moongalovesbally · 11 months
Well done Bally♥️ for Transforming Lusaka!
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Last week, a remarkable change unfolded in our beloved Lusaka City as street vendors were relocated from the Town area. This bold move brought about some fantastic benefits:
1️⃣ Sparkling Cleanliness: With vendors gone, the streets of The Central Business District (CBD) are now cleaner than ever before.
2️⃣ Spacious x Congestion-Free: Say goodbye to the crowded sidewalks! The removal of vendors has opened up more space, allowing people x cars to move freely through the city.
3️⃣ Picture-Perfect Beautification: Behold the sheer beauty of our shops, buildings x gardens, r now visible without obstruction. Lusaka is truly a sight to behold!
4️⃣ Enhanced Safety: No more worries about Ba Kawalala blending in amongst the vendors. Lusaka is now safer, ensuring that our wallets, phones x belongings remain secure as we wander through town.
The transformation is undeniable x we owe a huge thanks to The UPND Government for spearheading this positive change in our community. Let's embrace the newfound vibrancy x enjoy a truly revitalized Lusaka! 🎉🌇
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In the last stop of her Africa visit, Vice President Kamala Harris today was in Zambia, which co-hosted this week’s Summit for Democracy. Neither Harris nor Biden will comment in any way about the impending indictment of the former president. At a press conference in Zambia’s capital, Lusaka, today, a reporter from the Wall Street Journal reminded Harris that she had “spoken about democracy and the rule of law at every stop in Africa,” and asked her to comment on news of the indictment.
When she declined, Zambian president Hakainde Hichilema stepped forward. “[L]et’s remove names from your question,” he said.
“Let’s put what we decided we will do to govern ourselves in an orderly manner. First, our constitutions, bedrock law. Then, secondary laws, other regulations create a platform or framework around which we agreed, either as Americans or as Zambians, to govern ourselves.  And so, to live within those confines.
“And when there’s transgression against law, it does not matter who is involved. I think that is what the rule of law means.”
[from Heather Cox Richardson’s “Letters From An American”]
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dailynation · 1 month
Prepare for bad exit, HH warned
By NATION REPORTER A CIVIL society organisation has predicted that President Hakainde Hichilema’s ending will be worse than that of his predecessor, Edgar Lungu because he has adopted hatred, mistreatment and demonising against the immediate past President as the new style of governing the country. Joseck Kunda, the chief executive officer for the Movement for Promoting National Values and…
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yohane23 · 2 years
Zambia on track for debt restructuring next quarter -finance minister
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sulemanchitera · 2 years
The Zambian President and His New Dawn Government
The Zambian President and His New Dawn Government
Burnett Munthali The government of President Hakainde Hichilema has employed *30 496 teachers* at one goal and *11 400 health workers nurses, doctors and others* in 2022. No government in the Southern Africa has done that. Hakainde always says that he wants to be remembered as the greatest President. Up to now he is refusing to get a salary. Hichilema’s children and relatives were stopped…
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stele3 · 4 months
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mezzopieno-news · 1 year
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Adempiendo a un impegno preso durante la campagna elettorale, il presidente dello Zambia, Hakainde Hichilema ha firmato il decreto ufficiale che abolisce la pena di morte nella nazione. L’abrogazione da parte dello Zambia della legge sulla pena capitale la rende venticinquesima nazione in Africa ad abolire la pena di morte.
Hichilema ha presentato al parlamento il disegno di legge per porre fine alla pena capitale il 25 maggio 2022, in commemorazione dell’Africa Freedom Day, giorno in cui ha anche commutato le condanne di 30 prigionieri nel braccio della morte, salvandoli dall’esecuzione. “Un’enorme pietra miliare nella rimozione delle leggi coloniali che non si adattano all’ordinamento democratico del Paese” secondo l’attivista per i diritti umani dello Zambia Brebner Changala.
Lo Zambia è il centododicesimo Stato ad aver abolito del tutto la pena capitale, la quinta nazione dell’Africa subsahariana ad abolire la pena di morte in questo decennio mentre altre 24 nazioni nel mondo di fatto non la applicano più. Tra gli ultimi, il Ciad ha abolito la pena di morte per tutti i reati nel maggio 2020. Nel luglio 2021 il parlamento della Sierra Leone ha votato all’unanimità per abolire la pena di morte. Nel maggio 2022 la Repubblica Centrafricana ha adottato una legislazione per abolire la pena di morte e il nuovo codice penale adottato dalla Guinea Equatoriale nel settembre 2022 ha rimosso la pena di morte dai suoi statuti.
Fonte: Zambia Daily Mail
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lboogie1906 · 13 days
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President Hakainde Hichilema (June 4, 1962) was inaugurated on August 24, 2021. He was born in the Monze District of Zambia. Little is known about his childhood. He graduated from the University of Zambia with a BA in Economics and Business Administration. He earned an MBA in Finance and Business Strategy at the University of Birmingham in the UK.
He served as the Chief Operating Officer of Coopers and Lybrand in Zambia. He served as the CEO of Grant Thornton, Zambia. In 2006, he was elected President of the United Party for National Development. He was the party candidate for president in the elections of 2006, 2008, 2011, 2015, and 2016. He lost every election. In the 2015 election, he lost by only 27,757 votes (1%).
In early 2017, he was arrested when his convoy of vehicles failed to make way for President Edgar Lungu’s motorcade. He was charged with treason and spent four months in jail before the charges were dismissed. In the 2021 election, he won in a landslide over sitting President Edgar Lungu. This was a rare incidence where an incumbent African president was defeated by a first-time candidate was defeated by the leader of the loyal opposition in the national legislature. He was inaugurated as the seventh president of Zambia on August 24, 2021.
In his inaugural address, he said that “no Zambian should go to bed hungry.” He promised to revive the country’s stagnant economy, provide jobs for unemployed youth, and pledged that his administration would have zero tolerance for corruption. He promised an inclusive government as “diversity is strength.”
He is referred to as “HH” throughout Zambia. He and his wife, Mutinta, have three children. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
On April 26, 2022, the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) announced that they had set up an office in the U.S. Embassy in Lusaka, Zambia. According to AFRICOM Brigadier General Peter Bailey,[...] the Office of Security Cooperation would be based in the U.S. Embassy building. Social media in Zambia buzzed with rumors about the creation of a U.S. military base in the country. Defense Minister Ambrose Lufuma released a statement to say that “Zambia has no intention whatsoever of establishing or hosting any military bases on Zambian soil.” “Over our dead bodies” will the United States have a military base in Zambia, said Dr. Fred M’membe, the president of the Socialist Party of Zambia.
Brigadier General Bailey of AFRICOM had met with Zambia’s President Hakainde Hichilema during his visit to Lusaka. Hichilema’s government faces serious economic challenges despite the fact that Zambia has one of the richest resources of raw materials in the world. When Zambia’s total public debt grew to nearly $27 billion (with an external debt of approximately $14.5 billion), it returned to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in December 2021 for financial assistance, resulting in an IMF-induced spiral of debt.
Two months after Hichilema met with the AFRICOM team, he hosted IMF Deputy Managing Director Antoinette M. Sayeh in June, who thanked President Hichilema for his commitment to the IMF “reform plans.” These plans include a general austerity package that will not only cause the Zambian population to be in the grip of poverty but will also prevent the Zambian government from exercising its sovereignty.
Dr. M’membe, president of the Socialist Party, has emerged as a major voice against the United States military presence in his country. Defense Minister Lufuma’s claim that the United States is not building a base in Zambia elicits a chuckle from M’membe. “I think there is an element of ignorance on his part,” M’membe told me. “This is sheer naivety. He [Lufuma] does not understand that practically there is no difference between a U.S. military base and an AFRICOM office. It’s just a matter of semantics to conceal their real intentions.”
The real intentions, M’membe told me, are for the United States to use Zambia’s location “to monitor, to control, and to quickly reach the other countries in the region.” Zambia and its neighbor, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, he said, “possess not less than 70 percent of the world’s cobalt reserves. There are huge copper reserves and other minerals needed for modern technologies [in both these countries].” Partly, M’membe said, “this is what has heightened interest in Zambia.” Zambia is operating as a “puppet regime,” M’membe said, a government that is de jure independent but de facto “completely dependent on an outside power and subject to its orders,” M’membe added, while referring to the U.S. interference in the functioning of the Zambian government. Despite his campaign promises in 2021, President Hichilema has followed the same IMF-dependent policies as his unpopular predecessor Edgar Lungu. However, in terms of a U.S. base, even Lungu had resisted the U.S. pressure to allow this kind of office to come up on Zambian soil.
After news broke out about the establishment of the office, former Zambian Permanent Representative to the African Union, Emmanuel Mwamba, rushed to see Hichilema and caution him not to make this deal. Ambassador Mwamba said that other former presidents of Zambia—Lungu (2015-2021), Michael Sata (2011-2014), Rupiah Banda (2008-2011) and Levy Mwanawasa (2002-2008)—had also refused to allow AFRICOM to enter the country since its creation in 2007.
Zambia’s Defense Minister Lufuma argues that the “office” set up in Lusaka is to assist the Zambian forces in the United Nations Multidimensional Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA). Since 2014, the United States has provided around 136 million kwacha ($8 million) to assist the Zambian military. Lufuma said that this office will merely continue that work. In fact, Zambia is not even one of the top five troop contributing countries to MINUSCA (these include Bangladesh, Cameroon, Egypt, Pakistan and Rwanda). Lufuma’s reason, therefore, seems like a fig leaf.
Neither Zambia nor the United States military has made public the agreement signed in April. The failure to release the text has led to a great deal of speculation, which is natural. Meanwhile, in Ghana, where a defense cooperation agreement was signed between the two countries in May 2018, the United States had initially said that it was merely creating a warehouse and an office for its military, which then turned out to mean that the United States military was taking charge of one of the three airport terminals at Accra airport and has since used it as its base of operations in West Africa. “From the experience of Ghana, we know what it is,” M’membe told me, while speaking about the American plan to make an office in the U.S. Embassy in Zambia. “It is not [very] different from a base. It will slowly but surely grow into a full-scale base.”
From the first whiff that the United States might create an AFRICOM base on the continent, opposition grew swiftly. It was led by former South African President Thabo Mbeki and his Defense Minister at that time, Mosiuoa Lekota, both of whom lobbied the African Union and the Southern African Development Community to reject any U.S. base on the continent. Over the past five years, however, the appetite for full-scale rejection of bases has withered despite an African Union resolution against allowing the establishment of such bases in 2016. The U.S. military has 29 known military bases in 15 of the African countries.
Not only have 15 African countries ignored their own regional body’s advice when it comes to allowing foreign countries to establish military bases there, but the African Union (AU) has itself allowed the United States to create a military attaché’s office inside the AU building in Addis Ababa. “The AU that resisted AFRICOM in 2007,” M’membe told me, “is not the AU of today.
1 Jul 22
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umarfarooqzahoor · 14 days
Africa Felt Blessed to Have Hakainde Hichilema Embracing His Potential to Drive the Future of Leadership in Africa
You must be aware that African growth & development have appreciably risen in last year. And, its hopes were actually raised when Hakainde Hichilema became the seventh President of Zambia. Do you know? He had a landslide victory on 16 August 202, and he shook the world securing a position over President Edgar Lungu.
That’s why, it is considered that this offers very high hopes to the entire of Africa because he is highly skilled and experienced leader.
Who is Hakainde Hichilema?
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Hakainde Hichilema is a self-described ‘cattle-boy’ that’s why known as Rose from humble beginnings. He is a self-made businessman due to his immense interest in finance, property, healthcare, and tourism. His victory at the election in itself proved that he has the potential to transform Zambia into a beleaguered economy.
He used to run so tech-savvy campaigning, especially targeting youngsters, demonstrating that he is also amongst them and not apart from them. His way of representing that he is not just a part of the business elites was popular amongst his young voters. After his success, a fact is very sure that now Africans have visions & hopes for a genuine meritocracy and strong economy which involves mainly youth.
He was born on June 4th, 1962. He is the seventh to start his office term from August 24, 2021, and is currently serving as the president of Zambia. He is a politician, successful businessman, and farmer. He fought several other elections in 2006, 2008, 2011, 2015, & 2016, but finally, he won the presidential election for 2021 with more than 59% of the votes.
He followed as the leading face of the United Party for National Development as the founder Anderson Mazoka died in 2006. Earlier he was a major opponent of Edgar Lungu, who was the president of Zambia from 2005 to 2021. Later, achieved milestones.
His Breathtaking Success
His effortful resilience bid him an asset. He then cherished the presidency six times before his victory. Citizens of Zambia always admired a leader with experience and merit. A leader
whom they can trust and not mere slogans which claim to transform the trajectory of the country.
Copper prices collapsed in 2011, and Zambia which is the second largest producer of copper but has to languish for a whole decade. In addition, the hit of the COVID-19 pandemic did no favors to this economy. The concern was the negligence of the previous government in implementing a stable business environment.
This was witnessed in the mining sector. Due to this, it was unable to hit its full potential as many experts predicted as a “Supercycle” of a new copper. This failure was compounded due to the rising debt crisis. The external debt was around 12 billion USD.
Amongst all these serious events Lungu’s Patriotic Front came to power in 2011, and at that time they made quite big promises. They claimed to decrease taxes, to increase money in people’s pockets, including more jobs.
And, unfortunately, this majorly disheartens young people. Additionally, his administration was showered with numerous allegations. There were rumors as well claiming that the Chinese are financing his campaigns. Some rumors of corruption allegations were also claimed.
On the other hand, Hakainde Hichilema kept on connecting to young voters and his different nature was fruitful as he had an overwhelming victory. It is a fact that the stories of Hakainde Hichilema are very uncommon in Africa. As, across the continent, there were disastrous economic & health effects of the pandemic. This led to the worsening of already existing situations amongst many countries of the continent.
He was quite skilled & experienced, the same as the background of Alexander B. Cummings. Who rose to become head of Coca-Cola Africa along with the chief administrative officer of a multinational firm at the global level. Besides this, policy reform and focusing on the revival of the economy were the goals of Cumming and Hakainde Hichilema felt as same.
The Strengthening Meeting with Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor
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The revival of an economy can be accelerated with the right efforts and integration of innovative ideas that have the potential to excel. Considering this, the most loved leader met a popular businessman; Sheikh Umar Farooq Zahoor. This meeting was highly productive in terms of defining the implementation of economy-building ideas.
These also focus on the other aspects of growth and development which are improving education, capitalizing on worthwhile businesses, empowering women, and much more so that it can serve the purpose well.
Summing up the whole
Zambia views Hakainde Hichilema as a fortune sealer. Due to his potential and skillsets people of Zambia trust him as a hope for the nation. His victory is also considered a mesmerizing opportunity considering it a game changer for Zambia. Might it is just a phase of change in Zambia, but in the long run, they have believed in the leaders they chose this time. Besides, it is a fact that this new generation of leaders is carrying the potential for better governance, more excitability, economic upliftments, and enriching the nation’s reserve once more with economic fortune.
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moongalovesbally · 8 months
itx a Whitewash Victory 🏆 UPND Wins All Elections🥇
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Congratulations 🎉👏🏿 to Zambia's most loved 💕 & blessed 🙏🏿 party the invincible 💪🏿 UPND 🏩 for winning 🏆 both elections that took place across the country yesterday. This demonstrates that Zambians everywhere r still deeply & madly in love with Bally & the New Dawn Administration 😍🥰♥️
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For those who follow me, u may recall that this fulfills the prophecy I made on Monday that UPND would indeed emerge victorious 🏆 in both elections.
In Western Province️, UPND's Sianga Mwechela❤️ secured a victory with 261 votes✅ which is 9 times more than his closest rival from the former ruling party PF, who garnered a meager 28 votes, x 13 times more than his 2nd rival from the Leadership Movement, who received just 19 votes.
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Meanwhile, in Central Province, UPND's Lumingu Alick♥️ emerged as the winner with 648 votes✅ which is 3 times more than his closest rival from the Socialist Party, who only managed to secure 178 votes, x 9 times more than his 2nd rival from the former ruling PF, who received a mere 66 votes - Alabwelelapo kwisa? 😂
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Thank u 🙏🏿 beautiful people of Western 🧡 & Central 💛 provinces for giving us these sweet 🧁 Victories 🥇 🙌🏿
Viva UPND 👋🏿❤️
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Michael de Adder, Washington Post
* * * * *
March 31, 2023
Heather Cox Richardson
The second Summit for Democracy organized by the White House concluded yesterday with an invitation to a third summit, to be held in Costa Rica later this year. The second summit was not just a United States party: its virtual sessions were co-hosted by Costa Rica, the Netherlands, South Korea, and Zambia. Over the course of three days, participants from more than 100 countries discussed ways to surge resources to reformers during democratic openings, address inequality, promote economic growth, combat corruption, advance the status of women, promote media freedom, encourage youth political participation, combat hate speech, strengthen unions, and defend the rule of law.
On Tuesday, President Joe Biden congratulated the attendees for helping to make democracy work, turning the tide against autocracies. In the U.S. he said, “we’ve demonstrated that our democracy can still do big things and deliver important progress for working Americans.” As ordinary Americans have seen lower costs for prescription drugs and health insurance premiums, progress on rebuilding infrastructure, innovation, and policies to address climate change, they have, Biden said, “resoundingly and roundly rejected the voices of extremism attacking and undermining our democracy.”
Biden highlighted the ways other countries are advancing democracy: Angola is trying to build an independent judiciary, the Dominican Republic and Croatia have combated corruption. Biden called out “many other countries…from countries taking the first steps toward reform to well-established democracies of people making real changes to protect and strengthen their democracy.” The work of democracy “has never been easy,” he said. It “is hard work. The work of democracy is never finished. It’s never laid down and that’s it, all you have to do. It must be protected constantly.”
He continued: “We have to continually renew our commitment, continually strengthen our institutions, root out corruption where we find it, seek to build consensus, and reject political violence, give hate and extremism no safe harbor.”
The U.S. has invested in global democracy by committing more than $1 billion to shore up government transparency and accountability, support media freedom, fight international corruption, defend elections, and promote technology that advances democracy. It intends, Biden says, to commit $9.5 billion over three years.
Protecting democracy, the president said, “is a defining challenge of our age.”
Today, Leslie B. Dubeck, the general counsel for the Manhattan district attorney’s office, wrote to Representatives Jim Jordan (R-OH), chair of the House Committee on the Judiciary; Bryan Steil (R-WI), chair of the House Committee on House Administration; and James Comer (R-KY), chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, to warn them that their attacks on Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg and his office were “unlawful political interference.”
Jordan, Steil, and Comer have tried to intervene in the district attorney’s investigation of former president Trump. Even before a grand jury of ordinary citizens voted to file charges against Trump, the three men demanded the district attorney share with them confidential information about the state of the investigation. The district attorney did not give it to them because, as Dubeck said, “our Office is legally constrained in how it publicly discusses pending criminal proceedings,… as you well know. That secrecy is critical to protecting the privacy of the target of any criminal investigation as well as the integrity of the independent grand jury’s proceedings,” she wrote.
She called their interference “unnecessary and unjustified” and reminded the men that Congress has no jurisdiction over individual criminal investigations. Nor does it have jurisdiction over state investigations. “The Committees’ attempted interference with an ongoing state criminal investigation—and now prosecution—is an unprecedented and illegitimate incursion on New York’s sovereign interests,” she wrote.
Dubeck noted that the men were reportedly working closely with Trump to attack the district attorney’s office and the grand jury process, making it seem that “you are acting more like criminal defense counsel trying to gather evidence for a client than a legislative body seeking to achieve a legitimate legislative objective.”
Dubeck noted that Trump has been threatening Bragg personally and warning that his indictment might unleash “death & destruction.” She pointed out that the three men, as committee chairs, “could use the stature of your office to denounce these attacks and urge respect for the fairness of our justice system and for the work of the impartial grand jury.” Instead, they and their colleagues were collaborating with Trump to attack the justice system as politically motivated. “We urge you to refrain from these inflammatory accusations, withdraw your demand for information, and let the criminal justice process proceed without unlawful political interference,” she wrote.
Dubeck concluded by noting that subpoenaing the district attorney for information about an ongoing state criminal prosecution, as they threatened to do, was “unprecedented and unconstitutional” and expressed hope they would “make a good-faith effort to reach a negotiated resolution.”
Also today, Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric Davis ruled in favor of Dominion Voting Systems in a key point of the company’s lawsuit against the Fox News Corporation for defamation. The ruling also established the central point for dismissing the story that Trump had won the 2020 election. Davis wrote—in italics—“The evidence developed in this civil proceeding demonstrates that [it] is CRYSTAL clear that none of the Statements relating to Dominion about the 2020 election are true.”
The Fox News Corporation had argued that the false statements of its hosts claiming that the voting system had thrown the 2020 presidential election to Biden were not defamatory because they were opinions. In his decision the judge went through the statements, calling out 20 occasions on which lies were stated as facts and similar occasions on which deliberately omitted material changed the meaning of what was presented.
The judge has determined that the hosts’ statements were false. Now the case will go to a jury trial in April to determine whether Fox hosts knew they were lying and whether Dominion sustained damages from the defamation. The company is suing for $1.6 billion.
In the last stop of her Africa visit, Vice President Kamala Harris today was in Zambia, which co-hosted this week’s Summit for Democracy. Neither Harris nor Biden will comment in any way about the impending indictment of the former president. At a press conference in Zambia’s capital, Lusaka, today, a reporter from the Wall Street Journal reminded Harris that she had “spoken about democracy and the rule of law at every stop in Africa,” and asked her to comment on news of the indictment.
When she declined, Zambian president Hakainde Hichilema stepped forward. “[L]et’s remove names from your question,” he said.
“Let’s put what we decided we will do to govern ourselves in an orderly manner. First, our constitutions, bedrock law. Then, secondary laws, other regulations create a platform or framework around which we agreed, either as Americans or as Zambians, to govern ourselves.  And so, to live within those confines.
“And when there’s transgression against law, it does not matter who is involved. I think that is what the rule of law means.”
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dailynation · 5 months
Find time to visit ECL too, Bishops urge HH
IF President Hakainde Hichilema is able to visit former vice president Guy Scott, Zambians do not expect him to have difficult engaging with his predecessor Edgar Lungu, says the Bishops Council of Zambia (BCZ). BCZ general secretary Bishop Able Kaela said Mr Hichilema was seen on Wednesday visiting Dr Scott when he has totally ignored the former president who has a wealth of knowledge in so far…
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sunzambian · 21 days
HH should apologise to Catholics - Imboela
PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema should make peace with the Catholic Church by personally tendering an unreserved apology to the leadership of the church that has suffered intense abuse, malice and harassment at the hands of the UPND rank and file of its offi
By NATION REPORTER PRESIDENT Hakainde Hichilema should make peace with the Catholic Church by personally tendering an unreserved apology to the leadership of the church that has suffered intense abuse, malice and harassment at the hands of the UPND rank and file of its officials, Saboi Imboela has said. Ms Imboela, president of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) says the acrimonious…
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yohane23 · 2 years
Zambia-China Relations: Where does Economic Diplomacy fit in?
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sulemanchitera · 2 years
Chakwera Attend Kulamba In Zambia
Chakwera Attend Kulamba In Zambia
President Lazarus Chakwera says he takes pride in celebrating different cultures as such celebrations bring unity among people of different cultures. Chakwera is speaking at the Kulamba Ceremony in Mkaika, Zambia, which is a cultural event for the Chewa people of Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique. The President says his administration champions co-existence among people of different cultures and…
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