#hey google half of my work force is dating the literal mafia what do i do ?
lil-vibes · 2 years
bro imagine you are fukuzawa and your Son comes in hand in hand with the weird racoon boy that you swear was your enemy like,, a week ago and says 'we are dating' and ur like okay! sure i can let that slide since we did kinda, sorta defeated the Guild, but then your agency doctor goes 'yeah i kiss that redhead mafia executive good morning AND good night every day" and you just gotta smile and move along bc okay okay she was originally from there okay, sure. but THEN dazai "kunikida shoot him on sight if he becomes even slightly more goofy and silly than he is now" osamu struts in with a ring and its like 'yeah so abt that Other redhead executive- ' and as you are writing your vacation notice your anxiety personified, wet cat of an employee walks into your office all shaking and goes 'i gotta tell you something but dont be mad and could you maybe please please hear me out please -'
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whimsymuse · 6 years
Storytelling (chapter 8)
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➺ “You’re so used to following the path set for you by others, that is until a certain someone comes along and teaches you to write your own story.”
 A story in which a famous idol falls for an average college student and they both try to follow their dreams, while struggling to stay together.
A/N This is actually my first fic for this fandom, so hopefully you all enjoy it!
pairing: Namjoon x Reader
genre: Fluff, humor and knowing me probably some angst
warnings: strong language
words: 3,042
Chapter: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ... 
     Ever since the two of you exchanged numbers, you spoke to each other almost everyday. You spoke about everything and nothing and every time you were amazed by how intelligent he was. Each conversation you shared was meaningful, even if it was simply about the weather outside. Namjoon just had a way of making everything mean something profound and you really admired that about him. Sometimes, when both of you felt like taking a break from your stressful lives, he would ask to go on walks together. That was it, simple walks around town mostly around the Han River just to take a breather once and awhile and just to enjoy each other’s company. As simple as it sounds, these little walks were the highlight of your weeks. They kept you grounded in your whirlwind of school work and work stress and you also got to learn more about Namjoon every time.
     Namjoon, you learned, didn't keep regular hours. You would often fall asleep while texting him and then wake up to a good morning message from him sent during the early hours of the morning. Every time you saw the timestamp on those messages, you would scold him and tell him to sleep more, to which he would tell you “I sleep during the day, don't worry.” That response just made you worry more. You still didn’t know what his job was exactly, but you hoped he would get more sleep nevertheless. No matter how many times he told you that he napped, you couldn't bring yourself to believe that a couple naps during the day made up for a good night's rest.
You (7:43am):
     Joon, please. Tonight, sleep early.
Namjoon (7:45am):
     I can’t tonight, I still have a lot to do. But don't worry, after today I'll be done and then I'll sleep for an entire week. ;)
     He’d been saying that a lot lately; that he was too busy to sleep and it annoyed you. How could he possibly be too busy to get some sleep? In your university experience, you learned the hard way that your physical and mental health needed to take priority over all else, or else you would internally combust.
      You let out a heavy sigh as you threw your phone onto the couch.
      “What’s wrong now? Trouble in paradise.”
      You sent Alyson a glare before you sunk into the couch beside your phone. “He just. He’s not getting enough sleep.”
       “Why don't you just go to him and tell him to sleep if he’s not listening to your texts.”
       “I don’t know where he lives.” You grumbled and how Alyson managed to hear you from all the way in the kitchen, you had no idea.
      “Then, visit his work and force him to get some sleep.”
      “I don’t know where he works either. I don’t even know what his job is.” You said into the couch cushion.
      Alyson stormed into the living room, “You don't even know what his job is?! You’ve been non-stop texting this man for about a week and a half, you’ve gone on like a million walks together and that’s never come up?!”
      You groaned, then flipped over onto your back to look at her fully. “Of course it came up. But he still hasn't explicitly told me what he does and I didn't want to pry. It's none of my business anyways.”
       “What do you mean if none of your business?! You two are practically dating and you don't know this basic information about him? For all you know, the man could be apart of the mafia, or a murderer!”
      “You’re over exaggerating, Aly. And we’re not dating, we’re just friends.”
      You looked up to see Alyson crossing her arms in front of her and wearing an annoyed expression.
“What?” You asked.
“What’s his name?”
“Why?” You dragged out the question, suddenly growing a little reluctant to give up his name.
“Um… Because I’m your best friend and I should at least know the name of the guy you’ve been obsessing over.”
“I’ve not obsessing over him!” You protested, but Alyson just rolled her eyes.
“What’s his name, Y/n?”
You groaned but then looked up at her expectant expression and gave in knowing that she would not let up until you gave her what she wanted. “Namjoon.” You said, “Kim Namjoon.”
Alyson smiled and whipped out her phone, “Thank you.”
You watched her quickly type something out on her phone and your eyes widened, “Wait, what are you doing?” You asked.
“Googling him.” She replied casually.
“What?! No!” You quickly flipped over and off of the couch, then started to reach for her phone.
You chased her around the living room, but with her short stature she easily dodged your desperate hands.
She evaded you while you chased her through the kitchen and the dinning room and as you chased her towards the couch, she quickly climbed over it and out of your reach.
          “And, search!” Alyson called out triumphantly just above your crumpled figure on the couch.
“Holy shit.” She said.
          You lifted your head up from the couch, “What?”
          Alyson pushed some hair behind her ear and rapidly blinked her eyes before looking up from her screen at you, “Kim Namjoon, right?” You nodded, “What exactly did he tell you about his job?”
        You threw your hands into the air, “I already told you that I don't know much.”
        “Okay, but what do you know.” The urgency in her voice made you concerned, but you decided that answering her was the fastest way to find out what the heck was going on.
        “He told me that he’s in a band with six of his friends.” You shrugged, “That’s it really. He didn't seem to want to tell me more, so I didn't ask.”
        The expression that you were greeted with when you looked back up at Alyson made you freeze. Her eyes were so wide that the only way you could properly describe them was bug-eyed. Her jaw was dropped so low, you were concerned that it might actually fall off.
           “Aly” You slowly approached her, “You okay?”
            Alyson just shook her head and forced her phone into your hands before covering her face and collapsing onto the couch in hysteria.
         Your eyes quickly skimmed through the search results on the screen and with every passing link, your eyes widen more and more.
         Producer, songwriter, rapper and leader of an internationally famous group named BTS, or the Bulletproof Boy scouts, or Beyond the Scene? Stage name: RM, formerly known as Rapmonster.
     You quickly clicked on the Google images with shaking hands and were immediately greeted with pictures of Namjoon, your Namjoon - well, not yours but the one you knew. In the pictures he was wearing much more vibrantly coloured clothes that complimented his similarly vibrant hair, but his bright almond eyes and signature dimples left no doubts in your mind. That was the Kim Namjoon you knew.
       You whipped your head up to look at your friend for some acknowledgement that this was all some elaborate and messed up prank of hers, but all she did was take her phone from your hands and nod approvingly.
       “Cute and talented?” She said, “I approve.”
       You smacked her arm, “Shut up and help me!  What do I do?!”
               “What is there to do?” She asked with a shrug, “He’s still the dorky guy you fell for from the cafe, He’s just known by a little more people than you thought.”
        You scoffed, “A little.”
        “Okay, a lot.” Alyson admitted, “But does him being famous change the fact that you care about him?”
       “Of course not.” You answer without any hesitation, “It’s just that-”
        “No, that's it. You care about him and that's all that matters. He may be famous, but that doesn't change the fact that he’s a good guy or that he’s into you.”
         You rolled your eyes, “He’s not into me. We’re just friends.”
         Alyson cocked her eyebrow up and pointed at you, “You say that, but you literally just confessed to falling for him.”
         “What are you-” Your mind quickly raced through the conversation you just had.
       When did I? Oh…
       You pressed your face into your hands and groaned.
        Alyson laughed as she pat your shoulder, “Sorry, you can't control it sweetheart. It just happens.”
                You let out another groan before collapsing into the couch again, while Alyson’s laughter filled the room.
You (12:33pm)
          Hey, Joon. Can we meet up later tonight? I need to talk to you.
          After thinking about it for a long time, you decided to tell Namjoon what you knew. The problem wasn't that he was famous, heck Alyson was right when she said that he was still the same man you fell for. He was still the most wildly intelligent, the most charmingly contemplative and the most endearingly klutzy man you’ve ever met and you were not about to let him go over the fact that you suddenly found out that he was famous.
            No, Namjoon was far more than his fame and you had to let him know that you knew that.
             However, even though you knew about his band and his music, you couldn't bring yourself to watch any of their videos or to listen to any of their songs. It felt like you were betraying Namjoon’s trust; like you were intruding on a part of Namjoon’s life that he didn't want you to know about - He did refuse to tell you that he was famous afterall. You just didn't want to take more than he was willing to share, even if that meant not sneaking a peak at the music he produced, no matter how badly you wanted to listen to it.
     You wanted to be welcomed into his life at his own pace and by his own terms - if he wanted to let you in at all.
Namjoon (12:45pm)
       Yeah sure! I have a little time to spare and I’ve been meaning to ask you to dinner, so that sounds great. ^^
Namjoon (12:45pm)
        I’ll pick you up around 6?
You (12:46pm)
        Sure. See you then.
         The clock above your desk seemed to mock you. No matter how much you willed time to pass faster, the arms of the clock just seemed to slow down.
          By 4:30pm, you were already ready and were nervously pacing back and forth in your bedroom. Even if you weren't about to talk to him about his secret fame, you would be nervous. Alyson told you that it was normal to be nervous for a date, but even though neither of you explicitly called it that, you still felt like you would explode from your nervousness.
        You also didn't specify where you would be going on this outing, so you settled for a semi-casual look, leaning more towards casual. You looked down at your sweater and jeans. This is enough right? You wondered to yourself, turning around in the mirror. You’d paired the outfit with a gold statement necklace, but that was about as fancy as the outfit got. The snow outside had settled calmly on the ground, but the winter chill would only let you be so fancy before it pulled you down into its icy grasp.
                   As time lethargically ticked by, you tried to distract yourself with your creative writing assignment. Your assignment was to write a poem about being on the verge of something.
          ‘Anything’, your teacher had said with a vivacity that was far too much for an 8am class. ‘It could be about the feelings laced with the failure or with the success in achieving a goal. It could simply be about literally jumping from a high point, like skydiving! Just describe to me what you would feel.’
          You groaned and pressed your face into your notebook. It sure felt as if you were on the verge of something right now. Whether that was being on the verge of improving your relationship with Namjoon or ruining it, you weren’t sure - you hoped the former - but either way, the feelings were the same. The anxiety and the excitement that could only be felt just before an important date, spilled onto the page in front of you. You expressed your fears, your impatience and your anticipation in a chaotic free-verse.
           Just as you finished off the poem, there was a knock at your door that pulled you from your trance. For a second, you were confused as to why someone would be knocking at your door, but once you glanced up at the time and noticed that it as 6:00pm on the dot, you remembered your da- outing.
           Another knock at your door had you stumbling out of your seat. Somehow you managed to catch your foot on the leg of your chair and the next thing you knew, you were tumbling forward onto the floor.
           A few more knocks, these ones more rapid and loud then the last. “Y/n? Is that you? Are you okay?” Namjoon’s voice called out through the wooden door.
           You quickly jumped to your feet, “Fine!” You called back just before you swung open the door. “Hey.” You said breathlessly.
Namjoon looked at you with a concerned expression written all over his face, “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah!” You said a little too quickly to be convincing. “I just stumbled a little bit, but I’m okay.” You said as you smoothed your hair down.
An awkward silence fell between the two of you as Namjoon’s eyes scanned over you, as if to check if you injured anything. You prayed that he didn't notice how nervous you were because you could feel your heart rapidly beating and you also distinctly felt the heat building up in your cheeks the longer his eyes looked at you. The moment soon passed, much to your relief, as he greeted you with a shy smile. Awhile ago you thought you’d get used to seeing his smiles and hoped that maybe your heart would stop skipping a beat whenever you saw them, but boy were you wrong. If anything they only made you more flustered, but at least when he smiled his eyes crinkled enough that he doesn’t notice your bush.
        For Namjoon’s part, he was dressed handsomely, devastatingly so; in black jeans and a navy blue T-shirt that was hidden under the layers of his blazer, a scarf and a coat. From one glance you would say that he was a man that was not only confident in his fashion, but in himself too just from the way he carried himself. And although that might be the case, from the way he shifted back and forth on his feet, you could tell he was nervous as well.
       “I uh…” He scratched the back of his head as an evident blush started to blossom on his cheeks. “This is for you.”
       Your eyes widened when you noticed a bouquet of flowers being thrust towards you.
       Anemones. Your brain immediately said when you saw the large black centre surrounded by large and velvety looking petals. Anticipation, you thought, how fitting. The flowers were a beautiful shade of pink, similar to the shade on Namjoon’s cheeks and that just made you stare at them more fondly.
        “Wow, I’ve never got flowers before.” You said wistfully as your fingers delicately traced along the petals.
        “I honestly don’t know how to feel about that.” Namjoon responded and you tilted your head to the side in confusion.
         “What do you mean?”
         He shrugged, “I mean that I’m sad that you’ve never received flowers before because that's just absurd. But I’m also selfishly happy that I’m the first and only one giving you flowers.”
           His eyes sparkled as if they held all of the stars in the sky and since they were directed towards you, you felt like you were those stars and you just crumbled.
          “God damnit, Kim Namjoon!”
          “What?! Did I say something wrong?!” He started to profusely apologize, but you gently placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
          “No you did nothing wrong.” You said as you took the flowers and quickly turned, beckoning him to follow you into your apartment.
          “You just gave me a bouquet of flowers and piled on a couple of cheesy pickup lines.” You grumbled as you began your hunt for a vase for the flowers.
          Namjoon chuckled when he picked up on your words, “Was that too much?”
          “Yes! Okay no, but how can I compete with flowers and cheesy pickup lines?!” You called out from the kitchen as you placed the flowers in a small vase. They really were beautiful and you couldn't help but fall even harder for this man. It just wasn't fair how easily he managed to do that to you.
          “What are the flowers for?” You asked him as he made his way towards you,
“To thank you.” He said.
You raised a questioning eyebrow, pulling a chuckle from Namjoon. “I finished the project I was working on a lot sooner than expected and it’s all thanks to you.”
Namjoon nodded, “I was uh…” He scratched the back of his head and looked away, “I was working on an album for our band and you helped me finish it.”
“How did I do that?” You asked and Namjoon looked up at you fondly.
“You inspired me.” He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world and then he turned and held out his arm. “Ready to go?”
“H-huh?” You asked, still a little thrown off by his confession, it wasn’t every day someone told you that they were inspired by you. In fact this was your first time every hearing that and you were completely caught off guard, but you quickly recovered with a shake of your head, “Y-yeah.” You said, “Let’s go.”
You hesitantly looped your arm around his and made your way towards your door. On your way, Namjoon reminded you to grab your jacket because ‘It’s pretty cold outside, Y/n. Didn’t you check the forecast?’ You swatted his arm when he said that, but still slipped on your jacket just before heading out.
Chapter: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ...
A/N Hey guys! So here’s the chapter I promised to post before I leave for my trip. I’ll be flying out tomorrow and I’m not sure when I’ll have internet next, so I apologize again for my lack of activity in the near future. I’ll be back in a couple weeks, so hang tight!! I know this is kind of a cliff hanger, but... enjoy I guess ;) Thank you for all of your support so far! I love writing this story, so I hope you all love reading it ^.^
 please do NOT edit, copy or repost
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