nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Floyd’s Wish
[Octavinelle Dorm - Floyd’s Room]
Floyd: My wish is... “I hope I get new shoes!”
Ortho: Floyd Leech, a while ago you were absorbed in a shoe catalogue, you must really like them!
Idia: If you want them, why not just buy them? You didn’t have to make your wish about this...
Floyd: You really don’t get it huh, firefly squid senpai. I can’t get my hands on them easily, that’s why I made the wish. Here, lemme show you the shoes that I want on my phone. Look, this is a simple lace up, but the shape of the toe looks really cool.
Ortho: Wow!! The black color that has a tint of green looks really cool!
Floyd: Clione-chan, you really know what’s cool huh. This color is supposedly hand-dyed by a craftsmen. I also want it specially dyed for me.
Idia: Haha, so for shoes there’s also a culture like plastic models where it’s cooler if it’s entirely painted...w-wait a minute! The brand name displayed on the screen is ‘Ténèbres’-even for someone like me that’s not fashionable I know about this super luxury shoe brand! W-which means the price is quite- squeaks 360,000magic dollars?!
Ortho: That’s a luxury product for you!
Floyd: That’s why I said “I can’t get my hands on them easily”. My feet also grew larger than the year before, so I probably have to adjust them with a wooden mold too..
Idia: A-A wooden mold? W-which means that the shape and paint job of the shoe is made from scratch!?
Ortho: Idia, I did a search and the shoes aren’t made from scratch, it’s called ‘made to measure’ or ‘bespoke’.
Idia: I struggle to understand this...is there a need for a student to wear this?
Floyd: Before we came on land, my father told me “People that don’t pay attention to details will be looked down on. When you get on land, pay attention to your feet. Don’t spare any money”.
Idia: Huh, somehow that’s scary. I wonder about Floyd’s father...
Floyd: Eh~ Do you wanna listen?
Idia: Oh, nah. It’s fine if you don’t tell me. Somehow I get a bad feeling and I don’t want to be buried in darkness after finding out the truth.
Ortho: Should I also get parts on my feet like those shoes just so that people don’t look down on me?
Idia: N-No...that was a rare case so I don’t think you need to imitate him...
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Jade’s Wish
[Octavinelle Dorm - Jade’s Room]
Jade: A wish that I would want to come true...hmmm. This is troubling. I cannot think of anything.
Ortho: What!? What should we do? If so, we can’t collect his ‘wishing star’
Idia: No, that’s ridiculous. The vice-head of Octavinelle led by Azul who’s a personification of greed itself that’s always conspiring here and there for something bad can not possibly, not have anything to wish for.
Jade: Oh, it seems that I am really not trusted.
Idia: So, anything is fine so just say something to get rid of this problem. For example, you could wish that Floyd and Azul don’t cause anymore trouble.
Jade: Fufufu. But it’s their ability to do such unexpected things that I admire. Ah! I thought of something good. I shall give my wish to Azul and Floyd.
Ortho & Idia: What?
Jade: With gratitude to the two of them, “I wish Azul and Floyd’s wishes come true”
Ortho: Using it on someone else’s happiness is wonderful, Jade Leech!
Idia: H-how fake!!! It’s definitely No.1 on the list for Non-heartfelt wishes (personal ranking).
Jade: That’s impossible! I expressed my true thoughts as they are, without any lies! Yet, you do not believe me... how sad that makes me. cries
Ortho: gasps Don’t cry, Jade Leech! Idia, don’t bully your juniors! Say you’re sorry!
Idia: (internal dialogue) (Geez, fake crying is so annoying-) Sure sure. I’m sorry. I believe in you- Also I don’t really care either way.
Jade: I am glad you believe in me. Fufufu...Now, please take this ‘wishing star’ with you.
Ortho: Thank you! I hope your wish comes true, Jade Leech!
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Leona’s Wish
[Savanaclaw Dorm - Leona’s Room]
Leona: ....zzzzzz.....zzzzzz....
Ortho: It seems that Leona Kingscholar is napping.
Idia: Then it’s impossible to collect his ‘wishing star’. Okay. Let’s leave. Go home.
Ortho: Just wait, Idia! Leona Kingscholar looks like he’s about to wake up.
Leona: Tsk..... Shut up... Huh? I was wondering who was screaming around my bed...so the tablet is radish sprout...and his brother, the little kid.
Idia: Is r-radish sprout referring to me????!?!
Leona: It matches you just right because you shut yourself in the shadows and keep straightening your back weakly like a giraffe. Instead of that, it has to be some pretty damn important business in order for you to wake me up, huh???
Idia: squeaks Please don’t glare at me! W-w-we’re collecting the ‘wishing stars’....
Leona: HUHHH!! So you woke me up just for that? Seriously, everyone keeps bothering me with meaningless things...my wish is... “I wish to eat a lot of meat”.
Ortho: Eh? Is it possible that Leona Kingscholar, you’re not having enough during meals? Is it possible that you keep sleeping because you don’t feel well?
Leona: Ahh yes. I really don’t feel good at all. However, I can just sleep this away. So just leave me alone.
Ortho: But there doesn’t seem to be anything unusual in his vitals and it could be a new disease! I’m equipped with the most advanced medical tools so I can check if anything’s not working!
Idia: O-Ortho! Let’s leave already. Leona probably just said a random wish just to get us out of here as soon as possible.
Ortho: Oh, really? So that’s how it is. If there’s nothing wrong with his health then that’s alright.
Leona: Oi, radish sprout. Your brother, he’s very different from you.
Idia: R-right? U-unlike me Ortho is honest and positive, and he’s not shy. Even the current Ortho has succeeded that personality...
Leona: Uh huh. Don’t start speaking that quickly. I don’t care. Just quickly get out.
Idia: How mean!!
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Sebek’s Wish
[Diasomnia Dorm - Sebek’s Room]
Sebek: Humph... I have only one wish! “I wish the entire world would prostrate themselves before the young master!”
Idia: Hey, Ortho....this person...uhmm it’s Sebek, right? He’s saying “the entire world” and “prostrate”...his wish is like a middle schooler’s and it’s so painful to watch. Even an underling character standing next to the last boss in a game won’t even say things like these anymore.
Ortho: I have no intention of disagreeing with what you say, but he seems really happy while saying that so I think it’s fine.
Sebek: Hmm. What is ‘last boss’. Are they stronger than my master, Malleus?
Ortho: Ah, so the ‘young master’ referred to Malleus Draconia.
Idia: A ‘last boss’ is a powerful enemy that appears last in a game.
Ortho: It’s a fictional being, so I don’t know who would rank higher.
Sebek: Humph, so they do not actually exist. Then of course, it is our young master that is the strongest in the world!
Idia: Huh? I see. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. ‘World’s strongest’ is another overstatement~~~
Sebek: You seem to be implying something, do you have an objection?
Idia: I’m not really disagreeing though? A last boss is a difficult enemy that troubles the players most...if they actually exist, I wonder if it would really go as you say it would.
Sebek: Are you possibly saying that young master will lose!? You, how insolent!!!!!!!!
Ortho: (internal dialogue) My brother’s quarrelling with Sebek Zigvolt...he really didn’t like what he just said, because the last boss from the game he played yesterday was so difficult it took him sometime to finally defeat it. But, even my brother’s hyped up like a middle-schooler...It’s a great thing that he’s getting along with someone other than me, so I’ll just watch them and not interfere!
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Malleus’ Wish
[Diasomnia Dorms - Malleus’ Room]
Malleus: My wish is... “I wish I can make friends on ‘Gao Gao Dracone-kun’”,
Idia: Woah!! I never thought I would hear the name of that retro cultivation game come out from Malleus’ mouth!?
Ortho: I don’t know what that game is. “Searching ‘Gao Gao Dracone-kun’ Online”-I found it. It is a special mobile toy console where the player cultivates a dragon hatched from an egg. (T/N: aka Tamagotchi)
Idia: Yea yeah, it’s a mobile game that has a keychain and a cheap monitor for a screen. When I was small, that sure was really popular...w-wait, M-Malleus...Are you playing that game now?
Malleus: Yes. A long time ago, Lilia bought it as a souvenir when he travelled to a foreign country.
Idia: (internal dialogue) PFFTTT It’s so interesting that the next king of the Valley of Thorns and magician said to be in the world’s strongest rank is deep into a mobile game designed for kids LMAOOOO
Malleus: Recently, I found out that you can use its communication function to make friends. However, I cannot use that function if there isn’t another device other than my Dracone.
Ortho: Is there anyone around Malleus Draconia that might have the game...
Malleus: No.
Idia: Of course~ It’s more than 10 years ago when it was popular and they already ceased production.
Malleus: So it seems that even if I wished to make friends through Dracone, it will not come true.
Idia: Eh, why are looking like you reached a dead end? They manufactured enough for every kid to have one back then and you can easily get one just by looking online. Ortho, search free market sites and stores specializing in electronic toys. Ah, they can be secondhand, ones that come with confirmation that they can start up.
Ortho: Understood.
Idia: A collector’s would be brand new and unused, but this time there’s no point if it doesn’t switch on. Sometimes if the blister packaging is not opened to let the air through, it can instead cause it to degrade even quicker...
Malleus:...I have no idea what you are talking about, but you’re speaking a lot today, Shroud.
Ortho: “148 items are found. Display search results”
Idia: Fuhihi! Look at that! There’s that many ‘Gao Gao Dracone-kun’s are confirmed to be capable of starting up!!
Malleus: Is that true? However I do not understand how to purchase this online...I will pay you the fees. Can you order it for me?
Idia: S-sure...There. Done. I think it’ll be delivered in a few days.
Malleus: Thank you. You’ve done a great job, Shroud. Once the product arrives, I will give you your rewards.
Ortho: As expected of my brother! You made Malleus Draconia’s wish come true immediately!
Idia: B-being praised for something like this doesn’t make me happy at all though....
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Azul’s Wish
[Octavinelle Dorm - Azul’s Room]
Azul: My wish is...“I wish Monstro Lounge will prosper even more than it does now”
Idia: That really sounds like what Azul would say but the contents were not any surprise.
Ortho: Idia! You actually said that aloud!
Azul: Humph. I don’t mind what others will say. Because I have already finished preparing for all measures of making that wish come true!
Ortho: Preparations? This is the first time I met someone like this...What did you do, Azul Ashengrotto?
Azul: Specifically, I have arranged collaborations with companies for Monstro Lounge’s most popular, top 3 dishes.
Idia: I see...so it’s like an anime collaboration cafe?
Azul: Yes. It is already newsworthy that this cafe is managed within the prestigious magician’s school Night Raven College. There are already offers from many companies and our plans are gradually moving forward. If we succeed in this collaboration project, it will no longer be a mere dream to open our second and third branch. However...the headmaster found out about this and said “If you are using the special brand of Night Raven College for advertisements...then the school has a right to receive royalties”. Seriously, I am astonished at how greedy that person is.
Idia: And Azul is the person to say that?
Ortho: Hey, Idia. Isn’t Azul Ashengrotto’s wish not really a wish, but a goal?
Idia: It is. If I remember correctly, in our board game club activities Azul mentioned that he deeply dislikes relying on luck.
Azul: Fufufu...I will make my wish come true flawlessly!
Idia: Uhm...Azul...Sorry when you’re hyped up but that’s not the purpose of this event...
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Lilia’s Wish
[Diasomnia Dorm - Lilia’s Room]
Lilia: My wish is... “I wish humans, fairies, and all species around the world can live together peacefully”.
Trey: Haha, this is also a wish of a rather large scale.
Lilia: It is not a simple task for even the same species to laugh together and take each other’s hands. When it comes to different species, the complications increase. You will have also learned from history that we were unable to understand one another and compromise, which led to countless conflicts. However, I do not wish for that history to repeat itself. Therefore, I regularly wish for the same on every ‘Wishing Star Festival’ .
Trey: I see. I understand Lilia’s idea. But, when I consider how many unprecedented and surprising things you usually do, beyond how unexpected that was, I find it hard to believe.
Lilia: That’s so mean~~~! Is it not an innocent and pure wish like my lovable self?
Trey: Lilia, I say this everytime, but doesn’t it sound wrong just because you’re the one saying it?
Lilia: Trey! Having a deeply dubious nature at that age is a disadvantage! Look at these eyes. Do they seem dishonest to you?
Trey: Hmm? I-I think they do look big...
Lilia: I agree. They are large, pure eyes that dazzle like jewels.
Trey: No, I never said that muc-
Lilia: Therefore, I long for those reflected in these eyes to live together in a peaceful world. From my heart.
Trey: Okay, okay, I believe you. Honestly, Lilia, as usual you’re so mysterious.
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Rook’s Wish
[Pomefiore Dorm - Rook’s room]
Rook: My wish is... “I wish to see all aspects of beauty through these eyes”.
Trey: This is exactly what I thought you would say...you really don’t waver, Rook. You’re in Pomefiore, and always next to that Vil. Aren’t you already in contact with so much beauty everyday? Do you still need more?
Rook: Of course I do, Trey. I’m a very greedy person. I want to touch on different types of beauty around the world and know their essence. Even if it is a gemstone glistening like fresh snow that has yet to be damaged, it will weather through time while the dignified tower still stands...
Trey: Ahh...is it possible that what I just said lit a fire for something weird? Once you start doing this you don’t listen to anyone anymore...heyy Rook. Come back~
Rook: How could it be. Just by imagining beauty that I have yet to encounter... Très bien! My heart is trembling so feverishly from the utter delight!
Trey: Mmmhmm, he’s not listening at all. Rook, sorry for asking whether ‘you still need more’. I fully understand your passion now.
Rook: To be able to show an understanding just through such a short explanation...as expected of my club-mate whom I spend my youth with. My dear friend, the Chevalier (Knight) of Roses!
Trey: I always tell you to please stop calling me that because it’s embarrassing...besides, when we were in first year you never called me that.
Rook: Well of course. In order to become a chevalier (knight), you must have a king to serve.
Trey: Seriously...from your sensibilities to your wishes, you really are a unique person.
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Vil’s Wish
[Pomefiore Dorm - Vil’s Room]
Vil: My wish is...I don’t have one.
Grimm & Trey: Ehh?
Trey: Wait, don’t you have at least one? You know that our school’s students make wishes to the well in the court yard. Just do it carefreely like that...
Vil: Listen up, Trey. I don’t really like people that waste their time in believing these things.
Trey: Uhm.....I see?
Vil: Not putting in any effort at all and clinging to a miracle is just the same as relying on other people. I will be the one to make my wishes come true. That’s why I won’t make a wish to the star. That’s all.
Trey: I never thought that Vil would be this against making a wish...I’m lost.
Grimm: If a dorm head like you says something like this, then the entire Pomefiore dorm will be frightened into not saying their own wishes!
Trey: That’s true. If that happens, we can’t continue to carry out school traditions as ‘stargazers’. Could you just make a simple, trifle wish and think of it as helping us out? For example, maybe you want a new lipstick...
Grimm: Or that you want tuna cans for breakfast tomorrow.
Option A: ‘Or that you want to meet someone’
Vil: Can all of you stop saying such sorry things? It’ll look like I’m mean to you. Fine, if you say so I’ll help. My wish is... “I wish that all of you won’t bother me anymore than you already have”.
Grimm & Trey: !!!
Vil: Of course, you’ll make it come true immediately right?
Grimm: Hey!! It’s not like we’re collecting ‘wishing stars’ just because we like to! That’s mean!
Trey: Grimm, if you continue to argue back at Vil you’ll only end up in more trouble. We’ve accomplished our goal, so let’s move on. Although he was very adamant against making wishes, that does sound like Vil...
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Jamil’s Wish
[Scarabia Dorm - Jamil’s Room]
Jamil: My wish is... “I wish I’ll be able to travel alone”.
Grimm: Travelling alone? That’s such a boring wish.
Jamil: Well I’m sorry it’s a boring wish. Besides, what’s the point of asking me and then complaining about it?
Trey: I think Jamil’s wish is great.
Grimm: Huh? I don’t understand it at all.
Trey: When you live in a dorm, it’s pretty hard to be alone. You gather and it’s great when it’s lively, but sometimes you’ll want some quiet time to yourself. Isn’t that what you mean, Jamil?
Jamil: As expected of Trey. Thank you for considering how I feel. But if it came out that smoothly out of your mouth, do you possibly also think about it?
Trey: Haha...well yeah I do.
Option A: ‘By the way, have you already decided where to go already?’
Jamil: My destination, huh...honestly, anywhere will be fine. Uhm...now that you ask, I’ve never made a concrete plan. I just wanted to go somewhere where nobody knows who I am and relax...although it’d be difficult until I graduated from this school. In case my wish comes true, I’ll look at travel magazines and do some research.
Trey: That’s great. I hope your modest wish comes true as well.
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Ruggie’s Wish
[Savanaclaw Dorm - Ruggie’s Room]
Ruggie: My wish is... “I wish I'll be able to get a job that pays well!”
Trey: Hmm...it’s a bit surprising that it was a wish about the future. All the students up to now kept wishing that “I want to eat that”, or “I want this”.
Ruggie: Aren’t they just the type that’s satisfied if their current state is agreeable?
Trey: That means that you think you’re different.
Ruggie: I’m greedier than that, so I want as much as a stable future. Even if today is fine, there’s no point if tomorrow I’ll suffer. But jobs that pay well are really really competitive. Other than interviews, there are difficult tests and much more. I’m worried if I’ll be able to beat them...
Trey: I see. But Ruggie, you seem like you’re really good at interviews. I’ve never seen you be intimidated by the person you’re talking to.
Ruggie: Hehe, yeah, I’m confident for that part. After all, I’ve done so many part time jobs in the past that I earned a lot of social skills! As long as I can get a job, I think it’ll be just like being Leona’s caretaker, where people high-up will take me in and then I’ll be able to get a bit of a breeze!
Trey: Haha...it’s a good thing to look ahead to what you want to do after graduating and work towards that. I hope your wish comes true.
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Cater’s Wish
[Heartslabyul Dorm - Cater’s Room]
Cater: Hmm...my wish is... “I hope I get even more followers on social media”. How about that?
Trey: What do you mean how about that? Don’t ask me. Besides, isn’t that the same as last year’s wish?
Cater: Mm? Really?
Trey: If I remember correctly, you made that wish while being very excited.
Cater: Really? I can’t remember at all. Trey, you’ve got such good memory~
Trey: I still somehow remember last year’s ‘stargazer’ coming to our dorm room to collect our ‘wishing stars’. 
Cater: Yeah, because we shared a room for our first and second year. I guess it’s boring if it’s the same. Hmmm...okay, I’ve decided! This year’s wish is... “I wish to enjoy a peaceful school life”.
Cater: Yep, here you go! Oh, right, Trey, since you’re especially dressed up in picture-worthy robes, let’s take a picture~
Trey: Nah, I’m fine.
Cater: Hey, hey, don’t say that! It’s for commemoration purposes! Here, pose!
Camera flashes
Cater: #NRC #Starsend-off #Wishuponastar #Stargazer #Trey #Collectingwishingstars Here, upload complete! See you, Trey! Good luck on being ‘stargazer’!
Trey: Seriously, you’ll need to tone down on using social media, okay? Otherwise Riddle will get mad at you again.
[Heartslabyul Dorm - Hallway]
Trey: Cater acted just like he always does. It should be alright at this point to reveal one or two of his actual wishes. Although it’s possible that he didn’t want to say anything because I was the one there.
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Ace’s Wish
[Heartslabyul Dorm - Ace’s Room]
Ace: Hmm...a wish huh...I really don’t have a particular wish I want to make though...
Trey: There’s no need to give it so much thought, okay? Just say whatever you want?
Grimm: It’s just like Trey says. I don’t think Ace has any great dreams like I do, so just say anything.
Ace: Wow, you’re being really condescending...oh. Trey, I’ve decided.
Trey: Okay, let’s hear it.
Ace: My wish is... “I wish Grimm doesn’t cause trouble anymore!”
Grimm: What!?
Trey: Haha, now that’s an interesting wish!
Ace: Yeahh, because Grimm often causes a lot of trouble, right? If this wish comes true, then the daily lives of 1-A will also become more peaceful. It’s such a great idea.
Grimm: Since when did I cause any problems!
Option A: ‘You mean when you burnt the statues of the Great Seven?’
Grimm: T-that wasn’t me all alone! Ace was also responsible!
Trey: Hey, hey. Don’t fight. We’ve already collected the wish, so let’s move on.
Ace: You see? Even Trey’s saying that. Shouldn’t you stop picking fights and quickly get this done instead?
Grimm: Damn!! That’s frustrating!!
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Ortho Shroud Stargaze Gear SR - Episode 2 “I hope it comes true!!!!”
The day of the festival
Ortho: Enormous rain clouds keep coming closer to the school. I have to hurry… let’s go. It’s time for the Stargaze Gear suit that my brother made for me.
[Main street]
Leona: Hmm? What’s wrong with him?
Ruggie: What’s wrong, Leona?
Leona: Look in front of you. Everyone around is heading towards the big tree, but radish sprout’s (Idia) brother is running in the opposite direction, from the school over to us.
Ruggie: Huh? Who do you mean by radish sprout’s brother…oh, Ortho!
Ortho: Oh! Ruggie Bucchi! And Leona Kingscholar!
Ruggie: If you’re in that get up, then that means that you’re serious planning on doing that huh.
Ortho: Of course! I’ve ran multiple tests and increased my posture control to 98% accuracy now. I’ll surely make this a success, so look forward to it! Well then, I have to hurry so I’ll be going now!
Leona: …oi, what were you talking about?
Ruggie: I think you’ll understand soon. Shishishi!
[Sports Field]
Ortho: Wow…there are huge rainstorm clouds above the school. 10km to the top of the cloud. Temperature of the troposphere, -70��. Intra-cloud discharge confirmed….It looks like flying through those clouds into space will be a piece of work, but I have to do it.
Idia: “This is Idia here. Ortho, can you hear my voice?”
Ortho: Idia! The signal is in excellent condition. The audio is also really clear! I’ve just reached the sports field. This is a really wide space, so even if I increase output on my boosters there’s only 0.05% chance of damage to humans.
Idia: “…okay. Be careful.”
Ortho: Yup! I’m taking off now, Idia!
Ortho: “Attachment for Atmosphere Breakthrough. Setting booster output to 80%. Stargaze Gear, activate.” I’ll surely deliver everyone’s ‘wishing stars’ into space. Let’s go!
[Woods Behind Campus - Big Tree]
Ruggie: Hmm? What’s that? The sky over at the sports field is shining…something’s flying in a direct line towards the huge clouds! So that robot-like thing is Ortho?!
Heartslabyul students: Woah, look! The ‘wishing stars’ decorated on the tree are now being pulled up into the sky by the rocket!
Ruggie:…haha. When I listened to his explanation, I thought it was reckless, but that kid, really plans to fly to space, huh?
Ortho: …gasps That was close! If the magical shield activated itself later than it did, I would have been struck by thunder…Visibility is horrible, and the wind is strong, so it’s not going as I expected…but…
[Woods Behind Campus - Big Tree]
Ortho: (internal dialogue) My brother that’s really uncomfortable with being in the spotlight is now trying his best to play the drums. For the sake of my brother…I can’t just get discouraged by something like this!
Ruggie: How about honestly doing what you desire?
Ortho: Honestly, Ruggie Bucchi…my wishes…my desires…it’s my brother. The one thing that would make me the happiest is for my brother’s wish to come true. Alright, I’m motivated now. Let’s move on at full power now!
Ortho: “Attachment for Atmosphere Breakthrough. Readjusting booster output settings. Currently charging magical energy…90%…100%…120% complete.” I’m going to burst through these clouds…and absolutely, definitely, send off the stars successfully! HAAAAAA!!! (T/N: he’s pumping himself up)
Ortho: I did it!! I flew through the gigantic clouds! “Confirming current vital conditions. Bodily harm, and no decline of motor speed rate. All clear.” That’s great! Now I can continue with the plan. I’ll go all the way up to the atmosphere and drop off everyone’s ‘wishing stars’!
[Woods Behind Campus - Big Tree]
Heartslabyul student: Wooahh! The clouds suddenly disappeared and the skies cleared!
Diasomnia student: Is it because that rocket-like thing sped right through into the clouds?
Savanaclaw student: Look at that! Shooting stars are appearing from between the clouds!? And there are lots of them!
Scarabia student: Could those possibly be our ‘wishing stars’? Woww, this year’s festival is amazing!!!!
Everyone: It’s so beautiful…
Ruggie:…who would’ve thought that they actually went through with it. Because he’s even running a risk to endanger his life just to get to space…Ortho, make sure you do make an actual wish just for yourself.
Ortho: “Exceeded 100km altitude above ground! Stargaze Gear…confirm arrival at outer space.” I hope my brother’s, mine, and everyone else’s wish comes true!!!
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Ortho Shroud Stargaze Gear SR - Episode 1 “I hope it comes true!!!!”
[Ignihyde Dorm - Idia’s Room]
The day before the festival
Ortho: Alright, I’ve put on Stargaze Gear. How does it look, Idia? Does the new body suit…
Idia: ….zzz….zzz…..
Ortho: Oh no, did he already fall asleep? It can’t be helped. In order to finish building this suit before the ceremony, he stayed up the entire night. Oh right! I should try out the new functions while Idia’s asleep!
[Woods Behind Campus]
Ortho: ‘Attachment for Atmosphere Breakthrough-Stargaze Gear’ Activate. Setting booster output to 40%. Rising to 20 meters above ground. O-oops! It’s hard to maintain balance in the air during high energy output. According to the forecast, there will be enormous rainstorm clouds in the skies. In order to fly through that and reach space…., as my brother predicted, it seems that controlling my posture while flying will be a problem that needs solving. However, through multiple flying tests and gathering data on the orbit and aerodynamic resistance, I should be able to increase the precision of my control. Alright, I’ll try my best!
Ruggie: Leona, if you’re here, please answer me! Geez, it’s almost time for the dorm leader’s meeting but he’s taking a nap somewhere…
Rumbling noise
Ruggie: Hmm? There’s a weird noise above…O-Ortho? Ortho’s flying really really high in the sky! He’s flying even higher than a rhinoceros hornbill! Besides, there’s sparks flying out from the bottom of his feet! Is he alright?
Ortho: Oh, Ruggie Bucchi! There are circumstances for this…I’ll descend and explain, so give me a second.
Ruggie: Y-You’re delivering the ‘wishing stars’ into space!?
Ortho: Yup! With this plan, no matter how bad the weather gets, we’ll be able to adorn the skies with ‘wishing stars’ wherever you can see the stars!
Ruggie: Nonono, you’re saying it with an innocent face, but your destination is space, okay!? I hear that it’s really cold up there, you might be fanned away by strong wind, get struck by thunder…to me that seems insanely dangerous, okay? I think that’s a reckless plan.
Ortho: I’m a bit scared of thunder, but I’ll be okay! Because it’s my brother that made this suit! It’ll surely go smoothly!!
Ruggie; I don’t know how much of a genius Idia is in magical engineering, but is there a point in going that far?
Ortho: Yes! There’s a wish I want to come true no matter what, and I make the same wish every year!
Ruggie: Hmmmm. So the adorable Ortho is actually very persistent on the inside. What is that wish of yours?
Ortho: It’s that “I wish my brother’s wish will come true”. I always wish for this.
Ruggie: EHH? So it’s not for you, but for Idia?
Ortho: That’s true, but is that odd?
Ruggie: Nahh, I just thought you’re such a good kid. I can understand thinking about your family, but it’s a festival and all…how about doing what you desire? (T/N: the original uses a verb about laying bare but that only sounds severely inappropriate)
Ortho: Doing…what I desire?
Ruggie. Yep. These students at our school really don’t hide anything or gloss over things at all. (T/N: meaning ‘not putting up a pretty facade’) For example, “I wish I’ll become the king”, or “I hope I can always be full for the rest of my life”.
Ortho: I don’t have any succession rights to the throne, and I have no dissatisfactions with energy supply though…
Ruggie: Those were just examples, so that’s fine. There’s still time before the festival, so why not give it some thought? Ahh I really don’t have a lot of time to talk. I have to look for Leona. See you, Ortho!
Ortho: Goodbye. Ruggie Bucchi says interesting things. My wishes…my desires…aren’t they obvious?
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nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Ortho Shroud Stargaze Gear SR - Audio Files
Initial audio when received via gacha roll
I am currently calculating the most appropriate route that will increase the chances of your wish coming true.
Above the clouds, to the ends of space…no matter where it is, I will be able to fly there!
Home Screen (Set)
Now beginning preparations to pierce through the atmosphere.
Transitions to Home screen
A long time ago, I used to play count the stars with my brother! Should I tell you how many stars there were?
I heard that the doll that came alive had a huge adventure in the stomach of a whale! I also want an attachment just for diving…
The number of trials you conduct is crucial during data analysis. Deuce Spade also said that it’s important to keep wishing when you make a wish!
Transition to Home screen, after Logging in
Exchange complete. Now, the attachment for atmospheric breakthrough, Stargaze Gear and the activities included will begin.
Transition to Home screen, after Groovy
I wonder what wishes everyone made…I guess your wish is to ‘go back to your previous world’, right?
Home screen Tap
Since Stargaze Gear is made with materials that are heat resistant, it’s possible to fly through the atmosphere without damage to the body.
It would have been great if my brother was tasked with the dancing instead. Because he always shouts and dances in front of a tablet anyways!
In the past, the position of the stars was considered to be very important. I think it’s similar to what we now refer to as horoscopes?
I had Idia put on lots of star decorations on my gear! It looks like everyone else’s ‘wishing star robes’, right?
Request confirmed. I will fire the space debris elimination beam. 5, 4, 3…I’m joking!
Home screen tap (Groovy)
I can take you with me to the ends of the night skies! Don’t be shy! Oh…but it’d be dangerous if you’re just flesh…
33 notes ¡ View notes
nrctranslations ¡ 4 years
Riddle’s Wish
[Heartslabyul dorm - Riddle’s Room]
Riddle: My wish is... “I wish Heartslabyul’s average scores for the next regular tests will rank higher than other dorms”.
Trey: Ahh- during the mid-term exams, we couldn’t beat Octavinelle and Scarabia. Even so, wishing for Heartslabyul...is it alright to not use the wish on your own grades?
Riddle: It’s expected of as head of the dorm. Besides, my grades aren’t something that need to be wished for to a star. Even without wishing for it, there’s no other option other than being the best.
Trey: That was a stupid question. I apologise, Riddle.
Riddle: As long as you understand. Although of course, I’m not expecting that the grades of our dorm’s students will increase just by making a wish. Other than a wish, I have thought of realistic plans to increase the grades of our dorm’s students.
Trey: Realistic plan? Just as a reference, what would those plans be?
Riddle: It’s simple. I’ll gather the students that lower the average and hold a study session. However, it’s a special one where they won’t be able to take one step out of the dorm until they score full marks on a special quiz of mine.
Trey: !?
Riddle: Next time, I will definitely make Heartslabyul first!
Trey: I-I see. whispers (For the sake of our dorm’s students, I hope your wish also comes true, Riddle.)
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