comes to modern systems like political parties; they don't want to seem too supportive of any one political party, no matter what their personal opinions are. If they are gonna make a statement about something, they're expected to do it not as a Nation, but as an individual. That's partly why America's youtube channel uses his human name; it signifies that the channel is just a place for him to goof off, so nothing he says there is to be taken as a representation of the country. I think people still get those roles confused though. There’s gotta be tons of people who see Alfred stating his personal opinion and assume that that’s the government’s official statement as well. Plus I think lots of people just aren’t well versed in how the government works, so they probably misunderstand Alfred’s role as well.
I also think they've been put in the military ever since ancient times. After all, kings used to lead their militaries into battle, so I imagine their Nations would be right alongside them, both for the symbolism and because of how useful it would have been to have an immortal with lots of battle experience on their side. I can’t say that Nations always wanted to be on those battlefields, but they would often times get put there anyway.
What counts as family is incredibly fluid and ever-changing for Nations. Nations aren't created through reproduction, so I don't think very clear-cut blood relations are truly possible. As a result, how Nations are related can vary and change. Why do America and Canada resemble each other so closely? I don’t think even the Nations themselves know. Sometimes Nations take this resemblance to imply familiar relations, sometimes they don’t. (I think this is more just my frustration with canon. Who is related to who makes no sense and has changed over time as Himaruya wills it. Why are England and America brothers instead of father and son? Why are America and Canada clearly twins when they didn't even belong to the same empires when they were born? I give up)
I also don't think they have the same standards for what is taboo and what isn't. Things can get waved away as "human ideas” which doesn't apply to them. Plus, Nations can't reproduce the way humans do after all, so I don't think they consider “incestuous” relationships to be nearly as scandalous. America and England might have a father-son relationship or a romantic one and I don't think they would have a problem going back and forth between the two. Not to mention the fact that after however many centuries, I assume practically all of them have slept with each other.
Of course, humans get uncomfortable with that fact, so that aspect of their relationships is usually kept private. Basically, Nations can have any kind of relationships with each other, but stick to only letting humans know about the ones that are socially acceptable.
Powers and Abilities
Nations draw life from their human populations, and as a result have a connection to those humans. Nations can tell if a human is theirs or not and identify them by name.
They can suffer from two different kinds of injuries: Direct and Indirect. Direct injuries are when their bodies are injured; they can heal from practically any direct injury, but the rate they heal depends on how well their country is doing. An injury incurred during a war may take multiple weeks to heal, while a random injury incurred during everyday life will heal much quicker.
Indirect injuries are what happens when their population is harmed or killed. Major tragic events can result in injuries suddenly appearing on their bodies. Some rare events can leave them with permanent scars (9/11, London Blitz, French Revolution, Atomic Bombs, etc). If their people are sick with a disease, they will show symptoms as well despite not actually being able to get sick themselves.
For either type of injury, if a limb in severed, it can be reattached, but will otherwise turn into dirt if left separate for too long. If the injury is direct, the limb will grow back. An indirect injury resulting in a missing limb will likely be permanent.
Whether or not they have super strength depends on their status as a world power. America only gained his strength in the 1880s when he became a major economic power, and even then, he wasn't as strong as he eventually became post-WWII. America currently has this superhuman strength, but during the height of the Cold War, Russia had it as well.
Nations can sense other Nations around them, and also when a foreign Nation enters their territory.
They cannot leave the Earth. Once they've been outside Earth's atmosphere for 72 hours, they start to become violently ill and will begin to decompose into dirt unless they return to the planet.
Okaaaaay, I think I've covered everything! Let me know if I answered all your questions, and if you have any others! I always love to talk Nation lore XDDDD
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ego-meliorem-esse · 2 years
Public Figures AU
The fantastic and very fuckin funny @sunnylolli reminded me of my own au where the countries are public knowledge and people have known about them for a while.
In my au the countries have been public knowledge forever. In my humble opinion it's very hard to hide immortal being from humans. There would be too many questions, too many stories and too much effort in hiding such a thing. The public is used to them and treats them like any B-list celebrity
ALFRED IS MADE FOR THE SPOTLIGHT! That boy is so comfortable in the spotlight its actually an issue. He posts so regularly on social media that one could consider that one of his hobbies. Being that famous of course, he can't really work for NASA or have a normal engineering job (like in my regular universe) so he has a big social media presence. Be that instagram, twitter, tiktok, youtube or even twitch.
Alfred streams on twitch with Gilbert. They play some FPS and talk about some historical event completely unrelated to the game.
Arthur has a personal instagram account where he only posts pictures of his garden, his books an his kids. Every once in a while he posts a picture of Zee or Jack while they were younger during the victorian era in those frilly dresses and one of them will just be like: "dad delete this or im rebelling"
Arthur is active on facebook and so is Francis
Francis only follows cooking channels, fashion blogs and philosophical content. He constantly endorses brands and takes part in commercials for Vogue, LV, Dior... He is a sort of sponsor/face for some brands and is asked to promote them online. You'll see his face in every third magazine and fashion articles follow him on a regular basis.
Matt is the one who avoids the spotlight the most. He will answer interview questions and do a QnA on tv or youtube but will hybernate for the rest of the year afterwards. He is also the one who is most secretive about where he lives. De has a huge fear of doxing himself and wants more than anything to keep his privacy. In my universe Matt is still a doctor and has a clinical doctorate in medicine but can't work as one due to being a sort-of celebrity. That's why he still gives lectures on college campuses and publishes papers regularly but doesn't work in any clinic or hospital.
Smaller countries have an easier time with fame and being public knowledge. They can walk around in their own countries on the street and pass of as a normal human being while, for example, Alfred has a harder time doing the same. Being himself, he is lucky he hasn't doxed himself yet and doesn't have paparazzi follow him from his home to work.
There are some meetings held by personifications that are broadcasted to the world to see and people online make compilations of cringe and funny moments during those meetings. (That would be my fat ass in that au)
"10 minutes of Francis being himself at the UN" the youtube video
Countries are often asked to help and aide with the makings of history books and are often cited as a source at the end.
Countries are legal citizens and have rights. Not all rights but the ones that the do have include: right to life, right to freedom from torture and inhumane treatment, the right to equal treatment before the law, the right to privacy, the right to freedom of thought (religion, opinion and expression), the right to work, the right to education, the right to social services... While not having certain rights like the right to marry but all the while having a right to have a family.
Gilberts diaries are considered a valid source of historical information unfortunately for us
I have so many more hcs for this au holy shit
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sully-s · 1 year
Hey Sully!! Love your art work, it's so cool!! I first got into your stuff with the Hetalia work you've done, and I got wondering: what inspired the Public AU??
Also, the way you had Churchill be so hardcore USUK is super funny, and Roosevelt's exasperation with him even more so.
So my mother loves to watch TV with people that's her thing and my love language is time so I watch a lot of tv with her and back when I was into hetalia my momala was really into watching late-night talk shows. So I would constantly get ideas where America or England would come on said talk shows and chit-chat. Which is why like 4/10 pictures I drew in that AU were about talk shows lol.
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I think because he has such an eccentric fashion taste people on twitter would religiously watch any public meetings Austria is in like it's new york fashion week. Government officials would get fed up because of the literal paparazzi showing up to government buildings and try to force Austria to wear a modern suit like a normal person. Austria would be very upset they're making him spend money and curbing his slay.
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forsoobado137 · 20 days
🌞herecomesthecunt Follow
Living in London is funny because my anglophile American friends are all OMG YOU SEE ARTHUR KIRKLAND IN THE WILD SEND PICS!!! But like they don't realize that to locals he's just a normal person who just goes about his business. like why would I take a picture of a random man at Greggs like he's a rare exotic animal are you insane.
🍎add_my_sugar03 Follow
Damn same because I'm a New Yorker and literally nobody bats an eye when Alfred takes the subway or is out in public. He's just like the rest of us. the only people who make a big deal are like tourists and stuff. usually they just ask him geography questions lmao.
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🕒itstimeforbill Follow
🦇batmansleftnipple Follow
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🐚Sarah_sells_seashells Follow
You forgot to mention that he flirted with one of the officers that arrested him and had a fling with him.
👼Somanyladybugs2384 Follow
Why is nobody talking about the Belarus video or are we just ignoring it ok
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🎁allofthedreamyuh7 Follow
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🧶eatyarnbehappy Follow
Steven McCalloway is a slimy worm.
🎀esquesoycoquet Follow
That interview gave me secondhand embarrassment. I had to walk my dog after to clear my head. The 9/11 part made me cringe so much.
🖼vincent_van_hoe Follow
omg I felt so bad watching it because Alfred is like so fed up but he was literally being backed into a corner. the part where Steven brought up the crack epidemic was especially hard to watch.
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goldenstarprincesses · 10 months
In a public!AU most people think that since Hollywood and celebrity culture plays such a prominent role in American culture, that Alfred would happily (if not naturally) play it up for the paparazzi who follow him around
But in reality, 95% of pap photos of Alfred are just
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netherzon · 2 years
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That’s it, that’s all I’ve got
Part 1
Part 2
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bee-arts · 2 years
Can I request Canada and America doing ridiculous shit that would give their two dads a heart attack?
Ok, I had so much fun with this one!
I honestly want to write a fic about this. It would be a little angst tho...
Oh well, the bros love to parkour
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floralcrematorium · 1 year
now, i don't usually think that Francis drives (he's a passenger princess), HOWEVER
when he does
i'm giving him a beat up 2010 Toyota Camry. Shit's broken to hell and back and he doesn't know shit about cars and Gil keeps trying to convince him to get something better, or at the very least let him fix it
his car still gets him places, why would he need a new one? especially when he's got people willing to drive him around
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hetagrammy · 2 years
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Admiral Kirkland was a bit of a rake in his late teens. He thought it best to raise his four "natural" children in his own household, giving them the education and advantages they wouldn't otherwise have... even if there's still a bit of social stigma attached.
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(tysm to @chessna2)
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fireandiceland · 2 years
the nations existence being public knowledge and them being part of our society only makes my headcanon of Austria being a red bull snob funnier because I know they would him use for ads and idk the image of Roderich Edelstein being The Face of an energy drink is just really funny to me
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