reignbowarbiter · 2 years
and ofc the shotabait is annoying too
0 notes
lovelyyfluff · 2 months
Baş Belaları | 31 - Şeytan Kovucu
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Tatsumi: Haha. Bazen fazla olumsuz düşünüyorsun, Aira.
Tatsumi: Ortada biten bir şey yok—pes edemeyiz. Tanrı bize daima destek olacaktır.
Tatsumi: Tamam o zaman. Umarım keyfinizi size yemek hazırlayarak yerine getirebilirim. Yemek yapma konusunda kendime güvenirim.
Tatsumi: Yani, genel anlamda ev işlerini iyi yaparım. Zamanında kiliseye hep yardımcı olmuştum.
Mayoi: Ah, izin ver ben de yardım edeyim. Diğerlerini zaten eşyalarımızı taşıdı, onların da dinlenmesini istiyorum...♪
Tatsumi: ...?! Kaybol! Şeytan!
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Mayoi: Aaaa!! Ç-Ç-Ç-Çok özür dilerim! Bu kadar acınası bir varlık olduğum için özür dilerim!
Mayoi: Lütfen inan bana! Yemeğe tuhaf bir şey koyma gibi bir amacım yoktuuuuu...!
Tatsumi: Ah, o anlamda değil... kusuruma bakma. Seninle konuşmuyordum, Mayoi. Bir anda bağırmam seni korkutmuş olmalı.
Tatsumi: Sadece tuhaf bir varlık hissettim.
Hiiro: Tuhaf bir varlık...? Şey, birisi kapının aralığından bizi izliyor.
Hiiro: —Kim var orada?
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Ritsu: ......
Ritsu: Ah~...Pardon, sizi korkutmak istemedim. Sadece bu boş binadan ses gelince neler oluyor merak ettim.
Tatsumi: Hm, peki sen kimsin?
Ritsu: Of~ Boşver onu... Öyle yoldan geçen biriyim işte. Sessiz olduğu için burayı şekerleme yapmak için kullanıyordum. Ne zamandan beri insanların bu eski binada kalmasına izin veriyorlar?
Tatsumi: Sorun yok, sadece geçici süreliğine burada yaşayacağız. Rahatını bozduğumuz için özür dileriz.
Ritsu: Yok ya~ Özür dilemeye gerek yok. Buraya izinsiz girip uyuyan kişi bendim...
Mayoi: Sen, Sen Sakuma ailesinden—
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Ritsu: Ha? Sen kimsin? Anijayı* tanıyor musun?
ç.n. Anija = Abisi, Rei'ye böyle sesleniyor.
Aira: Aaah, Ritsu Sakuma!!
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Ritsu: Ayy?! Ha? Sen kim oluyorsun? Off~ Son zamanlarda yabancılar bana seslenip duruyor. Nefret ediyorum.
Ritsu: Başka birinin söylediği gibi, çoook sinir bozucu!
Hiiro: Tanışıyor musunuz, Aira?
Aira: Hayır, benim gibi biri onunla asla yakınlaşamaz! O Knights grubundan Ritsu Sakuma, ES'in Büyük Üçlüsünden!
Aira: Uyuyan, Alaycı Siyah Prens!
Ritsu: Deme öyle~... Benim için şu sloganı kullanma. Secchan o anlık saçma sapan bir şeyler uydurdu.
Ritsu: Öyle tanınmayı sevmiyorum. Oldukça utanç verici.
Hiiro: Knights—
Ritsu: Evet. Ben Knight'dan Ritsu Sakuma. Bir sorunun mu var?
Hiiro: (Hm. Demek ES'in Büyük Üçlüsünden biri... O kadar da korkutucu görünmüyor.)
Hiiro: (Hatta zor farkediliyor, vahşi bir kedi gibi. Tatsumi-senpai söylemeseydi onu göremezdim bile.)
Hiiro: (Aslında etkilenmem gereken bir şey bu.)
Hiiro: (Evimde dövüş sanatlarında usta olanlar da böyle iyi saklanabiliyor—ve diğerlerinden daha az farkediliyorlar.)
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Ritsu: Uff... Dik dik bakma bana. Çok tuhaf.
Ritsu: Eh, neyse, mutlu konuşmanızı böldüğüm için üzgünüm. Bay-bay~♪
Hiiro: Ah, gitti bile. Olayı neydi onun?
Tatsumi: Hm. Sadece yoldan geçiyor gibi görünüyordu. Bir olay olduğu sanmıyorum.
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Mayoi: ......
Tatsumi: Mayoi? İyi misin? Rengin solmuş gibi duruyorsun.
Mayoi: Ah, iyi, iyiyim!
Mayoi: Sadece Sakuma ailesi beni fazla korkutuyor. Küçüklüğümden beri onlar hakkında çeşitli hikayeler duydum, o yüzden gergin hissettim!
Mayoi: Endişelenmenizi gerektiren bir şey yok! ��nemli değil. Hiç değil!
Tatsumi: ...?
Hiiro: Hm. Neyse, ben hâlâ aç hissediyorum. Bunu demesi biraz utanç verici, yemek isteyen bir çocuk gibi davranıyorum.
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Tatsumi: Haha. Konuşmamıza yemek yerken de devam edebiliriz.
Tatsumi: Ana binadaki mutfağa gidelim mi artık? Ne yemek istersiniz?
Aira: Aa! Ben marshmallow istiyorum✩
Hiiro: Hm. O bir yemek adına benzemiyor. Öyle yemeğinde yenilecek bir şey olduğunu düşünmüyorum.
Mayoi: ...
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Mayoi: (Ah, ne kadar tuhaftı... Bana böyle anlatmamışlardı. Sakuma ailesi nasıl güneşin altında öylece yürüyebiliyor? Vampir değiller mi?)
Mayoi: (Kendimi buna hazırlıklı sanmıştım—dışarıda başıma her şey gelebilir.)
← Önceki bölüm ◆ Sonraki bölüm →
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yuisdad · 2 years
Otome games but better: Otomate edition
Just a few ideas I had for otome games and how to make them better. There are some that will have longer posts in the future, so they won’t be in here. I’ll only be mentioning games I know about and English games only, with the exceptions being Japanese-only games that are REALLY popular. Long post ahead.
Cafe Enchante: Have the love interests not be thousands of years old or have them meet the heroine when she was a child when they were adults. Have them meet when they were both children instead. The Rindou route is a best friend route rather than a romance route. I would also just stick with a lighthearted slice of life tone that they promised to give us. There would be some occasional drama, but have it be more character focused.
Amnesia Memories: Have Shin be awkward with love and not kiss the heroine without her permission. Don’t have Ikki be an incel. Have Ikki try to tell his fan club to leave him alone, but they don’t listen. That way, it feels more like a curse that he brought upon himself. I would also have his fan club consist of people other than girls because I’m sorry, but you cannot convince me other people besides girls didn’t have a crush or dated Ikki at some point. Towards the end of his route, his curse goes away and he tells his fan club off for what they’ve done. Don’t have Kent be the heroine’s teacher. They first meet when they order the same coffee or something. They become close friends and decide to date, but that doesn’t work out well. The route goes on like normal. Don’t have Toma lock the heroine up in a cage or be a Yandere. Keep Toma’s personality the happy-go-lucky kind of guy, but he’s still worried for the heroine. He wouldn’t lie to her either, and he tries his best to help the heroine while giving her autonomy in the situation she’s in. Don’t have Ukyo be a terrorist. Keep Ukyo’s split personality, but have both of them want to protect the heroine, with the Other Ukyo being fed up with the two of them suffering and threatens harm to those who hurt the heroine. Give the heroine a personality depending on what world she’s in.
Variable Barricade: Make it a wlw and mlm game, with Hibari being the protagonist and her two best friends being the love interets, while Kasuga is the second protagonist and the main guys in the game are his love interests.
Code Realize: Throw the sexism in the trash. Have Van actually be romantic, and Saint Germain is a friend route because dating characters based on real people is weird. Have there be other characters of color so Nemo doesn’t look like a racist stereotype of whoever he’s supposed to represent. Heck, you could have the main cast be POC.
Radiant Tale: Vilio is the only romance-able route, with the other routes being platonic.
Virce Evermore: Have there be less tragedy and focus more on the character interactions. While Adolphe is still the true route, keep it platonic since Ceres and Adolphe are adopted siblings. Don’t have Lucas lock Ceres in a cage.
Period Cube: Same thing with Radiant Tale, but it’s with Hiroya. Have Kazuha actually be into gaming before the events of the game.
Hiiro no Kakera: Have Ryou be less creepy towards Tamaki and have Suguru be a platonic route since Tamaki’s a teenager and he’s an adult. Have Takuma be a little on edge with Tamaki at first, but not to the point of insulting her.
Bad Apple Wars: Have the heroine start off as depressed, but throughout the game, is slowly finding joy while being at NAVEAH academy. Have her date the side student characters as well since they deserve love. Don’t have some of the love interests be thousands of years old.
7'scarlet: Outside of Isora and Yatsukami, the rest stay as love interests. Don’t have Isora lock the heroine in confinement. Yatsukami has a platonic ending in Toa’s route, aka the true route.
Cupid Parasite: Have Allen be the true end and have him be flirty with Lynette with her consent. Have Gil not be a stalker and make him a malewife nerd who is willing to let Lynette go for her happiness. Don’t have Shelby be Lynette’s boss, and have the two of them be coworkers. Give Raul other interests other than mythology. Have Ryuki be a little less mean with his comments on people’s looks. Peter is still a main character, but not a love interest since he met Lynette when she was a child while he was an adult.
Lover Pretend: Have Kazuma still be jealous of Chiyuki in the past, but not to the point of wishing for her to fail. Just have the love interests in general be more considerate of Chiyuki’s feelings. Eiichirou is a platonic route since he’s Chiyuki’s teacher. Don’t have Riku blackmail the heroine and show his more artsy side earlier in the route. Don’t have Yukito be an incel.
Wand of Fortune: Have Bilal, Alvaro, and Solomon be platonic routes since they’re adults while Lulu is a teenager. Never let Elbert be a route since he’s a teacher. Let Amy be a wlw route.
Beastmaster and Prince: Have Silvio be a shapeshifting cat who is actually a human in the first place so it wouldn’t feel like Tiana is committing beasteality. Have Klaus not be considered a brother by Tiana and have Erik be a platonic route since I believe he’s a teenager pretending to be a little kid for plot reasons, and Tiana is an adult, so ew. Let Lotte be a wlw side route. Don’t have Beast and Princess be an otome game…just don’t.
Clock Zero: Have Rain be the teacher to the younger versions of the characters instead of older Takato. Have Takato actually try to help his people, but is ultimately incompetent at being king due to listening to Rain’s advice. Have Takato be called out and try to make amends for his wrongdoings early in his route. Have Shuya be a platonic route since he was 14 when he met the 12 year old Nadeshiko. Don’t have Takato and Toranosuke be Yanderes. Don’t have Tora kill the other love interests for the sake of Nadeshiko. Have older Madoka be a spy for Takato’s side rather than outright helping him.
Any game written by Yuma Katagiri needs to yeet the sexism and rape into the ether.
“Otome games that shouldn’t be otome games” category: Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly, Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk, Norn 9, Hakuoki, Birushana, Nise no Chigiri, and Sweet Fuse: At Your Side
Collar X Malice and Charade Maniacs will get their own posts.
I don’t know enough about Winter’s Wish, Dairoku, or Paradigm Paradox to have ideas for them.
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hanochia · 11 months
I'm Your Hero (アイムユアヒーロー) - After the Rain Lyrics Romaji
Terebi no naka de yoku miru tsuyoi suigi no hiiro ni Kitto koreppocchi no nitenai koto wa wakatteru yo
Nakimushi komushi ga hitori tayorinai ka hosoi tede mo tsunaide bokura futari mou sabishiku wa nai hazu sa
Arifureta kotoba de Kimi ni tsutaetai koto Zutto hitori de ganbatte kita nda ne Mou daijoubu
Sekai o terasu mahou wa naishi Tokui hissatsu no waza wa dasenai Demo kanashikute tamaranai toki wa boku mo naite ageru tayorinai kimi dake no hiiro
Dareka no namida o kurai sora ni kazaru youna sekaida Chotto dake dokoka ni ikitaku naru ki mo wakaru yo Nakimushi komushi ga futari boku mo kijouna hou janai yo Moshi nakitaku nattara issho ni naite shimaou?
Aaa futari bocchi no merodi Kono sekai ga donnani kurakunatte mo Daijoubu Fugaina sanara sekaiichi de Warau yori zutto naite irukedo Demo Nagai ame ni furueru toki wa kasa o sashite ageru Yakusoku dayo kimidake no hiiroo
Dakara boku wa utau to kimetanda Kurai yoru ni mo todoku you ni Dakara boku wa utau to kimetanda Hitori kiri ni wa shinai you ni Dakara boku wa utau to kimetanda Dare ni mimuki mo sarenakutatte Soko ni kimi ga iru sore dake ga subete
Sekai o terasu mahou wa naishi Tokui hissatsu no waza wa dasenai Demo Kanashikute tamaranai toki wa boku mo naite ageru tayorinai
Kimidake no hiiroo
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LES DÉGUNS 2 en Streaming-VF [FR] Gratis et VOSTFR
Regarder le film Les Déguns 2 (LES DÉGUNS 2) en streaming VF (VOSTFR) gratuit en Filmdailyplus | Les Déguns 2 (Les Déguns 2) film complet en français, streaming gratuitement sans limite de temps.
Les meilleurs sites pour regarder Les Déguns 2 un film en streaming gratuit en VF ou VOSTFR, en illimité et sans inscription.
REGARDER FILM ➤ https://class.redmovie25.org/fr/1000614
REGARDER FILM ➤ https://class.redmovie25.org/fr/1000614
Un autre site de Les Déguns 2 streaming de films en ligne gratuit pouvez également essayer est Dans cet article. Ce site propose de nombreux films classés en plusieurs catégories comme drame, action, comédie, science-fiction et bien d'autres.
Le site Web où Vous pouVez regarder des Films de Les Déguns 2 en streaming gratuit
Les Déguns 2 2023 France Comédie film réalisé Gadou Naudin et joué par Karim Jebli, Nordine Salhi. Après leurs déboires et leurs aventures du premier opus, Nordine Salhi et Karim Jeb alias Karim et Nono reviennent plus en forme et plus déterminés que jamais et continuent leur quête de succès par tous les moyens. Après un premier échec cuisant dans l’univers de la télé-réalité, les deux acolytes décident de se lancer dans le rap. Dans sa recherche du succès musical, Karim, alias Nécrophile, aidé de son manager Nono, ne cesse d’accumuler des tentatives ratées. Une opportunité vers la célébrité est saisie, mais tout ne se passe pas comme prévu, et les mésaventures vont s'enchaîner pour les deux protagonistes.
Sortie: Jul 26, 2023
Durée: 88 min.
Genre : Comédie
Étoiles : Karim Jebli, Nordine Salhi, Maeva Ghennam, Soprano
Réalisateur : Gadou Naudin
Avertissement : des scènes, des propos ou des images peuvent heurter la sensibilité des spectateurs
Se déroulant plus d’une décennie après les événements relatés dans le premier film, AVATAR : LA VOIE DE L’EAU raconte l'histoire des membres de la famille Sully (Jake, Neytiri et leurs enfants), les épreuves auxquelles ils sont confrontés, les chemins qu’ils doivent emprunter pour se protéger les uns les autres, les batailles qu’ils doivent mener pour rester en vie et les tragédies qu'ils endurent.
Limule et ses amis décident de s’impliquer dans ce qui semble être un complot de longue date autour de mystérieux pouvoirs qui seraient détenus par la « Reine de Raja ».
En chemin, Benimaru et Limule font la rencontre de Hiiro, un ogre qui tient Benimaru en grand respect, et qui pourrait bien avoir de véritables liens avec ce dernier…
Qui est vraiment Hiiro et que se passe-t-il réellement au pays de Raja ? Le slime le plus fort du monde s’engage dans une nouvelle grande aventure !
Les Déguns 2 is a Les Déguns 2 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Black Panther. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the sequel to Black Panther (2018) and the 30th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Directed by Ryan Coogler, who co-wrote the screenplay with Joe Robert Cole, the film stars Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Florence Kasumba, Dominique Thorne, Michaela Coel, Tenoch Huerta, Martin Freeman, and Angela Bassett. In the film, the leaders of Wakanda fight to protect their nation in the wake of King T'Challa's death.
Ideas for a sequel began after the release of Black Panther in February 2018. Coogler negotiated to return as director in the following months, and Marvel Studios officially confirmed the sequel's development in mid-2019. Plans for the film changed in August 2020 when Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman died from colon cancer, with Marvel choosing not to recast his role of T'Challa. Other main cast members from the first film were confirmed to return by that November, and the title was announced in May 2021. Production initially took place from late June to early November 2021, in Atlanta and Brunswick, Georgia, as well as around Massachusetts, before a hiatus to allow Wright to recover from an injury sustained during filming. Production resumed by mid-January Les Déguns 2 and wrapped in late March in Puerto Rico.
Les Déguns 2 premiered at the El Capitan Theatre and the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on October 26, Les Déguns 2, and was released in the United States on November 11, Les Déguns 2, as the final film in Phase Four of the MCU. The film received positive reviews from critics, who praised the cast's performances (particularly Wright's, Huerta's, and Bassett's), emotional weight, Coogler's direction, action sequences, musical score, and tribute to Boseman.
Sortie du film Les Déguns 2 : Date de sortie?
L’intrigue du film Les Déguns 2
Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje fight to protect their nation from intervening world powers in the wake of King T’Challa’s death. As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next chapter, the heroes must band together with the help of War Dog Nakia and Everett Ross and forge a new path for the kingdom of Wakanda.
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Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. RegarderIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telLe Voyage du Pèlerin,tel que Netflix, ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une é Les Déguns 2 ion télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés.
Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio sont généralement extraits de iTunes ou d’ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video,
puis redistribués dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. DownloadMovieIp Man 4 :Le dernier combat L’un des impacts les plLe Voyage du Pèlerin importants de l’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du streaming vidéo L’indLe Voyage du Pèlerintrie du DVD a connu un véritable succès grâce à la vulgarisation en Le Voyage du Pèlerinsse du contenu en ligne.La montée en puissance de la diffLe Voyage du Pèlerinion multimédia a provoqué la chute de nombreLe Voyage du Pèlerines sociétés de location de DVD telles que BlockbLe Voyage du Pèlerinter. En juilletIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat, un article du New York Times a publié un article sur les SerLe Voyage du Pèlerins de DVD-Video de Netflix. Il a déclaré que Netflix continue ses DVD serLe Voyage du Pèlerins avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente.
Quelle est la différence entre le téléchargement et streaming ?
La diffusion après téléchargement requis la récupération de l’ensemble des données d’un film ou d’un extrait vidéo, cela prend du temps et de l’espace sur votre disque dur. L’avantage du streaming vous n’avez rien à télécharger, il permet la lecture d’un flux audio ou vidéo que vous pouvez lire directement depuis un lecteur proposé le plus souvent par des plateformes qui proposent plusieurs films, séries ou morceaux musicaux.
étiquette :
Les Déguns 2 film complet
Les Déguns 2 Les Déguns 2 film complet
Les Déguns 2 film complet en français
Les Déguns 2 streaming vostfr
Les Déguns 2 film streaming
Les Déguns 2 streaming vf
0 notes
Regarder le film Les Déguns 2 (LES DÉGUNS 2) en streaming VF (VOSTFR) gratuit en Filmdailyplus | Les Déguns 2 (Les Déguns 2) film complet en français, streaming gratuitement sans limite de temps.
Les meilleurs sites pour regarder Les Déguns 2 un film en streaming gratuit en VF ou VOSTFR, en illimité et sans inscription.
REGARDER FILM ➤ https://class.redmovie25.org/fr/1000614
REGARDER FILM ➤ https://class.redmovie25.org/fr/1000614
Un autre site de Les Déguns 2 streaming de films en ligne gratuit pouvez également essayer est Dans cet article. Ce site propose de nombreux films classés en plusieurs catégories comme drame, action, comédie, science-fiction et bien d'autres.
Le site Web où Vous pouVez regarder des Films de Les Déguns 2 en streaming gratuit
Les Déguns 2 2023 France Comédie film réalisé Gadou Naudin et joué par Karim Jebli, Nordine Salhi. Après leurs déboires et leurs aventures du premier opus, Nordine Salhi et Karim Jeb alias Karim et Nono reviennent plus en forme et plus déterminés que jamais et continuent leur quête de succès par tous les moyens. Après un premier échec cuisant dans l’univers de la télé-réalité, les deux acolytes décident de se lancer dans le rap. Dans sa recherche du succès musical, Karim, alias Nécrophile, aidé de son manager Nono, ne cesse d’accumuler des tentatives ratées. Une opportunité vers la célébrité est saisie, mais tout ne se passe pas comme prévu, et les mésaventures vont s'enchaîner pour les deux protagonistes.
Sortie: Jul 26, 2023
Durée: 88 min.
Genre : Comédie
Étoiles : Karim Jebli, Nordine Salhi, Maeva Ghennam, Soprano
Réalisateur : Gadou Naudin
Avertissement : des scènes, des propos ou des images peuvent heurter la sensibilité des spectateurs
Se déroulant plus d’une décennie après les événements relatés dans le premier film, AVATAR : LA VOIE DE L’EAU raconte l'histoire des membres de la famille Sully (Jake, Neytiri et leurs enfants), les épreuves auxquelles ils sont confrontés, les chemins qu’ils doivent emprunter pour se protéger les uns les autres, les batailles qu’ils doivent mener pour rester en vie et les tragédies qu'ils endurent.
Limule et ses amis décident de s’impliquer dans ce qui semble être un complot de longue date autour de mystérieux pouvoirs qui seraient détenus par la « Reine de Raja ».
En chemin, Benimaru et Limule font la rencontre de Hiiro, un ogre qui tient Benimaru en grand respect, et qui pourrait bien avoir de véritables liens avec ce dernier…
Qui est vraiment Hiiro et que se passe-t-il réellement au pays de Raja ? Le slime le plus fort du monde s’engage dans une nouvelle grande aventure !
Les Déguns 2 is a Les Déguns 2 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Black Panther. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the sequel to Black Panther (2018) and the 30th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Directed by Ryan Coogler, who co-wrote the screenplay with Joe Robert Cole, the film stars Letitia Wright, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Winston Duke, Florence Kasumba, Dominique Thorne, Michaela Coel, Tenoch Huerta, Martin Freeman, and Angela Bassett. In the film, the leaders of Wakanda fight to protect their nation in the wake of King T'Challa's death.
Ideas for a sequel began after the release of Black Panther in February 2018. Coogler negotiated to return as director in the following months, and Marvel Studios officially confirmed the sequel's development in mid-2019. Plans for the film changed in August 2020 when Black Panther star Chadwick Boseman died from colon cancer, with Marvel choosing not to recast his role of T'Challa. Other main cast members from the first film were confirmed to return by that November, and the title was announced in May 2021. Production initially took place from late June to early November 2021, in Atlanta and Brunswick, Georgia, as well as around Massachusetts, before a hiatus to allow Wright to recover from an injury sustained during filming. Production resumed by mid-January Les Déguns 2 and wrapped in late March in Puerto Rico.
Les Déguns 2 premiered at the El Capitan Theatre and the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood on October 26, Les Déguns 2, and was released in the United States on November 11, Les Déguns 2, as the final film in Phase Four of the MCU. The film received positive reviews from critics, who praised the cast's performances (particularly Wright's, Huerta's, and Bassett's), emotional weight, Coogler's direction, action sequences, musical score, and tribute to Boseman.
Sortie du film Les Déguns 2 : Date de sortie?
L’intrigue du film Les Déguns 2
Queen Ramonda, Shuri, M’Baku, Okoye and the Dora Milaje fight to protect their nation from intervening world powers in the wake of King T’Challa’s death. As the Wakandans strive to embrace their next chapter, the heroes must band together with the help of War Dog Nakia and Everett Ross and forge a new path for the kingdom of Wakanda.
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Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. RegarderIp Man 4 : Le dernier combat Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telLe Voyage du Pèlerin,tel que Netflix, ALe Voyage du Pèlerinzon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une é Les Déguns 2 ion télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés.
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newsintheshell · 2 years
THE GREAT CLERIC: anime in arrivo per la commedia fantasy isekai
Riuscirà uno sfortunato salaryman a farsi una nuova e tranquilla vita come guaritore, nella fantastica terra di Galdardia?
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Il pozzo degli isekai pare senza fine e, udite udite, anche “THE GREAT CLERIC” (Seija Musou) si aggiungerà presto nella mischia.
Dalla commedia fantasy firmata da Broccoli Lion, infatti, verrà prossimamente tratta una serie animata, che per il momento, però, non ha un periodo di debutto.
Un momento prima un certo impiegato è al settimo cielo, con l’agognata promozione finalmente a portata di mano, e un momento dopo si accascia per il dolore e tutto finisce. Fortunatamente per lui, il destino ha qualcos’altro in serbo per lui: un mondo di magia, mostri e altre entità più o meno pericolose, pronte ad accorciare la sua prossima vita! 
Con nient'altro che le sue esperienze precedenti e la sua abilità negli affari a guidarlo nelle terre straniere di Galdardia, assume il nome di Luciel e giura che la sua prossima morte sarà dovuta solo ed esclusivamente alla vecchiaia. E quale modo migliore per evitare un'altra infelice e prematura dipartita, se non quello di accettare un comodo e piacevole lavoro come guaritore? Cavarsela in un altro mondo, però, non è facile, né economico. Ci vorranno lacrime e sudore per affinare le abilità necessarie a farsi strada. 
Il lancio della light novel, è avvenuto nell’ottobre 2015. Inizialmente pubblicato solamente online, il romanzo è ora edito da Micro Magazine Publishing e attualmente conta 10 volumi, corredati delle illustrazioni ad opera di Sime (Collected under the name of my lie stars).  Dal 2017, ne viene serializzata anche una versione manga, disegnata da Hiiro Akikaze, giunta proprio oggi anch’essa al 10° volumetto.
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Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Anya: *crying* Emu: WHO MADE HER CRY?!! Emu: It's okay Anya... Aunty Emu is here. Now tell me who stepped on your stuffed animals. Anya: *Points at Kuroto*
Kuroto: *bleh* This kid is anno- Emu and Asuna start throwing them hands. Kiriya: I'm gonna join this beating. *kicking his ass* Fuck You Kuroto!
Hiiro: I know a place where I could get them clean. Anya: There is? Hiiro: Yeah. now now.. Whose a big girl and wants bag of peanuts. Anya: ME!
Emu: AWWW... Thanks honey. *blows kiss* Hiiro's thought: Always looking hot as usual. But... Anya is here probably not gonna implied that I want to chitty chitty bang-bang him. Anya:
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Dan Kuroto Shin? More like Dan Kuroto Shi Neeeee (Dan Kuroto Die)
Hiiro's more likely to offer sweets than peanuts honestly XD
And.... Oh Christ, Hiiro's defiled a child's mind... Let's pray to Fruit Jesus that his dear one doesn't find out, lest he be the one Emu's pounding to the ground and not in a sexy way
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kinglyyato · 4 years
I may have just connected the dots ...
                      you didnt connect shit
Anyway, so me and @boxmates​ were rewatching the anime to fill the void while waiting for the newest chapter to drop and...I think I realized something.
Does Yato name all his shinki/regalia with the family name “ne” because...of Sakura?
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Yato keeping “ne” for all his regalia is to keep the memory of Sakura.
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 363 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 決めてンだよ俺ァ! きめてンだよおれァ! kimeteNda yo oreA! “I’ve decided!”
tagline 倒れた爆豪ーー… たおれたばくごうーー… taoreta Bakugou---... The fallen Bakugou---...
2 勝負は必ず完全勝利! しょぶはかならずかんぜんしょうり! shoubu wa kanarazu kanzen shouri! “In [this] match, [I will] definitely [have] a perfect victory!”
3 4−0無傷!これが 4−0むきず!これが 4-0 mukizu! kore ga “4-0 no injuries! This”
4 本当に強ぇ奴の"勝利"だろ! ほんとうにつえぇやつの"しょうり"だろ! hontou ni tsuee yatsu no “shouri” daro! “is how the truly strong win!”
5 おいウソだろう…! oi USO darou...! “Hey, it’s gotta be a lie...!”
6 ダメでしょそれはぁ…‼︎ DAME desho sore waa...!! “That can’t be...!!”
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1 それはダメだろォオオ!!! sore wa DAME daroOOO!!! “That just can’t beee!!!”
tagline No.363 禦ぐ者と侵す者  堀越耕平 ナンバー363 ふせぐものとおかすもの  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 363 fusegu mono to okasu mono   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 363 Those who attack/invade and those who defend/protect   Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 脈が無い… みゃくがない… myaku ga nai... “No pulse...”
2 心臓をやられた… しんぞうをやられた… shinzou wo yarareta... “His heart was hit...”
3 せめて緑谷くんがくるまで皆を守りきろう せめてみどりやくんがくるまでみんなをまもりきろう semete Midoriya-kun ga kuru made minna wo mamori kirou Let’s at least protect everyone until Midoriya-kun arrives.
4 こんな…畜生…! こんな…ちくしょう…! konna...chikushou...! “Something like this...you bastard...!”
5 今度は死んだ こんどはしんだ kondo wa shinda “This time he died.”
6 今度は委ねたからだ こんどはゆだねたからだ kondo wa yudaneta kara da (Literal) “This time was because you entrusted it to him.” (Contextual) “This happened because you left everything to him.”
7 だからガッカリしたんだイレイザー dakara GAKKARI shitanda IREIZAA “That’s why I was so disappointed, Eraser.”
8 さて sate “Now”
9 こんな…… konna...... He’s such......
10 化物がーーー ばけものがーーー bakemono ga--- a monster---
11 次は⁉︎ つぎは⁉︎ tsugi wa!? “[Who’s] next!?”
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1 誰か緑谷出久のプレゼントになる⁉︎ だれかみどりやいずくのプレゼントになる⁉︎ dare ka Midoriya Izuku no PUREZENTO ni naru!? “Who will become Izuku Midoriya’s present!?”
2 あの時…てめ〜をぶっ殺せてりゃ… あのとき…てめ〜をぶっころせてりゃ… ano toki...temee wo bukkoroseterya... “Back then...if I could have freakin’ killed you...”
3 私があと…一歩速けりゃあ……! わたしがあと…いっぽはやけりゃあ……! watashi ga ato...ippo hayakeryaa......! “If I could have been...one step faster......!”
4 気にするなよ兎山ルミ! あの時は…まだヒーローが沢山いた きにするなようさぎやまルミ! あのときは…まだヒーローがたくさんいた ki ni suruna yo Usagiyama RUMI! ano toki wa...mada HIIROO ga takusan ita “Don’t fret about it, Rumi Usagiyama! Back then...there were still many heroes.”
5 君だけがしょうもなかったワケじゃない きみだけがしょうもなかったワケじゃない kimi dake ga shou mo nakatta WAKE ja nai “You weren’t the only one who was helpless.”
6 ヒーローが減って…あんな青二才すら前線に立たざるを得ない状況の時点で ヒーローがへって…あんなあおにさいすらぜんせんにたたざるをえないじょうきょうのじてんで HIIRO ga hette...anna aonisai sura zensen ni tatazaru wo enai joukyou no jiten de “The number of heroes decreased...even a young novice like that* had no choice but to stand on the front line in that situation” (Note: *I think he’s talking about Katsuki.)
7 死ぬさそりゃ一人や二人 しぬさそりゃひとりやふたり shinu sa sorya hitori ya futari “and one or two like that will die.”
8 君らは先制を仕掛けベストを尽くした きみらはせんせいをしかけベストをつくした kimira wa sensei wo shikake BESUTO wo tsukushita “You tried your preemptive gambit and exhausted your best.”
9 それでも足りなかっただけさ それでもたりなかっただけさ sore demo tarinakatta dake sa “Even so, it just wasn’t enough.”
10 人も… ひとも… hito mo... “Your people” (Note: He means their human resources in this fight.)
11 備えもね… そなえもね… sonae mo ne... “nor your preparation...”
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1 結果的に… けっかてきに… kekkateki ni... “It turns out...”
2 先にお前と闘れて良かったのかもな さきにおまえとやれてよかったのかもな saki ni omae to yarete yokatta no kamo na “maybe I should have fought you first.”
3 ハハ…!やっぱ直に触れると違うんだな… ハハ…!やっぱじかにふれるとちがうんだな… HAHA...! yappa jika ni fureru to chigaunda na... “Haha...! It really is different if you touch it directly...”
4 コツが直感でわかるっつーか… コツがちょっかんでわかるっつーか… KOTSU ga chokkan de wakaru ttsuu ka... “I figured out the trick intuitively...”
5 焦凍くん逃げて‼︎ しょうとくんにげて‼︎ Shouto-kun nigete!! “Shouto-kun, run away!!”
6 氷を打ち込まれる前に…一か八か真似してみた こおりをうちこまれるまえに…いちかばちかまねしてみた koori wo uchikomareru mae ni...ichi ka bachi ka maneshite mita “Before I got hit by the ice...I took a gamble and tried to imitate you.”
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1 これで合ってるよな? これであってるよな? kore de atteru yo na? (Literal) “With this, it’s correct, right?” (Contextual) “This is how you do it, right?”
2 焦凍 しょうと Shouto “Shouto”
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1 オニマーさん ONIMAA-san “Onima-san”
2 ……火力だけじゃなかった…! ……かりょくだけじゃなかった…! ......It’s not just firepower...!
3 そうだ…‼︎ sou da...!! That’s right...!
4 燈矢兄はほとんど独学でここまで"個性"を高めたんだ…! とうやにいはほとんどどくがくでここまで"こせい"をたかめたんだ…! Touya-nii wa hotondo dokugaku de koko made “kosei” wo takametanda...! Big Brother Touya was mostly self-taught and improved his quirk this much...!
5-6 努力に裏打ちされた"センス"が しゅうれんにうらうちされた"センス"が shuuren (kanji: doryoku) ni urauchi sareta“SENSU” ga A good sense backed up by training (read as: effort)
7 燈矢兄には とうやにいには Touya-nii ni wa Big Brother Touya has that
8 スケプティイック‼︎ SUKEPUTIIKKU!! “Skeptic!!”
9 今忙しいんだ話しかけるなファザコンめ‼︎ いまいそがしいんだはなしかけるなファザコンめ‼︎ ima isogashiinda hanashi kakeruna FAZAKON-me!! “I’m busy right now, so don’t talk to me, you damn Father Complex!!”
10 エンデヴァーなら ENDEVAA nara “If [you wanna know about] Endeavor”
11 群訝山荘跡地AFOと交戦中だ ぐんがさんそうあとちオール・フォー・ワンとこうせんちゅうだ Gunga sansou atochi OORU FOO WAN to kousenchuu da “he’s currently warring with AFO at the former site of Gunga Mountain Villa”
12 "敵"に準備させちゃいけないと "ヴィラン"にじゅんびさせちゃいけないと “VIRAN” ni junbi sasecha ikenai to “Don’t let the villains prepare”
13 事を急いた緑谷出久は正しかったんだよたとえ��れが… ことをせいたみどりやいずくはただしかったんだよたとえそれが… koto wo seita Midoriya Izuku wa tadashikattanda yo tatoe sore ga... “and rush things was right on Izuku Midoriya’s part, even if...”
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1 徒労に終わると決まっていたとしても とろうにおわるときまっていたとしても torou ni owaru to kimatte ita to shite mo “even if it was decided that it would end in vain.”
2 弊社め私を損切りしたつもりか⁉︎ へいしゃめわたしをそんぎりしたつもりか⁉︎ heishame watashi wo songiri shita tsumori ka!? “Are you planning to cut me off from our company!?”
3 相変わらず脳ミソの詰まっていない連中だ! あいかわらずのうミソのつまっていないれんちゅうだ! aikawarazu nou MISO no tsumatte inai renchuu da! “As usual these guys have miso clogging their brains!” (Note: This is an idiom for calling someone stupid.)
4 このネットワークは私が構築したんだぞ? このネットワークはわたしがこうちくしたんだぞ? kono NETTOWAAKU wa watashi ga kouchiku shitanda zo? “I’m the one who built this network, wasn’t I?”
5 権限を取り戻すなど容易に決まっているだろう‼︎ けんげんをとりもどすなどよういにきまっているだろう‼︎ kengen wo torimodosu nado youi ni kimatte iru darou!! “I can easily decide to do something like regain my authority!!”
6 国外に逃げてまで頭脳を失った会社を存続させて何になる⁉︎ こくがいににげてまでずのうをうしなったかいしゃをそんぞくさせてなんになる⁉︎ kokugai ni nigete made zunou wo ushinatta kaisha wo sonzoku sasete nan ni naru!? “What is the use in keeping a company that’s lost its brains even after fleeing the country!?”
7 保守も度を越せば思考停止の泥人形だ‼︎ ほしゅもどをこせばしこうていしのどろにんぎょうだ‼︎ hoshu mo do wo koseba shikou teishi no doro ningyou da!! “If even maintenance goes too far, it’s just a doll made of mud that’s stopped thinking!!”
8 私は違う!私は死柄木弔を擁立しながら わたしはちがう!わたしはしがらきとむらをようりつしながら watashi wa chigau! watashi wa Shigaraki Tomura wo youritsu shinagara “I am different! While I am supporting Tomura Shigaraki”
9 リ・デストロの本懐を遂げる!遍く人々は平等に能力を活かし リ・デストロのほんかいをとげる!あまねくひとびとはびょうどうにのうりょくをいかし RI・DESUTORO no honkai wo togeru! amaneku hitobito wa byoudou ni nouryoku wo ikashi “I will achieve Re-Destro‘s true longing! People everywhere impartially make the most of their abilities.”
10 それによってのみ権益を勝ち取る… それによってのみけんえきをかちとる… sore ni yotte nomi ken’eki wo kachi toru... “Only by doing that will they win and take their own interests...”
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1 そこにはヒーローも敵もいない真の自由秩序が在る そこにはヒーローもヴィランもいないしんのじゆうちつじょがある soko ni wa HIIROO mo VIRAN mo inai shin no jiyuu chitsujo ga aru “That is where there will be an order of true freedom without heroes or villains.”
2 さっきからシステムエラーが……‼︎ sakki kara SHISUTEMU ERAA ga......!! “For a while we’ve had a system error......!!”
3 何者かがシステムに侵入しょうとしてる! なにものかがシステムにしんにゅうしょうとしてる! nanimono ka ga SHISUTEMU ni shinnyuu shou to shiteru! “Someone is trying to break into the system!”
4 AFO…お前は好きにやれ オール・フォー・ワン…おまえはすきにやれ OORU FOO WAN...omae wa suki ni yare “All For One...do as you like”
5 私も好きにする! わたしもすきにする! watashi mo suki ni suru! “I, too, will do as I like!”
6 革命の後に旧態の残滓を残してはならぬ かくめいのあとにきゅうたいのざんしをのこしてはならぬ kakumei no ato ni kyuutai no zanshi wo nokoshite wa naranu “Leave not the remnants of old after the revolution”
7 とりわけ toriwake “Above all”
8 前時代の言葉に賛同し縋った者たち… やつらのことばにさんどうしすがったものたち… yatsura (kanji: zenjidai) no kotoba ni sandou shi sugatta mono-tachi... “Those who agreed with their (read as: previous era) words and clung to them...”
9 アレらは ARE-ra wa “Such things are” (Note: He’s referring to those people as objects rather than people.)
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1 新たな世界に不要な者たちである あらたなせかいにふようなものたちである aratana sekai ni fuyou na mono-tachi de aru “those who are unnecessary in the new world.”
2 あーもーおとなしくなさい! aa moo otonashiku nasai! “Ah, come on, be quieter!”
3 敵が来たらどーするの! ヴィランがきたらどーするの! VIRAN ga kitara doo suru no! “What will you do if the villains come!”
4 大丈夫だよ先生! だいじょうぶだよせんせい! daijoubu da yo sensei! “It’s okay, Teacher!”
5 だってゴチんコと datte GOCHINKO to “Because Five Weenies and”
6 バクゴーたちが! BAKUGOO-tachi ga! “Bakugou and the others!”
7 絶対勝つからね! ぜったいかつからね! zettai katsu kara ne! “They'll definitely win!”
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1 群訝山荘跡地 ぐんがさんそうあとち Gunga sansou atochi Former site of Gunga Mountain Villa
2 前回の戦いでは防戦一辺倒で ぜんかいのたたかいではぼうせんいっぺんとうで zenkai no tatakai de wa bousen ippentou de “In the last battle, they were completed devoted to defense”
3 何もさせてもらえなかったと聞く なにもさせてもらえなかったときく nani mo sasete moraenakatta to kiku “and you wouldn’t let them do anything, so I heard.”
4 今回は違う こんかいはちがう konkai wa chigau “This time is different.”
5 ………オール・フォー・ワン…‼︎ .........OORU FOO WAN...!! “.........All For One...!!”
6 ヒーローとは禦ぐ者であり ヒーローとはふせぐものであり HIIROO TO wa fusegu mono de ari “Heroes are those who protect/defend,”
7 敵とは侵す者 ヴィランとはおかすもの VIRAN to wa okasu mono “and villains are those who attack/invade.”
8 僕らは夢に向かって突き進む‼︎ ぼくらはゆめにむかってつきすすむ‼︎ bokura wa yume ni mukatte tsuki susumu!! “We push forward towards our dreams!!”
tagline 敵、攻勢‼︎ ヴィラン、こうせい‼︎ VIRAN, kousei!! Villains, on the offensive!!
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lovelyyfluff · 2 months
Baş Belaları | 29 - Anlaşmazlık
<Birkaç dakika sonra>
Mayoi: Ü-Üzgünüm... Hiiro, Aira, geciktiğim için özür dilerim!
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Tatsumi: Affedersiniz. Vay, ne kadar etkileyici. Daha öğlenin ortasındayız ama taşınma işi bitmiş bile.
Mayoi: Evet, hatta bizim gönderdiğimiz eşyaları bile yerleştirmişler—
Mayoi: Ayyyy!!
Aira: De-miş-tim! Eşyalarıma dokunmamanı söylemiştim, Hiro! Değerli hazinelerimi attığın için seni asla affetmeyeceğim!
Hiiro: ? Ama onlar çöptü.
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Aira: Şaka mısın sen? İnanamıyorum. Gerçekten inanamıyorum. Eski sahibi pek iyi saklamadığı için kirli gözükebilir, ama onu internetteki bir açık arttırmadan almıştım!
Aira: Yine de bilmelisin, benim için bir hazine! "O Akehoshi"nin arkasında bıraktığı şeyler o kadar nadir ki başka yerde bulamazsın!
Aira: Bir daha böyle bir şey yaparsan seni şu pencereden aşağı atarım haberin olsun!
Hiiro: Tamam! O kadar da yüksek değil, canımın acıyacağını sanmıyorum!
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Aira: Arrrrgh~! Hey! Yaptığından gram pişmanlık duymuyor musun? Bir anlığına seni sevmeye başlamıştım, ama onu da geri alıyorum!
Aira: Maalesef Aira yolunu seçemezsin artık!
Hiiro: Ne yolu...? O ne demek?
Aira: Lafımı bölme! Şu an acayip kızgınım sana~!!
Tatsumi: Hm. Ne olduğunu anlamış değilim, ama ikiniz de sakinleşin lütfen. Öfke, insanları kötü yola sokan çok tehlikeli bir günahtır.
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Aira: Ne?! Kazehaya-senpai! Ve Ayase-senpai—Siz ne ara geldiniz?
Hiiro: Bir süredir orada duruyorlar. Öfken yüzünden farketmedin mi? Aira?
Aira: Ha?! Beni öfkelendiren sensin~! Gidip beni suçlama...!
Tatsumi: Tamam, tamam... Sakin ol, Aira. Dediklerinin bir anlamı yok.
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Aira: Offf~ Ama! Beni dinle, Kazehaya-senpai. Hiro az daha tüm değerli eşyalarımı çuvala toplayıp çöpe atıyordu. İnanabiliyor musun?
Hiiro: Um, özür dilerim. Gerçekten pişmanım, umarım beni affedebilirsin.
Hiiro: Ama eşyaları taşırken çok yorulduğunu söyleyen sendin, ben de geri kalanını halletmek istedim... elimden geleni yaptım.
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Hiiro: Görünüşe göre seni incitecek bir şey yapmışım. Üzgünüm, Aira. Aptal olduğum yetmezmiş gibi kaba ve cahilim—Berbat bir insanım.
Aira: Ya... Suratını öyle yapma şimdi. Gören seni zorbaladığımı zannedecek.
Aira: Neyse ne. Zarar gören bir şey yok, ve işimi başkasına yaptırıp onlara kızma hakkım yok...
Aira: Fazla kibirli davrandım.
Aira: Ben de suçluyum. Üzgünüm.
Aira: Ama artık eşyalarıma izinsiz dokunmak yok.
Hiiro: Aynen. Söz veriyorum.
Aira: Tamam öyleyse... Şey, biraz kötü bir zamanlama oldu, ama...
Aira: Kazehaya-senpai, Ayase-senpai, Seisoukan Apartmanı'na hoşgeldiniz! Bunu benim söylemem biraz tuhaf aslında♪
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Hiiro: Hoşgeldiniz! Sizinle yaşayacağım için çok heyecanlıyım!
Hiiro: Hatta bilmeden sizin eşyalarınızı da yerleştirdim. Sorun olur mu?... Başkalarının eşyalarına izinsiz dokunmanın kaba olduğunu bilmiyordum.
Hiiro: Benim memleketimde her şey halka aitti.
Tatsumi: Yok, sorun değil. Bana iyilik yapmış oldun.
Tatsumi: Fakat, hepimiz hâlâ birlikte yaşayacak olan yabancılarız, yani böyle sorunlarla karşılaşmamız normal.
Tatsumi: Böyle anlaşmazlıklar yaşamamak için birbirimizin özeline karışmamalıyız.
Tatsumi: Ben kilisenin sahip çıktığı çocuklarla yaşadığım için bunlara alışığım.
Tatsumi: Ama Mayoi gibi daha içe kapanık insanlar hakkında daha hassas olalım.
Mayoi: Y-Yok yok, zahmet etmeyin! Beni ölmek üzere olan bir kaktüs gibi görmezden gelin!
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Aira: Hahaha. Kaktüs demek.
Aira: ...Üzgünüm, bu yeni ortama daha alışamadım, biraz gergin olmalıyım. Derin bir nefes alıp~ vereceğim~♪
Tatsumi: Ah, öncesinde camı açalım da içeri hava girsin. Yeni taşındığımız için baya bir toz kalkmış olmalı.
Mayoi: Evet... Ama temizliğin coğunu bizim için yapmışlar.
Mayoi: Yerler bile parlıyor—İkinizin yaptığına inanamıyorum bunu. Muhteşem!
Hiiro: Tek başımıza yapmadık. Seisoukan'daki büyüklerimiz de yardımcı oldu.
Aira: Aynen. Çoğunlukla UNDEAD'den Oogami-senpai ve Otogari-senpai... Onlar da az önce işleri olduğu için çıktılar, umarım başka zaman yine teşekkür etme şansımız olur.
Hiiro: Um. Ayrıca yoldan geçen bazı idoller de yardımcı oldu. Memnun gibi görünüyorlardı.
Hiiro: İsmini bilmediğim birsürü kişi vardı, ama Aira hepsini tanıyınca çok şaşırdım—
Aira: Haha. İdol fanatiğiyim de ondan.
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Tatsumi: Anlıyorum... Haha, iyi kalpli insanlar her yerden çıkabiliyor.
Tatsumi: Benim eskiden idol olarak çalıştığım zamanda idoller kraliyet ve soylu gibi gruplara ayrılacak kadar kendini beğenmişti.
Tatsumi: Görüyorum ki bu değişmiş, doğru bir karar.
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noragami-ru-manga · 5 years
Shinki Names. Part 1
I should probably add a disclaimer that I don't know Japanese. I did spend a lot of time looking up all the kanji though and also consulted someone who does know some Japanese
A name is one the most important things a human can have. In ancient times, it was used to separate humans from nature, to guard them from evil spirits. Nowadays it’s more of a necessity, a primary part of one’s identity; a person without a name virtually doesn’t exist in the society.
In Noragami names, their meanings and functions are key elements of the magic universe created by Adachitoka. This two-parter is devoted to one of the name groups present in the manga – those belonging to shinki.
General rules of forming
Since shinki names are a part of Noragami’s magic system, there are certain rules for making them up. Many (if not most) of the readers of this post must already know those rules but I’ll list them just in case.
1. A shinki’s name is always (well, almost always, but we’ll get to that in Part 2) is written using a single kanji – a character that came into Japanese from Chinese. A kanji can have several meanings, one of which is chosen to be the name. The meaning’s two respective readings become two shinki names: kun-yomi, or Japanese native reading, refers to a shinki as a person while on-yomi, or Chinese sound reading, refers to their instrument name.
2. Even though shinki names are represented on their bodies by a single kanji, the kanji reading isn’t generally used as a name on its own. Another kanji is added to the kanji forming a shinki’s personal name to make yobina, which is the name a god uses when referring to their shinki in everyday life. Generally it’s a kanji that the gods use towards all of their shinki, i.e. their family/clan name. Here are examples of family names in Noragami:
音 – “ne”, Yato’s shinki’s family name. Means “sound”.
喩 – «yu», Tenjin’s shinki’s family name. Means “metaphor”.
大 – «dai», Kofuku’s shinki’s family name. Means “great”. The only prefix in this list.
麻 – «ma», Bishamon’s shinki’s former family name. Means “flax”.
巴 – «ha», Bishamon’s shinki’s current family name. See the meaning in the family names paragraph.
弥 – «mi», Ebisu’s shinki’s family name. When read as “mi” isn’t really a noun. One of the meanings is “more and more”.
云 – «un», Takemikazuchi’s shinki’s family name. Means “cloud”, “to talk”.
Known exceptions:
Noras: three out of four of Nora’s known names – Hiiro, Eyami, Mizuchi – do not include a family name (“chi” in “Mizuchi” isn’t actually a kanji for a family name, it’s part of kanji 螭's reading). Tenjin also refused to give Kugaha the “yu” clan name when gave him the name “Saku”;
Sakura and Nana, who aren’t noras but still have no family names;
Daikoku and Daigo – their clan name is added to their instrument name, not their name as a person
3. The instrument name also isn’t used on its own: kanji “ki” 器 (“instrument”) is added to it. As seen in the manga, characters in Noragami prefer to use “name + ki” when talking about a shinki’s instrument form.
Keeping these rules in mind, I’ve made this table that I borrowed from Wiki and expanded upon:
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On the one hand, it seems like there’s no common theme in the names of the shinki belonging to the same god. There’s also no connection between a shinki’s name and instrument form in most cases. All in all, gods appear to name their shinki intuitively without actually thinking much about the meaning of the name. If we take Yato’s shinki as an example, three of them were named based on whatever Yato saw nearby: Yuki (snow) – it was snowing that day; Tomone (partner) – he just wished for someone to stay beside him; Sakura (sakura) – they met under a sakura tree. Momo has got a name that actually corresponds to his instrumet form – 100-yen store scissors; Hiiro’s (scarlet) and Kazune’s (calendar) seem to be a little more symbolical. Father, on the other hand, seems to be the only one to choose the names of his shinki deliberately. He gave Mizuchi the name of the monster that she turns into as an ayakashi; Edachi is literally his “servant”; and now he has Hagusa as well, “something that appears good, but isn’t”.
On the other hand, everything is not as simple as it seems. For example, look at these two translation notes about Nana’s name (Volume 16):
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Moreover, “shi” means “death” in Japanese. Anything that sounds like “shi” has a connotation of “death”. A warrior is also “shi”. Number 4 is “shi”, number 7 is “shichi”. The Japanese mostly say 4 and 7 in kun-yomi in order to avoid saying “death” as much as possible. Bishamon, on the contrary, invites it. She is a warrior (“shi”), calling “shichi” to her service by her instrument name (on-yomi) – all of that does not bode well for any Japanese.
And here’s another example with Kiun’s name form Volume 17. When he recalls the day he was named by Take, he says that he was given “a very noble name” Ki.
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Yellow is also the color of Amaterasu and her descendants, the Imperial dynasty. There are even several shades of yellow that can be used for dyeing the emperor’s clothes only.
So the reason why there’s no clear theme in the names of shinki of the same god and why they usually have nothing to do with shinki’s instrument forms is because each name has unique circumstances that surround it.
(BTW, regarding the “seven tools”: it’s a little far-fetched, but Yato technically has all of them as well. Yukine is his long sword and short sword while Kazuma is the rest – clothes (armor), bow, arrows, the scarf that also covers his head (helmet & cloak), and katana, because sure, why not).
Naming incantations
To give shinki a name, either for the first time or to someone who’s had a name before, a special incantation needs to be used.
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This translation note was super helpful back when I first started reading Noragami. However, it was made in Volume 1, when little to nothing was known about the significance of names in the lore of Noragami, so I’m going to update it a bit.
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Apparently, imina is the real name of a deceased person or a noble that is changed to a posthumous name; a forbidden, avoided name. Early on, before I reached the part with the gods’ greatest secret, I assumed that imina referred to the kun-yomi reading of a shinki’s name (like Yuki for Yukine). I thought that the reason gods added a family name to the kun-yomi reading was, just like it says in this note, to avoid the repetition of that name. But then there are noras, who almost always don’t get a family name, and shinki like Sakura and Nana, who are not noras and still don’t have family names either. So imina can’t possibly be the kun-yomi reading - if it really is an “avoided name” that shouldn’t be used for any purpose other than reverting a shinki from their instrument form, surely gods wouldn’t risk using it as a yobina (the name the gods call their shinki in everyday life, like Yukine) as well? That’s why I think that the first two lines of the incantation are a literal description of how the god’s greatest secret works. The god “grasps”, i.e. learns and conceals, a deceased person’s actual name – grasping thy true name, I bind thee here – and replaces it with the name that he/she makes up for that person – with borrowed name, I dub thee my servant. Karina, or the borrowed name, is the one that seals away the true name that should never be spoken. Lines 3 and 4 are pretty much an instruction for using a shinki. And the part about “mei” meaning both “command” and “destiny”,“life” explains why the last line was translated as “I use my life to make you my servant” in the anime. Wiki says that the reason why gods and shinki have this connection that can end up killing the god is because they use their life to create shinki, and I support the notion. After all, if there’s a line or word in Noragami that has more than one meaning, it’s 99% chance that it’s intentional. The last line shows that a shinki isn’t just a servant but a huge responsibility that a god may end up paying for with their life.
There aren’t any specific conditions to be met when naming a shinki (apart from the fact that a corrupted soul can’t become one, and even that’s… debatable); a spirit can receive a name voluntarily or forcefully. With regular ghosts who get a name for the first time it’s often not consensual since they don’t even know that’s a possibility (though there’s actually a cute scene in which Yato tries to persuade an old lady spirit to become his shinki freely). A shinki who has been released before can ask another god to name them, like Sakura did. Or, they can ask for a name without being released and become a nora. Finally, a god can forcefully give a name to a shinki who’s already serving another god, which is what Tenjin did to Kugaha. This, however, doesn’t mean that a shinki is defenseless against a god who wants to name them against their will, as shown in this scene with Yato, who wanted to make Kazuma a nora “for a bit” but helped him learn how to use borderlines instead:
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Another interesting detail regarding the naming incantation is that it can only be used once – a god doesn’t get to name their former shinki for a second time (chapter 72).
Apart from the naming incantation used on shinki, there’s also a similar one for ayakashi (chapter 27).
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The name Ebisu gives the ayakashi is Ryōki (菱鬼).It sounds like a shinki name (Mineha’s instrument name is also Ryōki), except here “ki” means “ghost”, “demon”. The first two lines of the incantation are very similar to the one used on shinki. Which is strange if you think about it, ‘cause unlike shinki, ayakashi don’t really have a name that must be concealed. Though they are born from human emotions, and some of them are even former humans (former shinki), so maybe that’s it. The difference in the first two lines of the two incantations is that an ayakashi is also tied to a mask. And there’s an entire translation note to be made about the rest of it.
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The “one visage” probably really is the god using the incantation since Ebisu seemed to get blighted by his ayakashi the way shinki sting their masters when they sin – not on a surface level but with a deep, indelible blight.
Also, an ayakashi gets only one name, not two.
Finally, there’s also a hybrid incantation Father used in chapter 84 in combination with kotonoha to give names to shinki who started turning into ayakashi.
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The first lines aren’t shown but they are probably the same as the ones in the regular incantation. Like any other shinki, Hagusa receives two names, as a person and as an instrument. The part resembling the incantation for naming ayakashi is the line about “obeying one name”, though with ayakashi it was “one face”. The last line is unique to this version of the incantation – using the kotonoha, Father orders Hagusa to retain his human form (in fact, we don’t know for sure if the incantation is actually necessary or if Father is simply imitating the gods while the only thing really needed for the naming is the brush).
Family names
Kazuma explains the existence of family names in chapter 18.
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As mentioned earlier, “ne” and “yu” mean “sound” and “metaphor” respectively. The reason for the “ne” name, as we know, is very personal, while “yu” might have something to do with Tanjin being the god of learning and also a poet in his human life. Explaining the “ha” name will take a little longer.
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Kazuma might think that family name is “really nothing”, but gods would clearly disagree. One of the things indicating that they don’t consider a family name “a nothing” is refusing to give one to noras. Tenjin did not give Kugaha the “yu” name when made him his nora Saku. Nora only has one name that has a family name attached to it – Tsutsumi, which she received from Ebisu. Ebisu himself is an exception though since he would name any shinki capable of drawing a borderline, so all of his shinki have the “mi” name, whether they are a nora or not. Another exception is Kazune but that is a special case since Yato and Kazuma have known each other for a long time; no wonder Yato decided to give Kazuma his family name.
Yato’s first two shinki, Sakura and Hiiro, didn’t have family names either, but that’s because Yato didn’t know he could or was supposed to give them one. Kazuma’s guess about creating a family bond through a common name is also correct – Bishamon explicitly states she doesn’t want to give Nana the “ha” name ‘cause she doesn’t want to become too attached to the girl who’s supposed to be her “disposable” weapon.
Finally, gauging the importance of a family name without knowing its backstory is hasteful. Yato’s family name “ne” simply meaning “sound” doesn’t seem to be very important at first. But to Yato it’s more than just a sound:
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And Bishamon had a similar reason for not giving Kazuma the “ha” name after the Ma clan was wiped out.
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This makes the names Father gives to his shinki – like Mizuchi and Edachi - all the more interesting. They sound like they have a family name “chi” but are actually written with a single kanji. So Father is basically creating an illusion of a family name that isn’t there. Another notable thing is that he did not choose a name ending with –chi for Hagusa. Does it mean that Father doesn’t want to make him a part of this “family”, however fake it is?
Summoning a shinki
To summon a shinki, all you need to do is call their instrument name. There are some nuances though. Firstly, sometimes shinki can have a delayed response, like how Yukine only answered to Yato’s call after his second attempt in chapter 26.
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It’s hard to tell whether all shinki are capable of this. Yukine is a hafuri here, so we can’t be sure if his new status affects his ability to resist his master’s call or not. It’s also not clear if Yukine decided to help out on his own or if he couldn’t refuse his nature as an instrument after all. There are, however, other instances of shinki not coming after being summoned. Takemikazuchi’s senior shinki outright refused to respond to his call the night they killed him:
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And then there’s Kiun who apparently can simply sleep through being summoned.
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The reason why this is important is because it influences our understanding of the nature of the bond between a god and a shinki and shinki’s level of autonomy. Are shinki bound to transform because of a magical contract embodied in their name, or can they choose freely? The second option suggests a more trust-based connection between shinki and their masters. If they are able to ignore the summoning but willingly come to the gods’ aid without questioning the need to do so, it means they want to support their masters no matter what. New shinki can’t resist the call though, as seen here:
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Secondly, there’s an entire group a shinki who definitely can choose whether to respond to a call or not – noras. Hiiro ignored Yato several times: when Yato and Ebisu called her at the same time, she chose Ebisu; when Yato was calling for her to fight off the masked ayakashi, she did not respond.
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Noras’ ability to choose if they want to take their instrument form or not makes sense regardless of whether it’s something all shinki can do or just them. Even if they are magically bound to transform when called, in a situation with two masters summoning then at the same time they will have to do something eventually. If they can’t ignore the summoning and also can’t split into two different instruments, it makes sense that they’d be at least able to choose whose call to answer. And as for Hiiro ignoring Yato’s call in a situation where there was no need to choose, there are several different explanations here. Maybe the ability to choose is simply always present for them, even when they aren’t summoned by two gods at the same time. After all, noras are resistant to name-binding spells in general. Another explanation can be that Hiiro is a half-shinki, half-yakashi who was named using the kotonoha. If her bond with Father is stronger than with any of her other masters because of that, then no wonder ignoring Yato was so easy for her.
Another thing I’m curious about is long-distance summoning. It wasn’t a thing in the beginning of the series – Yato did not call for Sekki when Kugaha attacked him near Suzuha’s sakura tree; the seven gods of fortune didn’t even try to summon their shinki when they were under arrest by the Heaven’s guard. However, Takemikazuchi calls his shinki from Takamagahara to Earth like no big deal (well, except for Kiun, who overslept).
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And he also expects them to appear in Takamagahara if he summons them there:
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I can see two possibilities here. 1) There had to be a reason why gods didn’t try to summon their shinki in the the cases mentioned. Like Yato not wanting Yukine to find out that Suzuha was dead, or the seven gods of fortune not wanting to get their shinki into trouble with the Heavens. 2) Adachitoka didn’t think of long-distance summoning in the beginning of the series and added it later.
Finally, shinki only answer to their master. Someone else pronouncing their name as an instrument or name as a person won’t work. There’s only one exception – the ruler of Heavens, the goddess of sun Amaterasu, who knows the name of all the gods and shinki and can call them. She was able to summon Sekki to put him into the box where he was supposed to spend the rest of the eternity. She also reverted Kokki by calling his name “Kuro” when she saw how he was trying to do something on the ground.
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Releasing shinki from the name
Gods can release their shinki on their own will and upon request; no special incantation is needed. All a god needs to do is to write the name in the air and say that they release their shinki. After that the kanji tattooed on the shinki’s skin breaks and vanishes.
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A released shinki looses their abilities (such as using borderlines) until they find themselves a new master but other than that the procedure is harmless.
However, there’s also Liberation, which breaks shinki names forcefully. Saying their original human name in the presence of a shinki or a direct question about the cause of their death leads revealing the gods’ greatest secret. That destroys their god-given name and the shinki turns into an ayakashi under the weight of all the regrets about the life they could have lived. There are only two shinki known to have survived the Liberation – Nana and Mizuchi. Mizuchi can even reveal the secret herself, although that power seems to be limited to her Chiki form.
Finally, there’s another unpleasant aspect of the lore that’s tied to releasing a shinki: if a god vanishes before taking the name from their servant, that name still remains. It’s one of the reasons some shinki end up being noras – a name no one can call is useless, so the only way to get a home and a shelter from ayakashi is to find another master. It’s not as easy as it sounds since the gods’ distaste towards noras is so strong that simply having a name given by another god is a reason enough not to take in an abandoned shinki.
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 I think it’s brilliant – to use the linguistic peculiarities of the Japanese language to form this unbelievably interesting and probably one the most memorable aspects of the magic system. I’m even more amazed at how much significance it has for the plot and characterization of the manga’s, well, characters. This theme will probably be further developed in the series, so I can’t wait to read new chapters of Noragami to find out other secrets of shinki names that Adachitoka have in store for us.
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thedeliverygod · 5 years
Oh hey it’s the father/son feels that I promised
Promises Kept
“Hey, Yukine.” Yato called to get his attention and then nodded towards the door, “Let’s go walk for a bit.”
The blonde boy stared at him blankly for a moment from the other side of the table before answering, “Uhhh, sure.”
Hiyori also shifted, starting to stand up as she announced, “I’ll come with you.”
“Actually, I kind of wanted it to just be us two.” Yato answered softly, immediately defending, “No offense to you or anything, Hiyori. It’s just work related and it’ll probably be boring for you and—”
She waved her hands for him to stop as she sat back down, though the disappointment was clear on her face, “I understand.”
“We can do something together while they’re gone.” Nora, recently re-named Hiroko by Kofuku, suggested from the other side of Yukine.
Hiyori smiled widely, “That sounds great, Hiiro-chan!”
Yato narrowed his eyes and looked between them, “Since when are you two all buddy buddy?”
“A lot happened while you were gone.” The older girl huffed in response as she crossed her arms and he merely let out a sigh.
Yukine shook his head, adding in a mumble, “You got that right…”
“Well if you two are going to go out,” Daikoku reached into his pocket and held out money to Hiroko, “Here’s some spending money.”
She tilted her head and stated, “I have some from working in the shop, that should be enough.”
Daikoku shook his head and continued holding it out, “I insist! Right, Kofuku?”
“Yes, yes! Please take the money Hiiro-chan, we want to spoil you and Hiyorin.” Kofuku cooed and latched onto Hiyori, who gave a soft laugh in response.
Hiroko shrugged and took the money, pocketing it as she answered, “Alright, I guess.”
“You never offer me any spending money!” Yato quickly whined in response and Daikoku glared back.
“You never do anything around here and you’re not my kid. If you weren’t taking care of Yukine, your ass would be back out on the streets.”
Yato ran a hand through his hair and shrugged, “Fine, fine.”
“Funny how I’ve only lived here for about a month now and yet I’m the favorite sibling once again.” Hiroko commented smugly as she looked back towards Yato.
“Shut up, Hiiro. You don’t have to rub it in.” He pouted at her which only made her grin grow wider. Groaning, he finally stood up and waved, “C’mon, Yukine. Let’s get going.”
“Okay.” He nodded and followed after him, stopping to wave behind him, “See you later everyone!”
“Bye, Yukine-kun!” “Bye, Yukki!” A chorus of goodbyes rang out as he continued to make his way towards the front door to put his shoes on.
By the time he had made it outside, Yato was already waiting outside of the front gate. “Are you in a hurry or something?” He did a small jog to catch up with him, swinging open the gate.
“Not really a hurry, but what I want to talk to you about… I can’t say around Daikoku. And Hiyori technically shouldn’t hear about it either, even though she knows about the subject.” Yato kept walking, his face turning serious and Yukine’s small smile dropped.
“Oh. That.” He put his hands in his pockets and bit his lip, walking after him in silence before more apologies start flooding out of him again, “Listen, Yato. I’m really sorry about everything—”
The god put his hand on Yukine’s shoulder and shook his head, “This isn’t about what happened with you, but it’s related. This is actually something that happened to me a long, long time ago; when I was just a kid. It’s something I haven’t told anyone.”
Yukine’s lips parted in surprise as he questioned back, “Really?”
“Why do you look so surprised? It’s not like this is the first secret I’ve trusted you with.” Yato tilted his head as he looked back at him.
“Yeah, I know.” Yukine shrugged, “But it still doesn’t make it any less surprising when you do. You’re kinda… touchy about your past, to put it lightly. Not that I don’t understand why.”
Yato let out a breath and admitted, “Yeah, well, what I’m about to tell you is probably a big reason of why I’m like that.”
“I’m guessing it’s about Fa—I mean, your dad…” The younger boy cringed and shook his head fiercely, “Sorry, I really hate that I ever called him that. And that it still somehow manages to slip out.”
“I mean, join the club.” He gave a small laugh in response and ruffled Yukine’s hair, “It’s not exactly like I’ve enjoyed calling him my dad, either. It’s okay.” He motioned towards one of the park benches, “Anyway, let’s sit down.”
“Okay.” Yukine followed suite, sitting on the other side of the bench and angling himself towards Yato as he waited patiently for him to start.
“So I don’t really have to explain my dad’s goals and wants since I’m sure you’re painfully aware of it yourself now,” He looked away as he began, eventually drifting back to Yukine, “So from the very beginning, Dad made sure no one got in his way or gave me any sort of ideas that contradicted what he was trying to teach me. I was only allowed to speak to him and Hiiro, absolutely no one else. And what I used to do to people, I… I was taught it was a game. Something that me and Hiiro played together. And the more people I killed, the happier he was. At the time, I didn’t really know or feel it was wrong, but I did it purely because I absolutely loved the praise that we got in return for it.”
He looked up to see Yukine watching him, frowning, but still intently listening so he continued. “Anyway, one day I was just sort of messing around and there was a girl who came up a little bit older than Hiyori who asked if I was a god and if I could name her. Since I wasn’t allowed to talk to other people, I just ignored her. But I was curious, so I asked dad that night if there were shinki with no names. I didn’t know it at the time, but doing that pretty much set her up for disaster from the beginning.”
“So I happened to run into her again the next day and noticed she had quite a bit of blight, so I took her to a spring. Once she realized I was trying to help, she asked for my name but I wasn’t supposed to talk to her so, I wrote it in the dirt and… Believe it or not, that’s how I got the name Yato. All because she misread it.” He rested his elbow against the top of the bench and put his chin in his palm, laughing.
“So that’s where it came from!” Yukine reacted in awe before realizing quietly, “So, this girl must be someone really important, huh?”
“She was.” Yato nodded, “After a bit of begging… I named her: Sakura. So as you know now, when a god names a shinki, they see memories of their past life. For some reason, that didn’t happen with Hiiro. So with Sakura, I freaked out. I ended up tossing her weapon form into that spring and I didn’t come back for three days.”
The younger boy jumped up and yelled in disbelief, “Three days!? Yato, you’re awful!”
“I was a kid and I didn’t know what the hell was happening, I’m sorry!” He immediately defended back, sighing, “The worst part is, I knew I couldn’t talk to Dad about it and because Sakura was afflicting me, it got Hiiro in trouble too. So I went back as soon as I realized I needed to fix things between us. From there, Sakura taught me a few hard lessons. I had always been told I could do whatever I want, so she quickly corrected a lot of my behaviors. But it wasn’t all serious; she spent a decent amount of time just playing with me too. And unfortunately… I translated that over to the other type of playing one night.”
“Oh…” Yukine sank back down onto the bench.
“She was horrified and naturally stung me right away. I tried to go after her but I was in agony and not long after I passed out and woke up back at home. As soon as I could I went looking for her and found her at one of Tenjin’s shrines. We made up and she started teaching me more and more about people. What they were really like, not the dark creatures Dad had always described them to be. Eventually I was starting to get conflicted feelings since I wanted to make my dad happy, but I didn’t want to hurt Sakura either.”
“One day, Hiiro came in full of blight so I took her to same spring where I met Sakura and they finally bumped into each other. It was pretty casual at first but Hiiro started asking questions that relate to the god’s greatest secret. It started effecting Sakura pretty quickly and I knew deep down that it was bad, but no one had ever told me about it before. Hiiro pressed me to say Sakura’s real name, saying father said to do it, and that was it…”
Yukine was gripping the side of the bench, horrified and angered at the same time.
“Before you go thinking any bad thoughts, Hiiro didn’t know any better back then. She was just as surprised as I was at what happened.” Yato waved a finger at him to get his attention.
The blonde sighed, “I figured as much…” Taking another moment, he asked quietly, “If you don’t mind me asking… what was her name?”
“Tamanone.” Yato answered just as quietly.
Not missing the familiar ‘ne’ at the end, Yukine asked, “Everything goes back to her, huh?”
A tear finally made its way down the gods cheek and he nodded, “Yeah. More than you know.”
“I’m really sorry that I put you through something like that again.” Yukine quickly started getting teary eyed as well and Yato motioned him forward.
Enveloping him into a tight hug which Yukine returned with a small one, Yato rested his chin on the younger boys head, “You’re safe now. That’s all I care about.”
After a minute or two of shared sniffling, Yukine asked in a muffled voice, “I do have one question though.”
Yato let go of him and slid backward, looking at him curiously, “What is it?”
“If Sakura-san already taught you all that, why were you such a pain in the ass when I first became your shinki?” He laughed through his tears and the god laughed as well.
“Old habits die hard, teenage rebellion that never ended, I don’t even know. But I swear I’ve got it down pact now, promise.” Yato grinned and leaned forward to ruffle his hair again.
“You better.” Yukine smiled and wiped at his eyes, “Though I expect you’ll always be somewhat of a pain in the ass.”
“And the same to you.” He nodded towards him, “But I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
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supergenial · 5 years
[translation+lyrics] Red Snow by ネクロフィリカ
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Another one by the same folks as last time, or is it? Despite the same band name the staff is completely different, with the composer being the most mysterious piece of the puzzle to this band, someone by the handle “Pedio Tricho”. The band’s last news post says they were temporarily suspending activities due to personal issues involving them, but it doesn’t cite exactly why. Seeing as Tricho hasn’t tweeted since 2014 despite being hyper active up to that point, I can’t help but wonder, are they even still alive? Well, I’m certainly too afraid to ask so that one will remain a mystery. Though if it is the case, what a way to go out, with your two biggest fetishes listed on your twitter bio.
Anyway, this is a really cool song about someone obsessed with a certain death they saw, lyrics down below and see you all soon.
Red Snow by ネクロフィリカ Lyrics and Composition: Pedio Tricho Vocals: 咲優音桜
shizuka na yoru no michi watage no you na yuki ga mai nureta matsuge wo nuguu haha no hieta yubisaki
a silent road at night, covered in soft snow I wipe my damp eyes as I grasp my mom’s cold fingers
hateta yama no setsugen ni hiraita hana furi hajimeta yuki wa itetsuita naifu no you ni kokoro wo sasu
as the tempest covered this rotten mountain the snow begun to fall piercing my heart like a frozen knife
mata kusaki ga mebuki haru ga koori wo tokashitemo
once again the trees bloom as the spring breaks up the ice
akai yuki itsumademo tokezu ni sukoshitsutsu kokoro wo hiyashite yuku no
yet the red snow refuses to melt it only continues to freeze my heart
tsumoru yuki no junpaku to nagareru chi no shinkuiro nemuru you ni yokotawaru hito hitotsu toiki ga moreta
the pure whiteness of the piled up snow, and a stream of flowing red blood decorated the scene surrounding a laying woman as she drew her last breath
kotoba wa nomikomu kirei to wa ienai kara nidoto miru koto wa nai akai yuki semeku no you ni kokoro ni furu
There's just no words that can describe such a beautiful sight But I can't ever see it again It just assails my heart like a raging red snow
"Someone sleeping like a doll on the ashen snow field after the tempest their body shaking to no end, as they're scared, and cold"
akai yuki itsumademo yamazuni sukoshitsutsu kokoro ni tsumotte yuku no
this red snow will never stop piling up in my heart until I die
furimidashita kurokami to awaku aoi yuki to nijimu chi no fukai kurenai ni iki wo nonde
that disheveled black hair and the blueish snow that surrounded her which turned deep red as she drew her last breath
shiroi yuki chi ni somari asayaka na kurai hiiro nozoku haha no kao dake ga kasuka ni nigoru
the white snow had also been painted in that vivid red color and what was left of my mother's face had too been tainted
nee watashi hontou wa ne miteta no
hey... what exactly did I see
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asknarashikari · 2 years
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Hiiro: Need help, honey.
Emu: Sure. Bring the chains and everything we got. And call in the others.
Hiiro: Yeesss... *dials in*
Kuroto Fan 1: *gulps* I didn't mean to do that. *looks to Kuroto* You told me that this was a good idea to fool/prank the gamer doctors. And instead, it went directly to Emu and Hiiro's kids. I don't steep that low.
Kuroto: *silence* *sweating overload* *static and unable to answer* *gulps*
Kiriya: Oooohh... now you fucked up.
Emu: You and your followers are going extinct, once and for all.
Whoever had the truly idiotic notion that Kuroto is up to anything good deserves their just desserts
Kick their ass, Mama Emu!
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[Streams & TV] June 2020
♪ June 12th, 2020 GEKIIKE本公演第8回「あまつきつねの鬼灯」 (gekiike honkouen dai 8 kai ~ amatsuki tsune no hoozuki) [line live app]
♪ June 13th, 2020 紙、投げてもらえませんか? (kami, nagete moraemasen ka?) [line live app]
♪ June 13th, 2020 ヤってませんよね。 (yattemasen yo ne.) [line live app]
♪ June 13th, 2020 こっち来ないで! (kochi konaide!) [line live app]
♪ June 19th, 2020 GEKIIKE本公演 第9回 「漆黒ノ戰花」(gekiike honkouen dai 9 kai shikkoku no ikusabana) [line live app]
♪ June 19th, 2020 ハンサム落語 第十幕 (handsom rakugo dai 10 maku) [niconama]
♪ June 19th, 2020 『ヒプノシスマイク-Division Rap Battle-』Rule the Stage -track.1- (hypnosis mic -division rap battle- rule the stage -track.1-) [dmm]
♪ June 20th, 2020 Online♥Reading「百合と薔薇」Vol.01 (online♥reading yuri to bara vol.01) ~ Aramaki Yoshihiko, Arisawa Shoutarou, Akutsu Nichika, Kobayashi Kensaku [abema]
♪ June 21st, 2020 Online♥Reading「百合と薔薇��Vol.01 (online♥reading yuri to bara vol.01) ~ Kitazono Ryou, Satou Ryuuji, Konishi Eito, Ikeda Tetsuhiro [abema]
♪ June 21st, 2020 生演奏ミュージカル「信長の野望-炎舞-」(namaensou musical nobunaga no yabou -enbu-) [niconama] 
♪ June 27th, 2020 ひとりしばい (hitori shibai) ~ Aramaki Yoshihiko [zoom]
♪ June 27th, 2020 朗読劇「僕とあいつの関ヶ原」(roudokugeki boku to aitsu no sekigahara) [PIA LIVE STREAM]
♪ June 27th, 2020 朗読劇「俺とおまえの夏の陣」(roudokugeki ore to omae no natsu no jin) [PIA LIVE STREAM]
♪ June 27th, 2020 toshiLOG vol.3 舞台「ZERO 公安警察特殊部隊『霧組』」(toshilog vol.3 butai zero kouan keisatsu tokushubutai ~kirigumi~) [mirail]   
♪ June 28th, 2020 ひとりしばい (hitori shibai) ~  Ozawa Ren [zoom]
♪ June 28th, 2020 七つの大罪 The STAGE (nanatsu no taizai the stage) [niconama] 
♪ June 29th, 2020 リーディングシアター『緋色の研究』(reading theater hiiro no kenkyuu) ~ Arisawa Shoutarou & Suzuki Hiroki [niconama]
♪ June 30th, 2020 リーディングシアター『緋色の研究』(reading theater hiiro no kenkyuu) ~ Matsumura Ryuunosuke & Suzuki Shougo [niconama]
♪ June 3rd, 2020 ミュージカル『薄桜鬼』~沖田総司篇~ (musical hakuouki ~okita souji hen~) [時代劇専門チャンネル]
♪ June 4th, 2020 舞台「どろろ」(butai dororo) [時代劇専門チャンネル] 
♪ June 6th, 2020 舞台 「八王子ゾンビーズ」 (butai hachiouji zombies) [TBSチャンネル1]
♪ June 8th, 2020 喜劇 おそ松さん (kigeki osomatsusan) [衛星劇場]
♪ June 11th, 2020 ミュージカル「テニスの王子様」コンサート Dream Live 2017 (musical tennis no oujisama concert dream live 2017) [WOWOWライブ]
♪ June 13th, 2020 朗読劇 『逃げるは恥だが役に立つ』 荒木宏文×妃海風×石川界人×友近 (roudokugeki nigeru wa haji da ga yaku ni tatsu ~ Araki Hirofumi×Hinami Fuu×Ishikawa Kaito×Tomochika) [日テレプラス]
♪ June 14th, 2020 舞台「KING OF PRISM-Rose Party on STAGE 2019-」(butai king of prism -rose party on stage 2019-) [衛星劇場]
♪ June 14th, 2020 舞台『里見八犬伝』(butai satomi hakkenden) [衛星劇場]
♪ June 15th, 2020 王室教師ハイネ-THE MUSICAL II- (oushitsu kyoushi haine -the musical II-) [衛星劇場]
♪ June 20th, 2020 舞台 「八王子ゾンビーズ」 (butai hachiouji zombies) [TBSチャンネル1] 
♪ June 20th, 2020 朗読劇 『逃げるは恥だが役に立つ』 梶裕貴×生駒里奈×有澤樟太郎×濱田めぐみ (roudokugeki nigeru wa haji da ga yaku ni tatsu ~ Kaji Yuuki×Ikoma Rina× Arisawa Shoutarou×Hamada Megumi) [日テレプラス]
♪ June 21st, 2020 舞台「どろろ」(butai dororo) [時代劇専門チャンネル]
♪ June 21st, 2020 舞台 おおきく振りかぶって 秋の大会編 (butai ookiku furikabutte aki no taikai hen) [衛星劇場]
♪ June 21st, 2020 舞台『里見八犬伝』(butai satomi hakkenden) [衛星劇場]
♪ June 22nd, 2020 舞台「十二大戦」(butai juuni taisen)  [衛星劇場]
♪ June 22nd, 2020 舞台『刀剣乱舞』虚伝 燃ゆる本能寺 (butai touken ranbu ~kyoden moyuru honnouji~) [日テレプラス]
♪ June 23rd, 2020 舞台『刀剣乱舞』虚伝 燃ゆる本能寺 ~再演~ (butai touken ranbu ~kyoden moyuru honnouji~ saien) [日テレプラス]
♪ June 24th, 2020 0 舞台『刀剣乱舞』義伝 暁の独眼竜 (butai touken rider ~giden akatsuki no dokuganryuu~) [日テレプラス]
♪ June 26th, 2019 MANKAI STAGE『A3!』~SPRING & SUMMER 2018~ [WOWOWライブ]
♪ June 27th, 2020 おそ松さん on stage 〜six men’s show time 3〜 (osomatsusan on stage~ six men’s show time 3~) [衛星劇場]
♪ June 28th, 2020 残酷歌劇『ライチ☆光クラブ』 (zankoku kageki lychee hikari club) [衛星劇場]
♪ June 29th, 2020 ミュージカル「憂国のモリアーティ」(musical yuukoku no moriarty) [日テレプラス]
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