yeeshastone · 8 months
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All aboard! Time for the next subspecies sheet to leave the station!
this month's subspecies sheet is the Railway Beetle, a Coloptera species that can glow and in the world of Animalia the Railway Beetle (or Hirtus) often find their homes on train tracks be it part of the crew or as a passenger as long as they are moving along the rails they are happy.
Its thought that the Hirtus's connection to trains dates back to some of the earliest trains with their ancestors being passengers on the mysterious night trian.
to learn more about this subspecies check out the Animalia Almanac website here: https://yeeshastone.com/Almanac/Lore/Coleoptera/Subspecies/Hirtus.html
art drawn by: https://artfight.net/~scissors
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wishesofeternity · 5 months
"Antiochos’ and Stratonike’s activities in the eastern part of the [Seleukid] empire are largely shrouded in mystery, but, as Engels has argued, Antiochos was far from idle since he embarked on a large building programme and was active in securing the frontier. There is some evidence to suggest that his new bride accompanied him for much of this period. We can perhaps identify Stratonike’s presence with her new husband in the Upper Satrapies through the gold coinage minted in Susa and Baktria in c . 287. The two gold coin sets are of the same type, the obverse features the laureate head of Apollo facing right and the reverse features Artemis in an elephant biga facing left with the legend ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΣΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ in exergue.
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Figure 1: Coin of Seleukos I from Baktria Depicting Apollo on the Obverse and Artemis with Elephant Biga on the Reverse (Houghton and Lorber 2002, SC I no. 163).
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Figure 2: Coin of Seleukos I from Baktria Depicting Apollo on the Obverse and Artemis with Elephant Biga on the Reverse (Houghton and Lorber 2002, SC I no. 257).
The reverse image of Artemis in the elephant biga is within the same design type as a large range of other coinage issued by Seleukos I celebrating the success of his elephants and thus his eastern campaigns. The appearance of Artemis is however unique to these coin types. This suggests the emphasis on the close links between the twin gods, Artemis and Apollo, depicted on the obverse and reverse of this coinage . Since there appears to be as a close link between Apollo and Antiochos as there is between Zeus and Seleukos, the presence of Artemis could be seen as a symbol for Stratonike. This would create a series of parallels: Seleukos/Zeus, Antiochos/Apollo, and Stratonike/Artemis. The first two reflect what we see for these two kings at the list of priests of Seleukid kings in Seleukeia in Pieria . Additionally, it may be notable that the sister-wife ideology [...] appears to be evident later in the reign of Antiochos.
As all of the Apollo/Artemis cointypes were produced on high value gold coinage, this suggests that it was issued in order to commemorate a significant event. While the type was similar to other Seleukid coinage, the shift from Athena to Artemis was clearly discernible and unique. The arrival of the new joint-King and Queen in the region to take up residence would have been a suitable moment for the issuing of the new coin type. This advertisement of their new rule certainly falls in line with Seleukos’ wedding speech which confirmed their new roles."
-David Engels & Kyle Erickson, "Apama and Stratonike – Marriage and Legitimacy", "Seleukid Royal Women" (edited by Edited by Altay Coşkun and Alex McAuley). The pictures of the coins are screenshots from the book.
#historicwomendaily#stratonike#antiochus I soter#seleukid empire#hellenistic period#ancient history#history#'Antiochus’ and Stratonike’s activities in the eastern part of the empire are largely shrouded in mystery' don't do this to me#this mystery is mainly because of lack of accessibility or of evidence than lack of activity - but it's still a shame#also re the 'sister-wife ideology'#as historians have pointed out Stratonike was called 'hirtu' aka 'principal wife' in the famous Borsippa Cylinder of Antiochus I#an unusual title which indicates her precedence but also implies a polygamous situation (which was normal in the Hellenistic period)#centuries later Stephanos of Byzantion claimed that Antiochus named the city of Nysa 'after his wife Nysa'#Stephanos isn't really reliable: he's almost definitely wrong about the adjacent information he gives about the city of Antioch being named#after Antiochus's mother#but it may nonetheless indicate he had a minor wife named Nysa#epigraphic evidence also suggests Antiochus married a woman called 'sister-wife'#which many scholars have theorized was Nysa (as his half-sister)#though others believe the title was most likely honorific and shouldn't be taken literally#(for example Laodike - queen of Antiochos III - was also called sister-wife when we know she was actually his cousin)#so the epigraphical evidence may indicate a non-sibling Nysa or Stratonike#if it was a non-sibling Nysa then she may have also been a cousin or relative#but these coins of Antiochus and Stratonike as Apollo-and-Artemis clearly does play into the 'sister-wife ideology'#we know Antiochus strongly associated himself with Apollo and Stratonike made generous donations at Delos at Artemis-and-Apollo temples#so IF the title was honorific then it could have likely referred to Stratonike as well#also - we have no idea who Nysa was but if a city was named after her I wonder if her marriage was to boost local alliances?#which doesn't prelude the idea of her being a relative#we also don't know when they married - he married Stratonike in his late 20s so he may have even been married to her before that. who knows#anyway. the title of 'hirtu' being applied for Stratonike was VERY unique for the Seleukids...it's interesting to think about#(ik nobody but me cares about this but oh well)
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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What do you think about my pic?  
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jeannereames · 2 months
Hello! I wanted to ask – in polygamous courts in Macedon and the Hellenistic world, were there any formally defined hierarchies when it came to royal wives (or female relatives) or any official titles that any of them were given to denote their precedence and importance? Or was it more unofficial and undefined? I was reading about Demetrius Poliorcetes’s daughter Stratonike, who had the title of queen (šarratu) but was also formally known as “principal wife” (hirtu) during her husband Antiochus’s reign, as seen in the Borsippa Cylinder. The chapter said that this was unique among the Seleukids, so I wanted to understand if there was any precedent for a formal title like this, or if it was more specific and singular for Stratonike?
(the chapter was “Seleukid Women” by Marek Jan Olbrycht in “The Routledge Companion to Women and Monarchy in the Ancient Mediterranean World”, for reference!)
Thank you for taking the time to answer so many asks! I’ve learned a lot from your blog!
First, you're welcome. I'm glad people do actually read these posts!
To answer your question on terminology and royal wives... It seems that, starting with Alexander I (Greco-Persian War and pre-War era), the Macedonians borrowed a number of ideas from the Persian court, polygamy probably one of them. Alexander I, with 5 boys, may have had more than one wife; we simply aren't told. Perdikkas II apparently did have two wives. Archelaos is tagged by the Greeks (who were routinely confused by Macedonian polygamy) as a bastard, the son of a slave or concubine. More likely, he's simply the son of the first wife, of lesser status than a later wife, who gave him the son who initially inherited...and who Archelaos had murdered.
Similarly, in other situations, it seems the status of the mother did have an impact on which son was tagged as heir.
Up through Philip II, they aren't called "queens" any more than the king is actually addressed as "King So-and-so." Yet at least he IS called "king" (basileus) in third person. The wives are just "the king's wives," not "basilissa" (queen).
The change occurs after Alexander's death and especially after the last of the Argeads are eliminated (Philip III Arrhidaios & Alexander IV)...when a lot of things changed of necessity.
By then, the Successors had been exposed to Asian courts and Asian ruling patterns, and of course, Seleukos kept his Persian wife Apama, who had a great deal of influence (as Persian women did, and he was sensible enough to take advantage of). I'd also suggest that Kassandros, the first Macedonian king to use the title for himself (not in 3rd person), was especially keen to elevate his WIFE, an actual daughter of Philip--e.g., an Argead--so "queen" was useful.
As for the "chief wife" title, Persian Great Kings DID have a "chief wife," who was mother of the heir. And they were picky about it, too. The Great King could have as many concubines as he wanted, plus apparently some other wives--from wherever he found them--but the Chief Wife had better be Persian, and enjoyed special prerogatives. If you'd like to look into this before the Hellenistic period, I'd recommend the following three books:
Maria Brosius, Women in Ancient Persia, 559-331 BC
Amelie Kuhrt, The Persian Empire: a Corpus of Sources from the Achaemenid Period
M. A. Dandamaev and V. G. Lukonin, The Culture and Social Institutions of Ancient Iran
Hope this helps a bit.
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grineerios · 9 months
(Temporary) Character Masterlist
Operator Kaine- Hot-headed and impulsive, Kaine was a Yuvan before becoming a Tenno. Hates amps, and typically rejects Tenno culture. Embraces the Void and all its horrors. Doesn't get along with his Drifter counterpart, Callan. Madurai.
Operator Rufus- Fearful and naïve, Rufus awoke from the Second Dream under unusual circumstances. He lacks a connection to the Tenno, and his Gauss is his closest friend. Vazarin.
Drifter Callan- A stubborn, anxious man. Callan is avoidant of his own problems, but will face others' head-on. Took on the role of a Tammherd while in Duviri. Sees himself as a guardian to his Operator counterpart, Kaine, but struggles with having a good relationship with him. Deals with chronic pain as the result of a run-in with a Void Angel. Strongly dislikes transference. Naramon.
Kaine's Volt- Standard Volt, sole warframe of Kaine's. He tends to work as a counterbalance to Kaine's impulsivity and powerful emotions. Doesn't remember much from before the Old War. Full of personality, but lacks independence from Kaine.
Callan's Oberon- Standard Oberon, helps Callan manage his void injury. Independent, but hollow. Met Callan during the New War after his Operator was killed.
Rufus' Gauss- Standard Gauss. An infestation scientist who formerly worked for Archemedian Silvana before becoming a warframe voluntarily. Rufus' caretaker. Fully independent and sapient. Spiteful towards Cephalon Anum for blackmailing her throughout the course of the Old War.
Radio (Octavia)- Octavia Prime. A chipper and energetic warframe safeguarding a Tenno who hasn't awoken from the Second Dream. She and her Tenno are somewhat co-conscious.
Sibir (Sevagoth)- Standard Sevagoth. A Tennoless warframe found deep under the surface of Deimos in a locked Isolation Vault. Seems to have a burning hatred for all things Entrati.
Crux- Wannabe treasure hunter and archaeologist. Fascinated by Orokin treasures and junk. Defacto leader of a small group of Solaris ice miners in Neptune Proxima. Has an Eximus Shockwave MOA leg for an arm. Has a pet Kubrow pup named Auron.
Febe- Originally a Fortuna Solaris. A mother. Trying to pay off debt so her kids- wherever they are- don't have to carry that weight in their lifetimes. After a work accident, couldn't afford to get an arm replaced, so Crux shifted her to working in analytics, data, and shipping. Firm, but incredibly loving.
Lanthan- Crux's second-in-command for negotiations. Grounded and patient. They're insistent about hearing both sides of an argument. A skilled artist in their spare time. Has feelings for Copernius.
Copernius- A disgraced former Corpus Crewman, he became a Solaris as a form of punishment after his squadron failed to repel a Tenno attack. With a new name, and a (somewhat) new body, he seeks penance through his work. He's solitary, and doesn't get along with the other Solaris, or the Corpus, making him quite the outsider.
Cabu Fakk- Steel Meridian Defender, spiteful and aloof. Has so many problems, and takes a lot of time off because of it. Has a love-hate relationship with other Grineer, and her faction as a result. Ship's on-board Komi champion. Has a begrudging respect for Kaine and zero for Callan. Incredibly gay. Close to Maroo.
Log-Rec Avarke- Cephalon Suda Gunner. Oblivious and naive, but true to herself. Aromantic, in a relationship with Cabu. Not super interested in Railjacks, but knows lots of niche facts about aspects of it, and will tell you about them.
Gallo Hirtu- Perrin Sequence back-up Pilot. Autistic as all hell, special interest is coins and, to a lesser degree, metal. Obsessed with the history of the Corpus. Will infodump on helm to Cabu and Avarke. Avarke appreciates it, Cabu does not. Has a one-sided crush on Callan, but has complicated feelings about it as he sees Kaine like a little brother.
Rex Sonokiza- Hexis Defender. A nigh-elderly Arbiter who chose to pursue Railjack work instead of retirement. Seeking fulfilment in life by helping others. Distant from the other members of the crew.
Cephalon Anum- Gauss' Cephalon. Spiteful towards her for blackmailing them for centuries. Sarcastic, but genuinely cares for Rufus, even if they're resentful towards his warframe.
Velondis Hotarbu- Converted Kuva Lich. A doting aunt figure to Operator Kaine.
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weedhorse69 · 11 months
2 medicines -Directly for 2 carcinoma
Targeting cancer they saw
Treatment with chemotherapy and her2 directed ttmt called tchp
Gloves and booties that reduce tingling in hands and feet
Suzzi pad cold therapy socks and gloves. This is the name. Sorry I forgot. 😂
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kevinscottgardens · 2 years
26 septembre au 2 octobre 2022
This week I started the big autumn chop, starting with the Iris unguicularis.
Tuesday evening I went on my very second date since moving to France. We met on Tinder and had been chatting for about two weeks. We had a nice evening; however, because my French is still so poor, I didn’t really speak very much. It was nice to be on a date though. Hopefully more to come.
I took Denis and André to their place in Grasse Wednesday afternoon. Progress is slow; however, things are moving forward.
Thursday evening I enjoyed a few pints with Ilze and Daniela in Antibes.
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Saturday morning I finally cut my lawn after it finally grew with the cooler weather, shorter days and a bit of rain.
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Saturday afternoon Denis helped me verify all measurements for the future nursery then I headed to theirs for a lovely evening of fresh Italian food from Ventimiglia earlier in the day. I finally got home at 02.00 after dropping their friend off at his hotel in Cannes.
Sunday I redrew the nursery on SketchUp in early afternoon; then Karin came over to return my bonsaïs that she has been taking care of while I was on the cruise. Helena joined and and we enjoyed a spontaneous dinner together. A very nice way to end the day. Sunday was also the anniversary of my move to London in 2001.
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Plant of the week
Poaceae Hyparrhenia hirta (L.) Stapf
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common name(s) - giant thatching grass, jaragua, jaragua grass, yellow-spike thatching grass, common thatching grass, Coolatai grass; Afrikaans : dektamboekiegras synonym(s) - Homotypic : Andropogon distachyos var. hirtus (L.) Koeler; Andropogon hirtus L.; Cymbopogon hirtus (L.) Nees ex Baker; Heteropogon hirtus (L.) Andersson, nom. illeg.; Sorghum hirtum (L.) Kuntze; Trachypogon hirtus (L.) Nees; Heterotypic : Andropogon ambiguus Gennari; A. collinus Lojac.; A. dalmaticus Gand.; A. giganteus Ten.; A. hirsutus var. pubescens Husn.; A. hirtus var. angustissimus Mutel; A. hirtus var. glabriglumis Oppenh.; A. hirtus var. glaucus Schrad.; A. hirtus var. glaucus Nábelek, nom. illeg.; A. hirtus var. longiaristatus Willk. & Lange, nom. superfl.; A. hirtus subsp. podotrichus (Hochst. ex Steud.) K.Richt.; A. hirtus var. podotrichus (Hochst. ex Steud.) Hack.; A. hirtus var. pubescens (Andersson) Vis., nom. superfl.; A. hirtus subsp. pubescens (Andersson) K.Richt.; A. hirtus var. velutinus Goiran; A. modicus De Wild., pro syn.; A. pichleri Gand.; A. pilosus Dufour ex Roem. & Schult., nom. illeg.; A. podotrichus Hochst. ex Steud.; A. pubescens Vis., nom. illeg.; A. pubescens var. breviaristata Sennen; A. sinaicus Delile; A. transvaalensis Stapf; Anthistiria vulcanica Steud.; Cymbopogon hirtus f. pubescens (Andersson) Hayek; Cymbopogon hirtus subsp. villosus (Pignatti) Pignatti; Cymbopogon modicus De Wild.; Cymbopogon pubescens (Andersson) Fritsch; Cymbopogon transvaalensis (Stapf) Stapf ex Burtt Davy; Heteropogon pubescens Andersson; Hyparrhenia hirta f. brachyphylla Paunero, no Latin descr. H. hirta var. longiaristata Rothm. & P.Silva; H. hirta f. podotricha (Hochst. ex Steud.) Maire & Weiller; H. hirta var. podotricha (Hochst. ex Steud.) Pic.Serm.; H. hirta f. podotricha (Hochst. ex Schimp.) Maire & Weiler; H. hirta f. pubescens (Andersson) Maire & Weiller; H. hirta subsp. pubescens (Andersson) Paunero; H. hirta var. pubescens (Andersson) Ravi; H. hirta subsp. villosa Pignatti; H. hirta var. villosa Paunero, no Latin descr.; H. modica (De Wild.) Robyns; H. podotricha (Hochst. ex Steud.) Andersson, genus not validly publ.; H. pubescens (Andersson) Chiov.; H. sinaica (Delile) G.López; Trachypogon pubescens (Andersson) Fourr. conservation rating - none native to - Africa, Mediterranean to Pakistan location - Domaine de l’Orangerie leaves - clumps to 1m tall with tough, dense bases sprouting from rhizomes flowers - spikelets in paired racemes 20mm to 40mm long, subtended by spathes, hairy, raceme pairs with 8 to 14 awns habit - caespitose perennial arising from short underground rhizomes, the basal leaf-sheaths glabrous or very rarely obscurely puberulous; flowering culms wiry, typically 300mm to 600mm. high (1m. or more in exceptionally robust plants), standing over a dense leafy tussock 100mm 200mm. high habitat - disturbed areas, grasslands, stony soils pests - generally pest-free disease - generally disease-free hardiness - to -15ºC (H5) soil - prefers medium to heavy-textured soils (black clays, latosols) of medium to low fertility; can withstand water-logging and temporary flooding; sensitive to high aluminium soils sun - full sun propagation - seed, division pruning - responds well to being cut down annually for aesthetic purposes nomenclature - Poaceae - poa - pasturage, the Greek name for a fodder grass; Hyparrhenia - male-beneath, the arrangement of the spikelets; hirta - hairy, shaggy-hairs NB - may be recognised by its hard basal tussock, harsh narrow leaves and scanty inflorescence of white villous racemes that do not deflex; used for grazing livestock and weaving mats and baskets
References :
Gledhill, David, (2008) “The Names of Plants”, fourth edition; Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-0-52168-553-5
IUCN [online] http://www.iucnredlist.org/search [11 Nov 22]
Pépinière Filippi [online] https://www.jardin-sec.com/jardin-sec_web/fr/FICHETECHNIQUE.awp?P1=Hyparrhenia%20hirta&P2=FR [11 Nov 22]
Plants of the World [online] https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:405537-1 [11 Nov 22]
Royal Horticultural Society [online] https://www.rhs.org.uk/Plants/9473/Jovellana-violacea/Details [19 June 22]
SANBI [online] http://pza.sanbi.org/hyparrhenia-hirta [11 Nov 22]
Tropical Forages [online] https://www.tropicalforages.info/text/entities/hyparrhenia_rufa.htm [11 Nov 22]
Wikipedia [online] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyparrhenia_hirta [11 Nov 22]
World Flora Online [online] http://www.worldfloraonline.org/taxon/wfo-0000875263 [11 Nov 22]
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47015741 · 2 years
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Hibiscus hirtus [OC]
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gracegrove · 2 years
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Welcome to Ratland! 
Your fandom wholesaler of all things rodent!
Today we have a special sale featuring three in-house breeds:
The Smooth Rat or Rattus lenis. The Smooth Rat is a newer breed to our little shop and is not recommended to rat enthusiasts just starting out. Discovered on the beach head behind a San Diego taco stand, this guy is spicier than the Cholula hot sauce bottle he was sleeping on. And that’s not an understatement. He’s got choppers and knows how to use ‘em! If you plan on purchasing this new exotic, it is recommended that you invest in plenty of enrichment. This fella packs a wallop, but craves comfort and comes around with a little TLC. If you’ve got the time, patience, and expertise this rodent could be for you!
The Carpet Rat or Rattus hirtus. The Carpet Rat is a domesticated breed, easy to handle and eager to please. Highly recommended to those looking for the perfect family rat, or looking for an easy keeper. A fastidious groomer, keep note that your rat doesn’t over groom, particularly when around or exposed to other rats. This rat likes to display its rather impressively fluffy chest when hormones run high. Adjusts well to multiple environments. Good in home or apartment. Great with kids! Loves being pet, and riding in your pocket. Sunflower seeds are a must have on hand for this lil guy! All around well rounded, take one home today!
The Speckled Rat or Rattus punctata. The Speckled Rat is another of our domesticated breeds, but can be somewhat temperamental. Mostly a social breed, but it has an occasional tendency to pick fights with cagemates for unknown reasons. Better in larger groups than in duos to quell this propensity. Known for its beautiful array of flecked markings on its coat. This guy makes for a great individual companion as well, but be careful they are crafty and have been known to escape their cage from time to time. The promise of honey or marshmallows can sometimes draw them back. Requires a bit more of a firm hand in rearing than a novice owner could provide. But you learn quickly with this lil guy. Also it is recommended that enrichment items be purchased at time of adoption.
So what’re you waiting for? Come on down to Ratland today!
@deedoop @eddiebillysteve @every-dayiwakeup​
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lonialine · 3 years
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Taraxacum officinale
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Mitracarpus Hirtus
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Catharanthus roseus
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Gerbera jamesonni
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Flor da Fortuna
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Commelina communis
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Bougainvillea glabra
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yeeshastone · 4 months
Myth Found
While doing research for the Hirtus subspecies I was able to talk to a few of them and was enthralled by their love for trains. They seem to be able to talk for hours about the different kinds and what they enjoy about each individual locomotive from the sounds they make to the aesthetic of them. However upon talking to them I found one train in particular to be quite fascinating. They call it, ‘the night train’. This Myth is steeped in mystery and intrigue with even a few Hirtus swearing that it is more than just a story. Its mythical status makes it something I yearn to see before I die, and perhaps it will be there to greet me when I am upon my death bed.
The base info for this mythical legend can be found here, although we have yet to get an artist's depiction of such a grand machine.
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notinordinate · 3 years
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Emus hirtus (Linnaeus, 1758) https://ift.tt/38RZ9Lu
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I got a fauna box for my bday !!! I got it yesterday it’s amazing I’m so happy
I’m gonna try to get a few rose chafers as soon as possible to start a farm, now that I have the fauna box for breeding and stuff 
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bpod-bpod · 5 years
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Worm Turns On
To survive its first few days of life, the P. hirtus railroad worm must switch on natural lights. In tiny spots along its back an enzyme called luciferase sets to work on a chemical called luciferin, producing bright yellow-green luminescence to scare predators. But that’s not all – the worm carries a different form of luciferase which produces red 'head lights', helping the worm to see in the dark. Finding differences in the molecular structures producing these different colours, researchers seized an opportunity – combining natural luciferases with artificially altered luciferin molecules, produces a bright red light in the lab. Shining at the far-red end of the visible spectrum, this 'new' colour can be adapted to shine inside human cells – in tissues where yellow-green luminescence is too readily absorbed and lost – potentially revealing details about our circulatory system and muscles.
Written by John Ankers
Image by Léo Ramos Chaves/Revista Pesquisa FAPESP
Graduate Program of Biotechnology and Environmental Monitoring, Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), Rodovia João Leme dos Santos, Sorocaba, SP, Brazil
Image copyright held by the photographer
Research published in Scientific Reports, June 2019
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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emanuro · 5 years
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This is a Heriaeus hirtus crab spider eating a Ochlodes sp. butterfly in a beautiful meadow in the Italian northern Apennines, a spot teeming with life and death! ~~ I’m continuing “building” my custom wideangle ultra macro lens using the @venuslaowa 25mm as a base for the “thing”. ~ #wideanglemacro #wideangle #macro #macrophotography #spider #predatoridelmicrocosmo #predator #thehunt #pickoftheday #arachnida #meadow #venom #stalking_nature @ilcp_photographers https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzxq582Ijw2/?igshid=1bwaojmfesnnc
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arkus-rhapsode · 6 years
Ship ask, Monoma x Hiryu?
Who Cooks: Hiryu. Though Monoma tries to help.
Who does the laundry: Monoma
How Many Children do They have: 4 kids. All adopted. One also is quirkless
Who’s More dominate: Hiryu lets Monoma be dominate
Favorite Non-Sexual Activity: shopping online. The Amzon boxes they have piling up is a bit unsettling
Their Favorite Place To Be Together: On the rooftop of their house drinking herbal tea
Their “Song”: Africa by Toto
What They Do For Each Other On Holidays: Monoma for decides to to give Hirtu with gifts all written in Chinese kanji. It’s a little sloppy.
Where Did They Go For Their Honeymoon: France. Mainly cause Hiryu was interested in their food.
Where Did They Meet First: UA
Any Pets: The own one komodo dragon
What Do They Fight Over: If Hiryu start leaving scales around the huse, Monoma cuts his foot and gets really mad.
Do They Go On Vacations, if So Where: They prefer to spend their money on eachother.
Send Me more
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