#which could also explain why Leo and Raph are being SO gentle with him
yellowhollyhock · 4 months
return to the underground is so funny because everything Donny says or does Raph and Leo are like 'that's him our baby brother, precious little genius, watch watch he's gonna do something cool, we are so proud. do you need anything Don Don'
And Mikey's like 'this is the worst plan you've ever had. I hate you.'
He really was not happy about going back underground XD
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Hii I'm black and tired of not seeing any representation is there any way you could have the boys help the reader with a wash day? And she has 4c hair ?🤗
absolutely! There’s not enough representation in fanfics and I’m definitely guilty of doing this myself. Also thank you for the resources you gave me before I wrote this, they helped a lot. ((However, if I get anything wrong please just message me so I can correct it))
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Leo is all about helping you wash your hair, to him there’s something very intimate and romantic about that
“ok, just hop in the shower”
“Baby...It’s not that simple..”
you have to explain to him that your hairs been in a gelled back ponytail for the last few days and that means you need a rice water treatment to soften your roots and the gel
he’s very confused by why specifically it needs to be rice water
to be fair, he has no hair, so why would he know that rice water has a lot of protein and is good for hair
you may also make a lot of bald jokes as you go through this process
which he graciously laughs at as you wash each sectioned part of your hair
he’s very good at being gentle as he rubs the shampoo in
he is absolutely useless as finger combing through your hair because his fingers are just too damn big so you end up giving him a wide toothed comb to do it instead
his fave part is when you have to deep condition and wear a cap because that way he can suggest you both put on face masks for the 30-40 minutes that takes to sink in
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Raph is down to wash your hair with you
since he doesn’t have any, he’s fascinated by hair in general
he’s actually really good at sectioning your hair, he is a secret perfectionist after all
he loves all the tips you give him throughout
like not focusing on the ends of the hair with shampoo or they’ll get too dry
and he gives you a nice little head massage while he does it
also while your deep conditioning treatment is in he helps you use a little heat to get the moisturiser to penetrate the hair a little better
He loves using oils on your hair
you use almond oil and he says it smells like marzipan and loves that for you
telling you that you smell good enough to eat
he sits on the floor by the mirror to watch you style your hair afterwards
you even teach him how to flat twist your hair 
he is...not very good at it which drives him crazy
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Mikey wasn’t even aware that hair needed to be washed
“But, it’s not like hair gets sweaty?”
you have to remind him that scalps do and so the hair does need to be washed
unfortunately his attention span isn’t the best for helping you with the long process that is washing your hair so he mainly stays to entertain you and bring you snacks while you section everything out and wash it
he does, however, desperately want to help you comb out your hair while it’s being conditioned
he adores how long the curls stretch out to be before bouncing back
it becomes like a fun game to him
he even lets you borrow one of his t-shirts to dry your hair a little
after you explain that the microfibers in s-shirts are better for curls
he just watches and admires as you oil and style your hair
always supportive and telling you what a great job your doing
he’s your number 1 cheerleader, honestly.
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So Donnie knows everything
....apart from hair care
because why would he need to?
but when you ask him to help you wash your hair, he does like 5 hours of research 
and special order in some sulphate and paraben free, cruelty free, organic shampoo and conditioner that he thinks will be really good for your hair’s strength and growth
also some organic coconut oil to put in your hair before you wash it
he goes all out basically
watches patiently as you section out your hair and helps you apply said shampoo and conditioner
you take the suds it gives off and put them on his hair to make it look like he has sticky up white, bubbly hair
you both get a kick out of that
his favourite part is helping you put on leave in conditioner and oils on slightly damp hair
he just likes the fragrance they have and how carefully you put them on
actually decent at styling your hair with you
years and years of delicate mechanics has made him a pretty good hairdresser
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dakotafinely · 3 years
Okay yay! How about Splinter finding out about savage Raph and finally revealing the trauma that caused it? (Captured by hunter and escaped in savage mode after biting the man’s hand off...alligator snapper CHOMP)
Wow, immediate angst. Not that I’m against it or anything. Also, I like how you add that little () note. It’s a nice touch (and totally helps me start writing so-) anyways! Let’s get into it!
Side note: WOW this gets super long. So I put a little keep reading for those who don’t actually care about the story.
Raph never intentionally kept it from Splinter. It was something he didn’t like thinking about. And his brother’s never really thought to ask about it. One could suppose everyone thought the old rat knew and just didn’t want to explain it. Or that maybe it was something he just couldn’t explain away. Either way, that had all changed today.
The trio of little brother’s had made the mistake of leaving Raph alone down deep in the sewers. It wasn’t intentional, as the trio often forgot their older brother would break the longer he was alone. Since they usually didn’t really leave each other’s sides. And didn’t have the same issue as Raph had.
It was a chase. It was always a chase.
On the rare occasion that Raph did become savage. It was usually him chasing them, or something he was going to kill. The instinct to survive his main priority and the trio being seen as potential threats in the lenses of savage mode. But something was different.
Mikey had noticed it when the group returned to Raph’s location. Instead of the enraged attacks of Savage Raph, or the whines/scolds of Raph telling them they shouldn’t have been gone for so long. Raph sat in a corner, pressed against the wall furthest from the brothers. He was growling, a threat of course. But it seemed empty as with each step they took towards him. He simply wiggled, as if trying to get further away.
“Hold on guys, I think we need to approach one at a time,” Leo finally spoke up, he’d been slowly assessing the situation at hand. Deciding that if only one of them went in, it was less likely for Savage Raph to attack.
That statement of course, made it a unanimous vote for Leo to be the sacrifice.
“Well, go on then. We need to calm him down before April comes down,” Donnie spoke, checking his phone. April had already sent a text that she was on her way. They had to get wrap this up quickly. Leo looked to his twin and huffed. Before taking slow steps toward Raph.
Raph’s growl and squirming continued. But he still made no move as Leo’s empty hands held themselves up as non-threateningly as possible. It wasn’t until Leo tried to touch Raph that it finally broke the tense silence.
Raph roared, knocking Leo back as the other two pulled out their weapons. Ready for an attack from the blindly raging brute. But instead he ran off. Making the two look at each other confused. Before checking on Leo.
“You alright bro?” Mikey asked, pulling Leo up from the floor. Leo rubbed his shell and took a shake. Before nodding.
“Yeah, it’s more the surprise then the pain...” Leo trailed and looked around “where’d he go?” he asks, having expected the Snapper to fight them like the other two did. Donnie shrugged, looking off the direction Raph had fled to.
“Don’t know, he just... ran off,” Donnie spoke putting his Bo-staff away.
“Well, what are we doing just standing here? We gotta find him!” Leo immediately ran off the direction Donnie had been staring. Mikey not to far off his heels. Donnie sighed, taking a speed walk to still keep the two in his sites.
April had joined them about ten minutes later. Donnie sending her their location as they traveled through the maze of sewers in New York. Their efforts still fruitless as they’d completely lost the Snapper. 
What had been nothing more then ten minutes quickly turned into a few hours.
“Guys,” April spoke as the group had taken a moment’s rest. Having been on their feet for so long they’d chosen to take a pause. Just in case they’d have to fight the Snapper down when they found him again. The group looked to her as she spoke up “did you hear that?” she asked with concentration on her face.
No one spoke. All trying to hear what she’d just heard.
“What did-” Mikey was cut off by a noise. A much louder then the one April had previously heard. It was a whimper, a pained and tired whimper. If it weren’t for the fact that the voice was so recognizable. The group would’ve believed it was a small child lost in sewers with them.
“Raph!” They spoke in unison, chasing after the voice. And the heavy footsteps that ran from them.
It was a chase, but not a chase they had ever been use to.
Splinter was sitting comfortably in his recliner. Another uneventfully evening as he’d began to slowly fall asleep in the chair. The cake and warm milk filling his stomach in a comfortable and lulling way. Eyelids heavy as he no longer tried to focus on what was happening on the screen before him.
Until he was startled by his phone ringing. Immediately waking to “panicked parent mode” he began looking for his phone. Unable to find it despite it ringing next to him. Shuffling and shoving hands down the sides of the recliner until he let out a small, victorious, cry at his discovery. Only to disappointed at finding the remote instead.
A few more rings and a few more minutes of aggressive searching. He’d found his phone and felt his stomach drop at April’s name on his screen.
Not that he wouldn’t have panicked if it was one of his sons. But April was a whole knew level. He quickly answered and tried to not to yank the phone away from his head as April yelled on the other end. Most of it unintelligible through the phone aside from “Raph” and “we need help!”. He took a breath, trying to calm himself, knowing it wouldn’t help if both he and her panicked.
“April, slow down, I can’t hear what you’re saying.”
“Raph! He’s gone into this- like -savage mode! He keeps running from us and throwing the guys if they get to close! Please! You have to come here quick! We just got him cornered but he won’t let us near him!” April spoke as quickly and clearly as she could. Trying to leave little room for more conversation as she watched Raph throw an aimless hit toward Mikey. The box turtle barely dodging out the way of the blow.
Splinter, of course, had already begun moving out of the lair.
“Okay, stay calm. Tell the boys to keep him their but don’t make any movements toward him. Tell me which part of the sewers your in,” Splinter began, keeping a calm demeanor. April took a hum before finding an indication of which sewer pipe they got him stuck in. Quickly giving the location to Splinter.
“Good, I’ll be there soon.”
When Splinter had arrived onto the scene. He was relieved to find the group sitting a few feet from Raph. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey all singing parts of the lullabies they could remember from their younger days. Back when they still asked Splinter to sing for them. It seemed to put the Savage Raph in a trance. Having calmed down. It was April who noticed him and backed off from the group to talk to him.
“Leo said he noticed something was attached to Raph’s tail. He can’t take a good look at it ‘cause Raph won’t let him come close.” She explained, looking back to the sight before her. She’d seen Raph go savage once, but it had been on the tale end of the savage episode. Splinter simply nodded and walked toward his sons.
He’d hummed the tune and the trio backed off. Quieting down, Raph started to growl at Splinter, before seeming to recognize him. And calming down, a soft and cautious churr came from him. But he didn’t flinch when Splinter passed the invisible line.
He did, however, flinch when Splinter raised his hand. Before relaxing as Splinter took a light touch to his forehead, sliding it down to his cheek. Still humming the lullaby. Raph had fully relaxed now, his body visibly easing as he let himself sit like a cat. Letting Splinters hands trail down his shell as he went to assess the damage.
It was a small, basic rat trap. Pinching his tail in a way uncomfortable for the mutant. Splinter grimaced at the memory that came with the realization of why his son had acted out this way. And had, with as much gentleness as he could manage, pulled the trap off his son. Raph let out a yelp and ran from reach of his father. Before noticing the lack of pain on his tail. A happy churr came from him as he slowly eased out of Savage mode.
Donnie, using the help of his enhanced limbs, began carrying the large mutant. Who had barely been awake enough to realize he was beginning carried to begin with.
The way back to the lair was mostly silent. Most of the group begin tired, energy spent on the chase. But April couldn’t help but speak up, having several questions.
“So... does anyone know why Raph does that?” She asked, looking to anyone for an answer. The brothers simply shrugged, having no answer. But Splinter looked surprised.
“Wait, this isn’t the first time he’s done this?”
“Well, he usually fights us,” Leo spoke up with a shrug “but this is the first time he’s run away instead.” Leo said with the wave of his hand. A partial dismissal of it.
“... You didn’t know?” Mikey asked walking next to his father. Who quickly shook his head, partially in disbelief.
“No! Why didn’t you boy’s tell me!?” Splinter asked with some exasperation evident in his tone.
“Well, you didn’t tell us you were Lou Jitsu for most of our lives,” Leo pokes, as if this was some sort of competition. Donnie rolled his eyes.
“It just never came up, we always thought you knew,” Donnie deadpanned, adjusting a bit to keep Raph steady. The snapper mumbled something incoherent but it didn’t seem all to important to the conversation.
“So, do you know why he does it Splints?” April asks trying to get back to her questions. They needed answer darn it! Especially after this most recent episode.
Splinter, nodded slowly. A part of him unsure, before nodding quickly. It was the only explanation.
“You all were only tot’s when it happened...” Splinter began.
Splinter knew that an enriching environment was important. Whether it was for kids or pets. So he did his best to take his sons down to a stream. One with no hiking trails nearby and not deep enough for fishers to use. But still enough that it was basically a naturally made kiddie pool.
He’d been tending to the box turtle, dubbed Orange for his little spots ‘til Splinter could find better names for them. Orange was the only one who couldn’t really seem to swim. Nor did he seem to want to engage with the water at all. So Splinter had been helping him make little piles of dirt, and rocks. Nothing fancy or necessarily pretty. But it brought utter delight onto Orange’s face every time one was completed. So how could he stop him?
Splinter had been keeping weary eyes on the other three. Wanting to make sure the shallow tide hadn’t swept them away. However, the other three seemed to mature faster then the box turtle to a degree. So he gave them trust to make some sort of noise to capture his attention if they needed it.
The only problem with that was, they would have to know they needed it.
Splinter would notice in 30 minutes that Red was missing. Dubbed Red because he, just like the color, was bold and brash. And Splinter had already used his other two favorite colors on the soft-shell and slider.
In 30 minutes Splinter would realize that his little snapper had decided to wander the forest. And he would panic because what if someone found him? What if someone took his son away from him? What if they hurt him?
It would be a few hours before Orange gets fussy. And Splinter realizes just how long he’d been searching for his eldest son.
It would be another hour before Splinter had to retire back into the sewers. Feeding and putting the other three to rest before he ran back out.
It would be three days of searching and failing to find Red. Splinter in a desperate state of trying to keep it together while in a constant state of worry for his boy.
It would be day number four. When Splinter would find a group of hunters. Cages set around them like trophies. And it would take everything Splinter had not rush down and attack them when he saw his son in one of them.
Locked in cage like some sort of savage animal. Curled in a corner, clearly afraid and confused. Whimpering like he was hungry. And Splinter could only soften in a pained way as he watched his son suffer.
“Aww, what’s the matter little guy? Ya hungry?” A hunter spit at Red. Tossing a small piece of beef jerky just outside of Red’s reach. Still, the naive snapper would go after it. Starved for days. And he would be mocked, and laughed at as the hunters around him would do nothing but watch him be helpless.
Splinter had to retreat. Wanting to go stealth with retrieving his son. Despite the rage inside of him telling him he could fight every single hunter in the group head on and come out unscathed.
Splinter didn’t see the one hunter that snuck Red some jerky. Watching with a small smile as he ate up. Before dumping the whole bag into his cage. Walking off as though they hadn’t done anything.
Splinter came back that night. A fire now lifeless as most of the hunters slept. Splinter had begun creeping toward the camp before freezing at the sound of a voice.
“Your not like the others are you little guy?” It cooed, soft and gentle. Splinter could barely see it. But he saw a woman crouching down in front of Red’s cage. And cursed himself for not taking the brash approach earlier.
Red churred a bit in response. Still unable to really form words. But his churr was curious and cautious.
“Yeah, I didn’t think so. I’ve seen snappers before and you don’t really look it,” she said, before letting out an awkward chuckle “I mean, you do kinda, but not really if you get what I mean.”
Another churr, confused.
“Yeah... sorry,” she said, Splinter heard the light click of a cage opening. And with the moon finally deciding to show itself from the thick clouds.
A tall, black woman stood up, thick curly hairs draped down her shoulders. Red in her arms with a gentle care of a mother. She’d turned, facing Splinter with eyes grown wide, mouth agape in shock. And that’s when he realized he should’ve moved to an actually hiding spot. The moon didn’t hide away as they stared at each other. Before Red began chirping happily, arms outstretched to his father.
Splinter held his arms out, staring a hole into his son. He didn’t want to speak, he wasn’t sure if he could. This was the first human that’d seen him in... well he wasn’t even sure how many years at this point.
Slowly, but surely, with eyes still wide and mouth agape. She handed Red to Splinter. The two sharing a tight, hopeful and relieved hug. Splinter couldn’t hold back the little sobs that came from his body. He had his son back, his son was safe. His son was here.
“Go,” the woman’s voice was a hoarse whisper, still recovering from the shocking sight. Splinter looked to her, startled at the interruption of his blessed reunion. She looked to him with concern, before glancing to the other sleeping hunters “if you want to get out of here with him now. You need to go,” she whispered. Splinter nodded, rushing off with a flurry. Leaves rustling, and with no cation in his rushed movements. A branch broke.
“O’Neil? Is that you making that racket?”
“Yeah, yeah, just go back to sleep, thought I saw something but I was wrong.”
Annnnnnnd I’m ending it there! Mostly because this is getting longer then I planned it to be. However, I’m extremely happy with how it came out. The idea’s just came like BOOM! BOW! POP! and I had to do ‘em. I hope you like it! This was fun! I loved the concept, I’ve seen many takes on it so I wanted to change it up a bit!
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raph-and-spike · 4 years
Taking a Swim - Leo x fem!reader
request? yes/no 
I want a Story WITH LEO  It could be also nsfw. 😅🤤🤭 i'm a long friend of April and she make a Meeting between the turtles and me.Leo fall in love with me and dont know how he should tell me that.  We meet us in 4th July at first. Then its the 14.august and the turtles, April, casey and i go Swimming in a little sea... I hope you know the scenes,that i mean..  Have a good day 🤗😘 Nice wishes from germany
a/n: @tkappi I hope you don’t mind that I slightly altered it... I wanted the swimming scene to be a little more intimate ;) I’m sorry this request took so long!! Hope you like it <33 
warnings: NSFW...aka smut. Read at your own risk. For the sake of this being smut, both the reader and Leo will be 18 years old in this imagine. 
Finally, you thought to yourself with a smile of relief as you gripped the straps of your backpack on your walk home. It was summer–which meant you were free from school, free to do whatever you please for the next two and a half months. You couldn’t wait to spend everyday with your best friend, April O’Neil. The two of you had been best friends for as long as you could remember; you knew the redhead like the back of your hand. 
Though, summer didn’t end up going according to plan. Instead, you spent it calling April every morning and afternoon, asking to hang out. At first, she’d claimed that she was spending time with her aunt or hanging out with Casey. You believed her for a while, but once her excuses turned into not answering her phone, you began to get angry. It had already been the beginning of July, and the two of you had yet to hang out once! You’d had it.
Stomping on the pavement to her apartment, your mind raced with millions of different phrases you’d say to her. ‘Why haven’t you been answering my calls?’ was one. ‘Do you not like me anymore?’ was another. As you reached her apartment door, your heart raced through your chest as you brought your knuckles to the hard, painted wood. As it begun to swing open, you froze in your spot. 
“Raph, you could have just used the fire escape–”
You froze as a green figure stood in front of you, wearing an orange mask with matching nunchucks at its sides. You couldn’t move nor could you speak. You felt paralyzed.
“Uh, guys?!” It spoke. 
You looked behind it, two identical creatures standing next to April and Casey. You watched April’s eyes meet yours, her blue orbs widening in fear at your frozen figure. She wasn’t sure what to do or how to alleviate this situation. Panicking, she finally decided to pull you into her bedroom and tell you what she’d been hiding.
“We need to talk,” she stated calmly, grabbing your hand and pulling you into her apartment, leading you into her bedroom.
Once she shut her bedroom door behind you, she took a seat on her bed. You couldn’t find the ability to sit, so you stood in front of her with your arms at your sides.
“I met them at the beginning of last year. My Dad and I...” she struggled for words, “we were taken by these alien robots, called the ‘Kraang’.”
You cocked an eyebrow, obviously thinking that she was making this up.
“I know it sounds ridiculous, Y/n, but you have to listen,” she begged.
With a sigh, you sat down on the bed next to her and did as you were told. She told you everything. From when they saved her, to when her father was freed and then mutated, how she'd been trained by her turtle friends’ father–a tall rat, apparently–to be a kunoichi, to their adventures saving the city from not only mutants, but their enemy named Shredder, as well. You had no choice but to believe the redhead. After all, you’d known the girl your entire life. 
“So, that’s why you’ve been dodging my calls?” you asked, rerunning the story she’d just told you over again in your head.
She nodded sadly. “I didn’t mean to ignore you, Y/n. I’m so sorry,” she admitted guiltily. 
You put a hand on her shoulder with a small smile. “It’s okay, April...just promise me that you won’t push me away like that again? I mean, we’ve been through everything together, you can’t get rid of me now with a few mutant turtles,” you said with a laugh. 
She chuckled before pulling you into a hug.
“Actually, the turtles, Casey, and I were going to spend the rest of the summer at the farmhouse, and now since you know about them...” she trailed off before a knocking on the door interrupted her.
“Can you two, like, hurry up or somethin’? Mikey’s eatin’ all the road snacks!” a voice yelled from outside the door.
She rolled her eyes. “Coming, Raph!”
She looked at you, raising her eyebrows. 
“You wanna spend your summer with a couple of mutants at a farmhouse upstate?”
After introducing you to the turtles, and quickly bringing you to your own apartment so that you could fill a suitcase with clothes and other belongings, all seven of you sat in Mr. O’Neil’s Volkswagen bus as Casey drove to April’s farmhouse. With Mikey pestering you with questions–and a certain blue-masked turtle telling him to leave you alone–the ride went by pretty fast. 
The house was beautiful. It was incredibly secluded and quiet, which you preferred much more to the loud, packed city of New York. 
Mikey offered to cook everyday, often switching with you whenever he was busy sparring with the others, or occupied with comic books. You didn’t mind it, cooking eased your mind. You’d offer to do the dishes afterwards as well. It wasn’t until Mikey had picked up a new compelling comic series, when you’d been picking up cooking and dish-washing duty almost daily. Leo noticed this and offered to help one night. You immediately accepted his offer with a blush.
You ordered him to dry the dishes and put them away after you washed them. It was a steady, easy system between the two of you. He’d ask you questions about your interests and hobbies, and you’d ask him about his. You noticed that he didn’t seem much interested in talking about himself–he seemed rather interested in your answers instead. Talking with Leo was easy. With him, you knew he wouldn’t judge you or make you feel uncomfortable. 
He easily became closer to you than the others, always making excuses to spend time with you, and even asking you to teach him how to cook. You taught him how to make homemade pizzas, much to Mikey’s dinner request, along with some easy pasta dishes. 
One night, as you slept on the twin bed in April’s old childhood bedroom, you felt a tapping on your shoulder. You sat up, peering into the deep blue eyes that still seemed so magnetic in the darkness. 
“I want to show you something,” he whispered. 
Butterflies swarming in your stomach, you grinned.
Quietly tip-toeing down the creeky, aged wooden stairs and out the door, he gently grabbed your hand and began leading you through the grass. Once the two of you headed toward the edge of the forest, you frowned.
“Why are you taking me into the woods?” you asked, suspicion in your voice.
He stopped, a dreamy smile on his lips. “It’s going to be good, I promise.”
You chewed your lip hesitantly, causing his invisible eyebrows to knit together. 
“If I gave you one of my katanas, would you feel safer?” he asked, skillfully pulling the blade out from its sheath on his shell. 
You gladly took it, gripping the wrapped hilt as he lead you deeper into the forest. The broken twigs, rocks, and rough roots weren’t gentle on the bare soles of your feet, but your excitement and nervousness distracted you from it.
At last, a large clearing with a wide pond stared back at you, entirely lit by the large moon in the sky. Your jaw nearly dropped at the beautiful sight in front of you, tossing his katana onto the ground whilst you stared in awe. 
“I found it yesterday,” the blue-masked turtle explained briefly.
You hadn’t noticed that he was staring at you, wondering how the girl of his dreams would react to his discovery.
“Leo, it’s,” you struggled for words, “’incredible’ feels like too small of a word to describe it,” you admitted. 
He chuckled. “I know what you mean, that’s how I felt when I first saw it too... It’s–”
“Perfect,” you finished.
He gazed at you as if you were a star–no, that’s too small. He gazed at you as if you were an entire universe; he felt like a small, floating asteroid compared to you, an entire universe. How were you so perfect? How was creation able to give you such beautiful features, a personality sculpted just for him? Dissecting your mind all this time while the two of you spent so much time together made him realize just how much he’d fallen for you and how much he adored you. 
You watched him as he stared at you intently, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Leo?” you asked hesitantly.
“Can I, uhm, may I...kiss you?” he stuttered, attempting to raise his shoulders back confidently as he waited for your response.
You felt your cheeks turn crimson. With a slow nod, you moved to fill the space between the two of you, watching as he stared at you in awe. Within seconds, he pressed his lips against yours. Surprised, you nearly pulled away before melting against him, wrapping your arms around his neck and closing your eyes. He didn’t attempt to move his lips, after all, he had no experience with kissing whatsoever. You took the initiative to begin moving your lips slowly, knowing not to introduce your tongue just yet. Your lips moved gently against each other’s, and you’d never felt closer to Leo. 
Pulling away to catch your breath, you turned your head toward the pond, and back at Leo. Getting your drift, he grinned, shrugging his other katana off before jumping into the pond. You looked down at your pajamas. Deciding not to get them wet, you slowly pulled your pajama top off, revealing your bra to Leonardo. He watched from the water, cheeks pinker than you’d ever seen them before, as you began to pull down your pajama bottoms. You stood in the cool, summer night air, nearly naked, before jumping into the water with him. With a shriek at the cold temperature of the pond, you attempted to swim toward him before he moved away.
“I have sort of an...issue; we should probably keep our distance,” he admitted, his cheeks still blushing profusely. 
You cocked a brow in confusion. “What?”
He made a downward motion with his head, before it hit you. Your own cheeks flushed once more.
“Well,” you began, slowing making your way toward him, despite his warning, “we can...fix that, if you want.”
You watched as his blue orbs widened, Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped.
“A-are you sure?” he asked, looking bewildered, shocked that someone as beautiful as you would ever want to do something like that with him. 
You nodded, closing the space between the two of you and forcing his lips against your own. This kiss was incredibly different than the first; it was needy, it was desperate, as if you couldn’t breathe without him in between your legs.
You didn’t waste time introducing your tongue, feeling him do the same as your lips danced sloppily against each other’s, begging for a release of tension. He leant down, grabbing your legs to wrap them around his waist. You easily leant into him, the water helping hold you up, as you felt his hardened length brush against your clothed core. You moaned against his lips, grinding your heat against it. Growling, he brought his hands to your bum, ripping the fabric of your panties off. You gasped, feeling his hands squeeze your bare ass and push you further against him.
With ease, due to how wet you were, he was able to slide his length into you. You groaned, feeling him fill you up.
“Is this okay? A-am I doing this right?” he asked, his voice breathy and raspy.
“Yes, Leo, move,” you begged, resting your forehead against his. 
He thrusted hard, causing you to nearly scream. He continued to thrust, every stroke going deeper and deeper until he developed a steady rhythm. His thrusts quickened as your walls began to clench, grasping onto his plastron as you felt your climax nearing.
“Leo, please,” you groaned, shoving your head into the crook of his neck, trying to muffle your moans into his skin.
He thrusted even faster, squeezing your ass against him as your hips met his movements. Your eyes squeezed shut as your climax hit you, body spasming against him as you felt his own hips still, his cock spurting inside of you. Your body fell weak against him as you felt him gently pull out. He moved his hands to your back, stroking the soft skin whilst he held you against his chest.
The two of you rested there, basking in the moonlight, warm skin pressed against each other. It was then, that Leo knew he was in love. 
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residentclown · 4 years
TMNT x Reader - ‘Coming Out’ Scenarios <3 pt. 2
/ / Back with part 2! I also was recently informed that ‘binder’ isn’t a binder, its a brace. So I’ll be using that term from now on. I hope you enjoy! / /
The genius of a turtle had been on his feet pacing the livingroom when you arrived. He always did that -- always excited to see you. When your footsteps could be heard entering, his attention was on you in an instant; And in that same instant was when he realized something was horribly wrong.
Your chest had been wrapped up in something.
" Dove? " he says, rushing up to you and cautiously placing his hands upon your sides. " Are you hurt? What happened? Why is your chest wrapped? " The onslaught of questions had you a bit overwhelmed - - Leo had caught onto this and gently pulled the purple-clad mother hen back by his shoulder. " Donnie, you're causing her stress, calm down a little. " he says sternly. You shrunk back a bit at the term 'her', and decided that was the perfect opportunity to let them know what was up.
With all eyes on you, you inhale deeply and run a hand through your hair. " Guys, I'm not hurt. I promise. " You could feel the relief that washed over Donnie and Mikey, but the other two seemed skeptical. Raph was the first to pipe up about his suspicions. " 'Den why is your chest wrapped up, y/n? " Inwardly groaning, you knew they weren't going to quit haggling you until you eventually showed you were alright. " Okay - okay. Its not wrapped, actually. Its called a 'binder'. Its to uh....hm. " You stopped, unable to find your words. Shaking your head a little to yourself, you hooked your fingers under the shirt you wore and pulled it up and over your head. You could feel your face heating up, and you could definitely feel the confused stares and awkward auras.
" Its to make me look more like a man. I'm...transitioning into one currently. " That's when you turn to Donnie, who looked as if he was trying too hard to process this new information. " I'm sorry I never told you before -- especially when I was ...having trouble figuring myself out. " Putting your shirt back on, your gaze drops to the floor. " I can...understand if that changes things with us. But I hope it doesn't change our friendship. "
The air had a thick tension about it - coming from the three who were eagerly awaiting their brothers response to the situation. Donnie, once having figured out everything you had said, snapped out of the stupor he'd been in and silently moved closer to you. You saw his feet move into your vision below, then a gentle tug under your chin coaxed you to look up into kind, chocolate eyes. You two stood staring like this for a moment, before he leans in for a deep kiss. You gladly returned it, arms coming to wrap around his neck whilst his move to your waist. When you two separate, he rests his forehead against yours with a smile. " As long as you're mine, I don't care if you're a boy or a girl. With that said, I'm still gonna treat you like a king ~ " THAT had you giggling like an idiot.
" Angelcakes~!! " Mikey all but yells as you make your way into the lair. Hopping over the couch (and his brother in the process), you're soon scooped up into a near bone-crushing hug. " M-Mikey! Can't breathe! " you wheeze out. " Oh! Oh no I'm sorry! " putting you down, he runs his hands over your sides apologetically -- but stops when he feels something under your shirt. " Hey - whats this? " he asks. Smiling nervously, you pat his shoulder before whispering. " We might want to go to your room for this. " THAT got him excited (for reasons that shant be explained), and he all but practically dragged you. The others sat in the livingroom - a little disappointed since there'd be a chance you both wouldn't be coming back for the movie night. Fortunately for them, they were wrong.
Upon entering the orange-clad turtles room, he was already trying to eagerly love all over you. Which, you shut down quickly when you muffled him with a pillow -- rather comically. " Mikey! " you giggle. " As much as I wish we were here for that, I asked us here for a more important reason. " A small 'aww' comes from within the pillow before you remove it. Mikey has a pout on his face, but you could tell his attention was all on you.
Sighing heavily, you move to sit on the edge of his bed, and he follows. Baby blues filled with concern at the sudden seriousness you gave off. " Okay...Mikey, what I'm wearing is a binder. I'm not a girl anymore -- this is to help me on my way to being a man. A male. Remember that slump I went through? When I wasn't coming around as often? It wasn't because of you or your brothers -- I was going through something called 'gender dysphoria'. I was depressed because I felt I wasn't in the right body. I don't...I don't feel like a woman. I feel like a man. Therefore, I'm working to become one. " You explain. You knew he could be a little slow at times, so you elaborated more on what your situation was.
Mikey, on the other hand, sat there with a blank stare for an uncomfortable amount of time. You began to shift about, nervous he didn't like this new change you were going throguh. But, then he smiled! A big smile, and he gently takes your hands into his. " I don't know what you see, but what I see is a strong, handsome young man! A man, in which I'm so deeply, truly, wholeheartedly in love with ~! " and to accentuate his point, he begins to pepper you in loving kisses. Laughing happily, you wrap your arms around his neck and press a kiss to his snout. " How did I get so lucky? " you ask. Which he returns with " I should be asking that. " Scooping you up, he runs back to the livingroom, yelling. " GUUYS, I'VE GOT A BOYFRIEND! ~ "
/ / And THAT concludes pt2 of the female to male 'coming out' scenarios! I'll be coming out with a male to female pt 1 soon! For now, I do hope you enjoyed these cute lil stories with such sweet boys. I'll see you guys in the next story! ~ Arrow / /
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Leonardo Fanfiction- Oneshot
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"I'm gonna kill you guys!!!" Leo's yell echoed all the way through the halls. When you step inside the lair, you're a bit confused. That is until you see all three turtles running out of Leo's room laughing. Mikey catches you on his way out. "Hey (Y/N)!!" He's not able to say much more, because he's already disappeared with his brothers. You can only imagine what they've gotten up to. When you get to Leo's room, you peek your head in, and the sight of him tied to his bed almost knocks the air right out of you. His arms are held over his head, and the rope that they've used to keep him bound is doing its job. You can see him struggling, and the action just makes his muscles bulge. So, it was no secret you had a thing for the blue bandana turtle. Well, you suppose it was. Only April really knew about it. Which is why she constantly badgered you to make a move.
"L-Leo?" when he sees you his eyes light up. "(Y/N)! Hey can you help me out of this. Raph and the others thought it would be a funny joke. Just wait until I get free." He's already plotting his punishment, and you smile at the fatherly manner that Leo acts. You sort of get why Splinter appointed him the leader.
Despite Raph's assumption that Leo is the favourite, you know it's more about maturity. Each of them have their own traits that make them unique. Leo's is the air of authority that just oozes around him. He's the voice of reason, and he always puts the interest of what's best for his family before himself. That's probably what's so attractive in your eyes. His effortless selflessness.
You walk in slowly. As you do so you're about to climb up the side and reach over, but from the angle of the bed, and his desk close by, it's near impossible. Leo notices your predicament.
"Maybe you should climb over me." It's completely innocent, he's not trying anything you know that, still, you can't help your mind from straying to that. So you obey, hesitantly climbing unto the bed. You inch up, hooking your legs on either side of his waist, apologizing when you almost tumble on top of him. Leo just offers a smile, and you lean over to make quick work at taking out the knots of the rope. You try to keep your eyes focused on the task, if only to distract you.
"She smells really good.." Leo hasn't failed to notice you, although it may seem like it. When you came into their lives it was unexpected, now it's come to the point when he can't imagine not seeing your face on a regular basis. He's been trying to tell himself that there's nothing that could ever happen. You don't even see him as more than a friend, maybe even a brother. Just the thought makes him grimace. He certainly didn't see you in a platonic manner. With his hands restricted, he's silently thinking that being tied up isn't that bad. When he hears the little grunts of frustration, he looks up. "Is everything okay?" you nod, sticking your tongue out. "Yeah I just, these ties are really good. How the hell did they manage to do this?"
He's a bit embarrassed, but it was three against one. He doesn't want to admit he was caught off guard. He's a ninja. Stealth and alertness is part of his life. When he doesn't answer, you look at him, and at that moment he does the same. Your gazes meet, and it's like you don't even remember that you should be working at the ties.
Leo leans up slightly, as much as the ropes will permit. And the action makes you slide down a little, now he's face to face with you, and you're unable to utter a word. "I think maybe I let my guard down before.." he mutters. You don't even process that he's answering your previous question. "That's bad.." you mumble back. Your dazed look brings a small smile to Leo's lips.
"Sometimes it isn't that bad." you're praying that the statement has more meaning. Your question seems answered when he leans in slowly. Your breathing is shallow, and you just stay still, because you're terrified if you move, then this will all go away. As he inches closer, you close your eyes to anticipate it. When your lips connect, your brows knit, completely taken. Leo doesn't deepen, or push too much. It's just a gentle brushing of lips. You still can't believe it.
"Donnie!!" April's voice rings, and you jolt, staring at Leo in surprise.
"Donnie I need you to-" before you can move, April is already standing in front of the door. When she sees the situation she gapes. You're not sure what to say. How could you explain that this wasn't what she might be assuming.
"S-Sorry! I'll give you guys some space." She darts away, and you fumble.
"N-No April it isn't what it looks like!!"
This would be interesting.
Leo has been freed, and Splinter has taken it upon himself to enlist the punishment. A few hours in the hashi. Leo's is grinning the entire time as he watches his brothers walk to some very painful hours of training. "Raph made me!" Mikey calls out in an attempt to escape.
"It was your idea dumnut!!" He whacks him over the head, and you laugh, watching them trail off. Now, it's just you, Leo and April. He notices, clearing his throat, making the excuse that he has to tend to his bonsai tree. As he's going to leave, there's a brief moment when he looks your way. His eyes are so distracting, and piercing. It's not even a full minute, and you have to direct your eyes elsewhere to keep your heart under control. When he's out of sight, you're able to think straight. It's then that you catch the look on April's face.
"You sly dog, so his brother's tie him up and you take advantage of the poor guy. " you shake your head with flushed cheeks. "T-That's not what happened!" you protest. April just folds her hands, waiting for an explanation. "Details, come on!" you sigh, there isn't anyway for you to escape this. You pull her to the couch, Hopefully sitting will help settle your nerves.
"I was just trying to help him out of the ropes. But then he..he leaned in April. He initiated it. I was so shocked, I can't even remember if I responded." you press your hands to your cheeks.
"Is it stupid of me to assume that he likes me, even just a little."
"Trust me (Y/N), I know a lot about guys, and Leo's he's one of the most decent ones you'll meet. And he isn't even human." you giggle. "Honestly, I think he feels the same way you do. But you know Leo, he puts duty and family above all else. I'm shocked he was the one that made the first move. I think you're going to have to initiate the next one. I'm sorry I barged in, maybe things would have gotten spicier~" you flush hitting her arm, which she just laughs in return.
"Just tell him how you feel, everything else will just fall in." With a deep breath, you nod. Although it would be a bit difficult, maybe she was right. He did kiss you, so that counted for something.
April stuck around waiting to ask for some assistance from Donnie. You've been alone with your thoughts for a while, trying to mentally prep yourself for the upcoming conversation with Leo. You've buzzed by his room at least six times, but whenever you get close you'd chicken out. Finally tired of your cowardice, you stomp over there, knocking. You stand there waiting patiently for him to open up, and as the seconds fly by, you're a little less sure.
"What the hell am I doing! I can't do this!" you're about to take off, hopefully before he answers. Luck isn't on your side, because the door swings open, and you swear Leo's nervous, almost like he's been expecting this.
"Leo I...we..I think that...you know?" It's not even an actual sentence, but he gets the message, ushering you inside. He closes the door, and you're now facing him again. You don't know whether to sit or stand. The bed is a bit too daunting right now.
Leo's not really looking at you. It doesn't really help.
"I just thought we should, you know, talk about earlier." he knows that's why you're here. What scares him is the prospect of losing you. All because he was unable to control himself.
"I'm sorry (Y/N). I really shouldn't have done that." You blink. "What?"
He shakes his head. "It was a mistake. I hope we can still be friends. "
"Friends." Just the word shatters you. So it was all imagined. He'd never intended to kiss you. Maybe it was just him getting lost in the moment. Whatever it was, he obviously doesn't think it was right. Your head lowers, and you want to cry, but you know that'll just make Leo feel bad. You weren't sure you could take his pity right now. "Well, y-yeah sure. I-I'm glad we talked this over."
It's important that you get out as quickly as possibly. Maybe find April so you can cry your eyes out. As your hand grabs the knob, Leo takes your wrist. "Wait (Y/N)." you turn slowly, not too sure you want to hear anymore. If he says friends again you'll break down right there.
"I lied, I don't want us to just be friends." you pause, confused and a little angry. Was he messing with you?
"I know I just said that's what I want but it's not true. Friends don't wake up every morning thinking about the way you smile. Or how you make even the baggiest sweatshirts look absolutely stunning. Friends don't make the other person's heart beat like crazy every time you walk into the room, or look at me.."
You're the one who's heart beat has gone crazy at Leo's confession.
"I do value our friendship, more than anything else, but I also want something more. I kept telling myself it was wrong to kiss you like that. I should have asked permission. I felt like I took advantage of you." It's funny, because he was the one who was tied up at that moment.
"If you feel even a fraction of what I feel for you, then I'd like to try and be maybe something more. I-If that's what you want too of course." You know a confession like that is risky, especially in his case. He's already kissed you, so he must assume he's threading in dangerous water. It's quite the opposite.
"That's all I've ever really wanted Leo." His face illuminates so much light, and you wouldn't be surprised if you have a similar expression. His hand slips from your wrist, and he takes your hand in his. The feeling is indescribable. You smile up at him, glowing, and pulling him to the bed to take a seat. He's following your lead, probably the first situation he's a follower, and not a leader. You scoot closer to him and he isn't very sure how to proceed. 
He knows you won't mind if he kisses you, but he's sort of anticipating your kiss. He wants you to take control. When you lean in, he does the same, and you join in the middle. A sweet little kiss. It's so innocent, the way your lips move against his. He supposes that's something else he loves about you. You're innocent. His mindset is somewhat of an adult, he had to be to protect his family. But when he's with you, he feels like a kid again. A teenager. This is what normal teenagers do. They have relationships, fall in love.
He's far from normal, but that doesn't stop him from enjoying the normalcy he can get whenever it presents itself. You're pulling away, and he does too, just a little. He wants to see your face. You're flushed cheeks, puckered lips. It's a sight that drives him wild. He's shocked when you jump into his lap, pushing him backwards and pinning his wrists to the bed. You're not wearing a cocky smirk, no, far from it. You look almost hypnotized. Like you're in a haze. Leo gulps, not prepared for this progression.
"When you were tied up earlier, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about all the things I wanted to do to you. " One of your hands trail from his wrist, going down his body, over his chest, down his torso. Leo has to force himself to stay quiet. Against his will, he releases a soft groan. He knows he can easily get out of your hold. You aren't a challenge for him. But at the moment, he doesn't want to. He's never been in such a position. 
Even though you haven't overpowered him physically, you have done so in every other aspect. Your words have informed him that maybe he misread you. You're not as entirely innocent as he's believed. That excites him. "You can do whatever you want (Y/N)." You look back at him, and the need in his eyes, it almost rivals yours. Those words, that's all you need. You reclaim his lips, and Leo is happy to return it, lost in how heavenly your body feels, pressed to his. He's been captured, with no escape. And he doesn't really want to. He'd gladly be your hostage anyday.
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A Million Dreams ~ TMNT 2012 Human AU Fanfic
April O'Neil was running, running from robotic droids that were after her, and her younger sister Iris. The Droids were gaining on them. April was carrying her younger sister, who was wrapped in a cloak so the droids didn't get her. April's red hair that was usually in a ponytail, was partly out as she was running. Her usual outfit that she usually wore was ripped in several places due to several sharp things. " April? "Iris asked. April held her sister close. "Don't worry Iris, I'll keep you safe." She promised, kissing the top of her cloak where her head was.
The droids were getting closer, the robotic footsteps could be heard behind them. "Give us what we want. "One of the droids said, extracting a laser from its hand, proceeding to shoot April and Iris.
April ducked her head, clutching Iris close. The droids kept shooting them, but luckily April kept them both safe. She finally made it to a alleyway, luckily the droids didn't go inside so She had just enough time to set her sister down and explain to her in the best way she could what was about to happen. Iris looked at her sister, her blue eyes staring at her in concern. Her hair colour matched her sister, only her hair was a lot shorter than hers, it framed her face quite nicely. She was wearing a lilac dungaree dress, with a white T-shirt underneath, her shoes, a old pair of sneakers that April found in the dump that were just about fitting her. She fiddled with one of her dungaree straps nervously waiting for whatever her older sister had to tell her.
" Iris, I need to take you somewhere. Somewhere where the droids won't get you. I know it's a place where I can take you."
"But what about you April? Won't the droids get you?" Iris asked worriedly. April takes her hand, squeezing it tightly. "Don't worry I'll be safe. But we can't be together anymore, we have to be apart so that the droids will only search for one of us. They've already captured dad, I don't want them capturing you too. So, that's why, I'm going to take you somewhere where the droids won't bother looking. I'm going to keep you safe I promise. So come with me, I know where to take you."
Iris quietly obeyed her sister, as she picked her up and put the cloak over her. She ran out of the alleyway, looking left and right to make sure the droids hadn't followed, luckily they hadn't. April kept running, until she finally made it to the old rundown building a couple of streets over. She set Iris down, putting her hand on her shoulders, forcing the girl to look up at her. "April, I don't wanna lose you. "Iris sobs, April pulled Iris into a hug, proceeding to sing to her.
"Every night I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world we're gonna make...." April sang softly, hugging her sister tight.
Sirens could be heard in the distance. The police. April quickly pushed her sister to the door, giving her her plush doll, which was actually hers when she was little. She knocked on the door, quickly a kind woman answered the door. “Please. “April begged. The woman smiled concerningly, guiding the young girl Close to her. “What about you, dear? “The woman asked. April shook her head adamantly. “I can’t. I’m being hunted, my dad has already been captured, and it looks like I’m next. I needed to keep my little sister Iris safe, so please! Look after her. “ The woman nodded as though this was a complete and utter normal circumstance for her. “Of course. I’ll keep her as safe as I can.” The woman promised. April looked at her gratefully, giving Iris another hug, probably her last.
“Iris, sweetie, I have to go okay? I have to go and hide, I love you. Be a good girl for me, okay? Do everything the nice lady says.”
Iris nodded. Trying to suppress tears. “Okay sissy, I’ll be a good girl… I love you too. “ Iris hugs her Big Sister, hugging her tight, squeezing every last hug that she could. “She’s over here! “One of the droids shout. April quickly pulled away, taking off her necklace and giving it to Iris. April quickly ran off, leaving Iris and the orphanage owner. The orphanage owner turned to her, bending down, helping her put the necklace on. “I’m Miss Lily, and like I said to your sister, I’ll take care of you, okay? “Iris nodded.
Lily guided Iris in to the orphanage, The orphanage had long corridors, lots of different rooms presumably filled with other children and teenagers. She guided Iris to a room the furthest down the hallway, Lily knocked on it, causing someone with brown hair and blue eyes to answer it. “Miss Lily? “The boy asked, tilting his head in confusion.
“ sorry to wake you, Leo,” Lily apologised. “But, someone brought their sister to me, it appears they are being hunted and they didn’t want the same outcome for their younger sister.” She gestures to Iris. “Will you get her settled with your brothers? “Lily asked politely. “Of course Miss Lily.” The boy named Leo said, gesturing Iris inside of his shared room with his siblings. “I’ll be back with some pyjamas for Iris in a moment.” She said to Leo who nodded. “Would you like anything to eat?” Lily offers, Iris nodded her head slowly. “Alright sweetie, I’ll go get you some pyjamas and some food, okay? Go ahead and settle with Leo and his brothers and make yourself comfortable, I’ll be back shortly.” Iris and Leo both nodded, as the other gestured her in, shutting the door behind him.
“Woah, Who’s the new girl?” A angry voice asked.
Iris was shaking, hiding behind Leo.” Raphael, don’t scare her like that! Miss Lily said we had to take care of her, her sister is being hunted, and she doesn’t want her younger sister to be hunted also.”
Raphael folded his arms. “Okay… So what does this have to do with us exactly?” Leo facepalmed. “What part of ‘her sister is being hunted, and she doesn’t want her younger sister to be hunted also’ don’t you understand?”
Raphael rolled his eyes. “I perfectly understood it Leonardo, I’m not stupid. “
A boy wearing purple pyjamas and working on a laptop on the other side of the room, snorted. “That is the biggest lie ever, Raph, you know that. “He said, continuing to type something, before shutting his laptop down and putting it away. He walked over, bending down in front of Iris
“ sorry about my big brothers, they can be mean. I’m Donatello, but you can just call me Donnie.” He responded in a calm and gentle voice
Iris stepped out from behind Leo, walking in front of Donnie. “I-I’m I-Iris.” Iris replied on the verge of tears. Donatello hugged her. “Shhh, it’s okay Iris… It’s okay...” Donnie comforted. “ this is a big change for you, isn’t it? But don’t worry. Miss Lily is really really nice, she and us will take care of you, okay?” Iris nodded her head, hugging into him more.
“ how old are you Iris?”
“4.” She responded, as Donnie was holding her on his lap, rubbing her back.
“Ah, so your two years younger than Mikey then! “Leonardo said excitedly. The boy named Mikey lept out of bed at the mention of his name, racing over and cannonballing himself into Iris in a hug. Iris quickly pulled away, starting to get upset and overwhelmed. Donnie cradled her in his arms, kissing the top of her forehead. “It’s okay, Mikey just got a bit excited, that’s all. He didn’t mean to. “He comforted and Iris nodded.
Lily soon knocked on the door. Leo opened the door.
“ I brought you some pyjamas sweetie, I’m not sure which colour you would like but I brought some options for you. I have some food cooking for you in the microwave, so I’ll bring it as soon as it’s finished, Leo will show you to the bathroom so you can get changed and freshen up, okay?” Iris nodded. Lily nodded, leaving the room to check on Iris’s meal.
Leonardo gestured her to the room. “ would you like Donnie to help you? These pyjamas can be quite difficult.” Iris nodded, as Donnie followed her. As he picked up the several pairs of pyjamas that Lily had offered, taking them into the bathroom. Iris following closely behind.
Once in the bathroom and the light turned on. Iris could see the bathroom was a very bright white colour with cute cartoon character decals, most of them ranging from the hit TV show Space Heroes. Iris looked around the room examining every inch of the room, from the toiletries, to the four toothbrushes Soon to be fine sitting in a cupholder all in their presumably favourite colours. Hearing Donatello sit down placing several pairs of pyjamas on the floor, Iris was brought out of her trance, looking over all of them.
“ which one?” Donatello whispered. Iris stared at all of them.
“ The periwinkle one please.” She whispered quietly, The boy opposite her nodded. Helping her slowly take off her dungaree dress, he gently and carefully unbuttoned as she was shaking.
She missed April.
She missed her so much.
By the time she had even five minutes to process any of this, Donatello, the sweet boy that he was, had already helped her into her pyjamas. But she didn’t remember that, all she remembered was her putting her legs up, to get the dress off, and then putting her legs up again to put the pyjama pants on.
“You okay there, dove?” He asked. Dove? She’s never been called that, ever. Her breathing was getting very difficult right now, her eyes started to dart around the room, looking anywhere but the boy in front of her.
“Iris.” Donatello said sternly yet gently. “Can you look at me? Look at me, right at me. We’re going to focus on something together, okay?” She nodded, her vocal chords deciding to shut down. She stared at one of the details on the wall Donatello’s gaze following her,
“Atta girl.” Donnie Said softly. “Try and match my breathing, okay? “
Several breathing exercises later, Iris was a lot more calm, in that time, the boy opposite her head and managed to check her vitals, to make sure it was nothing other than a panic attack from everything she experienced. Iris still wasn’t talking, Donatello still crouched on the floor gripping her hands, rubbing them in slow calming motions.
Iris tried to speak, her mouth moving, but no sound emanated. It looked like she was lip syncing, her head was all static, all she could just about see was Donatello staring up at her an mixture of worry and concern on his features, as he gently, ever so gently rubbed her hands in calming motions to ease her breathing.
“ April… “She whispered.
“Who?” Donnie asked.
“A-April, my sister. “Iris said.
Oh. Oh. That’s why she was managing? Her sister.
“You miss her, huh?” Donnie presumed.
“Yeah.” Iris replies, scouring her clothes for the necklace. Donatello found it, kindly putting it on for her “is this to remember her?” He presumed again. She nodded, taking his offering hand as he led them out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Glaring at Raphael, as his lips were about to make a not so nice remark. “Don’t even try, Raphael. “ Donnie said, guiding little Iris to his bed where a tray of not long cooked super noodles was waiting for her, with a tiny packet of chips, some cookies, and some fruit. He gestured her to sit down, handing her the tray as she sat down, as he sat next to her.
Once finished, Mikey quickly took the plate to the kitchen, coming back and not even a minute later to tell everyone that she did it. “Great job Mikey, thanks for helping. Now, I really think it’s time for bed. We’ve had a lovely day, well, not a long day, but a long night. As for Iris, she certainly has had a long day.” Leo said, sad girl was nearly asleep. Donnie smiled, pulling the almost asleep girl onto his lap, kissing her forehead lightly. He shuffled onto the bed, with Iris still in his lap.
He quickly got out his headphones, gently slipping them on Iris’s tiny little ears, playing calming Music to keep her relaxed.
Donnie lay down, pulling Iris close to him. I was mild, looking at Donnie as she slept peacefully. Yeah. Things would be okay, she would be safe, they would protect her. April would be safe. Just as she promised.
Hi! I hope you enjoyed my first TMNT 2012 fanfic! This is the first chapter! I apologise if I get them OOC, I just like them as a younger version of themselves. Because let’s be honest, they are so cute. I know the chapter kind of sucks. But I tried.
Now I’m going to tell you how old they are
April is 16 (the same age as in the show)
Iris is 4
Leo is 10
Donnie is 9
Raph is 8
Mikey is 6
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imma-lil-teapot · 5 years
Which Turtle I’d Get Along Best With :)
This is actually in response to @aurora-the-kunoichi ‘s  post = 
Ignoring the facts on why they are your favorite turtle based on looks and character traits. Based on your personality alone who do you think you would get alone with the best and give me reasons.
I was going to respond to it in the comments, but found the more I thought about it, the more indepth I wanted to actually go into the subject, and it’s been a while since I posted something of my own (sorta) so here we go~
Also, please beware the typos and errors. They bite.
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A few things before we start... (Feel free to skip if you’re really not interested, it’s cool) ;)
-- Since a Bay!verse gif was used in the original post (points up), those are the Turts I’m going with in response to the post. :)
-- I have a handful of personal issues that I’m going to take into account when considering which guy I’d get along with best, namely: social anxiety and awkwardness, depression, panic attacks and low self esteem.
-- The general comfort setting I assume is during after the initial reaction of meeting them. So the friendship is still in its early stages but past the ‘OMGOSH, GIANT, TALKING, EXTREMELY BUFF, TURTLES WITH WEAPONS’ phase.
-- I really wanted to talk a bit about each one and how I’d feel around them, so how this is gonna work is basically least comfortable (first) to most comfortable (last) and of course as to why. :)
-- Please don’t think for a second that I dislike any of them based on this! I ADORE all of these boys (even though I do have a fav) and I fully believe that just about anyone (with good intentions) can get along with all of them and vice versa, even if it were to take a while (I’m looking at you, Raph ;P). I don’t see these boys being especially hostile to anyone without good reasoning, but like with all friendships, it takes time. 
And with that outta the way~ (Drum roll)
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Aww, Mr. Big Cuddly Teddy Bear himself? Why would I be the least comfortable around ol’ Red? Perhaps because, first of all, his SIZE!! :O Yeah, technically, Donnie’s slightly taller, and granted, they’re all pretty gigantic, but Raph’s on a whole other level! Skip shoulder day? I think not! And here I am, 5′1′’ and have to look to the sky to see this hulking mass staring down at me with such a piercing gaze and a toothpick poking out of his lips... Yeah, that social anxiety and shyness I spoke of earlier would be busy wetting itself whenever I’d be in the general vicinity of Raphie-Boy. Now let’s get real for a sec, it’s not like Raph’s gonna have a Leatherhead moment and turn savage at the sight of me, but in my irrational mindset, from his displayed temper and the way he goes at that punching bag, he could at any time... Not to mention how he often butts heads with Leo. It would take quite a while to completely dispel the tension and discomfort I’d be in whenever I’m around him. Maybe even a few years since I get really nervous around others that show a lot of anger and physical irritation. I’d definitely feel like he’d find me a bother, irritating or in the way a lot, even though he probably wouldn’t really since he tolerates a lot from others, but that’s just how I’d interpret his actions from my own point of view and I’d always try to stay a little clear of him for the most part. Seriously, I adore you, Raph, but you’d scare the cr@p outta me. :O
On a brighter note, I would admire his dedication to his family, his heroic actions and just the way he works out all the time. But you know, just from... afar. :) At least for a while until I got use to him more, then we might even hit it off after that!
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Sorry Boi Blue. :’( You may be my fav, but I’d be an awkward mess around you. Now I dunno if the favoritism would hold true if I were to meet them in reality (there’s still a good chance it would), but like with Raph, Leo’s someone I’d admire from afar, though the nervousness wouldn’t be as hectic as with his younger brother in red since Leo doesn’t tend to display it as much and not in the same fashion. I tend to have a good amount of respect for authoritative figures (or at least I try to) and he’d be no exception to that rule, but because of this, I’d both enjoy and dread our little interactions for the fear of saying something stupid or to annoy him in anyway, even though I’d probably enjoy his presence since he’s someone to look up to (and no, that wasn’t a short joke ;P ) and to feel protected by. Again, I’d feel like a burden and an annoyance to him but unlike with Raph, I would have to at least open my mouth first to get that same amount of discomfort with him as opposed to Raph... That last sentence wasn’t meant to sound NSFW, just FYI. ;P But with Leo, I think I’d actually try and work around that amount of nerves to get into his good books since he’s proven he can be a bit more on the gentlemanly side so I feel I’d stand a better chance with him... But still pretty nervy and that is why he’s in the no.3 spot. Sorry, Leader Boy. :’(
Up side, the admiration is strong. Leaders have a lot upon their shoulders to bear so that alone puts him in high respects in my eyes. Not mention I’d be in complete awe whenever watching him practicing with his katanas and performing katas... I promised myself I wouldn’t fangirl, but DAYUM, BOI! It’s getting awful warm in the sewer~ Expect applause and compliments after practice! ;P
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Despite us talking about the smartest Turtle, this one’s a no-brainer, really. :) Don’s a sweetheart so I think someone would really have to try their best to get this pacifist to at least not tolerate them. That’s not to say he doesn’t have enemies - like Shredder and Krang of course - but as long you’re not posing a threat to his family, friends, the innocent or the earth, I think you’re pretty much A-okay to him. He’d without a doubt be the brother I’d feel most comfortable around after the first as he seems to take into consideration the feelings and reactions of others and is just pretty laid back in general, not really loud and ranty and for that, I’d definitely feel more at ease around. Plus, he has a bit of a fun and quirky side that comes out every now and then. Heck, even a little bit of a potty mouth. X’D Don is definitely the one I’d go to for advice on just about anything, or just to share random information and trivia with. I feel he’d be a great listener, share his own opinions in a gentle fashion, provide heartfelt solutions and just genuinely be ready to help where he’s needed. Heck, he may even try to engage me in some simple tasks like helping him with a gadget he’s busy whipping up... This is however where the comfort will start to wobble: Don-Bon’s a genius, and I’m intimidated by brilliance of the mind. :( I’d start to feel compelled to stop talking to him after a while for the sheer sake of seeming too dense to be in his presence, especially if he were to start explaining equations and science related topics. His brilliant mindset would be too much for me to bear so I think I’d probably not spend too much time around him. That’s not to say the others aren’t smart, heck, but Don’s on a whole other playing field!
Other than that, I definitely would feel comfortable around this sweetie nerd. He’s adorable! Even though the brilliance is what scares me, I would in turn be in awe of it. :) He’s a regular Einstein and then some with a lovely personality to boot! 
When there’s something strange, 
with your home wi-fi,
Who ya gonna call?
*Is boo’d off the stage* X’D
And finally~
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*Lets off balloons and streamers* Well, what a surprise, am I right? ;P Raise your hand if you saw it coming! :)
But seriously though, there wasn’t much to question; Mikey’s easily the one I’d gravitate towards first and feel most at ease around. :) He’s so laid back, fun, non-judgmental, accommodating, sweet, hilarious and charming, just to name a few things! What can I say, the youngest brother of the Turts is adorable and I genuinely feel I’d get along quite well with him. <3 With all my own personal baggage, he seems like the one that would be most patient and understanding with me if anything was to surface, and he’d be so chilled about it or even joke around in a non-offensive manner to help ease the tension. That’s something I’d really appreciate with him, especially in certain situations. His goofiness could quell any nerves, that’s for sure. Even though I’m no prankster of any note whatsoever, if he were to rope me into a very harmless and innocent one here and there, I’d probably be game for it, so the two of us would probably have quite a bit of fun together. Watching movies together too, with pizza, of course! Even laughing at him showing/goofing-off during training. 
So yeah, Mikey’s hands down my go-to Turtle boy in terms of comfort level, emotional support and just about everything in that relation. I see no reason as to why I’d not get along with him. He’s just a really great guy whom I feel would really go out of his way to make any human with good intentions feel welcome in his family. Someone who’s really in tune with others’ feelings and emotions and would try to help them when needed in the best way he could think of. A real cutie-pie with a heart of gold who just wants to fit in with the rest of the world. Someone who wouldn’t really care what the person looked like as long as they meant well. That’s Mikey for you, and the one I’d probably be most comfortable around! :D 
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And there we have it! :) Definitely a fun and enjoyable post to type up! Although the ‘winner’ was a clear cut choice, it really got me thinking how I’d feel around the other three so am really glad I got around to doing this. :) Also, I’m sure @aurora-the-kunoichi​ would love to see more people respond to the question so if you’re interested, feel free to respond to it. ;) 
Thanks for reading~
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fanfic-inator795 · 6 years
RotTMNT Oneshot: Winter Nights
Summary:  It can be hard dealing with all the snow and the cold, especially for four little turtles. But, even the harshest times of the year can still bring light and joy - their father will make sure of that.
((This story is also posted on AO3. Unfortunately I can’t provide a link since Tumblr’s still being weird about links showing up in tags, but if you can, please hop over there and give this story a kudos or a comment. Anyway, enjoy! ^v^))
Even with how deep they were underground, he could hear the wind howling above. His hearing was much sharper now, thanks to the mutation… Though, if he was being honest, he was more thankful for the warm fur covering his body than the increased strength in his senses. Especially now, with four small, cold bodies clinging to him.
Lou Jitsu sighed, watching his breath form a cloud in front of him before evaporating. Taking a moment to pull the thick blanket tighter around him, he then started absentmindedly petting the head of one of his boys, though he wasn’t really sure which one. Not that it really mattered, he was pretty sure none of them could feel it anyway.
He had been afraid - completely and utterly terrified - the morning he had been unable to wake any of his sons up. However, a bit of research gave him some relief, and he prayed that they would all wake up as happy and healthy as usual once the hibernation season was over. But until then, all he could do was hold them and keep them warm.
“What I wouldn’t give for a kotatsu right now,” Lou mumbled, resting his tired head against the cold metal of the sewer pipe, “Or maybe just a strong drink…” If only he could fall into his own hibernation… Just fall into a deep, peaceful sleep and forget all his troubles.
Underneath the blanket, he felt a couple of his sons start to shiver. So, he sat up and hunched over the small bodies in his lap, protecting the baby turtles as best he could.
Above them, people cheered and screamed despite the cold, with the bright lights and the city-wide celebration being more than enough to tempt most into braving the harsh winds and frigid temperatures.
“Why’re we so sleepy all the time now, Papa?”
“Because it’s winter,” Lou answered simply, “And you are turtles. Turtles get sleepy in the winter. Remember that picture book I gave you?”
Donatello pouted. Of course he remembered, he had read that book back and forth looking for answers, and had only found simple statements. “But why? Why do we have to be so sleepy in winter?” He stumbled forward, clinging tightly to his father’s robe and acting more like the youngest of their family rather than the second oldest. “It’s not fair… I don’t wanna sleep…”
Lou patted the softshell’s head. “I know you are frustrated, Purple, but winter will be over soon.”
“Not soon enough,” the boy pouted. Knowing he wouldn’t be in the mood to walk, Lou picked him up and carried him over to the heat lamp that had been set up in the corner of the small, stone room. The lamp had been a miracle of a find, as were the small space heaters he had managed to discover and fix up before the city dump had been almost completely covered in snow. But, even with there being plenty of heat sources, it still wasn’t warm enough to keep his boys awake, nor were the lamps and heaters comforting enough to keep them from wanting to cuddle up next to their rat-dad at least once a day.
As he got closer to the cuddle pile, he could see that Donnie wasn’t the only one awake. While Mikey and Leo were happily sleeping the season away, Raphael was lying on his back, looking restless and annoyed. Lou made sure to give him a couple pats as well.
“Why can’t we move somewhere with no winter, Pop?” Raph asked. He tried to stand up, but only managed to sit up before flopping back down on his stomach.
“The only parts of this country that are warm this time of the year are miles and miles away,” Lou tried to explain, “And by the time we arrived there, winter would be over, and it would be time to go back home.”
“I know what that’s called,” Donnie said, perking his head up slightly, “From the book! It’s called… migrasin, or something...”
“Well I wanna migrasin!” Raph demanded, giving his father the sternest (yet sleepiest) glare he could muster. It was adorable, but Lou held back a smile, not wanting to make the four year old’s mood worse.
“Maybe next winter. Now come on, back in bed, both of you.” There were a few protests and a couple sobs, but eventually his two oldest sons settled down, sleeping alongside their brothers as their father began singing a simple Japanese lullaby to them.
Still, as his gentle voice echoed through their temporary home, the rat-man couldn’t help but feel pity for his sons, and hoped that this year’s winter would be a short one…
“...They sorta look like… sparkles.”
“Yeah, cold sparkles! How does somethin’ so small make it so cold?!”
“I think it looks pretty!”
“And look, it turned into water in my hand!”
“I thought you already learned that, Dee.”
“I did! But this is the first time seein’ it happen! And if it gets cold enough, it’ll turn back into ice! Isn’t that neat?!”
“Yeah, it’s really cool. Ice cool ~”
“What are you boys doing?” Lou - now called Splinter occasionally by his kids - asked. He tried to look stern, but amused smirk still crept onto his face as the turtles sheepishly moved away from the open sewer grate. Thanks to the bright light from the street lamps, he could see small flakes of snow fall through the grate and onto the metal floor of their sewer domain.
“We were just… checkin’ out the snow,” Raph explained, kicking his foot slightly, “Cause, I thought it was just rain, an’ then Leo said that he thought it was snow, so we had ‘ta double check and… We wanted to see the snow.”
“It’s really pretty!” Mikey repeated, his eyes practically sparkling. Splinter chuckled. He had a feeling there would be quite a few snowflakes drawn on the walls of their home in the next few weeks, courtesy of the young box-turtle artist.
“And so small!” “Really REALLY small!” the twins exclaimed. “It’s so weird!” “But so cool!” “Stop using that joke, Leon!” “Make me, Don- *yawn* nie…”
The rat’s smile fell slightly. “...Come on, you four. Home is just down this pipe.” And this time, he would be standing behind them, to make sure there was no more wandering off. Though, just because he could only see their backsides didn’t mean he couldn’t still see their disappointment…
As soon as they were in their home, he gave each of them a sweater or hoodie to wear to bed before sending them off to their rooms. With a bit of luck, winter wouldn’t completely hit for a couple more weeks, giving him time to prepare - and his kids a bit more time to play. But…
“It still won’t be enough,” he mumbled to himself, his ears folding down low.
New York winters were particularly harsh, it seemed. Always cold, always lasting for months, and never turtle-friendly - especially not for turtles who were old enough that they didn’t need all day naps. Turtles who were old enough and energetic enough to desire more than just a couple hours a day for playtime, especially now that they were starting to discover various interests and favorite things to do. Turtles who were absolutely miserable this time of year, no matter how much comfort Splinter tried to give them or how many Christmas decorations he scavenged in order to bring cheer to their home.
He clenched his fists, tail twitching slightly in agitation. He had to do something about this… He needed to do something for his boys! Rat or not, Lou Jitsu certainly wasn’t about to let this cruel season hold his family hostage for yet another year!
So, as soon as he was sure his boys were tucked in and sleeping away, he got to work.
It was late, nearly midnight, but even the lively Big Apple seemed to be at peace. Most of the city’s citizens were tucked into their beds, grateful that there was no evening snow to shovel. The sky was clear as well, with there only being a slight icy breeze felt in the air. Still, as pleasant as the weather was, it was still winter - still a season of snow and ice and freezing cold.
Naturally, this cold was felt throughout the vast urban landscape, even in its deepest sewers…
“Daaaad, why do we gotta go out tonight anyway?” Leon pouted. He leaned on his twin, who begrudgingly refrained from pushing him away, if only so he wouldn't have to take his hands out of the sleeves of his coat.
Splinter glanced back at the boy, his eyes slightly hidden under the cabbie beret he was wearing. “You said you were bored, did you not?”
“Well yeah but, that doesn't mean I wanna help with chores…” Leo quietly retorted. Sure, he hated being stuck all season, but whatever his father was planning didn't exactly seem like a great alternative.
“Me neither… Especially when it's so cold above,” Donnie added, already bracing himself for the bitter cold as he and his family began walking into the tunnel. He tucked his chin under his scarf, wishing that he could go all the way inside his shell like his youngest brother could. “We should’a waited until I finished my new machine! It'll be able to dig through dumpsters and junk yards for us so we don't have to get our hands cold!”
“Then it is a good thing that tonight is not a scavenging night.”
The two five year olds blinked. ...Well, this made sense, they supposed. After all they still had plenty of food, as well as a couple toys they had managed to find. And thanks to their father having spent weeks gathering up abandoned costs and blankets for them all before the real snowstorms started to hit, there was nothing else they really needed. “So why are we going up then?” the purple turtle inquired, not liking being confused, “And WHERE are we going?!”
“You shall see, Purple One. Just a bit longer, our destination is just a few minutes away.” His rat ears perked up slightly as another one of his sons groaned.
“But why can’t you just tell us where we’re going, Pop?” Raph complained, crossing his arms.
“Because it would ruin the surprise.”
“Ugh…” Raphael kicked a stray chunk of ice, making sure to kick it towards the sewer walls so it didn't hit anyone in his family, and smiling just a little when the ice shattered on impact. “I still wanna know though…”
“I just hope it’s somewhere fun,” Leo added, thinking about all the trips they would take during the warmer seasons to places like the park or a restaurant or a mall, both to learn how to sneak around and to enjoy themselves without humans bugging them. Not like now, where they were just stuck inside their home half the time and trapped under a heat lamp or a blanket for the other half. “We haven’t been to the city in for- eeeeeever! ”
“I promise you boys that it’ll be well worth the effort,” Splinter insisted. He carefully stepped around a small puddle of ice, and used his tail to give his sons a path to follow.
“Papa knows the best places ever,” Mikey stated confidently as he easily grabbed his father’s thick coat and began to climb up onto his shoulders. As much as they helped with keeping him from getting too sleepy most of the time, the thick material of his parka and the clunky boots on his feet made it a bit harder to be as bouncy as he usually was. Thankfully he - as well as the rest of his brothers -  had gotten a couple weeks to get used to moving around in their new every-day attire. And even if he hadn’t, Mikey’s grip and balance were as perfect as ever, even at only the tender age of four. Splinter had no doubt in his mind that his youngest would grow up to be quite the acrobat.
As he nuzzled his father’s warm fur, Mikey asked, “Is it still going to be winter where we’re going?”
“Yes, Orange,” the rat said simply, “Of course.”
“Oh…” And just like that, Mikey’s enthusiasm for this secret destination disappeared, his mood falling in line with his grumpy and reluctant older brothers’. “...I hate winter,” he mumbled, face still pressed up against Splinter’s furry cheek. Splinter held back a sigh, and stretched up his tail, using it to give his youngest son a comforting pat.
All of his hard work - all of his prepping and scavenging, getting every they would need, listening to the weather report several times a day as he waited for the perfect night - it would all be worth it. He was sure of it.
“Do you boys know why winter is so cold?” he asked as he looked down their metal path. He could begin to see light.
“‘Cause of all the snow!” Donnie answered immediately, “And wind, and ice, and all that other bad stuff!”
“Very good, Purple - except for that last part. Winter is not completely bad, it is just another season. Another part of life.”
“Yeah it is!” Raph lightly argued, “It’s always all cold and wet and- and cold!”
“True, winter can be tough to get through,” Splinter nodded, “The cold can be dangerous, if you aren’t prepared… But, there can be bright spots to this season.”
Leon tilted his head in confusion. “Like what?”
But Splinter didn’t give an answer. Instead, he simply said “Oh look, we are almost there.” Thanking his lucky stars that their new home was so close to a park, Splinter took them up to the entryway of the pipe where metal met snow, and watched as his sons’ expressions turned to ones of awe and amazement.
To them, snow was just the white stuff that fell from the sky and made things cold, the mysterious force that forced them to stay underground whenever it first started falling. Other than letting it fall into their open hands for just a moment or two, they had never really seen it up close. They had never seen what it looked like on the ground - and had certainly never seen this much of it! Entire fields of it, stretching all the way to the trees and sidewalks on the edge of the park as it sparkled in the light of the bright moon above.
“Mm-hm,” Splinter nodded. He gave them all an encouraging smile as he took a hand out of his coat sleeve and gestured towards the winter wonderland. “Your gloves and booties should protect you, so go ahead and try-”
“WHOO!” In an instant, Mikey leapt from his father’s shoulder and right into the snow. He fumbled a little, nearly slipping but catching himself just in time. “Whoaaaa, it really is snow!” Curious, he put a hand to the snow, and with a squeak he pulled it away. It really was cold! But also soft… He put a hand to it again, this time scooping up an entire handful. It was like cold sand! With a laugh, he threw it up and let it rain down on him. Sure it was still cold, but the warmth of his clothes as well as just the excitement of it all kept him wide awake.
“Looks like Orange has the right idea,” Spinter smirked. His older children looked on, their own curiosity growing. One by one, each turtle stepped out into the snow, exploring how it felt in their gloved hands and under their feet while Mikey continued trying to do spins and flips in it, not caring if he slipped a little.
“So, this is all the snow that fell from the sky?” Leo asked, looking back at his father, “All clumped together? I didn’t even know snow could do that!” No wonder it made things so cold! But it was so pretty too, and so- so-... White! Definitely a shock to a five year old red-earred slider who only ever knew the dark colors of the sewers and the warm colors of his blankets and his father’s robe.
“It’s cause the ice that snow is made out of sticks together better the colder it gets!” Donnie grinned, the gears in his little mind already turning as he picked up his own handful of snow. “It really is like water, like how a puddle just gets bigger the more rain you put in it. It just all stays together, see Dad?!”
Amused, Splinter put a hand to his chin, feigning surprise. “How interesting! You know, I believe you can turn water into steam as well, once it gets too hot. Water is a very fluid element, you know.”
“I wonder what else I could turn water into…” Donnie mumbled, bringing the handful up to his eyes and examining the snow crystals carefully. Splinter expected nothing less from his clever Purple boy. He made a note to himself to try and ‘borrow’ a book from the library on the water cycle and other weather phenomenon for his son later.
Raph meanwhile, had made his own discovery. “It tastes a lot like water too,” he commented before taking another bite of his handful, not minding the coldness off it too much, “Crunchy water…” When he noticed his brothers giving him a bit of a look, he just shrugged. “It looked like sugar! I thought it would be yummy!”
“Soooo, what do we do in the snow now, Pop?” Leo asked. If the snow covered all the grass and trees, then it probably covered up any play equipment at the park too, so what else could be done?
Splinter, remembering all the various snow days from his own childhood very clearly, gave a grin. “Well, Blue, since you asked…”
“I’m gonna get you this time, Leo!” “Nuh uh! I’m gonna get YOU!” “Heh, you gotta catch me first!”
Snowballs flew through the sky one after the other, most of them falling flat onto the earth rather than hitting their target. Leo could dodge and evade like nobody’s business, but he had a bit of trouble with throwing far, and half the time he’d throw them upwards and end up hitting himself with them. As for Raph, he would keep trying to make the “biggest snowballs ever” in between attacks, not caring how many times they’d crash to the ground, not getting anywhere near his brother.
But it hardly mattered, really. Raph and Leo still continued to laugh and chase after each other, neither of them keeping any sort of score.
“Raphieeee!” Raph turned to see his baby brother waving his arms at him. Practically a whole army of snow angels had been formed in the field behind him, complete with stars and pictures drawn beside them.
“Whoaaa, cool!” Raph grinned, “I wanna try!” Letting himself go limp, the snapper fell back onto the snow, and began moving his legs and arms. With a much bigger back and thicker limbs, the angel didn’t come out quite as clean as Mikey’s, but he was still proud of it.
“Now your angel and mine can be friends!” Mikey beamed before turning to his blue brother, “Hey Leon, you wanna make an angel too?”
Leo breathed out a cold breath and rubbed his arms a bit. “Maybe later, Mikey. I wanna do something first.” Knowing instantly what Leo was going for, Raph and Mikey followed his lead back to where their father sat with his carefully packed tote bag beside him.
Splinter hummed. “More hot cocoa?” he guessed. The boys nodded enthusiastically, making him chuckle. “Alright, but remember to share, Blue” he said, reaching into his bag, “This is the last of it, and then you all will have to have soup instead.”
“Kay!” Leo took a couple sips before passing the thermos along. “Hey Donnie, d’you want- WHOA! Donnie, are you making a snow machine or something?”
“No, it’s a snow turtle!” Donnie explained, pressing a bit more snow onto the back of his creation, “It’s like a snowman - that was what Dad made when he was a kid - but wayyy better, cause it’s a turtle. Come on, I’ll show you guys how to make one!” Quickly finishing up the cocoa, the three of them cheered and ran over to their purple brother, eager to learn how to make this amazing thing.
As for Splinter, he just continued to watch his sons play and actually enjoy the season for the first time in their young lives. It had, indeed, been very much worth it…
However, as clearly as he could see the happy grins on his boys’ faces, he could also see the young reptiles start to shiver. Even with all the layers of clothing and warm things to drink and eat, they couldn’t stay out there forever. Still, there was one last thing he wanted them to experience before calling it a night…
“This is gonna be AWESOME!” Raph grinned, gripping the edge of their ‘ride’ tightly. Mikey nodded, having to force himself to sit still and not hop up and down in excitement, as per his father’s request. Donnie stepped in next, looking a bit more cautious. His twin seemed to share the same concerns, glancing back at his rat-dad.
“And you sure this is okay?” he asked, “An’ not something crazy people do?”
“Hmmm, well, I’m PRETTY sure.” “Daaaad!” Splinter laughed. “It is completely safe, Blue, believe me.” The hill wasn’t too steep, and there were no trees or rocks in sight. It was the most perfect sledding spot he had ever seen! “It’ll be alright,” he insisted.
Admittedly curious, Leo finally stepped on, making sure to huddle up next to his brothers and leave plenty of room on the trash can lid for Splinter to sit down on it. “Okay,” Splinter began, giving a toothy grin. He placed his tail on the cold ground as he wrapped his arms around his boys. “Hang on, all of you! Ready… aaaand… GO!” His tail pushed against the snow, and in an instant, they were off!
He heard the boys yelp, but within seconds they were all laughing and shouting in excitement, grinning as they flew down the hill. Still keeping his tail out, Splinter steered them, allowing their makeshift sled to weave back and forth, and even hop off the ground a couple times!
“Faster! Faster!” his children cheered, hollering and putting their hands in the air. So, Splinter leaned forward, increasing their speed. Maybe he could try out a couple tricks too, he thought to himself. A couple spins, or-
The lid hopped off the ground once more, hitting an unseen bump that Splinter hadn’t been expecting. As such, his arms weren’t wrapped quite as tightly around his turtles as they should of been. And, as their ‘sled’ came back down to earth, time seemed to slow as he watched his youngest fly off of it.
“MICHELANGELO!” Splinter cried out with a gasp as the box-turtle landed. However, instead of stopping dead (Splinter cringed. Bad word choice, very bad) in the snow, the young orange acrobat instinctively tucked into himself and rolled until he was safely on his shell.
“Woo hoo!” Mikey cheered, his body - and his own makeshift ‘sled’ - easily keeping up with his family’s speed, “I’m sledding! I’m sledding!”
“No way! Go Mikey!” Hey, I wanna shell-sled!” “Me too!” Before he could even try to stop them, each one of his sons backwards dove over the side of the metal lid. Even Donnie was daring enough to try it, knowing that the small backpack stuffed under his coat would easily protect his shell. And, just like their baby brother, each of them began to scream and laugh with delight as they slid down the hill.
“...Oh, what the heck?” Splinter mumbled, his grin returning. He crouched down, and- “ HOT SOOOOUP! ” he howled, jumping headfirst into the snow and leaving the trash can lid behind as he rolled away from it.
Unbothered by the splashing snow - unbothered by the cold or the wind or even winter itself - the five of them slid and flipped and spun and cartwheeled to their hearts’ content, until finally slowing down as they reached the bottom of the hill. Yet even as they laid there, their joyful laughter still couldn’t be contained.
“I LOVE winter!” Mikey yelled as loud as he could, his brothers enthusiastically agreeing with him. Still laughing as his heart continued to race - Goddid he miss this feeling, though it felt even better now that he was sharing it - Splinter gathered up his boys, hugging them close. “See? It’s just as I said,” he said, a bit breathless, “Lots of good things about winter!”
“Yeah!” “Uh huh!” “Lots of good things!” “I LOVE WINTER!” The turtles laughed again, still smiling even as their joy mellowed out and fell back to earth like snowflakes in the night.
Unsurprisingly, all the excitement had completely wiped them out, and Splinter had a feeling that even with heat, they’d still end up sleeping for a couple days straight. Even so, as he carried three turtles in his arms and one on his back through the icy sewers, he found he didn’t have any regrets.
Their wet parkas and booties were taken off as soon as they reached their home, instantly replaced with cozy sweaters and hoodies that Splinter had left sitting near one of the space heaters. “Come on, little ones,” he cooed, guiding them towards their rooms, “It is way past your bedtimes.”
“Hey, Papa?” Leo said suddenly, his voice quiet as he rubbed his eye.
“Yes, Blu-?” Leo grabbed onto him, hugging him tightly. His brothers quickly followed, their smiles strong despite their fatigue.
“Thanks for making winter fun,” Leo finished, nuzzling his stomach, “It was really fun...”
“Of course,” Splinter nodded, happily returning the hug, “I am glad to hear you all enjoyed it.”
“Can we go play in the snow again later?” Raph asked, nearly cutting himself off with a yawn.
The rat man hummed. It probably wouldn’t be for a while. There was a snowstorm announced for next week, with harsh wind chills after that… But after tonight, there was no denying that even the harshest conditions could still have perfect nights.
With a soft smile, Splinter answered with “...I suppose we could make nights like this a tradition.”
“You got it all ready, Mikey?”
“Yep!” Mikey proudly lifted up the tote bag. “Two thermoses of soup, three of hot chocolate - and all in different flavors!”
Raph grinned, nodding. “Great job, bro. Now-”
“I’m telling you, Leon, my sled is Olympic-level quality!” he heard Donnie argue as the rest of their group (save for one member) walked into the kitchen, “There’s absolutely no way you’re going to beat me in ANY race. Period!”
“Dude, not only do snowboards beat sleds any day of the week, but my snowboarding skills are LEGENDARY!” Leo insisted, completely unphased by his twin’s boasting, “Come on! Everyone knows it’s not the equipment, it’s the champion that uses it.”
“Tc’ch, yeah,” Donnie rolled his eyes, “Just make sure you don’t slip and fall flat on your shell again, Champ.”
“I mean, if you ask me,” April smirked, her old green and gold sled already tucked under her arm, “I think I’m gonna kick both your shells, but that’s just me.”
Raph shook his head at the three of them, though even this old debate couldn’t bring his mood down too far. (Especially once he saw Mikey sneaking some gingerbread snickerdoodles into the bag.) “Hey Pop! You ready to go?”
“Just a moment, Red!” Splinter asked, his eyes still glued to the fabric screen in front of him, “You know how I like my holiday specials!” Though, it seemed that even the holiday spirit wasn’t enough to convince the scorpions to be docile, pinching away at the poor contestant and destroying his chances of winning a season’s worth of Christmas cakes and fried chicken. Chuckling, Splinter finally turned off the tv and began getting dressed, his ears open to the conversations the rest of his family was having.
From what he could hear, Mikey was planning some sort of ‘snow sculpture masterpiece’ while Raph was already egging Leo on for a snowball fight after his, Donnie and April’s race down the hill. April was insisting that they also had to try ice skating with her now that the pond in Central Park was finally frozen enough, and Donnie sounded eager to try out some new invention of sorts along with his high tech sled.
Splinter’s smile softened. Maybe he didn’t do much during them these days, other than sipping cocoa on a bench and occasionally hitting one of his boys with a surprise snowball for laughs (had to always keep them on their toes, after all). Maybe leaving his comfy chair and going out into the cold with his aging joints was a bit of a pain. Quite a bit of a pain, actually. And maybe - no, certainly - his family was old enough to go have fun in the snow without any supervision from him.
Still, Splinter found himself unable to give up their tradition. Not as long as his family still enjoyed it, still enjoyed his company, and not as long as it still brought smiles to his sons’ faces even in the coldest weather.
So, he bundled himself up, and followed his family down the cold sewer tunnel and into the light of the moon and the sparkling, pure-white snow, fully expecting another perfect snow night.
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werelywrites · 6 years
Hello! Can you do (separate) scenarios where the turtles s/o help them take a bath? Like the turtles come over to their s/o place but living in the sewers can make ya a bit smelly. So the s/o force them to take a bath/shower but obviously they barely move in it. So the s/o decides to help them. No nsfw please. And sorry if this is a lot but thank you!!!
OMG! So i had gotten this done when computer ate it!! Had to rewrite the whole thing! FORGIVE ME!!!
actually it turned out better, so although it took longer than it should have, it turned out for the better. (I’m sorry anon for taking so long!)
I hope you like it!
Enjoy!*normally, the smell didn’t bother you. The guys were very good at keeping the smell at bay with the incense and candles everywhere and they kept themselves clean (Don’s homemade soap was divine!) But they had to go through the tunnels to get to your place and on occasion the smell will cling to them and sometimes your sense of smell was just more sensitive (they also would get themselves in situations that resulted in needing a bath). This was one of those nights….
*He stepped into your home eagerly. Ready to hang out with you and eat pizza. Would they watch a movie tonight or would they play a video game? He didn’t care as long as whatever it was, it was with you. In his excitement, he swept you up into his arms and swung you around.
You were startled slightly and giggled. But then the smell hit your nose.
After your exclamation that he smelled. He had set you down and fidgeted a bit in embarrassment.
You suggested a quick bath.
He could barely fit in you tiny bathroom. The tub seemed laughably small.
Being nimble, he only had a moment of where he accidentally kicked your shelf when he tried to take his shorts off (ok so trying to kick them off his foot to catch them wasn’t a good idea but he had to, man). After everything was back in place and clothing tossed in the corner, he slunk into your tub.
He was all scrunched up and was trying his best to wash but it was very limited.
He wasn’t embarrassed at all to call for you to help.
Scrubbing his shell for him and he was in heaven. Churrs coming frequently. Despite how uncomfortable this might be on him, he refused to get up. Once you stopped scrubbing his shell he let out a whine.
After this he might ask to take baths at your place more often if that meant a shell massage!
*He came across some mousers on the way and unfortunately had to get into the sewage water. He was practically at your home when it happened. So he saw no reason to go all the way back to the lair to clean up. He’d be late if he did that.
The idea of using your bath wasn’t exactly his first choice but it would be necessary.
Stepping into your home he greeted you, but before you could approach him, he held out a hand, gesturing you to not come closer and explained his predicament.
Was it possible your tub shrunk? He had never used it before but it always seemed bigger than it actually was. You fit in it perfectly. He knows this because he had walked in on you that one time. Seeing nothing but your head poking out of massive amount of bubbles (you had a bubble hat on too). Although he was embarrassed at the time, he had to admit it was funny seeing you like that. All that was missing was the rubber duck.
But now, after he oh-so-carefully got undressed and placed everything down carefully, he sat in your tub, the bubbles barely made it to his bent knees.
Well, better start trying to wash. This was going to be a hassle….
Just as he reached for the soap you came barreling in. You offered to help. And ignored his grumble of ‘I’m a full grown turtle I don’t need help.’
All the training and meditation did not prepare him for this. He tried to concentrate real hard at not to do anything embarrassing. The thing that was killing him was the simple fact that your soap smelled like you. It was intoxicating.
The rest of the night he felt dizzy, but he tried to ignore it. But he would unconsciously be sniffing himself to both calm himself and set his heart on fire. Much like what you do to him on a regular basis.
*He has been working on something and needed a part. He figured he’d look for the part in the dump near your home before going to drop by to see how you were doing. His intent, not to stay long but since he was in the neighbourhood, he figured why not before he was too invested on his project (he already spent a lot of time on already).
You always were patient with him when he got into projects. You’d subtly get him to take care of his basic needs, like bring him snacks/water while he worked, but you’d also be a good voice of reason when he needed to take a break.
He would argue, he was technically taking a break by visiting you but when you made the comment about the smell, he was too flustered to argue with you further when you pushed him towards the bathroom.
You came back to the bathroom with a back scrubber and had just touched it to his shell when he let out an odd sound that was a mixture of a churr and a screech.
Apologizing you took it away, thinking that was the wrong thing to do, when he apologized to you and told you it was nice, it just surprised him.
After a bit, you heard a snore. Shaking his shoulder he didn’t wake up. He was fast asleep.
You knew he needed the sleep badly but sleeping in the tub in such a position was not good for him. But he was not waking up and good luck getting him out of there…
Hands on your hips you result to your trump card. You made a pot of coffee.
Sluggishly he got out of the tub, subconsciously got dressed and headed toward the smell on auto pilot.
Steering him instead, towards the couch, you told him to go back to sleep. He flopped onto the plush cushions and you tucked him in.
He woke up later and had to admit that was one of the best naps he had ever had.
So if he ever needed a good rest, away from everything, he’d come to your place and do just that.
*the hot water was broken at the lair and, although Don was fixing it, it wasn’t getting fixed fast enough. Raph’s need for a bath took more precedence than the embarrassment of asking you to use your bath. So there he was, trying really hard not to let is show that this was a bit uncomfortable and that he was blushing.
Can someone say bull in a china shop? Sure Raph is gentle and a ninja but he’s not exactly small. Managing to get into the tub he bumped into one thing, went to catch it and would immediately bump into something else. You had one of those pole shelving units in the corner of your tub that he swears all he did was look at it and it just fell! Maybe he should have just waited for Donnie to get done fixing the hot water…
You came in to see what had happened and you came in just in time to catch a rubber duck fall from a rack onto his head with a squeak, bouncing onto the ground with another small tweet in triumph. He grunted. Blush was obvious. You stifled a laugh.
You kindly offered help, which he declined, but he realized he had left the soap on the sink. You went to hand it to him when the nefarious duck tripped you slightly.
Raph’s arms shot out to catch you, but not before water sloshed about, making him slip a bit in his seat. Water and bubbles and various bathroom items everywhere. Both you and Raph couldn’t help but the laugh at the whole situation
The rest of the evening was filled with constant teasing each other about the whole incident. That rubber duck was placed in solitary confinement until it was done reflecting on its actions.
A/N: I had used a headcanon from here about shell scritches! You should check it out! it’s got science and stuff!
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twilightpony4 · 7 years
Ola Americano... Turtle?: 16. I Don’t Like This
Jet black walls were trimmed in a once hot pink color that faded with age. The business’ sign was its name in script that resembled mostly of a Barbie font. Underneath it we're rearrangeable letters that spelled out titles in Portuguese. Finding the place was not so hard, but it was a long trek since they had to find their way through the bustling night near the famous Copacabana. Fortunately, the city was very similar to New York with its architecture, thus they were able to travel the best way they knew how. By rooftop. Settled in a more quiet setting, the mutants lurked around the standoff-ish building. With no windows and no easy access to the place alone, they had to settle for the most practical yet revealing way to see through. The door. It was obvious that it was a business for numerous individuals, both rugged and groomed, came through the front doors. The only problem was that there was a good flow of people coming through. Raphael had pointed out that there was indeed a door that was hidden in the dark due to the absence of light around it.
With the ‘ok’, the red brute took out his sai from its back sheath. With its small tip, he jiggled the doorknob as silently as he could. Donatello listened in closely to hear it unlock and nodded when he got it done. With the sai replaced, Leonardo jumped in to open the door for he had a ready and steady hand. His intentions were to just crack the door open. Fortunately, there was a chain lock that only let it go so far in case they accidentally swung it open. He gave a slow sigh after the fact.
The room was dark with ominous, neon lights that lit up in particular spots. The main scheme was a luscious purple followed by some blue and red hues here and there. With the dancing music, it looked like a hangout until they saw that there was a stage to their right. It was reflective, but extremely black. Most of the lights danced around the floor of the stage. Catching glimpses of the light, some skimpily clad women danced together in rhinestones. Leo slowly closed the door up until there was a sliver of space open. As he turned his head away, his innocent eyes were wide with scarring and fear. “Angel didn’t mention this.” He gulped, still trying to get himself together as he sat down beside the door. It just caught him off guard. Raphael, curious to see what got him riled up, leaned over him to crack the door open again. This time, the rest of the mutant gang wanted to peek in as well. Immediately seeing what was going on, they, too, turned around closely and re-shut the door.
“Naw, I’m out.” Raphael shook his head and put his hands up. “Turning around.” A hand stopped him after it snagged him by the hem of his pants. “Stay here.” Leonardo commanded. Raphael scoffed in disbelief. “You’re not serious, Leo.” “I don’t like it at all, but we got to see if he’s in there.” “How?” Donatello chimed in with a shaking voice. Aw, the poor kid. “Time to test how mature you guys can really be.” He said with a newfound confidence. Opening the door some, he tried to scan the dark room. Suddenly, he shut the door. It was almost a slam, which caused the clan to retaliate back at his carelessness. He quieted them with his reasoning. Upon his face, he was severely mortified with widened eyes and a tense posture against the wall. Again? “You know, on second thought, why-don’t-you-two-scope-it-out-first.” His attention was clearly on the two mutant sisters as he spoke breathlessly. Yet another scarring on the honor turtle. “What happened to our fearless leader?” Raphael teased with laughter behind his words. The leader cleaned up his act to roll his eyes. “It’s called ‘respect’.” He snapped back, growling in between.
Pushing past them, Mona tapped them both on the head to stop their bickering. Opening the door, she watched as the boys looked away. Venus just stood by for only one really needed to monitor the scene. The lizard lady sighed out of boredom multiple times. Seeing such a display unsettled her. Ultimately, this was frowned upon where she came up from, but since she also respected that this was how these girls could make some money, she was torn. Sure, some girls enjoyed this work,but she really felt bad for those who had to come to this as a last resort. She could see it on some of the girl’s faces as their expressions gave subtle cues of discomfort. She wished she could intervene on their behalf, but now was not the time. After some minutes, the naked women disappeared and a more modest act began to unfold involving a foreign dancer in traditional cloth. “There’s nothing ‘bad’ going on. You can look.” Mona spoke deadpan to the group. Once again, a little more shyly this time, they all peeked into the room. What they saw was a lot softer. On the stage was a dark skinned, Brazilian woman with short curls. She wore a sky blue rhinestoned brazierre and a long, silky skirt. Her act was belly dancing to Middle Eastern music. The gold accents and chains clinked numerous times as he moved her hips abruptly yet flawlessly. Taking in the show directly was unbelievable. Front row, taking up three seats, were their guys. Cha Ocho, alive, was on one end while another guy sat in the middle. Who could be next to him was none other than the guy they were truly looking for. Dark skinned with a mean mug and a short haircut was the man they were looking for (all thanks to Vincent for sending in a mugshot). Upon being in the front, the dancer paid more attention to them as they sat back and smiled at her. “Yeah, I can hang out with this guy.” Michelangelo slipped out. When he did, there was already a backlash of disapproving looks. He brought his hands up in surrender, but was very calm by closing his eyes and talking smoothly. “I know, I know, ‘Don’t be an idiot’.”
“What’s the plan?” Venus whispered, pulling everybody back out except for Mikey who was too infatuated by what was going on inside. “We bust in and ask Stockman’s friend a couple questions.” Raphael proposed by cracking the knuckles in his fist. A beat down was going to feel good after they did them dirty. “Raph, we can’t go in there.” Leonardo shook his head. “Why the shell not?” Was Leo just being a hypocrite earlier to stay, or what? “Just shake up the place a little bit without anybody catching us.” “No.” He spoke low and firm. “We need more time before the police try to arrive. Its gotta be something a little more subtle than that.” “Someone’s gotta go in.” Donatello reminded. Leonardo understood, but he wasn’t sure how or whom. Meanwhile, Michelangelo was still incognito with his ogling.
“Dang, look at that girl go.” He whispered in amazement. “Mikey!” Donnie whispered harshly. Then, he grabbed him by the shell and pulled him back from the door. “No, for real, she doin’ that belly dancin’ stuff! It’s insane! How her hips do that?” He whispered that last part partially to himself. “Look!” He urged them to see as he pointed. It got the attention of the others. The only one to delay was Leo, who only rolled his eyes and groaned at his childish ways. “Mikey, we don’t wanna…” His voice trailed off just as his eyes once it hit what Michelangelo was talking about. It wasn’t so vulgar of the sorts as the woman dressed in traditionally modern dress and jived with the beat. “wow, that’s pretty cool.” He had to admit as she popped and did a well done shake down. “Her outfit isn't revealing either. She almost looks like a…” Before Michelangelo could finish that thought, his voice trailed off. As if by magic, Venus, Leo, and Donatello all had a similar idea. Slowly, their heads turned towards Mona Lisa. The lizard lady was distracted from their stares for the longest time. Raphael was the first to see what was out of the ordinary as the rest of the group looked on at her. A moment passed until she gave herself a break from the dancing woman. When she looked back, she jumped from their stares. Her hand covered her mouth as she uttered something small.
“Do you need something?” She asked, quite confused and with a raised brow. “You need to go in there, Mona. Pose yourself as a dancer to get his attention.” Leonardo asked of her. The mere thought that he would suggest such a thing surprised her. Then, by the looks on the others’ faces, they were along with it too? Are they serious? “Do I look like a stripper to you?” There was a lot of attitude in her tone. When she asked, her head bounced as she placed her hands on her rocking hip. “You will when you jump on the pole.” The lizard lady glared at the young mutant. He took a step back. “I’m just saying.” “You’ll be fine.” Leo assured. “I’m a mutant.” She fired back. “And human, and you get the upper hand over Venus since she has a shell.” He pointed out. It was true. Mona would have an easier time explaining tail than a giant shell merged to her body if the question arose. “I'm also a minor?” This time, her voice was unsure in a last ditch effort. “But not by that much.” The leader smiled shyly. He was just as unsure as she was. Typical. A sickening feeling in her stomach visited when she took another look inside. Was she really going to do something like that? Putting herself out there like that, all eyes on her, was going to definitely be out of her comfort zone. Then, what was she going to do? Just the sound of the word ‘twerk’ made her cringe and this was a field where it was highlighted. The red clad terrapin took her gently by the arm. He pulled her back away from the door and spoke for her.
“If she doesn’t want to go, she doesn’t need to go.” Raphael argued. It was then Venus had a weird feeling. It started in her face as a current of electricity tickled her nose. The female turtle flared her nostrils briefly, but when it didn’t work, she used her arm to push it down. The feeling subsided some, but it was more comfortable than before. Paying back attention, she saw Donatello reach for Mona Lisa’s hand. Gentle and caring, his pulled it out of Raphael’s grasp. Mona wasn’t the one to be grabbed on, but she was too nervous that she let it happen. Also, who could turn away from those comforting eyes that kept her still?
“Just for a couple minutes so we know where Chapelin and Stockman are.” Donatello encouraged. He gave her hand a slow shake as if it would strengthen his grasp on her. “We’re right behind you.” Then, another hand took her free one. It was Michelangelo this time. She had to admit, behind her concerns, it was pretty cute that  the two youngest were trying to comfort the oldest of the group. “The world depends on this.” Venus spoke from behind Raphael. The combination of large brown and blue eyes followed by her sister’s reasoning was putting her own thoughts into overload. The lizard lady sighed, chewing on her bottom lip afterward. Mona removed her hand from the turtle boys’ grasp. “I’m going through the back.” She turned around bluntly. The lizard with a mission brushed past Raphael whose face contorted into multiple, frustrated scowls towards his team members. However, they were not concerned with him
“Whoa, wait up.” The turtle girl stopped her with a hand to her shoulder. Then, she cocked a brow and looked down on her. Mona’s eyes followed the hand that was outstretched to her. “Sports Bra.” She demanded. Repulsed by what she meant, her sister engulfed her chest in her arms defensively. “Venus!” “Hey, you have to sell it. Deception is the kunoichi’s true power, but those” The turtle girl pointed directly at her chest. “are a woman’s power.” Ugh! D**** social norms! It’ll be harder in the future, but this was a girl who couldn’t wait until a woman didn’t need to be sent out as an object for manipulation. Of course, she was trained for manipulating, but this was one aspect she liked to skip. “Fine.” When she pulled the cuff of her sleeve, the brothers looked away as she wriggled out of the tight contraption. They can tell she was really struggling with her disgruntled grunts. Or was that her being upset that she was actually doing this? “You want a world class stripper?” An unusual amount of confidence and baritone came out of the lizard lady. They were still looking away so they couldn’t see a ‘proud’ yet annoyed Mona Lisa put her arms up in a presenting fashion and walk away. “I’ll give you ‘Kinky Kunoichi’!”
Coming up beside them, the boys relaxed as Venus entered their circle. Mona had disappeared into the back. As promised, Venus looked down at her sister’s sports bra confided in her hand. She stared down on it like some type of trophy to get her sister out of her comfort zone successfully. Upon seeing it, Raphael shook his head and rocked his body. “I don’t like this.” “Just a couple minutes. Besides, Mona is a professional. She’s gonna squeeze information from that guy.” Donnie tried to make him feel somewhat better about the situation. Everyone knew Raphael was just as hard to get out of his comfort zone as the lizard lady. “Right after she gives him a lap dance.” Understandably irritated, the family’s eyes turned to glared at the unapologetic orange masked turtle. Shamelessly, his nose was back in the door and smiling at what he saw. The orange tails of his mask were abruptly pulled on. He forced himself not to utter anything as he was pulled back and up on his knees. Hovering over him, Raphael scowled sternly. “Not helping.” He whispered. Then, he dropped him, in which the bottom rim of his shell dug into his large calves. Pouting, Michelangelo muttered. “Should’ve just let me dress in drag and do the hula.” he offered. Donnie raised his brow in disapproval. “That’s an image no one deserves to see.” He commented. Michelangelo gave him a shrug. “Just trying to help.”
0 notes
dakotafinely · 3 years
Thank you for writing my request!! I enjoyed the twist you put on it!
But like....now I’m curious about when April’s parents finally DO meet splinter and the bois- would she recognize Raph? I assume she’d recognize splinter bc I mean cmon rat man but Raph has gotten so much bigger than when she first saw him
Would you be willing to write that too? 🥺
Also, before we get into it. April has two mom’s and I don't take criticism on that. The one that met Raph & Splinter will be referred to as Mama/Ma while the other will be referred to as Mom/Mother.
Most of the time, it was just April and her mama. Her mom with a job that caused her to travel often. Sometimes unexpectedly.
“But, the guys really want to meet you!” April begged, despite knowing her mother couldn’t get out of it if she wanted to. Her mother lightly kissed her forehead, before returning to pack her suitcase.
“I know honey, and I’d love to meet them too,” She stops to focus and folding a shirt and putting in the suitcase “but I have to go, they need me down in Texas for the week. I promise if I can make it back before Sunday I’ll try to with all my might.” She turns to her daughter. Placing both hands on her face with a gentle smile on her own.
“You know I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t have to,” she says and April sighs. Knowing she was right.
“Just... try and make it back as soon as possible,” It was April’s last plea. To which her mother turned back to the suitcase to zip it up. Putting it with the other one and looking to April. Her eyes shining with honesty.
“You know I always do,” she responded. Leaving about ten minutes later.
Saturday came, and April knew her mother wasn’t coming in time. Still, the guys at least meeting one of her mom’s oughta satisfy their curiosity just a bit.
Sunday came and April’s mama was running around like a chicken with her head cut off. Trying to prepare the house as much as possible before they came. April tried to calm her down. The speed reminiscent of a freight train.
“Mama please, trust me when I say they’re not going to care if it’s not perfect,” April said with a slight whine. Still, in a flurry she went. Tidying up things the boy’s wouldn’t have even seen to begin with. Like closets and bedrooms.
“Well I’ll care,” her mama retorted. Slowly running out of steam as it become one hour before they would arrive. Hair tied up and fizzled, clothes stained with deep cleaning messes. She huffed as she looked at herself.
“I’m taking a shower,” she told April “put the chicken in the oven when the-”
“When the timer goes off, I know.”
“I still don’t know why we have to wear clothes,” Raph spoke up as Donnie and Leo admired themselves in a shared mirror. Lightly pushing each other to get a better view. Raph huffed and smoothed out the red cardigan he put on for the 50th time “we never wear clothes any other time!” he said.
“Yeah, but,” Mikey slid up next to him, adjusting the snappers tie “it’s to make a good impression! We’re mutants, we gotta do something to make her feel at ease.”
“Her?” Raph asked.
“Oh yeah, I forgot you weren’t in the room,” Donnie spoke up, finally leaving the mirror before the pushing got to violent between the twins. Leo falling over with a yelp at the unexpected movement of the soft-shell “April’s other mom couldn’t make it back home in time. We’re only meeting one of her parents,” Donnie explained, looking relaxed in the suit, as if he could wear it all the time.
“But still!” Leo spoke up, popping up next to his twin as though he hadn’t just fallen “It’ll be nice to meet at least one of her parents,” he said “for a hot second there I thought we’d never meet either of ‘em!” Leo crossed his arms and sat with a happy smile. Also looking comfortable in his clothes.
“I’m just glad we finally have a reason to use these cardigans!” Mikey said, gesturing to his orange one. Raph looked back to the mirror, looking down at the red cardigan. Mikey had taken time to tailor it to Raph’s measurements, it would’ve been a true shame to let it go unused.
“Alright my sons!” Splinter emerged from his room. The boys stared at him, his suit looking dapper, a sight unusual for the boys. He held a brightly wrapped gift in his hands. Clearly spending most of his time on it as the bow on top was complex and beautiful. He grinned “Let’s go!”
As the hours had become mere minutes. A dread filled April’s stomach. She’d yet to tell her mom’s the truth about her friends. But she knew if she didn’t do it now she’d be asking for disaster later.
“Mama,” April said, mouth dry as she didn’t really look at her. April’s mama looked from the table she was decorating. Concern following her features as she saw the way her daughter was standing.
“What’s wrong baby?” She moved, stopping her task and put a hand on April’s shoulder. Using the other to move April’s face gently to make April face her. April looked nervous, with a mixture of fear. The type of fear you feel when you believe you’re about to be rejected.
“There’s... something I gotta tell you about my friends.” April said “Before they get here, so you can be ready.” She continued, studying her mama’s facial expression. It was mainly confused.
“What is it? What-” A lightbulb went over her head “Oh! Are they gang members? Is that why you’ve been out all hours of the night because April-”
“No!” April spoke a laugh of disbelief, relaxing a bit. Mama relaxed a bit as well, that was her worst fear. The last thing she would ever wish on her daughter is to be swept in something as dangerous as a gang. Especially with some of the very...  bizarre ones in New York.
“Well, then whatever it is will be alright with me,” Mama said letting go of her daughter. Despite the concern on April’s face, as if there could be something worse in her mind then gang members. Mama smiled reassuringly “You can tell me, I promise it won’t make me think any less of your friends,” she added, wanting to let her daughter have open space to talk about anything.
April opened her mouth, when the doorbell rang.
“Oh! Well speak of the devil’s then,” Mama spoke with a small chuckle, already moving to open the door.
“Wa- wait! Maybe I should get it!” April began to protest. To which Mama simply shook her head as she placed her hand on the doorknob.
“Nonsense April,” Mama said, already opening the door, “I’d love to-” She stopped as her eyes landed on the five mutants in front of her. Recognizing one almost immediately. Eyes wide and mouth agape as she stared at him again for the first time in years.
Splinter couldn’t help but have the same expression. Feeling as though he’d been thrown into the past. Recognizing the woman, her long thick curls draped down her shoulders had light grey hair’s decorated inside them. She didn’t seem as slim as she was all those years ago. But the gentleness was still evident in creases around her eyes.
Her eyes flicked up. Four, there were four turtles. And despite the fact she hadn’t used the information for years. She still was able to identify each one of them with a glance.
A red-eared slider, a box turtle, a soft-shell, and-
“You!” Splinter and Mama said almost at the same time. Mama taking a step back as she pointed to the Snapper.
April finally snapped out of her horror as she had awaited her mama’s response. Becoming confused by the reaction.
“Wait, you know Raph?” She asked walking behind her mama. April’s mama put a hand over her mouth.
“Pop’s... you know her?” Raph asked leaning down, not-so-subtly whispering behind his hand. Having been to young to truly remember the trauma he’d gone through.
“Well, uh, can we at least come inside?” Leo finally said after a beat of silence. Earning an elbow from Donnie “What? She knows Raph! Or pop’s at least...” Leo trailed before realizing something.
“Wait, is she the one you meet when getting Raph back!?” Is what Leo would’ve said, if Mikey hadn’t said it first. April’s eyes went wide with the realization as well. And Donnie and Raph seemed a bit flabbergasted.
“I- uh, come in!” Mama finally snapped, swinging the door right open. There was a lot of explaining to do...
Eventually, everyone had settled. Sitting at the table as the last of the food cooked.
April looked to her mama, awaiting an explanation.
“It was... before you were born. I’d joined this sort of hunting group as a way to make quick cash. They’d needed a turtle and tortoise expert. And I was it.” April’s mama began. Hands on her lap as everyone leaned into the story.
“I didn’t go on many trips. Just a couple, I didn’t know what they did with the animals they caught. I always thought it was a capture and release type of thing. Since I only was really there to examine the capture and take notes before just, being on my way. But..” She took a deep breath “during one mission, they’d actually decided to let me stay from start to finish and...” Mama looked up to Raph with a small smile “that’s where I met you,” she said.
“Look what I caught!” A hunter said holding up a small turtle by it’s tail. The group gathered round to get a better look at the creature. But she was the only one who truly took notice of weird things about it. How it held it’s claw like a hand, whimpering in pain as it looked around. With eyes that shone of a bright mind, curious about the world. And unusual, toddler like form.
“Well O’Neil?” A hunter asked, lightly knocking her shoulder. Snapping her out of her study. They lightly gestured with their head to the turtle “what kind is it?”
“Uh,” O’Neil shook her head and took a closer look. Holding the turtle with care, making the other hunters snicker at her compassion. She ignored it as she flipped the turtle on it’s stomach, feeling the sharp edges of it’s shell. She turned it back and opened it’s mouth. Tiny hands pawing at the unwanted intrusion, but she saw the sharp curve of it’s beak. Clearly made for tougher meats. Of course, this one was easy, she probably could’ve guessed if she really wanted to “Ah, Alligator Snapper Turtle... which is unusual for this area.” She said.
It took everything in her not to take it back as a hunter ripped it from her arms like a lifeless doll. Laughing a bit as they put him close to their face, slightly sneering at it.
“Really now? Why don’t we cage this lil’ fella and sell ‘em?” They said lightly tossing him from arm to arm. The snapper letting out whines and distressed whimpers. O’Neil was in to much shock at the action to move to action as the others around her laughed.
Until the hunter let out a pained scream. Dropping the snapper with a slur of curses. Backing away as bit. The snapper had begun to get up and try and run. O’Neil noted, that it was on two feet and not all four, before someone else crushed him under their foot.
“That- that fucker bit off my finger!” The hunter screamed in horror as another went to grab the med kit from one of the tents. O’Neil’s eyes widened as she saw the little turtle spit it from his mouth, clearly in distaste.
It was after that O’Neil still had to watch them throw him in cage. But, he drew blood, heck he almost at a whole finger. They couldn’t release him back into the wild. Not with the taste of human blood now his system.
It took two more days for O’Neil to properly realize that it was simply self-defense. With no more incidents occurring, and the snapper unable to eat anything raw without immediately spitting it back out. The poor sucker was starving.
“Maybe he’ll eat the jerky,” O’Neil made the mistake of commenting it aloud as she watched poor turtle suffer in his cage. Whimpering out in hunger, sitting in the corner every time another human would walk by.
“Aww, what’s the matter little guy? Ya hungry?” The hunter he’d bit a few days ago spit out. Clearly begin sarcastic as he threw a piece of jerky out of the cages reach. Still, the naive snapper had went after it. Trying to paw at it from inside the cage.
The laughter surrounding her was sickening. It made her want to cover her ears and shout at them to stop. But she couldn’t. Instead she used her foot to nudge the jerky within reach.
Waiting a few minutes before dumping her bag inside the cage. She didn’t like the jerky that much anyways. She couldn’t help but watch with a smile as the snapper filled his stomach. A satisfied churr coming from him as he smiled back up at her.
That was it, she had to get him out of here.
Under the cover of the evening. She’d volunteered to do night patrols, in case something or someone tried to invade the camp. A shudder crawled through her spine at the idea. What could they’ve been doing to make other people come after them?
Still, once she was sure everyone was asleep. She went to the cage, crouching down in front of it. Relieved to see the Snapper crawl towards her instead of away. This would make it much easier. And despite the darkness, she could see his eyes. Shining with child-like joy and wonder.
“You’re not like the others are you little guy?” She cooed, trying to be as gentle as possible to not startle him. The snapper churred in response, curious but cautious. He understood her. She couldn’t help but smile wider.
“Yeah, I didn’t think so. I’ve seen snappers before and you don’t really look it,” She continued, before letting out an awkward chuckle. He did sort of look like a snapper, that’s why she was able to identify him in the first place “I mean,” she corrected herself “you do kinda, but not really if you get what I mean.”
A confused churr, but he leaned against the door of the cage. Silently asking to be let out.
“Yeah... sorry,” she said, opening the cage door. The snapper immediately went into her arms. Snuggling into the warmth and safety of them. The moon finally coming out from behind the clouds for her to see him properly.
Perfect, now was the time to-
As she’d turned to run off, she saw a rat. A large rat, wearing a worn down robe and looking as though he hadn’t slept in days. She couldn’t do much of anything beside stare. And the creature stared back.
The Snapper began to chrip happily, seeming to recognize the thing in front of her. She kept him balanced, still afraid of handing him off to someone. Within four days, it seemed she’d adopted the snapper.
But when the rat gently lifted his arms. Staring at the snapper with adoration and worry and hope. Hands shaking just a bit as though he could will him into his arms. O’Neil knew she was defeated.
She relented the child. With slow movements as to not scare either of them. The rat took him quickly and carefully. Hugging him like his own son, quietly sobbing with shoulder shaking violently. Oh dear, how long had he been looking for the kid?
“Go,” her voice was much hoarser then she would’ve liked, but there was no time for her to care. The rat looked to her, as if he completely forgot he was there to begin with. She couldn’t help but glance at the tents, afraid of waking up the others was lighting in her skin “if you want to get out of here with him now. You need to go,” she whispered. The rat nodded and with no words. Rushed off, leaves in the up kick at his unexpected speed.
She relaxed, until she heard a branch snap.
“O’Neil?” A hunter spoke up, clearly groggy from begin so easily awakened “Is that you making a racket?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she tried to sound as confident as possible. Not wanting to raise suspicion and make them aware of their escapee sooner then necessary “just go back to sleep, thought I heard something but I was wrong.”
She stood frozen in place. Waiting for a response. Before relaxing after a beat or so.
“Wait! What happened after!?” Mikey asked excitedly, immersed in the story. She couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at his enthusiasm.
“Oh, I quit. A month later we got you,” She booped her daughters noise. Making April giggle a bit and shy away. Mama sighed and leaned back against her chair. More at ease with the story out there.
“I always thought you guys ran far away from here,” she commented looking to Splinter “I’m surprised to see you’ve stayed, and gained three more turtles in the process.”
With that, the timer beeped. And everyone helped move the food for them to dig into.
I hope this one’s good! I feel kinda iffy about the ending but it seems like a good place to end it. I had fun playing more with this concept! I’d like to think the guys and April’s history went deeper then even they realized. (I kinda like doing that with ALL my characters, it’s so much fun to interweave them!)
This was a lot of fun! Thank you for sending me the ask!!
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It’s Nice To Have A Friend
Michelangelo X Reader
Summary: Taking people under your wing was your thing until four mutant brothers took you under theirs. It still didn’t stop you from taking one of them under your wing. Until you screwed that up from miscommunication and some harsh words. Can you fix this? How are you supposed to express emotions when you barely understand the situation? Is it too late to save what you broke? Can you save your friend?
A/N: For the ever-lovely @brightlotusmoon, here’s my drabble into Mikey, making his a round character in my own mind as well as on paper. I hope I did him justice, and you justice. 
Word Count: +3,200
Warnings: Angst, panic attacks, self-loathing, fluff, abuse
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Was living underground with four large mutant turtles weird? Sure.
If you wanted to call it that. To me, it was a family, as it was to them, brothers and a father. They had all welcomed me with curiosity and hesitancy as I showed immunity to mutagen, and retro- mutagen—both of which happened in Donnie’s lab after a mishap and me tripping over my own feet.
It freaked me out, to say the least. Again, the questioned seemed to be: what was wrong with me? Again I felt different, out of place, with no answer as to why. I loathed it.
To Donnie I was something to be studied, he tried to hide it and he did pretty well, but I caught the nuances. I wasn’t opposed to it too much, I wanted answers as well. But I wished that I was a bit more than an experiment.
To Leo, I was someone to protect. Whatever was different—wrong—about me he wanted to be kept safe from Shredder and the Kraang. Which I understood, but I also refused to fight, or even learn how. I could defend myself, but I refused to go on the offense, or hurt anyone, even if it was someone trying to hurt me. I knew this frustrated him, but he respected my choice of pacifism.
Raphael and I fought. A lot. Not physically, but verbally. He reminded me too much of my abusive older brother that I had finally gotten away from by moving to New York, and there was something about him that sparked anger in me. I found the confidence to snap back at him when he made offhand rude comments, to anyone. Most of the time Leo stepped in and reprimanded Raph before things could get too far. If the red brute didn’t back down, Splinter intervened.
Then there was Mikey. He was the only one who didn’t treat me differently because of who, what I was. Instead, we played Mario Kart until I got good enough to beat him, sometimes. I showed him my comic books and TV shows, and I watched him fall in love with them as I was. We spent nights reading fan theories, working on cosplay, and jamming to Taylor Swift.
It’s nice to have a friend. 
And Mikey was the one I stood up for the most against Raph. As soon as I started to notice that Mikey was his favorite target, I got a bit more observant. Signs that I knew, because I had the same reactions around my own brother.
“You actually like that stuff? You’re so weird.” Raph muttered as we started to binge Doctor Who.
“Says the one who spends every minute of every day looking in a mirror, or working out.” I snapped back.
Raph scoffed and walked off as Mikey was silent beside me, looking down. I leaned against him as the show continued. Slowly he relaxed and we ended up, like always, tangled in blankets, passed out, as the show continued to play.
Raph seemed to back down after a while, now that I was always there to fight back against him. There was a solace around the Lair when the comments ceased to exist. Sometimes they were there, like teasing, or light-hearted jokes, but nothing that cut too deep. I made sure of that.
It was nice to be a friend.
After a few months, I felt safe enough to go back to my apartment every few nights, just to be in my own space, something that I desperately needed to stay sane. It was comforting, being back in my own small studio apartment on Cornelia. I could do what I wanted when I wanted. Play my own music, eat what and when I wanted to, wear what I wanted. I had no one to impress but me.
Mikey came over the first night that I was back in my apartment. He had a pizza and sodas for the two of us as he stood on my fire escape. I laughed to myself and let him in, going to grab paper towels.
We fell into our normal routine, nested in my bed, watching TV—this time it was season 14 of Supernatural—eating and curled up under blankets. Well, I was under blankets, Mikey radiated heat like a space heater. He finished most of the pizza while I nibbled on my one slice.
When the last episode ended, Mikey was shocked when I jumped up and threw the remote towards the TV. His reflexes were quick enough to snatch it before it did any damage, though he seemed to be in the same agitated state that I was in.
I growled. “They can’t just! It’s not fair! They! And he! And Sammy! And Jack! And UGH!” I paced.
“How is that supposed to be the end of the season!” Mikey exclaimed. “They can’t just do that!” “How is there supped to be only one more season to fix that!” I countered.
We both stared at the TV screen, in tense silence, settling down next to each other again.
“I need something to take my mind off of that,” I muttered, scrolling for another movie.
We ended up re-watching Miraculous Ladybug for like the fifteenth time. We both ended up liking the show, a weird mix of my love for cartoons and his love of anime. Nothing like a boy in a leather catsuit and a girl in polka-dotted spandex fighting an old man who loves butterflies and not his son to comfort the mind.
I rearranged my seventy-five pillows and nestled down next to the warm terrapin, allowing myself to get comfortable. Winter was setting into New York and I was about to really miserable with the oncoming cold weather. It was nice with Mikey though. I could always count on his warmth.
Letting the episodes play through, my eyes eventually became too heavy to reopen. My dreams were light and safe. They always were when I wasn’t sleeping alone. It was nice, for once, not to need melatonin, or not be up until four am, or not need my nightly counting routines to lull me to sleep.
It’s nice to have a friend. 
Once a week Donnie and I worked on figuring out what was so different about me that I was immune. It was a slow-going process because I got tired or disinterested before we could make it too far, and every brother and Splinter was keen on not pushing me farther than I could manage.
“I’m a freak,” I muttered to Donnie one week, looking down at the floor.
“Take it from a huge talking turtle, you’re not a freak.” Donnie mused, a smile playing at his lips.
“Okay, but mutagen affected you: normal. Retro mutagen affects you: normal. Me, absolutely nothing. I’m a freak.” I laid back on the exam table, closing my eyes.
I heard his gentle laugh. I simply sighed.
“No one wants a freak, Don,” I muttered. “No one is gonna want me. I’ll always be weird.” 
“That’s not true. You’re a wonderful person Y/n, anyone would be lucky to have you.”
“No one wants a freak,” I repeated, sighing. “No one can love a freak,”
He was quiet for a moment as if he were debating the notion.
“Maybe we’re all doomed then.” He decided.
I chuckled and shook my head, sitting up.
“Do you need me for anything else?” I rubbed my face and stretched.
“You should be alright for today, I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
“Thanks, Don.”
I almost ran into Mikey as I left the lab.
“Hey.” My face lit up. “You wanna watch somethin’? There’s a new series that I’ve been meaning to watch, or I could show you Rocky Horror Picture Show, that’s a classic.” I went through my mental checklist of things that I wanted him to watch, trying to settle on the best one.
“No thanks. I gotta patrol. Just came to say bye.” His voice was almost void of emotion. 
“Oh.” My face fell. “Okay, be safe.” I frowned a bit but kept my emotions under wraps.
Watching him leave, I wandered into the main room, trying to solve the look on his face and his tone, feeling like I was missing something.
“That was pretty harsh there Y/n.” Raph leaned against the wall next to the lab.
“What?” I turned my attention to him. “What did I even do? What was all that?” I gestured weakly.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Mikey heard you.” He made air-quotes: “‘No one can love a freak’? Almost sounded like me.”
“I’m still not getting it?” I stood, anxiety clawing my insides. Had I hurt Mikey somehow?
“The kid is head over heels for you Y/n, and you just told him that you’d never love a freak.” Raph laid it out, his tone was cold and distant.
I froze, panic taking over my entire form. I didn’t think, I just did. I grabbed my jacket and slipped on my shoes. I ignored Raph’s questions, I ignored Donnie’s questions. I couldn’t ignore the hands that held me back though. I thought I heard Donnie explain through a muddled mind.
“I have to make this right,” Tears were slipping down my cheeks. “I didn’t mean that. I didn’t...” I could feel my breath hiking moving towards hyperventilation. “Mikey...” My voice was broken.
I was broken.
I had broken my friend.
My best friend.
Who loved me?
...he loved me back.
The revelation was mind shattering. Both my mind and heart laid shattered, the pieces oozing into the concrete floor, refusing to be put back together.
“I’ll go find him.” Raph decided.
“No!” I shouted. “He’s going to think you’re lying. That you’re dragging him along. I have to go. I have to make this right.” My voice was squeaky and pathetic, but it was the truth.
“She’s right. Go shadow her, but she has to be the one to do it.” Donnie rubbed my shoulders comfortingly as he spoke to Raph.
I stumbled out into the cold night, cursing the frigid air.
“Mikey!” I shouted hopelessly. “Mikey, please I need to talk to you! Please!” The tears that ran down my face threatened to freeze. I wiped them away in an attempt to keep warm.
I walked quickly down the route that I knew Mikey patrolled, keeping my eyes on the rooftops, muttering his name and wiping tears away until I couldn’t anymore.
I crumbled onto a nearby bench and buried my face in my hands, sobbing for my loss, my stupid mistake, for my Mikey.
It wasn’t the voice that I wanted, but my head shot up, in panic.
“We gotta go! Now!” Raph was right beside me in a matter of moments, lifting me into his arms and taking off, in a direction that held no meaning to me.
“Raph!” I complained.
“Mikey was caught by the Kraang. Leo’s trying to get in now, but...” He shook his head as he turned another block.
Fear froze my shattered heart. The words didn’t want to process.
“Hey, hey. Hold it together kid, he’s gonna be okay.” Raph soothed, sensing my despair.
“This is my fault.” I sobbed. “I did this.”
“Hey. No. This is not... good lord kid. This wasn’t you. I swear.” Raph’s voice was hard and commanding. It reminded me of Leo.
When he stopped on a random block, in front of a random building, a warehouse, he made the mistake of letting me go.
I hit the ground running into the building, right into the center of a vast floor, filled with Kraang, and... and Mikey. When his eyes flashed to mine I almost collapsed. He wasn’t dead. I could still tell him I was sorry. I could...
“Let him go,” I whispered, taking careful steps forward. “Please.”
There was a commotion behind me, and I didn’t even have to turn back to know that it was the other brothers, coming to our aid. My eyes didn’t leave Mikey’s. There was so much hurt and betrayal in them. And now I knew why.
I jumped when a blur of silver flashed by me and into the droid closest to Mikey, sending sparks flying, and the Kraang bot dropping to the ground.
“Man, these things are always creepy,” Raph muttered.
Then all hell broke loose. Both sides advanced, and I was caught in the crossfire. Something pulled me down to the floor, and I landed hard on my wrist. I watched as Mikey’s eyes widened in horror, his eyes fixed on something behind me.
I turned and saw a gun pointed at my head, one of the Kraang’s high tech ones.
A swipe of a katana and the Kraang was no more. Leo and I locked eyes; fear in mine and determination in his.
“Go! I’ll cover you!” He shouted, stealing a glance in his youngest brother’s direction.
I leaped to my feet and dashed through the carnage to get to my Mikey. I knelt beside him, trying to figure out his bonds, thanking someone that they were only rope.
“Just leave me.” Mikey bit out. It was like a slap to the face. “I’m nothing but I freak to you anyway.”
The depressing words weighed on my soul and my body until I was held in place by the weight of his words. I had to stop my task of untying him to fight the urge to not scream and cry. I rested my forehead on his shoulder, tears making their way down my face.
“I didn’t...” I choked out. “I was talking about me. I’m the freak. I’m unlovable. I’m unwanted.” I sobbed out. “I’m so unlovable.” I shook my head, wrapping my arms around myself, looking him in the eye. “There was never a day that I didn’t love you.”
Recognition crossed his face, as I sat back on my knees, my head bowed and shoulders hunched, as I finally let go of holding my hurt back, sobs shaking my frame softly as they left my lips in unintelligible self-loathing words. My arms desperately tried to hold all of me together, but no matter how tightly I wrapped them around me, I still fell apart.
Until warm familiar arms wrapped around me tightly did I feel whole again. These arms held me together when I couldn’t do it on my own. These arms and these hands picked up the shattered pieces of my heart and took the time to put them back together with care.
“Don’t leave me, please. Please. Please.” I choked out, wrapping my arms around him, my friend, my best friend, my lifeline, my Michelangelo, my Mikey. “I love you, please,”
I could feel his hand stroke my hair gently, as he pulled me into his lap, encasing me with warmth until I wasn’t shaking anymore. I waited and prepared for the worst. He wouldn’t want me. He wouldn’t love me. He couldn’t forgive me for this. I was unforgivable. Unlovable.
I sank into these thoughts until darkness consumed me.
This is what it was like to lose a friend.
“Let her mind protect itself. She’ll come around when she can handle it all again.” The voice was muted and muddled, and made little sense.
“It’s been an hour Donnie,” A worried voice, much closer to me, argued back.
I wanted to tell the voice that I was okay. That I was here. He didn’t need to worry. I was fine. Mikey didn’t need to worry.
“Y/n!?” He called, urgent. “Can you hear me? Y/n!?”
“M’fine...” I mumbled, my eyelashes fluttering as I opened my eyes. Intense blue eyes stared back at me; tears mixed in.
“M’fine Mikey.” I curled up further into his arms.
“Don’t let her fall asleep she might have a concussion,” Donnie warned. I wanted to glare at him. I was fine. Peachy.
I still had my friend.
I hoped.
I blinked a few times and struggled to sit up. Realizing what I was trying to accomplish, Mikey’s arms supported me, aiding me.
“You okay angelcakes?” His voice was gentle and worried still.
I nodded, ignoring my pounding headache. I looked up at him, afraid. What now? What was he going to say? What was I going to do if he sent me away? If he didn’t love me back?
“Are you really up this time?” He asked, hesitant.
I frowned and blinked a few more times, rubbing my eyes. I noticed that one of my hands was in a brace. I stared at it with curiosity.
“You hurt your wrist. Donnie doesn’t think it’s broken, but he’s not entirely sure.” He was almost sheepish to explain the fact.
I looked up at him, waiting for more. Tensed and prepared for the worst, praying and hoping for the best.
“Did you mean it?” He whispered, cupping my jaw with one of his hands. I leaned into the warmth. “Do you really love me? Freak and all?” His blue eyes were pleading with mine, begging the fact to be true.
“Since the first night that you stayed.” My voice was raspy and broken sounding from dehydration and being rubbed raw from my sobs, but it spoke the truth.
There was a moment of deliberation on his face before he pressed his lips to mine. I wasn’t shocked. I was relieved. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, my fingers twisting into the tails of his bandana. He was gentle while kissing me as if he were afraid to break me, and part of me knew that he could. If he wanted to.
But he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to break me. Or leave me, or yell at me.
He wanted to kiss me and be near me. He wanted to love me. Like I wanted to love him. Freely, openly, courageously.
Pulling away sooner than I wanted, the turtle pressed a soft kiss to my forehead before his blue eyes enraptured mine.
“You’re not unlovable. And you’ve never been unwanted.” He whispered. “I want you. And God, Y/n, I love you.” There was a small smile on his face, my breaking dawn.
“Freak and all?” I murmured. 
“Freak and all.” He chuckled.
It’s nice to have a love. 
Curled up on the couch on a late Friday night after Mikey’s patrol, I laid gentle kisses on his neck, half paying attention to the movie on. He smiled down at me and pulled me closer.
“I don’t see why you like these movies.” He scoffed.
“Reminds me of you, us,” I whispered. “He’s so keen on protecting her, he almost loses her. He’s part of another world that she gets thrown into, and walks in it willingly. She’s different though. She’s immune to their powers.” My eyes flickered to the screen. “‘I tell you I can read minds, and you want to know if there’s something wrong with you?’” I quoted.
He chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“You’re such a dork.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead. 
“But I’m yours.” I grinned cheesily up at him.
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
It’s nice to have a friend.
Don’t be afraid to comment and reblog! I love knowing what you guys have to say and I love your feedback always!
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