#hiei imagines
roughluckart · 7 months
Kurama is always so well put together, Hiei had to plan a stealth assault just to tease him.
I've been rewatching the yu yu hakusho anime after 20 years and yusuke looks so cute in his dumb 90s clothes.... I really wanted to draw the demon boys in casual modern clothes too...
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kazimakuwabara · 1 year
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Kuwabara puts his big arms to good use.
When Kuwabara wants a group hug he just swoops 'em all up.
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anime-chick · 10 months
anyways - hiei is a homosexual. so is kurama.
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thank you for your time.
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sealbee101 · 19 days
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he deserves to be a little crazy, a bit insane even as a sweet treat :) + him and his goofy ginger
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annmaximoff18 · 30 days
Y/N: you know how to listen to me and I like that a lot
Hiei: you talk a lot and that bothers me
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semidea7 · 8 months
Hiei: i will not wear those
Kurama: but it's my mother's gift
Hiei: ...
Hiei: hand them
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immolatiism · 2 months
💭 + Where do you get your clothes from?
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" From wherever I want... "
[ Okay so obviously the easiest answer to give you is... he steals them. But the honest answer is that I haven't really thought a lot about this. Because, sure, he steals his clothes. That makes sense, because when the fuck does someone who's former job title was "thief" ever pay for anything?
[ The problem is... his pants. Hiei loses his shirt for so many reasons, but mostly those reasons are his own damn fault. He burns his own clothes, and has to replace them. Except for those damn pants.
[ Due to the magic of shonen anime, Hiei never loses his pants the same way he loses his shirts/wards/bindings/etc. So they have to be made out of some Inuyasha grade bullshit right? (Inuyasha's kimono is both fire and cut resistant, for anyone who doesn't know.)
[ Now, it's not as if humans don't have fabrics with these properties. Wool is surprisingly fire-resistant, and there's a reason that Chinese silk was worn under armor as an extra protective layer against knives and arrows. So it's likely that Hiei's pants are made from some demon-fantasy equivalent of a silk-wool blend. Which... is probably the nicest thing he owns (if they're clean, which is asking a lot).
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rouge-the-bat · 11 months
i want to gnaw on hiei like a chew toy
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hi! I read your hiei fic the other day it was really good ^_^!
Could I req a fem!former delinquent!sweetheart!reader with Kurama and Hiei (together is preferred but seperate is fine) thank youu!
also to go in detail - yusuke and kuwabara knew her and feared her (without knowing that she was a girl and actually pretty caring unless you wronged her) then yusuke wanted to fight her and they met up. eventually became a part of team urameshi!
thank you again!
.. reimi
Aw thank you! I'm always glad to see some yyh lovers on here <3
Also since this was like the 80s-90s, I think the 'never hit a woman' thing was even more relevant to them lol
If y'all want part two lemme know! <3
𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 <3
Check out my kinktober!
𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐇𝐢𝐞𝐢 - 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭
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Can a girl not just be minding her business on the rooftop on her own, without being bothered? This had become your safe space, somewhere you could just forget about these losers that were just looking for a fight.
"Hey! Yuuri!"
That's not your name anymore, but okay.
"'s not my name, asshole."
Somehow people had never connected the dots that you weren't a man. It's a fucking mystery where that little gold nugget of gossip even came from. It's not like you were uniquely masculine looking, you were just very androgynous, and it's not your fault that men's clothes are smarter, more comfortable and made to last longer. Fuck women's clothes, seriously.
You have long hair, but you suppose that people just think you're a cute femboy, like that Shuichi kid from the next school over.
Thus, you had been dubbed "Yuuri", since the general public apparently couldn't be bothered to remember your real name.
Finally, long legs hidden by baggy men's suit pants in a deep black stretch out, knees cracking when you stand. Yusuke doesn't even flinch. Boy, what a trooper.
One would have to be living under a rock, under the ocean, and under another rock to not know who this infamous troublemaker is. This day was bound to come, this guy's probably been in bare-knuckle fist fights with grizzly bears, at this point.
Oh boy, you never know how they'll take the news you're about to break.
"You know, I'm not Yuuri anymore, right?"...
"Meet me in the parking lot in ten!"
"I have class in five minutes"
Your words are lost on him, and you sigh, knowing you're about to stand the poor guy up on what's probably his first date. Poor thing. There's no way in hell you're gonna meet that asshole. He just can't take a hint for the life of him. Just how long has Keiko had that crush on him for?
"Listen, I'm not "meeting up" with you. I'm not in the business of hurting people anymore-"
Let me have my character development arc, asshole.
Nothing more can be said as you walk straight past the little delinquent. Though, he does bristle in offence at your casual dismissal. Maybe you should've rejected him slowly... 'it's not you, it's me...'
Yeah, right.
The two of you do end up meeting anyway, curse you and your curiosity, and you now stand in front of Yusuke with the most unimpressed, 'look, you've got the wrong idea' expression.
Meanwhile, Yusuke is looking aweful proud of himself, and it seems he rolled up with the whole pussy patrol. Of course Shuichi is here, whom you know about because of various contacts that keep tabs on suspicious people for you. And oh, boy, is this redhead suspicious after he caught every single contact of yours with ease, and even more so now that he's groupied with Yusuke, of all people.
Kuwabara obviously wouldn't have missed this for the world, but the fourth guy is simply a mystery to you. Mystery short stack wears only black, like you even despite the school dress code, and as soon as you tilt your head in curiosity at him he immediately looks away. Wierd.
The matter at hand is that Yusuke Urameshi wants to fight you, yet you're not willing to go back to starting shit for no reason. It was just too much hassle, and the second your friends and family got dragged into it was when you called it quits.
"Look, whatever dick measuring contest you think this is, I'm not into it, man."
"Yeah, whatever, man! Come on over here and get your ass-kickin', that smug face a' yours says 'kick me' all over it!"
"You know I'm a woman, right?"
The shocked silence that follows is comical, really.
Yusuke and Kazuma had known of you for a while now, and heard of your feats through others that they had left as pulp on the ground, and were genuinely curious about you. Of course, they never knew the were picking a fight with a woman. As much as they like to promote equality, part of them still cringe at the thought of going against the one rule in the book. Never hit a woman.
Everywhere you look, eyes are wide like dinner plates. Everyone seems genuinely caught off guard, even Hiei and Kurama weren't expecting this. They had just come to see Yusuke get his ass handed to him.
"Why is this such a shock to you people?! Do I really look like a man to you?! Am I ugly?!"
"No- no! You- uh- well..."
Kuwabara steps in to save him, and fails miserably.
"We just thought you were one of those really pretty boys- l-like Kur- I mean- Shuichi..."
This is starting to fuck with you now. At the sight of what Yusuke now knows to be an upset woman in front of him, he cringes. Kuwabara's going on about how rude he is for making a girl cry, even though you're not crying, and like he didn't assume you were a man as well, but he's just background noise.
Somewhere in his head he connects the dots, thinking of every woman he knows and how unexpectedly violent they get when they're angry.
"Actually, that makes sense, you know."
After this turn of events you had actually forgiven this particular group, and the memory of when they all thought you were a man is now a long running joke between the four of you.
At some point, you'd pointed out to 'Useless Urameshi', as you had dubbed him, that he should talk to Keiko because she likes him, and it was getting a little painful to watch them dance around eachother like idiots.
You had grown especially close with Hiei and Kurama after being sucked into one of their demon-hunting escapades, and although the short tempered fire demon had been especially cold at first, it was nothing you hadn't dealt with before. He was just having trouble opening up to you. Kurama warned that it might take a while to get through to him.
Nonetheless, you had patience, or at least more than you did before you had stopped being a delinquent.
In reality, the group thought you were an absolute sweetheart, and even a bit of a doormat at times, but the second you lost your patience it took a while for them to convince you not to commit murder in the first degree. Even Hiei was genuinely surprised at how unnecessarily angry you could get for just an otherwise ordinary human girl, even despite your slight spiritual awareness.
Despite your temper, the group adored you, and you adored them. Kurama often joked that you were his favourite human because of the behemoth strength behind "such pretty eyes". Butterflies invaded your stomach when he said that and they never left.
The two demons especially took a liking to you, since you treated them so well, and it was obvious to everyone except you, that they were competing for you, ironically. It's like Yusuke and Keiko all over again. He's still haunted by the name you gave him. 'Useless Urameshi- What an ass.' he would think.
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anissapierce · 4 months
Being a 'kazu bleaches his hair but doesnt use toner n thts why his hair looks so damn orange' truther is so hard
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youreaclownnow · 6 months
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ZGOK?????!!!!!???????! BIO DEMON ZGOK???!?! BRUH
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zehecatl · 6 months
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he looks so disinterested.. 😭
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yyhimagines · 1 year
mochiii <3 please please please write about yusuke and hiei kissing the context literally does not matter I'm just starved for content
Yusuke and Hiei butt heads regularly, but it's become something of a reliable rhythm between them, something familiar to the point where these arguments have become comforting in representing the norm. It's always playful, of course, and there's a silent understanding between them that after these play arguments that the two of them will fall together like magnets—sharply with a loud "CLACK!!!"
The expression on Yusuke's face was none too pleased, a feigned attitude that looked like it would crack from the edges at any moment. Hands shoved deep in his pockets, Yusuke gives a loud, sarcastic laugh.
"Yeah right, like you could ever make a good ramen." Hiei's expression was surprisingly neutral, though there was also an undeniable air of sass and hot air underneath. "Hn." Piercing red eyes glare through Yusuke as he sits awkwardly on his high stool at the counter, a steaming fresh bowl of noodles in front of him that looked pristine and untouched. "I could do better than this. You call this ramen?" "Tch, fat talk for someone I've caught stealing food before. Can you even cook?" "Of course I can cook. I'm not an infant." "Oh yeah? Then tell me, smart guy, what would you do to make my ramen better?" "More meat." "The fuck you mean, 'more meat?' I already gave you extra meat." "If that's the case, then you must be mocking my appetite. For a detective you're not very intuitive." Yusuke glares at Hiei. Hiei glares back. A few moments pass where the two just stare at each other in silence, causing people passing by the ramen stand to uncomfortably shuffle along a little faster. Finally, Yusuke breaks, sighing as a smile takes the place of his scowl. "You really hate to say 'please' don't you? Typical Hiei." He turns around and grabs more meat, throwing it on the heat as an almost mocking chuckle fills his lungs. "Demons don't say 'please.' " "Kurama does." "You don't." Yusuke starts laughing a little louder, pulling the meat off the heat and turning to slip it gently into Hiei's bowl. Then, without another word, he walks around the stand until he's next to Hiei, grabbing the shorter demon's chin and tilting it upwards before their mouths crash together like pair of bucks fighting for dominance. Y'know, if the deer were gay. "You're such a little shit."
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crossedeyes · 2 years
i already liked shadow the hedgehog from being a second-hand sonic enjoyer through friends, but bc he reminds me of hiei from yyh i now like him even more
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mail-forwarding · 1 year
Spirit of Zen's English translation: "[Oniwaka] is one of the few people that Shuten rarely reveals his emotions to, and one that he remembers from his childhood."
Machine-translated original Japanese: "[Oniwaka] is one of the few people Shuten reveals his emotions to, and whom he reminisces his childhood with."
😭 which is it
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anime-chick · 2 years
biggest fears for the yyh live action show: 
takes itself way too seriously
uses cgi over practical effects
no eye nipples for hiei
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