#hiddleston tinhaters
doctortwhohiddles · 1 year
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I guess ZFC has decided to die on the "Tom's become a famewhore" hill. 🙄
The article describes Tom and Zawe as reclusive. How is that compatible with a famewhore? On what planet does this logic makes sense?
Tom and Zawe didn't attend that party because they wanted attention, they went to support their friend. They only pictures we have of the 2 of them together are them leaving and a few crowd shots. They didn't even pose together for an official photograph.
Tinhaters need a PR 101 class. They sure as fuck don't understand how it works. Here's a hint: going about your day like a normal person isn't PR. They need to stop viewing Tom as product and see him for the human being he is.
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...she says as she quote-tweets her reply. 🤣
P.S. Please someone explain to her how twitter handles work.
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thisdancingheart · 10 months
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insanityclause · 11 months
Zawe not at king lear press night.. The tinhaters will go crazy she isn't at king lear press night. If she didn't go to Richard E Grants halloween do for whatever reason so she and Tom would rather have their own halloween do with just their families because having 1 yr old first halloween at home after Tom gets home from king lear press night
Too bad for them that she’s at a different event, then, and obviously can’t be in two places at once.
Also - we don’t know that she wasn’t at REG’s party, and probably never will.
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prdevilbob · 2 years
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Well this is pretty hilarious, considering there are active tinhats for Hiddleston, Tennant and Driver!
If anyone knows of an Oscar Issac tinhat PLEASE link me lol. Would be fascinating but not surprising.
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cantquitu · 3 years
When I first became a fan of Harry, with sott, I came across larrie stuff and it was stated as fact: he was dating his ex-band mate on the down low. I thought, “oh, that’s nice for them.” It never occurred to me that it wasn’t true because it was my first real experience of fandom and it never occurred to me that people would be interested in someone’s private life—of the fantasy thereof—to such an extent. But the more I saw (all in the space of a week, I went down the Harry rabbit hole fairly quickly), the more shocked I was. I then watched videos trying to figure out it it was just some kind of massive joke that everyone was in on, and there one talking about how Harry was communicating his queerness through wearing pink… I’m so glad I found out they’re only a small percentage of his fandom, and I reckon smaller now than then. The sad thing is, that you only need to be familiar with one fandom to recognise it in others. Just yesterday, I saw exactly the same bs about Tom Hiddleston and his girlfriend, you could have replaced their names with Harry and Olivia and it would be almost identical.
Yeah, I think many new Harry Styles fans who weren't around for 1D had a very similar experience to you. It's shocking at first. I knew all about "Larry shipping" before I came anywhere near the 1D fandom, so that didn't surprise me. But I didn't know that along with the shippers (there were still some back then) there were full-blown tinhat believers. Took me a while. And yep, it's the same in every fandom where it's tolerated.
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zot3-flopped · 4 years
Oh no I agree in that, couples who are long term like Eleanor and Louis how can that be fake? Also they are very private. And sorry but never believe Taylor wasn't straight. The rumors about Tom exist since 2011 or so way before they date. There are also fake couples who are together for puclicity and then split (movies specially, co stars). I always tought Robert Pattinson and Kristen S were fake. But most people don't think that way, it has nothing to do with the fandom. I never tought any of the 1D girlfriends were fake. And the tinhats here are the worst
Oh, dear. I live in the UK and I can assure you that nobody thought Hiddleston was gay. He was in a long term relationship with a woman until 2008. Kristen and Robert dated for real too. Sexuality is fluid especially in young people. 
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Protip: It’s all in the details of the article- READ the entire piece before using it as evidence of your fantasy
The “newbie” ccer is taking well to her new position and seems to have read the cc handbook thoroughly. She’s using confirmation bias like a champ, basing her belief on the all-important “something seems off when I look at pictures of Darren and Mia” hence they must be fake and ignoring important details in articles that sound like they prove cc tropes are real but upon actually reading them, they fall far short or even prove their tropes are made up lies. Today she posted a 3-year old piece from Huffpo Canada about an E show called The Arrangement which told the thinly-veiled story of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes marriage. A few years after the Tom Cruise-Nicole Kidman divorce, Scientology leader David Miscavige decided Tom needed a wife and “auditioned” several Scientology-approved women before landing on Katie. They had a whirlwind romance that played out across the world and married soon afterward. Tom had a Scientology handler-his sister- with him at all times during this process. Tabloids had long speculated on this and Leah Remini’s Scientology documentary series confirmed it. The wedding was basically arranged and fake on some level but that wasn't because of anyone in Hollywood. It was because David Miscavige is a ruthless leader of the “church”. He runs the organization like a mob boss. If you haven't watched Leah’s show I highly recommend it. It’s hard to believe the shit that goes down but after dozens of people tell very similar stories you begin to realize it’s a very scary cult run by an evil man who doesn’t care who he hurts or tortures as long as he maintains power and brings in millions of dollars. People literally have to escape in the middle of the night and many are caught by teams whose job it is to chase down escapees. 
The article is HERE (X).
awesome-fanfictionada Here’s a great informative article about faux-weddings and faux-mances. I so wish they had auditioned like for Cathy Holmes. Or that it only had lasted 12 days.
But anyway, I know I have to trust my guts cause that day T/om C/ruise went to jump on O/prah’s couch I knew that something was fake. As I do now. (Funny how I had completely erased TC’s fake marriage, maybe cause I really dislike him).
Everyone’s whatthefuck-’meter went off when Tom Cruise jumped on Oprah’s couch.  
The article says:
The concept of the Hollywood contract relationship, otherwise known as a “fauxmance” or “promance,” dates back to the studio system of the early 20th century. Actor Rock Hudson’s 1955 marriage to secretary Phyllis Gates was famously arranged by the actor’s agent, Henry Wilson, in an effort to hide Hudson’s sexual orientation from the public. Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn had audiences convinced of their love both on- and off-screen, but a 2012 memoir by Hollywood fixer Scotty Bowers claims their 26-year relationship was a decoy to distract from the same-sex relationships they both reportedly enjoyed.
But it goes on to say: 
Today, while Hollywood has become a friendlier place to openly queer actors, it’s possible there are relationships that are arranged to conceal a star’s true sexual orientation; however, it’s far more plausible that a fauxmance might be concocted to promote a shared project or raise a couple’s collective profile.
It’s more likely a fauxmance is used to promote a project.  The piece goes on to talk about Kaley Cuoco and Henry Cavilli’s “romance” that lasted 12 days when Henry was promoting Man of Steel. Kaley was quoted as saying “I had no one following me until I met Superman. I’ve been in this business for 20 years, and my whole life, I could go anywhere, do anything. There had not been one paparazzi photo of me until like seven months ago. The recognition has been crazy”.  According to HuffPo: 
The problem with Cuoco’s statement is that while it used to be commonplace for the paparazzi to be out in full force following celebrities around town, hunting for that perfect picture, that happens far less often today unless you occupy the A-list.
The rest of the piece analyzes Hiddleswift- Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston’s short romance. 
So what did we learn from reading this “great informative article about faux-weddings and faux-mances”? 
1. Faux-mances are used for PR purposes to distract from negative stories (Taylor -Kim K smackdown) or to amp up the interest factor in actors promoting projects (Cuoco and Cavilli). Mia isn’t famous and doesn’t bring anything to the table PR wise.  She doesn’t ramp up the frenzy in Darren’s media coverage. Furthermore, they have been dating for 10 years rather than a few weeks to months.  
2. Faux weddings -David Miscavige and the Church of Scientology controlled Tom Cruise’s marriage to Katie Holmes- Darren isn’t a Scientologist so this isn’t relevant to anything. 
3. Paparazzi pics aren’t nearly as lucrative as they used to be because social media is much easier to push a narrative. 
4. Using faux romances and marriages to hide an actor’s sexual orientation was used when studios contracted with an actor for a long period of time. The studio system died out by the 60′s and Hollywood is more open-minded nowadays.    The media has never speculated that Darren is gay, there are no scandalized photos of him with men, Darren has definitively said he’s straight for 11 years. There is no reason to think he would be hiding in the closet. No studio owns him for the last 10 years. He said he was straight before he was on Glee, he dated Mia from before he was on Glee. 
The article does give credibility to tinhat tropes- in fact, it does the opposite. Once again, someone got excited that an article covered the same ideas and keywords they love to throw around but nobody read it for content....or they did but like everything, they read it as confirmation bias rather than reading it for what it actually says. 
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ekkorn · 5 years
okay, i'm just gonna say this. this weird competition with tom hiddleston is just... dumb? like, idek what gripe y'all have with the man? sure, i think benedict is the better actor and the sexier choice, but honestly? tom hiddleston is a great actor, seems like a nice person and why, just why are benedict fans so, idek, afraid of him? and if you don't think he's a good actor, why is that even smt to point out, i just don't get it.
and especially the loki thing, ffs benedict is no better than him in that, marvel owns his ass just as much, and this stupid notion that dr strange is somehow a superior or classier role is just asinine, it's a braindead superhero franchise ffs. (no, im not implying superheroes in general are braindead, ive been a huge fan all my life, just that the mcu and it's creators are. yes, im still salty af abt andgame, and as far as im concerned they did strange dirty too.)
anyways, i don't see the point in bashing other actors just bc there's a perceived rivalry between either the actors or the fandoms. it's just dumb.
hope y'all have a great day.
eta, OH! and when tom dated taylor swift, which, yes, dumb, but y'all sounded like the disgusting tinhats we're encumbered with when you did. seriously. just, why do you care who ppl are dating? just ugh.
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doctortwhohiddles · 1 year
The definition of Entitlement in the Webster dictionary: the belief that you are entitled to certain privileges.
Example: This anon has a serious entitlement issues.
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Tom only owns his fans a good performance. That's it. He's in no way obligated to interact with fans. Especially when it comes to his private life. If those anon can't understand that, it's their problem. Not Tom's. He doesn't have to explain or announce anything regarding his private life. That part of himsis not for public consumption. After the way certain "fans" reacted to him dating TS, I can't say I blame him for wanting to keep his privacy. Especially since Zawe is getting more hate because of her skin colour.
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It's the year 2048. Tom and Zawe have just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with their three adult children and their first grandchild.
Between them they have three BAFTAs, two Golden Globes, one Oscar, two SAG awards, two Emmys, a Tony, three Olivier Awards, and two Booker Prizes.
The whole world loves them.
The whole world? No. There is one lone caller in the wilderness who is still channeling their inner Nostradamus and predicting sorrow, break ups and failed careers.
Thank God that some things never change.
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thisdancingheart · 2 years
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I said what I said. Liking someone’s public, professional work DOES NOT entitle you to their private life.
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insanityclause · 5 years
I think believing it's personal is a bit tinhat-y and verging on crazy stan territory. I highly doubt a large group of industry professionals AND theatre fans got together and crackled "haha, let's snub Hiddleston!". I think it's more an indication of how bad voters are at looking back or keeping names in their minds.
Have you seen London theatre Twitter??
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kaylorfails · 6 years
What are the different kind of kaylors? Like the tinhats and toxics and all those classifications?
There are two kinds of kaylors: the shippers (0.5%) and the tinhats (99.5%). As you can see the shippers are a minority of the fandom.
The toxics are a part of Tom Hiddleston’s fandom and teamed with kaylors in dragging Taylor when she was dating him. They’re also hated by the rest of his fandom.
Both are very alike. The both think Taylor is manipulative, a liar, fake and a sociopath. The toxics see these traits as very negative and call her the white devil. While the kaylors see these traits in a positive light because according to them she’s gay and in a relationship with their chosen girl.
I hope this explanation answers your question.
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thelarrative-blog · 7 years
Are Benedict tinhats tinhatting him with someone (aka other white attractive man) or are they like Hiddleston stans who want to be with him/bang him and that's why they hate women in his life?
No! From what I’ve seen there’s very little about Martin Freeman involved in any of this fake baby fake girlfriend stuff they’ve invented. Like all the biggest offenders don’t seem to be about that.
It just seems to be the more Classical type of teenage girl jealousy, just written out by middle aged women who have decided if they’re jealous of a man and woman dating then he must be faking his entire life and she’s blackmailing him and involved in running a pedophile and human trafficking ring with Hillary Clinton. If only when I was a jealous little 12 year old about who Leonardo Dicaprio was dating I’d known you could just accuse every model he was ever seen with of being part of extensive deep state organizations to discredit her.
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cockholmsyndrome · 7 years
Not to be a tinhat but it literally makes no sense for this song to be about Joe especially because of that part where she's dragging Calvin for being in the club doing "I don't know what", I mean she might try to erase the fact that she did that Tom Hiddleston mess and he was the boyfriend in between (and you KNOW that dusty tea bag doesnt even know what a club is) but her little timeline doesn't make sense booboo
I love how she has an army of secret sessioners that are like 'she told us that its about joe!!!!!! so!!!'
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