#hiroyuki ketoin
legoyolo · 9 days
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I did it, I drew and posted a custom DRT poster. I think I should have come up with something more eye catching and informative, but I still like what I came up with.
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ritikowo · 2 years
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Your Kimihiko and Yuika designs reminded me to ask this considering how you brought the pattern on his shirt up, but have you checked the Flicker Style translation yet? It has come out some months ago and they do contain more detailed physical descriptions for both of them, outside of just being a pretty interesting book either way that happens to make some of the unnamed parallels within DRT more clear (namely in regards to how Orvin/Kazuya is likely meant to parallel another certain character from that book).
Ahh, you mean Hiroyuki (He's the one I couldn't get the print of).
I actually have read Flicker Style! It's a crazy ass book that makes even DRT look sane-r XD. It was interesting to see just how much of his conventions were from way back when he started doing his own series. For example, as we talk about descriptions, even if KFS were one would think its better, oftentimes the cast is either not described or its very sparse.
I did catch some other descriptions whenever Yuika popped up, namely in regard to her uniform. However, when doing these generations, I opted to try to stick with whatever DRT tried to say it was as much as possible (...whenever there was description for it anyway XD). Like with the case with Yuika's dress. Plus, the artwork is in general how the KFS cast is supposed to officially be visualized so I figured that, if all else failed, there's no shame in just defaulting to just using that.
(Spoilers for Flicker Style underneath)
I assume the parallels you are referring to has to do with Kazuya and Kimihiko? Both starting out being presented as the 'normal/sympathetic' one of their family...but later on you realize they're quite fucked up?
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ritikowo · 2 years
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Omg, who is this? 😱
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Danganronpa Togami: Factions Designs Edition
Now let’s get into the Conglomerate side of the DRT cast! Now, with these guys, it should be noted that a good chunk did have designs via the Kagami Family Saga novels. Thus, I based their Novel Ai generations off that. If not, then descriptions was my friend...and if not that,well, a good imagination!
DISCLAIMER: This is just what I think the cast of DRT looks like. Having any other interpretation is super fine! Go nuts! It’s valid!
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Hasegawa Research Institute
“Took a while to get a suitable generation of Kanai and him not holding his umbrella weirdly. Still, these three came out nicely, with Taeko’s description and KFS design really carrying her greatly. Chief’s and Kanai’s designs kinda had to wig it based on their personalities.” --
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Ketoin Conglomerate
“Now who doesn’t love these two?~ Hiroyuki’s design was based upon his KFS artwork, though the AI can’t generate the design on his shirt. As for Yuika, her dress is based upon her volume 2 description following being turned into a rather terrifying enemy.”
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Despair High School (Sana Kagami, Naomi Kagami and A54)
“Eh? DHS isn’t a conglomerate! True...but that’s why this post is titled ‘Factions’ edition! Now for the Kagami Girls, I based their looks off of the artwork of KFS for their physical attributes, but their Despair High look was based upon Junko’s outfit. Gave them red eyes as well as a reference to the DR3 Remnants having red eyes. As for A54, they reaaaally didn’t have anything besides wearing the Needle Force outfit and beautiful hair, so I had to improvise. Grey hair since Gundham was posing as this identity and I thought ‘well, Gundham has black and white hair...and if you mix B&W you get grey so...grey hair’. His red eyes also a DR3 Remnants reference’.”
We’re getting close to the end! I hope you guys have been enjoying seeing these! Next time will be the main stars of the trilogy!~
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Guest Profiles - Hiroyuki Ketoin
Time for 4/5!~ It’s Hiroyuki Ketoin’s time to shine!~
Meaning all that’s left is Suzuhiko...hoo boy. As per usual, spoilers will be beyond this point.
Hiroyuki Ketoin
Who Are They? (Danganronpa-wise): 
Hiroyuki Ketoin is a supporting character in the DRT trilogy, originally playing the role of an ally to ‘Team Byakuya’ during the World Domination Proclamation in the first and third volumes. He is the younger twin brother to Yuika Ketoin, with both being grandchildren of the Ketoin Conglomerate’s current heir - Hatakiyo Ketoin. The Ketoin Conglomerate is a top-ranked underworld Conglomerate. Taeko Kanai was someone who worked for them.
In volume one, Hiroyuki was alongside his companions to save Blue Ink and Byakuya from Sonia’s forces. The twins were the impromptu getaway drivers (or rather Hiroyuki was the driver) whilst Taeko took on Sonia’s personnel. During this ride, Hiroyuki explained both were there to gain information about the Secret to the Togami Family Prosperity, and was the main mouthpiece for the duo. However, Byakuya was refusing to tell any details about that (to the point Hiroyuki found an entire bottle of alcohol dumped onto his head). Nevertheless, he did continue to assist Byakuya, driving away from threats such as ‘The Ogre’ Sakura Ogami or Despair High’s forces, who sought to capture Byakuya…and even Taeko once her antics in trying to get Yuika’s sailor uniform attracted an angry mob, thus forcing Hiroyuki to speed off and leave her behind.
Hiroyuki and his allies took refuge in his hideout in Pilsen, the Skoda Auto Factory. There, he took a break following questioning and teasing Blue Ink about her Borges, right before taking a shower to wash the alcohol off of him. Later on the group would visit the Church of Bones, with Hiroyuki getting into a debate with Ink about the Despair Novel and Council of Global Controllers (as well as wondering why Byakuya was called to the council in the first place). Hiroyuki was present on the attack on the church by an angry mob that was led there by the Ultimate Imposter’s voice, and later on Kazuichi and Sonia. Likewise, he also witnessed the three-way battle between: Sonia and Kazuichi in their dekotora robot, Sakura (who was working for Byakuya now) and Hasegawa Research Institute (Chief, Kanai and Taeko - who Hiroyuki announced was actually a spy for Hasegawa). Ultimately, Hasegawa was victorious and kidnapped both Byakuya and Yuika, leaving Hiroyuki and Ink behind in the collapse of the Church (which was set on fire by the mob).
However, Hiroyuki and Ink survived, chasing after the Institute in Hiroyuki’s car (which the heir only just remembered was on standby and could be remote controlled to their location). Ultimately, due to the circumstances of the Proclamation, while they did find that the location was at Drestky’s Island, they had no way to get there due every passage being blocked by cars or the ocean. Deciding to leave things up to Ink, Hiroyuki drove his car into the ocean and activated the car’s eject feature, sending her all the way to the island. 
However, Hioryuki did not drown there. He managed to escape, acquire a new car. He would meet Blue Ink again at the wreckage of the UN train convoy, picking her up and saving her from Kazuya Togami and Suzuhiko Otsuki. Hiroyuki took them to the Karlovy Kary, a hotel where they hid out from their pursuers, especially to eat and rest for a bit. 
Hiroyuki uses this time to pry into Blue Ink’s secretarial life (from her talent to the role of secretaries in general) or, to be accurate, how much she relies on Borges. As well as the very real chances Borges has been lying to her about the events of the world. It’s this where Hiroyuki denounces that he is ‘Hiroyuki Ketoin’, noting it was just a lie fabricated by Borges. In reality, he notes he was Blue Ink’s ‘companion’ prior to her past being altered and erased. He encourages her to continue seeking the truth and to be herself. Right before he is shot in the forehead by a sniper (who is later revealed to have been his brainwashed sister). In his hands was a note with the letter ‘K’ on it.
Ultimately, ‘Hiroyuki Ketoin’ was merely Borges K2K System overlaying the character from the Kagami Family Saga novels onto a real person. It’s unknown about the identity of the person who Hiroyuki was, however with the note that he was Ink’s companion (who was the actual Kudan) it leads to the possibility he was the actual Kazuya Togami (with the one who believed he was Kazuya, Orvin Elevator, turned to be unrelated towards the Togami Conglomerate’s affairs).
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(Hiroyuki left, Yuika right)
Hiroyuki- Aside from being described as around Ink and Byakuya’s age, he has no other description in the novel itself.
Compared to his quiet sister, Hiroyuki is a self-described trickster and incredibly outspoken, to the point some could consider him to be a loudmouth and a chatterbox, sometimes rambling about things seemingly unrelated towards the situation at hand. Laidback and with a preference for making quips and geeky/pop culture, he’s one of the friendliest of Byakuya’s allies, though such nature can easily lead him to being forgetful or slow to warn at the worst moments. Befitting an underworld conglomerate heir, he doesn’t care for some laws or rules, such as underage drinking or even allying with a supposed criminal. Despite his rambly, wisecracking nature, he’s quite loyal to those he allies with, and is even willing to put himself in harm’s way in order to save them. He’s also shown to be rather introspective and critical as well, believing that the world is much too chaotic and random for one organization to truly control, being capable of being serious and blunt when it comes to it or that Hope’s Peak was simply making ‘freak shows’.
While slow to anger, he does get frustrated when Byakuya keeps making jabs at his conglomerate only being ‘third rate’. When he parts with Ink for the first time, it also shows he’s a person with a degree of self-esteem issues, noting that he feels that he can’t be ‘the star’, but still believes he can make a difference by assisting his ally who ‘could be’. The final volume shows he is quite knowledgeable, cultured and has an appreciation for literature and its translation. Likewise, his final moment showcases him as still opting to care more about the well being of his ‘companion’ than his own fading life.
Yuika Ketoin - His older twin sister. Went with her to aid in the Ketoins desire to learn about the Secret to the Togami Family’s Prosperity. While Yuika isn’t as expressive, Hiroyuki often backs up his sister and is quite supportive, leading to suggest both have a mutually positive relationship with each other. After her kidnapping, Hiroyuki was distressed about it, even despite his wisecracking nature still being in full force, even still caring about her whilst Ink and himself were trying to have a meal in their hotel hideout.  Because of Yuika’s brainwashing, she either doesn’t register or was tampered to stop caring about Hiroyuki, thus leading her to kill him.
Taeko Kanai - Taeko originally worked for the Ketoins and assisted them in saving Byakuya and Blue Ink. Compared to how well Yuika and Taeko get along, Taeko is far more snappish and rude towards him. In that same vein, Hiroyuki holds no qualms in poking fun at her, and even leaving her to face the brunt of an angry mob. Given that he knew she was a spy, his behavior likely stemmed from that.
Byakuya Togami - Throughout their time together, Byakuya often spent it either ordering Hiroyuki around and insulting his decisions as a ‘third-rate’ conglomerate. That said, while annoyed by Byakuya’s demeanor, he jokingly describes himself as an utter suck-up to his superiors and still does his best to aid them. 
Blue Ink - Through their first meetings, Ink grew openly annoyed at how much Hiroyuki liked to either tease her or was too nonchalant or because he just talked to no-end without saying much useful. In contrast, Hiroyuki takes a liking to her and does compliment her appearance, even with Borges installed in her. Despite Ink’s annoyance, she is quite grateful for Hiroyuki’s assistance and did grew to respect him, even willing to engage in civil debate. Once she learned that Hiroyuki was actually her ‘companion’ that she had forgotten, Ink became distraught and begged for him to tell her before he was killed by Yuika. 
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Guest Profiles - Yuika Ketoin
The next Guest Profile is complete! Presenting, Yuika Ketoin!!
Next time, it’ll be her brother to be displayed next! As with the Kagami Twins profile, spoilers will be posted.
Yuika Ketoin
Who Are They? (Danganronpa-wise):
Yuika Ketoin is a supporting character in the DRT trilogy, originally playing the role of an ally to ‘Team Byakuya’ during the World Domination Proclamation in the first volume. She is the older twin sister to Hiroyuki Ketoin, with both being grandchildren of the Ketoin Conglomerate’s current heir - Hatakiyo Ketoin. The Ketoin Conglomerate is a top-ranked underworld Conglomerate. Taeko Kanai was someone who worked for them.
In volume one, Yuika was alongside her companions to save Blue Ink and Byakuya from Sonia’s forces. The twins were the impromptu getaway drivers whilst Taeko took on Sonia’s personnel. During this ride, Yuika maintained a quiet demeanor as her brother explained both were there to gain information about the Secret to the Togami Family Prosperity. However, Byakuya was refusing to tell any details about that. Nevertheless, while not as open as her brother, Yuika helped aid the group’s endeavors by activating their car’s jet boosters to escape Sakura Ogami and would later give Byakuya a tuxedo to wear instead of just being left in a towel.
However, on the latter note, she had initially presented a sailor fuku for Byakuya to wear, which was rejected. Taeko, who had just arrived back from defeating Sonia’s crew, saw the fuku and, due to her crush on Yuika, got it in her head that one just needed to naked in order to get it (but was failing since she was stuck in the door windows due to her big chest) . The commotion made was so great that protesters of the World Domination Proclamation saw Team Byakuya and tried to get to them. This caused the team to be forced to flee and leave Taeko behind to the mob. 
After managing to escape from the combined attack from Sonia’s armored car to Kazuichi’s armed, mechanical, flying, baby, the team took refuge in Pizen. Specifically, the Skoda Auto Car factory that also functioned as Hiroyuki’s hideout. Exhausted, Yuika fell asleep in the hideout’s spare bed. She did briefly wake up, groggily, to sneeze before collapsing back into bed. Yuika was present for the group’s trip to the Church of Bones - the location and final resting place of the decimated Council of Global Controllers. Granted, Yuika basically spent it just strolling around. When the Imposter brought attention to their location, both Yuika and her brother stood out on the Church’s steeples to watch the gathering mob of Czech citizens and Sonia & Kazuichi in their dekotora. 
As Blue Ink gets stressed out from the situation, Yuika grabs her hand gently, and hands her a konpeitou, both used as a means of comforting Ink. It’s in this scene she thanks Blue Ink for ‘babysitting’ before her attention is taken back to the growing fire in the church. Following a three-way battle between Despair High in the dekotora robot (Sonira & Kazuchi), Sakura (who was now on Byakuya’s side) and the revealed Hasegawa Research Institute (which Taeko was actually apart of and was only spying on the Ketoin), Yuika and Byakuya are captured by the victorious Hasegawa faction via their Fulton Systems. 
In the second volume, as Byakuya and Ink are trying to escape via helicopter travel that came from Aloysius Pennyworth and a portion of their Needle Force, Yuika appears alongside Taeko in their own helicopter to intercept them. This time, Yuika has been brainwashed due to a bio/mechanical octopus developed by the Hasegawa Institute - becoming something Taeko calls ‘Octopussy Yuika’. In this state, Yuika takes out another of Team Byakuya’s ally helicopters and their helicopter’s gunman. Using the creation’s camouflage feature, she enters the team’s helicopter to attack, but Ink reveals her location with her pen ink, thus allowing Aloysius to shoot her with his shotgun to destroy her camouflage function. In order to get Taeko off their back so they can deal with the reinforcement of Tentacles Soldiers Hasegawa sent, Yuika is kicked out of the helicopter, which causes Taeko to dive down with her own in order to catch her. Ultimately, the Hasegawa Institute fails to recapture Byakuya, as he and his sister parachute to safety.
In the third volume, even after the majority of the Hasegawa faction sent to Prague (or, rather, the Kasamori Drug Manufacturers) have been killed, a brainwashed Yuika is still after Blue Ink and Byakuya. When Ink and Hiroyuki attempt to hide out in a hotel, she acts as a sniper and kills her own brother. She tries to kill Ink, but aside from destroying Borges and her autobiography of Byakuya, the secretary escapes. In a helicopter, Yuika tracks Blue Ink into the mountains, and shoots at her when she’s in K’s house. Ink tries to escape via a Skoda car, but Yuika is in hot pursuit and would have killed her if not for the helicopter being shot down by a rocket from Mukuro Ikusaba. Yuika is thought to be dead in the crash, but she survived. Her last appearance is hiding in Ink’s old car and fatally shooting Suzuhiko Otsuki during a two on one fight: Suzuhiko and Kazuya Togami vs Genocider Syo.
Because of this, an enraged, grief-stricken Kazuya, rushes over to the trunk where Yuika was hiding and stabs it multiple times with his lightsaber. He then drags her body out of the trunk and beheads her. Yuika’s octopus is then stabbed by Kazuya soon after.
Ultimately, ‘Yuika Ketoin’ was merely Borges K2K System overlaying the character from the Kagami Family Saga novels onto a real person. It’s unknown about the identity of the person who was Yuika or if she was even related to Hiroyuki in the first place. However, given that Hiroyuki was Kudan’s ‘companion’, with the possibility he was the actual Kazuya Togami, it leads to the possibility that Yuika might be the actual Shinobu Togami.
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(Hiroyuki left. Yuika right)
Yuika - Faced is described as being ‘blank like a Noh mask’ and her outfit’s shoes are red. In the second volume her new dress after being brainwashed is described as being red and black.
Compared to her outgoing and wisecracking brother, Yuika is way more on the quiet side, preferring to leave most of the talking to Hiroyuki. She has quite the calm disposition, usually keeping a cool headed demeanor even when the group faced off against Sakura to be able to calmly walk about a church that was filled with decimated bodies. That said, while willing to help, Yuika is also quite the oddball, from handing over a sailor fuku to Byakuya to verbally saying her actions sometimes. Still, she does care for others and tries her best to keep them calm as well, such as her interaction with Blue Ink. She’s even appreciative enough to thank others for their services, like Ink’s ‘babysitting’.
However, after her brainwashing, aside from making a poor joke, her personality shifted into being a mindless soldier that was very dedicated to trying to capture Byakuya and kill anyone that could prevent her mission. This determination continued on even after the deaths of the Hasegawa/Kasamori leaders and herself being repelled many times.
Hiroyuki Ketoin - Her younger twin brother. Went with him to aid in the Ketoins desire to learn about the Secret to the Togami Family’s Prosperity. While Yuika isn’t as expressive, Hiroyuki often backs up his sister and is quite supportive, leading to suggest both have a mutually positive relationship with each other. After her kidnapping, Hiroyuki was distressed about it, even despite his wisecracking nature still being in full force and trying to convince Blue Ink that her perception of reality was off.
Taeko Kanai - Taeko originally worked for the Ketoins and assisted them in saving Byakuya and Blue Ink. Taeko had a massive, if perverted, open crush on Yuika, such as obsessing over her uniform and trying to strip in order to get it. Yuika didn’t show reciprocation to these antics or show any signs of a crush (if anything Yuika remained rather neutral to her). When Taeko defected back to Hasegawa, she had Yuika kidnapped and brainwashed over to her side. Showcasing that she didn’t care about Yuika’s feelings or own allegiances if it meant she could get what she wanted. That said, brainwashed Yuika showed no love to Taeko, acting as her usual quiet, yet eccentric, self.
Byakuya Togami & Blue Ink - Byakuya’s only noticeable thought of Yuika was wondering if she was mentally challenged due to the sailor fuku incident. Blue Ink had a habit of forgetting her existence and Yuika’s attitude made her believe she was simply comic relief. Still, Yuika’s actions back in the church did help keep her nerves, but she was ultimately confused by Yuika’s mention of ‘babysitting’. Following Yuika’s brainwashing, the two became enemies with Ink being forced to flee from her former ally. While she attempted to call out to Yuika at some point, the brainwashing was too strong.
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Guest Profiles - Masterpost
To be brief, these are essentially a series of Guest Profiles for several of the crossover Danganronpa: Togami cast. These crossover characters are major characters in their own right that appear in Yuya Sato’s own works. The characters in questions are: Suzuhiko Otsuki, Yuika and Hiroyuki Ketoin, and the Kagami Twins. These profiles will highlight these guys names, roles in DRT, a summary of what they do during the plot and appearances (…assuming they got a picture or description that is~) .
Essentially, these profiles exist for anyone that is interested in learning more about these characters concerning their Danganronpa appearance. Up until proper wiki pages about these guys and their role in Sato’s other works can be made that is. Hope you enjoy!~
Kagami Twins
Yuika Ketoin
Hiroyuki Ketoin
Suzuhiko Otsuki
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