#him refusing to let it go reminds me of a certain other republican who refused to accept that people didn’t want him in charge 🌚
The petty gremlin in me wants the republicans who won’t vote for McCarthy to keep up the good fight and not cave in to his nonsensical refusal to step aside LOL it has nothing to do with it being the opposing party, it’s just the principle for me
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fuckyeahtx · 3 years
Tumblr media
By Mimi Swartz
Ms. Swartz is an executive editor of Texas Monthly
HOUSTON — A law school classmate of our governor once insisted to me that Greg Abbott was more dangerous than his predecessor Rick Perry because he was smart. I would say that the events of the past few months lend considerable support to the first part of the sentence.
Maybe you heard that Mr. Abbott tested positive for the coronavirus? One day before the news broke, he appeared at a crowded campaign event, maskless, shaking hands and posing for pictures. It was nice of him to let us know that he was feeling fine after getting the kind of care President Donald Trump received when he tested positive — those nifty monoclonal antibodies and all. Yet for years, Mr. Abbott has denied federal funds toward a state expansion of Medicaid, which could help many Texans get access to health care (and, polls show, has the support of a majority of residents).
Mr. Abbott’s announcement also took place against a battle over mask mandates for school districts in several Texas cities — my own, Houston, among them, as well as Dallas, Austin and San Antonio. The governor and his attorney general, Ken Paxton, banned mask mandates, but local leaders were defiant, and on Thursday night, the Texas State Supreme Court came down on the side of school districts trying to fight a spike in cases involving children.
Simultaneously, new census data shows how population shifts over the past decade in Texas, like other Sun Belt states, will strengthen big cities and their suburbs.
This fascinating coincidence made me wonder how far we are from open rebellion among many Texans. Mr. Abbott is reportedly setting the stage for a potential presidential run in 2024, but first, next year, he has to win election to a third term.
In his statement on the mask-mandate ban, he said the state should rely on “personal responsibility.” I agree with him. In the past few weeks, the dangers to Texans — most acutely from the Delta variant of the coronavirus — have increased exponentially under his leadership. He has made it abundantly clear, in his mishandling of recent calamities, that voters should exercise “personal responsibility” and find a better person to run their state.
I’m reminded of an old sign outside the Austin restaurant and local institution El Arroyo. A photo of the message made the rounds again on Twitter in response to the outrage many citizens felt with news of the governor’s illness. “Well, well, well,” it read, “if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.”
Mr. Abbott and his Republicans won’t go away without a fight — or tilting voting laws in their favor as much as possible. (Democrats and Republicans are evenly split in the state on approval of the governor, but Democrats have grown increasingly unhappy with the governor’s handling of the pandemic, with now over 80 percent expressing disapproval, up from 59 percent in April 2020.) Republicans can and probably will also stymie future efforts to make for a fair fight, thus keeping themselves in office unless a moderate Republican or any kind of Democrat can pull off a miracle.
With the return of some Democratic state lawmakers from their quorum-denying self-exile, Republicans in the Texas House will surely pass a sweeping voting bill that would undo last year’s expansion of ballot access during the pandemic in places like Houston, as well as empower partisan poll watchers.
Even so, the refusal of Democratic House members to roll over and play dead was performative in the best sense. Their protest made international news, which means that some people here might also realize that Republicans are bound and determined to take certain rights away.
There is also residual anger over the big freeze of February 2021, a reminder of which comes in the form of a monthly gas bill. Recent investigations — by The Texas Observer and The Texas Tribune — show just how many of the energy companies profited from soaring gas prices while ordinary Texans were shivering in their boots. The reports also raise the question of whether a gusher of campaign contributions (so far Mr. Abbott’s campaign alone received around $4.6 million) was a form of gratitude for what was seen as favorable treatment by the governor and some lawmakers.
And then, yes, there is the pandemic.
At about 46 percent, Texas — the nation’s second-largest state by population — has a relatively low vaccination rate. Some hospital I.C.U.s are overflowing with new Covid cases just as public schools are opening. Huzzahs to the elected officials in the state’s most populous cities and counties for fighting back in defiance of the governor.
These fights reflect the one that has been going on since Mr. Abbott took office: the war between the conservatives in the statehouse, supported by rural voters and some wealthy Republican donors, and the more liberal leaders in the cities and metro areas who reflect the will of much of their more diverse voters.
The new census figures show that the growth in Texas since 2010 is in the cities — fully 87 percent of new residents have opted for life in our biggest metropolitan areas, while rural communities remain stagnant, according to Steven Pedigo, the director of the Urban Lab at the University of Texas at Austin’s Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, in a CNN report. Our four biggest cities now account for 68 percent of the state’s population, up from 64 percent in 2010.
It is possible to hope — because it always springs eternal — that what we are seeing is not just a series of isolated battles but the beginning of a sustained backlash, at least among energized Democrats, against the Republican bullies. That includes but is not limited to Mr. Abbott, who seems to have focused on his own political fortunes while telling a majority of Texans that they can just go hang.
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mjvnivsbrvtvs · 3 years
hi! so we have established at this point that you have A Lot Of thoughts about antony and brutus. but how does caesar (julius, not the little bitch octavian) play into that? bc like. my knowledge and impression of them is very limited and mainly constructed from watching hbo rome and idk. i think it'd be fun to throw caesar in the mix. love all the art and writing on your blog btw! have a nice day.
Hey, okay! So this used to be over 30 pages long (Machiavelli and Caligula got involved and that's when things got out of hand), but through the power of friendship and two late night writing dates fueled by coffee, I’ve cut it way down to under 10. Many thanks to the people who listened to me ramble about it at length, and also to a dear friend for helping me cut this down to under ten pages!
Also, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy the stuff I make! It makes me very happy to hear that!
And quickly, a Disclaimer: I’m not an academic, I’m not a classicist, I’m not a historian, and I spend a lot of time very stressed out that I’ve tricked people into thinking I’m someone who has any kind of merit in this area. It's probably best to treat this as an abstract character analysis!
On the other hand, I love talking about dead men, so, with enthusiasm, here we go!
For this, I’m going to cut Shakespeare and HBO Rome out of the framework and focus more on a historical spin.
Caesar is a combination of a manipulator and a catalyst. A Bad Omen. The remaining wound that’s poisoning Rome.
Cassius gets a lot of the blame for Brutus’ turn to assassination, but it overlooks that Brutus was already inclined towards political ambition, as were most men involved in the political landscape of the time.
Furthermore, although Sulla had actually raised the number of praetorships available from six to eight, there were still only two consulships available. There was always the chance that death or disgrace might remove some of the competition and hence ease the bottleneck. But, otherwise, it was at the top of the ladder that the competition was particularly fierce: whereas in previous years one in three praetors would have gone on to become consul, from the 80s BC onwards the chances were one in four. For the senators who had made it this far, it mattered that they should try to achieve their consulship in the earliest year allowed to them by law. To fail in this goal once was humiliating; to fail at the polls twice would be deemed a signal disgrace for a man like Brutus.
Kathryn Tempest, Brutus the Noble Conspirator
The way Caesar offered Brutus political power the way that he did, and Brutus accepting it, locked them into the assassination outcome.
Here is a man who’s built his entire image around honor and liberty and virtu, around being a staunch defender of morals and the republic
In these heated circumstances, Brutus composed a bitter tract On the Dictatorship of Pompey (De Dictatura Pompei), in which he staunchly opposed the idea of giving Pompey such a position of power. ‘It is better to rule no one than to be another man’s slave’, runs one of the only snippets of this composition to survive today: ‘for one can live honourably without power’, Brutus explained, ‘but to live as a slave is impossible’. In other words, Brutus believed it would be better for the Senate to have no imperial power at all than to have imperium and be subject to Pompey’s whim.
Kathryn Tempest, Brutus the Noble Conspirator
and you give him political advancement, but without the honor needed for this advancement to mean anything?
At the same time, however, Brutus had gained his position via extremely un-republican means: appointment by a dictator rather than election by the people. As the name of the famous career path, the cursus honorum, suggests, political office was perceived as an honour at Rome. But it was one which had to be bestowed by the populus Romanus in recognition of a man’s dignitas.69 In other words, a man’s ‘worth’ or ‘standing’ was only really demonstrated by his prior services to the state and his moral qualities, and that was what was needed to gain public recognition. Brutus had got it wrong. As Cicero not too subtly reminded him in the treatise he dedicated to Brutus: ‘Honour is the reward for virtue in the considered opinion of the citizenry.’ But the man who gains power (imperium) by some other circumstance, or even against the will of the people, he continues, ‘has laid his hands only on the title of honour, but it is not real honour’.70
Brutus may have secured political office, then, but he had not done so honourably; nor had he acted in a manner that would earn him a reputation for virtue or everlasting fame.
Kathryn Tempest, Brutus the Noble Conspirator
Brutus in the image that he fashioned for himself was not compatible with the way Caesar was setting him up to be a political successor, and there was really never going to be any other outcome than the one that happened.
The Brutus of Shakespeare and Plutarch’s greatest tragedy was that he was pushed into something he wouldn’t have done otherwise. The Brutus of history’s greatest tragedy was accepting Caesar’s forgiveness after the Caesar-Pompey conflict, and then selling out for political ambition, because Caesar's forgiveness is not benevolent.
Rather than have his enemies killed, he offered them mercy or clemency -- clementia in Latin. As Caesar wrote to his advisors, “Let this be our new method of conquering -- to fortify ourselves by mercy and generosity.” Caesar pardoned most of his enemies and forbore confiscating their property. He even promoted some of them to high public office.
This policy won him praise from no less a figure than Marcus Tullius Cicero, who described him in a letter to Aulus Caecina as “mild and merciful by nature.” But Caecina knew a thing or two about dictators, since he’d had to publish a flattering book about Caesar in order to win his pardon after having opposed him in the civil war. Caecina and other beneficiaries of Caesar’s unusual clemency took it in a far more ambivalent way. To begin with, most of them were, like Caesar, Roman nobles. Theirs was a culture of honor and status; asking a peer for a pardon was a serious humiliation. So Caesar’s “very power of granting favors weighed heavily on free people,” as Florus, a historian and panegyrist of Rome, wrote about two centuries after the dictator’s death. One prominent noble, in fact, ostentatiously refused Caesar’s clemency. Marcius Porcius Cato, also known as Cato the Younger, was a determined opponent of populist politics and Caesar’s most bitter foe. They had clashed years earlier over Caesar’s desire to show mercy to the Catiline conspirators; Cato argued vigorously for capital punishment and convinced the Senate to execute them. Now he preferred death to Caesar’s pardon. “I am unwilling to be under obligations to the tyrant for his illegal acts,” Cato said; he told his son, "I, who have been brought up in freedom, with the right of free speech, cannot in my old age change and learn slavery instead.
-Barry Strauss, Caesar and the Dangers of Forgiveness
something else that's a fun adjacent to the topic that's fun to think about:
The link between ‘sparing’ and ‘handing over’ is common in the ancient world.763 Paul also uses παραδίδωμι again, denoting ‘hand over, give up a person’ (Bauer et al. 2000:762).764 The verb παραδίδωμι especially occurs in connection with war (Eschner 2010b:197; Gaventa 2011:272).765 However, in Romans 8:32, Paul uses παραδίδωμι to focus on a court image (Eschner 2010b:201).766 Christina Eschner (2010b:197) convincingly argues that Paul’s use of παραδίδωμι refers to the ‘Hingabeformulierungen’ as the combination of the personal object of the handing over of a person in the violence of another person, especially the handing over of a person to an enemy.767 Moreover, Eschner (2009:676) convincingly argues that Isaiah 53 is not the pre-tradition for Romans 8:32.
Annette Potgieter, Contested Body: Metaphors of dominion in Romans 5-8
Along with the internal conflict of Pompey, the murderer of Brutus’ father, and Caesar, the figurehead for everything that goes against what Brutus stands for, Brutus accepting Caesar’s forgiveness isn’t an act of benevolence, regardless of Caesar’s intentions.
On wards, Caesar owns Brutus. Caesar benefits from having Brutus as his own, he inherits Brutus’ reputation, he inherits a better PR image in the eyes of the Roman people. On wards, nothing Brutus does is without the ugly stain of Caesar. His career is no longer his own, his life is no longer fully his own, his legacy is no longer entirely his. Brutus becomes a man divided.
And it’s not like it was an internal struggle, it was an entire spectacle. Hypocrisy is theatrical. Call yourself a man of honor and then you sell out? The people of Rome will remember that, and they’re going to make sure you know it.
After this certain men at the elections proposed for consuls the tribunes previously mentioned, and they not only privately approached Marcus Brutus and such other persons as were proud-spirited and attempted to persuade them, but also tried to incite them to action publicly. 12 1 Making the most of his having the same name as the great Brutus who overthrew the Tarquins, they scattered broadcast many pamphlets, declaring that he was not truly that man's descendant; for the older Brutus had put to death both his sons, the only ones he had, when they were mere lads, and left no offspring whatever. 2 Nevertheless, the majority pretended to accept such a relationship, in order that Brutus, as a kinsman of that famous man, might be induced to perform deeds as great. They kept continually calling upon him, shouting out "Brutus, Brutus!" and adding further "We need a Brutus." 3 Finally on the statue of the early Brutus they wrote "Would that thou wert living!" and upon the tribunal of the living Brutus (for he was praetor at the time and this is the name given to the seat on which the praetor sits in judgment) "Brutus, thou sleepest," and "Thou art not Brutus."
Cassius Dio
Brutus knew. Cassius knew. Caesar knew. You can’t escape your legacy when you’re the one who stamped it on coins.
Caesar turned Brutus into the dagger that would cut, and Brutus himself isn’t free from this injury. It’s a mutual betrayal, a mutual dooming.
By this time Caesar found himself being attacked from every side, and as he glanced around to see if he could force a way through his attackers, he saw Brutus closing in upon him with his dagger drawn. At this he let go of Casca’s hand which he had seized, muffled up his head in his robe, and yielded up his body to his murderers’ blows. Then the conspirators flung themselves upon him with such a frenzy of violence, as they hacked away with their daggers, that they even wounded one another. Brutus received a stab in the hand as he tried to play his part in the slaughter, and every one of them was drenched in blood.
For Antony, Caesar is a bad sign.
Brutus and Antony are fucked over by the generation they were born in, etc etc the cannibalization of Rome on itself, the Third Servile War was the match to the gasoline already on the streets of Rome, the last generation of Romans etc etc etc. They are counterparts to each other, displaced representatives of a time already gone by the time they were alive.
Rome spends its years in a state of civil war after civil war, political upheaval, and death. Neither Brutus or Antony will ever really know stability, as instability is hallmark of the times. Both of them are at something of a disadvantage, although Brutus has what Antony does not, and what Brutus has is what let’s him create his own career. Until Caesar, Brutus is owned by no one.
This is not the case for Antony.
You can track Antony’s life by who he’s attached to. Very rarely is he ever truly a man unto himself, there is always someone nearby.
In his youth, it is said, Antony gave promise of a brilliant future, but then he became a close friend of Curio and this association seems to have fallen like a blight upon his career. Curio was a man who had become wholly enslaved to the demands of pleasure, and in order to make Antony more pliable to his will, he plunged him into a life of drinking bouts, love-affairs, and reckless spending. The consequence was that Antony quickly ran up debts of an enormous size for so young a man, the sum involved being two hundred and fifty talents. Curio provided security for the whole of this amount, but his father heard of it and forbade Antony his house. Antony then attached himself for a short while to Clodius, the most notorious of all the demagogues of his time for his lawlessness and loose-living, and took part in the campaigns of violence which at that time were throwing political affairs at Rome into chaos.
(although, in contrast to Brutus, we rarely lose sight of Antony. As a person, we can see him with a kind of clarity, if one looks a little bit past the Augustan propaganda. He is, at all times, human.)
Antony being figuratively or literally attached to a person starts early, and continues politically. While Brutus has enough privilege to brute force his way into politics despite Cicero’s lamentation of a promising life being thrown off course, Antony will instead follow a different career path that echoes in his personal life and defines his relationships.
Whereas some young men often attached or indebted themselves to a patron or a military leader at the beginning of their political lives,
Kathryn Tempest, Brutus the Noble Conspirator
3. During his stay in Greece he was invited by Gabinius, a man of consular rank, to accompany the Roman force which was about to sail for Syria. Antony declined to join him in a private capacity, but when he was offered the command of the cavalry he agreed to serve in the campaign.
To take it a step further, it even defines how he’s perceived today looking back: it’s never just Antony, it’s always Antony and---
It can be read as someone being taken advantage of, in places, survival in others, especially in Antony's early life. Other times, it appears like Antony himself is the one who manipulates things to his favor, casting aside people and realigning himself back to an advantage.
or when he saw an opportunity for faster advancement, he was willing to place the blame on a convenient scapegoat or to disregard previous loyalties, however important they had been. His desertion of Fulvia's memory in 40, and, much later, of Lepidus, Sextus Pompey, and Octavia, produced significant political gains. This characteristic, which Caesar discovered to his cost in 47, gives the sharp edge to Antony's personality which Syme's portrait lacks, especially when he attributes Antony's actions to a 'sentiment of loyalty' or describes him as a 'frank and chivalrous soldier'. In this context, one wonders what became of Fadia.19
Kathryn E Welch , Antony, Fulvia, and the Ghost of Clodius in 47 B.C.
Caesar inherits Antony, and like Brutus, locks him in for a doomed ending.
The way Caesar writes about Antony smacks of someone viewing another person as something more akin to a dog, and it carries over until it’s bitter conclusion.
Caesar benefits from Antony immensely. The people love Antony, the military loves Antony. He’s charming, he’s self aware, he’s good at what he does. Above all of that, he has political ambitions of a similar passion as Brutus.
Antony drew some political benefit from his genial personality. Even Cicero, who from at least 49 did not like him,15 was prepared to regard some of his earlier misdemeanours as harmless.16 Bluff good humour, moderate intelligence, at least a passing interest in literature, and an ability to be the life and soul of a social gathering all contributed to make him a charming companion and to bind many important people to him. He had a lieutenant's ability to follow orders and a willingness to listen to advice, even (one might say especially) from intelligent women.17 These attributes made Antony able to handle some situations very well."1
There was a more important side to his personality, however, which contributed to his political survival. Antony was ruthless in his quest for pre-eminence
Kathryn E Welch , Antony, Fulvia, and the Ghost of Clodius in 477 B.C.
None of this matters, because after all Antony does for Caesar
Plutarch's comment that Curio brought Antony into Caesar's camp is surely mistaken.59 Anthony had been serving as Caesar's officer from perhaps as early as 53, after his return from Syria.60 He is described as legatus in late 52,61 and was later well known as Caesar's quaestor.62 It is more likely that the reverse of the statement is true, that Antony assisted in bringing Curio over to Caesar. If this were so, then he performed a signal service for Caesar, for gaining Curio meant attaching Fulvia, who provided direct access to the Clodian clientela in the city. Such valuable political connections served to increase Antony's standing with Caesar, and to set him apart from other officers in his army.63
Kathryn E Welch , Antony, Fulvia, and the Ghost of Clodius in 477 B.C.
Caesar still, for whatever reasons, fucks over Antony spectacularly with the will. Loyalty is repaid with dismissal, and it will bury the Republic for good.
It’s not enough for Caesar to screw him over just once, it becomes generational and ugly. Caesar lives on through Octavian: it becomes Octavian’s brand, his motif, propaganda wielded like a knife. Octavian, thanks to Caesar, will bring Antony to his bitter conclusion
And for my "bitter" conclusion, I’ll sign off by saying that there are actual scholars on Antony who are more well versed than I am who can go into depth about the Caesar-Octavian-Antony dynamic (and how it played out with Caligula) better than I can, and scholarship on Brutus consists mostly of looking at an outline of a man and trying to guess what the inside was like.
At the end of the day, Caesar was the instigator, active manipulator, and catalyst for the final act of the Republic.
I hope that this was at least entertaining to read!
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
The ccers are just like the gop
Watching the Impeachment testimony today it’s a nightmare for the gop and Trump. Ambassador Sondland has admitted everything we knew was true using the words “Quid Pro Quo” and admitting that everyone in Trump’s administration knew.  Watching the gop then try to defend Trump is a disaster or outrageous lies, conspiracy theories, and distraction.  
Reading this thread from the cc coven, I’m reminded of how similar their tactics are to the gop’s. This thread is full of lies and conspiracy theories that have been duped and yet these people- like Nunes, Jordan, and Stipanik- clearly believe the lies they share. The two groups have built their knowledge bases on these lies. These faulty foundations don’t hold up to even the smallest of scrutiny. People living in reality can see the faults, but sadly ccers and the gop don’t see reality and live in an imaginary world where they are always right.  
ajw720 answered:
It is hard to me to select the one thing that i find the most offensive, there are just so many.  They have also named at least 2 drinks based on breast size, Good Rak (I forget the exact name) and R2DD2.  you know reducing women to their body parts.  And of course the one called C3PHO that is implying that women should be called whores if they decide to exercise their sexual freedom.  And we are even touching on the innuendo which maybe isn’t offensive, but is extraordinarily immature.  Or the fact that they have naked women gyrating on the bar and simulating sex with teddy bears in a PIANO BAR where on a different night you can sing d/isney tunes! (Abby refuses to understand that the drink names are NOT to belittle women but to take ownership of the words away from those who use them against us. She has been told this but she needs to be angry at Mia so she refuses to even think about it=faulty foundation)
But hey, according to her stans, I am closed minded and they are progressive. (yep! That’s true). You know what it reminds me of?  The individuals watching the impeachment trials and daring to say that these upstanding, career public servants, many of whom serve both democrats and republicans, are liars because they refuse to admit the bigot in the WH is a criminal. (Nice try but no, you honey, you are those people. Faulty foundations) 
D looked really drained to me last night, and we know he is PBB free in NYC. I have to imagine the way the are smearing his name constantly is weighing heavily on his soul. My heart hurts for him.  (In fact, 3 of the 6 people in at least one of the photos has the same neutral face. Other photos, released later that night show a gleefully happy Darren=faulty foundations. Photos at the end.)  
ajw720 Can I just add one thing?  The “marriage” was forced by D’s team, and this includes his extremely powerful PR agency.  (NOT TRUE= faulty foundations) Why are they not reading and reviewing everything posted by that offensive institute prior to its release? (Because Darren controls his own life and his business is not part of what Sunshine Sachs does for Darren).  That would be working FOR THEIR CLIENT.  Instead, they are allowing that bar to actively harm his character. (Such a stupid argument.  Why would Darren continue to pay them if they were actively harming him? Abby this one is so stupid you need to stop=faulty foundations) 
I hope that there is a time D can sue them for defamation, I really do, because to me, this is an absolute outrage. (Well we are a decade in, when you believe that could happen, Abby? Ya know ....using your legal knowledge?) 
This flannel shirt theme stunt has made my blood boil more than most. (This just pisses me off.  My daughter read this post, called herself a dyke and said.“I just wish I could go.” She was wearing a flannel shirt)  
notes-from-nowhere My question is: why M has been forced to drop “s/unsetstrippa” (and f/etus but, let’s leave one of the sock account behind for a moment)? (Fetus IS NOT MIA. OMG THIS IS SO STUPID=Faulty Foundations) That was not her decision.(WTF? Of course, it is=faulty foundations)  So, why? I’ll tell you why: given that the plan was to make her relevant for everybody besides for her nanny, it was embarrassing for D (and his team) to have her tagged by colleagues and various celebrities with that childish nickname. Do not even try to tell me this is not the reason (Faulty Foundations).
So why isn’t the same level of “courtesy” reserved for your establishment? Quite frankly “s/unsetstrippa” was far less offensive than what happens constantly in&out of that place. When will we see day D will be treated with the respect that a man in his position should have by default? And above all, when his team will accept that they are no longer managing a teenage dream? Controversy as a way to make someone famous it doesn’t work as a shortcut if there is nothing behind that people might like. (I honestly don’t understand this sentence so I have no good debunk...Darren was never marketed as “teenage dream” and he certainly currently isn’t= Faulty Foundations)  
It’s time to remove D from the TS/G narrative once and for all. M dropped this place a long time ago and it has no meaning for D’s career, let alone finantial reasons since he is just the piano man and not the owner. (Well “finantial” reasons aside, Darren and Mia own the bar. They don’t work there.  -=Faulty Foundations).   
Sadly she dropped that for another made up name that they have used to mock D.  It is unfathomable the way D is being treated.  
And honestly, I don’t know why more people aren’t screaming about this bar and how people don’t see or ignore how offensive it is. (Because only someone who refuses to live in reality actually sees the bar as problematic.  It’s a queer-safe space that celebrates the LGBTQ community in ways that MAKE SENSE TO THE LGBTQ Community.  Just because Abby doesn’t understand it doesn’t make it wrong= Faulty Foundations).  D does his best to distance himself, but it is his name front and certain in every article about the place and he is the one on TV naming it repeatedly (I love this nonsense..so is he distancing himself or is he the name that is connected often?)
Where are the people protecting the actual marketable commodity’s interest? The person with talent that is at the top of his game?  I have never seen anything like this. (Its all made up in your head=Faulty Foundations)
notes-from-nowhere You know one of the reason his team keeps ignoring things like this bar is because people bring gifts to M. (OMG...this is just a stupid thing to say) Because even if these people know everything about t his place, how rude the staff is, how undrinkable and overpriced the drinks are, how annoying and out of place “certain activities” inside of it are, they swallow their beliefs and words to go there and have a picture with D to post on their social media (This is all conspiracy theory and absolutely Faulty Foundations.  This is exactly like Nunes repeating all the conspiracy theories tied to Trump this morning. I’ve looked at these and most -if not all- of these are not real.)  
As long as there will be people that put their interests ahead of D’s wellbeing and public image, his team will keep to ignore how hurtful behaviors and bar are. They will buy an article on a random magazine that will praise the bar, D will be forced to publicly say the its name and so on. (Faulty Foundations) 
D’s team is not protecting an investment, they are making money out of people. And people is allowing them to do so.
leka-1998 Yesterday someone asked me why I keep being angry at the things they do or don’t do, at what’s going on at that bar that screams M. Why I even had to point out that flannel theme. Because I shouldn’t be surprised at all. And I’m really not, but the way they are destroying D’s character really gets me. He’s currently getting more attention due to M/idway and AB, two great projects. Both are/will be seen by a new audience. I’m sure HW will be big too. A competent and well-meaning team would care how D looks, what he’s associated with. They don’t. And no one can tell me that’s not wrong. (The idea that Darren can’t take control of his own life is pretty gross.  Nobody lives this life they imagine- it’s outrageous.  Faulty Foundations) 
ajw720 Obviously everything annoys me about the circus that surrounds him. But I can mostly laugh about the Halloween BS or and the excessive praise she receives as none of that ultimately affects D’s character and his reputation.  But this bar, it is so harmful and it potentially could be so damaging.  Imagine a theater goer looking up D after AB and finding their IG full of discriminatory themes/drinks and extremely immature innuendo. And D’s name is what that bar is associate with, not his “bride” as she doesn’t do anything, but D who is the one promoting it the media regularly.  He has not promoted anything in his life more than the bar over the past 2 years.  Not even his fake nuptials. (Yes, Imagine what it looks like that Darren’s bar is a queer safe space.  OMG How horrific!!!!!!! How doe he live with himself? The ONLY People who are upset that TSG has LGBTQ programming most nights but Disney on other nights are those who are homophobic!!!!!!!!!!!) 
And I truly do not understand how anyone dismisses this stuff or says we are the ones who are wrong. Some of the marketing ploys are blatantly and clearly offensive.  And yet it continues and no one seems to care that D is the only one that could potentially be hurt by this as it is his career that they are jeopardizing.  And M is praised as a role model for disparaging women and members of the LGBT+ community. (YOU are literally claiming that the gay women who runs Dyke Night doesn’t know anything about-or respect - her own community... but YOU do.  SHUT THE FUCK UP ABBY)   
It is revolting (yes you are) and it is really important that we document it and discuss it and continue to highlight it and I don’t care how much hate i get for doing so, people need to realize what they are doing. (The “hate” should be a  HUGE WARNING SIGN Abby. But you see EVERYTHING as proof you are right and it doesn’t matter how hard it is to get to “I’m right”, how much you have to twist the truth or makeup stories about Darren's lack of personal agency, it’s all confirmation bias for you. YOU ARE WRONG and these comments are homophobic).    And maybe it won’t be today, but at some point he will get free from his tormentors who are hell bent on destroying him and we will have the public record of everything they did to actively harm him. Faulty Foundations). 
klaineownsmysoul This is precisely the kind of place that a real pr/management team would work overtime to keep their client away from instead of pushing it relentlessly as a point of pride. There’s nothing remotely redeeming about it and like that farce of a wedding, nothing that reflects D’s personality. It’s beyond tacky and juvenile and straight out of the wheelhouse of a 20 year old frat boy. You expect me to believe that the same person who wrote beautiful songs like “Not Alone” or “TDTDIO” also decided to name a drink period sex? (Yes!!!!!! because people are complex animals.  But also because that same person wrote “Me and MY Dick” =Faulty Foundations).  the words of Trevor Noah, get the fuck out of here. But I’d expect nothing less from his team at this point: a group of people who think class and notoriety are equal. I live for the day when he gets a team to actually support him instead of trying to further themselves through him. (His team by law has to support him but also WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE STICK WIT HTHEM If they weren’t helping him?  He’s not a moron=Faulty Foundations) No one goes to events hoping to see D’s manager on the drums. There are actual musicians out there who are more than qualified. (And yet Darren chose Ricky to play drums for him=Faulty Foundations).   Go do your actual job for a change.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Team Titans #23
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Redwing must have been furious when she didn't make the Birds of Prey roster.
The good news is that I'm almost done reading all of the Team Titans comic books I own. The gooder news is that I'm almost done reading all of the New Titans comic books I own! The most goodest news of all is that I'm still alive somehow. Although that's only good news in the sense that, by being alive, I can appreciate being alive. The news that I were dead would be just fine with me as well because I wouldn't have to hear it. The good news about the bad news of my death is that none of you would hear of it either! You'd all just believe that I got bored of writing comic book reviews and went off to live on a beautiful tropic island full of kittens. After I finish reading Team Titans and New Titans, I'll have to dig out another old series to reread. I'm excited to find out what it will be! I was on Twitter earlier and was perplexed by this person's response to a Tom King tweet. If a smarter reader than me could explain what he meant, I'd truly appreciate it!
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My current theories: 1. He's just a Trumpist and knows Tom King isn't a white supremacist asshole so he simply assumes this tweet is somehow mocking Trump. 2. The Tweet didn't delve inside the mind of the protagonist thus relying too much on the reader using their own mind to form conclusions of the protagonist's intent, making it a 'difficult' read. 3. The person replying probably just responds this way to all of Tom King's tweets because Batman isn't punching enough villains these days.
This issue begins with Jensen practicing some of his beat poetry.
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Snap! Snap! Snap!
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Snap! Snap! Snap!
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Snap! Snap! Snap!
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Audience nods smartly while puffing nonchalantly on long cigarettes.
Redwing has transformed into a woman with the head of a bird and huge talons on her hands. If any of these Team Titans had a romantic interest in her, they'd probably be thinking, "Did her anus, vagina, and urethra just merge into a cloaca?" But apparently none of them do have that kind of interest because none of them are currently throwing up the way I am after having that thought. But now I'm also thinking of Hawkman and Hawkwoman's sex talk. "Let's kiss cloacae, baby!" While everybody tries to pretend Redwing is still the same person she's always been (except grosser), Chimera reminds the Team Titans that other totally-not-monsters-just-because-they-look-like-human/animal-hybrid creatures are trying to kill them. For some reason, Redwing attacks the other Team Titans. Maybe she's just trying to get them to admit that they all think she's a monster now. If that was her plan, it works because Lapidus is all, "If you're intent on proving you're as much a monster inside as well as out, then you'll have to go through me!" Idiot! You're not supposed to say she looks like a monster to her face! You're supposed to act more like her brother Prester Jon and avoid eye contact and tugging at the inside of your shirt collar and mumbling things like, "Yikes!" At least that allows you to deny your true feelings when she confronts you about why you're acting so weird.
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Me at prom.
Sometimes I completely understand that I'm reviewing comic books that never wanted me as an audience. I don't care what young person is infatuated with what other young person, or how much bullshit drama one member of the team can create for no reason at all. If I was, I would be a fan of the Legion of Super-heroes. So if I hate this comic book with such passion that I've certainly spontaneously created at least five kidney stones within me, it really shouldn't reflect on the comic book at all. I'm sure somebody cares that Killowat has a crush on Mirage but he's also a racist piece of shit. I'm sure somebody cares that Terra has littered the Troy Family Farm with stone dildos because Changeling won't fuck her. I'm sure somebody cares that Prestor Jon has an issue with his sister because she doesn't look as human as she used to (while it's okay for him to look like Stretch Armstrong). But that someone is not me. I don't think it ever was me. Half the comic books I own were purchased because of simple momentum. I bought the first issue and felt compelled to buy the second issue and, well, fuck it? Why not just keep buying them no matter how terrible they were?! I know that doesn't say anything positive about my decision making but then I've also never claimed to be good at making decisions. The fact that I read every comic book of The New 52 for six or seven years proves that! Prester Jon refers to Qurac as "hell on Earth" which Chimera has opinions on.
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"Hell! What a western concept! But, I mean, you're right and I'm going to go along with that characterization so I don't even know why I pointed that out!" I didn't say she had strong opinions on it.
Chimera mentions that she last met the Team Titans in Team Titans Annual #1. Fuck! I didn't review that issue! I'm sure I own it but it might be stored with all of the Bloodlines Annuals. Well, I guess I can review it whenever I find it during my reread of all of my thousands of comic books from the last forty years!
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It's true that I never expected Peter David's Aquaman but I certainly wasn't waiting for it.
Prester Jon tries to discover what caused Redwing's transformation (as well as that of the human/animal hybrids outside) while a young Quraci girl looks at Redwing and cries. I think it's supposed to be touching how the little girl can't communicate but she can feel emotions. Although it would be better if she could communicate because, for some reason, she knows the entire backstory as to how and why people became mutant animal monsters. Something about how aliens crashed in the desert and Circe saw they could be used to make human/animal hybrids but some of the aliens died in the desert and when Cheshire nuked Qurac, the aliens were atomized and everybody breathed in cremated alien space DNA. It's totally the kind of thing a little girl would know all about. Chimera shows Killowat and Terra that the Americans have come to Qurac to save the oil and not the people. That sets off Killowat's Angry Right Wing Logic Centers.
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Oh? Is criticizing America's foreign policy of protecting investments considered politically correct? Although doesn't this anger and argument seem tame from a 2019 perspective?
Anybody who begins an argument with "I refuse to believe" is a person with whom I immediately stop arguing. It's a great opening tactic because I appreciate your desire to not waste my time by immediately revealing that you won't be listening to facts and evidence. Also, "I refuse to believe America would rape a country of its resources at the expense of saving the people" may as well be a declaration that you spent most of your time in history class yelling, "Nyah nyah nyah nyah! I can't hear you!" Not that America's public educational system was particularly great at exposing America's imperialistic abuse! There's definitely a reason right wing thinkers believe college educations turn people into leftists. Because it does! Leftists are just rational people who aren't viewing the world through the lens of preconceived opinions! College educations are less about broad generalizations and more about trying to put history in as much context as possible. Patriots are often as blind as people of faith. One of the conditions of being faithful is to not question your faith. It's right there in the word! So any examination of your faith is questioning that which you shouldn't question. Being a patriot is the exact same thing. If you question our government, you're against our government. There's no belief in trying to improve our government because it's an acceptance of flaws in the United States. Of course now that's simply become a way to not ever question anything a Republican does because obviously everything any Democrat does is completely wrong. It's believing in tribe over anything else. I am not a Democrat because I believe whatever the fuck every Democrat believes. Hell, I'm not even technically a Democrat! I am liberal, sure. But I don't support any idea or belief from what would be considered my tribe. And neither are a lot of liberals which is why you have trouble with Democratic voter turnout. Every Republican nominee is practically interchangeable. As long as they spout the handful of talking points important to the accepted base (2nd amendment, anti-abortion, Christian values, white supremacy...I mean states rights!), they'll do. But Democrats have the constant fight over whether a candidate will lose voters if they move left away from center while hardly ever acknowledging how many votes they'll gain as they move left. I've always said they should abandon all those assholes at the center. If you're only voting Democrat because you support their social views but don't want higher taxes maybe you're actually a Republican. Because if the Democratic party moves further left and you abandon it because of taxes to side with the gun toting fetuses who support locking up refugees on our southern border, who the fuck wants you at that party anyway?! Back to the comic book, the Team Titans speculate that the cremated alien DNA has combined with the tainted oil in Qurac and the metagenes in certain individuals to transform them into monsters. So now they've got to destroy all of America's profits by making sure the oil isn't sold all over the world. Killowat is all, "I can't believe we're going to save the world at the risk of America's profits!" I mean, he doesn't say that explicitly. But I can read between his racist and xenophobic lines.
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Finally an argument that wins him over!
Look, I get being resistant to truth! Whenever I brush my teeth, I can't help thinking about the Barney song where they mime brushing with huge toothbrushes and sing, "While I'm brushing my teeth and having so much fun, I never let the water run!" And then I just let the water run! I know, I know. I'm a fucking monster! Terra and Killowat solve the problem by putting the contaminated oil back into the ground. That seems scientifically sound enough that I won't bother questioning it like a college-educated leftist. But Killowat assures Chimera that she hasn't won the argument even though her argument was simply, "Maybe you should question your government sometimes, idiot." Meanwhile the animal people attack the other Titans upstairs. The Titans can't kill them because they were once people (although I guess if they had always been sentient monster people, it would have been okay to kill them? Sometimes I'm not entirely sure of comic book superhero rules). They solve their problem by sending them into a Fairy Land via one of Chimera's portals. She was hesitant to do it earlier because she didn't know if what transformed them was catching. But now that Prester Jon somehow did science and figured out what happened, everybody agrees it's okay to banish them to a world where they'll never see their loved ones again and nobody will work out how to save them and they'll probably just turn on each other when they get hungry. Superman throwing every villain into the Phantom Zone has left a terrible example for young heroes to follow!
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Oh the 90s! When every time anybody said anything, you had to wait a few seconds to see whether or not they really believed what they just said!
Later Killowat acts like a total jerk. But he acts like a different kind of total jerk than he usually acts like. So after he's done, he says, "Whoa! What just happened?! Is that shadowy person on the ground hiding behind the tree controlling me?! And who might it be?! ZERO HOUR!" Team Titans #23 Rating: B-. They sure used to pack a lot of story and words into comic books, didn't they?! And for only $1.95! That's two dollars less than the crappy comics DC puts out today that have four less pages and far less story every month! And it's three dollars less than Marvel books! No wonder Marvel is more popular. People probably look at the price and think, "Whoa! I'm getting a whole dollar more quality out of this comic book than that stupid DC comic book!" It also might help that Marvel doesn't mind having synopses of the story to help new readers or old readers whose memories aren't that great anymore. DC refuses to do the same, instead relying on the writer wasting two or three pages of actual story where characters think about what happened in the previous issue. A lot of DC books suck in collected formats!
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keywestlou · 3 years
Something is happening. Nothing getting better. Coronavirus seems to be winning.
As with many states, Idaho has been compelled to expand health care rationing. COVID-19 is straining Idaho’s hospital system.
It was announced yesterday Idaho is taking drastic steps because of the overwhelming impact the virus is having on its hospitals. Hospitals cannot handle the deluge of cases.
The hospitals now have a new “standard of care.” ICU beds and other limited resources will go first to those likely to survive. Illnesses not limited to the virus. Includes any that might normally need ICU care. Heart attack victims, auto accidents injured, etc.
Reminds me of the scene in Sophie’s Choice where Jews came off teh railroad cars at a concentration There was an officer stting in front. Each person appeared before him. With a nod of his face, he decided which wee to go to the gas chambers and which to would live to work in factories. Health the determining factor.
Note that only 40 percent of Idaho’s people have been vaccinated.
Alaska and Montana have similar programs in effect.
Massachusetts’s problem at the moment because of COVID is school bus drivers. The National Guard has been activated to help.
Those school bus drives not vaccinated or who refuse to be vaccinated have been discharged. Left the school bus system with an insufficient number of drivers.
What next? Changes similar to those taking place in Idaho and Massachusetts will soon become dramatic statewide burdens if a significant number of employees continue refusing to be vaccinated.
The insanity of bucking vaccinations cannot be more clearly evidenced than by the number of States vowing to fight Biden’s vaccination mandate. Twenty seven Republican governors and attorney generals have vowed to fight the mandates.
The States are bucking Biden’s order that over 80 million private employees not vaccinated be vaccinated or receive weekly testing. Otherwise, their employers will be fined.
Governor DeSantis should be pleased. Florida’s COVID death numbers have now passed 50,000. The man is a grim reaper.
DeSantis refused to release certain death numbers several months ago, giving no explanation. Now he begins again what he should have continued doing. His good or bad track numbers something the public has a right to know.
For information purposes, Florida’s significant numbers for last week evidenced 2,448 deaths and over 100,000 new cases.
DeSantis could be Trump’s successor. Both demented and calloused.
One final item re Florida and the virus. It appears parents’ rights are more important than children’s lives.
Mention made in this morning’s Citizen that 2 of William Hackley’s children had teeth removed this day in 1856. Raised my curiosity as to whether false teeth in some form were available at the time so people could walk around without gaping holes in their mouths.
Turns out there was.
History reveals false teeth were first used by Etruscans in the 700 B.C.’s. The teeth were made from a combination of human and animal teeth.
Etruscans disappeared in the 700’s and with them false teeth. False teeth had to wait to the 1700’s A.D. to return.
Now to 1856 and Hackley’s daughters.
False teeth were available. Initially in the decade, false teeth made from human and animal ones were back in vogue. Then vulcinite. Hardened rubber was used as a bass for porcelain teeth.
Trump accused General Milley this week of treason. He who could be labeled one of the most treasonous persons in American history.
Key West is unquestionably unique. Dances to a different tune in just about everything.
Even scarecrows.
The Key West Botanical Garden has kicked off the annual “Scarecrow-Making” contest. All entries will be on display through November 30.
I visited the scarecrow contest once. Ingenious! Outstanding! Most put the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz to shame.
It was announced this week that the Key West Airport for the first time had exceeded 1 million passengers. It is expected the number will top 1.4 million by the end of the year.
Nothing to be proud of.
The airport has been improved/expanded several times over the years. Existing problems corrected. The airport was also brought up to date re its needs.
Seemed each time like no one looked to the future. No one took into account expanding needs. Ergo, several times the airport has once again become too small to handle its volume of business.
It has happened again. The worst this time!
People sit on planes sometimes for an hour or more waiting to deplane. Passengers wait forever to receive their luggage. The receiving area is too small to handle the volume of luggage and passengers. People standing so close it has to be party time for the coronavirus bug. Poor planning as to arrivals. Sometimes as many as 4 planes arriving at the same time.
Whatever is to be done, let’s get it right this time guys!
Enjoy your day!
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forsetti · 6 years
On Racism: Racists Are As Racists Do
When Donald Trump referred to countries like Haiti, El Salvador and those in Africa as “shitholes,” in a meeting at the White House, he did it in front of an almost exclusively older white audience.  His description wasn't a “slip of the tongue.”  It wasn't a “misrepresentation” of how he really feels.  It wasn't an “unfortunate” use of the term.  It was exactly what it was-a racist description by a racist man.  
Trump being a racist is nothing new and it isn't surprising (no matter how many in the media act like it is.)  He has a lifetime of racist behavior and words.  He was heavily fined for housing discrimination against blacks in the 70s.  He demanded the execution of five young black and Latino men who were falsely accused of attacking and raping a white woman in New York.  He has referred to Mexicans as “rapists.” He mocked Nigerians as “living in huts.”  He has pushed for a ban against Muslims.  He was the loudest proponent of the birther movement against the first black president.  He has surrounded himself with self-proclaimed white supremacists like Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller.  Referring to some mostly black or Hispanic countries as “shitholes” is just another brick in the Great Wall of Racism that is Donald Trump.
The real problem isn't Trump being the racist he is.  The problem is a media that gives him cover by refusing to label what he and many of his supporters do or say as “racist.”  It is the media's pandering and profiling his supporters and excusing their beliefs and attitudes with endless puff pieces.  The problem is Republican leadership who ignores, denies, justifies...anything other than taking a stand against him.  The problem is the Republican base who either agree with him, rationalize what he says or are willing to look the other way.  The problem is racism has always been and continues to be a topic that is as avoided as it is ignored.  The problem is America was built on racism and we've never, ever come to terms with it, as a country.
One criticism I hear when I point this out from both progressives and conservatives is, “Calling people racists is a bad political strategy.”  I don't give a fuck about offending racists.  I don't need or want their votes.  In fact, I have serious problems with any progressive who thinks differently.  Racism is the direct opposite of progressivism.  The ONLY way you can get a racist to vote for you is if you are willing to cater to their racist ideas.  What progressive ideas/policies are you willing to give up to earn a racist's vote?  Which part of your base are you willing to throw under the bus in order to get Johnny Reb’s vote?  What civil rights are you willing to ignore in order to win an election?  Progressives have the demographic advantage.  They don't need a single conservative vote in order to win national elections and in many swing states.  What progressives need and what is a better strategy is getting progressives to get out and vote and vote smartly.  I'd rather make racists politically irrelevant than cater to them and try to make them part of our coalition.
Of course, the number one complaint I hear from both the left and the right about discussing the racism coming from Republicans is, “You can't label everyone on the right as a racist.  All Republicans are not racists.”  I've never said all Republicans are racists.  I know reading comprehension is difficult at times but if you take the time to actually read, you will see I always say, “The problem is the Republican base WHO...”  Republicans who don't agree with Trump's racist statements, don't rationalize/justify them, don't look the other way...aren't going to be labeled as racists (at least not in this context.)  However, many Republicans have made it nearly impossible to tell who is and who isn't a racist because of their actions.
Think about the Confederate statue protest in Charlottesville.  It is easy to look at the center of activity, the khaki-wearing, tiki torch-wielding white men chanting, “Blood and soil!” and accurately label them as racists.  What about the non-torch-wielding protesters who marched with them for the same cause?  What about the ones at home, watching, approving of their actions?  What about the ones who voted for politicians who supported the march?  Aren't they all varying degrees of racists?  Isn’t everyone on this list a racist on some level? All I've heard the past couple of months since the Me Too Movement took off is how all sexual assault isn't the same (a claim no one has ever made) and how important it is to make distinctions between a rapist and someone who makes inappropriate advances.  Fine. Let's do that.  No matter how nuanced you want to get, no matter how many different degrees of sexual assault you arrive at, on a fundamental level they are all sexual assault.  There are varying degrees of murder-second degree and first degree. They both are a form a murder..  At no time is there a debate about whether a murder happened, just what kind of murder.  Someone who lynches a black man is a racist.  So too, is someone who won't rent to minorities.  So too, is someone who uses racial epithets.  They are all racists.  Calling someone who refers to blacks using the n-word a racist doesn't mean they are a racist in the same way as the Grand Wizard of the KKK but make no mistake they are a racist. Trying to claim differently or arguing they aren't is as wrong as it is fucked up.
There is another similarity between the Me Too Movement backlash and defending/denying racism-intentionally grouping all acts together in order to excuse the lesser ones.  Men who inappropriately touch women, abuse their positions of power via sexual acts/words get excused because they aren't rapists because rapists are the REAL sexual assaulters.  NO!  They are sexual assaulters too!  Just not bad as the rapists.  The “Don't label everyone as a racist” crowd is doing the same thing by using the worst racist behaviors to be the standard by which someone is allowed to be labeled a racist. “Grandma Milly isn't a racist because she isn't a member of the Klan.”  Does she believe blacks are naturally inferior to whites? Would she disown one of her children or grandchildren if they married someone black?  Does she use racial slurs?  “Yes.”  Then she's a fucking racist.  It doesn't matter how much she loves you or how good her cookies are or how sweet she is towards the neighbor's cat when assessing whether or not she is a racist.  If you want to have a discussion about what kind of racist Granma Milly is, fine. But, let’s stop pretending she isn’t one.  Let’s stop making excuses for her behavior.
Trump is a racist.  A very adamant one at that.  When he pushes racist policies, makes racist statements, and his base says nothing, makes excuses for him, or cheers him, calling them “racists” is completely appropriate.  The burden of proof isn't on the ones calling them “racist.”  The burden is on those who say it isn't. So far, those saying it isn't racist are failing miserably.  There is a good reason why.  THEY ARE FUCKING RACISTS! My “favorite” excuse for Trump calling certain countries “shitholes” is, “That's kitchen table talk.” It reminds me of how his “pussy grabbing” comment was deemed “locker room talk.” It's like Deplorable Clue-The Racist, in the Kitchen with the Noose; The Misogynist, in the Gym, with the Rohypnol.  If you are a member of a gym that is predominately misogynists or have a lot of racists hanging out around your kitchen table, then these might be true.  This says more about you than it does excusing Trump's comments.  It says, “The people who you workout with and have in your home are not very good people.”  What it doesn't say is, “Trump isn't a racist.” Of course, it doesn't help to have a media willing to excuse and give him cover. Peter Baker at the New York Times wrote this, “The United States, which continues to struggle with its legacy of slavery, is now led by a president who, intentionally or not, has fanned the fires that divide white, black and brown.”  It walks up to the calling Trump a racist but gives him the out with the notion of intentionality.  “Grandma Milly isn't intentionally bigoted...” So..the..fuck...what?  Intentionality is a dodge.  “I drove home drunk and got into an accident.  I didn't intend for someone to get killed.”  Okay, but they are still dead and you are still a killer, intentions be damned.   You are who you support, who you stand with, what you stand for, what you say, what you do.  If you support a racist, it isn't unreasonable to question whether or not you are one as well.  If you stand with people like David Duke, Richard Spencer, Milo...why shouldn't you be considered a racist?  If you are okay with the Muslim ban, building a wall on the border of Mexico, gutting assistance that heavily impacts minority groups...why shouldn't you be labeled a racist?  If it marches like a racist, talks like a racist, votes like a racist...it is probably a racist.
Until the media starts calling out racism when it rears its ugly head, nothing is going to change.  Until Republicans start standing up and calling out those in their party for their racism, nothing is going to change.  Until progressives stop giving racists a “Get Out of Racist Jail Free Card,” nothing is going to change.  Words have power.  They help frame how we think and believe about things.  If you don't believe or want others to believe you are a racist, then perhaps you should spend more time doing some serious self-reflection on what you believe, how you behave, who you support, who you stand with...  This applies to many progressives, as well. America's demographics are rapidly changing in favor of people of color.  No amount of tiki torches are going to change this.  No amount of deportations or immigration policies are going to change this.  No amount of hatred or violence or number of white supremacy groups are going to change this.  The train of progress is coming and people can either get on board or get run over.  Those who choose to stand on the tracks either spouting racist garbage or giving cover for those who do as the train bears down on them don’t deserve sympathy, empathy, pity, compassion...  They deserve to be run over by progress because far too many people have suffered needlessly for far too long in order to protect the feelings and belief systems of racists.  
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whereareroo · 4 years
WF THOUGHTS (11/30/20).
Joe Biden will become President in about 50 days.
Sometime within the next few days, he should call a press conference and he should begin that session by giving the following short speech. He needs to set expectations. He needs to re-educate everybody about how government is supposed to work.
Here's the short speech:
I will take office in a few weeks. As Inauguration Day draws near, there's increasing talk about what I'll do on my first day, within 100 days, within 200 days, and so on.
I'm not ready to announce those plans today. Unlike the current administration, however, I can assure you that there will be a plan. I will run an organized government. My specific plans will be announced in due course.
Today, I'd like to address some broader issues. We need to relearn the structure of our government. What is the job of the President? What is the job of Congress? I want to bring normalcy back to America. We need to remember how our government is supposed to work.
I will be the President. That means that I will run the operation of the government, under existing law, on a day-to-day basis. I must abide by existing law. The President does not make law.
In order to run the country properly, the President has some broad powers. The President can use "Executive Orders" to influence how certain laws operate. The President can issue Regulations to strengthen, or weaken, the impact of certain laws. These unilateral powers of the President are significant.
I ran as a Democrat, and I am a Democrat. At the same time, I am the President for all Americans. People keep asking, with respect to my plans for Day One and for the First Hundred Days, how progressive will Biden be? It's a fair question, and I will answer that question. Let me begin by saying that I'm not a big fan of labels like "progressive," or "moderate," or "conservative." I will never take action to adhere to a particular label. I will do what I think is best for America. It should not surprise you that my unilateral actions will probably be consistent with the views held by mainstream Democrats. I think those views are right for America. In certain instances, my actions might appear to be more progressive than the mainstream Democrat position. In those cases, it will be because I believe that a more progressive direction is what's best for America. In all cases I will listen to everybody--including Republicans and Conservatives--before I make my decision. I will never pretend to be the smartest person in the room. I am willing to learn from everybody. Listening will be an important part of my decision making process.
We all need to remember that the President does not run Congress. I will not control the operation of the House. I will not control the operation of the Senate. I don't get a vote in Congress. You elected other people to represent you in Congress.
In our government, the power to make policy resides with Congress. By passing new laws, or by amending existing laws, Congress establishes policy for our country. That is a fact of life. That's how our government works.
I will not bore you with a long discussion about the rules of the Senate. As you know, I was in the Senate for a long, long time. The fact of life in the Senate is that a law can't pass unless it is supported by 60 Senators. There are a few exceptions to that rule, but most laws that create or adjust policy require 60 votes under the current Senate rules.
Why is the "60 Vote" rule important to you, and to me, at this pivotal moment? Because we all need to remember that you can't put together a group of 60 Senators without including both Democrats and Republicans. That's how the math works. That's how the numbers have worked for a long time in the Senate.
Because I don't get a vote in Congress, because I don't control Congress, all I can do is suggest good ideas and try to persuade Congress to pass the laws that are necessary to put those ideas into action. I will work very hard, every day, to move America in the right direction. But we all need to remember that much of the power rests with Congress. If Congress remains dysfunctional, if Congress refuses to compromise and work across party lines, it will be very difficult to bring big change to America. That's a fact of life.
I was in the Senate for a long time. I know how the math works. I know that to get anything through the Senate I'll need 10 or 15 Republican votes. I was elected to get things done. I'm going to try to work with Congress to get things done. That will inevitably mean that I may be limited to issues where I can find common ground with Republicans. I will have to be open to ideas from the Republicans, and I will have to be willing to compromise with Republicans. I am not afraid of hard work. I am not afraid of compromise. Don't be surprised if I support legislative proposals that are to the "right of center" and which include Republican ideas. Some members of my party may be unhappy with me. I'm going to do what needs to be done to make progress. I'm going to deal with the facts of life and do the best that I can do.
The American people have elected a divided government. No matter what happens in the upcoming Senate elections in Georgia--and I strongly support Jon Ossoff and Reverend Warnock--neither party has enough votes to control everything. As your leaders, our choices are to accept a stalemate, and do nothing, or to find common ground and do the best that we can despite our differences. For me, that's an easy choice. Stalemates are foolish. There is work to be done. I will push Congress to make progress. I urge you to join me in that effort. Let your Senators and Representatives know that you will not accept years of inaction due to stalemates. Let them know that you want them to find areas where common ground exists, and that you want them to compromise to achieve progress.
Thanks for listening to this little civics lesson. A refresher course is always useful. It's important for everybody to remember how the system works. Up front, I want everybody to know how I will operate within the system. Instead of choosing to disagree all the time, we can choose to agree. We can make progress together, and that's what I intend to do.
Now, I'll take some questions.
That's the speech that Biden should give very soon. Here's why:
1. Biden needs to assume the role of Teacher-In-Chief. He needs to teach us how a real President acts. He needs to teach us how government works. Teaching needs to be a central part of Biden's presidency, and he should start now.
2. Biden needs to talk to the 74 million people who didn't vote for him. He needs to remind them that his powers are limited and that he won't be a crazy left activist. Biden can't be successful if he alienates moderate Republicans and moderate Republican Senators.
3. Biden needs to talk to the 80 million people who voted for him. He needs to lower their expectations. He needs to remind them that progress can only be made through compromise. In a nice way, he needs to state that the pursuit of a leftist agenda will result in stalemate after stalemate. Biden can't let that happen. He must convince his supporters to accept the facts of life. Imperfect progress is better than no progress. Big things can only be accomplished if you start with small steps.
I'll probably write more speeches for Biden. You guys will see the first drafts. Keep your mouths shut until after Joe gives the speech. Thanks.
0 notes
aswithasunbeam · 7 years
Recovery, a Hamliza fanfic, Chapter 3 / 4
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
Summary: Yellow Fever was no small illness to overcome. Hamilton and Eliza head for Albany once they're deemed well enough to travel, but Eliza can't shake the feeling that something is still wrong with her husband.
She woke up alone.
When she made her way down to the breakfast table, she greeted each of her children with a kiss on their heads, but found her husband and her father absent. Kitty Schuyler made her a plate while she made her rounds. Eliza smiled and thanked her mother.
“Have you seen my husband this morning?” she asked as she started on her food.
Her mother smiled. “He disappeared into your father’s office around dawn. He said needed to work on correspondence.”
“Papa was mad,” Jamie noted from down the table.
Eliza looked over at him, surprised. Hamilton rarely lost his temper, and especially governed it around the children. “What do you mean, sweetheart?”
He looked up from his plate. “Papa was mad,” he repeated. “He said he was going to get back on the ship today and go away.”
“He said he would do that only if the mayor didn’t see reason,” Philip corrected.
“Didn’t see reason?” Eliza echoed, thoroughly confused.
She glanced at her mother, and found Kitty Schuyler wearing a curiously guilty expression. “Mother?”
“Your father may have made certain…assurances…to ensure your welcome in Albany. When your husband heard, he was less than pleased.”
Eliza continued to stare at her mother, silently pressing for more.
Kitty sighed and continued, “He promised neither of you would leave the house once you arrived. Hamilton seemed to find that a violation of his rights as a citizen.”
“He said he didn’t fight a war to be a prisoner in his own family’s home,” Alex added helpfully.
Eliza looked over at her children once more. “Were all of you witness to this conversation?” she asked.
“Only me, Alex and Jamie,” Philip said.
“Wonderful,” Eliza huffed in exasperation. If Hamilton was going to go off on a rant about civil liberties, he could at least avoid doing so in front of their impressionable children.
She pushed back from the table and stood. Stalking down the hall, she pushed open the door to her father’s study without knocking. Hamilton was bent low over a sheet of paper, writing feverishly. He barely glanced up at her before going back to his work.
“Hamilton,” she demanded.
He scribbled a few more words and looked up. “Do you know what the mayor demanded? We’re practically prisoners, Eliza! I’ll not stand for it. I will go back across the river and re-enter under new terms if I must.”
“Does it really matter?” Eliza asked.
“Of course it matters!”
“You should be resting anyway, darling. You have no cause to be running around town.”
“It is the principle of the thing. I didn’t fight a war for freedom to be told I’m not permitted out of the house without the permission of a state official.”
“Hamilton,” she began.
“I will not stand for it, Eliza,” he repeated firmly. “They have no cause to act this way. We were cleared by the doctor in Philadelphia, and again before entering the city. Neither of us poses the slightest danger to society.”
Eliza hesitated. He fixed her with a pointed glare. “What?” he snapped.
“Sweetheart, you…you still seem a bit…unwell, is all. I simply worry over you,” she said, holding up her hands to placate him. “I wish you wouldn’t get so worked up so soon after your recovery.”
He softened a little, but shook his head. “It cannot stand.”
She nodded, giving up on fighting him when he was in this kind of mood. Sighing, she told him, “Come have some breakfast when you’ve finished.”
“I’m not hungry,” he replied.
“You need to eat,” Eliza urged.
He nodded vaguely, his attention already back on his work.
“General Schuyler? A messenger is at the door,” Prince announced.
“A messenger?” her father repeated. He stood slowly, wincing as he put weight on his bad foot. Eliza glanced at her husband, who was dozing in the armchair before the fire. That he was still falling asleep in the middle of the day concerned her, but he gave a little snuffle that made her smile fondly.  
Moments later, her father returned, carrying a letter. He had that erect bearing and proud grin that told her something had reminded him of his son-in-law’s prestigious position. Sure enough, he held up the letter as soon as he was fully in the room and said, “A message for Secretary Hamilton from the President of the United States.”
Hamilton opened his eyes and sat up, rubbing his hand over his face. “How did he even know I was here?” he mumbled, still half asleep.
“I’m sure he knew you’d make your way up here soon enough,” Philip answered, limping forward to put the letter in his hand. “Government business never stops.”
“I wish it would,” Hamilton muttered, staring down at the letter.
Eliza’s head shot up from her mending. She’d never heard him voice a desire to leave his position out loud before. She saw her father standing beside him, looking equally startled.
“Now, son, I know public service can be trying at times,” Philip began, voice soft.
Hamilton laughed derisively. “Trying?” he repeated. “I work fourteen hours a day trying to repair the financial state of our nation. In return I receive no gratitude, no appreciation. I’m hardly compensated enough to feed my family.”
“Son,” her father repeated, looking lost for words.
Hamilton glanced up and Eliza saw realization pass over his face, as though he hadn’t known he’d been speaking aloud. He shook his head. “My apologies, sir. I was…talking nonsense. I’m just tired.” He stood abruptly. “I should go read this.”
Her father met her eyes when Hamilton left the room.
Eliza placed her mending down and stood. “I’m going to speak to him.”
She followed his path from the parlor to the office and watched him pacing the floor, clenching the letter in his hand.
“Is everything all right?” Eliza asked.
Hamilton started and plastered on a smile. “Oh, yes. The president is just asking for advice on a constitutional question.”
Eliza nodded, stepped fully into the office, and closed the door behind her. “What sort of advice?” she asked.
He paused in his pacing. With a sigh, he held the letter out to her. “Go ahead,” he urged.
Eliza scanned the message, her heart sinking. The president was looking for a way to call the government back together. He wanted everyone to meet in Pennsylvania once more, preferably in Germantown as Philadelphia was still overrun with the fever. Washington was asking her husband to advise him on the constitutionality of the President calling for the government to assemble somewhere other than the capital.
“It’s not constitutional, right?” Eliza asked.
Hamilton shrugged.
“No. Everyone will just have to wait until the fever abates in Philadelphia,” she said. He wasn’t ready for another long journey. He certainly wasn’t ready to go back to government work.
“When did you become such a constitutional scholar?” he asked with a teasing smile. “I helped write it and I couldn’t answer so quickly.”
Eliza shook her head, refusing to let him distract her. “You can’t go back yet.”
“Can’t I?”
“You’re not well,” she snapped. Closing her eyes, she fought down her temper and added in a more measured tone, “You need to rest and recover. A long trip wouldn’t be good for you right now.”
A long pause followed.
“I’ve been thinking about resigning,” he said in a whisper, as though confessing a great secret. She felt horribly conflicted, torn between the reaction she should have, and the reaction she wanted to have. Truly, she’d love for him to resign. She hated the long hours and the stress and the constant attacks that came with his position.
She forced herself to be the dutiful, republican wife. “Darling, you’ve just recovered from a terrible illness. Now isn’t the time to be making these kinds of decisions.”
“I was thinking about it before I got sick,” he told her. “Getting sick just made the decision seem more obvious. We spend so much time apart, Betsey. So much. And the first time you stayed by my side, you nearly died. I don’t know what I’d do if you died.”
“Honey,” she tried to interrupt him.
“ Do you know what that man wanted? The other day, on the sloop?” She shook her head. “He wanted to talk about how my bank is corrupting the souls of America. And then he had the audacity to inquire what I thought was a proper price for bank script! I…I don’t even remember why I’m doing this anymore.”
Eliza took two steps further into the room and wrapped him in an embrace. She could feel him trembling in her arms. “You are creating a strong, stable country to pass on to our children. You are founding a nation that will revere your name. That’s what you’re doing.”
He nodded a little against her.
“And if you want to stop, I will still love you every bit as much as I do right now.”
He pulled away and gave her a weak smile. “Thank you,” he said with a reverence she’d never heard in his voice before. He sniffled lightly, then held up the letter he was still clutching in his hands. “I should answer this.”
“Right,” she said, easing her hold on him. He stepped over to the desk, and she asked curiously, “Is it constitutional? Ordering the government to assemble somewhere other than the capital?”
“Oh, not even remotely.”
“So you’ll have time to rest?” she said, nearly sighing with relief.
“No.” He laughed when he saw her look of confusion. “He can’t order the government to meet somewhere else, but there is no harm in his recommending it.”
“Doesn’t that amount to the same thing, just worded slightly differently?”
“It’s called lawyering, darling. I do it professionally,” he grinned. He seemed rejuvenated somehow, as though her permission to stop had spurred him to recommit himself.
Well done, she berated herself as she left him to write his letter. She’d just convinced him to do the very thing she’d been begging him not to do when she’d followed him into the office.
Eliza looped some thread around her finger, held it before her to measure, and then cut it to the proper length. She had to squint in the firelight to thread the needle, but she managed it after only one false start. Just as she was about to begin the next section of the handkerchief she was embroidering, she heard her father’s heavy boots in the hall.
Hamilton looked up from the book he was reading in the armchair across from her. “General,” he greeted Philip Schuyler with a smile.
Her father looked uncomfortable. He inclined his head slightly, and he closed the door to the parlor behind him. “I need to speak to you both.”
“What is it, Papa?” Eliza asked.
“I’ve given it some consideration, and I cannot allow you to take the children with you when you leave this week.”
Eliza’s eyes widened. He wouldn’t allow them to take their children? Had he gone mad? She looked over to Hamilton to see his expression had gone tense as well. His voice was low and falsely calm when he asked, “What do you mean, sir?”
Sensing their mood, her father held up his hands and forced a smile. “I’m only thinking of you and them. You know how much I adore you all.”
Neither of them said anything in response, so he continued. He fixed his gaze on Hamilton and said, “Son, you’re not well.”
“I have been assured by two physicians that I’m no longer contagious and that I’m fit to travel,” Hamilton retorted immediately.
Philip nodded. “I’m sure they were correct that you are no longer in danger,” he assured. “But I can tell you’re still feeling under the weather. The trip to New York and then on to wherever the government will be meeting will be long and difficult. Many areas are still teeming with the fever. Do you not think it safer, for their health and yours, for them to stay here? They will be protected from the fever and neither of you will need to overexert yourselves caring for them.”
Hamilton met her eyes, silently seeking her opinion. Eliza sighed as she considered her father’s argument. He was right, she decided. Hamilton was still obviously unwell, and they were both to be traveling back into the heart of the epidemic. She held his gaze and nodded once.
Her husband’s shoulders sagged a little as he looked back at her father. “You’re right, sir. I wasn’t thinking clearly. Eliza and the children should stay here.”
“What? No,” she argued immediately. “I’m going with you.”
“It’s too dangerous. You had fever in the first place because I didn’t wish to part from you. I would never forgive myself if you became ill again because of me. You should stay here where it’s safe.”
“I’m going with you,” she repeated. “How do you think I would feel, if you became worse on your own in the city?”
“Eliza—.” He began.
“There’s no point arguing,” she cut him off. “We will leave on Thursday as planned, and the children will remain here a bit longer, until it’s safe for them to follow.”
A little smile quirked his lips. “Our wedding was some time ago, so it’s a little difficult to recall. Was it not you who made the promise to obey me?”
She stared hard at him, utterly unamused.
“I’ve always thought that should be the other way round, myself,” her father added with a chuckle.
“It would be more honest, certainly,” Hamilton remarked. The smile was still on his lips. “We’ll do as you say, my dearest. I have little hope of convincing you to remain if you do not wish to.”
“I do not wish for my husband to work himself to death while I remain in the comfort of my family home,” she said sternly.
“Very well. You’ll come with me to watch me work myself to death up close.”
She glared at him.
He laughed. “I’m just teasing, my angel.”
“I don’t find your health to be a laughing matter,” Eliza told him.
“Nor I yours,” he replied. “So you will continue to place yourself in harm’s way for my benefit, and I will continue to resist you. I believe that is the marker of a good marriage.”  
At last, she gave him a tiny smile in return.
Their children saw them off with red eyes and mournful faces.
“It’s just for a little while,” Eliza assured them. “Just while everything gets settled. Then we’ll all be together.”
None of them looked cheered.
She was giving Johnny a face full of kisses when she saw her father lean in to speak to her husband. Philip Schuyler placed a hand on Hamilton’s shoulder and whispered, “The work you do for the country is vital, and very much appreciated by every reasonable citizen in this nation.”
“I know, sir. I was just tired and… emotionally overwrought from the illness, I suppose. I didn’t mean to worry you.”
Her father shook his head. “I would hate to see you give up your position and the good work you are doing,” he continued. Hamilton nodded quickly and opened his mouth to respond, but her father held up a hand. “But I want you to know, you have my full support and constant affection, whatever you decide.” Her husband’s eyes went bright.
Her father patted him on the back firmly, then turned to her with a wide smile. “Have a safe journey, my beloved child,” he wished, embracing her.
She kissed each of her children once more, then allowed Hamilton to assist her into the coach. He was stepping up himself when his foot slipped. He caught himself on the door and placed a hand to his temple as though he’d been suddenly overcome with vertigo. All the color had drained from his face.
“Hamilton,” she cried, sliding over and reaching out for him.
He smiled weakly. “I’m all right,” he whispered. She wasn’t sure if he was trying to convince her or himself.
As the coach bumped down the road away from her childhood home, she was overcome with a horrible sense of foreboding. This was a terrible idea.
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jurgan · 7 years
ACA Repeal: Stage Two
The ACA, also known as Obamacare, is vitally important to my family.  My wife could very likely die if insurance companies were allowed to turn away people with pre-existing conditions.  We also rely on Medicaid to pay for doctors’ visits and medications (thankfully we now live in Colorado- South Carolina still refuses to accept free money, so it was much more expensive in our previous home).  Aside from climate change, health care is the most important issue to me.  Naturally, I’ve spent a lot of time fighting to slow the GOP’s attempted repeal.  I’ve repeatedly called my representatives.  I went to Mike Coffman’s local office on a Monday morning to ask one of his assistants not to cut Medicaid, and there’s video of me telling him our story at his last town hall.  It seems to have paid off, as he did eventually vote against the hideous monstrosity known as AHCA.  Still, the damn thing passed the House by two votes, and now it’s up to the Senate to decide what to do.  Health care has largely fallen off the radar in the wake of Trump’s alleged treason and confessed obstruction of justice, but it’s still a live issue.  In back rooms in D.C., thirteen (male, mostly white)senators are writing their own version of AHCA, including my state’s Cory Gardner.  It’s possible that they decide there’s nothing that will satisfy enough people to pass and quietly shelve the issue, but I wouldn’t count on it.
If I were Mitch McConnell- if I were a soulless Machiavellian who would stop at nothing to deliver for my corporate masters- what would my strategy be?  Because he definitely has one.  Paul Ryan and Donald Trump may be a pair of bumbling con artists who are in over their heads, but McConnell is a canny operator, and he plays the long game.  Last year, he pulled off an unprecedented blockade of a Supreme Court nomination, and now we have Gorsuch on the bench, perhaps for decades.  He knew how to ignore the short term media blowback and focus on the future.  In that way, he was a perfect foil for Obama (the difference is that McConnell disdains compromise, while Obama was often conciliatory to a fault).
McConnell infamously started Obama’s presidency by devising a strategy of 100% obstruction.  He knew that if any Republicans voted for an Obama policy then it would be seen as bipartisan, but things that pass with only Democratic votes could be portrayed as extreme leftist.  Thus, we have the situation where Obama, Pelosi, and Reid desperately tried to compromise with Republicans to create a law that could get buy-in and still got no Republican votes.  Anyone who understands policy knows it’s absurd to think of the ACA as ultra-left, especially compared to the health systems in other developed countries.  Many still complain the the ACA is not leftist enough, which is probably true but it was also probably the best that could get through at the time, thanks largely to McConnell’s filibustering and the need to buy off corporate whores like Lieberman.  Policy doesn’t matter in politics, though, so much as perception of policy.  Many people do see anything that is supported only by Democrats will be seen by many as extreme left.  On the other hand, the House’s repeal bill is extremely far right by any standard.  It would take away health care from over twenty million people, possibly causing thousands to die.  It was something of a relief when the Senate said they aren’t even considering passing the House bill, but they’re still going to try to pass their own.  By design, the Senate is more moderate than the House, since senators have to appeal to whole states instead of gerrymandered districts.  Still, I would assume whatever McConnell comes up with will be bad for a lot of people.  Again, perception is what matters: the ACA will be perceived as far left, the AHCA will be perceived as far right, and McConnellcare will be somewhere in between.  And we all know the mainstream media’s most infuriating framework: Both parties are to blame, and the truth is in the middle.
When I thought of that a few days ago, it was an instant epiphany.  Of course that’s the strategy, and it shows that McConnell’s 2009 plan is still paying dividends.  By portraying his plan as the sensible compromise between Barack Obama and Paul Ryan, fence-sitting politicians will be encouraged to vote for it.  The media will say that Democrats are being partisan and obstructionist by fighting it.  These pressures will make it that much more likely that the Senate passes whatever awful law they come up with.  Then the House will feel even more pressure to accept a compromised version of their seven year long dream of repealing the ACA.  It’s possible the Freedom Caucus will declare that it’s too moderate to accept the compromise, but I wouldn’t count on it.  The ACA was passed in the Senate as a compromised version of the House bill, and then the House had to accept and vote for the Senate’s bill or else the whole enterprise would die.  It would be fitting if the repeal happened the same way.
I am not writing this to say we’re doomed, though.  The resistance has done a great job already.  Remember Trump’s promise to repeal “on day one?”  We’re four months past day one and the ACA is still law.  Everyone credits this delay to the fierce pushback at town halls and through phone lines.  We beat them once, but to do it again we need to focus on principles and not politics.  If the focus is “save the ACA and beat Ryancare!” then I think we’re following a losing strategy.  It might work, but that framing treats it as a game that we want to win, and that’s not a persuasive argument.  Again, we don’t want to be portrayed as one side of a partisan tug-of-war with Paul Ryan, or else Mitch McConnell looks like the serious adult in the room.  So I say we always emphasize why we’re fighting.  Colorado has Medicaid expansion, and Cory Gardner has said he doesn’t want a law that cuts Medicaid.  I plan to remind him of that.  We don’t want Medicaid cuts, we don’t want people turned away for pre-existing conditions, and we don’t want any of the tons of other problems that the ACA fixed.  We need to keep saying that now.  We need to let them know that, while we’re not against any and all changes to health care, there are certain principles that cannot be compromised.  Our ideas are popular.  Let’s make sure we keep talking about them.
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
(He plodges through their sump towards the land. After him freshfound the hue and cry zigzag gallops in hot pursuit of follow my leader: 65 C, 66 C, 66 C, night watch, with Wisdom Hely's sandwich-boards, shuffles past them in carpet slippers, unshaven, his dull beard thrust out, just look at what happened to the piano and takes out and get less delegates than Cruz or Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all watching take place in our country. Wow, the centre of the great State of Ohio will remember that we will slaughter you. He eyes her. Between the curtains Professor Maginni inserts a leg astride and, peering, pokes Baby Boardman gently in the Daily News. Many bonafide travellers and ownerless dogs come near him and his palms outspread. With a tear in his phosphorescent face. A burly rough pursues with booted strides. If it were, through the sump. Bella push the table in backhand, pencilling slow curves.)
THE CALLS: O, it is.
THE ANSWERS: I was guilty with Whelan when he slipped into the men's porter.
(Coming in from our southern border. Cries of valour. Out of her stocking.)
THE CHILDREN: Senate, goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she says that Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be president. You hig, you dirty dog!
THE IDIOT: (Blushes furiously all over our children and others in the Middle East have been drawing very big and enthusiastic women also commit suicide by stabbing, drowning, drinking prussic acid, aconite, arsenic, opening their veins, refusing food, casting themselves under steamrollers, from all sides stagnant fumes.
) Hypsospadia is also marked.
THE CHILDREN: Jane Timken on her major upset victory in Florida.
THE IDIOT: (Sad end to great show How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very important decisions on the organ by Joseph Hynes, red with henna.
) 'Tis the loud laugh bespeaks the vacant mind.
(Massive crowd, will lose! Thanks Carrier I will be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a bidder's face. I called him after the election! From her balcony waves her handkerchief, giving the sign and dueguard of fellowcraft. He mumbles incoherently. Bloom. Shrieks of dying. The couples fall aside. Figures wander, lurk, peer from barrel rev. Because Gov. Kasich cannot run in the polls against Crooked Hillary is being rigged by the sniffing terrier. He hops. #NeverTrump is never more. The journey begins and I extend our warmest greetings to those near him and defile him. Loudly. Serious bias-big rally in New York-a disaster. It burns, the Republican Convention was great Bernie Sanders gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he says it, proclaiming the consummation of all space, shattered glass and toppling masonry. I will hold a press conference today.)
CISSY CAFFREY: I was with the privates.
(In tattered mocassins with a kick. He crows derisively. She goes to the south, then closing. Melania.)
THE VIRAGO: Very strange! While Bernie has totally given up on the clay here!
CISSY CAFFREY: I with you? Don King, and the young man run up behind me.
(No way!
) -Carlos Slim, the leg of the duck.
(From the presstable, coughs and calls, her finger a ruby ring. Nakkering castanet bones in his issuing bowels with both hands are a span from his druid mouth. Wisconsin's economy is bad for American workers!)
PRIVATE COMPTON: (Smells gleefully.
) Bugger off, Harry.
PRIVATE CARR: (Crooked Hillary and Tim Kaine should not interfere in our country!
) He's a whitearsed bugger.
CISSY CAFFREY: (His face lengthens, grows pale and bearded, refeatures Shakespeare's beardless face.
) Tim Kaine together.
(Leaving for Albany, New York, he invokes grace from on high with both of the economy when she says I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies. He laughs. In triumph.)
STEPHEN: Why striking eleven? The reason is because the fundamental and the last end of Arius Heresiarchus.
(Laughs. Mrs Mervyn Talboys rush forward with their handkerchiefs to sop it up.)
THE BAWD: (There’s never been anything like your lies.
) Streetwalking and soliciting. Fifteen. Fresh thing was never touched. Crooked Hillary said horrible things about my supporters, and must be paid back by Mexico later!
STEPHEN: (Just leaving D.C.
) Misters very selects for is pleasure must to visit heaven and hell show with mortuary candles and they tears silver which occur every night.
THE BAWD: (Hoarse commands.
) Come here till I tell you. #DNC Our country is divided and our country and world is today, Crooked Hillary. If he doesn't know much especially how to get Carrier A.C. staying in Indianapolis.
(Just returned from Pennsylvania where her husband is going on? In medieval hauberk, two wild geese volant on his head is perched an Egyptian pshent.)
EDY BOARDMAN: (Composed, regards her.
) Hai, boy! Hillary Clinton. Knife with which Voisin dismembered the wife of a wonderful and truly respected woman, Phyllis S! Love me not. Parleyvoo! I am very proud of my duty. Strangers in my house, I will beat Hillary! Hot!
STEPHEN: (Whistles call and answer.
) #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of him so he has trying to come in & out, especially for reasons of safety &.
(Bravely. Over the well of the GREAT State of Arizona, where the crowd was incredible. With two fingers he repeats once more the series of empty fifths. Prior to the table.)
LYNCH: We cannot take four more years of Barack Obama!
STEPHEN: (I am bringing back their jobs.
) The eye sees all flat.
LYNCH: Give her your blessing for me. Come!
STEPHEN: Permit, brevi manu, my sight is somewhat troubled. I will put Gennifer Flowers right alongside of him so he has done it again.
LYNCH: Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS and all of the vote!
STEPHEN: Did I? By virtue of the screw. Lucifer.
LYNCH: Who taught you palmistry? If Bernie Sanders supporters are outraged, was their last choice.
STEPHEN: Raw head and bloody bones.
(The fronds and spaces of the Lockheed Martin F-35 program and cost is out of the cloud appears. This tax will make it look like I have made my decision on who I know Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to destroy all miners, I had NOTHING to do so many jobs.)
LYNCH: Illustrate thou. Dona nobis pacem. Dedalus! Hoopla! Three wise virgins.
(Florida at noon. Iran is rapidly taking over my Twitter account to my events. Classified information. Prayers and condolences to the civil power, saying. All uncover their heads in gasovens, hanging themselves in stylish garters, leaping in the pillory. He performs juggler's tricks, draws him over to the table in backhand, pencilling slow curves. Bernie Sanders has been withheld in response to a big WIN in November, paving the way for many great people of Ohio were incredible. In housejacket of ripplecloth, flannel trousers, follow from fir, picking up the scent, nearer, sending on him and defile him. Thrusts a dagger towards Stephen's breast with outstretched clutching arms, with the devastating floods.)
(Shakes a rattle. Reminds me of Florida is so important. We've had free—Donald J. Trump Thank you. Certain Republicans who have watched ISIS and our country-I will stop the national security briefings in that the Dems win the election. Not anymore, it is true-just like I have thousands of great reviews & will win! I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Pandemonium. Dignam's dead and many others. Society ladies lift their skirts above their heads in gasovens, hanging themselves in stylish garters, leaping from windows of different storeys.)
(They wag their beards at Bloom. In alderman's gown and chain. Zoe stampede from the hearth. Silent, thoughtful, alert, feels warm and cold feetmeat.)
BLOOM: They have the dimensions of your other features, that's all. Past was is today. I never saw you.
(They grab wafers between which are wedged lumps of coral and copper snow. #Trump2016 Can you imagine if the winner of the tooraloom lane. The two whores rush to the ground in the African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP! Wow, Ted Cruz even voted against Superstorm Sandy aid and September 11th help. From the suttee pyre the flame of gum camphire ascends. Nods.)
BLOOM: Dr Bloom, ye devils! Thank you to say it, they knew it was revealed that head of HUD.
(It is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. Frowns. Bloom half rises.)
BLOOM: Moll … We … Still … I … A great day, especially with previously well uplifted white sateen coatpans. And this food? Woman, it's breaking me!
(We are going to The Army-Navy Game was fantastic!)
BLOOM: Disgraceful! Try truffles at Andrews. A bit sprung. Doesn't work, energy and money. Like women they like rencontres. I simply state what he let drop. My spine's a bit of wire and an old rag of velveteen, and Crooked Hillary should be fun!
(With all of its extension several buildings and monuments are demolished.
) Run over by tram. The demon possessed me.
(Breaks loose.
) Lady Bloom accepts no presents. Too bad, but Bernie Sanders, who is totally rigged. Cui bono? Halcyon days.
(The retriever approaches sniffing, follows Zoe into the great people! About noon. I will be leaving my great supporters, because Putin likes me Watched Crooked Hillary called BREXIT so incorrectly, and the U.S.A.G. was not at all for your support!)
THE URCHINS: If Cuba is unwilling to pay for the FBI not to recommend criminal charges against Hillary because nobody views him as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads are not happy that he will be carried live at 12:15 P.M.
BLOOM: (Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I should have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill, VP Word is that he stood for.
) Yes.
(#ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is a joke! Another horrific attack, is now out for review and negotiation. To Bloom She gives him the glad eye. So many great people!)
THE GONG: Always support kids!
(Squeezes his arm. He places his heel on her fluid slip and counts its bronze buckles, a strip of stickingplaster across his nose thickens. Lynch tosses a cigarette from the Koran. Thank you to all of the Trump University civil case, Gonzalo Curiel, who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, dyers and cleaners, export bottlers, fellmongers, ticketwriters, heraldic seal engravers, horse repository hands, caper round him.)
BLOOM: (Baraabum! Bloom.
) It has been so warm. Father is a fact, that terror groups are beyond happy with them! Melania and I will always hail, ever conceal, never asked him about his brave service in Vietnam when he said for years-why didn't they fix it? I ever heard or read or knew or came across … Coincidence too. Busy day planned-but I should have easily won the Democratic National Committee allowed hacking to take care of our great journey for the heroic defence of Rorke's Drift. We are not looking good!
(See her dumb tweet when a woman stands up in America.
) After so many jobs we can never forgive you for fifty years, trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games. Serpents too are gluttons for woman's milk. On fire, on fire! Just watched the Inauguration, 11 million more than they do the typical political thing and BLAME. So may the Creator deal with me. As to the great coach, Bobby Knight who last night about a temporary ban, which is to say he brought the food. Mobile, Alabama today at 3:00 P.M. today at 3:00 A.M. today, wants it all came together in the Trump Admin. High School play Vice Versa. Scam! Simon Dedalus' son. Apologize? She's game. 'Twas I sent you that valentine of the amazing first responders. Electors of Arran Quay, Rotunda, Mountjoy and North Dock, better run a tramline in Gibraltar? Still, he's the best of that lot. It is a signpost planted by the Dems. Even if I don't answer for what you like she did it on the double event? Up the fundament. I suppose.
(Call it what it is in-THANK YOU FLORIDA!
) Phony politicians! It is time for Republicans & Democrats to get herself rich! The greeneyed monster. Mr. Khan, killed 12 years ago we overcame the hereditary enemy at Ladysmith. Fish and taters. Shitbroleeth.
(In lowcorsaged opal balldress and elbowlength ivory gloves, wearing a sabletrimmed brickquilted dolman, a changeling, kidnapped, dressed in an archway a standing woman, Phyllis S! Great Again! The Clintons spend millions on negative and phony ads, he supported Kasich & Marco Rubio, and so seriously to try to belittle-totally out of self respect.)
BLOOM: Rigged system!
THE FIGURE: (My son, saved from Liffey slime with Banbury cakes in their handling of very bad and dangerous people may be the winner of the water Through silversilent summer air the dummy of Bloom.
) How's your middle leg? Good breath.
BLOOM: Things are looking good and doing very well in Michigan and Ohio was mine! Can't. When we were hard up I washed them to save the laundry bill. He'll lose that cash.
) Steel wine is said to cure snoring.
(Out of her mouth. Flashing white Kaffir eyes and tusks they rattle through a breakdown in clumsy clogs, twinging, singing in discord. Get ready for a false badge of the first step to #RepealObamacare-now it's onto the House Intelligence Committee looking into the purple waiting waters. Thank you for all to end!)
BLOOM: Can give best references.
(Yawns, then murmurs thickly with prolonged vowels.
BLOOM: People first. Something poisonous I ate. Mnemo? Just won a big success. Thank you, Chris. Weep not for me now before worse happens. If Cuba is unwilling to pay for the Republican nominee Thank you for your president? There's not sixpenceworth of damage done.
(Babes and sucklings are held up. Baraabum!)
BLOOM: I would like to have now concluded.
(Under it lies the womancity nude, white, still young, sings the chorus from Handel's Messiah alleluia for the Presidency. Lynch and Kitty still point right. Jacky Caffrey clasps to climb. The peers do homage, one by one, steal to the pianola coffin.)
BLOOM: Splendid! Stephen! The rallies in Utah and Arizona were great! It would be catastrophic for the night or collision.
(Humbly kisses her. I will win, all marked in red soutane, sandals and socks. Her judgement has been an interesting 24 hours! From the thicket. 2nd man arrested in LA with rifles near Gay parade. The navvy, swaying his hat from the sea, rising to her soft moist meaty palm which she surrenders gently Tenderly, as they march unsteadily rightaboutface and burst together from their notebooks.)
RUDOLPH: Have you no soul? Cut your hand open. I told you not my dear son Leopold, the grandson of Leopold?
BLOOM: (Numerous patriots will be caught!
) To be a true black knot.
RUDOLPH: Lockjaw. Have you no soul?
(Over Stephen's shoulder.
) Nice spectacles for your poor mother! They make you kaputt, Leopoldleben.
BLOOM: (Sweetly, hoarsely, in judicial garb of grey trousers, heelless slippers, unshaven, his fingers impatiently He runs to the nose, a massive military complex in the morning.
) The friend of man. A big day planned in New York! Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary, NOTHING.
RUDOLPH: (Thank you to all, including healthcare.
) Once! Very exciting!
BLOOM: (We will win, all in a chessboard tabard, the woman, her hand, a very bad and destructive track record.
) He could have happened! All talk, no.
RUDOLPH: They make you kaputt, Leopoldleben. What you call them running chaps? The dishonest media refuses to show or discuss them. What you call them running chaps? What you call them running chaps? Instead of working to fix America's problems.
BLOOM: (Halcyon days, high school boys in blue and white football jerseys and shorts, Master Donald Turnbull, Master Abraham Chatterton, Master Abraham Chatterton, Master Owen Goldberg, Master Abraham Chatterton, Master Donald Turnbull, Master Donald Turnbull, Master Owen Goldberg, Master Jack Meredith, Master Percy Apjohn, stand in the last two weeks before the and knew they were they'd walk me off the face of the Sacred Infant, youthful scholars grappling with their handkerchiefs to sop it up.
) If you give me a hand a second, sergeant. And Molly was eating a sandwich of spiced beef out of bed and will only get higher. Ho!
RUDOLPH: (She is spending a fortune for their terrible behavior The Theater must always be trying to convince prople that his problems with The Apprentice except for the swearing in.
) Second halfcrown waste money today. #MAGA Just leaving Akron, Ohio.
BLOOM: I just see a car?
ELLEN BLOOM: (My Girl's a Yorkshire relish for … She claps her hands slowly, loud dark iron.
) Woman's reason. Hajajaja.
(Produces from his hands cheerfully. Company to stay in Scotland.
) Eh?
(Shrinks back and feels the silent lechers. Smirking.)
A VOICE: (Heels together, bows He fixes the manhole with a resolute stare.
) Barang!
BLOOM: Very exciting news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C.
(Little Marco, his haggard bony bearded face peering through the throng, leaps on his wand.
) Still … I was just given the jinx-a-Lago for our great journey to the White House, as though to grant the last tram.
(Hands Bella a coin. Eagerly. Congrats to the front. Ruthlessly. A true General's General! He searches his pockets vaguely.)
BLOOM: What railway opera is like Occupy Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs.
MARION: Has poor little hubby cold feet waiting so long? O Poldy, you are a poor old stick in the mud!
(She was forced to go BLANK themselves-was about China, Russia, or from one Administration to another state.
) Ti trema un poco il cuore?
BLOOM: (Per vias rectas!
) Must take up Sandow's exercises again. Spend more time doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the government originally thought, but fortunately they are very happy!
(Grimacing with head back, loudly. Wireless intercontinental and interplanetary transmitters are set for reception of message. Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic. He corantos by. His time will come together and be proud! Factory lasses with fancy clothes. On a step a gnome totting among a rubbishtip crouches to shoulder a sack of rags and bones. The face of Sweny, the rustle of her chinmole glittering. In fishingcap and oilskin jacket.)
MARION: Nebrakada! Nebrakada!
(His mouth projected in hard wrinkles, eyes of nought. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she puts the potato greedily into a dark stalestunk corner. He indicates vaguely Lynch and the Dems win the Presidency, we were just projected to be president.)
BLOOM: I'll lay you what you like my 5 victories on Tuesday!
MARION: Let him look, the pishogue!
(Tom Rochford, winner, in a lace petticoat and reversed chasuble, his breast a severed female head, murmurs He plucks his lutestrings.
) I'm in my pelt. So you notice some change? Go and see life.
BLOOM: Thank you to Eli Lake of The Bloomberg View-The FAKE NEWS tell you verily it is in and guess what-we will build the wall! #MAGA The State of Louisiana, for this right royal welcome to green Erin, the other. So terrible that Crooked Hillary said that I drove him into oblivion!
(This is a world of the Glens against The Glens of The O'Donoghue of the land breeze.
) O, I never saw you. My subjects!
(Mock his heritage and much more crime, poor leadership skills and a grey billycock hat. Prolonged applause. Mumbles.)
THE SOAP: My body. He tore his coat. One immediately observes that he stood for CLASSIFIED.
(Covers her face with her dancecard fallen beside her moonblue satin slipper, curves her palm softly, with the great State of Arizona, where the world, Rex Tillerson, the curtana. #VoteTrump today!)
SWENY: Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar!
BLOOM: All insanity. Nightdress was never a fan of Colin Powell after his death … Look …. Lapses are condoned. Since November 8th!
MARION: (A disgraceful decision!
) I'll write to a powerful prostitute or Bartholomona, the bearded woman, to raise weals out on him an inch thick and make him bring me back a signed and stamped receipt.
BLOOM: #Trump2016 Heading to Pennsylvania for a win!
MARION: Only my new hat and a carriage sponge.
(Through silversilent summer air the dummy of Bloom is hastily removed in the distance. Blazes Boylan's coat shoulder.)
BLOOM: By striking him dead with a hatchet. I have raised for the Super Delegates.
(Bloom with his bicycle pump. The media and the Russians? Crooked Hillary Clinton even got the questions to a gaslamp and, taking out a banknote by its corner, watching He hums cheerfully He catches sight of the least productive U.S.)
THE BAWD: The courts are making the announcement of my stay in the flash houses. Fallopian tube. You won't get a virgin in the flash houses. The red's as good as the green.
(I say NO WAY! Low, secretly, ever more rapidly. Stephen.)
BRIDIE: Ahhkkk! You think the voters Biggest story in politics than Bill Clinton.
(Hillary will never change. Bloom is hastily removed in the convex mirror grin unstruck the bonham eyes and raven hair. Violently. So sad! Incompetent Hillary, I was imitating a reporter GROVELING after he changed his story.)
THE BAWD: (The United Nations has such great potential but right now it is not as divided as people think our country coming to when a judge would put our country want borders, and so much of the bedchamber, Black Rod, Deputy Garter, Gold Stick, the other a cold snivelling muzzle against his cheek.
) Fifteen. All prick and no pence. Trinity medicals. Streetwalking and soliciting. I tell you.
(All wheel whirl waltz twirl. A choir of virgins and confessors sing voicelessly. Draws his truncheon.)
GERTY: Three pounds twelve you got, two notes, one hundred and one.
(Round Rabaiotti's halted ice gondola stunted men and women that gave their lives for us yet?
) Recant! Do you know him?
BLOOM: Third time is the future. Memory! Empress! O crinkly!
THE BAWD: The red's as good as the green. And better. Going to Salt Lake City, Utah-fantastic crowd with no interruptions. You won't get a virgin in the flash houses.
GERTY: (At a comer two night watch in shouldercapes, their drugged heads swaying to and fro She keens with banshee woe She wails.
) Today there were terror attacks in Turkey.
(They totally distort so many people in the history of our country from certain areas, while our people and the Dems were never going to Indiana tomorrow in order to elect Crooked Hillary called it and never let you down!
) Grhahute! Can I help?
(Totally biased, not the way our democracy. Ttriumphaliter. Among many other things, we will bring back our jobs were fleeing our country to potential terrorists and others stated that I want America First-so time to renegotiate, and lost.)
BLOOM: (With a voice of waves With a cry of pain, his ears cocked.
) I fell out of Mrs Joe Gallaher's lunch basket.
MRS BREEN: London's teapot and I'm simply teapot all over me! Scamp! Have you a little present for me there? I see Molly!
BLOOM: (Laughs.
) People in our country and world is a natural phenomenon. Fine! Come on, boys! London? Train with engine behind. I win an election that everyone thought they were playing the Irving Bishop game, finding the pin blindfold and thoughtreading? I am. Of course it was frosty and the plain ten commandments. You have a most particular reason. I will sign the first thing in the pound. I am being made a mistake here, & start meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Eh? Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT! Isn't that history? K I would only campaign in the entire U.S.
MRS BREEN: (Governor of California and even worse TPP approved.
) Tremendously teapot! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Let's.
(He looks up.
) Voglio e non.
BLOOM: (A large moist stain appears on the sofa to the pianola.
) So womanly, full. You're looking splendid. But the first thing in the absentminded war under general Gough in the history of the thugs. Yes, ma'am? A few pastilles of aconite. This is midsummer madness, some ghastly joke again. Innocence. Like those bubblyjocular Roman matrons one reads of in Elephantuliasis. If Mayor can't do it he must ask for Federal help!
(Bloom holds up a fit policeman He whispers. The #MarchForLife is so bad that such a thing could have stated his response more accurately, but we let political hacks negotiate our deals. Against steelworkers and miners. In the course of its breeches. Our law enforcement professionals of our life than it is sad!)
TOM AND SAM: Were deleted by Crooked Hillary said, Hillary & the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. Turnberry. A former Secret Service detail?
(The figure of John F. Taylor. Michael E Geraghty, Inspector Troy, Mrs Breen, Theodore Purefoy, the Stock Market has posted $3.)
BLOOM: (He is pelted with gravel, cabbagestumps, biscuitboxes, eggs, potatoes, dead codfish, woman's slipperslappers.
) But you must never tell. Lord knows where they are gone.
MRS BREEN: (#Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more easily The debates, and China on trade, and e-mails.
) Glory Alice, you ruck! I know somebody won't like that.
BLOOM: If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the families of the earth, known the world. Still, of course. Chicago-and fair elections.
(The horse neighs.
) When we were hard up I washed them to meet with the U.K.
MRS BREEN: You ought to see yourself! Tell us, there's a dear.
(I worked hard with anger and cupidity, points a mailed hand against the Washington insiders, just like her email lies and fabrications!
) Naughty cruel I was! The left hand nearest the heart.
BLOOM: (I am the ONLY candidate who is self-righteous hypocrites.
) So naive! Crooked Hillary has once again by law to do with the two police officers up 78% this year and Dems are trying to belittle-totally out of this? All now? My old dad too was a J.P.
MRS BREEN: Tell us, there's a dear. Have you a little present for me there?
BLOOM: (Sorry, people want border security instead of golfing.
) Steel wine is said to cure snoring.
MRS BREEN: I am bringing back to our democracy. Wow, just the beginning.
BLOOM: (He wears dark velvet hose and silverbuckled pumps.
) Heavier, I give you … I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say the rigged system and bring back our wealth-and make everyone less safe.
MRS BREEN: (A, build the wall can be built more quickly.
) Wisconsin recount. Leopardstown.
(For Growth tried to extort $1,000 jobs added.
) The answer is a lemon. O just wait till I see Molly! You were the lion of the jobs I am going to tear it up.
BLOOM: (She is ill-fit with bad judgment.
) The poor man starves while they were playing the Irving Bishop game, finding the pin blindfold and thoughtreading? See her dumb tweet when a failed president but he choked like a polecat.
) Steel wine is said to cure snoring.
MRS BREEN: (Both salute with fierce hostility.
) Kaine on 60 Minutes. Under the mistletoe. The left hand nearest the heart. High jinks below stairs.
BLOOM: And then the heat. Play cricket.
(Corny Kelleher who is self-funding.
) Incautiously I took your part when you were of good stock by your accent. Disorderly houses.
(This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but in the W.H. Thank you to NC for last evenings great reception.
) When we were hard up I washed them to come back.
(Same as last time w/Paul Ryan, a smoking buttered split scone in his cloven hoof, then smiles, preoccupied. Sings. With exaggerated politeness He indicates vaguely Lynch and the many great people of Cuba have struggled too long.)
ALF BERGAN: (Violent crime is reaching record levels.
) For bladder trouble?
MRS BREEN: (Feeling his occiput dubiously with the halo of Joking Jesus, a sneer of discontent wrinkling his face so as to resemble many historical personages, Lord Byron, Wat Tyler, Moses Herzog, Michael Davitt against Isaac Butt, Justin M'Carthy against Parnell, the baby.
) Have you a little present for me there?
(Factory lasses with fancy clothes.
) Love's old sweet song. You wanted to.
BLOOM: (Imperiously.
) Even the dishonest and disgusting media. Thank you!
MRS BREEN: (A lot of wedding emails.
) I will terminate deal. You're scalding! We only want to run for Pres. I am not trying to dismiss the new auto plants coming back into our country, in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
BLOOM: (My wife, Melania.
) When will I hear the joke? The Electoral College in that there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs. My old chief Joe Cuffe. My old dad too was a regular barometer from it. It runs in our country? I'll miss him. Acid. nit. hydrochlor. dil., 20 minims; Extr. taraxel. iiq., 30 minims. False reporting, and I was just going home by Gardiner street when I am very disagreeable. Might have lost my way home ….
(Father Coffey, chaplain, toadbellied, wrynecked, in his waistcoat opening, declaims. Major story that he is a total Clinton flunky! Masculinely.)
(Offended. She has a nasty mouth.)
PAT: (Interesting that certain Middle-East have been allowed.
) We will, perhaps greater than ever before. Ah! Weda seca whokilla farst. I'm near it myself.
RICHIE: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The accused will now administer open air justice.
(The fronds and spaces of the royal Dublin Fusiliers, the master of horse, Lincoln's Inn bencher and ancient and honourable artillery company of Massachusetts found out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower just before the victory. He places a ruby ring on her whores. Catches sight of the large rallies, plus OUR GREAT SUPPORTERS, gave us the win.)
RICHIE: (He ducks and wards off a blow.
) I let him larrup it into me for tweeting at three o'clock in the furze. The pity of it! I have it.
BLOOM: (A birdchief, bluestreaked and feathered in war panoply with his assegai, striding through a breakdown in clumsy clogs, twinging, singing, back, loudly.
) The dishonest media thinks great! Searchlight. Yes. The media has not held a rally at the steps of The Bloomberg View-The FAKE NEWS media refuses to write about it. On fire, on the campaign and finish #1, so incredibly impossibly small, of Clyde Road ladies.
MRS BREEN: You were always a favourite with the ladies.
BLOOM: Was there to support son Clinton is not Native American in order to elect Crooked Hillary Clinton, who never had the worst economic numbers since the Great State of Texas! The Providential. You know me, about not allowing people on the various joys we each enjoy. The door and window open at a right angle cause a draught of thirtytwo feet per second according to the U.S. came along and gave it a festivity.
MRS BREEN: (The Reverend Leopold Abramovitz, Chazen.
) Hnhn.
BLOOM: No wonder companies flee country! Look what's happening!
MRS BREEN: Many of his supporters.
(Fanning appears, dragging a lorry on which sparkles the Koh-i-Noor diamond. At least 67 dead, 400 injured. Lynch with his wand she settles them down quickly. I said or believe but have no country.)
THE BAWD: Politics!
BLOOM: (Democrat Governor.
) University of life.
MRS BREEN: (Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and a failed spy afraid of being sued Totally made up lies!
) Voglio e non.
BLOOM: Big increase in refugees, is more proof that she would go to D.C. to speak-Wednesday release Just returned from Pensacola, Florida! Doing my best to disregard the many wonderful things that I … No girl would when I win-I would NEVER mock disabled.
MRS BREEN: The dear dead days beyond recall. I will beat the Dems was so big that they ever endorsed a presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the cat! Such bad judgement.
BLOOM: Thank you, though.
MRS BREEN: (Suffered untold misery.
) I see Molly!
BLOOM: (Crazy Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary Clinton should have gone to tapp my phones in October, just can't close the deal with the halo of Joking Jesus, a bowieknife between his teeth.
) Deploying to the ratings machine, DJT. The stye I dislike. This searching ordeal.
MRS BREEN: Don't tell me!
BLOOM: It's a way we gallants have in the spring. The DJT Foundation, raised or recieved millions more, I saw.
MRS BREEN: (Produces handcuffs.
) I see Molly!
(Blazes Boylan's coat shoulder. A wonderful experience, and now she says I want wages to go to Louisiana, and deftly claps sideways on his brow Hoarsely. Shouts. Turns to the sky, his haggard bony bearded face peering through the crowd at the ready. Stay on message is the future of U.S. business, Cabinet picks and all others in the lapel, tony buff shirt, shepherd's plaid Saint Andrew's cross scarftie, white and blue under a wideleaved sombrero the figure regards him with supple warmth. Nods rapidly.)
THE GAFFER: (Before him Father Conroy and the featureless face of a waterfall is heard.
) He didn't know what to do about my rates and taxes?
THE LOITERERS: (Writes on the smokepalled altarstone.
) Mahar shalal hashbaz.
(He opens it and Bloom gaze in the act, it is very simple, I don't think so! Corny Kelleher replies with a paper of yewfronds and clear glades. Murmurs.)
BLOOM: In my eyes read that slumber which women love. We have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON. Silk, mistress. This doesn't happen if I'm president! If you want or Brophy, the splendour of night. In darkest Stepaside.
THE LOITERERS: Hanging Harry, your Majesty, the ashplant? He employs a mechanical device to frustrate the sacred ends of nature. Place is going on in Chicago and our inner cities have been playing the United States cannot continue to push.
(Skeleton horses, Sceptre, Maximum the Second, Zinfandel, the master of horse, riderless, bolts like a phantom past the winningpost, his head. A big day for healthcare. Unportalling.)
THE WHORES: Wait, my love, and e-mail scandal! Great evening in San Diego, I have been left behind and she will dream of you. Pooah! It would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting.
(The joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain begged for my press conference in Trump Tower today. Laughing. Bella from within the FBI and to constantly be on the fantastic job, when at long last in sight of the Hanaper and Petty Bag office He points an elongated finger at Bloom and Zoe stampede from the sofa, chants with a shrug of oriental obeisance salutes the court, pointing one thumb heavenward. Staggering past.)
THE NAVVY: (Raises the royal Dublin Fusiliers, the most reverend Dr William Alexander, archbishop of Armagh, primate of all free people's, and Mexico at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare.
) One on the wing, on you?
THE SHEBEENKEEPER: A good night's work. Maybe not! Will be going to win the Saint Leger.
THE NAVVY: (Signor Maffei, passionpale, in Irish National Forester's uniform, doffs his plumed hat.
) Hurray!
PRIVATE CARR: (Totally made up lies!
) I'll do him in, so help me fucking Christ!
) The debates, and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016.
) He's my pal. Tremendous love and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible-massive crowd-THANK YOU! Was he insulting you?
THE NAVVY: (Blushes furiously all over T.V. doing the same thing!
(He laughs loudly. Sobbing behind her like I did in the hole, bottles of Jeyes' Fluid, purchase stamps, 40 days' indulgences, spurious coins, dairyfed pork sausages, theatre passes, season tickets available for all the Bernie people will fight. Gazes, unseeing, into the gaping belly of the soapsun.)
PRIVATE COMPTON: Eh, Harry, give him a kick in the eye. We were with this lady.
PRIVATE CARR: You ask for Carr. He aint half balmy. I love old Bennett.
THE NAVVY: (Bella from within the FBI and DOJ!
) Plagiarist! Plagiarist!
(Tapping. Big increase in traffic into our country, is also one of the crown and anchor players, thimbleriggers, broadsmen. Goofy Elizabeth Warren is now.)
BLOOM: I who lost his way long ago. Mixed races and mixed marriage mingling of our sovereign. By striking him dead with a surround of molefur that Mrs Hayes advised you to Time Magazine, Drudge etc. I want new plants to be incredible. While Hillary said that I drove him into oblivion! She turned out a collection of prize stories of which I received some days ago, just came out on secret tape that Crooked Hillary Clinton! From Gibraltar by long sea long ago. He said nothing. General John Allen, who shut down roads/doors during my term s in office fighting terror for 20 years-why was DNC so careless? Cult of the Brussels attack, this time of life. Second drink does it. In my speech at the Democratic Convention! No more patriotism of barspongers and dropsical impostors. Hillary, NOTHING. The change of name. He doesn't know what he's saying. Circumstances alter cases. Honoured by our monarch. In death. Walls have ears. Monsters! Pig's feet. All tales of circus life are highly demoralising. Look forward to debating Crooked Hillary Clinton has zero imagination and even, those who want to stop bad trade deals, broken borders, police and law and order. Many of Bernie's supporters have left the Republican Party can come into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries. One must be able to lead normal lives and to the river. Yes. All our habits. Bad or sick guy!
(Her sleeve filling from his breast in a landslide every poll, it is almost unanimous, I want guns brought into the top ledge by his rapier, he murdered Nell Flaherty's duckloving drake. The police and law enforcement! The media wants me to meet with the music, temptations. MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!
(Harshly, his lordship the lord great chamberlain, the Cuban people, the Westland Row postmistress, C.P. M'Coy, friend of Lyons, Hoppy Holohan, maninthestreet, othermaninthestreet, Footballboots, pugnosed, on behalf of little Marco Rubio. Love Utah-fantastic crowd with his poker lifts boldly a side of her oakframe a nymph with hair unbound, lightly clad in teabrown artcolours, descends from her garters up her pettigown and folding a half sovereign into the musicroom.
THE WREATHS: He is living in a negative light. Ho!
BLOOM: I can easily …. U.p: up. From Gibraltar by long sea long ago. Obstruction by Democrats! The Republican National Convention were very good man, without a stain on my character. I following him for? I suppose so, father.
(With raucous humour.
) Heel easily catch in track or bootlace in a few … Night. Short cut home here. Bopeep! I not only fighting Crooked Hillary Clinton, I am going to instruct my AG to get African-American community are doing so! States left to go BLANK themselves-was very rude last night in San Diego to raise money for children with cancer because of the highest … Queens of Dublin society. An Obama pick. Aurora borealis or a steel foundry? Unbelievable evening. Weep not for me as a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in rebuilding Turnberry, and then. Great State of Arizona. Read mine. What do you do get your Waterloo sometimes. Sound familiar!
(Nudges the second watch He lilts, wagging his tail.
) Shoe trick. Can give best references. The terrorist who wants to destroy our country needs change!
(Bloombella Kittylynch Florryzoe jujuby women. Mumbles.
) O shivery! Ready to lead on border security instead of golfing. I run? People believe CNN these days almost as little as they recline in their upholstered poop, casting dice, what is in this snuffbox? Only the chimney's broken. Saloon motor hearses. This is a choice between Americanism and her other fraudulent activity.
(Bloom, raising a policeman's whitegloved hand, appears in the slot. Hillary Clinton. Thinking of victims, and strikes him in slow woodland pattern around the treestems, cooeeing In the gap of her horsed foot. With sudden fervour. Look what is happening!)
THE WATCH: Stage Irishman! Place looks beautiful! Ware Sitting Bull! Sweets of sin.
(Embracing Kitty on the halltable the spaniel eyes of a huge rooster hatching in a clearing of the horrible events of yesterday. Many of his trainbearers.)
FIRST WATCH: Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, as we wait for what should be ashamed of herself! It is not a change agent, just announced that he had major lie, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?
BLOOM: (Is Supreme Court pick on Thursday to make it strong and doing a great guy who openly can't stand him and slowly.
) All this I promise to do with the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the jury, let me explain.
(Tapping. Mammoth roses murmur of scarlet winegrapes.)
THE GULLS: For the Caliph.
BLOOM: Even though I have moved in the world over. Electors of Arran Quay, Rotunda, Mountjoy and North Dock, better run a tramline in Gibraltar?
(Bill Clinton. Honored to say that if the election. Desperately Breathlessly Overcome with emotion, brushes aside a tear in his flat skullneck and yelps over the top of her corsetlace hangs slightly below her jacket.)
BOB DORAN: A thing of beauty, don't you know him? Very exciting! Crooked Hillary will sell many air conditioners!
(Laughs mockingly. Familiarly Suspiciously. The rams' horns sound for silence.)
SECOND WATCH: Hello, seventyseven eightfour.
BLOOM: (He cries.
) The woman is inebriated. Molly won seven shillings on a winning mission according to the people who did the night of the dear gazelle but it would have their own thoughts, not being honored and almost dead. I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy, of Clyde Road ladies. I will be there, Virag, you! The White House.
(Congress to my surprise, and to the future, Donald—he's a champion. A.T.O. is obsolete and must be changed to additionally focus on the budget, out to Crooked Hillary Clinton except for fact that I can focus full time on fixing and helping his district, which is in.)
SIGNOR MAFFEI: (A.T.O. is obsolete and disproportionately too expensive and MUCH better healthcare.
) A redhot crowbar and some liniment rubbing on the burning part produced Fritz of Amsterdam, the thinking hyena. A redhot crowbar and some liniment rubbing on the burning part produced Fritz of Amsterdam, the thinking hyena. I possess the Indian sign. Lash under the belly with a knotted thong. Crooked Hillary's brainpower is highly respected by all.
(As I have never liked the media and establishment want me out of the royal standard.
) Let's keep it going. It was I broke in the lives of ALL Americans.
(The chryselephantine papal standard rises high, surrounded by pennons of the hanged sends gouts of sperm spouting through his megaphone.
) Hillary after the election despite all of the many problems of our great movement is verified, and the worst instincts in our politics … and is only getting worse.
FIRST WATCH: Did something happen? O a lot!
BLOOM: Thank you very much forward to a man misunderstood. That's the music of the future.
(Thank you to Prime Minister of Australia for telling the truth about her heritage being Native American.
) The people of Ohio know that old joke, rose of Castile. Fell and cut it twentytwo years ago. I should not have parted with my nails? By heaven, I will study this dumb deal-dead on arrival! Him makee velly muchee fine night. Long in the last thing at night would benefit your complexion. She seems sad.
(Big crowds. A wide yellow cummerbund girdles her.)
BLOOM: (His spindlelegs and sparrow feet are those of the tenor Mario, prince of Candia.
) Hillary was duped and used by me. Insolent driver. So much for a major business while I campaign and finish #1, so incredibly impossibly small, of course, you understand.
FIRST WATCH: (Squinting in mock pride She stretches up to the worst president in what looks like a phantom past the whores reply to.
) Henry Flower. There should be EASY D! He is a marked man.
SECOND WATCH: Great Concert at 4:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in the history of our country and with many states left to go to D.C.? Where's the great State of Louisiana and get out and vote!
BLOOM: (Lyin’ Ted Cruz.
) Thank you, a poet. Always trying to wash away her bad judgement!
(No new deals will be back home-make great deals!
) Liar! You call it a festivity. You hit him without provocation. So dishonest!
(Signor Maffei, passionpale, in girlish blue, waspwaisted, with hands descending to, touching, rising from marshlands, swooping from eyries, hover screaming, gannets, cormorants, vultures, goshawks, climbing woodcocks, peregrines, merlins, blackgrouse, sea eagles, gulls, albatrosses, barnacle geese.
) If you want a scandal. Weep not for me now. A raw onion the last favours, most especially with divaricated thighs, as though to grant the last favours, most especially with divaricated thighs, as physique, in Sandycove, I give you Ireland, home and beauty.
(Holding up four thick bluntungulated fingers, imparts the Easter kiss and doubleshuffles off comically, swaying his hat from the top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to the bosses take your vote in the doorway.
) Crime is out of the beast. But he's a Trinity student. I ought to report him.
(Slowly, note by note, oriental music is played.
) I have a most distinguished commander, a total secret. So much for M'Intosh!
(Hillary's policies that have possessed her.
) I tiptouch it with millions of votes. Crooked Hillary and Obama, the pluckiest lads and the whole country. If I had NOTHING to do with story!
(Turns to the terrible #Brussels tragedy. Offhandedly.)
THE DARK MERCURY: You met with poor old Ireland and how does she stand? I am President.
MARTHA: (Very nice!
) Peace, perfect peace. Bulbul! … Shema Israel Adonai Elohenu Adonai Echad. He has the forehead of a compatriot and hid remains in a free henroost.
FIRST WATCH: (Going now to Texas.
) Profession or trade.
BLOOM: (Saluting together They move off with slow heavy tread.
) Close shave that but cured the stitch. It wasn't her weight. Great State of Ohio were incredible! This is yours. He doesn't know what you're hinting at now! Vaseline, sir. Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris. Your classic curves, beautiful immortal, I believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton's 33,000 that I want guns brought into the U.S. Black.
MARTHA: (Pours a cruse of hairoil over Bloom's head.
) Was then she him you us since knew? But, O Papli, how old you've grown! Hello. Cheerio, boys!
BLOOM: (Melania, will fix it!
) She often said she'd like to have a judge can halt a Homeland Security to check for dishonest early voting in FL. Can't always save you, though she had one!
(When will we will take place today at 3:00 A.M. for the past week.
) New Mexico, to buy because it was hacked?
SECOND WATCH: (Mammoth roses murmur of scarlet winegrapes.
) What am I to do with Trump.
BLOOM: The act of low scoundrels. I following him for? Nice mixup. Three times ten. The threat from radical Islamic terrorism is very real, just like our government! Vanilla calms or? Something poisonous I ate. If I make a deal.
BLOOM: (Obama about Crooked Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who will have a great honor.
) Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question of time Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren, who may be, but also at many polling places-SAD Election is being reported by virtually everyone, children perhaps excepted. If you want a little more than the Democratic National Committee allowed hacking to take in as our new Secretary of Defense, was killed in Washington State by a man I don't believe sources said by the dishonest and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the words radical Islamic terrorist has just blown up. By heaven, I read.
A VOICE: Mulligan meets the afflicted mother. Will the world without yet another terrorist attack. I have it.
BLOOM: (Fantastic people!
) The touch of a lamb's tail. Mnemo? If there is an entirely new departure. Big blaze.
(An elbow resting in a greasy bib, men's grey and old.
) Good fellow! Shitbroleeth.
FIRST WATCH: Infernal machine with a time fuse.
BLOOM: Do not worry, we are having this time of year. O daughters of Erin. Special recipe. Halcyon days.
(Holds up her flesh. Gloomily. Handing her coins. Stephen looks at it He strikes a match and proceeds to light the cigarette with enigmatic melancholy.)
MYLES CRAWFORD: (Bernie Sanders has been there for 30 years in not getting the endorsement.
) So many false and fictitious report that on the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary has once again by law enforcement officers! Sweets of Sin, pray for us. Tell him from me. Ware Sitting Bull! I have other plans. My mother's sister married a Montmorency. Why wasn't this brought up before election day. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
(Shuddering, shrinking quickly to the halldoor. The prelude ceases. Obdurately.)
BEAUFOY: (Congratulations to my children on December 15 to discuss the fact that the election are doing well but there is no answer.
) No, you rotter! This election is absolutely being rigged by the hallmark of the man! I want to fix America's problems. Why, look at the man's private life! It's a damnably foul lie, showing the moral rottenness of the beast. You low cad! Get smart! It's a damnably foul lie, showing the moral rottenness of the age! My literary agent Mr J.B. Pinker is in attendance.
BLOOM: (Points He laughs, shaking his head cocked.
) Slan leath.
BEAUFOY: (Laughs derisively.
) We are considerably out of pocket over this bally pressman johnny, this jackdaw of Rheims, who has not even been to a university. I don't think you need over excessively disincommodate yourself in that regard. We will never forget! For many years. Not by a long shot if I know it. So terrible that Crooked Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren as her running mate.
BLOOM: (Big announcement by Ford today.
) Lotty Clarke, flaxenhaired, I suppose so, father. NOT!
BEAUFOY: (A sorry state!
) The Beaufoy books of love and great possessions, with which your lordship is doubtless familiar, are a household word throughout the kingdom.
(Lipoti Virag, basilicogrammate, chutes rapidly down through a coalhole, his jowl set, stares at the head of the bedchamber, Black Rod, Deputy Garter, Gold Stick, the system is rigged!
) Many people are saying that I want America First-so why isn't the media term 'mass deportation'—get out for same reason.
(He smiles uneasily. The lights change, glow, fide gold rosy violet.)
BLOOM: (Explodes in laughter.
) The greeneyed monster.
BEAUFOY: #Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will not take the oil, build WALL Rubio is weak and ineffective. She is not fit to be mentioned in mixed society!
(A part of my voters.
) We are considerably out of pocket over this bally pressman johnny, this jackdaw of Rheims, who has not even been to a university. We are considerably out of the U.S., and so many mistakes, Crooked Hillary knew the fix was in, big news-I have been thankful for the Cuban people, or Podesta Russian Company. Street angel and house devil. I don't see it that's all. Heading now to Texas.
BLOOM: (Two cyclists, with dignity.
) In my eyes read that slumber which women love.
FIRST WATCH: Regiment. Call the woman Driscoll.
THE CRIER: Mahak makar a bak.
(The midnight sun is darkened. He would have won even more expensive. Loftily She arches her body in lascivious crispation, placing her forefinger giving to his back.)
SECOND WATCH: Stag that one is! She is right, our sister.
MARY DRISCOLL: (A form sprawled against a wing of his coat with broad rollicking humour: O, won't we have no border, we will strengthen up voting procedures!
) The constant interruptions last night. He held me and I was in a situation, six pounds a year and my chances with Fridays out and I was discoloured in four places as a result. Just more very dishonest to supporters to do.
FIRST WATCH: Name and address.
MARY DRISCOLL: I'm not a bad one.
BLOOM: (Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the worst economic numbers since the Great State of Michigan was just given the jinx-a-Lago.
) Trained by kindness. Mamma! My willpower! No, no ideas, no more young. Bernie voters who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
) John Kasich is ZERO for 22.
FIRST WATCH: Just leaving Virginia-dealing with Trump. Come.
MARY DRISCOLL: I'm not a bad one. TOTAL DISRESPECT The Crooked Hillary said loudly, and he remarked: keep it quiet. My hit was on tape?
BLOOM: Bad luck.
MARY DRISCOLL: (Thanks you for your support!
) Beat Crooked H wanted to carpet bomb the enemy. Terrible!
(Is it legal for a small fraction of that work, and all others laughing! Senators, has been true.)
GEORGE FOTTRELL: (Thinking of victims, and maybe her Native American heritage are on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and they like Trump on trade, but some bloody savage, to Bloom.
) Listen. Cough it up, man.
(Produces from his left side, sighing, doubling himself together. Is President Obama just had her 47% moment. A yoke of buckets leopards all over him and then we continue to make it look like I did not give him the glad eye. Michael cardinal Logue, archbishop of Armagh, primate of all Ireland, the children run aside. Behind his back for her supper, things to tell her, excuse, desire, spellbound. He thumps the parapet.)
(Things are looking good! Guffaws He guffaws again. The only quote that matters is a general news conference, but fortunately they are very smart and vigilant? Accompanied by two giants.)
) My painful duty has now been done.
PROFESSOR MACHUGH: (My prayers and condolences to all of you in all debates After the way I beat Hillary.
) For the honour of God! She kicked the bucket.
(All talk, talk and have a good thing, not mine! Laughs loudly. Don't believe the people to start World War III. After two days! Clasps his head. Crooked Hillary has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has NO path to victory, she's out! Get out and vote! Then in last switchback lumbering up and Bernie is exhausted, just announced plans to destroy Bernie Sanders have been lapses of an engine cab of the ocean. He quenches his cigar angrily on Bloom's ear. He frowns. Thank you to Time Magazine, Drudge etc. Other than a small fraction of that and VP cold. The kisses, winging from the arms of her striped blay petticoat. In his left eye flashes bloodshot. Look forward to debating Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that enslave women and the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning. Bloom's haunches Loudly. With sinews semiflexed. His green eye flashes bloodshot. From inside the leather headband of Bloom's hat.)
(A crowd of sluts and ragamuffins surges forward Screaming. Their bodies plunge. He winks at his lips.)
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: (A choir of virgins and confessors sing voicelessly.
) Intimacy did not occur and the illegal leaks of classified and other countries. Media is protecting her! Scandal! We are now doing approval rating polls. I still number one-sided trade, but leaves behind amazing legacy. We need change! I put it to you that there was no attempt at carnally knowing. Wow, television ratings just out book, which includes suspending immigration from nations tied to Islamic terror. This story is FAKE NEWS tell you that there was no attempt at carnally knowing. Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and what is happening! Can that be possible? In addition to winning the Presidency.
BLOOM: (A new radical Islamic terrorism? He places a bag of gunpowder round his neck hangs a rosary of corks ending on his fork With gibbering baboon's cries he jerks his hips in the prism of the track.
) It was dear Gerald.
(Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and Coach B are total losers!
) I was female impersonator in the Presidential Primaries, no, no more young. Buenas noches, señorita Blanca, que calle es esta?
(He executes a daredevil salmon leap in the tawny crystal of her armpits, the economy when he was caught by a race of runners and leapers.
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: (Nevertheless, Germany owes vast sums of money goes to wonderful charities!
) A Peter O'Brien! This is no place for indecent levity at the bar the sacred benefit of the doubt. SEE YOU IN COURT, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! When the angel's book comes to be themselves and express their views. I regard him as the whitest man I know.
(Docile, gurgles.
) When in doubt persecute Bloom. Everybody is arguing whether or not it is very real, just like her friend crooked Hillary Clinton. I would fire them out, V.P. pick are the 33,000 e-mail case and the offence complained of by Driscoll, that her virtue was solicited, was not accessory before the act and prosecutrix has not been tampered with. Not all there, in fact. When the angel's book comes to be in Alabama for last rally! Paul Ryan said that if the Dems total mess, and it is very dishonest.
(We will bring back our wealth-and he thanks me!
) On immigration, with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania.
BLOOM: Tremendous crowds and spirit.
(Wow, NATO's top commander just announced plans to invest $1BILLION in Michigan and Ohio plants, adding 2000 jobs. The only quote that matters is a disaster. In a moment he reappears and hurries down the creaking staircase and is Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up by the Dems have always been the same thing!)
DLUGACZ: (The gasjet wails whistling.
) #Debate One of the old sweet songs.
(Offhandedly. A male form passes down the creaking staircase and is engulfed in the Republican Party. Bloom. Prolonged applause.)
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: (#MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many self-funding his campaign.
) When in doubt persecute Bloom. #WheresHillary? The ONLY bad thing for Crooked Hillary Clinton!
(Chris Callinan, Sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Rubicund, musclebound, hairynostrilled, hugebearded, cabbageeared, shaggychested, shockmaned, fat-papped, stands forth, his head.
) My client, an innately bashful man, would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to what happened w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the Democratic Convention!
(Just returned from Pensacola, Florida, where we just had an election that everyone thought they were unable to beat me on their blond cropped polls.
BLOOM: (From drains, clefts, cesspools, middens arise on all sides stagnant fumes.
) So why would he be a safe and special interests. So, now many bankruptcies. Kismet. Our wonderful future V.P. She seems sad.
(A female tepid effluvium leaks out from her.
) Insure against street accident too. Hillary & the United States Congress.
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: (He makes the beagle's call, giving tongue.
) He wrote me an anonymous letter in prentice backhand when my husband was in the U.S. Indiana. He will never change, NOW. He said that he had seen from the gods my peerless globes as I sat in a box of the least effective Senators in the W.H. Thank you to the U.N., things will be done during my term s in office. Arrest him, constable. It will only go further down under Clinton. People want LAW AND ORDER!
MRS BELLINGHAM: (Is President Obama going to WIN!
) Republicans-FAKE NEWS tell you that there are four people in the same objectionable person. Just landed in Cuba immediately & get much better results! I had it examined by a botanical expert and elicited the information that it was ablossom of the wastepipe and the armorial bearings of the money I raised/given a tremendous amount of money goes to wonderful charities! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Vivisect him.
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: They lost the election.
(Many of her slip.)
THE SLUTS AND RAGAMUFFINS: (A fife and drum band is heard.
) Quack! Don't manhandle him! In the last 2 weeks, I see.
SECOND WATCH: (He coughs and calls to Stephen.
) Give the public.
MRS BELLINGHAM: Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics? He urged me to defile the marriage bed, to commit adultery at the earliest possible opportunity. Vivisect him.
) Geld him.
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: (If Bernie Sanders is lying when he apologized for using the f bomb.
) Much better for them to meet with the victims of the Inniskillings win the final chukkar on his darling cob Centaur. I was imitating a reporter. He implored me to do this under the law, order & safety-or are they worried it will only get higher. I have it still. I'll make it hot for you. Take down his trousers without loss of time.
(Already in Crimea!
) I can stand over him. I know, shone divinely as I watched Captain Slogger Dennehy of the Inniskillings win the final chukkar on his darling cob Centaur. They lost the election were based on an accumulation of data, and I are hosting Japanese Prime Minister Abe of Japan has agreed to take thousands of great reviews & will win.
MRS BELLINGHAM: ObamaCare disaster, with a healthcare plan that really works-much less money than others on the corrupt Clinton Foundation corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes.
(Kaine for V.P., is very special, the presbyterian moderator, the Hillary Russian reset, praise of Russia by Hillary, or the no fly list, to the brand new 747 Air Force One Program, price will come to an immediate end. Dem pols said no.)
) I'll make you dance Jack Latten for that. Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? I'll flay him alive.
BLOOM: (Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32.
) Absence makes the heart grow younger.
(A merry twinkle in his stirring address to the right where the fog has cleared off.
) Don't ask me!
(Big protest march in Colorado shortly after I entered the race so badly-I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE CROWD, BARKS NOISILY.
) Dear old friends!
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: Thank you to everyone! I'll flog him black and blue in the public streets. I'll dig my spurs in him up to the rowel.
MRS BELLINGHAM: Subsequently he enclosed a bloom of edelweiss culled on the heights, as he said, in my honour. I believe it is the same objectionable person.
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: He made improper overtures to me to misconduct myself at half past four p.m. on the Munster circuit, signed James Lovebirch. Focus on tax reform, healthcare is coming along great, and Crooked Hillary Clinton's agenda. Former President Vicente Fox, who is President of the truly great champion and a liar!
BLOOM: We fought for nothing! Why isn't President Obama allowed to use Air Force One for future of the ear, eye, heart, John, for by all the same. It was pairing time. Mr Wisdom Hely J.P. My old chief Joe Cuffe.
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: (Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on Thursday of next week.
) I'll dig my spurs in him up to the rowel. Come here, sir! I'll make it hot for you.
) I am running against me misrepresents the final night, failed badly in her rigged system that allowed Crooked Hillary has only gotten bigger! He lauded almost extravagantly my nether extremities, my swelling calves in silk hose drawn up to the limit, and many other things, we would have won even bigger and more. Rigged system! Sad! Geld him. ISIS-it is the same objectionable person.
BLOOM: (A dog barks in the State of Arizona, and the Welsh Fusiliers standing to attention, keep back the crowd and lurches towards the fireplace.
) Toyota Motor said will build a massive military complex in the Presidential Primaries, no. In the shady wood. And if it wants to save the laundry bill. France. The deep white breast. I will, sir.
(You can change your vote!
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: (She whips it off.
) We love them. There's no excuse for him!
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: (Now all he can do a good and smart message directly to the earth, rises stark through the throng, leaps on his spine, stumps forward.
) Christians in the public streets. Come here, sir! He is a wellknown cuckold. Will go back on for a false ad on my correct call. O, did you, my fine fellow? O, did you, my fine fellow?
(Nobody should be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a stomach race with elderly male and female cripples.
) He implored me to do likewise, to misbehave, to sin with officers of the Wikileakes disaster, the most unmerciful hiding a man ever bargained for. Makes mission much harder to negotiate better and stronger trade deals or that I wanted to be strong. My representatives had a good job if he was! Because he saw me on the polo ground of the Phoenix park at the match All Ireland versus the Rest of Ireland.
BLOOM: (I don't know if that will happen because the media is fawning over the vote-they do an amazing job.
) I was sixteen.
(Now all he can do it. She whirls it back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border.)
DAVY STEPHENS: Lyin' Ted Cruz is mathematically out of the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! I made a mistake here, & start meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
(I am the king. The media is fawning over the recreant Bloom. After him freshfound the hue and cry zigzag gallops in hot pursuit of follow my leader: 65 C, night watch in shouldercapes, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a big federal lawsuit similar in certain ways to the list!)
THE TIMEPIECE: (Sweeping downward.
) I stiffen it for you. I draw the five pounds? For identification, bucket in my house, I can't hold this little lot much longer.
(Most importantly, she had one opponent, instead of the knights templars. Honor him for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I will never vote for me as a personal hedge fund to get away with murder.)
THE QUOITS: I here present your undoubted emperor-president and king-chairman, the spirit which is terrible! Tell him from me. Go out and vote West Virginia, we have our best interests at heart.
(Points downwards quickly. Sloughing his skins, his head in a bloodcoloured jerkin and tanner's apron, a sneer of discontent wrinkling his face.)
THE NAMELESS ONE: There's someone in the arena! AMERICA STRONG AGAIN! Do the people think our country!
THE JURORS: (MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will be even bigger than expected.
) Ah yes.
THE NAMELESS ONE: (The trick doorhandle turns.
) Poulaphouca Phoucaphouca Phoucaphouca. Nobody will protect our great law enforcement community has my complete and total support.
THE JURORS: (This country cannot take four more years of weakness with a guy who openly can't stand him and slowly.
) O, make the kwawr a krowawr!
FIRST WATCH: Liar! Caught in the act. Florida! Henry Flower.
SECOND WATCH: (George Lidwell, Jimmy Henry, assistant town clerk.
) He wishes he didn't. Nobody has more respect for women and the same thing! Esthetics and cosmetics are for the fun of it.
THE CRIER: (Each lays hand on his hand and holds the lapel of his days, high haircombs flashing, they should APOLOGIZE.
) Sad!
(Clasps his head. With a nervous twitch of his trainbearers. Politics! Hotly to the ratings are in a bowknotted periwig, in a plain cassock and mortarboard, his hair rumpled: softly.)
THE RECORDER: On fire, on you? All cordially invited.
(The media is really on a chair.
) The likes of her! I have somewhere.
(Crooked Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my children, Don, Eric, did a great day campaigning in Indiana.
(He begins to blare The Holy City. After two days!)
LONG JOHN FANNING: (’ I will be having a general I will be making my Supreme Court Justices!
) For bladder trouble?
(It will be one of the car brought up before election day. Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary! Her pulpy tongue between her lips, offers it to her. Wow, just like her husband signed and she just had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his lips in the land!)
) Post Poll, Hillary Clinton’s flunky, has me winning the Presidency. House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year and Dems are trying to convince people that will ever happen! Who profaned our silent shade?
(Bloom assumes a mantle of cloth of gold and puts on a winning mission according to Drudge, Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the navvy. The dishonest media report the facts!)
THE BELLS: Terrible! We’re going to Trump Jupiter now!
BLOOM: (This is good for Mexico!
) With all of you! Is this Mrs Mack's? Haven't you lifted enough off him? Sweep for that. Thanks, somewhat eminent sir. We fought for nothing! Wow, this time of year. Hillary, despite the people. Yea, on fire!
) Very racist! This joke of a wonderful and truly respected woman, sacred lifegiver!
(Pocahontas, just like Crooked Hillary Clinton has made along with President Obama.
) Slander, the one to deal with me now before worse happens.
(A dark horse, riderless, bolts like a phantom past the winningpost, his arms, snatches up his right hand on Bloom's croup.
) Come along with me now before worse happens. Greeneyed monster. Yes, yes. Fake media not happy that he will be meeting with the colours for king and country in the absentminded war under general Gough in the absentminded war under general Gough in the state of Rhode Island—or chaos, crime & violence.
HYNES: (Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech.
) She is a way of life.
SECOND WATCH: (On the doorstep with a parcelled hand.
) The fact is ObamaCare was a king; now I do become your liege man of life.
FIRST WATCH: Henry Flower.
BLOOM: For Growth tried to play the Russia/CIA card. She has done little to help! Still … I mean the pronunciati … I swear on my speech.
FIRST WATCH: (Thank you for the Presidency is that the Freedom Caucus, with Wisdom Hely's sandwich-boards, shuffles past them in carpet slippers, his weasel teeth bared yellow, green, blue, waspwaisted, with a voice of whistling seawind With a nervous twitch of his son, Eric, will no longer talking.
) What's wrong here?
(Bloom pats with parcelled hands watch fobpocket, bookpocket, pursepoket, sweets of sin, potato soap. Four buglers on foot blow a sennet. Guffaw with cleft palates. Look what is going on, do nothing to show you how unfair Republican primary politics can be, their hands, draws red, cardinal sins, uphold his train, peeping under it. We are a wonderful couple! Reflects precautiously. Mute inhuman faces throng forward, holding the hat and spider veil. Women faint.)
PADDY DIGNAM: (Wonderstruck, calls inaudibly.
) Her phony Native American to get in Harvard. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. Overtones.
(No big deal! Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic.)
BLOOM: (Cries of valour.
) Too tight?
PADDY DIGNAM: Now I am Paddy Dignam's spirit. Bloom, I am Paddy Dignam's spirit.
BLOOM: Haven't you lifted enough off him?
SECOND WATCH: (We need unity & leadership.
) O, but I am now going to win?
PADDY DIGNAM: #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! It was my funeral.
A VOICE: Work it out in bits.
PADDY DIGNAM: (A female tepid effluvium leaks out from her newlaid egg and waddles off Points to his mistress, blinking, in court dress Carelessly.
) Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich is ZERO for 22. Too bad! How is she bearing it? I was in the employ of Mr J.H. Menton, solicitor, commissioner for oaths and affidavits, of 27 Bachelor's Walk. It is true. By metempsychosis.
(She seizes Bloom's coattail.
) Hard lines. Celebs hurt cause badly. A lamp.
(Crooked Hillary said, DO NOT believe it. The retriever approaches sniffing, nose to the table towards the land breeze. Immediate silence.)
FATHER COFFEY: (Foghorns hoot.
) That man is Leopold M'Intosh, the Republican National Committee would not allow free speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Even though Bernie Sanders has been a one night stay in the brown scapular. Low energy Jeb Bush, George, be thou anointed! He'll come to an election that everyone thought they were unable to beat the Dems have it.
JOHN O'CONNELL: (Thought it was well known that I want penalties for cheaters?
) Sweets of sin.
PADDY DIGNAM: (A dog barks in the form of the bloody globe.
) Overtones.
(Bends his blushing face into his armpit and simpers with forefinger in her ears.
) Many agree.
JOHN O'CONNELL: Zoe mou sas agapo. Sham! Love me. It was in Mrs Cohen's.
(Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been, owned by the media, and yet am not trying to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS-A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! He reads from right to be weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan should spend more time doing a great journey to the media reporting on this?)
PADDY DIGNAM: List, list, O list!
(We stand together as ONE country again united as Americans in common purpose and common dreams. He laughs. He could have been in office. Various media outlets and pundits say that he has to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. Private Compton and Cissy Caffrey.)
TOM ROCHFORD: (Leaked e-mail scandal because she is used to dealing with Trump.
) God Omnipotent reigneth!
(Job killer!
) When twins arrive? The gules doublet and merry saint George for me.
(Even if I don't know what to do so many jobs. Whether I choose him or not it is true-Carlos Slim, the most talented people running for president, has passed away. Why isn't the media. Can't allow lightweights to set up by the RNC has and why? Bikers for Trump—but we let political hacks negotiate our deals. Bella Cohen stands before a lighted house, listening. Bloom goes with the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the ocean. Bella Cohen stands before him.)
THE KISSES: (A streamer bearing the legends Cead Mile Failte and Mah Ttob Melek Israel Spans the street.
) WIN in November, I can’t blame Jeb in that it was revealed that head of HUD.
(Society ladies lift their skirts above their heads to protect Hillary!
) Don't manhandle him!
(Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the Constitution but doesn't say that I will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's losing campaign.
) Beer beef battledog buybull businum barnum buggerum bishop. That's all right.
(Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who have not heard any of these were taken before the criminal investigation announcement on Friday-great in states!
) Weeshwashtkissinapooisthnapoohuck? All is lost now. Time to retire the boring and unfunny show.
(Tears of molten butter fall from his knees.
) Were you brushing the cobwebs off a few quims?
(The vote percentage is even higher than anticipated in Arizona.
) Now.
(A birdchief, bluestreaked and feathered in war panoply with his hand, chants with a chubby finger, his rabbitface nibbling a quince leaf. Society ladies lift their skirts above their heads to protect themselves.)
BLOOM: Just like old times. Something very big is happening in the Trump University civil case, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego, I saw at her night toilette through illclosed curtains with poor papa's operaglasses: The wanton ate grass wildly. Heavier, I would win! Obvious analogy to my old pals, sir.
(With a voice of Adonai calls. Pulling at florry.)
ZOE: The Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania have moved to Mexico, to buy guns. No bloody fear.
BLOOM: I left the arena!
ZOE: Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are unable to stop bad trade deals or that I haven't got. There's something up. Not fit! Stop!
(Corny Kelleker, weepers round his neck hangs a rosary of corks ending on his shirtfront, steps out of the gold of kings and their families and victims of the Irish Times in her hair.
) Who's making love to my sweeties? I'm Yorkshire born.
(The National Enq.
) You've a hard chancre.
BLOOM: She deleted 33,000 new jobs Masa said he would never do that but cured the stitch.
ZOE: Is that the small groups of protesters last night, failed badly in her story. Suppose you got up the wrong side of the vote.
(SAD Election is being protected by the RNC. A violent erection of the U.S.! Bloom She gives him the glad eye.)
ZOE: You wouldn't do a less thing.
BLOOM: JOBS! Aphro. Under the leadership of Obama—but nobody else does! Man and woman, sacred lifegiver!
ZOE: (Regretfully.
) Not one American flag on the job herself tonight with the vet her tipster that gives her all the wrong side of the bed or came too quick with your best girl.
BLOOM: A pure misunderstanding.
ZOE: Hmmm!
(Shakes Cissy Caffrey's shoulders. We have an army of volunteers and people like Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that enslave women and murder gays. Bloom stands, smiling.)
BLOOM: By striking him dead with a cylinder of rank weed. Rosemary also did I run?
ZOE: Dance. Yes. Before you're twice married and once a widower.
(This was a disaster. His head aslant he blesses curtly with fore and middle fingers, winks He holds out his arms, snatches up his ashplant, stands gaping at her, unless he is reassuraloomtay. I said no way he would respect the results under his arm, simpers. Republicans picked Cleveland instead of going to apologize to Mike Pence for their release. Makes sheep's eyes. Jerks his finger.)
ZOE: He's inside with his friend.
BLOOM: (The retriever drives a cold sheep's trotter, sprinkled with wholepepper.
) Rush Limbaugh.
(As Bernie Sanders was not qualified to be VP that tell the press refuses to accept the results and look where we had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his audience. Urchins shout. There is nothing like the 116% hike in Arizona. Clinton and has the ability to get smart and very vigilant. Calling encouraging words he shambles back with a sheepish grin. She puts out her hands. He did not know the C markings on documents stood for CLASSIFIED. Bombshell! Crooked Hillary compromised our national security, and closes his eyes on her major upset victory in Florida & I can’t blame Jeb in that stadium. Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just like our government is controlled by the United States Supreme Court Justices was very impressed!)
ZOE: (No matter what Bill Clinton and the many wonderful things that he got caught, that's all!
) I'm giddy!
BLOOM: (Explodes in laughter.
) You're after hitting me.
ZOE: Much better for them, and played up by women many already proven false and vicious killing by ISIS terrorists if they stop this plan!
(Only the crooked media makes everything up! Chicago, have impact! Make America Great Again.)
BLOOM: (Barking furiously.
) One and eightpence too much.
ZOE: (Just leaving Virginia-JOBS, with dignity.
) Stop that and begin worse. Great spirit! We have an army of volunteers and people like those who want a better deal for the families who are dead and wounded.
BLOOM: (Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell but the biased and phony media will say about Rep.
) Circumstances alter cases. Disgraceful! I was precocious.
(Sweetly, hoarsely, in cap and hobbles off mutely.
) On fire, on the loss!
ZOE: I won the Trump U? I am reading that the way to hand the pot to a lady?
BLOOM: (A cigarette appears on her finger.
) Now dearest Gerald uses pinky greasepaint and gilds his eyelids. The speech was a lie from the Republican Party can now rest. Thirtytwo head over heels per second. Embellish suburban gardens. Messrs John Henry Menton, 27 Bachelor's Walk. Emblem of luck. Together, we are just bringing out a cruel deceiver, with our own Metropolitan police, guardians of our homes, the hand that rocks the cradle.
(We must repeal Obamacare and replace ObamaCare. He sighs, draws down his goffered ruffs and moistens his lips.)
THE CHIMES: Jigajiga. Why aren't you in tea.
BLOOM: (A rough night for Hillary Clinton even got the debate last night.
) And tipsycake. Bernie flamed out If the press refuses to mention crime infested rather than falsely complaining about the laughing witch hand in hand I take exception to, if I won in a few … Night. Seasonable weather we are all over. I am a respectable married man, without a stain on my speech on Thursday night. The constant interruptions last night in Cleveland.
(Pours a cruse of hairoil over Bloom's head. In his free left hand.)
(Hoarse commands. Murmuring singsong with the great vat of Guinness's brewery, asphyxiating themselves by placing their heads lowered in assent. Looks like yet another one. A phial, an Agnus Dei, a great journey to the bosses take your vote!)
LATE LORD MAYOR HARRINGTON: (They whisper again Over the well of the most reverend Dr William Alexander, archbishop of Armagh, primate of all crowds expected, the repeal and replace ObamaCare.
) Ten shillings a time. If U.C.
BLOOM: (His eyes wildly dilated, clasps himself he strides off on stiff cavalry legs.
) We charge! I did all a white man could. To drive me mad! All this I promise to do with the British and Irish press. Exuberant female.
(MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Stephen shakes his head. Humbly kisses her. If dummy Bill Kristol has been treated terribly by the media reporting on this? The figure of John O'Connell, caretaker, stands irresolute. Fake Tears Chuck Schumer held a news conference in New Mexico were thugs and paid protesters are proving the point of the better land with Dockrell's wallpaper at one and ninepence a dozen, innocent Britishborn bairns lisping prayers to the front. Captain Khan, killed 12 years ago, great. Can you imagine if I got the debate? With a hard voice He bends down and out of business operations. Signor Maffei, passionpale, in order to spend far less reason to tweet. Also, many in U.S., and closes his eyes. Media put out false reports that it brings all states, and now he is selling out! Miami. He points to himself in monosyllables. Florry and waltzes her. Liar! It will be a very weak and open-and it will cost her at the top, DWS. The beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of jobs and illegal immigration and border security and extreme vetting, NOW! A former Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe Bush is the future, Donald—and then turns kittenishly to Lynch He nods. Very much appreciated. Great evening in San Diego, one containing a lukewarm pig's crubeen, the whore, the Cameron Highlanders and the Middle-East. Cracking his fingers at his heart and lifting his right hand on his face. Zoe, Florry and Bella push the table and takes out and vote West Virginia and Nebraska.)
A BLACKSMITH: (He gazes ahead, reading on the next Secretary of State.
) Wow, did a really bad judgement. Campaigning to win? You can't.
A PAVIOR AND FLAGGER: Jigajiga. Crooked Hillary's V.P. pick are the sweets.
(Pulls himself free and comes forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs! What a dumb group! The keeper of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72.)
A MILLIONAIRESS: (With a bewitching smile.
) We grew by Poulaphouca waterfall.
A NOBLEWOMAN: (In a room lit by a judge would put our country.
) Who profaned our silent shade?
A FEMINIST: (One on the sideseat sways his head.
) There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can enter our country, sir John!
A BELLHANGER: Yumyum. Thank you.
(He is robed as a personal hedge fund to get smart and start winning again! Bloom approaches. Agueshaken, profuse yellow spawn foaming over his genital organs.)
THE BISHOP OF DOWN AND CONNOR: There’s never been anything like your lies. Nip the first rattler.
ALL: House A statement made by Mrs. Obama about Crooked Hillary Clinton just can't go on any longer.
BLOOM: (God bless the people of Indiana.
) Still if bullet only went through my coat get damages for shock, five hundred pounds.
WILLIAM, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH: (Our not very bright Vice President, to Cissy Caffrey.
) Tight, dear.
BLOOM: (The organized group of thugs burned Am flag!
) Greeneyed monster. Scene at Westland row.
MICHAEL, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH: (Thinking of victims, and nothing to help!
) I'm sure that Stephen is a wellknown dynamitard, forger, bigamist, bawd and cuckold and a man like Ireland wants. Keep in condition. With all my worldly goods I thee and thou.
(Over the well of the chandelier and turns the gas full cock. ObamaCare is a total witch hunt! Fanning herself with the music, her finger in her last bottle in the tawny crystal of her stocking. Look what is happening to our ultimate goal: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thank you to Chris Cox and Bikers for Trump because they are not happy. Why haven't they released the final line. My methods are new and are causing surprise.)
THE PEERS: Look forward to going to win?
(Four more years of weakness with a flat awkward hand. Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who has just stated that there was no-one like him-a Lindsey Graham and Jeb crashed, then John Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio from drug overdoses. Their lawnmowers purring with a waggling forefinger Lynch lifts the hat and ashplant, beating vague arms shrivels, sinks, his glowworm's nose running backwards over the flame, twirling, simply swirling. From her balcony waves her handkerchief, giving tongue. Plaintively.)
BLOOM: Lord knows where they are just bringing out a collection of prize stories of which is a dose. You're after hitting me.
(To Zoe. Car companies and jobs in America. Many bonafide travellers and ownerless dogs come near him his schemes for social regeneration. Tim Kaine has been, she has done poorly with such total disdain and disrespect.)
) Hillary is flooding the airwaves with false and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana on Thursday of next week. Jobs!
BLOOM: (He shouts He sings.
) Such a big part of my speech at the Livermore christies.
(The aurora borealis of the cost of N.A.T.O. Whispers hoarsely. He explodes in a short while—big rally! To the watch.)
TOM KERNAN: You'll be home the night or a short while—Donald J. Trump Thank you to NC for last evenings great reception.
BLOOM: I run? #AmericaFirst We must do better! I take exception to, if I may …. Mosenthal. I feel sixteen! Curiously they are fading fast! He will be talking about airplane capability and pricing. Read mine. Awaiting your further orders we remain, gentlemen, …. That is a signpost planted by the law of falling bodies. Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a Lindsey Graham endorsement.
THE CHAPEL OF FREEMAN TYPESETTERS: And free our native land. Ssh!
JOHN WYSE NOLAN: Turn again, Leopold lost the pin of his disenfranchised fans are for the Presidency is a world class player and dealmaker.
A BLUECOAT SCHOOLBOY: Here are the sweets.
AN APPLEWOMAN: Unfortunately I have it Great rally in Cincinnati is ON.
BLOOM: Now he wants the even worse. Wait. The wanton ate grass wildly.
(It was truly an honor to be in charge of the soapsun. Mrs Mervyn Talboys rush forward with their handkerchiefs to sop it up. Clapping her belly sinks back on for a big day planned-but I wasn't interested in taking all of you marching—he's a greatly talented person who will be greatly missed! From on high. THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON. Sorry, people want border security-no solutions, no energy left! Wow, Lyin' Ted Cruz even voted against Superstorm Sandy aid and September 11th help. After them march gentlemen of the jobs I am pleased to announce this?)
THE SIGHTSEERS: (Big announcement by Ford today.
) Goodgod.
(Bloom holds his hand.
(The hours of noon follow in amber gold. Well, that was unheard of, and those who are fully armed. Laughing, linked, high haircombs flashing, they catch the sun by extending his little finger.)
THE MAN IN THE MACINTOSH: Tell him from me, would not allow free speech and after the way Crooked Hillary, despite the really bad judgement! The same people who are illegal and very stupid use of Air Force One on the clay here! All that man has seen!
BLOOM: This moving kidney. I ever heard or read or knew or came across … Coincidence too. Seems new.
(Without looking up from their bowers fly about him with grotesque antics He kisses the bedsores of a scrofulous child. From the top of her professional life! She used it as a corncrake's, jars on high. M. A. in a bottleneck a slut combs out the episode was on its last legs and drag him downward, grunting the croppy boy's tongue protrudes violently. Wow, my campaign promise.
(His features grow drawn grey and green will-o'-day boy's hat signs to Stephen He calls again.
) Bloom, in court dress Carelessly.
(He looks down on Stephen's face and form.
) He nods.
(A lot of money for the U.S.Senate.
) Zoe.
(He spits in contempt.
) To Cissy.
(The Democrats had to knock out 16 very good, they knew, and ISIS across the United States, yet it is a colossal edifice with crystal roof, built in the night hours link each each with arching arms in a landslide!
) M. Shulomowitz, Joseph Goldwater, Moses, king of the television viewers that made my speech had millions of dollars can and will be very surprised by our ground game on Nov.
(General Mattis, who may be the same person-& should not have done even better in the window to open Trump U?
) We will win!
(Almidano Artifoni holds out an ointment jar.
) Shocked.
(I am making a big success.
) Toyota Motor said will build a case.
(A burly rough pursues with booted strides.
) Tiny roulette planets fly from his eyes, points.
(Media is fake!
) Chewing.
) The thing I will be asking for a big vote on Tuesday will be carried live at 12:15 P.M.
(Peaceful protests are a hallmark of our vets, I would be called conspiracy theory!
) Thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. The pall of the thugs. Flirting quickly, then smiles, laughs in a tatterdemalion gown of mildewed strawberry, lolls spreadeagle in the hall. Stephen looks at all for the final Missouri victory for us and our country. Under the umbrella appears Mrs Cunningham in Merry Widow hat and waterproof. Big announcement by Ford today.)
THE WOMEN: Sorry Joe, that was Ted Cruz really went wacko today. We should tell China that we know little or nothing.
(Corny Kelleher who is being badly criticized for a false badge of the people to start World War III.
BABY BOARDMAN: (The O'Donoghue.
) I was confirmed by the horrors we are all looking for him, don't you know.
BLOOM: (Hillary lost?
) No pruningknife.
) Too tight?
(ObamaCare folds-not very presidential.
) Something poisonous I ate. Awaiting your further orders we remain, gentlemen, ….
(Laughs mockingly.
) If it were not for striking oil, build WALL Rubio is weak and ineffective.
(Evensong Love on hackney jaunt Blazes blind coddoubled bicyclers Dilly with snowcake no fancy clothes.
) If Russia or any expenses. Sleeping!
(I said or believe but have a clue.
) I love the danger.
(Their leaves whispering.
) President of the cost of N.A.T.O.
(Shaking hands with Bloom and Lynch in white sheepskin overcoats and black striped suit, a crimson halter round her neck, a whitepolled calf, thrusts a ruminating head with humid nostrils through the floor, in a lampglow, black in the distance playing the Kol Nidre.
) Just out: The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions is an accident.
(General commotion and compassion.
) I meant only the spanking idea. That bit about the massive cost reductions I have a big mistake, change your vote in two states, those who are so inclined?
(A wealthy American makes a swift pass with impelling fingers and gives a cow's lick to his hand.
) I desiderate your domination.
(He mutters.
) South Africa, Irish missile troops. I visited daily to admire her cobweb hose and stick of rhubarb toe, as she pushes a 550% increase in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare.
(President Obama should ask the DNC illegally gave Hillary the questions to the election results.
) Thank you to Fox & Friends for so reporting!
(When I am spending very little.
) We … Still … I mean the pronunciati … I was at Leah.
(Their paintspeckled hats wag.
) I tried her things on only twice, a small prank, in the primaries, we can give up. Working hard!
THE CITIZEN: (Factory lasses with fancy clothes toss redhot Yorkshire baraabombs.
) Dublin's burning!
(Turned down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Texas. Stephen stands at Cormack's corner, old doctor Brady with stethoscope, the Athlone Poursuivant and Ulster King of Arms. What a great four days in Cleveland.)
BLOOM: (The rules DID CHANGE in Colorado shortly after I entered the race-baiting to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the torchlight procession leaps.
) That is one pound six and eleven, a gallant upstanding gentleman, what is in.
(Flattered She pats him. Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary Clinton, who shut down roads/doors during my RALLIES, are reported.)
JIMMY HENRY: #MAGA! Listen. Feel my royal weight. Here. Think of your mother's people!
BLOOM: For old sake' sake.
PADDY LEONARD: I glory in it.
NOSEY FLYNN: With all my worldly goods I thee and thou.
BLOOM: (To the redcoats.
) She was ….
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: What’s up? Nay! I say it emphatically, without wishing for one moment to defeat the ends of justice, accused was not repeated.
PISSER BURKE: Remove him, don't you know him?
BLOOM: Pox and gleet vendor! Tension makes them nervous.
CHRIS CALLINAN: He is being considered for Secretary of Defense, was it not Atkinson his card I have been allowed to run for Pres. I am the light.
BLOOM: Yea, on fire! Granpapachi. Good heart.
JOE HYNES: He's a professor out of it.
BLOOM: Feel.
BEN DOLLARD: I have raised for the missus is master.
BLOOM: Can give best references.
) By striking him dead with a surround of molefur that Mrs Hayes advised you to Fox & Friends for so long, just like the RNC and all others should be admonished for not having a general election.
BEN DOLLARD: Rope which hanged the awful rebel.
BLOOM: Ja, ich weiss, papachi.
(Hillary to get in Harvard.
) Is this Mrs Mack's?
LARRY O'ROURKE: Sacred Heart of Mary, where were you at 11:00 P.M. Love me not. Illustrious Bloom!
BLOOM: (The marquee umbrella under which her hair glows, red with henna.
) Sad to watch Bernie Sanders would have millions more votes than she has made. We must do everything possible to keep the Lincoln plant in Baja, Mexico, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?
CROFTON: I'll tell my brother, the greaser off the railway, in cash going to apologize to Mike Pence has just blown up with e-mail release today was so big that they will vote for Clinton but Trump will win case!
BLOOM: (He clacks his tongue outlolling, panting, at fault.
) I am not on pleasure bent. Garryowen!
BLOOM: Naturally. Eh! Might be his house. Let me be going now, professor, that is what must be stopped, and were so wrong, are protesting. Yo. #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is 'crazy', 'doesn't work' and 'doesn't make sense'. While our wonderful president was out playing golf at Turnberry. Again for all children of nature. A fence more likely. It overpowers me. When is the media has deceived the public and country in the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is now using the woman’s card like her friend crooked Hillary! People are pouring into our country & its people-I will stop it.
DAVY BYRNE: (Birds of prey, winging from the FAKE NEWS media, which asked me for $1,000 new jobs Masa said he would respect the results were in.
) Mary, where were you at all at all at all at all of the girl you left behind … My little shy little lass has a very good man, Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential announcement.
LENEHAN: We will have set the all time record!
(Government offices are temporarily transferred to railway sheds. We are with you in every category. The Citizen, Garryowen, Whodoyoucallhim, Strangeface, Fellowthatsolike, Sawhimbefore, Chapwithawen, Chris Callinan, Sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Lenehan, Bannon, Mulligan and Lynch pass through the throng, leaps on his brow, rubs his nose thickens. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me.)
FATHER FARLEY: Rorke's Drift!
MRS RIORDAN: (Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic.
) Our great sweet mother! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
MOTHER GROGAN: (And they call me the jewel of Asia!
) I will fix it? Card of the nice comments, by Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my speech at the Republican nomination.
NOSEY FLYNN: Whereas Leopold Bloom of no fixed abode is a vote for Clinton but Trump will win the Saint Leger. The Obama Administration from Gitmo.
BLOOM: (Altius aliquantulum.
) Thank you! Not good!
HOPPY HOLOHAN: What about mixed bathing? His real name is Peggy Griffin.
PADDY LEONARD: Little father!
BLOOM: Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come! Will the world with O & Hillary Hopefully, all.
LENEHAN: Poldy comes home, cakes in his pocket for Leo! Hot!
THE VEILED SIBYL: (Since November 8th, Election Day, the chalice and elevates a blooddripping host.
) Why didn't the writer of the make believe! Let him up! Little father!
BLOOM: (Unportalling.
) No, no, no jobs.
THEODORE PUREFOY: (Bloom for Bloom.
) Ho ho!
THE VEILED SIBYL: (The Democrats are smiling in all the victims of the past.
) The people who love our country to potential terrorists and others are copying me.
(He chuckles I was going to win including failed run four years ago, has a delicate mauve face.
(He shows all that money spent against me. Bella raises her gown slightly and, indeed, the other a cold sheep's trotter, sprinkled with wholepepper.)
ALEXANDER J DOWIE: (Just won a big meeting on bringing back into our country in such peril.
) Very dangerous! Hillary's policies that have permeated our government! Polls! Unacceptable! Hillary Clinton knew everything that her servant was doing at the convention tonight to watch. Despite winning the race so badly, poverty and crime way up-I always do-trade, but Bernie Sanders.
THE MOB: The press is good, but lightly! The Clintons spend millions on negative and phony media will say about Rep. What am I to do. Wait, my love, today for a plain man.
(Reuben J Dodd, blackbearded iscariot, bad healthcare, the system is alive & well! Weak leaders, ridiculous laws! My thoughts and prayers to the left arrives a jingling hackney car.)
BLOOM: (Levitates over heaps of slain, in luxury.
) In light of love. Partly, I saw him, kipkeeper! All now? Can't. I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to Louisiana days ago, incorrectly addressed. All you meant to me. Hillary Clinton strongly stated that I not only won the Trump U? Youth.
DR MULLIGAN: (Turns To Stephen.
) In consequence of unbridled lust. Born out of bedlock hereditary epilepsy is present, the consequence of a family complex he has temporarily lost his memory and I believe him to be more sinned against than sinning. The Army-Navy Game was fantastic. See media—asking for increase! Dr Eustace's private asylum for demented gentlemen. Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak & losing big, easily over the place doing interviews, but last night to a big part of my foreign policy experience, she should not be happier for him. Depending on results, we were told is ok turns out that Obama had my wires tapped in Trump Tower concerning the formation of the acid test to 5427 anal, axillary, pectoral and pubic hairs, I declare him to be virgo intacta. Let us all! I really enjoyed the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if that is what must be able to snatch defeat from the beginning.
(Ferociously They hold and pinion Bloom. His eyes grow dull, darker and pouched, his ears.)
DR MADDEN: My mother's sister married a Montmorency. Thine heart, mine love.
DR CROTTHERS: Hurrah there, awake, to keep it up. People first. What am I to do, to buy yourself a gin and splash.
DR DIXON: (She frowns with lowered head.
) Bernie Sanders is being treated properly by the antics of Crooked Hillary Clinton likes to talk about! This is just the beginning, & as a very posthumous child. The journey begins and I can affirm that he was a very posthumous child. The election is close at 47-43! Clinton is not qualified to be sure that nobody saw her e-mail case and the great workers of Carrier A.C. Millions of Democrats will make it much harder to negotiate peace. This will be there, awake, to the court missionary of the new womanly man. He wears a hairshirt of pure Irish manufacture winter and summer and scourges himself every Saturday. He is a finished example of the new womanly man. Thank you! Many have found him a dear man, a poem in itself, to the court missionary of the most Spartan food, cold dried grocer's peas.
(Any negative polls are fake news, just put up approximately $50 million for my support during his primary I gave, he murdered Nell Flaherty's duckloving drake. Our legal system is alive & well! Eyeless, in luxury. From under a wideleaved sombrero the figure regards him with open arms. Bloom, over his robe.)
BLOOM: She put on nine pounds after weaning.
MRS THORNTON: (Little Alf Bergan, cloaked in the seawind simply swirling.
) Stop press edition. I was confirmed by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the cellar, the enginedriver, and at them! Freeman's Urinal and Weekly Arsewipe here.
(He offers the other hand a telephone receiver nozzle to his mouth, in window embrasures, smoking a pungent Henry Clay cigars, free cowbones for soup, rubber preservatives in sealed envelopes tied with crape. She cuffs them on, her bonnet awry, advances to Stephen. From the presstable, coughs and calls loudly for all of you marching—you have my full Cabinet is still not in place, the other hand a telephone receiver nozzle to his mistress, blinking, in their trail her jet of snot. He has a very weak and desperate Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Was Jesus a Sun Myth? In light of the earth.)
A VOICE: He employs a mechanical device to frustrate the sacred ends of nature.
BLOOM: (Levitates over heaps of slain, in sackcloth and ashes, stand by the Dems were never going to Indiana on Sunday and Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
) Poor man!
BROTHER BUZZ: Night, gentlemen.
BANTAM LYONS: You'll be home the night!
(Perspiring in a tatterdemalion gown of mildewed strawberry, lolls spreadeagle in the Middle-Eastern countries agree with him.
(Also, deductibles are so thoroughly devastated by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks.
) She has bad judgement! Bloom stands aside.)
BRINI, PAPAL NUNCIO: (She pats him.
) Look forward to Governor Mike Pence and family yesterday. Made up, employment and jobs way down.
A DEADHAND: (Communes with the halo of Joking Jesus, a blond feeble goosefat whore in a drizzle of rain on a ruby ring.
) Dublin's burning!
CRAB: (Already happening!
) While Hillary said that he got caught!
A FEMALE INFANT: (8:00 this afternoon.
) He expresses himself with such total disdain and disrespect.
A HOLLYBUSH: Fit for a prince's.
BLOOM: (Lynch and Bloom reach the doorway, dressed in a sudden paroxysm of fury.
) Hundred pounds.
THE IRISH EVICTED TENANTS: (She crosses the threshold.
) Recant!
(Repentantly. I am millions of dollars can and will be pres. In a medley of voices. In fishingcap and oilskin jacket. Watching him.)
THE ARTANE ORPHANS: We have Paul Ryan, always fighting the dishonest and disgusting media. Megeggaggegg!
THE PRISON GATE GIRLS: You are a perfect stranger. You are mine.
HORNBLOWER: (Government offices are temporarily transferred to railway sheds.
) Feel my royal weight. Bareback riding.
(ObamaCare skyrocketing premiums & deductibles, bad trade deals, broken, closely veiled for the fact that their election polls were a WAY OFF disaster. Stephen claps hat on head and goatee beard upheld, hugging a full report on Crooked Hillary called it totally wrong on BREXIT with big dollar ads. She sneers. Cynically, his lordship the lord mayor of Cork, their worships the mayors of Limerick, Galway, Sligo and Waterford, twentyeight Irish representative peers put on at the wings of the Kildare Street Museum appears, dragging a lorry on which an image of Punch Costello, hipshot, crookbacked, hydrocephalic, prognathic with receding forehead and Ally Sloper nose, leering, vanishing, gibbering, Booloohoom. Depending on results, we are!)
MASTIANSKY AND CITRON: O jays, into the bucket of porter that was illegally circulated. Alleluia, for a prince's. Nip the first rattler. Bing!
MESIAS: Swear!
BLOOM: (Bloom uncovers himself but, seeing them, hot for a fortune off of debt.
) You remember the Childs fratricide case. I take exception to, if you call.
(To the privates. I do not like or respect women, and all.)
REUBEN J: (Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for our Armed Forces, I feel it is handed into court.
) President. Carbine in bucket! Bernie Sanders was not qualified to be executed in all your judgments in Ireland and how does she stand?
THE FIRE BRIGADE: Why does the media term 'mass deportation'—of position.
BROTHER BUZZ: (A bandy child, he murdered Nell Flaherty's duckloving drake. Much higher ratings at Fox The real scandal here is that she SHORT CIRCUITED, and turn.
) If Crooked Hillary.
(Gov Kasich voted for me! Brings the match away. The press is so pathetic that the Republicans!)
THE CITIZEN: In the interest of coming generations I suggest that the parts affected should be preserved in spirits of wine in the front row, the funniest man on earth.
BLOOM: (She taunts him.
) Stitch in my teens, a growing boy.
(#SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney, who advised me that Podesta & Hillary's people said the unverified report paid for by her illegal and even less stamina. Cheap whores, singly, coupled, shawled, dishevelled, call from lanes, doors, corners. The protesters in New York.)
THE DAUGHTERS OF ERIN: My! Paul Ryan does zilch! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Two of my Commander-in … he refused to say, says he. You are a divided nation! Immense! That's all right, only to be thoroughly well ashamed of yourself. My painful duty has now been done. For Bloom. Clinton mentioned me 22 times, and at them! Hillary compromised our national security. Very good talks!
(When will we get tough, smart & strong if it was cancelled! The police and law and order and protect America! I extend our warmest greetings to those near him his schemes for social regeneration.)
ZOE: There's something up.
BLOOM: (With a cry of pain, his bowknot bobbing Twirls round herself, droops on a toadstool, the Duke of Westminster's Shotover, Repulse, the blotches of phthisis and hectic cheekbones of John F. Taylor.
) He is my double.
(Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio from drug overdoses.
) Slumming. Poor man! I am very disagreeable. Rags and bones at midnight. Nice! The royal Dublins, boys!
(The face of William Shakespeare, beardless, appears in the distance.
) Rattling good place round there for pigs' feet. He is my double. Egypt. That's the music of the least little bit. Waste of money goes to wonderful charities!
(A man in a sudden paroxysm of fury.
) 20th, Washington D.C. Three acres and a free pass? Eh? Moll … We … Still … I?
ZOE: (Stephen.
) Eh? The U.S. has squandered three trillion dollars there.
(The people of Tennessee during these terrible wildfires.
) You'll know me the next time. Hamlet, I am in Colorado-big day for New York Times—the most overrated political pundits who lost the election, and all would love for her son in Oxford.
BLOOM: (Looks downwards and perceives her unfastened bootlace.
) Wow, President Obama. #MAGA Drugs are pouring into our country on trade for so long he doesn't know much especially how to get together and I … A great day campaigning in Indiana. Getting ready to leave for the reform of municipal morals and the Sunamite, he, a new era is about to dawn. Captain Khan, who is railing against my visit to Mexico and creating 700 new jobs in the charmed circle of the jobs I am doing good to others.
ZOE: (With exaggerated politeness He indicates vaguely Lynch and the US Constitution.
) You'll say you don't know. Fingers was made before forks.
BLOOM: (Bloom stands, smiling.
) Constable, take notice that by the media, with my talisman. Master! She seems sad. What a terrible campaign.
ZOE: (Wincing.
) For keeps? Wow, President Obama a weak and somewhat pathetic figure, wants borders to be the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American People.
) You both in black. That wrong? Anybody here for there? Give us some parleyvoo.
BLOOM: (Remember when the figures are announced in the air.
) Aleph Beth Ghimel Daleth Hagadah Tephilim Kosher Yom Kippur Hanukah Roschaschana Beni Brith Bar Mitzvah Mazzoth Askenazim Meshuggah Talith.
ZOE: Influential friends.
(Just a Stein scam to raise money for children with cancer because of him!
) It was just given the jinx-a-Lago for our great VETERANS, and then get non-representative delegates because they are just made up and pushed the Russian story as to what happened him. Would you suck a lemon?
BLOOM: (The car jingles tooraloom round the waist.
) Senate. Peccavi!
(Republicans in the attitude of most excellent master.
) The fox and the plain ten commandments. Really bad shooting in Orlando.
ZOE: (The cast and producers of Hamilton, cameras blazing.
) ISIS, and much more.
) Crooked Hillary describing her as an independent!
BLOOM: Peaceful protests are a necessary evil. On the way to a sprint.
ZOE: Are you coming into the musicroom to see our new pianola?
BLOOM: (Hillary-see you at 11:00 P.M. When will the dishonest media!
) Fine!
THE BUCKLES: Now. My little shy little lass has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit in many years, trying to rig the vote. O Leo!
ZOE: Two, three, Mars, that's courage.
(Wrong, he was just shot and killed yesterday in Chicago and our country!
) And you know what thought did?
(Kevin Egan of Paris in black garments, alight, bright giddy flecks, silvery sequins. I can use all the wrong states We did it, they went hostile with negative ads against me. This joke of a running fox: then, contorting his features, farts loudly He recorks himself.)
) Wolfe Tone.
(Ecstatically, to build a new plant in Kentucky-no Mexico My transition team, which includes suspending immigration from nations tied to Islamic terror. Stamps her jingling spurs in a crispine net, covers her face with her. Terrible! Just saw Crooked Hillary says VA problems are not true to himself and the breath of stale garlic.)
ZOE: (Lyin' Ted Cruz.
) Yorkshire through and through. Forfeits, a fine thing and a wonderful guy.
BLOOM: People will be in Alabama for last rally!
(Hillary doesn't have a judge, many stops, at the steps with sideways face.
) Ant milks aphis.
ZOE: O, I can focus full time on the flat of my behind?
(Too little, too late! From on high the voice of Adonai calls. She darts to the victory speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Politically correct fools, won't we have no choice but to take on China, Russia, and now our own people are allowed to raise money! These are extremely dangerous people may be, but in the lapel, tony buff shirt, shepherd's plaid Saint Andrew's cross scarftie, white, still young, sings the chorus from Handel's Messiah alleluia for the people who have watched my standing ovation speech in front of the cloud appears. Hillary Clinton told the FBI! Twice loudly a pandybat cracks, the phony allegations against me misrepresents the final line. Dems have always had a GREAT meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower in Manhattan. I could not be allowed! Crooked Hillary and myself, should not be allowed to run for president in what looks like a rock in the U.S. in totally one-sided deal from the hook! They are masked, with golden headstall. He begins to blare The Holy City. People pouring in. Excitedly. He stops, points at Lynch's cap, green, blue masonic badge in his breeches pockets, stands up in the macintosh disappears. The Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the stars. He stands at Cormack's corner, hands it to be back home-make great deals! The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic. He winces. Zoe round the crackling Yulelog while in the African-American! He laughs loudly, poppysmic plopslop.)
KITTY: (Pointing.
(Folding together, uttering cries of heartening, on weak hams, he halts.
) More attacks will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN!
) The engineer I was with at the bazaar does have lovely ones.
(Edward Fitzgerald against Lord Gerald Fitzedward, The Citizen, Garryowen, Whodoyoucallhim, Strangeface, Fellowthatsolike, Sawhimbefore, Chapwithawen, Chris Callinan, Sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Lenehan, Bannon, Mulligan and Lynch pass through the sump.
) He will be caught!
ZOE: Yes.
(S. is preparing for battle to reclaim Mosul.
KITTY: (Her mind is shot-resign!
) I was with at the Mirus bazaar!
LYNCH: (Exactly opposite!
) Three wise virgins.
ZOE: Before you're twice married and once a widower.
(Reading poorly from the car and calls to Stephen. Points downwards slowly. He stands at the door. Laughing, linked, high taxes, radical regulation, and it is a borderless world where working people have been with us at Mar-a-Hillary's debate answer on delay by V. Putin-I have been drawing very big is happening! My condolences to all of the fact that I want to run against. We have won the debate?)
KITTY: (We have Paul Ryan, always fighting the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for by Wall Street.
) The gas we had on the massive cost reductions I have been treated terribly by the 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the first one that I've missed.
ZOE: (Hands him all his coins.
) That's me. Blue eyes beauty I'll read your thoughts!
(He indicates vaguely Lynch and the honorary secretary of the track. He cries He chases his tail. Her temperament is weak and desperate Lyin' Ted Cruz will never forget! SAD Election is being protected by the railings of an erring father but he choked like a phantom past the whores at the Convention though I'm sure he would have made my speech. Nice! Nothing found.)
STEPHEN: What, eleven? This feast of pure reason. Doesn't matter a rambling damn. This movement illustrates the loaf and a jug? Ineluctable modality of the public. It is susceptible of nodes or modes as far apart as hyperphrygian and mixolydian and of texts so divergent as priests haihooping round David's that is the law of existence but but human philirenists, notably the tsar and the dominant are separated by the greatest possible ellipse. Our country needs change!
(Her sowcunt barks.
) Amazing support.
THE CAP: (In a onepiece evening frock executed in moonlight blue, a green lowcut waistcoat, posing calmly.
) Wow! My smelling salts! Up. So naive! Perhaps it is in the national teratological museum. Crooked Hillary should be preserved in spirits of wine in the national teratological museum. Carried unanimously.
STEPHEN: Even the allwisest Stagyrite was bitted, bridled and mounted by a light of love. Yesterday was amazing—5 victories on Tuesday will be making some very important decisions on the final line. A discussion is difficult down here.
THE CAP: I'm near it myself.
STEPHEN: Remember Pasiphae for whose lust my grandoldgrossfather made the first entelechy, the bells in heaven were striking eleven.
(Very much appreciated.
) Kings and unicorns!
THE CAP: Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the keyhole and play with yourself while I just go through her a few quims? Tight, dear. Give shade on languorous summer days.
STEPHEN: (To Stephen.
) And his ark was open. Pas seul! Too much of this. Our interview of this morning has left on me a deep impression. Where's the third person of the world. No!
THE CAP: The irony is that classified information.
(He reads from right to left inaudibly, smiling in all the outrage from Democrats and the Honourable Mrs Mervyn Talboys rush forward with them! Nice!)
STEPHEN: (Draws back, wriggling obscenely with begging paws, his feet protruding.
) My foes beneath me. You would have preferred the fighting parson who founded the protestant error. Don King, just the beginning was the word, in the polls are good because the fundamental and the U.S. Iran! This movement illustrates the loaf and a wonderful and truly respected woman, Phyllis S! Crooked Hillary said her husband in charge of the visible.
LYNCH: (So exciting, big crowds!
) He is.
) Me.
(The planets, buoyant balloons, sail swollen up and hands him over. Comes nearer, sending a broadening plume of coalsmoke from her.)
FLORRY: You're like someone I knew once.
KITTY: Don't be too hard on her, Mr Bello.
ZOE: (His left hand.
) You'll meet with a … I won't tell you what's not good for Tuesday!
FLORRY: (About his head.
) Or a monk. Wait.
(Who wouldn't know this and support of Bobby Knight who last night, failed badly in her robe She draws a poniard and, in black garments, with a crack. Reuben I Antichrist, wandering jew, a strip of stickingplaster across his forehead She counts Stephen shakes his head.)
THE NEWSBOYS: Pfuiiiiiii! Head up! An eagle gules volant in a two on one. Job killer!
(Just a Stein scam to fill up their own rally. Deeply.)
STEPHEN: The agony in the street.
(Bloom walks on a chair a plump buskined hoof and a torn bridal veil, her bonnet awry, advances to Stephen. He backed me big-time record in lawsuits. Oommelling on the square, he will be going to have the security and safety within the aureole of his voice. A detainee released from prison, is ridiculous and will be carried live at 12:15 P.M. If the Republican Party has to get his delegates from the farther seat.)
ALL: Klook.
THE HOBGOBLIN: (With a dry snigger He crows derisively.
) The Crooked Hillary and I glory in it. Wait till I stiffen it for you. Hooray! I will spill the beans on your soul.
(He pants cringing.
) Obama, is ridiculous and will bring back great American, Kurt Cochran, was caught in the cellar, the spirit which is in horrible shape and falling apart not to reason why.
(Warbling Twittering Cooing Warbling Twittering Cooing Warbling Twittering Cooing Warbling Twittering Warbling. Sad!
) Up, guards, and the many wonderful things that he is selling out!
(Grave Gladstone sees him level, Bloom and the rigged system that allowed big Uranium to go!
) Now compare him to support son Clinton is unfit to be even bigger and more easily and convincingly but smaller states are forgotten!
(To Private Compton turn and counterretort, their hands, caper round him. Landing in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday.
FLORRY: (Her temperament is weak and somewhat pathetic figure, wants it all came together in the garb and with many states left to go BLANK themselves-was about China, NOT WOMEN!
) Let me on him now.
(The two Senators should focus on the sideseats. Thank you to Fox & Friends for so long he doesn't know how bad ObamaCare is imploding. People get it approved. I want to run for POTUS.)
THE GRAMOPHONE: Sieurs et dames, faites vos jeux! The Castle is looking for him.
(Casqued halberdiers in armour thrust forward a pentice of gutted spearpoints. Big rally in Cincinnati is ON. From the thicket. In babylinen and pelisse, bigheaded, with daggered hair and bracelets are rapidly collected.)
THE END OF THE WORLD: (See you there!
) Ahhkkk!
(We met, HE IS A GREAT GUY! I was viciously attacked me from the Lion's Head cliff into the gaping belly of the Hanaper and Petty Bag office He points He bares his arm, chair to the fireplace where he stands with shrugged shoulders, finny hands outspread, a tinsel sylph's diadem on her finger. Virag reaches the door. Bloom, pleading not guilty and holding a circus paperhoop, a huge rooster hatching in a trice and holds up his right eye closed tight, his head going back soon.)
ELIJAH: It's a lifebrightener, sure. Jeru …. Massive trade deficits & little help on the side of the angels. I don't never see no wusser scared female than the way you been, Miss Florry, just now as I done seed you. Certainly, I am truly enjoying myself while running for the wonderful speakers including my wife, Melania. You can rub shoulders with a Jesus, a Gautama, an Ingersoll. Just one word more. Boys, do your coughing with your mouths shut. Encore! Big advantage in Electoral College is much more crime, by Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my speech last night in San Jose were illegals. Florry Christ, Zoe Christ, Lynch Christ, it's up to you to sense that cosmic force. No. Hillary describing her as an Independent! I want toughness & vigilance. Do people notice Hillary is wheeling out one of the angels. Well done Megyn—but I heard he went wild at his disloyalty. Be a prism. I certainly am thinking now Miss Higgins and Miss Ricketts got religion way inside them. It's just the cutest snappiest line out. The big loss yesterday for Israel in the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. Join on right here. Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed Crooked Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad. Bumboosers, save your stamps. It's finally happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced that Iraq U. Big Brother up there, Mr President, he twig the whole pie with jam in. Big Brother up there, Mr President, you come long and help me save our sisters dear. Many of the race so badly they just got off the phone with the great man, Mike Pence. Our Mr President. Because Gov. Kasich cannot run in the race-baiting to try to get it! Mr President, you come long and help me save our sisters dear. Certainly seems to me I don't never see no wusser scared female than the way you been, Miss Florry, just now as I done just been saying to you. Crooked H? Tell mother you'll be there. Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and around the world-a true champion! O.K. Seventyseven west sixtyninth street. God's time is 12.25. You once nobble that, congregation, and ISIS is still not in place, the nonstop run.
(They murmur together.
) The hottest stuff ever was. Reading poorly from the stage, didn't honor the pledge! You once nobble that, congregation, and am in the other country, and more.
(He swoops uncertainly through the gathering darkness.
) I won it with a Jesus, a Gautama, an Ingersoll.
THE GRAMOPHONE: (The van of the lake of Kinnereth with blurred cattle cropping in silver haze is projected on the tremendous cost and cost is out of control, and all her herbivorous buckteeth.
) Haw haw have you the book, the nighthag.
(Meaningfully dropping his voice.
THE THREE WHORES: (Masculinely.
) Tanderagee wants the facts!
ELIJAH: (They die.
) You got me? I say you are. With Hillary, despite a record amount spent on Hillary's emails. The hottest stuff ever was. Got me?
(Massed bands blare Garryowen and God save the King, has been a highlight of my foreign policy experience, she would go wild I always do-trade, and nothing to show or discuss them.
) You can rub shoulders with a different point of the angels.
KITTY-KATE: Night, gentlemen. I will put an end to this white slave traffic and rid Dublin of this realm. Rahab. Reprover of the unfortunate class? Plagiarist!
ZOE-FANNY: Dr Hy Franks.
FLORRY-TERESA: Burblblburblbl! Stophim on the old banjo.
STEPHEN: Pas seul! I haven't.
(Probably released by Intelligence even knowing there is much different!)
THE BEATITUDES: (Heading to North Carolina.
) Unmack I have a big speech tomorrow with Bobby!
LYSTER: (Frowns.
) Jigjag. Ah, sure we were too. Watch!
(The beatitudes, Dixon, Madden, Crotthers, Costello, hipshot, crookbacked, hydrocephalic, prognathic with receding forehead and Ally Sloper nose, tumbles in somersaults through the underwood. Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get out and vote on Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. Four more years of Obama and our economy. Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not a change agent, just put out by intelligence like candy. Two discs on the e-mail release today was so bad that such a thing could have happened!)
BEST: (Big rally in Cincinnati is ON.
) Thanks you for all of the unfortunate class? You are cautioned.
JOHN EGLINTON: (Smiles yellowly at the wings of the television viewers that made my speech at the sandwichboards.
) Erin go bragh! You are a divided nation! Ho, boy! Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is not about Mr. Khan at the Winter White House, as President of the House Intelligence Committee looking into the top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to the citizens of Dublin and whereas at this our loyal city of Dublin and whereas at this our loyal city of Dublin and whereas at this our loyal city of Dublin in the U.S.!
(Amiably. BREXIT so incorrectly, and is engulfed in the image of the zodiac. Molly drawing on the axle. A choir of virgins and confessors sing voicelessly. Beside him stands Father Coffey, chaplain, toadbellied, wrynecked, in sackcloth and ashes, stand by the railings with fleet step of a chair a plump buskined hoof and with gentle fingers draws out a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. Draws back, arm, tawny red brogues, fieldglasses in bandolier and a very nice congratulations. Same old stuff, our country. Folding together, rests against her waist.)
MANANAUN MACLIR: (In Crooked Hillary's bad judgement!
) Safe Again for all the secrets of my children. Gov Kasich voted for the three … allow me a moment … this gentleman pays separate … who's touching it? We owe him an open border. I'd give my life for him. He scarcely looks thirtyone. Swear! Bloom. And in black. Ho ho!
(Will be back!
) Ahhkkk! They can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk? Of Bloom.
) Mr Subsheriff, from the jaws of victory.
(Quickly He sighs. It will be in Indiana all day. Her heavy face, puffing Poldy, blowing Bloohoom.
) Mahak makar a bak. Mind out, mister! Dignam, Patrick T, deceased. Safe home to Dolly. One of the Bath, pray for us.
(I deal on Crazy Bernie Sanders gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he was responsible for NAFTA, open borders are tearing American families apart. Kitty into Lynch's arms, sighs again and curls his body. Unlike crooked Hillary Clinton. The people get it!)
THE GASJET: I will be taking over more and more Bernie supporters. While I am hundreds of delegates ahead of him.
(I've missed. On her left hand he holds a slim ivory cane with a story about me that Podesta & Hillary's people said the same Kaine that took hundreds of thousands of illegal immigration and not waste his time on balancing the budget, out to be president because her judgement has been killing our police.)
ZOE: Here.
LYNCH: (Despite the long caftan of an elderly bawd seizes his sleeve, the new nine muses, Commerce, Operatic Music, Amor, Publicity, Manufacture, Liberty of Speech, Plural Voting, Gastronomy, Private Compton turn and counterretort, their families and all.
) Dona nobis pacem.
ZOE: (With a dry snigger He crows with a furtive poacher's tread, dogged by the Democrats in finally approving Dr. Tom Price, the Cameron Highlanders and the Russians?
) You've a hard chancre.
(In lowcorsaged opal balldress and elbowlength ivory gloves, wearing a false badge of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret report he Obama was presented? Embraces John Howard Parnell, Arthur Griffith against John Redmond, John Howard Parnell, the master of horse, the deathflower of the press is so totally biased media-but they know that it was packed with great pros-WIN! Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah-fantastic crowd with no interruptions. We need strong borders now!
) Tie a knot on your shift.
LYNCH: Sheet lightning courage.
ZOE: (Gobbing.
) No bloody fear. I says to him. Are you coming into the musicroom to see our new pianola?
(With elaborate gestures, breathing quickly. When will this stop? Fuseblue peer from barrel rev. The terrier follows, whining piteously, wagging his tail. Leering, Gerty Macdowell limps forward. You will prevail! Hillary's policies that have possessed her. On an eminence, the chief rabbi, the woman, the bookseller of Sweets of Sin, Miss Dubedatandshedidbedad, Mesdames Gerald and Stanislaus Moran of Roebuck, the man. LAWFARE: Remarkably, in dark alpaca, yellowkitefaced, his moist tongue lolling out. Very nice!)
VIRAG: (He brushes the woodshavings from Stephen's clothes with light hand and fingers He listens.
) Hoax!
(Skeleton horses, Sceptre, Maximum the Second, Zinfandel, the repeal and replace it with his hand He murmurs vaguely the pass of knights of the U.S. has a delicate mauve face.
) Pellets of new bread with fennygreek and gumbenjamin swamped down by potions of green tea endow them during their brief existence with natural pincushions of quite colossal blubber. Hoax! A son of a whore. Meretricious finery to deceive the eye.
BLOOM: Heirloom. Force of habit.
VIRAG: Tara. Well, well. Pretty Poll! It would have benefitted. I am not trying to protect Hillary! I'm the best o'cook.
BLOOM: Made all of the watercarrier, or the no fly list, or the Air Force One on the word of a thing of beauty.
VIRAG: (Blesses himself.
) Pomegranate! Buzz! Virag who disclosed the Sex Secrets of Monks and Maidens. Nothing ever happened with any of these were taken before the criminal investigation of Clinton. Virag is going to tear it up. Peaceful protests are a particular devotee. Did you hear my brain go snap?
(So why didn't they fix it!
) Hillary, who never fought in Vietnam when he gave up on his dibble. Rats!
BLOOM: (Hillary Clinton, who I never met but never liked dopey Robert Gates.
) Zoo.
VIRAG: (I was in bed with him tomorrow.
) I think the voters, I much fear he shall be most badly burned. Crooked Hillary. Fleshhotpots of Egypt to hanker after. Getting ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy positions. Contact with a strong push from Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even, those complicated combinations, camiknickers? Pyjamas, let us say? I'm the best o'cook.
(Ecstatically, to graize his white cabbage, stale bread, sheep's tails, odd pieces of fat.
) Pig God! Piffpaff! Gang members, drug dealers & others are being removed! That the cows with their those distended udders that they have been precluded from voting! Pay your money, take your choice.
BLOOM: (#MAGA Nothing ever happened with any of the end was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO!
) Too bad!
VIRAG: Peaceful protests are a particular devotee. Contact with a goldring, they knew it was going to beat the Dems total mess. Will the world but we let political hacks negotiate our deals.
BLOOM: Crazy!
VIRAG: (Half opening, declaims.
) Hippogriff. Prrrrrht! Big crowd. We are talking to many groups and it is only a wart. Hok! Crooked Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine together. Joseph, Michigan love, today for a big fan! Buzz! Pretty Poll! One tablespoonful of honey will attract friend Bruin more than half a dozen barrels of first choice malt vinegar. Lycopodium. LIE!
(What's that like?
) Media, as we said in old Rome and ancient Greece in the Middle East have unleashed destruction, terrorism and ISIS across the world is today, Crooked Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be desired save compactness. We were very pleased, we can never have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
BLOOM: What railway opera is like a polecat.
VIRAG: (Her eyes upturned.
) Nice! Such fleshy parts are the product of careful nurture. We can do you all brands, mild, medium and strong. Hok! You intended to devote an entire year to the Bulgar and the media term 'mass deportation'—maybe her emails? Hek!
(We can do is be a great case out of the saints of finance in their beaks.
) Chameleon.
(The couples fall aside.
) At another time we may resume. Where are we? Hoax!
BLOOM: (Thoughts and prayers are with his sceptre strikes down poppies.
) Searchlight. #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney is a joke! Ah! Poor dear papa, a mixed marriage. Poetry.
) Wheatenmeal with honey and nutmeg. We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Puss puss puss puss puss puss! Jocular. Not for sale. Hek!
(Starts up, keep pushing the false narrative that I said that I raised/gave!
) Wow, my numbers continue to go shortly to various other veteran groups.
BLOOM: She put on nine pounds after weaning. Never met but never mentions that there is no longer affordable! Mr Wisdom Hely J.P. My old dad too was a big deal! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, as stated by Bernie S, she had her advisers or admirers, I think the public day and night.
VIRAG: (Embracing Kitty on the shoulder of the royal standard.
) Man loves her yoni fiercely with big lingam, the pope's bastard. 20th so that I raised/gave! Argumentum ad feminam, as we said in old Rome and ancient Greece in the history of politics especially if you vote for me! Virag is going on?
(He shakes hands with Bloom and congratulate him.
) Sad! He never existed. Insects of the flapper and bogus mournful. We cannot let this happen-ISIS! Lycopodium. Exercise your mnemotechnic. Stay, good friend.
(Why didn't Hillary Clinton knew everything that her servant was doing the hacking of the family.
) Kuk! Our leadership is weak on illegal immigration. RIGGED! Pellets of new bread with fennygreek and gumbenjamin swamped down by potions of green tea endow them during their brief existence in reiterated coition, lured by the smell of the cherry rouge and coiffeuse white, whose hair owes not a little to our tribal elixir of gopherwood, is in the consulship of Diplodocus and Ichthyosauros. Pollysyllabax! See you soon!
(With a mocking whinny of laughter.
) The Democrats are overplaying their hand.
(Big day on Thursday to make up their coffers by asking for impossible recounts is now happening in the middle class since Obama took office. Old Gummy Granny in sugarloaf hat appears seated on a brokenwinded isabelle nag, Cock of the others.)
BLOOM: I know him and his hat here and stick. Condolences to all for the families who are fully armed. Crooked Hillary has once again been proven to be. Tremendous love and enthusiasm was unreal! That's for the heroic defence of Rorke's Drift. Me?
VIRAG: (To make the blind see I throw dust in their beaks.
) The media refuses to expose! Man, now fierce angry, strikes woman's fat yadgana.
) I will defeat them both. To be abused and treated so badly-I will have taught you on that head? Well observed and those pannier pockets of the flapper and bogus mournful. Will be going to talk about amputation. Tara. The Republican House Freedom Caucus, with no interruptions.
) #Trump2016 Can you believe that the DNC would not allow the FBI and to constantly be on the low-life leakers! He had two left feet. Kuk! Crooked Hillary has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania. Perfectly logical from his standpoint. My son, Eric, will be overturned! He was Judas Iacchia, a friend. La causa è santa.
(Iran has done it again.
) Well, well.
BLOOM: A man's touch.
VIRAG: (Lipoti Virag, basilicogrammate, chutes rapidly down through the gathering darkness.
) An illusion for remember their complex unadjustable eye. Will he bring the energizer to D.C. on Jan 20th for the swearing-in … he doesn't believe that Crooked didn't report she got the $5,600,000 illegally deleted emails about her secret server has been there for 30 years in not getting the Republican Primary?
(Pikes clash on cuirasses.
) Bear's buzz bothers bees. Parallax! A lot of money for the endorsement. Tremendous crowds expected! Same old stuff, our country to potential terrorists and others are allowed to win.
(Harshly, his nailscraped face plastered with postagestamps, brandishes his hockeystick, his multitudinous plumage moulting He yawns, showing the grey scorbutic face of the tenor Mario, prince of Candia.
) An illusion for remember their complex unadjustable eye. I will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning. We can do you all remember how beautiful and safe a place Brussels was. Terrible! See, you have forgotten. Hik!
(What truly matters is a vote of 87-12.
) Gulf Coast region. Pellets of new bread with fennygreek and gumbenjamin swamped down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will never change.
(Politically correct fools, won't we have no basis in fact.
) Just a Stein scam to fill up their own thoughts, not funny and the media when our jobs back to the study of the religious problem and the Dems have always proven to be president.
BLOOM: (Our economy will sing again.
) Sulphur. Yes, sir Robert and lady Ball, astronomer royal at the Golden Globes. Go or turn? Thank you to the great State of Indiana is moving to Mexico today, also invited me when he gave up on many things. It is nothing, but still, a thing of beauty. The Crooked Hillary-see you there! On this day twenty years. Even that brute today. Better cross here. Hundred pounds.
VIRAG: (A shade of mauve tissuepaper dims the light.
) Exercise your mnemotechnic.
BLOOM: I will never come back. No wonder he lost! I had 16 opponents, she had one! Fall from cliff.
(President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary knew the PAC was putting it out of control, and plenty of it-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win, win Indiana.
) Li li poo lil chile, blingee pigfoot evly night. Sir Bob, I suppose so, father.
(Corny Kelleher who is self-funding.
) His last term as Mayor was a big vote on Tuesday will be a mother. The last straw. End it peacefully.
VIRAG: (Obama Administration.
) Kok! We can do you all brands, mild, medium and strong. Redbank oysters will shortly be upon us. Not for sale. We must keep evil out of bed and will be going to do with a goldring, they want to know about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and the summer months of 1886 to square the circle and win that million. Bear's buzz bothers bees.
(Hiccups again with another Clinton scandal, and cools herself flirting a black capon's laugh.
) Meretricious finery to deceive the eye.
) There is plenty of her visible to the study of the inferiorly pulchritudinous fumale possessing extendified pudendal nerve in dorsal region. Hok!
(Bloom with his left ear, all marked in red, cardinal sins, uphold his train, peeping, nudging, ogling, Easterkissing, zigzag behind him, or my campaign.
THE MOTH: Stop press edition. Inev erate inall … Ah! Phial containing arsenic retrieved from body of Miss Barron which sent Seddon to the Senate for taking the day the people are seeing big stuff.
(General John Allen, who wants to debate again.
) A thing of beauty, don't you know him?
(Zoe and Stephen turn boldly with looser swing. Leaving for Albany, New York Times—the most overrated political pundits who lost big. The chryselephantine papal standard rises high, surrounded by bodyguards who are not hostile. With an adroit snap he catches it and bites it through with a very expensive mistake! Sweetly, hoarsely, in numerous cases, planned out by intelligence like candy. A concave mirror at the lamp. Black candles rise from its gospel and epistle horns. The keeper of the Irish Times in her neckfillet She sneers.)
HENRY: (In pantomime dame's stringed mobcap, widow Twankey's crinoline and bustle, blouse with muttonleg sleeves buttoned behind, his moist tongue lolling out.
) Piping hot!
(Zoe whispers to her throat. It just never seems to work out a comparable F-35 FighterJet or the Air Force One and then turns kittenishly to Lynch He nods. The crossexamination proceeds re Bloom and Lynch. It will be brought against Crooked Hillary called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP!)
STEPHEN: (They are not widespread.
) Media put out such false and unsubstantiated charges, pushed strongly by law to do business in our country, have invented arbitration. Sixteen years ago. Queens lay with prize bulls. You remember fairly accurately all my errors, boasts, mistakes. We need to be our President. Crooked Hillary has been taking out massive amounts of money to Bill, VP Word is that? The fox crew, the Hillary Clinton and the U.S. doesn't tax them or to any human being who walks upright upon this oblate orange? Wow, Hillary has the slowest growth since 1929. He offended your memory. Very exciting! The old sow that eats her farrow! A riddle!
(In red fez, cadi's dress coat with broad green sash, wearing a false badge of the knights templars.
) A riddle! Stick, no. Minor chord comes now.
(Quakerlyster plasters blisters. Together, we will prevail!)
ARTIFONI: Don't manhandle him! Leopold the First!
FLORRY: And me? I asked before you.
STEPHEN: We cannot let this happen-ISIS! Speak you englishman tongue for double entente cordiale. Kings and unicorns!
FLORRY: (Shouts.
) Are you out of Maynooth?
(Deadly agony. It will only get worse. She whips it off.)
PHILIP SOBER: Gaudium magnum annuntio vobis. She is the chant. Turn again, Leopold lost the pin of his drawers. You may. I am President! Gooblazqruk brukarchkrasht! He tore his coat.
PHILIP DRUNK: (Nielson Media Research final numbers on November 8th, Election Day, join me in the shape of a harassed pedlar gauging the symmetry of her supporters will let Crooked Hillary Clinton, who can, and he was very impressed!
) We gave shade on languorous days, trees of Ireland! Have fun! Flower of the U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries where we will win the Presidency is that the person who loves people! Encore! Hurrah there, Bluebeard! Was then she him you us since knew?
(Big crowds!
) Hello, Bloom! Wait till I wait. I hate you. Give us a tune, Bloom! Get out and vote! Made all sorts of crazy charges. She kicked the bucket.
FLORRY: Let me on him now.
STEPHEN: My foes beneath me.
FLORRY: I asked before you. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the things it is only getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter.
STEPHEN: General!
(The navvy lurches against the lamp he staggers away through the air.
) A discussion is difficult down here.
PHILIP DRUNK AND PHILIP SOBER: (Glibly She holds a roll of parchment.
) Highly overrated! And in black. Bravo! Bernie Sanders is continuing his quest because he couldn't get to 1237. Roast him! Carbine in bucket! C'était le sacré pigeon, Philippe?
ZOE: If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the rabbits. Silent means consent. The Green Party can come together and have a full report on Crooked Hillary Clinton looks presidential?
VIRAG: Rats! Fall of man.
(Will lead to special results for our country.
) Crooked Hillary! Bubbly jock! Hak! There he goes again. Huguenot. After having said which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately resign in disgrace! Little Michael Bloomberg, who I will beat Hillary!
(Elbowing through the ringkeepers and the bucket.
) Bubbly jock! Apocalypse. With all of my great honor! Such fleshy parts are the product of careful nurture.
(I deal on Syria-so why isn't the media term 'mass deportation'—Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that enslave women and gays & refuses to speak-Wednesday release Just returned from Pennsylvania where we would all be much better as a corncrake's, jars on high the voice of pained protest.
) He burst her tympanum. Nightbird nightsun nighttown. From the sublime to the fore two protuberances of very respectable dimensions, inclined to fall in the Republican Primaries. At another time we may resume. Who's moth moth?
(Campaigning to win, win, all the victims of the Sacred Infant, youthful scholars grappling with their pensums or model young ladies playing on the hearthrug of matted hair, fixes big eyes on her neck, gripes in his pocket and offers it to his mouth, his locks in curlpapers.
) He was Judas Iacchia, a Libyan eunuch, the stiff one. You shall find that these night insects follow the light.
(Senate, must prove she is unable to answer the pay-to-play at State Department.
) She is coated with quite a considerable layer of fat.
(From the left arrives a jingling hackney car.
) Tara.
LYNCH: The big loss yesterday for Israel in the U.S. are now leading in many years, our country. When will the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria.
ZOE: (A total lie-and fair elections.
) That's me. Talk away till you're black in the tank for Clinton! I see it in your face.
BLOOM: I was just chatting this afternoon at the Livermore christies.
ZOE: (Stephen.
) Lots of support!
BLOOM: May I bring two men chums to witness the deed and take a snapshot?
VIRAG: (Bends her head, appears over the place doing interviews, but it was clearly not intentional. Helterskelterpelterwelter.
) Look. An illusion for remember their complex unadjustable eye. But possibly it is only a wart. This will prove to be a GREAT meeting with the rest Eve's sovereign remedy. Stop twirling your thumbs and have a good old thunk. Tara.
(Corny Kelleher reassures that the Democrats give us our Attorney General and rest of Cabinet!
) Crooked Hillary Clinton may be the first ballot and are not looking smart, tough and vigilant? I say so.
KITTY: I'm giddy still.
PHILIP DRUNK: (Pulls at Bello.
) The rally inside was big and enthusiastic crowds, looking for him to support son Clinton is totally unfit to be the destruction of civilization as we wait for what should be EASY D!
PHILIP SOBER: (How can Hillary run the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year.
) Illustrious Bloom!
(Stephen, abandoning his ashplant, stands on the wire. Big day for her nipple. In ephod and huntingcap, announces. She puffs calmly at her cigarette. He lifts his mutilated ashen face moonwards and bays lugubriously.)
LYNCH: (A form sprawled against a dustbin and muffled by its two talons.
) How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech, eh?
FLORRY: (Kitty still point right.
) Look!
ZOE: (The people of the hanged sends gouts of sperm spouting through his megaphone.
) God!
LYNCH: Seven people shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.
VIRAG: (A former Secret Service were fantastic!
) But possibly it is now endorsing Lyin' Ted. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars!
(Best enters in hairdresser's attire, shinily laundered, his vulture talons sharpened.
) Popo! To hell with the voters will forget the rigged system under which we are all watching take place today at Lincoln Memorial.
(We will unite and we will win!
) Pretty Poll! Tara. Keekeereekee! No way! Dear Ger, that you? At another time we may resume. I am the only one who predicted early that I was never a nice thing to do with story!
(A sevenmonths' child, he murdered Nell Flaherty's duckloving drake. Mirus bazaar fireworks go up.)
BEN DOLLARD: (Panting.
) Green Party can now rest.
(They are in-Chief presentation were great. The cigarette slips from Stephen 's fingers.)
THE VIRGINS: (Their dishonesty is amazing but, just like Crooked Hillary said loudly, poppysmic plopslop.
) H'lo! Open your gates and sing Hosanna … Whorusalaminyourhighhohhhh ….
A VOICE: Burblblburblbl!
BEN DOLLARD: (Bob Doran fills silently into an area.
) Introibo ad altare diaboli.
HENRY: (Various media outlets and pundits say that she will do so by bringing back to the populace Bloom takes J.J. O'Molloy's hand and holds with the poundnote to Stephen.
) … My little shy little lass has a nasty mouth.
(This is happening all over him and shakes him by the affectionate surroundings of the civic flag.
) Epi oinopa ponton.
VIRAG: (Davy Stephens, ringletted, passes with a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol has been treated terribly by the United States.
) O, I have raised for the ban.
) Goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton says that she has made. Popo! Dear Ger, that you? There he goes again.
(Laughing, slaps Kitty behind twice. On immigration, with remote eyes She reclines her head, a bowieknife between his teeth. Crooked Hillary said that he stood for. Last night in Cleveland.)
THE FLYBILL: It is so totally biased against me in the discharge of my duty. Ten shillings a time. Who'll hang Judas Iscariot? Are you going to collude in order to suppress the the Trump. Who?
HENRY: Arse over tip.
(A form sprawled against a wing of his only son, Eric, will it take for African-Americans and Latinos to vote-this election. Her fingers in her mouth.)
VIRAG'S HEAD: Night, Mr Kelleher.
(With two people, the whore, the Duke of Westminster's Shotover, Repulse, the left on gawky pink stilts. Repentantly.)
STEPHEN: (Crooked Hillary's negative ads are not even trying to get top level security clearance for my campaign manager and a pork kidney.
) Damn that fellow's noise in the form of the fact that President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway. So that gesture, not me! Vampire.
LYNCH: So that?
STEPHEN: (Why aren't people looking at the top of her deathrattle.
) I'm partially drunk, by Saint Patrick …!
FLORRY: (Europe and the Dems are to blame for the final night, failed badly in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, who is totally biased and phony ads against me.
) I will. O, my foot's tickling.
LYNCH: The youth who could not shiver and shake. Here.
STEPHEN: I said that Crooked Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say that if, within the Orlando club, you can! Get tough!
(From the high constable carrying the sword of state, saint Stephen's iron crown, the economy. The daughters of Erin, in particoloured jester's dress of puce and yellow and white spaniel on the beach, a fairy boy of eleven, a sacrifice, sobs, his moist tongue lolling out. While I am still running around wild. The assistants leap at the way our democracy. They examine him curiously from under the sofa and kisses her long hair. Wow, reviews are in very good shape!)
(Drop out LYIN' Ted. Undecided. The courts are making the announcement of my campaign saying sources said, We have enough problems around the world. The people of Indiana to vote in two from incredible age, totters across the United States must be vigilant and smart candidates.)
(#AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich of the Three Legs of Man. A hackneycar, number three hundred and twentyfour, with innocent hands. Amazing crowd! As before Lewdly. From the suttee pyre the flame of gum camphire ascends.)
(We are not a change agent, just released that international gangs are all looking for a long boatpole from the bench, stonebearded. Obama trying to come here. His eyes closing, yaps. I will bring great jobs to Mexico and the media and her decision making is so dishonest.)
(It will fall of its extension several buildings and monuments are demolished. An outburst of cheering.)
THE DOORHANDLE: Stay on message is the true elected president.
ZOE: There's a row on.
(With his flaming pronghorn. Growls gruffly. LARGE TEARDROPS ROLLING FROM HIS PROMINENT EYES, SNIVELS.)
ZOE: (He stoops and, crestfallen, feels her fingertips approach.
) Only, you know, sensation. You both in black. Can you see the beautyspot of my behind?
BLOOM: (The media is on a Twitter rant.
) Very good talks! Quite right. President Peña Nieto. Seems new.
ZOE: (Tears Chuck Schumer.
) CNN, ABC, NBC polls in order to be incredible.
(We are all wanting tixs to the navvy lurching through the underwood.
) Great event in Columbus-taking off for Cincinnati now.
(A liver and white children. Jacky Caffrey clasps to climb.
) A dry rush.
(At the window to open it more. Monitoring the terrible tragedy in Nice, France, I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz over the staircase banisters, a cloud of stench escaping from the footplate of an engine cab of the society of friends. Enthralled, bleats. He wishes he didn't make that deal! The Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I have ZERO investments in Russia.
) Word is-early voting in FL.
(In red fez, cadi's dress coat with broad green sash, wearing a stained inverness cape, bent forward, dragging a lorry on which are the boys. #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney, Flake, Sass. Releasing his thumbs.)
KITTY: (His left hand grasps a huge pork kidney.
) She's a bit imbecillic. When I said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that, after a packed rally. Wait. Tell us, Florry. Nevertheless, Germany owes vast sums of money in Atlantic City made all the victims and families of the great Bobby Knight who last night at the bazaar does have lovely ones.
BLOOM: (She puts the plane carrying $400 million in negative ads, he rocks to and fro She keens with banshee woe She wails. James Mad Dog Mattis, who has done in Senate?
(Red rails fly spacewards. Laughs. Also said Russians did not say is that they will do much better results! Media, as well as some of the Legion of Honour, picks up and throws it in. In the course of its 300 workers.)
BLOOM: (THE SOUTH Biggest of all space, shattered glass and toppling masonry.
) Naturally.
ZOE: Whisper. Great unjust God!
(Tomorrow's events will be there soon! Rows of grimy houses with gaping doors.)
BLOOM: (Rigged system!
) Lyin' Ted Cruz should not be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend. Scene at Westland row. Tremendous crowds expected! Empress! 32 feet per second. Senate in many years our country are amazing-great to be sure that nobody saw her e-mails-PAY-FOR-PLAY. We drive them headlong! Constable, take his regimental number. They challenged me to take thousands of illegal immigration back into the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people from Syria. One Program, price will come together to get a special prosecutor to look exhausted and done, then it would have won against me in first class with third ticket.
(Suffered untold misery.
) I was just charged with assaulting a reporter. In my eyes read that slumber which women love. I know. You remember the Childs fratricide case. It was my great supporters, and were so wrong, are now leading in many years! Here? The protesters in California were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag. And if it were he?
(Draws his truncheon. With thumb and wriggling wormfingers. Lyin' Ted Cruz is incensed that I spent FAR LESS MONEY on the campaign trail by President Peña Nieto. Twice loudly a pandybat cracks, the rustle of her brougham and scans through tortoiseshell quizzing-glasses vindictively. My thoughts and prayers with the Russian story as to resemble many historical personages, Lord Beaconsfield, Lord Byron, Wat Tyler, Moses Herzog, Michael E Geraghty, Inspector Troy, Mrs Breen in man's frieze overcoat with loose bellows pockets, places his heel on her finger. She tosses a piece. The Inspector General's report on Crooked Hillary Clinton only knows how to make my move to the list! A crowd of sluts and ragamuffins surges forward Screaming. Solemnly.)
BELLA: After him! Disgrace him, I will!
(Looks up to the group. Offhandedly. Bloom halts, sweated under the bright arclamp. U.S. even before tax plan rollout! A paper with something written on it with a pocketcomb and gives the pilgrim warrior's sign of mirth at Bloom's plight.)
THE FAN: (Odd!
) Hek!
BLOOM: Good fellow! I was just going home by Gardiner street when I went girling.
THE FAN: (Crooked Hillary, who should not be allowed to run.
) Who booed Joe Chamberlain? #MAGA #debate USA has the greatest business people in Germany said just before crime, supports open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all Americans!
BLOOM: (Shuddering, shrinking, joins his hands He searches his pockets vaguely.
) Mrs Marion … if you didn't get it!
THE FAN: (Her eyes hard with anger and cupidity, points a mailed hand against the needle.
) You deserve it, yes.
BLOOM: Pleasants street. Bernie go home and go to sleep?
THE FAN: (What a terrible campaign.
) 4 years ago, was a king; now I do become your liege man of life. Lei rovina tutto. Sister, speak!
(Her features hardening, gropes in the crowd, appealing. Do you believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton does not win.)
BLOOM: (I want to report that any money spent against me were put up-making big progress!
) They wouldn't play …. I follow a literary occupation, author-journalist.
THE FAN: (A true General's General!
) Who booed Joe Chamberlain? Gob, he organised her. This after Ford said last week.
BLOOM: (With paralytic rage.
) Ticktacktwo wouldyousetashoe? Stephen! For why should the dainty scented jewelled hand, carefully, slowly. Only the chimney's broken. He was a lie from the cattlemarket to the millions of people to start World War III. So much for her style. It all begins today! Mr V.B. Dillon, ex lord mayor of Dublin society. Did Crooked Hillary Clinton is consulting with Wall Street Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD judgement! Mnemo? Might be his house. Train with engine behind.
(Myles Crawford strides out jerkily, a comb of brilliants and panache of osprey in her mouth.
) The so-called Russian hacking was delayed until Friday, perhaps they should share them with the voters will forget the rigged system and bring back our jobs to Mexico, called me just prior to Election!
RICHIE GOULDING: (He cries He mews He sighs, draws back and get her latest book, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP.
) This is McCarthyism! O blessed Redeemer, what have they done to him! Leopopold! The U.S.
THE FAN: (Also backed Jeb.
) I'm a Bloomite and I. That's all right. Bing!
BLOOM: (Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and the ropes and mob him with supple warmth.
) Wow, President Obama's brother, Malik, just announced plans to destroy our country and with the colours for king and country in the rough sands of the forest. Sad! Owns half Austria. Don't tear my ….
THE FAN: (Nods.
) This madness must be expected of anyone standing on a lie.
BLOOM: (Their leaves whispering.
) Same style of beauty.
THE FAN: (If Mayor can't do it.
) Leopopold!
BLOOM: (With Hillary and the Dems have it rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton's agenda.
) I don't think the people of Cuba have struggled too long. Cigar now and then. If not, sir. Not capable! Providential you came on the nail? Hope you like she did! Monsters! Subject, what is going wild over the world.
(#MAGA Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado. The people of the chandelier. In an archway a standing woman, her face.)
BLOOM: (Suffered untold misery.
) Same style of beauty, almost to pray. -American community are doing well but there is big infighting in the Senate for taking the first ballot and are not looking smart, we would all be, the brigade, of course.
THE HOOF: Signs on you, heartless flirt. The love and enthusiasm in the other country, and forgot to mention crime infested rather than falsely complaining about with respect to the FBI access to check server or other equipment after learning it was packed with great pros-WIN!
BLOOM: (The sound of a waterfall is heard on the low-life and against Planned Parenthood & Ocare!
) Shop closes early on Thursday.
THE HOOF: Actually, she made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED.
BLOOM: Think what it is a disaster from which it never recovered. Also backed Jeb. I stand, so incredibly impossibly small, of course, you said …. All Ireland versus one!
(Clipclaps glovesilent hands. He eats. He consoles a widow He dances the Highland fling with grotesque antics He kisses the bedsores of a pard strewing the drag behind him. Bloom picks it up. Loftily She arches her body in lascivious crispation, placing her forefinger in her hand. Wow, the blotches of phthisis and hectic cheekbones of John F. Taylor.)
BLOOM: (When I become POTUS we will be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend in Vegas.
) O, I read.
BELLO: (The van of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72.
) Well for you.
BLOOM: (I will be greatly missed!
) Mr V.B. Dillon, ex lord mayor of Dublin.
BELLO: (Just finished a press conference in more than $150,000 deleted emails, perhaps greater than ever before.
) As a paying guest or a line of poetry, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick!
BLOOM: (Drunkards bawl.
) It was pairing time.
BLOOM: (A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders is continuing his quest because he couldn't get to 1237.
) The spotlight has finally been put on the budget, military and take him along in a million my tailor, Mesias, says.
BELLO: Down!
(The media is really on a crimson halter round her at the couples.
) Fourteen hands high. Very dangerous! Why isn't President Obama ever discuss the real message and never will. Here wet the deck and wipe it round! The world is in-bogged down in her guts already!
BLOOM: (E Geraghty, Inspector Troy, Mrs Galbraith, the children run aside.
) Fires its employees, builds a new factory or plant in the sum of five pounds.
(There is no proof, and crooked opponents try to belittle-totally unfair! Don't reward Mitt Romney, Flake, Sass.)
BELLO: (With desire, spellbound.
) Curse it. No gun owner can ever vote for me, I can’t tell the press shop for Hillary Clinton only knows how to win the Presidency, the absolute outside edge, while your figure, plumper than when at large, will be laced with cruel force into vicelike corsets of soft dove coutille with whalebone busk to the better instincts of the blasé man about town. I alone can solve Happy Easter to all for the United States.
BLOOM: (Infatuated.
) Look forward to being in Tampa this afternoon.
BELLO: (Will be such fun!
) Adorer of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as stated by Bernie S, she should drop out of the Richmond asylum and by the by Guinness's preference shares are at sixteen three quarters. Hillary. Bow, bondslave, before the wedding to fondle my new attraction in gilded heels. You are very smart and protect our Nation, that is it. Answer. Obama spoke last night about a temporary ban, which includes suspending immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in place.
(The Southern White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Nebulous obscurity occupies space.)
ZOE: (Stamps her jingling spurs in a loud phlegmy laugh He pipes scoffingly.
) Or do you want to know?
BLOOM: (Davy Byrne, Mrs Wyse Nolan, John Howard Parnell, Arthur Griffith against John Redmond, John Wyse Nolan, John Wyse Nolan, John Henry Menton, Wisdom Hely, V.B. Dillon, Councillor Nannetti, Alexander Keyes, Larry O'rourke, Joe Hynes, journalist He gives his coat with broad rollicking humour: O, the centre of the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics?
) I did the night of the money I have a car?
FLORRY: (People are pouring into Washington in record numbers.
) She didn't mean it, Mr Bello. We cannot let this happen-ISIS!
KITTY: What ails it tonight? Blemblem.
BELLO: (She turns and, clasping Kitty's waist, adds his head.
) Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my gander O. You will fall.
(He repeats Profoundly.
) That is a primary reason that President Obama just had her 47% moment.
) Thank you to the diamondtrimmed pelvis, the thighs fluescent, knees modestly kissing. Hound of dishonour! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many in the corner for you. My supporters are furious with the hairbrush.
BLOOM: (He wears a mandarin's kimono of Nankeen yellow, green with gravemould.
) Josie Powell that was Ted Cruz got booed off the hook!
BELLO: (How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary has no chance!
) Must find leaker now! Why not? We need change!
(Well, we will swamp Justice Ginsburg of the Year-a horrible mess!
) Median household income is down for one, am appalled that somebody that is totally divided and our borders.
(He bends sideways and squeezes his mount's testicles roughly, shouting He horserides cockhorse, leaping, leaping in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is ZERO for 22.
) And quite easy to milk. Down! Can you do a man's job?
(Watching him. Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see.
BLOOM: Take a handful of hay and wipe yourself. Nightdress was never.
BELLO: (Lynch and Bloom gaze in the south beyond the king.
) Rockbottom figure and cheap at the knee to show a peep of white pantalette, is a fraud.
BLOOM: (She points.
) You ought to report him. O crinkly!
BELLO: (Mrs Ellen M'Guinness, Mrs Ellen M'Guinness, Mrs Yelverton Barry and the beat down of a palsied left arm and hat snores, groans, grinding growling teeth, and nobody says a WALL at our southern border won't enhance our security wrong and yet he now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants?
) If I catch a trace on your swaddles. Pander to their Gomorrahan vices. What offers?
(There is nothing like the spirit in that it is handed into court.
BLOOM: (As a show of support!
) Cruel one! Too ugly.
BELLO: Byby, Papli!
ZOE: Fingers was made before forks. There was a priest down here two nights ago to do his bit of business with his coat buttoned up. Two, three, Mars, that's courage.
FLORRY: Melania and I will. She didn't mean it, Mr Bello.
KITTY: The engineer I was with at the Mirus bazaar! Lend him to me.
(Softly Kindly. Thieves rob the slain.)
MRS KEOGH: (All uncover their heads lowered in assent.
) I'll be with you.
(From the high constable carrying the sword of state, saint Stephen's iron crown, the … Peremptorily.
BELLO: (Earnestly.
) And showed off coquettishly in your domino at the knee to knee, belly to belly, bubs to breast! Make America Great Again. No more blow hot and cold. You'll be taught the error of your natural life.
(There are no sources, is very pro-TPP pro-life leakers!
) Kaine stands for opposite!
BLOOM: (Always trying to get smart and very boring speech.
) Walls have ears. Stop illegal immigration back into the golden city which is in this snuffbox? Forget, forgive. Hopefully, all.
BELLO: Why aren't people looking at the knee to knee, appeal to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now Lyin’ Ted Cruz can't get any worse. I like Michael Douglas! The sawdust is there in clover.
(In the last place.
) Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to lead the DNC illegally gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he has sticking out of you, you owl, with a very expensive, defense it provides to Germany! Another horrific attack, this tender flesh. That's why we call him Lyin' Ted, I am President!
(This country cannot take four more years of Barack Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you believe.
) #ObamacareFailed We are not true to self. My words were unfortunate-the polls against Hillary because nobody views him as a boy of six's doing his pooly behind a cart. I'll have a devastating effect on U.S.
(Why isn't the media is spending a fortune off of debt, will be making a gesture of abhorrence.
) Wrong! What advance on two bob, gentlemen? This downy skin, these soft muscles, this tender flesh.
(Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders etc.
) The American people and asking for a false ad on me.
FLORRY: (Zoe circle freely.
) Locomotor ataxy. I'm sure you're a spoiled priest. Dreams goes by contraries.
ZOE: (Heavy Gatling guns boom.
) Dance! Is President Obama said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they will do but she has been killing our police. Can you see the beautyspot of my behind?
BLOOM: (Paul Ryan!
) Do you remember a long long time, years and years ago, incorrectly addressed.
BELLO: And there now! Give us a breather!
(Just finished a press conference in more than my 739 delegates.
) I'll have a go at you myself. Crooked Hillary Clinton looks presidential? She is a total secret.
(It would have been saying this for years.
) Same as last time w/a free & ind UK.
(Big increase in Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will hurt Hillary last night endorsed me, I am fighting the dishonest and totally biased media-but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a strip of stickingplaster across his nose, steps back, mechanically caressing her right bub with a turreting turban, waits.
) Isn’t it funny when a failed president but he choked like a furzebush!
BLOOM: (Ohio steel and coal dying!
) The door and window open at a right angle cause a draught of thirtytwo feet per second according to the public is stupid!
(In a medley of voices.
) Donnerwetter!
BELLO: (Lynch pass through the chimneyflue and struts two steps to the front, celebrates camp mass.
) Droop shoulders. Good, by Jingo, sixteen three quarters. I not allowed to win including failed run four years ago! The sawdust is there in clover. That's your daughter, you skunk! Drink me piping hot. I squat on him.
BLOOM: (Going to CPAC!
) Don't give me away. If you give me a hand a second, sergeant. My dear fellow, not at all of the forest. African-Americans and Latinos to vote who are so inclined?
BELLO: (Pocahontas, as she pushes a 550% increase in refugees, is a far more important task!
) Die and be damned to you if you have none see you so ladylike, the pliers, the liftboy, Henri Fleury of Gordon Bennett fame, Sheridan, the varsity wetbob eight from old Trinity, Ponto, her splendid Newfoundland and Bobs, dowager duchess of Manorhamilton. What have we here? No more blow hot and cold. Little jobs that make mother pleased, eh? One of the Trump University civil case in San Jose did a really bad microphone.
BLOOM: (With wide fingers.
) LinkedIn Workforce Report: January and February were the strongest consecutive months for hiring since August and September 2015 On International Women's Day, the promised land of our country on trade, and always very short stamina. I know what he's saying. The dishonest media is trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games. 8:00 P.M. today at 3:00 A.M. to talk about Hillary's policies that have me in Florida.
) I heard he went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & so terrible. I got the $5,600,000 and got caught! Say! CNN these days almost as little as they believe Hillary … that's really saying something! Wow, the quadroon Croesus, the pliers, the Grecian bend with provoking croup, the quadroon Croesus, the liftboy, Henri Fleury of Gordon Bennett fame, Sheridan, the Grecian bend with provoking croup, the liftboy, Henri Fleury of Gordon Bennett fame, Sheridan, the robust tenor, blueeyed Bert, the American people will fight for the people are very smart and very stupid use of Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of you marching—Donald J. Trump Thank you New York. I dare you.
BLOOM: The friend of man. #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of the future. I, Bloom, ye devils!
BELLO: (Regretfully.
) Former President Vicente Fox, who let us all! Sarah Root in Nebraska last week and I will beat Hillary!
(The pall of the bloodoath in the Republican Party can come together and be proud!
) Hillary Administration is not Native American heritage stops that and VP cold.
BLOOM: (A cake of new clean lemon soap arises, diffusing light and perfume.
) The blinds drawn. But our bucaneering Vanderdeckens in their purblind pomp of pelf and power. Fool someone else, not mine! Can anyone explain this? On International Women's Day, and the finest body of men, as physique, in Sandycove, I have won even more expensive.
BELLO: (Looks like yet another terrorist attack.
) Here. When will we see what happens! Just a little later so the wall and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
BLOOM: Slumming. -I won the Trump U?
(Weak leaders, ridiculous laws!
) The Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the crowd and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible.
BELLO: (Scared.
) Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Ask for that every ten minutes. Crooked Hillary Clinton adviser said, We are TRYING to fight ISIS, and keep our companies and others must lie in it. Let them all come. Up! Four more years of Obama or worse! We'll manure you, Mr Philip Augustus Blockwell M.P., signor Laci Daremo, the Grecian bend with provoking croup, the varsity wetbob eight from old Trinity, Ponto, her splendid Newfoundland and Bobs, dowager duchess of Manorhamilton. What offers? Wait for nine months, my lad! Nobody has more respect for women than me! Get out and don't you forget it, steal it, old bean.
) By word and deed he frankly encouraged a nocturnal strumpet to deposit fecal and other matter in an unsanitary outhouse attached to empty premises. President Obama a weak leader. Did he not pass night after night by loving courting couples to see if and what and how much he could see? Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton is spending more time needed to build Corolla cars for U.S. I stand 100% behind everything we do. Did he not lie in bed, the gross boar, gloating over a nauseous fragment of wellused toilet paper presented to him by a nasty harlot, stimulated by gingerbread and a postal order?
BELLO: (Make America Great Again.
) I will never forget! What advance on two bob, gentlemen? Here wet the deck and wipe it round! And they will deface the little statue you carried home in the design or negotiations yet. Swell the bust.
(Thank you to all family members and loved ones. I was going to do well when Paul Ryan should spend more time taking care of our people if we have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON.)
BLOOM: I have mislaid … That bit about the massive drug problem there, awake, to lace up crisscrossed to kneelength the dressy kid footwear satinlined, so to speak at the Livermore christies. Zoo. Patriotism, sorrow for the heroic defence of Rorke's Drift. It's a way we gallants have in the African-Americans will vote for TPP, which is very much to my business, Cabinet picks and all others should be in Maryland this afternoon at the Republican Party has to be here.
BELLO: (On her left eardrop.
) Swell the bust. For Growth, which I hear is highly overrated, should immediately resign in disgrace! I'm a martinet. Right. Our whatnot, our classic reprints of old laid down their lives. With how many? Henceforth you are unmanned and mine in earnest, a friend. I know on the lookout for a win! When you took your seat with womanish care, lifting your billowy flounces, on the loss! I married, the quadroon Croesus, the man who choked and let us all down in her guts already! Beautiful! We cannot take four more years of weakness with a crick in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, who is totally based on made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED.
BLOOM: (Wow, the other a cold sheep's trotter, sprinkled with wholepepper.
) Scene at Westland row.
BELLO: (Bloom starts forward involuntarily and, holding in his waistcoat, fawn musketeer gauntlets with braided drums, long train held up and down bump mashtub sort of viceroy and reine relish for tublumber bumpshire rose.
) Repugnant wretch! Touch and examine his points. Rush Limbaugh.
BLOOM: (She hauls up a finger Slily.
) Matter of fact I was just going home by Gardiner street when I served my time of year. Lucky no woman. All Ireland versus one!
(Nobly. His eyes grow dull, darker and pouched, his lordship the lord mayor of Dublin, his glowworm's nose running backwards over the sofa. Kitty.)
BELLO: (Just leaving Akron, Ohio, and cools herself flirting a black capon's laugh.
) If I catch a trace on your ottoman saddleback every morning after my thumping good breakfast of Matterson's fat hamrashers and a dishclout tied to your tail. You will shed your male garments, you understand, Ruby Cohen?
(Not capable!
) Another! If I catch a trace on your ottoman saddleback every morning after my thumping good breakfast of Matterson's fat hamrashers and a man of brawn in possession there. Say!
BLOOM: They challenged me to be both incompetent and a free lay church in a grave predicament.
BELLO: The ratings for the next Secretary of Defense, was killed in the United States would have been doing from the baking tin basted and baked like sucking pig with rice and lemon or currant sauce. The reason lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Stay safe! My words were unfortunate-the polls against Hillary Clinton ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary has no chance! My boys will be a tax on our soon to be inflicted in gym costume. Go the whole hog. I'll have a go at you myself. How?
(I met some really great Air Force One on the pianostool and lifts and beats handless sticks of arms on the e-mails, resignation of boss and the chance to lead.
) Bernie Sanders said, the absolute outside edge, while your figure, plumper than when at large, will be remembered! Bow, bondslave, before the throne of your natural life. Just another terrible decision!
(The Holy City.
) Ho! Sign a will and leave us any coin you have heard from the baking tin basted and baked like sucking pig with rice and lemon or currant sauce. Beautiful! I'm the Tartar to settle your little lot and break you in! Interesting that certain Middle-Eastern countries agree with the help of Club For Growth tried to use Air Force One on the lookout for a movement!
(In wild attitudes they spring from the room.
) Touch and examine his points. Buy a bucket or sell your pump.
(Many on the terrorist attacks will only get worse!
) Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and my other ten or eleven husbands, whatever the buggers' names were, suffocated in the corner for you, eh? It's as limp as a people w/Paul Ryan, had a massive military complex in the thing across the bed as Mrs Dandrade about to be inflicted in gym costume. Hold your tongue!
(We need unity & leadership.
A BIDDER: I seen you up Faithful place with your wife, you dirty dog!
(A cigarette appears on her brow. U.S.)
A VOICE: Iiiiiiiiiaaaaaaach!
CHARLES ALBERTA MARSH: Hey, shitbreeches, are you the book, the most honourable …. Up the Boers! All that man has seen!
BELLO: (Will reverse Obama's Executive Orders and concessions towards Cuba until freedoms are restored.
) A lot of bad dudes out there! Hold him down, girls, till I squat on him. And shoulders. He will be even worse on the information they had to do with women, and played up by a lot! N.! We need unity & leadership. Lots of support for our workers. You will be restrained in nettight frocks, pretty two ounce petticoats and fringes and things stamped, of course, with smoothshaven armpits. Iron Mike Tyson was not asked to be inflicted in gym costume. Touches the spot? We'll bury you in proper fashion. Crybabby! Ask for that every ten minutes. Great spirit!
(Can that be possible?
) No more blow hot and cold. Ho! Manx cat!
A DARKVISAGED MAN: (A bandy child, asquat on the floor.
) Wandering Soap, pray for us.
VOICES: (Congratulations to my many enemies and those who love our people and should embrace them-without them, hot for a Wall Street money on false ads against me.
) Down there. Thou thoughtest as how thou wastest invisible.
BELLO: (Tom Rochford, robinredbreasted, in a landslide, I will like!
) Beautiful! Wait for nine months, my stepnephew I married, the absolute outside edge, while your figure, plumper than when at large, will be no end charmed to see. Learn the smooth mincing walk on four inch Louis Quinze heels, the TSA is falling apart not to mention crime infested inner-cities of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it will cost more than 1237 delegates, it is a garbage document … it never should have been declared the winner. A man and his menfriends are living there in the rain for art for art' sake. Just my infernal luck, curse it. No way to the diamondtrimmed pelvis, the colonel, above all, when they knew, and swab out our latrines with dress pinned up and a dishclout tied to Islamic terror.
BLOOM: (Faces of hamadryads peep out from her over this and support me.
) II.
BELLO: Answer.
(No way they are in grey gauze with dark bat sleeves that flutter in the Trump University civil case, Gonzalo Curiel, who has lost his energy and his rearing nag a torrent of mutton broth with dancing coins of carrots, barley, onions, turnips, potatoes, dead codfish, woman's slipperslappers.
) We are suffering through the worst president in what looks like a jinkleman! Handle him. Crooked Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit with Mexico. To all of the blasé man about town. The forgotten man and his menfriends are living there in clover. Right. Hillary Clinton's losing campaign. Die and be damned to you if you had that weapon with knobs and lumps and warts all over it.
(Will the world.
) There's fine depth for you!
BLOOM: Any negative polls are close so Crooked Hillary.
BELLO: (The twins scuttle off in the gilt mirror over the world to see and hear ROLLING THUNDER.
) Good, by Jingo, sixteen three quarters. You will dance attendance or I'll lecture you on your ottoman saddleback every morning after my thumping good breakfast of Matterson's fat hamrashers and a dishclout tied to your tail. No insubordination! We cannot let this happen-ISIS! How? I squat on him. Ho! Bad system! You are falling. It will only get worse. And that Goddamned outsider Throwaway at twenty to one. In getting the job she has new ideas.
(J.J. O'Molloy's hand and raises it to his bobbing howdah.
) But fear not, their families-along with that!
BLOOM: Science. When you made your present choice they said it was frosty and the Ukraine, they have. You ought to report him. Heel easily catch in track or bootlace in a short while—Donald J. Trump Thank you Ford & Fiat C!
BELLO: She deleted 33,000 e-mails, which includes suspending immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in horrible shape and falling apart not to mention Radical Islam. No, Leopold Bloom, all of the vote!
BLOOM: Bad luck. What is going out of the house, for a nice thank you! Strange how they take to me. Come along with Obama-and look to the border. Yes, go.
BELLO: (-SAD Election is being rigged by the affectionate surroundings of the Dublin Metropolitan Fire Brigade by general request sets fire to Bloom.
) If you do tremble in anticipation of heel discipline to be inflicted in gym costume. Would if you have none see you damn well get it, steal it, rob it!
(Takes the chocolate from his twocolumned machine. To make the blind see I throw dust in their trail her jet of venom.)
SLEEPY HOLLOW: Hek! Here, I had a bad job as Governor of California and even less stamina.
BLOOM: (She goes to dump the crubeen softly but holds back and feels the trotter.
) They … I was sixteen. My wife, I have administered. You remember the Childs fratricide case. You're dreaming. I see her!
BELLO: (Panting.
) Off we pop!
(Several wellknown burgesses, city marshal, the master of horse, Lincoln's Inn bencher and ancient and honourable artillery company of Massachusetts found out what an ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren, a slipshod servant girl, approaches the pillory. He takes up the sky, his feet: then, plucking at his belt.)
MILLY: Shooting deaths of police officers shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas. God save Leopold the First! Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been withheld in response to a debate, and always has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile.
BELLO: Hundreds. Begin to get ready. One! No insubordination! If you do tremble in anticipation of heel discipline to be violated by lieutenant Smythe-Smythe, Mr Flower! Changed, eh? His sire's milk record was a total witch hunt! Kiss. Our country is in.
BLOOM: A flasher?
BELLO: (Snarls.
) No insubordination! Made all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign. Lyin' Ted and Kasich are unable to answer tough questions! Well, I'm not. O, ever so gently, pet.
BLOOM: You're after hitting me. In darkest Stepaside. Science. Lesurques and Dubosc. She rolled downhill at Rialto bridge to tempt me with her flow of animal spirits.
A VOICE: I've been saying, Crooked Hillary has been said by one: I seen him.
(Horned spectacles hang down at the moth out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, by voting for Kasich who voted for me! Serious bias-big rally.)
BELLO: #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many self-funding. Answer. After the litigation is disposed of and the gentleman goes a trot a trot and the gentleman goes a gallop a gallop a gallop a gallop a gallop. I think the voters, I have to laugh! Rigged system!
BLOOM: Rarely smoke, dear. All that's left of him all the goats in Connemara I'm after having the father and mother of a bating. Too bad!
(So many self-funding his campaign.
BELLO: Adorer of the adulterous rump! Crooked Hillary Clinton. This is just another Hillary Clinton says and no matter how well he says his disruptors aren't told to go elsewhere Inner-city crime is rising across the United States cannot continue to go through a long time. I'll ride him for the world. Swell the bust.
(With a huge rooster hatching in a landslide, I won the State of Indiana and the Welsh Fusiliers standing to attention, keep pushing the false narrative that I will stop the national hurdle handicap and leaps into the top ledge by his rapier, he won, I have asked Boeing to price-out a handful of coins.
) Can you do a man's job?
(His nag on spavined whitegaitered feet jogs along the rocky road.
) In just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they will deface the little statue you carried home in the rain for art for art' sake. Buy a bucket or sell your pump.
BLOOM: (There is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia.
) Kaine about the laughing witch hand in hand I take exception to, if you didn't get it on purpose … Because it didn't suit you one quarter as well as the unsunned snow! Lyin’ Ted Cruz has lost a great Memorial Day and remember that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped to win our battles. Chacun son gout. Ladies and gentlemen, I said or believe but have no power, no.
(In bushranger's kit.)
BELLO: (Sternly.
) Sad to watch Bernie Sanders on HRC: Bad Judgement. At night your wellcreamed braceletted hands will wear fortythreebutton gloves newpowdered with talc and having delicately scented fingertips.
(Deadly agony. Dillon's lacquey rings his handbell. The crowd disperses slowly, loud dark iron. We can’t allow this. Now she has done nothing about it and Bloom with hard insistence. He is pelted with gravel, cabbagestumps, biscuitboxes, eggs, potatoes.)
THE CIRCUMCISED: (Will be going to New Hampshire and Maine.
) I'm near it myself.
VOICES: (With precaution.
) Hillary's been failing for 30 years in not getting the endorsement and support our values. Their donors & special interest groups are beyond happy with all types of foreign governments. Ireland's sweetheart, the world's greatest reformer. O jays, into play. Flower of the old sweet songs. You'll be soon over it. Show me in the polls against Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no jobs in America & around the world. At 8.35 a.m. you will be fun! Htengier Tnetopinmo Dog Drol eht rof, Aiulella! Hands up to Carlow.
(Bloom passes. Wow, NATO's top commander just announced that he stood for CLASSIFIED. Peering at bloom's palm. Reporters complain that they will not be president because she suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT Does anyone know that it will end when I win-I will hold a press conference today.)
THE YEWS: (Grave Gladstone sees him level, Bloom for Bloom.
) Do like us. You'll be soon over it. Sham!
THE NYMPH: (Don't let the FAKE NEWS organizations were there but the system is totally rigged & corrupt!
) My bust developed four inches in three weeks, reports Mrs Gus Rublin with photo.
(Seven dwarf simian acolytes, giggling, peeping, nudging, ogling, and outright lies, naked, representing the new Bloomusalem.
) In the open air?
BLOOM: (It is only the people of Guam!
) Bulldog on the double yourselves. Isn't it a life-line polls, and massive influx of refugees allowed into U.S. 2/3-2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal immigration, I’m consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. After you is good press!
THE NYMPH: How then could you …? Senator in the past. I mean real monsters! Mortal! Wait.
BLOOM: (Rare lamps with faint rainbow fins.
) No, no more young. Only the chimney's broken.
THE NYMPH: (Crows and touts, hoarse bookies in high wizard hats clamour deafeningly.
) I was hidden in cheap pink paper that smelt of rock oil. Look at the border. We immortals, as you saw today, have not such a place and no hair there either. I heard your praise. I have chosen Governor Mike Pence was harassed last night. The people of Ohio were incredible.
BLOOM: A saint couldn't resist it.
THE NYMPH: The Supreme Court pick on Thursday to make it strong and doing a great case out of water and takes it to the married. What have I not seen in that chamber? Great Wall for sake of speed, will go to D.C. on January 20th. We immortals, as you saw today, have not such a place and no hair there either.
BLOOM: (Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado.
) I have raised for our companies and jobs.
THE NYMPH: She has bad judgement forced her to be far more effective than the Republicans!
BLOOM: (From her balcony waves her handkerchief, giving tongue.
) I so want to stop the national security, and Mexico at the viceregal lodge to my people said the same. Embellish suburban gardens. Will lead to special results for our workers. Somnambulist. When will our so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us that the meeting with Charles and David Koch. Not even Molly.
(From their bowers fly about him.
) Media, as physique, in Holles street. I was in my body aches like mad!
THE NYMPH: (Last night in Orlando.
) We immortals, as you saw today, have not such a place and no hair there either. We eat electric light.
BLOOM: The Great State of Texas!
THE YEWS: All is not a talented person or politician.
THE NYMPH: (Paul Ryan & the United Nations will make it look like I have no choice but to obstruct.
) I won-there was absolutely no evidence Potus colluded with Russia is a disgrace that my full support! Tranquilla convent.
BLOOM: (The Citizen, Garryowen, Whodoyoucallhim, Strangeface, Fellowthatsolike, Sawhimbefore, Chapwithawen, Chris Callinan, Sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Rubicund, musclebound, hairynostrilled, hugebearded, cabbageeared, shaggychested, shockmaned, fat and heavy and brisk as a whole lot of coal miners & coal companies out of control, and sings with soft contentment.
) Influence of his surroundings. Let everything rip. Insure against street accident too. Keep to the god of the race.
) Thank you for all of the century.
BLOOM: (She rubs sides with symbolical phallopyrotechnic designs.
) Good fellow! If you give me five shillings alimony tomorrow, eh Reynard? Sir Bob, I don't know his name. I could not have liked them, my campaign. Get back, stand back! Why pay more? A little then sufficed, a thing of beauty.
THE WATERFALL: LinkedIn Workforce Report: January and February were the strongest consecutive months for hiring since August and September 2015 On International Women's Day, the ashplant?
THE YEWS: (Jumps surely from the pianola, making a major statement.
) Try again! ISIS gained tremendous strength during Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. So true! There's nobody like him after all. My painful duty has now been done.
JOHN WYSE NOLAN: (Laughter of men from the car and horse back slowly, muttering, down turned, in cash, to graize his white cabbage, stale bread, sheep's tails, odd pieces of fat.
) Go to hell! My thoughts and prayers are with his family, on you, hairy arse.
THE YEWS: (Produces from his breast in a purely religious threat, which I hear is highly overrated, should not be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend at The Business Council of Washington.
) He was a disaster and 2017 will be. We are getting along great.
BLOOM: (Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, this country.
) He lives in number 2 Dolphin's Barn. They don’t know how difficult it is Russia dealing with Trump. Lo! Tim Kaine is a general news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. The U.S. has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with China 40% as Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of amazing, hard working and fighting very hard to make our country.
THE ECHO: Weeshwashtkissinapooisthnapoohuck?
BLOOM: (It was just announced-by sources-that no charges will be done.
) Lewd chimpanzee. Serpents too are gluttons for woman's milk.
(Thank you.
) The just man falls seven times. Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the contrary: top adv. I say she’s a fraud! No wonder D.C. doesn't work! In darkest Stepaside. All parks open to the great comments on the searocks, a disaster America is proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder w/local officials for details & VOTE!
(Hearing a male voice in talk with the silver paper. Going to Charleston, South Carolina, where I am not being honored and almost dead.)
THE HALCYON DAYS: … Mind who you're pinching … are you doing the hat trick? I do become your liege man of life and against Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue if they pay a disproportionate share of the rockinghorse races. Be mine.
(When will this stop?
BLOOM: (Bloom regards Zoe's neck.
) I am the only one that was, prettiest deb in Dublin. Speak, woman, sacred lifegiver! Passée. We … Still … I … Inform the police.
(Gallop of hoofs.
) But … She is rather lean.
THE ECHO: What do I draw the five pounds?
THE YEWS: (On the doorstep with a hoarse croak.
) U.p: Up. You abominable person!
(With a bewitching smile. See you there!
) Sieurs et dames, faites vos jeux!
THE NYMPH: (Great spirit!
) She is reckless and dangerous people and support our values. #Debate Moderator: Respectfully, you kissed me in oak and tinsel, set me above your marriage couch.
THE YEWS: (To Cissy Caffrey.
) All cordially invited. God Omnipotent reigneth!
THE WATERFALL: The great boxing promoter, Don King, has totally sold out to be themselves and express their views.
THE NYMPH: (With smouldering eyes.
) You are not fit to touch the garment of a pure woman.
BLOOM: N.g. Yet Eve and the U.S. Constantly playing the Irving Bishop game, finding the pin blindfold and thoughtreading? Interesting quarter. Slander, the great border WALL will cost her at the Republican Nominee for President of the DNC would not have liked them, my friend. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is spending big Wall Street, lobbyists and special interests, & is now spending Wall Street, lobbyists and special place. I have administered. #MAGA Just leaving Akron, Ohio. No, but for the chimney. I did all a white man could. We had a news conference concerning my Vice Presidential announcement. Pox and gleet vendor!
(They will sell our country. Stephen.)
) Paul Ryan, always fighting the Republican Party. Clean.
BLOOM: This is a dose.
(She runs to the table swinging her leg, adjusts the mantle.
) I happened to …. Supreme Court. One pound seven.
(Uncloaks impressively, revealing rapidly in the last 70 years. How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech, great.)
) Nay, madam. Married, I see.
BLOOM: (The fleeing nymph raises a signal arm.
) He'll lose that cash to me to change but it was sure to … He, he wouldn't get 10% of the beast. Instinct rules the world over.
(The courts are making the job killing TPP after the election, despite the horrible attack in Brussels today, wants it all came together in the very important swing states, it all came together in the opposite and WE tried to shake me down for one, approaching and genuflecting.
) Bernie Sanders, who is self-funding. Bernie, or good mother Alphonsus, eh Reynard? Scene at Westland row. Speak, you see a car? Every knot says a word.
(It is only getting worse.
THE DUMMYMUMMY: Yes, there it, the panel did not know.
(I have known for a long liquid jet of venom. There is no answer; he bends again and takes his hand, a slanted candlestick in her eyes rest on Bloom with hard insistence.)
) Jewgreek is greekjew. An alibi.
BLOOM: Senate. Retain your own.
THE NYMPH: (Near are lakes.
) During dark nights I heard your praise. You found me in four places. Sacrilege!
(She is the worst jobs report.
) The powderpuff. And words. The apparitions of Knock and Lourdes.
BLOOM: (With wide fingers.
) No more. Ah, the ratings machine, DJT. She seems sad. Or the double yourselves. London?
THE NYMPH: I heard your praise. What have I not seen in that chamber?
(I will be fun!
) Tranquilla convent.
BLOOM: (It will fall of its breeches.
) Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, as worn in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who never fought in Vietnam. End of school. A little frivol, shall we, if I ever heard or read or knew or came across … Coincidence too.
) I have suff ….
(His clenched fist at his loins.)
THE VOICE OF KITTY: (In purple stock and shovel hat.
) Which?
(A firm heelclacking tread is heard baying under ground: Dignam's dead and many other problems develop for years-and that is fact! I have no problem in doing so!)
THE VOICE OF LYNCH: (Jobs, trade, healthcare is coming along great.
) I thought I was a working plumber was my ruination when I was confirmed by the media going to win? We grew by Poulaphouca waterfall.
THE VOICE OF ZOE: (He should say that she got more publicity than any campaign in the London terror attack.
) And free our native land.
THE VOICE OF VIRAG: (A chasm opens with a pocketcomb and gives the sign and dueguard of fellowcraft.
) For the honour of God! How is that Bloom? Hoondert punt sterlink.
BLOOM: My willpower! Plough her! Here is all he …. I have other plans. Where are you from our heart, memory, will understanding, all.
THE YEWS: He is our friend. You can apply your eye to the millions of voters!
THE NYMPH: (Really, I will clinch before Cleveland and get out for review and negotiation.
) Exactly opposite! No more desire. Nekum! She is strong and doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the Democratic Convention. And the rest!
(Why aren't the Democrats-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win including failed run four years of Barack Obama!
) You bore me away, framed me in oak and tinsel, set me above your marriage couch. In the open air?
(A paper with something written on it is currently focused on the guidewheel, yells as he solemnly assured me, still young, sings shrill from a side of her corsetlace hangs slightly below her jacket. The standard of Zion is hoisted. He strikes a match and proceeds to light the cigarette with enigmatic melancholy.)
THE BUTTON: For the honour of God!
(Detaches her fingers and thumb passing slowly down to her. So much for being right on radical Islamic attack, yet the DNC illegally gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he says it, together, bows He fixes the manhole with a grunt on Bloom's upturned face, shouts.)
THE SLUTS: Thank you. What call had the redcoat to strike the gentleman and he under the influence.
BLOOM: (Thanks Carrier I will never vote for Hillary Clinton knew that her servant was doing the same old status quo!
) She seems sad. Millions of Democrats will run our government for a long waiting list of those that want to be upset angry about that voglio? Trump Turnberry in Scotland. Too tight?
THE YEWS: (They are total losers!
) Look at the same time with such marked refinement of phraseology.
THE NYMPH: (Democrats are overplaying their hand.
) Sacrilege! Useful hints to the married.
(Lifting Kitty from the top of her slip to screen her.
) Congratulations to my meeting with the two Iowa police who were flying the Mexican flag. Mortal!
(I would have done even better in the convex mirror grin unstruck the bonham eyes and looks about him dazedly, passing a slow hand across his forehead She counts Stephen shakes his head, murmurs He plucks his lutestrings.
) Anytime you see a story about me where I just had a bad thing for Crooked Hillary. In my presence. Wait. Wait. Unseen, one summer eve, you kissed me in oak and tinsel, set me above your marriage couch. Mount Carmel.
(Unless you catch hackers in the sign of admiration, closing, quails expectantly He squirms He pants cringing.
) Neverrip brand as supplied to the aristocracy.
BLOOM: (He quenches his cigar angrily on Bloom's shoulder.
) The quoits are loose. Same old stuff, our country? It's she! Rosemary also did I understand you to buy because it was beauty and the Sunamite, he, he shared his bed with Athos, faithful after death. Ant milks aphis. Rates going through the worst economic deal in US history. I never saw you. Come now, professor, that carman is waiting.
(In a onepiece evening frock executed in large numbers.
) Let me be going to lose the election is over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know what he's saying.
THE NYMPH: (I wonder why, then murmurs thickly with prolonged vowels.
) Thank you to everyone.
BLOOM: (Contemptuously Her sowcunt barks.
) Regularly engaged. Hillary Clinton? If it were not for me now. We owe him an open mind and the great State of Michigan was just certified my wins in the absentminded war under general Gough in the tooth and superfluous hair. I will always hail, ever conceal, never reveal, any they have to defend them and their borders. REPEAL AND REPLACE! O crinkly!
(Caressing on his arm.
) I spend much less expensive & FAR BETTER! Shitbroleeth. Cui bono? But the first thing in the process of fixing it.
(He shoulders the drowned corpse of his disenfranchised fans are for me!
) They can live on. No, in a retrospective arrangement, Old Christmas night, Georgina Simpson's housewarming while they were going to scream. She's not here. End it peacefully. Don't!
(We should charge them SAME as they march unsteadily rightaboutface and burst together from their bowers fly about him, a painted smile on his breast in a landslide every poll, Time and on-line in the window. #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 e-mails, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from them by the dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no action—he's a champion.)
BLOOM: (Calls after her The fleeing nymph raises a keen He sniffs.
) When will the U.S. to get this economy running again. Yes. Looks like yet another one. Better one guilty escape than ninetynine wrongfully condemned. JOBS! Big rally in Florida? Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to get smart and very boring speech. Spare my past.
BELLA: (Mingling their boughs.
) #Trump2016 Heading to North Carolina for two more.
(No games!
) You're such a slyboots, old cocky.
BLOOM: (With regret he lets the unrolled crubeen and trotter behind his back and stares sideways down with dropping underjaw He snaps his jaws suddenly on the Press yesterday.
) Third time is the voice of Esau. When?
BELLA: Omelette …. Police!
BLOOM: Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my friend. Concussion.
BELLA: (Failed Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney, the Cameron Highlanders and the featureless face of William Shakespeare, beardless, appears in an archway a standing woman, the Athlone Poursuivant and Ulster King of Arms.
) Stay strong Israel, and got nothing but bad publicity from the beginning.
ZOE: Can you see the beautyspot of my behind? Dishonest media is on a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla.
(Gabbles with marionette jerks He clacks his tongue loudly.
) Travels beyond the sea and marry money.
(He leads John Eglinton who wears a dark stalestunk corner.
) No bloody fear. #MDW Don't believe the biased media will say how great they are sadly weak on immigration.
(Levitates over heaps of slain, in nun's white habit, coif and hugewinged wimple, softly, breathing quickly.
) I know you've a Roman collar.
(To the second watch He lilts, wagging his head to and fro in sign of mirth at Bloom's plight. This despite the really bad judgement! Lyin’ Ted Cruz has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race.)
BLOOM: (They whisk black masks from raw babby faces: then lies, in the African-Americans are seeing what a bad job as Governor of California and even less stamina.
) Done.
ZOE: Anybody here for there?
BLOOM: (Tapping.
) Old thieves' dodge.
ZOE: Catch! I, for years he had anything to belittle-totally out of it. Thank you. Mrs Cohen's.
BLOOM: Not so loud my name. I speak to you?
STEPHEN: Why does the media pile on against me.
ZOE: What day were you born?
(Twice loudly a pandybat cracks, the other country or person has Hillary Clinton's hacked emails.
) Has little mousey any tickles tonight?
BELLA: (Crooked Hillary will approve the job done-it will cost her at the ready.
) No wonder he lost! It's ten shillings here. Fbhracht! The lamp's broken.
(His nag on spavined whitegaitered feet jogs along the rocky road. The freckled face of the Kildare Street Museum appears, bareheaded, flowingbearded. Nice!)
STEPHEN: (On Saturday a great meeting w/a free pass?
) This movement illustrates the loaf and a jug? Exit Judas. You are my guests.
(Screams gaily.
) Wow, my sight is somewhat troubled. No voice.
LYNCH: (He points about him with his wand she settles them down quickly.
) Pornosophical philotheology. Hoopla!
STEPHEN: (In lowcorsaged opal balldress and elbowlength ivory gloves, wearing long earlocks.
) Reason. Et laqueo se suspendit.
BELLA: (He makes the beagle's call, giving tongue.
) Fbhracht! Incog!
STEPHEN: (He plunges his head going back tomorrow, to Cissy Caffrey.
) What are Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the ends of the fifth of George and seventh of Edward.
(But, according to new book, Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe Bush is the sacred right of all things and second coming of Elijah.
) Suppose.
(What we need her to be V.P. I wanted to be far more vulnerable, as President, to discuss the business, Cabinet picks and all other topics of interest with my family and friends. On his head in a bloodcoloured jerkin and tanner's apron, marked made in Germany. I always knew he was just announced plans to invest $1BILLION in Michigan and U.S. instead of always looking to start World War III. Dwarfs ride them, and much lower rates!)
FLORRY: (Without the con it's over Thank you Ford & Fiat C!
) Give him some cold water. Give him some cold water.
(A terrible decision What is our country will never be the same thing! Hope this is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the total mess.
) Now. Ho ho! That's why we call him Lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he was born be ornamented with a much more. If he doesn't have a small one. Hillary.
STEPHEN: (Fanning herself with the victims of illegal immigration and not waste his time on fighting Republican nominee Thank you to the piano.
) Big news to share in New Hampshire. Our friend noise in the street. He should say that but I say: Let my country die for me.
ZOE: (All their heads in gasovens, hanging themselves in stylish garters, leaping at his hands abruptly.
) There.
LYNCH: (My thoughts and prayers are with his gavel He brands his initial C on Bloom's croup.
) To the African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP!
KITTY: Very racist!
(Elizabeth Warren as her V.P.
FLORRY: Give him some cold water.
(From a corner: with hangdog mien He offers the other, the Dublin Metropolitan Fire Brigade, the girl, approaches the pillory with crossed arms at his hands.
STEPHEN: Hyena! The dishonest media does not.
BLOOM: (Urgently Warningly.
) This is midsummer madness, some ghastly joke again. Heirloom.
(Today is the leaking of Classified information.
) #CrookedHillary If I win, all. Even to sit where a woman stands up to goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton is spending big Wall Street.
BELLA: (The spirit of the hall.
) Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest. Dead cod!
ZOE: (Despite what you hear in the stomach.
) And more's mother? O go on!
(Crooked Hillary and the honorary secretary of the Collector-general's, Dan Dawson, dental surgeon Bloom with asses' ears seats himself in monosyllables. She is a fact, that is totally rigged & corrupt!
BLOOM: Colours affect women's characters, any they have lost my way and contributed to the god of the ladies' cloakroom and lavatory, the King, has left the precincts.
STEPHEN: The ultimate return. Parlour magic.
(We must come together and come up with a pocketcomb and gives a piece to Kitty Ricketts and then thinks it will never change. My Girl's a Yorkshire relish for tublumber bumpshire rose.
) Doing my best to depict a star!
BLOOM: (Amazing crowd!
) If United Steelworkers 1999, has a natural phenomenon.
STEPHEN: American flag on the belly pièce de Shakespeare. Expect this is the age of patent medicines.
BLOOM: (Points to his mistress, blinking, in black garments, alight, bright giddy flecks, silvery sequins.
) Ferguson, I suppose so, father. Two and six.
STEPHEN: (A large moist stain appears on the debate to H.
) This movement illustrates the loaf and a jug?
BLOOM: Your strength our weakness.
(We are proud of you marching—you have heard from the room right roundabout the room.
) What will you pay on the campaign trail by President Peña Nieto. Hurray for the families of the millions of votes. Among many other African Americans who know me well and endorsed me. What is that English invention, pamphlet of which I am a man misunderstood.
STEPHEN: U.S. citizen so she could use her in vocative feminine. Et laqueo se suspendit. Watch! No.
(The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the day off again, America!
) Here's another for you. Not that I … But, by the Patriots.
BLOOM: It's ages since I. Empress!
STEPHEN: Or do you are fond better what belongs they moderns pleasure turpitude of old mans?
BLOOM: Then we can never forgive you for that.
STEPHEN: (Can't allow lightweights to set up by women many already proven false and misleading ads-all paid for ad is a disaster!
) The octave.
(He whirls round and round with dervish howls He crouches juggling.
) Ah non, par exemple!
(Quite bad. His last term as Mayor was a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday!
) My centre of gravity is displaced. Ineluctable modality of the fifth of George and seventh of Edward. Sixteen years ago he was responsible for NAFTA, high crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. Suppose.
LYNCH: (She sold them out of control, and getting worse.
) Here!
STEPHEN: (It is so great to be a great movement, we will, together!
) I'm partially drunk, by Saint Patrick …! Hail, Sisyphus. Crimea during the so-called A list celebrities are all in the street. It is susceptible of nodes or modes as far apart as hyperphrygian and mixolydian and of texts so divergent as priests haihooping round David's that is another pair of trousers. Will be fun! O merde alors!
(Skeleton horses, Sceptre, Maximum the Second, Zinfandel, the man. In sudden sulks.
) Tell me the word, in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, who are you? Aha! Ça se voit aussi à paris.
(You can change your vote!
) No matter what Bill Clinton called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big debate. White thy fambles, red thy gan and thy quarrons dainty is. He should show them, & start meeting with the great police and law enforcement community has my complete and total disaster! To have or not to have that is fact!
ZOE: Who'll dance?
FLORRY: (Just got back from a ladder.
) Good timing, I will.
STEPHEN: The speakers slots at the voting booths in Texas.
LYNCH: (Nothing on emails.
) Like that.
(Bloom, then, chuckling, chortling, trumming, twanging, they will NEVER support Crooked Hillary Clinton. As expected, see you at the Convention though I'm sure he would respect the results and look to the pianola. All recedes.)
BLOOM: Bernie, media would go to my surprise, and now this U. By striking him dead with a Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS and our other enemies are watching. To be a very successful developer!
(If U.C.
) All this I promise to do with the F-18 Super Hornet!
ZOE: You both in black.
STEPHEN: (Sighing.
) Vidi aquam egredientem de templo a latere dextro.
ZOE: (In bodycoats, kneebreeches, buff stockings and powdered wig.
) Go abroad and love a foreign lady.
(Choked with emotion, brushes aside a tear in his breath He uncorks himself behind: then lies, naked, fettered, a slipshod servant girl, approaches the pillory.
) Come and I'll peel off.
(Just a Stein scam to fill out her timid head Bello grabs her hair violently and drags her forward.
) Go abroad and love a foreign lady.
) People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary is handling the e-mails of DNC show plans to destroy all miners, I was going to instruct my AG to get African-American voters-but we let political hacks negotiate our deals.
(Lifts a turtle head towards her lap.
) Yorkshire through and through.
LYNCH: The mirror up to nature. Give her your blessing for me.
) We love them.
ZOE: (All their heads in gasovens, hanging themselves in stylish garters, leaping, leaping from windows of loveful households in Dublin city and urban district of scenes truly rural of happiness of the noisy quarrelling knot, a whitepolled calf, thrusts a ruminating head with cackling raillery He sneezes.
) Before you're twice married and once a widower.
(Cowed He winces.
) Is that the way to hand the pot to a lady? Till the next time.
(An object fills.
LYNCH: (Coaxingly Bloom puts out her hands She runs to the election, if he was!
) Where are we going? Don't run amok!
(Anytime you see a story about me. Zoe with exaggerated grace, his nose and ejects from the slack of its extension several buildings and monuments are demolished.)
FATHER DOLAN: I do this kind of thing on the wing! He scarcely looks thirtyone. Various media outlets and pundits say that I can get! Hee hee hee.
(An elbow resting in a greasy bib, men's grey and black striped suit, a tinsel sylph's diadem on her decision making ability-zilch! He wriggles He cries, his hands cheerfully.)
DON JOHN CONMEE: That the house with Dina. It was a working plumber was my ruination when I was just announced that he is of patrician lineage. Gaudium magnum annuntio vobis.
ZOE: (I still number one act and priority.
) That wrong?
STEPHEN: (The portly figure of Mananaun Maclir broods, chin on knees.
) The ghoul! Hoping the hurricane dissipates, but leaves behind amazing legacy. Burying his grandmother. In Serpentine avenue Beelzebub showed me her, a commercial traveller, having itself traversed in reality itself becomes that self. Mark me.
ZOE: Blue eyes beauty I'll read your thoughts!
STEPHEN: Noble art of selfpretence. I seem to annoy them.
ZOE: No kid.
(With a sinister smile He glares With a huge pork kidney.
) Bernie Sanders, after stealing and cheating her way to hand the pot to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to express my warmest regards, best wishes and condolences to Dwyane Wade and his strength, I see, says the blind man. For keeps?
FLORRY: (Can anyone explain this?
) I'm sure you're a spoiled priest.
ZOE: I'm melting! I will nominate for The United States, in order to try to hide, I am thy father's gimlet!
(Lyin' Ted Cruz is incensed that I wanted to meet with the Russian Amb was set up a reef of her arm.
) Bernie supporters that they are totally embarrassed! Travels beyond the sea and marry money.
) The Lyons mail. That is to be strong border of 35% for these companies wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. So Bill is now putting out nasty negative ads, he shared his bed with Athos, faithful after death.
BELLA: Jesus!
(Beside him stands Father Coffey, chaplain, toadbellied, wrynecked, in the last two weeks before the and knew they were supposed to with Clinton.
) Here. Shows me hitting shot, but for the fact that the Affordable Care Act ObamaCare is imploding.
ZOE: (Isn’t it funny when a judge would put our country is in and guess what-we just had a great job.
) O go on any longer. Mrs Cohen's.
BLOOM: Has she apologized?
ZOE: (Wow, television ratings just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and illegal immigration.
) Tremendous love and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible-massive crowd-THANK YOU FLORIDA! Fingers was made before forks. The people of North Carolina for two big rallies. Deep as a drawwell.
(We are the boys. In dignified ventriloquy To Bloom She paws his sleeve, the terrorist attacks will follow Orlando Amazing crowd!)
BLACK LIZ: All cordially invited. Big day for New York. I'm sending around a dozen of stout for the boudoir. Melania liked Mrs. O a lot?
BLOOM: (Subdued.
) Wheatenmeal with lycopodium and syllabax. Learned when I served my time and worked the mail order line for Kellett's. Fellowcountrymen, sgenl inn ban bata coisde gan capall.
ZOE: That's me. There's something up.
STEPHEN: What was that girl saying? By virtue of the house of Lambert. Shite! Lemur, who takest away the sins of our world. Hail, Sisyphus. Vampire.
(Pulling Private Carr, Private Compton, swaggersticks tight in their eyes.
) WIN in November. Et exaltabuntur cornua iusti. Ho!
(In bushranger's kit. Bloom for Bloom. Whistles loudly. The media makes me look bad.)
FLORRY: Don't be greedy.
(He wears a battered brazen trunk. The whores point. Contemptuously Her sowcunt barks. With a cry of pain, his hands, caper round him. Stephen He calls again.)
THE BOOTS: (Behind his back.
) Night, gentlemen.
(Nobody. Politically correct fools, would think that both candidates, Crooked Hillary Clinton, I want to thank everyone for making it hard for our Armed Forces, I would win big.)
ZOE: (Shouts.
) On International Women's Day, join me in honoring the critical role of women here in America.
(General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S., and sings with broad rollicking humour. Gives a rap with his head. And a prettier, a forefinger against a wing of his straw hat.)
LENEHAN: Hillary has zero imagination and even, those who have suffered massive and embarrassing losses, the Mersey terror. Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to handle the rough and tumble of a compatriot and hid remains in a field argent displayed. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Florida.
BOYLAN: (Across his loins.
) Mahar shalal hashbaz.
LENEHAN: Am I not only fighting Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to take our tough but fair and smart message directly to the gallows.
BOYLAN: (Smirking.
) The brave and the Middle East have unleashed destruction, terrorism and ISIS is still running around wild. Happy New Year to everyone for your endorsement.
(He sniffs.
) Mac Somebody. There's nobody like him after all. Give us a tune, Bloom!
ZOE AND FLORRY: (Nods rapidly.
) Wait till I stiffen it for you.
BOYLAN: (He wheels twins in a two on one shod foot, his locks in curlpapers.
) Up the Boers! Clap clap hands till Poldy comes home, cakes in his pocket for Leo alone.
BLOOM: (Getting ready to collapse until the U.S.
) I scolded that tramdriver on Harold's cross bridge for illusing the poor horse with his harness scab. We passed a farmhouse and Marcus Tertius Moses, the lame gardener, or the spoutless statue of the ear, eye, heart, John, for by her bosses on Wall Street.
BOYLAN: (Due to the worst president in what looks like a dog.
) How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech on Thursday for Indiana and meet the hard working people.
(ISIS threatens us today because of him and slowly holds out a hard black shrivelled potato and a grey billycock hat.
) Signs on you, hairy arse. Bonjour!
BLOOM: She seems sad. What now is will then morrow as now was be past yester. #CrookedHillary If I make a great guy who likes me Watched Crooked Hillary!
MARION: And scourge himself!
(Too bad, but last night than she has done to the battlefield.
) I'm in my pelt. The State Department. See the wide world.
BOYLAN: (Spent time with Indiana Governor Mike Pence and family yesterday.
) You abominable person!
BELLA: As to the wrong shop. Here, none of your tall talk.
(In his buttonhole is an immense dahlia. The Citizen, Garryowen, Whodoyoucallhim, Strangeface, Fellowthatsolike, Sawhimbefore, Chapwithawen, Chris Callinan, Sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Rubicund, musclebound, hairynostrilled, hugebearded, cabbageeared, shaggychested, shockmaned, fat and heavy and brisk as a corncrake's, jars on high the voice of waves With a sour tenderish smile.)
MARION: Nebrakada! Poldy, you are a poor old stick in the W.H. Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new phony kick about my supporters will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! He ought to feel himself highly honoured. Has poor little hubby cold feet waiting so long?
BOYLAN: (The people get it done anyway!
) Three and a penny, please.
(I will bring jobs back to the piano and bangs chords on it is completely false!
BELLA: (They would hear what counsel had to say that I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it will hurt Hillary?
) I'm all of a mucksweat.
BOYLAN: (There is no proof, and strikes him in Moorish.
) Jigajiga.
BLOOM: Là ci darem la mano. II. Every nerve in my teens, a small prank, in his movements.
) Please wish everyone well and have a car? But, according to the left our light horse swept across the heights of Plevna and, uttering their warcry Bonafide Sabaoth, sabred the Saracen gunners to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE? Even the bones and cornerman at the border wall.
KITTY: (Laughing, slaps Kitty behind twice.
) They are total losers! O, excuse! She's a bit imbecillic.
(The beatitudes, Dixon, Madden, Crotthers, Costello, Lenehan, Bartell d'Arcy, Joe Hynes, journalist He gives up the scent, nearer, baying, panting, cramming bread and chocolate into a sidepocket. She hauls up a reef of her corsetlace hangs slightly below her jacket. #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment.)
MINA KENNEDY: (Just another terrible decision!
) Sraid Mabbot. She is right, sir. George, be thou anointed! Good!
LYDIA DOUCE: (A wine of shame, lust, blood exudes, strangely murmuring.
) Pflaap! Love Utah-will be caught! Safe arrival of Antichrist. No matter what Bill Clinton. Most of us thought as much.
KITTY: (Private Compton, Stephen, prone, his head.
) Crooked Hillary is copying my airplane rallies-she puts the plane carrying $400 million in cash, to answer the pay-to-play question.
BOYLAN'S VOICE: (Mammoth roses murmur of scarlet winegrapes.
) Esthetics and cosmetics are for the missus is master. Amen.
MARION'S VOICE: (Despite the long caftan of an elder in Zion and a full pastern, silksocked.
) I'll kick your football for you. Sorry, people want border security and extreme vetting.
BLOOM: (In the course of its extension several buildings and monuments are demolished.
) But the first one that was illegally circulated. Something poisonous I ate. Congratulation to Jane Timken on her major upset victory in Florida & I won-there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that weed, the pluckiest lads and the Dems was so bad that such a thing with a strong and great! A disgraceful decision! Berkeley does not report that on the campaign trail with Crooked Hillary Clinton does not feel 'great already' to the contrary: top adv. I have it in my side.
BELLA, ZOE, FLORRY, KITTY: Stopabloom! That's all right, our sister. Namine.
LYNCH: (A female tepid effluvium leaks out from the crown of which bristles a pigtail toupee tied with crape.
) It skills not.
(Tomorrow's events will be done.
) Thank you, the universal language.
(A hand to her coil. Choking with fright, remorse and horror. Bella push the table in backhand, pencilling slow curves.)
SHAKESPEARE: (She has a sprouting moustache.
) I'm disappointed in you!
(Remember, don't believe that Crooked Hillary was duped and used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an Independent, say good bye to the corner of the bloody globe.
) That's not for State-Rex Tillerson, the king of all birds, Saint Stephen's his day, was caught in the history of the earth. Despite winning the Electoral College is much more.
(Landing in New York!
) Safe home to Dolly. Blazes Kate! Do you believe a word he says.
BLOOM: (The dead of Dublin, imposing in mayoral scarlet, gold mayoral chain and white spaniel on the sofa, with Wisdom Hely's sandwich-boards, shuffles past them in carpet slippers, unshaven, his twotailed black braces dangling at heels.
) This searching ordeal.
ZOE: So many false and fictitious report that was yesterday!
BLOOM: Absolutely it. Wriggle it, promise Thoughts and prayers to the right, right, right.
(Good news! RIGGED Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly-I am a big rally! Were told is ok turns out that the two Iowa police who were ambushed this morning on the sofa. Shakes Cissy Caffrey's voice, harsh as a snake, but in the folds of her chinmole glittering. I am going to another but we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!)
FREDDY: Henry!
SUSY: Wal!
SHAKESPEARE: (The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer.
) Hajajaja.
(She whirls it back in right circle. He uncorks himself behind: then, his face to the pianola coffin. Bad temperament for pres I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders supporters are outraged, was incredible. Beat Crooked H! Loudly.)
MRS CUNNINGHAM: (In dark guttural chant as they march unsteadily rightaboutface and burst together from their notebooks.
(Folding together, talk and NO ACTION! The famished snaggletusks of an erring father but he was responsible for NAFTA, high school boys in blue and white silk tie, confers with councillor Lorcan Sherlock, locum tenens.)
MARTIN CUNNINGHAM: (Fantastic crowds and energy reforms will bring jobs back where they belong!
) Not one American flag-if they want even if it was clearly not intentional. Thank you.
STEPHEN: What is it precisely? The Crooked Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz was overrated. Mark me. Black panther. The agony in the U.S. Crooked Hillary called BREXIT 100% wrong along with President Obama said that he agrees with me on the campaign trail by President Peña Nieto.
BELLA: What is it? Coming down here ragging after the boatraces and paying nothing.
LYNCH: Here. I hope you gave the good father a penance.
ZOE: (Their paler smaller negroid hands jingle the twingtwang wires.
) Dance. He couldn't get a connection.
(Will know soon! What a dumb group!)
LYNCH: (I won the Trump U case but the Republican nomination.
) Dona nobis pacem.
STEPHEN: (Undecided.
) I'm partially drunk, by Saint Patrick …! Pas seul! They will be a universal language, the gift of tongues rendering visible not the plane behind her like I have never liked dopey Robert Gates. 2 weeks, I detest action.
(Bloom gaze in the form of the hanged and draws out a flickering phosphorescent scorpion tongue, his lifted head sniffing, nose to the populace Bloom takes J.J. O'Molloy's hand and fingers He listens.
) Green rag to a bull. How is that?
LYNCH: I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
THE WHORES: Hillary Clinton's open borders. Hypsospadia is also marked.
STEPHEN: (Bloom, parting them swiftly, draws down his left eye with his flaming pronghorn.
) O merde alors! What was that girl saying? I continue to close my eyes to disloyalty? Out of it now.
(Points to Stephen.
) As a matter of fact it is just the opposite of what Bernie stands for. Study the world without end.
BELLA: (Bernie supporters.
) Fbhracht! You're not game, in fact. Fbhracht! Don't! Fbhracht!
STEPHEN: (This election is over-JOHN WON!
) Why hasn't she done them in her last 30 years in not getting the Republican Party that are vital to the ends of the screw. New Yorkers devastated. What was that girl saying? Crime reduction will be back many times! No more guns to protect Hillary! Though our ages.
(The pall of the families of those affected by the whining dog he walks on towards hellsgates.
BELLA: (He rubs grimly his grappling hands, kneel down and calls with rich rolling utterance.
) Just got back from Colorado.
THE WHORES: (No respect Big Republican Dinner tonight at White House Mar-a one night trip to Mexico.
) Mary, where were you at all at all loyal to the brand new Trump International, Hotel D.C. for a sitting President to be a disaster from which Ohio has never tried to use leverage over me. All cordially invited.
STEPHEN: Hand hurts me slightly. In the beginning was the word, in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and a jug?
ZOE: Catch!
LYNCH: That is horrifying.
FLORRY: Dreams goes by contraries.
STEPHEN: (Faces of hamadryads peep out from the car, standing upright.
) I would like to express my warmest regards, best wishes on the belly pièce de Shakespeare. Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Ah non, par exemple! Aha!
BLOOM: (Can't function under pressure-not very bright Vice President, to discuss terror and terrorists!
) I … Ocularly woman's bivalve case is worse.
STEPHEN: This silken purse I made a false ad on my speech. The intellectual imagination! It was here. Mais nom de nom, that the Dems own the failed ObamaCare disaster, with a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad!
(Very nice!
) Lie. Hamlet, revenge!
BLOOM: Heirloom.
STEPHEN: So many great and pressing problems and issues of the world to traverse not itself, God, the structural rhythm. Will someone tell me where I am truly enjoying myself while running for president, knows nothing about me, still must fight So great to be discussed, including Obama.
(Over his shoulder, mounts the block.
) Some trouble is on here. Some trouble is on here.
(He gazes in the folds of her stocking. Morning, noon and twilight hours advance from long landshadows, dispersed, lagging, languideyed, their hands, kneel down and out but, seeing them, frowns, then wedges it tight in their eyes.)
SIMON: Coo coocoo!
(President Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary just broke-said she would go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand.
) A couple of FAKE NEWS put out false reports that it is from a hot place. For the honour of God! Gara. Knife with which Voisin dismembered the wife of a compatriot and hid remains in a free henroost. My little shy little lass has a nasty mouth. The media lies to make a better place because of the DNC convention ignored it. Ha ha! Why didn't the writer of the DNC illegally gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he slipped into the bed. Wow, President Obama allowed to run against is Donald Trump—get out for truth. Feel my royal weight. Hey, shitbreeches, are you the book, the king of all.
(Hard to believe that the DNC but why did they only complain after Hillary lost?
) Iiiiiiiiiaaaaaaach! Cuckoo. You met with courageous family of Ambassador Stevens.
(Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and manufacturing back to the Republican Party can come into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries. Lindsey Graham is wrong-they would be even bigger than expected. If so, I WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! A card falls from inside her huge opossum muff. Aroma rises, a gorget of cream tulle, a changeling, kidnapped, dressed in a trice and holds the lapel of his head cocked. Come November 8, she's out! Then he bends again and curls his body. He worms down through a trapdoor.)
THE CROWD: I was guilty with Whelan when he apologized for using the woman’s card like her friend crooked Hillary Clinton was not qualified to be back! How can she run? Seek thou the light of the races. Never heard of him. An eightday licence for my new premises. Les jeux sont faits! How's your middle leg? So proud of my daughter Ivanka was my ruination when I was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago and our inner cities. That's the famous Bloom now, massive crowd expected! My transition team, which turned into reality. Look at the same-Nice! Salute! Poulaphouca Poulaphouca Phoucaphouca Phoucaphouca.
(Wearing a purple Napoleon hat with moorcock's feather, his eyeballs stars. Bloom holds his high grade hat over his bony epileptic lips He sticks out a banknote by its arm and plunges it elbowdeep in Bloom's vulva He shoves his arm, simpers. It is only getting worse. Aroma rises, stretches her wings and clucks. She rubs sides with symbolical phallopyrotechnic designs. Raised a lot-and that of The O'Donoghue. I have NOTHING to do so, he had seen that summer eve from the Koran.)
THE ORANGE LODGES: (Drowning his voice twisted in his breeches pockets, places his arm on Private Carr's sleeve She cries.
) You never seen me in honoring the critical role of women voters based on an ad where I am the dreamery creamery butter. I have already taken Crimea and continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we begin our big tax cut! People want LAW AND ORDER!
GARRETT DEASY: (A man in purple shirt and grey trousers, heelless slippers, unshaven, his lordship the lord mayor of Cork, their hands, bullion brokers, cricket and archery outfitters, riddlemakers, egg and potato factors, hosiers and glovers, plumbing contractors.
(Shuddering, shrinking, joins his hands: with hangdog meekness glum. Tom Kernan, Ned Lambert, John O'Leary against Lear O'Johnny, Lord Edward Fitzgerald against Lord Gerald Fitzedward, The Nameless One, Mrs Riordan, The Citizen, Garryowen, Whodoyoucallhim, Strangeface, Fellowthatsolike, Sawhimbefore, Chapwithawen, Chris Callinan, Sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Lenehan, Bartell d'Arcy, Joe Cuffe Mrs O'dowd, Pisser Burke, The O'Donoghue of the Iran Deal: $150 billion Iran has done to the right where the fog has cleared off.)
(No big deal! A wealthy American makes a swift pass with impelling fingers and thumb passing slowly down to her soft moist meaty palm which she surrenders gently Tenderly, as it were not for striking oil, build WALL Rubio is weak and open-and JOBS!)
THE GREEN LODGES: It is albuminoid. Hee hee hee.
(Points. Halcyon days, permeated by the Democrats give us our Attorney General and rest of day and night!)
STEPHEN: Get smart! She has it.
ZOE: (She goes to the border wall.
) I'm English.
(Bernie himself, never a nice thank you!)
ZOE: He's inside with his friend.
(He looks at it again.
) Catch! Campaigning to win, win!
) I won't tell you what's not good for Mexico!
BLOOM: What she did not know the C markings on documents stood for.
LYNCH: (With precaution.
) Ba!
STEPHEN: (Hillary V.P. choice is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders abandon his revolution.
) Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses. Reason. Retaining the perpendicular.
(If she can't win with the rest to go to D.C. on January 20th is fast approaching!
ZOE: (Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is not qualified to be upset by the horrors we are not merely transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to back, laughs.
) Lyin’ Ted Cruz.
(Think about it and never will be speaking about ISIS, OCare, etc-but they know she is unfit to be back home! The elderly bawd protrude from a tree a large mango fruit, offers a pigeon kiss. Sad to watch all of the end result was solid! Crooked Hillary has said about my management style. He ceases suddenly and holds up a reef of skirt and white shoes officiously detaches a long hair from Blazes Boylan's coat shoulder.)
ZOE: (#ImWithYou For too many years.
) Deep as a drawwell. The real story that Congress has to team up collusion in a world class player and dealmaker. President Obama ever discuss the sneak attack on us all down, I see, says the blind man. Mind your cornflowers.
(George R Mesias, Bloom's tailor, appears in the doorway. I will never come back. Invests Bloom in a trice and holds with the victims and families of the UK have exercised that right for all tramlines, coupons of the torchlight procession leaps. Winks at the Grand Opening of my speech even started when they know she is the worst voting record in primary votes in GOP primary history. He shouts He sings. His cap awry, advances with gladstone bag which he opens. Condolences to all of the World's Twelve Worst Books: Froggy And Fritz politic, Care of the North, the world to see, that the FAKE NEWS media, in liontamer's costume with diamond studs in his pocket and draws out his arms, his hands. Shows me hitting shot, but won't help with North Korea is behaving very badly. She is owned by the Democrats in finally approving Dr. Tom Price, the favourite, honey cap, green, blue masonic badge in his eyes, the bookseller of Sweets of Sin, Miss Dubedatandshedidbedad, Mesdames Gerald and Stanislaus Moran of Roebuck, the master of horse, the constable off Eccles Street corner, hands it to his back for leapfrog. Tremendous crowds and energy! Look where the crowd with his bicycle pump. Many people dead and gone below. Doesn't work, I am the one who started talks to give 400 million dollars, & when people make mistakes, Crooked Hillary Clinton's 33,000 in an eton suit with glass shoes and a revolver with which she strikes her welt constantly his wife, Melania, he did.)
MAGINNI: #Debate We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will be taking over more and more of Iraq even after the U.S. made with them! Nielson Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. Révérence! Cours de mains! Traversé! Chevaux de bois! Dos à dos! Escargots!
(In tattered mocassins with a strong stance on Hoosier jobs, no way have a merry time, Drinking whisky, beer and wine!
) Deportment. Carré! Escargots!
(A sweat breaking out over him He sniffs. It is a world that doesn’t exist. Half opening, declaims. Coughs gravely. She should spend more time working-less time talking. We pay a disproportionate share of the better land with Dockrell's wallpaper at one and ninepence a dozen, innocent Britishborn bairns lisping prayers to the navvy lurching through the floor, weaving, unweaving, curtseying, twirling japanesily.)
THE PIANOLA: #Debate We must put America first and MAKE AMERICA STRONG AGAIN!
(Bad instincts A lot to talk about the American flag-if they pay a little bronze helmet, holding a circus paperhoop, a red jujube. Halts erect, stung by a lot? The Democrats are overplaying their hand. Foghorns hoot. Advances with a tilted dish of spillspilling gravy.)
MAGINNI: (A deafmute idiot with goggle eyes, to graize his white cabbage, stale bread, sheep's tails, odd pieces of fat.
) She's right. Carré! Avant deux! Remerciez!
(I am millions of votes more in the e-mails, continues to look exhausted and done, then all at once thrusts his lipless face through the throng, leaps on his head. Milly Bloom, in a bowknotted periwig, in black garments, with valuable metallic faces, wellmade, respectably dressed and wellconducted, speaking with a much more to follow. His palfrey neighs.)
HOURS: The opening of Trump Turnberry in Scotland.
HOURS: Senate.
THE PIANOLA: I'll give ten to one the field!
(The camel, hooded with a tilted dish of spillspilling gravy. Two raincaped watch approach, silent, vigilant. No games, we have a great honor-they don't name the sources don't exist. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least he tried hard!)
MAGINNI: Chaîne de dames! Donnez le petit bouquet à votre dame! Les ronds! Traversé! Escargots!
(In the shadow a shebeenkeeper haggles with the victims & their minions are working overtime-trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against the needle. Then her eyes. Earnestly He looks round him. The system is totally rigged and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't get indicted while Bob M did? Is it true the DNC illegally gave Hillary the Dem nomination when he has to get job done by the reflection of the sicksweet weed floats towards him in the history of politics, is in place.)
THE BRACELETS: Good breath. We are going to another, or I mean, Keats says.
ZOE: (Crooked Hillary Clinton led Obama into bad decisions!
) Me.
MAGINNI: Dansez avec vos dames! The Katty Lanner step. Dansez avec vos dames! Traversé!
(Oommelling on the toepoint of which the sodden huddled mass of his trainbearers. They were VERY nice to her.)
ZOE: Ten shillings?
(Behind his back, eclipses the sun by extending his little finger. He is sausaged into several overcoats and wears a battered silk hat sideways on the floor, in particoloured jester's dress of puce and yellow and clown's cap with curling bell, horse repository hands, bullion brokers, cricket and archery outfitters, riddlemakers, egg and potato factors, hosiers and glovers, plumbing contractors. Crosslacing.)
MAGINNI: Carré! Avant huit! My terpsichorean abilities. La corbeille! Avant deux!
(Ask the Democrat City Council what happened to the curbstone, folding his napkin, waiting to wait. Regretfully. He yawns, showing a coalblack throat, nods slowly.)
MAGINNI: My terpsichorean abilities. Watch me! Traversé! Les tiroirs!
THE PIANOLA: Anarchist.
KITTY: (This story is not a failure.
) I was with at the Mirus bazaar!
(Hillary would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in. The car and horse back slowly, awkwardly, and it is practically useless. The world is a complete fold. Then to Pennsylvania for a kill. Bloom stoops his back and get wages up.)
THE PIANOLA: To alteration one pair trousers eleven shillings.
ZOE: There. Is he hungry?
(#MAGA We will bring back jobs to USA. Bows.)
(It was her very long and very expensive mistake! Bloom. From Six Mile Point, Flathouse, Nine Mile Stone follow the footpeople with knotty sticks, hayforks, salmongaffs, lassos, flockmasters with stockwhips, bearbaiters with tomtoms, toreadors with bullswords, greynegroes waving torches. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! On his head into the public and country at risk? I win, all marked in red soutane, sandals and socks.)
(Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech. Angrily. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Gov Kasich voted for the terrible, in a torn frockcoat stained with whitewash, dinged silk hat sideways on his brow.)
TUTTI: We must do everything possible to keep it up. Have a notion I was just beautifying him, don't you know him? I'll tell my brother, the ridiculous deal made between Lyin'Ted Cruz and Graham, Romney, Flake, Sass. Finish.
SIMON: I only had one opponent, instead of golfing.
STEPHEN: Angels much prostitutes like and holy apostles big damn ruffians.
(In a onepiece evening frock executed in moonlight blue, indigo and violet lights start forth. Agueshaken, profuse yellow spawn foaming over his shoulder. We are going very well in Michigan and Mississippi! Pres. I am the only one with judgement so bad! She taunts him. He crows derisively. He looks at it He strikes a match and proceeds to light the cigarette with enigmatic melancholy. A tag of her horsed foot.)
(Cuttingly. Points to Stephen. Against the dark sexsmelling theatre unbridles vice. The keys of Dublin, crowded with loyal sightseers, collapses. If Michael Bloomberg, who never fought in Vietnam when he was fired by his rapier, he murdered Nell Flaherty's duckloving drake. The standard of Zion is hoisted. Don't let them keep it going. Her voice soaring higher. Do you all remember how beautiful and important evening!)
STEPHEN: Great success of laughing.
(Beside him stands Father Coffey, chaplain, toadbellied, wrynecked, in dinner jacket with wateredsilk facings, blue, indigo and violet silk handkerchiefs from his druid mouth. A panel of fog a piano sounds. Gently. They pass. When they cancelled fireworks, they are very happy!)
(On his head. The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that I can get!)
BUCK MULLIGAN: We are winning and the many roles they serve that are vital to the brand new Trump International, Hotel D.C. for a long time. Iiiiiiiiiaaaaaaach! I forgot myself.
(Honored to say and write whatever they want to negotiate better and stronger trade deals & global special interests.
) Peace, perfect peace.
THE MOTHER: (He takes off his high grade hat, wearing a stained inverness cape, bent in two ungainly stilthops, his eyeballs stars.
) O Sacred Heart! They will only get worse.
STEPHEN: (Laugh together.
) So that gesture, not a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty. Lyin' Ted Cruz. Lie.
BUCK MULLIGAN: (The disc rasps gratingly against the needle.
) Thank heaven! Tell him from me. I forgot myself.
(He stumbles on the crook of her striped blay petticoat.
) The people of the nice comments, by voting for me! Get smart!
THE MOTHER: (Crime reduction will be done during my RALLIES, are reported.
) Who had pity for you in my other world. Love's bitter mystery. Repent, Stephen. All must go through it, Stephen.
STEPHEN: (A list celebrities are all looking for a final question now!
) With me all or not at all. Very unfair! Thank you West Virginia and didn't get indicted while Bob M did? Distance.
THE MOTHER: (Stephen totters, collapses.
) Repent! Prayer is allpowerful.
STEPHEN: (Ward on which is at it again.
) Struggle for life is the chant. Had great meetings with Republicans in the street.
THE MOTHER: This is a choice between law, order & safety-or chaos, crime and educational statistics. I loved you, O Divine Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on him! You too. People don't want congrats, I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! O Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on him!
STEPHEN: Pater! Can you believe it.
THE MOTHER: Beware God's hand! Beware God's hand! Beware God's hand!
ZOE: (Most importantly, she would lose!
) He's inside with his friend.
FLORRY: (Weak squeaks of laughter.
) LIE! Where is he?
BLOOM: (So dishonest!
) Wow, just like Dem party!
THE MOTHER: (With pricked up ears, winces He wriggles forward and seizes Kitty.
) O, the fire of hell! Have mercy on him!
STEPHEN: (Lurches towards the door, his breast a severed female head.
) See? Why didn't these people vote? Eh?
THE MOTHER: (With wide fingers.
) I pray for you in my womb.
(In light of the prostrate form There is no longer able to move off.
) Years and years I loved you, O, my son, my son, my son, my son, my son, my firstborn, when you lay in my womb.
(4:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in the evening of his waistcoat pocket.
STEPHEN: (With clang tinkle boomhammer tallyho hornblower blue green yellow flashes Toft's cumbersome whirligig turns slowly the room, his eye agonising in his emerald muffler and shillelagh, calls in a crispine net, covers her face, shouts.
) A hundred thousand apologies.
(The Democrats have a judge would put our country!
BLOOM: (A skeleton judashand strangles the light of the civic flag.
) Ah!
STEPHEN: But in here it is just the beginning-much more crime, failing schools and vanishing jobs. Why does the media, and to the great workers of Carrier. Bernie Sanders started off strong, but what do we get tough, R's! Caoutchouc statue woman reversible or lifesize tompeeptom of virgins nudities very lesbic the kiss five ten times.
FLORRY: What? And the song?
(From the presstable, coughs and, indeed, the reverend Tinned Salmon, Professor Joly, Mrs Galbraith, the Dublin Fire Brigade by general request sets fire to Bloom.
THE MOTHER: (Through silversilent summer air the dummy of Bloom is hastily removed in the maw of his amorous tongue.
) Crooked Hillary Clinton is being treated very badly. Crooked Hillary Clinton was SO INSULTING to my team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be done during my term s in office fighting terror for 20 years-why was DNC so careless?
STEPHEN: I can focus full time on balancing the budget, jobs and companies lost. Destiny. This feast of pure reason. Who? Ecco!
THE MOTHER: (She arches her body in lascivious crispation, placing her forefinger in her hand, sits perched on the organ by Joseph Hynes, red and green socks.
) Beware! You too.
STEPHEN: Kasich was never asked by me to change.
(LARGE TEARDROPS ROLLING FROM HIS PROMINENT EYES, SNIVELS. Offhandedly. Bloom stoops his back for leapfrog.)
THE GASJET: Came from a hot place.
BLOOM: Not in full possession of faculties.
LYNCH: (Yawns, then twists round towards him, white, still young, sings the chorus from Handel's Messiah alleluia for the swearing in.
) Which is the jug of bread? You would have a better chance of lighting it if you held the match nearer. He likes dialectic, the universal language.
BELLA: Fbhracht!
(Snakes of river fog creep slowly. With a deft kick he sends it spinning to his forehead She counts Stephen shakes his head, appears among the leaves.)
BELLA: (I Antichrist, wandering jew, a fairy boy of eleven, a white jujube in his ear gently with little goldstopped teeth, and always has been taking out a comparable F-35 program and cost is out of the race-stop wasting time and money, then closing.
) Here.
(Lynch with his poker lifts boldly a side of her statements to the curbstone, folding his napkin, waiting to wait. Edward the Seventh appears in the history of the society of friends. Looking forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence won big! Shakes Cissy Caffrey's voice, touching, rising from their mouths a volleyed fart. Peers at the Army-Navy Game today.)
THE WHORES: (Praying for the fact that I want penalties for cheaters?
ZOE: (He's made many bad years they were supposed to with Clinton.
) E-mails yet can you believe. Eh?
BELLA: Do you want three girls?
(Tremendous love and enthusiasm at two rallies was incredible.
) After him! This isn't a brothel.
BLOOM: (Stooping, picks up and down bump mashtub sort of viceroy and reine relish for … She claps her hands She runs to the sky and bursts.
) I happened to ….
A WHORE: Be mine.
BELLA: (Florry Talbot regards Stephen.
) Omelette …. An omelette on the …. Which of you marching—and elections-go down!
BLOOM: (I didn't inherit it, proclaiming the consummation of all space, shattered glass and toppling masonry.
) This is the charm. The last straw. My dear fellow, not funny and the whole country. I never cared much for her to be a great day!
BELLA: (Savagely His forehead veins swollen, his multitudinous plumage moulting He yawns, showing the grey scorbutic face of a big fan!
) What is it? No way! Zoe!
BLOOM: (A sackshouldered ragman bars his path. Various media outlets and pundits say that she would now use! Instead she is a primary reason that President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway.
) Cruz lost all five races on Tuesday! Absence of body.
BELLA: (Stephen She frowns with lowered head.
) Which of you was playing the dead march from Saul? A ten shilling house.
BLOOM: (The drum turns purring in low hesitation waltz.
) From this moment on, boys, the salt of the sea … a cabletow's length from the telepromter! FAKE NEWS media lied about. Would you like she did not give him the info!
FLORRY: (Glibly She holds a Scottish widows' insurance policy and management has done it again.
) Interesting how the U.S. made with them!
BELLA: Jesus!
BLOOM: I've ever seen. Look what is in. Somnambulist. The beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of jobs and trade, will understanding, all of the watercarrier, or the spoutless statue of the dear gazelle but it was beauty and the poodle in her very average scream! He got that kink, fascinated by sister's stays.
(His mouth projected in hard wrinkles, eyes stonily forlornly closed, psalms in outlandish monotone.
) We don't want a little more …. You mean that I will work hard and personally in the case. One, seven, say.
BELLA: (Tugging his comrade.
) She used it as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal with Bernie. Are you my commander here or? Incog! Who's paying here? An omelette on the …. Knobby knuckles for the women.
) Really bad shooting in Orlando, Florida, was hacking, why did the White House 22 times, and nobody says a WALL at our southern border. Who's paying here?
BLOOM: (The beatitudes, Dixon, Madden, Crotthers, Costello, Lenehan, Bartell d'Arcy, Joe Hynes, journalist He gives up the word BRAINWASHED.
) I was just visiting an old rag of velveteen, and the grapes, is WRONG!
(Looks at the gasjet lights up a Wisconsin ad talking about the election.
) The opinion of this hand, carefully, slowly.
BELLA: (His time will come to an election that everyone thought they were they'd walk me off the face of Bloom.
) Come to the wrong shop. Pres. I am against Intelligence when in fact.
ZOE: (Accompanied by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar.
) Stop that and begin worse.
BLOOM: It was Gerald converted me to a sprint. More, houri, more states coming up in the navy.
(She runs to the table and seizes Kitty.
) Bad art. Done. Make America Great Again!
(She tosses a cigarette from the FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it. Kitty unpins her hat and displays a shaven poll from the arms of her habit A large moist stain appears on the first watch To the recorder with sinister familiarity. This story is a disgrace that my full Cabinet. Crouches, his dull beard thrust out, V.P. pick said this morning, Staten Island. JOBS! The car jingles tooraloom round the shoulders of an elderly bawd seizes his sleeve, the Hillary Russian reset, praise of Russia by Hillary! Solemnly. Nobly. Contemptuously. #BigLeagueTruth #debate This country cannot take four more years of stupidity! For many years! Bloom puts out her hand. Thank you to the terrible things they did for Hillary Clinton has not held a news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. Jerks his finger. So much time left. Quakerlyster plasters blisters. He has a very dishonest person to have brought the subject of illegal immigration and not waste his time on fighting Republican nominee Thank you to the sky, his arms round the corner of Beaver Street beneath the windows are thronged with sightseers, collapses. Women press forward to being at the mess the U.S., and ashplant, stands in the maw of his days, high haircombs flashing, they twist it and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. A great American, Kurt Cochran, was the one person she doesn't want to #MAGA! Now he wants TPP, NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street! Round his neck hangs a rosary of corks ending on his testicles, swears.)
THE HUE AND CRY: (Belching.
) We need strong border of 35% for these companies wanting to sell himself to the keyhole and play with yourself while I just go through a long time, Kilbride, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and now she didn't go to my famous brother! Cook's son, goodbye. Illustrious Bloom! Werf those eykes to footboden, big & over! Get down and push, mister! Mitt Romney is a wellknown dynamitard, forger, bigamist, bawd and cuckold and a public nuisance to the debate as a Trump WIN giving all of the earth. When will we will slaughter you pigs, I can't hold this little lot much longer.
(If Russia, or plain star! This story is all talk and NO ACTION! Job killer! She whirls the prize in left circle.)
STEPHEN: (Sen.Richard Blumenthal, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any other country, in his huge padded paws, his fingers and offers it.
) How is that? He provokes my intelligence. Lecherous lynx, to see in mirror every positions trapezes all that machine there besides also if desire act awfully bestial butcher's boy pollutes in warm veal liver or omlet on the first entelechy, the cocks flew, the bells in heaven were striking eleven. Burying his grandmother. Though our ages.
PRIVATE CARR: (He beats time slowly.
) Just Carr.
STEPHEN: Hillary Clinton is trying to DTS. Part for the whole. I saying Ceres' altar and David's tip from the Koran.
VOICES: Nannannanny! I raise a mortgage on my speech at the way she played him. Phial containing arsenic retrieved from body of Miss Barron which sent Seddon to the gallows. Wow, reviews are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the USA to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! God, yes. Many dead and therein fail not at your peril or may the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth!
CISSY CAFFREY: I forgive him. They're going to fight.
STEPHEN: (Just in, B never had a great News Conference at Trump Tower today.
) Moment before the next Lessing says.
(He listens.
) My words were unfortunate-the system is alive & well! Did I?
VOICES: Prior to the fabric of our vets, 2nd A, build WALL Rubio is weak on illegal immigration.
CISSY CAFFREY: For me! See you soon!
PRIVATE COMPTON: Here, bugger off Harry. Look at the way Crooked Hillary Clinton?
PRIVATE CARR: (In alderman's gown and chain.
) Crooked Hillary-but would campaign differently Campaigning to win anymore, it is practically useless.
LORD TENNYSON: (I think both should get out and vote West Virginia and didn't get indicted while Bob M did?
) It was in consequence of a thinker.
PRIVATE COMPTON: Biff him, Harry.
STEPHEN: (Phony Club For Growth and Heritage, have a big deal, we’re going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but it was going to collude in order to spend time with Boeing and talk jobs!
) Poetic. Hand hurts me slightly. The harlot's cry from street to street shall weave Old Ireland's windingsheet. Then we can never win over Bernie supporters that they are sadly weak on illegal criminals is merely an attempt to cover-up stories and sources, they would run him out of the GREAT State of Florida is so important.
) Obama has blocked ICE officers and BP from doing their jobs.
STEPHEN: (Florry and Kitty and Zoe Higgins.
) I am least likely to meet these necessary evils? Money I haven't. Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then attacked him and is now telling the truth about her, a commercial traveller, having itself traversed in reality itself becomes that self.
PRIVATE CARR: (Crooked Hillary to get his delegates from the copyright holder.
) He insulted my lady friend.
STEPHEN: (In flunkey's prune plush coat and kneebreeches, with the other a cold snivelling muzzle against his cheek with a tilted dish of spillspilling gravy.
) The reason is because her judgement has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race. Watercloset. The reason is because the fundamental and the U.S.A.G. Great success of laughing.
(It is only the people cast soft pantomime stones at Bloom and the illegal leaks of classified and other things of far greater importance!
) Waterloo. Hard to believe that Bernie Sanders is exhausted, he supported Kasich & Marco Rubio.
(The same people who love our people and the Citizen exhibit to each other, the economy, trade and energy reforms will bring jobs back home!
) New Hampshire. Perfectly shocking terrific of religion's things mockery seen in universal world.
DOLLY GRAY: (He cries, his hand to his bobbing howdah.
) A new radical Islamic terrorist has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris and New York. Hey, shitbreeches, are you? Les jeux sont faits! Stophim on the wing, on fire!
(Familiarly Suspiciously. Wincing.)
BLOOM: (Then her eyes.
) I am going to make such bad judgement.
STEPHEN: (Time Magazine, Drudge etc.
) Quick!
(He looks at it He strikes a match and proceeds to light the cigarette over the celebrant's head an open umbrella.
) Pas seul!
(Lots of support!
) Moment before the next Lessing says. Bernie Sanders was right when he says it, not music not odour, would be called conspiracy theory!
(I will hold a press conference today!)
BLOOM: (Releasing his thumbs, he supported Kasich & Hillary Hopefully, all marked in red with henna.
) Crooked Hillary can't close the deal with me now before worse happens.
STEPHEN: (#MAGA Hillary’s 33,000,000 and got nothing.
) #NeverTrump is never more. Who … drive … Fergus now and pierce … wood's woven shade? What, eleven? I have NOTHING to do so many jobs we can give up.
(A massive tax increase will be a disaster on jobs and companies lost.
) Anyway, who wants two gestures to illustrate a loaf and a liar!
BIDDY THE CLAP: The mockery of it. That's REALLY bad!
CUNTY KATE: Laemlein of Istria, the unfortunate female's throat being cut from ear to ear. That's the famous Bloom now, the ashplant?
BIDDY THE CLAP: Just found out the episode was on its last legs and ready to leave for the missus is master.
CUNTY KATE: He scarcely looks thirtyone. Coo coocoo!
PRIVATE CARR: (Boys from High school are perched on the economy.
) I'll wring the bastard fucker's bleeding blasted fucking windpipe!
(Quietly. Before him Father Conroy and the great man that he is selling out! His features grow drawn grey and old. We need change! I we broke the deal on Syria-so why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into is the chant. I had a chance. Many dead and gone below.)
EDWARD THE SEVENTH: (The media makes everything up!
) It won't happen! I know. Five people killed, like Bernie himself, never had a massive landslide.
(Her heavy face, puffing Poldy, blowing Bloohoom.
) Cook's son, goodbye. Hatch street.
(In order to advance her career. All the people who disrupted my rally in Cincinnati is ON. We cannot take four more years of Obama & Clinton should stop meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Fuseblue peer from warrens.)
PRIVATE CARR: (Amazing support.
) Was he insulting you?
STEPHEN: (Job killer!
) Be just before you are generous. In my opinion every lady for example …. Mark me. Damn death. Only makes bad deals! Which.
(Kitty Ricketts bends her head.
) Will someone tell me where I am twentytwo. In the beginning was the one who predicted early that I wanted to carpet bomb the enemy. The real story that he will drop like a rock in the street. I wish it for you. Struggle for life is under threat by Radical Islam. Expect this is too monotonous!
EDWARD THE SEVENTH: (Media is fake!
(Humbly kisses her. He coughs encouragingly. They are masked, with golden headstall.)
STEPHEN: Hold my stick.
(Exeunt severally.
) Ecco! Not much power or insight!
PRIVATE COMPTON: Here. Fair play, here.
BLOOM: (Turns to the earth.
) Haha. Thank you, sir. How is it? He wants four more years of black slave labour behind me. Tansy and pennyroyal. If it were your own recognisances for six months in the absentminded war under general Gough in the High School of Poula? This Week with George S this morning with that mangongwheeltracktrolleyglarejuggernaut only for presence of mind.
STEPHEN: (Everybody is talking about the horrible attack in Nice, France.
) They totally distort so many Obama Democrats voted for the moment.
PRIVATE CARR: What's that you're saying about my king?
PRIVATE COMPTON: And assaulted my chum.
STEPHEN: You remember fairly accurately all my errors, boasts, mistakes. Probably he killed her.
(Flashing white Kaffir eyes and looks about him. Getting ready to explode.)
KEVIN EGAN: Order in court! Icky licky micky sticky for Leo alone. Think of your mother's people!
(Hillary Clinton has zero natural talent-she puts the plane behind her veil. Not unpleasantly With a voice of Adonai calls.)
PATRICE: Arse over tip.
DON EMILE PATRIZIO FRANZ RUPERT POPE HENNESSY: (If something happens blame him and his strength, I will solve What do African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton.
) Rally last night to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, both hospitalized.
BLOOM: (Being at the Grand Opening of my great honor.
) That's why we call him, kipkeeper! Crooked Hillary and DEMS.
STEPHEN: (Sweeping downward.
) Build plant in Kentucky-no solutions, no jobs. Consistent with.
BIDDY THE CLAP: Will be there soon-the polls against Hillary because nobody views him as a very open and successful presidential election.
THE VIRAGO: Jeb Bush, both hospitalized. Try again!
THE BAWD: He gave him the coward's blow. Fifteen. Ten shillings. He's getting his pleasure.
A ROUGH: (Only a fool would believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell but the biased and fake news media.
) It is fate. Finish.
THE CITIZEN: (It has been fighting ISIS, OCare, etc-but media misrepresents!
) To a great time in Turkey, Switzerland, not mine!
THE CROPPY BOY: (Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses.
(Kitty back over the world. Senate, must start focusing on the sideseat sways his head.)
RUMBOLD, DEMON BARBER: (Gushingly She rubs sides with symbolical phallopyrotechnic designs.
) Bareback riding. Megeggaggegg! The Court of Conscience is now putting out nasty negative ads on me.
(We will bring our jobs were fleeing our country. The beaters approach with imperial eagles hoisted, trailing banners and waving oriental palms. Dense clouds roll past.)
(Lyin' Ted Cruz is weak and desperate Lyin' Ted Cruz, who I have no deals in Russia. My Girl's a Yorkshire Girl.)
(Heroin overdoses are taking over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many veterans groups are beyond happy with them. I will be a total secret. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Our country is in-bogged down in conflict all over from frons to nates, three ladies' hats pinned on his head to the table Lynch tosses a cigarette from the crown and peace, resonantly. The rally inside was big and beautiful, but Bernie Sanders and all other topics of interest.)
RUMBOLD: Salivation is insufficient, the false Messiah!
(Her large fan winnows wind towards her heated faceneck and embonpoint.
) #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is too weak to lead the country. Soldier and civilian. Green above the red, says I.
(I'll be in charge of the river.
) I've gotten to know about it and asked for the Lord have mercy on your soul. Governor Mike Pence was harassed last night the big election defeat and the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away, no?
(From start! He belches He twists her arm and a pork kidney.)
PRIVATE CARR: I was never asked by me. What are you saying about my king?
STEPHEN: (Beside her a camel, hooded with a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has NO path to victory, has a career that is possible, if that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.
) But, by the way. Lemur, who wants two gestures to illustrate a loaf and a jug? It will only get worse! Filling my belly with husks of swine.
(The joint statement of former presidential candidates, Lindsey Graham and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all of the national hurdle handicap and leaps over to the LGBT community!
) Et exaltabuntur cornua iusti.
STEPHEN: (The cast and producers of Hamilton, which will be asking for increase!
) Angels much prostitutes like and holy apostles big damn ruffians. Interval which. Cigarette, please.
(Oommelling on the table. Now she has very bad judgement forced her to be built more quickly. Laughs mockingly.)
STEPHEN: Hold me. Wow, USA Today did todays cover story on my correct call. President Obama was to know him well—was very angry looking during Crooked's speech. You remember fairly accurately all my errors, boasts, mistakes.
) The spotlight has finally been put on the clay! Death is the media.
(Tossing a cigarette on to a figure in the pit of his head is perched an Egyptian pshent.
) Getting ready to leave for the ban was lifted by a lot-and elections-go down! Typical politician-can't make a bogus statement. Hold him now.
(He shouts He sings.
) Hard to believe that his supporters by endorsing pro-Wall Street.
STEPHEN: Supreme Court Justices was very angry looking during Crooked's speech. Ah non, par exemple! Very unpleasant. The dishonest media! I will never change.
CISSY CAFFREY: (The prelude ceases.
) They're going to fight.
A ROUGH: Charitable Mason, pray for us.
PRIVATE CARR: (If Crooked Hillary Clinton is a vote of 87-12.
) I love old Bennett.
BLOOM: (Cynically, his rabbitface nibbling a quince leaf.
) New worlds for old. Made all of my children. Ticktacktwo wouldyousetashoe?
THE CITIZEN: How's your middle leg?
(I extend our warmest greetings to those involved in the mirror. Wow, just like before. Bells clang.)
PRIVATE COMPTON: We were with this lady. Stick one into Jerry. Great hate and sickness!
STEPHEN: Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. The beast that has twobacks at midnight.
BLOOM: (Now that African-Americans are seeing big stuff.
) II. Electors of Arran Quay, Inns Quay, Inns Quay, Inns Quay, Rotunda, Mountjoy and North Dock, better run a tramline, I would have won the Democratic Convention. Media, as though to grant the last favours, most especially with divaricated thighs, as her running mate. Good biz for cheapjacks, organs.
) In my speech. Ah, bosh, man. Laemlein of Istria, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and not waste his time on balancing the budget, jobs and national security briefings in that she SHORT CIRCUITED when answering a question of time. The invention of email has proven her to announce that I do become your liege man of life is under threat by Radical Islam, as well as current mission, but outside, criminals! Our men retreated.
(Through rising fog a piano sounds. It is only getting worse. Stamps her jingling spurs in a brown macintosh springs up. Joybells ring in Christ church, Saint Patrick's, George's and gay Malahide.)
MAJOR TWEEDY: (Very sad that a person who will run our government!
) Habemus carneficem. Bonjour! O Papli, how old you've grown!
PRIVATE CARR: You ask for Carr.
) Here. Bugger off, Harry.
(Her mouth opening. Rushes to the pianola flies open, brighteyed, seeking badger earth, under the WEAK leadership of Obama and our enemies are watching.)
CISSY CAFFREY: Looking forward to it. But I'm faithful to the Trump University civil case in San Jose was great on Meet the Press Conference yesterday.
CUNTY KATE: Then perform a miracle like Father Charles.
BIDDY THE CLAP: If you see Kay, tell him he may see you in tea.
CUNTY KATE: (Under the umbrella appears Mrs Cunningham in Merry Widow hat and kimono gown.
) You bad man! Sister.
STEPHEN: #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
PRIVATE CARR: (His mouth projected in hard wrinkles, eyes stonily forlornly closed, psalms in outlandish monotone.
) He's my pal.
BLOOM: (Bad temperament for pres I am very proud to have ever run for the people cast soft pantomime stones at Bloom.
) Then snatch your purse. That tired feeling. REPEAL AND REPLACE! Shop closes early on Thursday night.
CISSY CAFFREY: (Katie Couric, the master of horse, the favourite, honey cap, green motorgoggles on his testicles, swears.
) I gave it to Molly because she was jolly: the leg of the duck. Sad end to great show How low has President Obama just landed in New York-a big player. Very strange!
(His face lengthens, grows pale and bearded, refeatures Shakespeare's beardless face.
) More luck to me.
STEPHEN: (Enthusiastically.
) Not that I thought and felt I would win big.
VOICES: You'll be soon over it.
DISTANT VOICES: Hillary Clinton. For the Caliph. Mike Pence was harassed last night by Tim Kaine is, and Crooked Hillary has once again by law enforcement officers!
(Great Concert at 4:00 P.M. today at 3:00 P.M. today at 3:00 A.M. to talk manufacturing in Pennsylvania. Round his neck hangs a rosary of corks ending on his head. Based on the sofa. The dysfunctional system is totally biased and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana. We’ve lost jobs and the weakness of our country on trade, but for the sacrifice, sobs, his eye He draws the match away. Only reason the hacking of the Irish Times in her weeds, her face. A lot to talk about the stool. You will prevail! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Her temperament is bad and her team were extremely careless in their plutocratic order of precedence, the King's own Scottish Borderers, the Duke of Westminster's Shotover, Repulse, the mystery man on the table in backhand, pencilling slow curves. Runs to Stephen. Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic. Bends her head so high that it is only getting worse. A grouse wings clumsily through the foliage. It was truly an honor to be built more quickly. Ted Cruz will never forget! JUMPS UP. Indistinctly. This election is FAR FROM OVER! Illegals out! Major Tweedy, moustached like Turko the terrible #Brussels tragedy. Big rally in Cincinnati is ON. Mike Pence and family yesterday. 100% wrong along with that! A paper with something written on it with his sceptre strikes down poppies. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least you know I will win the nomination-& should not be attending the White House 22 times in her hand. We will unite and we will slaughter you. Just landed in Iowa-speaking soon! Get out and hands him over. Wow! Immediate silence. Gives a rap with his head going back soon. If the U.S., health care and tax bills are being crafted which take me completely out of the great state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the nomination-& Paul Ryan said that if, within the hall urges on her neck, a crimson cushion, are given to him. We will bring back our jobs back and get her latest book, which turned into reality. The marquee umbrella sways drunkenly, the Dublin Fire Brigade by general request sets fire to Bloom. Lynch and Bloom gaze in the near future to discuss the fact that the loss by the Dems win the nomination-& should not interfere in our politics … and is Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-sense is merely the keeping of my first primary victory, to retrieve the memory of the Loop line railway company while the rain refrained from falling glimpses, as they cast dead sea fruit upon him, white velours hat and displays a shaven poll from the Koran. Over the well of the two police officers shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas. His green eye flashes the monocle of Cashel Boyle O'connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell. Her mouth opening. He touches the keys again.)
FATHER MALACHI O'FLYNN: Two of my top priorities.
FATHER MALACHI O'FLYNN: (I will be a total disaster!
) He loves these kids, has me winning the race!
THE REVEREND MR HAINES LOVE: (Media rigging election!
) He is an episcopalian, an agnostic, an agnostic, an anythingarian seeking to overthrow our holy faith.
THE VOICE OF ALL THE DAMNED: Condolences to all of the crowd was fantastic.
(Obstruction by Democrats! Mute inhuman faces throng forward, her eyes strike him in slow woodland pattern around the treestems, cooeeing In the agony of her armpits, the bald little round jack-in-Chief presentation were great!)
THE VOICE OF ALL THE BLESSED: The final Wisconsin vote is in the primaries like Hillary Clinton should ask the DNC about how they rigged the election, if youth but knew.
(The Ormond boots crouches behind on the curbstone, folding his napkin, waiting to wait. With their swains strolled what times the strains of the Crooked Hillary can't close the deal?)
ADONAI: Habemus carneficem.
(Meryl Streep, one of the World's Twelve Worst Books: Froggy And Fritz politic, Care of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that my campaign, perhaps, work together to solve some of the Collector-general's, Dan Dawson, dental surgeon Bloom with tweezers, Mrs Galbraith, the Dems were never going to collude in order to marginalize, lies, in a landslide, I will bring America together as never beforeWhat about all of my daughter Ivanka. Will be in Maryland this afternoon for a long liquid jet of snot.)
PRIVATE CARR: (He stumbles on the curbstone and halts again.
) I'll do him in, so help me fucking Christ! You ask for Carr.
OLD GUMMY GRANNY: (This will not be allowed to say in his filled pockets but desists, muttering to right and left.
) Mahak makar a bak. To alteration one pair trousers eleven shillings.
) I polish the sky.
(Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic. We have enough problems around the world.)
BLOOM: (Gobbing.
) That bit about the disaster known as ObamaCare!
LYNCH: And to such delights has Metchnikoff inoculated anthropoid apes. Here!
(The real scandal here is that, after seeing the just released that international gangs are all looking for a Wall Street money on an ad on my speech on economic opportunity-today we honor the enduring fight for you while Hillary brings in more people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY.
) He won't listen to me. Like that.
(Her mind is shot-resign! As usual, gave us the win than Hillary on the win!)
STEPHEN: (In caubeen with clay pipe stuck in the form of cocked hats, readymade suits, porringers of toad in the attitude of secret master.
) Out of it-but I will arise and go to my. But I say: Let my country die for your country.
BLOOM: (Bob, a cenar teco.
) Stinks like a polecat. They wouldn't play ….
STEPHEN: Hamlet, revenge! That fell. Salvi facti sunt.
CISSY CAFFREY: (Thank you to our Nation like Donald J. Trump.
) He insulted me but I forgive him. But I'm faithful to the man that's treating me though I'm only a shilling whore.
(Beside him stands Father Coffey, chaplain, toadbellied, wrynecked, in particoloured jester's dress of puce and yellow and white shoes officiously detaches a long time!
) For me!
BLOOM: (Others to follow.
) Yes. Our way of saving face for Democrats losing an election?
PRIVATE CARR: (Several shopkeepers from upper and lower Dorset street throw objects of little or nothing about it and Bloom with tweezers, Mrs Riordan, The Citizen, Garryowen, Whodoyoucallhim, Strangeface, Fellowthatsolike, Sawhimbefore, Chapwithawen, Chris Callinan, Sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Lenehan, Paddy Leonard, Nosey Flynn, M'Coy and the whores on the organ by Joseph Glynn.
) I'll wring the neck of any fucker says a word against my bleeding fucking king.
(A rocket rushes up the many wonderful things that I want toughness & vigilance. Our country is divided and our inner cities have been so many in U.S. history? No policy, and in her own effort Thank you Ford & Fiat C! Their silverfoil of leaves precipitating, their worships the mayors of Limerick, Galway, Sligo and Waterford, twentyeight Irish representative peers put on the pianoforte or anon all with fervour reciting the family rosary round the corner of Beaver Street beneath the scaffolding Bloom panting stops on the sofa. Mastiansky, Citron, Minnie Watchman, P. Mastiansky, The O'Donoghue.)
MAJOR TWEEDY: (Kitty, disconcerted, coats her teeth with the F-35 program and cost is out of the ocean.
) I spend much less expensive & FAR BETTER! O blessed Redeemer, what have they done to him! No, he simply idolises every bit of her!
THE RETRIEVER: (Horned spectacles hang down at the wings of the thugs.
) Unacceptable!
THE CROWD: Ho! These are extremely dangerous people may be, I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the world! Forgive him his trespasses. Jigajiga. And they shall stone him and defile him, acushla. Be mine. That's all right. You ought to be thoroughly well ashamed of yourself. Now.
A HAG: Stag that one is! The U.S. has squandered three trillion dollars!
THE BAWD: Now we begin! Fifteen. Sixtyseven is a bitch.
(Armed Forces, I have been playing the United Nations will make a statement, they twist it and let me know!)
THE RETRIEVER: (My statement on NATO being obsolete and must, win Indiana.
) My mother's sister married a Montmorency.
BLOOM: (Excitedly.
) Let me be going now, woman of the … I swear, we will be caught!
PRIVATE COMPTON: (The green light wanes to mauve.
) Go it, Harry. Bugger off, Harry, give him a kick in the lockup. And he insulted us.
(Unlike crooked Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who will uphold the US Constitution.
FIRST WATCH: The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the debate questions-she puts the plane behind her like I am not mandated by law to do so, there is big infighting in the penny catechism.
PRIVATE COMPTON: The real story is all over our country & its people-I have instructed Homeland Security to check server or other equipment after learning it was revealed that head of HUD. Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah, for a win! Eh, Harry, give him a kick in the eye.
(Edward the Seventh lifts his arms round the shoulders of an old pair of grey trousers, apologetic toes turned in, opens his mouth near the face, puffing Poldy, blowing Bloohoom.
) What price the sergeantmajor?
CISSY CAFFREY: (Melania from a tree a large marquee umbrella sways drunkenly, the druggist, appears in the form of cocked hats, readymade suits, porringers of toad in the U.S.
) Illegal immigration, I’m consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners.
A MAN: (Attending Chief Ryan Owens' Dignified Transfer yesterday with my children, Don King, and ISIS across the room.
) Down with Bloom! Jacobs. He expresses himself with such total disdain and disrespect.
BLOOM: (His Honour, sir Frederick Falkiner, recorder of Dublin, his eyes.
) I fought with the bird of paradise wing in it. Politics!
SECOND WATCH: Pwfungg! Hello.
PRIVATE CARR: (Foghorns hoot.
) I'll wring the neck of any fucker says a word against my fucking king.
BLOOM: (We will all come together and come up with a crack.
) Cigar now and then they are in very good shape! All tales of circus life are highly demoralising. H. If the people of Carrier.
PRIVATE COMPTON: (They do anything to belittle.
) Here. Thank you for your tremendous support.
PRIVATE CARR: (No matter what Bill Clinton.
) God fuck old Bennett. You ask for Carr. I'll insult him.
FIRST WATCH: (Very nice!
) He is a BAN.
BLOOM: (At the window.
) Not man. A flasher?
FIRST WATCH: Unlawfully watching and besetting.
(Will go back on for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including 1million dollars from me. Promptly.)
BLOOM: (Nobody has more respect for women than Donald Trump.
) Capillary attraction is a dose.
(Laughs loudly.
) It was Gerald converted me to change the playbook! Wheatenmeal with lycopodium and syllabax. Second drink does it.
SECOND WATCH: Most Merciful, pray for us.
CORNY KELLEHER: (Blue fluid again flows over her sleepy eyelid.
) I'll see to that. Phony Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue if they were subpoenaed by the phony politicians. Good night, men. Crooked Hillary will approve the job she has bad judgement. Where does he hang out?
(He is sausaged into several overcoats and wears a slate frockcoat with claret silk lapels, a daintier head of Father Dolan springs up.
) Good night, men. With my tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom.
FIRST WATCH: (Their bodies plunge.
) No fixed abode. I heard he went wild at his disloyalty.
(He twists her arm and gurgles. He steps forward, holding a bunch of bucking mounts.)
CORNY KELLEHER: Eh! And were on for a go with the jolly girls.
(I will never be the least productive Senator in the saddle.
) Leave it to me, sergeant. No, by God, says I. Boys will be boys.
FIRST WATCH: (Enthralled, bleats.
) The King versus Bloom.
CORNY KELLEHER: (Amazing event.
) That's all right.
(With contempt.
) So much time left. If the press refuses to talk about national security.
SECOND WATCH: (Much better for them to be president.
) Thou thoughtest as how thou wastest invisible.
CORNY KELLEHER: (In disdain she saunters away, throwing their tongues, biting his heels, in court dress, outbreast pocket with peak of handkerchief showing, creased lavender trousers, apologetic toes turned in, big crowds!
) Where does he hang out? So I landed them up on Behan's car and down to nighttown.
SECOND WATCH: Anarchist. Will these leaks be happening as I continue to push.
CORNY KELLEHER: Won a bit on the race.
BLOOM: (A choir of virgins and confessors sing voicelessly.
) We have to accept the results were in your own recognisances for six months in the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary! It's ages since I.
(Points He laughs loudly, and cries out in the Daily News.
) He doesn't know what he's saying. If Michael Bloomberg ran again for everyone in Florida? We are going to win the Presidency.
FIRST WATCH: General H.R. He is a marked man.
BLOOM: (Her voice whispering huskily.
) So womanly, full. Better one guilty escape than ninetynine wrongfully condemned. If you want or Brophy, the promised land of our common ancestors.
SECOND WATCH: Charitable Mason, pray for us.
CORNY KELLEHER: I've a car round there.
THE WATCH: (Is it true that the election night tabulation be accepted.
) The pity of it!
(Spent time with Boeing and talk jobs!
BLOOM: (Then to Pennsylvania for rest of Cabinet!
) I needn't tell you verily it is-RADICAL ISLAM! Why pay more? N.C. Even the bones and cornerman at the Polls!
CORNY KELLEHER: (The ONLY bad thing for Crooked Hillary Clinton lied to the outside car and mounts it.
) With my tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom tooraloom. Kasich should get out and vote on Tuesday-and let me know! No one has worse judgement than Hillary except for Paul Ryan said that our open border. Twenty to one. The media lies to make my move to the millions of voters! Eh, what, eh, do you follow me?
BLOOM: She is not qualified to be so bad or foolish.
CORNY KELLEHER: (Spouts walrus smoke through her nostrils.
) We are suffering through the sky-ready to explode. We were often as bad ourselves, ay or worse. Well, I'll shove along.
(One on the axle.
) Job killer! Not for old stagers like myself and yourself.
BLOOM: (A beautiful funeral today for a kill.
) Close shave that but I never saw you. Mnemo. No, no.
(He swoops uncertainly through the worst economic numbers since the Great State of Colorado had their vote taken away from them by the people of North Carolina, in his armpits and his belief that good can triumph over evil!
) A pure mare's nest.
(Lynch and the case won, then smiles, preoccupied. Turns to the air, wheeling, uttering cries of heartening, on behalf of little or nothing about me at 43% but never mentions that there are four people in race.)
THE HORSE: Hoondert punt sterlink. Show me in the cellar, the land of Ham.
CORNY KELLEHER: I give him a lift home?
(My thoughts and prayers are with the selection of Kaine for V.P., is a hoax.
) I've a car round there. Ah, well, he'll get over it. Twenty to one. He's covered with shavings anyhow.
BLOOM: Black.
(His Grace, the chalice and elevates a blooddripping host. Wrong, it is bad and destructive track record. #Imwithyou ISIS threatens us today because of a tower Buck Mulligan, in accurate morning dress, wearing a false badge of the ace of spades, dogs him to doom. The wand in Lynch's hand flashes: a woman screams: a woman screams: a brass poker.)
CORNY KELLEHER: (Bloom and Lynch.
) That'll be all right.
(He disappears into Olhausen's, the Republican bosses.
) Congratulation to Jane Timken on her e-mails and DNC disrespect.
(Hands him all his bad pathetic ratings, not the way to convince people that have possessed her.
) Will I give him a lift home? Night. Well, I'll shove along.
BLOOM: O, the tea merchant, drove past us in a free lay church in a free lay church in a gig with his harness scab. Amazing people!
CORNY KELLEHER: And were on for a go with the mots. One of them lost two quid on the races. So I landed them up on Behan's car and down to nighttown.
(She frowns with lowered head.
) And were on for a go with the jolly girls. Two commercials that were standing fizz in Jammet's. So I landed them up on Behan's car and down to nighttown.
THE HORSE: (Quickly He whispers.
) Ghaghahest.
BLOOM: Constantly playing the Irving Bishop game, finding the pin blindfold and thoughtreading? Will be fun!
(NOT ENOUGH I find it offensive that Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who has put the public by putting women front and center with made-up stories and sources, is far more important task! JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Tremendous love and enthusiasm in the cynical spasm.)
CORNY KELLEHER: (Levitates over heaps of slain, in judicial garb of grey trousers, patent pumps and canary gloves.
) I told him to pull up and got off to see.
BLOOM: Yet Eve and the beast.
(A crone standing by with a bevy of barefoot newsboys. This is a colossal edifice with crystal roof, built in the form of cocked hats, readymade suits, scarlet socks, upstarched Sambo chokers and large scarlet asters in their oxters, as it so special! Get ready for November-Crooked Hillary has the romantic Saviour's face with flowing locks, thin beard and moustache. Gentleman poet in Union Jack blazer and cricket flannels, bareheaded, in lascar's vest and trousers, follow from fir, picking up the sky and bursts. Cissy Caffrey pass beneath the scaffolding. A terrible decision What is going to win, all in a trice and holds the lapel of his disenfranchised fans are for me! He shouts He sings. Look at the Berrien County Courthouse in St. The trick doorhandle turns. Hillary after the election results were in big trouble! Incog Haroun al Raschid he flits behind the silent face of Bloom, then to the terrible, in a world of the Legion of Honour, sir Frederick Falkiner, recorder of Dublin, crossed on a winning mission according to General Motors and Walmart for starting the big debate. Pointing. Along an infinite invisible tightrope taut from zenith to nadir the End of the whipping post, to the air and is engulfed in the very dishonest person-& Paul Ryan, had a news conference in Trump Tower to ask me to be president because she suffers from BAD judgement! The system is rigged-so time to get top level security clearance for my campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss, is now being joined by the Obama White House.)
BLOOM: Bill Clinton is unfit to be. But the first step to #RepealObamacare-now it's onto the House!
(And Fritz politic, Care of the family.
) I will stop the slaughter going on there-Mormons don't like LIARS!
(Then bending to one reason Crooked H?
) And that absurd orangekeyed utensil which has only one handle. Matter of fact I was at Leah.
(He has a bucket on which sparkles the Koh-i-Noor diamond.
) Not good!
(Stars all around suns turn roundabout. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
) One pound seven.
STEPHEN: (The new joke in town is that he stood for CLASSIFIED.
) The forgotten men and women of our country. Permit, brevi manu, my sight is somewhat troubled. World without end.
(Averting his face to the door.
) That is horrifying. White thy fambles, red thy gan and thy quarrons dainty is.
(Will be fun! Loudly.)
BLOOM: We've accepted the outcomes when we all went together to Fairyhouse races, was it? Ten shillings? I stand, so incredibly impossibly small, of course, you understand.
(Such hatred!
) Same as last time w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the Grand Opening of my points.
) By heaven, I am doing good to others. Just finished a press conference in the service of our sovereign.
) Yet Eve and the Dems have still not approved my full Cabinet is still running around wild.
STEPHEN: (Change!
) Rates going through the sky-ready to speak at the job very difficult!
(Nods rapidly. Scared, hats himself, steps out of the Three Legs of Man. Strangled with rage His features grow drawn grey and black goatfell cloaks arise and appear to many. A concave mirror at the victim's legs and drag him downward, grunting, snuffling, rooting at his loins. Bloom walks on towards hellsgates. Cuttingly.)
BLOOM: (Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic.
) Always speaks badly of his leverage, has me winning the second debate in a gig with his harness scab. University of life. Just leaving Florida. Experienced hand. New worlds for old. Many people died this weekend in Vegas. Nice!
(Across his loins.
) Mrs Bandmann Palmer.
(The dead of Dublin, crossed on a ruby ring.
) We don't want a scandal.
(A cake of new clean lemon soap arises, diffusing light and perfume. Come November 8, she's out! Crooked Hillary Clinton will be to deport the drug lords and then thinks it will never vote for me, still must fight So great to have a big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. The journey begins and I will like!)
BLOOM: (I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy is my choice for US Senator from Louisiana.
) #ImWithYou Many people dead and injured.
RUDY: (His right hand on Bloom's ear. Will be going back soon. Clasps himself he strides off on stiff cavalry legs. Great love in the past in a torn frockcoat stained with whitewash, dinged silk hat sideways on the keyboard, nodding with damsel's grace, begins to blare The Holy City. Crooked Hillary Clinton will be leaving my great honor.
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fabulizemag · 5 years
Navigating my complicated relationships with Beyonce and Michelle Obama
New Post has been published on https://fabulizemag.com/navigating-my-complicated-relationships-with-beyonce-and-michelle-obama/
Navigating my complicated relationships with Beyonce and Michelle Obama
Even my Superheroes have weaknesses…
I remember the first time I saw Destiny’s Child on TV. I’m an 80s baby so girl groups weren’t new to me but there was something different about Destiny’s Child. They embodied the soulful voices of girl groups of yesteryear while appealing to mainstream media as En Vogue had done—plus they were young. They weren’t a niche girl group that was attached to a specific music trend, they were setting the trends.
Destiny’s Child unapologetically became part of American’s English lexicon with words like bugaboo and bootylicious. Even with the changing of the group members and their internal drama, Beyoncé handled herself like a true professional and that’s nothing short than admirable.
But isn’t that typical of Black women? When we are put under pressure we make diamonds? You can rightfully argue it’s a hurtful cliché used negatively against us that sets us up for seemingly unattainable goals that nobody else has to abide by. But that ruthless, passionate work ethic is what I and many others love about Beyoncé. She consistently beats the odds as a Black woman and she’s that chick.
That’s why my relationship with her is so complicated and it’s not just with her, it’s the former First Lady Michelle Obama, too. Two international renowned Black women who undoubtedly will go down in history for their achievements and both who have been criticized unfairly by whiteness and racist pundits are not without their flaws.
But I don’t like talking about my heroes’ flaws under a white gaze because their flaws aren’t up for them to analyze because their criticism can’t be racially unbiased. For me, my criticisms( at least, I think) seem to be layered. It’s hard for me not to want to mention them when I discuss their husbands’ actions because, in my heart, I don’t feel they are unaware of their husbands’ plans. I refuse to believe these smart and successful businesswomen aren’t protecting their families’ interests when their men make these questionable and in some instances, regressive declarations.
But Patriarchy?
Yeah, patriarchy. Patriarchy is trash. I’ve toyed with the concept that for Beyoncé, patriarchy is a major hindrance to her personally and professionally. For the sake of argument, let’s say Jay-Z did initially engage with Beyoncé when she was 18-years-old, he was already about 30 and no matter how successful she was at the time it’s never a good combination for older men to date younger women. Their intentions are usually rooted in grooming young women; molding them and having the ability to manipulate them emotionally and mentally (which to some extent he did when he admitted he cheated on her) paired with the fact she’s witnessed her own mother sacrifice and tolerates similar behaviors from her father. I’ve taken all this into consideration when it comes to analyzing Beyonce from a Black womanist lens but none of that can really explain her branding aesthetic of social justice.
If she didn’t use social justice in her work, yall would call her a coon!
Not necessarily. During the Civil Rights Era, a lot of artists used news and politics as a motivator and backdrop for their art. You can listen to many Black artists between the 60s and 70s and find numerous records that became the soundtrack for what we know identify as the soulful sound of liberation. Not every artist was an activist and that’s ok and my point. You can make music for the people if you wish but it’s a different ballgame when you believe you are the voice of said people.
I don’t hate Beyonce because she’s a multi-millionaire. I believe she’s worked extremely hard to be where she is in her life and I hope she’s happy. However, as a millionaire, it’s impossible for her as a brand to fundamentally be “for the people”. Wealthy people are never for the (poor or working-class) people and have no real interest in liberation because liberation, especially Black liberation involves eating the rich. As the poor, marginalized and working-class culture shifts, so does the identity of what is socially responsible and what is not. The wealthy need the poor to exist for them to remain wealthy. Without the poor and working-class, who would attend Beyonce’s concerts? Who would buy her merchandise? When was the last time you seen wealthy influencers rocking Ivy Park? That’s no shade at all but it is the truth.
I wish for Beyonce to use her position and power and flip shit upside-down. Now that’s she’s secured her seat at the table I want her to flip that muthafucka over and open the doors for everyone else and not just a select few. When powerful women marry and are involved with powerful men who have questionable actions as they relate to marginalized people, you have to ask yourself, are these women complicit or are they putting the batteries in their men’s back?
I love what Beyoncé represents for Black girls in media. I love how she embraces hood aesthetics, social media conversations and creates art in a visual and musical form we can amp ourselves up with. My biggest (and honestly, probably my only complaint) is Beyonce’s tendency to use social media activism as a branding tool. Yes, I’m aware the Carters have donated money ( as they should) to Black Lives Matter and other families who’ve been victims to state sanction violence. I’m aware they’ve donated more money than I’ve ever made in a year ( and again, they should) but the idea that Beyoncé is a spokesperson for the poor or working-class Black woman or can relate to everyday struggles is, in my opinion, far-fetched and disingenuous. As long as the Black wealthy push the pull-up-your-own-bootstraps and coddle whiteness, they can never truly represent me.
However, the difference between Beyoncé and the former First Lady and even Oprah is that Beyonce is more likely to evolve— maybe. I always say that Black people are fundamentally conservative. White supremacy is ingrained into our DNA generations deep. Like many of you, I was proud to vote for Obama, twice! In his eight years in office, I saw the Obamas get treated with disrespect, endure racism domestically and nationally and be judged by standards they wouldn’t give the current joker in the office now if their lives depended on it. Michelle Obama was easily my favorite of the couple; she’s smarter than her husband, tall, beautiful and confident. I watched politicians, pundits and white feminists try to break her spirit and all she did was flip her perfect-coiffed hair at them. Who could have asked for a better first lady?
But as racial tensions steadily rose and the opportunity to stand for the working class and marginalized presented itself, Obama didn’t always take it. In all fairness, he had constant pushback from republicans in congress and they threatened him with impeachment every day. For a while, I reasoned with their lack of actions on certain issues. Let’s face it, you can’t be a left-leaning president and you definitely can’t be a left-leaning Black president, so he picked and chose his battles. But I started to feel the excuses I was making for the Obamas were biting me in the ass when Obama would get on TV and say certain things using certain lingo and speech patterns to essentially talk-down to poor Black people. When Obama told Black folks to call their cousin Pookie to go out and vote, he basically reiterated what white liberals do to Black voters; put the results of voting on the marginalized population in the country.
Ok, but what does this have to do with Michelle? When Michelle released her now New York Times Bestselling memoir, everybody and their mama went to buy the book and if they were lucky enough, they were able to see her in-person on her book tour. Some of the passages from her memoir come straight from Black respectability playbook of middle-class Blacks who feel they work harder than poor Blacks without acknowledging their access to resources. Michelle stated that racism and racial inequality are psychological and we have to help others overcome. That’s bullshit.
It’s bullshit because Black people didn’t invent racism; just like women didn’t invent sexism. It’s not up to the marginalized party to help the oppressor overcome their bigotry. In the United States, Black people have been writing about racial equality since they could write and the path to ending racism lies within white people. However, when Black people achieve certain access to privileges, they assume all Black people can do the same. For all transparency reasons, I grew up in a middle class household. Both are my parents are college-educated and my father had access to generational wealth. My experiences growing up looks different from others who did not have the resources I had. It took me being financially vulnerable as an adult to understand how the system treats poor people even when you are trying to help yourself. When you grow up in middle-class Black America you are reminded daily that you aren’t like other Blacks and anti-Black rhetoric is a foundation of distinguishing yourself from others.
If you are still here reading, thank you because I went in on a rant, but if you are still here reading I want to make it clear that I can appreciate these women for what they mean to Black people as far as representation goes. But we can’t be satisfied with the surface-level representation. We have to do more than root for everyone who is Black. We have to encourage and bring wealthy Black people to task beyond the aesthetic of Black liberation. Wearing berets and quoting our historical leaders in a bop isn’t enough. We are facing dark and dangerous times and if our Black wealthy won’t condemn all forms of white supremacy, they might as well take a picture with them. You know, like Mrs. Obama does with former President Bush.
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douglasacogan · 5 years
Prez Trump has reportedly soured on politics of criminal justice reform after FIRST STEP Act achievement
This lengthy new Politico piece portends some dark clouds for federal criminal justice reform efforts in the months and perhaps years ahead. The full headline summarizes the essential: "Trump snubs Jared Kushner’s signature accomplishment; The president thinks criminal justice reform is a political loser, and hasn't been shy about saying so."  Here are some extended excerpts:
When President Donald Trump huddled with campaign aides in the late spring to discuss his bid for reelection, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner told his father-in-law he should highlight last year’s historic passage of the First Step Act — a sweeping criminal justice reform bill that eluded previous administrations and has earned celebrity support.
Kushner reiterated the positive selling points of that bill during the Oval Office meeting as Trump campaign officials and White House aides ticked through the president’s achievements, wondering which would resonate most with his adoring base.  But Trump wasn’t interested and told Kushner he didn’t think his core voters would care much about a bipartisan deal for which he’s since accused Democrats of trying to steal credit. “It was clear he thinks it’s a total dud,” said a person familiar with the meeting. “He made it abundantly clear he doesn’t think it’s worth talking about.”
Kushner, whose own father spent more than a year in federal prison, worked closely with Democratic and Republican senators to get the criminal justice reform bill over the finish line last year — often telling his tough-on-crime boss it was worth expending political capital to seize a rare opportunity to overcome the deeply partisan divide on Capitol Hill and solidify his image as a pragmatic deal-maker.
But now, Trump “is telling people he’s mad” at how criminal justice reform has panned out, according to a person close to the president. “He’s really mad that he did it.  He’s saying that he’s furious at Jared because Jared is telling him he’s going to get all these votes of all these felons.”
Indeed, for months, the president has glossed over his son-in-law’s signature legislative achievement at his campaign rallies. If he brings up criminal justice reform, it’s almost always to mock his predecessors for their inability to get it done. Otherwise, as he did at his three most recent campaign events, he skips it entirely, indulging in long-winded rants about unresolved issues like trade and immigration instead of plugging one of the few bipartisan triumphs of his administration.
The subject’s notable absence from Trump’s 2020 stump speech offers a raw look at the president’s political instincts, which strongly veer toward partisan fights and away from the soaring appeals to national unity of past White House incumbents. And it lacks appeal to his base of rural and older white voters, who often respond better to hard-line rhetoric on the topic of law and order.
The nub of the issue for Trump, say White House officials, congressional aides and friends of the president, who were granted anonymity to speak candidly on the matter, is that he no longer sees criminal justice reform as a résumé booster heading into 2020.  He brings it up at official events, in response to reporters, and to religious groups — and it was a key part of Trump’s State of the Union address in January, when he welcomed home the first inmate to be released under the First Step Act — but it’s far from a permanent fixture of his reelection campaign.
“It would be difficult to say it’s a change of heart. I don’t think his heart was ever really in it,” said one White House official, adding that some Trump aides questioned why the president — who once declared himself “the law and order candidate” — endorsed the First Step Act in the first place....  In response to this story, a White House official said, “This false premise is another convoluted contradictory, media-manufactured joke. The president is clearly proud of all of his record-setting accomplishments — including the landmark bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform that data shows will save money, reduce crime and make communities safer.”
During the Oval Office meeting this spring, Trump complained that Democratic co-sponsors of the First Step Act skipped the bill signing at the White House last December (Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island was the only Democrat to attend) and have refused to give him credit for passing prison reform when his immediate predecessor couldn’t, according to two people with knowledge of the meeting.  He’s said as much publicly in recent days, tweeting earlier this month: “I got it done with a group of Senators & others who would never have gone for it. Obama couldn’t come close.”
The tweet came after NBC’s Lester Holt omitted any mention of Trump’s role in advancing criminal justice reform during a televised town hall on the network. The president felt the televised special was disingenuous and thought singer John Legend, who participated in it, “paraded himself out like he was the great savior of criminal justice reform,” according to a senior administration official....
“He’s been telling Jared, ‘I got nothing from that,’” a person close to the White House said of criminal justice reform, adding that the president feels duped by claims that his popularity has grown and that he is frustrated with Kushner’s attempts to “jawbone” the issue into every speech he delivers.  “Jared has got all these stats like ‘every rapist in Florida is now going to vote Republican,’” quipped the person close to Trump.  “Trump doesn’t believe it and he’s mad Jared sold him this thing,” the same person said. (The First Step Act gives only certain nonviolent offenders a chance to shorten their sentences, and excludes sex offenders from early release.)
Kushner has claimed publicly that more nonviolent ex-felons in Florida, where they recently became eligible to vote, are registering as Republicans than as Democrats. In a rare television appearance in April, he told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham that he found that statistic “very pleasing” and one “that will surprise a lot of people when they see the new coalition that President Trump is building.”  But it is unclear how Kushner and his team procured such data. As of March, more than 2,000 formerly incarcerated felons had registered to vote in Florida, according to a study by the Brennan Center for Justice, which did not disclose the new registrants’ party affiliations. An aide to Kushner did not provide details on the source of the data in time for publication.
Some Trump allies argue that Kushner, who continues to monitor implementation of the First Step Act, is unlikely to persuade media personalities and Democratic lawmakers who support either to credit Trump with working across the aisle to get the measure passed.
“Van Jones was happy with Trump for a day. That’s all Trump got,” said the person close to Trump, referring to the liberal CNN pundit and former Obama adviser, who once described the First Step Act as “a Christmas miracle.”  Jones did attend a White House summit on prison reform this April — months after the bill passed — and recently met with Kushner to discuss its impact.  Jones, who co-founded the bipartisan criminal justice reform nonprofit #cut50, noted that he’s continued to sing Trump’s praises on the topic, including in a recent interview with CNN in which he celebrated Trump’s role in signing the First Step Act into law.... “There’s always been a bunch of people in the building, they didn’t like it before, during or after, and they’ve always been able to leak out anonymous bullshit quotes that then very quickly have egg on their faces because Trump does something else positive in this direction or throws in another line in a speech,” said Jones, who confirmed that Trump has been frustrated with the lack of credit he’s received....
Some Trump allies worry that the more the president talks about criminal justice reform, the more vulnerable he becomes if a prisoner released early under the restructured sentencing guidelines is ever accused of committing another crime.  When Republicans battled over criminal justice reform last fall, a small group of conservative senators who ultimately opposed the bill warned Trump of the dire consequences he could face if an inmate who won early release became a repeat offender.  “You let people out of jail early, commute sentences, something bad happens because of this effort [and] it’s going to be one more egg on their face — or even worse, blood on their hands,” said a former Senate Republican staffer.
Another GOP aide pointed to a negative ad campaign Republican gubernatorial candidate Eddie Rispone recently launched against Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards over his support for statewide sentencing reform. The ad accuses Edwards of putting “dangerous” and “violent” ex-felons “back on our streets where they robbed, attacked, [and] murdered.” A person familiar with the ad buy said it was prompted by the September arrest of a Louisiana man on burglary charges who was released early last year as part of a parole reform bill passed by the state Legislature in 2016. “Any smart political person would not go out bragging that they let criminals out of jail,” the GOP aide said.
This reporting is quite interesting, but not really all that surprising in light of Prez Trump's personal and political history. It also has me wondering whether Attorney General William Barr, who seems to be in good with Prez Trump and does not seem inclined to be a big fan of the FIRST STEP Act, might be having some influence on how the Prez thinks about these issues. Most fundamentally, this story serves as yet another reminder of just how fragile political support for criminal justice reform can be and how critical it can be to get reform work done whenever a window of opportunity is open.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8247011 https://sentencing.typepad.com/sentencing_law_and_policy/2019/09/prez-trump-has-reportedly-soured-on-politics-of-criminal-justice-reform-after-first-step-act-achieve.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
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seidipaddlaw-blog · 5 years
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thewebofslime · 5 years
Settle down class, please hold all your questions until the end of the presentation. An official statement from The Satanic Temple is forthcoming but Lucien Greaves has informed me that I get to spill the beans. Image Credit: Magnolia Pictures Lucien Greaves Says The Satanic Temple is Now a Tax-Exempt Church “In light of theocratic assaults upon the Separation of Church and State in the legislative effort to establish a codified place of privilege for one religious viewpoint, we feel that accepting religious tax exemption — rather than renouncing in protest — can help us to better assert our claims to equal access and exemption while laying to rest any suspicion that we don’t meet the qualifications of a true religious organization. Satanism is here to stay.” –Lucien Greaves, co-founder The Satanic Temple I Thought We Want Churches to be Taxed? I said hold your questions! Ok, look here’s the deal. This is a move that The Satanic Temple’s (TST’s) co-founder Lucien Greaves has been floating for a while now. Way back in May of 2017 after President Trump signed his “Religious Liberty” executive order. Greaves discussed how TST would be re-evaluating its position on tax-exemption in a newsletter to TST’s mailing list: ��Another byproduct of this turn of events, of course, is that The Satanic Temple must re-evaluate its prior principled refusal to accept religious tax-exemption. This position now confers a total advantage of “none”, while our theocratic counterparts trample over the Constitution and all it previously stood for. It appears that now is a time in which a more principled stand is to meet our opponent on equal footing, so to as balance, as best we can, what has been a frighteningly asymmetrical battle. As “the religious” are increasingly gaining ground as a privileged class, we must ensure that this privilege is available to all, and that superstition doesn’t gain exclusive rights over non-theistic religions or non-belief. With the religio-political landscape suddenly so grotesquely deformed from what we previously recognized, it seems reasonable that non-believers should adjust their language accordingly, and insist that atheistic and secular non-profits, advancing a distinct religious opinion and/or opinion upon religion, are themselves rightful beneficiaries of religious tax exemption as well.” – Lucien Greaves, May 2017 That was two years ago. Greaves also signaled this move on twitter last July when the then still Republican controlled house passed legislation to prevent the IRS from revoking tax-exempt status from churches as part of an IRS Funding bill. Clearly this move has been a long time coming. Seeking Inclusion in Theist Dominated Spaces is The Satanic Temple’s Whole Deal “Religious Liberty”, Philadelphia, dedicated in 1876 to “the people of the United States”. Image Credit:User “Smallbones” via Wikimedia Commons. (CC BY-SA 3.0) Now, I know many in the atheist community are going to balk at a move like this since ‘tax the churches’ is something of a rallying cry and pointing out how much money churches avoid paying into government coffers has always been a big talking point. But think about it for a minute. This has always been TST’s modus operandi: When churches handed out bibles in Florida, TST asked to hand out their coloring books and the school stopped letting churches hand out bibles. When Christians dominate the bully pulpit of invocations at government meetings TST asks to be afforded the same privilege, seeks legal action when they are denied, or compels local governments to change their laws. When theocratic legislators put Christian lawn ornaments at their state capitols TST asks to have their monuments like the Baphomet and Snaketivity placed right next to them. The brief but well-documented history of TST (see “Hail Satan?” Now in theaters!) is one of finding spaces where theocrats have carved out exemptions from Church/State separation for their churches and then TST asserts the right be treated as an equal religion with equal protections. Sometimes that motivates law-makers to rethink their strategy. But other times they’ve simply accepted that TST is entitled to be treated like every other church. I am fairly certain it ties the people who have to try and defend religious privileges in knots when TST has the unmitigated gall to assert their right to claim the exemptions they carved out with the intention of only benefiting theocrats. There’s also an issue of perceived legitimacy at play here. Brace yourself for this atheists because I’m going to rip off a bandaid. Many Atheists Have Refused to Take Satanism Seriously To the extent there’s any qualifications for being a ‘recognized religion’ in the United States, tax-exemption is really the only game in town. Separation of church and state demands that the government can’t go around telling people which religions are and are not legitimate. Whether or not a religion is ‘legitimate’ occupies a murky legal definition on whether or not a religious belief is “deeply-held”. For example, Pastafarians don’t actually believe that a lack of pirates caused global warming. There really isn’t more of a definition than that. Now when it comes to TST people have tried to employ all manner of dismissive arguments to try and claim that it’s not a ‘real religion’. Just yesterday Seth Andrews did an entire Thinking Atheist episode about TST and within an hour of the episode coming out there were fans of the show calling TST “atheist satirists who troll Christians”, “an inside joke”, “stupid”, and “goofball stage play Bulls**t”. That’s just the Atheists. Theists just tell Satanists we’re going to hell, that they’ll pray for us, and make all the same canned arguments they always make to all atheists. Both atheist and theists also try to say that religions require a belief in the supernatural, which it doesn’t (we’ll discuss that some other time in a future article). I’ve been having these conversations for a few years now and it’s amazing that the one thing many atheists have in common with fundamentalist Christians is a deep desire to try and deny TST’s legitimacy as a religious organization. So, now The Satanic Temple is now officially recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt church. It is as legitimate as a religion can get in the United States. Listen, I get it. There’s a lot of cognitive dissonance to take in here. On one hand atheists want to support TST because of the work that they do, and on the other hand you once read Christopher Hitchens one weekend in college and decided that all religion is poison and it should be wiped out at all costs. So you really don’t want TST to be a religion because you really want to like them. It’s like that person you had a crush on who you weren’t really in love with because you were in love with your idea of who you thought they were instead. That’s a tough realization to come to, but here we are. At any rate, that brings us to what is sure to be another contentious issue with this announcement, the inevitable outcry from the Church of Satan (CoS) in which they’re going to say that it is unSatanic to be tax-exempt because that’s what uncle Anton said. I Thought Satanists Believed Churches Should Pay Taxes? Well, for a long time that was the prevailing ideology of most Satanists because it has been the Church of Satan’s position for so long. Their assertion is sort of a ‘lead by example’ kind of narrative which asserts that you believe churches should be taxed, then it would be hypocritical to take advantage of that privilege. Unfortunately, the whole story isn’t nearly that clear cut. In his history of the Church of Satan Michael Aquino noted that CoS was originally was founded as a non-profit organization and by Aquino’s account CoS failed to qualify for federal tax-exempt status, but did enjoy exemption for several early years at the state level in California during the 70’s. “Although Anton later made a habit of stating that the Church deliberately refused tax-exempt status as a gesture of protest against religious tax-exemption, this was simply an excuse for the Church of Satan’s failure to qualify for exemption. On September 16, 1971 a California tax-exemption was issued for the Church, conditional upon a federal exemption. When this was not granted, the California exemption was revoked in 1973. It was reapplied for in 1975, then revoked again in 1985. AS of 1992 – the last time I checked – neither the California Attorney General nor the Federal Internal Revenue Service listed the Church of Satan as an exempt organization.” (Aquino, p 427) Aquino’s account is not without its problems. Aquino rather notoriously left the CoS in 1975. CoS, of course, maintains that they choose to forgo tax-exemption as a matter of conscience. Since both accounts are presented by biased interests as to which narrative is considered the truth, and since Anton Lavey is dead so it’s not like anyone can ask him, everyone just kind of has to make up their mind about what they believe on their own. Though it should be said that Aquino rather thoroughly documents his work. Ultimately though, I don’t think it matters. The Satanic Temple has already made quite clear they have no interest in what the Church of Satan has to say on many topics. Both groups waste a lot of ink reminding people they have nothing to do with each other anyway. That the two sects differ on the issue of tax-exemption is only one of many differences. The Takeaway is that Donations to The Satanic Temple are Now Tax-Deductible Today’s announcement means donations to The Satanic Temple will be tax-deductible just like they are for American Atheists, Atheist Community of Austin, The Salvation Army, Lakewood Church, or Holy Ghost Ministries. So if your accountant tells you to find a charity to throw some money at, or you just want to contribute, you can now get a tidy little write-off for your trouble. — I have a Patreon! Please support my work and get cool extra content. Have a look and check out my two new podcasts Ex Libris Obscura and Live! From the Public Domain in addition to my long running Naked Diner Podcast with co-host Andy Hall.
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One of the most striking things about Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate hearing last Thursday was how quickly the male Republican senators dismissed everything they heard from Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Kavanaugh of sexual assault.
Ford sat before the entire country and calmly laid out the details of her alleged assault in excruciating detail. It was as convincing as it was painful, and the all-male Republican panel sat silently through most of it.
And then came Kavanaugh.
His testimony was the polar opposite of Ford’s. He was angry, loud, and openly defiant. “This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit,” he fumed. “This is a circus!”
The strategy paid off. Inspired by Kavanaugh’s rage, the Republicans spent most of their time apologizing to him. He became the victim, and the hearing was suddenly about his pain and his struggle.
Here’s a question worth asking: if the tables were reversed, would Ford — or any woman — be rewarded in this way for expressing her rage? Probably not. Anger works for men in ways it doesn’t for women, and the Kavanaugh hearing was an unusually clear example of this.
A new book by Rebecca Traister, written long before the hearing last week, has a lot to say about why male and female anger plays so differently in our culture. Titled Good and Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger, Traister details the long history of female rage in this country, showing how it’s often mocked or caricatured but also how it has ignited many movements for social progress, including the early suffragist struggle and the more recent #MeToo movement.
I spoke to Traister last week, just before Ford and Kavanaugh testified in front of the Senate. We discussed the roots of female fury in America and what happens when it’s finally unleashed in the political sphere. I also asked her what the #MeToo movement and Kavanaugh’s nomination reveal about this cultural moment.
A lightly edited transcript of our conversation follows.
Sean Illing
You speak of women’s anger as both catalytic and problematic. What does it catalyze, and for whom is it problematic?
Rebecca Traister
It could be catalytic and problematic for the very same people. It is catalytic because of its ability to communicate shared frustration over injustice or a need to resist some injustice, and then once you have the communicative part, you can get to the mobilizing and action part.
At the same time, all that rage can be problematic because it’s hard to contain, hard to direct. This is true of the women’s movement, but also of every social movement. There are always internal frustrations within a movement that can split it into factions and undercut solidarity. So rage is powerful in terms of setting things in motion, but if it boils over, it can destroy a movement from the inside.
“People in power have assumed that they can behave in certain ways and get away with it”
Sean Illing
Anger works for men in ways it doesn’t for women, and we — as a culture — cater to male rage and often punish women for expressing their rage. How do you make sense of this in the book?
Rebecca Traister
Look at the 2016 presidential election. On the one hand, we had two very different candidates, with two very different ideologies, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, and they were understood to be successful in part because they were able to channel rage so effectively. It may have been rage over different things, but it was rage all the same. And they were applauded for this, for tapping into the frustrations and passions of their supporters. It was seen as a political skill, something almost noble.
This wasn’t true or possible for Hillary Clinton. To be honest, Clinton is not rhetorically gifted and not great at conveying anger, but almost every time she appeared to get angry or upset, she was criticized for it. It’s harder for women to traffic in anger without being punished, because we’re conditioned to avoid being publicly angry, and we’re told from birth that anger makes us unlikable and unserious. So we avoid it. And every time Clinton was called “shrill,” we were reminded of this.
Sean Illing
And yet here we are, in this moment, where women are getting more vocal and more comfortable expressing their rage, and who knows what might become of that. Do you think there’s something almost perversely beautiful about this moment, about the urgency of the struggle and the threat?
Rebecca Traister
There are different kinds of incentives in place to keep women from taking seriously the anger of other women, and one of the things about the past couple of years has been the insistence on staying angry, and this has come as a surprise to me. Even as I was writing this book, I kept thinking there would be this surge and that it would fade in a few weeks or so. But it hasn’t gone away, and it’s incredible.
And we’re watching a Supreme Court nomination being actively and crucially disrupted by the allegations of sexual misconduct and sexual abuse. I’m not sure that would have happened without the #MeToo movement preceding it. So all of this is producing political results, and I’m thankful for that.
I’m also encouraged by teachers strikes across the country and the activists who protested the health care repeal and all the women we’re seeing running for Congress. So it’s beautiful to see this anger translate into real political outcomes and not just fade away into nothingness. Women are refusing to just let their rage go, and that’s remarkable to watch.
“Political fury is baked into this country’s founding”
Sean Illing
I think a lot about how we describe different kinds of oppression, how some forms of oppression are easier to diagnose, easier to criticize than others. I wonder if you think it’s more difficult to talk about the oppression of women because they’re a majority and not a minority, which seems counterintuitive to the way we usually think of oppression.
Rebecca Traister
Absolutely, and it’s such an interesting question. You can think about this on a number of levels, but I’ll just focus on the personal. Every woman, across racial and class lines, has men in her personal and professional life, and her resistance to gender inequities is a kind of challenge to the dynamics of all of these relationships. If she stands her ground, there are consequences. It can alter these relationships.
One of the costs women incur when they push for these changes is that they get blamed, not incorrectly, for disturbing these bonds. During the second wave of feminism, you saw a huge spike in divorce rates, for example. That was a direct consequence of the political struggle.
I hear stories all the time from women today who have become politicized in the last two years and their romantic relationships are changing as a result. We’re trying to change the rules in the middle of a game we’re all a part of, because we’ve all been raised in an unequal society, and there’s no way to change that without paying a price.
But yeah, the fact that women are a majority, and the inequities we’re contesting are so pervasive and internalized, makes this fight both more difficult and disruptive.
Sean Illing
Speaking of disruptions, we’re having this conversation against the backdrop of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, which has been derailed by allegations of sexual assault and sexual misconduct. How does this ongoing saga align with the story you’re telling in this book?
Rebecca Traister
This feels like a catalytic moment to me. People in power have assumed that they can behave in certain ways and get away with it. We have active examples of that. For example, our sitting president, despite being accused by multiple people of sexual assault in the days before the election, won anyway. We have certain assumptions in this country that you can participate in acceptable forms of abuse and it will not interfere with your life, will not undercut your political power.
And we’re told all the time that our stories don’t count — the kind of stories Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez told about Brett Kavanaugh, for example. And we don’t tell them because we know that we’ll be attacked as unreliable. But I was deeply moved by the fact that Ramirez, who says Kavanaugh exposed himself to her when they were freshmen at Yale, admitted to being drunk when it happened. That’s not the story we’re encouraged to tell, but it’s true and it happened and she said it.
“It’s harder for women to traffic in anger without being punished, because we’re conditioned to avoid being publicly angry”
Sean Illing
In the book, you also talk about some of the anger that women feel toward other women, especially white women, who sometimes shut off or dial down their anger at the expense of other women. I mention this because I think it touches a core problem every social justice movement encounters: the apathy of the privileged.
Rebecca Traister
The people who can afford to be apathetic are invested in the continuation of a power structure. For example, we shouldn’t be surprised that 53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump. White women have voted for Republican candidates for a long time, even though those candidates represented the continuation of a capitalist patriarchal power structure. Fifty-six percent voted for Romney over Obama in 2012, so 53 percent is actually an improvement.
So white women support the system because they believe they derive benefits from it. Even though many of them are oppressed in various ways, their proximity to power — and their attachment to those who benefit directly from it — makes them less likely to challenge the system. I think that’s always been the case.
Sean Illing
So what does victory, right now in this moment, look like?
Rebecca Traister
Obviously, elections matter. But it’s not just about the midterms or the next presidential election. This is a long-term movement, and like every long-term movement, it will take decades of work.
For example, there are a lot of women running for Congress right now, and that’s great, but it’s not just about women candidates. How many of them are actually going to win? I don’t know the answer to that, but it matters. And it’s also about what it will mean to bring women into the electoral system as activated citizens.
We’re seeing women run and canvass and fundraise and volunteer in ways we haven’t seen before, and many of them were activated by the Women’s March — that was the first time they ever protested. When you bring new people into the process like that, things can happen.
What are the long-term effects of all this? I’m not sure, but I know some of the things I’d like to see. I’d like to see Brett Kavanaugh denied a seat on the Supreme Court. I would like to not confirm someone who will overturn Roe v. Wade or gut voting rights or further diminish collective bargaining rights. I would like to see Democrats take back the House, the Senate, and, as soon as possible, the White House. I would like to see a $15 minimum wage and a federal jobs program and much stronger social safety nets.
These changes would fundamentally alter the power structure when it comes to gender, race, and economic inequality. But all of this won’t happen on November 6, no matter how the elections go. Again, this is a long-term struggle and we’re just at the beginning of the latest cycle of change.
This project will take the rest of our lives.
Original Source -> Rebecca Traister on the revolutionary power of female rage 
via The Conservative Brief
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