#takao x hiromi
blossommoonart · 2 months
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Prompt poll art for TyHil! Prompt won: Arm Wrestling.
Guess what? Someone developed flabby arms all of a sudden and is undergoing serious training to tone her arms 🤭 and her trainer is none other than her boyfriend. Gramps is probably cheering for Hiromi xD
As I promised earlier, a TyHil art for all the TyHil fans in the fandom, with a unique prompt! They are one of my ships too, so I felt nostalgia drawing them like this. I hope my art doesn't suck xD
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ashxketchum · 3 months
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takaoxhiromi · 1 month
Interest Check stop for TyHil month this year!
Please vote as honestly as possible, as organising an event takes effort and it's no fun if the community doesn't participate.
What will be the effect of this poll on the event this year?
If the first option gets the majority, there will be a new set of prompts coming out in September.
If any of the other 3 options get the majority, there will be no new prompts this year, that is to say TyHil Love Countdown 2024 will not happen.
However, November can still be considered as TyHil month and if anyone wants to challenge the prompts from the last two editions, they're more than welcome to do so!
This blog will set up a queue of all past entries in November, and of course any new TyHil content posted will be shared under business as usual.
Once again, reminder to vote as honestly and realistically as possible 🙏🏻
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mon3trous · 21 days
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took longer than i thought, but i finished my TyHil piece
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ceruleanmusings · 11 months
TyHil Love Countdown Week 1 - Dawn
It's back again, my favorite beyblade event over at @takaoxhiromi! I'm going to do things a little different this time because my entries are (hopefully) all going to be on the shorter side. I'll post the whole entry here and also give links to FFN and Ao3 if you prefer to read them there. I'm also doing this because FFN currently has an issue where no alerts are being emailed out at all and I don't want people potentially missing my updates. Enjoy! (Ao3 | FFN)
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Their breaths collided, curling and twisting in the crisp air of dawn.
He'd never appreciated it, the stillness before the world woke up. How time became suspended, creating infinities between the passing seconds. How the light of the waking sky extended and stretched in slow increments, allowing a peaceful transfer between tranquility and liveliness.
She kept asking him why he chose that time of day, even going so far as suggesting he wanted to hide her. That comment ruffled but the look in her eye hurt. She held her chin up, as assured as always, but he'd always been able to see past the sheen in her ruby eyes. The doubt hidden behind the bolster.
Uncertainty didn't fit her; it sat like a thick, cumbersome shawl, pulling her shoulders down and bundling her tight. She needed more room to take up space, breathe, and exist.
Which, incidentally, was part of the reason he chose the early morning for their sessions.
It took time for her to unfurl, to uncross her arms and relax enough to get sucked into his teachings. Her initial huffs and rolls of her eyes faded way to a quiet concentration he'd seen plenty when she studied or took an exam or…did this. Tried something new, tried to get an understanding of it to make it all fit in her world, tried to get him.
Admittedly, he wasn't that complicated. He lived his life like he floated on the wind, moving along where the day took him. And yet that was still something she didn't understand, couldn't seem to wrap her head around, or so he guessed with all the ways she'd criticized him over the years or shook her head at his antics. It was easier to show her and show her he did.
That's why he chose this time. That's why he chose the dewy drips of dawn. Because it was no one else but him and her, no expectations, no judgment, no pressure, no disappointment. They could be Tyson and Hilary; they could exist and breathe.
"Almost." She shivered against him and he hid the grin threatening to bloom across his face, lest he'd wanted to receive an elbow to his chest. After all, they couldn't mix business and pleasure could they? Or so she claimed. Still he couldn't resist, turning his head so his mouth just barely touched her ear. She shivered against and he let out a low chuckle. She stepped backwards a touch at the sound, pressing her back fully against his front. He closed his eyes, focusing on the heat seeping from her to the delicious floral scent clinging to her neck. Cheater.
His hands cupped her shoulders, gently lowering them down from her ears. "Just breathe," he said. Her body rose and fell beneath his grasp. "Good." He slid his hands down her shoulders, over her arms, and rested them on her extended hands, one finger curled around the plastic loop attached to the launcher in her opposite hand. "If you hold your breath, you won't get the right pull. Everything needs to work together for the launch."
She looked at him out the corner of her eye, lips pursing just slightly. The gloss applied caught the first beam of sunlight and, damn, did she deserve that spotlight. It was as if stardust had been thrown at her and she caught it in her mouth. He'd travel to the heavens to get a taste of it if he had to. Thankfully, he had a full constellation in his arms.
Tyson adjusted her grip a touch, allowing his fingers to drag across her wrists before placing his hands to her hips. She sucked in a breath, the air hissing inwards between her teeth when he twisted her a little to the right, whooshing back out when the tips of his fingers slipped just beneath the hem of her blouse and met with her warm skin.
"Okay." His breath floated out past her cheek, mingling with her short puffs. "Whenever you're ready, let it rip."
She gave a wry smile. "Ha ha."
He also smiled, though it beamed with satisfaction. "That wasn't meant to be a pun but…"
"It's fitting."
Her face relaxed and that look came back. He saw the gears turning in her head, the rapid strings of her putting all the information he'd given her moving into place, figuring it all out. Her grip tightened. Her chest rose and fell with her deep breaths. And her lisp pressed together, tightening, stopping her breath, only for it come out with a soft groan when Tyson pressed a kiss to the junction between her neck and collar bone.
The launcher landed in the grass; its thud softened by the lush blades. Her hand, now empty, reached back and lay atop of his, fingers slotting between when he squeezed her hips.
"That's not fair," she whispered, though he heard the smile in her voice.
He parted his lips just enough to let his tongue drag a quick stripe across her warm skin. "Oh well." He lifted his head and pressed another kiss to the side of her neck, this time beneath her chin. "Means we'll have to train longer."
Humming, she turned in his arms and loosely wrapped hers around his neck, lifting to brush her nose against his. "Unfortunately."
She'd barely finished the word when he ducked his head, trapping it between their eager lips, getting a taste of heaven and of her as they bathed in the light of dawn.
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iorihimee · 2 years
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↳Happy birthday to @themistymermaid
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poda-venna · 1 month
Hiromi: Your voice is so hot Kai!
Takao: It sounds like you're angry.
Kai: Sorry, but that's my actual voice.
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moonandblossoms · 4 months
Ok, so long ago, I used a height difference generator for my Beyblade ships. And the heights are solely based on my headcanons.
Takao x Hiromi
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Quite above average for Takao. He probably has a bit of height because of training and stuff, plus a bit of genetics. And Hiromi is also quite above average for a Japanese woman. Cute height difference for huggies and cuddles while standing.
Height difference = 22cm
Kai x Julia
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As for Kai, I wanted to make him taller than Takao. The deuteragonists always exceed the protagonist's height. Julia has the perfect 'tall girl' height, since she is already tall enough in the series. She'll wear heels so that Kai can kiss on her lips smeared with Lipstick hehe.
Height difference = 18cm
Rei x Mao
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The Chinese are shorties in general, but I'm not convinced to give Rei a short height. He is a good trainer and I headcanon his father having a great height. As for Mariah, I neither made her short nor tall, instead average. But their big height difference is so cute and hot! Rei can lift her up anytime.
Height difference = 29cm
Max x Emily
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Americans are decently tall. But, I still wanted to give Maxie some extra height and Emily is average to above average (?). It's soothing for Max when Emily hugs him and lays her head on his neck.
Height difference = 19cm
Yuriy x Queen
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It's self explanatory for both of them, I guess? Yuriy is Russian, and they have a great height. And I think Queen is quite tall as well. Huge height difference and it's quite hot. Queen will enjoy the height difference and the effort to kiss him.
Height difference = 25cm
Ozuma x Mariam
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I know Ozuma is VERY short in the series, but I'm not convinced by that. I headcanon him having a huge height boost as he ages. As for Mariam, she is quite tall. They have a lesser height difference, but still decent. Easier to kiss.
Height difference = 12cm
Kane x Salima
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My OTP, eeh! Kane is a Japanese Australian and Australians have a great height. I'd say the height thing runs in their family genes. And, I think the height for Salima is quite decent above average-ish. Cute height difference for her to cuddle on Kane's chest.
Height difference = 25cm
Michael x Mathilda
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Michael is definitely tall in my opinion. He seemed quite tall in the series. Mathilda as a shortie is cute and sweet. But, she buys heels after heels to come a bit closer to his height. Her head directly goes on his chest during hugs which is cute. They'd prefer showing their love language when they are lying down together since it would be difficult for her.
Height difference = 37cm
In order
1] Michael x Mathilda = 37cm
2] Rei x Mao = 29cm
3] Yuriy x Queen + Kane x Salima = 25cm
4] Takao x Hiromi = 22cm
5] Max x Emily = 19cm
6] Kai x Julia = 18cm
7] Ozuma x Mariam = 12cm
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blossommoonwrites · 1 year
Header by @[saradika]
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Series: Miles to go Fandom: Bakuten Shoot Beyblade Genre: Spiritual/romance Setting: Taisho Era Japan Major Characters: Takao Kinomiya/Tyson Granger, Hiromi Tachibana/Hilary Tachibana Minor characters: Yamashita Kane, Salima Pairing: Takao/Hiromi (main), Kane/Salima (minor) Rating: K+ Summary: Takao feels different when he is under the cherry blossom tree.
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After the heavy toil, Takao ventured out into the forests in the hot afternoon. He felt the scorching rays stabbing his skin, thereby tanning his skin. The sweat bathed his body and drenched his gray-blue and navy blue Hakama and sash. His tired deep maroon eyes were thinned by his eyelids. He was about to faint, till his field of vision caught a group of Sakura trees.
Despite the Spring, there were groups of lush green-leaved trees seen. The Sakura seemed distinct from them.
He went and sat under one of the cherry blossom trees. His light had returned back to its normal state, and the tiredness dipped every second. He felt afresh as if he was about to work. The sudden change short-circuited Takao. He walked around to see if there was anything mysterious. The further stretch of the forest was devoid of anything but those beautiful cherry blossoms. He walked and the scene was extremely serene. There was a beautiful lake tainted with pink petals aesthetically with swans and ducks. There were rabbits roaming around the lake.
Edo never had such a beautiful site. Much to his awe, he saw a beautiful woman with auburn hair. Her Ruby-red eyes were enchanting, and the warrior could drown himself in them. Her long hair was fluttering in the air. She seemed like a goddess who descended into human form. Her red Kimono knew no limits. It was floating as if it never had an end. She was well garnished with accessories.
She turned to him after noticing his presence. Takao's heart skipped a beat after seeing her. His cheeks were stained with red hues. He walked slowly towards her, taking his time to admire her beauty. A smile bloomed on her face.
Everything seemed slow around them. They were slowly decreasing the distance between them.
Takao asked her, "My Lady, shall I know who you are?"
She didn't respond. The smile was intact.
"Can't you speak?"
Takao was clueless.
'She seems like a celestial from heaven, but why can't she speak?'
Takao found himself under the same Sakura tree before he got up to see the extent.
"Was it a dream? But why do I feel so fresh here?"
"Kinomiya?! What are you doing here? You were supposed to carry a message to my father in the dojo." A bluehead remarked, coming with a scarlet beside him.
"Yamashita-sama?" Takao stood up.
"You can sit down. You seem so exhausted."
Sarima fed him some water.
"I see you both so often. I don't see you with Goki and Jim. What's the secret?" Takao asked with a smug face.
Sarima bent down. Kane gently smiled, and said in a low tone, "We confessed to each other some time ago."
"Woah! But, what would the elders think of you both?"
"That's none of our business. All that matters to us is we love each other." Kane placed his hand on her shoulder. Sarima snuggled to him.
"I see, then get ready to elope. Or try convincing your families till then!"
"We have some time for that, Takao. Till then, we'll spend our days enjoying each other's presence."
"Well then. I'll reach your dojo. See you later, Yamashita-sama!"
"Don't call me Sama, I'm your friend."
'Ah man, Kane... I've got a beautiful woman too. Do you know? She is not an ordinary human. Because there are no differences when it comes to love, right?'
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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ahamasmiyodhah · 7 months
Note: Read full Chapter on Archive of Our Own, I only post some pasts of story.
Bounding out of his house while fumbling to get his arm in the jacket Kai didn't even bothered about Car, and broke into full on sprint towards Dojo. While it normally took him ten to fifteen minutes to get to Dojo, with the relentless pace he was running Kai was sure he had already scaled half of the distance- and he knew he was right because soon he came across Dojo. Swiftly scaling the 8 feet wall Kai jumped inside and rapidly rang the bell, only to hear no response. Cursing under his breath, he realised that Grandpa Granger was possibly out for his Field Trip to Kyoto Shrine.
Quickly rummaging through his mind for the places Tyson could be at, His feet turned towards Tate's Hobby- Max's house and shop. Whipping his phone out while running he called Hilary. "Hey Kai!" Hilary chirped through other side. "Hilary, is Tyson with you?" Kai asked, not bothering to greet her. Sensing the seriousness of situation, Hilary must have stood up- considering the scrap of metal. "No, he's not at my home. What happened?" Hilary asked as her footsteps sounded. Fuck... Kai groaned internally. "Just search where he could be, anywhere he could be in your opinion and tell me if you find any lead." Kai ordered out immediately while taking a turn.
"But what happened Kai? Where is Tyson!?" Hilary demanded from other side. "I don't know Hilary, but we must find him before anything happens." Kai said. "I'm going at Max's, you go to Kenny's right NOW and see if he's there." Kai said and hung up before Hilary could reply, sprinting to Max's house. Reaching there he crossed the shop and walked up the stairs in back to Max's home, swiftly pressing the bell. Soon the door was opened by Judy who held a wide eyed and curious Charlotte, who smiled gleefully at Kai. Kai felt his nerves ease a little at Charlotte's face and then he looked at Judy.
"Kai you here at this hour? Is everything fine?" Judy asked as she moved so Kai could enter, and Max and Taro arrived outside. "Is Tyson here?" Kai asked in all the seriousness, confusing the Tate's even more. "Tyson? No, why will he be here Kai?" Max asked confusedly until he saw How Kai looked. Kai's crimson eyes were restless, his whole frame uptight and on edge. "Max, I have been calling him non stop. He's not at Dojo as well as at Hilary's." Kai said trying to keep his calm.
"We must go and look at-" Max said when Kai's phone rang and he picked in a heartbeat. "Hilary? What happened?" Kai said and furrowed his eyebrows when he heard a heavy breathing. "Hilary?" He said again as Max came by his side and he put phone on speaker. "Kai.. Tyson... Abandoned Amusement Park near the Kawasaki Street.." Hilary coughed out, probably tired from the rampant running. Kai and Max shared one glance, and both were out in a heartbeat. 
Judy and Taro exchanged worried glances as Charlotte whimpered for her Brother's, soon being cajoled by her worried Mother.
Kai and Max meanwhile ran all the way to the Kawasaki Street to the abandoned Amusement Park Hilary had asked them to come, only to see Tyson in a heated Beybattle with a burly man that looked twice his build. "Kai! Max!" Hilary exclaimed as they both ran to her. "Hilary- what the hell Tyson!?" Kai barked at Tyson, clearly pissed at this point. His guard was up and alert as he stared down at the burly man, whose big Beyblade was hitting Dragoon repeatedly. 
"You have pissed me a lot, that's it." Tyson growled at the man in front of him and opened his mouth. "Dragoon! Phantom Vortex!" He exclaimed and Dragoon spun rapidly in a powerful cyclone-like motion, drawing in nearby objects and disrupting the opponent's balance. The burly man snarled in anger as Dragoon hit it hard, destabilising it and knocking it to a stop. "You--" He snarled and picked his Beyblade, growling at Tyson like a predator. Max and Kai immediately took their Beyblades out and taking their positions in front of Tyson, who just realised that the two were here.
Out of nowhere a swish sounded, and a hooded figure jumped in front of him. "Stop this right once." He said in a commanding tone, taking the cap of his hoodie off, the rolled up sleeves showing off the dark black ink on his arm. "Who are you? I am here to Battle this boy." The burly man gruffed out jerking his head towards Tyson. The younger Boy glared at him, his steel blue  eyes boring in the other man's.
"What do you want? A good Battle without Rules, right?" The Blue eyed boy muttered stonely and the burly man nodded. "Whoever's Beyblade gets destroyed first, loses. He must listen to the Winner." The burly man gruffed. The other Boy nodded. "Alright. Saturday Midnight at Underground Beyblading Arena." The Boy said with a nod. 
"Who will I battle?" The Man asked and looked the from his head to toe. "You?" He let out a insulting scoff. "You will know." The Boy said and gestured at the Gate towards his eyes. "You can't Beybattle like that anywhere. So now off you go." He said and the Burly man let out a scoff, leaving anyways. The other Boy sighed and turned other side, clapping his headphones on his ears and sauntered away.
Once the Man was away, Kai turned towards Tyson and grabbed his collar, hauling the tan boy to his face. Although Tyson had grown taller, he was still a little shorter than Kai. Tyson's brown eyes got wide when he looked in the crimson eyes of the Young man whom he regarded as his Older Brother, which he was in all but blood.
Kai's crimson eyes nearly turned red in anger as a dark shadow crept on his face. "Why the fuck weren't you picking my calls up?" Kai growled, his tone so deep and feral that it even scared Max, Hilary and Kenny. "Um... It is dead.. I didn't realise that my phone didn't had Battery." Tyson said with a shrug. "And why weren't you home?" Kai growled again.
"I was thinking of getting something from Convenience Store when I got challenged by that man for a Beybattle which I couldn't deny and we started battling until Hilary and Kenny found me and Hilary started yelling at me and I yelled back at her and we fought and then the man turned aggressive and started hitting hard and then you both came and I defeated him and then that boy came out of nowhere and asked him to go to some underground Beyblade Arena and then he agreed and left and now you are holding my Collar." Tyson said in one go, taking deep breaths as Kai sighed and left Tyson's collar.
"You stupid. Now go home. Max, mind if you drop him ho— You know what nevermind. Hilary, Kenny, go home and be alert. Max, you too go home and don't get into random Beybattles just Because someone challenged you." Max showed him a thumbs up at that. "And Tyson, you are coming with me." Kai said with a tone of finality, a tone that demanded not to be crossed.
"But Kai —" Tyson clammed his mouth shut and nodded when Kai glared at him. "Now go home and I want you both—" Kai pointed at Kenny and Max. "— At the Hiwatari Mansion tomorrow." He said and the two nodded immediately. "Kai? Is everything fine?" Max asked in concern. He could see how Kai was uptight and tensed, his whole frame shaking with worry when Kai arrived at his house. "Yes Max, everything's fine." Kai said and all of them frowned. They knew that Kai was hiding something, but didn't pressed him further. They knew better than to piss off their Captain and run extra mile.
Max, Kenny and Hilary said their Byes and took their leaves, as Kai and Tyson walked silently towards Dojo, Tyson prodding Kai and Kai grunting.
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blossommoonart · 3 months
The idea with the most number of votes will be considered. Others might be given to other ships.
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ashxketchum · 8 days
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takaoxhiromi · 3 months
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Every Friday at 9PM IST, one quote from a TyHil fanfic will be posted on this blog, read the rules below and submit as many quotes as you want!
❍ Send in your quotes to this blog, using the ask box.
❍ Submit your favourite quote, along with the name of the fanfic and it's author, and whether the fic is available on AO3 or FFN.
❍ This is not a requirement, but it would be helpful if you can mention the tumblr username of the author so they can be tagged accordingly!
❍ If you want to let your username added to the post under "submitted by" , then mention it at the time of your submission.
❍ Tracking tag for this will be #tyhil fanfic quotes and #tyhil fanfic fridays
❍ Posts with content that require content warning will be tagged as such.
❍ An example template for submission:
Quote: _____________ Fanfic Title: _____________ Author: _______ / AO3 / FFN / Tumblr Remain Anonymous / Mention my Username
A special shoutout to chenfordfanficquotes for the inspiration!
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mon3trous · 25 days
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quick and kinda messy TyHil, had a random urge to draw them bc they are cute
goal is to finish this tomorrow
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meowstix · 2 years
hold on i just saw a (mostly) lame ass take in the bsb tag. i'm gonna be real here i don't think bsb has a single straight ship that isn't for straight people like let's be entirely real here. granted from my experience like a solid chunk of the fandom on here is painfully straight though so </3 but my point is WHY are some people so desperate to ship hiromi with takao or kai. she has a very specific dynamic with both (hell. one of these is arguably hypothetical more than anything) i feel and neither are romantic.
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saerotonins · 1 year
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before everything else, while i accept requests, please bear in mind that i might not be able to write and post all of them, at least ON TIME or until inspiration hits. but i will try my very best to accommodate all of them whenever i can.
all characters are aged up to 18+ unless stated otherwise!
genres: fluff, angst, smut
╰┈➤ for smut, there are certain things that i will and will not write:
dos: daddy kink, spit kink, humiliation kink, degradation kink, gun play, knife play, food play, praise kink, age gap (both consenting adults), mutual masturbation, smut with religious imagery, temperature play, sensory deprivation, dubcon, cnc, dacryphilia, + other mild kinks
don'ts: ddlg, piss/scat kink, emetophilia, public sex, threesome/polyamory sex
: ̗̀➛ the don'ts are either just too gross for me or i just don't know how to write them yet.
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list of fandoms and characters that i will write for (continuously updated):
BLUE LOCK: itoshi sae, itoshi rin, barou shoei, shidou ryusei, michael kaiser, rensuke kunigami, oliver aiku, nagi sheshiro, mikage reo, hyoma chigiri, isagi yoichi, yukimiya kenyu
JUJUTSU KAISEN: gojo satoru, geto suguru, shoko ieiri, kugisaki nobara, fushiguro megumi, itadori yuuji, nanami kento, fushiguro toji, maki zenin, yuuta okkotsu, takuma ino, higuruma hiromi
HAIKYUU: miya atsumu, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, miya osamu, suna rintaro, tsukishima kei, bokuto koutaro, ushijima wakatoshi, kuroo tetsuro, kenma kozume, haiba lev, sakusa kiyoomi, akaashi keiji, matsukawa issei, kageyama tobio, aran ojiro, kita shinsuke, kiyoko shimizu
(1) PHANTOM BLOOD: jonathan joestar, dio brando (2) BATTLE TENDENCY: joseph joestar, suzie q, caesar zeppeli (3) STARDUST CRUSADERS: kujo jotaro, kakyoin noriaki, jean-pierre polnareff, mohammad avdol, joseph joestar, dio brando (4) DIAMOND IS UNBREAKABLE: higashikata josuke, okuyasu nijimura, kujo jotaro, kishibe rohan, kira yoshikage, higashikata tomoko (5) GOLDEN WIND: guido mista, giorno giovanna, bruno bucciarati, leone abbachio, narancia ghirga, trish una, fugo pannacotta (6) STONE OCEAN: jolyne cujoh, ermes costello, kujo jotaro, weather report
MY HERO ACADEMIA: bakugo katsuki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shoto, todoroki touya/dabi, aizawa shota, tenya ida, ochaco uraraka, kirishima eijiro, kaminari denki, yaoyorozu momo
KUROKO NO BASKET: aomine daiki, kagami taiga, midorima shintaro, kise ryota, kuroko tetsuya, hyuga junpei, kiyoshi teppei, akashi seijuro, takao kazunari, riko aida, satsuki momoi
OBEY ME! (SHALL WE DATE?): lucifer, mammon, leviathan, asmodeus, satan, beezlebub, belphegor, diavolo, barbatos, solomon
SPY X FAMILY: loid forger, yor forger, yuri briar, fiona frost, franky franklin + ships: damianya, twiyor
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have fun requesting!
with love, rica <3
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