#meanwhile the band is like. woah. he’s moving his hands a lot he and breathing deep he must be Real
frienderbender · 2 years
roomie showing me some paranormal investigation show with a psychic from like the mid-2000s and i wanna redraw dio v doing this shit so badly it’s so fucking funny. where’s his TV special.
​he’s got shitty commercials but i need to see him on TV fr. maybe in the fake episode he appears in, his psychic reading is televised because he’s doing it for dethklok!!!! so important
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Miraculous Ladybug Writer Zine: Once Upon a Season
Yes, yes, this is suuuuper late. But I still want to share it. This is a Lukanette fic I wrote for the @mlwriterzine last year. For this zine, I had the honor of being one of its mods, same as one of its writers. This one was especially special to me, because it’s a zine fully dedicated to writers, which is extremely rare, and the final result was astonishing. Huge thanks to @emzurl for making it possible.
The Start of a Song
“I can’t believe we’re here!” Rose squealed, watching the crowds enter past the security fences. “I’ve never been so close to the stage!”
“I know,” Juleka responded in her low, raspy voice. “Totally rad.”
Rose let out another squeal, grabbing her girlfriend’s hand and dragging her inside. Although there were plenty of bands playing during the Summer Music Festival, there was no artist more exciting than Jagged Stone. To which Kitty Section got tickets for in advance.
“Don’t go too far!” Luka called out, but the two girls were already out of earshot. He sighed, as a hand landed on his arm.
“I’ll help keep an eye for them,” Marinette said next to him.
“Don’t worry, we’ll keep an eye out, too,” Mylène said, coming up the other side with Ivan. “I think it’s a little late to be right in front of the stage.”
“We’ll still be pretty close,” Marinette shrugged. “C’mon, we should get close before it fills up!”
A hand wrapped around Luka’s wrist, as she dragged him towards the crowd. Meanwhile, Luka looked at their surroundings, and couldn’t help but notice something.
“Is it just me, or are there a lot of couples in this concert?” Marinette said nervously next to him.
“Huh, I hadn’t noticed,” Luka responded, as nonchalantly as possible, pretending he hadn’t just noticed the exact same thing. “I do see a lot of people, though. Anyone of us could easily get lost. Speaking of …”
He craned his neck in search of his sister, luckily finding her mere meters away. For the third time that day he reminded himself to not get too distracted by the girl still holding his wrist. As grateful as he was that the other two couples encouraged a romantic relationship between them, Luka would never want to put Marinette in an uncomfortable situation. Especially when he still didn’t know where she stood on that notion.
Instead, he tried his best to make sure his sister didn’t wander off, like he heavily suspected she would try.
“Are you okay?” Marinette asked.
“Yeah,” he said. “Just making sure nobody gets lost.”
“That’s gonna be hard, Ivan and Mylène already said they’re going to the movies after this.”
Luka frowned, turning to her. “When did they decide that?”
“They told me just before you and Juleka arrived. They didn’t tell you?”
“Uh, no.”
It’s a setup, Luka instantly thought. It wouldn’t be the first time they tried leaving them alone in hopes that something would happen. However, he knew better. As much as he wished something would happen, at this point, he was starting to lose hope.
The music started, and the crowd screamed. While everyone else was concentrating on the stage, Luka couldn’t help but divert his eyes to Marinette, with her arms raised as she cheered. A smile curved his lips as the image of happiness brought joy to him. With one last wistful sigh, he turned to the stage and started cheering himself.
Jagged Stone walked into the stage, joining his bandmates with a guitar solo. The screams were louder, and the crowd started pushing to the front, every fan hoping to be closer to the rockstar. Luka tried looking at Juleka’s way again, but his vision was cut by several screaming fans. 
An elbow hit his back. He turned just in time to watch a large, tall man about to push Marinette out of the way. On instinct, he grabbed her by the shoulder.
“Wah!” Marinette squawked, as she was pulled into Luka’s chest.
“Sorry,” he said, with an apologetic grin. “I figured you’d prefer being pulled than pushed towards me by that guy.”
Marinette glanced at the man now standing where she had been two seconds before.
“Oh,” she breathed, her cheeks acquiring a light shade of pink. “Thanks, Luka.”
A light caress down his chest sent shivers up his spine. Luka swallowed a large gulp before grabbing her shoulders again and turning her in the direction of the stage.
“Wouldn’t want you to miss the show,” he said.
Marinette’s attention was quickly diverted to Jagged Stone, while Luka attempted to get his cool back. While he had never been secretive about his feelings for her, something about this day felt different to him. He shook his head, in an attempt to send away the thought. He had already learned keeping hopes too high could lead to unnecessary disappointment.
And yet, he couldn’t stop looking at her.
Luka continued looking at Marinette on her toes, craning her neck as far as she could above the heads in the crowd. As amusing as it was, the young man couldn’t help but feel bad. He tapped her shoulder, catching her attention, and made a gesture of holding something over his shoulders.
“Are you sure?” Marinette asked.
“I can take it,” Luka shrugged, kneeling down. “Come on, you’ll see better.”
Although she hesitated for a moment, she quickly agreed when the crowd cheered over something she didn’t get to see. As Luka rose back to his feet, he stumbled momentarily, prompting a squawk from Marinette while she wrapped her arms around his head. Luka couldn’t help but laugh, almost losing his balance again.
“I’m gonna fall!” Marinette cried dramatically.
“I got you,” Luka assured, holding tight to her legs. “See, you’re okay. Everything’s okay.”
The young woman’s arms relaxed as she let out a sigh of relief. After several minutes, Marinette seemed to have forgotten her previous fear and gained comfort from her position on his shoulders. Unfortunately for Luka, the part of him that was not internally giddy for being so close to the girl of his dreams was regretting his decision.
Thick droplets of sweat started running down his forehead and back with the added weight, plus the scorching summer heat. Yet, he was resolute in keeping his stance. The concert was only one hour, after all.
* * *
The crowd let out its last scream as the lights turned on around them, signaling the end of the concert. Although Luka had gotten used to the weight already, it didn’t stop him from almost letting out a whine of relief when Marinette was back on the ground.
“That was awesome!” she squealed, as she made a twirl to look at him. “I’ve never had such an awesome view to—Woah, Luka, are you okay?”
“Yeah, why?” he panted.
“You’re sweating like crazy.”
Luka swiped a hand over his forehead. “Huh, look at that.” He pulled his hair back, in hopes to refresh his forehead. “Nothing a cold drink won’t fix. Right, Marinette? Marinette?”
She seemed to not hear him, her eyes trained on something above his eyes.
“Marinette?” he called again, loud enough to catch her attention.
“Ah! Sorry!” she squeaked. “Yeah, you’re hot—I mean, it’s hot! It’s very hot, something cold sounds great. Yeah, totally. We probably gotta move, where are the others?” Marinette asked, scanning the crowd.
“Dunno,” Luka muttered, searching for his phone. On the screen appeared a text message from his sister. In it, he read: 
Sorry, we lost you in the crowd. Gonna go for some ice cream with Rose. Thank me later! ;)
He gulped. “They left already.”
“Without us?”
“They went on their own date, I guess.”
“O-Oh,” Marinette stammered. “I see … So, what are you going to do?”
“I—” He had been about to say he was going home. But it still felt much too early to do so. And he didn’t feel like spending the rest of the afternoon alone. “I think I will go for a walk.”
“Ah, I see.”
There was silence. Probably caused by Marinette’s usual indecision about saying what she wanted. Something Luka could already sense and decided to do the work for her.
“Marinette, would you like—”
“Can I join you?” she asked at the same time as him.
Luka blinked, this being the first time she barely hesitated to take the initiative with him. With a soft smile, he responded: “I would very much like that.”
* * *
After several hours and one stop for iced coffee, Luka and Marinette were walking by the edge of the Seine, lost in a melody of joyous laughter.
“Wait, you didn’t!” Luka exclaimed.
“I swear I was the only one who saw it,” Marinette laughed.
“And here I thought I was so sneaky, too.”
“Well, to be fair, I did make the costumes. I think it’s a given I would notice when there’s a piece missing.”
“It’s a good thing that show was not recorded,” Luka chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Wouldn’t want us going viral over a wardrobe malfunction instead of the music.”
“I don’t think it would’ve been so bad if it had,” Marinette responded in a sing-song tone. “Even if that had happened, it could’ve helped boost your popularity as a band. Especially with such a cute guitarist.”
Luka’s eyes widened, dead staring at her. Marinette seemed to have noticed what she said one second too late, for her cheeks turned dark red instantly. Lips pressed together, as if trying to stop them from saying something else they were forbidden from. Luka did his best to still his heart, pushing all hope aside. Just in case.
“Thank you?” he said, attempting to sound as cool as possible. And slightly failing.
“U-uh, you’re welcome?” Marinette said, just as awkwardly. “I-I mean, not that that’s all I think of you. You’re than more such—I mean, you’re so much more than that. You’re a great friend. Notthatyoucanonlybeafriend. I mean.” She took a deep breath. “I meant to say that you’re a great guy, more than looks.”
“That means a lot coming from you, Marinette,” Luka chuckled. “You don’t have to try to fix what you say with me. I know what you mean.”
“See what I mean?!” Marinette burst. “With you, I don’t have to try to explain myself. You just … You just get me! It’s so comfortable with you. And nice. And wonderful. And…”
She went silent. Again, holding back. Despite the words already spoken.
Luka placed his hands in his pockets. “You know,” he said, with a light smile, “anything you want to say, you can say it. No matter what it is, you know I’ll always listen.”
“I know,” Marinette whispered. “Some things are just hard to say.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, I too think you’re an extraordinary person. But you already know that.”
“I do.” She placed a hand on his forearm, softly pulling it. It took Luka a minute to realize she was attempting to take his hand out of his pocket. He obliged as discreetly as possible. When the hand was fully out, she entwined her fingers between his.
Luka’s heart drummed louder, wondering if this was a sweet dream, or if it was as real as it felt.
“I really do,” Marinette said, looking directly into his eyes. She opened and closed her mouth several times. “I-I … I, um, I wanted to, uh, I wanted to say—”
Luka placed a finger over her lips. “You don’t have to say it. If you don’t feel comfortable with it, you don’t have to say it.”
“I want to,” she insisted. “I know you always know what I mean. But … Luka, I like you. As more than a friend.”
The air trapped itself inside his lungs. His heart was about to burst out of his ribcage. A celebratory melody rang out in his mind. He then understood why she wanted to say it: hearing the words made a world of difference. It felt different than simply suspecting. It made it real. It reminded him why he had been so forward in the first place, when he had the chance.
The hand that was still trapped in his pocket slid out, landing on her cheek. Luka couldn’t contain the excitement the words brought. He could feel a wide grin paint his face, but he didn’t care if it made him like a goofball.
“You have no idea how happy those words make me,” he said, letting out a shuddered breath and leaning to her lips.
There was a clatter on a nearby car, snapping them both out of the bubble they had built between themselves. Turning to the source of the sound, they found Rose scrambling to grab her phone that landed on the hood of a car where she seemed to have been hiding behind. Next to Rose were Juleka, Ivan, and Mylène unsuccessfully trying to take cover.
“Oh gosh,” Marinette whined, covering her face.
Luka chuckled. “You guys are not very good with the sneaking and spying.”
“I was so close,” Rose lamented, as Juleka gave her girlfriend a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
“Sorry!” Mylène waved a hand towards them. “We didn’t mean to interrupt you guys!”
“This is so embarrassing,” Marinette’s muffled voice said.
Luka looked between their friends and Marinette. He smiled and asked, “D’you wanna run?”
Marinette raised her head, with her lips in the shape of an ‘o.’ Without a second thought, she eagerly nodded. Luka grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the nearby bridge to run across it. Meanwhile, the rest of Kitty Section yelled at them to return. 
“Where are we going?!” she panted.
“Wherever!” he responded, letting out a laugh. Marinette laughed too, just as eager to explore whatever it was that they had just started.
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mouse-fantoms · 4 years
Easier Than Speaking
I just want to say that this only popped into my head because I saw @16fandomlover’s post about this. I’m the type of person to where if an idea is had then my brain will just start writing on it’s own and then I can never get it out of my head until it is written down. So without further ado, here it is!
Julie sat on her bed, criss-cross, using her binder as a hard surface to write on as she did her homework. Her dad was very clear about the whole “school-first” rule when it came to being in her own band, which was understandable. She was only in high school and she did miss the first three hours of school the night of the dance when the boys... well... ghosted her.
Once finishing her homework she could down to the garage and either hang with the guys or rehearse with them depending on if they had a gig to practice for or not. If Alex and Reggie weren’t in the studio and they didn’t have to rehearse for a gig that would be prime time for her and Luke to write together.
As she wrote the answer to the latest math problem on her paper, her phone light up besides her. A message from Flynn. She took a small moment away from her work to text back her best friend. Flynn had asked about what she saw Nick and her talk about earlier. Julie texted back and informed her of what happened about how he had asked her out but she politely declined. She saw the ‘Delivered’ message turn to ‘Read’ immediately upon sending. The light gray 3 dots appeared for a second then disappeared. She set her phone back down next to her expecting to get a reply later. When she sent it down she saw one of the guys poof to the foot of her bed from her peripheral vision.
“Oh you’re home.”
She looked up seeing it was Luke. “What are you doing here?”
“Wanted to see if you were home yet so we could write.”
“Well I am but school first.” She guestured to her homework. “Unless you want to help me with givens and proves then you can stay but until then you can wait.” She didn’t expect to get an answer.
“Givens and proves? Ugh, that’s-” the words seemed to trigger a memory for him. “Those are so annoying. If you want math help go to Alex.”
“Really?” The guy’s lives before meeting her never really came up.
Sure, she was curious but there was probably a reason for it not coming up that often. Unless it came up in conversation she knew not to press for information. She knew to keep her boundaries (unlike some people).
“Yeah and if you need science help go to Reggie, even though he says he’s not that good, he was always better at it than Alex and I ever were.”
“What about you?”
“I was always decent at English.”
She nodded in agreement. “That makes sense.”
He raised an eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well with how you write your songs and how they turn out I can see how that could translate into an English class.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, “sometimes writing is easier than speaking.”
“Speaking of writing, you can try to write something with one of the guys.” She suggested instead of him just having to wait for her.
He shook his head. “Reggie mainly wants to write country songs.”
“...Is that a bad thing?”
“What is with you two and country songs?!”
“Just give Home Is Where My Horse Is a chance.”
“He showed you it didn’t he?! I thought you would be strong.”
“Come on! Riding through trees by the river, Feel the summer breeze smile gettin’ bigger. Those are some killer lyrics.”
“It’s not even-“ he decided to let it go. “Oh! Speaking of lyrics,” he pulled something from his pocket, “I was meaning to ask you-”
She saw him unfold the paper that was folded into fourths. Her eyes went wide as she realized the writing. The handwriting on the back side of the paper was readable (so not Luke’s) and was scribbled and rushed. As if it was written in a hurry to get it out of a mind.
“Where’d you find that?” She asked hurried.
“It was on the piano.” He responded. “Was it a quick little song inspiration before school?”
“Uhh... yeah. Song... inspriation.” She agreed.
“These lyrics are-”
The anticipation for his next word worried her. Did he figure it out? He probably did. The song was very obviously about him.
Oh ok, that was fine. That didn’t entirely mean that he figured it out.
Just then Julie turned her attention to her left where she heard someone poof in.
“See I told you he would be here!” Reggie told Alex next to him.
“I knew he would be but she told us to stay out of her room.” He answered.
“At least one of you understands boundaries.” She said to herself.
“What are you two doing here?” Luke looked up to see the pair.
“Seeing if you were here and not to bug Julie because she has school first to do.” Alex replied.
“Yeah I do! That’s right! I should probably finish and if I could also have that song back too,” she grabbed it from his hands, “I accidentally left it out at the piano it’s not even that... good.” She folded it back into fourths and put it on her nightstand for the time being.
“Not that good? Seriously!? What are you talking about?”
She hoped he would stop mentioning it. It made her anxious that at any point he would figure it out.
“Whoever that’s about is so lucky! If it is about anyone.”
“If?” Alex still couldn’t believe he hadn’t realized. “Really you still-” Julie gave him a glare that could rival the one of when they intruded on the family dinner the first night they’d met. “Yeah,” he immediately switched topics, “who ever that song is about is really lucky.” He ended up agreeing with Luke.
“We’re heaven on earth, melody and words” he began to sing, “Those are rad! That’s exactly why you’re a star!” She could see the look in his eyes whenever he talked about music. The fire and the passion. Also the way he lit up when he talked about her. It was one of the qualities she’d learned about him.
“...like a bright and burning one.” Reggie said under his breath which in response Julie gave the same glare she gave to Alex. Meanwhile, Luke asked what he said because he didn’t catch it.
“Uhh...” Julie giving him the death glare did not help as he thought of a response to tell him, “like always! Julie’s always a star like you always say! Yeah, always.” He looked to Julie to see if he did good and she let out a small sigh of relief.
“Always.” He gave his Luke smile to her. He finally moved away from her bed to the boys who had poofed by her closet.
As he walked over to them the front door being opened was heard and then running up the stairs which turned Julie’s attention toward her open bedroom door. Within seconds she saw Flynn rush into her room, passing right through Luke, about to start one of her rants to her.
“Woah... that is weird.” He looked to Reggie in response to being walked through. It wasn’t like last time when Julie and him were in the kitchen and she walked through him with her sandwich ingredients. It was sudden and quick.
“She’s determinated.” He could feel.
Flynn took a seat on Julie’s bed with her. She began going on about school as well as about band stuff to her friend, meanwhile the boys were still in her room overhearing the conversation. Considering she was talking about some stuff referring to the band maybe she would mention some other things too and it was easier staying instead of having Julie bring it up to them later.
“Speaking of that,” Flynn continued on about what she was talking about as her friend just sat and listened, “onto the other, well MAIN reason I came. Please tell me you did not decline a date with an actual person, and the actual person being Nick of all people, because of the whole Luke thing.”
Julie’s eyes went wide. “Flynn...” she said worried hoping she would hear and get the memo to stop talking.
“Luke thing?” The one who’s name was mentioned raised an eyebrow at.
“You’ve waited for it to happened for how long? Only to decline him for what? Some air-”
“Air?” The statement offended him. He turned to his friends next to him. “Am I just air?”
“Well on the techinal side-” Alex bumped Reggie in the arm alerting him to look at Julie to show him that this was not the time for their antics. She had a flustered expression as she just wanted her friend to stop talking but was not getting the memo just going on and on.
“-oh no sorry “cute air” to quote you-”
“...Flynn.” She pleaded starting to put her head in her knees.
“-like I said Luke is next level to crush on. I mean you have liked Nick for how long? And then he gets up staged by this random ghost guy. I mean don’t get me wrong they brought music back into your life and that’s amazing but to decline Nick over some dead guy. Although I get that you two clicked but you could have also had that with Nick, but I mean it has been awhile. If he asked you before class the other day, when the whole time instead of dancing with Nick you were imaging Luke, would you have said yes then? He really just has bad timing all the time now doesn’t he?”
Julie sat with her head in her knees wanting to curl into a ball from... well... a lot of things.
“Jules?” She asked. “What’s- ...the guys are here aren’t they?”
Still with her head in her knees she nodded.
“...all of them?”
She nodded once again.
She hoped it wasn’t as bad as what she thought. “...Including-”
“What else does all of them mean?” She picked her head up to look at her, trying to disregard the ghosts she saw from the corner of her eye. “There’s only 3!”
“...you know...” she sat up from the bed backing up towards the door, “I think I hear your dad calling...” when she backed up against the wall close to the door she turned around, went out the room and rounded the corner going down the staircase.
As much as she didn’t want to, there was nothing else to do but look to the boys. Alex and Reggie gave the same look of uneasiness. Meanwhile Luke was, well, stunned to say the least.
“...it’s not so bad.” Alex tried to help.
The response in the form of a look told him otherwise.
“Reg, something tells me we overstayed our welcome.”
“...yeah... hey maybe you could hang with Ray and-” Alex poofed away before Reggie could finish. “Guess it’ll just be me and Ray then.” He concluded before poofing away himself leaving the... interesting pair alone.
“...cute air?” Luke finally found the words to say.
Julie groaned as her head went to the ceiling and her body fell into the pillows behind her.
“You know that song makes a lot more sense now.”
“Yeah...” she sighed, “it does. Sometimes writing is easier than talking.”
She felt the end of her bed go down. She picked herself up to see that he had taken a seat at the edge.
“...it’s still a pretty rad song.” He kept his space from her guessing her emoions. “Reggie and Alex seemed to put it together pretty quickly.”
“I don’t get how you didn’t.”
“My guess was it was about that Nick guy.”
“I wish.” She then realized how bad that sounded. “That’s not what I-”
“It’s fine I know what you meant. Falling for some ghost probably isn’t on your bucket list.”
“Well it wasn’t but then you guys showed up.”
“Well do be fair you did call us cute.”
“You also thought I was a witch.” She brought up.
“There were chairs on the ceiling. What else is the logical explanation?”
“Maybe tying them there for storage.”
“Reggie had a very convincing arugment.”
“Argum-” she paused, “it’s Reggie! What arugment?”
“Alex said that witches don’t exist then Reggie said how they say ghosts don’t exist but here we are now.” He gestured to himself.
They shared a laughed together. This was nice. Not having any tension in the air. No akwardness. Just Julie and Luke being... Julie and Luke.
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spideyyroos · 4 years
are you kidding me? - peter parker (soulmate!au) - part 3
Tumblr media
pairing: peter parker x stark!female!reader
summary: during your everlasting rivalry against peter parker, you’re unlucky enough to find out that not only is he spider-man (your dad’s new kid), but he is also your soulmate. god help us all. (soulmate au where you have a mark of where your soulmate first touches you)
word count: 2511
requested: yes!
warnings: language, slight angst, stab wound
a/n: GUESS WHOSE BACK BACK BACK BACK AGAIN!!! hey guys! sorry i’ve been mia recently, school has really been piling up on me and i pushed off this part for so long! tbh i think this is gonna be slightly slow burn?? i don’t want to rush anything oof. hope you guys like it :)) 
As both Peter and Y/N made their way to school, they communicated to one another on how they should act and when they should tell their individual friends about the whole soulmate ordeal. For the time being, they decided to still hate each other at school--which, technically, they still hadn’t been too fond of each other ever since the previous day. Y/N, being the more stubborn of the two, couldn’t push aside the decade-long rivalry between her and Peter. She was still in denial that he was her soulmate, the one who she would spend the rest of her life with. 
Chewing on her lip, Y/N thought about her future with Peter in it. She always knew that he would stick around in her life but never where. After the almost-kiss that they shared last night, she muted her thoughts from him, not wanting to distract while fighting crime. As she did so, she wondered why she cared about the well-being of the boy, not just in academics.
-at Midtown-
As Peter and Y/N made their way to their first period, they cautiously stood at different places from one another when passing through the hallway. Thankfully enough, Ned found Peter and they weaved their way into their history class. Y/N found herself in the class moments after, taking a seat in the back corner to ensure that she could take a nap for the period.
Y/N had always prepared ahead of time for the classes she decided to take naps in. Her phone was programmed to pick up what the teacher was saying during the lecture; later, Y/N would listen and add extra information to her notes (a/n: i suggest this highly; it works super well! :)).
When the lecture started, Y/N was out like a light. She got plenty of sleep the night before, but still preferred to be asleep. Peter, who sat across the room, tried to focus on his notes, but felt the strong urge to stare at her. Similar to Y/N, Peter felt hesitant to feel affections toward his usual enemy. Ever since yesterday, he cringed at how the two treated each other. 
Needless to say, these circumstances were more than overwhelming.
After their fifth period Spanish class, Y/N and Peter walked side by side in the hallway. Before they knew it, Flash called out at Peter.
“Hey Penis Parker! What are you doing, flying out of your league?” 
“And what would you know, Flash? Last time I checked, your homecoming date left you in the dust to go and grind with some other egotistical prick.”
Flash’s jaw dropped at Y/N’s words and Peter covered his mouth to stifle his laughter. Y/N turned around to face Flash, deadpan--clearly unamused by his ever so endearing nickname for Peter. Then, as if in some world-turning moment, she realized that she had just defended her rival.
Nobody knew that they were soulmates just yet.
She couldn’t let that happen--not now at least.
However, before she could make an excuse for standing up for Peter, Flash suddenly changed his target of ridicule.
“Aw, I’m sorry babe. Do you have a personal score to settle with Lindsey? Or, better yet, come over tonight and we can,” Flash continued to advance towards her and corner Y/N onto a locker, “make up for lost time.” Flash was face-to-face with Y/N, expelling his hot breath over her face. Although Flash was yet another person who knew how to make Y/N’s skin crawl, she decided to swallow the vomit coming up her throat and let herself be “enchanted” with the king of douches.
“Umm...you sure have a way with words, handsome,” Y/N’s mind was screaming at her to kick him in the nuts, but her pride didn’t allow her to let up and run to her only safe space--Peter. She feigned a gleaming smile, letting it hit her eyes. Flash only smirked at his supposed “power” over women, though it repulsed anything that walked--no, breathed--on this very earth. Y/N continued to keep this act up by biting her lip and forcing herself to eye his lips, misshapen and topped with peach fuzz for a mustache. It sent her back to last night with Peter, and she mentally sunk into thoughts of the blessed day when she’d put her guard down and allow herself to love him--woah, wait...what the fuck?
Just as she was about to dwell on her absurd thought, she felt the disgustingly warm body heat in front of her being ripped away and an angry Peter now in front of her. His back was facing her and he held his death grip on Flash, who now looked scared as all hell, was panting from the sudden movement and wide-eyed.
“How about we don’t do that?” Peter threatened, gritting his teeth and shooting daggers at Flash. Y/N walked directly behind Peter and performed the trick as old as time: playing with the angry boy’s hair to calm him down. As she laced her fingers through his wavy hair, Peter fell victim to the affection. He let go of Flash, freeing him to run away from the previously seething Peter--not sparing to look back at the nerd who once could never have the heart to kill a fly. 
Y/N grabbed onto Peter’s shoulder and turned him around, hand still interlocked within his curls. Peter’s expression showed pure relaxation, contradicting the near-death that he could have caused. They looked into each other’s eyes, once again letting the rest of the world slip away. Thank God that everyone else had cleared the hallway and went their own ways to the cafeteria. The young Stark filed her hand through his exceptionally soft hair--what conditioner do you use? They chuckled, knowing that only these two could see into her comedic genius. Peter’s eyes wandered her face, taking in her features and mentally noting small details that he would’ve never noticed beforehand. He suddenly cupped her face with his hands and went to lean in, only for Y/N to abruptly rip her contact from him.
“I’m sorry--”
“Can we just give...give whatever this is--a moment to breathe? Jesus, it’s been a day and now I have to make sure that no one ever hits on me because God forbid Spider-Man’s soulma--” Peter’s hand clamped over Y/N’s mouth, eyes wide and desperate for her to shut up.
“I’m sorry, ok? Now will you stop talking before someone hears?” Y/N shoved his hand off her mouth and made a beeline towards the exit, not dealing with anymore of this bullshit.
Y/N, frustrated and fed up, went home to the complex--this, and she swears by it, was by far the worst week of her life. She wished that she wasn’t so difficult, that she could have been dealt a different soulmate, that she could start over, that she could be anywhere else but here. She made an effort to ignore his thoughts and mute her own. She didn’t want to be burned again. She has always pined after the well-deserved love and freely gave her heart to the people who gave her half-assed compliments--believing that each time would be different. Yet time and time again she would be let down, until she had enough. She sealed her walls with super-glue and rejected any form of genuine interest in her well-being. 
-at Avengers complex-
Peter tried to busy himself with expanding his patrol area, patrol hours, and homework--anything to avoid facing the obvious. He may as well be dead to her, right?
God, no! Don’t ever say that. Just--give me time, alright? This is just...a lot.
Look--we’re adjusting right now. Us even talking is already some sort of sign that we can try to get along. I know you’d prefer to stay at the very least 6 feet apart but--fuck, I’ll be honest--ever since we…connected I’ve been able to see you in a different light--
--pretty sure that’s called being horny--
--will you just...you know what? No. You don’t get to find out what I was going to say. Are you happy now?
Y/N didn’t respond. She just laid on her bed, aggressively staring at her window, hoping that he just might swing by.
It wasn’t long until she felt a searingly white hot pain on her left side. She screamed out in her room, trying to haphazardly relieve some of this unbearable punishment of having a superhero as a soulmate. Tears blurred her vision and she clutched her side, unable to move in fear that she would break her entire body. With as much effort she could put out, she reached for her suit tracking device--jesus christ, what the fuck happened to him?
Y/N saw the spider icon deep in the streets of Queens, at one of the many Mom and Pop restaurants. She saw an update on the suit condition:
Peter, are you okay? Please get out of there as soon as you can! I’ll call the police right now--OW!
Y/N received a crisp punch to her right cheek, wincing and letting the new tears fall over her face. She tried to stay strong, despite everything hurting so much. She pressed “NOTIFY POLICE” on the device and curled into a ball, hoping the pain would stop soon. Just as she thought it was over, a square kick to the stomach almost caused an upheaval of her last meal. Stars taking over her vision, she fell unconscious onto her bedroom floor.
Peter has had his fair share of difficult and strong criminals, but damn! This group was one for the books. Not considering the soulmate tie between himself and Y/N, he fought the band of robbers and took each hit as a grain of salt.
Peter, are you okay? Please get out of there as soon as you can! I’ll call the police right now--OW!
“Oh shit--” Peter mumbled, allowing himself to get punched in the face by the one of the last men standing. Easily knocking him out with his special “pow, pow, POW” combo, as Peter liked to call it.
Unfortunately, before he could safely escape the scene, with the criminals webbed up against the wall, the final “stupidhead” (once again, as Peter liked to call it) attacked him with a swift kick to the stomach.
Peter heard the sirens nearly a block away, so he opted to avoid any more conflict by webbing the kicker against the ceiling of the restaurant--stealing away into the city and on the way to the complex.
He remembered the backpack that was so secretly plastered next to the window of Y/N’s bedroom and was quick to change into his street clothes. Practically breaking into her bedroom, Peter was instantly at Y/N’s unconscious side--did her body show where he got hurt also?
Unsure if he was throwing away all of Aunt May’s well-taught respect and manners of “don’t put your hands on a girl unless she says you can and she wants you to,” Peter lifted her shirt to check if she was stabbed as well. Fortunately, either soulmate can have the sensation of pain--not the actual injury itself.
Y/N woke with a start, breaking her eyelids open to see Peter lifting her shirt to check the left side.
“What are you doing?” Y/N flinched away, tearing the material out of his hands.
“I’m sorry--I was checking if you were okay--”
“--people don’t check under other people’s shirts--wait. Am I stabbed?” Y/N went to check herself, only to double take at Peter’s blood stain growing larger by the second.
“Oh my god--stay right there, ok? I’ll go get a first aid kit--holy shit…”
Peter chuckled at her antics, but winced as he realized that...I got stabbed and it’s an open wound and now I’m laughing and oh my god--
“Ok, holyshitok--lay on my bed, please. Lay on your side, with the wound facing me. Also, please take off your shirt,” Y/N took a deep breath, preparing the sutures to properly address the injury. She concentrated, despite her hands shaking horribly. 
“This is going to feel even worse than when I start to sew but you can grab onto something if you need,” Y/N softly spoke, ready to clean, with alcohol, around where the knife had tore into his flesh. Peter nodded, unsure what he could grab onto without breaking her concentration. He opted for her bedsheets, which were slightly wrinkled and smelled like the expensive detergent that often surrounds Y/N--what? Why am I--
Y/N hummed in content and smiled to herself as she finished disinfecting and started to sew. Although Peter was used to his clumsy hands dangerously stitching together his deeper injuries, Y/N’s precision and patience to ensure the least amount of pain almost...put him at peace. She would glance over at him to reassure herself that he wasn’t passed out--though that would make the situation far less intimidating. Here he was, Peter Benjamin Parker, shirtless and occasionally bleeding (though it was far less than before), on Y/N M/N Stark’s bed. When she wasn’t looking at him, Peter would steal glances at the young Stark, appreciating her calm nature in such a scenario like this. On the other hand, when he wasn’t staring at her, Y/N would give a side eye to Peter--who was focusing on the small design on the bedsheets. He recognized the R2-D2 and C-3PO duo that continued across the dimensions of the mattress, tracing the dark outline of each character.
“Ok, I’m almost done. I just need to apply the gauze and the skin adhesive,” Y/N stated, quickly exiting the room to go fetch the proper dressings.
When she came back, Peter was still in the same position--but with stilled breathing and relaxed muscles.
Oh my God, he’s asleep. At least the hard part’s over--I think.
Y/N finished the full treatment for the wounds, briefly waking Peter up to tell him to get changed into some loungewear. He barely obliged, grumpy from having been woken up from his short nap. He pouted like a toddler, wanting to return to the “comfy bed with the nice blankets.” Y/N did her best to not laugh, admiring the adorable nature that came with him. He returned to the bed and Y/N made sure that he was comfortable enough without laying directly on top the wounds. She tried her best to be a better person and reluctantly played with his hair, hearing a small “thank you” in response. Peter fell asleep immediately, exhausted from a mentally and emotionally gruelling day.
Y/N watched as he finally relaxed into his sleep, thankful that she could at least help the superhero everyone loved.
Someday, I will love him. Just not now--not yet. I can’t let you in just yet.
taglist: @mega-bi @lordofblamo @sadstrudel @ispiderdudei @everythingsship @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @annathesillyfriend @mybitchborky @randxmthxughts @dear-selena
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The Only Exception
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Not my art, originally posted by @danceskelly
Masterlist here.
Word count: ~1040
Requested by anon. 
Request: Hello! May I request, for the new song prompt, number 30 (The Only Exception - Paramore) for Sebastian sdv?
A/N: so i kinda cheated on the word count by putting the entire song in here but I just love the song so much so.... thank you for the request! 
“I have a question.”
You and Sebastian were sitting on the stairs of your porch, you stargazing while he smoked next to you. He frequented your house when he needed to get away, and you never seemed to question it, always welcoming him with open arms.
“Aim and shoot.” You replied, not bothering to look at him. He seemed nervous, and you always tried to ease that as best you could.
“Why don’t you write love songs?”
You froze at the question, unsure of how to answer it. He looked at you patiently.
“I guess I’ve never thought about it.” You shrugged. “My parents were a failed love story. My mom left when I was little, and my dad never could let it go. Even through every bad memory, he still wanted her back.”
“You never told me that.”
“It’s not something I’m proud of.” You sighed, looking down at your feet. “I mean, why would I be? She left us.”
There was a pause before you spoke again. “Truthfully, I didn’t really think love existed until I came here.” You looked at the sky again, wistful, hugging your arms around your body.
It was true. Even when you were little, you didn’t like the idea of happily ever after. Fairy tales didn’t make sense to you. All of the adults in your life seemed so unhappy, and it was all because of love. You decided then that it didn’t exist, that you wouldn’t believe in things you couldn’t have evidence for.
When you came to Stardew, things were different. As family, friends, or lovers, the citizens of Pelican Town showed every form of love. Even Alex, the most “macho” guy you knew, turned into a puddle when it came to Elliott, his boyfriend.
They showed you love in a way your parents simply couldn’t.
“Really?” His eyes widened, and he stared at you, his cigarette dangling from his fingers.
“Yeah. Sam and Penny... and you. That’s not to say I’m not cynical... it takes a lot to reverse 20 years of that mindset.”
“But?” Sebastian asked hopefully, and you smiled at him, reaching for his hand. Carefully, he put his cigarette in the tray before lacing his fingers with yours gently.
“But you make me believe in it every day.” You smiled, glancing down at your interlocked hands.
“Good.” He grinned, holding up your hands and kissing your knuckles. “I’m glad.”
The rest of the night was quiet, Sebastian passing out early due to exhaustion. Programming had kept him up the past week and only now could he finally relax. Meanwhile, you snuck out into the living room with your guitar and journal.
Carefully you wrote out the title:
A week later, Sebastian found you on the porch, strumming your acoustic. “New song?” He asked, noticing the unfamiliar chord progression. It sounded a little melancholic and slow compared to the music you often played.
“Mhm.” You nodded, not pausing. “Want to listen and tell me what you think?”
“Always.” He grinned and joined you on the steps, sitting on one below you.
You took a deep breath, glancing at the lyrics before starting the song.
“When I was younger I saw my daddy cry, and curse at the wind... he broke his own heart and I watched as he tried to reassemble it. And my momma swore she would never let herself forget... and that was the day that I promised, I’d never sing of love, if it does not exist, but darling you are the only exception, you are the only exception, you are the only exception, you are the only exception.” You kept strumming, missing the fond look Sebastian was giving you. You always knew how to word things well. That was why Sam marked you as the resident songwriter.
“Well maybe I know somewhere, deep in my soul, that love never lasts, and we got to find other ways to make it alone, keep a straight face.. and I’ve always lived like this, keeping a comfortable, distance... and up until now, I had sworn to myself that I’m content with loneliness... because none of it was ever worth the risk, but you are the only exception, you are the only exception, you are the only exception, you are the only exception...”
You plucked out the finger pattern, as the song turned into the bridge.
“I got a tight grip on reality, but I can’t let go of what’s in front of me here... I know you’ll leave me in the morning when you wake up, leave me with some kind of proof it’s not a dream, oh woah oh...” you sang loud at that part, your voice raw and real, shutting your eyes as you reached for the notes.
“You are the only exception, you are the only exception, you are the only exception, you are the only exception..” you repeated the chorus, changing your strumming after the last chorus.
“And I’m on my way to believing... oh and I’m on, my way to believing..” you finished with a final strum, biting your lip as you switched your gaze to your boyfriend. He was grinning, the corners of his eyes crinkling a little.
“When did you write that?” He asked curiously, flipping through the pages of your journal to find the lyrics.
“The night we talked, after you went to bed.” You smiled, looking down. “Inspiration just struck.”
“You wrote a song for me?” He whispered, and you blushed, grabbing and closing your journal. You set it down next to you, letting the guitar rest on your knees. Yep
“Yeah, I did. I mean, it’s for the band, and it’s really slow so I’m not sure we could play it but I just wrote it in like an hour and-“ you were cut off from your rambling by Sebastian pressing his lips to yours.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” He breathed out, grinning at you. “I bet Sam will let you play it during the shows.”
“You really think so?”
“Yeah! I don’t see why not.” He moved onto the step you were sitting on, kissing your cheek. “Thank you for writing me a song.”
“Thank you for making me believe in love.”
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minichedders · 6 years
Chris Evans x reader
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Working with Chris was a mission and a half. Sometimes you wanted to strangle his weirdly thick neck, and the other times you wanted to climb him like a bear on a tree. It want completely a secret, in fact you got constantly teased by your other co-workers, and sometimes Chris as well; he would always find little things amusing like your constant state of blushing, giggles and hair ticks, he found you utterly adorable and cute, and although he never admitted it to anyone he fancied you like hell.
right now, you were busy putting up Christmas decorations, getting ready for your favourite holiday season. The Christmas lights mad the room shine and the fancy decorations and tinsel brought a cosier and home-like feeling to the upbeat bar, and although there wasn't a grand tree in the corner, due to crises near fire hazard mishap last year, there was a small white, shimmering tree on the counter. Your body was leaning against the edge railing of a large step ladder, your arms reaching high above the counter to pin up the string with attacked hooks on to place the Christmas cards the company would receive from regulars and friends.
Meanwhile, Chris was serving at the bar, shamelessly watching your body upright and stretched, your white blouse coming loosed from your black pencil skirt, allowing him to see an inch or so of your waist, which was undoubtedly covered in goosebumps. While Chris' only customer grabbed his drinks and sat with his company, Chris came to the opposite side of the bar, by the side of your ladder, holding onto the frame and looking up at you in awe. The light above coloured your face, and your skin shone, exposing the freckles and light sheen f har around the edge of your hairline and eyebrows, you where too busy to notice Chris staring at you, but as you almost began to lose balance, you felt his large, warm hand grasp your thigh, holding you still. The action nearly made you fall even more, and a loud curse fell from your lips as you braced your body against the nearby pillar.
"Woah Woah Woah, steady there honey," Chris spoke in his godlike silky voice, making your eyes roll. You looked down at him and saw his other hand placed by your foot on the ladder, his other hand still occupied at your thigh, though his grip was a lot less firm and more gentle, giving you a slight tingle.
"Back up cowboy, I'm capable you know, i wasn't the one who set fire to the Christmas tree last year was i?" You retorted, shifting your leg away slight;y, preparing yourself for the wave of coldness that replaced his warm hand. You looked back up to the string, returning to your job as you heard him chuckle below you.
"No, but that doesn't mean you won't fall,"
"Hey, Chris!" Someone shouted both of you looked over to the source, finding your best friend standing in the office doorway watching the escapade between the two of you; leaving a slight heat to form in your cheeks as you once again faced the wall and continued working. Chris saw you blushing, and pent a while smiling at you, captured in his awe before he felt your friend, Venessa, drag him away from you, shouting at you to watch the till.
Chris and Vanessa escaped into the office room, as Vanessa began squealing.
"Tell me you got it!" Venessa said, almost jumping up and down with excitement as she clapped her hands at Chris, her grin as wide as a river.
"Yes yes, now what?" Chris said, reaching his hand into his jean pocket and pulling out the small gift, neatly wrapped and labelled to you. He and Vanessa had been discussing the best way to confess his feelings to you once and for all, and after all Vanessa complicated and quite inappropriate plans and ideas, they had the perfect one.
Chris had searched far and wide for the perfect necklace, knowing that you would only want a small ornament, nothing big and chunky, just neat and simple. A small silver ring with a daisy on top, included with another silver band ring, with an inconspicuous date engraved on the inner side, not too tacky and big, just neat and simple, he had seen your vast collection of different rings and other jewellery types, and with help from Vanessa, she helped pick out the perfect set.
Before you go too suspicious, both of them came out of the office, still whispering and snickering to each other, giving you a nasty jealous pang in the chest. A frown became permanent during your last two hours of the long shift, and although both of them noticed, they didnt act upon it, scared they would blow the secret.
3 weeks later and it was your last shift for the Christmas break. For the last weeks, you had frequently seen Vanessa and Chris become close, always chatting in private and winking to each other, they thought you didnt notice, but each time you did, your face fell and our attitude changed; you had managed to keep away from the both, enough to avoid any questions, but your mind felt empty, and you weren't feeling as contempt for the holidays as you used too. As your shift slowly drew to an end, Vanessa had decided to play some slow Christmas music through the jukebox, and whilst you where quietly singing and dancing to 'Baby its cold outside', all the other staff members disappeared, and the room lay empty and dark, the only light coming from the colourful fairy lights planted around the room. You moved from behind the bar into the middle of the room, turning and looking around in sign for anyone, and out the corner of your eyes... Chris.
Dressed up in a horrible Christmas jumper and blue jeans, a red Santa's hat on his head, making his hair flop onto his forehead, reminding you of a hat-wearing jock. You would laugh, but the tone coming from his aura felt uncertain, whilst neither of you spoke a word, Chris began moving in closer, each step making your heart beat a little faster. Your eyes were locked onto his baby blues, and they were so captivating you didnt even notice the small blue wrapped box in his hand, like you, his eyes were glued to yours. Your emotions were running wild, and your heart began thumping in our ears, ow blocking the background music as you were completely and utterly focused on the man in front of you, now only a few inches away as his body towards over yours.
"Y/N," your name fell from his lips, almost making you moan, the effect he had on you was diabolical, and in fact should be considered illegal. H eyes now moved towards his hand, and you followed too, your breath picking up as you aw the blue box. "This -" He said, bringing the box up to your level, "is for you,"
You were left speechless, completely immobile as our brain was raking miles of information a minute. after another name drop from lips, you came back to reality, bringing your shaking hands up to his, opening the blue box and gasping at the contents. The silver rings where so beautiful and the small daisy shone out at you, its silver face reflecting the lights around it, enhancing its beauty. Tears threatened to swell in your eyes as you picked both of the rings up, your mouth agape.
"Chris," You whispered, closely inspecting the gifts, noticing the date engraved, 04.23.17. You looked back at him, about to ask what the significance of the date meant, but he beat you too it, grabbing the rings and holding your hand, placing them gently onto your right ring finger.
"This, is the exact date, that i fell completely in love with everything about you," He said, his voice low and quiet, looking deep into your eyes as once again you were speechless. Chris loved you. What. The. Fuck.
Before any other aspect of your body could react, you threw your arms around his neck and gently placed your lips on his. The tingling from your lips travelled throughout your body, giving you shivers and butterflies; you felt as if you were on fire, your skin hot and flushed and your body pressed against Chris'. His hands slid over your waist, holding your hips as you two gently kissed one another, living in the special, romantic and happy moment; before you where interrupted by a loud sound of cheering and applause from the other side of the room, where all your co-workers stood, with party poppers and whistles, all happy faces looking at you and Chris finally commit yourself to each other.
During the commotion, you looked back at Chris, gaining his attention. You brought your hand up to his cheek, gently caressing his slight stubble as you stood on your tippy toes, planting another kiss on his cheek, "I love you too,"
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keena-kapu · 7 years
Band Rehersal
Pairing: Blake/Weiss (Monochrome/Checkmate) Words: 5′364 AU: @dashingicecream‘s RWBY!Rock AU Content Warnings: NSFW Summary: A few questions leave Blake stressed out when she thinks of how much she's changed since leaving The White Fang and her old relationship with Adam and Ilia. Thankfully Weiss is able to sense her friend's upset and offers a far more exciting way to ease that stress rather than smoke a cigarette.
The concert hall erupted with sound from the huge speakers in each corner of the room. It was two days to go until RWBY’s first performance in this venue, and they needed to be in top form. If they had any hope of making it to one of the bigger music festivals of the continent, they’d need to swamp any competition and impress potential judges. Thankfully the first evening was a guaranteed sell out, that would surely be a big enough hint that they were going in the right direction.
Truth be told, the group was growing in popularity as of late. Smaller venues were grasping at any chance to have the newest sound in, and bigger ones didn’t need much convincing either! Everyone was shocked at how fast their fan base had seemed to be growing, but everyone was equally pleased and proud.
Today was just a practice, but it was all about staying on top form. Even just for a rehearsal, they were all playing their very best. Both Ruby and Weiss were sure as they performed to keep moving around the stage, making things just as interesting to watch as they were to hear. According to their managers, an interaction was always adored by the fans, and thankfully the two were good enough friends that they never disappointed in that regard.
Blake continued to take her subtle approach. She was too focused on playing the correct notes, doing her part in delivering the bass. She knew all too well that singers and guitar players usually got the most attention, so remained in the background so as not to upstage that. It was comfortable for her to stay in the back, safer, but that wasn’t all that was on her mind lately.
While playing, she found her gaze turning to Weiss every so often. Now they were regularly meeting outside rehearsals and drinking nights, Blake was seeing their lead singer in a whole new light. At first, she didn’t have time for Weiss. She thought she was pretentious and obnoxious, only interested in herself and keeping up appearances. That view had entirely changed. She could see Weiss for who she was; a strong independent force who was trying to make a life for herself, breaking away from the family role to find her better self, and having fun while doing it. She admired her for that. But there were, of course, other things she saw more in her ever since they’d started their ‘ private rehearsals’.
Being in the background had its perks when it came to watching Weiss perform. Those skintight jeans did wonders for her body, really bringing out the definition in her legs and in her backside. Shamelessly, Blake found herself looking a little too often, her own face darkening with her blush on occasion. She didn’t need to do that on stage when she sees the full thing in her hotel room regularly, but that wasn’t about to stop her anyway.
“Mirror Mirror, I’ll tell you something, I think I might change it aaaall!”
Weiss blasted out the last note of the song, holding the microphone up as she sang it out to the empty hall, eagerly waiting for everyone else to be finished with their parts.
Everyone on stage jumped in fright when the guitarist’s instrument was slammed against the stage floor, snapping it in half and severing most of the strings. Instantly she held her hands up in the air, cheering with glee. Funnily enough, that expression was not shared by her other band members.
“Woah woah woah!”
From the back of the room, their lead manager was running as fast as he could toward the front of the stage, holding his hand out in some desperate hope it would have saved the electric guitar. No such luck, of course. Out of breath by the time he got to the main stage, he took a moment to pant, before looking up; “What’s with the guitar smashin’, squirt? You know they aren’t free, right?”
“Sorry Uncle Qrow!” Ruby apologized, holding up what was left of the headstock as she shrugged her shoulders. “You know our audience, they love a good guitar smash!”
“Rubes, there’s no audience here.”
“But there will be!” Ruby argued, tossing its remains on the floor. “Guitar smashing is a fine art that requires practice.”
Qrow pinched his nose and groaned in annoyance, shaking his head in resignation. He grumbled something under his breath about his poor wallet before focusing elsewhere instead. “We’ll talk about this in a minute, Rubes. Other than that, you and Weiss were putting on a fantastic show, as always.” His attention then turned toward their drummer, who he offered a smile to. “Yang, you were pretty damn good too, but I think you’re right. Those drums definitely need a light show to bring you out a lil more.”
“YES!” Yang exclaimed, throwing one of her sticks high into the air, somehow managing to catch it again as it came down. “And I still think we should be throwing some of these to the audience, they need souvenirs!”
“Ho jeez, I thought we talked about the insurance of that. And last but not least…” He turned to the final band member. “Blake, mind if we have a word?”
Having just lifted her guitar over her shoulder, Blake leaned it against one of the speakers before she addressed Qrow, pacing to the edge of the stage, giving a small nod as she knelt to his level. “Yeah?”
“You ain’t really movin’ much still,” He gestured to all of one side of the stage, “Got all this room. Y’know, Weiss and Ruby barely hop that way so you don’t gotta worry about falling over each other or anything.”
Blake could only shrug her shoulders again, sighing. “I know I have the room, but it's just not my style to make a show of myself. I’m the bass that’s always the background, and I like performing that way.”
Qrow raised one of his brows in doubt, folding his arms as he leaned against the stage. “You don’t think I never went to a White Fang concert? You weren’t always that way.”
Those were days Blake didn’t enjoy thinking about anymore. It was a year or so ago, but the time with The White Fang was still in her memory forever. She was indeed a lot braver then, daring to jump around the stage in excitement while she performed alongside their vocalist and guitar player, sometimes even in a flirtatious manner that always got the crowd roaring. She blamed it on her innocence back then, when all she knew was that she wanted to have fun and make music. How naive she was. Since her leave she’d been a lot more mellow with performances, sticking to the background and being sure to avoid making a huge show of herself. Despite being the backbone of most of their music, on stage, she liked to make herself almost invisible.
“That’s what it is, ain’t it?” Qrow seemed to have sensed Blake’s drop in mood. He pulled away from the stage and instead leaned against it, looking up more sincerely. “They won’t be anywhere near here if you’re worried about that. I spent hours convincing the liaisons here that you were cool, they were very vocal that they don’t want The White Fang back here again.”
Frowning, Blake simply folded her arms and rolled her eyes. She seemed to be in no mood to talk about this, especially not with someone like Qrow Branwen. The last thing she needed was a loudmouthed drunk knowing her insecurities. “Things change, I’ve changed. I’ll work on it, but I don’t see how making a fool of myself on stage is really gonna make us better.”
Shrugging his shoulders Qrow left the stage instead and folded his arms again, resigning to the situation. “Fair enough. Give it a shot when we come back tomorrow if you can. I think we’re done for today.” Stepping back to the other side again, he pointed to Ruby, gesturing for her to follow him offstage. “Meanwhile I’m gonna have a lil talk to my nieces about the costs of insurance and guitars.”
To which their lead guitarist called out in annoyance; “You just don’t appreciate my art!”
While the others squabbled among one another, Blake was already putting her guitar away back in its case, placing it toward the back of the stage for the stage men to take care of. As she paced toward the stage exit once done, there was only one thing running through her mind after that conversation; she needed a goddamn cigarette. It wasn't the healthy option, it wasn't even the smart option, but filling her lungs with red hot smoke did wonders to help her try and forget her former life. At least a stick of tar wouldn't ask her to come clean about her feelings like their manager always seemed to do.
The instant she pushed the backstage fire door open she was lighting up, leaning against the door to keep it open as she took a breath in. Finally, some release for the day. She stared out toward the open as she took her breath back out again, quietly thinking to herself.
While she didn't want to admit it, Qrow was right about something; she was in a far better place now. She never had to worry about any of the RWBY members going out on all night benders and returning with bloodied knuckles in the morning, or about entire venues and hotel rooms being trashed through their orders. The heaviest thing about them was just the music, the way it should be.
Overall, she was happy now, right? So why couldn't she act that way on stage anymore?
“I see you’ve made yourself a little smoking den already.”
Looking back around, Blake spotted Weiss just indoors. She spared her a smile as she paced closer, but did nothing other than take another drag of the cigarette and breathe it out toward the outdoors. As she flicked off some of the ash, she shrugged her shoulders. “Gotta go somewhere. You want one?”
Weiss shook her head, holding a hand out in dismissal. “Pass, but thank you for the offer, I guess.” She stepped a little further in, shifting Yang’s motorcycle helmet to one side of a crate to make a seat for herself, where she hopped up to idly. “Do you always smoke after you receive unorthodox questions, or is this just a coincidence?”
Blake lightly smirked, raising an eyebrow as she stared back outside again. “Helps me calm down, figure stuff out in my head, ease stress, that sorta thing.”
“I see.” Weiss idly swayed her legs from side to side, looking down toward the ground. Lightly smirking, she joked; “I’ll bear that in mind next time you light up right after we ‘hang out’.”
Unable to help herself, Blake chuckled during the drag she had, quickly taking the cig from her mouth and clarifying; “That’s definitely for the ‘calm down’ part, don’t worry about that. What you and I do together is a different way to ease stress.”
“Nice save.” Weiss laughed lightly, keeping the smile for the moment in silence while Blake finished off her cigarette. But that wasn't the end of it. Blake could tell by now when Weiss did want to say something but was debating. She’d wait patiently, looking off into the distance sometimes or twiddle her thumbs idly if it was serious. And that seemed to be true when Weiss asked; “Was it those questions that stressed you out?”
There it was. Blake allowed the end to fall from her fingers and ground it into the concrete with her foot. Immediately she leaned back against the wall again. “Only because they came from him. The dude might be Yang and Ruby’s uncle, but he’s not mine. I’m not one for talking about exes to strangers.”
“I figured it was something like that. He can be rather invasive at times, especially after a drink or two.”
“Tell me about it.” Blake rolled her eyes again, running a hand through her hair. “Glad he’s at least sober enough to keep from suggesting I should do what I used to, randomly make out with one of the members on stage.
Where she expected Weiss to laugh, she did not. Instead, she was actually very intrigued, raising an eyebrow. “You really did that with them? Live during shows?”
Right away Blake’s face lit up. She did just let that slip easily when she framed it as a joke. Welp, this is awkward.
But Blake just shrugged her shoulder again. “With Adam or Ilia, yeah. I mean, the three of us were dating at the time, we were always trying crazy ways to get the audience screaming. Guess I was just glad it was that over smashing the venue and running up a huge bill.”
“... Huh.” Weiss appeared bewildered. Even though the two had been getting to know one another a little better since their arrangement, it seemed that wasn't one of those things. “There really is a lot I still don't know about you, huh?”
Allowing the fire door to fall shut again, Blake leaned against the wall instead, looking over at Weiss again. She sighed deeply. While she knew Weiss had the best intentions at heart, the whole subject was exhausting. “It really isn't important. The past is the past, I'd rather just focus on ‘Making better memories’ as you put it.”
“Oh, no, I’m not saying you shouldn't focus on that! I just… I don’t know, it's interesting to find these things out? Like I never knew you were bi or poly or…” Sensing this wasn't helping to lighten the mood, Weiss immediately stopped. “Sorry, that isn't helping.”
Unable to help herself, Blake chuckled lightly. As frustrating as it was, she could still understand Weiss’s heart was in the right place. She cared for her feelings and was just curious as her friend. That warmed her heart. When she looked at Weiss again, she was left with a smile.
“You are helping,” She reassured her, “God, you’ve all been helping. It's been so nice to be in a group who cares about each other, who just make music because we love it rather than use it as an excuse to cause chaos. And… uh…”
Finding her cheeks beginning to burn once more, the smile she had was turning sheepish. “ You Especially have been helping. It's been nice to just mess around without any pressure and just… have fun. And with you its… really, really fun.”
The redness grew in Weiss’s cheeks also. For a moment, she found herself unable to look Blake in the eye, instead looking off toward the wall to try and avoid eye contact. But in that moment of silence, she took the time to look around the backstage area. When she was finally ready to speak she shifted her position slightly on the crate, moving closer and speaking quietly, “How about we ‘have some fun’ right now?”
“... Huh?” But Weiss’s expression never shifted. She appeared just as smug, in fact even more so once the cogs turned in Blake’s head. Her eyes snapped open when realizing, and she whispered back; “Wait, are you serious? Right here?!”
“Why not?” Weiss asked, “No one’s exactly coming back here, they’re all packing away to head back to the hotel.”
Blake narrowed her eyes. “Then… why don’t we just wait till we’re back there too?”
“I don’t think you’re quite getting it.” Shifting forward off the crate again, Weiss refused to let her confidence slip just yet. She looked to Blake with a half lidded expression, pacing very slowly toward her. “I mean… I’m pretty sure no one will be back here but there is a tiny chance someone might…”
“Surely that’s all the more reason to go back-”
“Doesn’t that excite you though?” Once close enough, Weiss trailed one of her hands up Blake’s arm. Agonisingly softly, until resting it on her shoulder as she looked up and met her gaze. “The thrill, the risk… That tiny chance someone could walk in. You don’t want to do things too adventurous on stage anymore, I get that; but how about adventurous backstage, right here, with me instead?”
A shaky breath escaped Blake’s lips. Now that was definitely something worth the risk. No matter how skeptical she was of Weiss’s intentions at first, the longer she gazed into that half lidded expression, the more she felt her own need growing. But Weiss just smirked, continuing to hold her close and stare up at her. That was enough for Blake to make her choice.
She grasped Weiss’s wrists from her shoulders, using it as leverage to push her back into the opposing wall, where she immediately captured those lips with hers in a heated embrace. Mere seconds it took for them to find a rhythm, bodies pressing up against each other and grinding to try and fill that need they both shared. Blake released her wrists, instead bringing one of her hands to the back of Weiss’s knee, pulling the leg up and against her so those grindings would do more to satisfy her.
And they did. Numerous times Weiss had to pull away to catch her breath, but a moan hung in the air every time. And she always returned within seconds, immediately crashing their lips again and opening her mouth wide for Blake’s advances. That leg Blake pulled against her looped around the back of her knees, pinning her in place in the hope Blake would grind against what was between them. Even though both Blake’s and Weiss’s jeans it felt good, but she needed more. They both did.
When they next pulled away, Blake went to her neck. She immediately began kissing and biting, making Weiss moan out in desire. The bassist was determined to drive her crazy, pulling her leg up further and pushing up against her just so they could tease one another for longer. But it couldn't continue. Their needs were growing too great.
After a few seconds of resisting, Weiss finally had the courage to push on for the next step, quietly whispering; “Condom?”
Blake nodded, at last breaking away that kiss and releasing her leg. While she fussed about the packet and getting it open, Weiss was already eager to go and unzipping her jeans for her, smirking and grasping the waistband of both her jeans and her underwear, pulling it down just enough to expose the hardening cock there. They were well past the point of talking. Both could read each other like a book and everything worked perfectly without words. Blake moaned quietly as Weiss jerked her, feeling her member grow to its full length before Weiss took the condom from her and put it on for her. Now they could get started.
In a swift movement, Blake knelt down and pulled Weiss’s jeans and underwear together down to her knee, scooping her legs up as she stood again. The quick action knocked the wind out of Weiss when she was pushed against the wall, pinned there by Blake’s body and her legs on her shoulders. But the instant she felt Blake’s wrapped member pushing itself up against her bare lips she smirked again. It wasn’t at all a glamorous position, but neither cared. All they were both focused on was how good it was going to feel.
And once Blake guided her member inside, the gasp from them both was a clear example of that. A smug smile formed on Blake’s face when she witnessed Weiss’s eyes falling shut with pleasure, unable to keep her eyes off her while she settled into a fast paced rhythm, breath getting heavier with each thrust. There were moments when a small moan escaped Weiss’s lips, but she each time, she tried to suppress such sounds by biting her lip. Such a sight made it a struggle for Blake to keep herself from moaning as well.
She found herself remembering their first real encounter of this nature, where what got her going was Weiss’s noises and screams. Now it was completely different. It was the thrill of pushing her own limits to get Weiss off quickly and quietly before they were discovered. What a way to create such adventurous memories.
The faster pace was taking its toll on the both of them. She felt Weiss’s hands grasping at her shirt tightly as she desperately clung on, eyes screwed shut as she tried to suppress her urge to scream out loud. Blake’s own breath was getting faster, and a few quiet grunts escaped her lips as she pushed in over and over. Seemed neither of them had quite anticipated how good this position was. Already Blake could feel the odd tremor from Weiss’s legs when she thrust particularly hard.
“S-Shit…” Weiss could barely hold herself together anymore, shaking her head side to side in some kind of attempt to hold on longer. But it wasn’t working at all. She just barely managed to mutter out for Blake; “C-Close…!”
But Blake was already feeling that for herself. She could feel her lover’s muscles tensing more often, hear the odd hum of pleasure that managed to escape from Weiss’s lips. She nodded in response, supporting her rear in order to make her thrusts that bit harder and faster, desperate to push herself for her own end alongside Weiss’s.
With a sudden whimper, her lover met that end. Weiss’s legs shuddered even more against Blake’s shoulders, finding muscles below clamping down on Blake’s member with each thrust, trying to pull her to her own finish with her. Blake watched as her face turned to a vision of pure ecstasy, finding it spurring on her own end much faster than she thought it would.
A few moments later, Blake met that end as well. She thrust herself to the hilt and allowed a quiet, long groan, feeling her member throbbing inside Weiss’s body. Her own eyes screwed shut as her mind was flooded with pleasure, quivering all over as the height of her orgasm passed over her. The knowledge that she’d came so close to when Weiss did was definitely a memory she’d be clinging onto for a while.
The both of them remained that way for a while, taking the moment to catch their breaths back again and just enjoy the afterglow. All Blake could bring herself to do was stroke Weiss’s lower back, just enough to ensure her she was there and had thoroughly enjoyed herself, as though her orgasm wasn’t enough. But it wasn’t long before Weiss was patting her shoulder.
“Okay, you can let me down now.”
Although at first whining sadly, Blake gave into her lover’s demand, drawing her hips back and the member out of Weiss’s body again, holding her rear firmly to support her as she brought her legs back to the ground. Both of them were still out of breath as they tidied themselves back up, Blake quickly tossing the condom in the trash and zipping her jeans back up while Weiss pulled her own back. Should anyone come in now, at least the only possible sign was the redness in their cheeks.
“So…” Blake began, holding her hands behind her back as she tried to think of what to say. In the end, only one phrase was perfect, but also not enough. “... That was fun.”
“Oh yeah.” Weiss weakly laughed, trying to tuck away the few strands of hair that’d managed to come loose while she was pinned. “Jesus, that position was just incredible.”
Shrugging her shoulders, Blake was straightening the collar of her shirt, folding the sleeves back again to their usual position. Still, her interest was piqued, she raised an eyebrow when looking over. “Just cause it was new or…?”
“Blake, you’re my first, everything is new.” Weiss clarified with a small laugh, but her cheeks went pure red when she explained it. “It was so deep. I don’t think you have ever managed to get in that much before. It was… wow.”
Blake also blushed. “Wow, really? I mean, I knew I could make it hard, but I never realized it was that good.”
Though she found her ears perking up at a sound. There was the low rumble of a motor outside. A small one, most likely belonging to their drummer, Yang. Seemed the rest of the band were making their way back to the hotel.
“C’mon, we can talk about this back in the room.” Blake walked to the fire door instead, where the volume of the engine increased significantly.
“Right, yes, let’s do that. I should probably take Yang’s helm-” Though when Weiss turned to face the crate she was sitting on earlier, she stopped. She appeared deeply confused, raising an eyebrow of her own. “That’s odd… I could have sworn her bike helmet was on there a minute ago.”
“Maybe you saw her put it down and you’re remembering that,” Blake reassured.
“Perhaps so. Yes, that was probably it. Either way, she has it now, so we can just go back to the room ourselves and relax and…”
Blake let Weiss ramble on about their evening plans as she followed her out, smiling to herself as she watched her talk, even if she wasn’t necessarily listening. She couldn’t help but keep looking at her, keep thinking about how she came backstage just to make sure she was alright and how she could even tell something had been wrong in the first place. That was something only Yang or her family had been able to do for her before.
Maybe this was all a sign that this was going to last. Or maybe it was a sign it could blossom into something more.
Hours later, the hotel bar was full of hustle and bustle. Both from the residents and from the few people who’d wandered in from outside to have a good evening, drinking and laughing with their friends over beers and cocktails. A relaxing social atmosphere to be in for most.
But it always felt awkward for Blake. She wasn’t one for socializing with anyone other than a few close friends, so a bar atmosphere wasn’t something she enjoyed. But Yang was going, and she could barely say no when she’d be on her own otherwise. She sat at the bar with her friend, nursing the bottle she’d just started.
“I was looking at some of the lights for my kit, some things are insane. ” Yang had been going on about her drum kit for a good five minutes now, seeming excited to tell Blake about it after their long day. Was this really what she wanted to come down here and talk about? “I could light the thing in fuckin’ pride colors if I set it up, I mean can you imagine a rainbow pulsing each time I hit a beat?”
“Sounds pretty fuckin’ gay.” Blake agreed, managing a smile as she looked at her. “At least it's better than your other idea, I think fireworks would have gone down with Qrow like a lead balloon.”
“Dude what if I could get pride fireworks? Kill two birds with one stone!”
“And one of those birds would be your Uncle if he saw how much the insurance would charge to cover that!”
“Alright alright, point taken!” Yang laughed with her, taking a long sip from what was her second bottle for the evening. Yang always could hold her drink better than anyone else in the band, usually she needed at least two for a casual evening, and this was no different. This was tolerable for Blake, she could handle a bit of a louder atmosphere as long as she had someone to talk to, and that someone tonight was her best friend. It wasn’t all too awkward after all.
Until the subject changed.
“So… You and Weiss have started hangin’ out a lot lately huh?”
Blake paused. It was a simple enough statement, but given the context, she already felt her heartbeat getting faster. She and Weiss hadn’t told anyone of their arrangement yet, and Blake wanted to keep it that way. She laughed gently, keeping herself as calm as possible so to not give it away. “Alright, I’ll admit it, you were right; she is great once you get to know her. We’ve got a lot in common it turns out.”
“Right, yeah. Like you both like Malibu and coke, or taking a walk in the park when the weather’s good,” Yang was watching Blake’s every move, waiting for her to take a sip of her drink, before she slipped out, “or fucking in public…”
Instantly Blake spat out the drink, luckily managing to aim it at the ground in time rather than spraying it directly in Yang’s face. No, anything but that.
“Wha- I-Uh- E-excuse me?!”
“Oh don’t pull that bullshit, I walked in on you both!” This was getting worse and worse by the minute, but Yang shuddered at the memory. “Very quickly, of course. I walked in, saw you two… yeah; grabbed my helmet and noped outta there fast as I could.”
“Oh my god…” Blake was covering her face in an attempt to hide her shame. They really had been caught after all. “I am so sorry you saw that-”
“I mean from what I did see, Weiss sure is flexible…”
“Will you please stop talking?”
Yang could only laugh as her friend leaned against the bar, burrowing her head into her hands more and more. While she didn’t like to think about her best friend watching that, it seemed she did more or less leave as soon as she realized what had been going on. Yang was rather vocal on that part. “Look, I don’t care what you do but like, Jesus, I wasn’t expecting to see my best friend’s bare butt today.”
“Hey, my butt isn’t that bad!” Blake finally perked up to argue. Though her cheeks were still completely red with the humiliation she felt. “Sorry again, by the way.”
“Oh don’t worry about it, I just like teasin’ that’s all.” Yang gently punched her shoulder. There were clearly no hard feelings. “I’m just kinda surprised! I didn’t know you and Weiss were dating.”
“We’re not.” Blake clarified, taking a much longer sip of her drink, sighing with relief once done. She needed something to ease the embarrassment. “And you weren’t supposed to know. We agreed it's probably best to keep it secret that we’re…”
“Fuck buddies?”
Blake cringed. “I was gonna go for ‘bed buddies’ but that works too.”
“Hey, if it works for you, then it's totally cool! So long as you’re both having fun and you’re both sure that’s all you’re doing, then fucking without the commitment is pretty damn fun.”
Although Blake nodded in agreement, she started to think about that a little more. Yes, it was fun without the commitment. It was what she needed after the last mess she went through with Adam and Ilia before. But the more she thought about it, the more she started to think; did she want to just do this without commitment? Her and Weiss had been growing closer and closer as of late, not just in the bedroom. She knew in her heart, if it did grow into something further, perhaps she wouldn’t mind that at all. It could be even more fun than their current arrangement.
But she didn’t know if Weiss felt the same yet, and nor did she want to ruin their current one. For now, she was satisfied, as was Weiss. If she made the first move in the future… Then perhaps.
“Anyway, I gotta ask, outta curiosity…” Yang snapped Blake out of her train of thought, leaning closer and wearing a curious smile. “Was she good?”
“Fucking hell.” Blake immediately called for the bartender’s attention. “Please get me the strongest whiskey you have.”
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Sweet Daniel
Sweet Daniel is a Arin Hanson/Dan Avidan fanfic written by me. It takes place while the grumps are playing Super Mario Maker. Danny has other things on his mind until it’s his turn to play. You can read it here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11224542 or you can read it below! There may be another part to this, but I’m not sure if I want to add another part yet.
Contains: Anal sex and fluff
Danny sat on the couch cozily wrapped up in his favorite fluffy blanket lost in thought. Meanwhile, Arin was next to him holding the wii gamepad while concentrating deeply on beating a fan-made level in Super Mario Maker.
“FUCK!” Arin yelled out.
Danny jumped and looked over at him, then asked, “Do you want me to give it a try?”
“Nah man, I got this.” Arin said confidently
Danny smiled and let out a slight sigh of relief. He hadn't been paying attention to the level since Arin died the fifth time. He was thinking of how to ask Arin to come over after the recording session has ended.
I could just flat out ask him… Like, Hey Arin, want to come over for a bit? Danny thought to himself.
“FUCKING THWOMP!” Arin screamed.
“Woah, Big Cat. Are you sure you don’t want me to give it a try?” Danny said with a smile on his face.
“Fucking… Ugh, sure.” Arin handed Danny the gamepad and sat further back into the couch.
Danny prepared himself as he knew this level was going to be a major pain in the ass to beat. He watched as Mario died over and over again. Arin looked over at him, striking up a small conversation about life, until Danny once again died.
“Seriously?” Danny said in a frustrated tone.
“Do you need me to take the gamepad back?” Arin asked concerned.
“No, no, I got this.” Danny reassured him.
He continued chipping away at the obstacles the level threw at him. Running under Thwomps, smashing Goombas, and dodging Hammer Bros. Hammers were beginning to get easier for him as he knew when to expect them. Arin watched intently beside him; cheering him on with each successful move. Finally, the end of the level could be seen. Two giant Bowsers, three Magikoopas, and a floor full of P-switches with a wall of coins blocking the way to the ending axe.
Danny waited patiently knowing one wrong move would be the end. A Magikoopa moved close enough that Danny was able to squash him, gain momentum, and squish another.
“One more!” Arin cheered.
Both of them were on the edge of their seats. The final Magikoopa teleported beside Mario and charged up his wand. Danny went for the leap just as the koopa was about to release his magic.
“THAT WAS CLOSE!” Arin yelled excitedly.
A huge smile appeared on both of their faces. Danny had a good feeling that he was going to complete this level and impress Arin while he was at it. He kept watching the Bowsers jump patterns to find an optimal time to go for the axe. The first one would jump, then the second one would immediately follow suit. He decided that he would go for it on the next jump.
The first Bowser scooted to the left and let out a small flame. It scooted back to the right, then it made the leap. Danny ran and ducked under the Bowser’s feet successfully.
“WAY TO GO DAN!” Arin cheered.
Danny was quick to smile, but that smile soon faded. The second Bowser scooted to the left and jumped on top of Mario ending his life. Danny didn’t say anything; he kept his gaze on the TV.
“Woah.” Arin said disappointed.
“A-are you fucking… kidding me right now?” Danny spat out.
Arin watched Danny as he sat the gamepad down on the coffee table. He looked as though he were about to scream. Suddenly, the timer to end their recording session had gone off. Arin turned it off quickly, then said, “Are you going to be alright?”
Danny looked at him sharply, studying every detail on his face. Arin’s eyebrows were raised slightly higher, and his lips seemed thinner than usual. At that point, Danny shook his head, picked up his keys, and said, “I’m going home.”
“No, I’m worried about you. I’ll take you home. Besides, you look like you’re about to vom.” Arin said as he grabbed Danny’s keys from his hand.
Arin picked up some mail that was sitting on the coffee table in the studio before they began their trek to the parking lot. Danny remained in his head as Arin walked beside him.
I should be taking myself home. I’m not in the mood for company now. Danny thought.
Arin and Danny stepped outside the building. The world around them was dark with a sliver of light coming from the moon. The air was warm and relaxing to Danny. He inhaled deeply, then slowly exhaled. Arin glanced over at him before returning his gaze to Danny’s car.
Arin unlocked the car and said, “Go ahead and get in, Dan.”
He opened the car door taking a seat on warm black leather. As he buckled his seatbelt, he continued thinking about how to get Arin to go on home. That’s when it dawned on him...
He wouldn’t take my car to his place. He would just stay here, then drive me to work in the morning. Danny thought.
He crossed his arms as Arin entered the car, then said, “You don’t need to do this.”
“I want to make sure you’re okay. I don’t mind, besides we haven’t hung out at your house in a while.” Arin said with a smile.
Danny felt the heat rising to his face. Arin put on his seatbelt, started the car, put an arm behind Danny’s seat, and directed his gaze behind them while he backed out of the parking space.
He wants to come over and hang out even after the way I behaved after the recording session. Would he have wanted to come over still if I hadn’t have lost my cool? Danny thought.
His train of thought was quickly derailed and set ablaze after Arin asked, “What have you been thinking about all day?”
“Th-thinking? Pfft… I haven’t been thinking about anything today. I stayed up late last night and I’m tired.” Danny said.
“Dan, I know when you’re deep in thought and this was definitely one time you were thinking.” Arin said with a slight glance in Danny’s direction. Before Danny could figure out a reply, they had arrived in front of his house. Arin turned off the car and waited on Danny to open his door before opening his own. They made their way up to his porch where Arin unlocked the door and entered Danny’s living room.
“Arin…” Danny said hesitantly.
Danny walked over to him, pulled him close, and gave him a sweet, gentle kiss. Arin’s eyes widened as Danny’s soft lips made contact with his.
Danny pulled away, then said, “This is what I’ve been thinking about all day.”
Arin’s face was a light shade of pink with a goofy smile being the centerpiece of it.
“Hey, Dan… you should do that again.” Arin said with a longing tone.
Danny obeyed Arin’s request immediately. He pulled Arin closer this time, wrapping him in a warm embrace. Arin placed a hand gently on Danny’s face as he went in for a deeper kiss. The notions began to escalate as Danny slipped his tongue in Arin’s mouth. It wasn’t soon after Danny did such that Arin was greeted by a boner.
Dan continued kissing Arin as he lead them over to the couch. Arin fell back onto the plush cushions while Danny came down gently on top of him. Arin pushed back Dan’s hair and gazed into his eyes.
“I should’ve told you I wanted you to come over earlier, big cat. I was afraid you would have said you were busy.” Danny admitted.
“Nah, I can always make time for you.” Arin said before placing a kiss on Danny’s lips.
Danny broke away from the kiss and said, “Do you wanna do this?”
Arin nodded his head and went back to kissing Danny. In between kisses, they helped each other take off their clothes. It started with shoes, then lead to socks, shirts, belts, and pants. The only article left between Danny and Arin now were their underwear. Danny placed his hands on Arin’s hips, grabbed at the elastic band, and began sliding his boxer-briefs off.
He was fully erect and long awaited what was to come next. Danny placed his hand around Arin’s dick, stroking it slowly. Arin’s breathing was heavy and uneven. He began letting out a few moans which grew in intensity as Danny stroked faster.
“D-dan, I’m about to…” Arin tried to say.
Danny stopped completely before Arin could finish. He began sliding his boxers off and told Arin to turn over. Arin did one up from just turning over. He placed himself in the doggy-style position. Danny teased him for a moment by poking just the tip of his dick at Arin's asscrack being careful not to actually penetrate. Once he had Arin practically begging, he grabbed a bottle of lube he had hidden beside the couch, coated his dick, and inserted himself slowly into Arin's asshole.
Arin was back to breathing heavily within a few minutes. Danny decided to pick up the pace, and began thrusting faster. He let out a few grunts with every other thrust while Arin returned to moaning. Danny reached a hand around Arin and began stroking his dick again. He was getting close and he could tell Arin was too since his dick began to lightly twitch.
Danny maintained momentum with his thrusts and kept them in time with his strokes. Suddenly, both of them were cumming. Danny pulled out and Arin turned over to sit on the couch. Arin gave Danny a small kiss. They sat on the couch together until their breathing had returned to normal.
Danny looked over at Arin and asked, “Well, is this something we should talk about in tomorrow’s recording session, or should we keep it to ourselves?”
Arin gave him a “Are you serious?” look and began laughing.
“I mean, you can if you want to, but I’m not bringing it up. It’s special to me and I don’t think I want to share it yet.” Danny said seriously, but with a smile.
Danny agreed, placed his arm around Arin, and kissed his forehead.
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