#hiromi tatibana
hiromimylove · 4 months
Sitting here thinking about how Hiromi was so down to break into a building with Tyson and the others. I always think that is so funny and honestly, you go girl. She's not afraid to throw down if necessary.
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ashxketchum · 2 years
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“I’m not a ‘guy’, I’m a girl!”   “But you sure act like one.” 
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maxmiz · 4 years
Okay, If Max were to propose Mariam on her 23rd birthday, what would it be like? Please write something on this, I am eagerly waiting to see this content written by you.
Firstly, thank you much for the ask @velox-the-knight. I thought I’d do one better and write a short one shot fanfic on this. But I’ve tweaked the facts a little. I’ve made it so that they’re both 28 (23 feels a bit too early for someone like Max to marry idk?) and I’ve not made it on her birthday. But I’ll hope you’ll like this!
Also tagging @stroblitzfalborg, @bakutenmayhem @araingirl @midnightstarr8 @gingericywolf @luxahheart @dangpanterita @turquoisewisteria @tshjortile @hiwataris-bitch and anyone else who would like some Max/Mariam content. Feedback is appreciated from anyone who likes Max/Mariam in the fandom! (This is a hurriedly written short fic, so it may not be great lol)
The path to the dojo was covered in chrysanthemums and a young, blithe man strolled down the road, inhaling the fresh scent of spring into his lungs in the hopes that it would inspire him to finally pop the big question. The golden strands of his hair mirrored the bright beams of the radiant sun above, and twenty-eight-year-old Max Mizuhara strode into his best friend’s house with every ounce of his courage tucked away in a little black box in his pocket. Today was the day that he would ask her to marry him.
The familiar, idyllic setting of Takao’s house greeted him at the entrance and comforted him as he tried to pull himself together and calm his nerves. The oddly mature words of wisdom of his precocious younger sister, Charlotte, surfaced in his mind – if you know she’s the one, then she is. If she’s not, you can move on to other things. Like buying me a Playstation.
His eyes scanned the dojo. He half hoped that Daichi would not spring out of some corner with a bowl of soup in his hand and ruin the bouquet of wild flowers that Max was carrying, by tripping and falling over some rock as usual. Max’s mother, Judy, had not appreciated Daichi’s clumsiness when he had all but destroyed her immaculate designer pantsuit by spilling a drink on it by accident.
I can’t believe that I brought flowers, he thought to himself amused. Max had never really been the flowers-and-chocolates type of boyfriend. Romantic gifts were more of Rei and Takao’s domain. Mariam and Max had always had a jovial, easy-going relationship. They did many things together – from trekking to mountaintops and sleeping under the stars together, to skydiving and dancing at carnivals to which Raul and Julia often invited them. But romantic cliches had never been something that either of them was particularly fond of.
Growing up with parents who rarely lived in the same city, Max had never had the occasion to watch any romance blossom between them. Family dinners were often a cold affair, with his mother being an emotionally distant workaholic and his father being in blissful denial about the crumbling state of their marriage. Even as things had improved between his parents after he had won his first world championship, Max’s faith in romance and marriage had forever been marred by the shadow of his childhood in a dead home.
Yet, here he was, ready to ask the love of his life to marry him, with flowers no less. The irony was not lost upon him.
Oddly, it was his two friends Kai and Hiromi who had suggested that he take flowers with him as he proposed to her. Max could swear he almost choked on his drink as he heard those words leave Kai’s mouth. It made him wonder if, in private, Kai had actually ever given his nature-loving boyfriend Brooklyn any flowers. The thought of a romantic Kai seemed almost as inconceivable to him as the thought of Yuri and Takao’s errant brother Hitoshi hooking up. But stranger things had happened in their world – Balkov becoming a reality show star, for one. He certainly gave the Kardashians some stiff competition in the vanity department. Yuri almost retched at seeing Balkov’s vainglorious Instagram account.
Chuckling, Max looked down at his bouquet as the memory of his last conversation with his friends popped up in his mind.
“You listen to me Maximilian Mizuhara…”
“Actually, it’s just Max,” said Max, cutting her short, meekly.
“Did I say that you could interrupt me?” growled Hiromi, rolling her eyes. “Now, as I was saying…you have to get her flowers! You can’t propose without flowers to a woman who has been raised in the mountains in the lap of nature. Back me up, Hiwatari!”
Kai put down his drink on the table and shrugged. “You heard the woman.”
“You can’t be serious,” said Max, surprised. “And what if she does not like flowers?”
“Then you can take off your clothes and hope that she forgets about the flowers when she sees you in your magnificent birthday suit,” said a drunk Takao, laughing at his own joke without a care in the world.
“Takao!” said Hiromi, smacking him lightly on his head.
“Ow, what was that for?” said Takao, crossly.
“Your jokes are getting worse every day. Soon you’ll give Ivan a run for his money and that is not a compliment. Ask Yuri and Boris. They had to make a jar specifically for him in which he has to drop a penny every time he makes a terrible joke. There was enough money in it by the end of the year for Yuri to buy Julia a gift pack from Victoria’s Secret and have money left over for Boris and Sergei to go drinking expensive wine at Ralf’s vineyard. Do you want me to make such a jar for you too?” said Hiromi, narrowing her eyes.
“If it helps get you your favorites from Victoria’s Secret, why not,” said Takao, playfully.
Hiromi blushed and pretended to text on her phone.
“Okayyyy, get a room you two,” said Rei, laughing.
“Alright, guys, can we deal with my problem before Mr. World Champion here starts his drunken monologue? Is it yay or nay on the flowers? Won’t it be too cliched for Mariam to appreciate?” said Max, frowning.
“Make it so that it isn’t,” said Kai, in a deep voice.
 Make it so that it isn’t. I hope I’m doing this right.
Max walked further into the dojo to see Mariam sitting on the porch, with her long blue strands of hair casually tied up on top of her head in a bun. She was dressed in a white shirt and red skirt, while a tattoo of Sharkrash on her smooth, porcelain skin glimmered under the light of the sun. Max gasped as he watched his beautiful girlfriend concentrate on the book that she was reading, one that Max instantly recognized as his favorite, personal copy of Bitches Gotta Beyblade. Ming Ming had written quite the tantalizing but wonderful biography of her life as a beyblading and singing sensation – and though Max had initially found her annoying during her BEGA days, he had come to admire her over the years. Juggling school and Beyblade while winning Grammys every year was no mean feat.
As Max stepped into the garden by the little pond, Mariam lifted her face from her book and looked at him with a smile on her face.
“Maxie. What’s up? Why are we meeting at the dojo when neither Takao nor grandpa are here? Feels a little weird,” said Mariam, suspiciously.
“Weird? Why is that? We’re always hanging out at the dojo on weekends,” said Max, hiding the bouquet behind his back.
“You know…like we’re trespassing or something while he’s not around,” said Mariam.
“Trespassing? Did your conscience prick you like this when you were stalking me day and night to seal my bit-beast?” teased Max.
“For the last time Max, I wasn’t stalking. I was just gathering intel,” said Mariam, feigning annoyance.
“Alright, Mata Hari, pipe down,” quipped Max. “Ozuma can’t hear you, you know. We both know that you couldn’t get enough of me.”
“Oh yeah, and who was the one putting on all the moves in a collapsing building? Seriously Max, who flirts when they’re almost about to get crushed by a building?” said Mariam, playfully.
“Guilty as charged, m’lady,” said Max, laughing.
Mariam uncrossed her legs and leaned against a wooden pillar casually. “What have you got behind you?”
A romantic cliché, that’s what.
“Hmm, let’s see,” said Max, pulling out the bouquet and presenting it to her.
“Flowers…” said Mariam, surprised.
“Not just any flowers,” said Max, handing her the bouquet.
Mariam looked more closely at the bouquet and Max could see her face lighting up.
“Orchids…from my village in the mountains…” said Mariam, looking touched.
Max knew that Mariam missed her village frequently. Even though she quite liked her life as a marine biologist, free from the shackles of her tribe’s strict and conservative rules, Max often found her wistfully longing for the mountains that she called her home. He knew that if flowers were the way to go, he would personally write to Yusuf and request him to send them to Japan, where he and Mariam were living temporarily after taking a sabbatical from their jobs in California.
“What…what’s the occasion?” said Mariam.
Oh boy, here goes.
“Well…I don’t know how to do this…” mumbled Max, as he slipped his hand into his pocket.
Mariam watched him curiously as he pulled out a little black box.
“Oh…my…” said Mariam, intuitively, the minute that she laid her eyes on the box. “Are you asking me to…”
Max stared at Mariam, unsure about how to proceed with it. He stood quietly staring at her for a solid two minutes until Mariam said, “Uh…Max?”
Kneel, you moron. You can gawk at her later, thought Max as he mentally slapped himself, before going down on one knee.
“Mariam…I never thought that there’d come a day that I’d find myself asking you…or anyone, to marry me. I have never believed in fairytale endings or happily ever-afters. And I don’t believe that being with you is my fairytale ending, because nobody knows what the future holds. But you certainly are the beginning of my fairytale. Now I wish I had Rei’s eloquence to be able to come up with a romantic poem on the spot, but that’s not me. I’m all smiles and jokes and mustard on noodles and we have had always had an unconventional relationship. So, in the spirit of that…” said Max, opening the box, mid-sentence.
Okay, here goes nothing.
Much to Mariam’s surprise, Max pulled out a red, silken bandana from the box and tied it around her forehead.
“I could have got a ring…and I will after this, but I don’t do cliches. Now, I’m 14 years late, but here’s a long overdue replacement for the bandana you tied around my arm when I injured myself protecting you in that collapsing building. I’m tying this around your forehead as a promise to protect you for as long as I can, no matter how many buildings collapse on us and no matter what hurts me in the process. So…will you…marry me?” said Max.
Mariam gasped. She looked like someone had punched her in the gut.
“You know, Takao’s garden has just been hosed an hour ago. My jeans are getting soaked in the mud. Could you answer faster?” said Max, sheepishly.
“Well…yes, you idiot!” said Mariam, throwing her arms around Max and hugging him tenderly.
Kissing her softly on the cheek, Max pulled away and looked into her gorgeous green eyes. He had spent many a night looking into them, but this was the first time that he had seen a touch of vulnerability in them. If anything, her eyes looked even more beautiful now.
“Oh, that was so fucking cute, I’m going to faint!”
“Hell yeah, go Maxie!”
“Max, you dawg…”
Shocked, Max and Mariam looked to the left to see their friends peering at them from behind the dojo and giggling amongst themselves. Kai and Brooklyn did not seem to partake in their laughter, but smiled approvingly at him and Mariam.
“How long have you guys been there?” said Max, going red in the face.
“Long enough, buddy,” said Takao, bellowing with laughter.
“You promised you’d be out,” said Max, embarrassedly.
“And miss this? Never!” said Hiromi, slyly.
“Oh yeah, Kyouju even taped it,” said Rei, giving their bespectacled friend a nudge.
“It’s time for some celebration!” said Hiromi.
“Drinks in the garden?” said Takao.
“On it,” volunteered Brooklyn. Kai joined him to go into the house and fetch the celebratory champagne.
Max looked at his friends and then at Mariam, and smiled. He had finally found a sense of contentment that had eluded him for most of his life.
The beginning of a fairytale indeed.
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maxmiz · 4 years
Okay Beyblade fandom, let's play.
Assuming all the Beyblade characters are in their twenties:
(1) Who would you think would be most likely to take up your profession or major?
(2) Who would be most likely to end up having a drunk wedding with you in Vegas?
(3) Who would you really hate to be trapped in an elevator with for five hours?
(4) Who would you be most likely to swipe right on, on Tinder?
(5) Who would you be most likely to trust as a babysitter for your hypothetical kids?
(6) Who would you take advice from about serious things in life?
Go ahead and reblog your answers! Let it rip!
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maxmiz · 4 years
For the Fandom meme: B, C, G, O.
Thank you for the ask @velox-the-knight ! I had not posted asks for this meme thing but another, but I checked the list you reblogged for reference. XD
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
Hmm. I'd say Tala and Julia! I had never really initially ever imagined them together but after all the headcanons and asks and fandom content, I think they'd absolutely slay.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
I'm going to have to say KaiHil (sorry I know you like them but it's my personal preference and I usually only ship Hilary with Tyson). I also don't ship Max and Emily together much like @stroblitzfalborg . Hmm and Max and Tyson. The third is not for any reason other than the fact that those two are so very much like brothers and I can't see them as much else.
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
My first OTP is my last and only OTP and I will go down with this ship.
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O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Hmm. Mariah and Julia with Mariah singing "I kissed a girl and I liked it" and telling Ray, "boy, bye, I'm not waiting for you". (jk I ship Ray and Mariah too, but JuliaxMariah are bae).
Max and Mariam to "Sweater Weather" because.... well, damn.
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maxmiz · 4 years
Underrated moment but Max supporting Hilary when she could not see the bit beasts and giving her due credit when she does is everything.
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maxmiz · 4 years
Was rewatching that scene in Beyblade V Force where Tyson, Ray and Max are walking inside a dark cave and Max suggests they keep talking to each other since they can't see each other. The first thing that Ray says is "Driger", Max says "Dranzer" and Tyson says "Hilary" and I think their 3 respective responses say a lot about them and what's the first thing on their minds. What do you all think?
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hiromimylove · 2 years
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hiromimylove · 3 years
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[Image Description: A photo of a relief print of Hiromi Tachibana from Bakuten Shoot Beyblade. It is in black and white. Hiromi has drank from the 'drink me bottle' and is now tiny and staring at large mushrooms.]
Finally, it is done. First part in the Hiromi in Wonderland series.
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hiromimylove · 3 years
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Just in time for Halloween 🎃
Hiromi in costumes.
Scarlet Witch, Zatanna, Steampunk, and Sally! 🥰
Given her interest in astrology and whatnot, I can see her also being into magic and stuff, so I chose some magic users. And I love steampunk, so i figured why not. it's about what i want after all 🤣😸
Happy Halloween!
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hiromimylove · 2 years
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“Do you think she can pull her weight? She has been stuck in this tower for years.”
Hiromi frowned, annoyed that they were speaking as if she wasn't there. “You know i can hear you right? And for the record, I am a wizard not a helpless child.” Mariam looked at her and raised a brow.
Hiromi rolled her eyes at her and motioned to the books and sheets of paper scattered around the tower. “I’m not an idiot. I wasn’t about to waste all that time doing nothing.” Crossing her arms and lifting her chin in defiance she continued, “Eventually I planned to rescue myself in five more years or so.”
“Why wait five years?” Julia questioned as she picked the book closest to her and skimmed it.
Hiromi sighed and pointed to a pile of books on her small desk. “See that? I haven’t gotten through those books yet, but based on how quickly I went through the others, I figured that I could finish them in five years give or take. I left them for last because it’s about raising the dead, and I’m still debating the morality and ethics of that.”
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hiromimylove · 3 years
hiromi and cooking
I have a lot of thoughts about Hiromi in V-Force and Hiromi in G-Rev.
Today, I will talk about her cooking skills.
When it comes to Hiromi and cooking, I always assumed that she was relatively okay at cooking, since in V-Force episode 17 she makes a really good sauce for their barbecue and to me that means you know your way around a kitchen, and most importantly, what flavors go well together. The boys even compliment her on it. (I love how she lists the ingredients, she’s so cute 😻)
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However, in G-Rev, we are told that she is actually a horrible cook, which isn’t necessarily consistent but this is G-Rev (and lets face it, G-rev does questionable choices at times/most of the time 🤷‍♀️)
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I don’t really like it because unlike in V-Force, in G-Rev Hiromi seems to exist to be a comic relief character hence her bad temper is a running gag, and the bad cooking skills are also there as a joke.
So, can Hiromi cook? Yes.
Is she bad? Depends on the season, I guess 🙄
And I get it, g-rev is all about the boys, especially with the tournament, but they didn’t have to do my girl dirty like that.
Needless to say, in this blog, we go with v-force.
G-rev’s little joke can kiss my ass.
Sidenote: their conversation during the bbq was changed in the dub. Instead they talk about max needing to slow down, exploding or something like that 🤣
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hiromimylove · 3 years
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Hiromi in Wonderland #1 color variation
I like doing linocuts with color from time to time, and this is a variation on the black and white print I posted earlier in the month. Originally, Hiromi's dress was going to be checkered patterned with a black bow, but my dumbass forgot to include that in the original sketch, and I ended up carving half her dress off before I remembered and by then it was too late. So, for this one I had to paint it on once the print was dry.
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ashxketchum · 3 years
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hiromimylove · 2 years
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This scene has lived in my head rent free for years. The only peek into her home life that we get, so of course I obsessed over it...and continue to obsess over lmao
thank you for dinner
you haven't eaten anything
I'm full (leaves)
I wonder what happened
i have so many thoughts on her mother and their relationship if she even is the mom sometimes i think she's an aunt 🤔 are they eating potato croquettes??!
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ashxketchum · 3 years
"bandaging each other up and sharing a tender moment, grabbing your lover's face and not being able to let go" for TyHil.
Can you write this?
SIMY I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!! Tumblr never showed me the notification for this ask, I just randomly opened the inbox today and I saw this 😭😭😭
This is very rushed and not exactly similar to the prompt, but I hope you like it and I'm sorry for tumblr being stupid with my asks 🥺
Tyson drew in a sharp breath and gritted his teeth as he muffled a cry, the stinging pain he felt when the cotton swab made contact with his wound only lasted for a moment, but he had a reputation to maintain, particularly in front of the person sitting across from him. He managed to keep a straight face while Hilary continued to dab the cotton across the scar on his cheek with utmost concentration.
“Honestly, I leave you guys alone for a minute…” She murmured to herself as she dropped the used cotton swab and rummaged through the first aid box for a bandage.
“He started it.” Tyson replied feebly, already aware that if the sight of the cut across his cheek had made Hilary mad, things would only get worse once she found out what caused it.
“He is a child,” She shook her head, “And you should know better.”
“Just because he’s younger than us, doesn’t mean that I’m not a child too.” Tyson protested, frowning.
“Clearly.” Hilary passed him a pointed look and he rolled his eyes at her.
When it came to her own arguments with Daichi, she was as childish as him, if not more, so Tyson considered if he should remind her to follow her own advice sometimes. But seeing as she was the one patching him up, he decided to let the taunt slide for now.
“And what exactly did Daichi do that resulted in that?” Hilary asked, eyebrows arched with suspicion.
Tyson gulped nervously, immediately avoiding eye contact with the brunette out of embarrassment. It had been annoying enough for him to experience and he shouldn’t have to recount the stupidity of it all. However, since Hilary wasn’t exactly the type to let things go and Tyson was in a rush to get back on his feet so he could chase Daichi and extract his revenge, he decided that nothing good will come out of beating around the bush. As for protecting his reputation, he’d have to let that take the back seat for now.
“He launched his beyblade at my face.”
Hilary stopped her rummaging and looked at him wide-eyed, too stunned to speak she just raised her eyes upwards and sighed heavily, before resuming her search for the perfect bandage. While Tyson did find the sudden silence uncomfortable, he was glad that she hadn’t laughed at him, which is what he was expecting everyone else to do. He could’ve easily dodged the attack under normal circumstances, but the little gremlin had appeared out of nowhere and was somehow under the impression that if you launch a beyblade at someone they’d return the favour, only Tyson didn’t have Dragoon on him at the time and Daichi couldn’t recall his in time, so it grazed past Tyson’s face, leaving behind a clean trail on his cheek.
“Well thankfully, the cut isn’t too deep and it should heal in a few days if you keep it covered.”
Hilary finally pulled out what she needed from the box and leaned in to inspect the wound on his face.
Keeping a straight face while she had cleaned the wound with the stinging antiseptic hadn’t been half as difficult as it was now, with her bare knees resting lightly against his and her face close enough for him to rub his nose against hers. He felt his breath get caught in his throat when she placed the bandage across his cheek, her fingers softly tracing its outline to ensure that it was tightly in place, sending shivers down his spine when they lingered for a moment on his cheek before she pulled her hand back. She said something, or Tyson thought she did, but nothing registered in his brain when she dipped her head slightly to do a final check and he caught a whiff of her shampoo as the top of her head almost tickled his nose. Was it vanilla or caramel, he couldn’t quite tell, but it was sweet and addictive and Tyson couldn’t stop himself from letting it consume him.
How could this be legal, he thought to himself, how could they just allow girls to walk around smelling like this?
He heard a light ringing in his ears, and when he focused his eyes on Hilary, he could see that her lips were moving, but it was impossible for him to pay attention now. Even after she had moved back, her familiar scent lingered in the air around him, making his throat feel dry and scratchy, as if he would die of thirst if he didn’t taste something sweet this very minute. But it couldn’t be just anything sweet either, Tyson realised, it had to come from Hilary, it had to be whatever she had used to put this spell on him.
He watched as she frowned at him, obviously upset that he wasn’t responding to her but a little worried too, and his hands twitched at his side. She was still so close, so easily within his reach, all he had to do was reach out and he’d be able to pull her towards him effortlessly, lean his forehead against hers, cup her chin in the palm of his hand and tilt it towards him, lower his head and a second later his thirst would be quenched by-
“Earth to Tyson!”
Tyson leapt up in surprised in his seat at the sound of her shrill voice penetrating right through his dangerous train of thought. He scowled at her, for being so loud and for interrupting right when he’d been getting to the good part...and then immediately dropped the attitude, realising that some times Hilary could read his mind like a book and if she were to glance into it right now, he’d be in some deep trouble.
“I said, I’m done. So you can go catch Daichi now.” She glared at him, speaking slowly so that he’d finally listen to her.
“Right. Daichi.”
Tyson licked his lips in an attempt to calm his racing heartbeat and empty his head of any thoughts pertaining to Hilary or her shampoo. His ears turned slightly red at how squeaky his voice sounded and out of embarrassment over the fact that his brain was still not ready to form full sentences yet which didn’t go amiss by the brunette and she eyed him suspiciously.
“Are you sure Daichi didn’t hit your head with his bey too?”
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