#hi hello yes you literally are such a sweetie and i'd die for you
braindeadskeletons · 4 years
(i guess you can tell why i asked about ways you want matchups now haha, ignore if you want i don't wanna be a bother) i'm a non-bianary pansexual. i'm super into psychology and how emotions work, i love reading and singing, and i tend to wear flower crowns a lot. i'm not a big fan of being forced to do things, and i really dislike people yelling at me. i've got pretty bad adhd and i dissociate regularly, and i do the "what did you say?" "oh did you wa-" "yeah pizza sounds great" thing (1/2)
(2/2, sorry it's so long haha) i make lots of bracelets and i have a big tabby cat that i love to pieces, and i tend to get really protective of my friends when people threaten them. normally i'm ditzy and stupid-ish. i also take care of plants (that i've given names to) and i practice witchcraft. (again if you don't wanna answer this you can just delete it i don't wanna make you feel like you need to do it)
Hello again! Aww, there’s no need to apologize so much you’re definitely not a bother! I love doing matchups and I’m more than happy to do one for you. They're my favorite part of having this blog, actually. Yeah shitposting and calling it content is fun as well but with matchups, I get to give people who ask for them something personal, which is always fun! I love giving people things that make them happy. I could only hope that I did well enough with the matchups :) When I read through all of your information at first I was thinking that maybe you’d go well with one of the Papyri (is that the plural of Papyrus? Is that an actual term?? Whatever, it is now lmao)  but then I immediately thought ‘wow okay maybe let’s not. all of them literally yell 24/7 and yeah they all mean well but it’s overwhelming.’ So then I went down a list of all the calmer skeletons and in the end, you did actually end up getting matched with a Papyrus.
I match you with Underswap Papyrus!
Well, as much of a Papyrus that the Underswap version could be, am I right? In this relationship, you will physically never have to worry about anything in your life. Seriously, I mean that. Papyrus is going to be there as your rock, the same courtesy he gives to his brother he’s fully prepared to extend to you. You may have the habit of getting protective when people threaten who you love, but Papyrus is that instinct tenfold. It’s going to be the number one priority next to his brother to make sure that you are always safe and happy. He’s endlessly patient and caring about your needs. Your habit of “what did you say?” “hm?” “Yeah sounds good!” will never phase him, he will only sit and say it again and never be annoyed or get tired of repeating the question. He’s used to it if he’s being honest. Sans does the same on a daily basis, so with his experience so far he has a pretty good idea of what to do and how to help (if you’d like him too). The same goes for your dissociation issues. Both of the brothers have experience in this department (both for completely different reasons) and he’s prepared to help out whenever it happens (once again, only if you’d like) or to just wait patiently until you snap out of it and you two can continue whatever you were both doing beforehand. It’s no trouble at all.
Papyrus is a really relaxed kind of guy. So naturally, the kind of dates you guys go on are going to be the same. He doesn’t really see the point of going anywhere, you know? He isn’t completely against it but it's also not something he specifically requires if that makes sense. If he ever does decide to take you out, it’ll be to places like parks or maybe even a greenhouse since that sounds right up your alley, or maybe it’s just him watching you go ham with buying plants. He’ll be half horrified at the amount of money you’re spending half (overly) supportive. If you were wondering, yes he finds it adorable that you’ve named the plants. You will watch him several times chatting it up with the plants. 
You, exiting the bathroom: Hey pap did you pick a movie out yet or-
Papyrus, holding a small plant: no way she did that
You: wh-
Papyrus: oh my toriel
Papyrus: expose that bitch Susan
You: what the hell is happening right now
Papyrus: shhh
Papyrus: we’re having a conversation
You: ???
Papyrus: rude
Otherwise, the date is guaranteed to be an indoor kinda thing. It can go from a cuddle session to you reading out loud to him, a karaoke session with him using an overly exaggerated awful voice, Papyrus throwing puns at you all night, you name it and he’ll have it done. 
He also 100% is best friends with your cat. They’re soulmates. Attached at the hip. With one comes the other. If you ever have Papyrus curled up on the couch your cat is definitely on his chest resting as well. He’s always been more of a cat person seeing as he feels spiritually connected with their sleeping habits.
Slightly off-topic but there was this one time where he was at your place and caught you practicing your craft. 
Papyrus, walking in: hey honey have you se-
You, about to light up a candle:
You: oh y’know
You: don’t mind me
You: my place just needed some protection
Papyrus: [walks back out]
 Does Papyrus understand a lot about witchcraft? No, not really but he’s supportive regardless. He just wants to see you laughing and being happy. Usually, when it comes to spending time together he’ll leave the choice up to you by default, but he’ll be pleasantly surprised if you switch it up and ask him instead occasionally. 
If you’re interested in psychology and how emotions work you’ve come to the right skeleton. Which is pretty ironic seeing as he can be emotionally constipated the majority of the time. But scientifically speaking he knows plenty, he’s just bad at actually feeling and expressing them. It would be very interesting to him to hear everything you have to say on the topic since honestly, he could use any and all information he could get in this department. 
If Papyrus had to pick only one thing about you that was his favorite, it’d be your tendencies to make bracelets and flower crowns. He normally wouldn’t wear stuff like that himself but if his cute date mate made them for him? They’re never going to come off of him. He’s sleeping? They’re on. He’s working? They’re on. At Muffet’s? They’re on. He’s gotten teased about it plenty but he really couldn’t bring himself to care because they’re just not going to come off. It’s kinda gross really. If he ever gets dirt on them he still wouldn’t take it off. It’s proven to be a problem.
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melchron · 2 years
Nightmare Time 2 Episode 3 Thoughts
I didn't get a chance to do this last time so I'm doing it now because I really do love these episodes
Can we talk about how good Jaime is at making music videos? This and Where I Wanna Be are amazing
Ok but where did Jaime get those Care Bear plushies? They look like they're from the iteration I grew up with and I want them
Jeff sounds SO good
If I remember correctly, Jaime said that Andrew noticed her nips in the bathtub scene and she had to edit them out. Thank god he caught that omg. And great editing on Jaime's part.
I love how passionate Frank is about Toyzone. He truly cares for this place.
Death to Bezos
This is so TRAGIC!!!! Not Buddy please no!
I wish Miss Retro's was real so bad it feels like the most vibey place ever. This is the type of place teens in 80s movies hang out. Mutuals I want to be teens in 80s movies with.
Jaime is so good as Sherman
Sugar Gliders seems like something I would have LOVED when I was little. Honestly I'd probably still enjoy it now.
Frank that is weird to say that right in front of Sherman
I want his dino bowtie so much
Don't shame me!
Oh hello Lurch Marco
Ok but can we talk about how next episode we see how quickly the CaliforMIA trio had to grow up because of their financial circumstance. Like Sherman isn't wrong in his statement but his thinking behind it is
Call him out Holloway
Frank I love you but that was a douche move. She has mouths to feed at home!
"I'm not going anywhere." Can anyone tell me what foreshadowing is?
Oh uh uh I do not like this. Bad vibes. Bad vibes! Shelia stop that right now. Please don't treat Frank like your servant. Not the black man, you rich white woman.
Oh hi Becky :D
Why do I want all of Sherman's stuff? Gimme the dino jammies!
Do you think Sheila's ever gone "Pull the lever, Marco. WRONG LEVER!" Because I do
It's a nightmare TIME. Get it right Frank
BARRY SWIFT!?!?! This name works on multiple levels and I love it. It works as a pun and a Flash reference.
Stop I'm sad again
Two weeks and your done grieving?
I wish rich people would do more cool stuff with their money! They're so boring and stupid. Give me your money if you're not going to use it properly
Oh hello Feast Or Famine
#Barlen #Helry #OTPIAH
The acting skills Frank
This episode is making me miss Toys R Us. Or when I went on my monthly trips to Claire's for Shopkins
I do kinda feel bad for Sherman in all of this. It's not his fault he was raised to believe he deserved his privilege simply because he was born with it. Frank really could've made him better if Shelia allowed him to
Shelia is brutal. She really didn't need to kill Ted
Frank is so good. He meant it when he told Barry that they were both making it out. He really wanted to and tried his best. And him saying sorry to Lex-
So is Shelia part of the cult herself or does she just have access to it through Sherman's father
Frank: 👁👄👁
So like. does he have to get re-enrolled into school or?
Sherman. Babe. I know you're experience with being parented isn't the best but they don't usually do whatever you want them to
Yall Corey killed it. Never did I think I'd care about Frank this much
Wait I just remembered the end! Kale's introduction is tragic actually. He just wants to die
Hey! Dennys is for the theater kids! Not the punk rockers!
This flirting is so awkward. They both think they're so edgy. Calm down sweeties
Not the "Hiya, Duke. Thanks for coming." Dblwjhslfnjd so he's that type of dad
I love Duke. He's trying not to overwhelm Rose and trying to make her feel comfortable with him. He's showing he has similar interests and trying to make her laugh and showing her that he'll listen. He's good at his job!
Rose looks like she's trying so hard to hide her fear. She looks so uncomfortable but she has to keep up the punk front. Guys she doesn't care at all trust her
What's wrong with Barbie, Rosarie?
Yo Holloway kinda scary ngl
She read you like a book and ripped you to shreds dang
Rose is adorable
God I forgot how demonic the killer track actually sounded. OOUOUUWAAHAHAHAH Jeff understood the assignment jeez
Shh bby don't think. Eat your pie. Everything's ok
The mess up in blowing out the candle
Duke. My guy. We all have the same knowledge you do.
Why doesn't he just like. move?
This must've been the craziest night for Rose. She met a witch and is now (in her eyes) responsible for her death
KITTY! So much pet lore this season
Duke: :0
Aww she keeps telling him even though she knows he'll never remember :(
Dude that's so much smoke!
Wait why does she have honey for that?
Ted let me see you be kinder to your brother first and then we'll see about your own kids
Kale kinda cute ngl
Yes 👏👏 the character arc we needed. They're done being try-hard edgelords
Kale does not seem like he's strong enough to punch her that hard. Did the killer track give you super strength? I'm guessing since he also knocked out the audio guy
Skud looks like he has no idea what's going on (and tbf no one does). Thrash is stressed out of his mind. Needy Beast is funny
This music video is so great!!!!!
Noooo I don't want Kale to die :( I wanted him to get help!!
Rose: 👁👄👁
Holloway!!! Letting him have his moment of glory
This is SO. TRAGIC. Holloduke is tragic guys
Soooo what kind of potential do we have with Holloway Holiday working at Hannah's school?
I LOVE THIS VERSION OF THE THEME SO MUCH! I recorded the end of it back in November and I love listening to it every once in a while. The. Vibes. Also Irish Becky is back!
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