#hirusena prompts
nonbayanary · 1 year
HiruSena TATTOO AU, with Hiruma as the tattoo artist, and Sena as his new (lowkey horny) client.
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Sena loses in a game of truth or dare, and as a result, he gets dared by Monta and Suzuna to get either a womb tattoo, or a tramp stamp.
A “tramp stamp” is a tattoo on the lower back, just a bit above the butt. A “womb tattoo,” on the other hand, is placed on the front, on the area below a person’s belly button (aka the womb).
Sena chooses the womb tattoo, only because he doesn’t want a needle pounding on his spine.
Sena, of course, is allowed to choose the tattoo he wants. So he searches on Instagram and finds a tattoo artist whose work he really likes. A guy with the name of Hiruma Youichi.
Hiruma’s artworks all seem to be related to demons and devils. If you want the “Fallen Angel” by Alexandre Cabanel permanently inked on you, then Hiruma’s your guy. 
(Pic of “Fallen Angel” painting below.)
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Hiruma, being an expert in advertising his works, posts his portfolio on different social media platforms, including Instagram. He posts a lot of reels of his inked pieces, but he never shows his face on his social media.
All Sena sees, when he scrolls through Hiruma’s instagram portfolio, are snippets of the artist here and there. A face hidden behind a medical facemask, sometimes colored black, and sometimes red. Blond hair, gelled into spikes. A heavily-pierced ear, adorned with glittering ornaments. Mainly, the camera is always focused on the clients’ newly-inked skin.
Hiruma does different styles. He can do realism, he can recreate Renaissance artworks, he can make silly cartoon demons, and he can even ink devil wings on his clients’ backs. 
However, Sena scrolls past all those artworks, until he finds the one he likes. It’s a simple design, and it doesn’t seem to be Hiruma’s more famous artworks, judging by the lack of it on his Instagram page.
It’s a non-minimal tattoo, of six inches. It’s one of Hiruma’s original artworks: a Succubus tattoo. It’s a heart with devil horns and wings. The design is simple, but Sena falls in love with the artwork on sight. 
(For reference, the tattoo looks like this:)
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So Sena goes to Hiruma’s website and schedules an appointment. He’s very impressed with how methodical the procedure all seems to be. 
After scheduling the appointment, Sena does a lot of research. He watches Youtube videos on interviews with tattoo artists, he reads articles on the Do’s and Don’ts when getting a tattoo, he takes note of tattoo aftercare, and how to prepare prior to the appointment.
What confuses Sena is that there are a lot of contradictory information. So he just goes to his trusted online store and, like a dumbass, only relies on the product information, without further researching what he’s buying.
So when he walks into Hiruma’s studio on the day of the appointment, Hiruma stares at Sena’s abdomen, which is covered in plastic wrap.
“Oi,” Hiruma says, “What brand of numbing cream did you use, motherfucker?”
“Ah,” Sena says, looking in his bag. He takes out a tiny box and hands it to Hiruma. “It’s this one.”
Hiruma takes one look at the brand and throws the box into the garbage. 
Sena’s jaw drops. “Wha... Why?!”
Hiruma massages his temples. “Are you an idiot? This brand is fucking illegal!” And he taps away into his Ipad, showing Sena the screen. One simple google search is all it takes to find that yes, the cream Sena used is apparently banned.
“Ah,” Sena says again, at a loss for words. “I... uh... didn’t know, I guess.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” Hiruma replies, busy again with his iPad. “I’m rescheduling this appointment. You look like you’re allergic to that cuntass cream.”
Sena blinks in surprise. “I am?”
Hiruma, unimpressed, gestures to the pinkish patch of skin on Sena’s abdomen. “Was that area of skin pink before you put that fucking cream, or afterwards?”
Sena laughs awkwardly. “Um... after.” Then, at Hiruma’s sigh, Sena hastens to add, “But, the cream works, though! It feels numb!”
“Christ alive,” Hiruma mutters. Then a little louder, he says, “That fucking cream can cause stroke and cardiac arrest!”
“Oh...” Sena says. “Um... Guess I’ll die, then?”
At that, Hiruma laughs. It’s a sharp sound, startling Sena into staring at Hiruma. But hot damn, the sound is so jubilant and so nice, that warmth blooms in Sena’s stomach. 
“Huh? What was that just now?” Sena thinks to himself. Then, he waves the thought away. “Maybe side effects of the numbing cream.”
“Perish, motherfucker,” Hiruma starts waving Sena out the door. “But don’t die in my studio, goddamn you! Bring your dumb ass back here in two days, when the cream’s worn off. Now scram.” And yet, even as his words are callous, it sounds as if he’s smiling from behind his medical facemask.
Sena leaves, but he can’t quite forget Hiruma’s resounding laugh. Or the sound of Hiruma’s voice even as he utters profanities. 
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Sena returns for his appointment, this time without any damn numbing cream. 
And the procedure goes as planned. Except, both Hiruma and Sena are feeling things.
Hiruma is trying very much not to stare at Sena’s tiny waist. If Hiruma were to wrap his hands around it, the pads of his fingers would touch. And as if that weren’t embarrassing enough for Hiruma, he can’t help noticing that Sena’s waist is also toned. Which Hiruma finds very hot. Ah, FUCK.
Sena, on the other hand, isn’t doing much better. Imagine the intimacy of getting a womb tattoo, but like amped up to a thousand bcs Sena’s hand kink is making itself known like a bat screeching out of hell.
Hiruma’s fingers are long, and Sena is trying not to ogle the veins on Hiruma’s hands like a creep. 
Not even black rubber gloves can hide how deliciously spindly Hiruma’s fingers are. At the very least, it covers Hiruma’s long fingernails, which are painted black. Sena could not help simping for that. Damn it, Sena’s hand kink is absolutely raging today. 
Hiruma’s inappropriate thoughts dissipate, as his mind is taken up by his current project. He puts his wholeass Hirussy into every artwork he makes, and this is no different. Thus, he concentrates on inking the stenciled skin.
Sena on the other hand, feels absolutely flustered getting touched, even as Hiruma’s and Sena’s skin are separated by Hiruma’s rubber gloves.
The amount of fucking pain hammering at Sena’s abdomen is at least a good distraction. And yet, all Sena’s inappropriate thoughts return, with how careful Hiruma acts whenever he wipes the blood off Sena’s skin.
“AAAAAAAAA, THIS HURTS!” Sena thinks. But also, his inner horny self whispers, “Nnghhh, hands.”
It also does not help that Hiruma is wearing a tight shirt, the sleeves doing nothing to hide his muscular arms.
Between Hiruma’s attractiveness and the pain, Sena’s thoughts are just a hazy blur of non-stop screaming.
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yes, y’all can definitely use this prompt!!! This AU of mine was cross-posted from the HiruSena/SenaHiru Discord Chat. Join us there!
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astraeawritingarchive · 7 months
@fandonnavyce @nonbayanary
A few weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night, and when I woke up again in the morning, I found my notepad app open, and these two prompts written down 💀
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Why have I done this
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astraeasilvers · 2 months
Headcanon Thought: Hiruma deals with Arachnophobia
@fandonnavyce and I were talking about one of my future prompts, and this thought came up!
It's a normal and mundane fear, and nothing of the like ever comes up in canon! So here we go, some random thoughts from me and Vyce on the topic:
Random situation, let's say they have to walk down a spider-infested hallway. Dude would find 101 reasons to not do so, and will fire gunshots to scare the others into going in his stead. No one questions it, of course. It's Hiruma, after all!
EXCEPT Musashi, who gives Hiruma a side glance that just screams "I know what you are"
Hiruma will have a 3-meter-away staring contest with a spider, silently willing it to fucking go away so he can pass
He will randomly kick someone, and out of context, no one gives it any thought. In reality, he saw a spider, and kicked them that way to squish it.
He'll suddenly pull out his flamethrower and torches a bush. No one questions it. (The bush was absolutely infested)
He may have a stone-cold poker face on while doing this, but he's screeching unintelligible demonic noises internally
Of course, he will kill them himself. Usually with a well-aimed bullet, or flamethrower. No one thinks twice. "It's Hiruma. To him, "there's no Kill like Overkill" (thanks to Vyce for that quote LOL)
To Hiruma, there's Over-the-Top, and Disappointing. Nothing else, no in between
[HiruSena Extension] - aka Future Fic spoiler
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nonbayanary · 1 year
ok so. hirusena fic prompt where sena feels as if he’s missing out, because he isn’t hooking up with other people. and hiruma is (all too willing) to coach the poor guy.
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sena is gay. he is also a shut-in introvert, who prefers reading smut fics, as compared to actually having sex. he fears the mortifying ordeal of being known, so he prefers the safe confines of living vicariously through a fictional character who's getting dick, rather than getting his back blown out himself.
sometimes, sena, suzuna, and monta talk about sex. it started coming up in conversation, because suzuna and monta knew jackshit about anything sex-related. and, knowing sena reads smut, they started asking him about it.
so sena tells him all he knows from smut fics. everything about consent, boundaries, kinks, and techniques he's read about. whenever the topics are discussed though, sena is always, always flustered.
and at first, sena’s got all the sex advice for monta and suzuna, since he’s been reading smut since he was in his early teens. he can answer their questions, and when he can't, there's always the internet to help the trio.
and yet a few years later, sena now finds that because suzuna and monta have had actual sexual experience, they now know a lot more abt sex than sena's virgin ass ever would.
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suzuna: sena, no offense, but YES, you DO have a praise kink
monta, nodding: imma have to agree on that, bro
sena: WHAT?????
suzuna: i preach the truth, and you know it
sena: ohmygod, STOP—
monta: why are you booing her? she’s right
sena: wait, but i read fics with praise kinks, and they don’t really seem to be sexy?
monta: give us examples, bro
sena: some fics have “good boy” or “you’re doing so good” or “good job” but like it really isn’t SEXY for me
suzuna: boi, it’s not about being sexy. it’s about feeling comfy.
sena: the kink is supposed to make me COMFORTABLE?
monta: it’s supposed to make you feel SAFE and comfy during sex.
suzuna: like, words of encouragement, you know?
sena, faintly: oh.
suzuna remembers how hiruma’s eyes follow sena. she gets an idea
suzuna: you’re just in luck, sena! i know someone who’d be willing to teach you about sex, you know!
sena: what??? who???
suzuna: You-Nii!
sena: excuse me, WHAT???
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yes, y'all can definitely use this prompt! ( /gen)
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nonbayanary · 1 year
EDIT: hirusena apocalypse AU where demon!hiruma and skeleton!sena raise the ghosts of their parents (who died as mere children in alternate timelines)
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title: “Wasteland, Daddy! (I’m in Love with You)”
title is based on Hozier’s song titled, Wasteland Baby!
sena and hiruma used to be humans. the apocalypse mutated the remaining survivors of humankind, turning them into supernatural beings. 
years into the future, mutants started dying out due to the toxicity of the atmosphere. those who survived mutated further, retaining beastly characteristics.
hiruma calls himself, “a devil.” it’s technically true, based on the characteristics of his body’s own mutation. for years, bones have sprouted from his back, gradually covered by flesh, to make strange, bat-like wings. a tail started forming as well, thin and whip-like and pointed. the flesh peeled away from his hands, revealing the bones underneath. and slowly, the bones rearranged themselves to form claws, covered by a thick, black flesh. all hiruma’s mutated body parts are colored black, with red streaks here and there.
sena, however, was not so lucky. the years were cruel to him, as the flesh disintegrated from his bones. his form is now naught but a walking skeleton with long, flowing hair attached to his head. with each year that passes, nothing betrays his age, except for the growing number of grey streaks in his hair. he is but bone and hair, held together by his own magic.
strangely enough though, sena is only one of the few beings who can actually wield magic. and of all the mutants, he is the most powerful one.
the prevailing theory among mutants, before most of them perished, is this: the more magic a mutant has, the less they will resemble a living being.
hiruma’s magic is limited to his own body. he can fly with his new wings, and he can move his tail as if it were a fifth limb. his claws are sharp and deadly. but his magic all about ends there.
sena’s magic, meanwhile, is like a bottomless pit. his existence proves the mutants’ theory, for he practically looks dead, for all intents and purposes. if sena did not move at all, then he would be mistaken for human remains.
hiruma tries testing the limits of his power, and it backfires. in a bigass explosion, he accidentally tears off a chunk of what remains of the continent, and yeets himself into space as a result.
sena is left oh, so alone, and yet he knows hiruma is not dead. he knows. because hiruma doesn't need oxygen anymore. and hiruma doesn't need warmth either. no, the vacuum of space is something hiruma can survive.
but the dilemma is: sena doesn't know how to bring him home. even with magic, sena's still having a hard time bringing hiruma back to earth.
centuries pass. sena has tried everything from the tethering of souls, to magnetism via magic. and still, hiruma is out there in space
all the other mutants have died now. and the mutation of the remnants of the human race have left them unable to repopulate
sena is now the lone survivor of an apocalyptic future. however, he doesn't think he's the last one. because somewhere out in space, he can feel hiruma's soul still calling to him.
sena's flesh and organs have all but succumbed to time, but his magic and his determination to live keep his form together
his long brown hair is decorated with flowers, kept alive by his magic as well.
with sena’s powers, he created a realm called "deimon," as a tribute to hiruma. it’s a pocket dimension that sena created. a wasteland materialized through sena’s sheer force of will alone. 
and it is in deimon where sena resides. 
sena gets lonely. of course he does. he's the last thing living in the planet. nothing else but land and plants and debris remain.
so sena gets busy. he focuses on developing his magic. after fifty years, he made the plants of earth start growing again. after a hundred years, he made a pocket dimension. after two hundred years, he learned how to travel through alternate dimensions.
and because sena is lonely, he visits all the alternate dimensions where his loved ones exist. he never stays though, never shows himself, because he doesn't want to rip the space-time continuum.
but the one thing that never fails to catch sena's attention are the universes where his own parents die at a young age. mere children, the whole lot of them.
and sena can't help but notice that in most universes, the lives of his parents, Kobayakawa Shuuma and Mihae, always intersect with the lives of Hiruma's parents, Hiruma Yuuya and Yoshiko.
In most universes where all four of those people survive, they always meet and become friends.
but some universes aren't so lucky. sometimes, one of them dies. and it tears at sena's heartstrings so much.
so sena starts adopting ghosts of his parents who died when they were young. soon, not only that, but he starts adopting the young souls of hiruma's parents as well.
sena knows how strange it is. a skeleton adopting ghost-children. and yet, he can't find it in himself to leave them, because this is how he gives thanks to his own parents, who have long passed. this is a guilt-filled apology to hiruma's own set of parents, who are probably writhing in their graves bcs of their lost son.
(and sena knows guilt is a terrible motivator, but by god, he owes so much to hiruma's parents, as much as his own parents. if he can't apologize to hiruma's parents, then at the very least, he can save their alternate timeline, child counterparts)
sena's one source of despair is that he's powerful, and yet he can't do the one thing he wants most. he's now skilled enough to create pocket dimensions, travel to alternate timelines, regrow the plants on earth even without animal life as a means for pollination, and yet—
and yet, he can't even bring hiruma home.
that is, until sena gets a brilliant idea. the solution was so easy that it hadn't even occurred to him.
what if sena tries to summon hiruma, through a demonic summoning ritual?
this solution wasn't available to sena before. mostly because other demons and devils still lived. if sena did this earlier, then he would have summoned other beings by accident, because by nature, demonic rituals aren't specific.
but now, only one demonic entity remains. only one devil lives. and it's hiruma.
so sena tries. he kneels on a summoning circle, and with every single ounce of his magic, his being, his soul, he reaches out to the universe and pulls.
the skies tear open violently, and a flaming meteor comes howling into the firmament. sena squints, giddy and hopeful and so, so reckless, that he just watches with open arms at the silhouette of an unconscious body in the center of the flames.
and three seconds before it hits sena, and blasts a kilometer-wide crater into the earth, sena sees spiky blond hair, and large, bat-like wings.
sena catches the body, even as the earth crumbles, even as the winds shriek, and even as the pocket dimension tears. because for the first time in centuries—
"you're home, hiruma-san. you're finally home."
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when hiruma, after being nursed back to health after years of accidental exile, meets the kids that sena's adopted, he is absolutely gobsmacked.
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a child barrels into sena, startling the skeleton. 
sena blinks, the astonishment on his face morphing to a nervous smile as he crouches down to the child’s eye level. “hey there, yoshi. there’s someone here to meet you.”
hiruma’s breath stops. his heart thunders in his chest. the chibi just called the child, “yoshi.” 
that nickname... 
could it be?
“hey, fucknut!” the child yells, interrupting hiruma’s thoughts. she kicks hiruma in the shin, and grins at his startled expression. “i’m yoshiko. and don’t you forget it! who in the jesus cuntass fuck are you, huh?”
“language,” sena says automatically. then he laughs awkwardly at the weird look hiruma gives him. 
sena clears his throat. “yoshi, hon, this is hiruma youichi. and hiruma-san—”
“the fuck?!” yoshiko harrumphs, pointing an accusatory finger at hiruma. to sena, she asks, “why the dogshit politeness? why are you calling him ‘hiruma-san?!’ who the fuck even is this dickwad?”
sena blanches at all the profanities, but hiruma doesn’t even seem to notice. he just stares at the child in both fear and wonder. and sena understands why.
sena gently pats yoshiko’s head. “hiruma-san is older than me, yoshi. and he’s not a bad guy, so please tone down the animosity a little, okay?”
yoshiko tilts her head, an evil gleam in her eye. “if i listen to you, then what am i gonna get out of it, sen-sen? candy? i want bubblegum! or maybe a deck of cards!”
the floor lurches from beneath hiruma’s feet, even as he stands stock-still. the child’s words confirm the suspicions forming in his mind. 
yoshiko’s face lights up at the idea of a reward for her own good behavior. her expression morphs into a calculating sort of hopefulness. before sena can reply, she forges on, “or maybe guns! i want some cool guns!”
hiruma stares at the child. he stares at her short, spiky hair, and her ears as sharp as his. when she speaks, tiny fangs peek out between her crooked teeth. 
and now, hiruma knows for sure—
this child is hiruma’s mother.
and judging by the child’s slight translucent form, she’s dead. hiruma’s chest tightens. in another universe, hiruma was never born because his mother died young. 
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this was actually based on an original story i was conceptualizing during my college years. but if y’all wanna write this, please feel free to do so—granted that you credit me, if you please. i don’t often ask for credit, but as this is based on my original story, this one is an exception. thank you so much!
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nonbayanary · 2 years
HiruSena Content MASTERPOST
Hi HiruSena simps! Here’s your helpful guide to all the HiruSena content in this blog that I’ve created — or helped create!
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2023 Fandom Playlist Collab:  Sena is Hiruma’s Klutzy Guardian Angel
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ii. FICS / AUs
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known (a fic)
READ HERE:  Archive of Our Own
READ HERE:  Fanfiction.Net
The Fic’s Official Pinterest Moodboard (with MEMES)
Quotes From the Fic
The Fic’s Meme Reference Masterpost
Author’s Log
Teaser Drafts / Spoilers
I, Carrion (Icarian) - (a fic)
READ HERE:  Archive of Our Own
Teenage Mutant Mystic Demons (an AU)
aka: TMMDemons AU
my TMMDemons AU sideblog: @tmmdemons-au
Gentle Slumber  (by nonbayanary)
Gentle Slumber 2  (art by nonbayanary’s sibling)
sena’s smokin’ hot sleep paralysis demon is hiruma  (by nonbayanary)
Fallen God AU  (by nonbayanary)
hiruma’s the demon sena accidentally summoned (art by nonbayanary’s sibling)
the blorbos (based on krossan's art style)
sena is hiruma’s klutzy guardian angel
God of Arepo AU (by nonbayanary)
HiruSena cosplaying Heartsteel (by nonbayanary)
so the new "Too Many Devils" episode, huh?
HiruSena ft. Philippine jeepneys (Part 1, Part 2)
sena’s sleep paralysis demon is hiruma   [ Spotify  ||  YouTube ]
hiruma is the fallen god sena worships   [ Spotify  ||  YouTube ]
gentle slumber   [ Spotify  ||  YouTube ]
hiruma's the demon sena accidentally summoned   [ Spotify  ||  YouTube ] - COLLAB with cypherqueen
HiruSena Pinas [ Spotify || YouTube ]
v. PROMPTS / AU IDEAS (Tumblr Textposts)
Demon Goatman Hiruma & Villager Sena  (aka Buzzfeed Unsolved AU)
Venom AU  (with Hiruma as Venom)
Hercules AU  (with Sena as Hercules)
Six of Crows AU  (Gang Boss Hiruma and Spy Sena)
Neighbors AU
Tattoo AU (with tattoo artist Hiruma and dumbass client Sena)
Sena & Hiruma as Pet Owners
Lesbian Monsterfucker AU with Smut!!!
Sena reads smut fics. Hiruma’s willing to teach Sena how to fuck. (ft. Monta and Suzuna)
Apocalypse AU  (with Demon Hiruma and Skeleton Sena)
Sena as Furina and Hiruma as Focalors
“wolf in sleep’s clothing” kid vs. “partners in crime” kid
theatre kid vs. emo kid
hiruma & sena playing dungeons & dragons
the twink & the destroyer
priDEMONth vs. pridEMOnth
pirating media
pretty bf 🤝 obsessed bf
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Fanart:  Sena in a Jacket  (by nonbayanary)
Art Edit:  Gaming & Reading Shonen Jump w/ Sena
Playlist:  Gaming & Reading Shonen Jump w/ Sena  [ Spotify  ||  YouTube ]
Prompt:  Sena & Pitt Headcanons
Prompt: Sena with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Fanart: based on Krossan's art style
Playlist:  Commuting with Sena  [ Spotify  ||  YouTube ]
Meme: Dark!Sena
Fanart: Thicc Transmasc Sena
Fanart: My SENA-sona: "WRAITH"
Potential Sena Faceclaims
Fanart: Undercut Sena
Prompt:  Hiruma with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Prompt:  Autistic Hiruma
Prompt:  Hiruma Learning How to be a Malewife
Meme:  Hiruma ft. Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?
Meme:  My Unholy Take on Hiruma
Unpopular Opinion: Hiruma DOES cry
Crossover: Hiruma "The Devil of Deimon" Youichi all started from a trailer of Good Omens
Fanart: based on Krossan's art style
Color Palette: Hiruma's Eye Color
Crossover: Hiruma's Vash the Stampede Era
Potential Hiruma Faceclaims
Prompt: Tiny bby boi Hiruma with piercings
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Join the HiruSena / SenaHiru Discord HERE!  (Don’t worry bros, this link doesn’t expire)
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nonbayanary · 2 years
sena is a demigod on the rise. determined to fight hades, the god of the underworld, he asks the world-renowned warrior hiruma to train him. 
but unknown to him, the famous demigod-trainer hiruma is actually hades in disguise. 
bonus: to hiruma’s chagrin, he starts falling in love with this tiny idiot.
hirusena disney!hercules AU 
hiruma’s a mashup of meg, hades, & phil the satyr
the song “zero to hero” ft. sena
the song “i wont say im in love” ft. hiruma. the three backup singers are kurita, musashi, and cerberus. 
top!sena???? (maybe???) but if so, he grows taller than hiruma after years of training
if sena’s the top, then he’s surely a himbo, confirmed. no brains, just fucking determination
hiruma, to sena: you're stupid. i like that in a man
(yes, y’all can definitely use this prompt!!!  /gen)
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nonbayanary · 2 years
ok so. hirusena six of crows AU. hiruma as kaz brekker, and sena as inej ghafa.
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hiruma is one of the youngest gang bosses in the city of deimon. he’s armed with guns of all sizes.
as a former street rat, hiruma got to the top by accepting the worst jobs. thus, this earned him his reputation as “the devil.”
sena is hiruma’s spy. this tinyass motherfucker is equipped to the teeth with all kinds of knives and blades. he never goes anywhere without at least five concealed blades strapped to him.
when sena was a child, he was kidnapped from his home and sold to slave traders. then, a small-time gang bought him as their new investment: their runner/gopher. 
the first members of hiruma’s gang, “the devilbats,” were kurita and musashi, who grew up on the streets with him. eventually, they squatted in an abandoned building, turning it into their makeshift home.
it turns out a little puppy lives in that abandoned building too. the trio eventually adopt the dog and name him “cerberus.”
years ago, when hiruma was still building his reputation, he woke up one night to find sena searching for records in his makeshift bedroom. it turns out sena was sent by his small-time gang boss to steal from hiruma’s records.
after seeing sena move like a shadow, hiruma realizes the guy’s talent for stealth and speed. suddenly inspired by an idea, he offers sena a way out. 
hiruma: i can either kill you where you stand, or you can join my gang. what’ll it be, fucker?
sena, dead-eyed: i don’t mean any disrespect, but i don’t really care anymore whether i live or die. i’m already owned by a gang, though. if you want me to join you, you’ll have to purchase my indenture.
hiruma: oh, so little faith in the devil! i’ll give you a better option, as a welcoming gift of sorts. those cuntass bastards treat you like dirt, don’t they? why don’t i kill the wholeass motherfucking gang instead?
hiruma follows through, committing a massacre that further boosts his reputation. he single-handedly does the whole thing, but spreads stories that kurita and musashi were with him on that night too. it boosts their reputations as well, providing them protection.
freeing sena, hiruma starts teaching him how to apply his talent in stealth and speed into the art of espionage.
as sena starts spending more time with the devilbats, he realizes how kind hiruma is, beneath his sharp and pointy exterior. hiruma may act scary, but he’s just a softie beneath all the gunmetal and rough barbs.
sena starts seeing his new gang as a family. he starts calling musashi and kurita new titles: “kurita-nii-san” and “musashi-nii-san.” 
both kurita and musashi warm up to the poor kid. sena used to be so miserable that it activated their “older brother” senses, so to speak. even cerberus starts liking the new kid.
so sena starts healing from all the abuse he went through.
and to hiruma’s surprise, he actually likes spending time with sena too. 
after a year of care and camaradeire, sena is finally comfy enough to start cracking jokes. and hiruma, to his own utter shock, finds that the world is brighter when sena’s around. the guy’s like a ball of light, once he starts laughing and smiling again.
and after a few years bonding with sena, it finally dawns on hiruma. he did not only gain a spy. he gained someone precious to him as well.
cue hiruma’s “Oh.” moment
after years of teamwork and gang wars and bloodshed, hiruma finally dredges up new members for the devilbats
as the gang’s reputation rises, a new job presents itself to hiruma. if they succeed, they’ll get five million gold coins as payment. but there’s a catch.
the devilbats are tasked with stealing from the most heavily-guarded prison in the world. it’s an impossible heist. a suicide mission.
but hiruma youichi is nothing if not a gambler at heart. 
so he takes the job.
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TL;DR: hiruma leads an impossible heist, runs a gang, creates a found family, and commits massacres. all while trying to keep his feelings for sena under lock and key. 
it’s all in a day’s work for our little meow meow hiruma.
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(yes, y’all can definitely use this prompt!!!  /gen)
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nonbayanary · 2 years
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monta: hey bro, what do you want to eat?
venom!Hiruma: the SOULS of the INNOCENT!
sena, depressed: a bagel
venom!Hiruma: NO!
sena: two bagels
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(yes, y’all can definitely use this prompt!!!  /gen)
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nonbayanary · 2 years
ok but like. hirusena AU where hiruma’s a demon goatman living on a bridge, and sena’s the depressed guy who lives nearby.
hiruma’s constantly patting himself on the back for his brilliant idea: haunting a bridge in a forest. he prefers living in the human realm bcs acquiring living spaces in hell is hella (pun intended) expensive. demons are at each other’s throats all the time just to secure territory. but the human realm is basically free real estate.
and because demons increase their power by feeding off of the emotions of humans, then there’s an additional bonus: living quarters with no rent AND a constant supply of energy. 
hiruma targets the people crossing his bridge. example: some happy person walks onto the bridge. when they walk off it, their happiness is seeped away. another person is excited when they step onto the bridge. when they step off the bridge, the excitement fades, replaced by a cold sort of numbness.
the phenomenon becomes so common, that the humans living nearby stop using the bridge, or move away from the area. 
except for kobayakawa sena.
sena lives in a cottage, on the outskirts of the closest village. he crosses the same bridge everyday when he walks to the village for food and supplies. it always mildly confuses him when his ex-neighbors say the bridge is haunted. 
well sure, sena does feel like he’s being watched whenever he’s crossing the bridge. and sure, it does have this strange vibe to it. 
but sena has a different experience. 
whenever he crosses the bridge, it always takes some of his sadness away. sometimes, his thoughts are in a downward spiral when he’s walking home. and yet, after crossing that bridge on the way to his cottage, his spirits lift. 
in a strange way, sena has a fondness for that bridge. he’s almost always occupied by melancholy, despair, and even intrusive thoughts which oscillate between self-destruction and self-loathing. 
he’s been subjected to trauma at different points of his life. and only after moving in the cottage a few months ago has he finally start healing. the problem is: it’s hard to heal, especially when he’s alone, and he doesn’t entirely know where to start. 
hiruma starts recognizing sena as the “local sadboi.” every other human who crosses hiruma’s bridge has a range of emotions he sucks away. he rarely gets the same emotion from the same person. 
but with sena, it’s always, always sadness. 
as time passes, hiruma gets lonely. sure, sometimes his fellow demon bros kurita, cerberus, and musashi come to visit. but as kurita’s busy helping out his own father manage a demonic cult, and musashi’s busy helping out his own father construct new living spaces for demons in hell, it leaves hiruma on his own, more often than not. cerberus is busy guarding the gates of hell, so he’s the busiest of them all.
it doesn’t help that most humans, due to a mix of classical conditioning and a healthy fear of haunted places, have now grown to avoid hiruma’s bridge altogether. 
all except one human. the local sadboi, kobayakawa sena.
in a strange turn of events, hiruma starts looking forward to those tiny pockets of time when the sad human crosses the bridge. 
hiruma tells himself, “it’s definitely because i crave power. this chibi’s emotions provide me a strong source of energy.”
“and no,” hiruma berates himself, “it definitely isn’t because the fucker’s face always lights up in a tiny smile, whenever he steps off the bridge. ABSOLUTELY NOT.” hiruma knows local sadboi can only smile bcs the sadness is taken away from him, if only momentarily.
but hiruma knows this too: he is in denial.
the truth is this: he looks forward to sadboi’s smiles.
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hiruma: motherfucker, i cannot emphasize this enough: i am LITERALLY feeding off of ur fucking emotions
sena, shrugging: dont need therapy when someone starts eating The Sad(TM) away
hiruma, whispering: what the FUCK
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(based on memes & vines)
sena, singing:  when i think about my worries and i think about my strife, here is what i simply sayyyyy: AAAAAAAAAAAA
hiruma, in an internal squidward voice: oh no, he’s HOT!
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yes, this is based on the demon goatman bridge episode in “buzzfeed unsolved.” and yes, y’all can definitely use this prompt!!!  /gen
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nonbayanary · 1 year
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the hirusena monsterfucker agenda briefly possessed me
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nonbayanary · 2 years
ok consider this, my bros: hirusena neighbors AU
sena lives with his parents, and with his calico cat pitt
hiruma lives with cerberus, and his bros musashi and kurita
the maou trio split the household expenses (electricity, water, groceries) among themselves
the kobayakawas just live across from the maou trio.
sena earns the minimum wage at his job, and his parents give him shit for earning so little
sena trained pitt so that she eats outside on the front porch, since his parents don’t want her making a mess inside the house.
everyday at 5 in the morning, sena goes out to the front yard to feed pitt some breakfast (a mix of wet and dry cat food), and then sena waters the plants while he waits for pitt to finish eating.
hiruma, meanwhile, leaves the house at 5 in the morning to commute to work.
so sometimes, sena and hiruma come across each other. sena awkwardly waves whenever their eyes meet. 
hiruma’s greetings, however, vary according to his mood. sometimes, he just grunts. sometimes, he inclines his head. sometimes, he nods in solemn greeting. sometimes, he just raises his brows, in the bare minimum effort of acknowledgement.
at nighttime, they come across each other too. when sena’s walking home from work, he reaches his home at about 7 or 8 in the evening. 
at that time of the night, hiruma’s already gotten home long before sena. and whenever sena passes by, hiruma’s either playing with cerberus, or tapping away on his laptop.
again, sena awkwardly waves to hiruma when he’s caught watching them. and again, hiruma’s greetings vary.
and so, it becomes a routine for them to encounter each other. 
sena knows hiruma as the “grumpy dog dude.” 
and hiruma knows sena as the “cat chibi.”
before long, they become comfy with each other, from a distance. 
they don’t talk, but there’s a strange sort of intimacy in always encountering each other, always knowing that the other is present in the background while they go on with their lives.
basically, sena’s parents, kobayakawa shuuma and mihae, are verbally and emotionally abusive
if times were normal, sena would almost always be out of the house to escape from his parents temporarily. either that, or he’d only be home when he knows his parents aren’t there. 
but since covid-19 struck (yes, covid exists in this AU), sena’s been quarantined at home with his parents. and their abuse is even harsher now, because they’re all stuck in the house 24/7.
sena takes solace in the presence of his pet cat, pitt. she’s a one-year-old calico cat, and sena practically considers her as his daughter.
sena talks to his closest friend, mamori, about pitt. 
mamori is working abroad in the united states, but she makes sure to videocall sena every other day. 
mamori is like the older sister sena never had, and she knows how abusive his parents are. it’s why she checks up on him often.
once, in a late-night call, sena realizes something.
sena, hushed: nee-san, ohmygod... i’m a cat dad now!
mamori, agreeing: awww that’s so cute! my otouto is a DILF now!
sena, facepalming: ugh, nee-san!
(”otouto” means “younger brother” in Japanese)
since the neighborhood is pretty crowded, the street separating the two houses is pretty narrow.
which means the closer neighbors can hear when the kobayakawas are screaming at their son, or when hiruma’s cackling and making a loud ruckus with cerberus.
sena doesn’t really try to socialize with his more gossipy neighbors anymore. it humiliates him, knowing they can hear when his parents yell at him. 
he knows, because sometimes, when he passes by a group of elderly neighbors, their voices drop to a whisper as they steal glances at him. a few times, he’s even heard snatches of their conversation. 
“that’s the kobayakawa’s son, isn’t he?”
“that’s the guy. i heard his mother calling him a ‘pathetic excuse for a son,’ the other night. you heard that, right?”
“aiya, the whole damn street could hear it. of course i did!”
after sena hears that, he becomes more reserved than ever. when he passes by his neighbors, he keeps his head down, and his mouth shut.
as the civilians are confined to their homes for a longer period of time due to covid, sena's mental health gets worse.
when he tells mamori, her worries worsen. in her alarm, her childhood nickname for sena slips out.
mamori: oh sen-sen, you need a break. ummm okay, let me think of something... OH! I KNOW! why don’t you come visit me?
sena: what?
mamori: apply for a U.S. tourist visa! come visit me here in the states! i’ll sponsor your trip and everything! you really deserve a break, hon. i’ll help you fill out the online application form, and i’ll even help you practice for the U.S. embassy’s interview! you got this, sena!
at first, sena has his doubts. he doesn’t think he’ll be granted a visa. but mamori manages to convince him. (aka, she gently and lovingly pulverizes sena’s self-destructive intrusive thoughts.) and after two weeks of discussion, sena finally agrees.
it’s a good thing, having something else to focus on. it means that he can internally escape from his parents’ bullshit, since his mind is working on the visa applications.
mamori now calls sena every night. sena shares his screen in videocalls when he’s filling out his online application form. and afterwards, mamori pretends to interview sena.
despite all the help sena’s getting, it doesn’t mean he isn’t nervous about all this too. applying for a tourist visa is one of the big changes in his life, and the unknown scares him. 
however, he doesn’t share this with his mamori-neesan, though. she’s been so excited since they started his applications, and he doesn’t want to rain on her parade. 
since sena started his visa applications, he’s been a lot more anxious as of late. at first, he couldn’t understand why it was getting hard to breathe sometimes. he’s always had anxiety—how could he not, with how his parents treat him? 
but his chest would hurt out of nowhere, and his head would spin.
it’s been happening for weeks now, and sena starts wondering what the hell is happening to him, until one night, it gets real bad.
that’s the night when sena finally tells his parents that he’s applying for a U.S. tourist visa.
the whole night explodes into screams filled with profanities, and the whole neighborhood can hear the shit going down. to sena, his parent’s voices are fucking deafening.
sena wilts, and he can feel himself shaking beneath the weight of his parents’ words.
“Do you think they’d be stupid enough to give you a visa, huh?! You’re broke as shit! Do you own any properties? NO! You can’t even afford a fucking plane ticket, because your shitass job doesn’t pay you enough!”
sena doesn’t even know whether to laugh or to cry anymore. he’s present, but at the same time, he’s not present. he feels like his world has shifted a bit, like he’s not in control of his body at the moment.
if sena’s body were a car, then he’d usually be at the driver’s seat. but right this moment, in the midst of all the screaming, sena feels as if he’s at the backseat, piloting his body from a distance.
sena idly wonders, “is this how it feels to dissociate? hmmm, i feel a little numb. this is pretty rad. i wish i could do this on command.”
and yet, sena can still distantly feel the fear choking his throat, the quivering of his shoulders. his hands fist at his sides, so his parents don’t see his fingers shake.
even as the screaming continues for ten minutes, sena desperately clings to memories of his nee-san in their videocalls. his nee-san, practically feral with excitement. his nee-san, laughing when she finds out that eating at an american diner is on sena’s bucket list. his nee-san, putting him back together again when he breaks down after a fight with his parents.
“i just want to try applying,” sena repeats to his parents, again and again. “it won’t hurt to try.” 
it feels like sena’s said this ten times already. he isn’t great when it comes to arguing back, so he can only stick with these two sentences. 
it’s as if his brain is frozen. already, it feels like his memories of the past few minutes are slipping away from him. what did his parents say again?
and yet, sena knows that even if he forgets the words, the visuals of this scene will be seared into his mind forever. his parents on the couch, the golden light of the living room, the flashing screen of the television, the trembling in sena’s own body. these things he will not forget.
finally, after what feels like an eternity, the tirade ends. sena’s father screams, “GET OUT OF MY SIGHT! JUST GET THE FUCK OUT!”
so sena goes. his body moves, and he gradually comes out of his dissociative state to feel the bite of the cold, metal lawn chair against his skin.
“oh,” sena thinks. “i’m on the front porch?” 
well, it’s as good a choice as any. despite the dissociation, he remembers coming out here, at least. it’s far enough from his parents that he doesn’t hear them anymore. 
sena blinks, and comes back to himself as pitt the cat jumps into his lap. the surprising warmth of the cat is enough to pin him to this plane of reality.
but suddenly, sena becomes aware of the building discomfort in his chest. uhhh okay, that’s not good. his breaths come in short gasps. his ribcage curls into itself, crushing him.
sena can’t breathe. he can’t breathe. his limbs are tingling, and his lips are too. is the ground tilting a little? that’s weird. 
sena splays onto the lawn chair, uncaring whether his neighbors see him or not. he can’t fucking breathe, and he could give less of a shit about what other people say right now.
sena’s heartbeat is raging in his ears, and his body feels warm. too warm. the night is cold, so why is he sweating like hell?
his breaths come out loud and short, and his chest really fucking hurts now. tears stream down his face, and belatedly, he thinks that if the neighbors see, then at least his parents don’t.
sena is too focused on his own turbulent state to notice that while all of this has been happening, apparently, someone’s been watching him.
hiruma’s been on the front porch of his home this whole time, trying to hack into a company’s security systems.
he’s covered by some of the garden’s trees and bushes, so not even people passing by can see him. 
hiruma’s got some beer bottles beside him on a bench. one bottle is open and three-quarter filled, while the three other bottles are still sealed. 
they’re all bottles of Smirnoff Mule, a mix of ginger beer and vodka. he’s always wanted to try some. hiruma had brought them home earlier, thinking musashi and kurita would be home. 
however, since both kurita and musashi texted him that they’d be home late, hiruma had said, “fuck it, i’m drinking these motherfuckers myself.”
anyways, back to the present
for awhile now, hiruma’s been wearing headphones. the goddamn neighbors, the kobayakawas, are at it again, screaming their heads off. 
hiruma heard some snippets here and there from their yells. words like “visa,” and “piece of shit,” and “shitass job.” by that point, hiruma, growling in annoyance, had stuffed some headphones on.
now, however, movement at the front porch of the kobayakawa household catches hiruma’s eye.
feeling a little pissed off at all the noise, hiruma thinks, “oh, it’s finally over? damn these noisy motherfuckers—”
hiruma’s thoughts come to a screeching halt when he sees the guy he’s labelled as “cat chibi” on the kobayakawa’s front porch.
it’s strange. cat chibi doesn’t usually come out at this time of the night. and even rarer is the guy seen sprawled on a lawn chair.
hiruma peers at the guy, wondering what the hell is going on. the cat chibi’s chest is heaving, and he’s breathing faster than normal. the fucker seems as if he’s trying to gulp in air, but even as he breathes and breathes, it never seems to be enough.
and then, tears start to fall on the guy’s face.
and it clicks in hiruma’s mind. “oh... shit. fucker’s having a panic attack.”
“shit,” hiruma thinks. “oh, shit. oh, fuck.”
for all the gossip hiruma’s heard about the kobayakawas and how they treat their son, he’s never actually seen cat chibi guy crying.
hiruma’s always wondered how cat chibi could stomach his parents treating him like shit. whenever hiruma saw sena, there had always been a bone-deep exhaustion in his eyes. 
it’s as if sena’s weary of the world. a cross between a youngster and an ancient, exhausted being, who has seen all the darkness of the world, and is tired of existing.
and yet, hiruma’s still seen the guy smile on multiple occassions, especially whenever it concerns his cat. 
hiruma’s always admired how sena could smile even in his shitty circumstances. it’s like seeing a seedling grow in the cracks between concrete. 
but now, hiruma finally sees sena break. he finally sees sena’s flimsy mask cracking, revealing all the wailing despair behind it.
and now that hiruma’s seeing it, he can’t ignore it. so he thinks fast. 
hiruma looks around, searching for any sort of distraction. he sees his laptop, cerberus sleeping on the grass, the beer bottles—
hiruma’s got an idea.
he takes on of the sealed bottles in his hand, then stands at the gate, watching sena. then, he softly clinks the beer bottle against the gate’s metal.
clink. hiruma touches the bottle to the gate after every four seconds, to mimic the technique of box-breathing. 
clink. then silence. clink. silence again. clink. 
it takes sena a minute or two to notice the new sound. unconsciously, he starts breathing slower in tune with the sound.
sena, not knowing what the box-breathing technique is, just breathes in for four seconds, then breathes out after four counts.
but it’s enough. 
clink. clink. clink. clink.
a little while later, sena is breathing a little easier, even if his chest is still clenching. 
sena’s head turns, finally searching for the source of the noise. the sound is strange, soft but heavy. as if it’s glass against metal or something.
sena turns this way and that, wiping the tears from his eyes. “hey pitt,” he calls to his cat, his own voice a little ragged. “you hear that?”
sena notices how pitt is strangely still, peering at something outside of the gate. sena turns his head too and his eyes meet—
“oh,” sena thinks. “it’s grumpy dog dude.”
the grumpy dog dude is leaning casually against the gate, his side profile barely lit in the dim garden lights. 
clink. the bottle touches the gate again, and sena finally understands what the sound is, and where it’s coming from.
inwardly, sena reluctantly admits to himself that grumpy dog dude actually kinda does look cool.
sena startles when grumpy dog dude turns to look at him, their eyes meeting. automatically, sena’s hand raises in another awkward wave. he inwardly facepalms at his own cringey movement, but his thoughts screech to a halt.
because the grumpy dog dude, hiruma, is not following the script.
usually hiruma would grunt, or nod his head, or raise his eyebrows, or something else, but now—
hiruma’s beckoning sena with a finger. and with every beckoning movement, the bottle touches the gate.
clink. clink. clink.
sena’s eyes widen. he looks around, but there’s no one else hiruma could be speaking to. 
sena points to himself, his voice barely a whisper. “do you mean... me?”
he knows hiruma can’t hear him. sena barely heard himself. 
but maybe hiruma can read lips or something, because he nods.
sena can’t help gaping. this is definitely a change in routine. they’ve never talked before. they’ve never spent time together before. 
clink. clink. hiruma catches sena’s attention again, then waggles the bottle in his fingers. he nods his head in a beckoning gesture, as if to say, “come drink with me.”
sena, a little mystified, nods uncertainly. the invitation is a little strange, but grumpy dog dude doesn’t seem like a bad guy. 
sena pushes his home’s gate open, and startles when pitt darts out into the street, and jumps between the bars of hiruma’s gate into the garden
sena, remembering hiruma has a fucking dog, barely locks his own home’s gate before he’s bolting to the house across.
but as sena nears hiruma’s house, he’s even more shocked because—
pitt is curling up next to cerberus, nuzzling her head against his fur. cerberus—who looks scary as fuck, by the way—just cracks an eye open, then goes back to sleep.
sena pauses in confusion, just before the neighbor’s gate. he turns, and finds hiruma’s already opened the gate, and is looking right at him.
“um...” sena says, quite intelligently. “...hi?”
“come on, fucking chibi,” hiruma says, jerking his chin towards their pets.
"chibi?” sena repeats, ducking his head as he walks in. he mutters, “i’m not that short.”
hiruma snorts. “try telling me that when you’ve grown taller.” he closes the gate, then suddenly throws the beer bottle in the air. 
hiruma grins. “catch.”
sena squawks, and almost doesn’t catch it in time. “holy shit, dude!” the bottle slips in his hands, and sena’s surprised at the weight of it. he clutches it against his chest, finally securing it. he sighs in relief.
hiruma throws his head back and cackles. “didn’t take you for a swearing kinda guy.”
“what?” sena snorts out a laugh. “i didn’t take you for some lunatic who throws bottles at strangers.”
“not strangers,” hiruma’s eyes crinkle as jerks his chin to the garden, beckoning sena to follow him. “not anymore, at least.”
sena trails after hiruma, a little smile adorning his face. “thanks for having me here. i’m kobakayawa sena. it’s nice to finally speak to you.”
hiruma waves it away. “bah, formalities! fuck that shit! how about this then—” he cracks a smile. “you can learn my name when you finish a bottle.”
a laugh bubbles out of sena. “what?”
hiruma leads sena to the hidden benches in between the garden trees and bushes. he jerks his chin to the remaining beer bottles on the bench. “two bottles, precisely. if you finish the first, you get my surname. if you finish the second, you get my first name, chibi.”
eyes wide and unsure, sena asks, “is it... is it okay with you that i have some?”
hiruma’s first instinct is to give a mean retort and to roll his eyes. but then he remembers what a fucking shit day sena just had. he can even see the faint tear tracks running down sena’s face in the dim garden lights.
so hiruma cuts the guy some slack. 
“it’s on the house,” hiruma says instead, with the ghost of a fanged smile. he plops down on the bench, and hands another sealed bottle to sena. 
sena takes a seat beside hiruma as he clutches his own two bottles. hiruma, meanwhile, claims the last two bottles left. a sealed one and his own previously-opened bottle. 
hiruma takes a swig, and continues, “that is, if you can finish two measly beer bottles.”
that startles a laugh out of sena. “if?” he echoes.
“if,” hiruma agrees with a smirk. “what’s the matter, chibi? are you fucking chicken?”
sena’s bright grin could rival the moon. “aw, what? oh man, it is on!”
(yes, y’all can definitely use this prompt!!!  /srs)
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nonbayanary · 1 year
HiruSena Prompt: 
Hiruma's always been self conscious of the acne scars on his back. Sena, on the other hand, thinks Hiruma's back is a sky full of stars. 
Or alternately: 
Sena's always hated the acne scars on his face. Hiruma, on the other hand, loves tracing Sena's face with his fingers, mapping out the constellations on his lover's skin.
yes, y’all can definitely use this prompt!!! This was cross-posted from the HiruSena/SenaHiru Discord Chat. Join us there!
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nonbayanary · 11 months
if hiruma had a tail, he'd be like a cat. 
despite his great efforts to hide his emotions and to keep his face blank, his tail would still give him away.
like, sena would touch hiruma's arm, and instantly, hiruma's tail would start going crazy in his (hidden) joy
like a cat whose face is deadpan, pupils merely tiny slits, but its tail is wagging and thumping on the floor
yes, y’all can definitely use this prompt!!! This was cross-posted from the HiruSena/SenaHiru Discord Chat. Join us there!
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astraeawritingarchive · 7 months
I am cackling. I just looked at the hirusena tags, and not only for HiruSena, but also for the Hiruma Yoichi and Sena Kobayakawa tags, is my fucking late night, half-asleep, smut one shot prompts post 💀
I died.
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@nonbayanary @fandonnavyce
Guys, I can't stop laughing that that, of ALL MY POSTS, is the one that ended up there 😭
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nonbayanary · 10 months
Dreamt that Hiruma and Sena were trying to escape a building wherein murders were taking place, but no one knew who the murderer was
The only way for anyone to escape was to take a partner and to balldance their way through each floor until they reach the ground floor
And HiruSena had to fucking do this. Absolutely unhinged prompt, brought to you by my brain
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