flamiart · 6 years
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@highn00n-c0wb0y​ threw out the idea and it was such a big Tumblr 2k18 mood. It was only after finishing it that I realized they probably meant pre-Reaper Gabe. Whoopsie. Oh well, guess that one’s up to you m8.
This was very good painting practice tho.
Based on that one Atlantis scene.
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whitetigermondatta · 6 years
Jesse is no saint and it bothers me how people tend to ignore the fact that the man was in a gang, a black ops organization, and has the highest bounty in the game. Like, yeah, he can be a sweet, chill dude but have no issue putting a bullet between someone’s eyes. If anything that should make him MORE frightening!
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((Ozpin singing his children to sleep, gently brushing their hair while smiling happily while they are sleep and before he leaves he is sure to give them a kiss on the forehead. Haven't seen the episode but... dad ozpin headcanons are killing me.))
//And the episode is so amazing, i wish i could use my first account and let all of my followers see it. Because it’s such beautiful episode. And an even more beautiful and sad love story.//
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((15 for the headcanon meme))
15. Are they the big spoon or the little spoon?
"Used to be the big spoon most of the time. Why, you interested?”
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3 Who Came To Know Us
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     ►►► “...It’s okay... Olivia hates me too...”
:: @sleepy-demon :: @highn00n-c0wb0y :: @thenamesallison
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    Dragon’s Thoughts Unheard > ; status: accepting
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      Why does he look so cute when he smiles… ? It’s like when a puppy looks at you with those eyes and then tilts its head. Why is he like that–and why do I like seeing it?
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chronal-anomaly · 6 years
O without a doubt
Again, again, again || accepting
Lena was relieved as the cowboy pressed the O–she knew he’d have her back, no matter the frightening circumstances, and this was just another way he found to protect her.
“Thanks, Jesse! We’ll go out for drinks once I’m out of this!”
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small-red-rose · 6 years
"lil ma'am, do ya need a cowboy ta make some lewd anons stop?"
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‘‘I don’t think they’ll go away no matter what. I carry a huge scythe around, so i don’t think they’ll back off for anyone…. Thanks for the offer.’‘
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onthinize · 6 years
@highn00n-c0wb0y like for a jiangshi
The small jiangshi was hopping away, at a fast pace. It was a shame she couldn’t really go that fast. There was trouble around and she feared death.....well death for good. The gunslinger was fast approaching her. Why wasn’t he shotting at her already? She knew it was going to come. So when she got corner, all she could do was coward in said corner.
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lunchladymary-blog · 6 years
((I jus wanna say your art is absolutely adorable.))
(( Thank you! I know it’s not perfect and I still got a lot of growing to do, but It makes me really happy to see people liking my doodles. I just wish I had more time and energy to actually draw again.;;))
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Send me a ★ for an IC fact or send me a ☆ for an OOC fact.
Ashe thought about having children once long ago. She’d always imagined having a little girl running around, and she knew she’d be a better parent than hers were. But things happened and the years went by, and now she feels like she’s too old and too far gone to have one.
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monmuses · 6 years
@highn00n-c0wb0y cont. from here
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“ I’m a... very awkward person. “ She admitted. “ So... my only way of avoiding awkward situations is... y’know, weird dances. “
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meidinchina · 6 years
25. Jesse offers her a mug of cocoa.
Mei was in one of those head spaces where she was all too tuckered out to do anything productive, while being a click or two away from being able to sleep. Much less, it was in the middle of the day.Had someone skipped another night of sleep?Maybe,Maybe.Where they going to risk destroying their sleeping schedule by heading off right now?Sadly,No.So Mei had kinda just been, sitting around. Her eyes unfocuses, looking somewhere between here and there, so when a mug of hot chocolate entered her line of sight it took her a moment for the wheels in her head to start back up and figure out what was happening here.She blinked once, then twice before reaching out. As her fingers curled around the cup she let the warmth sink in. That in itself almost made her want to go to bed. It was just so, relaxing.“Ah, this may be just what I needed” She then cooed softly before smiling up at the cowpoke. She figured this would either put her to sleep, her let her relax for a moment, allow her to having something to think about instead of just drifting out. Might as well let the hot chocolate-y fate decide.She then looked over the mug of cocoa, at the little marshmallows. They reminded her of little icebergs. She tries to quickly search her mind for puns related to either icebergs or marshmallows...She was currently too tired to come up with any.“Do you commonly drink hot cocoa? I always took you for a coffee type”
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Jesses hands
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“What the fuck do you want me t say about his hands? They’re hands. That deadass aim of his isn’t in his fingers, it’s-”
“He’s got good hands. Rough. I’ve seen them shake sometimes, when he thought no one was watching -- but when it mattered, they were still. Saved my ass more than once with them.”
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suzumc-blog · 6 years
❝ If I can’t be the best, I sure as hell can be the worst! ❞
game grumps starters | accepting
                    “heh, if that isn’t a mood.”
         genji laughs, gently patting jesse’s back and shaking his head.
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               “but you’re already pretty much one of the best out there. so no need to worry.”
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soldier-zer0 · 6 years
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
Ali used to sleep against the highland cows his father owned in their valley farm because they were so wooly and soft.
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