Review: Hibernus Mortis – The Monoliths Of Cursed Slumber (Blood Harvest)
My review of Hibernus Mortis' comeback album, The Monoliths Of Cursed Slumber, written for Heavy Music HQ:
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Two things are important about Florida death metal act Hibernus Mortis and their new album. First, we are dealing with a band that formed and grew 26 years ago in the cradle of American death metal. The second and more important point is that the band’s new album, The Monoliths Of Cursed Slumber, is presented 20 years after their debut. Something we should call a glorious comeback, but is it really?
The Monoliths Of Cursed Slumber is a respectable work for those who want death metal based on its old school elements and atmosphere; raw and unpolished. Nothing more, nothing less. Brutality lies in the beats and the vibrating ominous turbulence of the songs that embrace doom metal and roar restlessly. In the raging field of the new wave of old school death metal, The Monoliths Of Cursed Slumber easily finds its place among it. It’s a spot that Hibernus Mortis abruptly abandoned twenty years ago, and are now looking to reclaim.
Rating: 3/5
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HIBERNUS MORTIS stream long-awaited BLOOD HARVEST comeback album – features GIGAN ex-member
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pompadourpink · 2 years
Le calendrier
Les jours
Lundi, from the old French Lunsdi/the Latin Dies lunae, the day of the moon
Mardi, from the Latin Martis dies, the day of Mars, god of war
Mercredi, from the Latin Mercurii dies, the day of Mercury, god of merchants
Jeudi, from the Latin Jovis dies, the day of Jupiter, the king of gods
Vendredi, from the Latin Veneris dies, the day of Venus, goddess of beauty and love
Samedi, from the Latin Sambati dies, the day of the Sabbath
Dimanche, from the old French dïenenche/the Latin Dies Dominicus, the day of the Lord
Les mois
Janvier, from Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and endings
Février, from the Latin februarius - purification
Mars (\maʁs\, not /ˈmaʁz/), from Mars, the Roman god of war
Avril, from the Latin word aprilis - opening (of buds)
Mai, from Maius/Maia, the Roman goddess of fertility and growth
Juin \ʒɥɛ̃\, from Junius, the name of the Roman goddess Juno
Juillet (\ʒɥi.jɛ\), from Julius, the name of the Roman general Julius Caesar
Août (\ut\ or \a.ut\), from Augustus, the name of the first Roman emperor
Septembre, from the Latin september - seventh
Octobre, from the Latin october - eighth
Novembre, from the Latin november - ninth
Décembre, from the Latin december - tenth
Les saisons
L'hiver, from the Old French hivern + the Latin hibernus - winter
Le printemps, from the Latin primus - first
L'été, from the Latin aestas - summer
L'automne, from the Latin autumnus - autumn
N.B. All those are masculine and not capitalized.
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Movie: Peau d’âne - Jacques Demy, 1970
Fanmail - masterlist (2016-) - archives - hire me - reviews (2020-) - Drive
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artlimited · 2 years
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Abies Hibernus by Bertrand Bodin https://www.artlimited.net/21520/art/photographie-abies-hibernus-polaroid-film-instantane-nature-vegetal-arbre-foret/en/339956
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 months
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Pics: More Lovecraftian Humor - some in a holiday type of bent...
1915: HPL Output.
Intro: "The Crime of Crimes" was 1st published, as a pamphlet, by A. Harris in Wales, England!
This is considered Howard's 1st stand- alone publication - printed only on 1 side of each of the 2 sheets of paper.
Only 3 pamphlets still exist...
The Work:
Subtitle - "Lusitania¹, 1915"
Quote - "Virescit vulnere Virtus."²
Text -
Crazed with... Belgian³ blood so lately shed, The (beastly) Prussian⁴ seeks (out) the Ocean's bed.⁵
In Neptune's⁶ realm the wretched coward lurks, ...On the world his (usual) evil works.
Like slinking cur, he bites where none oppose; Victorious over babes, his valor grows.
One fateful day, may such be (no) more, A stately vessel left Columbia's⁷ shore.
Upon the wave (determined) grandeur rode, Nor feared to bear it's blameless load.
No human risk the... captain ran, Protected by the... laws of man.
...Laws of man!
What laws can curb or sway, The Prussian wolf, with manhood cast away?
His idle threat, too hideous for belief, With... truth (drove) nations into grief.
The sun was bright, the sea by wind untossed, ...The proud ship lay off Hibernia's⁸ coast.
Secure in innocence, she plowed the brine, And scorned... hostile craft or mine.⁹
Oh matchless infamy!
Could mortal brain conceive, the foe lurk(ing) along the main.¹⁰
Who eyed... the watchful band, That packed the deck... view(ing) distant land?
Stay, weeping Muse!¹¹
Dwell not upon the sight, That turned shining day to hellish night.
Sing not the missile,¹² sent with fiendish aim, It's toll of... lives to claim.
Such things... scarce belong, Nor form... theme(s) for rhymes or song.
Struck by the (coward's) dart,¹² a fated mark, Beneath the sea descends the (doomed) bark.¹³
1. The Lusitania (Roman "Portugal") was a British ocean liner & 1 of the largest passenger ships in the world.
In 1908, It won an award for crossing the Atlantic in the fastest amount of time.
The Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine in May of 1915!
The liner was 11 miles off of Ireland, carrying 1,960 people aboard when it was hit.
Only 767 passengers survived.
However, some of these died later, from the trauma.
The sinking backfired on the enemy Central Powers, as it increased public support for the U.S. to enter WW1...
2. Latin for "Courage grows strong at the wound."
This is the motto of the Steward clan, who have produced several Scottish kings & queens.
They eventually ascended to the British throne - as the House of Steward!
3. Belgians are the people of the King- dom of Belgium, in Western Europe.
As this is a multinational federal state, the usual ethnic connection can be legal, residential, historical or cultural.
The 2 main groups are of Dutch & French descent.
4. Prussians come from historical regions in Germany, Poland & Russia.
Their name honors the Prussi people who lived in the Baltic area.
But, they were assimilated into the German Empire in 1871.
5. HPL means the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean...
Where he would later place the under- sea "Y'ha-nthlei ", a Deep One city.
6. Originally, Neptune was the Roman god of freshwater!
But, after he was identified with the Greek god of the sea, Neptune took on Poseidon's characteristics.
Neptune also controlled sea winds & storms...
7. In the 1800s, Columbia was seen as the goddess/personification of the U.S. & liberty itself!
She can be compared to the British Britannia & as the female version of Uncle Sam.
Later on, she would bep 'replaced' by Lady Liberty...
8. Hibernia was the name of Ireland - to ancient Roman & Greek writers.
This name comes from the Roman Hibernus, which meant "wintry."
Strangely enough, Scotland (ancient Scotia) was the 1st Roman name for Ireland!
That's some confused explorers right there...
9. A bomb mine is an explosive that can be placed underground or under- water.
The mine explodes when it's disturbed or remotely triggered.
It's name comes from the use of mining to destroy an enemy fort's or city's protective walls.
10. Main has an older meaning of "the open ocean."
This meaning arose in the 1540s, when it described "a long stretch of land or water."
Nautical usage turned it into slang for "the wide ocean."
However, the Spanish Main actually meant the "mainland" - from Panama (in Central America) to the Orinoco River (in South America).
This meaning excluded the islands of the West Indies.
11. A muse is now "an inspiration" or "to consider something thoughtfully."
Originally, these were the nine ancient Greek goddesses of science, the arts & literature.
But, Lovecraft probably meant the muse of tragic theater, Melpomene.
12. Both, "dart" & "missile" actually refer to a torpedo.
This is an underwater rocket meant to rupture ships' hulls, below the water- line!
And in doing so, sink the ship!!
Torpedo comes from the Latin torpeo, "sluggish" or "numb" & -edo, "wood- like"?
In more modern times, torpedo was 1st used to describe "electric rays."
13. Poetically, a barque, barc & bark all mean a sailing boat - with 3 or more masts (tall wooden posts, spars & "sticks" that hold sails on a ship).
In the 1700s, the British Navy used "bark" to describe any ship that didn't fit their usual vessel categories.
But, bark has had variant meanings before the British.
Like, "any small ship" & "a ship with a broad (back)" - but, the last 1 didn't have any ornamental figures on it!
These vessels needed smaller crews, were cheaper to run & outperformed many other ships.
Next: Part 2.
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neolingua · 5 months
Hiems, hibernus - Winter
Primavera - Spring
Estate, Aestas - Summer
Postavera - Autumn 🇬🇧 Fall 🇺🇸
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metalindex-hu · 2 years
Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2022. november 21-27.)
Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2022. november 21-27.) - https://metalindex.hu/2022/11/28/femjelzes-a-het-ujdonsagai-2022-november-21-27/ -
Az elmúlt egy hét gyöngyszemeit az alábbi listából lehet kiszemezgetni. November utolsó teljes hete eképpen búcsúzik az undergroundtól:
À Répit – Spirito d’autunno (black metal) Abysmal Growls of Despair – Herald of Chaos (funeral doom/drone) Adventus – Saudade (melodikus heavy/power metal) Anomaly – Somewhere Within the Pines (death metal) Archetype X – Regression (melodikus death metal/metalcore) Ashes – Gloom, Ash and Emptiness to the Horizon (black metal) Aviscerus – Visceral Depths (melodikus death/groove metal) Beyond Helvete – Anthem of Decay (black metal) Black Beast – Arctic Darkness (black metal) Black Lava – Soul Furnace (blackened death metal) Black Rain – Untamed (glam rock) Black Steam – Come to My Darkness (heavy metal) Blacnk – An Abhorrent Display of Virtue (black metal) Bloodaxe – Gales of November (nyers viking/black metal) Brutalkill – Maggot in Your Flesh (brutális death metal/grindcore) Carnal Savagery – Worm Eaten (death metal) Carnivora – Petrichor (melodikus groove/death metal) Carved – Ares (szimfonikus death metal) Chevallier Skrog – Ordum Rustica Separitis (nyers black metal) Ciggurat – Semi-Infinite (progresszív metal) Ciminero – Shadows Digging the Grave (doom metal) Circus of Fools – A Broadcast from GEN .0 (gótikus/melo-death/groove metal) Cloudburst – Yesterday Is History (heavy metal) Coilwound – Pessimistic Wreck (nyers/depresszív black metal) Conspectus – Grand Revelation (progresszív metal) Crown of Ascension – Transmission Errors (experimental black metal) Cultura Tres – Camino de brujos (sludge metal) Dark Delirium – New Era (melodikus death metal) Dark Matter – The Rectory (doom metal) Der Trauerschwan – Sanguinare Vampiris (black/doom metal) Detraktor – Full Body Stomp (thrash metal) Diabolos – La porte de l’enfer (black metal) Djevel – Naa skrider natten sort (black metal) Doominator – Nocturnal Realm (black/speed metal) Duthaig – Hiraeth (atmoszferikus black metal) Elder – Innate Passage (pszichedelikus stoner metal/rock) Emaciated by Christ – Fanisk (black metal) Estrangement – Disfigurementality (funeral doom metal) Evinity Project – Evinity Project (melodikus groove/death metal) Exsanguinate – Subservient to the Cosmic Will (black/death metal) Fall of the Idols – Contradictory Notes (doom metal) Fallen Grace – Fallen Grace (melodikus death metal) Finita – Above Chaos (gótikus metal) Förgjord – Ruumissaarna pt. 1 (black metal) Funeral Fog – 13th Moon (black metal) Godless Suns – Godless Suns (doom/stoner metal) Grim Justice – Justice in the Night (heavy metal) Grotesquerie – Composted Beyond Recognition (death metal/goregrind) Haunted Knight – Veil (melodikus black metal) Hellfire Deathcult – Al nombre de la muerte (black/death metal) Hibernus Mortis – The Monoliths of Cursed Slumber (death metal) High Command – Eclipse of the Dual Moons (thrash metal/crossover/HC/punk) High Fells – Catharsis (black metal) Illusion – Born In Technology (thrash metal) Íltuŕ – Werewolf Mark (black metal) In Sanity – For We Triumph (melodikus death metal) In the Woods… – Diversum (progresszív rock/metal) In-Conquered – The Wide Path to the Lake of Fire (blackened death metal) Infierno Austral – Sobre la gran fosa de Leviathan (black metal) Interceptor – To nie jest kraj dla młodych ludzi (crossover/hardcore/thrash metal) Iōhannēs – Jacob’s Ladder (progresszív/black metal) Ironbite – The Great Escape (heavy metal/hard rock) Iscuron – Blackest Forest Soundtracks (szimfonikus/atmoszferikus black metal) Jade – The Pacification of Death (atmoszferikus death metal) Judicator – The Majesty of Decay (power metal) Karg – Resignation (post-black metal) Katapult – Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes (melodikus death/thrash metal) Kernhell – Kernhell (heavy metal) Kryptonomicon – Infernalia (black/death metal) Leather – We Are the Chosen (heavy metal) Lordchain – Surviving the Wicked Storm (heavy metal/hard rock) Lucifericon – The Warlock of Da’ath (death metal) Lykotonon – Promethean Pathology (avantgárd black/death metal) Maceration – It Never Ends… (death metal) Mag – Pod krwawym księżycem (stoner/sludge/doom metal) Milicia – Devastación (melodikus death/groove metal) Minerva – Cielos grises (melodikus death metal) Mitralyöz – Akıl Katili (groove/thrash metal) Moeror – All That We Seem (black metal) Monolithe – Kosmodrom (melodikus death/doom metal) Morkander – Forgotten with the Ashes of Humanity (black/doom metal) Mortuorum – Triad of Total Death (death/black metal) Mycelium – Mycoticism: Disseminating the Propagules (death metal) Nazghor – Seventh Secular Crusade (black metal) Nømadus – Axis Primordial (progresszív groove/thrash metal) Numen Noctis – Sanctus Simulacrum (atmoszferikus black metal) Oceans – Hell Is Where the Heart Is (post-metal/metalcore) Ofdrykkja – After the Storm (post-black metal/neofolk) Old Grave – Alive Again (death metal) Once Awake – Once Awake (groove metal/metalcore) Onryo Over October – Take My Stars, Bury Them (atmoszf. black/doom metal) Orphique – Consécration cadavérique (black metal) Pursuit – Loose Lips (heavy metal/hard rock) Rienaus – Luciferille (black metal) RipCage – When the World Burns (heavy/thrash metal) Runamok – The Clown Brigade (heavy metal) Saasta – Crucial to None (doom/death metal) Sadistic Sacrament – Anticult Apocalypse (black metal) Savage Soul – Suffering World (death/thrash/groove metal) Sinkralkch – Dredded in Frostbite (nyers/atmoszferikus black metal) Sirrush – Molon Labe (black/death metal) Sisters of Suffocation – Eradication (death metal) Smoke Rites – Total Lung Capacity (stoner/doom metal) Spiritworld – Deathwestern (death/thrash metal/HC) Steelwings – Still Rising (heavy metal/hard rock) Stilleklang – Tränen der Vergangenheit – Part I (atmoszferikus black/post-metal) Stones of Babylon – Ishtar Gate (stoner/doom metal) Suicide Solution – In the Face of Nothing (black metal) Sword – III (heavy metal) Te Deum – Reflexia (doom/death metal) Terrörhammer – Gateways to Hades (black/speed/thrash metal) The Aphotic Strain – Palingenesis (melodikus death metal) The Cadavor Dog – Return of the Dog (thrash metal) The Temple – Of Solitude Triumphant (doom metal) The Wolves of Avalon – Y Gododdin (pogány metal) Therein – The Void Affinity (melodikus death/thrash metal) Thy Catafalque – Mezolit – Live at Fekete Zaj (Live) (avantgárd metal) Trhä – Endlhëdëhaj Qáshmëna Ëlh Vim Innivte (atmoszf. black metal/ambient) Unformulas – Post Mortem Visionary (doom/death metal) Værbitt – Svartediket (atmoszferikus black metal) Virgil – Acheron (black/death metal/deathcore) Vodoem – Seasons of Silence (experimental black metal) Void Alchemy – Traversing the Unseen Horizon (atmoszferikus black metal) Wafat – Feminism (brutális death metal) Walk in Darkness – Leaves Rolling in Time (szimfonikus/gótikus metal) Whirlwind – 1714 (heavy metal) Witchmaster – Kaźń (black/thrash metal)
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oceanevallot · 3 years
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Staples and tacks burying rubber band, 2021 Gravure à l'eau-forte sur chine collé, 76 x 53,5 cm Rubber Bands and Staples Climbing a Folder and Staples and Tacks Burying Rubber Band are a continuation of the series of etchings titles Office World. Within the body of work depicting seemingly mundane attributes of office life, the artist is developing an a esthetic repertoire of animated character engaged in dynamic situations. The visually unsaturated scenes, resembling technical drawings with the use of fine and precise line, were inspired by 16th century engravings depicting the rather grim episodes of Spanish tyranny in the Netherlands. Nevertheless, the scenes rendered by O. V. possess a subtle humorístico quality. The etchings are layered on chine collé backgrounds taken from designs of office supply catalogues. The result is a series of technically exquisite and multilayered contemplations of everyday situations. Text by Anna Laganovska @samulsu For Frans Masereel Centrum #Hibernus https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca1moaoAevV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hey-color-palettes · 5 years
i have a mixtape called Hibernus, which has a very specific color scheme. can you make one for the word Hibernus? i'd like to compare the two!
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#80475e || #232c47 || #495867 || #a5243d || #351d31
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tombstonecrepsley · 5 years
Molly: tall people consider how short I am. I cannot keep up with your normal walking. You are titans!
Mr Tall: grab on my sleeve and put the roller skates on. We do not have all day
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fancuries · 4 years
Nominee Spotlight: Uraura!🏵️Springfever Precure
Uraura!🏵️Springfever Precure is nominated for Fanseries Concept of the Year at the 2020 Fancuries. Here’s what one of the creators, @aceaeite​ , has to say:
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Me and my partner @kokoruu, created Uraura! Springfever Precure for an event on a discord server, the fanseries is quite dear to me and I hope I'm able to show you with just a few words why I love the concept and the character dynamics of our collaboration!
To summarize the plot, in short, the fairy realm of seasons Vivaldi is inhabited by birdlike creatures, where one is chosen to be the God of Seasons who upon death reincarnates into the next nation. When Vivaldi got split into the four regions, the kingdom of winter Hibernus had to endure the most and they were forced to ask the God of Seasons for help. However, Knospe, the active God of Seasons, denied their request for aid, leading to Hibernus suffering even greater.
To take revenge and help his people, Pluto, a general of Hibernus, attacked the other kingdoms and forced the eternal winter on all of them, to weaken the god of seasons. But much to his dismay, Knospe was able to escape to earth and found safety in the town of Haruyama. With Pollen, the young hummingbird caretaker and yet to be revealed future God of Seasons, he seeks out the legendary Precure, to defeat Hibernus and to protect and revive all seasons.
These legendary Precure are the six Cures of Uraura! Springfever Precure who work in duos, meaning that they are only able to attack and purify the evil forces of winter with their chosen partner. This revolves into, if I may say so, fun character dynamics that make the unique group of 6 individuals very lively but also unified.
My personal favorite duo is Aurora (Dawn) and Amane (Sprinkle), as Aurora is a very lively, careless, and egocentric Idol and Amane, an overprotective, grumpy introvert, they both happen to be polar opposites who do not stand each other. Unfortunately for them, they have to find a way to work together in order to protect the world.
(sorry that was longer than I anticipated ahaha. Thanks for nominating this fanseries and hope you are all safe and well! :> - acea)
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artlimited · 10 months
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Abies Hibernus by Bertrand Bodin https://www.artlimited.net/21520/art/photographie-abies-hibernus-polaroid-film-instantane-nature-vegetal-arbre-foret/en/339956
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voltadmar · 3 years
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10 ANOS | 2011.09 Publicação do primeiro livro da volta d' mar HIBERNU de Luís Paulo Meireles, com desenhos do autor, capa e nota sobre o autor de Wellitania Oliveira. Edição numerada e assinada. (em Nazaré - Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRUoa_lJW61/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spectralscathath · 5 years
Stories are Truer Than the Truth
Fair Game Week, Day 3: Family/Weapons
Lámfada, they called him. For his skill with the spear. He was skilled in all he tried his hand at, a warrior, a leader, a god king. And then there was Memory, or perhaps Mind, for the all-seeing crow, who flew around the world every day to bring knowledge to a different god king.
But the pieces fit, somehow. A hero and an omen, a fisherman and a scarecrow, Lugh and Muninn.
Clover and Qrow.
Ao3 link
“Where did you learn close combat like that?” Qrow looked up at Clover’s question, sitting just against the wall of the main training room as he sharpened Harbinger. He noticed that Kingfisher had been extended to the pole’s full length, resting casually over one of Clover’s shoulders.
“My partner in school. He was a hand-to-hand specialist. He taught all of us.” Summer had mandated it, that they’d all learn how to fight in each other’s styles in case weapons got switched around in a fight. 
Since she was the one who always dropped her weapon at least once a fight without fail, he could see why.
“Was that Tai?” Clover tilted his head. ‘You’ve mentioned him. Before. Your nieces’ father?”
“That’s the one.” Qrow set Harbinger aside and stretched out, hooking his hands behind his head as he leaned against the wall. “He’s still in Patch, teaches at Signal. They need him there.” Qrow could have really used him here, though. Taiyang was his best friend, and even calling him that felt like he was underplaying their bond. They’d been through a hundred hells together. 
“From what I’ve picked up, he sounds like a good man.”
“He is.” Tai, Ruby, and Yang were the only family Qrow had left, and he’d protect them. “How about you, who was your partner in Atlas?”
Clover chuckled and sat down beside Qrow, resting Kingfisher beside Harbinger. “You’ll never believe it.”
“Try me,” Qrow dared.
“Robyn Hill.” Clover pulled out his horseshoe and spun it on his fingers. 
Crow snorted with laughter before he looked at Clover and saw that he wasn’t kidding. “Holy shit, really?”
“Would you believe that we were best friends?” Clover smiled wryly.
Qrow considered it for a minute. “You did seem like you knew each other, personally.”
“Team TRCH,” Clover pronounced it ‘torch’. “I think we were pretty cool. Robyn and I are the only ones who are still active, though. Teale disappeared years ago and Hibernus gave up on being a Huntsman.”
“Sounds similar to STRQ.” Summer disappeared, Raven quit. Tai had to step back and focus on their girls. “Teams rarely stay together after graduation.” He had a feeling team RWBY would learn that eventually. Once they were older.
“I can think of one, but that’s not my story to tell.” Clover tossed his horseshoe in the air and caught it again. 
Qrow watched him play with the lucky charm and switched his gaze to the man himself. “But you do have some stories that are yours.”
Clover quirked a brow at him. “I’ll bet you do too.”
“I got plenty of stories in here,” Qrow tapped his temple. “Hard to keep ‘em all straight, sometimes.”
Clover’s eyes gleamed like chips of malachite. “We could trade.”
“Or you could fight me for them.” Qrow suggested, with a joking roll of his shoulders. Truthfully, he was interested in sparring Clover. He wanted to see how he fought. Fighting styles could tell him more about a person than anything else, sometimes. 
Clover grabbed Kingfisher and stood up. “You’re on, Qrow.”
Qrow arched his back to pop out the clicks before he stood up, carrying Harbinger with a languid grace. “By your leave, Shamrock.”
Kingfisher’s hook was already in motion, rocketing towards Qrow’s face as the fishing pole followed the line of Clover’s cast. His shoulders and back had twisted into the movement, his stance grounded but light.
Qrow deflected it with Harbinger’s blade, his own stance nearly weightless on the ground as he held back from one of the reckless charges he would have had in his youth, taking a moment to go over what he knew.
Kingfisher was best at range, where that fishing line and hook could give Clover complete control of the fight. He had no doubt Clover could fight in close, but that just made it fun. 
Qrow smirked and attacked, charging in as he watched Clover reel the line back in. The faint scrape of metal on the ground told him to jump, just barely dodging the hook before it could clip his heels and catch his ankle. His shoes barely touched the ground for a moment before he pulled from his scythe footwork and spun into an overhead blow, forcing Clover onto the defensive.
Their weapons clanged, Qrow continuing the momentum of his spin with a heel kick to Clover’s thigh. “First hit to me. First story to you.” 
Clover grinned at him as he let go of Kingfisher with one hand, quickly tossing a punch. Qrow darted back, unlocking the blades. He didn’t go far, immediately bringing his sword around for a side strike.
Clover parried, using the fishing rod as a spear. “My mother’s name is Uzume Ebi. My dad, Ciaran, took her last name when he moved to Argus. We moved to Mantle when I was eleven to be with my grandfather, Balor.”
Qrow nodded and spun again, aiming for the other side. “Any siblings?”
“Heather, younger sister. She’s a brat.” Clover had a fond look in his eye that didn’t diminish the way he switched his grip on Kingfisher, using the harpoon function to stab at Qrow’s solar plexus. 
It hit him, a glancing blow but a hit nonetheless. Qrow stepped back and started circling Clover, the other man matching his steps as he gestured at Qrow with his free hand. 
Qrow smirked and tossed Harbinger in the air to switch hands, showing off as he slicked his hair back out of his face. “Raven and I were communally raised.” He wasn’t getting into the bandit shit. “In Mistral. Looks like you and me got the same roots.”
Clover grinned and loosened Kingfisher’s hook. “Guess so.”
Qrow’s eyes gleamed before he attacked, deciding now that they’d had a small taste of what the other could do, it was time to kick it up a notch like real Huntsmen. His sword slashed with sweeping arcs, forcing Clover to either dodge or block blows that could cut through stone pillars. 
Each attack flowed into the next before Clover found his footing and ducked under one sweep, Kingfisher’s hooking around Qrow’s ankle at the same moment he smashed the blunt end up under Qrow’s jaw. 
Qrow turned his fall into a flip, landing once on his hand in a move that wasn’t exactly his favourite as he kicked up, forcing the fishing line to extend out with him. He got back onto his feet and grabbed the razor wire, hooking his leg around it a few times before he forcibly stomped and sharply slid his foot back. The sudden yank pulled Clover forward and right into Qrow’s cross.
Clover grabbed his hand before he could retract it and threw Qrow over his shoulder, where Qrow tossed Harbinger so he could land on the blade’s hilt, standing upright on his perch. 
Clover pulled Kingfisher’s line back in. “How about we save the rest of the stories for after the fight?”
Qrow  backflipped off his sword and landed neatly on his feet, cape fluttering behind him as he lifted his blade from the ground. “Deal.” Harbinger’s gears creaked as he shot a round at Clover, the other Huntsman deflecting it.
Clover set his stance and Kingfisher’s hook flicked out, the wire looping at it. Qrow shot it out of the air and transformed, flying above Clover before he reverted mid-twirl, bringing the sword down in an aerial attack.
Clover got Kingfisher’s pole up between them before he headbutted Qrow in the face, Qrow’s free hand reaching down to grab the fishing pole and flip himself over Clover’s head. He hit the ground behind Clover and tossed him with all his strength, returning the throw from before and following it up with another downwards cut. 
Clover rolled out of the way and got to his feet, aiming for another jab with Kingfisher. Qrow grabbed it and yanked Clover closer, hitting his gut with the hilt of his weapon. Clover stumbled back, leaving Qrow to close the distance with another slashing spin. 
Clover got up an arm, blocking the hit entirely on his own aura. Qrow darted back from whatever answering attack would be coming his way, dodging a somewhat feral strike from Kingfisher. 
Qrow gave him a look to make sure they weren’t pushing it too hard, Clover giving him a confident smile that Qrow rolled his eyes at. Cocky bastard. 
Clover moved like he was about to cast Kingfisher’s line at him again, before his hand slipped to his belt and instead that dratted horseshoe of his was flying towards Qrow’s nose. He caught it in his hand and got his sword up in a block just in time to prevent Clover from whacking him with the pole. 
He considered his options for a moment before he tossed the horseshoe back at Clover’s face.
Clover moved his head to the side to dodge with a laugh, the metal charm hitting the ground behind him as he strained against Qrow’s defence. Qrow let him for a moment, pushing back just as hard, before he transformed and flew under Clover’s arm, aiming for another sky hit. 
Call it his bad luck or Clover’s good luck, but the fishing pole made it there right before Harbinger would have landed a blow, Qrow’s feet hitting the ground as Clover faced him. 
Clover’s boot shot up right before Qrow could break the blade lock, catching Qrow right in the stomach with enough force to send him flying. He got back up, readying Harbinger’s shotgun. 
Clover tossed Kingfisher up out of his hand, only by a few inches, just enough to switch his grip and find the balance point of the harpoon form. Within a moment his arm was up, arching past his shoulder, his entire body flowing with the throw as he turned his weapon into a spear. 
Kingfisher sailed right by Qrow’s ribs, catching his cape and ripping it backwards until it hit the wall, tugging Qrow along from the force of the hit. His back hit the wall and he looked down at the weapon tucked neatly between his arm and his side, his heart thudding in his chest as he noticed it had grazed the fabric of his shirt, tearing down to the white undershirt. 
He swallowed and looked up as Clover walked up, hand landing firmly on Kingfisher’s pole as he got a little closer then was necessary, grinning self-assuredly. Qrow gave him a matching smug smirk. “Nice throw.”
“Thanks. I’d say that move was pure skill.” He placed his left hand on the wall beside Qrow’s head, just close enough that Qrow could see flecks of gold and emerald green in those teal irises. Harbinger went slack in Qrow’s grasp, the end of the blade tapping the ground as his adam’s apple bobbed in his throat.. 
“I’d believe it.” Clover had moved like the spear was second nature to him. “So I guess I owe you a story now, Shamrock.”
“Fair’s fair. We’ll trade.” Clover yanked Kingfisher back out of the wall with a heft of his shoulders, eyes glittering like gemstones as the harpoon slid carefully between Qrow’s arm and torso. 
Qrow caught a flicker of deviousness in those eyes before Clover masked it with concern. “I didn’t catch you, did I?”
Qrow glanced down at the sliced fabric of his shirt , aura preventing any actual injury. Pretty close shave there. He reached for it on instinct before Clover’s hand rested over it, making him practically jump in surprise at the warmth the other man radiated. 
“Sorry about that,” Clover patted his side in apology, not sounding sorry at all. 
Qrow scoffed, grabbing Clover’s wrist before he pulled away. “How concussed are you?”
Clover chuckled at that, his laugh rumbling from his chest like honey over gravel. “You’ll have to do better than that to take me down. Maybe I’ll let you have another try later.”
Qrow quirked a brow in interest. “Now that’s a rematch I wouldn’t mind.”
These are not literal constructs so much as imaginative recreations- Mr Ibis.
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betoxalapa · 3 years
INVIERNO/ Maricarmen Delfín Delgado
INVIERNO/ Maricarmen Delfín Delgado
La nívea calma se tiñe de melancolía, la ausencia de calor enfría el ambiente que contagia los sentidos sin motivo aparente, el necesario lapso de quietud para reiniciar es inminente. Así nos envuelve el invierno, con su blanco y otras veces grisáceo manto cubre la vida y el espíritu. Como su etimología griega lo indica, se deriva de “hibernus” (relativo al invierno) que a su vez emana de…
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