#togami cast designs
shockersalvage · 2 years
Danganronpa Togami: Misc Championship Affiliates
Now here we have the DRT LCC cast that weren’t exactly participants, but did have involvement in the process, barring a few major exceptions. Made via Novel AI.
DISCLAIMER: This is just what I think the cast of DRT looks like. Having any other interpretation is super fine! Go nuts! It’s valid!
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Kijo Togami
“The leader of the Conglomerate! We...don’t actually know him all that well. He gets some voice lines, but no physical appearance. I always imagined he’d be greying up in the years, but would use the conglomerate’s funds to make him look as young as possible, while still be imposing. Trying to keep up the imposing figure angle.”
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The Makkabes
“Aren’t they a cute couple? I always imagined the MAkkabes to not necessarily be old, but still look older than someone like Yusuke. So I’m glad this design came to be.”
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Polaris P. Polanski
“And here we have pretty much the most popular DRT girl, heck most popular DRT character herself: Polaris P. Polanski. Granted, she’s pretty much just Byakuya Togami, but I guess that goes to show you how impressionable his character is. Gave her a blue-themed outfit to match her eyes. For someone who doesn’t get much screentime, she really captured a lot of people’s heart’s huh?”
Now, you might be wondering by now: Where is Blue Ink? Or Kazuya? Or Suzuhiko even? Well, by the end of this series those guys will be for last given their high prominence! Rest assured, you’ll see them soon. Tomorrow, though, is a real myst’ry!~
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otomegrandma · 5 months
Just so you know this isn't hate, i'm GENUINELY askin' because i want to understand
Why do you ship togafuka ? Because i can don't really understand the appeal ?
You're free to ignore this text, you don't own me anything, i just want to know (It's kinda my goal to understand everyship i don't ship)
Hello! I don't mind you asking.
from an older curiouscat answer:
I’ve always understood why many people don’t like togafuka or dismiss it outright, and I don’t really take issue with this point of view. I obviously like them, but these are two characters with a lot of issues, and so the way they interact with eachother (or with anyone) is going to be bound up in all that until they change. Actually, in a way I think this is part of why I like the ship - it’s hard to see Byakuya interacting with, for example, Chihiro without feeling bad for Chihiro, and when Makoto is trying to befriend Byakuya I can tell it takes a lot out of him just to be around him, and I want to think Makoto deserves to spend time with someone who respects him more. But because Touko and Byakuya are both nasty people, having them spend time together is kind of like a quarantine, haha. We see in DR1 that both Touko and Byakuya often exclude themselves from the rest of the class, and so they end up “excluded together”
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While I like Touko and Byakuya’s interactions during the killing game, the way they are during this period is clearly not conducive to an actual relationship. Even though they seem very different on the surface, however, I think they actually have a lot in common - having difficult childhoods, preferring a blunt way of speaking rather than delicacy, you know. As they change as people independently, I imagine that their relationship to eachother could change as they may begin to see eachother in a different light. I think Touko already sees and thinks of Byakuya a bit differently by DRAE, and as Byakuya becomes better at forming sincere connections with people (which he is incapable of in DR1) he may begin to admire things in her he previously dismissed. (<-this does not necessarily mean he has to return her feelings - they could just be friends, or two people who are otherwise mature enough to exist in eachother's lives without it being a problem. but i think its cooler if he wants to kiss her grossly) To be honest, I also just find them really funny. I like that Touko gets to be a funny female character, and I like that in their dynamic it reveals a bit of Byakuya's gap moe ignorance and he can get flustered. Its fun (and endearing in a mean way) to imagine them bonding over insulting and gossiping about the rest of the cast together.
I also find them to be aesthetically pleasing to draw together; I like the contrast in their designs and mannerisms, and independently they're both the kind of character I find fun to draw (Togami, being a cool, mean, princely guy and Fukawa being a loud, pathetic woman.) "They're my type" wouldn't be enough to explain why I've been obsessed with them for 7 years straight but they're also appealing to me in a way that is kind of obvious in my mind. It didn't take 'digging deep' to make me like them!
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pascalishere · 3 months
The one thing I will give Danganronpa props on with no backhanded intent is the character designs. Every single person in the cast is instantly recognizable through their clothes, their styling, and their body language. Even the plainer characters have a ton of personality to them, it’s so fantastic. Looking at, let’s say Togami for example, you instantly know this guy is a prick before he even says anything. Serious hats off to the sprite artists and character designers! Also can you guys please stop sexualizing teenagers I’m fucking begging you
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kuzugamiceo · 2 months
So my friend Dyra and I have made a whole cast of Danganronpa Fankids, and I thought I'd share the ones I've made sprites for so far! ^_^
Characters made by Dyra will be marked with a star!
Asahi Togami (KuzuGami)
Ultimate Affluent Progeny
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Yukiya Komaeda (KomaHina)
Ultimate Lucky Student
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Riizu Ouma (KiibOuma)
Ultimate Technician
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Kamiko Nevermind (SoniAki) ⭐
Ultimate Ballerina
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Himari Asahina (SakurAoi) ⭐
Ultimate Acrobat
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Akihito Enoshima (CelesJunko) ⭐
Ultimate Fashion Designer
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catgirl-catboy · 9 months
Anyway, reasons why Toko Fukawa and Genocide Jack are bad characters, aside from the fact they play into a lot of DID stereotypes (and doesn't do anything cool with them either): (Disclaimer: its totally okay to like a badly written character. In fact, I wish I liked these two, y'all seem like you're having a lot of fun ^-^
A lot of Toko's character development happens offscreen, and isn't relevant to the plot. Why does she change between THH and UDG? How does she feel about Togami revealing her worst secret to everyone? Shrug.
They aren't particularly useful in trials. At no point is there this super important clue that only Toko could have found. Jack has more moments of glory than her, which is a problem since its Toko fronting in most trials. And even Jack is underutilized, being used as mostly a comedic relief. Not every character in Danganronpa has to be useful in trials, but it feels like missed potential.
She doesn't fill her role as the Game's secondary antagonist. Despite her goal in life right now is to get in Togami's good graces, she rarely goes out of her way to help him, and only verbally simps. She's designed to be a supporting character for him, but she never actually supports anyone.
Speaking of which, a lot of the time she IS relevant to the plot, it doesn't have to be her specifically. Chapter 2 I'll give Kodaka, but chapter 4? Nah, Hiro probably only wrote her name down because its the shortest. Chapter 5? Anybody could have gotten flung by the bomb.
A lot of her characterization in UDG contradicts her characterization in THH? Toko and Jack share emotions? Even when Jack is overly friendly with the THH cast while Toko is scared of them? Are you *sure*?
Speaking of Jack, the fact that she knew the game's main twist makes the characters, specifically Kyoko, look stupid by comparison, for easy exposition and shock value. There's never a good reason given other than "Syo doesn't front enough for it to come up" which seems like weak writing. I know Syo and Toko don't get along, but this seems like key information for them not to try and discuss with each other. (through notes, or whatever their preferred form of communication is.) it also seems weird that Syo wouldn't tell Byakuya this information.
This one is more subjective than the others, but I feel like having a serial killer played for comedy lessens the emotional impact of some of the murders. This can work under the right circumstances, but I felt like it really hurt the tone of some of the trials.
Genocide Jack's murder spree creates moral ambiguity in Toko's character that is never addressed. Not saying moral ambiguity is a bad thing, but it personally bugs me that nobody seems to care that Toko knew about Jack pre-canon, and never went to authorities about that. She did very little to stop Jack. This wouldn't be a bad thing for a morally grey character, but Toko isn't written like that, you know.
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Byakuya Togami. What a prick. Great character but also, wow, fuck THIS guy. Ultimate Rich Boy is every bit as smug and insufferable as you'd expected him to be at first glance. Which is the point, of course. Since the name of the game is competitive mystery-solving, Byakuya's designed to be the investigative equivalent to the boastful kung-fu rival that the hero needs to take down a peg.
He's an easy character to like because confidence is attractive but an obnoxious person to have to interact with at any time, for any reason. It's easy to laugh, from the third-person perspective, at how rude and self-absorbed he is to the other characters. But it would suck having to actually talk to him or tolerate his presence for any length of time.
And taking him down a peg is certainly what happens. Byakuya gets to be super-smart and deduce like 80% of every case before being made to look like a clown by the final twist. He gradually comes apart more and more with each defeat until he completely breaks during Sakura's case.
It's the same thing Ace Attorney does with their prosecutors. Byakuya is the Miles Edgeworth of Danganronpa.
But he's still a smug prick to the very end. He never quite makes that jump to the protagonist's side that all the Ace Attorney prosecutors inevitably do, and instead remains an egotistical dipshit consumed only by the glory of his illustrious family name to the very end.
He's not really a character who changes, so much as he is a character who it's fun to see get his. And get his, he does. He gets constantly humiliated by Makoto and Kyoko. Then he finds out that his precious family name is now worthless because everything they've built is gone; He is now of the same class as Makoto, who he has endlessly looked down upon.
And he ends the game alive... But for how long is left up in the air, as he still has Toko's obsession nipping at his heels - With obvious implication that Byakuya's destined to become another body on Genocide Jack's rap sheet, as is the fate of all men she becomes interested in.
Yeah, more than anyone in the survivor cast, Byakuya ends the game with his fate looking particularly grim. Destitute, plunged into obscurity, and marked by a serial killer. Knocked all the way down from his high horse to rock bottom. Carried only by his stubbornness and resolve to prove himself and overcome.
Fortunately for Byakuya, as one of the iconic five survivors of the original game, he's locked in as a franchise Sacred Cow. These five characters are so untouchable now that future entries will literally unkill them if they happen to die. So the second the credits finish rolling, he instantly gets all of his resources back and Jack promptly agrees to stop being a serial killer.
Byakuya was saved by the power of iconicity. A force that affects how future media treats the other four survivors too, all of whom seem to acquire an inexplicable level of power and influence the moment they step out that door.
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dangantums · 10 months
ok stuffedronpa fans, wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this fic contains: bloating, burps, hiccups, belly rubs, alcohol, mpreg, SFW and brief NSFW content.
NO MINORS -- MINORS DNI (that's a given, but especially now b/c of the brief nsfw content)
ship: n.aegami
TLDR: m.akoto and b.yakuya's relationship has many flavors.
Byakuya could not function without his morning coffee. The stoic heir to the Togami Corporation needed his coffee. As he descended the grand staircase, his usual aura of composed elegance was replaced by an unmistakable fatigue. The world seemed dull and imperfect – until the invigorating aroma of his morning brew met his nose.
Slipping into the kitchen, he noticed his boyfriend Makoto in front of the coffee pot, holding 2 mugs full of coffee. The brunette turned his head, glancing back at the disheveled heir. A smile appeared, accentuating his chubby, rosy cheeks.
“Good morning,” the brunette chirped as Byakuya stumbled up to him, rubbing his eyes. The heir only responded with a grunt, motioning for the cup. Makoto handed it to him, not minding this behavior – it occurred every morning.
Sipping the hot liquid, Byakuya felt a sense of calm returning. It was bitter. Just the way he liked it. He preferred coffee without all the sweeteners and creams, unlike Makoto – who probably had more sugar, syrups and milk in his coffee than actual coffee. After a few more long sips of coffee, his icy blue eyes glanced down at his boyfriend who was now scrolling through his phone, and murmured,
“Good morning, love.”
Sunday evenings were Makoto’s favorite. Byakuya would order food out on his way home from work. Not that the chef’s that Byakuya hired didn’t make good food, but there was just something about fast food that Makoto seemed to love. The heir could never understand why, but he admittedly enjoyed watching Makoto gorge himself every time.
The tantalizing aroma of savory, cheesy goodness wafted through the air, leading Makoto to the source of his newfound delight. There, in the center of the kitchen, was an impressive spread of various pizzas. And Byakuya Togami, who wore a wide smirk, stood behind the counter.
“You are the best boyfriend ever,” Makoto exclaimed, scurrying around the counter to grab a slice. Without wasting any time, he grabbed the boxes and skipped to the sofa to start his feast.
“I know,” said Byakuya, who followed behind – a smirk still present on his face.
Boxes became empty. Slice after slice disappeared. Byakuya maybe ate one or two slices, Makoto ate the rest. And it was certainly taking a toll on his waistline. Makoto’s belly, which was previously contained by a pair of gray sweatpants and one of Byakuya’s few t-shirts, was now sitting on his lap. The shirt was unable to reach past his belly button, the waistline of his sweatpants pulled down to relieve some of the pressure.
The dull noise of the TV echoed the room, every once in a while being interrupted by a hiccup or a belch from the brunette. Byakuya had his arm wrapped around Makoto’s shoulders, a hand slowly rubbing over the gurgling, overtaxed organ – stuffed to the brim with a variety of pizzas. Even though the television was on, Byakuya hadn’t been paying attention to the stupid rom-com that was on – his attention had been solely invested in Makoto.
“Are you full, honey?” Byakuya cooed as he doted on Makoto. The only response he received, however, was a long, undignified belch that rolled from Makoto’s tongue.
The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over their home. Makoto found themselves in the dining room – surrounded by the polished mahogany furniture, minimalist design, and the soft glow of candlelight created an atmosphere of refinement befitting the Togami name.
Byakuya, who was in the kitchen, approached his side with a mysterious glint in his eyes. As Makoto looked up from his phone, he noticed a bottle in the heir’s arms. Byakuya spoke, "How about we try something different tonight?"
Makoto raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Different? Like what?"
A small smirk tugged at the corner of Byakuya's lips. "An alcoholic beverage. I believe it's time for you to experience the finer things in life."
"Alcohol? Are you serious?" Makoto asked as he blinked in surprise. "I've never really tried alcohol before."
Byakuya poured a delicate amount of alcohol into two crystal flutes, his eyes never leaving Makoto's. "Consider it an exploration of new horizons, Naegi."
With a sense of curiosity, Makoto accepted the glass offered to him. The clinking of the glasses echoed in the room as they raised their flutes, a silent acknowledgment of the moment.
"To new experiences," Byakuya said, his eyes locked onto Makoto's. "To us."
Makoto took a cautious sip of the alcohol presented to him, and was immediately met with a strong, sour, lemon-y taste. The alcohol was strong. Making some sort of strangled noise, the brunette pursed his lips. Byakuya watched him, his eyebrows furrowing in slight confusion. 
“A-ha… Sorry! I-It’s good, ‘kuya, thanks.”
 “You – hnnf – you take me so well,” the blonde moaned, his long lithe fingers grabbing at Makoto’s hair. Soft, small brown ringlets to hold on to as the brunette sucked on the tip of Byakuya’s length. Byakyuya let out another grunt as his hips involuntarily bucked forward, causing Makoto to gag. Blue eyes go wide as his hips move again, hitting the back of Makoto’s throat. His member twitched in Makoto’s mouth.
“Oh, I’m close…” Byakuya whined, eyebrows furrowing. Makoto hummed in response, sending vibrations throughout the heirs body. And that was enough to make him release after another mewl fell from his mouth. Makoto’s head moved back with a slight pop, teary eyes staring up at Byakuya. Byakuya observed as Makoto’s adams apple bobbed, swallowing his salty seed, licking his lips afterward.
“... Think you can do it again?” Makoto asked with a hoarse tone, but a mischievous glint remained in his eyes. “Maybe this time, though… somewhere else?”
Byakuya, who was usually quick-witted, instead nodded aggressively at the gesture from Makoto, who was usually too embarrassed to say such things. He wouldn’t even let the shorter male get to his feet before he leaned down, grabbing him into his arms. Holding him against his thin yet muscular frame. The blonde pressed several wet kisses to Makoto’s face as he carried him to their bedroom, the other giggling with delight every step of the way. It was rare to see such affection from Togami.
Makoto was surrounded by a colorful array of sweets—chocolates, candies, pastries, and everything sweet that could be found within the confines of their shared, elegant home. Byakuya noticed this peculiar scene unfolding in the kitchen as he strolled down the hallway, his usual air of arrogance in tow. His usual-sharp eyes softened at the sight of Naegi surrounded by the array of sweets, one hand rubbing his distended belly. Byakuya approached and Makoto watched him with a smile on his face. The blonde examined the various sweets, picking up a delicate éclair and handing it to Makoto.
"Here, at least eat this properly. You're making a mess," Togami said, a slight hint of exasperation in his voice.
Makoto giggled, despite the annoyance in the others' voice, and he rolled his eyes playfully. “Thanks, ‘kuya.” Though he graciously took the éclair into his mouth, using his now other free hand to rub the other side of his distended tummy.
Bykauya hummed in response, observing the table again. "Naegi, do you really think it's wise to consume such an excessive amount of sugar? You are 8-months pregnant, afterall.”
Makoto, his mouth full of éclair, simply nodded with an innocent smile. A smile that Byakuya could never resist. A smile that forced the corners of Byakuya’s thin lips to twitch into a smile of their own. Byakuya leaned down to press a gentle kiss to the side of Makoto’s head, wisps of blonde hair tickling the brunette's cheek. Then, in another swift motion, Byakuya bends his knees to come face-first with Makoto’s pregnant belly. He pressed another soft kiss to the taut, swollen surface. The baby responded with a gentle kick, which made the heir’s smile widen.
“I love you, sweetie.”
“ Mmph? Mm! Love you too, ‘Kuya…”
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danganronpa96 · 1 year
If you were to add a returning dr69 character to dr96’s cast what character would it be? Sorry if that’s a weirdly worded question-
If you meant add them to the cast like how ‘Togami’ was added to DR2’s cast (but like not in the imposter way here), then I’d personally choose either Luigi, Miku or Teto. Why?
Luigi — I suppose it makes the most sense as the previous protagonist and one of the survivors. He’d know a lot of information regarding the killing game (even if it turns out some of it doesn’t align exactly with Nesos).
Miku — depending on what personality she’s given here, it would be interesting both ways. Either going through a redemption arc or just to cause more chaos (like I suppose if you were to add Junko to the DR2 cast or something lol).
Teto — this could work by instead using her Synth V design, perhaps showing it’s a different Teto, or she was upgraded from her previous state.
(Honourable mention: Ashley, despite having no rhyme or reason it’d be cool to see her back and get more story time, also ultimate witch and ultimate witch hunter?!?!)
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chinateacup · 1 year
Tell them more about the au we are planning :)
THH Teacher Au📚📝
This AU is mainly ishimondo focused because obviously it is, but it involves (almost) the whole cast of THH! Not all of them are teachers, but they all work together for the same middle-high school.
There’s a lot of fine details I could give away but I’m just gonna start with everyone’s subject!
Sayaka - Former idol, turned performing arts teacher. Her specialty is singing and dance lessons, and she sometimes gets recognised by the younger mothers at parent-teacher conferences.
Leon - The cool music teacher. The students love him because he doesn’t believe in homework, even though he keeping plugging his Soundcloud.
Mukuro - Gym teacher. They also teach martial arts as an extra curricular.
Chihiro - IT teacher. She still works on her programming in her spare time since she doesn’t have a whole lot of grading.
Mondo - Fine art and woodwork teacher. He applied for a gym teacher position. He was unsuccessful.
Taka - Principal! He taught politics and sociology before he was promoted, but took a mysterious leave of absence shortly after. He’s back and Totally Well Adjusted Now :)
Celestia - One of the two characters who are technically not teachers. She works on the school board and often observes classes to judge teachers’ performances. Everyone is terrified of her.
Sakura - Gym teacher. She was pursuing a career in competitive martial arts, but changed her mind for unknown reasons. She stayed in the job after falling in love with another gym teacher.
Hiro - Religious and Spiritual Studies. His teaching style is unorthodox but surprisingly effective! He is also the school guidance counsellor.
Hina - The third gym teacher. She won gold on the Japanese Olympic swim team, and retired to inspire kids to do the same! She stayed in the job after falling in love with another gym teacher.
Toko - Literature teacher. The students adore her work and she hates discussing it with them because they never understand the prose or the characterisation.
Syo - She doesn’t work here. They can’t get her to leave.
Byakuya - Also works on the board with Celestia. The school is owned and funded by the Togami Corporation so he feels it is his responsibility to oversee the day to day events. He is immensely controlling and Taka can’t stand it.
Kyoko - Forensic science and criminology. Her father was a school principal so she’s always had an interest in teaching. She feels it’s a more noble pursuit than her original plan to go into law enforcement.
Makoto - Math and Statistics! He kind of fell into the job, no one can even remember when he was hired, but the staff adore him. He’s great at encouraging students who despair over math.
Junko - Textiles! She’s super passionate about making and designing clothes, and loves putting together outfits for her coworkers. She can be a little bitchy but it comes from a good place. She really does want what’s best for the school!
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goshdangronpa · 2 years
"Screw it, Danganronpa Vampire AU" pt. 1 (Trigger Happy Havoc)
So, Danganronpa is my favorite video game series. My favorite book series is Anno Dracula, an alternate timeline created by Kim Newman in which Bram Stoker's Count not only survives the events of the novel, but becomes king of England and reveals the existence of vampires to the world. Newman's books explore the ramifications across world history, with real figures (Queen Victoria, the Red Baron, Winston Churchill) and even characters crossing over from other fictions (Inspector Lestrade, James Bond) being vampires thenselves.
Rereading the terrific first book naturally got my mind mixing these two fixations. How might Danganronpa's characters be different in an AU where turning isn't unusual and many vampires live alongside, and sometimes in tension with, the "warm"? I'm gonna write a few posts, starting with the cast of Trigger Happy Havoc
Aoi Asahina: swimming is hardly a problem for vampires, who don't need to hold their breath. It's all the more impressive that a warm girl like Aoi can beat them in races, winning her an Ultimate slot. She'll never turn - she loves the flavor of high-calorie snacks too much to settle for an all-blood diet.
Byakuya Togami: warm for now - he believes vampirism is the natural choice for supreme human beings like himself, but he'd rather not be a teen for the rest of his life. Unfortunately for him, that means Genocide Jack can still drink his blood, and Toko can simultaneously live out a vampire master/human servant fantasy. Proof that the warm can be just as cold as the dead.
Celestia Ludenberg: claims to be a vampire of Countess Elizabeth Bathory's bloodline, but isn't even a vampire. She sure wants to be, though, and fantasizes just as much as her normal DR version about living in a castle with a harem of vampire boys.
Chihiro Fujisaki: warm, yet a firm believer in vampire supremacy. Even in regular DR, she believes there are two types of people in this dog-eat-dog world: the strong and the weak. She wants Mondo to turn her so she can be among the strong. Something odd happens in her murder, causing her spirit to wander the school before settling in a laptop. From inside the computer, she manually codes a presentation of herself - not AI, but the two Chihiro.
Hifumi Yamada: honestly, he probably wouldn't be that different. I do like the idea of him becoming Celestia's drudge, manipulated into believing he must serve her even though she doesn't have any vampire powers to actually enchant him like that.
Junko Enoshima: the rare vampire who shows up on film, but her true nature is a well-kept secret. In this version of THH, it really is Junko who gets impaled on the Spears of Gungnir (sorry, Mukuro fans). However, she designed them to miss her chest and heart. She spends the rest of the game recovering with supernatural healing, fueled by feeding off the blood of victims and executed blackeneds. More dangerous still, she's an energy vampire who feeds on other people's despair. If ever Dracula had an heir, it was her.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: despite his father turning vampire as a means of advancing his political career, he remains warm. His friendship with Mondo challenges his negative bias against vampires. "Ishimondo" remains as bizarre and inexplicable as in the game - he's no longer fully warm, though a gross attempt at drinking blood suggests he didn't somehow become fully a vampire either.
Kyoko Kirigiri: tell me this girl wouldn't be a vampire. She refuses to share her turning experience, which may have something to do with her perpetually gloved hands. Her nature enhances her perception of small details, an asset to her detective work. However, the transactional nature of vampirism strongly influences her worldview, making her sensitive when she feels like others aren't giving her as much as she's giving them.
Leon Kuwata: another character who likely wouldn't be too different. In besting and slaying Sayaka, he'd mainly serve in the narrative to prove that the warm can be just as physically powerful and lethally dangerous as vampires.
Makoto Naegi: warm and perfectly ordinary as ever. He's a little nervous around vampires, having not met many before. He warms up to them as he gets to know them, especially Kyoko, who gives much of her blood to him after he nearly dies in his botched execution. His first time in a bloodgiving interaction gives him the power and vitality to defeat the mastermind, and his spreading of hope to his peers deprives Junko of the despair that gives her such great power. If Junko is Dracula, Makoto is the sun.
Mondo Owada: turned vampire so he could be even gnarlier and stronger, though his brother Daiya chose to remain warm. He became reckless like so many young vampires and would've been killed once had Daiya not sacrificed himself for him. He tries to give Chihiro what she wants, but her twisted views of vampiric masculinity unintentionally hit him where it hurts. The resulting mental break makes him lose control of his feeding, draining her to death.
Sakura Ogami: fully warm. Even with their enhanced strength, all but the fiercest elders would fall in battle with her, more than earning her the title of Ultimate Martial Artist. Jealous rivals speculate that she allows vampires to feed on her so some of their power can transfer to her in the process.
Sayaka Maizono: turning vampire was one of the many choices she felt compelled to make for the sake of her music career. If she can't age, she can be a teen idol forever. This version really is an esper. A silver knife to the chest kills her just as good as in the game.
Toko Fukawa: her split identity was always too cartoony to really fit any real condition or disorder. Here, she's a halfa, Blade-style, compartmentalizing her human and vampire sides into Toko and Genocide Jack. Of course it's not healthy, as Jack tends to kill those she feeds on (cute boys are her preference). Even that changes when she meets a certain girl in Towa City ...
Yasuhiro Hagakure: warm, but a Hope's Peak research team infused him as a child with the blood of multiple psychic vampires until he became a greater psychic than all of them. Otherwise as chipper and unserious as ever.
And Monokuma can be a little bat. Monokomori.
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nikkiiiscute · 8 months
Fanganronpa 66.99 : Despair - Dom
Okay okayyyy, Dang it grandpa may be dead butttt butbutbutbutbut I made a Fanganronpa with Fictional Characters with my friend's OCs so here's the cast list!!
My OCs
Doll Alikov : Ultimate Dancer (Chpt 1 Culprit)
Constellation (Connie) : Ultimate ??? (Chpt 5 culprit)
Vinnie : Ultimate ??? (Chpt 1 victim)
TF2 (Cousin's Idea)
Dell Conagher : Ultimate Engineer (Chpt 2 culprit)
Jane Doe : Ultimate Soldier (Chpt 2 victim)
Jeremy : Ultimate Scout (Survivor)
Welcome Home
Wally Darling : Ultimate Artist (Chpt 3 Culprit)
Frank Frankly : Ultimate Entomologist (Chpt 3 victim)
Eddie Dear : Ultimate Craftsman (Chpt 3 victim)
My Hero Academia (Sophia's Idea)
Ochaco Uraraka : Ultimate Gravity Manipulator (Survivor)
Asui Tsuyu : Ultimate Pro Swimmer (Chpt 5 victim)
Eri : Ultimate ??? (Survivor)
Kaede Akamatsu : Ultimate Pianist (Survivor)
Ibuki Mioda : Ultimate Musician (Chpt 4 victim)
Byakuya Togami : Ultimate Impostor (Chpt 4 culprit)
My laptop needs some rest plus im going to my family's for Chinese new year lol. BTW note that any non - human characters like Doll, connie and WH are gonna get human designs.
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Danganronpa Togami: Main Characters Cast Design Edition
So we’re finally here! The last post of this series dedicated to showing off Novel AI’s depictions of the main DRT cast! I hope you enjoy! doing this was quite fun!
DISCLAIMER: This is just what I think the cast of DRT looks like. Having any other interpretation is super fine! Go nuts! It’s valid!  
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Suzuhiko Otsuki (Minoru Oe)/Moleman
“First one up and he’s...already a doozy. You see, compared to Kazuya or Shinobu, Suzuhiko doesn’t have artwork (that we know of) or description. Thus, he’s in the realm of ‘making a design that best fits the character he’s filling for this trilogy’. In this case, with the thought of him acting as a NEET for a while, I gave him a black tracksuit, inspiration being gotten from the main characters of Konosuba and RE:Zero. His black hair and eyes stem from another character’s trait below. I imagine that, that Moleman would prefer keeping his mask on and trying to cover his face up with his hair and hat as much as possible, due to his reclusive style. Buuuut, Suzuhiko himself prefers everything to be loose, thus his hair is no longer parted, no need for a mask and his jacket’s pretty much partially off.”
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Kazuya Togami (Orvin Elevator)
“Eugh, this nutjob. Given how he’s Togami’s doppelgänger, his design is meant to reflect that, from the blondish hair to the similar suit...okay. Well, I couldn’t quite give him a matching suit due ot AI constraints, but the point still stands. Speaking of the suit, its grey in color as a reference to how both Byakuya and Sagishi where black and white suits, respectively. Golden eyes are reference to Borges, though only his right eye holds his actual Borges Think of his other golden eye just being a coincidence that worked out.”
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Shinobu “Blue Ink” Togami
“For our extra special main character, she gets some extra special variants! Now, Blue Ink’s design stems from a certain other one that is down below. Namely, her pale skin, long black hair (which Suzuhiko got) and black pupils come from said design. I gave her a blue jacket and skirt as I always thought it suited her. Now, concerning her eye, this AI struggles with heterochromia so I basically had to hide one eye at a time if I want to generate Blue Ink. Granted, it also fits how I imagine her eye working so I don’t mind too much but, still. Honestly, I think she came out pretty well! She also gets that protagonist ahoge!~“
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Blue Ink (Post-Borges)
“Yeesh, this thing also struggles with giving Ink a cool eyepatch. This was the best I can manage after a while. Still, you get to see her black eye here and I really look how stoic she comes across here. This is an Ink after her talk with K and learning the truth.”
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“The girl of the hour! She’s not an actual cow! Ahem, anywho, Kudan actually has a description of what she looked like in volume 2. This being being long black hair, the white dress and, yeah, the black eyes. Erm. Yeaaaah, I couldn’t make the cow-like eyes so they’re regularly black instead. Honestly, I just chalk up the eyes to unreality exaggeration. Still, since Blue Ink was actually the Kudan, I modelled her after such description. Suzuhiko’s eyes and hair is also a reference to their supposed familial relationship(?)...I think they’re still siblings regardless? Bah, a story for another day!~”
And thus, the cast of Danganronpa Togami is complete...right? Well...sort of!~ I got a bonus in mind for later on! Until then, I hope you guys enjoyed!~
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onceuponalegendbg · 2 years
Thoughts On Danganronpa Project: Eden’s Garden Fan Game
It’s genuinely so good so far guys. It’s incredible how much effort was put into this project, and how well it’s turning out so far. The potential for this project is ridiculous right now.
Damon Maitsu: Ultimate Debater - Snake. It’s so interesting that we’re basically playing as the Byakuya of this game. It doesn’t feel quite as antagonistic as Togami but there’s definitely some of the same leanings. At least as of right now. Damon kind of reminds me of Hajime, and how he acknowledged that even he wasn’t sure if he wouldn’t kill someone if he got desperate enough. He’s certainly arrogant and a bit hypocritical in that arrogance but I’m supposing that may be part of his development as a character. Either way, it’ll be an interesting perspective to play from.
Eva Tsunaka: Ultimate Liar - Crow. Ah, the enigma of this game for sure. So far I’m really enjoying her as a character and am very intrigued by the concept of having someone that you actually can’t tell if they’re lying or not. So far, Eva has been impressively unreadable while still coming off as having personality. In fact she’s actually a little sassy. Her and Damon also just bring up some excellent points in regards to Wolfie trying to rally the troops with a very... naive view of trust. Also, I just... really love her hair. The black giving way to the white tips.
Grace Madison: Ultimate Golfer - Rabbit. When I say my heart stopped when I thought we’d lost her already. I was having Mukuro flashbacks and I can’t even begin to describe the relief I felt when she didn’t end up shot. I think she might be my favorite of the cast so far. She’s definitely abrasive, no doubt about that but it feels different than it did with Miu or even Hiyoko. I can’t quite describe what it is, I just kind of find her funny. I just also have to admire the guts (insanity) it takes to just go up and beat the crap out of the cult leader dude that kidnapped you and a bunch of other Ultimates in order to get you play a killing game. Like, she actually was just gonna beat him down. You have to respect the guts.
Wolfgang Akire: Ultimate Lawyer - Sheep. Now time for the protagonist to our antagonist. On surface level, this guy seems pretty swell. There’s definitely some backstory trauma with how riled up he got during the Prologue Trial but overall, he seems to have a decent head on his shoulders. But again, that’s just a surface level read. Unfortunately for Wolfie, however; most of us are familiar with the idea of a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing. Do I trust him? Not particularly, but I think he’ll make an excellent rival character if that’s indeed what they’re going for with him.
Toshiko Kayura: Ultimate Matchmaker - Flamingo. Who is this sassy, lost child? Like seriously, why is a 14 year old the Ultimate Matchmaker? Did she guess which contestant the Bachelor would choose 100% of the time or something? Anyway, I like her design but I also just.... really don’t have an actual opinion on her yet. 
Eloise Taulner: Ultimate Fencer - Swan. Protective instincts are kicking in hard with this one which means she’s most likely going to die. She seems like a sweetheart, and that’s always dangerous in a game like this. Outside of that I don’t have a ton to say about her but I’m looking forward to learning more. After all, it’s only the beginning of the game.
Desmond Hall: Ultimate Marksman - Shark. He seems like a pretty chill dude, and I can see a lot of potential red herrings in regards to him and his skill during trials. I’d be surprised if he isn’t suspected in at least one trial.... until it actually turns out to be him. Dun dun duuuuun.
Ingrid Grimwall: Ultimate Blacksmith - Lion. Love her design. Another character I’m not particularly sure about. Again, seems like a big teddy bear but... there’s something that doesn’t quite sit right with me now that I’ve seen the whole prologue. I can’t put my finger on what it is. Also while the creators have said that they’re going to avoid the typical Danganronpa tropes  (two murders in the third chapter, big muscle character dies in the fourth, etc) I will be shocked if she makes it to the end of the game.
Wenona: Ultimate Entrepreneur - Bear. She certainly has the arrogance to give our darling protag a run for his money, and I’m looking forward to the possible back and forth between her and Cassidy. Another gorgeous design, and I do really like her voice. I’m actually placing bets on her being a survivor. I’m fully prepared to be absolutely wrong. Really interested in what she brings to the game.
Cassidy Amber: Ultimate Pro Gamer - Spider. Speaking of our resident streamer, she’s another character that I like, but something about her is also just very off putting to me. I appreciate a good Ace Attorney reference though, so that does get her some bonus points. As stated earlier, can’t wait to see her butting heads with Wenona.
Ulysses Wilhelm: Ultimate Historian - Owl. As someone who loved history in school, is an avid note taker, and desperately just wishes she could spend most of the day napping.... this boy is such a mood. Outside of that, however.... He hasn’t really made that big of an impression on me. In fact, when listing characters earlier today, I completely forgot about him. So.... do with that what you will. I don’t hate him by any means but so far I’m a bit indifferent. Which is a shame because history class was usually one of the classes outside of English that I was actually very good in.
Mark “Mayhem” Berskii: Ultimate Music Producer - Alligator. This kid looks like he really needs to go to sleep and honestly... I feel that.
Diana Venicia: Ultimate Cosmetologist - Chameleon. Okay, so this girl is actually one of the ones I’m so overtly suspicious of for seemingly no reason. At first glance at least. Diana just seems so weirdly normal, if not a little shady. Like seriously, if you actually look at some of her dialogue, she has a tendency to sneak in these really backhanded comments. Keeping my eye on this girl.
Kai Monteago: Ultimate Influencer - Butterfly. ..... I do not trust this boy and his crocodile tears. Not in the slightest.
Jett Dawson: Ultimate Drag Racer - Coyote. Good boy. No way he’s making it to the end. Again, will be genuinely shocked if he does.
Jean Delamer: Ultimate Ship Captain - Dragon. His voice. Yes, sir. But also, he seems like he’ll be a bit of trouble. Similar to how Kaito kept getting himself into trouble by being a hot head. Really hoping he sticks around for a while, but knowing how these games go, I’ve probably just jinxed it.
Tozu: Game Master - Goat. I really like this change up from the main line games. Instead of a joyfully creepy teddy bear mascot we have the clearly unhinged cult leader. This should be interesting.
Mara: Enforcer - Panther. We know nothing about her and I already love her. Sure, she almost killed Grace but I’m willing to forgive that very minor transgression. I also just love that they actually gave her tone/muscle definition. Her design is seriously cool.
Outside of the characters I just really dig the art. It���s obviously replicating the usual Danganronpa style (masterfully I might add) but there’s also these really neat little extra touches. I especially love the art for the splash screen showing the Surviving Students countdown and can’t wait to see how they play with that.
I’m just genuinely so stoked to see where this all goes and can’t wait for Chapter 1′s release. At least they do have a lot of the assets finished. Most it now would probably be other splash screens, trial dynamics/mechanics, and ironing out some of the future story points.
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teletogami · 2 years
i wanna make u happy so im sending u another ask. whats ur favorite color also if you had to choose which dr1 character would you beat with a baseball bat
omg thank you kind stranger for another ask. I'M SO HAPPY, YOUR MISSION HAS SUCCEEDED
my favourite colour is maroon!!!! I love warm, dark reds.
the second question is more difficult for me. partly because I would probably never beat any of them with a baseball bat (unlike in sdr2, in which I would pick hanamura within seconds, sorry). thh is my favourite game, and really excelled at connecting me to the cast because of how realistic everything felt. the way the cases were designed really felt like 17-18 year old kids resorting to murder as a result of their circumstances, especially chapter 1 and 2. don't get me wrong, I love sdr2 and its trials. the game is good. but thh just always felt more raw to me. sdr2's murders felt more meticulously planned, while thh sometimes had the planning happen entirely after the murder had taken place to cover it up, highlighting how most murders are just "crimes of passion" so to speak. a crime of passion makes sense. they're stuck in a death game; highly stressed, alert, and emotional. and they're teenagers. it just felt so real.
sorry for rambling, but any mention of thh makes my brain go brrrrr. I'll answer your question now. i would hit togami once, not too hard but not too gentle, just to hear him squeal. then I'd stop (out of love)
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transpanda-1 · 2 years
Panda’s full rewrite of DR1 with explanation because she has nothing better to do before DND:
Put under spoilers because it’s long + dangan ronpa cringe
1. Sayaka is the actual protag, but Naegi is the bait and switch death protag instead of Kaede.
- (From what we’ve been told), Sayaka is “supposed” to be a critique twist of how oversaturated mystery series were with a guy protag and a sweet innocent assistant girl. The problem is jumping immediately to “kill the girl character as a twist instead!” always blows chunks. (Also if she still planned to kill someone, that would be an interesting “no one trusts you” emotional dynamic)
2. Fuck ALL of chapter 2. Chihiro lives. She’s trans. Fukawa is a true crime enthusiast. Also trans. Togami’s the killer. Not trans.
-Was originally the worst chapter in the entire series before DRV3. Transphobic, pluralphobic, letting a spoiled rich kid get away with desecrating a body, and it barely makes any sense. It sucks across the board just. EW! Change all of it!
3. Maybe actually do something with Ishimaru freaking out so badly he basically gets an introject of his dead friend?
-What’s the point of giving him a radical design and personality change if he just. Dies the same chapter? There’s no story there. This is a series about extreme grief, I’d like to see more emphasis on characters attempting to cope with what’s happening.
4. Maybe Hagakure should actually... have a presence?
-I get the point of a more comic relief character, but uh... by the end of the game the cast is so slimmed down there’s less of a point to having one? A character designed to defuse a situation between 12 characters becomes a little too effective when it’s, like, 5 or 6.
5. Make Monokuma actually a robot.
-There should be more emphasis on the fact that Monokuma is meant to be representative of extreme capital punishment and enforcement, and it’s tie in to systematically forcing people to commit crimes. (Think about how Naegi said it wasn’t the first two people’s faults that they killed each other, but Monokuma’s for putting them in that situation. That should be the vibe the whole game.) Making him a literal AI makes it easier to connect as a literal system without lived morals applied to it. And it makes it harder to blame a single person, like...
6. Basically completely overhaul Junko Enoshima as a character, and don’t make her take the individualistic blame for a completely societal structural failing
-As she stands now, Junko is a character who’s basically blamed for the destruction of the entire world “because she’s mentally ill enough”. She swaps personalities every couple of lines. She says she doesn’t feel anything but “despair”. “Demonization” is putting it lightly. And the thing is: We don’t even want to get rid of her depression, her plurality, etc. etc. etc., we just think it’s counterproductive to put all the blame on a single person. Her sister’s a child soldier for god’s sake, the world’s already plenty messed up before she showed up! She doesn’t even have to be good, just acknowledge she’s probably just a teen coping incredibly poorly with the world ending.
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cheridraws · 2 years
Alright!! I’ve finally figured out the other characters for the Detective Au :]]
Currently it’s only the v1 cast, I’ll get to the v2 cast in another post
Sayaka is a traveling singer/performer, wanting to one day become a star. Her career is just taking off, and she often performs in whatever taverns she can find to help elevate her career
Leon travels with her, the two having met in high school with similar goals. He wants to separate himself from his old sports career, and is technically Sayaka’s roadie now (or the 1920s equivalent of that). He’s even been trying to teach himself instruments to play with her! Although, he is starting to miss his old career…
Chihiro works for a company currently trying to create the basis of the technology that will one day become the first computer. It’s a secret project, one she’s not allowed to talk about. Combined with odd working hours, she’s mostly seen wandering around the city looking for things to create accessories with, and knows of a great deal of people despite not being all that social
Hifumi runs the Harold! He’s a journalist who not only prints the newspapers, but also draws all the comic pages. He loves writing about people, and has to have his nose in anything going on in town. He does have a tendency to get carried away with the exaggerations, though…
Toko owns the local library, acting as it’s only librarian due to her dislike of most people. Most don’t know of her own love of writing, nor the fact that she has been secretly sneaking her own novels onto the shelves for years under a different pen name
Celeste is still a gambler, traveling from city to city gathering as much money as she can from her talent for a future life of luxury. Nobody has quite been able to track her due to her constantly changing identities; although, a certain purple haired detective has been getting closer and closer…
Byakuya is mostly the same: he’s still a rich prick, with plenty of connections and a general uncaring attitude towards anyone else beneath him. Nothing much other than he has officially taken the title as heir to the Togami name
Junko runs a bar with her sister, Mukuro; they claimed the place after the previous owners went missing. Mukuro mostly handles the actual work while Junko keeps bringing in customers, along with bringing in income through her second job as a designer. Strange, though… a lot of supply trucks keep coming in with crates that don’t really look like alcohol…
Mondo still runs the biker gang, who is mostly confined to the city. They are known as the most nefarious gang all over, and most are too scared to approach them
Taka just recently moved to the city in a quest to look for work, his previous place of residence hesitant to offer his family jobs due to their name. He both wants to help his family’s financial situation, and also takes this as the opportunity to make connections for his future political career. Let’s hope his tarnished name doesn’t follow him into this town too…
Makoto and Kyoko have known each other since the first year of high school, and have been friends a long time. Kyoko has often spoke about her plans to locate her father, and the two hatched a scheme out of this: a detective agency. An agency with the Kirigiri name would surely lure her father - who has been missing since he left her - out of hiding, right?
Makoto himself has decided to take up law. He wants to be a defense lawyer, determined to help people, and is working the agency on the side. A lawyer and a detective… a pretty good match for an agency, right?
Aoi works in practically every place in town. She has taken every part time job possible, working to save up enough money to finally move out of the city and beside the sea. She often talks about a dojo nearby the area she wants to move to, speaking fondly of a woman waiting there for her
Hiro still works as a fortune teller, setting up pop-up tents in the more populated areas to gather as much attention as possible. Surprisingly, he’s doing pretty well for himself despite living off what is basically an elaborate scam (granted, he doesn’t see it as a scam).
Alrighty, that’s the first cast for now! These are obv subject to change, but I currently like these the most :] I might drop designs at some point, but I wanted to give information on them all first (hopefully they seem in character?)
Anyways, thanks for reading!
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