#his donnie imitation cracks me up every time
yellowhollyhock · 1 month
return to the underground is so funny because everything Donny says or does Raph and Leo are like 'that's him our baby brother, precious little genius, watch watch he's gonna do something cool, we are so proud. do you need anything Don Don'
And Mikey's like 'this is the worst plan you've ever had. I hate you.'
He really was not happy about going back underground XD
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plush-tigre5s · 2 years
TMNT HC: How the guys make you laugh
Inspired by this post.
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•Easily the most naturally entertaining of his brothers
• 🎵Girls like you, should run around with guys like me.🎶
•Probably took a stab at stand up comedy once he found out it was a solid approach to helping his future bae fall for him
•He still performs pieces for you when you ask much to his brothers dismay
•👑King of Puns👑
•Mikey:*rubbing Donnie’s magnets all over himself while making intense eye contact with you*. Y/n: What are you doing? Mikey: Making myself more attractive for you, Angel Cakes.
•So. Many. Impersonations. Which has gotten him into more than a little trouble on many occasions.
•Like that one time you talked him into impersonating Leo on the phone to April so you guys could get pizza while Leo was training… you all ended up in the hashi for that prank. #worthit tho
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•Donatello is ✨The Reason TM✨ Mickey’s pun game is so strong.
•Y/N: *enters the room* Donatello: Guys, I think I just discovered the real cause of global warming.
•A lot of what makes him funny is his sarcasm.
Mikey: 🎶Dontcha wish your boyfriend was hot like me🎵
Donnie: Save your breath, Mikey. You’ll need it to blow up your date.
You have often noted that he doesn’t need to use a blade with a tongue as sharp as he possesses.
•Absolute snark master
•Hidden dark humor. You only get to see this side of him when his guard is down in his lab.
•Do NOT get into a crack match with this one… he WILL come for your neck and not in a way you like
•Case and point that one time he dragged Raph for taking so long in the bathroom when he doesn’t even have hair and you almost spewed water out of your nose.
“But seriously how long does it take to tie a bandana? I mean really…”
•👑King of Clapbacks👑
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•👑King of Snark👑
•And let me tell you he EARNED that crown. With 3 brothers and a penchant for control it was the most efficient tool of the comedic arsenal for him to wield.
•Leo and Donnie share the same sense of dark humor except when Leo says it you’re not exactly sure he’s joking though it is still funny
• As a result he tends to make you crack up the most when he’s ranting to you. Sometimes he slides the most snide remarks about people that are so true you can’t help but laugh out loud.
• Leo is ✨The Reason TM ✨Donnie is so good at clapbacks. His tongue is almost as sharp as his blades. It’s hard to say he knows nothing about feelings when he can cut them to ribbons with such ease.
•For the most part though when’s he’s TRYING to get you to laugh it’s very subtle. Mostly secretly sharing “faces” across the room as the others talk.
•Mikey:🎶Look at this photograph. Every time I do it makes me laugh🎵. Y/N and Leo: >.>’ <.<‘
•Or making gestures during a movie referencing an inside joke from a conversation spoken WEEKS ago.
•He’s a load of laughs… until the subject is you…
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•👑King of Cornball👑
•This man is above nothing when it comes to making you laugh
•He’s done it ALL
•That spoon on the nose thing? Watching him fail at it a million times for lack of an actual nose was top tier entertainment.
•Mikey:*starts singing Fireball by Pitbull*. Y/N: *shakes head giggling at Mikey’s antics*. Raph: *Not about to be out done by his baby bro jumps in at the chorus* Y/N: *next thing they knows they’re the focal point of an impromptu musical number*
•Weird tongue tricks
•One time he walked on his sai’s imitating women in heels as you both mocked what counted as high fashion while watching some awards show.
• Booping fights. That turn into tickle matches. That resort in the loss of a lot of breath and more socks than you care to count. This is his FAVORITE way to make you laugh.
•Y/n *texting*: ok I’ll call you later. Raph*texting back*: Don’t call me later. Call me Daddy. Y/N: You’d be cute if you weren’t so corny 🤣🤣🤣 Raph: You being cute is making me 👹y. Y/N: Oh my gawd 🤣🤣🤣 Raph pls Raph: Please? Ya know I like it when ya beg. 😏
Bonus Musical Number:
Mikey:🎵Callin’ out around the world. Are you ready for a brand new beat. Summers here and the time is right. For dancing in the street.🎶. Raph:🎵Their dancing in Chicago🎶. Mikey: 🎶Down in New Orleans🎵. Donnie: 🎶In New York City!!!🎵. Leo: 🎵All we need is music, sweet music. There’ll be music Everywhere 🎶
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Hi Hi!!!! So I've been following your account for a little while now and I love every single comedy bomb you drop on what you write so I was wondering....
How would the boys react to their S/O who is usually reserved when at the lair, doing a full 180 when at April's? Like they could be April's roommate or something?....
Like crackhead energy, dishing out memes and vines and literally having a duel with Casey about leftovers in the fridge?... Yeah I know it's very specific 💀
I don't know.....the idea just popped into my head but I lack the creativity and comedy skills for that...so I was wondering if you could do something with this?.....
It's totally fine, if not 😁😁
This is... 100% me. I love this and I'm gonna pour my soul into it. Also I have started mentally referring to these as comedy bombs and I refuse to stop.
Also, I hope you don't mind that I wrote these in oneshot form instead of bullet points. It just made more sense for my brain.
TMNT Oneshots
The boys with a partner whose reserved at the lair but an absolute crack gremlin at home 🤣
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Donnie may have been a man of science, all logic and facts and numbers and things. But he absolutely believed that everyone had three separate faces, you were direct proof of that theory. While the purple terrapin had known you for nearly a year you’d only started dating a month ago and it shocked him that he was still uncovering new things about you. He loved it, sure, but it had a tendency to give him figurative whiplash.
He’d always known you to be calm and collected, maybe even a bit shy. He swore you’d explode if more than one person tried to talk to you at the same time. So it wasn’t an over exaggeration for him to say that your behavior at home nearly made him break his neck.
He was only there to help April fix a bug in her laptop and to confirm your next date, he was excited to see you since you’d had no contact in person for a week because of your schedules. Just lots of phone calls and exchanged text messages. You both missed each other like crazy and your roommate had neglected to inform you that your boyfriend was coming over.
Hers was already there and he was driving you up the wall, you’d never actually thought about committing a murder but Casey was pushing you very close to the edge of snapping. And he might as well have crane-kicked you off your cliff of patience and into the rushing river of “you little fucking shit I’m gonna piss on your grave” below. You hadn’t even heard Donnie come in through the window much less his conversation with April over her computer.
All you knew was that Casey had come parading into your room like a tyrant eating the leftovers in the fridge that you had specifically put your name on. That did it. Your eyes had skimmed over the top of your textbook to meet the asshole in front of you.
He couldn’t speak through the mouthful he was trying to chew and grunted in pathetic response.
“Is that my cheeseburger?”
You’d never seen a living person imitate a pug’s facial structure so well, the man’s eyes bugged out of his head and he tossed the takeout box on your desk before turning and bolting out of your room. You followed about two steps behind with a bottle of shampoo in your hand. No, you weren’t entirely sure where you’d grabbed it from, all you knew was that it was your weapon. And it quickly became a very messy problem when it missed your target (Casey’s head) and slammed into the wall, exploding on impact.
You didn’t think you’d thrown it that hard.
“April April help help help helpppppppppppppp-'' The two on the couch had looked up during the chase throughout the apartment, Donnie was mostly curious at what Casey was screaming about. Not a lot usually made the guy make that noise. He was then distracted by April grabbing the laptop and passing it to him, she then clambered over his legs to sit behind him.
Your boyfriend almost went vertical upon watching you tackle Casey to the floor and knee him in the groin. You shook the terrified man under you and slammed him a little harder into the rug.
“Touch my shit again and I’m gonna make the beaches of Normandy look like a goddamn family vacation.”
Then you climbed off of him and stood, brushing your disheveled t-shirt off with a huff. Donnie caught your attention and you raised your head to grin excitedly at him.
“Hi Dove! April didn’t tell me you were coming over,” you practically skipped over to the couch to peck him on the cheek, “I missed ya, are we still on for Saturday?”
He nodded in complete shock, his gaze flitting from you to Casey, who was still wheezing on the floor and clutching his dick.
“Uhhh yeah! Yeah, yep, Still good for Saturday. Uhm, completely unrelated question, where the hell did you learn to grapple like that?”
You shrugged absentmindedly, already walking to the hall closet to grab cleaning supplies for the puddle of shampoo in the walkway.
“Just kinda picked it up I guess? I’ve watched you guys train enough.”
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See, Leo had always known that you were hiding something from him. Be it your true personality or some deep dark secret. He wasn’t really in a rush to find out, you’d tell him when you were ready. The leader enjoyed your quiet disposition anyways, you gave good advice and liked to meditate with him, what more could he ask for? What more could he want?
Well, maybe if you got along better with his family, although he supposed that wasn’t your fault, you always had been a bit shy. Even six months into your relationship with him, Leo only hoped that you’d warm up to his brothers eventually. You seemed to do alright with Splinter, that was a plus for the situation. It wasn’t that you were mean or impolite to the others, you were just… avoidant. Distant, quiet, whatever word you wanted to use. You just didn’t seem comfortable at the lair.
He was excited that April had asked to host a game night though, maybe you’d come out of your shell (haha, see what I did there?) and socialize, even for a little bit. They’d all shown up a few minutes early to make sure April didn’t need help with anything, she’d assured them that everything was handled and made sure to inform Leo that you would be back shortly with Casey from your snack run. Mikey had joked that you’d ditched the get together to avoid them but they all knew it ran the possibility of not being a joke.
You unlocked the door and held it open so Casey could get inside without tripping himself before entering yourself and kicking your shoes off. Leo looked up to meet your eyes and you sent him a wild grin, your entire face lit up with amusement.
“Hi babes! Are you ready to get your ass kicked at Monopoly?”
All the poor turtle could do was nod.
“Good. I did grab drinks by the way, April there should be a mixer in the cooler bag, Donnie there’s some of that lemon lime stuff that you said you wanted to try, Mikey, orange crush as usual, Raph I tried to go for Dr. Pepper but they were out so I figured that root beer was a safe second. And Leo they had a new boba flavor that you haven’t had yet so I grabbed one. If you don’t like it then you can have mine, I just have the peach royal.”
Beverages were tossed and they were lucky that their surprise didn’t throw off their catching skills. You and April shared a quick word in the kitchen as you took your coat off and ran a hand through your hair.
After some arguments team captains were decided and Donnie nearly had a heart attack when you picked him instead of Leo or either of your friends. He even went so far as to point at himself to make sure you weren’t joking. You declared that while you loved your boyfriend his morals were too strong to be competitive, Donnie’s were not, he said so himself.
They were all surprised that you’d remembered that conversation.
It wasn’t until halfway through the game that things started getting heated, you and Mikey were nearly jumping across the table at each other. And it visibly took all of your strength to not burst out laughing when he started yelling.
April and Casey were snorting into their arms as you got to your feet and walked towards the kitchen, making a poor attempt at climbing the appliance.
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Raph had always been under the impression that you were never really 100% yourself around him, he knew for a fact that you weren’t when you stayed over. He’d never seen someone so aggressively avoid someone, except himself of course. You were his partner of almost a year and it seemed like you were never going to let your true self shine. However you did seem to lighten up when you were alone with him, he supposed that was normal, but you may as well have been a pair of old earbuds that only work when you held them a certain way at the lair.
He honestly hadn’t expected that to change tonight, not given the text that Casey had sent him informing him of April’s recent breakup with whatever guy she’d been dating. So when he climbed in through the window and saw both you and Casey sitting on the floor in front of the bathroom he really didn’t think that the words out of your mouth would be-
“April you’ve got another twenty minutes of this then I’m ripping the door off the hinges!”
Casey shot you a look and you shrugged nonchalantly before getting to your feet and walking over to your confused boyfriend.
“Hey, sorry about this. Casey only texted you as a last resort if he needed someone to stop me from tearing the door off.”
Raph found that peculiar, “Uh, couldn’t he do it himself?”
The man in question looked up from his spot on the floor.
“Nah dude, they’re crazy. Last time I tried stopping them from doing something they nearly knocked my damn tooth out while screaming, and I quote, “If you put your hands on me I’m gonna fucking rip your face off” and quite frankly I don’t have the balls to test that.”
“No no dude, that’s valid. I wouldn’t either. Babe, why are you so-”
You raised an eyebrow at him over a glass of water, “Violent? I’m not Raph. These two just have little bitch feelings.”
He found it hard not to laugh at that and fifteen minutes later when you left his side to approach the door again it sent him reeling.
“This shit’s temporary April. You’ve got nice teeth and a fat ass, stuff your feelings down!”
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There would never be a time where Mikey wasn’t a prankster with you, it was just simply non-negotiable. You were cool with that and he was aware, he was also aware that no pranks were to be pulled at the lair. So he’d reign it in while you visited, just for a short while. But you’d never said anything about the apartment and Mikey was a creature of opportunity.
Unfortunately Leo talked him out of it and forced him not to pull anything while they visited. The leader was already on edge so when he walked in with the others following closely behind you were the first person to see him. Your eyes caught Mikey’s instantly and you might as well have been telepathic at that moment. But you took one look at Leo’s solid, angry face and seized your moment.
They weren’t at all ready for the scream.
And they also weren’t ready for Mikey’s response of, “It don’t bite.”
And Leo was not ready for the pillow that got whipped at his face at incredibly high speed.
So when Leo finally realized that they were yelling at him his mood did not improve at all and in fact declined sharply into a pit of “oh fuck”. And that was how you ended up on Mikey’s shoulder getting dragged away from any sort of repercussion for your actions.
These got a little short near the end but I hope you like 'em and I hope I was able to capture what you had in mind! 😁
-Mars 🌠
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shadow--writer · 3 years
That's Not How You Spell Circle
In which Maeve attempts to teach her dumbass (ᵈᵘᵐᵇᵃˢˢ ᵇᵉᶦⁿᵍ ᵃᶠᶠᵉᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿᵃᵗᵉ ᵒᶠ ᶜᵒᵘʳˢᵉ) boyfriend how to spell circle.
@dela-png encourages my brain rot part TWO. We had this long convo on how Lucas can’t spell circle and how Maeve would try and help (and it uhh...goes somewhere)
Hi it’s fic recs with Shade. If you want to read another fic with one of Dela’s amazing oc’s and a super fun apprentice check out @arcanecadenza ‘s (if you don’t want me pinging you please let me know! ^^) fic with Donovan here (it’s super cute and well written but be warned her blog gets pretty spicy and she does have another fic with Donny out now too ᶦᵗ'ˢ ˢᵐᵘᵗᵗʸ *ᶜᵒᵘᵍʰ ᶜᵒᵘᵍʰ*)
Maeve x Lucas, fluff (actual fluff this time guys my first fluffy fic in this fandom are you proud?), humour, 3.8k words (I CANNOT shut the fuck up OMFG)
TW: none! Tags: fluff, humour, lawd I hope I got Lucas right™️, a little spicy at times but nothing smutty, suggestive, spicy suggestive end, language there is quite a bit of uhh harsh language lol
It took her nearly a month to convince Lucas to let her help him learn to write and spell. To say he was stubborn about it would be the understatement of the millennia. Every time she brought it up she would be shut down faster then she could get the words out. 
So she resorted to pestering him. 
A lot.
Everywhere. Anytime. Anyplace. 
In the mornings when they were trying to grasp the last remnants of sleep especially. Usually she could squeak a yes out of him for anything during that time. This time it was always a hard and fast no followed by sweet lingering kisses. While she would not turn her nose up at well placed kisses (good gods Lucas was good with that mouth of his when he wasn’t running it off) she was determined to convince him to let her at least help with spelling.
Once he saw how absolutely serious she was about this whole ordeal he finally broke down and allowed her to help. Granted, she was sure Amani being Amani also had him cracking. Amani was a darling and Maeve was glad they were friends but uhh…
Not much filter on her especially when it came to Lucas. Oooh boy. She would never forget the ‘congrats’ cake Amani baked. It was delicious, sure, but Maeve was sure you could see her and Lucas’s blushing faces from another country. 
The point being she finally broke him down and so there they sat in the kitchen, a little bit of fading sunlight leaking through the cracked curtains.
She tried to hide how happy this made her, starting off their lesson. “Okay so I’m going to need to see an example of something you have so I know where we can start,” she started off, sitting across from him.
He blushed a little, fidgeting. She let out a little sigh, fingers tapping on the table lightly. “Mo shíorghrá I can’t do much based on nothing. Do you know the alphabet?”
His face turned redder. “Y-Yes of course I know the alphabet!” he sputtered. 
She chuckled, resting her cheek on her fist. “Don’t get testy with me, you haven’t given me much to work off of. Now do you have anything you’ve written?”
“I...uhh have a practice sheet of a menu,” he muttered, not quite meeting her eyes. She could tell where this was going.
“...can you give it to me?”
She could see the paper in his hands, did he have that the entire time? It didn't matter since he had it.
“Promise you won’t laugh?” he asked, eyes flicking up to meet hers. 
“Amani has ruined you,” she said with a low sigh, looking at him. “I won’t laugh.” He didn’t seem convinced. She stood, leaning over the table holding out her pinky. “Pinky swear.”
He hooked his pinky through hers, bringing their hands up to his lips. She had to lean a little farther, one of her legs lifting off the ground as he kissed her hand, amused. 
“Oh don’t give me that, giant.” There was a low scoff in her voice, he bit her hand gently at the nickname. She knew he hated it. It’s why she used it. “Now hand over the menu idea, the light is wasting away!”
She grabbed the paper he set on the table, falling back into her chair as their pinkies unwrapped from one another. Sometimes she’d forget how big he was in comparison to her. It was always a little shock when they held hands and his enveloped hers. 
He always did comment on how cold her hands were. Her response back was usually about how she was the cold one to balance his human heater tendencies (and she didn’t mind him warming her up.)
Relaxing into her chair she looked over the paper.
She had to fight to keep her jaw firmly locked in place. 
Good stars above his handwriting. It wasn’t the worst thing she had ever seen in the world, at least it was legible but…
“This is basically chicken-scratch,” she said, voice flat. 
The blush fled to the tips of his ears. “I-I know that!”
She inspected the little notes around the paper. His mouth hung open when he saw what she was doing. 
One note had her smiling a little to herself. ‘Can I try imitating Maeve’s handwriting? That’s appealing and nice to look at. It’s very pretty.’
“You like my handwriting?” she asked, looking up at him. Looking at the menu ideas closer she could see remnants of her loopy ‘y’s and how she dotted her ‘i’s in the paper. She felt almost honoured in a way. 
Of course it needed a bit of work, but it was still sweet.
He coughed, looking away from her. If his face could get any redder it did. “D-Don’t read too much into it.”
She grinned. “Ah I see. You think it’s super pretty but don’t want to say.” His ears grew redder. She took it as a yes. “Okay okay I’ll stop teasing. For now we can focus on some words you’re struggling with spelling and your penmanship.” 
She inspected the paper closer. She could tell Amani helped, there weren’t many spelling mistakes. It made her job easier. 
Though one stood out to her. 
How he spelled ‘circle’. 
“...you spelled ‘circle’ wrong.”
“I did?!”
“It’s umm...not the worst spelling I have ever seen, but we uhh...are gonna have to work on that one.”
He sulked, crossing his arms. She giggled, scooting a sheet of paper in front of him. He took it along with a pen, their fingers brushing. She pulled her hand away before he could lace their hands together and try to get out of it.
She knew his tactics. Not today mister. 
“So first off I’m going to show you how to spell it and hopefully you can remember. If not, that’s okay we have all night.” She got to her feet to stretch her arms. It was going to be a while.
He seemed to wilt. “All night?”
“Well unless you have other plans?”
He looked at her, quirking an eyebrow with a little smirk. She narrowed her eyes, setting her hands on her hips.
“Nah ah. Don’t even think about it. You need to spell circle right first. Then we’ll talk.”
He fell back into his chair with a pout. 
To say this was going to be a long process would be another understatement. 
She stared at the paper in front of her, leaning over his shoulder to give it a once over. “I have never seen ‘circle’ spelled wrong so many times on the same sheet of paper,” she said, dumbfounded. “This has got to be some kind of record.”
She rubbed her eyes, looking over at him. It was getting pretty late.
Lucas, of course, was sulking again. She knew his moods, and sometimes sulking could mean anger. 
This was not anger but frustration. Both at circles and her. Probably because she hasn’t let him leave the table other than for bathroom breaks and a little stretch break. 
“Can we just end the lesson here and go to bed?” he asked, eyes pleading with her. 
She shot him a low glare with no heat. “I know exactly what you’re going to do if I agree and it isn’t sleep.” His face fell, she knew it. “And we aren’t leaving this table until you spell it right at least once. Try again.”
He grumbled to himself as she stood back up. It felt strange having to hunch over to be at eye level with him. Usually it was the other way around. 
She still remained over his shoulder, leaning into him a little. She rested her cheek against his back just below his neck, arms wrapping around him. He let out a little grunt at her touch, she smiled a little at the noise. “Oh? Am I being a nuisance?” she asked, voice a little muffled as she shifted her face to bury her nose in his back. 
He said nothing in return, but the way he tensed around her was indication enough. If he was going to be grumpy with her she was going to torture him. 
When he put his pencil down she looked up, and back at the paper. Her arms remained around his chest, fingers tapping lightly. Driving him up a wall might not be the smartest thing she could do in that very moment but damn was it fun.
“Hm…” she hummed, letting him go to get a better look at the paper. Just by looking at the first few spellings she knew he didn’t get it again.
He noticed her disappointed humming and started moving closer to her, pressing light kisses down the side of her neck. 
She almost leaned into the touch. Almost. 
As much as she craved the release and his touch she had a job to do. And the number one priority was getting the damn word spelled right. 
She shifted away from him, a low whine coming from his throat. “After you spell this right then you can maybe have a treat,” she said with a wink.
He glowered at her, shifting closer. “But you’ve done so much already! Worked yourself to death today, don’t you deserve a break?”
Oh no he was going to compliment her into giving in. Little conniving bastard. 
He kissed her neck again, trailing up her skin to her cheek. He kissed the sweet spot behind her ear, tucking her hair behind it as well. She almost melted into him, hands curling into fists. 
She turned her head, capturing his lips before he could do any more damage to her resolve. He took it as a victory, surging up to meet her, rising up out of his chair. 
She pulled away a moment before, placing her hands on his chest and gently pushing him back down. A little smirk flirted across her lips. “Now that you’ve gotten an idea of what’s planned for you if you get this word spelled right, get back to work.”
He whined, looking back at the paper of mistakes. She giggled, pressing a soft kiss to his temple. “You have some time, and if you don’t get it today there’s always tomorrow.”
He groaned but got back to work. 
She waited a bit, walking away to go do something else while she waited. She was in the middle of putting dishes away when he called her back over to check his spelling. 
She wouldn’t be embarrassed to admit there was a little extra sway in her step as she walked back over to him. 
His arms immediately went around her waist, burying his face in her chest. She sighed, petting his hair. 
This was going to take a while.
“Once I look these over we can go to bed.” He unburied his face to give her a look of pure joy. “To sleep.” The look fell and it was back to lip jutting out childish pouting. Sometimes she wondered who was the influence. The kids on the dock or him. 
She chuckled, looking at the paper. 
“Still no, but we can work on it tomorrow,” she said, scratching his scalp a little. She felt a little bad. She pushed him a little too far. She just wanted to help him but she was starting to get frustrated as well. 
Without another word he bundled her into his arms, scooping her off the ground and carried her into their room. She laughed all the while. 
It was like he needed to get as far away from the paper as possible, and she didn’t blame him. Spelling was hard, but she was still in disbelief he was struggling this badly with how to spell circle. She had shown him four times.
That night she didn’t let them go farther than a few kisses (much to his dismay, she was going through with the punishment. Until he spelled ‘circle’ right he was getting squat.)
Day two did not go any better than day one.
She sat across the table from him this time. After he muttered about how distracting she was with how she smelled good enough to eat she decided to eliminate that..distraction. 
And sat as far away from him as she could.
Well that still flopped because he kept sending her puppy dog eyes from across the table. Not doing anything. 
She sighed. “Get four spellings down and I’ll come back over.”
The way he got back to work so quickly reminded her of a dog. She giggled to herself. If she focused hard enough she could almost see the tail wagging behind him. 
His eyes flicked up to meet hers. “What?”
She waved him off, smiling to herself. “Oh nothing.”
He squinted at her for a moment before looking back at his paper. When he was done he crooked a finger at her. 
She didn’t move from her spot, glaring at him. Oh he was not going to do that to her. “Unless you spelled ‘circle’ right you have no right calling me over like a dog,” she sniffed, getting to her feet. 
He set a hand on her knee as she bent over to look at the paper, whispering in her ear. His breath warmed her skin. “Well, for all your whining you sure came to me like one.” She looked at him, offended. 
He smirked. Her brows creased with her annoyance. “Well you look like one,” she replied.
His eyebrows shot straight up into his hairline. She turned to go over his paper again. He leaned in closer to her again, kissing the shell of her ear. She had to suppress a shiver. 
“And you sound like one.”
She was going to strangle him but first...maybe she’d play his game. Ignoring the paper (with no right spellings, once again. She’d have to show him. Again.) she tilted his head up with one finger. Kissing the side of his face up to his ear she let him sigh. 
Trying not to smirk she nibbled on his earlobe. His hand tightened on her leg. She released his earlobe, whispering something with a little extra growl in her voice. “Woof.” 
She moved away from him, smiling to herself. He sat there for a moment, with the most dumbstruck expression on his face. Ha, victory. 
The moment she looked at his paper though, his arms were around her again and he was tugging her into his lap. She let out a little yelp, arms going around his neck to keep from tipping over off the chair. “That’s not fair,” he muttered to her neck. 
She snorted, trying to move to see his paper again. He didn’t budge, so she was as good as stuck for a while. “I don’t play fair, you know this.”
“Yeah but won’t you take mercy on your poor, tired, love-of-your-life?” he asked, the puppy dog eyes making a return. When he leaned in to kiss her again she placed her hands over his mouth. 
“And you call me a dog,” she scoffed, wiggling a little in his grasp. His thigh jerked under her. “Now lemme go you big lug. You’ve still got to spell ‘circle’ right.”
“Do I have to?”
“Yes!” she wheezed, pushing his face as she tried to break free of his grip. He wasn’t going to let her go that easily. She let out a ‘hmph’ and twisted around. “Fine. If you won’t let me go I’ll just check from here.”
He didn’t argue with her from there, a small victory on her part. Maybe it was better if Amani taught him. At least then he wouldn’t have any distractions. 
Granted he might be dead by the time she was done. Hmmm...there were pros and cons to having Amani help. Her eyes flicked over each of the spellings. None were right. But one was close at least.
“Hmm wow the last one is close!” she said with a smile, looking at him over her shoulder. His eyes lit up. “You just got to switch two of the letters. And let me go.” She wiggled again, pushing at his arms. 
“So I just switch two letters and I’m free to go?”
“Mmhmm! If they’re the right ones of course.”
He looked determined and finally released her. She scrambled away before he could draw her back into him. As much as she appreciated sitting on his lap now was not the time. 
“Two letters! Got it!” he said, scrawling out the word on the paper. 
He pushed it over to her, pride seeping into his face. She smiled, humming a little looking at the paper again.
“It’s worse.”
“What do you mean it’s worse?! I did what you told me to!”
“Yeah but you swapped the wrong letters!”
“You told me to swap two of the letters!”
“Yeah not the wrong ones! I told you not to swap the wrong ones!”
He grumbled. “This is stupid. Circles are stupid. Writing is stupid.”
“Next up we work on your vocabulary.”
He shot her a low glare. It held no heat but it made her giggle. 
“Shaddup,” he muttered. She kissed his cheek, still giggling to herself. 
“Here I’ll show you how to spell it again and then you can go.” She leaned over again, not paying attention to where she was leaning and what was in his direct line of sight. 
She kept her pen work neat (sometimes when moving fast her handwriting looked nothing more than scribbles), keeping all the loops she now knew he liked. When she looked over at him again she realized her mistake. 
Quickly (quicker than she thought he could move) he scooped her up again, kissing her face. She let out a squeal, trying to get out of his grip again.
“L-L-L-L-LUCAS!” she gasped through her laughter, trying to escape again. 
“Mmmfph no I’m done,” he said, voice muffled. “No more circles. They’re evil.”
She snorted, putting her palms on his cheeks to push him away. His lips puckered as she pressed his face together. She leaned in closer. “I spelled it on the paper. I showed you how to spell it. I can try and help you remember it so I’m gonna need you to try again.”
His brows creased. She sighed. “Please.”
“Fwmine.” He couldn’t really talk with her hands on his face. 
“And let me go.”
She rolled her eyes, releasing his face and resigned to her fate. He wrote out ‘circle’ so fast she could barely comprehend what was happening before he lifted her up off the chair. “There. Now I’m done.”
“But I need to-”
“Done. I am done.”
He kissed her neck, lifting her up with his hands on her upper thighs. She sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck as she got used to being carried. “You do know we have to do this all over again tomorrow to make sure you remember how to spell it, right?”
He howled in pain. 
Day three at the very least, went better than day two and day one. 
Mostly because she gave him the proper motivation after cock-blocking him again the night before. 
She rubbed her temples. “So now, what did we learn yesterday?” she asked, sitting on the table next to him. 
“Um the tub is too small for the both of us?”
She cracked an eye open. He wasn’t wrong. Most of the water ended up on the floor. It was a mess to clean up. “Yes that and you should learn to keep your hands to yourself. You haven’t earned anything just yet mister struggling to spell circle on day three. But that’s not what I meant.”
His lip jutted out again as he pouted. “Yeah yeah. Circle is not spelled how I’ve been spelling it. I get it.”
“Mmmhmm.” She hummed, stretching her arms above her head. “But that’s okay circle is spelled really stupidly, but!” she started, dropping her hands to braid her hair over her shoulder as she spoke. “I’m going to give you proper motivation so we can finally move on to something different.”
Curiosity sparked in his eyes. She smiled, humming a little as she swung her legs. “I’m going to give you a few tries to spell it. Five tries to be exact. Spell it wrong every time and you’re sleeping on the floor.”
“What?! That’s not fair!”
She tsked. “Motivation M’fhíorghrá, motivation.”
“...and if I spell it right?”
She looked up. “Hmm...haven’t thought that far.”
“...such confidence in me, I’m honoured.”
She snorted. “I haven’t thought of something you’d want.”
His eyes flicked over her form. She felt her cheeks warm.“I can think of something.”
She stuck her tongue out. “Oh hush you. Get to work now.”
He grumbled, but looked back down at the paper. The first few times he got it wrong. When he was on his fourth try she started to get exasperated. 
He kept looking at her hair. “You know that’s an invitation to ruin, right?” he asked. She touched the braid snaking around her shoulder, letting out a raspberry like sigh. 
“Yes I do. And if you don’t fucking spell ‘circle’ right you’re gonna suffer knowing you couldn’t ruin it while sleeping on the floor.” She mostly muttered it to herself, it slipping out with her frustration. 
He spelled it wrong again. 
She let out a low sigh, rubbing the bridge of her nose. Three days. Maybe she wasn’t as good as a teacher as she thought? Or maybe it was just them goofing around. 
Even so she was tired and she knew he was as well. “Lucas I swear to the goddess above I will let you fuck me on this table if you can spell it right once. I know we both hate this, because circles are dumb. But we really should be doing other things.”
He froze in place, slowly turning his head to look at her. His voice was low and husky. “Is that a promise?”
She rolled her eyes, leaning back a little keeping her balance by hooking her hands under the table. She kicked her legs a little, looking up at the ceiling. “I swear I will, just spell it right!”
He moved fast, pausing to think for a moment. When he finished, she checked over the page with a flourish. He groaned as she took her sweet time, fearing for the worst.
She was going to draw it out for a while but… “You spelled it right!” she said with a cheer, forgetting her filter. Dang it. 
There were many emotions flying across his face at once. 
From relief, to joy, to something else. 
She swallowed a little as his eyes darkened a little and he smiled. “I do remember a promise,” he said, getting to his feet. Even when she was standing he towered over her. 
But since she was sitting on their kitchen table, he was like a colossus. He nudged her legs apart, standing between them. He leaned in closer and she leaned back away from him, falling onto the table. He placed his hands on either side of her face. 
“You promised,” he reminded her once again, a little song seeping into his voice. 
She swallowed again, knowing her freckles were glowing brighter at those two words. Heat sparked in her stomach, a blush dusting her cheeks. He knew what those meant and his smile grew absolutely wolfish.
After a moment she smiled as well, running her hands through his hair. It was soft and messy. She tugged on a knot, making him sink into her touch. She lifted her hips to brush his. 
“I do go through with my promises.”
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danzinora-switch · 4 years
Typing the Turtles (ROTTMNT) Part 2 - Donatello
This started out as an investigation into the turtles’ insecurities, because one thing the show does so well is demonstrate that they are still teenagers. And being a teenager is a confusing experience - there’s angst, drama, exploring one’s identity, a lot of growth, and overall figuring out who you are. That’s a messy process, too! And we see this mess in our turtles: they mess up, they’re learning, they self-doubt, they have fears and insecurities, but they’re also discovering their strengths and how to overcome their inner obstacles.
So after thinking about all this way too long, here’s my psychological breakdown of each turtle (I’ll be referencing MBTI and the Enneagram, but will include links for more general information on those if you don’t know what I’m talking about).
Donnie: INTJ, 5w6
The Architect, the Investigator, the Problem-Solver, the Observer
Firstly, getting into this analysis means that we have to step away from the stereotype that all INTJs are cold, aloof, and unemotional. INTJs, especially Turbulent ones, do express emotion, and we’ve all seen Donnie’s dramatic ‘theatre kid’ side. I’m not going to ignore that. He manages to be both thanks to the INTJ’s tertiary function Introverted Feeling (Fi). Extroverted Feeling (Fe) really allows one to connect and empathize with others’ emotions. Fi, however, is a more internal experience of feelings, and has trouble connecting with others without having been in their shoes. I happen to think Donnie is in a strong Ni-Fi loop, as well, which would make sense because fighting bad guys every day while trying to save the world after discovering a Mystic City which upbends everything you ever knew is pretty stressful. https://www.psychologyjunkie.com/2017/06/21/intjs-loop-understanding-ni-fi-loop/
And it’s super interesting that he often expresses his emotions by literally saying them. “Evil laugh! Relishing chuckle! Gasp!” (Mind Meld) and, one of my favorites, he literally says “Sad face emoji” in Many Unhappy Returns.
So while we DO see Donnie experience and display his own emotions, we also DON’T see him all that affected by other people’s emotions. He’s still pretty stoic in Mystic Mayhem after the delivery guy gets mutated, cracking a joke about imitation crab. He’s unaffected by Todd’s puppies in Repo Mantis, and the only one immune to Warren Stone’s sob story in Warren & Hypno Sitting in a Tree. Pizza Pit shows it best when he’s unaffected when Mikey’s favorite pizza place collapses until the same thing happens to him. Fi at work vs Fe.
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As for Donnie being a 5w6, keep this core motivation in mind: “[Fives] Want to possess knowledge, to understand the environment, to have everything figured out as a way of defending the self from threats from the environment.” https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/type-5
Donnie at his Worst: Donnie vs. Witch Town gave us this gem of a line: “Because I’m the science guy! If mystic powers can do everything I can do, but better, then why would you guys even need me?” And while people have pointed out his need to be needed, I argue it’s a little more accurate to say he has a need to belong. His role in the group is the Brainiac, the Science Guy, the Smart One, and so his very identity is tied into fulfilling that role. A 5’s core fear is of being useless, helpless, or incapable. Mystic powers rendering his tech redundant, and thereby him useless, would be a pretty big threat to the security of his role in the group (that 6 wing kicking in). And remember a 5’s core motivation: to understand the environment as a defense. And he still doesn’t understand mystic energy. It’s pretty infuriating, so he’s pretty insufferable about it.
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[Note: seeing mystic power as a threat probably didn’t kick in until their fight with Shredder in Many Unhappy Returns. Prior to that, his brothers were still learning how to use their magic weapons, but Donnie already understood his tech well enough to use it effectively (see their first fight against Baron Draxum in the pilot). But against the Shredder… all his tech was useless. Only the hanky, the hanky, was even marginally effective. His brothers’ weapons were now way more capable than anything he had to offer… core 5 fear. And to cope? Learn all you can about your fear/threat. Except he still hasn’t figured it out; we see even in Air Turtle that he calls Draxum for the mystic expertise instead of formulating his own hypothesis].
We’ve seen this insecurity about his place in the group before. In Mind Meld, as his brothers become more like him, his role is challenged. “Hey, you’re trying to get rid of me, that’s what I do to you!” “But, I thought purple was my... my thing.” When he first meets the Purple Dragon he immediately wants to join them because he sees them as tech peers. In Man vs Sewer even though he professes that it’s his day off, he doesn’t react well whenever Leo does ‘his thing’: analyzing the situation and drawing a conclusion. His self-worth seems to be tied to what he has to offer the group, and we hear that even in his song in The Mystic Library about proving himself.
Besides his insecurity, Donnie is practically allergic to blame. (Interestingly enough, he’s more okay with being wrong and others being right sometimes… sure he’ll deflect, but it doesn’t seem to get under his skin the way being at fault does). He will repeatedly deny fault and shift the blame to someone else when something goes wrong. He denies creating AlBearto in Al Be Back, says the incident with the Purple Dragons in The Purple Jacket is entirely April’s fault (she is not amused) and puts the blame for ditching Todd off on his brothers in Todd Scouts. The one time we see him own up his mistakes is in Mind Meld when no one (except Shelldon) is around to see it. “Yup. I beefed up.” This is definitely an area he needs to work on.
Average Donnie: Donnie cares for his brothers, but that doesn’t always get across in the best of ways. Take the episode Donnie’s Gifts, for example. Donnie never actually got a chance to explain how the gifts work, but we can see protective elements in each of them. Raph: please use your head and don’t just blindly rush in! Mikey: ohmygosh that is so dangerous, please be careful and don’t get hurt! Leo: stop poking the bear, Leo, it only makes him angrier! It makes sense that a 5 who has external fears of the world and has their own protective equipment (the Battle Shells) would extend that to his brothers. And Donnie was able to recognize that even though his brothers got the wrong message, he could move past that and call for a group hug. In the Purple Game he is super anxious to make sure his brothers are okay and not mostly hurt. Insane in the Mama Train also reveals the invention of the Panic Button… and who designed that?
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Donnie also seeks a lot of validation. He takes pride in his work, and when his work is appreciated he gives that appreciation back tenfold [such as when he shows off the Turtle Tank to his brothers (Fast and Furriest), or when Splinter says he’s proud of him (Turtle-dega Nights: the Ballad of Rat Man)]. The flip side is that when he’s not getting the validation he needs from others he’ll create it himself, which comes off as arrogant and egocentric. See Smart Lair, when Sheldon 1.0 plays messages of Donnie’s self-worth all night, and is programmed to favor him. Or when he takes full credit for defeating a bad guy: the silverfish in Donnie’s Gifts, and scaring Draxum away with his disco ball in Shadow of Evil. When he gets the recognition for all his hard work from the right people, though, it inspires him to do great things. There is danger in getting validation from the wrong people, however, as we saw in Big Mama’s case in Bug Busters.
Donnie at his Best: Donnie’s at his best (and most relaxed) whenever he’s learning or building something. He gets super excited and happy attending April’s school (The Purple Jacket) or going to the library (The Mystic Library) and wants to attend college someday (The Mutant Menace). The INTJ/5 seeks to absorb information and he’s constantly energized by it.
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He’s also energized when he can put that information to use, such as when building something. Did Albearto need a total tear-down in War and Pizza? No. But Donnie had fun making him ‘dazzle!’ How did Donnie cope being in the woods in Todd Scouts? By building an impressive tree fort. Donnie’s projects actually relax him, because he’s exercising his strength and capabilities.
This also works for his method of attacks and plans: Know Thine Enemy. He studies Warren Stone in Newsworthy when they meet him and is the only one who remembers he regenerates by Warren & Hypno Sitting in a Tree. Donnie and Mikey are able to successfully scam Repo Mantis in One Man’s Junk because they know how he thinks. Donnie thwarts everything the Purple Dragons do and can bring Shelldon home because he knows how they operate  (The Purple Game, Breaking Purple). He can restore his brothers to their rightful minds in Mind Meld because he knows himself. 
Also: music. The fact that one of his Battle Shells has a music mode (Mascot Melee), that he remembers things in song form (The Mystic Library, Donnie vs Witch Town), and that he likes to dance (Stuck on You) is so pure and adorable.
Donnie Relationships: 
(while Donnie does see his brothers as dum-dums at times, he admits they’re fun and pretty great to have in Mind Meld)
Raph: We really need a Donnie and Raph episode, but even without one there’s some moments we can look at. I already discussed in Raph’s analysis their general similarities. Donnie doesn’t think Raph always has the brightest ideas, but still has soft moments with him such as giving him $20 at the end of Mind Meld, designing the ‘captain’s chair’ of the Turtle Tank to Raph’s lumbar settings, and appreciating Raph’s pirate accent in Snow Day. They are both protective of their brothers, Raph with his fists and Donnie with his tech. It’s interesting that (I believe) they’re the reverse of each other on the Enneagram: Raph is a 6w5, and Donnie a 5w6. So they both understand the risks involved in what they do (mostly: Donnie still ate poison and Raph still goes on ‘smashcapades’). I really want to see a team-up between them.
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Leo: I’m all for the Disaster Twins trope, but to me an episode that epitomizes that isn’t one like Lair Games, where they’re at each other’s throats, but Operation Normal. They’ve apparently done the grandma-getup before. They wind up playing as good cop, bad cop in Fast and Furriest. Sure, one’s high-strung, and one’s laid-back, which can get on each others’ nerves, but there’s also a lot of making up. Brotherly betrayal passes back and forth between them, but never crosses a line. And the numerous times they unconsciously mirror each other can be found with a simple search of the Disaster Twins tag. I’m interested to see more episodes where they work together, even in the background, just because they can get up to wild shenanigans.
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Mikey: Mikey’s probably the turtle Donnie most gets along with. They’ve had several episode team-ups: Repo Mantis, One Man’s Junk, Turtle-dega Nights: the Ballad of Rat Man, Breaking Purple, etc. Donnie may be the team academic, but Mikey has strong emotional intelligence. They get along pretty easily, making plans together (One Man’s Junk) and protecting each other (we see Donnie protect Mikey in Repo Mantis and Bug Busters, but we see Mikey protect Donnie by pulling him out of the way in Smart Lair). Donnie helps Mikey focus on the goal at hand, and Mikey helps Donnie communicate better with others. They’re a good team with a pretty solid foundation.
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Ultimately, Donnie’s an inventive turtle who wants his brothers to be safe but is still wrestling with a lot of insecurities and unhealthy stress levels. I’m excited to see how he grows into real confidence and utilizes his strengths as an integral member of the team.
For more information on the INTJ and Enneagram 5 personality types, click here:
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blades-of-justice · 6 years
The Beginning: A Leo and Lacy fic. part 2
Leo tilted his head in disbelief at her taunting statement, he willed himself to take a calming breath before he spoke... deciding to ignore her remark, head still reeling from Lacy's admission. The strategist in him held that information close to his chest and kept his feelings buried.
“Lacy, the thing is I have obligations as the eldest of my brothers and leader of our team. I know I can be pushy, I know I can be hard on people”…
Suddenly feeling foolish that he didn't address her out bust, she interjected quickly, “yeah, you can. And you have a tendency to act like…” she paused, the cognizant part of her brain trying to keep her from doing something else she might regret.
“A dick”? Leo finished, putting his free hand up in surrender. “Not my words. Donnie’s” he said.
Lacy’s eyes widened in a look of disbelief,  “really? Donnie said that. Wow, you must have really pissed him off to make sweet Donnie call you a dick. I mean he’s not wrong, but”…
“ok. Ok. Ok”. Leo interrupted, waving a hand in front of himself. "Are we going to talk about what just happened here, or me being compared to the male phallus”? He asked with malcontent.
“Right, right… no your right, Leo. We are adults we should talk this out responsibly”. She agreed. “and, if we’re going to be honest with each other, I’ll tell you this.” Lacy began in a serious tone.
“the truth is, over this past year I’ve found that I have developed… ‘feelings’ for you. Outside of our friendship. But you clearly don't return them. Which makes sense that you started to push me away. So… I left.
“but, here you are. In my kitchen, wanting to talk, so let’s talk.
“Am I right?? Do you not reciprocate those feelings or”.. she trailed off.
Leo took a deep breath and released a sigh. “it's not that easy, Lacy. Even if I wanted to… we have enemies, I have enemies. If they were ever to find out you were someone special to me, your life would be in constant danger. And that is a threat I cannot allow for someone I care about”.
“So are you saying you don’t return my feelings?” Lacy asked.
“I didn’t say that”. Leo replied.
“So you do, then”? She asked skeptically.
“well, that’s not what I said either”. Leo stumbled over his words.
“So what exactly are you saying”? Lacy questioned, her temper starting to rise.
“Look”, Leo said plainly “this is a difficult subject. I mean it is complicated”…
Finding she had enough of his skirting the subject Lacy decided she was done. Walking over to Leo and taking the wine bottle into her hand as well she said, “Well let me uncomplicated it.” Removing the bottle from Leo’s hand with a bit of a twist, she curled her lips over her teeth in a sneer and spoke very clearly, “get. out.”
With that she turned sharply and walked to out of the kitchen. Leo could only stand there stunned for the second time that evening, eyes watching her form as it disappeared into the apartment. He snapped out of his trance of disbelief when he heard the distinctive and aggressive slamming of a door followed by the click of the lock.
Jumping into action, Leo followed Lacy to her now closed bedroom door. Inside, Lacy sat on her bed, willing herself not to cry, though the wine in her system was doing nothing to stem the heartache she was feeling. She had thought Leo was something she just could not have, but now she knew, and the confirmation of that pain was quickly becoming too much. As she lowered her head to look at the bottle in her hand there was a soft knock at the door, “Lacy…. Lacy, please open the door”. Leo’s voice came from the other side.
“Go home, Leo”, Lacy said pointedly.
“Not until we talk about this.” Leo replied, sounding concerned.
“We tried talking, Leo. That sucked… I’m going back to drinking.” she informed him, “now go home”!
“Lacy, you’re being unreasonable. Please open this… I’m going to count to five and then this door is going to open one way or another”. He said realizing the conversation was clearly unproductive.
“I’m not Mikey, Leo”. She spat out. "Now please just GO"!
On his side of the door Leo sank to one knee removing his lock pick set from his belt. Quietly sliding the end of the tension wrench into the lock he said, “One”.
“Nice bluff “ came Lacy’s muffled voice from the other side of the door.
Shaking his head with a quiet laugh he slid the slimmer pick in next to the wrench, “Two”.
“I’m serious, Leo…. Go home”.
Applying slight pressure to the wrench he twisted the pick hearing the first tooth of the lock fall into place, “Three”.
Sliding the pick in a little further and hearing the second tooth slide free, “four”.
“Why are you doing this” she called out
Hearing the last tooth slide into place, he smiled triumphantly and said, “Five”.
In the bedroom lacy coiled on her bed, preparing for her door to be kicked in by the giant terrapin on the other side. Closing her eyes and turning her head she waited. Only there was no explosion of force, instead only a soft click and Leo’s voice now crystal clear, “Lace”?
She looked up to see Leo’s massive form occupying her door frame. With an exasperated huff she sighed, “Of course”.
Taking in and releasing a deep breath Leo began, “Lacy you didn’t let me finish out there. I just, it’s not that easy. I can’t”..
“yeah, I got that part, you can't. Are we’re done here, Leo? You said what you had to say. So please, just leave me alone now”.
“I can’t just leave. And I can’t just answer your question.” He said solemnly.
Lacy looked up at him from the bed, eyes threatening to well over with tears, “unless your intent is to continue breaking my heart, I am asking you to Just Leave”. She choked out.
At the sound of her voice cracking and the words she uttered of her breaking heart, Leo felt a stabbing pain in his own chest. It was at that moment he stepped out of his role as leader, his place in the chain of command;  and looking at her sitting there, broken on her bed, and he realized that he was causing her more pain than any enemy of his would ever be capable of inflicting. Lowering his head in shame of his own behavior he let out a low sigh.
Lacy watched him for a moment. Confused as to what was happening. Then slowly Leo raised his head only slightly in a humbled angle so that one piercing blue eye fell upon Lacy’s questioning gaze. “yes”, he said in a low voice.
Shaking her head in confusion, lacy asked “yes, what…? I don’t understand”
“Yes….. I return your feelings”.
Silence befell the room and it was Lacy’s turn to freeze in confusion. After a moment though, she rose from the bed her feet carrying her body the short  spans between them and letting the wine bottle absently fall from her fingers and hit the hardwood floor with the loud thud. The sound caused a small reaction from Leo, but other than that he did not move. As Lacy reached where he stood she lifted a delicate hand to his face. Palming his cheek and making him look at her, she shook her head in utter disbelief and loss for words.  Gently she pulled him into a slow kiss.
Leo’s eyes widened before they fluttered closed and he allowed himself to fall into the kiss. As their lips locked, Lacy tentatively licked his bottom lip and probed for access. Beginning to understand what she was doing he opened them slightly. Finding the pleasing warmth of Leo’s open mouth lacy let out a deep moan.
Hearing the woman he was currently kissing moan in such a seductive way in response to his actions sent a bolt of electricity straight through Leo’s spine.  With a deep inhale Lacy broke the kiss to look at the blue banded turtle before her. His eyes beginning to open and his gaze probing her in quizzical, almost lustful manner.
After what seemed like a long enough pause Lacy simply asked, “More”?
Nodding his head in rapid agreement he stuttered out, “yehhh, .. Yes.. Yes”. Before before diving back for more this time letting his hands move and roam over her back and through her dark silken locks. As they deepened their passion Lacy began moving back towards the bed pulling the large turtle with her. Leo followed her clumsily, shuffling every other step as the traded short heated kisses. When they reached the bed the back of Lacy’s knees were forced to bend and she fell backwards onto the mattress. Employing his mastery of skills, Leo shot a muscular arm out before she reached the bed and slowed her decent. Lifting his lips from hers he looked down at her in disbelief, her hair splayed out in a shimmering halo of light and dark auburn shades. As he took in her unfathomable beauty he felt a sharp spike pain on the side of his face and momentarily saw stars. Looking down after realizing Lacy had just slapped him he asked, “What was that for”?
With a devious grin she replied, “for making me wait”.
… “Fair enough” he said with a smile before capturing her lips one more time.
“Dude, it’s been hours. What do you think they’re doing”? Mikey asked his other two brothers
Raph only raised an eye ridge and smirked obscenely at his orange banded brother.
“get your mind out of the gutter, Raph”, Donnie spoke up, “this is Leo. He’s probably talking her to death”.
“Or to sleep” Mikey chimed in
“I think that was my point”, Raph said loudly to make sure Donnie heard him.
As their genius brother continued to work away at his computer he drowned out the background noise of his two excitable brothers. he was deep in thought, withdrawn, when he realized the chatter in the background had stopped. Looking up he was met with an unexpected scene. Both Mikey and Raph were sitting quietly, studying their lanky brother.
“I’m sorry boys, can I help you”? Donnie asked a little too sarcastically.
“Wh~at’cha doin’ “? Mikey sang out imitating a curious child.
“wha.. Nuh-nothing Mike go back to your video games”. Donnie tried to sound nonchalant, knowing he was failing miserably.
“Yup, told ya” Raph piped out triumphantly. “when he’s up to something he gets all st-st-stuttery. Don’t ch’ya, Donnie boy. Now what are you doing… that’s the million dollar question”.
Donnie peered up at Raph with a look pure insult, “how dare you. I don’t don’t stutter. And I’m not up to anything,,, you take that back right now”! He added with a huff.
“Wooooh! Donnie-boy’s flustered, Mikey. Why do you think that is? Do you think it has to do with his computer?”
“I don’t know, Raphie. Perhaps you should check it out”. Mikey added tauntingly
Raph stared daggers at his youngest sibling, “First off, ya’ call me Raphie again and you’ll be spittin’ teeth. Second, yeah, I think I should take a look at Don’s computer. Only I ain’t so tech savvy so maybe I gotta use my own way of communication, and punch it”.
“Nuh-NO, nnn-nn-no Raph, now hold on just a second”. Donnie pleaded.
“Awwww… Spill it, bro.” Mikey taunted Donnie
Donnie looked from Raph to Mikey and back again, a small whining noise coming from his throat.
“That’s it” Raph said raising his fist.
“Ok…Ok, ok.. I did it for Leo’s own good. I wasn’t sure what he was going to get himself into. I just wanted to make sure he was ok”. Donnie spit out
“what do you mean, ok? And what are you even talking about”? Raph asked.
With a sigh Donnie began, “Leo was not emotionally sound when he left here this evening. I was really worried that he may not have his proper wits about him so I …. Took some precautions.”
“Yeeeeeeah”? Mikey questioned
“I hacked into Leo’s phone camera because I wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to get jumped or ambushed. Only the last thing I saw was him moving through Lacy’s apartment and now the phone is in complete darkness. I don’t know if he dropped it or if someone got the jump on him. I’ve called several times but he is not answering. I called Lacy’s cell too and she is not answering either. Enough time hasn’t passed to pose a real threat of worry, but it’s getting there and I’m not entirely sure…” he trailed off.
“Shit, Don”! Raph spat out, “When the hell were ya’ gonna let us in on your little voyeurism fetish? What if Leo is in danger. The Foot’s had it out for us since the Sacks incident”
“I was… I was going to wait another 30 minutes”? Don shrugged as he answered Raph’s question.
“that’s it, man. Get your shit. We’re going after him”. Raph ordered.
“Don’t you think that’s a little hasty”? Don asked.
Raph raised an eye ridge questioningly at his purple banded brother… “Right, I’ll just go get my things”. Donnie said as he pushed away from his desk. “But someone should let Master Splinter know where we’re going. He worries”.
“On it” Mikey chirped as he vaulted over the back of the couch. And within minutes the three brothers were on their way over the rooftops of NY, in search of their leader. Their brother….
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