#hint of callowmoore in here
stay-funky-ponyboy · 5 months
Now that I've had time to calm down a little (lol) I want to really highlight how much story Fearne has gotten lately. It kinda feels right that after Dorian is back the exu trio can experience each other's back stories more fully?
Wonder if she's realized her curiosity seems to be getting her into trouble (which isn't exactly her fault). How does she feel about being tricked by such a cute animal?
She's probably realized she left Ashton behind, and while she did admit it could happen, how does she feel about it. Is she gonna avoid Ash or stay connected. (Looks like those two are gonna have to cuddle again to make up for it haha)
Will she feel more pulls to darkness and overcome it, or succumb, or perhaps, find more power to use and not fall into darkness? Anything is still possible, I feel.
Fighting dark Fearne was exciting on one hand, but I'm sure very frightening on another as we know seeing her in exu scared her. Not to mention she almost died! If her buddy wasn't there, things would have gone dire. Will dark Fearne return? Hmm.
She has learned about her friends (crown keepers) and their recent tragedies, she's worried for Opal. I imagine she wishes she could do something to help her out. But for now, as always, they gotta keep moving forward.
On that note, still hoping she gets to meet Morrighan. It's clear she was set up (backstory wise) to meet Fearne, so I would love to see it happen. Those two would get along nicely. Even if it has to be the finale or some one shot in the future, I will take it!
I'm also very interested in seeing more of Zathuda. I got a bad feeling he's got some nasty plans upcoming...
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zhellers · 6 months
yes....there's never been any hints for callowmoore.....anyway here are completly random screenshots from fearne's and ashton's playlist
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