#hinata brings out a different side of him šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š
lotus-duckies Ā· 6 months
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so like do you think the kitagawa guys were ever on the recieving end of This Kageyama or is it reserved for hinata specifically
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kankuroplease Ā· 2 years
Can we have Michi Uchiha hcs?
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Being the daughter of a best selling author and martial artists meant she had access to a lot of resources and was taught self defense
Being Bossā€™s youngest came with many perks, including being luxury vacations, gifts, and bodyguards
She didnā€™t understand that her family was unconventional in a lot of ways nor why they didnā€™t live with father (Madara) and her other siblings
But she was happy with living with her Mama and Papa (Hashirama). Her older half-sister, Tsunade, would even come to visit from time to time and play cards with papa
And when she did stay with Father on the weekends, she got to see her other siblings! So she would say her childhood was fun
Her father gave her what ever she wanted and spoiled her on their father daughter dates after his boring meetings. Itā€™s how she ended up with matching diamond earrings and a necklace at 4.
Uncle Izuna let her sit in his lap most of those meetings and would cover her ears from time to time with headphones.
The grownups around would look unhappy when this happened, but Izuna would tell her later that they were just upset they couldnā€™t listen to music too and had to listen to fathers boring rants.
At first it was just her sisters who would play tea parties with and listen gleefully to their gossip about the different families around theirs
And Obito who was the silly older brother that always was sneaking out and ruffling her hair. Her older sister said he was adopted and she shouldnā€™t waste her time with him(?), but heā€™d always been there for her
One of her earliest memories was Obito playing with her on the playgset he seemed too big for
Then one Saturday, she was introduced to Shisui. Her new older brother.
Shisui was debonair. He could do all the dances that Obito always stepped on her feet trying to do
He never messed up her hair and let her have his pudding without her asking she didnā€™t have to ask, she was starring at it while practically drooling
As they all grew up and left home, Michi decided to move in with her Father per his request.
By then she knew her presence at her original home would only bring her mom and papa more problems.
Sheā€™s a Madara daughter and had an understanding that life she once perceived as normal, was anything but.
She loves her father, brothers, sisters, and uncle, but theyā€™re very dangerous people.
More than once she has used her fathers favor to leave Obito be. Heā€™s happier than sheā€™s ever seen him and thatā€™s do to his chosen family. He doesnā€™t need to be involved in serious crimes and possibly lose everything heā€™s worked for šŸ’€
Sheā€™s a very kind and soft spoken person, will give you the short off her back if you need it. but she is also a black belt and carries a gun at all times. Donā€™t mess with her.
Sells handmade soaps because they make her happy šŸ˜Š
She was pretty sure every man that talked to her only did so because of who her father was and what they can gain from marrying her
The idea of marriage put a bad taste in her mouth thanks to these suitors throwing themselves at her (bro, you like my dad, not me.)
But she did get heart eyes when the Hyuga angel of death stuck up for her during one of Obitoā€™s matches.
She was seconds away from breaking that guys nose (possible connections be damned), but chivalry is not dead and he looked so cool doing it šŸ„¹ļæ¼ ļæ¼
Sheā€™d seen him around for years at some of the meetings, so it only seemed natural that she offered to thank him with a gift of gratitude
She was aware of the side glances of the Hyuga when she and her bodyguards stepped into their territory, but given she cleared it with their boss beforehand (she wanted to thank one of his men and him, how could he say no?)
It was at that meeting that Michi gained some respect for herself from Hinata and Neji. Itā€™s also when she personally got their phone numbers for business
But over time texting Neji and him responding within the day became the normal. He even showed up to spar with her when she invited him
She wouldnā€™t tell Madara about this for Nejiā€™s safety
His proposition of a marriage blindsided her a bit. Become a Hyuga bride?! HIM TELLING HER HIS INTENTIONS IS ONLY A FORMALITY!? She thought he lost his mind
But the more he explained, the better it sounded. A wife in title only; sheā€™s free to do as she pleases in most ways (just no additional lovers and she has to show up to at least two events a year), sheā€™ll have her own room, a hefty allowance on top of her own earnings, live in maids and cooks, this is good way to calm both sides, only be expected to provide one heir (they can use ivf), heā€™s not very interested in sex but is more than confident he can preform if she decides she wants it, an official contract with all the terms that really protect her, and she can add her own stipulations to it?
All of it sounded too good to be true until he explained heā€™s probably going to benefit the most from their union. With their marriage, heā€™d be next inline to be the Hyuga boss. Heā€™s done the footwork, he just would appreciate her cooperation ļæ¼
He was basically offering her luxury life without love, which if she was honest, she never expected a love story in her life
She also wasnā€™t expecting her father to give her the option of what she actually wanted to do here
Her yes came under the condition that Neji would at least spend time with her. She doesnā€™t truly know him and would like to at least know him as a person. The goof and the bad.
Their wedding was a blur to her, expect for hearing some guy with bushy brows on Nejiā€™s side crying loudly. Never in her life did she think sheā€™d be married to a Hyuga
Their wedding night.. she was very surprised with herself and what he could make her body do ā€œnot very interestedā€, didnā€™t mean he was virgin like she expected
She became the wife that tries to do it all. She wasnā€™t allowed to clean up messes or cook at home, so itā€™s fun to her and she gives the staff a lot of paid for vacation days (her allowance being put to good use)
Neji trying her food makes her feel happy and him trying to make his home hers too
Half the time itā€™s just him politely spitting it out in a napkin and doing it over himself while telling her about a cooking class heā€™s heard of from Hanabi
His grumpy look when she explains on of the dramas sheā€™s watching as he gets furious over the leadā€™s stupidity is the cutest in her opinion
What sheā€™s most happy about is that heā€™ll cuddle her back. She hasnā€™t had cuddles sense she moved out of her Mom and papaā€™s place
She adores the cat he got for her! Heā€™s literally the best husband If you ask her
She really like the Lee guy thatā€™s always around and enthusiastic, he makes for a great morning run partner
Sheā€™s also the more forward one in their sex life and will make the first move if heā€™s looking at her with sudden interest
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ciaossu-imagines Ā· 9 months
Yeah. Like I watched seven episodes the first day (so six after I initially sent you the message) and finished it the next. Like I wanted to get to Lawlessā€™ episodes because I just wanted to know what he sounded like and then the episode ended with a small bit of him and I just needed to watch a bit more but after episode 7 I knew I could take a break. I just couldnā€™t stop because of how much I loved itĀ  and wanted to see what would happen next. I see. I might be wrong here since I still havenā€™t touched the manga and have only watched the movie today but from what I saw on the wiki and in the movie, it seems like the movie takes place after the events of the 12th episode but covers events that happened before the Greed pair appeared (like it literally says it covers those events on the wiki so Iā€™ll see for myself at some point). So itā€™s a bit different. But either way it was a really good movie and I definitely enjoyed it and hope you do as well. And thatā€™s totally cool. Like I also took days to respond last time because I wasnā€™t able to find the time before then. And I sent so many messages this time, with sure some images but itā€™s still *a lot*. And thank you for saying that šŸ˜Š It also takes me really long so donā€™t feel badĀ  about it or anything. Take all the time you need.
I love how youā€™re surprised by Lawless since for me loving him just made sense. Me too when it comes down to Mikuni. Like the movie revealed some stuff about his past and even though it answered some things, Iā€™m still really intrigued about him and just want to see his full life and how he got Abel. No. For a change youā€™re absolutely wrong. Itā€™s Lawlessā€™s constantly caring and protective side even though I know he doesnā€™t always say the best things (and can be quite merciless at times). Also like, heā€™s the only one who disagreed with all of his siblings about that thing in the past after the vote had been then so it shows how good his heart is. Licht is just not my kind of guy and heā€™s just far too aggressive towards Lawless at times for my liking. Like even if Lawless wasnā€™t one of my faves, Iā€™d still think that. But I do really like their song. And yeah. Like I loved his voice first and then him. Which was a bit unfair but it is what it is. I love that the opening is so inspirational to you.
I think the anime mightā€™ve gotten ahead in some ways but yeah, Iā€™ll see. And itā€™s nice to hear that the manga is just as enjoyable. I donā€™t know when Iā€™ll get to it, maybe in a few weeks or so, but Iā€™ll definitely let you know then.
Thank you so much for the last bit of your message as well.
Also, on an entirely different note I wanted to check your fandom list to see whether there were any other anime I might liked and went to look up ā€˜Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kunā€™ since thatā€™s one of the first ones on your list. Upon seeing the poster and images, I was like ā€œToo colourful for meā€ but I still scrolled down to see which voice actors it has and Lawlessā€™s voice actor voices a main character (Alice Asmodeus) so Iā€™ll probably also try to check that out and some point. Not only that but Hughā€™s voice actor (who does Hinata in Haikyuu!!) is the main main character so yeah, no chance of resisting that.
So, because I don't know if C is actively keeping track on the replies, and to kind of group everything into one post to make it easier for them to read it, I'm going to group the replies on the post, the ones that came via inbox, and this reply to them into one big post! I hope nobody minds and that it all makes sense to read!
So, to start replying to C! I'm so glad you enjoyed the anime enough to speed through it like that. I love also that wanting to hear a particular voice actor in their part made you so excited for the upcoming episodes and I really enjoy how much voice actors work means to you, how you have all these favourite voice actors and really recognize and respect their hard work in bringing these beloved characters to the screen or their work in making these characters so beloved. I know there are active fandoms out there for particular voice actors, but I still always feel like they're a little underloved and not as recognized as they should be within fandom as a whole, so your excitement and love for them is great to see. As more of a manga reader myself, like I've said, I honestly don't know a lot of the voice actors as well as you do, but even I have my favourites (just as I have my favourite podcasters, because their voices soothe me and make me feel comforted). And I will definitely look forward to watching the movie then and am glad you enjoyed it!
And thank you, as always, my dear, for being so chill and patient when it comes to me taking a bit to reply to our messages. It's very appreciated, and please don't worry about taking your time to reply last time too, I knew you were celebrating with family and busy with holidays and really was surprised with how quick you had replied, considering it was the holiday season and I knew you had family around (and while I'll talk about it in our messages, really hope the trip was super fantastic).
And I was surprised! I love the fact that you surprise me, even as well as we've gotten to know each other. And I will guarantee that the manga goes more into Mikuni and Abel and it's really lovely (and some beautiful manga panels just artistically speaking, just giving my opinion here). And see, I think that might be another way the anime really differed from the manga, in reagards to the vote, because there were multiple siblings in the manga for sure who had been against it. And that is interesting to read, your views and interpretations of both Licht and Lawless so thank you so much for sharing that! It was a great read!
Lastly, before we get into the other messages and really getting into what thoughts people had on Servamp anime versus Servamp manga, I'm going to answer C properly on her last paragraph. Again, I'm trash with recognizing different voices (and do watch Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun dubbed, sue me, it's easier to do as I often sit and do my embroidery with the episodes) so I hadn't realized they shared a voice! Or that Hugh was also Hinata! That was cool to learn. I will say I love Alice and definitely think you'll enjoy him if you do end up trying Iruma-kun, though I'm actually making a pretty solid bet that he won't end up being your absolute favourite, even with the voice being an actor you love! Just not enough in common with your normal favourites, and I do think at least one of the staff will be among your favourites lists. I do see your 'very colourful' comments on Iruma-kun, but honestly, it's one of the more recent anime/mangas that really remind me of the classic Big 3 (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece) that were huge throughout the time I was coming into fandom proper and even being new, it has this great nostalgic vibe to me probably because of that. I would really recommend it to anyone who loves any of those.
Now into the actual comments and views on the manga versus anime for Servamp! Like I said, I don't know if C saw these on the actual post, so just reposting them here to make sure they do!
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And this one came through the ask box!
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I think I'm realizing that I'm actually probably really lenient on what I consider a good adaptation, haha, but maybe that's because I've suffered through some really terrible adaptions (2016 Berserk, which remains one of the worst I've ever seen, Deadman Wonderland's anime adaption which turned a largely horror based manga to kind of straight shounen, Bleach where the anime was at least a good 40% filler and which really did water down a lot of the battles, the dub of Ghost Stories which likeā€¦it's so bad it's funny and I honestly do feel bad for anyone who wanted and still wants a good dub of that, the Junji Ito anime collection which was doomed from the beginning because I really don't think there's a good way to properly translate Ito from page to screen, the way Soul Eater ended makes it to me a horrible adaption because fuck that ending, Saiyuki in a way because even though I do love the anime I'll admit it severely watered down a lot of things and did censor a lot to make it suitable for broadcast, the reminder that the 4kids dub of One Piece exists, Eyeshield 21's anime). So maybe I have been too forgiving because the general consensus does really seem to be that the manga and anime diverged greatly and that the best bet is to read the manga from the beginning to really get the full story. And, since I admit to being mostly manga now on that, though I do enjoy watching the anime every now and then, I do get and appreciate everyone's views on that! Thank you so much for everyone who chimed in on that, and I'll ask C, if they start the manga and decide to read it through, to let me know through ask box so all those fans who took the time to weigh in can know how C likes it and if they agree on the manga versus anime!
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