#hiro paints his the aglets on his laces w nail polish they give him a Pop of color
maybe-a-dinosaur · 4 months
matsukawa issei’s shoelaces are always untied. this is not a miles morales conscious choice it’s just a consequence of his existence a fact of life: his hair sticks up funny where he sleeps on it he flirts with hanamaki takahiro and his shoes never stay tied. during games on the train in the middle of a crosswalk walking hiro home in the frozen aisle of the grocery store racing iwaizumi to the end of the street sneaking into school after hours kicking his feet on the edge of his roof tripping up the stairs even sitting down to eat lunch every time he looks down no matter what he does his shoes are always untied. he’s cursed probably. double knot triple knot doesn’t matter they’re untied after ten steps he doesn’t care anymore he gave up trying if he falls it’s fate and takahiro will laugh at him so it’s all worth it.
hanamaki takahiro only ever laces his shoes unconventionally. the standard criss-cross over-under lace pattern is lame and boring and overdone and he’s too cool for that but he’s also lazy as fuck so he never switches it up just settles on an unconventional pattern for each pair or individual shoe. his low top pink vans are ladder laced his volleyball shoes have an interlocking zipper look his high top black converse have a pentagram on the left foot and a knot in the middle of the laces on his right foot bc he tangled them up and decided that was good enough. he only ever single knots his shoes bc double knots take too long to undo and if they ever come untied issei (literally) trips over himself to retie them goldilocks not too loose not too tight hiro’s foot on his lap they both win. he may never retie his own but he will absolutely tie other people’s shoes together slip under the table while they’re distracted left shoe right shoe and then wait patiently. some have called this prank “childish, disrespectful, immature, and someone could seriously get hurt!!” (oikawa, victim) and “unoriginal and fucking annoying.” (iwaizumi, not a victim) and “niiice.” (issei, co-conspirator) takahiro just grins and waits for the next opportunity.
iwaizumi hajime ties his shoes exactly one (1) time double knotted when he first gets them and from that point on just slips them on and off his feet. it’s fast it’s easy why the fuck would he do it any other way if he doesn’t have to. this is Always the case for his normal shoes no matter how much oikawa complains about it but he will occasionally retie his volleyball shoes when they get loose bc he’d rather sacrifice 30 seconds of his time than his entire athletic career. aside from vball he only owns black shoes bc they go with everything and they don’t get dingy looking and he doesn’t really care he prioritizes comfort over style just in general. the only exception to this are his skating shoes: a pair of brown and white nike dunks tooru got him for his birthday one year bc he “needs at least Some color in your wardrobe”. he actually really likes them plus they’re easy to slip on and off even if he wanted to start tying his shoes again the knots have been there for so long they’ve cemented themselves together he dug this grave now he’s lying in it there is no going back.
oikawa tooru ties his shoes with the bunny ears method he sings the song in his head every time he does it and always double knots. his shoes are always pretty clean and he he puts them on in a very specific order: left sock right sock left shoe right shoe tie left shoe tie right shoe. this pattern is a mixture of consistency and superstition and if it ain’t broke don’t fix it and also it took him years to learn his left from his right and this helps him remember. he ties them nice and tight they almost never come undone it’s not that hard (issei) and the tread at his toes always is always worn off cuz he fidgets his feet on the ground when he’s sitting still. hajime slipping his shoes on pisses tooru off bc first of all that’s not what they’re fucking made to do second they’re gonna get loose and won’t have ankle support and it scrapes up your fingers and third it means iwa is ready to go way too fast and gripes at him to hurry up whenever they go somewhere and tooru does Not appreciate being rushed let him put his shoes on in peace!!!
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