#hien's hair is just being stubborn
fatewalker-phoenix · 5 months
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The Basics
Name: Eden Azalea
Nickname: none
Age: early to mid twenties, she doesn't know exactly
Nameday: again she doesn't remember, but she celebrates it during the Heavensturn celebration as it's the surest confirmation of living to see another year
Race: midlander Hyur
Gender: woman
Orientation: pansexual
Profession: Adventurer, Warrior of light, sometimes a queen and sometimes a wife
Physical Aspects
Hair: long, sleek, jet black hair, hangs past her waist as of Dawntrail. Occasionally she pins it up but she usually just lets it hang loose
Eyes: dark, smooth violet, most prominent when sunlight shines upon them
Skin: very pale
Tattoos/ Scars: she has a blossoming branch tattoo up her right arm to her shoulder (the Yakaku shirt tattoo), and a double crescent tattoo under her right eye. Her left shoulder has a gnarly scar up against her neck from Zenos trying to cut off her arm, and her abdomen has some scarring from almost being cut in half from Grynwaht's chainsaw sword.
Parents: Doman nobility who helped arrange her betrothal to Hien in her childhood. They both perished in Doma's first attempt at an uprising following the news of the Black Wolf's defeat, executed publicly as an example to the masses. They never got to know that their daughter was the one to slay the Wolf and inspire them to rise up.
Siblings: none
In laws/others: depends on who she ends up with in any given verse, but in her Hienverse she considers Gosetsu to be her father in law.
Abilities: very skilled with the blade, favoring katana and naginata but proficient with a bow. On a lesser level she is also skilled in summoning and healing magicks, powered by the Phoenix within her.
Hobbies: adventuring, experimenting with recipes in the kitchen, entertaining the various auspices that come to keep her company
Most positive trait: fiercely protective of those she loves, and extremely caring in her own way
Most negative trait: stubborn to a fault. Even if she's very clearly in the wrong she will dig her heels in and refuse to concede
Colors: purple, orange, red
Smells: spices and citrus
Textures: silk, steel
Other Details
Smokes: a pipe, on occasion
Drinks: heavily. she's working on it.
Mouth insurance: they don't even have dental...
Been arrested: the attempt in msq at the Bloody Banquet, and she has probably evaded arrest for public intoxication in Limsa Lominsa
Tagged by @avalon821, thank you!
Tagging: @ffxivbabey, @heretic-altias, @femmeduskwight, and @tiredassmage as well as anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!
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silvaswiftcast · 11 months
Fluffvember Prompt #7 Soft
Characters: Silva Cataracta, Ricmorn Cataracta, and Hien Rijin
Rating: General
Notes: Hien is having a rough day, but thanks to Silva's help, it ends on a good note. Words contained in [brackets] are in another language, in this case, it's Doman.
Content Warnings/Additional Tags: Polyamory Relationship (V Relationship), M/F/M Relationship, Comfort, Mild Angst (If you squint hard enough), Mentions of Food, Domestic Fluff.
“Long day?”
Hien let out the long, exhausted sigh he had been holding in ever since he stepped into the first meeting of the day. “Something like that,” he answered, closing his eyes as the silk ribbons holding his hair up fell free.
The snort sounding behind him made his lips twitch into a small smile. “Oh, you don’t have to be all kingly and leader-like with me, [my heart.] It’s just us,” she promised, giggling. The bubbly sound sent his heart fluttering. “Well— And Ricmorn, too, once he comes back with the pot of tea and something for all of us to eat.”
Silva knew her other lover would always welcome them in his home and the safe space it provided — no matter if they were having a rough day. Or if he was.
“Even though you hate politics?”
She rolled her eyes as she picked up the wide-tooth comb beside her. “Hate is a strong word for it. They’re just… not my forte,” she corrected. With her other hand, she gathered a section of his lengthy hair between her fingers, carefully working the comb through the jet-black strands. Her ivory horns picked up on his pleased hum as he relaxed. “I find them to be complicated most of the time and hard to keep up with due to their ever-changing nature. My role only lets me get involved in them when requested by the nations. Your understanding of them far exceeds mine.”
“Your talents lie elsewhere, you mean,” he chuckled. Not that it was a bad thing, but the young lord didn’t need to say those words aloud. He felt the point of her ivory tail quiver as it brushed against his arm before she moved on to a different section of his hair.
“Something like that,” she agreed, using the words he said earlier. The dancer grinned when he laughed this time. “I could tell you all about god killing and go into every minute detail of all the things I can craft with my hands. Not to mention plants and minerals — we know I don’t shut up about those once the topic comes up.”
Hien waited for her to finish dragging the comb through his hair before turning his head to look up at her. A rare thing it was due to him being taller than the Auri woman, but his position on the ground and her sitting on the edge of his bed provided him a unique point of view. Vibrant sea-green eyes lined with sea foam limbal rings peered down at him, curiosity shimmering in them.
“I enjoy hearing you talk about those things, [wildflower.]”
Especially on days like this. Days spent in and out of constant meetings and listening to his advisors argue over one another instead of taking turns to speak of their concerns. The young lord would rather hear about his beloved’s day — or days, should they spend weeks apart.
“I know,” she told him, brushing some of his unruly bangs out of his eyes, “and knowing you do makes my heart do funny things.” Silva leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. “But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t lend my horns to you if you needed to talk things out or just to vent. Gods and kami know you listen to mine or Ricmorn’s troubles without a second thought.”
His lips found her palm when she shifted to cup his cheek. “I love you, Silva, and both you and Ricmorn are important to me.” She held his heart in his hands while he cherished the friendship between him and the Auri man.
“And I love you, Hien!” Silva beamed. “Always. And if my husband wasn’t so stubborn about his emotions most of the time, he would tell you how important you are to him, too.”
A surprised squeak left her when the samurai rose to his knees and pulled her into a hug. It took a few seconds for her brain to realize what had happened, but she quickly returned his embrace, a happy trill rumbling in her throat when his arms tightened around her. She carefully combed her fingers through his long hair as he held her close. And when Hien buried his face between her neck and shoulder, sighing as he let himself relax more, she gave him a gentle squeeze.
“Could… could we talk about your day first, instead?” she heard him ask beside her horn. “I would like to have a little more time to sort out my thoughts first before sharing.”
“That bad, hm?” was her soft murmur. “I’m sorry to hear, my dear.”
A bark of hollow laughter shook his frame as he pulled away. “As you questioned minutes ago… it’s been a long day for me. A very, very long one.”
“I would be happy to go first, then. Oh! Would you like to hear about how I helped one of the Auri boys I used to babysit as a teenager ask to court the girl he’s been crushing on for years?”
The way her eyes sparkled as she spoke told him it was a good story — one that made her day.
“I would love nothing more than to listen,” he said, smiling.
“Okay! So— I’ve actually babysat both of them for their parents from time to time, and—”
Hien sat back down and faced forward again so Silva could continue brushing his hair as he listened to her tale. He found her excitement adorable, incredibly infectious. It filled his chest with warmth and ease some of the burdens weighing down his mind. She didn’t even notice Ricmorn entering the room with a tea tray filled with food and a large pot of fresh, steaming tea — so engrossed with her story.
Not that it was a bad thing.
He thanked his friend for the cup of tea he gave him, and the pair exchanged all-knowing smiles as he joined him on the floor. They quietly sipped their tea as they listened to their beloved babble away.
In Hien’s mind, this was one of the best ways to end his day.
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therovingstar · 4 years
Prompt #5: Starlight
For the January 2021 @seaswolchallenge. 1288w, Ardbert x WoL (if you squint). Of course she would manage to remind him of home in a way that, for once, did not hurt. Takes place post-5.3, in a timeline in which Ardbert chose a second chance at life and followed the Scions back to the Source.
“I hope it will suffice.”
He almost forgets she’s there, until the warm rasp of her voice cuts through the percussion of his heart pounding in his ears. He blinks, and half expects the vision before him to collapse like the illusion it is, but…
No, it remains. By way of her magic, most like, a glittering manifestation of her aether creating the tapestry of stars above them. It rotates slowly, thousands of them seemingly stitched into the ink-black canvas of the sky, close enough to touch.
“I didn’t think you still used those cards,” he breathes. “Or that...star-shooting thing.”
“A planisphere,” she reminds him, with a smile he can hear in her tone, even if he has not looked down to see it. “And yes, I still use it. I am a healer, after all, first and foremost.” Now he hears her stretch, the soft rustle of cloth and her intake of breath as she angles her arms upward. “I suppose what I am healing right now is that pout on your face.”
That makes Ardbert finally look down, just in time to see the beginnings of her smile, her own gaze locked where his was previously. “I was not pouting,” he halfheartedly argues, feeling the temptation to gently jab her with his elbow.
“But you were disappointed,” Odzaya insists, and that he cannot deny. Why else had he come all the way out here in the middle of bloody nowhere, guided only by the promise of a kind stranger. “A spectacle guaranteed to bring tears to your eyes!” she had said, before traipsing off in clothing he thinks may have been Gridanian in origin. Or not; he is still so new here, after all. But her down-to-earth manner had been oddly charming, and the notebook she gave him a good distraction from another moment in which survivor’s guilt had struck and the point of his continued existence had once again been called into question.
So he had accepted the “sightseeing log,” as she had called it. Flipped through it while dodging young lost adventurers all looking so much – too much – like himself, like Lamitt and Renda and Nyelbert and Branden–
And one particular entry had caught his eye, about a place in Thanalan, far from the lights of the city, where the sky seemed so clear as to be like a window offering a glimpse into the cosmos. And because he was still so new to it all – to Eorzea, to the Source, to supposed life as a Scion – he had jumped at the chance to be away from it all, if only for a while. To see the stars – for no matter where you went, they never changed, did they? – and regain some perspective.
Of course she would still manage to find him.
“Stargazing was a bit of a hobby of mine, way back when,” he says instead of verbally confirming her statement. “In Kholusia, so close to the sea, the sky was often foggy, so clear nights could be rather rare, depending. When they came, I would climb to the roof of our house and gaze at the stars practically all night. Try to count them, and pick out shapes.” He smiles slightly. “They don’t look too different here.”
“Different shapes, perhaps,” Odzaya comments. “It took me some time to learn the ones they look for here.”
“I forget that you’re not originally from this continent. Othard, was it? In the east?”
“Mm,” she confirms. “In my homeland, we have different constellations, with different gods attached to them.”
“Then…” Ardbert again looks up at the tapestry she created, glowing with the lights of a million lightning bugs. Almost reflexively when it appeared, he looked for the constellations of the First, and then, feeling that telltale homesickness, switched his focus to those shared by the Eorzeans. Again, he was no expert, but learning them had served as another small hobby, another distraction. One that had paid off as he found them: the Arrow, the Balance, the Spire and the Spear. And yet they seemed slightly...altered? As if imagined by a different mind, viewed from a different perspective. “Is this that sky, then?” he asks. “The one you see?”
“There are similarities, mind,” she says, lightly shrugging her shoulders. She does not deny his claim. “Surprising ones. Here, the watcher of the stars is Nymeia, the goddess of fate. In my culture, it is the Dusk Mother Nhaama, goddess of the night. Just the same, Eorzea has Azeyma, goddess of balance and of the sun. For us, it is –”
“Azim the Dawn Father,” he answers. Odzaya cuts herself off in surprise, and finally, Ardbert looks down the scant inches separating them to see her eyes predictably widened in surprise. The sight makes his smile widen in turn. “Urianger’s been going on about it for days. The similarities between them all. Azeyma, and your Azim, and…” The one they used to be. The one they came from. “Azem,” he finishes, more soberly.
Then he smirks, for once refusing to allow the memories and melancholy to take root. “I wonder if you count among them, too. Odzaya.”
Her snort is loud and affronted enough to make him laugh. He calls her “princess,” but he finds his favorite moments with her are when she acts like the exact opposite of one. “I do not,” she says definitively. He hums, amused.
“I wonder. ‘Shepherd to the stars,’ or so that Emet-Selch called us.” He gestures upward and follows with his gaze, where the heavens still spin lazily, just for them. “You’re shepherding these easily enough. Mayhaps because it was your calling in our other life, too.” Our. For whatever reason, he doesn’t feel the connection quite as keenly to this Azem, this woman who had shined brighter than the sun, only to burn herself out for the sake of her doomed world. For the last century, he had been a shade, for gods’ sake, unnoticed and useless to all he had come across. The exact opposite of what she had apparently been.
But Odzaya, she fit. A single bright beam that had penetrated his purgatory, and brought him back to life.
And she has done it again. Here he was, lost in a muddied dark, alone, the sky barren of all but fog, trying in vain to find the light promised by a kind soul. And when he found none, she brought it to him, easy as anything.
Just as then, so as now.
“I can change it, you know,” Odzaya says. She shifts slightly, her eyes once more on her aether. “The shape of them. I remember the stars of the First well enough; they brought me comfort, too, on nights when I needed a reminder that my world still existed, that yours could still be saved. I could try to replicate them.” She smiles lightly. “You could show me your shapes.”
Ardbert considers; twould certainly be nice to see, if only momentarily, the sky of his youth, feel a similar wind blowing through his hair as he dreamed of other places.
Instead, he shifts himself – settling more into his skin, it feels like – and shakes his head. “Mayhaps another time,” he says casually. When he looks down, she is watching him, subtle skepticism and concern warring for supremacy on her pretty face. He thinks he could do something to assure her, poke his finger to the single scale patch interrupting the wide line of her nose, the way the Scions do when she tries to outdo all her daily little miracles.
He doesn’t. Not yet. Instead, he merely looks back up at her latest, and starts memorizing. “I like yours,” he declares. “Quite a bit, I think.”
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punkinroses · 4 years
Alright gang I got two rounds of next gen kids done, let's move onto the ones who names I struggled the most with. The previous two posts can be found here and here, showing Zuko and Kataras family, and Sokka and Sukis families, respectively. So, here's the next family on the list:
Taang Kids
Jai Bei Fong is the eldest child of Avatar Aang and Toph Bei Fong. An Earthbender trained in the art of Metalbending by his mother, he has been requested numerous times to take over her school by others. He has simply refuted numrrous times that those running it now are more than capable and prefers to keep to a more minor teaching role in coaching. He has become a Pro Bender instead and has become a part of a very famous team -- and boy does he love to showboat, even if just a little. He does coach minor league and junior teams. He uses a lot of his jovial cockiness for the purpose of getting people to underestimate him and his skills, and to aggravate his opponents to cause them to mess up so he can strike at the perfect time. He has, however, been dealing with a lot of frustration in his own personal life with relationships that never seem to lead anywhere, the struggles of a single father and feeling a responsibility to try and help his family more with his own father gone and them all being...not really about it. Jai is considered the most handsome between him and his brother, with styled black (greying) hair, green eyes and fair skin with his fair share of scarring from fighting. He chooses to wear a lot of darker greens and silvers to match his metal, always wearing a metal cuff with him presented to him from his wife.
Jai lost his wife Reilah a mere few years sgo but it has felt like an eternity without her. She was his biggest supporter in his matches...and a bit of a rival for him, as they had been Pro Benders on separate teams. They always made playful bets on what would happen if one lost -- and one of those times he used to propose to her. He still lost that fight, but she told him that she wouls have said yes regardless. She was mischievous and free spirited, and a little hotheaded. But she was a very formidable Firebender who picked up some tips to better her bending from her in laws. Her career, however, would be cut after she fell ill. Her illness spread slowly and try as they might, there was no permanent solution to heal her and she eventually succumbed to it, breaking his and their daughters hearts. She had short dark brown hair, piercing golden eyes and tanned skin and had an intricate tattoo sleeve that included Jais name and their daughters name.
He has tried to find love again after her, as that was something she was very poignant on. "Don't you dare try and shut your heart off. Don't swear off finding someone who can make you happy. Or I'm coming back and lighting a fire under your ass." But, so far, all of those attempts have failed, either because of a lack of chemistry between the two and from rifts between his daughter and some of his potential girlfriends.
Their only child is named Anzu. She is a rough and tumble, bright eyed Earthbender who has her Dad wrapped around her finger, especially after the loss of her mother. She struggles connecting her extended family, however, as it feels like they all grew apart way back when, but she idolizes her Grandma and Toph is rather close to her as well. She's been struggling to learn Metalbending, but she's stubborn and does not want to give it up. She's also very adventurous, loving every "life changing field trip" she and her Dad go on, and has a collection of various souvenirs on a shelf in her room. She's on her own Pro Bender team that she's currently struggling to whip into shape and has been dealing with that stress on top of trying to be happy for her dad finding love again...but with the ones he brings home constantly trying to replace her Mom. Anzu has shoulder length black hair that she keeps in a messy ponytail, gold-green hazel eyes, and tan skin.
Nyima Bei Fong is the second born child of Aang and Toph. A skilled Earthbender who found herself drawn to the art of Sandbending as well as Metalbending, she has pushed herself to make her own lot in life. She has opened her own resorts across the Earth Kingdom, and one that'll be opening on Ember Island soon. She has wanted to open one close to one of the Air Temples as a way to find a reconnection with her Dad, but her sisters are absolutely against it. She's a very business savy woman who also wants to expand into other new horizons. She's also a complete smartass and doesn't take anyone's nonsense. In her youth, she, like her sisters, was very vocal in reformation to make better changes across all four nations and Republic City, and she was always the most ready to go full out for a cause, even if it stressed both of her parents out. She's claimed she's held herself to a higher standard in recent years and wants to find success while creating a relaxing environment for everyone. Though, if you press the right buttons, her old streak may come out. She's got short, curled black hair, grey eyes and fair skin, and wears muted colors that's topped off with a colorful, stylish scarf.
She has been in an on/off relationship with her childhood romance, Bo. The two have been almost married on four separate occasions, but things have always put a stop to it -- usually things started by Nyima and what people have suggested could be a fear of commitment. Bo is a good humored, free spirited boy raised in the Air Acolytes by his father Teo and has always had a passion for romance and making a positive change in the world. And he's always been able to pull her old spirit out of her when she needs it. He has medium length brown hair with some pulled back in a ponytail, grey-brown eyes and fair skin.
Their eldest child is their daughter Jesa. She is a happy go lucky girl who is very close to her Dad and trying to develop a closer relationship with her Mom, but sometimes feels like she can be too busy and lost a sense of herself, especially when finding old pictures of how her Mom used to be. The two have gotten a bit of a closer bond upon the discovery that she is an Airbender, like her Grandfather before her, though it's lead to even more tension between her parents and aunts who have polar oppositr ideas as to what Jesas' furure should be. She wants to define her own future, like her Mother did for herself and how her Grandmother did. Her best friend in the world is Lian, who she's always felt a big connection to. And after she finds out she's the Avatar...it leads to a whole new world of adventure. She has long dark brown hair, grey-green eyes and fair skin and she wears bright colors, namely golds and greens to honor both her heritages and and she wears a headband similar to her Grandmothers.
Their youngest child is their toddler son Bisang. He's a rambunctious little boy who loves wandering around the resorts and getting to be strapped up in a baby sling while his Dad air glides through the air. He knows no fear and loves to be unabashedly himself. He also is a bit of Mamas boy and clings to her and has been showing promising signs of being an Earthbender.
Tophs final pregnancy shockingly resulted in the birth of triplets. The eldest of three being Hien Bei Fong. A gifted Airbender, she was the first to get her Airbending tattoos after mastering the 37 levels of the practice and it's something she holds in great reverence. She has since gone on to become a leader amongst the reborn nation of Air Nomads and sits among the council, residing on Air Temple Island in Republic City. She works with the newest wave of Airbenders to teach them the old ways and do what she can to revitalize the culture her father almost lost. She was once far more free spirited as a teenager and even though she was a very loud advocate for change, she could find when she could relax and enjoy life. Now her top priority is the politics to keep the balance and to preserve history in the name of her Father -- something that has put a strain between her and Toph, who reminds her that Aang wanted her to be her own person and to have fun. She keeps her bangs shaved off to show her arrows, and the rest of her black hair pulled into a side braid, and has piercing grey eyes, and many remark her glare reminds them of an owl.
Hien has no spouse and prefers not to find someone to be married to. She actually used to date a lot in her youth, but as the years have gone by, she does not want to settle down with someone, feeling they'd never be able to selflessly love all of her and her responsibilities, nor could she do the same.
She does, however, have two children of her own from very brief, unknown relationships.
Her eldest child is probably the eldest out of all of the next generation, her daughter Dema. Dema has struck out on her own, away from her mother's strict thumb and rigid traditionalist nature. She ran with a circus for a time after first running away, before finding herself starring in the new and upcoming phenomenon of Movers. Her actress life has landed her a cushy life in Republic City, which has lead to awkward encounters with her mother, but she stands her ground on the decisions she has made for herself. And Toph always tells her "I think you looked amazing in your new film!" And she always laughs along. Currently, Dema is engaged to one of her more frequent costars, a nonbender named Raiden. She has long black hair, with long bangs, dark blue-grey eyes and and olive skin.
Her youngest is her teenaged son Tenki. Tenki is an Airbender wise beyond his years and is an avid bookworm. He's also the most relaxed member of the family and is very go with the flow, and wants to simply travel around, experience the world with his nothing but his books, and maybe rediscover Wan Shi Tongs library. He has a shaved head, having just gotten his arrows and dresses in typical Air Nomad clothes, with a prayer bead necklace on him at all times.
The second born of the triplets is Hayato Bei Fong. Nobody really knows why Hayato always had a chip on his shoulder. Born with the same airbending abilities as his sisters, he found himself struggling with it and his spiritual side, having more of a stubborn, hardheaded side to him. He rejected getting his tattoos and took to heart the idea of going out on your own and making a name for yourself, though it broke Aangs heart when he left after a fight and never fully reconciled with him. A fact that hit harder following Aangs untimely death. Hayato has since gone off to work in his mothers home town of Gaoling to help bring in industry and has been working on his own company to produce automobiles and motorcycles, rathering to focus on making waves towards the future than tapping into the past and to the spiritual side. Now if he could just get his mother to stop trying to drive one of his automobiles... Hayato has shoulder length black hair, usually pulled back into a bun, dark grey eyes and a small scar going through his left brow. He's discarded any bright Air Nomad colorings for blacks, greys, silvers, and dark greens.
Hayato has a husband named Kazu. He's a nonbender, and an author out to publish his own books and also writes news reports as a gig to bring home money. He has a taste for the darker fashion style of his husband and writing about the struggles and triumphs of mankind in a post war world. He has layered black hair, hazel eyes and pale skin.
The two are looking to adopt in the near future!
For now though, they are quite happy with their Crococat, Boots.
Born the last amongst the triplets and the subsequent youngest child, Huuro Bei Fong is her own terror twister of an Airbender. She was the wild child of her siblings, always getting into her own antics and probably the protestor that almost got her and her sisters arrested numerous times in their youth. She gained her tattoos after the creation of her own move. She has since moved to the restored Southern Air Temple and is always causing trouble for the new elders to show the newest generation how to have fun. She's also been known to be quite skilled on the Sungi Horn, much to somes delight...and others dismay. Huuro wants to help the Air Nomads to find fun, lively and searching for new purpose, to establish new traditions and celebrations while acclimating to the modern world. She keeps her black hair long, flowing and down, and her grey eyes always are full of life.
Huuro is here and looking for love around every corner! She wants to find someone who loves life as much as her and wants a life full of new experiences.
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ffxiv-ariavitali · 4 years
the anon with the doman children who ask Gender Neutral WOL to bring their S/O here! can i have the same set of husbands of the previous ask on a HCs where this time the children asking the WOL for their S/O to spend time with them as they'd like to know more about S/O
My apologies for being slow, everyone. I’ve been feeling a little under the weather recently.
I hope you enjoy this, though!
❅ ❅ ❅
When the children discover that you had recently named someone your significant other, they were entirely curious to what kind of individual you have chosen to keep close, to allow yourself to be vulnerable. No matter how many times you have successfully distracted them from the question of what your love is like, children are a stubborn lot and continue to incessantly ask.
Describing [Aymeric] leaves you with a loss for words at first. How do you describe a knight pulled out of a fictional fairy tale to children? You describe the hue of his clothing, a beautiful sapphire and gold that befits the most precious of jewelry with a smile that outshines even the brightest star in the northern sky.
You describe how idealistic the man is, of how he is always looking forward towards a future of peace and prosperity for his nation. You had always admired this about him, about his dedication, because he is willing to walk the path less traveled if it meant those of the future would not have to. Even if it meant that he alone would be traveling it.
Of course, you wouldn’t allow this of him and will walk this path paved in crimson with him. Beside him. If he is a knight, you are the sword. You re the shield. You will do all in your power to protect that which is important to him, to the both of you.
If you have chosen [Estinien], your thoughts stray back to the days you had begun traveling with him in the company of Alphinaud and Ysayle—across the Forelands to the Churning Mists and all the incidences that came in between. 
If you had to describe your first impression of the man, he’s a diamond in the rough. A rather dark-hued one at that. His armor stands out the most as he soars through the air in a manner that has you almost imagining aetherial wings on his back. 
When you first spoke with Estinien, there was a mutual respect for your abilities and your talents. Being a highly regarded soldier himself, he appreciates one’s conviction to their cause stronger than anything else. Being a skeptical man, it takes action to prove to him that you will be an asset but considering all that you’ve done? Why, he can’t complain. 
But after the Dragonsong War, he has come to change. He has grown softer, less hardy and much more lost than he was before. As someone who understands, you have reached out a hand to help guide him along the way.
If Lord [Hien] is whom you have chosen, the first thing that comes into mind is just how much hair he has. In fact, you rather admired it; the silkiness of it, how full the locks are and you wonder just how you can get your hair up to the same standard (truly, the kami are unfair!).
Because he is the lord of their homeland, you understand immediately that what you need to provide to the Doman children is reassurance. What is their lord like? Does he treat his subjects fairly? The words that spill from your lips are come quickly, like a rapid stream, and you realize how easy it is for you to speak about your love. He cares about all of them, no matter where they have come from, and works diligently to ensure that those that have come and gone would smile upon them and grant their blessings as they work together to build their future.
As for you, it is this diligence that has you enamored, for he is not only diligent to his role as the nation’s sovereign, but to you as a lover. He has learned all of your quirks, habits and favorites so that they would be readily accessible should you have a need for something. He adds the ‘best friend’ to the relationship, becoming someone that you can confide with without the fear of being judged.
Nonetheless, no matter whom you’ve chosen, the Doman children will gain those starry eyes and demand that you bring them for ‘inspection’. They will keep asking and asking, even threatening to spread rumors around that you had recently started dating someone. How cruel can children be, honestly!
Yet, a part of you doesn’t wish to deny them. There’s no shame in it and despite you being the Warrior of Light, you have the same rights as anybody else—the right to rest, the right to live, the right to love. So perhaps there’s some wisdom in the children’s request.
“I’ll think about it,” you tell them and through their whining, you’re already thinking of what to say to your lover to convince them to meet the children.
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placesyoucallhome · 5 years
Lots of people are pretty sure Haurchefant is coming back on the First Shard, and look, I absolutely completely 100% want husbando #1 back, I do. However, there are plenty other npcs, alive or dead, that would be amazing to explore in a world completely unlike Eorzea.
How about, maybe, Ysayle, never caught in the snow by dragons?
The woman laughed, bright and clear, “Lady Iceheart? Is that what you called me? Goodness child do you see any ice here? Where would you get a title like that?” She shook her silvery braided hair over her shoulder as she stood, picking up her basket of greens from the carefully cultivated garden plots under the glass roof of the Crystarium.
Despite the confusion and unsureness on the Warrior’s face, the Elf’s easy grin didn’t falter, not until she glanced into the warrior’s eyes, and with a gasp she staggered. The pain and pressure etched deep into her features as it seemed the echo rolled through her even here, “Who-” she gasped, and twelve forfend they hoped she dare not say too much as they were so hoping to slide under peoples noses here, “What are you?”
Or a Zenos not born and bred to massacre?
“He’s really the best fighter we got, the Captain!” the young Hume chattered, dragging the Warrior along by the wrist as if they were a skittish child, and really, they did not have time for this.
“He’s not got any aether abilities but he still runs circles around everyone!” They swore this girl had stars in her eyes talking about this Captain, why were they meeting him again? Oh yes, Ysayle said he controlled the gates, right, best they did get this over with then. “Ah, ah! Here he is! His sword’s nearly as big as me oh!” She giggled nervously and as the Warrior turned the corner, quite suddenly, they felt their stomach drop and blood boil. No, how? Did Garlemald even exist here?
The blonde turned from the wartable laid out to him, to the clatter of the Warrior’s weapon being drawn, eyebrow raised as he looked over the newcoming pair with a critical, and slightly confused eye.
Twelve, he looked almost... normal. Gold hair was chopped short and slicked back out of his eyes, plate armor near plain, his sheer height was all he needed here it seemed. Well, that, and the large gunblade strapped to his back.
“Can I... help the two of you?”
Or Estinien, life likewise not ruled under the threat of claws and scales?
The Warrior wasn’t going to be able to get used to this. A glance to Thancred told them, at least they weren’t the only one. This younger Minfilia from the First of course seemed unperturbed.
“But I thought you took care of that monster last month? Wasn’t that that big big fight?” Minfilia needled, turning to Thancred to with and excitable grin. “There were a bunch of explosions! Pow! Boom! Lights and yelling and-”
“Focus Minfilia.” The gunbreaker sighed. The Warrior hadn’t expected Thancred to take on the mantle of ‘dad’ so easily. It was a bit cute.
Captain Zenos sighed, “Yes, well. We had been able to turn back most of the tide, but he... no. There’s no rest for him yet.” He looked almost... forlorn. Zenos shook his head and picked up a spiny looking figure from the map spread across the table, turning it over in his hands. “No, he was our best lancer, even though he fell to the sineater’s appetite, he’s not any less skilled now than he was then. My brother in arms, it should still be my duty to kill what’s become of Estinien.”
Or hey, technically, Dalamud never fell on this shard, now did it?
“This is ridiculous, what scholar would risk life and limb for the mumblings of a primal? Especially with the state things are in here.” Alisaie huffed, voice and steps echoing across the crystalline caves like tinkling bells.
“Well quite frankly, we apparently don’t know the first thing about primals, considering. Who knows what could be deduced from ancient scriptures of summons?” Alphinaud shot back, turning the scribbled map the Captain had given him with a tired grimace. They’d been bickering over the same points the entire way, even the Warrior was tiring of this.
“Not knowing what they are is all the more reason to not trust it!” She insisted.
“Trust is not quite necessary to learn something. Is it?” A pleased hum came from around a bend, and the Warrior trotted up happily to the cloaked figure, sorting through tattered rolls of vellum on an long abandoned altar. After all, that meant the quest was done, on to the next, likely, bringing this old man back to the Crystarium. It’s not until the Warrior turns that they realize the twins hadn’t followed completely. They seemed stuck, almost horrified, at the mouth of the chamber, Alphinaud falling to his knees, blinking and shaking his head as if he couldn’t understand what was happening, only Alisaie seemed to manage to push out a single word with a sob-
Or how about another soul taken from us far too soon?
The twins were out of commission, and hells, when the Warrior figured out why, they understood. Well, they hadn’t actually thought they’d meet Louisoix, all things considered, but the First Shard had been a mixed bag of strange occurrences. The scholar had pointed them to a band of researchers looking for hints on elder primals, it seemed prudent to bring Urianger along on this one, in that case.
“In truth, what doth thou make of this blighted plane? Fair time hast passed since your arrival to us, stubborn as your struggle to remain to the source was.”
The Warrior grumbled and glanced at the Elezen, er, Elf? See, this too, gods they were just tired. Too many whiplash twists and turns, little details to try and keep track of.
“Ho there travelers!” A bright, strong voice carried over the rocks and sun bleached logs. “What brings two strapping adventurers all the way out here?” The Galdjent woman laughed loud and clear, pickaxe slung over her shoulder and silver-blue hair tied up in a bun out of her way.
Oh not again, the Warrior couldn’t bear to think, but they looked over at the heartbroken Astrologian beside them and they knew all the scions were bound to find this hurt here, at some point, weren’t they?
But Urianger, ever stoic and collected, only seemed to swallow and mumble to himself. “Oh my Moen, my beating heart, rendered and repaired. How cruel this fate...”
So SO MANY awful options! It’s an au angst paradise, I tell you. Please for the love of the primals, give it all to me! Sadu? Magnai? Hien? Tsukiyomi?! Lucia! Livia!! Ilberd!!! PAPALYMO! I need, ALL the shard au ideas, gimme gimme.
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daylightrays · 5 years
Pros and Cons of Dating: Sw’inwa Raen
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Provided you can even wrangle the miracle of getting him in a relationship.
Loyal and protective: Once Inwa owes you a debt of any kind, it will be paid back forever. This is shown in how he is with the Charron duo. Your protection and continued existence become his utmost concern. Under normal circumstances, he would rather stand with someone and fight by their side. Being able to smile and heal the person’s wounds afterward makes everything worth it in the end for him. I mean honestly. Urien didn’t even do a whole lot for Inwa, but he is loyal to the idea of helping him and protecting him. This is your ride or die cat. If you have to walk into hell, He’ll do it proudly, hissing the whole way.
Cute: You can’t deny the boy is cute. If what you desire is adorable arm candy that can heal your every wound, is short, and looks great in screenshots? This is your aesthetic boy.
Smart: Given he’s a trilingual medic who specializes in aetheric studies while also being a caster and healer? He has a lot under his belt. He knows quite a bit about the multi-world theory, personal run-in’s with all sorts of primals, can perform communication with all sorts of neat things and can see aether. Spirits of the dead? He’s spoken to those. Giant feral wolves? He’s spoken to those too even if he wished they’d stop calling him to heal people they near massacre. Sure, he’s utilizing almost none of this in his daily life, but isn’t that what freedom is about? As him to explain something to you if you want to get him talking and distracted for a good long while. Or if you just want to see him impassioned about something! I don’t know your life. You do you.
Polite: Being a Hingan-born Miqo’te, he has very eastern ideals and values. He always bows, says please, apologizes when necessary, strays away from most forms of PDA. There is definitely no kissing and hugging here, folks. All of that belongs behind closed doors
Adventurous: After being shut in for his childhood, he is eager to see the world. You will not meet another more excited to see or experience something new. He’ll sit and listen to explanations about most places, things, and experiences. Being an adventurer is in his veins. Being where the people are, getting to talk to them, and interact with things everywhere brings him great joy. This makes him super easy to gift for and even easier to impress.
Difficult to Date: If he has feelings for you? Expect that he has no idea that they’re a thing. He shuns off the idea of dating or being in a relationship because of personal to him to reasons. This doesn’t mean he’s off the market. It more means it’s difficult to pull off because he exists to self-sabotage and make sure he’s just sad and miserable forever.  He’s just …. a really confused, really sad cat. Don’t have pity for him. Pity is a trap.
Hates the cute aesthetic: I know it was a pro, but he personally hates the cute clothes and ‘shy healing standing behind someone’ aesthetic. If he can’t stand beside you, getting into the thick of it like everyone else then he isn’t interested. Growing up, he wanted to have stubble, wield an axe and get awesome tattoo’s. So far he’s been brought to his knees by an elezen’s sword being passed to him gently and can’t grow facial hair at all, but at least he has a really cool tattoo on his back. He’s started training with a Buduga friend of his in order to become stronger (or as his friend put it “Be a man like Hien”). If you wonder where all of the cute clothes come from in this case, it’s Urien fault. He gives him clothes and physical items since Inwa refuses to take his full pay for the jobs he does. Since they come from Urien, he wears them.
Stubborn: If he feels he must do something due to politeness or duty, you’d have an easier time trying to stop a calamity than getting him to do the sensible thing. If there is something extremely dangerous, but he has it in his head that it must be done? You're better off just going with him than trying to stop him. You *could* just pick him up and try to talk reason into him as you deny him his right to be an idiot, but he’ll be quite cross until his anxiety drowns him. He’ll pick up tabs, clean up messes, heal people that don’t deserve it, you name it. As long as he feels it has to be done and he can’t live with not doing it? He’s going to do it.
A Mess of Anxiety and Self-Loathing: Tons of anxiety and low self-esteem to boot. His ‘ideal self’ is nothing like him and it haunts him. Bad things happen around him all of the time and a lot of them are situations out of his hands, thus helping to create a loop. If he thinks in any way he can blame something on himself, he already thinks it’s his fault. This con actually feeds into the others and why they exist on some level. Except for the stubbornness. That’s just him. The way he deals with this is forcing forward his happy front and pushing many of his personal feelings down so that he can help others. Being able to help and be needed helps alleviate the feelings… but he still falls into alcoholism from time to time. It used to be far worse, but he’s been trying to be better about not being drunk for three days straight and forgetting week-long periods of time in one go.
Sacrificing: The healer that heals himself last. The man that will throw himself in the way if it means saving one person. Throw himself down to Esuna one man he doesn’t even like and risk being seen by a rampaging primal? That’s this guy. Want to have a heart-attack wondering what life-risking charity case he’s going to say he has to help in some way? I don’t know why you’d want that, but here you go, I guess.  
Extra con: He’s very homeless. Knowing where he is at any given time is a toss-up. Is he sleeping in an inn? Is he sleeping in a corner street of Ul’dah? Gridania? Is he actually at the Priarch? Who knows.
Tagged by: @kalaisgreen
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this or has other characters they wanted to do it for.
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kaoru-takaida · 6 years
Hope in Waves...
Hope and Kaoru both gasped at the sight of the ocean from the deck of the beach house. The wind blew through their hair. Both had their hair pulled back, ready for swimming in their cute bathing suits, but Kaoru wore a white sun hat which she kept her hand on so it wouldn't fly away. "It's so beautiful!" Hope sang as they took to the beach.
"I wanna swim right now!!!" Kaoru giggled.
"You can at least wait till after we've set up." Alisaie told them. Hope and Kaoru turned to see her strolling up with Alphinaud, and Tius in tow. Tius was struggling with the large parasol that both he and Kaoru brought. Kaoru trotted over and began to help him lift it.
Alphinaud laughed to his sister. "Let them have some fun, sister. They've certainly earned some respite after their hard day of work." Alisaie made a scoffing sort of noise but everyone knew why she was a bit more high maintenance than usual. Kaoru and Hope had taken over for her beach attire. Picking out a strapless red bikini for her to wear and pulling her silver white hair back into low setting pigtails. Alisaie had forced them to approve her wearing a slightly baggy board shirt over it to cover her shoulders. Though, with what Kaoru and Hope were wearing for swimming, Alisaie had to consider herself lucky that they gave her a simple red bikini.
Kaoru's bathing suit was a one piece white bathing suit with black straps crossing over it, exposing skin in a few places. The white was adorned in cherry blossom designs.
Hope was wearing a lacy sheer top with a twisted design in the front, and a high waisted black bottom. Her hair was pulled back in pigtails with dark purple ribbons tying her hair in place. Hope turned to face her significant other donning a simple over shirt and blue board shorts. "Alphinaud, why aren't you in your new bathing suit?"
Alphinaud choked a bit, getting a little bit embarrassed before grimacing and looking away. "I... will put it on eventually..." Everyone exchanged meaningful glances. They all looked back to him.
"Bullshit..." Tius said, flatly. Alphinaud choked a bit, taken aback. "He won't do it... He told me himself he thought Tataru and you girls went too far in the design and that he-." Alphinaud quickly slapped both hands onto Tius's mouth before he could finish. A nervous look crept onto his face as he turned towards the girls, Hope and Kaoru seemingly seething in rage.
"Twas merely a-a jest he took verbatim!" Alphinaud stammered. Tius gave Alphinaud a smug grin and Alphinaud returned the look with a pointed glare. He turned back to the the two, chuckling nervously. "Tell you what, I'll put it on r-right now. That should suffice?"
Kaoru smiled now. But there was a bitterness behind it. "Oh. Yes. It sure will!" Kaoru said. She pointed to Tius. "And Tius here will make sure it happens!"
"Eh?!" Alphinaud yelped.
Tius saluted Kaoru, ears pulling back with a fake serious look on his face. "Yes ma'am! I accept the mission, my beloved!" He sang in an overdramatic manner. He took Alphinaud, wrapping both arms around his chest and starting to drag him away from the group toward the beach house.
"Ah! Wait!" Alphinaud protested. He gave a wanting look at Hope... who simply blinked before nonchalantly looking the other way, and whistled. "Hoooooooooope!~"
Alisaie sighed, shaking her head as her idiot brother was stolen away. She scowled a bit, grimacing down at her bathing suit. Kaoru walked past her, placing her white sun hat on Alisaie's head as she walked past, parasol in hand. "You look beautiful, Alisaie. Let's just enjoy ourselves, okay?" Kaoru kept walking as a slight blush warmed Alisaie's cheeks.
Hope and Kaoru set up their blankets under the huge parasol next to a table with benches. Alisaie reaches into their picnic basket and takes out the wines and juices. Moments later, the girls were cutting up fruits and vegetables as a group of newcomers appeared. "Oh! Looks like you've already set up camp." They all turned to see Lyse and Arenvald, adorned in their own bathing suits and excited looks placed upon their faces. Lyse shrugged. "I hope we can still help out somehow..."
"There's some firewood that can be brought over, Arenvald." Hope suggested. Pointing her knife in the direction.
"Consider it done!" Arenvald said, before making off towards the stack if firewood.
Lyse balled her fist into her other hand, looking determined. "Anything for me to do?"
"You can help me set up more blankets and mats over there." Alisaie suggested, smiling suddenly. "Tius should be bringing over the canopy after him and Alphinaud return." Lyse nodded.
"Alright." Lyse said, walking over to the open area.
Hope and Kaoru gave Alisaie a knowing and almost smug look, both smiling as she stood up to leave her spot. She looked at them both before cocking an eyebrow. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
Both Kaoru and Hope shrugged in unison, exchanging glances.
Back in the house, Tius sat cross legged next to the bathroom door, tapping his knee and looking thoroughly annoyed. "You're still sitting there, aren't you?" Tius's tail flicked back and forth, showing how impatient he was.
"Of course I am! You're not leaving that bathroom till you put on that swimsuit." Tius called out. He heard Alphinaud groan a bit. Tius scoffed and leans back, placing his arms behind him to brace his head. He closed his eyes, relaxing a bit. "Look, the sooner you put it on, the sooner we can go have fun outside with the rest. Okay?"
All Tius heard was silence before a frustrated growl. "Ugh. Fine. But before I do..." Alphinaud walked next to the door so Tius could hear him clearer. "Answer me this:" Alphinaud hesitated before asking. "Is she doing okay?" Tius opened his eyes, a bit of a bitter look crawling onto his features.
Tius was the one who seemed hesitant now. He closed his eyes again. "You mean because today was her parents' anniversary?" Alphinaud didn't answer, but Tius knew that that's what he meant... He walked back into the bathroom. "She's been doing okay so far, all things considered." Tius dropped his hands onto his lap, his tail lightly falling to the floor. "She went and bought them presents that she'd known they would give each other and left them at a shrine somewhere secret in Doma."
"Wine, chocolates, flowers, and cake, correct?" Alphinaud asked. Though it was pointless to ask, since Alphinaud had known he was correct. Tius didn't respond and Alphinaud took his silence as a yes. Alphinaud sighed. "If memory serves, Ryuu would always gift Kaoru's mother flowers and little chocolates. And Sakura would give him a special baked cake and fine aged wine. So every year, on their anniversary, Kaoru would take those as offerings to their graves. Since leaving Sharlayan, she now takes them to shrines, and alters."
Tius scoffed, trying not to feel jealous. But he could feel it. "I helped her get the things she needed. She'd been very busy with a ton of things recently. So I tried to help out."
Alphinaud smiled to himself. "You have mine thanks, Tius."
"How are things with Alisaie?" Tius asked.
Alphinaud sighed. "She still insists on testing my patience. Still recovering and out running amok. Gods, she's stubborn."
"And, if you don't mind me asking, what about Hope?"
Alphinaud smiled to himself. "Well, my Warrior of Light is a diligent one. Always out honing her skills. Mastering any job or class she can try her hand at. At times with Kaoru's help. But she also continues to study. Which I applaud."
Tius smiled now. "You both seem happy and perfect together... Almost makes me jealous." Alphinaud cocked an eyebrow. Tius took a second before blinking and and stretching. He stretched his padded feet and sighed. "Anyway, how is the changing going?" Tius asked. He stood up and strides into the bathroom. "You haven't even changed yet?!"
"It's hard to put on! Don't rush me so!"
"Hard to put on my ass!"
"H-Hey! Let go!"
"I'm trying to help! Take this off!"
"W-Wait! Don't do that!"
"Just hold still!"
"Ah! Not too rough lest we slip!"
"Quit complaining! We won't slip. Ah-."
And a huge crash came from the bathroom. Alphinaud and Tius finally came out to camp. Tius simply looks annoyed and Alphinaud... was blushing like crazy and rubbing his rear, hair undone. "I told you we'd slip..." Alphinaud murmured.
"Oh, stop being such a wuss." Tius groaned. His eyes lit up when he caught sight of Kaoru setting the table up with the stuff they prepared. Everyone turned to see the two of them walk over.
"Alphinaud! It looks great on you!" Hope sang. She was smiling ear to ear and her hands were folded, to her side. That look made Alphinaud smile. He blushed even more, looking away.
"You... think so?" Alphinaud asked. Hope nodded. Tius hopped over to Kaoru. Alphinaud took note of how quickly Kaoru's entire manner changed as he came over to her. As if on cue, Hope came over to him and hugged him.
"Thank you for wearing it!" Hope told him, pecking him on the cheek. "It means alot to me."
Alphinaud doesn't say anything as Hope then trots away, latching onto Kaoru and dragging her to the shore. He was left, face redder than ever.
When Alphinaud arrived at the shore, Hope and Kaoru were playing a game of tag... or something of the sort. Alisaie came up behind Alphinaud. "Arenvald said he was going to get more ice from the house. So he will be but a moment." Alisaie smiled at Alphinaud. "Tis a great day for the beach."
Alphinaud nodded. "I should like to thank Hien when we next meet." Alphinaud crossed his arms. "Twas his idea that we all take ease, and his connections that scored us the beach house for rent." Alisaie blinked, a bit surprised.
"No wonder the house is so extravagant." She put a hand to her chin, mulling it over. "I admit, I had nary a second thought on who had provided for this vacation. But full glad am I for it." Alisaie smiled, watching Hope and Kaoru play. Lyse had joined without Alisaie noticing and Alisaie's eyes lit up. Next thing he knew, he was standing up to his knees in the water, watching the girls play. Tius had even joined in and Alphinaud simply enjoyed from a distance.
Hope spotted him, and decided to make her way over to him. "Hey, you."
Alphinaud smiled. "Why aren't you playing?"
Hope stood next to him, beginning to watch as well. "Thought I'd take a break and join you. After all, we've got the time now."
Alphinaud scoffed. "True. For the first time in a long span, we've ample time to do as we please." He sighed, watching as Kaoru and Alisaie run from Lyse and Tius. "And full glad am I to spend that time with you. I wouldn't have it any other-." He looked at her to see her absolutely red and blushing like crazy. "Way..."
Hope stood there like that for a moment before clearing her throat. "Well... me too... w-with you..." She stammered, pulling some of her white hair from her face. She took Alphinaud by the hand. "Come on!"
"I beg your pardon?" Alphinaud asked.
"Let's go play tag!" Hope said. She gave him a bit of a tug. "Let's go."
"I..." He started to say, standing his ground. "Would rather watch."
Hope scoffed now. "Oh, come on. The water isn't that deep." She tried again to pull on him.
"Tis hardly relevant. I merely am not in a playing mood." Alphinaud argued.
"That can be fixed." Hope told him, still pulling at Alphinaud's wrist.
"Cease pulling so hard."
"Oh, don't be a baby. I'm not pulling that-." Before Hope could finish, she tripped and fell backwards. She pulled Alphinaud with her and he fell forward. A huge splash of water was heard, and it left both of them in a coughing fit. Hope coughed one last time before rubbing her eyes with her free hand. "Ugh! I got water up my nose-." She opened her eyes and immediately blushed.
Alphinaud was sitting over her, his arms at her sides and his face inches from her's. He'd luckily caught himself before he could topple onto her. But it resulted in the most embarrassing position possible, over her. Alphinaud blushed as well, keeping his gaze locked into her eyes. Both simply laid there like that, not sure what to do. But heat took both of them. Alphinaud opened his mouth to say something. But someone interrupted him. A weird high pitched squeal from Kaoru, who had been standing there with the other three. "H-HAVE SOME DECENCY!" She shouted, blushing terribly and her hands were balled into fists. Both Alphinaud and Hope shuddered in surprise. "I thought I raised you better!" Kaoru stammered.
Alisaie scoffed, looking unenthusiastic. "Enjoying your swimming lesson, brother dearest?" She asked. Alphinaud coughed and pulled away from Hope, sitting down in the shallow waters.
Tius then burst out laughing. "Get a room you two!" He said, practically falling over laughing. Lyse smiled too.
"We can come back later..." Lyse commented, smugly.
The two exchanged embarrassed glances, Hope grimacing with her pale skin reddened.
Hope looked out at the setting sun from her spot on the boardwalk. She watched as Tius and Kaoru took a stroll on the beach, holding hands and talking. There was an occasional laugh from the both of them, and Hope smiled. Alphinaud sat down next to her. She turned to him. "How is my Warrior of Light?" Alphinaud asked. He was still a bit damp, and water dripped from his hair as he turned to smile at her. Hope swallowed hard, blushing terribly. "I'm still trying to get the water out of my ears from Arenvald quite literally throwing me into the deep waters..." He told her, grimacing.
"J-Just watching the love birds over there." She answered, trying to sound cool, despite her shaken composure.
Alphinaud laughed. "Funny. That is precisely what they refer to us as..." He laughed again. "'Love birds'." They both turned back to the ocean view. "I wish this could be forever. Sitting here. With you. Like this." He scoffed, looking down at their bare feet. "But time goes onward. Whether we will it or no. And soon, we will have to return to our lives being Scions and the duties it entails." He wrapped his arm around her. "But for now, let us remain like this..."
Hope pursed her eyebrows. "Does the distance and busyness bug you any?" She asked him. Alphinaud cocked an eyebrow at her. "Like, have you ever thought I want worth the trouble?"
"'Trouble'?" Alphinaud asked. He gave a bit of a scowl. "Perish the thought, Hope..." He stood up and walked in front of her. He took her by each of her arms. "Not once did I ever perceive you as a burden." He looked away, seeming conflicted. Hope gasped a bit, seeing his hurt manner. "If anything, tis the contrary. I wonder if I am the burden for you. A distraction in the field, or a pest in your problems."
Hope put a hand on his cheek. "No! Never!" She told him, her voice louder than she'd wanted. "You will never be a burden to me." He sat there for a second, looking thoroughly surprised at this. She smiled now. "Don't ever think that."
Alphinaud closed his eyes, smiling back. "Then the same should apply for you." He began. He took her left hand from his cheek and into his right hand. "We could be malms apart... We could not see one another for months. You could put an ocean between our love..." He kissed her hand, sending heat to her cheeks once more. But this time, she grabbed at her heart
"It will do little... to keep us apart..."
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