#all of his nightmares are about nailing kageyama in the head
lotus-duckies · 6 months
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so like do you think the kitagawa guys were ever on the recieving end of This Kageyama or is it reserved for hinata specifically
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honey-makki · 4 years
hello there congrats on 666 😎 can i ummm get some,,,, F, K, P, Y for kageyama coz i feel like there isn't much content for him?? and also bc he's my fav boy 🤭😳🤲
Kageyama Tobio
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f- favorite
yes he loves milk, but he loves milk tea more! king of the boba dates. his likes soft floral flavors and honey boba. Also enjoys grass jelly but hATES popping boba. Loves to get a boba tea and then go walk around and watch the sunset.
k- kiss
Younger Kags? You lead for sure. He’s nervous and hesitant but still enjoys it. He’s honestly bad at it but he’s trying and that’s all that matters ❤️ post time skip? Baby boy got MOVES. He knows how to kiss and when to do specific things to make his partner come undone. Kiss his jawline and he melts.
p- pet peeve
Driving. I don’t think her likes to drive at all. He wanted to learn just in case he needs too. He is heavy footed and riding with him is the worst. He has had multiple nightmares about parallel parking. failed his driver test four times but now he can “legally” drive
y- youth
He really liked the neighborhood stray cats and one time he found a kitten that his parents let him keep. He loves this tiny ass cat so much y’all. It’s a tabby and needy and cuddly and it’s how he becomes less touch averse and I’m making myself soft will spend so much money on his cat and use it as an excuse to not hang out “oh sorry gotta feed my cat” but he goes home and cuddles it so it’s not really a lie
f- favorite position
I think he likes bending you over things. Especially in front of mirrors. Over a bathroom counter where you have to look at him pounding into you. He loves to push your head down but also run his hands up and down your sides. Bites the fuck out of your back and it’s very hot
✨Marking✨ he likes hickies sure and he def gave you a necklace with his initials on it but he loves biting. Like whole ass BITING. You got teeth mark bruises on your back but he’s polite enough to hide them. Loves to press on them and make you squirm in public. slight pain kink if you squint. like you digging your nails into him or pulling on his hair. Ok maybe you don’t have to squint for it.
p- pace
Hard and fast 💞. He is not playing around! If he’s getting in your guts he’s getting in your guts. Loves the sound of skin on skin and just vulgar noises coming from your hole. Will switch it up in the middle of a session just to fuck with your mind a bit but always gets back into a brutal pace.
y- yearning
Honestly I think he has a fairly low sex drive. He might get a little antsy before a game but a jerking off is more than adequate. But when he is needy he NEEDS attention. Like he needs to fuck ASAP and just get it out. But like that doesn’t mean he won’t take care of you. You will enjoy yourself just as much as he does. 💞
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mcshiiin · 4 years
Title: Not My Energy
Pairings: KageHina
Sypnosis: A short, sad songfic about the two where Hinata lost his ability to fly
Song used: Not my Energy by IV of Spades
[A/n: Thank you for reading! I hope u enjoy huhu]
"I've ran out of reasons, reasons to comfort my mind."
Harbingers of daybreak busted his windows open. With gleaming dark eyes and sleek black talons, a crow stared straight to his soul. A sudden prickling sensation running from his toes began clobbering his body, rendering him paralyzed. Panting... Gasping... Drowning his mind in a sea of sorrow.
"Illusions, delusions. Confusions are running inside."
Hinata, despite sinking down the shallow waters feels as if he's floating mid-ar, going "boing boing". Slowly plummeting down the sea floor, he never hit the bottom. Instead, he landed rather harshly on the plywood surface of the gym. A familiar stinging pain on his palm smiled at him viciously. Taken aback, he grabbed his thumping, hollow chest and inhaled as much air as he could. An unforgiving force clashed against his torso, almost obliteraring him before the ceiling collapsed.
"Pale lips and dark lies has conquered the dreamer's eyes."
Poring dreamily at the honey glazed tree tops with hooded eyes, a sigh escaped from his drought ridden lips. While licking away the parchness on his lips, a worried yet kind gaze cut through him from the opened door.
"Sho-kun, you're going to be alright. Don't worry sweetie, we're here for you."
"Nii-chan! Hang in there. I love you!"
The warmth from his sister's hug dissipated into thin air. The soft caress from his Mom ghosted above his puffed out cheeks. Forcing his lips to curl upwards, he fooled them. Just as how their words of affirmation and consolidation were mere lies to comfort him.
" 'Cause there is something in those eyes I can never find, boy."
"Hinata boke..."
Shoyo swore Kageyama's voice were softer than ever. Terrified to face him, the bed ridden boy looked away. His bones shaking. His muscles tensed up.
"I don't want to dive in those same steel blue orbs..."
He kept his mouth silent. He kept his resolve solid. Then it crumbled down.
A feverish touch was ignited from Kageyama's fingertips grazing atop Hinata's trembling hand. The setter is careful enough not to break him, delicately and softly, he slid his hand and interwined it with his partner's. Shoyo's ribcage shattered, his throbbing heart and strained heartstrings tore it down.
His orbs stung with pain as he stared back at steel blue ones.
"I'm sick and tired of the noices, the voices. Everything seems magical."
"We're here for you, Hinata."
"Call us anytime!"
"I'm sure everything will be figured out by the adults. Cheer up, Hinata!"
"Let's buy popsicles when you're discharged, ne Shoyo?"
"Here's some food for you, eat up. You're getting thinner. Ne? I'm the best senpai aren't I?"
"Don't worry too much. Idiots don't get sick, tch."
"Tsukki's right, you'll be okay, Hinata."
"I--no we, are here for you. Don't worry about catching up to class, I can teach you anytime!"
"Get some rest and take care please."
"I won't bother you with my words, Hinata-kun. You'll be okay, I'll pray for it."
"Rest up well, kid."
Everything and everyone seemed to pass by in a blur. Their faces muddled together like a murky pond. Indis​cern​ible. Chafing. Quaint. As if it never happened, as if he never heard anything.
"I'm sorry but there's nothing that we can do..."
"D-doctor no-!"
What? He heard nothing. His mother's face didn't crumple to despair. Her hands didn't ball into a fist. Her lips did not quiver. She never looked at him with those eyes.
No. Natsu is a sweet and clingy sister, her hugging him to death is nothing. She always said that his hands are rough, calloused, and big. They're also warm, and emollient. Maybe that's why she's holding it tight. Oh? Natsu is drooling. He chuckled, overseeing the shuddering figure of his dear sister.
Such an ethereal dream it is.
"And yes, my mind is awakened, dead conscience. Eveyday's a torture for me."
Panting heavily whilst swimming in a sea if sweat, Shoyo is wide awake. But, awake from what? Running away from what, his reality or his nightmares? Scampering to and fro, for what? Just to slam his head on a rock, trying to shake his dreams up.
He doesn't know what's hounding hin anymore.
He run a hand through his thick tuft of hair, unable to get back to sleep. A frown creeping up on his lips as he tries to pry his gaze to his legs. His world stilled. His breathing stopped. His mind blown to smithereens.
It hurts. The seering pain from mid-thigh down to his calf. It hurts, so he screamed.
"No I am not holding on to the darkness, 'cause you're already in my mind."
Natsu must be lying, his hands isn't big at all! She probably hasn't seen Kageyama's slender, setter hands. They look also pretty. Tobio's obviously taking good care of it, he bet that he goes as far as taking it to the nail salon. He's both dilligent and an idiot. He wants himself to be in a perfect condition so he can exert his best every game.
Shoyo wonders what lotion his setter is using. He want to buy one for himself too. How irksome it is to look at your partner's long fingers, perfectly groomed nails (it must be nice to have a manicure once), and mosturized, vanilla scented palms whilst yours is anything like that.
"Hmm spacing out?"
Tobio snaked his arms to his frail waist. Nudging his face deep into Shoyo's neck. So warm. So cool. So comfortable. Too real.
"Nah, I'm barely hanging."
"And if you would walk alone, then just do it. The clock is ticking backwards."
A tall, tall wall looms before him. The view from the top. He wants to see it. But he never can, unless alone.
And now, he's more alone than ever.
"Onigiri, pork buns, curry, what do you want honey?"
He's out in the cold again. Jumping higher, digging deeper, receiving with his face to no end. Wheezing as his body thrives, playing as his blood pulsiates. His heart more alive than before. His grin toothier than before. Hinata Shoyo loving too hard ever than before.
The pure joy from he gets from being with the team. The steam he emitts whenever Tsukishima pushes his buttons as Yamaguchi fell in line with laughing at him. The always fidgetty Yachi and Asahi-san. His superb senpais. That reminds him, he need to ask Nishinoya-senpai to teach him the rolling thunder double. The hardworking second years, the goddess Kiyoko-san, everyone. Even Daichi-san's roaring voice along with Suga-san's refreshing smile.
And of course, the skull-crusher milk boy who knows no word except Boke.
"I'm going alone."
"I ain't got it all, I don't care. You're not my energy."
Extending his arms, reaching with his hands, everyone is too far away.
Lying awake for hours, figuring how to run, how to fly.
Then, his bed decided to swallow him up.
A stringent touch engulfed his throat that produced an acrid cry from his mouth. The need for air is urgent, but his compressed windpipes aches with the mere presence of oxygen flowing through. For a second he thought the hold loosen, then his limbs. were vehemently ripped apart.
As blood splattered, his lower region were mangled.
"Your tears are in laughter while your smile is in despair."
Happiness looks good in Kageyama and Natsu. No doubt, hands down, bets raised.
Their carefree laughter bounced off the four walls of his room. Pearly white teeth are exposed as their lips ae stretched up to a smile. As far as their drinking game goes, Natsu is losing. Yes, they're drinking milk, much to Kageyama's delight.
Shoyo lost a long atime ago and the two milk heads are on it. The way their eyebrows knits together in concentration, noses scrunched up, and cheeks puffed out is a sight to see. You don't get to watch Kageyama with a child that doesn't cry within his mere presence, let alone play with him.
"I can't hold it in! I'm going to pee!"
The shorter ball of fluff ran outside as fast as her legs could carry her. Just a little bit more... three more steps... two... then one. She got in!
Natsu came back to her brother wiping his tears as he cackle like a rooster. He reminded her of the Kuroo Tetsurou that he once mentioned, bedhead, hyena laugh and all. When she glanced to her Kageyama-nii-chan, she was almost blinded. His higantic smiles were presented at her boldly. A soft glow from the dying sun illuminated his face. She can feel the love strongly eminating from these two.
Just as the puzzle is coming on together, someone had to filp the table and topple off the pieces.
Whimpers and hiccups. Rattling and rustles. Disintegrating and decaying. Shoyo-nii-chan is crying.
One end of his lips tugged upward. Blood-curling smirk emblazoned on his dainty face. And as she peek at the door opened ajar, tears came rolling down her rosy cheeks, staining the fabric of her shirt with pure sadness that a child can't comprehend. A younger sister shouldn't see her brother's soul being chipped off like that, you know.
"The poison of your tongue has killed all your truthful words."
His throat is a sand paper being stroked on a piece of wood that produces a nasty sound. It aches. It's painful to shout. It's straining. He too doesn't like sound coming off from his mouth. Disdainful words that tarnishes their bond, lacerating sentences that makes him bleed too.
"I don't need you!"
Yes I do.
"Go away!"
Please stay.
"I didn't like the food. It was awful."
They're my favorite, thank you.
"When I said I don't wan't to it, it means I don't! Don't force me!"
Maybe I'm a bit hungry?
I am a lost cause.
"Pale lips and dark eyes has broken the dreamer's lies."
He inaudibly shrieked one morning when he woke up. The world was wet with dew as it sleepily waved back at him. He tried to wave back, but the shock of living in monochrome froze him. Then he tumbled down with a thud.
For a moment he forgot what predicament he's in and tried to stand up only to out balance himself and landed face first down their wooden floor. Natsu, who was never asleep the entire night, came rushing by to her brother's room beside hers. Clearly shocked and bemused at her nii-chan's bleeding nose and busted lip, she stood frozen. A part of her wants to laugh but the other half actually feels bad. And good thing she did, because the next scene was horrifying.
A soul was broken.
"There is something in your mind you can never find, boy."
Searching. Wandering. Roaming around an unprecedented area.
What was he seeking?
He alwas have thought that it was the adrenaline. His heart beating so fast, so loud that he can hear it through his ears. An energy flowing deep within, tingling his senses, pricking under his skin. He enjoys the rush, the pain, the smile in his teammates' lips.
Yet when he stared at Kageyama, he realized it wasn't.
What kept him alive...
"Im sick and tired of the voices, the noises. Everything seems magical."
"Hinata boke..."
...was love.
"My eyes are hiding the pavements of my vacancy. You can't take the power from me."
Kageyama wish he could hold Shoyo tighter. Peacefully zoning out in his arms, a small drool pooling below his mouth, and beautiful long lashes. So angelic and breathtaking.
Yet he still fears poring directly in his partner's eyes for they scream,
"I'm going to eat you alive."
Placing a kiss atop his head, a sigh escaped his lips. Then, honey-flecked orbs dangerously stared at him. A tremble was awaken inside his body.
"I love you."
The both of then were taken aback by his sudden words. Hinata was left in awe, speechless while Kageyama quickly recovered his composure. He came into terms with his feelings finally just right now, it's now or never.
"I want you more than any perfect toss. It's you that I want to hit my balls. We're partners, aren't we? I want to be by your side, holding you, loving you. We'll drink hundred liters of milk, we'll eat as many pork buns as you want. I want to spend my life with you."
"I know it'a sudden but Hina--!"
"Loving means being alive. Being alive is being able to love,
But you see, living, is not my energy."
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hq-cuties-pls · 7 years
Heyhey! (^-^)/ My last days were really terrible (T,T), so, can I have some "cute" little scenario, where Ushijima, Aone (my two big fluffy bears), Asahi and Kuroo just changin' their clothes, and their teammates see the scratches on the boys' back? (From their gf, of course. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) Their reactions?
This request was super fun to write, and honestly a great study in team dynamics! Apologies if I (Admin Alyx) ruined Dateko, because I don’t write them very much!
-Admins Alyx and Emma
“Jesus, Wakatoshi, what happened to you?”
Ushijima raised his eyebrows askance at Tendou, crumpling his practice shirt in his hands; “Nothing. It was a good practice and I am in good health.”
“No, you doof, your back!” Tendou exclaimed. “You look like you got in a fight with a drunken tiger and lost!”
“Yikes,” Yamagata hissed, wincing visibly when he caught a glance. “Looks like it hurt.”
Ushijima looked over his shoulder, catching the reflection of his back in the mirror. It was a nightmare–long, red scratches ran from the tops of his shoulders all the way to the taper of his waist, interspersed with the occasional bite mark. He felt the tops of his cheeks warm a bit at the memory of the previous night–the way you clung to him, the way you writhed under him, the delicious point of pain when you ran your nails down his back…
“Ah,” he grunted. “____ should probably trim her nails next time.”
“Next time?” Tendou tilted his head before narrowing his eyes in that weird, almost cat-like smirk of his. “Wakatoshi-kun, are you and ____… having some fun?”
“Satori! That’s rude!” Reon chastised. “It’s none of our business.”
“It’s a friendly question,” Tendou protested.
“It’s rude,” Semi said flatly, slipping into his post-practice shirt. “So long as you’re being safe, Wakatoshi. Are you?”
“Of course,” Ushijima responded.
“Ha! So you admit it!” Tendou exclaimed, thrusting his finger out in an exaggeratedly accusatory gesture.
Ushijima blinked a few times, quirking one of his eyebrows; “Admit… that ____ and I are having sex? I suppose so, but I figured the scratches spoke for themselves.”
A loud wolf whistle echoed through the locker room.
The cause was obvious–Aone’s broad, pale back was absolutely covered in scratch marks, bright red standing out starkly against his skin.
“Man, get it, Aone!” Futakuchi said.
Kamasaki, who had joined them for practice that day, took a swing at Futakuchi, who ducked quickly.
“Not in front of the first years, you asshole! But… nice, Aone!” Kamasaki said, giving a thumbs up. Futakuchi cackled, clapping Aone on the back.
Aone, who had been silently watching the scene unfold, simply gave a knowing smile as he pulled his shirt on over his head.
“Doesn’t that hurt, Aone-san?” Koganegawa asked, prompting Futakuchi to dissolve into raucous laughter again.
“Yes, but–”
“WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT NOT IN FRONT OF THE FIRST YEARS!” Kamasaki shouted. “Aone! I trusted you!”
“It’s always the quiet ones, my man,” Futakuchi said.
“Yeah, get it, Asahi-san!”
Asahi froze when he heard Nishinoya shouting at him. He’d sort of… forgotten the number you’d done on his back the last time you were together. At the time, he’d loved it. At the time, it’d been a sign of your pleasure, and he’d loved rolling into your soft body like that while you dug into his shoulders and back, biting down on the muscle between his neck and shoulders. Unfortunately, there had been some very visible consequences. They hadn’t been such an issue until he forgot he had to get undressed in front of other people.
“You’re so crude, Noya,” Daichi chastised.
“You’d have said the same thing, Daichi, and you know it,” Suga teased. “Although… yeesh, it looks painful.”
“Bet it was worth it, eh, Asahi-san?” Noya pressed, nudging Asahi in the ribs. Asahi buried his face in his t-shirt, trying to suppress the groan he desperately wanted to let out. Of course this was how today was going to go. Because this was his life.
“What was worth it?” Kageyama asked, emerging from wherever he’d been hiding. Judging by the utterly blank expression on his face, he had no clue what anyone was talking about.
“Please, can I tell him?” Tsukishima asked with a laugh. “Please? You won’t have to get me Christmas presents for the rest of my life.”
“You’re all terrible influences, you know that?” Asahi exclaimed, yanking on his practice shirt with an indignant huff, although he did hiss when the fabric scraped over the scratches.
“You started this,” Daichi countered with a smirk. “Coming in here with your hickies and your sex-scratches… living up to your delinquent reputation, hm?”
Asahi quirked his eyebrows; “Only with ____, and only when she asks nicely.”
He was mortified, but seeing Daichi utterly lose any semblance of composure was totally worth it.
“I didn’t need to see that,” Kenma said flatly, looking up from his DS with his nose scrunched in distaste.
“See what?” Kuroo asked, though the way he immediately spun around to hide his thoroughly ravaged back from view implied he wasn’t completely clueless.
“Your back is covered in scratches, Captain!” Fukunaga said straight-faced, one index finger raised. His wide eyes created the guise of innocence, but the way the corners of his mouth turned up said otherwise.
Kuroo’s face flushed bright red like someone had cranked up a dial. “Wha–I, uh, that’s weird, I have no idea–”
“Mmrrrooooooowww,” Fukunaga interrupted in an uncanny imitation of a cat, lifting both his hands to mime scratching something.
The room erupted in roars of laughter. Yamamoto appeared to be crying from laughing so hard, while Yaku was snickering into his hand.
“Ooohhh, did your cat scratch you? Make sure you disinfect that!” Lev said.
The laughter only got worse after that, while Lev looked utterly confused. Kuroo yanked his shirt on to hide the incriminating evidence.
“You’re all terrible,” Kuroo said.
“You fit right in, then,” said Kenma. “Seriously, I did not need that image in my head, Kuro.”
“It’s not my fault, _____ just–”
“Nope! Not listening!”
Kenma quickly plugged his earbuds in, effectively checking out of the conversation.
“Okay but I was serious, though,” Lev said, remaining blissfully oblivious, “I had a cat scratch get super infected once! You should put some ointment on it, Captain!”
Kuroo turned around and slammed his head against the locker while Kai put a hand on Lev’s shoulder and said something to him in low tones. Lev’s eyebrows slowly lifted closer and closer to his hairline.
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sfw-haikyuu-nsfw · 7 years
I'm a slut for platonic friendship so can I get something like a chick flick marathon with Kageyama or Tsukishima with their fem friend.
Love, love, love this, Anon!
“Come on, it’s okay to fall asleep if you’re tired,” she laughed on her way over the the DVD player in order to switch out the movie. Taking up the case for 10 Things I Hate About You she turned to smile at Kageyama who sat groggily back on the couch. “I won’t do anything.”
Giving the smallest of glares in return, Kageyama pressed the heels of his hands hard against his eyes, trying to rub any sleep away from them. “That’s what you said last time and I ended up with popcorn in my nose and mouth until it was hard to breath.” He still didn’t find it amusing even two weeks later.
She was laughing again, harder this time with her head falling back on her shoulders. “I got, like, nearly one hundred pieces in your big mouth!” With the new movie in place, she hurried back to the couch and jumped into the seat next to him, hands jutting out to steal the pillow on his lap to cuddle it against her own. “I promise though, nothing will happen if you fall asleep.”
He glowered, body hunching forward in the slightest as he directed his tired gaze stubbornly on the television ahead. This was a common routine, he knew her - they were best friends, after all - and no way was he going to trust any promise she made in regards to her pranks. The time before the popcorn incident she had taken liberty to draw a handlebar mustache and unibrow on his face and managed to get him to school like that. Morning practice had been hell that day. And there was the time before that when he woke up with a set of long faux-acrylic nails on - painted orange and black with crows details and it was way cool, but that’s not the point - and it made setting an absolute nightmare. And then there was–
“Tobio? You fall asleep with your eyes open?” She was laughing again, almost uncontrollably and he wondered if they passed into the time zone of the night when everything was funny no matter how stupid.
Turning to look at her he realized that they were nearly halfway through the movie and he hadn’t taken in a single bit of it. A small groan left him before he was falling to his side, body curling until his head hit the pillow situated in her lap. “Do your demon business, I’m too tired.”
“Goodnight to you to, Tobio,” she spoke sweetly, hands already reaching for the hair gel she had stored in the drawer of the table next to the couch, “have sweet dreams of volleyball.”
“We watched Safe Haven last week,” Tsukishima complained from his spot in the large recliner. His hands were busy fiddling with the set of hair ties that had been given to him prior to her putting in their first movie for the night. “Why don’t we watch something like The Devil Wears Prada.”
She rolled her eyes before looking back at him, disk in hand. “We watched that last week too,” she pointed out with a smile.
Without returning it, he looked at her as though they were making the decision that would end all world wars. “Yes, but Meryl Streep is a goddess.”
“True, but Heath Ledger is fine,” she noted with a small wink before putting the disk into the player.
Rolling his eyes, he returned her smile, his hand lifting to gesture her over to him. “Just shut up and get over here so I can braid your hair.” He watched her press play and move across the living room to sit before him on the floor, his slender fingers automatically reaching to run through her hair. This has been a constant since they were small, him helping her with her hair. Not only because she just loved the way he would gently handle her locks, but also because he was just way good at it, despite not being raised with any sisters, he had learned well.
“The fact that you know every line just means we’ve watched this too much,” Tsukishima pointed out, hand hands delicately Parton her hair into three separate parts, “and I won’t even mention the fact that you have that dumb sonnet posted in your room.”
“It’s not dumb!” she was quick to shoot back, “it’s romantic! You’re just the dumb one.” She instantly reached back to smack him on the leg when there was a sharp tug at her hair, the message was clear: ‘don’t forget who’s in control’. “I have all night to get you back.”
He smiled, more content than he had been all week long. “Try me, sweetheart.”
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