#hey mom remember 22 when you left me sobbing in the street
dumdumsun · 3 years
And Dusk
A/N: Just a heads up, the sensitive content in this chapter will be marked "<<<<<<" as the beginning and ">>>>>>" to signify the end. The racial slurs used in this chapter were targeted towards African Americans (and still are) and I chose these because I, myself, am African American and used them as a sort of “default” for any POC readers. ⚠️Please, never use these towards anyone. Whether it be in a “joking” manner or not. They are hurtful and were created to be that way⚠️ I wrote this chapter the way I did to bring awareness. Proceed with caution. Much love ❤️
Warnings: ⚠️racial slurs⚠️, violence, mentions of guns and dying/death
Word Count: 3707
Chapter 3: The Frankel Footage
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Shaking himself out of his shock, Five stood from his seat and hurried after his brother, grabbing onto his arm and stopping his strides. “The hell is wrong with you, Luther? I just told you the world’s gonna end in ten days!”
“Yeah, well, you’re always saying that.” Luther nonchalantly spoke before moving away, but Five intervened yet again.
“And so far, I’ve been right.” He hissed as Luther sighed and shook his head.
“Look, you want to go save the world? Knock yourself out, alright? I already got a job.”
“Wait, you work in this shithole?” The boy furrowed his brows.
“Yeah. Well, my boss owns the place,” Luther only received a nod from his brother, so he clarified. “I’m his body man.”
But this only made Five even more confused. “What’s that? Like, a masseuse or something?”
“Okay, you can make fun all you want, but I take good care of Mr Ruby.”
“Wait, Ruby. The Jack Ruby? The gangster who shot Oswald.”
Despite Five’s concern, Luther proudly smiled a smug smile as he glanced over at his boss. “Yeah. The one and only.”
“Well, it finally happened,” Five sighed. “That gorilla DNA has finally taken over your mind-”
“Hey, watch it, alright? Jack’s a good friend-”
“And you’re Number One. Numero Uno. Remember?”
Luther clenched his jaw and shook his head. “There is no Number One. Not anymore. Not in 1963,” When Five stared at him in disbelief, Luther sighed again. “Look, I’ve been stranded here alone for a year. What did you expect?”
Five scoffed. “I get it, alright? You watched Pogo die, the world exploded, and I marooned your big dumb ass in time. I’m sorry, okay? But I’m asking for your help, Luther. The Umbrella Academy needs you.”
“It doesn’t need me,” He slowly spoke to draw out his words. “It never did.”
“Luther, honey,” The waitress from earlier approached the two. “Jack’s about to lose it on some half-wit. A little help?”
“Ah, shit,” He groaned and began walking away. When Five tried yet again to stop him, he whirled on him, his lips pulled into a thin line. “Listen. You’re the genius who said we should jump, right? You’re the one who got us stuck here. And you’re the one who brought Vanya. So, if there is a doomsday coming, she’s probably the cause. And if I was gonna do something about it, it sure as hell is not gonna be with you. That’s (Y/N)’s job, being dragged around into your messes-”
“I don’t drag her into anything.” Five swallowed, blinking rapidly.
“Yeah? Well, she wasn’t stuck as a thirteen-year-old and constantly worrying about her kids until you showed up. I’m surprised she isn’t sick of you yet.” And with that, he stomped away to his boss. This time, Five let him go, his words sending a pang through his chest as he thought back on it. Grabbing his drink, he sighed and shook his head.
“Dad should’ve left him on the moon…” He muttered, taking a sip of his drink before moving to leave his seat. When he felt his jacket snag on something, he looked down to see an object in his pocket. Taking out the tape, he frowned and turned it over.
Date: 11/22/63
This world was unfamiliar to (Y/N). She knew she had to have been somewhere in America, but she didn’t know where. The cars, fashion and stores bringing the street she walked to life told her she had to have been in the sixties. But she didn’t want to believe it. Surely Five hadn’t time travelled that far? She had to have been dropped during some type of sixties-theme festival. But the voices suddenly beside her quickly prove her doubts wrong.
“What do we have here?”
“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a lost little colored girl.”
Tensing, (Y/N) continued her way down the sidewalk, slightly speeding up her pace, but the men fell into step beside her with ease, flanking her sides.
“You’re on the wrong side of town, girl.”
“Yeah, we don’t like coons around here.” One of them hissed right in her ear. Her eyes welled up with tears before the other shoved her forward.
“Gon now, get!” He ordered as if she were a dog. She realized that’s how they had seen her. An animal. Nothing more. Tripping on a crack in the sidewalk, she fell to the ground, smacking her face on the concrete. She choked out a sob as the two men cackled. And to make matters even worse, she felt the pitter patter of raindrops start to freeze her skin.
(Y/N) gasped out in shock when the men spit two wads of saliva in her face. She knew she must’ve looked a mess with spit and tears sliding down her cheeks and blood oozing from her nose. She hiccupped on her sobs and began to stand, much too tired from her previous fight with Vanya and literally being dropped from the sky to successfully do so. The men backed her up against a wall and one fisted the front of her vest before a voice called out.
“Take your hands off of my child!” Whipping around, the men were half expecting to find another target, but (Y/N) coughed and sputtered nonsense upon the person her gaze fell upon.
Before her was Grace, but… she wasn’t robotic in any sense. She could tell by the raw anger etched into her features. She took a brave step forward. “I said. Take your hands. Off my child.”
And that was another thing: her accent. (Y/N) was immediately comforted by the stern southern accent the woman shared with her attackers. It was a voice she never thought she needed. The two looked between Grace and (Y/N) with smirks. “You mean this lil ol’ jigaboo-”
“Is my daughter. Now you let her go before I call the police.”
“Woman, I don’t care if you call the police-”
Grace took it upon herself to step closer and grab the child by her arms, yanking her into her warm embrace. (Y/N) immediately latched onto her, quivering in her hold. The men scoffed and shook their heads, beginning to walk away. “Make sure to keep that thing on a leash if you’re gonna have it out, ma’am.”
“Oh, fuck off.” She growled before turning and walking back in the direction the girl came from. As they walked past the alleyway, Grace took out a handkerchief and began wiping the girl’s face clean of what the raindrops hadn’t already washed away. “It’s alright, hun, they aren’t gonna hurt you anymore.”
“T-Thank you.” (Y/N) sobbed and gently held her nose in pain. Grace crouched in front of her and gently held her face in between her hands.
“Don’t thank me, darlin’, it’s how everyone should be treatin’ you ‘round here… Where are your parents? I could take you to ‘em.”
(Y/N) thought for a long moment, watching as the rain soaked Grace’s hair and clothing. The woman didn’t seem to mind as she watched the girl before her swallowing thickly. (Y/N) skimmed over her current choices. She didn’t have any choice.
“I don’t have parents. I-I don’t remember them…”
“I’m tellin’ you, Reggie, she’s highly intelligent for a child her age.” Grace proudly presented (Y/N) to the man she had grown fond of over their time working together. (Y/N), however, was frozen in her spot. Sir Reginald Hargreeves. The man whose death she had wished upon for years, whose death had finally graced her existence, was back in her life. She flinched at the disapproving look on his face, much too acquainted with it by this point in her life. “And she’s very respectful. Talented, too, this girl can speak several languages.”
“You seem rather fond of this child.” The man observed as Grace squeezed her into her side.
“She’s my pride and joy.”
“And you cannot remember anything of your past, child?”
“N-No,” (Y/N) shook her head and stared down. “Not a lot. J-Just my name and birthday.”
Reginald hummed and stared her down with an unreadable expression. When she met his eyes again, he was crouched down to her level, his monocle clutched in his fist. “(Y/N), was it?”
“It would be an honor to have your presence within my home, along with your mother.”
“O-Oh, that’s okay-”
“I insist. Besides, you have been living with her for almost half a year, correct? It is highly unlikely that she will share a home without you.”
“He’s right about that, hun,” (Y/N) glanced up at Grace, who was smiling warmly at her. “I’m not leavin’ you.”
(Y/N) could have cried.
And she did.
One year later, (Y/N) had been living quite the comfortable life with Grace and Reginald. She had been introduced to the ape, Pogo, for the second time since Grace first started working with him. As much as she loved being around the chimp, it brought back so many memories. She almost felt silly, looking after him sometimes knowing he had done the same for her in the original timeline.
Her relationship with Reginald was nothing she ever expected. He was gentle, well as gentle as Reginald Hargreeves could get, he cared for her, spoiled her, even. She wouldn’t have to ask for anything half the time. If he were to overhear a conversation between her and Grace about a dress she oh-so wanted, it would suddenly be laid out on her bed the next day. She usually had a say in dinner meals every Thursday and Sunday and Reginald listened intently whenever she would voice any discomfort or concerns with her living conditions. (Y/N) never had a real father, but she assumed this is what it was like to have one. She never wanted to let go of it.
For her birthday in 1963, she was surprised that he had actually gotten her a present. As she entered the parlor, she was met with the tiniest bark and an even tinier golden retriever, bounding up to her. She gasped and stopped low, letting him jump into her arms. She let him lick her face and giggled in the joy it brought her.
“Your mother said you would like it. Though I would never allow dogs in my house, I have come to understand that there are rules I must bend for you, my child.”
(Y/N) turned to her father. Yes, father. Reginald, also growing quite fond of their father-daughter bond formed between them, decided to adopt the girl. As much as his beliefs and his deep distaste for children protested. There was just something about this child. Or perhaps it was Grace’s insisting, reassuring him that he would make a wonderful father. (Y/N) was very hesitant at first for her own reasons she never shared, but eventually came around to the idea of being his daughter again.
This was the same Reginald Hargreeves who locked her in a dark room for five days straight, but also an entirely different man. Perhaps it was her fascination with the differences, or maybe she just wanted a real father for once.
“Thank you, Dad.” She softly smiled, the man nodding in response.
“But this is your pet, (Y/N). It is your responsibility. I will not find it in my study, in my bedroom, you are to train it yourself-”
“Can you-”
“And no, I will not help you pick out its name.”
The girl softly groaned and looked back down at her new puppy. Looking into its eyes, she smiled softly at a distant memory as a small child.
“Welcome to the family, Mr Pennycrumb.”
(Y/N) groaned when she felt the sunbeams of the early morning sunrise hit her eyelids, coloring her black vision with the stinging fire of orange. Rolling onto her other side, she stretched her blanket over her head. They were yanked away the next second, causing a whine to leave her lips. “Mom… Five more minutes.”
“I let you sleep in long enough, hun, it’s time to get up. You have a date with Preston this afternoon.” Grace gently pulled her daughter to sit up, giggling quietly at her look of disgust.
“Preston? Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously, let’s get goin’.” Grace patted her leg and walked to her door, waiting patiently. (Y/N) sighed and rubbed her face, letting her feet slide into her slippers. As they descended the stairs to the kitchen for breakfast, Reginald could hear his daughter’s sleepy complaining from his place at the table.
Setting his utensils down, he turned his head in their direction. “My child, how many times throughout each week must we have to repeat this conversation?”
“Until it starts making sense.” (Y/N) stepped into the dining room, now in her robe, and crossed her arms over her chest. Reginald sighed and stood from his chair at the table.
“You are one of my greatest accomplishments,” He began towards her. “There is no doubt in my mind that you would make a fine successor. I do not believe you will need a husband. In fact, you would be better off without another individual holding you back from what you are truly capable of.”
“But?” She raised a brow.
“But… I have grown to know you more than I expected… and I know that you would need someone to help manage your finances you inherit once I am gone. Preston is a fine young man who was born into this life, made into this life. He will take good care of you.”
(Y/N) knew there was only one person in this world who would truly take good care of her. But he wasn’t here, and she needed to play the part as the amnesiac adopted daughter, so she huffed and nodded. “Fine… I’ll go…”
“Thank you-”
“But only if Mr Pennycrumb can go, too.”
“Very well, but you will not be gifted another animal if you lose it.”
The outing wasn’t entirely bad. (Y/N) didn’t mind the picnic or the art museum, it was the company that made her blood boil. Preston is anything she would have expected out of him. This had been their seventh date, tenth of the ones he planned. (Y/N) sought out any opportunity she could to cancel on him to save herself from the unbearable three hours she would have to spend with the kid. He was arrogant, smug, selfish, narcissistic, and overbearing. Of course, this was not the Preston he presented to her parents. No, to them, Preston was ‘a fine man with a bright future ahead of him’, or as Grace would put it, ‘a delight to have around’. He laughed like a drunk, talked like a husband, and smelled like a man. All at the age of fifteen. (Y/N) had to remind herself on several occasions that she was mentally the older out of the two and to not stoop to his level when he got under her skin.
“Don’t you think, (Y/N)?” The voice brought her attention back to the boy beside her. She looked up from the grass they had been strolling through. When she hummed in question, he amusedly scoffed and side-step closer to her. “Never mind. I should have known you wouldn’t have been interested in politics.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” The girl raised a brow. At her confusion, he laughed and gently tapped the side of his head.
“You’ve always got that head of yours in the clouds. Or turned behind you- like right now.”
(Y/N) turned her head away from where she had been looking over her shoulder. “What? Sorry, Preston, I’m a little preoccupied today.”
“With what, exactly? You don’t seem to be the type of girl to have very many issues. Nothing to worry about.”
“And you wonder why I don’t listen to you.” She sighed as her puppy ran in between her legs, rolling in the grass once he was a few paces in front of them. Preston frowned in distaste and shook his head.
“You should really keep that thing on a leash, sweetheart.”
She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, clenching her teeth as she folded her hands behind her back. “Really now?”
“Really. You know, I’m not very fond of dogs, so I’m not sure how it’ll work out once we’re married. I think we should get one after we have kids, you know? Just so the kids could grow up with it.”
(Y/N) quickly turned her head to the left, pointing out across the street. “Preston, would you look at that?”
“Look at what?” He gullibly looked in the direction, (Y/N) quickly checking the area before almost silently singing her tune. From her shadow, her clone formed and robotically walked behind the two. She quickly switched spots with it and ordered the clone to walk with Preston before scooping her puppy into her arms and rushing off in the opposite direction. Once she was behind a diner far away from their date location, she let out a sigh and gently patted her dog on the head.
“Were you sick of it, too?” She chuckled. Resting the back of her head against the brick wall she leaned on, she let out a slow breath and began to relax. The sound of guns cocking had her head snapping up so fast, she swore she could have dislocated it. Just down the end of the line of stores were three white-haired men, one in a milkman uniform, training their guns on her. (Y/N) didn’t waste a second tucking her dog in front of her and spinning around, charging down the opposite direction as bullets whizzed past her. She dodged them the best she could, jumping a few feet in the air at the ones that threatened to take their place in her feet. It was like a dance; the twisting, spinning and jumping, and she was to perform this dance until one of those bullets killed her if she didn’t find a way out soon. Sliding to the side of a clothing store for cover, she gently shushed her pet as she caught her breath.
The three sets of footsteps eventually found their destination and rounded the corner with skilled quickness, shooting at the girl until she was nothing more than a bloodied corpse on the ground, bullet holes lodged in almost every inch of her body. The three men nodded to each other and turned around, making their way out from behind the stores.
(Y/N) had already been down the street from her house by the time her attackers found the clone in her place. She couldn’t have been bothered to check herself for any wounds, too worried about Mr Pennycrumb’s potential bullet wounds. But the pup was perfectly, happily nuzzling into her arms and wagging his tail. This left (Y/N) to ponder.
Who the hell were those men?
“Is it on?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean, you don’t know? There’s an ‘on’ button. Just- There’s something over- that jigga-ma-thing, whatever.”
“I hit the jigga-ma-thing!”
“Okay, well, just- Give it to me. I know how to do this.”
“Alright, here, here. Hurry up.”
“Okay, alright, let’s see…”
Lila didn’t look up from her task of painting poor Elliott’s toenails, his bindings he received after threatening the trio with a gun preventing him from moving too much. Which was beneficial to her, as it kept her from ruining the paint job. She softly smiled as she listened to the argument between the elderly couple on the film Five and Diego were intently watching. “They’re so cute,” She commented. “I love old couples. I’m always so proud of them for not murdering each other.”
Ignoring her, Diego turned to his brother from his seat on Elliott’s counter. “Why are we watching this?”
“Shush.” Five replied, eyes trained on the film before him, searching for any clue to the approaching apocalypse, brows furrowed in concentration.
“Yeah, I… I’m Dan Frankel. And…”
“I’m Edna Frankel.”
“...Edna Frankel. We are in Dallas, Texas, to see the president. Today’s date is November 22, 1963.”
Five nodded as everyone’s attention was brought to the projected screen before them.
“That’s six days from now.” Lila spoke as Elliott thrashed about more against his bindings. Diego sat forward in interest.
“Holy shit. This is it. The grassy knoll. Kennedy’s about to get shot. How do you have this?”
“Hazel died to get me this footage,” Five answered. “It must be the key to stopping doomsday.”
“Hazel…?” Diego frowned, remembering the man he spent hours searching for and planning to kill to avenge the death of Eudora Patch.
“Long story.”
“What’s doomsday?” Lila looked up at the boy.
“Longer story.”
“What exactly did he say to you?” Diego asked as Lila turned her head back to the film.
Five shrugged. “Well, he was killed before he could explain. But whatever he wanted us to see, it’s on this film.”
“This is very exciting.” The old man smiled before the sound of gunshots and screaming could be heard, the camera moving around in blurs due to the shock of the old woman filming.
“Oh, my god!”
“Oswald…” Diego whispered, setting his knife down as Five leaned in closer.
“The president!”
When the camera was steadied to record across the street, Five and Diego both stiffened in their spots at what their eyes caught. “Oh, no…” Five breathed and moved behind the projector, rewinding the film and scooting the cart backwards to zoom in closer. The room was silent as Diego stood to his feet and Five rounded the cart before standing beside his brother, directly in front of the film. “This can’t be…”
“Okay, you gonna fill me in now, boys?” Lila glanced between the two. “What the hell is this shit we’re watching?”
But she was ignored yet again.
“No, that’s impossible…”
“Clearly, it’s not.”
“What… What is it?” Elliott muffled past the gag in his mouth.
A beat of silence went by before the two Hargreeves whispered in unison,
Taglist: @unfortu-nate-ly @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @starstormssymphony @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @simping-4-fictional-men @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3 @himikaphoo @zerocanonlywriteshit @xxeiraxx @camerondiaz48104 @isawachickeninatree
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THG AU Chapter 25
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3     Chapter 4    Chapter 5    Chapter 6 Chapter 7   Chapter 8   Chapter 9  Chapter 10   Chapter 11 Chapter 12  Chapter 13 Chapter 14  Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17  Chapter 18 Chapter 19   Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22  Chapter 23   Chapter 24
TW: Major Character Death, Bomb Mentions.
* Natasha and Wanda watched the television in shock. That morning, The Capitol had “accidentally” bombed several sections of District 3 while they were on the train.* 
Woman on TV: The hovercraft accidentally dropped several bombs which were meant to be shipped from 3 to District 2 to help with peacekeeper training. The Capitol is still trying to take a census to find out who survived this tragic accident.
President Snow: (on the TV) Until we know more, we’re going to have to suspend all trains and hovercrafts going to, from, or through District 3 as well as all communication between District 3 and the rest of Panem. Don’t worry too much, though. Most of the labs and factories were completely fine, so the economy of District 3 should be completely back to normal within a month. 
Natasha: Unbelievable. Thousands of people are dead and this guy is concerned about the economy. 
Wanda: This was no more of an “accident” than the one in 12 sixteen years ago! *stands up* I can’t do this again! I’ll show them rebellion!
Natasha: Wanda, no. This is their game. If we don’t play by their rules, we face the consequences. 
Wanda: We can’t just let them walk all over us! Next time they strike, we’ll lose everything.
Natasha: They only strike when we step out of line, Wanda! I can’t take that risk, and neither can you.  Next time, it’ll be my parents. It’ll be Pietro. Not to mention we don’t even know who survived the attack on 3. 
Wanda: So you think they’re okay? Why do you think Snow gave us these? *pulls out wilting rose* 
Natasha: *tearing up* I don’t think they’re okay! I hope they’re okay, but I know they probably aren’t! I feel like my world is falling apart! I’m still coping with what happened to Clint, and I can’t handle this right now! Actually, I don’t think I can handle anything right now and I need to be alone.
Wanda: And I need my brother. *Wanda goes home*
*Natasha grabs her rose and runs to the edge of the woods. This was the place she met Bruce, the hillside she and Clint used to roll down as kids, the place where she and Yelena would build snow forts, the hill near Clint’s favorite hunting spot. It was her safe space. Natasha’s eyes burned with tears as she turned the wilting rose around in her hands, over and over. She let out a sob and threw it into the woods. *
* District 3, ten hours after the final bomb hit. *
The mayor (over an intercom): Attention citizens! A thorough search has been conducted and there are no undetonated bombs on the ground. It is safe to come out of your hiding spots.  We are trying to get a head count, so please stay put as much as possible. That being said, feel free to try to find your loved ones in an orderly fashion. 
Tony: I need to find Pepper and Morgan! 
Bruce: I need to call Natasha! 
*They go outside to see victor’s village and Tony’s street are completely fine, but Vision’s street is completely obliterated. A building right next to the lab they were moving things from was also gone, as well as a wall from the building they were in. *
Tony: No no no no no. Pepper! Morgan!
Bruce: What’s wrong? They should be safe if they were at home. 
Tony: They went to visit Pepper’s sister this morning! She lived right near Vision. 
A random rescue worker: Are you Tony Stark?
Tony: What do you want? 
Rescue worker: Is this your daughter?
Tony: Morgunna! *grabs Morgan from the worker* Thank you so much! Where did you find her?
Rescue worker: She was in a partially collapsed storm shelter from the dark days.
Tony: Okay, Morgan. Can you tell me where mommy is? 
Morgan: *crying and terrified* Mommy said stay in the hole. 
Tony: *panicking* Yes. And then where did mommy go?
Morgan: She left me in the little metal hole. It was dark and scary.
Tony: *starting to cry* Okay. Do you want to go home, Morgunna? *Morgan nods* Let’s go home. *Goes and puts his name and Morgan’s name on the survivor log* Mommy might come find us later. 
Bruce: Tony? 
Tony: Hm?
Bruce: I hope you find her. And I’m really sorry if you don’t.
Tony: *hugging him* Thanks. I hope you get the chance to call Natasha soon.
*Tony took Morgan home and Bruce put his name in the survivor log.*
Bruce: *to the Capitol citizen running the census station* Is there any way I could call my wife and let her know I’m alive? 
Person running the census station: What’s her name? Not to be that person, but she might not have survived. 
Bruce: She actually lives in District 12. I was wondering if I could call her.
Person running the census station:  Oh, you’re Bruce Banner! I’m sorry, all communication with other districts is cut off until further notice. 
Bruce: Please? She probably thinks I’m dead. 
Person running the census station: There are no exceptions to this rule. Don’t try to call her from home either, the lines are down.
Bruce: Okay, can I send her a letter?
Person running the census station: All communications are blocked, sir. 
Bruce: What am I supposed to do then?!
Mayor: *from behind Bruce* The president said that if you survived, you should finish packing. He wants to send you to 12 as soon as things calm down. Start with anything personal you have in your lab space.
Bruce: Fine. 
* Meanwhile in District 12, Wanda was trying to make dinner.* 
Pietro: Hey, sis. I saw the news. Well, actually, we saw it while we were on the train, but we didn’t want to upset Natasha. We didn’t want to upset you either, but I was the only one who knew you had any sort of attachment to District 3. 
Wanda: I’ll be fine. I’m just going to make dinner to take my mind off of it.
Pietro: Do you need a hug? 
Wanda: *starts crying and hugs him* Yes!
Pietro: It’ll be okay, I promise. 
Wanda: What if they get 12 again?! 
Pietro: Don’t worry. We’ll be fine. 
Wanda: Promise?
Pietro: Promise.
*Five days later, Natasha was sitting on her bed. She hadn’t slept since the bombing, and she’d hardly eaten anything.*
Melina: *walking into the house through the front door* Natasha? Are you still hiding in your room, sweetie?
Natasha: Yes.
Melina: I brought you dinner. It’s cottage pie. Remember when you were little and we would try out new spice blends on this because you and your sister just loved it so much? 
Natasha: Yes. I remember. I’m sorry, I’m not hungry. 
Melina: Dear, have you been crying again? You look like you’ve been crying. 
Natasha: I’m just so worried! What if he-
Melina: Don’t do this to yourself, darling. He’s probably alive. We haven’t gotten any news yet. Have some hope.
Natasha: How far has hope really ever gotten me? 
Melina: It’s allowed you to get through some rough times. It’s kept you whole.
Natasha: You think I’m still whole? I’ve been losing pieces of myself for years now. There’s the piece I left with Yelena, the piece I left in the arena, the piece I left with Clint, and now that Bruce is probably gone, you could say that there’s barely any me left. 
Melina: That’s not true. I still see the same precious girl in there. My same precious girl. I still see the rebellious toddler that always wore us out by running off at the marketplace. I still see the same compassionate 5-year-old that met her best friend by sharing her lunch on her first ever day of school. I still see the competitive 10-year-old who would always win snowball fights, even when nobody else was playing. I still see the intelligent girl that excelled in all of her classes from the very beginning. I still see my daughter, and my daughter is strong enough to get through anything.
Natasha: *hugging her* Thanks, mom. 
Melina: Now, I need to get home, but please be sure to eat. I brought you some tea as well. *sets down tea and kisses Natasha’s forehead* Take care of yourself, okay? Get some sleep tonight.
Natasha: I’ll try. 
*She ate and tried to fall asleep. She managed to sleep for about two hours. The next five days were difficult and Natasha still could hardly sleep. Ten days after the “accidental” bombing, a train arrived in District 12. It had the District 3 emblem on it. Bruce got off of the train.*
Natasha: *running towards him* Bruce! 
Bruce: *pulling her into a tight hug* Nat! I’ve missed you so much.
Natasha: I was so worried! I thought you were- *tightens hug* I’m glad you’re safe.
Bruce: I wanted to call you, but we weren’t allowed.
Natasha:  None of that matters now. I’m just so happy you’re safe. I’m sorry I look so...dead. I’ve slept about one hour a night for the past ten days. 
Bruce: You look perfect. Let’s go home.
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i just called to say [one-shot]
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Rey's world comes crashing down on a Wednesday afternoon, and if Ben could just answer one of her twenty calls so that she knows the secret love of her life is not trapped in his burning office building, that'd be great.
This is the fic I was supposed to write and post today. This is the fic I wrote instead. What was meant to be a quick ficlet has somehow ballooned into 2600+ words of Rey freaking out, but if you enjoy the good old friends-to-lovers trope, here you go.
Also available on AO3.
“What is it?” Rey hollers out her open door, craning her neck from her spot on the bed to see if she can catch a glimpse of Finn and pinpoint the cause of his summons.
The urgent call comes again, and this time Rey is able to determine that Finn is nowhere near her. He and Poe take turns calling out for her as she wanders into the living room, and a heavy knot of concern and fear begins to form low in her stomach as the two of them come into view, each more pale and stricken than Rey has ever seen them.
Finn is waiting for her, reaches out as soon as he spots her, but by then Rey has caught sight of the TV beyond Poe’s shoulder and the big, bold letters spelling out BREAKING NEWS! and fire, so much fire, consuming an all-too-familiar building.
“Oh god,” Rey whispers, knees buckling as the flashy breaking news banner gives way to Inferno in Downtown Coruscant and below that, in smaller letters as if it’s any less significant, as if her world hasn’t just come to a grinding halt: Amidala House consumed by sudden blaze.
“Shit!” Finn gasps, lunging forward to catch her before she can hit the ground, but Rey can’t find the words to thank him, can’t find the will to look away from the nightmare unfolding on the TV screen.
She vaguely registers him and Poe helping her to the couch, keeps her eyes glued to the sight of Amidala House being reduced to ash and rubble until Poe presses something into her hand.
“Call him,” he suggests gently, closing Rey’s fingers around her phone.
Ben. She needs to call Ben, because sometimes good things happen in this world and Ben was one of them and she needs another good thing now, she needs him to not be in that building and part of the 13 people trapped in rapidly destabilizing structure but oh god, what if he is? What if he’s somewhere inside that burning building on her screen and his lungs are filling up with smoke as Rey does nothing but watch on and he dies on live TV, right in front of her very eyes?
Rey snaps out of it with a slight jump, turns to her left to find Finn’s nails digging crescents into her free palm and his wide, panicked eyes steady on hers. “Breathe, Rey. Just breathe. C’mon, with me. In, out, in–”
She follows his lead without further prompting, well used to this routine even if it takes her a while to connect it with her short, shallow breaths and panic attacks.
When she finally gets some air into her lungs and manages to keep it there for more than two seconds, Poe carefully plucks her phone from her hand, enters the passcode he’s not supposed to know, and brings up Ben’s number.
“Here we go,” he says softly, handing Rey the phone with shaking hands. “Call him, Rey. We need to know. You need to know.”
The corner of her screen tells her it’s 1:22 in the afternoon, just eighty-two minutes after Ben’s last message to her – Ben who brings lunch to work, Ben who once spent thirty straight minutes ranting about a shovel, Rey! Who the fuck serves food in a shovel, I’m not eating off fucking gardening tools–
Ben, who is almost definitely inside that building, the same way he always is at this time of the day, eating lunch in his office.
Before she can spiral back into a panic attack, Finn wraps an arm around her shoulder and holds her close while Poe takes her free hand and gives it a comforting squeeze.
“It’s going to be okay, Rey,” he promises her and she wants, so badly, to believe that it will.
So Rey hits the call button.
She leaves a message, begging him to call her back through a voice thick with tears.
Ten minutes pass while the fire rages on.
Twenty minutes, and a handful of people manage to make their way out of the building before all exits are completely blocked.
Thirty minutes, and firefighters announce that they’re well on their way to putting out the blaze.
Forty minutes, and they start heading into the building to see who’s left.
“We’ll be right back with more information for loved ones,” the on-site reporter tells the camera gravely, and Rey chokes on a sob as she jumps off the couch and runs into her room.
Finn gives her five minutes to cry her heart out before he tentatively pokes his head in and asks, “Anything yet?”
Rey wipes her tears away and doesn’t tell him that she’s called close to twenty times now, that Ben’s inbox filled up a while ago and there’s so much she didn’t say, so much she might never get to say–
“He’ll call back,” she declares with borrowed confidence, leaning heavily on his and Poe’s comforting support and endless assurances. “Any minute now, he’ll call back.”
“I’m sure he will, Peanut,” Finn tells her, because what else is there to say when the reality of the situation hangs heavy in the air, filling every silent second between spoken words with fear unlike anything she’s ever known before?
He gives her one last smile, turns to leave–
“Finn?” she whispers, half-expecting, half-hoping for him to miss it.
With her knees drawn to her chest, Rey squeezes her eyes shut as she asks, “Have they released any names yet?”
She can hear Finn cross the threshold into her room, but she can’t bring herself to open her eyes when he curls a heavy hand around her shoulder. “No,” Finn finally says. “No names yet.”
Rey lets out a shaky breath and acknowledges him with a nod, waits until Finn closes the door behind him to collapse back into bed.
No news is good news, she tells herself even as she holds her phone in a white-knuckled grip.
The funny thing is, three years ago this wouldn’t have bothered her at all.
Well, okay, it would have bothered her a little, hearing that the boy who lived down the street from her had passed away at such a young age. But that’s all Ben was to her, for the longest time: the boy from down the street, then the weird kid Maz’s friends brought to dinner sometimes, then the guy she’d sometimes catch a glimpse of in the hallways when she was a freshman and he was a senior.
They didn’t even have their first proper conversation until five years after their first meeting, when Rey unexpectedly ran into him in college and found out that he’d been going to the University of Theed for the past three years. Ben had changed by then, traded in the perpetual black cloud she remembered so well from high school and dinner parties for a teasing smile and a confident walk, and somewhere along the way they finally managed to form the kind of friendship everyone expected from two kids whose parents were close friends.
And now – now he’s one of her closest friends, her first good morning and last good night, the only person who knows her better than even Finn, better than herself. They speak nearly every day even when weeks go by without them meeting because of college and work commitments, and everyone else in her life knows that whenever she smiles at her phone he’s most likely the cause–
God, Rey can’t bear the thought of it: of never getting a random text from him again, of never hearing the smile in his voice while he listens to her rant about classes, of never getting the chance to tell him that… that she…
Her phone rings.
It’s been an hour. It’s been an hour, and Rey nearly falls off her bed as she dives for her phone, drops it twice before she finally picks up the call.
“Hey, is everything okay? I just saw your missed calls–”
A sob rips past her throat at the sound of his voice, and the immediate shift in his tone makes her heart feel like it’s going to burst.
“What’s wrong? What happened? Where are you, sweetheart, I’ll come get you right now–”
“Ben,” Rey manages to say despite her confusion. “Ben, the building burned down, I thought… I thought you…”
He’s still not making sense. “Which building? Are you hurt? Where are you, Rey, just tell me where you are–”
If he could stop worrying about her for one second and just realize– “Ben!” she finally snaps, interrupting his panicked stream of words. “Ben, your building. Amidala House. It burned down–”
“It burned down and I thought… oh god, Ben, I thought… you always have lunch in your office, and I called and called but I didn’t hear back from you, and it’s been an hour and there are names, Ben, names on the news of people who didn’t… of people who…” She’s breathing hard, shaking so badly it feels like her lungs are rattling too much to catch her breath, and Rey can’t do anything about it, paralyzed all over again by the thought that he could have… that she almost…
“Fuck,” Ben mutters to himself. “Fuck, I’m so sorry, sweetheart. It’s Wednesday. I have lunch with my mom on Wednesdays, remember? We go to the French place near her office and put our phones away?”
It’s Wednesday. Of course it’s Wednesday, how could she not have– “I didn’t… I couldn’t… God, Ben, I was so scared, I couldn’t think straight, I saw the building on TV and all that fire and I just…”
There are people dead. Four, at last count, and Ben could’ve been one of them, and she would’ve found out by seeing his name on the screen, by hearing it from a stranger putting on her best we’re so sorry for your loss voice. Rey whimpers at the thought.
“I’m coming over, okay?” Ben says, and in the background she hears the familiar beep of his car. His car over in North Coruscant where Leia’s office is, a twenty-minute drive from Amidala House, a world away from all that fire and destruction and loss.
Rey finally gets a grip, clears her throat and wipes away her tears as she tells him, “No, it’s okay, you don’t have to–” Her protests sound weak even to her own ears, but Ben has bigger things to worry about, better things to do than comfort his panicked mess of a friend while clouds of smoke still darken the sky over his office and his employees line the streets with tears on their faces and shock blankets wrapped around them.
“I’m on my way,” Ben insists. “If I just spent an hour thinking I’d lost you, the only thing I’d want would be to see you. Does that sound like it’ll help?”
Yes. Yes, it would, and she can’t help but tell him as much.
“Then sit tight, I’ll be there soon. I doubt anyone will have a problem with me taking the rest of the day off, anyway,” he says wryly, trying to lighten the mood. Rey appreciates the effort, she really does, but there’ll be no relief until he’s here, until the sight of him replaces the image of him dead and gone that’s still imprinted on the back of her eyelids like a nightmare–
“I’ll see you soon, okay?”
Soon, he’ll be here soon, she can tell him soon, but they’ve already wasted so much time and that’s what she always told herself anyway, that she’d tell him soon, and today she nearly lost that chance for good–
“Ben,” Rey whispers as her heart begins to pound.
She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath. “I love you.”
There’s a terrible, awful pause after that, one that threatens to fill her eyes with tears once more. “I love you too, sweetheart,” Ben says probably just seconds later, even if it feels like a lifetime, and she can hear the smile in his voice as he does but that’s not it, that’s not what she means–
“No, Ben, listen. I love you,” Rey says again, and suddenly the words come pouring out of her. “I love-love you. The kind of love that makes me feel like all the books and movies talk about. The kind of love that makes you the most important person in my life. The kind of love that made me feel like a part of me died when I thought I’d lost you.”
Her heart is racing and her lungs are burning by the time she’s done, and it’s ridiculous, completely ridiculous, but she still can’t breathe until he says, “You’re not losing me that easily, sweetheart.”
And then: “I love-love you too,” Ben tells her, a slight chuckle in his voice, and she allows it to wash over her like the relief that fills her bones. “Have for a long time now,” he adds, and Rey falls back against her pillows, too surprised to hold it together.
“Really,” he assures her. “We can talk about it when I get there, okay? I’m about to start driving.”
“Okay,” Rey says. And then, just because she can now, she ends the call with, “I love you.”
“Love you too,” Ben replies without pause, without thought, and Rey stares at her phone for the longest time after he hangs up until she realizes–
“Finn!” she calls out as she jumps up from her bed and tears out of her room. “Poe! He’s fine, Ben’s fine–”
Because Finn truly is the best friend a girl can ask for, he drags Poe out of the apartment under the guise of getting groceries for dinner just minutes later.
Rey splashes more cold water on her face than she probably needs to, and then busies herself with the dishes from lunch as she tries to process the last ten minutes. The last hour, really, because going from thinking she’d lost Ben for good to hearing him say he loves her back has been quite the whirlwind. She’s so caught up in processing it that she doesn’t even realize twenty minutes have passed until she hears a knock.
“Rey?” Ben calls out, voice muffled by the door, and she barely takes the time to dry her hands before she runs out of the kitchen.
There are a dozen ways she could greet him, a hundred ways their first conversation as two people openly in love with each other could go.
None of them involve Rey throwing the door open and promptly bursting into tears, but that’s how it unfolds anyway.
Ben holds her through it all, rubbing soothing circles into her back while she destroys his nice shirt with her blubbering. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it just… it didn’t really hit me until right now, I think, because I thought I’d never get to see you again and here you are–”
“Shh,” Ben comforts her as he guides her into the apartment and closes the door behind him. “I’m okay, sweetheart, I’m right here. Not going anywhere, I promise.”
When she finally gets her first good look at him, Rey wonders how the hell she could’ve been so blind. God, the way Ben looks at her.
“I love you,” she tells him, overcome by the need to say it again and see his reaction in person. His smile coaxes a matching expression out of her as her tears subside. “I love you so much, and I thought I’d never get to tell you–”
“But you did,” Ben reminds her before she can let her fears take hold of her again. “You did, and I love you too, Rey, more than you could possibly imagine–”
Rey pulls him down for a kiss, the first of many.
A lifetime’s worth, even.
This is not the fic I was meant to write and post today, but I was struggling with that one and thought a quick little ficlet might help me work through the block.
"Quick little ficlet," I said. Look at this monster. If you made it through the whole thing without just skimming large chunks of it, I am in awe of you. As always, thanks for reading, hope you guys liked at least some of it, and please don't hesitate to like/reblog/comment!
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Survey #134
“i got detention ‘cuz i made a face; nobody believed me that it’s stuck that way.”
If you were to die today would your life be complete?  No. How good is Coca-Cola?  It's my second-favorite soda. Who was the last person you took a picture with?
  My niece Aubree <3 Do you have a bad temper? 
 No. Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now?
  One acquaintance, one old friend off the top of my head. Have you ever had someone pick you up off the ground and carry you?  Mom when I passed out. If you were in the hospital, do you think any of your exes would come see you?  Girt probably would, and he's the only one I wouldn't have a problem with visiting. If you were kicked out of your house, would the last person you texted take you in?  I'm sure they would, but it's more realistic I'd live with my dad. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?  Skydive. What fictional place would you most like to go to?  Yo can I go to Azeroth. Who has impressed you most with what they’ve accomplished?  UHHHHHH.  I'm honestly not quite sure.  But Mark is like super high on the list, if not #1.  I'm not well-informed on a lot of people's accomplishments lajsfdaowe. What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way?  Hmmmm.  Good question. What is one thing you really want but can’t afford?  Lmao dude I want so many expensive things atm. What is the most impressive thing you know how to do?  I almost snorted reading this question because like do you honestly expect something impressive of me.  I... guess I understand Sony Vegas well? What are some of the turning points in your life?  Uhhhh meeting my ex, the divorce, discovering my passion for photography, the breakup, re-uniting with Dad, r e c o v e r y. What’s your cure for hiccups?  NOTHING.  NOTHING WORKS. Don’t you think it’d be cool to see a colossal squid?  FUCKING NOPE THEY ARE SPAWNS OF THE NIGHTMARE REALM. What kind of steak do you prefer?  When I ate meat, I liked medium well. Has anyone ever cheated on their significant other with you?  Yes, allow me to (not) tell you about my stupid 12-year-old self. Are you fascinated by outer space?  *cue the Mark "Space is Cool" mix* Do you answer your phone when it’s a number you don’t recognize? Never. When washing your hands, do you wet your hands or put soap on first?  Put the soap on. When was the hardest you ever cried? What was the circumstance?  The night of the breakup.  I had left the house to walk to Jason's, and Mom got in the car and kept driving in front of me to stop me (I was too practically catatonic to run).  Eventually gave up, she drove me home, and when she opened the door, it was my goal to run to the kitchen and slit my throat, but the moment I made the action to run, she pretty much tackled me and I sobbed my lungs out for like 30 minutes.  Fuck that entire night. Who were your last 3 Facebook messages from and what do they say?  "lol but hey thats the world we live in lol well goodnight honey and i hope to speak to u again" from Leslie, "How quaint O:" from Girt, "Its okay :)" from Amanda. Who was the last person to comment on your Facebook status? What does the comment say?  Sara saying "YEP" when I shared a picture of straight people dating versus lesbians and it was spot-on. Which do you use the most, smiley faces, kisses or hearts?  Faces, probs. Do you like sweet or salty popcorn? Ohhhh both.  But I've gotta side with salty. Have you ever had to put your hand over someone’s mouth to keep them quiet?  Once. Have you ever fed a wild animal?  Yes. The last time you packed, where were you going?  Sara's. Do you believe in astrology?  Definitely not. Do you have an accent?  Not really, but you can pick up a southern tone with some words.  Example, my "your" sounds more like "yer," usually. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear?  No. Do you sing in the shower?  I have been a tad bit lately...  I used to never. Are you satisfied with your current camera? My phone camera is SHIT, and I need a new actual camera.  55-200mm lens is broken, the other one's automatic focus setting is and I'm not great at manual focus. Have you ever been in a choir?  In Catholic church, yes. Does it bother you to have dirt on the bottom of your bare feet?  Y E S Has anyone ever told you that you have a big butt?  I literally have the flattest ass of any female you'll ever meet. Do you often skip breakfast? Pretty much daily now, yeah.  I'm fasting and don't eat until 11, so breakfast's passed. Last person who drove you somewhere (besides your parents)? Nicole. Who last grabbed your behind?  I'm sure it was Chelsea being her crazy self. Do you eat raw cookie dough?  Yeah dukes up salmonella. Do you watch Grey’s Anatomy?  No. Would you survive in prison?  No.  I would find one way or another to kill myself. Do you drink? Smoke? Do drugs? Why, or why not?  Rarely, no, no.  I drink usually in celebratory settings to loosen up some and sometimes just because I like the flavor of weak, fruity alcohol.  Smoking's gross, drugs are ew. What was the first cigarette you ever smoked?  Never smoked. Are you scared about the end of the world?  If I'mma be in it, hell yeah.  But it's not something I actively worry about because I don't think it'll happen in my lifetime. Do you prefer landmarks or street names when being given directions?  Landmarks.  I don't know street names for shit. Do you read the prologues in the beginnings of books?  Yes. Where is one place that you’d never be caught dead in?  Never be caught dead in, ever... uhhhh... nothing's coming to mind right now.  Oh wait.  Probably a strip club. Apple Jacks: yay or nay?  YAY. Do you have a favorite Scooby-Doo movie?  Yeah, but I don't remember which one. ;-;  It's that one where the girl says her name is Mary Jane and Shaggy goes, "That's, like, my favorite name."  Totally went over my head as a kid lmao. Have you ever met a guy for coffee?  No, I hate coffee anyway. Who is your pet most attached to in your family?  Teddy's most attached to me, I'm the only one who has any physical contact with Venus and she trusts me, Bentley is bonded with Mom, and Mitsu is still apprehensive of anyone. Does the last person you shared a bed with mean anything to you?  The whole world and more. What do you normally do when you’ve had a really bad day?  Cry, have a shit attitude occasionally, a nap is common, talk to Sara, binge my favorite Markiplier videos. When is the next time you will wear a dress?  Hm.  Maybe this summer if I'm confident enough in my body by then lmao. On the main page on YouTube, what’re the three recommended videos? 8-BitGaming beating SCP: Containment Breach, a DanAndPhilGAMES video of Golf With Friends, and then an 8-BitRyan vid of the full release of Raft. Do you know anyone from Canada? Yeah, my former roommate's ex. Are thongs sexy? Yeah, but oml I know I couldn't wear one. Did you grow up in a healthy environment? I wouldn't say "healthy," no.  My dad was an alcoholic at the time, parents always fought, and our neighborhood was dangerous. Heavy rain or heatwave? Heavy rain, easily.  Fuck the heat. You have a choice to shoot your father or die, what would you do?  I hate these damn questions, but I'd rather die.  My father deserves the longest and happiest life possible without the betrayal of his daughter. If killing yourself meant saving the world, would you?  Yeah.  It's a lose-lose situation for me; if I didn't, I'd still die if the world's gonna end. Who knows your most darkest memory or secret?  Jason and Mom should know, and whoever read those specific surveys. Who was the last person you almost went out with?  Meh.  Juan.  We talked and hung out once in... late 2016 I think and I was pretty confused as to how I felt about him.  Meanwhile, he hasn't kept it a secret in the least he's liked me since freshman year.  He's always treated me like a gentleman should, but I know the dark and disgusting parts of him.  Glad I decided against it. The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, or The Beatles?  Stones. What does your grandma call you?  Just my name. And what do you call your grandmother?  Grammy. Would you rather have a pool or a hot tub?  Pool. Do you think ‘everything bagels’ are disgusting?  No, but I have to be in the mood for one. Do you find serial killers fascinating?  I wouldn't call them as a whole fascinating, but what has to be going on in their brains to create such grotesque desires and creativities. Do you have high blood pressure?  No. Have you ever pumped gas?  No.  I'm 22 btw lmao. Have your parents ever caught you drinking?  I mean Mom's seen me with a drink when she didn't know I'd gotten one, but I wouldn't call it "caught" since I'm allowed to and I made no effort to make it secretive. Do you prefer writing by hand or typing? Typing.  Writing makes my carpal tunnel act up quickly, and besides, typing's way faster. Think of one of the biggest decisions you've had to make in your life. If you made a different choice, how different would your life be now?  Panicking and telling Mom when I overdosed.  I took way more than what I should've taken of a cold medicine I can't even look at now, but I don't think it would've killed me based on how I felt, but then again, the fluids or whatever I got to purge it could've saved me; however, I feel like I would've killed myself through another method if I didn't tell her.  It all led to the psychiatric care I needed. Have you ever taken a course on CPR?  No, but I should. Do you wear a watch? No, I don't even own one. When are you at your most energetic? A little after waking up.  Just gotta get over the initial drowsiness. Do you like playing cards? If so, what's your favorite game?  I don't really enjoy card games.  I liked Magic: The Gathering tho when I was with Jason, but I wasn't that good at it considering it's got like a billion rules.  I'd still play with someone who knew how to, though.  I loooove the PS3 version that was made for it, it was much easier and I found it relaxing.  And I adore the artwork like jfc. What are your parents’ natural hair colors? What is yours?  Extremely dark brown, black, dirty blonde but turned to brown. How do you react to random strangers suddenly trying to make conversation with you?  I get nervous. Do you like Slim Jims?  YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS MAMA. Have you ever been in a castle? The Disney World castle, if that counts? Would you rather write a mystery or love story? A love story. Are you afraid of getting shots?  No.  I don't like them, but. What do you currently hear?  "Pour Some Sugar On Me" cover by Ninja Sex Party. What’s one text that you saved?  Two texts from Sara that I love way too much. Have you ever cut your own hair?  No. What’s your favorite color combination? Probably orange and black bc Halloween. Did you share a locker at school? No. Have you ever sang karaoke?  No. How old were you when you went on your first date?  Huh, I dunno.  Just the guy and myself?  Probably dinner with Jason at 16? Has anyone besides your family seen you naked? Yeah. Would you rather have strep throat or an ear infection?  Holy fuck, after my last ear infection?  Strep. Where was your first job?  GameStop. Have you ever been to a night club? No. Do all good things really come to an end?  No, not all. How many people do you trust with your life?  Three. Are you too kind for your own good?  Don't think so. Have you ever held a baby? Yeah. What's your favorite '90s TV show?  The Nanny. What are you favorite book series? Warriors. Favorite superheroes?  I know he's technically an anti-hero, but does Deadpool still count?  If not, uh.  Batman I guess. Would people consider you more immature or mature? Mature, probably. Would you say most of your friends are older or younger than you?  Younger. If you have a significant other, do you get jealous of people a lot? She knows I was insecure as fuck in the beginning.  Now, nope. Who was your best friend in the fifth grade?  Ummm I think Quiata? Do your parents still help you financially?  I don't have a job.  So. Have either of your parents ever been in trouble with the law? Don't think so. Do you have a preferred brand of bottled water?  Essentia.  Thanks for not having it, NC. Are you more prone to overthinking things, or being too impulsive?  Hunny I overthink if I have to pee or not if it's not a massive need. How bad are your worst cramps on a scale of 1-10? Eh, maybe just a seven thanks to the pill. Have you ever thrown up from cramps?  No. List three people you had a hard time forgiving.  JASON, Dad, Mom multiple times. Who was your first celebrity crush?  Jesse McCartney. If applicable, what form of birth control do you use?  The pill.  But it's for cramps. Are you happy with your gender?  Yeah. What gender do you identify as?  Female. What gender were you born as? Female. Have you ever gotten high off a prescription medication?  No. Have you ever used a tampon?  Yeah. How old were you when your parents talked to you about puberty?  I don't think it's something we ever properly "talked" about, but rather indirectly when Mom taught me how to shave and told me when to start wearing a bra. How many people have you known who were suicidal?  Sadly, I think MOST people I know/most friends. What's your favorite pain reliever? Advil. Who has the cutest baby/babies you know? My nephew is literally the cutest child I have EVER seen. Do you have a lot of people blocked on Facebook? Actually yes, but most because Mom instructed me to block them when I was younger.  A few are of my own volition. What color is your razor/shaver?  Orange and white. What's your boyfriend/girlfriend's sisters name? She doesn't have any sisters. Do you like the sound of violins?  YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Would you be interested in going on a blind date?  Even if I was single, no. If you formed an unhealthy habit, would it be smoking or drinking? Oh boy, idk.  I think an alcohol addiction is more dangerous, but smoking has disgusting consequences. Have you ever bought a video game expansion pack? No. Do you wish YouTube had been around when you were a kid?  Nah.  I wouldn't want the risk of an earlier technology addiction. Do you remember preschool?  Yes. What color(s) was your backpack in high school?  Browns and black.  It was a Ouija board design. What health conditions do you have?  Physically, baaad dry scalp, dry af skin in general, inactive MRSA.  I've been over my mental ones enough. Have you ever collected seashells at the beach?  Yeah. Did you ever take dance lessons?  Yeah, for many years. If you took dance lessons, what was your favorite style of dance?  Modern. Have you ever worn a tutu? No. What was your favorite vacation that you went on as a child?  Disney World. Have you ever had braces?  Yeah. What is your favorite photo editing site? (or what do you use?) I don't use editing sites.  I use Photoshop, Lightroom, or PhotoScape. How many times did you take your driver's test?  I haven't yet.
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Another Moment - Part 1
A/N: this is part 1 of my luke x OC series and i really hope you´ll like it <3 i would be happy to get some feedback on it! 
“Ugh, does the paperwork ever stop?!”, JJ groaned as she put down her pen and leaned back in her chair. 
“It´s the worst part of the job!”, Matt exclaimed at which all of his co-workers agreed. 
“I need some coffee. Anyone want some too?”, Reid asked as he got up.
“I could use another cup.”, Luke said and with this, Spencer disappeared into the kitchen. 
It was around 5pm and the team minus Tara and David was still at work finishing the case files and paperwork of their latest casae. They all are tired and wanted to get some rest, but the files also needed to be finished soon and they wanted to work on them as long as everything was still fresh in their minds. Just when Reid came back with the coffees and put one cup down on Luke´s desk, the ex-rangers cellphonebegan to rang. Checking who was calling, he saw that it was his daughter and it immediatley put a smile on his face. He picked up the call, happy for the distraction. 
“Hey Princess!”, He greeted happily.
“D-Dad...”, he heard his daughter whimper which immediatley put im into a worried state. 
“Sienna? What´s wrong?”, he asked, earning confused and concerned glances from his co-workers. Even Emily came out of her office to see what was going on. 
“W-We...Mom and I....we were driving a-and then t-there was this tree a-and Mom, she´s not b-breathing and I´m scared. Dad. I-I don´t know what to do.”, the young girl cried. 
“What? Okay, Sienna, princess. You need to tell me where you are. Are the medics on their way?”, Luke asked as he slowly got up, calling Garcia from his desk phone. 
“I-I don´t know. Everything hurts a-and I´m feeling dizzy. You´re the first one I´m calling. We were on our way home from a school meeting, I can´t see anything. E-Everything is dar. God, Dad. I´m so scared.”, Sienna sobbed. 
“Shhhh, princess. You need to calm down. Everything will be okay, do you hear me? Listen, I´ll let Garcia traack your phone and she will send you help. I´m on my way now, but we´ll meet at the hospital. I promise you, everything will be alright. You have to stay strong for Mom, okay? I love you.”, Luke tried to reassure his daughter. 
“O-okay...c-can you stay on the phone with me until the medics arrive?”, the girl begged. 
“Sure, just give me a second.”, he said and quickly put his phone aside, “Garcia, did you get everything?”
“Yes, Newbie. They are on the interstate in McLean, Virginia. Medics are on their way, they should be there in less than five minutes.”
“Thank you!”, he said as he hung up with the analyst. 
“D-Dad....I can hear them.”, Sienna suddenly said as she hissed in pain. 
“Okay, baby. You´re doing good, I´m so proud of you. Listen, I´ll come over to you and Mom, okay. Just wait for them to arrive, nothing is gonna happen to you. They will help you.”
“O-okay...I-I love you Dad.”
“I love you too. Stay strong.”, and with this, Luke hung up and sighed as he grabbed his keys and jacket. 
“Luke?”, Spence asked confused as they only got bits and pieces of the call. 
“Sienna and Megan...they were in a car crash. I need to head over and check on them.”, he explained.
“Go!”, Emily said as she slowly came to a stop opposite of the agent, “Matt, you´re going with him.”
“No, I can go there alone.”
“I won´t argue about this with you, Alvez. You are absolutley not able right now to drive a car. Take Matt with you and keep us all updated.”
“Thank you!”, he sighed and with his, Matt and Luke left. Hopefully, they wouldn´t be too late...
About 30 minutes and a few broken street rules later, Alvez and Simmons arrived at the hospital in McLean. 
“Hi, I´m Agent Luke Alvez. My daughter and her Mom were brought here. They were in an accident.”, he told the nurse. 
“What´s her name?”, she asked him. 
“Sienna Miller, she´s 15. Please, I need to know if she´s okay.”
The nurse nodded and checked her computer. After a while, she said: “I found her, Sienna Grace Miller, 15. Brought in after a car accident.”
“Yes, that´s her. Where´s she?!”
“She´s being checked out by Dr. Lennon. If you want, you can wait down there in the waiting room.”
“What about her mother? Megan Miller?”
“Let me see...ah, here. Megan Miller, 36. She´s still in surgery.”
“Okay, thank you!”, Luke said and together with Matt, he made his way over to the waiting room where he began pacing around nervously. 
“Lukey, maybe you should sit down and...”, Matt began but was soon interrupted by the agent.
“No, I won´t sit down. I need to know that she´ll be okay. I can´t imagine what would happen if...”, he began, but stopped, unable to continue.
“She´ll be fine. She´s your daughter and she´s strong as her parents.”
“Yes, but...”, but just was he was about to continue, a doctor entered the waiting room. 
“Sienna Miller?”
“Yes, I´m her Dad. Is she alright? Can I see her?”
“Sienna is as alright as one can be in such a situation. She has a few scratches and bruises as well as a concussion. Also, she got three partially fractured ribs. We gave her some pain medication, but I think within the next one to two hours, she should be able to go home. She needs to be really careful though.”, the doctor said. 
“What about her Mom?”
“She´s still in surgery, but it doesn´t look too good. You should prepare for the worst.”
Luke closed his eyes and wiped his hand across his face. 
“Can I see Sienna?”
“Of course, she is also asking for you. Your daughter is in Room 118. The second room down on the left side. If you´ll excuse me, I have to check on my other patients now.”
“Thank you!”, Matt said as they both made their way down to the girls room.
Luke knocked at the door before he entered the room.
“Dad!”, Sienna exclaimed and tried to sit up, but fell back into the pillow as she winced in pain. 
“Be careful! Take it easy.”, Luke answered as he took a chair and put it beside her bed. 
“How are you feeling?”, Simmons wanted to know. 
“I´ve been better. What about Mom? Is she alright?”
“She´s still in surgery. The doctors are doing their best.”, Luke reassured her and took her hand. He didn´t want to stress out his daughter more than she already was. 
“I was so scared, Dad. She wasn´t breathing a-and I did not know what to do.”, Sienna replied as the tears started to stream down her face. 
“No, Baby. Everything will be alright. You did good!”, he said as he wiped away her tears and gave her a smile.
Just when the girl was about to argue, another doctor entered the room. As soon as Sienna looked at him she knew, what was going on. 
“No...”, she whispered, squeezing her father´s hand a little to hard.
“I am truly and deeply sorry, but there was nothing we could do. I´m really sorry for your loss.”, the doctor said as he looked at the broken girl, feeling guilty for her pain. 
Suddenyl, it felt like the world stopped turning around Sienna and there was nothing she could do to keep it going. 
AM tag list: 
@illegalcerebral @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @anton-shudders @sayernita @ultrarebelheart @imagicana @rubenlosthischeeks 
CM tag list: 
@ultrarebelheart @obsessed5sosfreak @marvelfanlife @milkandcookies528 @liz-a-22 @sunreid
Luke tag list: 
@littledizzyhurricane @shiningmish @paralelopipedd @sayernita @thehappytalecollector @thehappytalecollector
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iamknicole · 7 years
The Canary - Chapter One
Roman Reigns/OC
Author’s Note: This is the fic that is replacing Golden Hearts. It’s something different from my usual fics. Enjoy!
Tags: @lavitabella87 @fivefootxo @macfizzle @romanempressfics @cool-snowball-22-blog
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They always saw her coming but they never saw her leave.
The last face they saw and the last voice they heard.
To them she sung a sweet tune.
Carnegie Hill Place - Manhattan, NY
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
2:45 a.m.
 While the city slept, she was awake sitting on the roof of her building, her legs dangling off the side of the building, allowing the cool summer breeze kissed her skin. She couldn’t remember then last time she had slept through the whole night. Below her, the night owls made their way to their next stop chatting it up as they pounded the pavement. Even though it was the wee hours of the morning, the car horns and drivers cursing each other out could be heard loud and clear. Above her, the moon and stars were still out, illuminating the sky.
  In her twenty-eight years of life Sunshine Parker had seen much more than she would wish on her worst enemy nut she wouldn’t change it for the world. Every event in her life, tragic or happy, made her the person she saw when she looked in the mirror.
  “How did I know I would find you here, Bird?”
 The voice put a smile on her face yet she didn’t turn away from the ledge.
 “Because this is where you always find me, Pop. What is it that you want?”
 “Oh, I can’t come see my little girl,” he asked with a chuckle. “That’s how you do your old man now?”
 “You know you’re always welcome, don’t be dramatic,” she laughed finally standing from the ledge.
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  Ethan Parker and his wife adopted Sunshine when she was ten years old and hadn’t left her side since. Hey never had any kids of their own besides Sunshine and they were okay with that. She was much more than they could’ve asked for.
 “You know it’s your mother who has the flair for dramatics. Come, let’s get inside. I’ve got something for you to do.”
 While it would be strange to any other person that Ethan had come to her apartment this late (or early), it wasn’t to Sunshine. Had it been the middle of the afternoon then she would have been worried. There were a lot of late nights in her home growing up.
 As they came off the elevator, they noticed the woman who lived in the apartment across from Sunshine’s was having some trouble with an unwanted guest. He looked drunk, she looked terrified screaming for him to get away and leave her apartment.
 “I think she wants you to leave. Don’t be an asshole and ruin any of the small chance you had left,” Sunshine warned him softly.
 The unwanted guest turned to look at her as she slowly walked down the hallway with Ethan right beside her. He gave her a smile as he eyed her creepily.
 “Say, you should mind your business. This is between the pretty lady and me.”
 Ethan settled himself between Sunshine’s neighbor and her guest, whispering for her to go into her apartment and lock the door. She stared up at him in confusion but didn’t question it, doing what she was told. If it was one thing Ethan didn’t tolerate, it was someone disrespecting a woman especially his wife, his mother or his daughter.
 Sunshine leaned against her door watching Ethan jack the guest up by the collar of his bomber jacket, pinning him to the wall. This wasn’t anything new to Sunshine, she was used to seeing her father as a protector.
 “When a lady asks you to leave that’s what you do. You don’t force yourself on her,” Ethan sneered through gritted teeth.
 From the vantage point the unwanted guest realized the mistake he had made. He begun to regret not leaving when Sunshine had asked him to. “Look, I was just playin’. No harm done, man. Just let me down, Mr. Parker.”
 “Apologize to my daughter and maybe I won’t have someone hunt your punk ass down.”
 “I’m sorry, Miss Parker. I won’t do it again.”
 Sunshine twirled her key ring around on her finger, hummin quietly to herself. Seeing the man dangling and shaking with fear at her father’s hands was priceless.
 “What do you say, Bird? You accept it,” Ethan asked looking over his shoulder.
 “Hmm,” she sung locking eyes with the man. “I don’t know. Sorry means you’ll do it again.”
 “I apologize, I swear,” he plead looking her directly in her eyes.
 With a pat on his shoulder, Sunshine let Ethan know the unwanted guest could leave but not without a warning. She laughed as she opened her door leaving it open for Ethan once he was finish.
 The Parker Family was well known, for the most part they were a notorious crime family not to be confused with the mob or cartels. They were smarter and much more swifter than those two could ever dream of being. Ethan owned a billion-dollar company that was passed down to him from his father and from his father before him. That was one of the few clean businesses they ran. Each family member was offered a position, whether they took it or not was up to them. Either way they were still apart of the family. Parkers never turned their back on each other. They were each other’s backbone.
 “You’re gonna have someone find him. Aren’t you, Pop?” Sunshine asked hopping into her love seat.
 All Ethan did was smile at her assumption. He grabbed her Macbook, taking a few moments to boot it up and bring up documents.
 “There is someone you need to go see. Your mom sent you the information a few hours ago but you hadn’t opened them which is why I’m here.”
 She shrugged staring up at the ceiling. A few hours ago, she was tossing and turning in her bed, checking for attachments from her mother were the last thing on her mind.
 “What is it about?” She asked softly.
 “It’s right up your alley, Bird. Anthony Carter needs a little help keeping his hands to himself and the police aren’t doing anything about it,” Ethan explained passing the MacBook over to her.
 Her eyes scanned a few of the pictures of Anthony, then read the file her mother had sent over. Apparently, Anthony had moved in with his girlfriend and got too comfortable around her thirteen-year-old daughter. His girlfriend had gone to the police, they turned her away citing they didn’t have enough evidence. She had kicked him out of her house but that didn’t stop him from approaching the young girl at school or harassing the mother and daughter on the street.
 “How long do I have?” She asked still staring at the screen.
 “About 42 more hours. So I’d get to singin’ if I were you, Bird.”
 Cutting her eyes at her father, she cracked a smile at him and got up from her seat moving her MacBook to the side. Ethan pulled her into a strong hug, kissing the top of her head. When he knew she was going off he held her tight, too tight if you asked her but she would never complain. Ethan wanted to hold her just in case something went wrong.
 “I’ve got Sunshine, on a cloudy day,” he sung lowly spinning her around in a circle. “When it’s cold outside I’ve got the month of May.”
 “Love you, Pop,” Sunshine sighed wrapping her arms around his waist.
 “I love you more, Sunny.”
   Brooklyn, NY
Wednesday, July 27, 2017
9:45 p.m.
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  To be such a disgusting individual one would think the pervert would lock his doors at night. Sunshine assumed after the police refused to press charges or even investigate, Anthony Carter was feeling invincible.
 Her heels clicked against the hardwood floor as she walked through his filthy one-bedroom apartment. The television blared from the living room drawing Sunshine in that direction. There wasn’t any time to tip toe around him or any sweet talking. Sunshine snuck up behind the small sofa he sat on, chuckling quietly about his stupidity.
 How did he not hear her heels?
 “You know you should really lock your doors, Anthony. Anyone could just walk right in and do whatever they want to you.”
  Anthony jumped from the sofa clutching his bare chest, huffing and puffing. The look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know. He was scared shitless, he knew someone would be coming to him.
 She smiled softly, walking around the sofa closer to him. “Don’t get up on my behalf. You may want to sit down we’ve got a few things to discuss.”
 “Things like what,” he asked backing away.
 “Things like your girlfriend’s daughter.” The small on her lips dropped seeing that Anthony was still moving. She pulled her Glock 43 from her waist, glad that she had taken the time to put the suppressor on. Taking aim at his head, she planted her feet firmly with her finger on the trigger. He raised his hands in surrender making sure not to make any sudden moves.  “Stop fucking moving. I won’t say it again.”
 “What do you want from me? Is this about Kayla’s daughter? I didn’t do anything to her, she’s lying!”
 “You’re not a very good liar, Anthony. You think I’d be here form just words? I’m shocked you think that little of me. I’m a Parker, baby, we know how to do our jobs.”
 “Okay, okay. I’ll do whatever you want,” he conceded, “Please don’t kill me. I’m sorry.”
 She scoffed tucking her Glock away then motioning for him to sit. “Sorry is probably my least favorite word. If you were truly sorry you would not have done what you did to that little girl. You’re only sorry because you know what I’m here for.”
 “Miss Parker, please. Don’t do th—,” his begging was cut off by her finger against his lips.
 “Shh. Don’t beg me. Regardless of what you say, it is still going to happen. Do you wanna know why?” She asked hovering over him. He trembled with fear, afraid to answer. “Cause dimming your light will leave all the others to shine as bright as they can.”
 Anthony begun to sob, praying silently to himself. He hadn’t been the best man but he was sure God would hear him asking for forgiveness.
 “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,” Sunny sung softly circling the sofa. Anthony trembled as she stood behind him, she pulled the wire she had brought with her out and wrapped it tightly around each hand.
 “Please, don’t,” he begged through his sobs.
 Bringing the wire around his neck, she pulled tightly continuing with her song. “You make me happy, when skies are gray.” Gurgling could be heard through the struggle as he flailed his arms around like a dying fish. No matter how he tried to get the wire away, Sunny didn’t let up. His movement caused such friction that the wire begun to cut into his neck sending a burning pain through his body. “You’ll never know just how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.”
 By the time she finished her bar, he lied motionless on the sofa with blood slowly trickling from his mouth. She squeezed tighter allowing the wire to cut deeper until blood was spilling through. Sunny wanted to be sure he was dead, this was the way to do it. She never left a job undone and she wasn’t about to start now.
 Sunny made the call to have the apartment cleaned as she left the apartment building. Stepping into the crowd she walked a few blocks to her car, surveying the area around her before getting in and sped off towards her cousin’s club.
   11:30 p.m.
 Plush was fuller than she thought it would be on a Wednesday, Sunshine went in regardless. Her cousin’s club is where she came after every job. It was a familiar place that relaxed her. Bodies bumped against one another, the drinkers at the bar knocking shots back while the fakers nursed or baby sat their drinks on the first level. With authority she moved through the crowd to get to the steps that led to the second level.
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  Sunshine spotted her cousin in the section she was always in, her boyfriend sitting right beside her. Joy smiled warmly waving her over.
 “Hey Sunny. Long night,” she asked as they hugged.
 The music wasn’t as loud on the second floor which is why Sunshine preferred it over the first floor. She didn’t have to yell over the music to have a conversation.
 “It was a quick one. I was running out of time, I got behind.”
 “Bitch, when are you ever on time with your jobs,” Joy joked pushing her shoulder.
 “Whatever,” she sassed, “What’s up, Solomon.”
 He raised his hand to wave. Solomon didn’t do too much talking. He was all about showing and not telling. It was surprising that him and Joy were together, she talks too much and he barely does. But his quiet ways is what prompted Ethan and Joy’s father had brought him in to work for them.
 Joy and Sunshine chatted for a while after Solomon went to handle business. Solomon moved things for The Parkers through the club, Joy knew it and didn’t care. She knew her family wouldn’t cause any harm to come down on her. And she trusted Solomon.
 “Look out, Sunny. There’s a man coming your way.” Joy stared straight ahead, sipping her drink. Before Sunshine could ask who, she felt a presence beside her on the plush lounging sofa.
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  “I hope you I’m not intruding.” He held his hand out for her to shake which she took. “Roman. And you are?”
 “Sunshine. What can I do for you, Roman?”
 “Straight to the point, huh?” He laughed rubbing his hands together.
 Ignoring Joy poking her in her side, Sunshine took in his features. The lighting was dim but they were bright enough for to see that Roman was gorgeous. His eyes, his beard and the jawline were catching her attention. But his ears were drawing her in the most.
 “I know what you want, Roman. But closed mouths don’t get fed.”
  With a chuckle, Roman stood from the sofa with his hand out. “Let’s move this to my place then.”
 Sunshine winked at Joy then took his hand. “Did you drive?”
 “No, my driver is outside. Did you?”
 “I did. I’ll follow you lead, Roman.”
  They stumbled into his apartment from the elevator. His being the only on the top floor of the building they didn’t have to worry about prying eyes. Killing always put Sunshine in the mood, it turned her on as sick as it sounded. Roman led her through the expansive apartment to his bedroom, closing the door behind them.
 His lips were soft as pillows pressed against hers. She felt his lips slowly part then his tongue barely touch her lips. Almost involuntarily, Sunny’s lips parted and they tasted each other for the third time that night. It was the sexiest kiss Sunshine had experienced in years. Slow and soft but full of heat and desire. Roman’s arms circled her waist and he pulled her closer as the kiss deepened. She could feel his desire press against her through his Levi's. Slowly, Roman turned her so that her legs were against the back of the bed. Like out of a movie, the pair fell to the bed, still locked in the kiss and embrace. Feverishly their tongues explored each other and heat built in their bodies. The room could have been on fire and neither of them would know it.
  They broke the kiss to catch their breath. Those piercing chocolate brown eyes looked at Sunshine with lust and desire. Roman’s hand caressed her side as her leg parted his. He was hard against her body. Their mouths found each again, their hands wandered over the other. Tentatively, Sunshine worked her hand down his stomach, and pulled his shirt free from between them. Unsure of what he liked, Sunshine slowly stroked his smooth skin right above his waistband. The sharp intake of breath as he sighed encouraged her. Their tongues continued their dance as she loosened the button on his pants to explore a little further. He broke the kiss and to ask if she was okay.
  "Okay is such a mild word, Roman," Sunshine whispered pulling his hair free of its confinement. She could think of several other words that fit better, enraptured, horny even, but no, she was not okay. She chuckled softly, "Yes, I’m okay. Are you?"
  "Honestly, I’m not,” he told her honestly. "You are so beautiful and I can't think of one single thing I did right to deserve lying here with you." With that, Roman’s mouth found her neck right below her ear.
  She moaned softly in his ear wondering how he knew that spot was so sensitive.
  Sunshine suddenly felt the need to move things a little faster and lowered his zipper. To her surprise, Sunshine discovered this man did not wear anything under his jeans. Her fingers touched his hardening dick and it jumped, aching to spring free. His hand was under her shirt rubbing her nipple until it was as hard as he was.
 With one word, Sunshine knew what he was asking. She sat them up a bit then pulled off his shirt and kissed a path down his neck and across his chest. He made her pause long enough to remove her top and hurriedly unhooked her black lace bra.
   Roman groaned as her breasts bounced free. "You are so beautiful."
  His fingers found her now hard nipples and gave a gentle tug. Spasms shot straight to Sunshine’s pussy and she was soaked. She kissed his chest again as she worked his jeans down his hips, his dick feeling the sweet freedom it desperately craved. His dick was hard, about seven inches long and Sunshine knew its girth would not easily fit in her mouth. She was going to have to work. Her kisses trailed to his stomach as she continued caressing his length.
   "Are you sure?" She asked as her lips came close to kissing the swollen head.
   "Very sure, Sunshine,” he said seductively. His large hand cradled the back of her head.
   Her tongue darted out to taste him for the first time. His scent filled her nostrils as she ran her tongue along the length of the first dick she had tasted in a long time. He shivered when he felt her wrap her lips around him, slowly taking him deeper into her mouth. The pace was slow at first as she tried to learn what made his body quiver. Soon though, his hard dick was hitting the back of her throat in a rhythm he seemed to really enjoy from the groaning and how hard he was pulling hair her. With one hand, she stroked his length as her lips did the same. With the other hand, her fingernails lightly scraped across his thighs. Sunshine was so enthralled with pleasing him; she lost all track of the world. Was he still breathing? She thought to herself.
   His hand stroked her hair, pushing her a little further wanting her to take more of his dick into her mouth. His groans grew louder further encouraging her. She sucked his length harder and faster. His hands knotted in her hair. His thighs tense under her hands. She knew he would cum soon. Sunshine took Roman’s free hand in hers and squeezed. He seemed to sense what she wanted to know.
  "Fuck, Sunny. I’m gonna cum. Swallow me baby."
  She braced herself for the torrent of hot cum filling her mouth, gliding down her throat. His groans grew louder still and his hand squeezed mine tighter. "Here it comes, baby. You ready," he asked panting.
  Sunny’s mouth was quickly filled with the salty, sticky liquid. He seemed to go on longer than she thought possible. His grip on her hand stayed tight as he pumped her mouth to take him deeper. She swallowed his cum as quickly as she didn't want to spill a drop. His breathing slowed bit by bit as she licked him clean.
   He wiped his hands over his face finally letting Sunshine’s hand go. "You have an amazing mouth, Sunny."
  She smiled as she made her way back up the bed, trailing kisses across his stomach and chest. His breathing was still slightly labored as he tried to regain his composure. His arms wrapped around her waist as her lips fluttered across his neck. He pulled Sunny closer and his lips found hers again. She was slightly surprised as other men she had been with wouldn't kiss her after they came in her mouth. The salty taste on her tongue mixed with the spicy scent that filled their noses.
    His fingers found her nipples again and instantly they hardened. He lowered his mouth to lick them slowly. She willed him to suck them and soon he did; first one then the other. Electricity coursed from there straight to her swollen clit. He blew a cool stream of air across the wet nipple.
  “Fuck,’ she moaned breathlessly.
   Sunshine lost all track of time as Roman continued lavishing her breast with attention. She could feel her blood start to boil and knew she could cum very soon if he kept it up. Her hand found his silky black hair and it was her turn to tangle her fingers and urge him on.
  "Ro, shit, suck my nipple harder and I swear I’ll cum for you."
  Sunshine had never been one to talk dirty during sex, but she couldn't contain myself. The waves started to wash over her as she cried out. It was swirls of color, the smell of hot flesh, moaning and writhing as she came harder than ever from just his mouth on her breasts. Roman didn’t want her orgasm to end, before she could relax he had her shorts open and found her clit. Fireworks exploded before her eyes as the orgasm grew to a frenzy again. At the height of her spasms, Roman plunged a finger into her pussy and finger fucked me. The sounds of Sunshine panting filled the room as her climax kept going.
   He sat up for a brief moment to pull the rest of her clothes from her sweaty body. Before Sunshine could make any attempt to help him, she was lying naked under his hard body. His mouth found hers again, kissing her slowly. His dick was hard again, teasing her pussy as she lie with her legs spread wide for him. Her pussy was slick from the orgasm, he knew he would have no trouble filling her with his hardness.
   His dick found its target and he plunged into her. Her pussy strained as he filled her like no one before. Their bodies fit together perfectly finding the natural rhythm easily. They rolled together until Sunny was straddling him. This position allowed his hands to be free and he fondled her  breasts and pinched her nipples gently. Her hands were on his thighs as she steadied herself and rode him.
  “You’re so big, Roman. Shit,” she gasped as she lifted herself up until just the head of his dick filled her. Slowly, she lowered her hips down until she was filled once again. Sunshine kept this pace up, watching how agonizing her teasing was to him.
   His hands fell to her hips holding her up slightly. Then he took over, raising his ass from the bed pumping into her as deeply as he could. His balls slapped her ass every time he rose. The muscles in his face tightened—he was about to fill her up again.
   "Yes, baby. Cum for me again." Sunny moaned loudly. Her climax was building again and knew she would cum right along with him. Roman’s eyes locked with hers. She could see his jaw tighten as he growled, holding her still as his cum shot up into her eager pussy. His finger found Sunny’s clit and she climaxed, their juices mixing deep inside of her. They were both gasping for air as she collapsed on top of him. His heart was pounding in his chest and Sunshine worried for a brief second that he might have a heart attack. It took several minutes for their breathing to slow towards normal. Sunny rolled to her side and Roman put an arm around her shoulder.
  The smell of hot, sweaty sex filled the air. Their heavy, labored breathing was the only sound. Sunny rolled over and glanced at the bedside clock. 2:30. They had been at it for two and a half hours. Roman had fallen asleep by the time she turned back over to him making Sunny giggle quietly to herself. Rationality took over and she slowly rose and tried to find my clothes while Roman slept peacefully with one leg dangling from the bed and the sheets barely covering him.
  "Sweet dreams" Sunny whispered as she kissed him one last time. She hummed quietly as she walked through his apartment. Sunny stepped through the front door, closing it softly.
  Once Sunny sat down in her car, she paused for a moment. She couldn't believe what just happened. She stuck the key in the ignition and turned the key over. Sunny drove home in almost a daze, made her way to her bed and fell in to a dreamless and very contented sleep.
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As a 21 year old often does, I live with a good friend of mine in our ( first 😄🎉) apartment. Box dinners are definitely a thing and we've accepted that's how life goes- for now, until we become rich and famous. (Slowly) I have to say, I never thought I'd smell Red Barron's French style pizza again, but believe me, that's a smell I could never forget. I was fed those often as a kid, and I could never really get away from the vision of my mom holding a, very large, knife to her throat after serving me one while screaming at me, (whilst I was very comfortable on my dad's recliner, watching "Hey Arnold", which side, side note- I often follow this up with a "how rude to interrupt my show!", but people don't take humor very well under these topics- but whatever), "DO YOU WANT YOUR PIZZA CUT?" I was around 6 years old- I am a little girl that wasn't allowed to go outside often, or have visitors, or.. visit. My dad didn't want me to go to church, and I couldn't eat sugar. They allowed me to eat one candy bar on Halloween, and we threw the rest away: THINK OF THE CHOCOLATE, YOU MONSTERS 😢 So 2001 rolls around and they buy me the ps2 the second it drops- That and Girls Gone Wild commercials are my favorite things at this time. I was born in (Place A), of (State A) and then moved to (Place Bumfuck), of (State of Bumfucks) to this lady that looked like the world danced around her (it really just shit on her) and a dude who was so old I think I saw Jesus in his highschool yearbook. Btw, His brother looks like the green river killer, and was born around the same time, living only two states away from each other. They're both creeps- my uncle would physically and verbally hit on my mom, even infront of his own wife- uh, fucked dude. NEXT! A little more about my family: My dad's parents were both born in the 1800s. Late af 1800s, but still. I don't really know much about them, just that my grandma had some possibly genetic heart problem that caused her heart to "explode" (their words) whilst they were doing open heart surgery. His dad had a heart attack, My dad had 4 different heart surgeries. (Exciting, huh?) Other than that, I have his service flag- but no records of his service. He was a strange guy from my observations, but my mom said he was ladies man. He went from broke af and living in a basement to being a college professor and at some point played for a pro baseball team. My mom is from a liter of 22+ children, We shall call my mom's parents Mr. And Mrs. G, very similar to the characters from a really awesome tv show- Shameless.. I hope that's not infringing or anything, it's just very relatable in some cases, Mr. G was a construction worker that moved his family randomly from state to state, he enjoyed drinking heavily, and probably left a slew of children with different women along the way, Mrs. G, well I'm not quite sure what she did, but my mom and her sibilings figured out her mom had a kid on average every 11 months. I never met her, she passed away almost 20 years before I came along, but they tell me she lit up the room. She also enjoyed drinking heavily- infact, she could take down any dude at the bar I've heard lol. My mom and her siblings were mostly on their own, their parents were often passed out or fighting. The cops were over more often than not and Mr. G was very abusive to his wife and the 9 ish kids they kept. There was only one kid he wouldn't hit, the youngest son. His other son was gay and he hated it, and another was in the military. Unfortunately, his squad was blown up infront of him during combat and ultimately he took his own life after dealing with ptsd and violent flashbacks that lead to my mom getting a severe skull fracture when she was younger. My mom had stories of her siblings slicing her with knives, countless stories of breaking her head open, and even more on her drunken father almost killing them. .. and tons of other life experiences I just can't comprehend. When my mom was 14, she had two best friends who were twins. Before a fun holiday, they were planning a class party so my mom was going to head over to their house that day. On the way home, my mom changed her mind and went home instead. By the time she got home, there was a story on the news of two twin girls aged 14 walking into their house after getting off the bus from school and immediately getting shot and killed by their father- who just shot their mom, and then turned gun on himself. My mom had a brother who thought his girlfriend was cheating on him, so when she was in the garage, he beat her with a hammer and killed himself. My mom had a friend who got shot by stray bullets fired at a ceremony they were attending. My mom was the smartest one of the bunch, I think. One sister ate dirt pies all day, and stole my mom's identity when I was young, and then stood on the opposite side of the street as our house and just stared. Unfortunately, the drugs caught up with her, a vein (or something) in her neck burst, even though they controlled it, she still didn't make it. Unfortunately though, she still had a really big heart and I think that got her in trouble. My mom dated a guy when she was 18 who ended up raping her and she had my sister because of it. She and my sister were best friends and my grandma loved to take care of her while my mom was on college (she was the first and only to graduate). My grandma passed away shortly after, leaving my mom to raise her two youngest siblings and my sister, while trying to go to med school- already dirt poor. She quickly gave up on becoming a doctor which she had always dreamed of. She's never said she regrets any of it, she definitely doesn't regret raising her siblings and my sister - but I think she wonders what it would be like. Which honestly saddens me to think my mom didn't live up to her own dreams. I often try to get her to go back to school because she is a gifted, beautiful soul that could do alot, but I think over time all the people that didn't believe in her or controlled or abused her rotted her brain in a sense. That's why life scares me sometimes. My dad didn't allow my mom to talk to her family often, or really do anything of her own. When I was born she stayed at home, she cleaned the house, literally all ducking day I have no idea how she did it, but she'd have on her makeup and her heels and her pencil skirts, and she's just be vacuuming the life out of every nook and cranny she could find. She cooked for us, and it was awesome. She smoked exactly 3 cigarettes a day, and I looked forward to them. Morning, lunch, and night. I think I'll always enjoy the smell of a cigarette in the crisp State A air. (Or really any air, for that matter) She went to the casino sometimes and also came home really drunk. She would force me to dance on her toes with her to "Genie in a Bottle" by Christina Aquilara, but she'd always try to sing it and her breath was terrible. One night, I disinctly remember her blowing up my air balloons with me, and she kept popping them in my face. It scared me and now they always scare me. My parents got in a argument one time at the top of the stairs, my dad pushed her down and then sat on top of her. She was screaming at me to call 911 but I didn't have the phone. My grandpa got cancer when I was in the 2nd grade, my mom wanted to take me out to see him (i had only met him a once at a casino) but my dad refused and while my mom was out of state visiting him my dad went to the hospital and his brother dropped my off at these strangers house with a trash bag of clothes while he stayed at my house and slept in my bed lol. They fed me too many aprocots and I got sick AF dude, in a Walmart bathroom. I'm telling you, I hate hundreds of these things while we played neopets. Turns out later they got arrested for cooking meth. My dad kicked my mom out for two weeks, she slept in a little old sad Nova with no windows (bc students threw rocks at his car to break them out) Or air conditioning (reminder she also doesn't have a job or money). She took me to a fair with money my dad gave, and there they got in an argument- basically from the fair my mom and I got a ride to the airport, where we flew to the State of Bumfucks, Or SOB for short, without any clothes or any money.. and here I am. I am 7 now, I'm sleeping in an airport, and I had to leave my dog behind. But whatever man. The air is different and by now I've gained atleast 100 pounds. I get laughed at and made fun of every day at my new school, the food tastes like shit so I don't eat until I get home, my mom doesn't have a job so we don't have much food at home, I have headaches everyday, and it kinda is just whatever because in the apartment complex I have tons of friends and we have all the fun in the world together. We have no parental supervision, so we fuck some shit up: our favorite game is GTA bc we love to pick up hookers, have sex with them, and then kill them after so we can get out money back. Also the flying car cheat code. I hung out with the bros and we saw dead stuff and explored. We raced cars and blew up frogs with firecrackers. I had a crush on this boy who always told me I was fat and ugly and constantly picked on me. Years later, he actually retracted that statement and said I was probably the coolest person he knew- and I was hot af. I didn't want to date him after 3rd grade, but that was cool to hear. Dr. Pepper came into my life around this time, and I am thankful, but I gained hella weight, and my mom smoked upwards to 7 packs a day. LITERALLY. Several times the teacher took my back pack and put it outside because it smelled so bad, kids were getting sick from it. OOH yes Ms. teacher, thanks for telling me infront of the whole class. At some point I'll stop telling pointless stories, I just want you to get a sniff of what I'm stepping in, ya dig? I remmeber eating Hot Pockets for Thanksgiving because my dad wouldn't send money to my mom for child support because he didn't want her to spend it. I tried to start a successful car wash with my friends to get some money... We made 5 bucks- but didn't wash a single car. I remember being so mad at my dad once I called him 9 times and told him he was being a douche. I worry that played apart of his decisions later on. After almodt two years, we went back to get some stuff from our old house. We had to sell most of our belongings, I don't have any toys, vcrs, any tapes, just a few of the items we could pick up and take back- and My dog, and our two cats: Rosie, Yang, and Sally (who on the way to SOB, decided to live with another family across the street from my uncle: Cute/weird side story, my uncles partner had died a year before, and visited my uncle in a dream saying, "I'm sorry I left you, but I can't be without you. You will join me soon and we will be together again." A week later he was diagnosed with throat cancer. He was a professional pool player, a pro bowler, the best cook in the world, knew every answer to Jeopardy, had a boa in his house, and helped me build my first and only snowman and showed me how to make snow ice cream. He bottled jack Daniels in coke bottles and glued them back up so he could carry it in with him when he got chemo at the hospital. The cancer was actually treated, but he still passed away in his sleep, I know they're happy together again.) My grandpa died around Christmas, my parents got an offical divorce, and a few days after that- which happened to be a few days before my mom's birthday, there was a message on our answering machine. It was my sister, who we moved here to love close to, but still hadn't seen yet. She called to say, "Its over, it's done. He died last night." My dad had told them he didn't want to suffer anymore, so they "put him to sleep" I heard. That night, was a weird night. I was laying down, with my mom and my dog and we felt tear drops land on us, but neither of us was crying. He had alot of money and still to this day do I find random bits he stashed away for me, as if he knew people would be grabbing at it in every direction. After, we got kicked out of the apartment for having a dog. We found our own cheap little place, and made it our own. At some point, my mom, who was once a drug and alcohol abuse counselor, turned to heavy drinking herself. So at this point I should probably introduce what I'll be talking about, And that is: I'm 21 years old, and I feel like I'm floating through every day, like everything is foggy and dim- I spent my 21 birthday at both jobs and never really celebrated it- even though in a huge milestone type of person. I'm trying to figure out when I became so depressed and alien in my own skin, and what I can do to revise that because I feel like it's taken over parts of my personality and my caged butterfly self is ready to fly.~ And I'm going to start by hashing up what my loved ones have lived through and in turn what I've lived through.. There's a lot of different reasons as to why, mostly, I've just wanted to be heard- just for once. This is my way of standing up to hiding myself because of being put down and ridiculed so often for, honestly, everything I can remember. But I don't want to make this sappy and sad all the time, Feel free to laugh with me as I tell my story, and I hope you share yours as we continue to grow into our butterflies. Honestly it might be awkward and rough, but that's my first for now. :)
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Another Moment - Part 2
A/N: since you all enjoyed part 1 so much ( thank you for all the feedback<3) i worked on part 2 today :) as usual, feedback is appreciated :) enjoy! 
in case you haven´t read part 1 yet, click HERE! 
“How are you guys holding up?”, Emily asked. 
“Well, they gave Sienna some meds to calm her down. She´s sleeping now. I can take her home with me as soon as she wakes up and is cleared to go.”, Luke said to his boss. 
After receiving the news of her mothers passing, Sienna had a heavy panic attack and nobody was able to caml her down. This was when the doctor decided to give her a sedative. It hurt Luke to see his daughter this devasted and all he wanted to do was holding her and telling her that everything would be alright soon, eventually. 
“And what about you?”, Emily asked again, worry lacing in her voice. In all his worry for his daughter, he hadn´t have time to cope with the message for his own sake. 
“Well, I´m okay, I think. It still feels unreal and it will take some time to actually realize it, but my number 1 priority is my daughter right now.” 
“I know, Luke. Take as much time as you need to geteverything settled. If you need help we´re all only one phone calle away.”
“Thank you, Emily. This means a lot.” 
“We´re family, Luke. No one gets left behind. I have to go now. Keep us updated, okay?” 
“I will, thank you and tell the others I said hi.”
“I will.”, and with this, they ended the phone call. LUke put his cell away and reentered the room where Sienna was sleeping in the huge hospital bed. She looked so fragile and small laying there. Slowly, he walked towards the bed and sat back down in the chair beside the bed. 
“So, what will you do now?”, Matt asked to avoid the silence which was building up. 
“Well, I´ll try and get full custody since I´m the last blood relative person she has left and I´m her Dad, so it shouldn´t be that hard.” Matt nodded and leaned back in his chair. 
“Hey, whenever you need help or if you just wanna talk, I´m there. It can be tough raising a child on your own, Luke, but I´m sure you´ll do great.” 
“Thanks, I´m not gonna lie. I´m nervous that I´ll mess things up, but I am also scared. Our job is dangerous and I don´t wanna cause her any more pain than she already experienced.”
“Don´t worry, we´ll take care of you.”, Simmons smiled, reassuring his friend, which Luke returned. 
“Well, I can´t make that decision without her. If she doesn´t want to move to Quantico with me because of the friends and school her in McLean, we have to find a different solution.”, the Ex-Ranger sighed. 
“Just take your time to decide. Everything will fall in place by itself.”, Matt responded.
Luke was about to go on talking when he noticed that Sienna was slowly starting to wake up. The teenager groaned as she carefully opened her eyes, the bright lights blinding her.
“Hey, how are you feeling?”, the agent asked as he took his daughter´s hand and gave it a getle squeeze. Sienna only shrugged with her shoulders and kept staring outside the hospital window. Luke sighed. This would be a long way to go. 
“Hey, listen. We have to talk about where you´ll be staying after you get discharged from the hospital. There are different options and personally, I would suggest that...”, he started to explain as Sienna interrupted him.
“Please, don´t put me into foster care. I don´t want to, please.”, the girl begged, tears glazing her eyes as she kept looking at her father. Matt´s and Luke´s hearts broke right there and then. 
“No, Baby Girl, no, I did not plan to. I actually was about to ask you if you would want to come to Quantico with me. You could live at my place and...”
“Yes, please. I just don´t wanna be alone, Dad.”, the girl said as she started to cry. 
Luke immediatley engulfed the girl in a hugh and tried to comfort her as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear. After a while, when Sienna had calmed down, they broke apart and the girl leaned back into her pillow. 
“It´s all my fault.”, she then whispered. 
“What?!”, Simmons and Alvez asked at the same time. 
“That accident...it´s my fault.”
“How could you possibly think that, Sienna?”, Matt said. 
“Mom was angry with me. We were at a school meeting before and my teachers were telling her that my grades were dropping and that it would be difficult for me to get into the next grade with these grades. When we got back into the car, we started fighting. She blamed my friends for my bad grades. She said that they would be a bad influence. That´s when I snapped. I was yelling at her that if she would have paid more attention to me than to this Scott guy, the she would have noticed that I was looking for help because I was struggling.”
“Wait, who is Scott?”, Luke wanted to know since he never heard that name before.
“Scott was Mom´s new lover. They met here and there, but never were a thing. He was disgusting and just not right for her. Anyway, we kept fighting and at some point I said that I hated her. And sometime after that, when she wasn´t focusing on the street...we got off the road and crashed into that tree. We crashed because she was mad at me. It´s all my fault and the last thing she heard of me before she died was that i hated her.”, Sienna finished explaining and started to heavyly sob. Luke, who also shed some tears at his daughters words, sat down on the bed beside her and held her tight. It broke his heart to see her like this. How could she blame herself?!
“Shhhh...Princess. It was not your fault. It was no onés fault.”, he tried to console her.
“I-I just miss her so much. Why does it hurt so bad?”
Luke held her even tighter, too scared to let her go. 
“I promise you, everything will be alright. We´ll figure this out.” Sienna sniffled.
“C-Can we go home now, please? I-I don´t wanna be here any longer.”
“I´ll go get the doctor.”, Matt said and got up to leave as Luke gave him a thankful look. 
About 10 minutes later, Matt returned with Sienna´s doctor and a nurse and they freed her from all the needles and machines. 
“Okay, you´re free to go. I just need you to sign the release papers and you´re officially free. I´ll be right back.”, the doctor said and left the room. 
“I´ll go and call Emily to let her know that we´re coming back while I go get the car.”, Simmons told them and also left. 
Just when the agent left, the doctor came back and Luke signed the papers. 
“You´re ready?”, he asked Sienna as the doctor left and he helped her get down from the bed at which she nodded. 
“Okay, let´s go then.”, Luke said and was about to start walking when he felt his daughter hesitating. He looked down at her and noticed the tears in her eyes. 
“Hey now, what´s wrong?” Sienna sniffled before she spoke: 
“Can you please promise me something, Dad?”
“Don´t ever leave me.” 
Another Moment - Tag List: 
@illegalcerebral @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars @anton-shudders @sayernita @ultrarebelheart @imagicana @rubenlosthischeeks @jessiedangerous
CM Tag List: 
@ultrarebelheart @obsessed5sosfreak @illegalcerebral @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @imagicana @marvelfanlife @milkandcookies528 @liz-a-22 @sunreid 
Luke Tag List: 
@littledizzyhurricane @shiningmish @imagicana @paralelopipedd @sayernita @thehappytalecollector
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