#hira shah
hazellevessque · 8 months
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i. aru shah, daughter of zeus
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ii. yamini kapoor-mercado-lopez, daughter of hades
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iii. brynne rao, daughter of zeus
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iv. aiden acharya, son of aphrodite
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v. prince rudra of naga-loka, son of apollo
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vi. kara shah, daughter of athena
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vii. sheela jagan, daughter of hermes
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viii. nikita jagan, daughter of demeter
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ix. hira, daughter of ares
[ concept / inspo ]
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happy new year aru shah moots!
check ao3 :)
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ssj2hindudude · 1 year
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book-girl4evaaa · 3 months
Aru/Aiden (I don't know their ship name yet lol) headcannons please?
Of course! (The ship name is Aruden btw lol)
Ok we have a few which I've already posted separately but oh well
• after NoI, they would sleep with their phones ready to call each other in case they had a nightmare to comfort one another
• Aiden secretly likes lotr but would never admit it to Aru
• Aiden was going to confess earlier!!!! But he got the prophecy and couldn't, so both of them were feeling awful
• If one of them was ill, they would look after them. No matter what. Even if there was like, a billion dollars outside, they would stay in and look after eachother
• Aru's a Sabrina Carpenter fan and a Cone head, Aiden's a Livvie and a swiftie
• Aru gets Aiden flowers on valentine's day, and he gets her Swedish fish
• They have a bunch of "competitions" with each other (who can eat the most sweets/candy, who can run faster, ect)
• sometimes they'll go over to each others house trauma-dump, but it's nothing to do with the adventures they've had, but more familial issues.
• Aiden calls Brynne and Rudy in the middle of the night to talk about how awesome their gfs are. Aru and Mini and Hira do the same
• I'm not sure whether they'd go to the same college, but if they couldn't, they would do long distance for sure
• After a couple of years together, they would just say "I love you" randomly without any prompt
• Aiden was most definitely crushing on Aru between SoD and ToW
• their just so pookie I cantttttttt
And that's it! I hope you like them!
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queenofapeacefuldawn · 9 months
Rudy's Redemption Arc (Christmas Oneshot)
a/n: they are. so silly. this is, in itself, so so so silly. i hope this gives u some sort of serotonin rush (like the one i got while writing it at 12.26 AM while on my notes app instead of sleeping)
also, um. there will be a lot of santa slander. so go into this with that knowledge. idk.
Like the storms he was aptly named after, Yamini Kapoor-Mercado-Lopez's boyfriend burst into her apartment in a whirlwind, his face flushed, his breaths heavy. 
“My queen! We have a problem,”
Her fight-or-flight response instantly activated by those words, she got up, her fingers curled around Dee Dee, dormant in its compact mirror form. 
“Is it a monster?” She asked, mentally preparing herself for a possible battle ahead. 
“No,” his voice grew soft, his eyes wide. “It's worse. I have to host a Christmas party.”
In the past two years they'd been dating, and the 4 years in which they'd known each other, only once had Rudy been trusted to host a party. He was banned, of course, after the Naga Palace Screening Room Incident of 2021. The mental scars left behind still stung, to this date. 
Rudy thrust his phone in front of her face, which was open to their Potatoes group chat, where the last message was, from Brynne: I can't wait!
“I thought you were banned from hosting parties?” She frowned, pushing her glasses further up the bridge of her nose. 
“Ugh, I thought so too— but Brynne had a medical emergency—”
“Hold up, hold up— Brynne had a medical emergency? And I wasn't told?”
Rudy caught her shoulders, steadying her. “She's fine, but Hira's not allowing her to enter the kitchen for the rest of the day. Seems like she burned herself while cooking. But, unfortunately,”
She knew her boyfriend and her friends well enough by now to complete that sentence. 
“With the Naga kingdom's resources, chefs, and ballrooms…” she continued, 
“...they wanted me to host. Last minute,” He finished.
“Why not just cancel the party?”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, before saying, “I agreed without thinking, before I remembered that none of you are allowed back in the royal palace.”
“Uh-huh,” she said, slowly, already anticipating how this sentence might end. 
To save him the pain of finishing it, she said, “Now you need help finding a venue,”
He nodded, vigorously, desperation making his eyes shine. Leaning forward, she pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose, hoping that would make him calm down, while the cogs of her brain turned. 
Glancing around her apartment, she remembered that her roommate was out of town, spending Christmas with her family, so it was just her...
“I mean, we can host it here, but…” She felt her stomach turn when she checked her watch. 5 hours left. 
Releasing herself from his grip, she snatched her coat up, and continued, “We don't have a lot of time, so we need to rush to the store now.”
His eyes glittered. “You're helping me?”
“Obvi—” she couldn't finish her sentence before he wrapped her in a hug, the words Thank you, thank you, thank you! Leaving his mouth in a rapid succession. 
She patted his shoulder, and said, “We don't have a lot of time, jaan.”
“But I like hugging you.”
“Rudy. My hugs won't save you from Brynne's wrath.”
“Okay, fair.” He let go of her, and just as she was about to drag him to the door and to the grocery store, he said, nervously, “Um, I just realised we have another problem.”
“Oh, no,”
“I haven't exactly grasped the concept of Christmas yet.”
This tradition of their Christmas parties had started two years ago, when Aru had broken her hand around this time, and they'd thrown a party and plied her with gifts to keep her spirits high. After that, Nikita had jokingly suggested to 'make this an every-year thing', and her suggestion was taken into stride, with each Potato being given a chance to host (Rudy was forbidden. Until today, as Aru, Aiden and the twins had flown in from Atlanta, Brynne was incapacitated, Hira was taking care of her, and Mini had the bad habit of ignoring their texts while she was studying). From the point of view of religion, they didn't really celebrate the festival, but they saw the novelty of giving each other presents and throwing parties involving strictly non-alcoholic drinks.
Since they hadn't really celebrated it 'traditionally', they'd forgotten that Rudy didn't exactly know what happened on Christmas. And Rudy, bless his sweet, lovable, adorable heart, had just taken it in stride. 
“So, basically, there's a belief a dude called Santa Claus comes in through the chimney, drops off presents underneath the Christmas tree, for the good kids. The naughty kids get a piece of coal.”
She glanced up at Rudy, his nose wrinkling in that cute way of his whenever he was in deep thought. 
“That's creepy,” he decided. 
“That's one way to look at it,”
“And he lives in a cottage on the North Pole? That's lame— you could easily build a palace there. It's free real estate!”
His voice took on that haughty tone, the one that she found extremely funny. 
She pulled into the parking lot, her thoughts wandering, making their way back to him, just in time for her to hear, “...And the concept of the elves making all the toys is just... iffy. Are they unionised? If they have to make toys for all the children in the world, then I doubt they get many benefits. It isn't fair to them— in my opinion, Santa is an extremely cruel and crass business owner, and not just a business owner— a regular home invader.”
“All that hangs true if Santa is real.”
He lifted a shoulder. “I, an exceedingly good-looking prince who is half-snake, am real. You, the demigod daughter of the god of death, with the best karaoke voice in the Otherworld, are real. So who says that Ol' Saint Nick isn't?”
Silence fell in between them. “If Santa decides to invade our home, will you protect me?” He whispered. 
She laughed, and pressed another kiss to his nose. “Of course. I'll beat him away with Dee Dee.”
“Thank you. I love you.” Then, he snapped his fingers. “Wait, why are we here?”
“Panicking over party decor.”
“Right. Mini, let me introduce my plan: Get Shit Done And Evade Brynne's Wrath.”
“I'm listening, and intrigued.”
Rudy was a taught strategist. He knew what to do, having it be taught to him during his tutoring sessions that were required as a prince. 
Mini herself hadn't seen much of his strategist side, except during Plan: Attack Mini With Cuddles And Shower Her With Affection (which worked, it instantly lifted her mood); or Plan: Steal Shadowfax As Revenge For Aiden Finishing the Nutella (which kind of worked, he succeeded in stealing the camera, and wheedle a jar of Nutella from Aiden, but it also earned him a bruise on his head and a lifetime ban from Aiden's room). 
She was now seeing this side of him, as he explained to her his strategy: one that would allow them enough time to buy the food, decor, and go back to the apartment to set up. 
“Okay. I run to the food department, at the same time, you run to the decorations. If you can't get through, bribe them, brute force your way, I don't care. My life is on the line.”
“I will do no such thing,” 
He pouted. 
“No, your eyes won't work... ugh, fine, if there isn't enough time, I'll resort to trickery,”
“Okay.” He turned, but stopped, “Oh, and Mini?”
“Yeah?” She said, readying her shopping cart. 
“If I don't survive today, know that I love you.”
She snorted. “Hurry up, Drama Queen. Meet me at the cashier in 30 minutes,”
“Fine, my queen. Bye!”
She laughed as she pushed her shopping cart, breaking into a run, her gaze and focus fixed on the decorations department. 
Her gaze swept across a sea of people, no doubt in the same position as her, as she checked her watch, thinking, There's not much time left...
Then, she thought, I'm sorry, people. But it has to be done.
Flicking her wrist, she felt a familiar wave of magic wash over her, and, leaving her (now invisible) grocery cart in its place, she ran to the nearly empty shelves, filled with tinsel and cheap fairy lights, and anything vaguely Christmas-y off the shelves, bundled up in her arms, and threw it in the shopping cart, mentally laughing at the comments Nikita would give. 
After a five minute power struggle to get out, she raced back to the cashier's to see Rudy in a similar state, his own cart piled with groceries. 
As they reunited, she aggressively plied herself and him with hand sanitizer, as she anxiously checked her watch. “We're five minutes behind schedule.”
“It's fine.”
“No, it's not?”
“It's fine,” He looked as if he was on the end of his metaphorical rope. 
They paid for everything and made their way outside, and, as they were loading the groceries and decorations in the trunk, she glanced at Rudy's anxious face. Cradling it in her palms, she pulled him close. “Listen. To. Me. This is a silly Christmas party, and there's nothing to worry about. You hear?”
He would sometimes get a little invested in these things, and get overly anxious about them. As a person who dealt with anxiety, Mini knew how it felt. 
He gave her his signature smirk. “Sorry, Mini, but I will 100% worry about this. Because this is my redemption arc. My one chance to prove myself after the screening room disaster.” They both shuddered at the memories of that. 
“Okay, fine. But if this has a negative toll on your stomach health—” He decided to plant a kiss on her cheek. 
“Don't you worry. As long as I have my favourite doctor with me, nothing can go wrong.”
As she pulled open the car door, she said, “It isn't a joke, you know. Excess stress can cause acidity, and the buildup of hydrochloric acid in your stomach walls will—”
“The Christmas cookies will fix that.”
“No, they won't.”
“It's a proven science. A little bit of sugar from cookies and a bit of love goes a long way,”
“Uh-huh,” she bit back a laugh, as she pulled out of the driveway. 
“Don't deny yourself happiness by not laughing,”
“I was not laughing,”
“Were too,”
Mini got to work sorting the ingredients. (Rudy was told, “You're tall, will you please hang up the fairy lights?”)
She frowned at the food, and thought, Maybe I could make some Filipino dishes...
Those were the only ones she knew how to make well. 
She got to work, chopping vegetables, when she saw a bundle of leaves in a plastic baggie, unlike any other— as she picked it up, she realised it was mistletoe. 
Her first thought was, it's an invasive parasite to trees, what is it doing in my home? 
Then, it’s poisonous, what is it doing with the food?
And then, she connected the dots. 
“Hey, Rudy?” she called out, waiting for his response. “Yeah?”
“You forgot the mistletoe with the food,” she called out. 
“Oh, sorry!” 
A beat of silence. 
“Can I help put it up?” 
“Oh, sure, why not?” 
She kicked off her sneakers and got up on the couch, carefully cutting off a piece of tape, and attaching it to the piece of wool tied to the bundle of mistletoe. 
Just as she squinted and tried to secure it, she felt a strange sensation travel up her palm— and when she pulled her hand away from the mistletoe, she saw— a spider.
“Whoa!” She tried flicking it off, but it only crawled further up her arm. 
She fell off her couch, and would’ve probably cracked her skull if Rudy hadn’t caught her, yelling, “What’s wrong?!” 
“SPIDER!” She yelled back, “ON MY ARM!” 
Rudy cringed; he was as fond of spiders as she was (which was to say, not much), but when the need arose (and Brynne wasn’t there), the responsibility of getting rid of the spider would fall to him. (The other Potatoes had claimed that it was because he was immune to poison, as a snake, but, as much as he’d insisted that, That’s not how it works! ; he’d been named ‘Official Substitute Spider Crusher’; contracted to do his duty in the absence of Brynne. 
But, this time, he failed his duty, as, he scooped up the spider, half-listening to Mini’s doomsday declarations about the kind of poison it might have, half-feeling the spider try and escape, and, with one quick swipe, opened the window and threw it out. 
As if a weight had been lifted from his chest, he took a deep breath, and told Mini, who was crouched, hands covering her eyes. 
“It’s gone.”
“You killed it?” 
“No,” he said, in his most sombre tones, “I didn’t have the heart to. It’s the season of forgiveness, after all.” 
She offered him a weak smile, which fell when she checked her watch. 
“We don’t have time.”
Already resigned to his fate of being never, ever allowed to host a party again, he held out his hand to help her up. “Well, then let’s walk into this fiery hell together.” 
She took a deep, determined breath, accepted his hand, and said, “No. We can’t let your reputation die like this.” 
And, thankfully, Rudy’s reputation did not die. It was on life support. The combination of sugary drinks, sleep-deprivation, and heavy food led to all the Potatoes crashing on the floor of Mini’s apartment, the silence that comes with sleep being interrupted by Rudy. 
He carefully avoided stepping on them, and began gathering up stray hot choc mugs, and plates that had been scraped clean of pasta. 
He yawned, turning a fond look at Mini, curled up on the couch, bundled up in the hoodie of his she’d sworn that she hadn’t stolen last week. 
Carefully putting the dishes in the sink, narrowly avoiding stepping over an asleep Aiden, (and mumbling an apology to him), and sunk in next to the couch next to Mini. 
She yawned, leaning in closer next to him, as he felt her weight and warmth. 
He glanced up with tired eyes, seeing the glitter attached to the mistletoe glint in the distant lights of the city. 
He smiled, slightly, and, stealing Mini’s favourite move to use on him, he pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. 
“Merry Christmas, my love.” 
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writergracethepanda · 1 month
Hira: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.  Brynne: Wow. They sound stupid.  Hira: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.  Brynne: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”  Hira: I guess you’re right. Hey Brynne, I love you.  Brynne: See! Just say that!  Hira: Holy fucking shit.  Brynne: If that flies over their head then, sorry Hira, but they're too dumb for you.  Aru and Mini, overhearing the whole conversation over the mind link: 💀
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Aru Shah quotes as things my friends say
Aiden, upon hearing of the new Olivia Rodrigo album: Are you ready for the ~THIEVERY~?
Aru, to anyone taller than her: i have to VOLLEYBALL SPIKE to reach your head
Brynne: Wait, your middle name is Arthur, like the rat?
Aiden: He's an anteater- no childhood istg 🙄
Mini: ... He's an aardvark.
Nikki: I did an emo photo shoot!
Aru: another one?
Sheela: Did someone say Ryan Reynolds?
Hira and Rudy, in synch: D O L P H I N S ✨
*on the decorating committee for the dance, ten minutes before said dance*
Aiden: Hey, sorry I'm late I needed to grab gum!
Aru: Y'know, Marry You is about to play for the test music run, if any of y'all wanna absolutely shred it on the dance floor before Judgement arrives.
Brynne: Are you a feminist
Aiden: *tiredly throws pad at her*
Rudy, in a swivel chair: do you wanna find out what month your parents banged in to make you???
Mini: *aggressively vacuums*
Aiden: stop, I need something to do after you all leave
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ok but have you ever thought of aru and rudy having the most AWESOME swimming competition ever?
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Welcome to the TPQ Character Tournament! We will make all of your favorite characters fight to the death :)
(Hosted by @parrotxx who does not know how to do this)
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(You’re welcome for these pairings I’m sure you love how all of the best characters are being pitted against each other)
@sleep-can-wait @ssj2hindudude @queenofapeacefuldawn @the-princess-fangirl @pinkroses23 @namesarehard123 @autumn-equinox-04 Hi I’m going to annoy you with these tags mwahahahaha
Round 1:
Aru vs Hira (1.0)
Rudy vs Kara (1.2)
Krithika vs Opal (1.3)
Suyodhana vs Takshaka (1.4)
Aiden vs The Palace of Illusions (1.5)
Nikita vs Brynne (1.6)
Boo vs BB (1.7)
Mini vs Sheela (1.8)
Round 2:
Aru vs Rudy (2.0)
Krithika vs Suyodhana (2.1)
Aiden vs Brynne (2.2)
Boo vs Mini (2.3)
Round 3:
Aru vs Krithika (3.0)
Aiden vs Mini (3.1)
Round 4:
Aru vs Mini (4.0)
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The Potatoes at Home Depot
Nikita: Eww what is this place? There are like no ballgowns or dresses here — ooh, hi plants . . . Aiden: Shah, go sit in that big fluffy chair. I’m taking a few pictures. Actually no, go over to that other chair. Wait no go to that huge light over there. Actually wait never mind go there— Aru: THE PAINT SECTION. LOOK AT ALL THE PRETTY COLORS. AIDEN CAN WE REPAINT THE HOUSE? I LIKE THIS COLOR— Brynne: Guys, I’m hungry. Do you think anyone will mind if I go use the stoves over there? Sheela: I predict that someone will end up covered in paint . . . Mini: Do you know how many germs can be here? So many people have touched these things. You could get seriously sick from a virus that might linger on one of these surfaces — *brushes leg against shelf* AHHHHH OH MY GOD RUDY WHERE’S MY HAND SANITIZER— Hira: *murmurs to self* Pots and pans, pots and pans . . . where do I find pots and pans? Brynne needs to cook . . . Rudy: Umm guys what’s this thing? *taps a paint can on the shelf above him* It looks like some sort of stool. What if I try sitting on it? *tries to pull can down* Mini: RUDY NO— Rudy: *can accidentally opens and spills all over him* . . . oops . . . Aiden: *facepalms* How am I even related to you? Sheela: My prediction has come true . . .
my first post
lmao I tried 🤣
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currentlyinflames · 1 year
Hira flirting: What's cookin' good lookin'
Brynne whipping out the menu for the week: I'm so glad you asked
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hazellevessque · 5 months
Tbh I would love a Hira standalone book
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some character profiles for the flowershop au :)
lmk who you guys want to see next
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ssj2hindudude · 2 days
Hira: I'm sorry Rudy, but you can't be a waiter in our restaurant!
Rudy: But I can sing to the customers!
Rudy: 🎶I recommend the creme bruleeeee!🎶
Brynne: 🎶I recommend that you go awaaaaay!🎶
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dream-of-potter · 10 months
So you're telling me a road trip with the Potatoes WOULDNT be complete chaos??
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sleep-can-wait · 1 year
Flowers For Her - Hirynne ~ College AU Part 5
Another note. Mixed feelings swirled through Brynne as she gazed at the card placed on the table.
It was a pale brown with very faint white clouds blooming here and there. Vintage, probably, she thought to herself.
On one side was a tiny pressed flower. A matte green stem with a white flower gilded with pink on the top. On the other side were tiny, black words written in cursive, forming a small paragraph.
For two weeks Brynne had been getting these anonymous notes, each like this but with a different flower.
She quietly slipped the paper delicately into her backpack and went to serve a different customer.
Brynne really tried to focus on work, but she couldn't take her mind off of the anonymous letters. Not for even a second.
Not while doling out cups of coffee. Not while she rode home on her bike. Not even while lying down staring dazedly at the ceiling.
Brynne held the card high over her head so she could reread it while remaining in bed.
Gladiolus. It is mainly used to show the strength of the character. This is a quality I admire in you.
Strength. Something that was of value to Brynne. But it wasn't talking about how large her muscles were, (though they were quite large) it was talking about her personality. Stubbornness was a quality she had as well.
She sucked her breath in sharply as her mind drifted to the one who wrote this.
It was a girl who was a year younger than her, who went to the same college as she did. Brynne had seen her a few times in the hall and would occasionally wave to her. She would wave back.
But that was it. The girl would also frequently visit the cafe and leave the notes with a big tip before rushing off and Brynne never had the time to ask her about it.
As she drifted off to sleep, she decided to finally do something and confront her.
Tomorrow she would come again. As soon as Brynne came home she hurled down her bag and made for her laptop, for once not bothering to make a snack first.
She wasted no time, frantically tapping away at the keyboard, finding just the thing she was looking for, before running off again out of the door. This time snagging an apple on the way out. What? all this running was making her hungry.
"How may I help you, miss?" Brynne held up a hand to signal that she needed a moment to answer, and inhaled air rapidly to catch her breath.
"I'll have one of those." She said after making sure she wouldn't faint from lack of oxygen.
"Right away, miss."
She was back.
"I'll have a cappuccino, please." Brynne jotted it down in her notebook and opened her mouth to say something, but immediately chickened out.
"Here." She handed the drink over and took a deep breath, slapping her cheeks to focus herself.
You are Brynne Tvarika Lakshmi Balamuralikrishna Rao. And you are not weak. You are a master of many things, such as playing the harp. You have wrestled people three times your size to the ground, and you can absolutely ask a girl to-
She was walking away. Shit. Brynne ran after her.
"Wait!" The other turned and looked at her questioningly. Oh wow, she's really pretty. Brynne skidded to a stop before her.
"Um, I just wanted to... give you something. For all the other times." She shoved her hand forward, holding a bundle of bright yellow sunflowers. Her eyes were squeezed shut, too embarrassed to see the other's reaction.
"Thank you." She took them with a grateful smile. Brynne opened her eyes and felt heat rushing to her cheeks and she quickly averted her gaze to the ground.
Otherwise, she might start staring at the other's brown hair that fell prettily in curtain bangs, or her warm hazel eyes, or her-
Stop it, Brynne.
"You know," She gently rubbed the flowers' soft petals. "Sunflowers mean-"
"Friendship. I know. I bought them because I would, you know, like to..." She trailed off nervously. The other beamed, clutched the sunflowers in one hand, and held out her other.
"Hira." She smiled shyly and took it.
"Hold on, I forgot to give you this." Hira took out another letter and placed it gently on Brynne's palm.
She read it and smiled at the irony of it.
Blue Iris. The symbol of hope. Something I wish we could all have in life. Maybe for us, too.
Huge thanks to @burntchickennugget2468 for this!
(On Ao3 and Wattpad as well)
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