#hexen cosplay
hexen-cosplay · 11 months
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I don't have any cosplay updates rn, because life has been kicking me in the arse over and over. I've needed time to breathe and decompress, which has been hard given that I've been up to my eyeballs with hospital visits and such.
I've been spending a lot of time playing video games, because those are my biggest source of escapism and comfort. Baldur's Gate 3 has been a life saver over the last two months. If you've been adventuring in Faerûn lately, how have you found it? Show me your characters!
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bychertryntheatyr · 4 months
Ich hab Macbeth (D'Haus) verarbeitet, eigentlich schon fast wieder alles Vergessen. Zeit für eine Zusammenfassung.
Soo, D'Haus zweiter Besuch. Abermals mit Besuch ausm Osten, diesesmal wollte ich aber von mir aus selber dahin. Und ne andere Freundin von mir hamwa auch mitgenommen. Das Schauspielhaus selbst ist von außen auch im hellen Pottenhässlich, hat aber weiterhin einen hübschen, eleganten Innenraum. Aber es geht ja ums Stück selbst.
Reingegangen bin ich mit "Andre Kaczmarczyk ist nackt und mit Blut vollgeschmiert." und rausgegangen mit "Was zum Fick hab ich da grade gesehen?? Das muss ich nicht wirklich nochmal sehen. WHAT JUST HAPPEND??"
Zuerst hat mich die Bühne, ein Hügel der aus dreieckigen Spanplatten geformt ist, sehr verwirrt. War anscheinend der Dunsinane Hill. Hab ich vorher nie aktiv als Handlungsort wahrgenommen. Und da lag McBee bereits blutverschmiert und wurde von den drei Hexen begrüßt, die das gesamte Stück als gruseliger Sprechchor agieren. Dann hat mich das Bühnenbild allgemein angeschrien. Und zwar in Sachen Lichteinsatz. Dreht sich die Bühne wird alles schwarz und nur ein LED Streifen schreit seine ganze Helligkeit in den Saal hinein. Mit voller Wucht. Das war grauenhaft!
Irgendwie meinte McBee es wäre eine gute Idee einen ödipalen zu würfeln und praktisch seine Mutter zu heiraten. Was ist dieser Altersunterschied? Das Gefälle der Macht zwischen beiden? Auf der einen Seite Sad Little Meow Meowbeth der mit der prophezeihung der Hexen überfordert ist, auf der anderen Seite seine Mommydom die ihn mindestens dreimal die Woche pegged und ihm überredet, eher zwingt dann doch König durch Königsmord zu werden.
Speaking of König Duncan. Der war so ungefähr drei Minuten vom natürlichen Tode entfernt. Da war der blutige Offscreen Death würklich unnötig, Herr McBee. Da hätte auch ein Kissen in die Hüfte gereicht. Anyways, der König ist tot.
"Es nochmal auszusprechen wäre Mord." sagte Lady MacDuff. "MORD???", stürmt Lady McBee rein: "DER KÖNIG IST TOT???" Ein wunderbares Coverup Mylady. Zumindest hast du die Dolche im Teil der Bühne gefunden die mit schwarzen Kräuselpapier??? zugeschmissen war. Im Hintergrund steht Malcolm und cosplayed Gollum. Sagte ich der Vibe war nicht meins??
Fehlt noch das dritte Szenenbild: Der Thronsaal. Ganz in Weiß nach vorne angewinkelt, an Linker Seite eine Säule die aus jeglichem Fantasysetting kommen kann. Das Statuenpferd hat sich wirklich wer ausgedacht und gebaut. Nice.
Im Thronsaal passierte zuvor das, was ich erwartet habe: Nach seiner erfolgreichen Schlacht und ernennung zum Doppelthanen sitzt McBee in der Badewanne - natürlich nackt. Irgendwie hab ich die ganze Zeit darauf gewartet. Ja fast neutral gefiebert. Gleich steht er Brust voraus zum Publikum. Aber er hat sich nur - Blickrichtung Bühnenmitte - gebückt und beim anziehen des Handtuchs Cock and Balls aufblitzen lassen. Irgendwie enttäuschend aber zum Glück auch nicht.
Wie es im Stück auch weitergeht flieht MacDuff nach England und lässt seine Familie zurück. Und nimmt meine Lieblingsszene mit ins Exil. So viel Blut in diesem Stück, aber Sohn MacDuff bekommt nur sein "Ich will wie Vögel leben" Part und wird NICHT auf der Bühne umgebracht!!!???!?! WAS. SOL. DAS. BITTE??!!? Ich bin grad spontan wieder enttäuscht. Meine Lieblingsszene.! Das lässt sich doch so gut als dark comic relief einbauen? UNHUFLICH.
Anyways, McBee ist König. Irgendwann gabs auch das große Bankett und Banquos Tod. So die Theorie. PRAKTISCH hab ich zu Beginn des Stückes einen grausigen Müdigkeitsschub bekommen, der mich da fasst zum aktiven wegnicken gebracht hat. Fand ich sehr unhuflich von meinem Körper schließlich hab ich Vollpreis für PK1 gezahlt. In meinen Notizen steht nichts, von @.nicht-ganz-allein-sunny weiß ich nur folgendes: >>McBee: "Alle unsere Freunde, seit willkommen und tretet ein" *Tür öffnet sich und die drei Hexen kommen spinnenartig auf die Bühne*<< Wirklich kein gutes Timing von meinem Körper. Ich weiß.
Kommen wir zur Szene die mich verstört hat. Remember sad little Meowbeth, who gets pegged? Mit aufsetzen der Königskrone ist das Machtgefüge gewechselt. McBee ist plötzlich random horny auf seine Mutter Frau. Während er sie küsst und die Kleidung zerreisst fällt Sie in Schockstarre. Okay, hes naked now. And drags her halfway offstage. And now rapes her. What is happening? Can we stop this now! Please?? Nunja zwei Minuten später ist Lady McBee tot. McRape kommentiert das mit einem verwirrten "Wasn jetzt los? Hä?" Und da das Heer von England ja gleich Dunsinane Castle angreift, falls der Birnam Wood sich tatsächlich bewegen sollte, brauchen wir schnell eine Rüstung! Aber woher nehmen? Aha! Ich krabbel meiner toten Exfrau unter das Kleid? und schmier mich mit ihrem Regelblut ein???? WAS ZUM FICK, McBee!! WAS! ZUM! FICK!
Zwischendrin zieht Gollcolm das Kleid seiner toten Mutter an (Sunny ist davon verstört) und bringt dann als Kind eines Kaiserschnitt schlussendlich McBee um. Hätte er mal vorher nicht "MacDuff, dich verabscheue ich am meisten. VERPISS DICH" geschrien. Und so gingen beide die Treppe ins Grab hinab und nur Mallum kam mit McBees Kopf wieder hoch. VORHANG!
Irgendwie hab ich mich dann doch zur Standing Ovation hochziehen lassen. Aber ich habe sämtliche Whooo!!! verweigert und nur geklatscht. Abermals, das war nicht mein Vibe. Sorry.
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trevmex · 2 years
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John Romero
John started learning BASIC as an elementary school kid. Then got an Apple ][. He eventually learned 6502 Assembly.
Made software for the Air Force in High School, since his dad worked in the Air Force.
At 21, John was working porting games to the Commadore 64.
Made a tool to make games. Hired John Carmack, Adrian Carmack and Tom Hall to make games.
Carmack ad Hall made Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement, Sept. 20, 1990. The demo proved you can do smooth scrolling on a PC!!!!!
Commander Keen was the first PC game that could do smooth scrolling horizontally. The Commander Keen trilogy was made in three months. So popular people cosplay as commander keen.
Started licensing the Keen engine in 1994.
ID Software was started in Shreveport, Louisiana.
They played D&D on the weekends, Quake was inspired by one of there D&D sessions.
They made a SMB3 PC demo to pitch to Nintendo, but Nintendo (wisely) decided to only allow their software to run on their hardware.
They always were making two games at a time. No prototypes, always maintain contently shippable code. Only make games, not prototypes of games. It was a small team of four people.
They were making games 24/7, and they moved from Louisiana to Wisconsin.
Your game has to be able to be run by your team at all times. Bulletproof your engine by providing defaults upon load failure.
If you fail to load a sprite, load a bagel. If the sound fails, play an annoying sound.
Keep your code simple. Always make it simpler all the time.
After six months of snow, they went to Texas.
Great tools help make great games.
Wolfenstein 3D took 4 months for the first episode. 6 months for the rest.
Licensed the Wolfenstein engine for Shadowcaster.
We are our own best testing team. There is no throwing it over the fence. There is no QA, just you!
As soon as you see a bug, you fix it! If you don't fix your bug, new code will be built on buggy code.
Doom was based on their D&D campaign, Evil Dead, and Alien.
Use a development system that is superior to your game.
Doom was developed in NextStep systems.
Doom was a 5 person team. Then Tom Hall left, and they hired two more people.
In the middle of building Doom, they had to port Wolfenstein 3D for the Super Nintendo. It took them three weeks.
Doom was INSANELY popular.
The final day of Doom's creation the team worked 30 hours straight. On some computers, the game just froze. Carmack thought about the bug, and fixed it.
Doom II took them 8 months!
Then John made Heretic.
1995, they started working on Quake. With 9 developers/designers.
No code in Doom was used in Quake. Write this code for this game only, not for future games. You are going to be a better coder in the future.
They planned to make Quake on a Cray 64 super computer. Unfortunately Cray was bought by Silicon Graphics and the agreement fell through.
John then made Hexen, but Hexen II was not the same system.
Strife was the very first FPS RPG.
In 1995, 9 developers, released 2 new games.
Created Qtest around this time.
Encapsulate functionality to ensure design consistency. This minimizes mistakes and saves times.
June 22, 1995, 5 pm CST Quake shareware was released in university FTP.
The Pentium FDIV bug was discovered with Quake.
Quake was the first internet multiplayer, Quakeworld was launched, first mouse driven FPS.
Try to code transparently. Coders are not black boxes. Coding is a creative art form based in logic.
They didn't have source control!!!
Thank you, John, for the great talk!
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ataraxystar · 6 years
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My buddy Parias! The cleric from HeXen: Beyond Heretic. I’m thinking of cosplaying this boy!! Honestly my marker stuff is REALLY rough rn but I can only do my best to improve.
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weeping-angel-13 · 3 years
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ᎻᎯᏢᏢᎽ ᏰᎯᏝᎿᎯᏁᎬ, ich wünsche allen Hexen und Zauberern eine wunderschöne #Walpurgisnacht 🧙🧙‍♀️🧙‍♂️ Hier seht ihr meine Cosplay Version von der berühmten Hexe "𝐑𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐑𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰" aus dem "Harry Potter Universum". Ich bin ein riesen Fan von Harry Potter ⚡ und den Fantastischen Tierwesen und ich liebe die Bücher 📚 von @jk.rowlingofficial abgöttisch. Man sieht Rowena hier im Garten des Familienanwesen auf Ravenclaw Manor. 💞 Ich liebe die Bücher rund um die Welt der Zauberer & Hexen. 📚 🌺 🌺 🌺 📸 by @ reser.photo Model: @Akasha_Cosplay 📷 Edited by Akasha_Cosplay Ort: Kaiserburg/Burggraben zu Nürnberg 🌺 🌺 🌺 Der Beitrag ist ebenfalls auf @Weeping_Angel_13 zu finden. Schaut doch einfach mal vorbei. 💕 🌺 🌺 🌺 #Blogger #RowenaRavenclaw #EigeneKreation #NetGalleyDe #RowenaRavenclawCosplay #RavenclawCosplay #NetGalley #Bücherwurm #Bookworm #Leseratte #Bookstagram #ReadingIsFun #CosplayWorld #LesenMachtGlücklich #Bookish #DracoMalfoy #TeamMalfoy #NewtScsmander #TeamScamander #HarryPotterSaga #HarryPotterFandom #Cosplay #GellertGrindelwald #Slytherin #Hufflepuff #Ravenclaw #Gryffindor (hier: Kaiserburg und Burggrafenburg Nürnberg) https://www.instagram.com/p/CORHkMSh34V/?igshid=sv00p69f5sal
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-09 10 GAME now
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hexen-cosplay · 2 years
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Commander Shepard N7 (ME3) Armour WIP Update: Chest & Abdomen
Did I forget to take photos or videos of the process so far? Yes, I did. Don't be like me. This has consisted of a lot of trial and error (and contact cement on my hands) but it's been fun! I still need to sand/seal and more, but it's starting to come together!
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hexen-cosplay · 2 years
Second attempt, and I'm really happy! It'll never be perfect but this is good for me and I think it's a look for Shepard that I like. 🖤
I decided to forego full base makeup this time, opting only for concealer and some contouring to make my face less... squishy looking.
Blocking out the tail of my natural brows was definitely a good idea, as I was able to angle them upward more and achieve a look that I would like to describe as stubborn and badass.
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hexen-cosplay · 7 months
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Classic Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind Makeup Test
If you've seen my two latest posts, you'll know that I've been a forced prolonged hiatus. I'm determined to get back to cosplaying, but every time I look at my unfinished Commander Shepard cosplay, I feel incredibly overwhelmed despite the intense love I feel for the project, and the joy I get from working on it.
My best guess is that I'm still not fully healed emotionally more than physically, and so there's thought of working on what is essentially a full armour build is too much, for now.
And so, I've decided to work on something less taxing.
I've wanted to do classic Priestess Tyrande for years and years, but I used to tell myself that I couldn't cosplay classic Priestess Tyrande unless I was skinny. Now, I say fuck that mentality. I said that to myself when I was at my worst with my ED, but I'm not that person anymore. So here's a makeup test for Tyrande, whom I'm working on until I'm well enough for Shep. The eyes and hair are edited in, which I think is fairly obvious, but the face is all me, baby!
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hexen-cosplay · 9 months
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I haven't been well enough to work properly on my Shep, but I got some elf ears from my sister for Yule, so I had to try out a casual... Ren fair-esque... elven tavern wench? Vibe?
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hexen-cosplay · 1 year
Hi, friends. I just want to let you know that yesterday morning, something went awry in my left eye, and at the moment, I am functionally blind in said eye.
I went to the hospital and am waiting for urgent treatment. Fingers crossed it will work, but if not, then I may need surgery to restore the sight in my eye.
As you may expect, this update took me a long time to write, and I won't be able to work on my Shep cosplay for a while until my sight has improved.
The silver lining here though, is that I have to use an eye patch to help my right eye do all the work, and idk... I think I can pull it off.
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hexen-cosplay · 10 months
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Just popping by with a quick update!
I have been very unwell, on and off, for over 8 weeks. It's been exhausting, my sleeping is phenomenally fucked, and I am plagued by fatigue and pain.
However! During this time, I've been looking at my Shep armour, and because I'm an idiot, I have decided to redo pretty much all of it, having developed my EVA working skills over the last year. Right now, I'm resizing some patterns because I'm out of contact cement and can't do much else. I'm excited, though!
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hexen-cosplay · 2 years
Health Problems & Cosplay
I mentioned in a previous post that I am a cosplayer with health conditions, and in this post I’m going to talk about them a little bit! Now, you may have noticed that I said ‘them’, and that’s because I have collected quite a few of them over the years and here they are:
The pancreas stops producing the hormone insulin, and as such to keep blood glucose levels from rising and causing a fatal complication known as Diabetic Ketoacidosis, T1 Diabetics must take insulin every single day to stay alive. 
Gastro = “stomach”. Paresis = “partial paralysis”.
The basics of this disease, is that food does not pass through my stomach at the speed it should. It goes a lot slower, and this causes a multitude of often debilitating symptoms, including: intense bloating, not being able to eat enough food resulting in deficiencies and malnutrition, extreme stomach pain, constant nausea, vomiting a lot (sometimes undigested food), constipation/diarrhoea, reflux, and more. 
Sinus tachycardia is a regular cardiac rhythm in which the heart beats faster than normal. The PoTS is suspected due to experiencing black outs (which once resulted in two broken ribs), extreme dizziness, blurred vision, chest pain, shortness of breath and changes in blood pressure. 
Autonomic neuropathy occurs when there is damage to the nerves that control automatic body functions - the things we don’t think about every day, that happen automatically. It can affect blood pressure, temperature control, digestion, bladder function and even sexual function.
This is the last and most serious stage of Diabetic Retinopathy. In the first two stages, the changes are reversible. In stage 3 new blood vessels and scar tissue have formed on your retina, which can cause significant bleeding (you can see the bleeds in your vision, which is distressing and causes impairment), and lead to retinal detachment, where the retina pulls away from the back of the eye. At this stage, there's a very high risk of blindness.
As you may have guessed, this is a lot! It’s a lot to deal with, I’m in pain all the time, and it makes me quite grumpy sometimes too. 
My ongoing health struggles did play a part in the break I took from cosplaying, but that break turned into almost 9 years. It wound up that way because I convinced myself that I had to wait until I felt better to start again so that I could wholly dedicate myself to it. That was not a good mindset for me because I was still dealing with some denial over my health, despite knowing deep down that I would never "get better" in the way that I wanted to. My conditions are chronic. They're never going away.
I've come a long way in the 8 and a bit years since my last cosplay, though, and I'm not in denial anymore about my wellness. I take my medications, and I go to check-ups; I do the things that I need to do to make my life easier and ultimately, keep me alive. I know that sounds like a bare minimum, but it's not always that easy when your head is in a gnarly space, like mine was.
Alongside the.. peronal overhaul, I've employed a lot of new strategies in my day-to-day life that allow me to be myself and do the thing that I love, because I really do love cosplaying! By pacing myself, resting when I need to and not telling myself that needing it is failing, I'm kinder to myself - this kindness in place of self-deprecation for not being fast enough or as quick as another cosplayer has been the biggest turning point. I stopped comparing myself to people that didn't have to face what I do; I took a step back and took time to come to terms with the fact that I am different, and as such, I need to look at and do things differently, to suit my lifestyle and the things I have to content with. That took a lot of courage to do, despite it being a very introspective process, because facing yourself like that is hard. In my own mind, my differences made me lesser for many years, and it took actively challenging that perception within myself to realise that I was making my life harder, and denying myself happiness and fulfilment because of it.
Nowadays, I congratulate myself on progress because I am worth praise and worth happiness; I no longer view asking for help as a weakness or a failure, and I don't compare my progress to that of others. I acknowledge and accept that my conditions and disability exist, do not make me lesser, and require alternative means of doing things. Needing these accommodations and adaptations doesn't make me less as a person, or less worthy of love, happiness, praise and fulfilment than anyone else, not only in cosplay but life in general.
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hexen-cosplay · 2 years
Today is a hospital visit day! And so is the 28th of February and the 1st of March! And the 7th and 10th of March! Phew.
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I may go into more details about my health one day, as it may be encouraging to others that want to do cosplay but have health conditions/disabilities, or just because it’s a fairly large part of my life and does factor into working on cosplays and such. We’ll see!
I’m okay, in case anyone worries. It’s part and parcel of the conditions I have that I spend a fair amount of time at/in hospitals, but I just wanted to make it known that over the next week or so, cosplay updates may be less frequent. That’s all! 🖤
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hexen-cosplay · 2 years
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A fresh batch of EVA foam is due to be delivered tomorrow, and I am very excited.
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hexen-cosplay · 2 years
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I am 5'1, shaped like a small fridge, and the prospect of needing a bodysuit beneath Shepard's ME3 armour was... mortifying. However!
I don't hate this?
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