#kagami family saga
legoyolo · 8 days
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I did it, I drew and posted a custom DRT poster. I think I should have come up with something more eye catching and informative, but I still like what I came up with.
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Your Kimihiko and Yuika designs reminded me to ask this considering how you brought the pattern on his shirt up, but have you checked the Flicker Style translation yet? It has come out some months ago and they do contain more detailed physical descriptions for both of them, outside of just being a pretty interesting book either way that happens to make some of the unnamed parallels within DRT more clear (namely in regards to how Orvin/Kazuya is likely meant to parallel another certain character from that book).
Ahh, you mean Hiroyuki (He's the one I couldn't get the print of).
I actually have read Flicker Style! It's a crazy ass book that makes even DRT look sane-r XD. It was interesting to see just how much of his conventions were from way back when he started doing his own series. For example, as we talk about descriptions, even if KFS were one would think its better, oftentimes the cast is either not described or its very sparse.
I did catch some other descriptions whenever Yuika popped up, namely in regard to her uniform. However, when doing these generations, I opted to try to stick with whatever DRT tried to say it was as much as possible (...whenever there was description for it anyway XD). Like with the case with Yuika's dress. Plus, the artwork is in general how the KFS cast is supposed to officially be visualized so I figured that, if all else failed, there's no shame in just defaulting to just using that.
(Spoilers for Flicker Style underneath)
I assume the parallels you are referring to has to do with Kazuya and Kimihiko? Both starting out being presented as the 'normal/sympathetic' one of their family...but later on you realize they're quite fucked up?
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penguwastaken · 5 months
On ‘Danganronpa Togami’ also, I would be of the viewpoint that most of what happened in the present in terms of actual events not merely spoken of was real (unlike the interpretation of certain others) and that the way Borges worked was essentially like a more advanced versions of the vision filters from ‘Black Mirror’, replacing what was seen/heard by Blue Ink with regards to the identities of (some of) the people who were being encountered then being obscured/replaced with others if they seemed to contradict what Blue Ink’s reality (as Byakuya’s biographer) was supposed to be, and what words they were saying. That what can be guaranteed to have been real 100% would be those scenes Borges wouldn’t have had the right context to in order to properly filter it off into something else, like most of the Ultimate Despair encounters, Byakuya calling Junko, the brief Mukuro encounter, Toko showing up and Genocide Jill going into action, etc., as well as any information given by characters in the games (like there being 15 to 108 Togami siblings). One particular fan theory building on this concept that I like being that the real Shinobu who died was the actual decapitator in the island flashbacks, Borges having switched around the identities of the major players in terms of what they did in presenting a facsimile of the past for her to look back upon. And that while the Ultimate Imposter may very well have been one of the many Togami siblings, it didn’t matter anymore to his present goals with Ultimate Despair, the ‘Kazuya’ Orvin made that way basically to see how his original plan might have gone if he hadn’t met Junko. It was a trilogy that seemed to assume one had played the other games/read the other novels, that its readership would understand what certain things would be referring to, even if not explicitly spelled out.
What would be your thoughts on the trilogy?
Ignore everything below, my mind has completely changed (lol). Read my updated review instead.
If you want a very short description of my opinion of Danganronpa Togami, it's basically this image.
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I can't help but think that maybe if i read the Kagami Family Saga novels or if there were just better full translations, maybe i would have liked Danganronpa Togami more. But the truth is, I REALLY don't like Danganronpa Togami. It's honestly one of the worst media experiences I've ever had 😭
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My biggest gripe is that i hate that any flaw with its storytelling can be exempt by just saying "well actually it was all fake and you don't know what's real and what isn't" because that just makes it worth nothing, if the bad stuff can be exempt then so can the good stuff. And it is HEAVILY implied that a majority of the novel is fake, the themes rely on it, it's the main point of the novel. And if they were real, that would make it actual dogshit and also just noncanon because it would contradict Danganronpa 3 and Zero.
I genuinely can't tell if I really like the twist or if I really hate it because it makes so much sense in retrospect but getting to that point was an actual pain to read, and the implications of it are also so baffling.
There's so much god awful stuff in this book like Kazuya and Suzuhiko, the weird recurring incest stuff, Byakuya's really bad and flanderized characterization, and all the absurd stuff that happens like Sakura projecting herself or the despair novel but it's all dismissed by the "it was all made up" thing which is so awesome but so stupid at the same time. If that twist was in literally any other novel I might like it but it's handled so poorly that I end up despising it.
Basically, I don't like this novel. And while parts of it matter, for the most part it can be easily dismissed because most of it was canonically made up.
I shouldn't have to read a completely separate book series to enjoy this. There was no need for all of the gross and poorly handled incest and sexual abuse stuff. Byakuya's characterization just makes him insufferable and his entire motive and actions is kind of gross. And to top it all off, NONE of it mattered. It's not like V3 where the events had an effect on the people involved or changed something, the book literally just describes it as another weekend in Byakuya's life and it's all forgotten and most of it didn't even happen. I sat through all of that for none of it to even matter. Basically what it results is self nullifying nonsense that means literally nothing as none of the events happened.
I'm sorry if you like this trilogy, I just can't find many positives. I went in thinking that maybe the hate for it was unfounded, I wanted to like it. I mean, I think Danganronpa 3 is great, I found redeeming qualities in Danganronpa S and Ultra Despair Girls. So if anyone can find something to like in an unpopular piece of Danganronpa media, it would be me. And honestly volume 1 wasn't even that bad, I remember thinking that it was kinda dumb but harmless. But my experience with Danganronpa Togami can best be described as a decent into madness. I have a lot of issues with it, but that's just my opinion.
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Danganronpa Togami Fan Translation Masterpost 🧵
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Danganronpa Togami is an official spinoff of the Danganronpa series written by Yuya Sato, featuring characters and elements from the Kagami Family Saga series. It follows Blue Ink as she tries to help Byakuya reclaim his identity while writing his biography, "Byakuyako." For the longest time, the novel trilogy was not fully translated. This project aims to fix that.
This project is incomplete, so expect this to be updated frequently. if you want more information, check out the website. It features translation notes, a personal review, and will feature offline downloadable copies for each volume when they are finished.
Originally I intended to have these all put the website manually, but I found posting them on Tumblr to be much easier. But like I said, the website will still include downloads for each volume when they're ready.
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Chapter 1 - Byakuya is a God 🔗
Chapter 2 - EVE Burst Error 🔗
Chapter 3 - Triple Threat Match 🔗
Chapter 4 - Me & the School & Me (Part 1) (Coming Soon)
Chapter 5 - Me & the School & Me (Part 2) (Coming Soon)
CODA - Despair High School (Coming Soon)
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No chapters are available to read at this moment, please check back again soon.
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No chapters are available to read at this moment, please check back again soon.
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autisticwriterblog · 8 months
Snowflake Challenge 13
 Challenge #13
Make a rec list of fanworks! Post your answer to today’s challenge in your own space and leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so. Here is a list of fics I've read (or reread) recently!
Alan Wake
In Your Place Summary: Washed up on the shore of Cauldron Lake, Alan tries to recover some semblance of sanity. Or at least get his memories back. These two strangely familiar FBI Agents need answers and so does Alan himself. Unfortunately, any answer lies with Scratch. And they cut far closer to home than Alan can handle. ((A semi-canon compliant short that takes place after Saga and Casey rescue Alan from the lake at the beginning of the game but before the interrogation.)) Notes: A fascinating look at Alan early in Alan Wake 2. Very angsty!
Ahma Beer! Summary: Jaakko gives Ilmo a little present once the beer deal is sealed. Notes: A very cute fic set pre-Alan Wake 2 about Jaakko and Ilmo. 
Kuroko no Basuke
Come Morning Light Summary: Something is wrong with Kuroko. After months of friendship and partnership, Kagami's starting to lose track of him again. When Kagami realizes that Kuroko is deliberately reducing his presence, he makes it his mission to find out why and to make it stop. Even if Kuroko has no intentions of helping. Notes: This fic is an AU where Kagami discovers that Kuroko's dad is abusing him, and ends up dragging Kuroko back to his place to stay with him. It's very heavy in places, but it is also full of hurt/comfort and fluff as they become a family. 
The Owl House
Of Astral Oaths and Sprinkles of Magic
Summary: With Darius in tow, Camila takes the kids to their first pop culture convention to trot out their cosplay and in general just geek out. Hunter couldn’t be more excited if he tried and Darius’s sublime horror at it all is just the hot fudge sauce on the sundae. Notes: I received this fic as part of the 2023 Fandomtrees event. It's an adorable fic about Hunter and Gus (and co) going to a human convention. 
AI93-PE: The Fanzine
Summary: An Altered Item document for an anthology featuring writing and art about a fictional video game. Notes: This fic is written as an in-universe document, and pulls off the tone of the FBC's documents perfectly. The whole idea of a fanzine becoming an Altered Items is also a hilarious concept. 
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 3 years
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Well now this is interesting, the kagami family saga are coming to kindle.
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chicoriii · 3 years
Season 4, Episode 16 - Hack-san
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Okay, I haven't given up on the show, but that doesn't mean I feel any better about it. My crisis is not over yet and I don't think it will be anytime soon.
I haven't been willing to watch this episode. Not at all. My only motivation was the fact that's the next one will be aired soon. And that I just wanted to get it done and not need to worry about this terrible episode anymore. It helped that I've read and seen some spoilers, so I knew what to expect. I knew all its worst. But watching it was still a pain for me. Hack-san officially becomes a symbol of what's wrong with season 4 in my opinion and why the creators destroyed this lovely show to me. So this post is another one about why I don't enjoy it and at this point I even started being convinced that it's much worse than season 1. And S1 was just an okay children show to me, nice enough to see casually with kids, but nothing I would watch "seriously". So if the whole show was like S1, I would never became a fan in the first place. But now I think it's better, if only because it's more consistent . And I believe in the Love Square watching it. And the characters aren't that much dumbed-down. And Marinette is a better protagonist and hero.
The episode itself is full of illogical nonsense, definitely top 5 the worst ones in the whole history of this show. Even worse than any other Alya-centric ones from 13-17. I probably dislike more only Gang of Secrets from this season, and just because I hate how much melodramatic, emotionally forced and unsubtle it was. This one is more idiotic, but not cheaply dramatic.
There's one thing that payed much attention: Tom said they visit that aunt every year, is that means that it still hasn't been a year since Marinette and Adrien got their Miraculous? Is the whole show (or Gabriel-saga) going to happen in a year only?
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It's so ridiculous that Marinette panicks so much that she needs to leave Paris for a while in the middle of season 4. Like it's the first time. She has done it before three times already, she should have been aware what to do. Another time when the writers make her impossibly stupid. And Tikki as well, if her wielder has memory lapse, she should have reminded her what she has done in such situations before. But no, they need to dumb down the characters to poorly excuse why she is giving the ladybug Miraculous to Alya. They need to try to make us convinced that's the only option. Alya is the only hope for the whole world. The horse Miraculous, space power potions? Who's ever heard of them? Definitely not Marinette. She can't leave her family for some time? She has been able to do that many times before, she would be once more and she is going to continue doing that as long as she's Ladybug. I don't buy the whole thing at all. They just wanted to make another Alya fanservive episode, that's all. There's no logic behind it. Because there's still no enough Alya favouritism this season. She needs to get absolutely every type of favouritism that's any possible.
They also needed absolutely kill the uniqueness of Marinette and Adrien and their relationship. I can't treat the ying-yang Miraculous as the special ones in comparison to others anymore if non-main character (good or bad one) is using any of them. I don't think it's good for narration. In my opinion the ladybug and cat Miraculous and the whole Miraculous secrets thing should be shared only between heroes choosen by Fu at the start of the story. I hate that Alya is involved in everything all of sudden and out of nowhere. If she was the main character from the start, it would be different, but now it feels just wrong to me. Like she's interrupting. Especially that since it's happening, Adrien is kept completely in the dark. She is ignored not only by Marinette and also by the narration. And I know I need to keep to explain once more: that's not problem with Alya herself, I don't want anyone to be favoured as much as she is, even if it was a character I love like Kagami or Alix.
That's of course not objectively wrong thing, that's just my personal preference. In my own ideal scenario no one should be favoured by Marinette and the narration as a hero from all the back-up holders. No one should be permanent Miraculous wielder or everyone should be. Adrien and Marinette should be only ones keepers of the Miraculous lore in the heroes team. It seems the creators have different opinion, that's their show, but I'm sad that because of that I won't be able to like it as much as I was used to before. I don't feel that Adrien, Marinette and relationship between them is any special anymore. There's nothing left unique shared only between them two. Alya has just got the last thing: one of the ying-yang Miraculous. And I would always hate it.
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How could Trixx sounds reasonably all of sudden though he wasn't before? This is why I'm keeping saying that this season is extremely inconsistent. This show's never really been completely, but this season it's turned up to the eleven. It's like the characters don't have constant personalities anymore, they can do anything, no matter if it fits them or not, when it's needed for the plot. If Trixx was supposed to be completely reckless, just like Alya, it's okay, but be consistent! If he is aware that she is not responsible enough, he should warn her much before and point out her selfish actions like taking the Miraculous without asking the guardian. But Tikki is not any better. She has been established as very careful Kwami in previous seasons, who's scolding/warning Marinette when she's doing/planning wrong things. It's not the case anymore this season. Marinette is doing the most stupid and irresponsible things since she's Ladybug, but Tikki doesn't react at all. And if, she only supports her at doing those idiotic things. How stupid do the writers think we are? That no one would even notice how much Tikki (and not only her) is out of character this season?
Or maybe it's not that Trixx is not that much written inconsistent (still it's true that Tikki is completely out of character). I've been writing this post while watching the episode (also because it's easier to handle when I'm taking breaks), but I started this paragraph before seeing the whole scene and at the end it looks like Trixx hasn't became careful out of nowhere, he is just jealous that Alya will transform into a ladybug-themed heroine if a villain appears on the weekend, not Rena Rouge. But that speaks very poorly about him. How could a Kwami be aware that's something wrong with his wielder attitude but doing nothing about that? That's potentially dangerous (there are unsubtle signs that Alya attitude could bring very bad consequences!!!) and the Kwamis should try to help their wielder to be better heroes and persons. That's what Tikki and Plagg have been doing in previous seasons, criticising them when it was needed.
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They've made all the effort to design and model ladybug-themed suit for Alya, but they haven't composed an unique music theme for her transformation? If they just reusing something, why not one of Ladybug's themes (for Mr. Bug they used an alternative version of it, Lady Noire exactly the same like Chat Noir was using in seasons 1-3), but Pigella's one? It doesn't make sense at all. Like season 4 generally. ;)
And personally I'm not a fan of Scarabella desing. It's not awfully bad, but Alya looks a bit weird wearing it for my taste (I have a feeling she's somewhat unnatural), and the other ones from this season were better, especially Pigella and Purple Tigress. Rena Rouge's suit fits Alya much better in my opinion.
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I've seen a post in which someone said that Marinette could not warn Chat Noir that there will be a replacement for her, because she had no time to meet with him in person. That's true, but that's still not a justification. There's no justification. Because you know, their magical phones exist, right? No matter what, she should have been find a bit time to transform into Ladybug and send him a message. That could take no more than a minute.
But no, Marinette has done the worst thing possible. Even the writers doesn't respect their own main character making her that much extremely dumb in that moment. Marinette is supposed to be smart and she has tendency to overthinking about the worst scenarios, there's no way she could believe everything will be good if the new ladybug wielder will appear out of nowhere without warning Chat Noir about a such possibility. That's not only stupid for her, it's also completely out of character. More, she should have not been glad with him automatically trusting her without asking for any evidence she isn't another Shadow Moth's trap. That would mean he is completely irresponsible and stupid. But he still is, because he started to trust Scarabella way too easily. She hasn't shown him any hard evidence that's not a trap. Anyone could say she's trusted by Ladybug. And that thing could be easily fixed: for example she might have hide somewhere and detransform to release Tikki from her Miraculous, who would show to Chat and explain that Scarabella is really someone who wears the earrings at Ladybug request. That's simple like that, but no, it's better to ruin the main characters even more. They were even detransformed close to each other, so why Tikki hasn't shown to him to make it sure?
Trying to Cataclysm Scarabella was not a wise and right thing to do. Yes, but still Chat doesn't deserve as much hate for doing it. He has full rights to think she's a villain. From his point of view that was the most logical reaction. I don't get why some people say he thought she's a villain wearing the real ladybug Miraculous, so he should be aware that using Cataclysm would destroy it. Hawk Moth has done a fake superhero at in season 1. Don't forget about Volpina. What she has done in the S1 finale? She has been trying to win the trust of real heroes and she had the same power like real a real fox-themed Miraculous hero. That's not hard to assume that's similar case. And that's previously happened to him, Ladybug sentimonster has tricked him, no wonder his first reaction was thinking Shadow Moth is trying the same thing again.
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Gabriel is of course dumbed down once more buying so easily Scarabella's plan. There's no way Chat would ever Cataclysm the earrings for real, if he did it, there would be no one who could fix the damage done during the fight with Robostus and purify the akuma. And why he wasn't any surprised seeing a new wielder of the ladybug Miraculous? It hasn't been clear, but I'm sure if he would ever assume that Alya was Scarabella, it would happen only if it's going to be necessary for the plot. While it should have been obvious for him. He is aware Alya is the only person who's very close to Ladybug and he should have now realized that they had tricked him in Sentibubbler. Alya could not be Rena Rouge anymore, but she is still close to Ladybug. There's nothing about it in the episode itself and I highly doubt it will be later.
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The last scene feels completely wrong. Totally wrong. No one other the Love Square scene made me as much uncomfortable as this one. Just no. NO! NO! NO! I can't stand seeing it that they made the any "romantic" atmosphere there, not when Ladybug treats Chat Noir like a shit. No, you can't just add a scene in which she reminds herself that she should laughing when he makes a joke to make him happy and think everything is okay, you gave the evidence that she still cares about Chat's feelings. That's just a lie telling him she will never abandon him, she has already done it. She has no right to say that, since she has replaced him with Rena and she isn't trusting him with anything, any of her plans with her best friend. Marinette could say as many times she want that she cares about him, they are only words. Her actions say something completely opposite.
Maybe I would see this scene different, if it Hack-san was released before Rocketear. But I'm glad it wasn't. It's the first time when I'm happy about random release order. Thanks to it, I can't be fooled by Ladybug. Since the next episode in the production order made it clear: Marinette hasn't learnt any lesson, she is still not going to tell any secrets to Chat. Her attitude towards him is not any better. And the fact that Alya needed to tell her he should know there's someone she trusts much more than him, speaks volumes how much disrespectful (and stupid) she is.
Adrien, you should give up on her completely. It's not healthy for you anymore to excuse her treating you that poorly. She doesn't deserve your faith in her. I'm so sorry, but the faster you realise it, the better for you.
At this point I'm even glad that there's zero development in Adrienette, that they aren't building their friendship like I expected they should this season, there're very few their scenes together alone and no one really significant. Because seeing them hanging out together even if only purely platonic, would also feel so wrong, knowing how terrible Marinette treats Adrien as Ladybug.
Now I'm even wondering, what's the point of Chat Noir being a permanent Miraculous holder? Events of Sentibubbler and Hack-san are showing that the fact she isn't involving him in her plans with Alya at all, makes him potentially very dangerous. In Sentibubbler he could ruin their plan, in this episode he could kill Scarabella. If she isn't going to tell him anything more, she should take away his Miraculous. There are other things that could go wrong. Like what if he would see Rena Furtive? He could attack her, because she isn't supposed to be active anymore. What if Shadow Moth would discover that Chat is kept completely in the dark? He could take advantage of it to create a villian/sentimonster who would try to trick him that they is someone sent by Ladybug.
Hey, Marinette, take away the cat Miraculous and give it to Alya. It's an easy way to fix all your problems! There would be no problems caused by a permanent hero kept in the dark. Alya would be happier when she would not have to hide anymore, as if you think Shadow Moth is not going to discover that Scarabella is your best friend, he wouldn't discover who's the new cat wielder as well, and you could say out loud she's your new partner, you already treat her like one and ignore the current cat wielder. Only Trixx would not be content with it, but you could just find him another wielder and the problem solved! And the last but not least: Chat Blanc would not happen anymore, his civilian self can't be akumatised into him! What's the problem? He has been chosen by Master Fu? What does it matter? You don't follow his rules, so you can try another, better partner for you. You're the guardian, you can do whatever you want, all the Kwamis think you're never wrong! What else? His feelings? Don't pretend you still care about them, you're clearly not. Your best friend's well-being is much more important to you than his. And why we're talking about the feelings? No one's feelings are more important than safety of Paris and the world. Hey, the show has done everything to convince us that Alya is much more trustworthy, much better hero and partner than he has ever been, so that's the most logical route for you! She was better ladybug hero than him, so she would be better cat one as well!!! Alya is just perfect, none her actions are wrong, unlike his! So what are you waiting for?
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The thing I really liked in this episode? Nooroo and Duusu's interaction. And animation quality, it's maybe the best animated episode this season. That's all. Thank you.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 3 years
Quest for Claire
Quest for Claire by tptplayer5701
A “Mind Games”-verse “Colossus Saga” story:
The sun had set several hours ago when Night Bat strode up to the front door of the apartment building. The end of a long, drawn-out hunt, one which had stretched over centuries.
A sign hanging on the door read “Mir Tebe” [“Peace to You”]. He scoffed, raised an eyebrow in amusement, and kicked in the door. “Demonta!” The door shattered, the black energy emanating from his foot connecting with the metal and bowing it in, pulling it off its hinges so it landed just inside the entryway. He stepped onto the caved-in door, his sword drawn, scanning the apartment for signs of life.
At the dining table sat a woman with streaks of grey in her sandy hair, the remains of a simple dinner spread out in front of her. She gasped on seeing Night Bat in her home, her eyes widening in fear. “Who–who are you?”
Night Bat sneered. “As if you do not recognize me… Olivet.”
Words: 1701, Chapters: 1/15, Language: English
Series: Part 54 of "Mind Games"-verse, Part 5 of The Colossus Saga, Part 13 of The Snake and the Dragon
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Anarka Couffaine, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Master Fu, Marianne Lenoir, Max Kanté, Jalil Kubdel, Sass, Longg, Roaar, Daizzi
Relationships: Luka Couffaine/Kagami Tsurugi, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Anarka Couffaine & Juleka Couffaine & Luka Couffaine, Juleka Couffaine & Luka Couffaine & Rose Lavillant & Kagami Tsurugi, Juleka Couffaine & Luka Couffaine, Luka Couffaine & Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine & Kagami Tsurugi, Rose Lavillant & Kagami Tsurugi, Anarka Couffaine & Kagami Tsurugi, Anarka Couffaine & Rose Lavillant, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Master Fu/Marianne Lenoir
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Hawk Moth Defeat, Family, Suspense, Friendship, Snake Luka Couffaine | Viperion, Dragon Kagami Tsurugi | Ryuko, Miraculous Holder Rose Lavillant, Pig Miraculous, Miraculous Holder Juleka Couffaine, Tiger Miraculous, Badass Kagami Tsurugi, Protective Kagami Tsurugi, Supportive Luka Couffaine, Good Sibling Juleka Couffaine, Adorable Rose Lavillant, Kwami & Miraculous Lore, new heroes
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32109994
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fullmetalgirl98 · 4 years
*Deep breath* Just on the occasion of Somararu's birthday’s eve ... I finished reading the main saga of Donten Ni Warau aaaaand.... Now I feel SO empty!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 A plot that is only apparently simple, but actually masterfully managed, and capable of twist the feelings in an instant like few others. This story managed to extrapolate, dissect, cook, eat and evacuate my heart in just 6 volumes. I watched the anime two years ago, but I had never read the manga, so in this period of quarantine I decided to take advantage of it, to detach a little from the hours of study... and GOOD HEAVENS, guys! I was really struggling to resume studying, I was literally GLUED to the pages, I wanted to go on reading!!! 😱😱😱😱😱 I don't even know how many breaks I've taken these days, to enjoy one or two chapters per session ahaha
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I was literally infatuated with Donten Ni Warau’s manga at extreme levels, I swear, not even the anime (which I liked a lot anyway) had taken me AS MUCH as the manga did ... This work is a MASTERPIECE, not only with the M, but also with all the other capital letters!!! Seriously: passionate, engaging, the characters are all well characterized, and I emphasized with ALL of them, so much so that I managed to feel sympathy even for the bad guys on duty (No Kagami, I’m not looking at you...noo. At all 👀). I like how the protagonist is not only what you might think at first, but at the right time it’s clear that each one of the three Kumou brothers is a protagonist in due course. It’s a story in which the protagonist is tripartite, not only on a physical level, but also on a sentimental level: the love for your own family, the strength to never give up, even when everything seems to be lost, and the sacrifice for others. In my opinion, these are the real protagonists, the true message of the whole work, personified through the three Kumou siblings.
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Not to mention the absurd swing of feelings that conveys the sequel of events... AAAAHHHH I found myself crying often :')
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And do we want to talk about the stretch?? It’s nothing short of SPECTACULAR!!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Think that, in the anime, I didn’t like Tenka's hair, it looked like a spider (and I'm terribly scared / disgusted by spiders ahaha...brr) BUT HERE it made me fall in love with it! 😍😍😍
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I liked EVERYTHING, literally EVERYTHING! Not a useless chapter, not a cartoon too many, all perfect, really. THE MANGA COVERS TOO, are sooooo incredibily beautilful!! Each one of them!! (I rarely like all the covers in a series, there’s always at least one that make my nose turn up a little, usually)
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I’d really like this manga to be more known and I really hope and wish it to be translated here, in Italy, too ... Comic and tragic at the same, in a perfect balance. I NEED IT ON MY LIBRARY😭😭😭😭😭 And now that I feel so empty ... Maybe I could start reading the Gaiden series ... I don't know why, however, this prospect worries me a little, I'm afraid of what could happen in the course of the story...ahaha So maybe I could rewach the anime, I was already going to do it 💕
What can I say other than that really, it’s a fantastic work and deserves a lot? ❤️️ It made me feel so many emotions, it was like I was following the story for the first time, although I already knew every single event, this didn’t affect my reading experience at all, on the contrary! Quite the opposite, it made me appreciate it even more! So, I can’t help but recommend a lot the reading of Donten Ni Warau, from the bottom of my heart.
I really learnt a lot from the 3 Kumou brothers and from this story. And remember: even if the sky is cloudy, sooner or later the sun will rise again ❤️️
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gffa · 5 years
Name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) then tag ten people
Tagged by @thewillowbends.  These lists are always hard, but that’s kind of the fun of them!  And that’s why we cheat and sometimes have lots of ties because no you can’t make me choose. 1.  Thor from Marvel’s Cinematic Universe - I am a sucker for a character who has their shit together but can still be human and face ridiculously traumatic experiences and come through them whole because they had a rock solid foundation to begin with.  From being thrown out of Asgard, made mortal, and taking that chance to suck it up and make himself better that he did that himself to the loss of pretty much his entire family and most of his people and his sense of purpose, the thing I love about Thor is that he keeps getting back up.  That kind of fortitude is even more appealing that the ridiculously hot lightning powers. 2.  Tsukino Usagi from Sailor Moon - I always loved her in the ‘90s anime, but reading the manga skyrocketted her into this special untouchable place in my heart.  The beginning of her journey is a girl who is so fragile that she would kill herself if she didn’t have the emotional support around her, who had to take step after step forward to find her inner strength, who wasn’t weak or terrible for her fragility, but instead her story was worth telling for it, that the point she started out as was just as valuable as the place she ended up, where she could be the one to stand up to save her friends and get them back herself, that journey was worth telling.  I LOVE HER TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. 3.  Thranduil and Maedhros from Tolkien’s Legendarium - It was really hard to choose, because I love a lot of the characters (and I feel badly leaving Thingol and Maglor off the list and I will fight a bitch for Galadriel and Elrond and listen Glorfindel is pure joy and also the internet is too mean to Elwing and I kind of want alllll the Melkor and Manwe fic because sobs they’re brothers shut up you can’t make me not have feelings about that, but also trashbag Melkor/Sauron and--) but those are the two I usually wind up wanting to know their pov in a fic I’m reading or have them around when shit’s going down because I want to see what they’ll do or I just miss them the most when they’re not there. 4.  Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi from Star Wars - If you asked me to pick between them, I don’t know that I could.  Yeah, sure, I love Obi-Wan ridiculously, but if you give me five minutes, I’m pretty much always going to drift back to talking about Anakin and his issues instead.  I’m not sure I can even boil them down into a nutshell about why I like them so much, they’re the kind of characters that I love so intensely and with such big, sweeping thoughts, that I’d have to write a whole essay.  But my best attempt:  Anakin’s being both dumbass and genius at the same time, being charming and magnetic while also being a bag of garbage at the same time, who had such good in him but was also an absolute monster, who I desperately want to be happy, but I also struggle to forgive him sometimes and that’s saying a lot for a fictional character, he’s brilliant enough to truly carry an entire Saga about him.  And Obi-Wan is the bedrock of all goodness in that galaxy, he could be obnoxious at times and he didn’t always see Anakin clearly, but he always cared and he remained good and hopeful, he continued to serve the galaxy, no matter what it threw at him, and even forgave Anakin in the end, because he always rose above.  That’s it, that’s my shit right there. 5.  Inoue Orihime from Bleach - ORIHIME WAS MY GIRL FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, her unwavering kindness and care, her desire to be soft in a world (and, frankly, fandom) that wanted her to be hard and to fight everything, when she didn’t want to fight, she wanted to heal, she wanted to have fun and be weird, she wanted everyone to be happy, all of that made me love her.  Her loopiness is an absolute delight, but what I loved so much about her is that Orihime had the powers/abilities to be quite possibly the most OG of the entire cast, she could reject reality itself, and she never once wanted to use it to beat anyone up or to destroy anything, she wanted to make friends with her fairies and she wanted to help people.  That girl refused to let the world make her anything less than kind and caring and sweet.  She was THE BEST. 6.  Hara Akiha and Umeda Hokuto from Hanazakari no Kimitachi e/Hana-Kimi - Sometimes we all fall in love with those minor characters and they just fucking consume us.  A lot of it came from that they were both hot, they were both hilarious, and so they were just really fun, but what really got me was that I genuinely loved everything Nakajo did with Umeda’s character.  There weren’t a lot of gay characters in shoujo manga that weren’t complete comedic relief, where their sexuality was the joke.  Yes, Umeda was often a humorous character (all of the cast was) but he firmly was completely uninterested in high school kids, he liked adult men, and his advice to Mizuki may have been crabby as hell, but it was genuine and good.  His sexuality wasn’t the punchline of his character.  Then there was Akiha, who was also comedic, but his bisexuality (another rare thing to find in manga!) had nothing to do with the humor of his character, all of it was in the way he chased after Umeda.  He was a genuine suitor (and, reading the post-manga character interviews, apparently they got together, OMG MY HEART) and the kiss they shared was treated just as seriously as any straight kiss would have been.  That meant a lot to me, even though I’d have loved the characters just because they were so interesting and Umeda’s struggle to get over the guy who never cared for him and to let himself be vulnerable with someone that he could actually care about, was so great. 7.  Yuki Eiri from Gravitation - I can’t begrudge anyone for giving this show a lot of shit (and I definitely am going with anime!Yuki here, rather than manga!Yuki) or dismissing it as being god-awful, because it probably was pretty cringeworthy.  But Yuki got under my skin because he was one of the first characters I resonated with where his depression was real and it was ugly.  He could be cruel to people around him, he pushed them away, not just half-heartedly, but genuinely, and he couldn’t stand being vulnerable, because it touched on all the terrible places that had been damaged by what Kitazawa had done to him.  And he couldn’t just be magically fixed by Tohma’s devotion or Shuuichi’s unwavering amounts of love poured into him.  He couldn’t just be fixed with a hug or one good crying session.  He was damaged and it was going to be a hell of a long hike back up to anything even a little bit normal.  Especially back at that time, I felt like depression and trauma were never given any real weight, then along comes this ridiculous BL series that just refused to make Yuki anything less that genuinely damaged and it hit all these places in wee me that was struggling through my own depression that couldn’t just be cured with some hugs and people telling me they loved me.
8.  Hashiba Touma from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers - I’m not sure I could even say why this character got under my skin the way he did, other than that there was definitely a group of us who were SUPER into the show and it was fun to make a playground for ourselves, and Touma just really got to me.  The brilliant character who didn’t always know how to relate to others, but who cared very deeply about them, who gravitated to those who were better at social interaction than he was, who were better able to connect to people than he was, that he found this group where he really belonged, that just really touched wee me’s heart. 9.  Tendou Souji from Kamen Rider Kabuto - THIS OBNOXIOUS HOT MESS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.  It was hard not to put Kagami on the list as well, because so much of what I love about Tendou is illustrated through his relationship with Kagami (whom I also love on his own), but I think I keep coming back to that I love his issues the most.  He’s the best at everything and so it puts distance between him and everyone else, all the more so because he’s so obnoxious about it and doesn’t slow down for anyone else to catch up, but the thing is that there’s a very caring heart underneath all that.  He loves his sisters, he loves Kagami, he even kind of tolerates the rest of their weird gang, and trying to find that difficult line of his superiority over the others versus that he wants them to catch up to him in his own way, all while being the most condescending dick ever, is absolute joy. 10.  Relena Darlian from Gundam Wing - I had a difficult path to liking Relena, because so much of fandom boiled her down to either being a creepy stalker who got in the way of Heero/Duo or they only ever wrote her in romantic pairing stuff with Heero, neither of which really encouraged me to like her.  But, as time went on and I rewatched the series a couple of times, I realized there’s so much more to her.  She’s a character who has to walk an impossible line between both of the legacies that weigh on her, the birth family that she never knew but maybe she could help bring peace to the world by taking up that name, by trying to bring back the Sanq Kingdom that promoted absolute pacifism and peace.  Yet, ultimately, for all that her relationship with Zechs is really important and she was the heir to that kingdom, she chose to be Relena Darlian.  She choose to try to bring peace to the world by standing up on her own as a politician, not a figurehead queen of the world.  The struggle to figure that out, who she wants to be and how she wants to achieve it, to go from a sheltered young girl at the start of the series to someone who has seen how terrible war is, is far more interesting than either of those first options for me! And I’ll tag @forcearama (and if I couldn’t put Obi-Wan as all ten entries, neither can you!) @belldreams @subskywalker @cacchieressa @bpdanakins @glompcat @writegowrite @fireflyfish @evaceratops @amarielah and anyone else who wants to do it that I’m not sure I feel quite like I’m able to try peer pressuring you into it.  ♥  I love seeing these from anyone who wants to do them, I’m just never sure if I’m allowed to go HEY YOU DO THIS THING.  orz
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Danganronpa Togami: Main Characters Cast Design Edition
So we’re finally here! The last post of this series dedicated to showing off Novel AI’s depictions of the main DRT cast! I hope you enjoy! doing this was quite fun!
DISCLAIMER: This is just what I think the cast of DRT looks like. Having any other interpretation is super fine! Go nuts! It’s valid!  
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Suzuhiko Otsuki (Minoru Oe)/Moleman
“First one up and he’s...already a doozy. You see, compared to Kazuya or Shinobu, Suzuhiko doesn’t have artwork (that we know of) or description. Thus, he’s in the realm of ‘making a design that best fits the character he’s filling for this trilogy’. In this case, with the thought of him acting as a NEET for a while, I gave him a black tracksuit, inspiration being gotten from the main characters of Konosuba and RE:Zero. His black hair and eyes stem from another character’s trait below. I imagine that, that Moleman would prefer keeping his mask on and trying to cover his face up with his hair and hat as much as possible, due to his reclusive style. Buuuut, Suzuhiko himself prefers everything to be loose, thus his hair is no longer parted, no need for a mask and his jacket’s pretty much partially off.”
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Kazuya Togami (Orvin Elevator)
“Eugh, this nutjob. Given how he’s Togami’s doppelgänger, his design is meant to reflect that, from the blondish hair to the similar suit...okay. Well, I couldn’t quite give him a matching suit due ot AI constraints, but the point still stands. Speaking of the suit, its grey in color as a reference to how both Byakuya and Sagishi where black and white suits, respectively. Golden eyes are reference to Borges, though only his right eye holds his actual Borges Think of his other golden eye just being a coincidence that worked out.”
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Shinobu “Blue Ink” Togami
“For our extra special main character, she gets some extra special variants! Now, Blue Ink’s design stems from a certain other one that is down below. Namely, her pale skin, long black hair (which Suzuhiko got) and black pupils come from said design. I gave her a blue jacket and skirt as I always thought it suited her. Now, concerning her eye, this AI struggles with heterochromia so I basically had to hide one eye at a time if I want to generate Blue Ink. Granted, it also fits how I imagine her eye working so I don’t mind too much but, still. Honestly, I think she came out pretty well! She also gets that protagonist ahoge!~“
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Blue Ink (Post-Borges)
“Yeesh, this thing also struggles with giving Ink a cool eyepatch. This was the best I can manage after a while. Still, you get to see her black eye here and I really look how stoic she comes across here. This is an Ink after her talk with K and learning the truth.”
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“The girl of the hour! She’s not an actual cow! Ahem, anywho, Kudan actually has a description of what she looked like in volume 2. This being being long black hair, the white dress and, yeah, the black eyes. Erm. Yeaaaah, I couldn’t make the cow-like eyes so they’re regularly black instead. Honestly, I just chalk up the eyes to unreality exaggeration. Still, since Blue Ink was actually the Kudan, I modelled her after such description. Suzuhiko’s eyes and hair is also a reference to their supposed familial relationship(?)...I think they’re still siblings regardless? Bah, a story for another day!~”
And thus, the cast of Danganronpa Togami is complete...right? Well...sort of!~ I got a bonus in mind for later on! Until then, I hope you guys enjoyed!~
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penguwastaken · 21 days
Exactly. And the fan translating it seemed to personally interpret it as a "none of it ever happened/matters" ending, so we got a pretty skewed perspective there.
But as noted with the ‘Danganronpa 3’ reference, I don’t agree. The way i see it, absolutely everything still happened, and all Borges changed was the identities of certain players, anyone who’d contradict the false narrative of who Blue Ink was meant to be. Therefore anything the system couldn’t know about to contradict would have definitely happened — which included the presence of Ultimate Despair, Genocide Jill, Mukuro, and so on — since the system didn’t have enough context, there was nothing about them worth contradicting.
The novel makes it very clear that almost everything was warped in some way, the entirety of the Togami tragedy was a fabricated memory, the Kudan and many of the characters were ripped from Kagami Family Saga (a novel series that was presumably dumped into the K2K system), and multiple identities like Kazuya and Suzuhiko may have not even existed. It's even implied that Byakuya himself was warped by the K2K system to reflect the more perfect Byakuya that Blue Ink envisions him to be.
It's difficult to say what happened besides the basic premise but that's the point. "The story is a simple one. A young man went on a mission to dominate the world. After a series of extraordinary adventures and great risks, the young man gets what he wants and returns home safe and sound. The real question is what led him there."
Anything that could even possibly alter her perception of anything was changed, the novel makes it clear that we're not supposed to know how much was real and how much was fabricated. While you can definitely assume most of it wasn't fabricated, that isn't concrete and there's no way of knowing.
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wlwtsubomi · 5 years
Who says, 'Flip Flops,' and who says, 'Slippers'? Which season do they favor? How often do they excersise? What's their diet like? Who spends the most time looking at the mirror in the morning? What do they dance like? Who's the best singer? Who can not turn down a dare? What's the character dynamic you find the most fun? Do you have a master list of ALL the heights? Who's the tallest and who's the shortest? OK I'm out of characters none of these are for a specific character group, go ham.
slapping this under a read me jsgjjas
gfkdgjasjdjg ok!! so like. first of all i see u trying to bring slipper vs flip flop discourse onto my tugunglr on this good ole 2019. all of my ocz say slipperz except like. tobi? from s37. makes im watching u gesture then blowz u a kiss.
also jeez therez a lot of characterz i can run thru for these questionz but um um um off the top of my head? im just gonna do it by. season. so characters who liek spring include but are not limited to: seven, sorin, ivy, atsumi, and chat.. for summer: bodil, conan and sol?? and thatz probs it. for fall just; SAGA. saga lovez fall. iovita and itsuki……for winter just. seizon and saccha and aludra…..
the people who spend the most time looking in the mirror are. DEFINITELY conan and hanagaski (the model guy from s37!). but saga and chat and molly and merope def run up.
god this is such a broad one and im trying to think of all of my ocs oh god oh fuck um.
the best singer out of all of my ocz? probably sorin honestly. nebula and cal dont like singing but then they get dragged into singing nad everyonez like bro what the FUCK you didnt tell me you could sing. what the fuck. aludra has a pretty voice ive alwayz imagined but idk if shes a good singer.
BODIL AND SAGA AND CAL CANT TURN DOWN A DARE. BRO THEY CANT HELP BEING FIRE SIGNZ. same w chat but idk chatz birthday. god i love chat. i should probably finish drafting out the thing so i can actually work on it more.
the character dynamic of the kidz is always smn i find interesting. though i mean im p sure you know this w how much i have saga and cal banter fgjasdjjg. sorin and iovitaz dynamic is also rlly good. bro itz. abt. the ritualz……… maybe im just a slut for found family but seven and saga alongside bodil and merope slap……..bro itz just. bro theyre SIBLINGZ…….. atsumi and kagami (also from s37!!) are rlly interesting too…oh oh oh also seizon and itsuki (minecraft guy!! a…agian from s37.)!!!!!!!!! oh shit oh fuck oh my god how could i fucking forget just. chat and dolores (#649…………….i couldnt keep calling her a number so i gave her a name) they make me. so sad. but i love them. but they make me sad.
i. DONT have a masterlist of all the heightz but. ur tempting me. the shortest of all my characterz is. probably all the warriorz. bro theyre catz. but jfdjjd out of the humanz/humanoidz??? uhh sevenz probs the shortest. again fuckin around w their height so idk the exact height but. theyre the shortest. the tallest is. DEFINITELY dolores. i dont remember the exact height i made her but. shes above 7 feet. shes tall bro.
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torinomonty · 7 years
Saga on Ice - Yuri on Ice Karatsu Tourism Collaboration
Saga on Ice is a special tourism collaboration held by the city of Karatsu in Saga Prefecture, as Karatsu was used as the model for Hasetsu, Yuri’s home town in Yuri on Ice. Saga prefecture is right next to me(I live in northern Fukuoka), and although I’ve been to Saga city I’ve never been to Karatsu. I’ve always been meaning to explore Kyushu some more given how much time I’ve spent living here, and given that this event was going on over Golden Week and @hideoutfromreality​ was visiting I figured it was a good chance. 
What I knew: The Karatsu tourism organization are really excited about Karatsu being featured in an anime and want to take advantage of it with some limited merch. What I didn’t know: The Karatsu tourism organisation are really, really excited about this and kinda went all out lmao. I was surprised at how much they did to attract YOI fans to the place.
Anyway, I bought a little Viktor with me, so here’s my photo report of the things we saw.
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First here are some pics of the pretty scenery on the way to Karatsu from Fukuoka. The train runs along the Kyushu coast and is extremely beautiful.
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Hey, what’s that in the distance?
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It’s kinda hard to make out here, but its in the middle. We’ll see it again later.. Anyway, the train soon pulls into Karatsu station and when we walk down the steps this is the first thing we see.
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They also had this poster up, the one used in-show to advertise ‘’Onsen on Ice’, the Yuri/Yuri showdown. I thought it was just in the station but it was actually all over the town, stuck on multiple buildings and store windows, in much the same way it probably was in the show itself. It made me laugh every time I saw it.
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When you go through the gates you are greeted by these three in front of the Tourist Information Centre.
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Um excuse me? Where’s the best boy?
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It’s okay guys I found him.  All this art was specially drawn for the tourism collab. Makkachin is wearing the same helmet that the actual Karatsu mascot wears.
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These flags were used out the front of restaurants/cafes/businesses that were participating in the campaign. there were...a lot of these.
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(yurio never looks like he wants to be there lol)
Some merch/ You might notice Choromatsu is there. This is because a while ago Karatsu also had an Osomatsu-san tourism collab, and I have no idea why. I assume that it’s a mix of a) Karatsu sounding similar to Karamatsu and b) Osomatsu-san is apparently required by law to be everywhere in Japan at once c)Karatsu’s tourism agency will take what they can get to attract tourists. Anyway, there’s still left over merch from that, and most of it is Choromatsu, so every now and then I’d see him looking all sad and miserable next to the YOI stuff, and it made me laugh.
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(The YOI merch above are tea cakes I believe) More merch;
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I thought it was funny that they included those generic poodle plushies despite them not being official merch. The sign even says ‘Makkachin-ish plush”.
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Heading outside the station, here’s the statue Yurio found so creepy.
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And here’s the shopping arcade Yurio pitched a fit in.
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They really want you to know that, too.
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Here’s one of the participating cafes, you can see the flag out the front. All the participating eateries (and again there were HEAPS) had just one YOI-themed menu item. Most didn’t have a lot to do with the characters they were attributed to, but the point was to promote Karatsu specialities. We didn’t want to even bother trying to go to every cafe, just as long as we got katsudon and piroshki. (unfortunately the cafe doing the piroshki had completely sold out of their batch when we visited and weren’t due to restock for hours) Anyway, I can’t remember what this place had, I think it might have been the JJ baked curry. 
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Karatsu is a really pretty seaside town - the air is really salty and smelled nice, and it reminded me somewhat of Coffs Harbour in NSW.
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What’s that in the distance #2
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Here’s the beach! Viktor and Yuri had a heart-to-heart here.
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What’s that in the distance #3? I’m sure it’s obvious now, and that’s where we headed next.
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But to get there we have to get up the hill. You can walk up the steps, or you can get the elevator here.
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The elevator moved diagonally, and Skins found this so incredible she took a video of it. Here’s the amazing view from the top!
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These guys are enjoying the view too.
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“hey guys its your pal Karawan-kun, you know, the actual mascot of Karatsu, please dont forget me’‘
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Karawan-kun is beckoning us into the gift store, which contained a lot of Karatsu souvenirs and also more of the YOI merch. Plus!
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A signed poster! Photos were invited.
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Apparently one of Karatsu’s products is colourful gum molded into animals and various other things, and they were selling a Makkachin version.
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I wanted to get at least one of the collab items to commemorate the experience so I got a lil Makkachin keyring. They only had the one size bag though, which was kinda funny...
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Anyway, if you haven’t figured out what’s up on this hill yet...
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viktor voice: HASETSU CASTLE!!!
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“REALLY!? NINJA!?’‘ Anyway I’m not sure if you’re able to go into the castle but it didn’t seem you could at the moment. It looks like there are actually repairs being done there. This is also where the stairs Yuri does training on are. (They’re also the stairs we could have taken up instead of getting the elevator. We took the stairs on the way down though.)
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These people here were also here for the event. I could tell because they were carrying maps, had merch with them and I also heard them talking about Yuri’s training montages. Actually, a good deal of the people here were YOI fans, they weren’t exactly hard to spot. Anyway before we go down, the wisteria.
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Looking up the staircase from below:
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We decided to catch the bus here cos it was getting really hot, but we got to see a lot of the town from the window. Here is the bridge that Yuri flails across on multiple occasions.
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Fun fact: I missed getting a photo but a group of three girls, one of whom was carrying the Makkachin-shaped plushie tissue holder that Viktor has, were trying to imitate Yuri’s run when we went past...
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(I took that pic earlier, but that’s the bridge from the castle)
Our next stop was a little harder to get to as it was outside the main town centre, but it was one of the most interesting. Kagamiyama Onsen!
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Yep! It’s an onsen inn. Whether it’s the actual inn that inspired Yuri’s family’s ‘’Yutopia’’, I dont know, but it was the place serving katsudon for the collab.
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A signed pic from Kubo at the counter.
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Unfortunately, it turns out that the onsen restaurant had set times for lunch and dinner, and lunch was already over when we got there. Dinner wasn’t going to start for another few hours, and given that we didn’t get to eat anything else that day (due to the piroshki being sold out), we didn’t really wanna wait around for it due to being starving so decided to go somewhere else. It was kinda sad to not be able to have the katsudon, but it wasn’t a waste of time to visit the inn. Because..
There were cosplayers hanging out there! They were very very excited about us being fans and very very happy that we recognised them.
We decided to find somewhere else to eat before we died of hunger and it turned out there was a Hamakatsu right near the inn anyway. It’s not katsudon that comes with a YOI postcard but who cares it’s katsudon, and it was still damn good, and a nice way to end the tour.
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aaaaaay And now for something kinda funny. When I realised that the inn was called Kagamiyama onsen, I was like “huh, that’s weird! So Saga has a Kagami Mountain too!” I’ve been to Kagami Mountain both as a field trip back in 2009 and again with my dad/sister when we went driving around Kyushu once. And for some reason I thought it was in Fukuoka, but...it’s the same damn mountain. I’d already been to Karatsu twice before and had no idea! Kagami mountain is a sacred mountain with a famous shrine (Kagami shrine) up the top, and thus the entrance to the road that leads up the mountain has this giant impressive gate you can see here.
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Anyway, the tourism collab event was a lot of fun and it was a nice excuse to get to see Karatsu (or at least, more of Karatsu, seeing as I’d only seen Kagami Mountain and the beach near it before). The scenic train trip there alone was worth the price, and I’m looking forward to going again (which will be in another 3 weeks). Saga on Ice won’t be running anymore then but I’d still really love to try out some of the cute cafes we passed.
I really like when anime goes out of its way to draw attention to lesser known parts of Japan instead of just setting it in anywheretown, Tokyo. YOI has always been extra special to me for that Kyushu flair. 
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 6 years
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@jinjojess @rozalynfrozen The (almost) complete Kagami Family Saga collection is in! Now we finally have designs for the Danganronpa Togami characters! will scan the images asap cos i know the photos are bad quality. time to update the DR wiki!
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shockersalvage · 2 years
Danganronpa Togami: Factions Designs Edition
Now let’s get into the Conglomerate side of the DRT cast! Now, with these guys, it should be noted that a good chunk did have designs via the Kagami Family Saga novels. Thus, I based their Novel Ai generations off that. If not, then descriptions was my friend...and if not that,well, a good imagination!
DISCLAIMER: This is just what I think the cast of DRT looks like. Having any other interpretation is super fine! Go nuts! It’s valid!
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Hasegawa Research Institute
“Took a while to get a suitable generation of Kanai and him not holding his umbrella weirdly. Still, these three came out nicely, with Taeko’s description and KFS design really carrying her greatly. Chief’s and Kanai’s designs kinda had to wig it based on their personalities.” --
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Ketoin Conglomerate
“Now who doesn’t love these two?~ Hiroyuki’s design was based upon his KFS artwork, though the AI can’t generate the design on his shirt. As for Yuika, her dress is based upon her volume 2 description following being turned into a rather terrifying enemy.”
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Despair High School (Sana Kagami, Naomi Kagami and A54)
“Eh? DHS isn’t a conglomerate! True...but that’s why this post is titled ‘Factions’ edition! Now for the Kagami Girls, I based their looks off of the artwork of KFS for their physical attributes, but their Despair High look was based upon Junko’s outfit. Gave them red eyes as well as a reference to the DR3 Remnants having red eyes. As for A54, they reaaaally didn’t have anything besides wearing the Needle Force outfit and beautiful hair, so I had to improvise. Grey hair since Gundham was posing as this identity and I thought ‘well, Gundham has black and white hair...and if you mix B&W you get grey so...grey hair’. His red eyes also a DR3 Remnants reference’.”
We’re getting close to the end! I hope you guys have been enjoying seeing these! Next time will be the main stars of the trilogy!~
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