#hi im andrea and this is jackass
In This Hell Daryl Dixon X Reader Part 6/??
Hey guys! I am so sorry for not posting chapter six sooner, I've been working really hard on it for you all and I hope you like it! :) In this part I've tried to give some insight of the readers past. Warnings- General Walking Dead stuff, Blood, Gore, Swearing.
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After his confession, Daryl had run off, and decided to sleep in a different tent. Much to my disappointment. The night went by quick, so did the next sunrise. After pulling my boots on, I grabbed my jacket and headed out, running into Carol as I exited the tent. “Morning Carol.” I smiled. “Morning, How’d you sleep?” She responded. “Half decent.” I answered “So about the same as every other night.” She laughed I nodded my head, grabbing one of the baskets with Carol. We washed the groups clothes, putting them back into the baskets. “I wish we could give back to Hershel, and his family. They’ve helped us with so much.” “You’re right. Maybe we could make them a dinner?” “That sounds great.”
“I’ve been thinking about it.” We stopped by our makeshift clothesline, placing the baskets on the picnic bench.
Hanging out the clothes, someone else had joined us. “I can't believe I slept in.”
“You must have needed it. Feeling all right?” Carol asked.
“Next time wake me, all right?” Lori paused. “Especially on laundry day.” She finished, grabbing some clothing.
“We can manage.” I smiled “I had an idea I wanted to run by you.” Carol looked over to me.
“What's that?”
“That big kitchen of theirs got me thinking. I wouldn't mind cooking in a real kitchen again. Maybe we all pitch in and cook dinner for Hershel and his family tonight. Kind of looking for things to keep my mind occupied.”
“After everything they've done for us, seems like the least we could do.”
“You mind extending the invitation? Would just feel more right coming from you.”
“How so?”
“You're Rick's wife. It sort of makes you our unofficial first lady.” Carol smiled as I chuckled. I look aver as the rest of the group make their way over to the Cherokee. “Morning, guys. Let's get going. We've got a lot of ground to cover.” Rick called out. I looked over to Lori, who was staring at her husband. “Hey, are you okay?” I asked, rubbing her shoulder. “Huh? Yeah, im fine, sorry.” She shook her head. “You know where I am if you need anything.” I nodded. She nodded back in response with a small smile. “I’ll be back, im just going to see if they need any help.” I smiled. I walked over to the Cherokee as Shane opened his big mouth. “Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me. Anyone could have been holed up in that farmhouse.” He commented from the passenger seat. I glare at him, shaking my head at his negativity.
“Anybody includes her, right?” Andrea asked. I looked over to Daryl, who was avoiding eye contact.
“Whoever slept in that cupboard was no bigger than yay-high.” He stated to the group.
“It's a good lead.” Andrea nodded.
“Maybe we'll pick up her trail again.” Rick noted. I look back over to Daryl, who points over onto the map.
“No maybe about it. I'm gonna borrow a horse, head up to this ridge right here, take a bird's-eye view of the whole grid. If she's up there, I'll spot her.”
“Good idea. Maybe you'll see your Chupacabra up there too.” T-dog jested.
“Chupacabra?” Rick asked.
“You never heard this? Our first night in camp, Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of a time he went squirrel hunting and he saw a Chupacabra.” Dale finished. Smiling, I reminisced over that night.
Merle and Daryl were sitting on the left hand side of the fire, Morales and his wife on the right, Jacqui and T-dog next to Andrea and Amy. Glenn was sitting with Dale, Carl was sitting with the other kids, Louis, Eliza and Sophia as Shane, Lori and Carol chatted. Ed staring at his wife with a murderous glare in his eye, that we all had noticed. Then there was me, Sitting next to Shane, close enough so he knew where I was. I sat directly across from Daryl, making eye contact every now and then. We were all swapping stories about what we did before the end of the world, who we are.
When Merle noticed me watching Daryl. Thats when he stood up, getting everyones attention. “Come on little brother. You got this in the bag.” “Sit down Merle.” Daryl shook his head. “No, No, No, These people have told their stories, now let's tell them one of yours.” “Nah, they don’t wanna hear it.” He argued. “Come one Daryl, Let's let the people decide.” Merle made his way around the fire, stopping in front of where I was seated.
“How ‘bout you? You seem pretty interested there sweet cheeks.” “Leave her alone Merle.” Daryl softly growled. I looked up at Daryl and smiled softly. “I wouldn’t mind hearing it.” “See little brother? She wouldn’t mind hearing it.” Merle mocked me.
I rolled my eyes as Merle made his way back over to sit next to Daryl. “So what is this story about? You have my sisters attention, must be good.” Shane laughed. Daryl took a deep breath before starting.
“I- uh, I was out hunting, Merle was out doing whatever it was he was doing, our old man was at home passed out.” He began. “I was hunting squirrels, there wasn’t any big game around, it wasn’t the right time of the year. I had been out for a few hours, had about seven squirrels bagged. I was following one, that’s when I saw it.” “Saw what?” Carl asked, leaning on his knees, mirroring myself. “ I saw a chupacabra.” “A chupacabra?” Shane asked. The group all laughed as I watched Daryl, look down. “What did it look like?” I asked. Daryl looked up at me and I smiled. “You don’t believe this. Come on.” Shane scoffed. I ignored Shane, and kept eye contact with Daryl. “It was big, it was on all fours, looked like a cross between a bear and a coyote, Its eyes glowed red and it was hairless, looked as though it was scaly. It had spikes coming from it’s spine, it left as soon as it noticed I was there.” I looked over to see the kids all amazed at the story of the chupacabra. “After it ran off, I went home, told the old man, he didn’t believe me, I told Merle and he didn’t believe me.” “I think the only people buying into this story are the kids.” Andrea laughed.
“I Believe.” I smiled.
“See little brother. She Believes.” Merle laughed.
Daryl looked around the group as they laughed softly.
“I know what I saw, and I ain’t need none of y’all to believe me.” Daryl said, standing up and stalking to his tent.
“That’s it little brother! You only need me. You hear?” Merle called out, smiling as he watched Daryl leave. I look up to see Daryl, wearily watching me. My head snaps in the direction of Jimmy who was laughing at Daryl. “What are you braying at, jackass?” Daryl asked.
“You believe in a blood-sucking dog?” Jimmy sarcastically asked. “Do you believe in dead people walking around?” Daryl fought back. Jimmy looked down, before reaching for the gun.
“Hey hey. Ever fire one before?” Rick asked.
“Well, if I'm going out, I want one.” He stated.
“Yeah, and people in hell want slurpee’s.” Daryl responded, making his exit. I stifled laughter as Jimmy watched him walk away. “Why don't you come train tomorrow? If you're serious, I'm a certified instructor.” Shane called out to Jimmy.
“For now he can come with us.” Andrea smiled.
“He's yours to babysit then.” Shane nodded.
“What can I do?” I asked “You can stay here and out of the way.” Shane answered. “Excuse me? Shane-“ “Im sorry (Y/n), but I agree with your brother. It’s best for you to stay here and make sure that everyone is okay.” Rick nodded. I looked at Rick and nodded. “If that is how I can help find Sophia, fine.” I nodded as I backed away from the Cherokee and over to where Carol was.
“What’s the plan for today?” Carol asked.
“Rick, Shane, Dale, Andrea and T-dog are going out to search the woods, Daryl Is searching along the creeks and some old ridges.”
“I hope they’re all safe… the last thing we need is more people hurt or missing.” She sighed. “Carol-“ “Im starting to lose hope.” She started, looking out over the field that held a few head of cattle. “My little girl is out there, and each day that passes, doesn’t help. Andrea tried to comfort me yesterday… I told her not to, I can’t take anymore thoughts or prayers… It’s exhausting.” She continued. “I get it, I really do Carol. But we can’t give up. We will find her, and I am praying that its under good circumstances, but we will know what happened to your little girl, we will get closure.” Carol looked over and smiled softly. “Im with you, the whole way.” I smiled grabbing her hand.
She squeezed my hand as she let a few tears fall. “Thank you.” I looked up and watched as the others made their way into the cars and driving off to continue the search for Sophia. “If you need me, I’ll be inside, making sure that its clean for when they bring her home.” Carol sniffed. “Okay, ill talk to you later.”
Standing up, I stretch, looking around the farm. On the front porch, Glenn was strumming the guitar that Dale had found on the highway. Maggie coming out of the house, talking to Glenn. I make my way over to where Lori was sitting, staring at her hands, a somber expression. “Hey, are you okay?” I asked, sitting next to her. “Huh? Yeah honey im okay.” She responded. “Lori, I know you… Something is up. Talk to me.” “(Y/n), im fine, im just thinking about this world we are living in now, that poor little girl missing, my boy shot… Maybe this isn’t a world for children.” “I haven’t told anyone this. Before the CDC was destroyed, Jenner did an ultrasound… We found out that I was five weeks along. He tried to tell me that he could get rid of my baby.” “What?” She asked looking at me. “He said all of this stuff that terrified me. Since we left the CDC, I can’t stop thinking about what he said.” I paused. “Maybe you’re right for thinking that way. Maybe this isn’t a world for children anymore, hell I’ve been thinking that lately. But we are survivors, that’s what we do. Your boy, in that house, is a survivor. He pulled through, as for Sophia? I am still praying every night that we find that girl and bring her back.” “Am I a horrible mother for thinking this way?” She asked “Of course not! You’re only human. Lori, we are all going to get through this.” She nodded and smiled softly. “You’re right… That’s rare for a Walsh.” She joked. I laughed along with her. “You have the wrong sibling for that, im right at least 89.5% of the time.” I joked.
“You have a point. Your brother is barely right.”
We laughed for a moment.
I turned my head and I heard the sound of leaves crunching, seeing Glenn make his way over.
“(Y/n/n), can you give us a second?” Lori asked.
“Of course. I’ll talk to you later.” I smiled, getting up, walking toward the house. I turn to see Glenn headed towards Lori and I. “Hey, (Y/n/n)
I knocked on the door and waited for someone to acknowledge my presence.
“You don’t have to knock you know.” Maggie smiled walking up the steps.
“I just wanted to be polite... I didn’t want to just barge in.”
“It’s fine, really. Come on.” She opened the door and led me inside.
“What’s going on with you and Glenn?”
“What are you talking about?” She asked suddenly, a worried glint in her eye.
“You guys look pretty friendly.”
“We’re just friends, acquaintances more so.”
“It’s okay, you are allowed to make friends. We aren’t going to hurt you guys.” I smiled.
 “It’s not that, I can promise you it’s not that.” She smiled.
I turn my head to see Carl looking through the crack in the door from his bed.
I look back at Maggie with a small smile.
“Do you mind?” I asked.
“Not at all.” She nodded backing away.
“Hey buddy, can I come in?”
He nodded.
I walked in and sat in the chair next to his bed.
“How are you feeling today mister?”
“I’m okay.” He smiled
“Does it hurt?”
“Not really, not anymore.”
“That’s good, that is really good.”
“I’m like dad now. He was shot, I was shot. He gave me his hat.” He said excitement clear on his face.
“So there is a new sheriff in town?”
He just laughed and nodded.
“Yeah, so I’m the boss now.” 
“Alright, do you want me to fluff your pillow there boss?” I joked with him.
He laughed softly, before he sighed and rested his head against the headboard.
“What’s wrong kiddo?” 
“I’m stuck in this stupid bed all day.”
“Carl, you need to get your rest, to get better.”
“I just want to be out and help look for Sophia.” He sighed.
“Hey, it won’t be long. You’ll be back on your feet in no time... Have patience.”
“I know. But I know I can help.” 
“I know you can help. But right now, you need to help by making sure you get better.”
He nodded, looking around the room.
“I have an idea.” 
He looked back to me hopeful.
“Give me a sec.” I smiled, getting up and leaving the room.
I stopped in the dining room where Maggie was seated at the table.
“Hey, sorry to be any trouble, but do you have any cards or games?” I asked.
She looked over and smiled.
“Yeah, I think so.” She answered, getting up and heading towards the living room, opening a small cupboard.
She was down for a moment, before popping back up with a monopoly board and scrabble board.
“We have these.” She smiled, passing me the two. 
“It’s perfect, thank you!” I smiled 
“You’re welcome.” She called as I left.
I made my way back to Carl’s room, halting as I catch a glimpse of a few of the Greene’s family photos hung on the wall. The biggest photo on the wall was a family portrait. Hershel, with a beautiful woman on his arm. The two were surrounded by three kids, Maggie, Beth and im guessing Shawn. In the portrait, Maggie and Beth were much younger, but there was barely any difference in their appearance. I could feel the presence of eyes, boring into my back. I turn to the side to see Hershel staring, briskly walking away after our eyes met. Left in the hallway, I turn back to the photos, smiling at the photo of of Maggie behind a screaming Beth on a rope swing. The next photo is of who I am assuming is Shawn as a young boy, sitting behind the wheel of a tractor on Hershels knee.
Another picture of the three kids, all with matching outfits, a newborn Beth in a basket, Shawn and Maggie holding the basket.
The photo reminding me of one the photos Shane and I had to endure for our parents when we were kids.
We were young, I was about three, Shane closer to six. Shane and I both sitting in a wheelbarrow, Shane behind me in matching denim overalls, covered in dirt. “Shane, come on buddy, You need to smile!” I heard dad trying to encourage him. “Shane, we’re sending these to your Grandma Jean, and the rest of the family, you need to smile sweetheart.” My mum said trying her best to coerce a smile from a stone faced Shane. “Same goes for you (Y/n). Big Smile angel.” My dad spoke. It didn’t take much to persuade me to do a giant smile. “Thats my girl!” My mother smiled. “Your turn now my boy.” My father started to get stern. “Come on, please smile for mommy and daddy.” Mom tried once more, softly sighing.
The bright sting of the flash had momentarily blinded us as the next picture was taken. Out of no where, both of our parents erupted into massive cheers. “Atta boy Shane!” Dad yelled still ecstatic. “This is it Patrick.” Mom had smiled. “We finally got our boy to smile Marie.” Dad smiled hugging her.
I shake my head and come back to now. The last photo I see is of Hershel and his wife, on their wedding day. Hershel looked much younger, his hair slicked back and his tie tight. I left after examining the photos, smiling over the smallest details. “So, I figured out what we can do to pass time while we’re here.” I smiled entering the room. “You are gonna stay?” He excitedly asked.
“Yeah, until you get tired.” “What are we going to do?” He smiled, slowly sitting up. “Well, Maggie found us Scrabble and Monopoly. What do you want to play?” I asked, placing the two games on the bed next to him.
He looked between the two and smiled. “Can we play monopoly?” “Definitely.” “Dibs on the Race car!” He stated excitedly. “Fine, Only if im banker.” I laughed. His smile became brighter, which I thought was impossible.
We set up the board and started the game.
After an hour or so I look up to see a smug smile on his his face.
At this point Carl had owned a majority of the board, and I was in jail. 
“You are pretty good kid, I’ll give you that.” I smiled. 
He looked at my piece in jail, and laughed.
“You’re back in there?” He kept laughing. “Okay, I have bad luck today.” “You were on a roll.” “I know!” I laughed with him. “Do you want my Get out of jail free card?” ‘When did you get that?” I asked genuinely intrigued. “When I picked up my chance card earlier.” He laughed.
Soon after the room was full of laughter between the two of us. 
“Keep that for yourself, you might need it later.” I smiled. “Okay, don’t cry if I buy the rest of the board.” “Oh so the kids got game.” I play scoffed, causing him to laugh even more. “Okay sheriff, it’s your turn to roll.”
He rolled his eyes as he laughed more.
Picking up the die, he rolled them, getting a double three and moving up six spaces.
“You’re too good at this kid, you’re starting to remind me of Shane.” I chuckled.
I looked up to see a somber expression on his face.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked putting my hand on his shoulder. “We shouldn’t be doing this.” “What do you mean?”  “We shouldn’t be playing monopoly.” “We can play scrabble instead?”  “No! We shouldn’t be having fun.” He shook his head. “What makes you say that?” “Sophia is still missing. She should be here playing with us.” He sighed, looking down at his hands.
My heart broke for the boy in front of me.
Being the only kid in our group, his friend missing.
I can not even begin to fathom what is going on inside of his mind.
I open my mouth to say something, but I can’t find the words.
He lets out a small sob, places his head in his hands, his shoulders rising and falling with each sob.
I move the portable table aside and sit on the bed, pulling him into a hug, my hand gently rubbing his back.
“Hey, hey, hey... it’s okay.” I tried to calm him down. “It’s not fair! She should be here!” He mumbled against my chest, in between sobs, pulling me closer. “I know it’s not kiddo...” I sighed hugging him tight. “I miss her (Y/n).”  “I know... I do too.” I agreed lightly stroking his hair back. “We will find her right?” He asked pulling back and looking up. “I hope so...” 
He nodded in response and yawned, now rubbing his bloodshot eyes.
“It’s time for you to get some sleep.” I smiled softly as I stood up, tucking the blanket over him as he laid back down. “Thank you for hanging out with me today.” He whispered. “Hey, you’re family now. You don’t need to thank me for hanging out with you.” I smiled pushing his hair out of his face.
 He softly smiled back. As I left the room, I could hear voices talking and laughing from the kitchen. Walking down the hallway, I soon arrive to the kitchen, stopping and leaning against the doorframe. “Well, what’s going on here?” “Do you remember what we spoke about this morning ?” Carol asked.
I nodded. ‘Well, Lori spoke to Patricia, asked if we could use their kitchen to make them a nice meal.” “I take it, that it obviously went well.” I smiled.
“Well, we thought it’d be great.” Beth smiled wide. “In that case, is there any room for an extra pair of hands?” “Hey, there’s always room for you.” Carol chuckled. I entered the kitchen and stood at the sink, next to Lori who was washing some potatoes under the running water. I smiled as I looked at the others, Carol wiping the dishes, Beth and Patricia at the table in the centre of the room, chatting. i grabbed the already washed potatoes and started to peel them. “Potatoes are the best.” I exclaimed. “Seriously, Potatoes could have been used as currency hundreds of years ago!” I laughed.
“Oh yeah? I never thought I'd be so happy to see a potato. I'm just glad we're not roasting squirrels over a fire in the woods.” Lori chuckled. “Thank you, Patricia, so much for letting us into your home.” She finished.
Patricia looked up from her spot at the table and smiled.
As Lori washed the potatoes I peeled them and cut them up for boiling.
We had put a ham into the oven to cook, and stringed beans on the stove ready to boil. Carol decided to wash the dishes as we went along. The next half an hour as we prepared the meal were just full of laughs as we joked and talked to one another.
When I finished the potatoes I walked over and helped Carol with the dishes. I kept my gaze outside of the window.
My head snapped to the right. “What?” “I said go.” “Why?” I chuckled softly wiping the plate in my hand down, and placing it on the counter.
“(Y/n). We have this covered.” Carol smiled. “Carol-“ I was cut off. “Is right. Go. See if he is back yet.”
I turned my head and looked at Lori. Who waved her hands in a shoo motion. I looked around the room to see all of the girls smiling at me. “Are you guys sure?” “Just go.” They all said in unison.
“Okay, okay.” I put my hands up in surrender as Lori lightly snatched the tea towel out of my hand and playfully hitting me with it. I lightly squealed as I jumped away from her.
As I got to the entrance way of the kitchen I look back to see the girls all smiling and giggling again. I smile as I see the normalcy of it, that we all so desperately need. It was Shanes birthday party, all of the men and the boys were outside on the grill, while all of the women were inside making snacks and refreshments. “Pumpkin! Where is my little Pumpkin?” Echoed throughout the house. I giggle softly from my little hiding spot.
“Surely, my little pumpkin isn’t hiding from me!” The same voice called out, legs walking in front of the small end table.
I put my hand over my mouth so she couldn’t hear me. The legs stopped directly in front of the table. “Marie, I can’t find pumpkin anywhere!” I heard my mothers laugh from the kitchen. “She will come out sooner or later Jean!” She called back.
Grandma Jean sighed and turned away slightly and walked towards the kitchen. “Its such a shame. I dont know who can be my taste tester.” She dramatically sighed.
I moved the dangling laced cloth from in front of my eyes and poked my head out from my cover. The coast was clear, so I made my move.
I quietly crept out of my hiding spot, making sure wasn’t seen. My little feet carried me to the kitchen to see mom with all of my aunts and my grandmothers. Aunty Tania, Aunty Ruth and Aunty Sarah were standing along side one another with their ice cold lemonade that Grandma Jean had made. Grandma Paula and her partner Sophia, or Grandma Sophia as we called her, were cutting all different types of sandwiches into triangles and taking the trays outside as mom and Grandma Jean were rolling out cookie dough and making her special ’Triple chocolate, white fudge swirl cookies’ that made her a family favourite on both her side of the family and on moms side of the family.
I watched in awe as the seven women laughed and joked and smiled at one another’s stories and tales.
“Hey Ma, Your pumpkin is in the foyer.” My Auntie Sarah stated as she noticed my presence, exhaling the smoke from her cigarette out of the side window. “I told you that she would come out soon Jean.” Mom jested as Grandma Jean swatted her away. I smiled lovingly at the memory, completely turning to the front door.
As I opened the door, the first thing I see was Dale and Andrea talking to each other.
Dale on the ground looking up at her as she kept watch. Dale had said something else before entering the RV. I smiled, knowing that slowly the two were going to make amends. I start to descend the stairs. “Walker! Walker!” She yelled out, causing the rest of our group to run and grab their melee weaponry. Shane was carrying a short handled hoe/pickaxe. “Best let us handle this!” I heard Shane call out. The guys all ran towards the walker, all but Dale who tried to get Andrea to lower the gun. My stomach was churning, as though something bad was going to happen. “Andrea, don’t shoot, let them handle it.” Dale had half climbed the ladder trying to stop Andrea, as she lined up the shot. “Dale, give me those binoculars please.”
He handed them to me. Looking through the binoculars I see the others in front of the walker. Searching I notice that it isn’t a walker, its Daryl, he looks like one, with Rick pointing a gun to his head. After a second he lowers the gun.
I smile and lower the binoculars. I look up to Dale and Andrea. “Guys, it’s-“ I was cut off by a loud echo, my eardrums ringing from the intruding sound. My heart feels like it’s stopped, everything was in slow motion. I look over the field and see Daryl drop. Tears fill the brim of my eyes. “No, no no no no.” I muttered. I threw the binoculars to the ground and took off in a sprint. “(Y/N)!” Dale called out. I ignored everything, I fought the pain in my chest as I pushed harder and faster to get to him. There was a broken fence ahead, so I sprint toward it and vault myself over it stumbling as I landed, but pushing myself to get back up and get to Daryl.
My cheeks felt cold as the wind harshly blew against the tear soaked skin. “Daryl!” I called as I got closer to the group, watching as Shane and Rick lifted him up.
I started to slow down, the closer I got. “Is he okay? Is he breathing?” I asked frantically as I grabbed his face in-between my hands and searched it for a bullet hole, seeing a harsh line on his scalp on the left side. I could hear footsteps behind me. “oh my god. Oh my god, is he dead?” Andrea asked. “Unconscious. You just grazed him.” “Oh thank god. Im so relieved.” I scoff and push past her.
“Whats that about?” She scoffed. “Andrea, just leave it.” Shane called as we kept walking.
“No Shane, im not going to leave it.” She grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. “You could’ve killed him.” I sneered. “What?” “Daryl. You could’ve killed him.” “I didn’t though, I missed.” “You only just missed Andrea! I told you not to shoot! And you didn’t listen.” I snapped.
“(Y/n)-“ she started to talk. “I don’t want to hear it.” I held my hands up and backed away, shaking my head as I turned around.
Behind me, I could hear T-dog start to speak up. “Guys…”
I continued to follow Rick and Shane, not wanting to leave Daryl’s side.
“Guys….” He spoke louder. We all stopped and turned. My eyes landing on the small doll in his hand. “Isn’t this Sophia’s?” He asked, holding it slightly higher in the air. I look at the doll and more tears brimmed my eyes.
Daryl finding Sophia’s doll, meant that we are closer to finding her than we have been before. My head snapped back towards where Daryl was hung between Rick and Shane, after hearing a small groan.
“Lets get him back, get checked out by Hershel, then we can ask him about the doll.” Rick stated as they turned back toward the farm house.
I kept on their heel as we got closer and closer to the house. I looked up and noticed everyone standing outside in front of the house. “What happened?” Hershel asked as soon as we were in earshot. “He was shot, it was an accident.” Rick said glancing at Andrea. “Get him inside. I’ll take care of the wounds.” Hershel nodded. I felt someone pull me into their arms and into a hug, which I return. “He will be okay.” Lori spoke. “I know.” I nodded, slowly stepping back. “Im just going to uh-“ I paused. “Just going to go in and wait.” “I’ll come with you.” She stated, walking behind me.
We followed the others inside, and sat against the wall across from the room the guys were in. I sat my knee’s against my chest and laid my head against them. I felt a hand run across my shoulders and sighed as I turned my head and looked at Lori. “Everything will be okay.” Lori paused. She nodded her head.
“Just you see, everything will be okay.” She sighed.
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jeonbase · 7 years
sigh. I come here with another mini rant. I just. bear with me Andrea. I’m just so sad ? and mad, because just a few days ago we had a celebrity sexualize Jungkook to a point it made everyone uncomfortable and a lot of so called fans didn’t even care, instead decided to defend said person And excusing her behavior. Then, the problem escalated and suddenly we are crazy fans because we are defending him. Then this whole MAMA fiasco. Honestly, they always do BTS so dirty in SK but whenever -tsf
+ they achieve something big, suddenly they are idols made in korea!! and everyone’s so proud!!! and tbh, I love it when the K media praises them but you can also see how biased they are. smh. BUT THEN!! Karma is totally an army, we get BTS performing at the AMAs which is amazing and I’m so sosos happy for them. My boys are making history :’) and now, back with Jungkook. Just a few days after the whole fiasco, pannchoa decided to post something about Jungkook staring at a MC’s boobs when it -tsf
+ it was proven to be a damn lie, the boy wasn’t even looking at her, but doesn’t matter!! people already called him a r*pist (i mean, that totally was an anti, but still.) turns out, a Jungkook biased person was the one that started the whole thing, joking about it and stuff. And she still doesn’t care. She was called out initially when she posted that on twitter and didn’t care. Like honestly, I know there’s hard stans and I really don’t have a problem. But some of them (the straights) -tsf
+ some of them always make it seem like bts are some type of fuckbois who can’t even look at a woman without poppin an erection, or saying that YESH MY BOYS ARE GETTING PUSSY! like ?? Tbh, that type of comments make me so uncomfortable. And now one of those comments is making one of the boys seem like a fucking creep to knetz. I’m jjst ?? mad. I’m mad. Poor Jungkook, never hurts a damn soul, he never says problematic shit and only cares about singing and eating. Why is he always a target? -tsf
honestly the past couple days has been such a goddamn mess, im not even gonna get into the whole cupcake thing cause i’m tired of it. like it wasn’t right of her to say all that shit she said and to tag bts/jeongguk in it (especially when she has such a major social media following) but also it wasn’t right for fans to send death threats
i’m not surprised by the whole mama thing because mama… well everyone knows how they usually are and what to expect from them but the news about amas is so… it’s so fucking amazing. their first us award show performance, im excited but also nervous about the reception they’ll receive but mostly proud that they got the opportunity, and like… billboards was only 6 months ago like… wow
yeah… i saw stuff about that. i remember when the twt first was posted and started going around i just… the whole thing made me uncomfortable but honestly when i found out it was a hard het jeongguk stan i wasn’t even surprised, especially when it was That Stan who made the twt because i’ve seen their twts before and…
it’s always the typical ass bullshit, like that one time during seventeen’s and gfriend’s performance and people blew jeongguk’s reaction way out of proportion,  or that time during kcon(?) when he made some gesture and so many fans started saying he was gesturing to some girl to meet him backstage after and…. god it’s always the same old same old bullshit with them, jeongguk does some little ass reaction, some little ass movement and suddenly it’s always thrown out of proportion, he’s some ‘dom daddy’, some cold perverted jackass and it’s so fucking tiring. this kid has been oversexualized since the day they debuted, still oversexualized, always made out to be some cold egoistic fuck boy who only cares about himself and thinks he’s above his hyungs
and those people that say ‘they’re grown men, stop babying them’ fucking piss me off so much, yeah they are grown men but that doesn’t mean they’re constantly thinking about sex and boobs and pussy. like first off all u don’t know their sexuality, u don’t know if they are even sexually active or like to be sexually active, like stop assuming shit and just because they’re grown men doesn’t mean they like reading/seeing that type of vulgar shit people say/think about them. jeongguk himself has said that’s why he hardly ever goes on twitter, because of those fucking comments and then those same people who write that vulgar shit about him constantly complain that he hardly ever tweets or posts selfies…. sigh im so tired of it 
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beingstubbornlyme · 7 years
Ok, it’s getting nuts out here for us guys! Can the sane, cute women please stand up? No, seriously, please stand up. #RealityWinner, #KathyGriffin
Ok, ok, it's been a while since I’ve written. I've had some requests to let out my feelings (which are always ridiculous & very strong!) and honestly, it's definitely long overdue, so I am finally gonna write and it's about the ridiculous crap going on out here with some of these ridiculous women.
(It's no coincidence that most of the time, they're liberals.)
I had to write because we're reaching peak libtard. Seriously, these next examples are just from the past 7-10 days. One, one jackass liberal woman compared the #JamesComey testimony to trying to file a rape charge.
Comey is getting a little glimpse of what it feels like to be a woman trying to report a rape or sexual harassment: https://t.co/ZGXizv8c3b
— Andrea Chalupa (@AndreaChalupa)
June 8, 2017
Huh? [Rubs temples.] Second, there's the lunatic Kathy Griffin. This batshit crazy liberal did a video of decaptitating Trump, the president, pointed that out just to tweak you moronic #notmypresident liberals, rightfully received a bunch of backlash, gave a half ass apology, then after that didn't satisfy us rational, sensible people, she did what every sane person who makes a video of decapitating someone does, she BLAMED the victim! Duhhh. Oh, I failed to mention that Trumps 11yr old son saw the video & thought it was real AND this isn't the first time she's attacked a kid! [someone, please pass me 10 Ibuprofen ... oh, and that big bottle of Jack!] The trifecta of dumbassery was finished today when 25yr old liberal, loser & leaker "Reality Winner" said she plans to play the 'pretty, white, cute' card. Waaaait, whhhhaaaat?! No, seriously, c'monnnn!!
What....the...f**k?! Is she talking about herself? The only part of her description of her fugly self is "white"!! THAT WAS IT! THAT set me off! NO MORE!! It's like people are just tryin' to piss me off, or troll me! We all know I don't have a filter, and this was too much for a man to take! I will NOT sit by & let ugly ass clowns start referring to themself as cute! (Yes, THAT was my breaking point! NOT the decapitation or idiotic rape comment! Some no name calling herself cute. Hey, I have my priorities, you have yours!) Look, it's clear that I'm shallow, we all know that, and I'm not even tryin' to hide it, but I actually do appreciate all women of any look. (Well, unless you are SO BUSTED UP I cant find one compliment. Then, I'll just run in the other direction to avoid all awkewardness & me laughing in anyone's face. Hey, at least I know my asshole-ness & embrace it) But back to the subject, I am fine with women from 1-10's. Me personally, I prefer smarter women TO DATE, but when I'm bored, I like to roll out and enjoy myself a nice 8-10 Russian.
(Nooo, I am NOT an operative for Putin!) Look, no one's talking about marriage here. Plus, to be honest, I did admit that Im bored, & we ALL know that the hotter they are, the crazier they come. (Now THAT is some "settled science"). If you haven't seen the hot-crazy matrix, or you're like me & just enjoy watching it, check it out here. So, where I lose my shit is when 1-3's sashay through bars like they are 10's or 20's!! NOW, HOLD THE $@#% UP!! NO!! Nahhhh homey! THAT SHIT AINT EVEN COOL! It's annoying. Hot & smart 10's act like they're 3's and 3's act like they're 10's. [anger rising] I mean, can someone hand me a job application for "Ego checker"?! I go around letting these fuggos know that confidence is cool, but you're only allowed to go up 2 levels. 3 MAX! So all you 3's, y'all better not go over a 6 in attitude. If you do, I will call your ugly asses out. Think I'm kidding?! Ask my friend who had hold me back & pull me aside because I was about to tell off his ugly ass 2 for a friend because she thought I was ignoring her because I liked her! NO, 2! I'M IGNORING YOU BECAUSE YOU'RE A 2 with a 'TUDE!!! Uggh. Ugly on the inside and out doesnt get ya laid. It gets you at home, alone on Friday, Netflix & chillin' with your cats. Yeah, cat-s! Plural.
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looneyladsx · 11 years
i'll be over here if you want to rp. i dont have any muse for this blog really anymore. :c
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looneyladsx · 11 years
exclupsive said: You’re swaggy
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looneyladsx · 11 years
this really is not my week
it starts off with having nightmares 24/7 for days straight, barely getting sleep.
i have a fever, im sick and i can't sleep.
i just realized that in 7 days it'll be 1 year since my friend committed suicide.
like i cant win during september at all. 
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looneyladsx · 11 years
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looneyladsx · 11 years
fuck i hate fevers.
someone cuddle me.
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looneyladsx · 11 years
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looneyladsx · 11 years
warning bad singing but i sound like perrie when im sick
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looneyladsx · 11 years
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looneyladsx · 11 years
okay anyone else want vines?
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looneyladsx · 11 years
well I was singing along with the rest of the people in the movie and this happened
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looneyladsx · 11 years
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looneyladsx · 11 years
im making personal vines for ppl that like this bc i love you ppl.
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looneyladsx · 11 years
look at my door.
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